Google Data Studio: How to create a scheduled email delivery to share reports? | Lachezar Arabadzhiev | Skillshare

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Google Data Studio: How to create a scheduled email delivery to share reports?

teacher avatar Lachezar Arabadzhiev, Founder and CEO @SkildLabs

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    • 1.



    • 2.

      How to schedule e-mail delivery for a report?


    • 3.

      What does the delivered e-mail look like?


    • 4.

      How to customize your e-mail delivery cadence even further?


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About This Class

Wondering how to share your Google Data Studio reports with clients or teammates? You can easily automate the sharing of your reports and dashboards by creating a personalized e-mail schedule in Google Data Studio. For example, sending an e-mail every Thursday or Saturday to your senior leadership. This can be especially important for digital agencies and large corporate clients, where the timing related to report delivery is sensitive. This class walks your through the entire process.

Meet Your Teacher

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Lachezar Arabadzhiev

Founder and CEO @SkildLabs


Hey there! I'm Lachezar Arabadzhiev and for the past five years, I have helped companies harness the power of data, visual storytelling, and education in a variety of ways to drive business growth and innovation. I began my career as a digital marketer at Microsoft but soon transitioned to the audience and analytics world, where I had the opportunity to work with major brands including Air Canada, RBC, Walmart, Kimberly-Clark, StackAdapt, LinkedIn, Mazda, and HSBC. In addition, I am the owner of the Data Studio Canada educational website.

Throughout all that time, I always loved teaching and developing learning programs for my colleagues and friends. That passion materialized in early 2021 in the form of a brand new company that I was luckily enough to start.

I am current... See full profile

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1. Introduction: Hey, there latches are here and welcome to another video from my serious and data visualization would Google Data Studio. In this class, we're going to talk about how to schedule e-mails so you can conveniently send them to your clients, partners, and anybody who has an internal stakeholder in your company. We're going to dig deeper into how to set up specific cadences. So we will learn how to share your reports in the best possible way. Now let's dive in. 2. How to schedule e-mail delivery for a report?: We're going to start by creating a brand new report. So I'm going to click Create right here and then clicking a report. It's going to load for a little bit. And then we're going to get into the connector page. So we're gonna go my data sources. And as always, we're going to pick Google Analytics data. So this is really the dataset that Google has provided as a sample. Every Google Data Studio account has it. So we're going to click on here, add. And then there's going to be another prompt to report again. And what's going to happen is we're going to get this table here. Now, let's build a couple of charts in our report. Because later on that will really show when we're scheduling that email. So I'm going to take this and put it here in the middle, maybe a bit lower, a bit lower. And then let's do something else. Maybe let's do a time series chart. Let's click on time series chart. Will select it right here, will expand right away. And then we're going to select both of these by clicking on the Shift. Scroll a little bit down. And then perhaps we can do a scorecard just so we sum up the entire report. So we're going to do a scorecard here in the left corner. And as you can see, I'm not changing any of the metrics. It really comes with the default metrics. We have new users in this scorecard is also new users, and then we have page title. It's fairly simple. Now the last touch that we're gonna do here is just so we're seeing the same, you and me are seeing the same data when you're watching the video, we're going to add a control. And that's going to be a date range control. And we're going to add it here on the top. And we're going to pick the entire month of May 2021. So starting on a Saturday and ending on a Monday, I'll click Apply. And now we have all the data that we're going to need. Now we have a couple of charts and a visual representation. Let's see how we can schedule an e-mail and delivery for your clients or anybody that wants to view the reporting of specific cadence. So I'm gonna go here on share, but not the exact button, just the little arrow here. And there's a lot of different options, but we're gonna do is schedule E-mail delivery. So this is really the interface of the scheduling service, fairly simple from is the name of the account. In this case, I've created a demo account. So whatever you selected in Gmail is FirstName, LastName. That is what's going to appear here. Now to your always include it. Similar to an e-mail. You're always included as the recipient. So once the email is sent, you will also receive it. Now add additional recipients. You could put any other type of e-mail. So I can go to a latch show at Data Studio dot ca. And so that immediately becomes one of the recipients. We can leave it as it is. Or we can also customize the e-mail subject and message. And we'll click here on Customize subject. And the subject of the actual e-mail could be report for Business meeting, perhaps Q1 to Q3. So you'll be receiving these emails from Q1 to Q3 at a specific cadence. And for the message we can put in preparation for the meeting. And then maybe I can also correct my grammar, right? So you have the message. The last touch here is the start time. When are you actually going to start sending this? So let's say I would like to send it on a Monday at 830 minutes before everybody gets into the office maybe. And then this is giving me the time here. So Eastern Time, New York, really, in your case, you'll have to make sure that you pick the right timing if you were doing a global report and this is really based on the timing and the zone country. Then you've set up in your Google Data Studio account when you are creating it. The last part is repeat here, and that's really the cadence. And so in this video we're going to explore the weekly one and the default ones. And so daily you are, as it says, every day you will be getting this report at 830. And that's what's selected by default. Now you can do weekly on Mondays. So every week on a Monday, you'll be getting better report monthly on the second Monday. So that's the second Monday. And then the last one here is every weekday. So for us to receive it today, just to see a little test, we'll click daily and we'll select my case, we'll select 730. And then we'll click on schedule. And there we have it. So your email is scheduled and in seventh at 730, that email is going to arrive. 3. What does the delivered e-mail look like?: Right? So if I click back here on the share and then click on schedule E-mail delivery Would this is giving me is really a summary of what we just configured. So you have one email delivery per report. So if I want to create a brand new one, I'll have to click Edit schedule. Now let's see what the actual e-mail looks like. So I've send the e-mail, I've scheduled it in advance. So if I'll go into Gmail and the inbox, and here it is. So you'll have demo account by google. Then you'll have the headline here. So the subject line report for Business meeting, that's what we set up, Q1, Q3. And then you can click on it. Now, you get the message first. So there's the little message that we made, it's untitled report because it was brand new. And then we're going to come in right here and look at the PDF. So what happens is Google Data Studio pre-packaged is I'll report into a PDF and it takes pretty much a snapshot of the current view. So as you can see here, it's May 1st, 2021, May 31st, 2021. So whenever you're setting up the scheduling, make sure that you pick the date range because that's what's going to be send really. Unless you're doing the more dynamic options which are we're going to explore later on. And also it might be worth mentioning that the Google Data Studio team recently introduced a feature where if there was an error with your reporting and never arrives, you get reply back. So at least you would know if the client or team made I've received the record. So we'll go back now in the Data Studio one. And in the next video, we're going to explore the custom options. 4. How to customize your e-mail delivery cadence even further?: Now let's see the custom option. So we're going to go back here, click on the little arrow and click on schedule E-mail delivery. And we're basically going to edit what we've set up previously. And I click Edit. And then in the repeat here, we're going to keep everything else the same and the repeat, we're going to add custom. And so what happens here is you have a very visually appealing structure. You can click on the actual cadence. So it's every one. Or you can select the number day, week, month, and the 14 day month on the second Monday. So the interesting part is when we click on Week and we get this extra menu. So you could select, for example, every third week, and then it gives you every three weeks, it pretty much changes it here. And then on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you can even de-select dates or pick multiples here. So this is really, really useful because you can really customize this email delivery in any type of way. So if you just want one email on a Wednesday and then one on a Saturday, because you have specific KPIs to monitor, you can easily click on these and save. And that's pretty much going to update the schedule. And you're going to receive a similar email to what we saw with just the daily cadence. And with that, you've made a delivery schedule for your reports.