Foundations of Pencil Drawing for kids - Observational Drawing - 5 week course (Week Four) | Joe McMenamin | Skillshare

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Foundations of Pencil Drawing for kids - Observational Drawing - 5 week course (Week Four)

teacher avatar Joe McMenamin, Artist - Illustrator - Teacher

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to observational drawing


    • 2.

      1. Using the pencil to measure


    • 3.

      2. Sketching a soft toy


    • 4.

      3. Adding tone


    • 5.

      4. Drawing a globe


    • 6.

      5. Adding more tone


    • 7.

      6. Drawing your own subject


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About This Class

In this class, you will learn the basics of observational drawing with a pencil. Observational drawing is where you look at an object and then draw it. There are lots of skills to learn this week, including using your pencil to work out the angles, adding tone and making the drawing look more realistic.

This is the fourth class in a series of five that make up the Foundations of pencil drawing for kids.

Meet Your Teacher

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Joe McMenamin

Artist - Illustrator - Teacher


I am an artist, a teacher, a dad and creativity is something I apply to all of those things. For 14 years I was known as Mr Mac the art teacher, getting teenagers amped up about making and learning from them as much as they learnt from me.

Then in 2017 I did something I had dreamt of in those ‘what if?’ moments we all have. I stepped away from being a secondary school teacher and I put on my artist hat full time. I have pursued my love of organic, flowing patterns, diving into painting, drawing, making a beautiful mess with dyes and printmaking.

In my Feilding studio I follow a few different creative pathways. I might pick up an ink pen and let my mark making lead me to some intricate doodling. Native birds take flight – my pen imagines their song and nau... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction to observational drawing: Hey guys, Jeremy, minimum here. This week's class is all about observational drawing. So today I'm going to teach you about how to look at something and draw. Now it's quite an amazing skill if you can get really good at this, it's something that's really, really cool. You can go out into the world and you can draw anything you see. We can see it stuff up a new studio, Android as well. So I'm gonna be teaching you some of the tricks and tips about using your pencil to keep different angles. And yet, just a whole lot of different skills around that. We're going to be drawing a cute little soft toy first up. Then we're going to do a globe, which might take you back to the first week where we did the ball. And then we're going to finish up with a bit of a more complicated shear piece of furniture. So, yeah, Hope you guys are excited about learning about observational drawing. Let's get started. 2. 1. Using the pencil to measure: Alright, so first of all, we're gonna do is we're going to learn about using the pizza. Okay, So first of all, we're going to start by drawing my cute little dinosaur thing. Okay, so you're not doing your thing yet. You just during my dinosaur. And what we're gonna do is we're going to hold up the pizza to the screen and use it to actually measure how big the object is. Okay? So get it to the point where you can measure it like that. And then we're going to do the top and see where my fingers come down to the bottom. Okay, so we're gonna get the top and the bottom of objects, okay, So basically like this. So we're actually going to use that pizza quite a lot. It's like a little measuring stick. All right, then we're going to measure the same thing where we're gonna go a crossways. So we're gonna measure across the middle. It's about that Berg. See, I'm doing that. I'm doing that. Now. All it does is it helps me to kind of figure out how big I'm going to draw the object there. It doesn't draw it for me, it just tells me how big it's going to be. Now once I've done that, then I'm going to use my pencil and I'm going to work out any angles. Now this thing is this soft toy, so it doesn't really have many angles. But what one angle there, there has got is on the tail, you see the tail shape that's coming off on a weird angle like that. So I'm just going to measure that and I'm going to hold up my pencil. And then I'm going to take it over here and go here. I'm just going to draw that line manner like that. Okay, That's pretty good. 3. 2. Sketching a soft toy: Alright, now that I've got those sorted, I'm going to start on my basic shapes. So we've done this purpose before. I haven't way. Let's look at the heat shape. We've got this kind of oval squashed oval type shape. Can you guys draw this? Draw this with me as we go. This is going to look very cartoony, which is quite fun. I think. The, the breadth of the body is like another big fat oval like this. Yeah. And then what happens on the tail but comes along minute because little a little squishy tail like that. But because we've already worked out the angle on that, we've already got a head start. Okay. So the last bit is like these two cute little feet thing there. They're in there. Okay. Oh, wait. I actually will draw the hand in a minute. We'll do that. We'll draw this one in a minute. Okay, that's fine. Now we're going to meet up as shapes and sort of make it into a picture. So I'm starting up here. Okay, Sorry, I'm just taking the things. I'm using a to B pencil, but you can use an HB or whatever. Perspective is very different via screen, via real life. That is true. Yeah. Okay. I'm trying to teach you the skills so that you guys can do it when you do your copying. If the, if you hold your pencil up like this. But it's too small, like you hold it like this and it's like tiny. Just hold it back closer to you here. Okay, So like bec sort of further like here. And then your pizza will be bigger than your, than your objects, right? Anyway, don't worry about that. We'll just move on. So we're going to connect up as shapes here. The board down the body is sort of goes straight down. And then it curves out so bit lumpy cubes out like that. Like that. On the other side though. Toxin a little bit so it sucks in. And then it creates that little Tommy tommy van. All right. Hand comes out like pretty much straight. It gives them cool. Now what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna get my eraser. And I'm going to rub out those first shapes that we did. Okay, so those insights shapes, some of those extra lines. What, 1 ft was too small. Okay, So just gonna try and make that foot a little bit bigger. All right. Okay, so here's our here's our simple shape of our toy acute software. Now we need to work out some of the more detailed stuff. So we've got the we've got the bits around the what do you call those bits? Like the sticky API bits, the scales maybe. So just to look at how it goes, kinda starts from about veer on the heat kills around. They look like they sort of curved. But then the ones in the bottom actually look more triangles like that. Maybe the in-between each curve and a triangle. So at the moment I'm wanting you to just draw my thing. Okay, so you're just copying my picture and I'm trying to teach you the skills. And then a bit later in the class, you'll be doing your own thing. Okay, now I've got my pretty much in line with the hand. I've got my mouth like this. And then two cute little eyes, angry eyebrows, a little nostrils. Oh, can you guys see the teeth as well? That's so cute. Hey. Okay. I mean, the last little arm off these little feet here, they actually come up a bit like that. And they sort of kicked down. There we go. All right. That's looking pretty good. I'm pretty happy with that. This one kind of mistake. Do you guys see what's wrong with it? The tail the tail doesn't look quite right. So if you do it and it doesn't look right, That's fine. You can just rub it out a little bit. And I'm just going to draw a bit more longer tail like that. Yeah, that looks better. Way better. Okay. 4. 3. Adding tone: Okay, now, if you've got a toning pizza, you guys rainwater toning pencil is like, I'm going to use a six. You guys can see that a thing. No, it's not going to focus on it. That's cool. So maybe using a six bp and sort of do my shading and how we practice those shapes back in the first week, we're going to do something similar to that. Okay, You're ready to go. Six. Good, Matthew, good work. You've got the exactly the bright pencil. Okay. So the shading, we're just starting on the dark side of the body. So on this side of the body. And we're gonna be adding in a little bit of shading. If you've got any questions, you can put them into the chat. This is not too hard guys. This is pretty, pretty basic so far. So you should be able to follow along with this. Just a little bit of shading on. You can see how the shading comes down, down the tail that a little bit the array, yeah, it's quite dark in there. So we can just bring that down here. And I'm just going to use my classic smudgy technique. You guys don't know how much I love to smudge a bit of a finger, smudge a bit more, turn around and say, okay. Now what I'm doing is while I'm drawing this guys, I'm actually looking at the subject, okay, So I'm actually looking at it and I'm thinking, what does it look like? And how can I, how can I do that on my drawing? Recreate that on my drawing. Quite dark underneath those bits. Okay, nice. So this pretty good for basic tone. These little rounded bits here are actually tone as well. So we're going to add a bit of darkness around each side and we give them a little smudge. Now we'll just make it feel like it's sort of connect it up. You guys didn't think you'd be drawing little dinosaurs today. Super finished. Yet, Morgan, you're finished, That's good. Being in Girard I've been doing since I was probably yoga is h. So it's always like a kid. Like maybe likes I'm not receiving all right. Something like that. Yeah. Alright. That's a good basic thing. And then I'm just going to fill in these dark details to see the eyes and black. So we want them to have a nice contrast. So you remember what we talked about contrast, nice solid black and the mouth. And same with this. Alright, so it is, so that's observational drawing down. Okay, so let's recap some of the skills that we learned. The clause. Sorry guys, I forgot about the clause. Nice, good reminder. Okay, so claw. Hello. Hello. I don't know why it doesn't have any clothes on this side. It should have. Yeah, let's add some clothes on the floor for that looks better. Nice. Okay, so that's good. So what we're gonna do now is recap. Okay, so first thing that we did is we use the pizza. We held up the pencil to figure out the proportions, how high something is compared to how wide it is. Give it. Then we use the pizza to work out the angles. Okay, So if this any angles like this has got lots of curvy lines, but we kinda worked out the Teo angle. So what we could we can practice that by doing it on the base. So do you see the base, the little plant that's on? It's actually got a slightly angled down a little wooden stand. But each of the angles going back as in perspective. Okay, So that's basically like that. And why it goes like that actually goes under there. Okay. So if you kinda see what I'm, what I'm talking about, see how you can work out those angles by using your pizza or two actually can meet it up. Okay, so there's that picture done. Now, I'm gonna go and put up a new objects that we're going to look at. Okay, so give me a second while I do that. You guys get a new piece of paper. 5. 4. Drawing a globe: Okay, I'm new objects. This is my new object. Well, there's just gonna be so tricky. Okay. Hang on a sec. I'm going to move this box. Yeah. Alright, cool. Now, what we're gonna do guys, is I'm gonna give you a choice. You can either draw the thing that I'm drawing. I'm gonna be doing this globe, this world on a stand. You can either draw that or you can draw your own objects. Let's get a bit of a, let's get a bit of a thing from people. Okay, So show me, give me a thumbs up. If you're going to draw your own objects, but you're going to draw your own thing. Thumbs up. Okay? Lots of people want to draw their own thing, okay? If you haven't got something to draw, That's fine. You can draw along with me. You can draw my thing. But if you want to do your own thing, then that's cool. Can we do a Harry Potter art class? Okay, that's a good idea, but maybe let it. Okay. I got it. So what I need you to do then is I need you to sit up your object in front of you. Put it about 1 m away from you. So it's not too close. And make sure it's gotten nothing around it. It's like niacin alone by itself, like in a little space. And then we're gonna go through the steps of drawing it, okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to talk about the using the card later on. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Ryan, the first thing we're gonna be doing, okay. I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be drawing along to my picture, but you guys think drawing along to your own thing, okay, So you can, you can choose either draw myelin or Giorgio Armani. Okay? So first thing we need to do, the first step is to work out the size of the objects. Okay, so hold up your pencil and then figure out how high it's going to be. My one is gonna be this high. Down to here. Yeah. So that's the height of that. Good. Then I'm going to work out the cij. How wide the sinus. All right. Cool. Okay. Alright. So whatever your object is, you need to figure out how big you are going to draw it on your page. Sorry, the train is going past. It's pretty loud. Dylan, you can't do either of those. Is that okay? I'm not sure what you mean. Man. Can you work out how how big it is? That's pretty bad, isn't that? Okay? You can't make it a meter or you can make it a meter away from you, that's fine. Don't worry, just put it wherever you can. Okay. So we've worked out this worked out how big we're going to do a join, okay? Then you're going to do the basic shapes, ok, so you can watch me. Obviously my main basic shape is just a circle. It's pretty easy. Circle like this. Then let's go to low stains. And actually I didn't quite opaque enough to live but the stains, the stain actually now here we can help see how the stand only goes to that far out. So it only goes to about here. So I can imagine a line down from there and down from there. And that shows me how wide the standards. You guys understand what I'm what I'm saying. And I can say, okay, my standards actually like an oval shape like that. Okay. But whatever you're drawing, I don't even know what you guys are drawing. You might be doing something totally different. Just use, yeah, draw your basic shapes for your picture. Someone said that during a soccer ball, so that'll be really easy. Just be a circle. So I'm still using a actually I was using a six week I mean, to be using the to-be pencil for that. Sorry guys, I've just used the wrong place. You use, use the likes of pencils for this space because you want to be able to rub them out easier. Oh wow, dream catcher. That would be cool. Yeah, headphones arc and that would be quite cool as well. I've got quite a hard one for the next one, the next picture I'm going to draw for this. You can test it out if you're on a PC skills. Okay, so once I've drawn my basic shapes, then I'm gonna do the mixed tape, which is feeling in or sketching. Okay, So I'm gonna look at the object. At this point, I'm going to say, okay, we've got this curve coming down here. I'm going to draw that thing. Okay? It's, it's like a magnet sticking up. Well, it's not actually right at the top though. Is that, oh, that's naughty. It's actually on a bit of an angle because that's how the world works, is it's on an angle like that. Yeah. Probably draw that line and actually, just to help me out. I mean, there's so many mistakes I'll write that out. That curve goes around like that. Sticks out. Nice. My objects, pretty easy really. I've got just this curve at the bottom. It's got like another curve here. So this is where you just lightly sketching your object, okay, So your feelings for filling in? All right. Good work team doing well. You wanted having any issues because we're at okay, cool. So what have we done? We've done, yeah, proportions, basic shapes, and now we've done the sketch again. So now is when you get your rubber and you come along and you rub out all the extra extra lines that you drew, the guidelines. Okay, I'm going to rub out this line here. I've got this line here. You sometimes you have to rub it out and just redraw it a little bit as well. I made it look a little bit wonky. I'm now a little tip for you guys. The reason I told you to grab your, um, to grab these peds is because if you're drawing while you're holding something out like this and you're looking at it like this. It's actually easier to work out the angles and put them straight on your paper when you're holding it right up, right. Then when you're doing the shading and stuff, probably lay it down flat on your desk and draw like that. Yeah. So I've got mine set up on the easel so you guys can see it. But it can be quite tricky to draw everything in detail when it's up like this. Cocoa, Cocoa. Alright. 6. 5. Adding more tone: Alright, cool. Now the next step guys, after you've rubbed out or your extra guidelines. The next is the shading, okay, So now we're gonna go to S6 VP or for BP. And so if you haven't go on something like that, and I want you to look at we're, we're on your object. It's really dark. And where it's really life. Now, I can't see your objects, so I don't know what they look like, but I can see my one. So I can see that on my one. It's quite dark around this side here. So I'm just going to add in my shading, added my tone. This works on the books on the drawing guide is don't worry about putting things in the chat unless you've got a question to ask me, okay? Because you guys have learned you're only here for an hour, so you've got to try and learn as much as he can in this L. Okay, so here we go. I'm doing my shading. Pressing really lightly. I remember you start off really lightly. I mean, you can use your finger to smudge it in as well. And it gives you that nice soft, soft, smart to look at 3D low code. Now this whole thing is really dogs. So put a fill it in, really done it. Okay. How are you going with your, with your toning guys? You don't have any shade on your objects. Okay, interesting. It might mean that you've got too much, too much light in your room. So they might be light's coming from lots of different directions. Yeah. So if that's the case, you can just imagine it's dark on one side, one side of it, and then make it light on one side? Dark on the other side? Yeah. Yeah. Cool guys. I can actually I can focus a little bit on the globe if you want to, if you're drawing my thing. But I just want to be able to see my drawing if I do that, sorry. Insurance focusing. There we go. That was pretty cool, actually, a pretty cool glow. I might even have a little try drawing some of the, drawing, some of the planets and stuff on there. Okay. It's gonna be a pretty tricky, I mean, not planet's orbital where countries. Okay. I just drew China and it looks like I don't know, something we can't even see New Zealand on this map can like hiding. I should have spin it round. So New Zealand was at the beginning, at the front. Yeah, I know That's the thing I can't show you my drawing and the other drawing tool. Okay, so let's zoom out again. I got to go. Alright, Well, yeah, that's probably, it's a bit tricky for me to be able to show you both at the same time because it wants to focus on the thing that's closest to it. Nice. Okay, cool. How are you going with deal during guys? You added the shadow. That's good. Nice. Yeah. It does take awhile. It depends on what you're drawing too. If you're drawing something that's quite complicated, I tell you what you can do if you want to hold it up to your screen so you can have a look at it. Again. Oh, nice. Hey, these are looking really good. Well done. Yeah. Ellie, Caleb, Hera. Rachel. Yeah. Cool. Major. Let's acute TDB guy. Yeah. Okay. I see where you guys are up to. Uh, you've got lots of sketching Dan Carlin, Moses teaching, but you need to add some more tone to it. A EJ. Nice, good work. Alright, cool. Alright, let's go back to carrying on with this drawing. Let's focus back and guys. So let's focus in a little bit on the tone. Okay, remember how when you add the tone, you've got a softly draw the shading. Okay, let me do it. I'll focus on my picture more so you can see it better. There we go, we've got that. Okay. Start by adding the shadings like lightly on this side, on the dark side. And then use your finger to smudge it out and smooth it out. That works really well if you're using a 6 ft or for VPN. So yeah, totally make up your own countries that so good. And I guess the thing goes as important as you've gotta be consistent. So you see on my, on my planet, on the Earth, It's more dark around the left-hand side, so that's cool. So I just have to make sure I'm when I draw the stand, it's darker around the left-hand side as well. Now, if you do a lot of smudging, you'll probably notice that your pipe, it gets really quiet gray around the back, around the back and the sides. And so you've got to like smudge it really, you know, rub it out really well, get it nice and clean. 7. 6. Drawing your own subject: All right, that'll work. Okay, cool. Hopefully you guys can all see the screen. Now I want to be able to show you my, my paper because this bit is going to be using my paper a lot. Alright, now, this is a really cool little cheer. It looks like a real sized chair, but it's like a miniature version of a chance, so that's like a dog's chair or something, okay? Um, if you guys want to, you can choose again, you can draw your own thing. If you don't want to draw this chair, you can. But if you wanted to learn how to draw this, then you can follow along with me. The reason I chose this chair is because it's got lots of different angles on it. So I'm gonna be using my pencil to work out a bunch of the different angles. So here we go. Let's jump straight into it. If you want to draw your own thing, you just, you just work on that. And you can show me the e-mail the class in. Yeah. That'll be good for your own practice. So the first thing I'm gonna do, remember the first thing is to get the height. Same Ruff. Hi, I'm gonna be okay, like this high. Because what it does is it helps us to get to know where the top and the bottom of the drawing are going to be. Okay. Based on that, how wide is my objects? It's about two-thirds, roughly that size. Now let's start working out the angles. So I'm going to look at this first angle is the back of the chair. So this part that I'm pointing to here, I'm going to work it out and go, Okay, cool. It's like this angle here. What you do is you put your pencil down and he just lifted up and draw down the line. And then I can just compare it it and go home. Is that look right? Yep. That looks pretty good. And I know that the both sides of the back of the chair the same. Okay. So basically they're going to be like boom and boom or maybe not quite so wide woman bone. Okay. And I reckon the armory Spitzer actually level. That's really helpful. Okay. So now like horizontal. So boom and boom. Then but my seat, the seat of the chair is actually on an angle. It's actually slightly angled down. So yeah, like this. You guys following along, there's anyone during along the cheer with me. Some of you might be quite a tricky one. Maybe if you're finding this too hard, then you can try drawing your own thing. Okay? Alright, so my mix angle is this back leg. It's like kind of angling back a little bit from here. So then yeah, parallel, who sued parallel? Someone's really smart. Actually, we need to work out this angle here, so the angle of the back of the seat. And then that is the other the other Chile here binds there. Okay. We're nearly there. We nearly kinda able to start sketching it. I've got my front leg is like on this angle here. And my other front leg should be the same. This is actually quite similar to perspective, isn't it guys? You see how this sort of fitting within the shape of that almost like a 3D box. But it's kind of coming down. Okay? Now, if you're doing your own drawing, that's cool. You keep working on it. And I'm going to check it out soon. Okay? Okay. Here we go with the basics of my chair so far. Getting those angles right. And what I like to do now is I just like to really look at this and compare it to my object and say, Does that look right? Does it look right? I think it's pretty right. What do you guys think? Does that look right to you? Someone go to the microphone. Okay. So good. Sorted that out. No worries. Okay. So now I'm looking here. Okay. We've got an arm reach to me with a one level. But they kind of attach on a weird angle to the league. Yeah, like that. Okay. So you can see what I've done is I've created, I've used all these different angles to create my structure of my chair. So that time it took quite a long time, didn't that to actually get to this point? So once I've got this point, mean I can, I can rub out some of those extra guidelines that I don't need anymore. So it's really the same process. Each time you do a drawing, you do the same process. But sometimes the steps take a really fast and they don't take very long. There are hardly any angles on their cute cuddly dinosaur when we first started. This one's got heaps of English. Alright, now, now I can start sketching. So the only bit I really need a sketches. See how around the top here it's got this kind of curve thing. I'm just going to draw like a little curve and then a curve. And it's got like a solid to solid side bits that come down. Although I then go it's got those extra lines. Okay. Now this part of the PO, the seat is quite deep as well, so you can sort of see how that's working. And I think I did that back leg a little bit too long. All right. Good work. Now you can start to practice them more and more. Drawing is about practicing. Every picture that you draw. You're gonna get a little bit better each time. Do you understand? So don't get too obsessed about one particular drawing. So if you're doing one drawing, It's not looking very good. Or if you're sick of doing it, just leave it, put it aside and start a new one. Okay? So don't be afraid to just have a note book, or a journal or an iPad and just have heaps and heaps and heaps of drawings in it. There's a way you can get really good at drawing. Your, um, your challenge this week is to draw some things in that you see in the world. Okay, so I'm going to challenge you to draw three things that you see. So they can be at your house. Oh, good work. Good work guys. They could be at your house. They could be at school if you want. Danny, you guys get to drawing a school. Sometimes. Little bit. Okay. Whatever it doesn't even have to take along, you can do a five-minute drawing. And next time you guys can plan, next time you go on holiday. You could imagine doing some drawings while you're on holiday. Like drawing like a cool scene, like a beach scene or I don't know if maybe you go to the zoo, you could go to the zoo and try and draw some really cool animals. That would be amazing.