Fusion 360: Create Your Custom 3D Printed Stamp | Kevin Kennedy | Skillshare

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Fusion 360: Create Your Custom 3D Printed Stamp

teacher avatar Kevin Kennedy, Product Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Course!


    • 2.

      Why use Fusion 360?


    • 3.

      Creating the Reusable Stamp Plate


    • 4.

      Customizing the Stamp Plate with YOUR Design


    • 5.

      Creating the Handle Part 1 of 2


    • 6.

      Creating the Handle Part 2 of 2


    • 7.

      Preparing the File for 3D-Printing


    • 8.

      Conclusion - Creating Multiple Stamp Plates


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About This Class

Learning Fusion 360 is a critical step in being able to create your own unique designs that you can 3D print.

With this new skill, you’ll be able to create custom models that help you gain more clients, help you diversify your revenue streams, and maximize your creative potential.

By the end of this class, you’ll have built and customized a 3D printable stamp in Autodesk Fusion 360. Fusion 360 is a free 3D modeling software that lets you virtually create your custom designs in three dimensions.

I’ll cover how to turn 2D-sketches into three-dimensional objects, using Fusion 360’s loft and extrude commands. Along the way, you’ll also learn some Fusion 360 tips and tricks that will set yourself up for a successful 3D print. This course requires no previous experience working in Fusion 360.

This course is for you if…

  • you’re a creative person
  • you like customizing things with your own logo or custom design
  • you have no previous experience in Fusion 360

Meet Your Teacher

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Kevin Kennedy

Product Designer


My passion is inspiring hobbyists through Fusion 360 courses. I love learning new skills, and since 2013 have been teaching community members everything I know. Since then, I've started creating online videos to reach more people and have a bigger impact.

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Would you like to learn 3D Modeling for 3D Printing?

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More about me, Kevin Kennedy:

Hi there, I’m Kevin Kennedy, a Product Designer based in Seattle! I’ve been building “stuff” with my hands since I was four.

Throughout my childhood, I mastered the art of woodworking,... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome to the Course!: Hey there, I'm Kevin Kennedy and welcome to create your own custom. Three D printed stamp with Fusion 3 60 Throughout this class, I'll teach you how to use some of fusion three sixties core features, how to customize your model with your own logo or text, and how to prepare your file for three D printing. You'll then be able to use these skills to create your very own three D principle and customizable stamps with an interchangeable stamp plate. I'm a product designer, and I run the product design online YouTube channel, where I share my knowledge of fusion. 3 60 I've been working in various CAD programs for over 10 years, including about 6.5 years infusion 3 60 With that said, this class is aimed at beginner students with no previous fusion 3 60 experience required. This class is great if you're a creative person, if you like customizing things with your own logo or unique designs. And, of course, if you have never tried three D modeling something from scratch. Using Fusion 3 60 Learning Fusion 3 60 is a critical step in being able to create your own unique designs that you can three D print in the future, you'll be able to create custom models that will help you gain more clients, make more money and, of course, maximize your creative potential Before we get started. Go ahead and click that follow button that's located just below my profile photo. This will ensure that you receive notifications for important course updates and future class announcements. Last but not least, start to think about the design you'll want to put on the bottom of your stamp. If you have access to a graphics program such as Adobe Illustrator or Escape, then you can create an SPG file with your logo or design. Just be sure that it fits within a 90 by 30 millimeter box. Now, if you don't have access to a graphics program, then don't worry. You can use the demo file that I've set up for you. Download the SPG demo file from my website at product design online dot com. Ford slash stamp. Once again, that is product design online dot com. Ford slash stamp. Last but not least, be sure to click on the class Project tab underneath this video. Then share a screen shot of your logo or custom design that you're going to use before you move onto the next video. By sharing your design, you'll inspire other members of the course, and together we'll be able to come up with MAWR stamp ideas. 2. Why use Fusion 360?: before we dive right into fusion 3 60 I wanted to take a moment to discuss why Fusion 3 60 is the best software solution for this course. Whether you have experience with three D printing or you're just getting started, you'll find that being able to create your very own three D models will make all the difference. There are sites like Thingy, Verse and Grab CAD. The boast. Millions of free files that could be three D printed. However, the ultimate benefit of being able to three d print something out yourself is the fact that you can design and customize the object to your specific needs. Let's take a look at some quick examples. A variety of creative types have been using three D printing to create custom jewelry prototypes for new inventions or innovations. New types of fashion and accessories research projects, scale models for clients, functional prints that help one's daily life and many, many more design solutions. As a creative, you may find the idea of learning three D modeling software to be daunting, and I don't blame you. Three D modeling software packages could be complex, hard to learn, and they're quite expensive However, with Fusion 3 60 we don't have these typical problems. Traditional CAD packages cost upwards of thousands per license. Fusion 3 60 on the other hand, which was created by auto desk, offers 100% free access to students and hobbyists, which means that you can download and install Fusion 3 64 free Head to my website at product design online dot com. Ford slash stamp. On my Web page, I'll have a directly to the auto desk site where you can download Fusion 3 64 free. It's also important to note that Fusion 3 60 is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems, something that isn't typical of CAD programs. Another reason Fusion 3 60 is a great solution for creatives. Looking to three D print is the fact that you can create a variety of model types. You can create not only prismatic models such as gears or brackets, but it also allows you to create mawr organic models using T's lines in the sculpt environment. On top of that, you can use fusion 3 60 to not only create your designs, but you can edit them based on the results you get from three d. Printing. Further tweaking your design ideas based on tangible results. Fusion 3 60 also includes version control so you can save each version of your model. Now you can also bring in models from other software and make modifications, such as removing features or adding features. Fusion 3 60 even allows you to edit MASH or STL data that was imported from a three D scan or another source before printing the object. You can reduce or increase the surface count. You can patch holes, or you can edit other features. Fusion 3 60 can export as in O B J or STL file format that is read by most three D printing software. Last but not least, unlike other CAD programs, Fusion 3 60 was built with modern technologies and boast a much more modern user interface design that's both intuitive and easy to navigate. Throughout this course, I'll help you navigate Fusion 3 60 mitigating the overwhelming feeling of learning a new piece of software before moving on to the next video. Be sure to download and install Fusion 3 60 on your computer again if you still need a download. Fusion 3 60 head to my website at product design online dot com. Forward slash stamp for instructions on how to not only install Fusion 3 60 But I also have a link to get the free student or hobbyist Fusion 3 60 license. Lastly, I just wanted to point out that I've created this course using all the default settings, making it easier for you to follow. Along with that said, Fusion 3 60 is updated each month, and occasionally the default settings change. If you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to post them on the community discussion tab that's located just below this video. 3. Creating the Reusable Stamp Plate: By the end of this video, you'll have created the reusable stamp plate before modeling anything I'd like to name the design pile, I'll click the save icon in the upper left hand corner of the toolbar. This opens up the Save Dialogue Box, in which you can choose the name and location of the file. I'm going to type out Kevin's Customs stamp as the name for the location all hippie carrot icon, which toggles open all of the location settings. If your brand new diffusion 3 60 then you can create a new project by clicking the new project button. I'll type out Kevin Kennedy's class for the project name. Then you'll notice that you can also create folders within each project. Folders are not required. However, there simply a nice way to keep similar files organized in group together. I'm going to make sure that Kevin Kennedy's class is selected, and then I'll click the blue save button to save the file. Now that I've successfully saved the design file, you'll see that the file name is now located within the file tab. We're now ready to start modeling. By the end of this course, you'll have created a custom stamp, which is made up of two different parts. The first part is the stamp plate, which is interchangeable, and the second part is the handle of the stamp, which can be reused with any stamping plate. As you create designs Infusion 3 60 you'll want to create a new component for each and every part that makes up your design for this design will create one part for the handle in one part for the reusable stamp plate to create a new component. I'll select the assembled drop down list in the toolbar. Then I'll select the new component option. This opens up the new Component dialog box. We currently don't have anything in our file, so we'll have to use the default empty component selection. Then we'll once a Neymar component, so it's easier to find the component in our model. I'll type out the word plate for the component name. Then I'll click the OK. But now the reason we have to create a new component for each part is that the component will group all of the relevant two dimensional sketches and other details of the part which you'll see later on in this course on the left hand side of your Fusion 3 60 you'll see the Fusion 3 60 browser. The browser could be viewed as your file structure. It will house all the different components or parts of your file, as well as the origin planes and other objects that make up your part. You'll see that our plate component is active as signified by this dot Within the circle next to the component name. We can now start creating a two dimensional sketch, which will then be able to turn into a three dimensional objects. In the toolbar, you'll see that there is a sketch drop down list. The sketch drop down list includes all of the available sketch geometry or pre made shapes that we can use to quickly create two dimensional sketches. Now this is often where creatives new to CAD software start to get scared. But the reality is, as you look at all the objects around you, they can all be broken down into a number of simple geometric shapes. At its core are stamp late is simply a rectangle, and because we want the stamp late to be interchangeable, we're going to make it a sliding dovetail joint. If you're not familiar, A dovetail is a type of joint that is often used in woodworking. We'll make the sides of our rectangle angled so it can slide in and out of the handle without falling out. Therefore, all activate the line command from the sketch drop down list so we can start to draw out this shape. Once activated, you'll see that the three or Jim planes are highlighted in orange. We'll have to select one of the origin planes to draw the sketch on these origin. Planes correspond to the View Cube, which is the cube in the upper right hand corner. You can click on the sides of the View Cube to take a look at different sides of your model . Or you can also click and drag the view cube around to look at the model from all different angles. I'm going to click on the front side of the View Cube, then I'll click on the X Z origin plane. I can now draw lines on this X Z plane to create the two D sketch that represents the shape we want all first click on the center origin and I'll drag my mouse cursor to the right. You'll then see a Dimension input Field opens up. I'll type out 35 millimeters and then I'll click on that red horizontal line to set the line in place. Next, I'll drag my mouse cursor up and you'll see that we can continue to draw lines as the line command is still active. I'll type out 70 degrees for the angle and put field and then all hippie tab key on my keyboard, which locks the degrees into place for the length Dimension Field. I'll type out five millimeters and I'll click on the left side, making sure that the line is going back towards the origin point for the next line will create the angle line on the left side. To do so, I'll hit the escape key on my keyboard, which exits the line command. Then I'll simply right click to select repeat line to quickly re select it. I'll select the origin point. I'll type out five millimeters for the dimension, followed by the tab key toe lock, the dimension in place. And once again, I'll type out 70 degrees for the degree input field, followed by the tab key toe like the degree in place. Then I'll click to set the line in place. Lastly, I'll click on the other line to connect all the lines together, which creates a closed profile shape as signified by the orange background. Highlight. The key take away here is that you'll need a closed profile or a fully connected geometric shape in order to use many of the modelling tools. As you'll see in just a second, the modelling tools allow you to turn two dimensional sketches into three dimensional shapes. In this case, will want to use the extrude command, which lets us add depth or thickness to a closed profile shape. Also let the extrude command from the create drop down list. Once active, all selectee closed profile shape as the extrude profile. Because this is a beginner course, I'm not going to cover each and every option that's available in each command. If you would like to see videos on individual commands, then be sure to check out my YouTube channel at youtube dot com for a slash product design online. For now, I'll simply type out the dimension or length of this extrude. I'll type out 90 millimeters in the distance input field and then I'll click the OK button to create the shape we now have successfully created are reusable stamp plate. I'll see you in the next video where I'll walk you through how to customize your stamp plate. 4. Customizing the Stamp Plate with YOUR Design: By the end of this video, you'll have customized the stamp plate with your logo or unique design in this video will be using your design. That should be an SPG vector file. If you don't have an SPG file, then you can use my sample file, which can be downloaded at product design online dot com forward slash stamp. Well, first, want to make sure that the plate component within our design vial is currently active. If not, click the activate component button to the right of the component name. To insert the SPG. I'll select the insert drop down list in the toolbar. Then I'll select the insert SPG option. Once the insert SPG Command is activated, you'll need to select a plane on which the SPG design file will be placed. Of course, in this scenario we want are designed to be on the stamp plate, so I'll select the top of the stamp plate immediately after selecting the top face of the stamp plate, you'll notice the model was re oriented for our convenience. Fusion 3 60 automatically changes the view, so we're looking directly at it, making it easier to work with. Next, I'll click on the folder icon, located in the Insert SPG Dialog box. This opens up the folders on my computer's hard drive. From here. All select the product design online stamp demo file, and I'll click the open button. After selecting the file, you'll notice that it's not aligned with the stamp plate. To rotate, the file will simply click on the rotation slider and drag it over 90 degrees. Were it snaps into place. Also type out 2.5 millimeters for the wide distance in the Answer SPG Dialog box, which moves the SPG file closer to the center. Now, if you're using your own design file, then you can also drag the square to freely move the file around. Once the file looks like it's about centered, will have to click the OK button toe. Actually place the SPG file above the View Cube. You'll notice that there are some arrows that show up on hover. You can use these arrows to rotate the view of your model. I'll have the right arrow so I could look at this design from the correct orientation, and I'll use the center scroll wheel on my mouth. Or you can use your laptops track pad to zoom in closer to the design. At this point, we have to d sketch lines that were created with the SPG file. We'll need to use the extrude command once again to turn the SPG into a three dimensional objects. I'll activate the extrude command by hitting the keyboard shortcut letter E as an echo. Then I'll select all of the closed profiles. In this case, this would be the outside border, the product design, online logo and all of the letters, which all carefully select one by one. If you happen to accidently select a profile than simply click on it once again to de select it. You can also click the X symbol in the dialogue box. If you would like to clear out all the selections and start over once everything is selected, all type out two millimeters for the distance or thickness of the design. And finally, I'll click the OK button to confirm the extrude results for a more free form. Way to look at your model. You can always use the orbit tool, which is located at the bottom of Fusion 3 60 Simply click the orbit tool on the far left, Then click and hold in the canvas window to turn the model in any direction you would like . At this point, you've created the reusable stamp plate that now has either the sample file or your own unique design. In the next video, I'll walk you through how to create the second part, which is the stamps handle. 5. Creating the Handle Part 1 of 2: By the end of this video, you'll have created the base of the handle, which will then use in the following video to finish off the top part of the stamps handle to get started, we'll want to create a new component for the handle. As I mentioned at the beginning of this course, you'll want to create a new component for each individual parts of your design. I'll select the assembled drop down list. Then I'll select the new component option. I'll name this component handle and then I'll click. OK, if you now look at the Fusion 3 60 browser or file structure on the left hand side, you'll see that the handle component is nested within the plate component. And that's because I have the plate component active. While I created this new component, I actually want this handle component to be nested on the same level as the plate component . To fix this, I'll click on the handle component name, and I'll drag it's of the top level component, which is the file name. As I release my mouse on the file name, you'll see that the handle component moves slightly to the left, and it's now on the same level as the plate component. As I mentioned earlier in this course, we're creating these components or parts, so they group are sketches and other design features within each part name you'll see under the plate stamp. I have two sketches and I have a bunch of bodies which make up all the letters and the base of this stamp plate. In the next video lesson, I'm going to use the Loft Command to create the top part of the handle. But first I'll need to create the base of the handle that has a sliding dovetail that matches the stamp plate. I want the base of the handle to be centered with a stamp plate. To do this, I'll use one of the construction planes, which lets us create sketches in a more precise location. I'm going to select the construct drop down list in the toolbar. Then I'll select the mid plane construction plane option. I'm selecting the mid plane option because, as the name suggests, it will let us create a plane in the middle of one of the parts. To create a mid plane, you'll have to select the to end faces of the stamp place. I'll select one side and then I'll use the view cube toe. Look at the other side so I can select the second side. You'll see this positions the orange construction plane directly in the middle. Since everything looks correct, I'll click OK in the dialog box Now that we have a plane in the middle of our model, will want to recreate the dovetail shape for the base of the handle. However, instead of recreating it with the line command, we can save time by using a tool called Project. I'll select the Project Command from the sketch drop down list, and it's located in the project. Forward slash include Fly Out folder. You'll see that you could also activate the project command with the keyboard shortcut Letter P as in Papa. After activating the project tool, I'll click on the mid plane that I just created as that's the plane. I want this new sketch to be on. Once again, Fusion 3 60 automatically re orients the view, so it's easier for us to work with the model. The Project Command lets a simply select geometry in our model, and it converts it into two dimensional sketch geometry on the plane that we have active. I'll need to select all four lines that make up the silhouette of the stamp plate. Now you can select them one by one, or you can also select within the shape, which collects all of the edges at once. Ah, click OK in the Project Dialog box to confirm the results. If I now look this model from a slight angle, you'll see that all four lines show up on the sketch plane. Notice that the lines are purple, which signifies that the lines were projected or derived from the models. Geometry at this point will want to offset the trapezoid so we can add a small tolerance into the sliding dovetail. Given that our final three D printed object likely won't be perfect, I'll select the offset command from the sketch drop down list because the offset command lets us copy geometry a specified distance away from the selected geometry, then all select the projected sketch geometry for the offset dimension. All type out 0.25 millimeters, which I found, works well with my three D printer after some trial and air testing with that said. The quality of your three D print can vary based on many different factors, so you may find you'll have to adjust this after your first print. I'll then click the flip button in the dialog box to make sure the offset sketch is on the outside of the original sketch. Finally, I'll click the OK button to confirm the offset sketch geometry. Then, all right, click. In order to select the repeat offset option, I'm going to create a second offset in order to now create the thickness for the base of the handle. I'll select the original sketch once again. Then for this dimension, all type out seven millimeters. And once again, I'll flip it until it's on the outside of the original sketch before clicking the OK button . We now have a closed profile shape that we could extrude. However, we don't want the handle base to cover the stamp plates or the stamp wouldn't work. To fix. This will need to create some lines that run across the profile. I'll activate the line tool by hitting the keyboard shortcut Letter L as in Lima. Then I'll click on this inner corner, and I'll draw the line past the outside edge. All hit the escape key on my keyboard toe exit the line command. Then I'll click on the end point of the line, and I'll drag it until it snaps into the outside edge. I'll go ahead and repeat this for the other side. We'll hit the keyboard Shortcut Letter l as in Lima. I'll draw the line. Then I'll hit the escape key, and I'll drag the end of the line until it snaps into the outer line. Now you'll see I have a closed profile shape that we can extrude to create the base of the handle. Once again, we'll hit the keyboard shortcut letter E as an echo tact of eight. The extrude command, and I'll make sure the closed profile shape is selected this time before typing out the distance will change the direction. Option to the symmetric option, which makes the extra distance go in both directions at the same time. For the distance, I'll type out 25 millimeters, then I'll click the OK button in the dialog box. We've now successfully created the base of the handle in the next lesson will finish off the handle by creating the top 6. Creating the Handle Part 2 of 2: By the end of this video, you'll have finished off the handle by using the loft command. In the previous video, we created the base of the handle. Let's finish off the handle by creating some simple circles, which will then connect together using the loft command. I'm going to use the view cube toe. Look at the bottom of the model. Then I'll hit the keyboard shortcut Letter L as in Lima. To activate the line tool. I'll click on the bottom face of the model, as that's where I want to draw this line. Then, before drawing the line will hit the construction option in the sketch palette. Now the construction option lets you create sketch geometry that is used for reference purposes on Lee so they don't interfere with any of the modeling commands I'm going to. Then click on the upper right hand corner and the lower left hand corner to create a diagnosed line. Notice how this line is dashed, which represents that it's a construction line. Next, I'll hit the keyboard shortcut. Letter C. As in Charlie, activate the centre circle tool before drawing these circle. I'll be sure to uncheck the construction option in the sketch palette as we want this circle to be regular sketched geometry. I'll now hover my mouse cursor over the diagonal line near its centre, and I'll click to place the circle when I see the Triangle sketch Constraint icon, which ensures that the circle will snap into place directly in the middle of the line so you should see a triangle icon. This is a good example of how you can use sketch geometry toe help you further define other pieces of geometry. Well, now drag out with my mouse and I'll type out 17 millimeters for the circle's diameter. And then I'll hit the enter key on my keyboard before we can use the loft Command to create the handle will need a second piece of geometry as the loft command requires at least two sketch profiles or closed shapes. What I want to do is draw another circle. However, this one needs to be 60 millimeters above the one that I just created because Fusion 3 60 doesn't let you simply draw in space will need to create another construction plane. This time, I'll click the offset plane construction plane option that's located in the Fusion 3 60 toolbar. Then I'll click on the surface that I just sketched on, and I'll type out 60 millimeters for the offset dimension. This will create the new plane 60 millimeters from the selected plane. Finally, I'll click the OK button to confirm the new plane. Once again, I'll hit the keyboard shortcut that R C as in Charlie to activate the Centre Circle Tool. Then I'll click the construction plane that I just created as the plane to sketch on. I'll click on the center origin. Then I'll drag out with my cursor. I'll type out 30 millimeters for the circle's diameter, and I'll click the enter key on my keyboard to set the circle in place. I can now use the loft command toe bridge, these two shapes together and simpler terms. You can think of the loft command as connecting the dots. I'll activate the lost command from the create drop down list. I'll click on these small circle first, as we need to select the closed profile shapes to law. Then I'll click on the second circle. You'll now see how the loft tool bridges the two circles together. For now, I'll leave all the settings to the default settings, and I'll click OK in the loft dialog box. We could technically call this handle finished as it would be functional. However, let's add some rounded edges to the handle to make it a bit more user friendly. To create rounded edges will need to use the Philip Command, which is located in the modified drop down list. In order to add rounded corners, I'll select the top edge of the handle. The Philip Command uses a radius dimension, so I'll type out 10 millimeters for the radius or the distance from the edge to the center point before clicking OK in the Philip Dialog box, I want to add one more. Fill it now. If you want to add a Philip of the same radius, then you can simply select mawr edges. However, if you want to create another, fill it with a different radius. You can click the plus symbol for the add new selection option. Next, I'll select the bottom edge of the handle for this. Fill it radius will type out seven millimeters. Notice how this adds a nice, smooth transition because the base of the handle and the bottom of the HANDLE poll are joined together finally, or click OK in the dialog box to confirm the Philip results to view the model in its entirety. We can right click on the top level component or the file name, and then we can select the activate option. You can then use the View Cube or the orbit tool to take a look at your model. We've now successfully created the stamp handle with a customizable stamp plate. In the next video lesson, I'll walk you through how to export your model for three D printing. 7. Preparing the File for 3D-Printing: By the end of this video, you'll know how to export your model for three D printing. Now that the stamp is finished, we're ready to export the file for three D printing and orders at three D. Print this file. We'll need a dot STL file, which is the most widely accepted format to export as an STL. All simply right. Click on the plate component and then all select save as STL. If you then click OK, you can save the STL file to the desire location on your local machine. However, if you check the option, send to three D print utility. You can export the file directly to your three D printers slicing software. I use ultimatums, Kira. So all select cura from the drop down list. Then I'll click the OK button. It's important to know some of the available slicing Softwares will not open up automatically. You'll have to open them up beforehand. You'll see the stamp plate design successfully imported in Dick era. I'll now do the same for the stamp handle back in Fusion 3 60 All right, click on the handle component and then I'll select save as STL. Now the handle prints best with a handle based touching the bill play of the print Bet. Therefore, I'll rotate the model around, and this will differ slightly based on each slicing software, so I'm not going to go into specific details of how to rotate the model. Last but not least, it's important to note that you'll need to print the handle with supports. The three D printed supports that you'll break away after the print is completed are required for this gap that's underneath the handle base. I've also found that this stamp designed Prince best on some of the higher resolution settings that are available in slicing software's as you'll want the quality of the print to come out good enough that the stamp plate can slide directly into the stamp handle without too much friction. Once you have your final stay of Handel and Customs Stamp designed, printed out, be sure to share a picture of it in the class Project tab right here on skill share, Click the Class Project have, which is located just below this video, then upload a screenshot, or JPEG image of your three D printed stand 8. Conclusion - Creating Multiple Stamp Plates: thanks for taking the time toe watch and follow along with this course. I hope this gave you a broad overview of just how powerful fusion 3 60 can be for creatives like yourself. Remember, you can create multiple stamp plates in order to print out multiple designs. I suggest simply clicking the file menu, selecting save as and then saving a copy of the file as a different name. Then you can use the time line at the bottom of Fusion 3 60 to go back and edit the design file. For example, I'll select the second sketch in the timeline. Then I'll hold down the shift key, and I'll select the second extrude command as both these features were used to create the stamps design. Next. All right, click and select the delete option. Then you'll want to make sure your plate component is activated by clicking the activate button to the right of the component name. At this point, you're able to insert another SPG with a different design to create mawr stamp late designs . You can also use fusion three sixties native text feature. If you simply just want to spell out a namer word on your stamp. Activate the text feature from the sketch Drop down list. You will then need to select the same stamp late face as before. Type out your desired word, then adjust the settings accordingly. At this point, you'll want to extrude the text just as we did with the SPG file in lesson or video number four. To summarize this course, I want to recap five of the most important takeaways that you should remember. Number one. Always save your file with a file name before beginning any design work. This ensures that your file will be saved should fusion 3 60 ever crash number two always create new components every time you're going to create a new part infusion. 3 60 This will keep all of your sketches and other features separate, which is essential as you build larger and more complex designs. Number three. Try to keep your sketches as simple as possible. As you saw in this course, each sketch should have a limited amount of geometry. This make sure they're easy to update later on. If you need to change dimensions of your design. Number four great construction lines and geometry when you need geometry that is intended solely for reference purposes. And finally, number five be creative. As you can see, an under an hour we've created this stamp that can be customized to endless possibilities. Learning more about fusion 3 60 will expand your knowledge and let you further customize your own unique designs in return. This could help you gain more clients, make more money and maximize your creative potential. If you're ready to learn more about fusion 3 60 than, be sure to check out my other course right here on skill share. That course is titled Learn Fusion 3 60 30 Days for complete beginners. In that course, you'll find 30 step by step lessons where I show you how to build everyday objects using a variety of tools and fusion 3 60 commands. If you haven't already checked it out, that course is a great next step to really dive into fusion three sixties capabilities. Finally, I want to thank you again for sticking around in completing this course with me. Please take a moment to review this course that really helps out and really helps more people like you find this course. You'll also want to check out my YouTube channel at youtube dot com for a slash product design online, where you'll find a growing library of free fusion. 3 60 tutorials Thanks again and I'll see you around in the community discussion tab.