1. How To Boost Your Productivity and Stop Procrastinating Promo Video: we live in times when we are supposed to do more and more unless and last time. Being productive has become an essential skill. But trying to do everything we are expected to can be really stressful and cause procrastination. Here's how psychology can help you to boost your productivity and stop procrastinating once and for all. Inside, you will find science based tactics on how to be productive and not over tired. So don't feel exhausted, even if the work they has just begun and how to focus on one thing only to maximize your productivity and escaped the trap of multitasking and also how to stop procrastinating once and for old. Don't miss the opportunity to understand how to use psychology to boost your productivity and stop procrastinating in rolling the class, and I will see you inside.
2. 1 Get More Rest Than You Think You Should: tiredness is productivity's, and creativity is worst enemy. That is why it is vital that you develop a working routine that includes regular breaks. Most successful people work in intervals. They spend 90 minutes working and 15 to 30 minutes resting. They always try to make the most out of the morning hours because this is when the brain is most productive. They also don't work more than 4.5 hours and leave of the tasks. That, too, don't require creativity for the afternoon. No, it's best to set intervals using a timer on your smartphone, said the 90 minute work periods, 30 minutes longer. Rest periods and 15 minutes shorter rest periods and go free longer. 30 minute break if you didn't stick to the 90 minute to work routine, because you absolutely have to finish some tasks and you just couldn't abundant. The 30 minute rest will compensate the extra effort you have to put into completing the task. And this one is for the rial productivity junkies. An app called desk Time measured that 10% of the most productive workers worked for 52 minutes and arrested for 17 often socializing or exercising. I know that we live in times when we are expected to do more in less time, and it is difficult to even imagine that weaken take longer breaks. But studies show that the more we arrest, the more productive we get, and it actually takes us less time to complete certain tasks. And if you feel that setting time intervals is not your thing, try taking breaks after you've completed a certain task and to make the break last longer or shorter, depending on how much time it took you to completely given task. But that's all Nothing. You're right. I mean, we own, though the tiredness makes us less productive, less creative and more stressed. But how can you rest effectively if you either can't take longer breaks or you feel it? If you go on a break, you won't complete all your tasks on time. Well, let's first take a look at what science says about how tiredness effects. Our brain tiredness makes us more irritable and stressed, and stress leads to something called binary thinking, meaning that we see solutions to problems only as yes or no or this or that, and rest in reduces stress and enhances productivity by keeping you sharp and open to more creative problem. Solving short breaks greatly improve your concentration and productivity, so how can you make her breaks the most effective? Well, if the whole point of taking a break is to reduce stress, you need to maximize thean effectiveness of your brakes. So what to do on your break? If you're really into maximizing your productivity and creativity, do something that would relieve not on your mind but also your body. Do some simple back hands and neck stretching ticket work work outside or even around the office. If you want to keep looking busy, you can grab some papers from your desk. Now if you can look through the window and stare for a few minutes at the trees, green collar is not only call me on the eyes but also boosts creativity. And actually, studies have shown that even looking at a green piece of paper boosts creativity. So what I would like it to remember is this Go on breaks because Reston will make you more productive and will actually reduce the time needed to complete a given task. No, the second productivity tactic also involves going back to nature, but we will talk about that in the next video
3. 2 The Power Of Natural Vibrations: stress reduces productivity. That's a fact we already know. So how can you reduce stress and, at the same time, booster creativity and productivity while working? Now what you need to think about is how you can make it work in environment, closer to nature as the design of the Central Park in New York, one said. The occasional contemplation of natural scenes is favorable to the health and vigour off man. Now, what's important in terms of increasing productivity is that nature has a remarkable ability to restore attention. And this ability has seven even given a technical term as an attention restoration theory or art for short. How our brains use a lot off energy on tasks that require direct attention. And this mental fatigue can only be restored when we give our direct attention a break while working, weaken refresh direct attention by shifting our minds to an effort less from off engagement and in nature. On first, just this double type off a restorative distraction and according to different studies, working in offices where desks are surrounded by plants improves the performance on tasks that require attention. But it's not just about visual stimuli. Listening to nature sounds helps relaxing during breaks. And if you can't go outside your office, head onto YouTube, where you will find plenty of nature sounds, playlists and listen into especially any sound off. Naturally, running water like ocean waves, waterfalls or rain reduces muscle tension and lowers the heart rate. Of course, not all nature sounds will make you relaxed. If you expose yourself to too much of zoo sounds or bird calling, you'll find it distracting or annoying. It's a good idea to mix Nature sounds up to simulate their natural environment. And for that you could try a platform called noise li dot com, where you can choose to which nature sounds you would like to listen to. You don't even have to sign up here. All you need to do is to either click on the icon that represents a certain sound or click on this productivity bottom to let the computer decided which sounds to play. Great thing about it is that you can click on different icons, depending on which sounds you would like to listen to, you know, just to mix things up. So definitely take a look. A noise li dot com So far we talked quite a lot why nature helps in increasing productivity through better rest. And one of the reasons this makes sense is the fact that human beings kind of subconsciously a sick connections with the rest of life. And this phenomenon is called bio filia. And he's one of the main explanations why people rest the best when they reconnect with nature. So what I would like it to remember is this Looking at nature or listen into it sounds, reduces stress and that allows us to think more clearly, be more resilient and come up with creative solutions for our problems. So next stop will talk about the trap off multitasking and how to escape from it.
4. 3 The Productivity Costs of Multitasking: our brains are designed to focus on one thing at a time, and bombarding them with information on Lee slows them down. In fact, human brain uses more energy to switch from one task to another than it uses on working on just one task. Let's take a look at what science says about the real cost of multitasking. First of all, what multitasking Your brain switches between two stages. The 1st 1 is called to gold shift in meaning that you want to do this now instead of something else, and the other is called rule activation, meaning that you are turning on the rules for something and that you are turning off the rules for something else. Well, this gonna be helpful. Multitasking gets costly in terms of time and energy, and when you have to switch between more difficult or especially unfamiliar tasks, the time needed to perform such actions while multitasking increases by 40%. Now, if we agree that it's more important to be productive than to be active, multitasking is one of productivity is worst enemies and this constant two tasks, which and encourages bad brain habits. When you completely tani task, for instance, you send an email, answer a text message or post a tweet. You're hit with a wave of dopamine at the reward hormone, and our breads love dopamine. And so we're encouraged to keep switching between small, old, many tasks that give us instant gratification and more and more of dopamine. It makes us feel like we're accomplishing a ton when we really not doing much at all, or at least nothing requiring much critical thinking. Knowing all this, it's easy to understand why so many people claim that checking their email Twitter or Facebook is their addiction. Switching between tasks has also other serious drawbacks. It increases the production of cortisol on the stress hormone. When your brain constantly shifts gears, it pumps up stress and tires you out. It can make you feel mentally exhausted even when the work day has just begun, and it also makes your I Q drop. And it's no joke. Studies have shown that multitasking causes like you to drop, especially in the case of men whose I Q can drop even by 15 points. And that's a lot. It just like you skipped a whole night's sleep. This happens partly from our addiction to information. Scientists have discovered that the dopamine neurons in our brain treat information as a reward, and in the world where information can be obtained easily and from an abundance of sources , were naturally attracted to distractions. And this leads to what scientists refer to as information seeking behavior. Our mind graves relevant information. Now it's easy to explain all this to yourself, but how to explain it to your boss or your toddler? So how to multitask if you absolutely have to? First of all, you need to eliminate as many distractions as possible. For instance, closer email inbox and check it twice a day or even disconnect from the Internet. You can work on related tasks to create patterns off tasks, so try to find those which relate to each other, and you can create a routine. If you have a regular task, do it at the same time in the same way every day to create a habit. Even if you can't really focus on it, it will be easier to do if you have to. So remember this multitasking is not for people who want to be productive. Your brain uses more energy to switch between tasks than to resolve one given task. Also, the time needed to perform difficult or unfamiliar tasks increases by 40% So forget about multitasking if you want to be productive.
5. 4 How To Stop Procrastinating Once And For All: if you were ever favoring more enjoyable or simpler tasks to the last enjoyable and more difficult once you were procrastinating and maybe you were beating yourself over it, thinking, I can never get anything important. Donald Time. Well, according to science in stature Fold. It's simply how the human brain works. Procrastination is actually a gain. Your brain is playing with you. So here are some tips and techniques that will hopefully allow you to win at this game. Now the best way to bid procrastination is to start somewhere like anywhere. As Pythagoras once put it. The beginning is the half off. All our brain has the habit of envisioning the huge workload of an upcoming task. It also tends to focus on the most difficult parts of it, and this is where procrastination comes in. As we try to avoid the hard work, we come up with reasons for not doing it and trick ourselves into thinking that we're busy . Just starting, though, triggers or bring in a different way. Your brain needs a conclusion, so if you just start, it will bring you back to the unfinished task and let you finish it. Studies conducted in the early 19 twenties have shown that people tend to remember a better the things they didn't finish, especially when they were interrupted rather than things that have concluded. It's the same way that cliffhangers are utilized to keep us coming back to Our favorite TV shows were waiting for the next episode because this story was interrupted and our brain wants a conclusion, and it's the same with your tasks. Just start and your brain will overcome the first hurdle. As we already know your brain will give you lots and lots off objections for not to start a task that seems difficult and starting is the major factor of killing those objections. I guess the most common of them would be the time needed to complete it and its complexity . So if this is the case, try this shitty first draft approach. It's a technique that some bloggers used to overcome the writer's block, and it's about coming up with some ideas. Some sentences there are far from being perfect. The purpose here is to force our rent to come up with a conclusion which would be a block post in this case. So if you feel overwhelmed by the very thought of the workload of the upcoming task. Just try to come up with a sherry draft, meaning gather at least a part of the required data. You will re programme your brain and make it realize that the job is not that difficult. And it doesn't take that much time to complete the main idea of this making the first step technique can be also very useful when you have to deal with some unresolved issues. No outstanding, like minor issues, can be sitting in the back of your head for days. Preventing you from being is Aziz productive as you could be if your energy wasn't drained by some distraction. So to free up your brain resource is make a plan of dealing with those issues, and it's best to do it in writing. The best form would be would be a to do list written in the evening for the next day. This will make your brain work on the solution while you are sleeping. Psychologists suggest that crossing off the tests from their to do list has numerous benefits for overall productivity. For instance, it provides an instant sensation off time, well used but it also frees up your intellectual and emotional resource is and that have been held back. So remember this. Procrastination is a game that your brain is playing with you, and your best strategy to win is to just start. Even if it means a sheet. A first draft, it will make your brain started, look for closure and give you solutions instead of holding you back. So the next time you'll be doodling on a post it instead of getting the job done, just notice it and say to yourself, Hey, brain, this time I will win.
6. 5 In Conclusion: psychology has some great tips. When you want to be more productive or can stop procrastinating, remember to risk more than you think you should. Just tiredness will decrease your productivity more than anything else and go out for breaks, exercise or contemplate nature to restore your focus and abilities. Also, forget about multitasking if you want to becoming productive ity superstar. Focus on one task and avoid the trap off instant gratification that consumer information provides and you say called it to win with your brain at a game off procrastination. The easiest way to win Let's through starting the task and letting your brain finish the job for you. So remember that each situation is different, so you'll have to experiment. And it's just these techniques, so they suit your needs the best. And I really hope that these techniques and tips will prove helpful to you. It would be great if you want to share your thoughts how you're planning on using them to boost your productivity. Now, if you like this class, please give it a thumbs up and see you in the next class. My name is David Tyminski