1. Introduction: You're here because you want to get unstuck and beat procrastination for once and for all. That's awesome, because that's exactly what I'm going to teach you how to do. I'm curious, there's two major ways that most people procrastinate. There's that one way where we are getting so much done. We're getting actually everything, cleaning the house, or organizing the drawers, or we're busy. We're busy doing everything but that thing we got to do. The second one is like, oh no, I'm not cleaning the house and running around doing all this stuff. Oh my god, I can't do anything. I'm just like, I can't even get off the couch. I'm so unmotivated right now. Now, the truth is actually most of us experience a little bit above. Whether you're busy doing everything or you can't get yourself to do anything. How can you overcome that and get going on those projects that are important to you? My name is Jill McABE. I'm the founder of an agency called, Boom-U. We help freelancers, coaches, creatives artist, set up a really valuable teaching, coaching businesses and grow them. I'm also the best selling author of a book called, It's Go Time. It's Go Time, teaches a step-by-step system for how to go from stuck to unstoppable in business and life. Before I started my agency or wrote my book, I used to make my living, teaching high performance skills to executives and entrepreneurs and forward thinking organizations. Over the years that I worked in those organizations, 100 percent of the managers, the CEOs, the supervisors, everybody I worked with on every level, would ask me at some point or another about procrastination and how to overcome it. As I worked with my clients over the years, I discovered that there are actually a number of reasons that we procrastinate. How you're going to overcome procrastination is going to depend a lot on what's causing you to procrastinate. It's that old saying, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In this class, you are going to learn what is going on in your brain when you procrastinate. You're going to learn how to work with your subconscious to get going on your goals. You're going to learn a very cool trick called, the dopamine drip trick to get yourself going. We are going to take a look at a number of the situational reasons that you might be procrastinating and some situations specific overcomes that you can apply. This class is for absolutely anyone who has ever procrastinated. If you're an entrepreneur or procrastinating on doing something for one of your clients or a freelancer procrastinating on getting that job done. If you are an employee or manager in an organization with a fast, looming deadline that you can't bring yourself to do the work. Or you're just at home and you want to get going on cleaning the house or reorganizing a closet. Whatever it is, this class is going to help you have a really good look at why you're not getting going on a project and it's going to teach you how to move forward. Whether you're that person doing everything but that thing that you're supposed to do or you're doing nothing at all, take this class if you want to get up and get going and make your goals happen.
2. Why You Procrastinate: Let's dive in. Let's get you unstuck in beating procrastination for once and for all. Lesson number 1 is, why you procrastinate in the first place? If you're going to take charge of your goals, you really want to understand what's going on in your brain that's causing you to procrastinate in the first place, because when you do understand what's going on, on a cognitive level, you're going to be really empowered to imply the techniques that I'm teaching you in this course. In this lesson, we're going to cover conscious goals versus subconscious goals. We're going to talk about which goals are in charge and we're going to talk about how to start taking charge. Now, conscious versus subconscious goals. I'm going to touch on this lightly in this video. For you science buffs who want a little bit more behind this, I have another course here on the platform called Subconscious Goal Setting for Rapid Results. Go check out that course where I give a full lesson on the neuroscience of success. Here, I'm going to do a fast recap that's going to be sort of the minimum we need to know to get into getting unstuck with these procrastination techniques. For starters, you have two different types of goals, we all do. We have conscious goals and subconscious goals. In fact, every time you're procrastinating it's you can see in action because in your mind you're thinking like, oh I'd really like to be doing this, but you're actually doing something else. Well, that's an example of two sets of goals simultaneously having friction in your brain. As you probably guessed, your subconscious goals are the ones that are in charge. Neuroscience has discovered and multiple studies have shown that everything we do starts with a goal and I mean, everything like it starts whether what we say, what we do, what we see is all starting on a cognitive level with a goal in our brain. What's interesting is that it's been found that these are starting with subconscious and not conscious goals. Something like it was milliseconds to 23 seconds in advance of our conscious brains becoming aware of what we're going to say or things that we see or what we do, neuroscience has been able to see that it's the subconscious brain that triggers these things. I've taught this material enough to think you might be thinking, wait, wait, wait a second what Gel, come on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Seriously, these are subconscious goals, there's no way that spending too much time surfing the Internet or on social media, how could that be a goal? That makes no sense. Or there's no way that sitting around watching too much TV, there's just no way that can be a goal of mine, I don't understand this, and there's no way that whatever, spending too much time on email can be a goal. I know it's kind of odd, but, yeah, they are goals. I want to talk to you about how it works. Maybe think of your conscious and subconscious like the conscious will be the boss standing at the head of that table and your subconscious will be all the workers sitting at the table. Think of it this way, it's actually your conscious brain that is giving all the instructions to your subconscious, your subconscious is not coming up with stuff on its own. Your subconscious brain is carrying out the instructions. But here's the thing, just like employees are not just listening to a boss at special meetings, they're listening to their boss all the time, your subconscious brain is listening to your conscious brain all the time. Meaning, every time you think a negative thought, your subconscious is actually recording that as a goal. If you say like, oh I feel lazy, your subconscious is going, oh got it, be lazy, or if your subconscious is going like, I don't know if I know how to do that, your subconscious is like, good got it don't know how to do that. Taking everything really at face value and that's what makes this tricky, but you can start taking charge. We're going to talk about how. Of course, this is how you're going to overcome procrastination. You absolutely can take charge of this, but of course you need to understand how to take charge of it. We need to start telling our subconscious what we want. We need to start consciously programming our subconscious, and this is doable, but one more thing you need to know is that the conscious and subconscious speak different languages and so if we're going to be successful at programming, we have to use the language that the subconscious understands. What language does the conscious use? The conscious uses spoken words. It uses concepts like the ones I'm teaching now and ideas, these are all things that happen in your conscious brain. But your subconscious that's running the show minute-to-minute, it basically makes its decisions based on emotions, and feelings, and imagery, and the senses. As we move through the rest of this, getting unstuck training, we're going to be taking this underlying knowledge of the power of your conscious to program, but the control of your subconscious to run the day-to-day show and I'm going to show you how to use this knowledge to get unstuck, beat procrastination and achieve what you want. I'll see you in the next video.
3. Learn to Program Your Subconscious: Okay. Now it's time for Lesson 2. We know that our subconscious goals are in charge. Now it's time to get ready to talk to your subconscious. If you're not doing what you want to be doing, it's time to tell your subconscious what you want. To do that, you're going to learn to speak subconscious. We're going to pick up on what you learned about these two different languages. You're going to learn to use that in such a way so that when you do have something that you consciously want, that you're thinking about it, that how do you communicate this in a fast, effective way to your subconscious, because as we talked about, your subconscious is always listening to your conscious. It's not just when you're planning to talk to it, it's all the time. We're going to talk about how to speak these different languages. The next time you find yourself procrastinating, here as one of your techniques. You're going to just notice like, hey, look, I'm not doing what I want to do to move my life forward. You're going to do something called state and then translate. So the first step is stating. You're there during your actively procrastinating. You're doing something other than what you need to do to make your life better. You're just going to start by thinking of what you want. I just want you to think in your conscious brain like, okay, what do I want to be doing right now? That thinking is very much the domain of your conscious. Once you really think of what you want to be doing, I want you to translate it by thinking of why you want to do it? When you start to think of why, you start to think of like, well, what's going on here? That starts to get it in to your subconscious. Let's dive a little further in to that concept because that's really really going to empower you to start getting your conscious and subconscious goals all lined up, so they're not different you're moving yourself towards getting what you want in life. Your subconscious will start to tune in if you ask questions like these. You can ask, all right, so you've thought of your goal. Now just ask yourself, what will happen to me if I achieved this? Really, why do I want to do this? You could go on and say, "Well, what good will come to me?" You could make it even deeper. Like sometimes we're like, I do a project and then my boss is like, the boss like that project and then it's like it can come to me, oh, I might get a promotion or I might get arrays, or I might get a better job somewhere else or could be school. What good will come to me? I'll get better. We can just think of these different things and then take it that step further. Like what will happen if that happens? Now, the idea here is that you just keep going and you try to think like, what else will happen if I do this thing that I want to do? Like what else will happen? The reason I want you to keep asking about all of these nice things that could happen to you, if you do this thing you're procrastinating on, is because it creates positive emotions? When you start to think about all the good things that can happen from a project that you're procrastinating on, you're actually evoking your subconscious' language. You're actually speaking in those senses, right? That emotion, that mental imagery, the senses touch that we talked about earlier. These are all things that you're tapping into as you think about why you want to do something that you've been putting off. Really powerful. First strategy for sure whenever you're procrastinating is to get your subconscious onboard and connect that thing you want to do with the reason you want to do it. When you keep asking like, what else will be the benefit and what else will be the benefit? You're going to tap. You're going to start to feel the emotions of the good things that could come. It's those emotions and mental imagery that are really going to get your subconscious to go, oh, yeah, I got it. I hear what you're saying to me. That is your strategy, your technique number one, stay tuned and we'll jump into the next video and keep building.
4. Double Down: Now we're ready to add a little power. You've already got your first technique underway. You know, that you need to think of what you want and why you want it and all of the wonderful things that will happen for you when you achieve it. But now I'm going to teach you how to double down on talking to your subconscious for really important goals. Because sometimes even that's not enough. We want to get your subconscious to really, really listen to you. For that, we're going to talk a little bit more about the brain, specifically the Amygdala. What is the Amygdala? You've probably heard of this part of the brain. That little tiny red speck indicates where it is and it actually has a lot to do with making decisions about how you spend your time. Now, in addition to helping you get good things that you were doing in the last training in the last video we were talking about like, well, why do you want that? What good things will happen? In addition to being interested in you having this good stuff happen, it's also very, very interested in keeping you safe. In fact, it's one of its primary functions. If you've ever heard about, and I suspect you have this phrase, "Fight, flight, or freeze". It is in fact the Amygdala. This is the same part of your brain that I'm talking about, that is really interested in protecting you. Now, here's the thing. This part of your brain wants to keep you safe from predators and most of us have heard of that. We know that if a saber-toothed tiger or whatever would come after us then our Amygdala will say, "Hey, let's get out of the way." But what fewer people know is that it also keeps us safe from emotionally stressful situations. If you're working on something and it like the Amygdala, things that harm might come to you if you don't do it, it will actually be more interested in helping you shift to your active goal. Let's talk about how you activate your Amygdala. Think about what we did in the last lesson. You thought of your goal, you stated it, and then you started saying, "Well what will happen and why do I want that", you thought of all these good things and now you're just going to be the opposite. You're going to double down here and do the opposite. You're going to say, "Well, what will happen if I don't achieve this goal?" Yeah, it's a little negative and I know that. It is a high performance trick though, because you're getting from your conscious to your subconscious brain. Then you're just going to really play that out actually can be a bit of a downer or odd minute, but you say, "Okay, what harm could come to me if I don't achieve this goal?" If you can't do it smarter, you'll start to say, "Okay, well what will happen if that happens?" What else, and what else? Now look, I know that this could be a bit of a downer for you. You could be like, "Oh my God, who knows what could happen?" Some not very good things could happen, but that is really stimulating your Amygdala. In fact, I'm being really technically here, the part of your brain that's making decisions about how you spend your time. It's very involved in those decisions. If your Amygdala understands, this is a part of your subconscious, that working toward a goal will save you from harm. It is a hard wired to help you do that. This is an incredibly powerful technique if thinking of the positive outcomes alone is not been enough to get unstuck. This is technique number two, you're going to activate your Amygdala. You're really going to get it going by thinking about all the negatives that could happen. I promise the rest of the things that you're going to learn will be more fun. But this is a powerful technique and I would be failing you if I didn't share it, even if it is a little uncomfortable to do this one. Okay. We'll jump into the next training and you'll learn some things that are more fun.
5. The Dopamine Drip: We're at lesson number 4, and you know why you procrastinate, because your subconscious always does what it wants. You know that your subconscious and your conscious brain can have different goals. You know how to speak to your subconscious, using the subconscious language and getting your brain really like, "Yes, this is really important. All these good things will happen. Yeah, all these bad things will happen." You've doubled down, and maybe you're still procrastinating. If that's the case, then I can't wait to share this one with you. I call it the dopamine drip, as you can see, and I want you to get ready for a dopamine hit. I use this one all the time and it's all fun. First of all, what is dopamine? Dopamine body creates serotonin and dopamine. Oftentimes we just talk about the dopamine, but there's a combination of different things that you really enjoy and gives it to you when you're doing stuff you enjoy. You may have heard that you get this when you're exercising, you get it when you do things that you like. But you also get serotonin and dopamine when you work toward a goal that your subconscious is aware of. You actually get dopamine for that as long as the subconscious is aware. One of the ways to get unstuck and get going on something if you're procrastinating, is to a technique to actually start your dopamine drip. You can actually get this started, and it has this awesome chain reaction. So on your marks, get set. I'm going to teach you how to do this. When you find you're stuck and [inaudible] thought about your goal and you know why it's important, and you've thought about the risks of not doing it, make sure that you've done that's, always your starting place. Then if you're still can't do it, then what I want you to do is take one tiny action towards your goal. I want you to convince yourself to do something teeny, teeny, teeny, teeny tiny. Let's say it's a report that you have to write or proposal or something like that. You could just start by sitting down, and creating a file, and naming the file, or you could just go to the computer and even open a file. You can just tell yourself you just have to read one thing or get something off the shelf, or do a search. Just that amount of activity after you've thought of your goal and you've thought of, why it's beneficial to you and what the risk is? If you can convince yourself to do a teeny tiny action, you're going to get a little hit of dopamine. Because when your subconscious knows it's important to you to do this, because you thought of the benefits and the risks. It's going to give you a dopamine hit, and that's going to feel really good. The neat thing is when you get one, there is this oftentimes you're going to get this chain reaction and that one tiny thing will snowball in to another. That is an amazing way to take action, to keep that action really small. I like to think of it like a trail of smarties. We could call it a trail of breadcrumbs, but honestly, I don't even think I'd want to follow a trail of breadcrumbs. But it started like this. You've got something you need to achieve. You've told your subconscious, this is why it's going to be good for me to do this and this is why it will be out if I don't. You convince yourself to do one tiny action, you're going to get ahead of dopamine. Then you're like, Oh, and then that hit a dopamine is actually going to want you to do another action, is actually the dopamine that's going to keep this going and you'll get more dopamine, which will cause another action and more dopamine and so on. This is an amazing way to trick yourself into getting going on something if those subconscious goals aren't motivating enough yet. A really fun technique to get going when you're stuck. But of course, there are more. I'll see you in the next video.
6. Fear Busting and New Skills: We are less than five of getting unstuck? In this lesson we're going to talk about what your skills have to do with procrastination and how that all fits in, and I guess get ready to learn some awesome new things. Now for framing once again, we're really building to this arsenal, you know why you procrastinate that subconscious brain is the one that's in charge of what you're up to, and it's goals are leading the way. But now you know how to set goals on a very quick level, you know how to set goals and your subconscious here. Going to say all the reasons why you want to do something and you're going to think about all the risks of not doing it, what could go wrong, and you've got this Dopamine drip trick. Now you can do on tiny action, but what happens if you're still procrastinating if you've tried all of that and it's not working. Well, that could happen. Here's another reason why sometimes we procrastinate. Sometimes we have a fear of the new and unknown. You know, I've noticed that when people are procrastinating or when I'm procrastinating, I've noticed that the things that I do really quickly are the ones that I'm really experienced with. The things that I'm putting off are the ones that I'm not sure how to do exactly, and it's I'm not really sure of how to do that, and when that happens, that can actually stop us from working on those tasks just not being sure of what to do and not having that be a strength. It's really important to check if you've done absolutely everything else in this training so far and you're still procrastinating. I need you to ask yourself, is this just something I'm not that familiar with yet, and remember everything you're currently good at one point, you are not good at it. At one point you had to learn it, and so the really neat thing is, you can learn new skills really quickly. Here's what I want you to do, when the reason that it's just something you are familiar with is the reason you're not doing something. Let's just say we don't know how to start on something because you really just don't know how to start. The dopamine trick is not going to work, because you don't even know what to do first or not even really sure how to do that. Well, and it's time to learn how right, it's time to go find an expert. Just about everything that you could do, someone has done that before. Find somebody who has and figure out how now this might be someone that you know in person. This might be someone that you've met before and you can say like maybe it's someone at work or a colleague or a friend and say hey, have you ever done something like this before? How did you do it? You make sure you find someone who's actually succeeded at you. What you want to do because they're going to be able to show you how to do it. But even if you don't know someone in your personal world at work or friends or family? Oh my gosh! I mean there's so much expertise online. Well, let's take Skillshare for example, you could go to Skillshare and see does anyone know how to do it there? Or YouTube, right? Incredible resource for so many things. What about LinkedIn? Maybe you have a business goal and you want to go look in LinkedIn or reddit has an incredible community of people and there's also Quora, I mean the list goes on and on. But one thing for sure is you've got another tool in your toolkit for when you're procrastinating, just a check in with yourself. Hey is there, something new? I mean how cool is that you're going to learn a new skill, which is awesome because when you get good at things by doing things, but just to check it and go that is new. That would be normal that I wouldn't be procrastinating and then maybe that first thing you need to do to start your dopamine drip is actually just go do some searching online or call somebody and say, "Hey how would I get started on a task like this?" That's your next technique. But yes, there are more, see you in the next video.
7. Take a Break: You're over halfway through your new arsenal of skills to get unstuck and beat procrastination for once and for all, so you can achieve what you want to achieve and really make of your life what you want to. This so important. In this lesson we're going to talk about the importance and when actually your best move for high performance is to take a break and why you need to unblock your mind. There are times where we're putting ourselves towards something and we're just like we've done everything, we know it's important and there's a risk, we've got that, we did the one little task and now we have the skills. We know have them, we're fine but we're still stuck. That happens where it's just not happening. What do you do? The brain is very very interesting and really the best thing to do when you've got everything else going for you and it's not happening, is relax. It's really just to relax. I know sometimes you're thinking like no, Jill, you don't understand the nature of this deadline, I cannot relax, I cannot take a break, I have to work, I have to do it now. I get it, but I also know for sure, forcing something is not going to make it work. Sometimes, you really need to give your brain a rest. The best thing is for you to get some total separation from your project. I know it feels like sitting there and forcing it. Does that even sound right? You know, it doesn't. This doesn't even have to be that long. What you're doing when you do this is you're giving your brain a chance to catch up. Your conscious or active brain actually only has about seven ideas in it, in a time and your subconscious brain is handling everything else. I like to think of it as a records office out of the city or the town you live in and it's just got all this information, but it can take time to find it because there's so much there. Sometimes you have to do this with your brain. You have to give it a chance to catch up. The technique here is; first of all, you've got all of these ideas in the air. I really want you to take this first step. What I want you to do is hang on a second. There's a lot happening here. I'm just going to pause, I'm going to take a break, and I want you at this point to just do one thing before you break. I want you to just articulate your goal. I want you to say, look, I want to be working on and then insert your goal there or I want the answer to the question and then insert the question that you want there, whatever it is that you want to be flowing when you come back from your break, I want you to just state it out loud and then take your break. Let's talk about some really great ways that you can walk away from whatever it is and this doesn't need to be for long. This could be for 10 minutes, this could be for 15 minutes, this could be for 30 minutes. I'm not telling you have to walk away until tomorrow or the next day, but when you come back, you're going to do better work. You could go for a walk or a run. You could fly. I do actually love this one. You can blast some music depending on your neighbors and dance. I think that one's great. You could make a cup of tea or coffee, you could take a shower or a bath. You could even meditate. I love to meditate and I find it a great way to give my brain a break. After you walk away and you've asked that question, you've said, I want to be doing this or why I need to, what's my next idea? Or you put out what you want or I want to get going on and then let it go. It's really important when you walk away, that you walk away, you really engage with one of these new activities with the goal that you're really not thinking about your goal. What's interesting is when you ask that question and come back 15, 20, 30 minutes later, maybe the next day if you have the time, your subconscious will have been working on that because you ask the question and you'll find that you're ready to roll right back into your task. That's another tool in your toolkit for overcoming procrastination and yes, there are more.
8. To Do or Not To Do: To do, or not to do? That is the question. Yes. Do you forgive me? I'm my no Hamlet, but this is an important part of really understanding how sometimes we procrastinate, and it's about the prioritization of our goals and making sure we're working on the right goals. The question is, yeah, one, if it is the wrong goal, what if this is something that you're not even supposed to be doing? That can be a reason you procrastinate. Commonly said, is separate what is important from what's urgent. I would also add separate what's your thing, versus what is someone else's thing? This really hit home for me a little while ago. I'm going to call this my mother's dilemma. This story is something that happened to her. She is just an incredible educator. My mom is fabulous. She's worked for years helping people like me who didn't really fit into the school system, and she would teach them how to learn. Along the way, she became an incredible writer. In fact, she teaches people to write. She works with a lot of people who speak English as a second, third, fourth language. She teaches academic writing specifically. She's even help people write their books and biographies. Pretty much anything to do with research-based stuff. This story starts, because I call my mom, and a couple of months ago and she's like, "Joe, I can't speak you." She's, I'm just like, I'm really busy right now. I need to write a story. Just like I've never written a story before, but I need to run a story for a competition, and I thought, that's a little odd my mom is so incredible at all these other things. Why she worried that she's never written a story? I didn't think too much about it, but I followed up with her on it a few days later and I'm texting her and I'm like, hey Mom, how's that story coming? She gets back to me at some point she says, "well, not very well." Then I had asked her, I said, "Mom can you please do a moment goal?" Now, that's my goal setting technique which is on the program, which reinforces some of the things that you've already learned here. But basically like I was asking her, could you figure out your reason for doing this? What are you getting out of it? Because my concern was that it really wasn't her goal. That maybe someone else she knew was really good at writing stories. She thought, well maybe I should write stories too. It turns out my mom got back to me a few days later and she said, "You know, Joe you're right." I did a moment goal. I'd been stumbling with, and turns out it's really not that important to me. There's other things I care about more, there's other things that are more important. The moral of this story is, do I really need to do this? Do you really need to do this? Like my mom's case, sometimes at something you're telling yourself to do, but it's not the right fit for you. But it could also be someone else telling you what to do and that's the wrong task for you. Now, if you had an understanding boss, that might be something you could talk about. I really don't know. That opens up a whole other training in communication. But if you are procrastinating on something, and none of the other things that I've taught so far in this training have worked, I want you to think about, is this something that's really important to me? That could be really important. If you're in control of taking it off your list. Then take it off your list. If you're not in control of taking it off your list, if it's an assignment you really must do, well, then maybe it's time to really still go back to that. Why is it important to me to do this and what's the risk if I don't? Maybe getting those new skills by searching online or asking someone you know for help. Those are still techniques that can help you if you really must do this thing. There is another tool in your toolbox, stay tuned. There's more.
9. Tying it All Together: You made it. We are at the lesson where we're going to talk about how to tie this all together so that you can beat procrastination. To really help this training stick. I suggest you pick a goal you currently feel stuck on. This could be something you've written on your new year's resolution list, time and time again, or it could be something that you're working on right now that you feel like you need to get going on. Once you've got that in mind, let's put together your training. I want you to remember every time you feel you're procrastinating on something from now until the end of time, that everything you are doing or not doing, whatever you're doing, starts with a goal. On a cognitive level, is starting with a goal that it's a subconscious, not a conscious goal. That's because your subconscious goals are in charge minute-to-minute of what you're doing and not doing. When you want to do something and you're not doing it, you want to let your subconscious know what you want. The beautiful thing is your conscious actually tells the subconscious and the subconscious runs the show. We've got this indirect control. You're going to take control by speaking in your subconscious' language, that language of emotion and visualization and the census. You can get to that language. You can activate your amygdala in your subconscious by using why. By thinking about that goal that you might be procrastinating on and saying, hey, wait, why do I want to do this? What good will happen? What bad will happen? That will help you picture the future, the positive future that could happen, the negative future that would happen if you don't do it and also the associated emotions. Together, those are going to get your subconscious tuning into like, Oh, got it. This is important. Now, once you've got that done, with that framing in mind that you've connected to the outcome and why it's important. You can play the dopamine drip trick, which I love. I use this all the time and that's taking one tiny action towards your goal. Now, I'll admit sometimes it's really hard to take that tiny action. But when your subconscious knows it's important, you can probably force yourself to take a tiny action and if you're not, just make it tinier, like I'll look at my computer i will turn on the screen or just really make it little. Because when your subconscious knows it's important, it's going to give you a dopamine hit for taking that one small action and like that trail of Smarties or breadcrumbs or cookie crumbs, I guess maybe they were in the nursery rhyme. One small action leads to another and another and another because the brain wants more dopamine and so this is a really great technique. Now, you may find that even with all of that, you're still not getting going and that could very well be because maybe you don't quite have the skills yet or you don't think you have the skills. That can create this fear, not this fear of a lion or a tiger in the jungle, fear of a kind under the current fear. That's natural when we don't know how to do something. But of course, everything you currently know how to do, you didn't know how to do it one time. You're going to do what you've always done in the past when you have to learn new skills, if something is important to you. You'll learn how. You can do this by asking an expert. It could be someone you know, like a neighbor, co-worker, friend, or family member and if not, of course, there's so many things you could do. You could read books, go to libraries, take courses in person, online. You know, there's so many different places online that we can search, people share incredible information. You're going to go ahead and get those skills, if what you're putting off is really important to you. But you're going to also remember that even after all of that, sometimes you say "okay, fine, Jill, I'm sitting here I'm like blank, but I've got nothing, I'm empty." The most important thing is don't try to force. Forcing does not help your brain. Please remind yourself if you're feeling empty and look, I still get frustrated. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you're not going to feel frustrated. It's going to be frustrating, but doesn't matter. Then you realize you need separation from your project. This is going to help, walk away, take a break, whatever your thing is, run, shower, meditate, blast music and dance, I love that one by the way. Just relax and do something. Get your mind off it. It works like magic. I want comments on this course when you do these things and you are like," you're right it happened," because it will and it's so cool. Then there's this thing, my mom story, they are trying to write their fiction story. Is this really your to-do? If all of that's not working, you just can't motivate yourself. I think it's time to ask yourself, is this is really important to you or is it urgent? Is it even your thing? Maybe it's someone else thing, maybe it's not even your thing. Is that something you can ditch or do you have to do it or you can ditch it? I'm going to say, if you can ditch something that's really not yours, go ahead and ditch it. Life is short, do what matters to you. But maybe you can ditch it, maybe you've got to do something is like it's not my thing. It's someone else urgent, but that someone else is my boss. You know what, go back and do, why is this important to me? Why isn't it in the context of your work? Hopefully that can get things going. I mean, maybe you could ask your boss to re purpose it or ask other people to do it. That really kind of moves into another training. But this will help you understand procrastination if you're not doing something. See if you can get rid of it. But that is it folks. You have got a system. You don't have one technique. You have an arsenal of techniques to overcome procrastination. I'm rooting for you. You've got this. I'm going to actually finish with this training here because I want to come out and I want to wrap this up in person with you.
10. Challenges & Overcomes: There you have it. You now have a system for getting unstuck and beating procrastination. You now know that the root of what you're doing is always going to be your subconscious, and there are some situational-based overcomes that you can use to get going depending on what's going on for you at that time. I think the biggest challenge that my clients have when they apply these tools that you've learned in this class, is that when you do it once, but then procrastination comes back the next day and then it returns again, and returns again. What I want to tell you when that happens is just keep going. It's actually natural for the subconscious to take a little bit of time to change its mind, so to speak. If you just keep using these tools and repeat, and repeat, and repeat, eventually, your new normal will be just getting going on the books. Once again, my name is Jill McAbe. I want to thank you for taking this class. I want to thank you with a gift. My book, It's Go Time, where I teach you how to go from stuck to unstoppable in business and life. I go beyond what you've learned in this class to really, really demonstrate what's going on your brain. I teach you step-by-step goal-setting methods. I teach you step-by-step planning methods so you can really just break down and create those incredible plans. You will get more done. I teach you how to re-arrange your life to become unstoppable and for success to be inevitable. I would like to give you a copy of that book as a thank you for taking this class. You can grab the link. It will be here on the screen. I'll also put an active link in my bio so you can just go click on that and go over and grab a PDF copy. That's it for Get Unstuck: Beat Procrastination For Once And For All. I'm Jill McAbe, rooting for your success in business and in life.