INCREASE Your Productivity By Increasing Your Focus | Amy N. | Skillshare

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INCREASE Your Productivity By Increasing Your Focus

teacher avatar Amy N., Freelance Writer & Productivity Whiz

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Increasing Your Focus


    • 2.

      Preparing For Success


    • 3.

      Techniques For Increasing Your Focus


    • 4.

      Outro - Remember You Can Do It!


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About This Class

Have you ever wished you could focus better? Whether it's an inability to start your projects, staying focused during a task, or becoming completely distracted by your environment this class is for YOU! I am personally a very hyper active person and have tried many things over the years to try to remain focused on my tasks. I have done a lot of research on the topic of increasing your focus and wanted to share the the successful tactics I've learned! I hope that this class will help you to increase your productivity by increasing your focus! - Amy


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Amy N.

Freelance Writer & Productivity Whiz


Hello there! I'm Amy and I'm so glad you've stumbled on this page. I am really excited to be sharing videos here on Skillshare and Youtube. I am very passionate about being as productive and creative as I can be. On Skillshare, I am sharing videos about different productivity techniques that I have studied and had success with as well as writing, freelance, and entrepreneurial tips that have helped me as I build my writing business. I love to use my time to the very best of my ability and I love trying new practices to stretch my time out. When I find things that work I am so excited to share them with you, so I hope you will check out my classes and let me know what you think!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and have a fantastic day! 

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1. Increasing Your Focus: hello and welcome to steal share class. Today's video is going to be all about how to focus better, avoid distractions, different tips and tricks that I personally tried out that really help. I am a A rather hyper person. You could say if you asked several people near me, they would all say Yes, she's quite high energy. So while that is amazing, sometimes it ends up where I cannot like. My mind is racing. I'm just looking around, and I can't even get started on anything because I'm just to like to hyper like sometimes that struggle. So I've done a lot of research I've been reading. I've looked up a bunch of different things, and I've tried most of these out, and I want to put together a quick video with just different. Easy to try tips to help you concentrate, focus. Better weather, your work, whether you're working from home and you're distracted by different things around you, whether you're trying to study etcetera, so let's go ahead, get into it 2. Preparing For Success: Okay. So first, how the class is going to be about eliminations and prepping to concentrate, which may be sounds weird because you're like, Well, I can't concentrate. But these things should help you to avoid distractions so that when you are doing whatever it is you want doing, hopefully you'll be able to sit down and get started quicker. So the first thing is to clear off your space. You know, most of those were probably at some sort of desk or doing chores or something like that was gonna concentrate on clear off the area. Clear off your space. Take away the phone, Take your laptop. If you're not using that for your work, get rid of the books. Get rid of clutter Even if you just get a box and put those things in there, even if you don't put them away right away, just move them so that your space is more clear. You don't. For the most part, we're gonna think better for Spaces. Niedere is gonna be easy to find what we need, and we don't have stuff all over the place so you won't be like Oh, let me grab my phone. Oh, I forgot about this. You know, I want to finish reading that magazine article. Oh, I wanted to work on this and they start grabbing things, and it just is gonna disrupt your workflow. The next thing is, turn off the phone, eliminate distractions. So turn off your phone, put it another room. If you can at least put it on vibrate or silent. So it's not ringing in general, if you can. If you struggle concentrating like I do, I just did a phone de clutter and I went through in disabled tons notifications. So I wasn't getting notifications from Instagram in this app that up that when they were constantly, you know, buzzing on my phone or popping up on the screen, which distracts me, so makes your phone. It's turned off if you can, or at least disables much as you can, that's gonna distract you if you're not working with computer, if you're at home or something and you're trying to work on a reading assignment or some math problems or something and you're doing it by hand, turn off your WiFi if you can, or at least disabled on your tablet for me, you going on your computer and just disabled WiFi temporarily on your computer. That way, you're not gonna pull your computer up and start working on that, and that works really well, too. If you're on your computer and you're using Microsoft Word or something, you're typing. Essay. If you disable the WiFi instead of being able to go online and scroll through this or scroll through YouTube or whatever, get distracted, you could just you will be able to get Internet. That way, you could just focus. I also like to do If you are working your computer island to close out all my tabs, they're not relevant because if you have, like 10 different tabs or Windows open, sometimes I get really messy and it's the same concept. Is clearing off your desk? Clear off your laptop your computer? Get rid of all the extras that you're not using that, will you? It's not as easy for you to click on the other tab and get distracted reading whatever it is you're reading, that's not relevant. So clear out your traps, and as you start working on something, make sure you grab everything you need right away. So clear off your space as much as you can, And then make sure you if you're let's say you're working on s a grab those three novels that you need to compare notes to, You know, grab your pen your notes from the class. Grab this and that. Grab water, grab snacks. You're not gonna get hungry and you're not gonna get up. Wander into the kitchen of the lunch room or whatever. Just make sure you grab as much as you can, because the less you stand up from your desk unless you move away from your work space, the better. I think. Watch out, is your diet now? Non nutritionists. I'm not going to sit here and give you you health advice, but in general avoid things that are going to make you personally crash. So we all have different tolerances from things. Personally, I have would Caffeine makes me jittery, makes me more anxious and nervous and hyper, and that does not help me to focus. Personally, I have some people like a cup of coffee, and that helps him to focus. So depends on you. But think about what you're putting in your body and make sure you're eating as well, because sometimes you might be so distracted that you don't even eat, and then your blood sugar crashes and you're hungry, and your body is giving you all these single signals that are distracting from your work because it's trying to get your attention because you have seen. So make sure you are eating. Make sure you're avoiding things that mess with your concentration of examples that maybe sugar and caffeine again depends on your your body and how you consume things. But make sure you have eaten. Make sure you have eaten things that are not gonna lead you to crash. That won't make you more hyper or more distracted. So just be mindful what you're eating and make sure you were drinking water. You know, I might sound like a parent or something right now, but make sure you're drinking water because water fuels your body. That is like your gasoline. You need food, but you also need water. If you're dehydrated, you might you know what? I'm dehydrated. I could have splitting headache and a headache is not going to help anyone to focus better and to get things done at a quicker, more efficient rate, so make sure hydrated makes you eaten. Make sure eating things, that air, you know, decent for you that are gonna make you crash and grab a snack When you gravel your things that will You're not wandering off the kitchen halfway during work or something. 3. Techniques For Increasing Your Focus: are struggling to even get started. Like you haven't even picked up that book. You're supposed to be reading for class or you haven't picked up. You know, you haven't even looked at that pamphlet. Your boss, Dave, you tell yourself I'll just read it for five minutes. Or if you're procrastinating on working out, I will do. I'll just you five jumping jacks instead of 80 or whatever you're trying to do, just give yourself it's mentality. I'm just going to do one. I'm just gonna read for five minutes. We'll just do it for, you know, 10 jumping jacks or something. Tell yourself with that essay you're trying to write. I'm just going to write one page. And by the time that you've done a couple jumping jacks or you've read five minutes you're already getting into the zone. You're already concentrating on what you're doing. So you're not gonna want stop by the time those five minutes. Europe. In fact, you might not even realize that five minutes have passed because you might just be going and getting it done. Once you started, the intimidation factor is gone. You've started it. You're already doing it. You're gonna feel better because you know that you're working on something that you need to be working on and you're already getting into the flow, which is gonna help focus, concentration. So if you're someone like me who struggles more with just starting something, especially if you're nervous about it, it's a big project. Something like that. Just tell yourself I'm just going to find this or tell yourself Let's say you need to research five topics for work or something, and it's you know, it's due in a couple days. I'm just gonna research one tonight. And even if you just research one tonight, then you're already 20% of the way there. So just by starting, you're going to make yourself feel better. And then even if you have to go back to it later, like you need to work on studying for something mawr tomorrow you're already helps. You already gotten a chunk done, so when you go back to it, it's gonna be less intimidating because you're gonna be thinking, Oh, well, I've already read, you know, a chapter of this and it wasn't that bad. Let me read the other three choppers. You know, it's not a scary. You get rid of that fear factor and you started it. And you know, in the back of your mind that it's good that you started this project. So you're gonna keep going at another thing I am very passionate about, so I love I love these. I know. I've talked about them in another class. I actually have a class all about how to be a good online student or online employees like how to work from home more effectively. Basically, your nephew check out. But Palm adores if you do not have a Pomodoro, is it is the problem or is attempting tomato, which you know? You know what I'm talking about your life. What is she talking about? Pomodoro Tomatoes. What? Okay, it was like to an old fashioned like tomato timer in the kitchen, and the idea was that you would just set it for 25 minutes, and I have an app for my phone. I use, not flat. It's cold brain focus. It's really good. Um, it's really good because you just hit a button. It starts timing you immediately, and it sits there at the top of your phone, so it's harder to click into other things on your phone because you see the time we're still going a death, Markham and app. Basically, the idea is set your timer for 20 minutes and just go at it. And again, you use that. Just theory. I'll just do 25 minutes. You know, especially if you're doing a big project with something you know it's gonna take you hours . 25 minutes is not as bad as thinking. I have to finish this five hour project like I need I defy our project. Just focus on 25 minute chunks. 25 minutes, just 25 minutes. Tell yourself I'm just going to try to find this. And when you spend that time, or at least with me, I'm competitive. It kind of gets you going because you're like I have 25 minutes and you'll be amazed at what you can finish your 250.5 minutes like even setting a timer for 25 minutes and cleaning your house, picking things up. If you put on some music set that time or having a missing up music on a playlist, you don't get distracted by that. Just start not running per se, but start moving quickly and just like I'm just doing 25 minutes. Let's see what do 25 minutes and brace yourself against that timer. And I find that works so well for me. And I don't even realize that the 25 minutes has gone until timers got off, and then you at least with the app or you can reset on your phone or use an old fashioned, however, you can hit it again. Do you know what 0.5 minutes? And it just makes things more manageable. There's kind of fun element and racing yourself. I think I'm a nerd, really made. That's really like, geeky or something. But just see what even do. Just use that same year, just 25 minutes and you'll be amazed what 25 minutes of working through the 25 minutes is going to do. And for me, this helps me to concentrate because in the back of my mind, I'm have a 20 minute timer going, and because I have that time are going, I'm in the back of my hand like Okay, well, you just have to concentrate for 20 minutes, like just go in my time. You get 5 10 minutes of concentrating into something, you're probably in the zone and you're just gonna keep going. That's really gonna help Overall. So used that same theory, just 25 minutes trying. Race yourself. I'm not saying to do sloppy work. It depends, Of course, what you try to do if you're trying to focus on the household chores versus, like, a technical problem. Of course, that's gonna be a little different, but 25 minutes, you can really get a lot done. And you're gonna feel really good deep down because, you know, I did this. Nice chunk. I'm already starting. I could do nothing. I find it helps this to give yourself a timeline, which and you know this is Let's say you have a day off and you have a list of things you need to do. A lot of times if I don't have a plan, I sit there and have us list to do, and I start off doing things. But then I get distracted, you know? Or I stopped because I need to eat lunch, which is you know, that's okay. I want to be eating. So I stopped I go eat lunch and then come back and I'm so distracted and I'm, you know, browsing you to instead of doing my work, right, So set a timeline. Give yourself in the back of your mind. Let's say you're you know you're working from home or your day off for whatever I want to finish this project or my to do list by five PM If you give yourself a deadline of time or even I want to do this, I want to finish this in under an hour because you know you can, but you're just distracted. If you tell yourself you that timeline, it puts a little bit more urgency into you so that you're gonna focus on what you're doing more. Because if you if you have that time, like it's kind of like the pom Adora. But, you know, different ideas. So if you don't like the timer within 20 minutes, give yourself a set deadline by lunch. I wanna have this this and this done, and it's going to feel more urgent to you. You're going to do it. And then by the time lunch comes around or five PM or whatever your time limit is when that time comes around and you have finished your project and maybe even gone ahead of other stuff because you were concentrating and focusing more on what? Your work on this stuff you're and you might even finished more by 5 p.m. And then you thought you would because you focused, you concentrated once you. Once you're in that sound, you're gonna get things rolling. So when 15 oclock hits, you're gonna feel proud of yourself because you got more done, any thought or you tackle something that was difficult and you finished it by five. So you're not staying lending the office. You're not working past dinner at home. You're not going. You know you have time with your kids. You have time to do this, your time to take a bath or relax to do what you want or to even go home on time. Whatever it is, once you have the time ones that it gives you a little urgency and you're going to be so proud of yourself when you hit that time, realize Wow, I finished all that work. So give yourself a pat on back for that. I know a lot of you will probably create into this next part because I know for a while it really made me cringe to multitasking is not a good idea. I know some of you are probably set that I just said that, but let me explain now was a multi tasking. I'm not talking about doing laundry while watching TV. Technically, yes, that's multi tasking. I'm talking about having TV, a new episode of something on while trying to write that paper and do calculus or something that is about as you. For the most part, that was a bad idea. Every time you stop to look up and listen, Teoh, one minute of the scene of that TV, it's gonna take you another few minutes to get back into whatever you were writing or reading or researching. It's going to take you a few minutes at least, to get back into the zone with that so eliminate, I get distractions, right? Good. So multitasking. Not a good year. If you're a student or you know you have multiple projects at work, try not to work on them. It's better to do 10 minutes of this, followed by 10 minutes of this that in 20 minutes of two things that are difficult. So don't don't try. Switch back and forth really quickly between calculus and English reading or between researching something for this project and researching another thing completely because that's going Teoh effect your work. You're stopping and taking you a few minutes to get your brain to go back and forth on each project, which is gonna add up very quickly and again. Concentration. You might get sucked into one of those projects when really the other one is a higher priority. So looking your to do list and sometimes if I'm really distracted, I will number my to do list by priority. What is urgent? What is an emergency? What is due today? Put the one on that first like what is absolutely urgent. So then number 2345 you know, for the most part, laundry is going to be at the bottom of the list. For the most part, your work projects are going to be the top. So stop and do one thing at a time. You're not gonna have be losing all those minutes from switching back and forth between tasks. It's better. Like I said, you 20 minutes of this appointments that don't combine different projects. They're not in the same category. They don't do it. If you focus on one thing at a time, you're gonna be less distracted, and you're going to be able to really apply more detail and thought into what you're doing . So one thing at a time again, I'm not talking like laundry and TV. I'm not talking during the dishes or washing makeup brushes or, you know, doing something that's kind of more of a tedious thing that you could do without a lot of focus. But when you have things you need to actually concentrate on, eliminated the TV, it's it's not worth it. It will waste more time in the long run if you're switching back and forth three and projects or between a new episode of this and that and doing this paper, it's not good breeding with having television, reading and having your television on, probably not a good idea, for the most part, so 4. Outro - Remember You Can Do It!: Thank you so much for watching the sculpture class today. I hope these tips will be helpful to you. If you have any additional tips or these worked out for you, leave us some notes in the project section about what concentration techniques have helped you All These are things that have really helped me to slow down a little bit, worked on one task at a time and to really be able to concentrate on one project and get things done faster as a result, because I'm not switching back and forth and I'm focusing and putting my 100% into that one project. So thank you so much for watching. I hope this was helpful for you. Please leave a review down below on the class. I mean a lot to me. And I hope you have a great rest your day. Hi,