1. Welcome: welcome to my class on creating mood boards and illustrator, we're going to go through the process of sourcing inspiration and then creating your mood board. Creating a mood board is a great way to help you with creative projects, decorating your home and planning parties. Once you enroll, you can download the free bonus aisles that make creating mood boards extremely easy. Make sure to share your mood board at the end of class, and, as always, please click like if you find this class useful so that more students could find it. Now let's get started.
2. Inspiration: many ways to find inspiration both on and offline. Here's a few of my favorite places. I like visiting my local library toe look through the books and magazines I also find the inspiration comes at the most random times. So I like to take photos on my phone of flowers, architecture, colors, really anything that stands out to me. Then add it to ABS like Dropbox iCloud Storage, Google Drive so that I can easily access it on my computer as though, like looking through a few different magazines. Digital camera is one that I have subscribed to for years, and I love the photos I found after his diary Ah, week ago. And I adore the illustrations, the colors and the projects Molly makes I found while on a trip to the UK, and thankfully, I can buy it here in the U. S. But the projects can be incorporated into your digital designs. My sister introduced me to Flow magazine because she loved the patterns. I like to look at several different websites when I'm looking for inspiration online. There's a lot of really great free stock photography sites out there and unspool. Ash is probably my favorite out of all of them. So you need to do is go to unspool ash dot com, and then you can search in the top right corner type in whatever your theme is, I'm going to search purple, and it will bring up anything that is tagged with that. Once you find the image that you like, you can click on it and you can download it by clicking the download button in the top right corner and then right click, Save as and save your image where you would like to. I also really like to go to Flicker. Um, it's a website that I've used for years to publish my own photography, but they've added in the last couple of years the option to download photos so you can search for your theme. And then under any license, which is on the top left, you can select whatever kind of ah license that you would like. I like to use something I know that could be used both personally and commercial, so I will select commercial use allowed, and once you find an image that you like, go ahead and click on the image and at the kind of at the bottom, right? You see an arrow with a line underneath that once you click that you can select any size that you would like, and it will download for you automatically. Social media is another great way to look up your theme. I use instagram all the time to post my own patterns. The search bar. If you're using on the computers in the middle of the screen at the top, make sure to include the hash tag of the theme. Some of you hashtag purple and there's gonna be a ton of photos. If you find something that you like, I would always ask the person that published, if it is okay to use in a project. And lastly, in probably the best place to find inspiration is Pinterest. Pinterest is kind of like Google and that it's a search engine, but it's going to show you images that match whatever your theme is. And unlike the other sites were with purple pretty much everything was flowers. You're going to find anything and everything that is purple
3. MoodboardAffinityDesigner: I've already opened all of the images that I would like to use for this particular mood board. It's going to be photos that I have taken on my phone over the past year while traveling because I absolutely love all of the different colors that I've come across. And I would like to incorporate that and a design or collection so you can choose to either open them now or open them later. But let's get started. With the mood board going to file and new, I'm going to change the type to print and then change the Page two letter. I'm going to use this size just because it's easy to print out at home. If I wanted to print out my mood board, I'm going to change this to Landscape. For now. I'm going to keep my color format at RGB because I don't have any plans of printing it. If this is something you know that you want to print out like say you need it for a project for work or school, see him like a is probably your better option and click OK, so a lot of people like to create mood boards and just drag in the images and kind of overlap them and add in different elements, whether it's just lines of different colors that you are inspired by based on the mood board and add in any words that represent the mood board or theme for me. I like things to be nice and organized. So when I am creating a mood board, I start off with squares or rectangles as kind of image place holders. So to get started with that, use the rectangle tool that you can find on your left hand side and just drag so size that you would like. And I don't like that it bumped up to the edge. So I'm just gonna bring this in just a little bit and then when you use the arrow keys to knock it back over, so just go through and add, um, a bunch of different placeholders using V on the keyboard. I'm just gonna have the selected hold ault and shift to duplicate. But I'm gonna kind of play around with ease just a little bit to get the size that I would like. - Okay , Once you have everything set out, you can start bringing in photos. I'm just gonna start with the very 1st 1 Select the image, and then I'm gonna hit command. See, to copy you could also right click a copy and go back to your mood board and hit command the two paste or right click paste. And I think that this image will look better and one of the squares. So I'm going Teoh it over. I just want to see which one this is. Okay, so I want this one. I was going to move with the image down, and instead of having it where it's this full with of your layers panel, it needs to be and and you'll see how it is more like 4/5 of the layers. And that creates kind of a clipping mask, um, and then click on this circle with the triangle to drop it down to select that image. That's why you can change the size, and you can also rotate it. Anything that you really need to do in order to get the image the way that you would like it and go through the process it again of copying and then pasting if it happens to drop it in with The other image we have to do is bring it out and I'm going to I think it's right. Here's where I want it. So I want to drop down, select the image, and I'm hitting command and the minus sign Zoom out if the image is really large, so just gonna reduce the size and continue the process of filling in your mood board. So I noticed that I accidentally deleted one off. The photos are planned on using some once you go to file open and it should open the very last folder that you were in, which did so I'm just going to open that particular image. Okay, so I left this one rectangle empty because I Do you not want to use it for an image? I want to use it as a place to put the title of my mood board. So with that rectangle selected, I'm going to click on the eyedropper tool and select a color. You may have to play around with it a lot to get a color that you really like. Something kit command and zero to and large it. And that way it will be a little bit easier to get a color that I want. Okay, um, someone who uses blue as a background for my title, which I'm going to add, and at the very last step. So I like to go throughout the mood board. I'm going to use the Ellipse tool and at in a couple spots for color. And I'm going to duplicate this last circle and then command J to duplicate it once more, select the A lips and use the eyedropper tool again and go through and select different colors that you would like to use from the mood board. So I like to make the colors look like they're blending in with this white background. So I like to g o and Animal and changed the stroke toe white and select stroke. And I'm just going to increase that stroke. Okay, so I want to make a couple more areas for color choices. So I'm going to select this yellow on holding Ault, going to dry it up here and then arrange it in your layers panel so that it is on top of those images with its still selected. I'm going to head out, drive to the side and create another one and select all of them and arranged, um, but better and using the same process as before. When you select this foreground and the eyedropper tool. Okay, you can add, and as many color spots is you had Blake. And once again it's personal preference that I like adding in the ellipses with the stroke , you could also just add in several squares like here. You could do as many as you would like. So now I'm going to add a title.
4. Conclusion: thanks so much for signing up for my class. Make sure to add your project after you've sourced your images and created your mood boards , Phil, for to include any images that you love and what you created with your mood board. I can't wait to see your projects. Please let me know if you have any questions by posting them in the discussions tab below. Thanks again and have fun creating your mood boards.