How to Create a Landing Page | Tom Wiztek | Skillshare

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Landing Page Course


    • 2.

      The Hidden Benefits of Landing Pages


    • 3.

      The 2 Main Types of Landing Pages


    • 4.

      The Primary Elements of a Landing Page


    • 5.

      The Secondary Elements of a Landing Page


    • 6.

      3 Landing Pages Reviewed


    • 7.

      Most Important Tool for Lead Generation


    • 8.

      Easiest way to Create Landing Page


    • 9.

      Instant Landing Pages on WordPress


    • 10.

      Live Example: Create Landing Page from Blank Canvas using WordPress


    • 11.

      4 Landing Page Elements that Boost Conversions


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About This Class


  • Are you seeking a way to get more leads to your offer?
  • Do you have a main website or blog but your traffic is not converting?
  • Are you building a list and want to know how to boost your conversions?


A proven method for getting more leads, conversions and sales is to use landing pages.
A landing page is a targeted, product specific advertisement.
You use landing pages because they help you

  • Capture better quality leads
  • Significantly reduce the costs of getting those leads
  • And today, you don’t even need to hire expensive programmers or designers to create them

I’ve created this course for anyone who is looking for a do-it-yourself solution to landing pages. And instead of spending money on programmers you can spend it on your marketing and get more leads.



The different types of landing pages and when should you use each one for maximum conversions

The main elements that create a highly converting landing page so that you can design and develop any landing page you like and be sure that it’s setup for high conversions.

You will learn how to create landing pages

  • Without coding
  • Without hosting
  • Without IT knowledge
  • And even without design skills

I’ll show you the platforms that are the easiest for creating these pages.

And at the end of this course you will be a landing page expert. You will be able to create any landing page you can imagine without spending hundreds of dollars on programmers.

My method is fast, easy and proven to work.
Enroll today and discover the secrets of highly converting landing page.


Want to learn how to get more traffic? Enrol in Facebook Advertising Explained

Meet Your Teacher

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Tom Wiztek

Marketing and Recruitment Specialist


Hi I'm Tom. 

I have a keen interest in marketing and recruitment.

I have worked for over 2 years in the recruitment industry. I learned the ins and outs of hiring people. I decided to publish courses related to finding a job because I realized that a lot of candidates are professionals (in their field). But don't know how to present themselves.

Furthermore, I have always been fascinated with online marketing.

Over the past couple of years I have been involved in numerous projects related to traffic generation, online marketing, blogs, app creation and web design.

Hope you enjoy my classes!

Enjoy my courses!

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Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome to the Landing Page Course: Are you interested in getting more conversions with landing pages? Landing page is a standalone page that a person visits after they click a link. It is separate from your homepage as the London page is focused on one product or one offer, is like a specialized advertisement designed to capture leads. If you are running ad campaigns than landing pages will help you get more conversions. But your landing page has to be designed for conversions. Badly created pages do not generate more leads. My name is Tom, and I've been in the online marketing industry for over seven years. I have tested many landing pages in my campaigns. I've created this course because I have found a simple formula you can follow to create landing pages that will boost your conversions and you will not need to write any code at all. In fact, my method is so simple that you don't need any prior experience or tech skills to use it. You will learn the entire process of developing your landing page. I will show you how to go from a blank page to a converting landing page. And these will be pages that are fully desktop, tablet and mobile optimized. So you will start with the fundamentals of the landing page design. You will learn what our landing pages, the different types of landing pages and when to use each one. Next, you will learn all the elements that make up Idle landing page. So instead of looking at a long page and thinking that it's long and difficult, you will know exactly which section says what purpose, and it will make it easier for you to create your own landing pages. Next, I will review a couple of actual landing pages so that you get familiar with the elements in real life examples. Then you will learn the tools for creating your own landing pages. Absolutely, no programming skills will be required as all the tools use a simple click and drag interface. And as a bonus, I have created our lesson on the four main factors for boosting your landing page conversion rate. I hope you enjoy my course and good luck in your marketing and promotions. 2. The Hidden Benefits of Landing Pages: in the first lesson. I want to explore the concept off the landing page. You should know that the landing page is known by other names. It is sometimes referred to as a squeeze page on opt in page, even a sign up page, and the landing page serves a completely different purpose than your main page. Let's imagine that you have a website and you are selling weight loss supplements. You literally have hundreds different products on your site. Your products are divided based on categories, and then, in addition, in this page, you will have about a section of frequently asked questions, section a contact that section and so on. So this is a full website. On the other hand, a landing page is simpler. You strip away all off these extra pages, you remove them and focus on one particular product or category. So in reality, you have a more slimmed down page in the weight loss supplements. Example. When a person arrives at your main website, they will see a supplement selling website. Every person who arrives on this site will be looking for a different product. However, when a person arrives on your landing page, they are interested in something more specific, more tailored to them. So you are focusing on a niche with weight loss. You may have a landing page for people who want to lose weight and build six back ups. That's the customer you want to target. With this particular landing page, you could have another landing page, which is all about weightless advice for mothers who recently gave birth. This landing page is for a completely different target market. So what is the purpose off the landing page? Because you could just send all of your traffic to your main page, and then each person can navigate to the product they want. Well, you could do this, but you would be missing out on an opportunity to boost conversions and earn more money. You seem the purpose off the landing page is to sell your product to the user before they actually see your offer. You want the user to be in the right frame of mind before they feel, offer and decide whether to buy. Another perspective is to view your landing page as a focused advertisement. You only want the users to take one action and not be distracted by anything else on the page. Your goal is to convert the user into elite. Usually, this action is to sign up to an email list for a Web inner or sign up to get a bonus, like a free video or any other document, or simply to click the link and be redirected to the actual offer. In one way, a landing page is like a salesman. When you enter an electronics store and see all the products, you could get a little confused. The salesman approaches you and helps steer you towards the products that are most beneficial for you. The same could be said about London pages. They help direct a user onto a particular product, so, in summary landing pages served to sell your product and improve conversions. 3. The 2 Main Types of Landing Pages: In this lesson, you will learn the different types off landing pages. Basically, there are two types. The first are lead generation London pages. In these pages, you have an action you on the user to take. This will convert a user into a potential lead. Once you have a lead, then it is your job to market to them effectively and get them to come to your website and buy your product or service. Lee Generation pages are a lot like webinar registration pages or pages in which you give away a video report, PdF or a free course or any other gift. The incentive you used to get the lead must, however, be valuable. The more valuable it is, the better reputation you create in the prospects mind. Here are some examples Here's a London page from Digital Marketer, and the thing that they are giving away is the Facebook at Template Library. This is a good example of a landing page because there's only one action a user can take. Sign up by filling in this form and clicking this button, and then you will get the Facebook at Template Library. This landing page is clear and easy to understand, and the whole purpose off this page is to get more leads for their actual products. If we scroll down, then we have some more ad copy about the Facebook at campaigns and templates, a note by the CEO of the company and then a second call to action. Let's look at another example. Here is another example this landing pages all about on up that helps teens prepare for exams again. It's a lead generation London page. All you have to do is feeling this data. Click the button and then you will get the up so this landing page is a little bit longer. So we have, like, a feature section, some information about the up, some more benefits of using it, and then at the bottom, we have a thick and call to action. So these are lead generation landing pages. The second type of London pages are known as click through pages. Instead of collecting a lead, you have a call to action that when I user clicks, they get redirected to the offer. The purpose off these click through landing pages is to pre sell your user before they actually see your offer. You see you could just buy him out and send traffic directly to the offer, and this is known as direct linking. But sending cold leads toe on offer usually doesn't work well by adding a click through page. It acts like a filter, and then Onley sense qualified leads to the actual offers. When you buy traffic from Google or Bing, this is cold traffic with the landing page. You're trying to get the person into the right frame of mind before you let them see the offer. Thes landing pages serve as a filter to your traffic and Onley. Targeted traffic arrives at your offer page. Let's have a look at an example. Luminosity is a good example of a click through landing page. You are presented with the most valuable information in this page, all about their brain training application. So a lot of benefits listed here and then if you click this link, you're taken to a different page in which you can subscribe for their service. But this is a good example of a collector page, because this page presents all the features and benefits off luminosity. There is another type off click through pages, and these are ranking landing pages in these pages, you're not asked filling anything. The page is essentially a table would offers. You can read about the offers and click the ones you like. Once you click them, you will be redirected to the actual offer. Thes ranking pages serve a purpose off, warming up the lead so that once a lead clicks on offer, they already know what to expect from the offer. It is selling the prospect, the idea that you are on authority and you have ranked the products. Here's an example of a ranking page about hosting services. This is just a simple click through page. You have a table with Rose, and each row represents a different hosting company. And then over here, as you can see, you could the button you will be redirected to the hosting companies page. So these are affiliate links here, and with that said, this concludes this lesson about the different types of London pages. Thank you for watching 4. The Primary Elements of a Landing Page: in this section, you will learn all about the elements of a landing page. I have decided to separate this into two separate parts. In the first part, I will discuss the primary elements of a London page desired the elements. You see Wonder page loads. These can be referred to as the above the fold. Elements above the fold means that you do not have to scroll down to see these elements, wants the landing page loads. You see them? I would say that these are the primary elements because they have the biggest influence over conversion rates. In the second part, I will discuss the secondary elements, which I will refer to as the below the fold elements off a landing page. This means that to see them, you have to scroll your screen down. These elements will help boost conversions, but they're not as powerful as the primary elements. Also, you will notice that landing pages do not use all the secondary elements. Usually, it's just a combination off some of these elements. Let's start with the primary elements. The first element is the headline. The headline is probably the most important part off any landing page the purpose is to capture attention, you have to write a powerful headline that offers a benefit or provide a solution to a problem. The strategy is to write a headline that is quick and to the point. A good test, although a little subjective, is to look at the headline and ask yourself, Do I instantly know what this page is about? If the answer is yes, then you are on the right truck. This might be a little simple, but it's an effective test. It works because some headlines are long and boring. And after reading them, ah, person is confused and has to think. What is this headline all about? Here are two examples how to have a healthier and more productive home office or how to lose £10 in two weeks. Both of these headlines are evey to read and quick to understand, and you know the benefit that is being offered. Here's a London page from up work, and, as you can see, the headline reads up work E book The Fast Lane two Great design. Now this headline It's OK, It's not perfect. It could be a little better because the actual e book is about a guide to hiring freelance designers. Let's move on. The next element is the image. It is a very important part off the page. Your image must be relevant to your offer. The purpose off the image is to assist in communicating your main message. So if you're in advertising drinking water and you had a picture off a glass of water, that's relevant. And just by looking at the ad, you know that it has something to do with drinking water. However, if you're in advertising drinking water and have a picture of a waterfall, that might not be the best picture because a person will not make the connection between drinking water. The picture is irrelevant in this example. From up work, we see the image, and it's an a book reader with the cover page off the E book displayed. It's relevant. It looks nice, and it is related to the headline. However, there is another way that a picture may be used in my landing page. Currently, it is quite popular to use the image as the background Addai dark overly onto it and insert text over this image. Here's an example from flicker. Here's an example how this effect looks in a real page, and this is flicker, so they haven't image here with a dark, overly and white text on top of it. So the key take away from this element is that your image must be relevant to your offer. Next, we have the main out. Copy. This is the text under your headline. This could be form. It'd as a paragraph or as bullet points. The customer will see the headline, then the picture. Then they will look at the main art copy. In that copy. You want to expend on the benefits off the offer. Here, you can see a couple of short paragraphs and bullet points that highlight the features and benefits off this e book. The final primary element is the call to action by cultural action. I am referring to the action you want the user to take. This usually involves clicking the main button. If you're creating a click true landing page, then your call to action is literally to click the button. After they click the button, they will be taken to the offer page. If you are creating a sign up landing page, then you want the user to register on your page. You can have an email textbooks or a series off other fields that you want the user to enter in the up work. Example. This part I don't like about the landing page, but we have to scroll down, and they have a massive form here for the user to fill in. Nonetheless, this is an example of a call to action. Here's another example, which I think is a little bit better because all the primary elements are above default. And again, this is an e book giveaway landing page, and you can see that the cult election. If here it's in the form of I button, you click on it, then you enter your email address and then you can download the book. It's pretty simple. So in this lesson, we have just covered the four primary elements off a landing page. Next, we will move on to the secondary elements of a London page 5. The Secondary Elements of a Landing Page: welcome back. In this lesson, you learn the secondary elements off a landing page. These elements help improve conversions. However, not all of these elements are required. When you analyze different landing pages, you will notice that each page includes only a couple of these elements. But it is valuable to go through all of them so that when you create your own landing pages , you have many elements that you can choose from. The first element includes the main benefits off your offer. Your unique selling proposition. What makes your offer better from your competitors offers in this section. You can also include information about the person's biggest fears, frustrations and problems that your offer will help solve by focusing on the pains and problems, you show that you understand the customer. And it is a powerful marketing technique that by discussing the problem or pain, you prove that you understand the customer and that you can actually help them. This section can have multiple parts to it, and each part in the London page will be focused on a different benefit. The more you scroll down, the more benefits you see. Let's have a look at that life example, this company is offering Hey, char admin and payroll services all in one there collecting leads. So we have the primary landing page elements on the top. The further you scroll down, the more benefits you will see. And as you can see here, each benefit has been added as a separate section to the landing page. Okay, so the breath off just works. Offerings scroll down. Further, we have customer support, and there's some testimonials and then a call to action. But basically each section over here includes the main benefits off their offer. Now there is another way off writing the benefits. So let's open a different landing page in this example. Again, we have the primary elements at the top, and then when we scroll down over here, you see that the ad copy is full off benefits. But instead of having a section for each benefit, they have created a bullet point list. As you can see, all the benefits are listed in one area. The theory off the section is that a potential lead reads information about the benefits or pains that they're going through. They relate to it, they get interested, and this motivates them to sign up, to learn more. Next, we have the features section. In this section, you list the most important features off your offering. This is related to the main benefits, but I've added it separately because it is a different form off. Presenting your benefits here is, on example, how they may look. Usually, the feature section consists off 3 to 8 features or benefits, and each feature displays on Aiken or picture. That is followed by a couple of words. So in this case, we have three features, and it's an image heading and a little bit off text moving on. We have the testimonials element. Testimonials is all about social proof. If you have testimonials, you can add them to convey extra value about your offer. People are looking for opinions because that's how they make decisions. People are looking for opinions before they make a decision. Actually, at this moment before I choose any service, I check Google for reviews, especially when choosing restaurants. That is actually an excellent example off social proof and testimonials. The same principle applies to your landing page in this page. If we scroll a little further down over here we have the testimonials section, so when you are creating a landing page, it is recommended that you insert a few testimonials. Then we have the partnership element. This is related to social proof, except instead of conveying how good your offer is by relying on testimonials, you're trying to prove your value by showing that you have already worked with reputable partners. Back to our example. If we scroll a little bit up Wi Fi dissection here, some of the companies that experienced our tours So this is the partnership section and this section is always made up off logos off reputable companies. And in this website we see that testimonials and partnerships has been grouped together. In other website. You will notice there separate, but basically the format is usually the same. Partnerships means logos off reputable companies. And let's move on to the last element. If you're using a mixture off secondary landing pitch elements, then you should finish your page with a second call to action. You do not want a person to scroll all the way to the bottom off the page and then have to scroll all the way back up. You will lower your conversions. If your site is set up like this, you want to add a second call to action. This is basically a repeat off the culture action found at the top. Off the page. You can add a little extra text so it looks unique, but you want to include it. This element here's a good example. So let's go to the bottom. And I like this page because even though the page is short, they have added the same call to action over here at the bottom that is found at the top with minor text differences. Here's another example. So we have the main call to action here. Now let's scroll down to the bottom. And here you have another call to action, and I like this flow. And I think it's the best solution for any type off long scrolling landing pages. So you got the main culture action at the top and the secondary culture action at the bottom. Thank you for watching, and you now know all the major elements that make up any landing page. In the next lesson, we will review a couple of London page examples so that you can see how these elements apply to real pages 6. 3 Landing Pages Reviewed: Welcome back in this lesson. I want to review three landing pages. You will see how the elements that we discussed in the previous lessons are actually applied in life Landing pages Here is a good landing page. I want to show you This page was used by factors, Money on Affiliate Marketing Forum. And as he can see, what you get is a case study. And the headline is enticing in that you will read an example of a person reaching $200 per day profit in four days using push notifications. This headline is very clear. There is a clear benefit you will get by signing up. Followed. We have some copy. So this content here it's in the form off bullet points. It's well organized and looks nice. Also, I would like to mention that the picture is relevant. Off course, you get a PDF guide, but the symbolic picture of the guide looks nice and fits in to the style off this page. If we scroll down a little more, then we've got the testimonials again. This is social proof, and it's a good indicator that this is something valuable and finally we have the call to action at the bottom, and they are asking for a name, email address and then to click the button. I like the text in this button. It's better than just having the words click here, learn more or next they actually use email me the free guide So it's more action oriented. This landing page, it's clear, and it leaves no room for misunderstandings. There are no visible ways to navigate away from the landing page, so there are no distractions to the user. The only exception is the logo at the top, and if we hover over it, it is linked to the main website, and this is acceptable. So this is an example of a landing page that is short and to the point. It was actually used from a Facebook at campaign, so you would click the Facebook at campaign, and then you would be taken to this page. Let's have a look at another example. This page is a contrast to the stock that money page I showed you earlier that was a simple and short landing page, which included all the main elements off the London pitch. This example you see here uses are longer landing page with more elements. I would still classify this as a landing page because the whole purpose of this page is to capture lead for the bookkeeping service for the above two fold elements. The primary elements. We have the headline, the ad copy I picture, and then we have the call to action form. They have a short form and are only asking for the name and email address. It's nicely designed and easy to read. We can see that the company is offering a free trial off their bookkeeping services. Let's scroll down here. We see the benefits you get from using their service further down. We see more benefits and the benefits. In this London page, they're basically divided into separate sections. Moving alone. We have the features off the service. There are eight points listed here. Then we have some testimonials, and it's displayed one testimonial other time, so you can. It's sort of side scrolling. I believe that displaying more than one testimonials other time is better for conversions, but it's a personal choice. How you go then, if we move down, we've got some pricing details, and this is followed by some more benefits off the offer, and then further down we get to the bottom of the page. We have the second call to action. There are some minor text differences between the call to action at the top and this one, but it still looks nice, and it's relevant to the style. This is a longer page, still a landing page because there's just one goal and that go is to capture elite. Now let's have a look at another landing page. Example. Next, we have a personal trainers landing page. Example. The offering is a free personal trainer session, so it is a lead capturing landing page for the above the fold elements. We have, ah, headline some ad copy, a picture of a personal trainer and I call to action. I think that's the headline and ad copy needs work. For one. We only know that a free session is being offered by the call to action. I think that the words free session should be emphasized in the headline, because that's the first element that gets read. Also a personal trainer. The term is very brought. I think that in this page the message should be more focused on the target market like who is the target market? Is it for guys or for girls? Is it focused for weight loss or building muscles? A more focused message makes the landing page more personal to the user and will get better results in better conversions. Also, I think the picture isn't all that good, and by picture, I'm talking about the background and the picture off the personal trainer because the background is a parking. Ali looks like it's next to a factory of some sort, and the the picture of the woman doesn't create the impression off working out, scrolling down. We have the benefits section, and this includes a short video off the personal training service. This is fine moving along. Then we have the main features off the personal trainer service thes air, the six features that make the service different from competitors. Now this is a sample landing page. That's why we see the text Laura Me Epsom dollar and I'm reviewing this landing page example because I like how old elements are neatly put together. So then next we have the testimonials section, so social proof is always valuable in boosting your reputation, and at the end we have a second call to action. Hell, yeah, is not a good text. So do not use this. The text would be much better if even if it was, just sign up for a free session, That would be much better. And I'll show you just the feature here because when you click this culture action, you get redirected back to the top of the page. Now that isn't acceptable because you are asking for more information such as name, email and phone number. So this type of call to action it is acceptable. So this concludes this lesson on reviewing landing pages. In the following lessons, you learn how to create these landing pages without coding or programming skills. 7. Most Important Tool for Lead Generation: lead generation involves collecting email subscribers and following up with them. These types off marketing campaigns are much more effective than just sending traffic directly to your offer. Page hands the need for landing pages, but you need a tool to be able to build your email list. For this, you need an email. Auto responder. This is a tool that lets you build your email database to store emails and to send out your email campaigns. I'll show you how to get started with email marketing right now, as you are a student enrolled in my course. I've created a bone section for you, and on this page you'll find valuable resources to assist throughout this training. So go to Tom ballistic dot com forward slash email, and you'll reach the bonuses page. Step one involves setting up your email auto responder. So through this link, you can get started for free and claim your 30 day free trial. You click this link and you'll be taken to get response, and this is a professional auto responder that actually goes beyond email marketing because you can use it for creating landing pages, sales pages. Thank you pages and you can even create an e commerce store and sell your products directly through the service, so it's easy to get started. Just go over here, try free for 30 days or sign up. Enter your name, email and passport and then click Create account. No credit card details are required, so it's free for 30 days and afterwards it will cost you $15 per month. But this is a dependable email service, and it's much better than free services because they ensure high deliver ability off emails . And they bypassed the spam filters. And another big benefit off the service is that it's friendly toe all niches so you can promote affiliate products and there's no risk of being bend once you set up your email auto responder, then go to Step two. And here you can join my email marketing, training, and inside the training you learned entire process from capturing leads to sending out emails on autopilot. Then we have Step three, and here you can find all the resources that I used or mentioned in this London page course moving on, we have stepped for, and this is a new training theories that I created and It's all about funnels now funnels their next phase in landing pages and email marketing. Currently, in this day and age, funnels are proving to be the most effective for converting leads. And in this program you will learn how to capture more customers and how to improve the conversion amount on each sale. This training is packed full of tips and tricks for getting more customers. But to start, go to step one and claim your free trial, then come back to this course and I'll show you how easily you can create a landing page would get response. 8. Easiest way to Create Landing Page: Welcome back in this lesson. I'll show you how easily you can create landing pages using a click and drug builder. Here I am in the get response panel. I'm going to go to menu and landing pages, and here I'm going to click Create London Page. Now, this is what I wanted to show you. Because this page builder, they have a lot off landing page templates for you to choose from. You can find almost anything that you want and all of these landing pages there already completed for a desktop screen as well as for tablets and phones. So there are plenty of templates here to choose from. And you can also start from scratch if you want to. So for this page, I'll select something simple. Okay, I select this one, so I'll give my landing page in name. Okay, landing page 101 Here's a preview off the London page that will be generated for us. And here's a preview of the thank you page. Let's look on the next step. This is the get response page builder, and as you can see, it generated the full landing page for us. Here's what I wanted to show you. These are the elements you can click on them. You can drag them, position them wherever you want to edit them. You just double click on it. Then you can change the text. Okay, so this is just like a text editor like Word or Google looks. If you want to make this wider, just click and drug again. Just click on an element to move it and this button and this sign up form. It's ready, configured so the emails will be added to your email list. If you want to add new buttons or functions over here, you have a lot of different sections and can just click and drag them onto the screen. If you want videos, double click on its to edit. It came, so just delete this. So this is the desktop version. You will also need to generate a mobile versions. You just click here on the mobile Aiken, and as you can see, a mobile version, four hours has already being generated. All of this is now optimized for desktop tablet and mobile screens. Let's go back to desktop after a person subscribes on the landing page. You can either redirected to a different thank you page. Or you can use the thank you page that is created for us. This is how the desktop thank you. Page looks like and we generate a mobile version. This is how it looks on a mobile phone. So once the London page and the thank you page is done, then you just click on the next step. Here, you enter the S your settings such as the page title description. If you want to. This is optional. Here, you can set up the landing page where l and a brilliant feature off get response is that you can assign your own girl and then in term, let's say landing page one No. One and then this will be my custom, okay? And this will be my custom you, Earl. So this page will look fully professional. If you don't assign your own domain with the service, then get response will generate like a random euro that you see here. But I already linked my girl here, So this will be the landing page Euro. And here you select the list that you want to add your subscriber to. If you have an automated email. Siri's. Then you can add it so that once a person gets added to your list, they automatically start receiving your emails. Here, you can set up the thank you page. So this is the thank you page that we generated before. If you want, you can send it to a cast. Um, thank you, Page. You can add Google tracking Facebook trucking. There's a big list off are different services that you can integrate with and you contract the performance off your landing page, such as Google analytics, Google tag manager being ads, Facebook outs just to name a few of the bigger ones. So here you cannot. The Google that's conversion tracking and then click on publish. Okay, lets view our page. And here's my London page. It's a simple landing page. It's varies to dio. I mean, basically, you can just use the get response templates and then update your content, and then you have ah, fully mobile optimized tablet optimized and desktop optimized landing page. And another great feature of this is you don't need your own hosting just used to get response hosting, and it's optimized for fast loading landing pages anywhere in the world. So you can set up landing pages here and then run campaigns in the United States, in Australia, in Singapore, in a Europe, anywhere you want. And from my experience so far, this is the easiest way to generate landing pages. 9. Instant Landing Pages on WordPress: in this lesson, I will show you how to create a landing page using a very popular plugging for ward press. You will, however, need a couple of things. For this to work, you will need hosting Ah wordpress installation on email. Auto responder. So this is only required if you're collecting email addresses and then you will need the plug in, which is L a mentor. It is free to use, but they also have a paid version. If you don't have WordPress, this video can still be valuable. As you will see just how easily you can create London pages. I will show you how this works. Starting from the WordPress dashboard to find the plug in, just go to plug ins odd new and then search for the plugging. So I will type in L. A mentor and here this the elemental page builder so I can download it already. Have it active on my wordpress installation. But this is the plugging the alternative way to find the plug in and download. A copy is just to go to the website element or don't come. So once you download the plugging, don't forget to activate it so Now let's create a new London page. So let's go to pages. Add new and let's just call this sample landing page and let's click on Publish and publish again. And now I will click on Edit with Element or So when Element or loads, you will see basically the standard, the typical it WordPress team that you are running. So to get rid of this, you click on Settings Page layout, and then you can click on element or canvas. So now we have, ah, blank page, and we can add any elements that we want to this. So if we click over here, then we have all the elements that we can at. And the way you add these elements is a simple click and drag interface. So I just added two columns here. I can add a headlining toe, one column, some texting to another column if I want. I can even a picture here, so everything is edible. And when I click on an element I can edit, of course, the content this style. So if it's a heading than I can former to the text color, the topography, the way that the heading looks and then if I click on advanced, then I have something like margin and putting, and these have to do with the layout. But every item that I add you can configure pretty much anything even more, well, responsiveness. However, I will delete these, and I'll show you an even easier way. So basically true, this editor. You can create any type off landing page that you like, and you can configure it visually anyway that you like. But if you want to add, I already existing template when you just click here at Template and you have a lot of different templates that you can select, you have templates that are pro templates. You can also add free templates, So if you're just using the free elementary plugging, you can just try it out first. So let's add something simple, like this one. Now let's update the website and let's preview it. So this is a website, which is advertising on application. But as you can see all the main London page elements three good partners here, a second call to action here, the feature section here and then the main let's say above the fold, elements heading some content call to action and a picture. But the good thing about this plugging is that everything is creditable. You don't have to code anything, and basically it's just you conform with the content, the style of the content, and then you have some advanced features. If you log into element or play around with this, you will become accustomed to this settings so you will know how to format the margins, the pad ings. And then over here also, one more thing I'll show you is you click on the responsive mode, and then you can see how the website looks, whether it's on a PC on a tablet or on a phone. And when you edit the settings, let's say on a phone, let's say we click on the style we can change the let's say size off the icon, and this will be changing the size just on the mobile display. If we click on the desktop, this will be changing the size just on the desktop. So you have this option here to click on, say, mobile display, and then you see how the website looks on an actual mobile phone and you can configure it specifically for mobile phone. So I think that is a very good feature 10. Live Example: Create Landing Page from Blank Canvas using WordPress: welcome in this lesson. I want to show you how you can easily set up a landing page without actually any coding I'm going to be using, Ah, simple click and drug interface and we're going to recreate a landing page that looks just like this. So let's just quickly review this page on the top. You have the main section, so we have a headline, some content over here, and then the main call to action, which in this case is to ask for an email address scrolling down. We have, ah, part where you can add three main benefits off the offer. Whatever it is that you're giving away. Scrolling down, I have added, I meet the coat sections that it's just a brief description about the coach and then a second call to action. So if you click this, you will be taken to the top of the screen, where you can enter your email address and then submit for what you're going to need for this is you're going to need a WordPress installation in WordPress. You will have to install the plug in cold element, or this is the easiest way to design landing pages so moving on. Go to pages, click on Add New and I'm going to give up title to this page. I'm going to select an element of Converse, and this is fine. Your dashboard will be a little bit differently because I have a certain amusing, generate press team. That's why you will not see this content over here. Okay, so the title of my page will be lesson landing page. Let's publish it. And now let's edit it with element Or so As you can see, we're starting with a blank canvas. So this is the reference for our website. So what we need to do Let's at the top section first. So this top section consists of a headline, some text under the headline and then a form to add your email address. What's added here. Okay, so what we're going to do there is one more Think I'm actually just going to print screen this and I'm going to open a double father shop. So I have opened until the photo shop and pasted my screenshot. Now, this is why because I need the color structure off this website. So first things first, I'm going to set the background. So to set the background off this part here, I need the color. So I'm just going to use the color joke picker tool. And then here I have the color. Now, you do not have to use out of the photo shopped for this. You can actually use any editing tool that has the color drop picker options so that you can find out which colors are used or you can just pick a color that you find visually pleasing. So back to L. A mentor, I'm going to edit the section and I'm going to set the background color. Now I'm going to change the color of the text going to make the color white and a content as well. Okay, I'll make this form a little bit nicer. So I'm not asking for name. I'm not asking for a message. I'm just asking for email. I don't want her to be a label and in the placeholder, something like enter your e mail address. Okay, so next thing going to limit the width off this main section to 900 I think 900 looks nicer , and I'm going to add some padding above the first element and below the last element. So I go to advanced and I'm here editing the section. Goto advanced and let's say 70 and 70. Let's make this text a little bit bigger, so go to style. Topography. Okay, bigger text. Also, I think this content should be centered. Same here. That's center it. Let's make the text a little bit bigger, okay? And then let's edit this part to make it smaller. So though a simple way to do this is to add some parting to the sites. So let's say 250 to the right and 250 to the left. And actually, I will also change this parting here so that the text isn't wider than the head actual headline. I would just say 60 and 60. Okay, think that looks much nicer, so that is pretty much the same. The only thing which I can change is the button, because I think that the orange button looks nicer. So then I go to another photo shop check which color is being used. It's co p it. Okay, so we go to style button and background color spaced it. That's that's the normal button color. Let's change the hover color as well, so I will just pay for the same color and make it a little bit darker. So when you move your mouth over, it is changing color, so it looks like it's an actual button. Okay, so this is the first part. Next we're going to add the features section. So to do this, let's add a heading. And then we also need to have a separate section. Let's say, with three columns and in each of the calls, I go back to the elements and I will add a Aiken books. Okay for change the color off these icons and of this is well, so, firstly, we have the headline here. Let's change the text color to Docker and same over here. Let's go to style for the I Come, Let's change the text color for the content for the title. This will and for the description I think can make it a little bit darker who look nicer. It's OK, so this is our first feature. So let's copy this element and let's paste it here and placed it here. Let's center this text now what? I'm going to do is we're going to add some spacing. I'm actually first limit these elements to 900. And now I will add some spacing. Spacing is very important in your landing page design because it makes the website look much nicer. Okay, so now I have two elements or two sections of the landing page. The next part that I'm going to add is the meteor outer section. So let's click here and add on intersection and we can make it a little bit like this. Firstly, let's limited to 900 as all the others. So we have two columns here in this one. We're going to add an image. Okay, let's make it a little bit smaller, okay? Maybe a little bit bigger. And then in this section, we're going to add a headline or heading and some text. So for the heading, actually, I want to use exactly the same form thing that was used for this element. So we're going to click here a copy and then paste style for the text. I want to use the same colored I used here. So let me just check the cold that I used here this so I will copy it. Go to this element. Click on style, text, color and paste. Okay, I'm not going to filling the content here, but so that it looks a little bit nicer. I would just add some more. Okay, so let's add some padding again to the top and to the bottom. And now, let's add, let's make the text. Maybe a little bit bigger. It will look nicer that way. OK, and now let's add the final section, which was the second call to action. So let's add a little heading above the button and then let's at a button. And once again, this is the way Toe added the section, and I'm going to make it 900 wide. But I'm going to center the text and center the button as well. We'll make the button a little bit bigger and I'll change the color of the button. Or actually, let's do the headline first. I will use this style again co p it and paced style for the button. I want to apply this color so that it looks nicer. And I can't remember this caller thinking I have it here. Yes, inaudible photo shop. So I'll copy the color scroll down, click on the button, go to style, background color and paste and contact his menu. Color also said how it looks when you over over it, because at this moment it doesn't change any color. So the background color let's paste it, make it a little bit darker. Okay, now changes so it looks like it actually works. And now for this section, I'm going to add some spacing. Click on advanced putting, let's say 50 and 15 and I'm going to add an anchor to this button so that when you click on it, it's crows to the top. So go back to elements and we find the element called anchor menu anchor. So we click on it and drag it to the top. And let's give this anchor a name such as I logistical top view. Actually, let's copy, Death coping, scroll down, go to the button content and here when you got the link, we're going to paste. So it's hash tag and then top view. Now, next thing that we need to do is all of the sections are actually what we're going to do is we're going to add a different background color to this section. It will look a little bit nicer. So instead of using White, I will use some sort of grey. So let's edit the section and the defection. Go to style. Let's change the background color. Okay, now So we've got a dark background here, white background here, gray background here. And then why did background here? One more thing, which I do believe we had in this place was a footer. Okay, so let's This is Wasim. It's actually just copied the text. So we're going to add another section. In this case, we're just going to add a text editor and let's copy the content of the text. So paste, let's make center it. So this is a separate section. So once again, let's set up a 900 with off the section Let's add some putting and edit section advanced. Actually, no, let's make it 30 and 20. And as this is a footer, I'm going to change the background and let's just go back to Adobe Photo Shop and I'm going to use the same background as I used for the main section of the website. So added the section go to style background type Koehler and based. Now let's change the text here so that it looks nicer. So we're editing this section. Let's click here. Style, fixed color. Okay, I would make it a little bit great. No, why? It looks better now let's update the website. Let's preview the changes. And here this you have just created a London page, and when we click here, it goes right to the top. So what I have just done is I've just recreated this landing page and it took me like, 10 minutes. And what I like about element or is that literally there is no coding required. If you are interested in creating landing pages, sales pages, any type of pages that you like, then I highly recommend you try element or I have been using it for quite a while, and I haven't seen any tool that is either simpler or cheaper to use. You only need words press because element or is a plugging toward press, but it really is a very simple and quick way to create landing pages without any colding 11. 4 Landing Page Elements that Boost Conversions: Welcome back. So far you have learned all the elements of a landing page and how to create your own landing pages. In this lesson, you will learn four key factors that will help boost your landing page conversions. The first factor is to offer a valuable proposition in your landing page. Your offer has to actually help a person. It has to be something that souls a problem. Do not just use something generic. I've seen this on blocks where a website has a sign of books titled Sign Up for Weekly Updates. There's nothing special about weekly updates. Instead, you have to give something off value, and you want to communicate this in your headline so that a person instantly knows the benefits that they will get from signing up to your newsletter or clicking on your offer. In this page, Up Work is offering a free e book. They used their heading The Fast Lane two great design. This is a little vague because from the content we learned that the e book is actually about hiring design freelancers. They do offer something of value but failed to communicate this effectively. So in this page, it's just a matter off tweaking the headline. I would suggest something like how to identify, hire and retain top freelance designers or how to hire the best freelance designers. Both of these headings are clear and offer a valuable proposition. The second factor is don't ask for unnecessary data if you are collecting a person's name, surname, address, work, information, email and phone number. While you are on Lee contacting the lead by email, then to boost your conversions, simply remove the unnecessary fields you don't want toe overcomplicate the opt in process. In some industries, the more fields you ask for, the less leads you get. Try to make your website so simple that when I user sees it, they instantly know what is expected from them. Here's on example of a landing page, which requires many fields to be filled in. This is a landing page from Salesforce, and the headline reads three ways. The right that I improved customer engagement. I think the issue in this landing pages whether all of this data in the form, whether it actually is required because a potential lead may get intimidated by all of these fields and simply exit the page In contrast, I think this type of landing page will have a much higher conversion rate. It's simple and easy to understand, and you just have to enter your name email address and then click the button. The next factor is about limiting the users escape routes so you do not want to include navigation to other pages. You want to keep your landing page as simple as possible, and if you have links to other pages, this will be a distraction to the user. Let's go back to the up work London page example. I think it's a good example off this factor because this is the full landing page and there's only one action available to the user, which is to fill out this form, which, personally, I think it is too long, and if they shortened this form, they would get, ah, higher conversion rate. But then, if we scroll up to the top, we see the logo, and this has a link to it, and if you click on it, you will go to the up work home page. This is a minor escape route, and this is acceptable on your landing pages. The final factor covered is to ensure that your landing page design matches your other marketing pages. Another way off saying this is for you to use consistent marketing materials like banners, ads, landing pages, emails and anything else that you use. So let's explore a typical user flow. They fear advertisement on Google or Facebook, or you may send them on email. They click your at and get redirected to your landing page. After they hoped in, they get redirected to your offer page. For this to apply. It means that all of these pages shoot sure design elements. Ah, user has to feel that thief pages are related for you to get higher conversions. So starting with your ad, you could use the same headline for your ad and your landing page. Once the user reaches the landing page, they sign up. You want to ensure that your offer page has similar elements to your landing page. You could use the same color structure. The thing funds a similar style of webpage. This factor is important and it's related to your branding. You do not want a customer flow in which every element looks separate, as if it was taken from a different website. So this concludes the four factors that boost your landing page Conversions applied these and you will notice a noticeable difference in the number of leads you get.