How To Film Low Budget Product Commercials For Small Businesses | Kramer Ammons | Skillshare

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How To Film Low Budget Product Commercials For Small Businesses

teacher avatar Kramer Ammons, If you think you can your right!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Filming Products For Commercials! (Into)


    • 2.

      Videoing Tech Products & Moody Lighting


    • 3.

      Using Props To Make Your Footage POP


    • 4.

      Choosing the Right Background For Products


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About This Class

How to make product commercials for small businesses. In this class we cover,

1. What is the product used for? Create an environment where the product fits into the scene and the lighting.  

2. What are the highlighted features of the product? What makes the product differentiated from the rest on the market?

3. Show the product being used and the person using it correctly and enjoyably. 

The 4 things to keep in mind while videoing your commercial. 

1. Change the angle of the lighting for a cinematic and intense look. Use a cell phone if you are on a budget!.

2. Use camera movement to create interest and focus on a particular part of the product. 

3  Use a lazy Susan or something to move the product to create interest in the product, and to show off all feature from a 360-degree view 

Anyone at any level can learn something from this class. This class is not a commercial or not produced as a commercial but rather exploring ideas on how to make commercials better. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Kramer Ammons

If you think you can your right!


 It is a pleasure to meet you! my name is Kramer Ammons and I am a videographer and filmmaker. I love making very interesting videos combining story with videography and tutorials. I love little tips and tricks on how to make your videos stand out above everybody else. I love to make rememberable videos that impact people and their lives. Everything to do with videography video editing stories and connecting with an audience emotionally is what I am passionate about.

Videos can do something that the written word can't do. And that is, it's much easier and much more impactful to create an emotion in the audience while making videos. This emotional connection is what causes people to move and act in their lives. So if we really want to change the world for the better one o... See full profile

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1. Filming Products For Commercials! (Into) : Hey, awesome people. Thanks for joining me today. In today's class, we're gonna talk about how to video products for commercial work or for client work to make sure that we get the point across as the geographers. We need to take responsibility to help the company or the business get their message across . We can't just video the best video, our version of the ones I could tell a story through the video. So there's three things we have to keep in mind when doing client work. First thing when we're videoing products were flying workers. We need to show all the features of the product. The second thing we need to do is show somebody using the product in. The third thing we need to do is show how this product is going to make the customers life better. We're gonna cover those three things for three different products. We've got different products right over here. Three different products that are different areas of life. Got a tech product. We've got a tool product. We've got a journal. We're gonna show all the features we're gonna show someone using the product. And lastly, we're gonna show how this product will make the person's life better. We're gonna do tons of different camera angles for different moods for different products. This class is going to be fun. I can't wait to see you in the class. 2. Videoing Tech Products & Moody Lighting: I am so glad that you're here in this class. I think you're gonna gain much benefit from it. So the first product we're gonna go over is this microphone is assuring that sure and seven B, it's a very good, high quality microphone. But what we're gonna do is we're gonna video this as if we're of injuring a commercial. I'm not gonna put a full commercial together. I'm just going to show you the different clips we would want to get had to tell that story So this product will sell for the person you're making a video for. We never want to make a video for somebody, and then it doesn't benefit them at all. But if we could make a video for business and help them increase their sales, they're gonna come back to us firm or video production work. The surface that we video on is very important, depending on what product you're gonna do. Is your product a tech product? If it's a tech product, you're gonna want a video on a surface. If you're videoing the tech product, you might want to have a dark background that normally looks really good. In contrast, E, But if you're doing a commercial for food or something like that, you probably want the environment of the restaurant blurt out in the background. So it really depends on what product you're videoing for, what kind of background you will decide as we cover. These three products will probably end up with different backgrounds for each one of them. For this microphone, though, we're gonna move this out of the way and sense it is a tech product. What we want to do is get a darker background, is gonna make it look much better. We really want this lighting to be really moody, and we just want the microphone to stick out so we can show all the little features, all the little details of how quality the microphone is. As we mentioned for this first tech product, we want a moody set up, so the most moody lighting set up is from top down. You really want top down, set up this, create our shadows around the product. It really makes that product pop, and I think this looks the best with any sort of tech product. Ideally, I would have like a full black sheet that goes up the wall and pull it down over the table . But I don't where I'm at today, so just pretend that the background looks perfectly black. Okay, so we've got to sort of top down. Look going. We're gonna go out and cut the rest of the lights and see how this looks as I started to film this can't see Kanye. As I started to film this, I realize that the back white drop doesn't look very good. So I got one of these five and one tools. I'm just gonna unravel it and use the black outside along the walls that we have a nice, clear black background. Another great way to video a tech product to make a look better. This have a moving light bulb budget. Just grab your cell phone and then go over the product in different areas and you'll see how the light will highlight different areas of the product. And it gives the viewer something to look at with their I think this gives it a really good look. So that's my son's pretty simple product. So showing the features on it are pretty easy, since it's just plug and play, but the second thing we want to do is show what it does. Mike Front. It's pretty clear this is pretty clear. So showing what it does and showing someone using it is going to fall into the same category with a product like this to show that features the best way to show the features is gonna be having a voice over or even their text or call outs coming in off the microphone or off of the product. This how you would show up with this sort of a product, since the features of it are more technological, and it's not like what we're gonna do later with a drill. You're just drilling and showing them how that works. This one is pretty simple. Kutcher's gonna talk into it, but you can show the specs of it and what it is and call out. Or you can show it through a voiceover to putting on what the person you're making the video for once and the last test is to show somebody using it. Normally, have an actor or actress acted out, pretend like they're podcasting or pretend like they're using it in a radio studio. Whatever situation. It is there promoting this Mike, but for today I'm my own actor. One of the futures you can show on this is to show the different mounting the different ways that smartphone mounts. You can mount it on a standard. You can mount it on a boom arm, so that's one of the features. The rest of it are more technological specs. Once you've covered the three bases of showing the features of it, showing what the product does or what it's used for and then show somebody using it, making sure they're happy, excited. We're using it in the way that it's intended for. It's always good to get extra shots, so I got some shots with it on the friction arm. I got some shots with it on the stand, and then I got some shots with it, just sitting on the blanket. I have just moving, and earlier we talked about light movement. Another way to make a static product interesting. This camera movement move side to side, slowly move around it, or the third way is going to be product movement. Set your product on a lazy Susan or something that can spend the product, where have somebody use it and grab and move it around, depending on what the product is, of course. But those are three things to remember light movement, camera movement and product movement. And those are gonna make your static shots or your shots of a product look so much more interesting. And as you see all these different shots, if we put an edit together, we could have a really cool commercial, especially if there were some voiceover that they wanted where specific words of call outs . Since this isn't for a real commercial, I'm just showing you how to get the type of shots. But depending on what the business, once you condemn, finitely, customize it to their likings. Next, let's look at the drill and see how we can make this a drill look awesome. 3. Using Props To Make Your Footage POP: I'm actually in my workshop right now, So a bunch of tools. My drill is right here. Now a drill is most likely going to be targeted towards men is my guest on commercials. There are specific drills for women, but this one specifically for men. And I'm guessing what they would want the customer to see is to two things. One, maybe more than two things, but that it's reliable and it helps you get things done. That's first thing helps you get things done, and it won't fail. Second thing, they normally Selanne identity. They probably want you to feel manly when you use this. It's like truck commercials there directly targeting men in most truck commercials, these big deep voices and all that sort of thing. So depending on exactly what the business is, selling points are well depends obviously, on how you film the product. But the first thing to show features what features does this have? Both the impact driver. So it's gonna be different than a normal drill, so you could show people taking this on and off, putting the bits in reverse Forward backward. How easy it is to take the battery often charge it that sort of thing. Probably show there's a light on here How easy it is to see in dark places. Show guys using it looking show what it does. This is a drill. So it drills. Now there's different drills on the market that have different features on it. Like this one right here is going to not be an impact driver like that one. And it's gonna be a drill for drill bits. So it it works a little differently. You're gonna want to show the features of this product is differentiated from the rest on the market, and you want to make it look better than the rest on the market. That's our jobs as videographers. And the third thing is to show people using it. This is the identity piece people want to be able to identify with the person using the product in the commercial. And what you want is the person watching the commercial to be like, I want to be that guy. I want to be that woman. I want to be that person doing that thing. However, you can make that happen with the drill. That's what we're gonna look to Dio, so I would personally probably start, actually start to places. You can start with somebody pulling the product out of the box and opening it up if that's what you're going for, or you can show them using it. I know Carver has some commercials out to where they're like how to break in your car heart , and they're running over it with tractors and throwing it in the snow and throwing it on Cal, Manu or whatever. You know, it's kind of crazy, but they're showing you that this is the process. This is. It's tough, super tough. It's Carhart. So maybe the drill is trying to show, like maybe it's a scene of 10 years, then on a construction site, Mistral still going? It's the most reliable drill, if that's their selling point reliability. That's what you're gonna want to show in the commercial. So you could start like we're saying opening a box or you could start like right here, taking it off the shelf and going to work or pulling it out of a work back. I think I've seen to a commercial like that were to see them pull it out of their work bag . Put it in their tool about walking out on to the job site. Get things done. Props are another thing to keep in mind, so you might want well, that it screws to show the drill in action or with a microphone. If there's any props you can think of, I guess props would have been the stands. I was using those air important to use to show it in action, or even if I just, like, lay out a bunch of screws on the table around it were other tools around it that are blurred in the background. It will add to the scene, but you want the product your featuring, of course, and focus. 4. Choosing the Right Background For Products : I hope you guys are getting some value from this. We did the microphone. We did the drill. And now we're moving on to the planner. Now, clearly, this plan is gonna be a lot different. Have a scene in a lot different of a scenario than the previous two. I think what would look really good on this is either a plain white backdrop or maybe like a cool, rustic wood table. And then this planner is directly made for women. And so I think I'm gonna have my wife opened the box, open the planner and work it, work in it. I'm gonna show a couple different shots of her using it as an example. And remember the three things we're gonna show its features, We're going to show what the product does. And the last thing is that we're going to show how this product will better your life. These are all messaging techniques that business is used to get their message across. But if we can use thes messaging techniques in our mind to get the shots that we need for the video, it's gonna make those business owners happy, which is gonna make us happier I would think that a book or a planner like this would need a lot more explanation of what it is. Maybe a lot of call outs or maybe a lot of voice over highlighting the most important things of this plan or what makes it unique. And then, as they're doing that voice over, I would show my life riding in that area or show my wife reading it or whatever it is that the company wants highlighted. That's how you can highlight it. And then another idea with like a planner like this is Show my wife getting things done are sitting down at the end of the day smiling because she went through the planner and she got everything done because of it. So you're creating that aspirational identity for the customer who is going to be looking and watching this video, trying to decide whether they want to buy this product or not. Some of the stuff is basic. Some of the stuff is a little more advanced, but I hope you guys got value from this class. If you take some of these techniques and apply it to your video, they will get better. Here's a couple things to remember. One. Move the light around, too. Move your product around. Three. Move your camera around four. Get your camera at eye level with the product. Highlight the important things of the product. Those air four Really good video tips just toe after quality right off the bat. And now remember, every single commercial needs these three things. Number one. You're gonna need to show the features of the product number to show what the product does , and number three is creating that aspirational identity. Show somebody using the product in such a way that will make the customer want to be that person who is using the product in the video. You know what I would love? I'd love to see you guys make a video using some of these techniques. It would be such a joy to see somebody make a video. Say, Hey, you gave me a great idea. So I started videoing lower where the product is. Make a video, put it in the project section. It would be my honor toe. Watch it if I missed any tips in this video about shooting for commercials. Leave that in the comments so other people can glean from and learn from it. I had a fun time making this class. I have a fun time making commercials. I hope you guys get out there, make commercials, get some clients and have fun making videos. As always, I'll see you guys in the next class.