Google Analytics 4 with Supermetrics | Lachezar Arabadzhiev | Skillshare

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Google Analytics 4 with Supermetrics

teacher avatar Lachezar Arabadzhiev, Founder and CEO @SkildLabs

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      Configuring the Supermetrics Google Analytics 4 Connector


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About This Class

In this class, we are going to explore the Supermetrics Google Analytics 4 connector and see how it can help you deliver better results for your business. Often, web analytics tools such as Google Analytics can provide us with great insights on how our website is performing. However, they can also be overwhelming and confusing due to the abundance of data points available.

This is why, it’s important to curate your insights in an effective way. All exercises in this class are going to use a Google Analytics 4 Data Studio template created by Supermetrics themselve, so you will be able to get a first-hand experience in how to spot a good insight!

That being said, if you are a “how-to guide” type of a person, I have put together a written alternative! For those of you who are going to be watching, this is a link to the Google Analytics 4 template – HERE

Meet Your Teacher

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Lachezar Arabadzhiev

Founder and CEO @SkildLabs


Hey there! I'm Lachezar Arabadzhiev and for the past five years, I have helped companies harness the power of data, visual storytelling, and education in a variety of ways to drive business growth and innovation. I began my career as a digital marketer at Microsoft but soon transitioned to the audience and analytics world, where I had the opportunity to work with major brands including Air Canada, RBC, Walmart, Kimberly-Clark, StackAdapt, LinkedIn, Mazda, and HSBC. In addition, I am the owner of the Data Studio Canada educational website.

Throughout all that time, I always loved teaching and developing learning programs for my colleagues and friends. That passion materialized in early 2021 in the form of a brand new company that I was luckily enough to start.

I am current... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: In this project, we're going to explore the super metrics, Google Analytics for connector, and see how it can help you deliver better results for your business. Often, web analytics tools such as Google analytics, can provide us with great insights on how our digital properties are performing. However, they can also be overwhelming and confusing due to the abundance of data points available. This is why it's important to curate your insights in an effective way so you can get the most out of your data. All exercise in this project are going to use the Google Analytics for Data Studio template created specifically by a supersymmetric steam. So you can get first-hand experience in how to split a good insight. Let's dive right in. 2. Configuring the Supermetrics Google Analytics 4 Connector: A step one, we're going to configure the Google Analytics for super metrics connected. And what we have to do to start is log into Google Data Studio and configure a new data source. So I'll click Create here, data source. And I'm going to be navigated to the Connector page. So all I have to do is type Google Analytics for. And there's only really two options. One is that Google Analytics for, provided by super metrics is the only one in the other thing is Google Analytics just a native connector provided by Google, which is the traditional one. So I'm going to click here on Google, on old explore, and I'm going to get into the setup page. Now the setup page is a few steps ahead. And before you get to this stage, there might be some prompts for authentication. It's really you are allowing super metrics to access data from Google Analytics for so you are authenticating normally we do G-mail that's associated with your Google Analytics account. So I've done that. It's fairly easy. You punch in your password, you allow, and you get to this stage. And this one is also fairly straightforward. You can click select accounts here. There's a few options. So Google has really created a demo account, if you will. It's called the Google merchandise store. You've probably used it in the past. They headed for the traditional Universal Analytics. But they've created a GIF for version of property that you can use to test out different, you know, different data. So we're not going to use this one. This time. We're going to use the w plus a Data Studio Canada. This is one of my websites that I have some data in and I'm using it is I just wanted to highlight that Google Analytics or used to be called a web app. That's why you see the abbreviation here. And that's when I created it and then they renamed it to Google Analytics for the mater, the new interface that has a different look, a different style. And Google is trying to create basically a new type of web analytics and advanced their current setup. So we're going to use this one just for this exercise. Well, you have to do is click it. We're not going to tick this box. We don't need to modify any of the existing accounts. And then here on the bottom you have USE report template for new reports. Now, this one, if you keep it ticked unchecked, you will get the super metrics template for Google Analytics Core, which is great. And what we're gonna do is we're actually going to use that template, but we're gonna get to it in a different way. I just want to show you a different way. We can configure it, copy it, and set it up. So the easiest ways obvious, even keep this checked. It will automatically connect. I'll uncheck it for now. Just so you see the process. And we're going to click connect here. I'm going to take a couple of seconds for Data Studio to progress. And we're, we're getting is immediately we're seeing the schema. And as usual, the schema is really well transcribed. You have descriptions against every single dimension and metric. As you can see, it's really well done. And it really allows you to know what every dimension and metric is about. Because a lot of the interconnectors and normally the need of connectors don't have those descriptions as detailed as super metrics provides them. Now, the last piece here is we're just going to rename this to GA for in brackets, Data Studio Canada. So that's my website. Just so it reminds us what's what's the title and what we're working on. And I'm going to go back here to Data Studio, the data source tab. I just wanted to check if it's created. So yes, J4 dynasty of Canada, we have that data source. So that's great. Now what we're gonna do is I've opened it in a new tab, but you'll be able to find it in the article below. This is where we're going to access the Google Analytics for template. So just check the link and below and you'll see, you can click it and you'll get exactly to the patient I am right now. What you can see here is this is Google Analytics floor and there's a bit of an explanation about the connectors you click Start for each while you have 14 days free trial to test that out. Test edited real data. And there's a couple of other things that are around the benefits of Google Analytics for connector, what are all the metrics and dimensions? And if you want to explore other connectors. Now, here in the middle where the data toaster is. On the left side, there is Get Template. So we're going to click on that. And that is what's going to load the super metrics. Now, it's fairly well-designed. It takes some time because there's a bunch of graphics and there's a lot of data preloaded already. So if I click stream name, I'll see super metrics website. They've probably done some sort of a demo data there, stream ID and then channel web app. Great. We're going to use that data. You can use it for protests. But this point, we just want to see how we're going to copy the template as well. So I'm going to click on Use template. You see the original data source. So that's super metrics one. And we're going to change it to, in my case, J4 Data Studio Canada. You can change it to anything you want. You can put your own, you can put the J4, probably the merchandise store. Or for this exercise, you can just keep it as what you're seeing in Google Analytics for, for the super metrics template basically. So we're going to click this one, copy a report. And Google Analytics for is going to be configured and Data Studio and a couple of seconds. So you can see take some time because it is heavy and it will depend on your internet connection, the beginning, but there we go, We have it done. And so I can edit this report. That way I'll edit any type of dashboard. But we're not going to really get into the editing. We're really going to get into what this template can provide you in terms of getting to know the web performance of your business. For just a couple of seconds, you can spot a couple of really cool things here. So this is my data and I'll click View. And I'll zoom out a little bit here just so you can see the full report, perhaps maybe this one. And let's explore it. So it's from January is quarter one, normally. January 1st to March 31st. That's what's selected here. There's only one stream name, there's devices. But we're going to look into a few of the key metrics so I can see the total users is 4 thousand users. I have growth over the previous quarter and that was from December. Great new users. I can see that most of these uses are new, so it looks great. And also on the chart here, you can see the active users are pretty steady. Every day. You have a law of 28 days active users, so a lot of people are probably returning. And then the seven days active users are very close to what we're seeing with the active users. So here you can pretty much see just the visualization in terms of a time series or just the user. So no sales of this point, no conversions, just users. Now, if I come down here, the cool thing about this template is that cohort analysis is something that it's stuff to do. You have to create J segments and apply them in Data Studio and configure it in your own way. And sometimes it's only available in the Google Analytics console. And as you can see here, month 000, or you have a lot of people coming in. And those people are not necessarily coming back in the same percentages in month 1 and 2. So February and March. Now normally you like you would see that in websites that are not. So if this was an econ website where you're purchasing or let's say Amazon and you're coming back in to consume the content and purchase something. Probably, it will probably have higher numbers here, but it really will depend on your website. The critical thing here is you can see what's the flow immediately. And you can visualize it in terms of active users. Now the more interesting part and the specialty around Google Analytics for is the conversion breakdown. So I can click here on this button and this button is configured to go and second page. So there's three pages on this template. The conversion breakdown. And what I'm seeing, it's a cool thing is because we will start from the bottom here, top events. So google Analytics floor has changed the lingo that we use when it comes to goals and conversions. And they're focused on these events, which as you probably know, we had event category, event label in the normal GA, and that's how we're seeing if something is triggered. They're making everything into an event. So a page view, they're making these events within Google Analytics. And a lot of them they start tracking from the beginning, the default ones. So it's almost like once you create it, you don't have to do any other setup once you configure Google Analytics for, it's pretty much set up for you. And what I can see you're in top events is session start page views. As you can see, these are page views but they're qualified as events. First visit user engagement, scroll click, View search results. So this is pretty cool that I can see the active users associated the event count and I can see per user how many events they had. And obviously you can continue adding. If you have an e-commerce and enter something else that you want to see. And the other cool thing is when you are in Google Analytics for you could click on conversion and assign that event as a conversion. It's just like a little toggle. Once you click it, it becomes a goal or a conversion. So it's much more, J4 is much more intuitive, faster, and it avoids you having to do any crazy implementations for basic website to capture. You know, if you just need these events, That's fine. Ga will set them up for you and you don't have to do anything further. Now page path is you can slice and dice this based on the page that you want to see these events for. So that's great. I can just click on maybe custom bidding or top five, most used article. I can see the active users associated with each one clicks, scroll and et cetera. And then because we filtered, adhered filtered on top. But I'm just going to unfilter. And here we're seeing the page paths. So the page paths are every single page that you have on the website and the active users, the views of the page. Now the cool thing about this is that you could use the super metrics Connector, connect Google Analytics to any choice of data visualization. In these cases, Data Studio and very quickly get a snapshot of what's going on with your blog or an e-commerce website. And obviously I'm using a template. It's fairly simple and gives you top-line performance conversion breakdown. So in a couple of minutes, we actually managed to do this thing and we have a fully functioning dashboard. We have the data flowing correctly and we have Google Analytics or linked to a data visualization. Obviously, you can build on top of this and create your own visualizations. But the great thing about the connectors that you don't have to worry about when the data is being fetched. Are the dimensions there? Are they correctly parse? Is their description surround them, what do they mean? All these little details, the super metrics connector takes care of that. So you can really focus on building the dashboard and finding insights.