1. 1Introduction to the project: in a this project we're going to create this night camping scene and the process. We are going to use a really simple tools and transformations to create all the pieces that you can see right here. So first, we're going to start with creating that background. So first we're going to create to the sky and the stars, and then we're going to create the moon. And I think that this is going to be the first time when we are going to be using some, well, photo shopped like effect. So when we're done with that, we're going to create them mountains, and some of them are going to be in the back. Some of them are going to be put more to the front, and of course, you can see that there's some snow on them. After that, we are going to create the trees, and then we're going to move to the well, really the foreground. So first we're going to create the tent and going to use some panto transformations to create the tent. They will create the backpack, the stove and the fire, and we are going to finish the project with the creating this folks wagon camper on the left. So, as with us in the case off all the other projects, the goal of this project is you learning how to use different tools that you can then use yourself to create your own original custom graphics, custom illustrations or any other graphical elements. So, without further ado, let's start our project first by creating a new document.
2. 2Creating a new document: As you can see, I am using Illustrators CC in one of its latest versions. And if you are using an older version of illustrator, your startup panel might look differently. You might just see just the application window, but basically the process of creating files is the same, although all really that difference, Um is that user interface? So what I'm gonna do is I'm simply going to go to the file menu and choose new. I think I'm gonna choose one off the Web presets. And actually, the one that I will be using is this minimum preset. And as you can see, it has 1000 and 24 by 768 pixels dimensions. And I am choosing this preset because it's a standard iPad, well, resolution. And it's aspect. Racial is a four by three. And if you're wondering why I am why I'm not using a standard like 16 by nine as and by nine aspect ratio, well, that's just because in this particular scene, we're going to have quite a lot of things in the back. So I think that it's just don't you know it's common sense to just have some more and like height to to to work with. So I'm gonna go with the minimum preset right here, and we can name our file as we go. So I'm going to name at night camping. There we go. And I'm gonna go with the horizontal orientation. I only want to have just one art aboard. I don't need any bleed. And as faras Thea Vance, the options go. I'm going to leave them as default. And of course, if you want, you can change their height and with off all well off this preset. But what I would suggest is I would simply add the same well number of pixels to both with and hide just to retain the aspect ratio. So if you want to have, like a bigger art board, you could just type and let's say, plus 300 and then plus 300 for the hide. Just so just so you know, just so you have the same aspect ratio. So once we are set, we got the name of the file we got with and height and will be basically left all the other options as default we can simply hit, create
3. 3Adding panels and colors: As you can see, I am working within my custom work space right here. And let me just quickly break down the most important panels that you are going to be using throughout this project. And if you don't have them well on, if you don't have them docked, maybe in your workspace it might be a good idea. 22 docked him right here to the right. Just so you know, you can follow what I'm doing right here on the arbor toe a bit him. Well, easier. So for starters, if you don't have the swatches panel up, I would recommend having into a doctor right here on the right. And if you don't have it up, just go to the window menu and then two swatches sink goes for the stroke panel. It might come in handy at times, so I would suggest having it up. And if you again don't have it right here, you just go to the window manual and then just go to the stroke panel right here. And I would also recommend having the appearance panel up. So again, you're gonna find it under window appearance. If you don't have the layers panel up. I would definitely recommend having it on. And, of course, you can find it under window layers. Or you can just press F seven when your keyboard. I would also recommend having the Pathfinder panel right here. If you don't have it up, just go to the window menu and choose Pathfinder. And, of course, if you don't have any additional panel it, too, we might be using. Throughout the process of creating this design, you can find all of those panel under the window menu, and then you can just find that panel. Another important thing that we have Teoh keep in mind is that we are going to be using a lot of colors. So instead of just choosing different colors from the color selector and maybe from the swatches panel, I think that it would be good to have color palette pallets ready and waiting for us. So let me just quickly bring already the color palettes that I already created for the purpose off this design, and that lets you quickly take a look at those specific color palettes. As you can see, I've just to cope. Didn't based it from another document. Some color swatches, which basically are rectangles with their respective names. So, for instance, I have the moon and sky color panel will color palette, and I have just two rectangles right here. I got the mountains, trees, tent, backpack, fire the wheels. And I think I've copied them twice. Body and windows and all these color panels represent, and the colors that we are going to be using throughout their design. So if you want, you can just leave all your color palettes like this and then just used the color picker and Teoh to simply no sample the car that share that you want to be using. But you could also create your own custom. Well, pallets out off all these Aled, these rectangles. So, for instance, I'm going to go to the swatches panel. I'm gonna choose first select volunteers because I want to clean these swatches. I'm just going to hit the lead swatches I'm going to confirm, and I think I'm going to get rid of this group as well. So now if we just first and select just two of these rectangles and then I'm going to go to this panel menu and I'm gonna I'm gonna choose new color group and I'm going to give it Ah , the name of the same name as this name right here. So I'm simply going to call it Moon and Sky, and then I'm just going to press, OK? I just added this caller group right here. And if I hover over this folder, I can I'm going to see the name off this color palette that I've just said. So it's moon and sky and we can do the same with the mountains. So again, I'm selecting all these all these elements, all these rectangles. I'm going to go to the panel menu, choose new color group, and I'm simply going to call it to mountains. And I'm gonna press, OK? And again, I got a new color group created right here. These pieces off text are still edit herbal. So what we could do just to speed the process up, we could double click within this Well, this piece of text and simply copied by President control scene and then we for just suspect all these elements all these rectangles you can I'm gonna go to the swatches panel , man. You choose new color group and this time just based that name in and press. OK, so these are two ways of working with the with these elements. And of course, you will get this specific filed for you to practice. And, ah, if you want to follow along and if you want to use my cars and then these are the ways that you can create old your color color panels. So let me just quickly create the remaining panels and we can start to create in their design. So we have all the color groups that we need. We added all the colors to our swatches pounds. So now they will be ready. And waiting for us when we will be needing them once will be creating a specific piece off our designer. So I guess I should better stop talking and start design. So let's start with design in the sky in the next video
4. 4Creating the sky: Let's start creating our A design first by renaming the first layer. I mean, I want I want to keep things organized. That's just my thing. I want to keep the inside, and I never want to create everything just on one layer. I want to keep separate pieces off the design of on a separate layers. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to rename this a layer. And as you can see, I'm keeping all my swatches on this layer. So I think I'm just going to call it colors, and I guess we could lock it. Now I'm going to create a different layer for my sky and moon. So I'm simply going to go to this create new layer option down here, and I am going toe old Click it. So I get this layer options panel and I'm gonna call it Moonen Sky. I'm going to leave all the other options as default, and I'm just gonna hit Okay, I think that I'm also going to go to the panel menu and then panel options, and I am going to maybe make um make the layers on the row size a bit bigger. Just so you can see everything a bit A bit better, right? So I got the moon in sky layer created. I can now actually start creating the sky. So, for let's I'm just gonna grab the rectangle tool And I'm going to create a rectangle. Something like this should be all right now, As you can see, I will. In my moon and sky panel, I only have two colors which basically are the colors for the moon because I thought that we might just use black and white for and the Sky and the stars. But of course, if you would like to change the color of the sky not to make it's like, really, really dark really, really black. Now we can simply just go to this color pickle double, double, click on the field, color and the choose maybe some very, very dark blue color. Maybe like this, but that's a totally optionally you can do it. You don't have to do it. You can just a stick to plain black and white. However, what we need is we need to cover the whole the whole art bored with our Skype. For that, I will just use the values off the article because remember, we changed it a bit. And it's not the standard toe 1024 by 768 I think it was something bigger. So for that, I'm just going to go to the art aboard, Tool, this guy right here that has a very, by the way, handy short cut off shift plus O. And you can see that right now I selected my art aboard and in here I concede the values of it. I mean, the values of its with and the value of its height some just going to select and copy this value, the with value. And then I'm just going to select this rack tangle, go to the transform panel and on a click this link option, because I just want to, uh, well, based in that with value, There we go. And again, I'm just going to go to the art abort tool. Have the art aboard selected copy the hide value, choose the rectangle based in the height press tab. And if I guess we could click the constraint with and hide proportions again, just you know, if we ever want to change now their values at the height and the width values off the or board. We will be able to change them our sky easily and proportionately as well. Of course, right now we have this well, this guy nicely covering our art board. But we could simply make sure that it's everything is being nicely aligned. So in the align panel, I'm going to check a line toe hardboard down here, and I'm simply going to choose a line horizontal center and align vertical center just to make sure that everything is being nicely, nicely aligned. So I don't think that I'm going to be doing anythin else with this sky. So in the layers panel, I'm simply going to twirl this row open, and I'm simply going to look this layer well, this actually this rectangle whether that there is on a separate a layer. So what we need right now is we need some stars. So let's just start creating the stars in the next video
5. 5Let's add the stars: creating the stars is going to be super fun into super Easy. And he's actually going to show us how to transform multiple elements at the same time and how to randomize them at the same time. So what I'm gonna do first is I'm going to choose the L Lips stool, and I'm simply going to create an ellipse holding down the shift key to constrain the proportions because I want to create a perfect circle circle that is going to look more or less like this. Now you can fill it with a plain white color. If you want, you can fill it with a slightly great color. I'm going to leave it up to you and I, of course, A. I wouldn't recommend filling into anything else with the white or very, very light. Great, because we want to create the stores. After all. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to clone this guy to the right, so I'm holding down the bulky and the shift key at the same time to constrain the movement . And then I'm just going to press control D just a few times to duplicate the last transformation. Now what we What we can do is we can clone this road down So I get him holding down the shift and the LTTE's and press maybe control d the couple of times. So what we would like to do right now is you would like to randomised these ellipses because, of course, we want to starts to want to make them look a bit more plausible. So I'm going to select all of them and notice that they are all individual elements. It's not a group, and this is important because when you go to the object menu, we want to choose transform and then we want to choose transform each and this command works with the single and objects. If we had a group selected, we would try to randomize that well, the group which in this case wouldn't make much sense. So what I'm gonna do is of course, I'm gonna hit the preview button right here, and I'm going to bring the horizontal scale and vertical scale down quite significantly. I guess 20 can be all right. But what's really important here is to have the random option checked because what it does , is it really randomize is this Kaylene value applied to our ellipses. If we don't have it on, you can see that we are applying in the same applying the same horizontal and vertical values toe all now individual ellipses. But if we press the random an option right here, we are actually making this thes and stars look a bit differently. So I'm gonna hit OK, And basically what we need to do right now is we need to, for instance, maybe move these guys around to somewhere here. Maybe this guy here, of course, if you want, you could still let me just move them around. You could still will randomize They saw the their size even a further. So if you're not happy with the result, you can just again take all these ellipses again. Go to go to the object, transform, transform each and ah, Even if we leave in these options as they were before, we can of course, again make all these stars smaller. We can play around. Just remember to have the random option turn on. So once all these guys are created, that just maybe move them a bit. What we could do right now is we could maybe select just a part of them and then just clone them down, some holding down the hall turkey and maybe rotate them a bit just to create so randomness again clo Maybe these guys down and maybe rotate them just ever so slightly. Maybe then cologne these guys to the right and maybe rotate them like that, Maybe clone on these guys to somewhere here. Maybe maybe this cluster Teoh somewhere here. And then we can just maybe select these elements, clothed them a bit duh to somewhere here like that. Maybe. Let's, um, let's clone these elements to somewhere here. And he could, of course, spend the whole afternoon playing around with these stars playing around with their position in the rotations off certain groups. But I think I'm going to leave it up to your experimentation. I'm going to leave it up to your imagination because I just want you to understand how you can create multiple elements very, very quickly and how how you can randomize their appearance and all the first and foremost of their size. However, what you could still do is you could, for instance, grip maybe a cluster of stars like these guys right here. And you could still maybe just hold on the shift key and make them smaller To make your sky lookem even even differently. You could maybe grab these guys and make them smaller and move them around. So as you can see justice by using real really Senate simple transformations. Simple told you can create different variations off multiple off multiple objects. And I guarantee you that in your future work, you are going to use the transform each command in a lot of instances when, of course, you are going to be creating, like, maybe like some some symbols or some other elements that require quick, quick transformations. Okay, so we got our sky created. What we could do right now is you could select all these elements. Maybe let me just bring this guy to the center and I'm going to group all of these elements . And what I wanted to right now is I want Teoh will rename the group's I'm gonna go to the layers panel and I'm gonna call This group stars So now we got the sky and we got the stars . So I guess we are ready to create the moon. Let me just look the stars layer and we can move on to creating the moon
6. 6Let's add the moon: So now let's create the moon. And for that, of course, we are going to need to use the l Love story And let's just create an ellipse. So I'm holding down the shift key. And of course I don't want it to have a stroke, so I'm going to get rid of it. And for the Phil, I'm going to choose this light color from my first from my moon color palette. And what I would like to create right now is well, first, I would like to create something like a dark side of the moon here at the bottom. So for that, I'm just going to clone this guy up, some holding down both shift and old geese. I think this should be all right. And if we select both of these ellipses, you can see that these bounding boxes are actually showing us which parts were going toe ultimately need. So it's going to be this ellipse right here and this crescent at the bottom and that there are basically two ways how you can create visas, separate two elements. So let me show you both of them. So let me just quickly clone these guys to the right. So first, what we could do is we could go to the Pathfinder panel. And in here you find the divide function. That is, this first guy here in the bottom row on the left. So if we press the divide option, we are going to have separate pieces. Let me just one group them. So we got this guy that we won't need, so we can just delete it. But we also have this bottom part right here that we can simply fill with this darker color . And there we go. We got this darker side of the moon created, and the second way would be to simply grab the shape builder tool that you can find it in tools panel. And it has a very handy short cut off shift plus m. And if we now just start clicking or all clicking on these elements that get highlighted once we hover over and then the cursor, you can see that we, for instance, could get rid of this guy because we won't be needing it. So instead of clicking, I'm going toe old click to get rid of it. And then I'm just going to click on this guy and click on this guy just to have thes separate parts. And of course, let's fill this guy with the darker color and we basically have the same effect created. So it's really up to you, which, which tool you're going to be using. They both in this scenario produced the same results. So I guess at this moment we are ready to start adding the craters. So what I would like to do with the craters is I would like to create an illusion of ah, well, often inner shadow. Unfortunately, in Illustrator, you don't have that ability. You can create an inner shadow as a photo shop like effect, so we're going to have to find a work around for it. So what I'm gonna do is first, I'm going to copy and based these guys in front. So I got the exact copy, and I'm going to make it significantly smaller till it looks something like this and let you may be assuming real close. And what I want is I want to rotate this guy So the shading is going from from top to bottom at this point. Ah, well, it's well this crater slowly starts to look like a like a crater with some inner shadow. But let me just add maybe a darker stroke to this inner part. So it looks much, much well, more like a crater. If we just come back out, you can see that it actually starts looking like a crater. And if you want, by the way, you could maybe changed the color off this of this shading Teoh to mimic the inner shadow even more so, I guess we could try something like a dark grey like you really, really dark gray. Maybe something like this. And then we could just grab the hex code, some simply going to copy this code. And I'm gonna grab this inner part, and I'm going to base the code to give the stroke than the same color. It's sometimes might be too harsh and sometimes might be all right. You're just going to have to decide for yourself now. You could off course create something like variations of well of this effect. For instance, we could maybe drop the opacity down off this stroke to something like, Let's see 50% and it's going to look much much. Well, well, not that strong. Definite. Not the strong. We could maybe bring the opacity off this off. The shadowing itself a bit to something like 50% to create. Ah, well, something like a light, like a crater with them with the shadow inside. So once we got to these elements created weaken, just group them, maybe move them around and then just clone it to decide. Make this guy smaller clothing to decide, Maybe make it bigger cologne and to the side to make it smaller. So maybe let me just add one more maybe down here and I guess distributed right so we could do right now is we could just group all of these elements, make them just a bit smaller, that small smooth them up to somewhere here and before we color today, we could maybe apply some glow to to our moon. Just so and also it's really nice and shiny. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the effect menu that I'm going to go to the stylized option and I'm gonna choose outer Glow. Let me just hit preview. And of course, I would like to change the color of the glow to something really light, maybe even white. There we go. And let's maybe crank up the blurred to something like maybe 20 pixels and noticed that the mode is by default set to screen, which is actually a good thing in this case, because this mode shows everything that is white and hides everything there is black or it hides everything that is dark and shows everything that is light. Of course, we could also play around with the opacity. We can make it smaller. We can make it bigger. I am going to leave it totally up to you. Maybe something like 60%. Um, yeah, Let's leave it like that. This should be all right. So there we go. We got the moon, created the craters, and we got some nice glow around it. So I guess we are ready to start creating of the mountains. So let's start doing that next
7. 7Let's create the mountains: before we start creating a the mountains let me do some basic housekeeping. Let me just renaming the moon group from group to moon. There we go. And let's create a new layer that we're going to call mountains. You can now maybe look the moon and sky layer and we can start creating other mountains. So for that, I'm gonna grab the polygon tool, and I'm going to create a simple triangle and I'm gonna press and hold on the shift key. And if you are not aware of that, you can press the up or down arrow key to change the number off sites of your polygons. So if you're polygon looks more or less like this, just press the down arrow just a few times to just create a triangle present. Hold on the shift to create trying goal that is going to look more or less like this. Now the main thing about thes mountains is that I don't want them to be. I don't want that spiky here at the top. I want them to be a bit rounded, So if you're working on a well, a newer version of illustrator that already has the live of the corners function. Here's what you could do You could simply grab on the direct selection tool, grab this bottom court the stop corner and simply click and drag to create a around that corner that is going to look more or less like this. Of course, if you need precision, you can just in the context, the panel maybe make it 20 pixels. In this case, this is a bill, right? However, if you don't have ah life corner option in your version of illustrator, there's a bit of a work around that we could create without using any specific script. So let me just again create a triangle that is going to look more or less like this. And I am quickly going to copy and paste it in front. Some present control Z and then control F. So now we have to identical triangles. Let me maybe make give this guy a bit of a different color. So what we could do is we could now just go to the Effect menu and then choose stylized and round corners. And what this option does is its rounds. The corners will each and every corner not just the an individual corner. So if you wanna have 20 the radius of 20 Big slows weaken. Just set that right here. Press okay. And we are basically rounded rounding these quarters just like that. And of course, it's still a live effect. So if you want, you can just grab this true this triangle, go to the appearance panel, find that effect. This is this guy right here. And you can still it's just it. You gonna make it a bit too. Mawr make it stronger. You can make it lighter till you think that this this corner looks fine. Let's leave it like that. This revealed right? So now what we want is we would like to merge these two shapes together. But before we can do that, let's expand the appearance off this triangle with the rounded corners. So now what we can do is we can make sure that both of these triangles are selected. Go to the shape builder tool and simply start merge in the shapes together. And let's get rid off the top guy. So I'm simply going to all to click on it. And there we go. We basically got the mountain created. So if you do have the latest version of Illustrator, you can use the life corner effect. And if you don't, you can create that you can use this work around with well, with basically on older effect round corners effect. Now that we have this mountain created, we can now start adding something like a snow cap. For that, I'm just gonna grab the mental. And I'm simply going to click and drag to create spikes alike. Ah, this and maybe let's give it a nice car. Let's give it actually snow color. So let's give it a white color. There we go. And, of course, if you don't like your snowcapped like I don't definite like the one that I just created, you can still just grab the direct selection toe, grab individual corners and just move them around till your snow cap looks exactly the way you intended. Of course, it's sometimes who is going to need a bit of a precision. Okay, maybe this guy in just a bit down to somewhere here, maybe. Let's move this peace a bit to the left. Okay, this would be able to write. Of course, we could maybe moved this whole element of it upward down there this again? Totally, totally up to you. Let's let's leave it to live debt. Listen, I've spent too much time just clicking individual ankle points just to make them just a movement, but a bit to the left, orbit to the right. I hope that you understand what I am trying to achieve here. And of course, you can experiment with this effect him all day long if you want to, because really, the more important thing here is to create some, like while the illusion off of shading off shadowing. So I'm gonna grab the rectangle tool, and I'm going to create a rectangle that is going to cover more or less the half off the triangle. And if I would like to be sure, if I am really covering just 1/2 off my triangle, I'm going to go to the view menu and I'm gonna choose outline. And right now I can see just the individual pants and I can zoom in real close. I guess I did a pretty good job so we can go back to the normal preview. Let me just zoom out and now all we need. Maybe let me just fill this guy with a different color just so you can distinguish her these guys a bit better. So now what we can dio is we could select all these elements. There we go. And, of course, we could do what we could. Grab the shape builder tool and divide all these elements. Or we could go again to the Pathfinder panel and choose the divide option. And, of course, don't forget toe on group all these guys so you could use the control plus shift plus g shortcut. But you can also right click on on this group and shoes on group. And what we're left with is this element that we don't need is this element that we also don't need this element that we don't need. And we are going to be using the remaining elements. So from my swatches, I think this is the mountain swatches, um, first going to use maybe this color and then this color, then for the mountains. I'm going to use maybe this color and for this part too. Maybe this color on maybe even darker one. There we go. And of course, let me just group all these elements. There we go. And maybe let's make it just a bit just a bit smaller. So what I would like to have Ultimately, I would like to have some mountains Well, at the foreground, so to speak, and some and well at the back. So what I'm gonna do is I'm simply going to clone this element to somewhere here and let me just make it significantly smaller. And I don't need it to have any shading going on right here. I don't need it to have a snow cap. So I'm just going to go to the bad, finer panel that I'm going to unite these guys. And from my swatches, I'm going to choose maybe this middle color and let me just put it in the back. Some present control plus left bracket key until this guy looks, sits somewhere here, going to clone this guy here, get maybe just a bit bigger, clone this guy again to somewhere here and maybe make it smaller so it looks more or less like this. So now we got the mountains created. We could maybe move them just a bit to the side I'm not going to group them at this point because maybe later gonna need to adjust some things. For instance, we could make being brain this guy just a bit up to make this mountain a bit tolerant to make it look a bit differently. We could maybe make this guy but narrower. So it again looks a bit differently. But again, I'm going to leave it up to you up to your imagination. I want you to understand, techniques the techniques. I want you to understand the tools that you can later on use in your own custom. Custom designs. Right. So we got the mountains, we got the background, we got the moon. So I guess we could now start creating that trees. So let's start doing that next.
8. 8Let's plant some trees: so I'd like to create the trees on a separate layer, so I'm gonna go to the layers panel. And again I'm going toe old click on the new layer icon, and I'm going to name this layer of trees. So before we start creating the trees, let's and maybe create some Grasso are so our mountains don't float in thin air. So let's just cree gripped the rectangle tool. Create a rack, tongue goals, tragedy across our art board. I mean, just cement to see if if we have to adjust the size, maybe just a bit. There we go and let's fill it with the green colors. I'm going to borrow maybe this green from on the trees layer, but I think that we might make it maybe just a bit lighter. So I'm going to double click on the fill option right here and the maybe Let's crank up this brightness because this HSB stands for hue saturation brightness. So if we start even pressing the up arrow, we are going to make the grass just a bit lighter and I'm gonna hit okay, and there we go. This revealed right, so let's just start creating on the trees by grabbing a their polygon toe and creating a trying gold that is going to look more or less like this. I don't want to have a stroke, but I do want to fill it with a dark green color like this one. So what I want right now is I want to have a just a few copies off Well, off this triangle that is there going to be pushed down and enlarged at the same time. So for that we can go to the effect menu, they're stored and transform and then transform. Let me just hit the preview and we can scale these guy well, our future copies up by, say, 110% for both horizontally and vertically. And I would like to have ah, let's say the re copies and I would like to move them vertically. Oh, let's say maybe to somewhere here I think that this should be all right now, at this point, what I would like to have is I would like to have some kind of a definition between parts of the trees. Let me just quickly look the mountains layer. So before I can do that we have to expand the appearance and let me maybe on group all these elements. So now, with a simple rectangle tool, let me just so manner to somewhere here. I'm going to create a Siri's off rectangles. Let me just move this guy a bit up and I'm going to clothe this guy down and just press control de to clone this guy down on Let's maybe put it somewhere somewhere here, just zoom in now. What's important is that we need Teoh match this rectangle with this line right here. But as you can see, sometimes it can be a bit difficult because right now we have all our elements aligned to the pixel grid. And that's because we chose the Web preset for our documents. So if you well, if you are experiencing problems like I am right now, just uncheck this magnet icon and now we can just move this guy up, be a lot more precise. Let's check with this guy. I think that should deal right, And now with this guy, I think it should be fine. So what we need right now is we need to select all these elements except for this rectangle , this grass rectangle in the back and let's grab the shape builder tool. And let's add these elements together. Let's get rid of these unnecessary parts of the triangle and let's unite. This soil is shade in port. Let's unite these elements, get rid of these guys, unite just the top elements and these elements, and get rid off these remaining parts. Onda we go, we basically got, uh, these shading elements created. But of course the last thing to do would be dio. But just to get rid of this going for just a second would be to grab all these elements, uh, at this darker shapes to them. And let me just fill these guys with the proper green collar. We can now print this guy back. So now the last thing to do would be to just grab the rectangle tool to create the trunk off the tree that would look more or less like this. And, of course, let's create the shading as well. So let's just copy and paste this guy fronts on present control and see prob blossom Controller F. And let's bring this guy up to somewhere here. Given a darker Phil, Maybe Maybe this guy. I think this should be all right. Maybe let's just make it just a bit smaller. Off course again. We could play with these guys all afternoon. And if you want to, you know, be my guest if you wanna. If you wanna make this trunk perfect, you can. I'm just going toe a line. Everything. Then group make it smaller and we can just distribute some trees around our scene. Then we can always, of course, add some more trees to our sin if we want to. Once we will be populating the bottom side off this of this illustration with some more elements. Like the tent, the camper. We way. We can always add or remove some trees from our scene and if we want So now we got the trees. We got to the grass, the mountains, then on the sky and the moon. So I guess it's high time to start creating the tent. So let's do that next
9. 9Let's create the main tent shape: I think we are ready to start to creating in the tent. But before that, let me just quickly hide the trees just so we can, you know, see everything a bit better. Just sweets. And so we have some more room right here. So let the slits us a little. Start with the creating a new layer, Some going toe old click on the create new layer icon And I'm going to name this layer as tent I'm gonna hit, okay? And we are ready. And them we are going to start well, creating the tent first by selecting the mental. So let me just grab it from the tools panel and let me just zoom in the real close. So the main shape is going to be fairly simple. All we need is just a click ones. And then twice, maybe somewhere here and then kulic somewhere here, the bottom and drag Just a bit. Not too much. This should be all right. Course I don't want I don't need any, Phil. I'll just need the shocks. I'm going to shift click shift acts on my keyboard. So I have a shape looking like this so owned right now is we simply need to reflect this part. This left part to the right and co peed at the same time. So I'm going to press the okay on my keyboard to invoke that reflect ill. And, of course, you can select it from the tools panel. This is this guy right here. But I really think that to learn in the shortcut, the oki is really going to help you work quicker in your in your own projects. So I definitely recommend memorizing this shortcut. And I'm going toe all click on this anchor point right here. Let me maybe just zoom in a bit more. I'm going toe all click on this anchor point right here so I can invoke this. Reflect dialogue box, and we have a preview. You can see that if we reflect our object across the vertical axis, we will simply will add this part of the tent on the right. And of course, I don't want to copy. I don't want to hit. Okay, I want to hit. Copy. There we go. And we basically got another shape off the tender created. Of course, it might be a bit too big. It might be a bit too small in your case, let me just maybe make make this guy smaller. What matters here is that we can quickly create a shape like this. But of course, we are not done yet because we have two separate parts. However, if we shift, click on both of them. So we added them to the selection and then just press control J and then control J Illustrator is going to do all that all the heavy lifting for us and is going to close the shape. And by the way, it's the same as going to the object menu path and then joined because what we essentially did is we joined these anchor points and these ankle points with a path. So now, of course, if we just select the tent and press shift X, we can see that we have this shape off our 10 to create it and let me maybe quickly give it a different color. I'm just going to sample this color right here, some pressing I on my keyboards to initialize the eyedropper tool. And then I'm just clicking on this on this Well, let's call it a swatch, right here. So the next step would be to create some some ropes here and the remaining parts off the tent like the entrance on down. We're going to move to creating the backpack, but for now, let's just create the remaining parts off the tent.
10. 10let's add the entrance: So again, I'm gonna grab the mental and I'm going to assume in and let me just quickly find this anchor point right here. Maybe let me assume in real close. As you can see, we have this like a really, really, really small like a I don't know how to say it like a flat surface right here. These anchor points are not exactly touching each other, but But I think that's okay. We're going, Teoh, We're going to cover it with this main road in the center of the 10 to later on. So it's not to that big of a deal. So let's just quickly with the pen tal. There we go. Let's just first create a line that is going to be parallel to this line on the left. So let me just maybe click come summer here, then go down to somewhere here. That should be all right. That I'm going to go up, click somewhere here and then go down and click here to finish this shape. Let me now give it a different color. So again I'm gonna press the eyedropper. Teoh, press the I to initialize the eyedropper tool. Select this darker uh, orange color and let me just zoom in. And of course, as usual, we have to do some adjustments. For instance Weaken, Grab the this bottom anchor point with the direct selection tool. So just press a to get to initialize this tool And we can just bring this guy down, maybe to somewhere here, perent this guy down as well to summer here we could also move the whole line of it down. Let me just zoom in real clothes just so we can see. I think that this should be fine. Let me just now go down here and maybe let's bring this anchor bar into just a bit up. There we go. OK, this should build right And again all we need since we want Teoh like, reflect this guy to the right, Let me just maybe make just a bit bigger this summer here all we need is just a grab this shape initialize the reflected by pressing the okay on the keyboard. Let me just find this bottom anchor point. I'm going toe old click here. I want this a reflection to be vertical and I want to eat copy and there we go we created this. Well, this this part, of course, the more the more precisely were with the starting reflection, the last adjustments we're gonna have to make later on. So let me just maybe zoom in really close. Bring this guy to summer here and now we can maybe just put these guys down. Let me just just maybe this guy a bit to the side, okay? As I said, I am not too worried about this gap right here, because we are just in just a second, going to cover it with a like a main road for our tent. All I need is these two shapes. So let me now, just grab on the rectangle tool, create a rectangle, go in through the whole tent. Maybe this big. Let me just move it a bit to the side somewhere here and again, I'm going to sample the right color, which is this gray color like that. Maybe let's make it just a bit smaller. So now just transform this guy. I'm going to shrink it from the center point by holding down the old key. All right, That should be fine. Eso No. What we could do is we could maybe take care of the entrance. Let me just check if I'm this pots on down here, this would be fine. So what we could do is we could simply graham that polygon tool first create a polygon, and what we really want is a triangle. So let me just press that the car arrow key just a few times that to reduce the number off sides to just three. And we can move this guy up. And, of course, we need this guy to be straight. Some holding down the shift key. Mm. I guess this should be all right. But what I want is I want this guy to be just a bit toller and a bit narrower. There we go. And let me just again sample the right color. This is going to be this brown color. And let's maybe now move this guy a bit to the back. So impressing the control plus the left bracket key. There we go. So now I guess we could maybe start, um, a line in everything properly. So first I'm going to group these elements, both these elements going to shift, click on the remaining ones and then we can just align everything horizontally to the center just to make sure that the entrance is exactly in the center spot off our of our tent.
11. 11Let's finish the tent: right, So we're almost done. We just in need just a few more things to to complete our tent. And the 1st 2 things were going to be, like, two flaps right here on the left and on the right for our entrance. So again, I'm gonna grab the mental. And I was going to find this spot, this anchor point right here, and I'm going to click here then somewhere here. But this time I'm just going to click and the drag up to create the shape that is going to look more or less like this. And then I'm going to call them the Bulky and bring this guy down to somewhere here. And I really don't care about these elements anymore. So I can just close the shape because what I'm gonna do right now, I'm going to bring this guy wants the back to put it behind this main entrance, having basically got this shape created. So again, what we can do right now is we can simply invoke the reflect toe. Try to find this top anchor point. I really wish Illustrator was a bit smarter in in fighting in showing ankle points because sometimes even if you have the smarter guys on, it won't tell you exactly if you are spot on on your ankle point. And that's a bit of a shame. So let me just all click on this shape again. Click Copy. And as you can see, I think I have to move this guy just a bit to the right. This should be finding that it doesn't have to be perfectly a symmetrical. So the last thing here to do would be to create these air like ropes that are going to hold our tent to the ground. And that's going to be easy. All we really need is just a couple of lines. So I'm going again with the mental going to create a line that is going to look more or less like this. Let me just press shift acts so we can see on the the stroke because I don't want this line to have a film and maybe let me just, um, sample the right color. This is going to be this great color, and that's again reflected. And if you want, you could maybe create something like, uh, I don't know, I don't know. It's technical names right here. Thes thes sticks that they're going to hold down this this part well, essentially to the ground. So basically, what we could do is we could create a simple line, since it's not going to be too visible because this party is going to be extremely small. It doesn't have to be all that perfect, but we could maybe make this guy just a bit darker. So I'm just going to choose a dark or great collar. There we go. Weaken, weaken, basically, basically, leave it like that. Let me just move it a bit to the side, the summer here. Let's leave it like that and I'm going to grab both of these lives. So left one and the right one and again. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to reflect them to the right. So I'm going to press the O key on my keyboard and I'm going to try to find the middle spot of our of our tent. I think it's going to be somewhere here because if I now just click old and then press copy , I'm going to copy this guy to the right and roughly in the spot where I wanted to go. I guess we could maybe adjusted just a little bit. Clinton Just select both these elements. Move them a bit to the left. And there we go. We got what we basically got the tend to create it. So before we call it a day, let me just grab these elements. And I don't want these guys to be strokes anymore. I want to expand them into a simple shapes. I'm going to go to the object menu, expand that I'm just gonna hit OK, so they no longer are they no longer they no longer are strokes there filled past because right now, if we just select all of them, group them and make them, for instance, smaller or bigger, we won't have to worry about on all of these strokes getting readjusted to. We don't have to worry about them being too small or too big. So of course, if you want, you could maybe make this tent just a bit smaller or just a bit bigger. That's totally up to you. If we now just bring back the trees, we can kind of like, see where the stent is gonna have to go. And if it has to be a bit bigger, if it has to be but smaller, I'm going to leave it up to you. I would like it to understand the techniques behind used behind creating this this kind of this kind of a shape. So the next shape to create would be the backpack that we're going to put here at the bottom on on the left of our tent. And I gotta tell that it's not going to be overly complicated, but we are going to use some clip in to make the whole process a bit faster, so let's start doing that next.
12. 12Let's start creating the backpack: So let's start creating in the backpack first by adding a new layer. So again, in the layers panel, I'm going toe old click on the create new layer. I come to create a new layer and to give it a name at the same time that I'm going to name it as a backpack. I'm gonna hit, okay, and we are ready to start creating the backpack. So for starters, I'm just gonna grab the rounded rectangle tool that I'm going to create a around a rectangle that is going to look more or less like this. And by the way, if you want to adjust the roundness of the corners as you go, you can just press the up arrow key to make them even more rounded or the down arrow key to make them last round It. I think that something like this should be all right. Now, what I would like to create is I would like to add, like, the main flap right here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the ellipse toe, so I'm gonna press the l key on my keyboard, and I'm gonna create an ellipse that is going to look more or less, more or less like this. I think this would be able to write. That's not quickly. Make sure that these guys are aligned properly. What I want to do right now is I wanna have, like, this medal of shape created right here. So I want this guy to be mine. Well, basically my flap. So of course, there are two ways of doing that. So let me just share with you both of these. Both of these tricks, both of these techniques. So the 1st 1 on and I guess that the easiest one would be to just grab the shape, builder, tool and old click on this top part that we don't need and click on these bottom ones. Just so we have this shape created and I got this shape created. But what we also could do, Yes, we could simply mask this ellipse with this rounded rectangle. So what we would have to do right now is we of course, would have to copy and paste this guy in from So we have two of these, So let me just maybe quickly give it a different color just so you can seat a bit better. There we go. So in order to clip our lips, we need to have this guy this path that is going to be clipping our lips on top of it. So I'm going to press control plus right bracket to make it go on top off this ellipse right here. And if we know, just go to the object menu clipping mask and then make we're going to create a clipping mask right here. And of course, if we would just click on this added contents baton and then just grab the eyedropper weaken, just sample this color just so you can see that we are actually creating the same shape as we did right here. But there is yet another way off making this ellipse sit inside this shape right here. And if you don't like masking, if you find it too confusing, you can use this. Ah, well, this next technique. So what we would have to do is first, we would have to cut this guy out some present control X on my keyboard that I'm going to select this shape and down here, I'm going to choose this option that says draw inside and you can see these adjudges appearing around my shape. And if I now just press control V, I'm going to paste this guy in front of it, and we can now just move it up or move it down to somewhere here. And just don't forget to go back to drill Normal. And there we go. We basically got this shape created. No, What we have to do is we simply have to start at in the remaining the pieces off our backpack and which option which technique of creating this element right here you choose. That's totally up to you. What I would like it to understand is that there are multiple techniques of achieving this kind of an effect here inside illustrators. So So let's now move on to create in the remaining parts off our back back
13. 13Let's add the straps and the handle: So let's maybe start adding colors to our back back. So I'm just going to sample some colors from this backpack color group. So first I'm going to sample this darkest brown color and then maybe this lightest brown color. So now let's create something like a sleeping bag right here behind the backpack, some straps and a handle. So again, I'm just gonna grab the round of direct angle tool creating around the rectangle that is going to look more or less like this. Let me just maybe around it a bit more. There we go, and I'm going to put it. Ah, down here. Let's maybe quickly align everything to dissenter. And let's make sure that this guy has a different color, maybe the same dark brown color, and that's put it behind. There we go. Now let's maybe create the straps, so I'm gonna grab the rectangle tool, create too simple rectangles, looking more or less like this. And maybe these guns are going toe. Have this medium brown color. There we go. Unless now, maybe more, this guy to this side to somewhere here maybe to the left, maybe just a bit more. And and now we can create the name tag down here. And of course we have to create the handle. So again, with the rounded rectangle toll going to create a handle that is going to look something like so and of course, I don't want it to have a Phil. I wanted to have a stroke and I wanted to be put behind the back back. So let me just maybe increased the stroke value. Maybe not to 10 but let's see six. I guess six should be all right. Of course, I don't want this guy to be a stroke. I wanted to be a fill. So again I'm going to grab it, go to the object menu, choose expand, or we could also go to the PATH menu. Choose outlines stroke to basically exchanged the filled and with the stroke. And if I now just group these straps, so they are, well, illustrators sees them as something like a one object. We can now select every then right here and align everything to the center, and we basically got the backpack created. I wanted to be very, very quick, almost a rough sketch of a backpack, because I don't want to spend too much time on it. I just want to put it beside the tent. But let me just maybe first, make sure that all these elements are grouped. We can now maybe move these guys, but to the bottom. And there we go. We basically got the backpack and the tent created. So our next order of business would be to create a stove and a fire beneath it, so let's do that next.
14. 14Let's create the stove: Let's quickly look the layers we are not going to be using. And let's quickly create another one that we're going to call fire. Let's press OK, And we can now start creating the stove. So I'm gonna grab the A lip Stal and creating a lips is going to look more or less like this. I'm gonna grab the rounded rectangle tool and creating around the rectangle that is going to be the edge of our main of our stove. Going to put it to maybe somewhere here. And I know that right now it might not look like much. It might not look like a Stover at all, but that's about to change. Let me just breast shift acts to exchange to fill with the stroke. And we can maybe make this guy just a bit smaller this reveal right. And if you know, grab both of these elements and then just grab the shape builder tool. We can now start creating the stove. For starters, I don't need this top part, so I'm going toe old click on it to get rid of it. I do need this bottom one, so I'm going to click on it and I'm going to drank over these three elements to create this edge of the stove. So now all we need is we just need to reflect this guy to the top and two copied at the same time. So again, I'm going to grab the reflective by pressing the okay on the keyboard. And I'm going to collect somewhere here on good old click, actually, and I don't I want to this ah, reflection to be horizontal. I don't want it to be vertical. And of course I want to hit copy. And now if we just press shift X to exchange to fill with stroke, make this guy significantly smaller and bring it down to Maybe somewhere here we can see that right now we are actually creating a stove so that you just made a stroke a bit bigger . So before we start adding cars, let me just quickly again turn this guy from a stroke into a simple path. So I'm going to use the outline stroke commander, and we can actually start adding the colors. So this is the handle, and the main stuff is going to have this dark will dark gray color this edge is gonna have a darker, almost black color. And I guess the only thing missing here is maybe some boy in water And, um, you know what? Maybe let's make this guy just a bit darker. Not by much, but maybe just a darker There we go. So we can now just grab the ellipse tal and start adding some ellipsis to create an illusion off some off some liquid off. Well, actually off water boiling right here. So let me just quickly create multiple ellipsis. I'm just going to press, maybe control d just a few times, So I can now just a minute. So I can now just more these guys around play around with them real quick, maybe. Good. Push, disguise A bit up. I guess this reveal, right? We can maybe make them a bit smaller or bigger. We are going to put it behind this ridge in just a second. So don't worry about the position in off these elements that much. But what we need is, of course we need to make is to fill these elements all these ellipses with the proper color. So let me just select all of them and I think that I missed this guy right here and let me now just sample the right color, this blue collar, and let's know, take these guys back. That may be pushed him a bit down. Maybe grouped. Um And there we go. We got some. We got some food boiling in our in our stove so the remaining elements to create right here would be on there. Well, the main stick that holds our stove up. So I'm going to grab the pencil again and create the first line that is going to look more or less like this. And maybe let's make it just a bit thicker to something like three points. And then let's a grip, another mental again and create these elements right here. And then again, let's grab the mental and create the main sticks. These main guys right here and then let's just clone them to decide to somewhere here and then just press the okay on the keyboard and then enter reflect them vertically, press OK? And again, I'm just gonna grab all of them, go to the object menu path, outline stroke, and I'm going to sample this darker color. And there we go, we basically got that's Stover created. Let me and this may be quickly select these elements so I can group them. And now we can just select the stove without this guy may move it a bit to the right, or I guess we could first group it, then select everything and the line everything to dissenter. So he basically got the stove created. At this point, we could maybe make this stove smaller. You can make it bigger. In your case, that all depends on the size that you want to go forward the size that you create. Let me just bring this guy a bit up, because now I would like to add the fire right here.
15. 15Let's build some fire: So now let's accrete to the fire and to create a time and not going to use like the shapes . I'm not going to use the mental. I am going to use one of my favorite tools here inside the illustrator, which is called the Pencil to it, sits right here. It's got another default short cut off the letter and and all we really need to do with it is to start drawing. So I'm going to go up, then maybe go down, then go up again. I'm really not too worried about NA how it all looks at the moment because right now, if I just go down, you can see that illustrator is nicely smoothing everything out for me. And it's going to, by the way, happen every time you use the pence little. So if we go one more time, for instance, like this and then we create another one, for instance, like this and then another one, for instance, like this, and then just go down. You can see that illustrator is smoothing all the paths for us, and that's by the way happening, because if we just double click on the tool, you can see that I got the smooth option. I mean, I got this slider cranked up all the way to the smooth, the value right here. And if you're working with a well on an older version of illustrator, you are going to have some different values. They're different sliders for the accurate and the smooth value. So the more you pushed this this slider towards the accurate side, you are gonna get to let me just push it all the way to left. You're going to get more accurate past, meaning that you are going to have much, much well, many, many more anchor points. If we now create he's shape looking something like this and then something like this, and then just close it. You can see that we have a lot off ankle points and Illustrator is not smoothing everything out for us. But if we again grab the pencil tool, push it all the way to this move value. So if you know, grab the pencil tool and start, can I guess, go even a bit more crazy. We're going to start curves like this illustrator is going to nicely smooth everything out for us. We can create something like this. And as you can see, that this whole shape gets even doubt very, very nicely. Of course, I don't want it to be this big, so I'm going to make it significantly smaller, and I am going to give it a proper color. Proper Phillips ologists sample this off red color. And what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to just copy and paste this guy in front on President Control seemed in control f and I'm gonna make it smaller. Move it a bit to the center. Maybe just a bit bigger, something like this. And I'm going to reflect it. So press on my keyboard than enter and press. Of course, I wonders Reflection to be vertical press. OK, more this game, maybe, but to the side. And I'm going to sample this orange color that I'm going to the same. Then some gonna just copy and paste it again. Maybe this guy smaller to the center reflected. And this time I'm going to sample this yellow car to create a fireplace looking something like this. And of course, we can maybe make some of these guys smaller. Some of these guys bigger. And I want to create him something like a layered fire in this case. Because if we now just, of course, make it a bit smaller. If we now just move it beneath our Stover I cannot simply play with the position is so I can Gramp this the most bottom. Let's put it like that. Fire part of the fire and I can now just print it behind the stove. Maybe. Let's just make it a bit bigger. There we go. And now kind of looks like the stove is actually between these on these flames. So I'm going to push this fire, maybe just a bit up, because in just a second, we need to create some planks off would right here. So I'm going Teoh, grab the rounded rectangle to and create one. Maybe like that, and let me just rotate it ever so slightly. There we go and let's good wrap the proper color. And then let's just grab it again, copy and basted in front and reflected. And then we can simply sample a different color, this lighter brown and there we go. We basically got the fire created. We can now may be pushed. It's going down. Maybe make them just have smaller. And we got some serious fire going on the right here and maybe let's take these gaze of it down. There we go. We basically got the fire and the stove created. So our next order of business would be to create that camper here on the left, and it's going to be your fun and we're going to lose. And we're going to use quite a lot of different and fun techniques creating the hippie folks wagon transporter, camper. So let's move on to that.
16. 16Let's create the wheels of the camper: So before we start creating the camper, let's do some basic housekeeping. We got the fire on a separate. Well, the fire in the stove on a separate layer. Let me just maybe group these parts like that and these parts, just like them group them and we can now create a separate layer for our camper. So let's do that. And I think that it might be easier for you to understand the process of creating the camper. If I may be turned that the visibility off some of these elements off, I think that this should be all right. And I am going to make sure that I have on the camper layer this guy right here. And as you can see, I've separated the color palettes for our camper into different different groups. So first we're going to take care off the wheels. So let's start creating our wheel. And for that I'm just gonna grab the ellipse tal and create a perfect the lips holding down the shift key, of course, and I'm going to make it intentionally too big. But I just want you to see everything a bit better, and I'm going to sample this color right here. I'm going to create a tire right now, So I'm going to just press control C control after copy and paste in front, and I'm going to make it smaller. Let's make it look. Maybe, like, uh, this, this would be fine. And maybe let's change this guy's color to this lighter one. And we can leave this guy as is, but we're going to copy and paste it in front, make it smaller to somewhere here and sample this color. Then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to grab both of these ellipses based them, copy and paste them in front and make them smaller again to somewhere here. Now, I'm gonna do the same thing with these smaller ellipses. Let me just zoom in. So we're gonna baste them in front, copy, paste them in front, make them smaller again. But this time I'm gonna choose this other guy, and I'm going to give it a different color. There we go. And lastly, I'm going to create. I'm going to maybe copy based this guy in front, make it smaller and sample it with this color right here. So at this time, what we could do is we could to maybe make this guy smaller just to alter the proportions. We could maybe make this guy just a bit bigger to create a different look for our wheel. But we are basically done. Now. We could maybe creating these ah thes shapes with the stroke applied attached to them. But I just didn't want to go again to the object menu outline everything I just wanted to do to see that you can Something like, um, Emmick a stroke without even touching on the stroke panel here in Illustrator. So we got our first. We'll create it. I'm gonna make it smaller. I'm going to maybe let me just make this tire but smaller, going to group everything, maybe just a bit smaller and clone it to the side. Of course I'm holding down the bulky and we got both the wheels created. So the next thing that we would do is we would create the body and the bumpers and the lights and all the other stuff that our camper needs, So let's do that next
17. 17Let's add the mudguard: So before we move on to create in the bumpers and the lights and the body, we got to create something like a mod guard on top of our wheel. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to borrow this ellipse right here. So I'm going to press control, see, and then control beyond my keyboards just to pay the guy in back. And I'm going to make it slightly bigger to somewhere here, and I'm going to make it plain black. Let me just make sure it's exactly behind everything and we're gonna go into press control . C control be. Make this guy a bit bigger and this guy's gonna be white. What I want to do right now is they wanna have just the top half ellipsis. So I'm just gonna grab the rectangle tool and create a rectangle, something like this. And I'm going to add to my selection all these elements or ellipses the rectangle. I'm going to invoke the shape builder told by President shift em and I'm going to old click on these bottom elements. Just so I am left on Lee with these two elements. But what I would like to do is. I would like to have just this part cut out. I don't want it to be like 1/2 ellipse. I want this half lives to be cut out right here by this gap between the mod guard and the wheel. So I'm going to select. First, I'm going to select this gap. I'm going to copy it into my clipboard than add the mod guards to my selection and from the Pathfinder. I'm going to choose minus front so I can just cut this whole out. But now, if I just press control F Since I copied that gap into my clipboard, I cannot bring it back to create this kind of a shape right here.
18. 18Let's add the bumpers: Okay, so now we got to the model guard created. Now let's create the first bumper. So I'm just gonna grab the rounded rectangle to and created a rounded rectangle that is going to look more less like this may be a bit to the left. There we go. And what I want to do is I want to split it in half because I would like to create some kind of a shading illusion. I want this bumper to be lighter on top and darker at the bottom. So I'm going to create a simple rectangle and put it in the middle of this rounded rectangle. I'm going to grab that the shape older to make sure all these guys are selected. And now I can just alter click on the bottom part to get rid of it and click on these guys to have two separate halves like this one. So let me know. Just make sure that these guys are nicely aligned. We could maybe grouped them and make sure that they are nicely aligned to the bottom. There we go. And now we can again grab these elements create grab the shape, builder tool. So now we can create this overlap right here. We can merge these guys, this guy a separate shape and we don't need this guy. So I'm going toe old click on it. So now we basically can add and let me just aren't group these guys, we can now start adding different color, so this top part would be something different. Let's Ah, let's maybe try this guy and bottom part will be a bit darker. Maybe this guy and of course, I would like to send it to the back. So I'm going to press control, laughed Brecher. Just a few times there we go. And we can basically now just cloned this guy to the right and then just reflected. So we basically now have both wheels and mod guards to decide. Created now if you would like to make this bomb for just a bit bigger. Of course, these guys are no longer life shapes, so you cannot just grab them and stretch them out because it's going to look well, not too good. But what you could do is you could, for instance, grab the lasso tool. This is this guy right here. Select these anchor points all these guys. And then you can just press the right arrow key to move this bumper A bit to the side, maybe to somewhere here. I think this should be on this. Reveal. Right. But now that we got the wheels and the bumpers, we can now start creating the body, the lights on the ventilation system, all the other good stuff.
19. 19Let's add the paint job: So I guess we are ready to start creating their body. So I'm gonna grab there rectangle to and create Iraq tangles tragedy across the base off our camper. Andi, I guess that this should be all right. Let me just send it to the back and let me just give it a proper color. So I'm gonna use the ire upper tool and sample this the darker red color. There we go. Disability. Right now, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to bring this guy up. I'm simply going to clone it up by pressing the bulky and dragon it up. There we go. And I'm going in to give it a different car. Maybe this lighter color. As you can see, I've using the body palette right now, But what I would like to do is I would like to create this kind of vein edge like a soft edge right here on the right. So in illustrator See, see, what we can do is we can simply grab that direct selection tool indicate which adds, we would like to well, round and we cannot just grab this part and to make this guy rounded to the Max. Now, if you don't have the latest version of Illustrator, you could simply maybe grab the Ellipse store and creating a lips that's going to look more or less like this. And of course, the bigger deal lips, the softer the edge is going to be. And let me just know, make sure that I have aligned everything properly and we can now just grab all of these elements shape builder Tool. Just select this guy, Get rid of this part, get rid of this part and add these guys to the selection. So he basically got the same result right here. But if you're not completely happy with the roundness of this edge like I am not in this instance, we can always just grab a direct selection tool and grab this guy and simply that Just make sure that I'm grabbing it. I'm holding down the shift key and printing. It's a bit to the left, but not by much. This would be alright. No, I would like to create, like I'm something like a paint job, like a nice stripe here. So I guess the easiest way to do that would be to just work. What with what we already have. So I'm just going toe borrow this guy, bring it up to somewhere here and I'm going to sample the color, maybe this light color, and bring this guy to the back and then do the same. So I'm going to print it up. I'm closing it up, I guess, to summer here. And I'm going to borrow this color and print this guy to the back. So now we are creating, like, an illusion of a Pangea where, while not an illusion and actually creating a nice paint job right here. So the next part would be to create the windows over our off our camper. But before we do that, let me just quickly maybe borrow this guy and push it up. Make sure it's on the bottom. Poor's this guy up to somewhere here, maybe two here. And what I would like to do is I would like to soft in round just this ash, but not by march. Who somewhere here and I would like to give it a different color. So I'm just going to borrow this guy. And of course, if you want, you can maybe make this put this guy a bit to the bottom, maybe to somewhere here and yeah, I guess we are ready to create the windows. But before, before we do that, I guess we could create, like the lights, the tail lights on the headlights and maybe the door handles and all the things that need to go right here on the side off our camper.
20. 20Let's add the door knobs: So let's start with the tail lights. I'm gonna graham the round the direct angle tool and creating around the direct and go Maybe somewhere here. And let me just add, did a proper fill color to it and men. And of course, I want this guy to go all the way to the back. Maybe, but to the bottom. So now let's create Ah, something like the air ventilation system and the fuel tank cap. So again, with the rounded rectangle tool, I'm going to create a Siri's off rounded rectangles and let me just borrow of this color and let me just clone. Maybe let's make it a bit smaller. And let's clone this guy just of it smaller. Let's clone this guy down. Just a few times. Colleges press control of tea right now. Just a few times. I guess that this should be fine. And now let's just create the fuel tank capsule with the Ellipse. Still, it's creating the lips. There we go and what we need right now. He's just like two door handles. Let me just frame this go down. There we go. So now we can just grab again the rounded rectangle tool, create the first rounded rectangle tool that will difference around the rectangle. And let's split it in half like we did before with the bumper. So we're going to select all of them with the A shape builder tool that I involved my present shift em. I'm going toe ultimate come this bottom part to get rid of it and click on these guys to add them to the shapes so loud it's just borrow. Maybe these colors. Why not? Let's use what we already have. And let's now just clone this guy to the right. We are going to fix the positioning of the door handles in just a second. When we create the windows, all those all the top part of our camper. We are going to add the doors right here. So then we'll be able to fix the positioning off the door handles, so I won't. I won't spend too much time on getting it right at this moment, but I am going to create the lights for my camper. So with the on the Ellipse still, I'm going to create the first ellipse that I'm going to clone and down to summer here. Maybe just bigger. And let's borrow the proper color, Move them all the way to the back. And let's maybe brain describe to the left. Maybe this game as well. And there we go this reveal, right? We basically got the bottom part of our than created. Now we're going to need to create the windows and the side mirror and some reflections in windows and, of course, then the doors. So let's do that next.
21. 21Let's add the windows: So let's start with the windows. So I'm going to grab the rectangle tool and create the first rectangle that's gonna look more or less like this. And let me just make sure that I am aligning everything properly. There we go. This should be fine. So what I want to create right now is I want to create this like a base shape for my first window, but also a base shape for this whole line right here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm simply gonna grab the direct selection tool. Grab this top left anchor point holding down the shift key. Bring it a bit to the to right gate this rebuild right? And I'm going to copy it into my clipboard because I am going to need it in just a second. I'm going to paste it back in some pressing control half on my keyboard. We can reflect this guy, of course. Want to reflected vertically, and I'm going to move it to the side to somewhere here. This would be alright, but of course, this windshield it needs to be leaning a bit more than their on the rear window. Right here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm simply going to grab first. Just thes three anchor points more them a bit to the left. Maybe to somewhere here. And maybe let's praying this very bit to the right as well. Let me just check. Maybe even a bit more. Okay, this will be fine. And we can now just paste back in. I use this guy back in. We could also copy and based this guy back in and maybe put it on the side. We are going to be using these elements in just a second, and now we can simply connect join these two parts together. So we could, for instance, maybe grab this anchor point, and then I'd get this angle point and just move it to the left. We could do that, or we could simply let me just go back a few times or we could simply get rid off this path . This path right here sounds simply going to deleted off this path right here. And if we just quickly go today to the outline mode, you can see that these guys are not joined right here. I'm gonna go back to the greedy mode and if we now just select both of these elements and press control. J Control J. We got this part joint so you can go back to the outline around. You can see that illustrator joined these guys for us, and we don't need to worry about two basically. Well, basically anything. So now let me just change the color off off this part off my my than some again. Just going to borrow this color right here. And now we can brain back this guy to the side and then this guy to the side as well, but maybe a bit to the left. But I am. I am also going Teoh, maybe make this guy just a bit smaller. So we can just with the selection tool holding down the old and shift keys make them just a bit smaller. Same with this guy. And let's move this guy'll doi to the left. Let's make sure that we get everything nice. There we go. So what we need right now is some windows between these two elements. So first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to check the height off this guy, so I'm going to select it go to the transform panel and just can't be the height value because I want the common windows to have the same height. Then I'm gonna grab the rectangle tool and created a rectangles stretching across these elements. And then I'm going to go to the transform panel and paste that hide value in. So then we can just maybe play around with the position in just a little bit. Maybe let's make this go just bigger. Dis reveal, right? No, I'll just maybe contract this guy just a little bit. Go to the object when you path split into grid and what I want is I want to have just one row. But I would like to have three columns worth some Carter between them. For instance, two pixels. This will be fine. And this is how we can quickly create shapes like this, or multiple elements from one element than that the technique is going to be poor to particularly useful when you want to create like the windows off this van. So I'm going to just make sure that these guys are not grouped. I just need one. I'm going to clone and to the side and make it just a bit smaller. Now let's just select all of them and maybe aligned them to the center. And we basically have our main shapes created. Now let's of course, give them proper colors. So I'm going to sample this blue color. There we go. And if you want, you could maybe select all of these elements and you make them just a bit smaller or make them just a bit higher. In your case, I am going to leave it up to you up to your experimentation and your artistic taste. And what I would like to do right now, however, is I would like to create some reflections with then these these, Ah, well, windows. So let's start doing that next.
22. 22Lets add the reflections and finish the project: So now let's create some reflections on the windows off our van. So for that, let's just grab the rectangle tool and create a simple rectangle looking more or less like this. What we want right now is we want a Siris of similar rectangles, but we want them to very in with just a bit. So I'm going to maybe cloned this guy to decide this guy to the side and maybe let's just quickly reflect them. Let's clone these guys to decide. Maybe. Let's clone them like this. Why not? There we go. That's maybe clothes. This guy somewhere here, this guy somewhere here and maybe maybe this smaller guy somewhere here. Now let me just give them a proper color. So sampled is dark color. So what we want right now is we want Teoh kind of like make them look like they're leaning towards one side. And for that we could maybe just grab that the direct selection tool or the Ellipse tal and grab all of these bottom elements and and then move them to decide. But you can see we can also move some. Sometimes we're gonna move some elements we don't want. So it's actually creating the reflections learn to know to new techniques to new ways of working with different shapes in ah, in Illustrator. So the 1st 1 will be the use off the share tools and this guy sits right here underneath the scale tool, and what it does is it shares objects vertically or horizontally. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to mark the transformation in the reference point to somewhere here you can see it's changes to here. And if we now just click and drag, we're going to share these elements like that. And if we just press shift key, we're going to constrain the movement. And we can actually make these reflections look a bit more the way we want to. Of course we can still, maybe more than a bit to the side to somewhere here. But of course, we want these reflections to be like attached on Lee to the windows. So how can we do that? Well, for starters, we could maybe try to draw them inside our windows, So if we just cut them out, select all these windows from shift clicking on them, we could go to the draw inside one. But as you can see, it is now great out. We cannot use it, and that's basically because illustrator cannot draw inside multiple separate elements. However, when we go to the object menu compound path and then make illustrator now sees it as one but, well, one path comprising off separate elements. And now you can see that the draw inside mode is actually active. And if we enable it and a click control V, we can now based our reflection inside our windows and move them around ever so slightly. Do somewhere here. Now we're gonna go back to the draw normal mode, and we basically got to their reflections created. So really, the last thing to do here will be to create the side mirror. So let me just quickly do it by first grabbing the mental click in like that. Of course, I don't want this guy to have a Phil. I just need the stroke. So maybe let me just borrow this dark color. There we go and let's just exchange to fill with the stroke. Now let's grab the ellipse tal, create on the lips, looking more or less like this. Listen again exchanged to fill with stroke. And what I would like to have is I would like to create again this kind of an illusion of ah, of shading right here. So I'm just going to select both these elements with the Pathfinder with the shape builder till I'm going to remove this guy by clicking on it. Add these elements. So now we can just grab this guy right here. Let's outline it path and then let's just go to outline stroke. So now we can maybe select, but with these elements, add them with the Pathfinder unite option and maybe let's make them just a bit darker. And there we go. We got the side mirror created, and, as I promised, we still need Thio Gim. We still need to take care off the windows off our camper, so I'm just going to grab the rectangle tool and try to move this guy to the side. Of course, we don't need the stroke. We just needed there, Phil, and we would like the stroke to be significantly lighter. Maybe let's turned the opacity down and let's make it even a smaller something like half a point. And let's fix some issues right here. That's put it between these windows sometimes might be difficult to get it right because of these gaps between the windows right here. And let's grab this guy and clone it to this side as well. So now we can move this door handle to decide. Move this guy a bit to the left. Move this door. Handle a bit to the left. I think it is Gotti just more so maybe now let's just grab both these guys and more than to somewhere here. Now, as you can see, we got a bit of a problem down here, As you can see these doors. Uh, this door is actually overlapping this mom our guard right here. And that's because the wheelbase is not well long enough. But that's easily fixable. We can just maybe let me just grab these guys and move them up of it to somewhere here. What we can do is we can simply mimic this edge right here. This mod guard edge and ah, cut our door a bit out right here. So I'm just going to grab this mod guard and clone it to the side. Maybe do somewhere here add this door to my selection press shift am to invoke the shape builder tool. And what we want is we would like to have this piece right here cut out from our shape. So maybe let me just make it a bit bigger. Correct this guy. And we don't need this piece. We don't need this piece more. This piece, of course, we don't need this piece. So I'm just old clicking on them. And what you're left is with this just this kind of like a indent. Right? So there we go. We basically got our camper created. We could simply put it here on the side. I'm just going to group all these elements and I'm going to bring back the remaining pieces . And of course, if you want, you could maybe add some some variety to your seen. Maybe. Let's just, um, let's just grab this element. Let's copy based it in front, course it down, and maybe borrow this blue color to create some some water. And we basically got our got our camper created. So I hope you'll like this project. I really do encourage you to create your own version ism of this night camping scene. I hope that along the way you'll learn some interesting techniques in illustrator and that you that that you will use them in your own custom original projects. So, as always, have a nice design.