How To Create Fall Clipart In Affinity Designer | Lindsey Slutz | Skillshare

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How To Create Fall Clipart In Affinity Designer

teacher avatar Lindsey Slutz, Surface Pattern Designer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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About This Class

In this class we'll go through the process of creating vector leaves, owls, acorns and pumpkins. Enrolling Bonus: Autumn/Fall Clipart document & 1 computer wallpaper.

More Affinity Designer Classes:

-Creating Patterns In Affinity Designer

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Lindsey Slutz

Surface Pattern Designer



Hi! I'm so glad you're here. My name is Lindsey Slutz and I'm a graphic & surface pattern designer, blogger and the founder of East Coast Charm. I'm known for my preppy style that comes organically from growing up near the coast of North Carolina. I also gather inspiration from my travels and hikes with my husband, Eric, and our dog, Willow. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, which lends to helping create beautiful color palettes.

To see more designs or to follow me, check out Instagram and Pinterest.


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1. Welcome: Welcome to designing Fall Clip art and Infinity Designer. We're gonna go through the process of creating owls, pumpkins, leafs and eight corns. You'll be able to use your clip art and cards patterns really anything that you can think of. Once you enroll, you can download the free pdf with the clip art that have made in class as well as a free computer wallpaper. Make sure to share the clipper that you've created at the end of class and is always please click like if you find this class useful so that more students confined it. Now let's get started. 2. Acorn: with affinity designer open. We're going to go ahead and create a new document. So file new and I want to change the type to Web for your color format. If it is something you're using on your computer RGB If it's something you know that you're going to print, do you see him like a and you can change the dimensions to anything you would like. I like a square art board, so I'm just gonna do 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels. So we're gonna do with the acorn. First, I'm going to start off with the Ellipse tool that you can find on the left toolbar or I'm on your keyboard and hold shift to make the circle perfect as opposed to creating an oval. And I want to change this color to the tan and go up to layer, convert to curves and then with the node tool or a on your keyboard, select both of your sides and pull up and then use your triangle tool. If you don't see the triangle here above your text, just hold down and you will be able to select it in this menu. I'm gonna create this tryingto larger than I actually want it. And with the triangle selected, if it's not very selective, you can use your selection tool that you can find on the left, toolbar or V under keyboard. Now select the corner tool or C on your keyboard. This top corner. Select it and then just pull down like that with your selection tool RV on your keyboard. Select this shape and turn it the other direction. If you didn't want to do that, I can show you another way. I'm gonna hit Command Z to go backwards, and you can use your align panel appear at the top and flip vertical. I'm going to shrink the size of this and put it on the bottom of the heap corn and move it up slightly so that you cannot see the edge. Select both of these and at the top toolbar. Use your ad option and it will convert it into one shape with the Ellipse tool. This time, make an oval. I want to change it to a darker brown, this time once again, go to layer and convert to curves with your side nodes, selected according shift and pull them down using your selection tool. RV on your keyboard can bring it to over lap. You're ate corn and there's going to shrink the size of this acorn top and an easy way to add kind of like a stem right here onto the acorn. You can use your brush tool or be in your keyboard. You could straw the shape that you would like, and I want to change this color. If you hit stroke, appear at the top and clicks watches, it shows the colors that you've already used. I'm going to select the same color as the court top, and I want this a little bit thicker. So in your stroke panel, I'm going. Teoh, increase the size of the stroke. When you're done with the size and shape of your line, go to layer. Expand stroke. I'm just gonna bring this down slightly. No, I just a little bit of detail on the top of the acorn. Use your pen tool and I'm going to change this. I want to change this color to a lighter brown or a lighter tan with your color selected. You can go ahead and go to layer expand stroke, and I'm going to make this smaller. How many years? Ault on her keyboard to make a second copy. And I'm going to select both of these. And you can either do it by holding down shift and select the first line or and this layers panel on the right. You can still hold, shift and select both of the lines. I'm going to copy and then paste these two objects. So command, See? And then command V. And if you don't want to do it that way, you can do at it. Copy, and then edit paste with your two new lines selected, Going to go ahead and road. Haytham, I'm actually gonna make this slightly smaller. So select all for on Just Dragon with your selection tool will head in, select all of the objects and hit command G to group or right click group. And you have your first object 3. Pumpkin: to make the pumpkin. We're going to start off with the Ellipse tool. And before I draw the oval, I'm going to change the fill color to an orange and I'm going to turn the stroke off. So draw an oval. Any shape you would, Blake, if you would like it. Tallinn thin. What kind of like short and fat. And using command C command V to copy and paste. Just gonna move this one behind that first movil using V on your keyboard or the move tool on the left tour. Hold ship so that it stays in line with the first oval and just move it out slightly. And then I'm going toe. Also, rotate this slightly and change the color to something a little darker. Once again using command, see and then command V to copy and paste cold shift and move this new object out and once again, change the color to a slightly darker orange. Select the 2nd 2 ovals that you created. Command C Command V took copy and paste, this time with the toolbar at the top. Select flipped horizontally. Hold shift and move these to the other side and you have your pumpkin. You can stop at this step if you would like. But if you would like to add a little bit more dimension to your pumpkin, continue on with the next couple of steps. Someone to copy this last oval using command. See? And then command V going to drag this to the back, move it up a couple, and then I'm going to move it over. I'm going to copy the several hitting command C Command V Holding shift. Nudge it over. I'm going to copy this one more time having command C command v using shift and bringing it over, as you could see. Now, you have added more dimension to this pumpkin. To add a system, you can do it one of two ways you can use the brush tool again. If you'd like to change the size of the brush tool, you can use the left and right bracket. We're going to change this color to a brown and distraught on the shape that you would like with your selection tool. Select the stem and expand stroke and layer it behind the first couple of these so you could go either by moving it and this layers panel. Or you could have used your left and right bracket with command, and you'll see that it moves. You're objects around. The other way to create a stem is with your pen tool selected point. Go in slightly and cool to the left. I want to go halfway up and just play around with it until you get the shape that you would like and connect with that 1st 1 in order to close your stem. And this time I'm going over to the colors panel, and I'm just switching to a no stroke and moving that color into the Phil, you can go back to your pumpkin size down the stone. I'm using commands and the left bracket toe layer behind, and I want to move this up just lately. Okay, now, if you'd like to add some more detail to the pumpkin, like those little curls, you can use your brush tool. You can use your pencil tool whatever you are most comfortable with them, and you can use the pen as well. I'm going to use a lighter color than the system and using the left bracket. I have made the brush smaller, and this time. Just go in and draw what you would like and layer expand stroke and when you are done with your pumpkin, select everything in this motif and hit command G to group. 4. Owl: to make an owl. We're going to start off with the Ellipse tool again, going to turn off the stroke that I'm going to change. Fill color. This time I will use a blue color next with the triangle tool. I'm gonna hold shift so that all the sides are equal. And like we did with the acorn, I'm going. Teoh, use this corner tool. Select that top corner. Just bring it in some so that the edge of this triangle has a rounded corner. Rotate it decreased size command. See, Command V flipped horizontally. Hold shift while you're moving out. So they stay in the same line one of much this over just a little bit. Okay? The next thing we're gonna create will be the eyes. Start with the Ellipse tool, hold shift so that it is a circle change the color toe. White command C command V decrease the size, and this time changed the color to black. Using your error tools, you can just nudge this around until you find the spot that you would like it. But then command C command V bring in the size of this one as well and changed back to white, and I'm going to decrease the size just a little bit more. Okay, select all three of these, and you can group them if you would like I'm going to and then command C command V horizontally Flip, hold shift and bring the eyes over. I'm going to create the belly of the owl. So once again with the Ellipse tool, layer it over your owl. It doesn't matter that it is coming over the shape of the owl. I'm going to change the color to a slightly later color and over in the layers panel on the right side. And instead of normally, when you're moving things around, you see how it's taking up this full length and the layers panel. Make sure that it's dropping below. You'll see what it's doing, its layering, the two together and kind of creating like a clipping mask. Next, we'll create the feet for the owl with the the lips tool. Create one small oval and change it to an orange that command C Command V and move it over slightly so they're still touching and command C Command V and repeat that one more time. If you would like to connect these into one object with the three selected At this top toolbar, use the ad tool and rotate it. Bring it behind the owl command. See command V to copy and paste and flipped horizontally. Cold shift. Bring to the other side. Now we will create the beak. So using the triangle tool create triangle doesn't have to be perfect. Using the corner tool again this top corner I'm going to bring in and then on the bottom two corners, I'm going to bring it, and just slightly because I want that top one to have more of a rounded well than the other two corners flip vertically and decreased size. I want to add some details onto the chest of the owl before I make the wings, and I'm going to do this with the pen tool. You do anything that you would like if you'd like to go in with the brush tool and just kind of draw in some detail or shapes. I'm just going to put one point down, hold shift and then I'm going to so holding shift. Well, it's at a 45 degree angle. I am just going to pull it out slightly change the stroke I am going to do, I think a green and then make sure to go toe layer, expand stroke a decrease of science slightly hold Ault and shift. So it stays in the same line, gonna hold Ault again. And I'm just going to continue adding on until I like the way that it looks with all of these selected just going to try to center it. And now I'm going to select all of this and I'm gonna group it using command G. And I'm going to show you two different ways to make wings for the owl. So with the selected, I'm going to hit Ault on my keyboard and drag the 2nd 1 to the bottom of the airport. So your first option with making the wings start with your ellipse tool on turn off thestreet oak and with the circle selected holding all and shift direct the right. Select both of these and you can see the shape and the middle is what I want. So go to the top toolbar and use the Intersect tool. And now you're left with the shape that I would like to keep and I'm going toe continue to use that same green that they used on the chest of owl, going to line it up with the edge and just play around with until it gets to the size and shape that you would like to add some detail onto the wings. And when he used the pen tool and create a line and I'm going to change the color slightly , and I'm also going to increase the width, make sure to go to layer. Expand stroke using your selection tool or V and your keyboard, hold your line and hit Ault and holding shift. Bring it down. Hit Command J. To duplicate this a few times, select all of these lines. I'm gonna group them together. Once again, you can use command G or right click group. Move over the top, uh, the wing. And once again, I'm just going to bring it down so that it's grouping it with the wing with your wing selected had come and see command V and then flipped horizontally. Hold shift and bring to the other side, and your first owl is done with the second owl. We're once again going to start with the Ellipse tool turn off the stroke. Anything. Use either all on your keyboard or use the command C Command V option. Create another oval and bring it down and you can duplicated by hitting coming and J select the three of these, and I'm going to use the ad tool to make it one object. You can either move this below your owl like this, or you can hit command left bracket until it drops below the owl. I am going to make this just a little smaller. Command C Command V flipped horizontally shift and bring to the other side You would like to add in some detail here. You can either do the same thing that you did with the pencil for the chest. Or you can use your brush tool and just add and a line. And with it selected, I'm going to get a layer expand stroke using Ault, bringing it down with these two selected command C Command V flipped horizontally, holding shift and bringing to the other side. We have your second owl 5. Leaves: we're going to make a few different styles of Leafs to start off. We're going to use the Ellipse tool. Turn off the stroke and I'm going to change the fill color, too, like a burnt orange Command C Command V Road Hate Using old Rotate again. Select the last two that you created Command C Command V Foot horizontally shift and moved to the other side. When you like the shape that you've created, you can use theatrical, and it's so play around with it. I want a little bit taller and a little bit thinner in order to make They're the veins and the leaves or the stem. We're going to use the pencil hold shift so that it continues to be a straight line, got a stroke color and select a brown. And I like to go into this stroke panel that's right next to the stroke color, and you could play around with the width. And if you go to the very bottom of this panel, you will see pressure. If you click in this box, you see what looks like a graph. If you move it around, it's only changing the size. If you click again on one of these sides, and you move it around, you'll see that one end become smaller than the other. You can also add an extra points. Andi. Change the shape even more so. So I like this shape when you are done, layer experience Stroke V and your keyboard or the selection tool. You can either be done with this, or you can use ault. Decrease the size, rotate and add in a few veins and to the leaf, going to use command C. Command V flipped horizontally and when you are finished, group them together using the Ellipse tool again. Turn off the stroke. I understand. Believe that at this plane oval, using your pen tool trade a line and on the spot of one, I am going to hold shift, make the 45 degree angle, pull it out, and I wanted it to look kind of like the leaf is blowing in the wind, so go into stroke at that Same brown color has the same effect as this blast stem that we created. You can use it exactly like that or go and here, and I'm just going to move this so that both ends narrow with the center being the whitest layer Expand Stroke the under keyword. Yes, I'm going to rotate group And now you have simple leaf that looks like it is blowing in the wind. Using your lips still again once again, turn off the stroke. This time I want to change the color to a red holding shift. Using your selection tool on Ault on your keyboard, drag to the right. Select both of these used the Intersect tool and I'm going to make this larger so it's easier to see. I'm gonna use the corner tool Drag this, um, to make one edge round so you could leave it at this to just make a different shape. For you. Leave or fancy command V and rotate Command C command V flipped horizontally. Hold shift. Select all of these and use the ad tool and you can see that it is not perfectly round at the bottom of this. So with the node tool or a on your keyboard, select this bottom node and hit delete and I have around it edge using the pen tool to add and stem. I'm going to use the reset option and then go in and just make the top smaller layer. Expand stroke. Select the stem holding out, going to decrease the size Rotate. Okay. Once again using Ault on shift when move it up and then I'm going to make this one smaller . Select both of these. Command C command V flip horizontally. Hold shift and drag to the right. I'm gonna use the arrow keys to nudge these until he cannot see the edges with everything. Selected group using the method we did before with the Ellipse tool. Turn off the stroke, hold shift, and then alter and shift. Select both of these. You used the Intersect tool, and just so you can get a better view, I'm going to enlarge the size. Use the pencil tool and we're just going to add some detail to the sleeve as if it was starting to fall apart. So just draw over the leave use of e on your keyboard, select these two and then use the subtraction tool and you'll see that it takes out where you use the pencil tool. So just continue doing this just a few times. And when you're done, go ahead with the pencil and add Hey, stem and make sure to expand this room. The last leaf we're going to make is like a maple leaf, and this is pretty heavy with the pen. So if you're not comfortable, this is an easier use of the pen. Because you're not making a lot of curves. That's just points. And instead of starting off with the leaf this time, we're going to do the stem and veins. So use thiopental and created line, and I'm going to decrease the Web and layer. Expand stroke holding Ault, decrease the size, rotate, select it, holding old myth to the top. And then when a decrease the size again, select these two on command C command v horizontal flip shift to bring it to the other side , and I'm going to go ahead slept all of these on them. Use your ad told to create one object with your pencil selected. Turn off the stroke, and I am going to Brighton. This read up so it's a little easier to see starting at the top and to the left a little bit, going to add a point and then down, up, down, up, bring down and then out down down, but bring down and just continue. This will tell you to the bottom. I'm gonna bring this out one more time and just continue doing this all the way around your leaf and change if it didn't automatically feel changed the fill color. And once again, I'm gonna change that color to a little bit brighter. So it's easier to see and commands and the left brackets and you have a mate belief. 6. Conclusion: thanks so much for signing up for this class. I'm looking forward to seeing your projects. Please let me know if you have any questions by posting them in the discussions. Tableau. Thanks again and have fun creating your fall clip art.