1. Introduction: Do you have an idea of an eBook that you would want to create but unsure of how to do it. Well, in this course, I will walk you through every step of the way from idea to finish the book. I'm always on tour and I will be your teacher in this course to this day, I have created three e-books with this very strategy that I will be teaching you today. If you'd like to follow me on my social channels, I will leave the links to them in the description of this class, but without further ado, let's get started.
2. Research & choosing a topic: Welcome to Lesson 1, research and choosing a topic. There are endless topics that can be the base of an e-book. Some examples of e-books are travel guides, recipe books, training, novels, how to guides. There is endless options as agency, There's so much that you could write about and create an e-book from. For the most important thing is that it should be about something that you are passionate about. Once you have chosen your topic, it's time to do the research. Here we will gather all the information, images, and everything that you'd want to maybe be included in your e-book. Save all of these files in a separate folder so that you can easily refer back to and have them easily accessible. Of course, the research depends on what type of book that you are creating. Some books could require you to be writing big texts or a lot of texts. For example, if you're writing a novel, then the most important part of the book is of course, the texts that you writing. But if you are creating a guidebook, for example, you need to gather the correct information about the place of the human to be talking about. And maybe gather images if you have your own or create illustrations.
3. Outline & overview: Welcome to Lesson 2, writing down an outline and overview. Once you have the relevant information and documentation that you will need to create your e-book. It's time to create an outline. By doing this, it will be an easier process. In the next step, only August, we'll be starting building. Or you can create an outline either by drawing or sketching the different parts that you want to be included in your book. Or you can also do it easily on your computer or iPad, etc. It can be done anywhere in suits you. I usually start with creating a table of contents. That way I can get an overview of what parts I want to have included in the book and what pages should be involved. I personally, I'm a very visual person, so I like to draw outlines, how I want pages to look like and the structure of the book at this very point makes me good to decide on a temporary title and draw what you want the first page to look like and what information it should include. When you're creating your table of contents. You can then go into specifically every page, how you want it to look like, what should be included in the pages, etc.
4. Software: Welcome to Lesson 3. What program or software to use when creating your ebook. There are many different programs or softwares you can use when building your e-book. If you're creating a Kindle, for example, it can be easiest to clear your work in word because it's easily convertible to an ePub or I'm not. You could also use Adobe's programs like InDesign if you are comfortable with that. However, I would recommend you to build and create your e-book in Canada. This is a free online tool which easily enables you to create an eBook. Use Camera for all my all three e-books that I created. And I find that it works the best, is easiest to work with and really visually appealing. Can lie is a free tool to use. But there is also a paid version with which is about $13 among I have used the free version for two of my e-books, and that worked really, really great. And then once I've become familiar with the program and really like it, I decided to use the pro version, which is $13 a month. But you can choose to use the pro version when you are creating your book, which may be only a month or two. And then you can cancel your subscription and have the basic version. Again, you have access to most things in the basic version, but in the pro version you have more access to more phones, more stock images, illustrations, et cetera, that you could use in your book. However, as I said, this is not essential. You can easily, you have everything that you need in the basic version. So if you don't yet have campbell, I really advise you to create an account right now and then we can start building your e-book.
5. Building your E-book: Welcome to lesson 4, building your e-book. I hope that you have created an account in TMA. And if you haven't, then do that straight away and then we can continue building together, open the ebook templates in Canvas. When opening this, you get the right sizes for your e-book. Well, the first page you've already got bag, that is your title page. I would advise you to include the things that you want to have in place, right, the title, right, the author's name. When we're starting to build now I would recommend you to gather your drawings or document of the outline that we were working with previously. This way, it is much easier to look back on that and we can build from what we have written down there. Then we add another page. And this is the table of contents page. You can of course have other pages, but I recommend some pages after the title page to have your table of contents. And there we can just insert what we have in our outline document. And then from that, we just add pages and just write very shortly on each page what it is, what should be included in the page and so forth. We should also in the start, choose a font and a color scheme. And it's very important that we decide on this early on, that we can be streamlined in the whole file. If you're not very used to using InDesign or other software tools, you can create your own illustrations or forms or outlines in Canva. So that is also another great thing that you can use the software for. And I recommend to, at the very end, insert the page numbers.
6. Export settings & final file: Welcome to lesson 5, export settings and final file. Most e-books on the market are usually a downloadable PDF. And as you can see here in Canada, It is very easy to just export your file into a PDF. And if the file is too large for your liking, you could use the website compressor dot I O to make the file smaller. As I mentioned before, if you want to publish your book on Kindle, for example, makes things a bit more complicated because then you should maybe use Word to create your e-book. But there is also softwares you can use to convert your PDF in to a ePub or moby. And that's what I did because by e-books, I have also published on Kindle. And I did it exactly as I showed you. I built it in Canada, created a PDF, and then I downloaded a software where I could easily convert the file and then upload it on Kindle. So it is possible as well to do, but it just make things a bit more complicated and you have to do a bit more work.
7. Final words: So I hope, I hope that you now have a finished e-book. Congratulations if you have. This just shows that with a stream line and incur year process with all of these steps, you can go from idea to finished e-book. I hope that you found these tools, recommendations, and tips useful. And please leave in the comments down below, if you have published an e-book or creating an e-book, and we can share them together and just spread some good recommendations. Please feel free to leave a review. It really helps out so I can continue to evolve and make these courses the best for you as possible. Thank you so much for watching this course. And if you're interested as well, I have another course here called the ultimate travel planning course. If you're interested in that kind of thing as well, you can watch that if you would like to. So yeah, thank you so much for watching. Have a wonderful rest of your day wherever you are. And I'll see you next time.