Final Cut Pro X - Edit Broll | Brian Garcia | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Introduction


    • 2.

      Step 1 - Organizing folders, libraries & events


    • 3.

      Step 2 - Create a new project, drag & drop clips


    • 4.

      Step 3 - Editing, trimming and automatic speed


    • 5.

      Step 4 - Editing to the music


    • 6.

      Step 5 - Tools


    • 7.

      Step 6 - Markers and speed ramping


    • 8.

      Step 7 - Stabilization


    • 9.

      Step 8 - Effects


    • 10.

      Step 9 - Transitions


    • 11.

      Step 10 - Exporting


    • 12.

      Exercise: Edit with music


    • 13.

      Next Project - Voice over with b-roll


    • 14.

      Step 12 - Formatting your hard drive


    • 15.

      Step 13 - Final Cut Pro interface


    • 16.

      Step 14 - Import Clips


    • 17.

      Step 15 - Insert clips in project


    • 18.

      Step 16 - Create Storyline


    • 19.

      Step 17 - In & out points


    • 20.

      Step 18 - J, K & L keys to navigate faster!


    • 21.

      Step 19 - Text


    • 22.

      Exercise - Edit broll with interviews


    • 23.

      FCPX Conclusion


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About This Class

Learn the basics of Final Cut Pro X and how to utilize these technical skills while editing b-roll footage. A great way to start learning is by editing your own videos based on what you learn here. I'll also provide simple lessons so you can get the feel of the platform and be able to begin filming either at home, school, work or for any commercial work you are doing.

Calico Ghost Town project files are available here.

Fitness Gym project files are available here.

You'll learn what has been most useful for me as I was building my production company from ground up.

In this course, you'll create a short video that tells a story by editing supplemental footage (or B-roll)

Some key skills include:

  • Hard drive and storing data
  • Create a new Library, Event & Project.
  • Importing footage
  • Inserting footage to a project
  • Basic Editing, Tools dropdown
  • Music
  • Markers
  • Speed Ramping
  • Stabilization
  • Effects
  • Transitions
  • Exporting settings for the internet
  • How to move forward after you complete this class

This class is for beginner students that want to use simple techniques for that is suitable to any video project they want to create themselves.

Here's an example of the completed video that I created using these techniques:

Meet Your Teacher

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Brian Garcia

Wedding, commercial & real estate films


Connect with me:

YouTube: Brian Garcia

Instagram: @briangarciafilms

Get support from our community Facebook group here!

I've been making films since 2008 and now I'm a high school video production teacher. I've done numerous productions, won several awards and I still want to keep learning. I'm originally from the Northern California, but now I'm in Southern California where I work and hope to continue making films in the Inland Empire. I'm well rounded when it comes to film production but I'm very knowledgable with cinematography and editing with Final Cut Pro X.

When I first got into film school, I looked up to film directors like Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, and Spike Lee. While I was attending San Dieg... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Class Introduction: Hey, what's up? My name is Brian Garcia. I'm a wedding filmmaker and I've been editing on Final Cut Pro X for the last 10 years. I'm going to show you how you can create your own short highlights using Final Cut Pro. I started in college while making narrative films. Eventually, after graduation, I was doing short highlights for the schools, and then I moved on to business, commercial, and weddings. This is a fast-paced course that I wish I took when I first started off editing. If you're a beginner, you can use my project files I have available to download. If you already have a lot of experience using Final Cut Pro, I recommend using some of your own footage and follow along with the training. After you're done this course, you should be a little bit more comfortable with Final Cut Pro X. Intermediate users or even advanced users, you will be able to have some creative ideas how to utilize this program in different ways, and be able to create your own video. Open up Final Cut Pro, enroll in this course, and let's dive into it. 2. Step 1 - Organizing folders, libraries & events: Now let's get the video set up in Final Cut Pro. You should have downloaded the ZIP files by now. I recommend that you copy the files to an external hard drive. If you don't have a hard drive, you can move it to your documents folder. The problem with editing your files on your documents folder is that it'll use up computer space real quick. Now I'll double-click my external hard drive to open it, and I'll create a new folder. I'll click the "Action" drop-down menu and select "New folder". I'll name the file FCPX- Short Videos. Everything that we work on will be saved over here. Copy the ZIP file by dragging it over. It's always important to organize everything in folders because you want to keep everything in one spot. Now that I copied the file to my hard drive, I'll close this Finder window over here. It's time to double-click the ZIP file to extract the video clips and the folder. The ZIP file should have opened up the folder by now. If you're curious to see how much space you have in your hard drive, go to "View,Show status bar". You can see how much hard-drive space you have available and you can see the number of files in the current folder. Now I'm going to trash the ZIP files because I'm not going to need this. If you want to empty your trash for good, just right click with your mouse and empty trash. I am sure I want to empty the trash. I just want to show you all the video clips that we'll be working with over here. Let's get all this in Final Cut Pro. If this is the first time opening up Final Cut Pro X, go to your applications and drag the app to your docs. From here on, you can just open it in your docs panel. Once you click this icon, it will bounce around until Final Cut Pro X is finally open. You'll notice I'll close the Finder window if I'm not using it just because I like to have my space clean and organized. Now give it some time to open up, and let's make sure your workspace is the same as mine so you can follow along with me. Go to the "Window, Workspace" and "Default". You can see everything looks just like mine. If you have another the library open, you can close it by right-clicking the library and selecting "Close library". We are going to create a new library by going to "File, New, Library". I'm going to name this Garcia Videos. You can give it your name if you want. This is where you'll create different video projects. You can go ahead and put your own last name. I want to save my library in the folder that I created and click "Save". This will create my new library. If you right-click the library and select "Reveal in Finder", you can see where the library has saved. The library file is saved here in the folder that I created. I'll go to "View, Show path bar" and I can see the path of folders I need to select to go in there. I'll go back to Final Cut Pro. In my library, I have events. Final Cut Pro created an event for me. I want to rename it by selecting this event. I'll hit "Enter" and name this Travel. This is where I'll put my travel projects. I'm going to show you another way to find where your events are stored in your drive. Just click the little, smiley face icon which is in your finder and navigate to your library, right-click and select "Show package contents". Here you'll see that the Travel folder that's also displaying as your events. It's time to start importing the videos. I'll go back to Final Cut Pro, click on this "Import" button over here. Now let's search for "Calico Ghost Town Compressed" folder and select it. Here are the settings I have on the right. You'll see I want the files to be important to in the Travel events. I'll select, "Add to existing event" and ensure that Travel is selected. Under files, I want to leave the files in place. I'll only copy the files if I have an SD card inserted and I want the video clips out of that SD card. Other than that, I don't think it's necessary to have another copy of the same files in my hard drive. It'll just use up more space. I'll have these keywords selected so Final Cut Pro can categorize them. You'll see the benefit of checking from Folders in a bit. Let's go ahead and click "Import selected". Now that the files have been imported under my Travel event folder, Final Cut Pro creates keywords based on the name of the folder. Let me go ahead and look for the Calico Ghost Town folder and I'll show you the categories under Travel. I'm going to select here off Final Cut Pro X, "Short videos", and I see the folder right over here. Now you can see the category under Travel. I'm going to click this disclosure triangle. It makes a keyword based on the folder that I created for you. If I had separate folders from my Disneyland trip and Calico Ghost Town trip, it'll put them in separate keywords and I can search by category. Other than that, I don't think I need to go into too much detail about categories because you're probably getting anxious to edit. Files are imported and now we can create our first project on the next step. 3. Step 2 - Create a new project, drag & drop clips: In this next lesson, you want to get your clips here in this timeline. You can click on the icon button that says, ''New Project'' or go over here to ''File'', ''New Project'', and the dialog box, give it a project name. I'll call it Calico Ghost Town. Now that I've got a project name, I want to make sure that travel is selected in event. Now let's select use custom settings. In video format. I normally want this to be 1080p, but for this tutorial, I'll keep it at 720p. This format is also good enough for social media, since most people are just watching videos on their phones. My frame rate will be 23.98 frames per second. This is standard for film. Now let's click ''Okay'', to create a new project. Your project is showing here in the browser with the rest of your clips. You can adjust the clip appearance that is most convenient. Let's go over here, and let's change the duration of the film strip. If I have this set to two seconds. Each thumbnail will be two seconds of film. The clip is now a little more spread out here in the browser. Since a lot of my shots are short, I personally like to see all the thumbnails condensed. I'll move the slider all the way to the left. So each video clip is one thumbnail. You can adjust the size of each clip over here. How you like to organize your clips. It's all based on personal preferences, but you can see there are several options over here. On ''Group By, ', I have content created and, ''Sort By'' is content created. I personally like to have continuous playback selected, but if you want to check it, I'll show you what happens. Let's select a clip. I'll hit ''play'', [NOISE] and it will stop at the end of the clip. Now let's check continuous playback. Let's do the same thing. I'll hit ''play'', [NOISE]. Now you'll see it's gonna continue to the next clip, [NOISE] and it will continue to play to the next clip. I'll go ahead and pause this for now. We also have wave forms, but we don't need to see the wave forms, because we're not using any of the audio in any of these clips. If there's an icon and you're not sure where it is, there for. You can hover your mouse over the icon. The Tooltip will show up. It'll display the name of the icon. Sometimes it will even show the keyboard shortcut for this. Over here you can switch from film strip to list mode, which I personally do not like, but you can see the file names, you can see the duration, and you'll see other data about the clip. I prefer to stay with filmstrip because that's easier for me. Now that we're going back to film strip, I want to show you what happens when I roll my mouse over each clip. It's something called skimming. You can turn that off and on depending on your preferences. But we'll go to this button right over here. Once again, I want to show you the Tooltip, when I hover my mouse over the button, I'll go ahead and turn off the video skimming, and you can see when I roll over my mouse over each clip, nothing happens. I'll turn it back on, right next to it you'll see audio skimming. So if you want to hear a sound, you can click this, and listen to the sound as you're skimming through the audio. [NOISE] But it's not really needed over here, since we're not going to use the audio for any of these clips. [NOISE] I'll go ahead and turn that off and we'll just stick to video skimming for now. I showed you how you can play every clip, by hitting the play button. But the most common keyboard shortcut that I normally use is a spacebar. So, feel free to play through each clip. [NOISE] [OVERLAPPING] And by getting good shatter what? This looks like, a good clip to add to my timeline. So I'm going to select it. Then I'm going to click, and drag into my timeline. You notice I mentioned to select it, then you click and drag to your timeline. Let me show you what happens when you select, and you don't let go of the mouse button. You only get to select a range, and within that range, you can drag that into your timeline. But if that was an accident and you didn't want to select just that range, hit option x to clear out your selection. Now let's grab this clip art over here. I'm going to select it, and then I'm going to let go of the mouse button. Then I'm going to click, and drag that into my timeline. Now, I just showed you how to create a new project, browse to your clips, and you were able to insert these clips into the timeline. Let's move onto the next step. 4. Step 3 - Editing, trimming and automatic speed: >We'll do all of our editing here in the timeline. You can see here that we can use skimming and there is a play head right next to it so you can begin playing footage from that marked area. I'll go ahead and move the play head in the beginning and play the footage. If you haven't got to these clips in the browser yet, there was one that really caught my attention that will be great for the first shot. I did a couple takes up the sign and this was my favorite. This window on the right is the inspector where you have more control of each clip or you can get some info about the clip. I'll go ahead and click on this right icon so we can view the shared inspector. You'll be able to see the resolution of the clip I have selected is 1920 by 1080. When I recorded this, I ran the frames per second at 59.94. Here is the name of the clip under the title, remember when we were creating our project under video format, the video resolution with 720P and the frames per second was 23.98. Now let's see what happens when I move the clip to the timeline. If I move it here in the beginning, it will push the rest of the clips to the right. Okay, let's play the video from the beginning. Final Cut Pro adjust the size for you and remove 60 percent of the frame so it can run at normal speed during playback. If you shoot video at different frame rates, you create a speed effect. You can use the automatic speed option to maintain the clips original frame. In the timeline, let's select the first clip. Click the read time pop-up menu and choose automatic speed. Every frame in the original clip plays back at the project's frame rate at 23.98 frames per second. So the action takes longer and you get the slow motion effect. Okay, so I'm going to stop the play head right over here. I'm going to trim the beginning of the clip. Once the mouse is right at the edge of the clip, you'll see the mouse changes and there is a roll of film right next to it. I'll click and drag so it can trim at the beginning of this clip, you'll notice it will snap right here in the play head and I'll let it go. I want the clip to end right before it gets too shaky so I'll leave the play head over here. Then I'll trim the end of the clip until it snaps to the play head. Sometimes that snapping can get in the way or sometimes it is convenient. If you don't want snapping enabled, you can deselect the snapping button over here. You can see the difference when I'm trimming around the play head, I can trim frame by frame without having to worry about this stopping at the play head. For now, I'll leave the snap and button on. I want to go ahead and play the video so we can see what we've got so far. All of my other clips were recorded at 59.94 frames per second so I'll go ahead to the real-time pop-up menu and choose automatic speed. I want to minimize a shakiness by using this slow motion effect. I'll go ahead and play the video. I noticed it would start to smooth out in the middle of the clip, so I'll trim the beginning where it's extremely shaky. I'll let it snap right there with the play head. Right now, it's a little bit smooth. The shakiness is starting to pick up right about there. I'll trim the end of the clip and let it snap to the play head. I think that's good enough right there. You just learned a little bit of the basics of editing and the timeline. On the next step, it will be more about the creative process when adding music and it won't be so technical. Now let's go ahead and move on. 5. Step 4 - Editing to the music: Now we're going to get into the creative process and add music in our timeline. Everything you see here is your primary storyline. Music or audio usually goes underneath the primary storyline. Over here in the browser, you should find an audio clip. It's a hip-hop beat I made from GarageBand. I'm going to drag this clip into my timeline underneath the video clips. We still have all that unnecessary audio from the video clips. We'll go ahead and remove that. When I hover my mouse over the line next to the audio, it points two triangles indicating you can adjust the volume up or down. We'll bring that all the way down. Let's remove the audio from the rest of the clips. We can watch the video without hearing that distracting ambient sound and listen to the music. The problem with this is that the music does not go with a beat. So I am going to move the playhead back to the beginning and we're going to cut this every eight beats. I'm going to count these beats. Here we go. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one. I stopped the playhead right when I go back to one and I'll trim the end of this clip. Now let's watch this video and let's do the same thing to the next clip. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one. Now I want to trim the clip to that beat, so let's go ahead and review what we've got so far. Let's select the other clips and in the retiming drop-down menu, select automatic speed to make them in slow motion. We're going to go ahead and play the video, and I'm going to count this every eight beats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one. Cool, we're going to go ahead and trim it right about there. If you are unsure that you were able to cut to the exact beat, you can zoom into timeline. A keyboard shortcut is command plus. I wanted to cut right when that beat kicks in. This is when snapping is becoming inconvenient. I'm going to deselect snapping so it doesn't snap to the playhead. Now I can move it frame by frame and I can cut it to that exact beat. I'll turn snapping back on because I might need it later. Let's go ahead and play the video. The beginning of the next shot was a bit shaky, so I'll need to remove the beginning of the clip. The good thing with Final Cut Pro, is that it uses a magnetic timeline. While I trim the beginning of this clip, it won't leave any empty space here and it moves the rest of that clip up. As I'm trimming this clip, I'm not relying on snapping this to the playhead. I'm actually looking at the viewer above. You can see the last frame of the previous clip, but I'm more focused on the first frame of the horse statue. It looks like I stopped shaking the camera right about there. Now I want to zoom out of the timeline and review what I got so far. Here's another keyboard shortcut, command minus to zoom out. Now let's check out what we have so far and count the beats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one. I want to cut it right there. I'm going to trim the end of that clip right to that beat. I need to get a better look at those audio waves. So I'm going to press command plus to zoom in and move the edge a couple frames right when the beat starts. If you want to fit the entire timeline on your screen, you can press shift Z and that can get an overall look what I have so far. Let's move the playhead back to the beginning and press space bar to play. We just covered how you can edit with music, a brief overview of the primary storyline and a few keyboard shortcuts that I use when I navigate around the timeline. Now that's good enough so far. In the next step we'll go over some of the tools I use. 6. Step 5 - Tools: Let's get familiar with the tools but before we do that, I want to go over keyboard shortcut that I normally use when I make a mistake, and that is Command Z, that will undo any mistake that you just made. Here are your tools, you've been using the Select tool this whole time, so you should already be familiar with it. With the Select tool, you can simply select a clip and move it. I feel this is a good closing shot, so I'm going to move it towards the end. You notice with the magnetic timeline, all the other close moved towards the left. There's another clip that I want to add to this timeline because I was able to focus from the buckets to the sign. We'll go ahead and add that right over here in the timeline. You can also delete a clip by selecting it and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. I don't want to use this clip of the horse, so I'll go ahead and remove that. The magnetic timeline can be a bit frustrating, especially if you are unsure how to use the tools. When we added the music, it attached to the first clip. You can see what happens if I try to trim the first clip. The music clip is also being cut off. I will go ahead and undo by pressing Command Z. You can either Control-click or right-click this clip and then select, Lift from Storyline. This will lift the clip above the storyline without rippling the project. As you can see, the clip is no longer attached to the music. Let's go to the Tools and select Trim. Go ahead and select the clip, then move it either left or right, this is called a slip edit. This doesn't change the position or duration, it changes what portion of the clip appears. This allows you to change the clip's start and endpoints. I might want this clip to start and end at a different point without having to adjust it to the beat of the music again. Now I want to show you a different tool called Range Selection. Now that I have this selected, you can make any adjustments to a certain part of a clip instead of the entire clip. I'll select the first portion of this clip by selecting a range and then pressing the Delete key. I didn't even have to trim the edge of this clip. I want to delete the end of this clip, so I'm going to select a range right here and hit the Delete key. I'm going to press Command Plus to zoom in and get a better look at what I'm doing so far. I always want to remind myself to go back to the Select tool because that's what I use the most. Now we want to make this in slow motion, so let's go to Clip Retiming and choose Automatic Speed. We'll leave this clip alone for now because when we get to the next exercise, I'm going to show you speed ramping. For now, let's go to our browser and pick this clip of this pillar. Let's drag this clip right after the shot of the lamp and it'll push the following clip with the bucket aside and remove the audio for that one. You'll notice that I do shake the camera at the end of every shot and that's because I use those as transitions in between clips. For now I want to edit the beginning of this clip, so I'm going to move my playhead right over here and I'll trim the beginning of that shot. I'll go ahead and play that so I can see if there is a good starting point. I want the clip to end right over here, but I got all this extra space that I want to delete right before it goes into the transition. In the Tools drop-down menu, we have the Blade tool. This can cut or splice any part of the clip, in this case, I want to cut over here by the playhead. Don't forget to go back to the Select tool because we are going to trim the edge of this clip over here. We want to cut all the way until the shakiness happens. We want a good transition right over here, so I'll go ahead and look at this transition. I'll go ahead and cut this shaky clip a little bit shorter so that transition is a lot quicker. I think that transition looks pretty good. We want to leave that at normal speed and the previous clip in slow motion. Let's select the previous clip, go to Clip Retiming options and select Automatic Speed. I'll click Command Minus a couple times so I can zoom out. I'll press the Spacebar to play what I have so far. I don't use the other tools that much, but here's the Zoom tool. You can press the timeline to zoom in. If you hold option while pressing the timeline, you'll zoom out. Over here in the Tools Panel, we have the Hand tool. I personally don't use this, but if you want to move left and right, you just select and drag. I'll zoom in a little bit more so you can see the effect it has, if I move side to side. I think it's just easier to move with the trackpad or with my mouse, I just swipe left and right. I don't normally use the Position tool, but if you want to drag clips around, it will leave a gap in between clips. You can also use this to overwrite other clips. I'll press Command Z several times to undo all of that. I want to make sure that the Select tool is still selected. Now we just covered some of the basic ways you can use these tools. That's it for this video. In the next, I will go over markers and speed ramping. 7. Step 6 - Markers and speed ramping: Now we'll add markers after every four beats so it can make some of our cuts a little quicker. Makes sure the audio clip is selected and while we're playing the video press "M" on the keyboard to adding marker on the selected clip. Let's go ahead and play this and let's get started. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now I can take a look at the video and see if I want to create an eclipse shorter than eight beats. I want to cut that second clip shorter before the camera points down. Let's trim that halfway to the third marker. Markers helped me pinpoint each beat so cutting and trimming is easier. If you made any mistakes you can easily undo or delete that marker. Let's go to the browser and look for the shot of the town hall. Insert that shot right next to the clip of the lamp. Go to clip timing options and select automatic speed. I'll play this clip and watch it in slow motion. I want to go ahead and trim the beginning when it starts to smooth out. It doesn't stay smooth for too long so let's trim the ends so the clip last four beats. Now let's speed ramp the next clip. I want to speed this up right when we hit this marker. I wanted to speed up until we hit the following beat. Another keyboard shortcut you can use is by pressing the left and right arrow key. If you want to move one frame at a time, I'll press the left arrow to move one frame and I want to add our marker right at that beat. So now I'm going to select a portion of this clip so I can speed up the middle part of it. Instead of using the range tool will use in and out points. I want the end point to start over here so I'll press "IO" on my keyboard. Go ahead and press "O" and your keyboard to add O point over here. Now let us go to the clip re-timing options and in the drop-down menu click "Fast" and I'll just pick eight times faster for now. Final Cut Pro was able to adjust the speed and between those in and out points. Final Cut Pro will add these speech transitions but I want to get rid of that. Select the transition bar and de-select speed transition. I'm going to click off that dialog box to get rid of it. I want this clip to go slow motion right when it hits this beat. I can adjust the speed by clicking and dragging the edge and moving it a little bit to the left. This will speed up and in between these two markers, let's check out the video so far. If your computer has any glitchy while playing the video just wait until the rendering is complete. I'll go ahead and make some minor adjustments to these clips. In the meantime Final Cut Pro won't render until you leave it alone. This line over here just means it's rendering so it's storing data into your hard drive and that's because of the speed ramping we just did. I want to trim the end of this clip to this marker so that transition happens right on the beat. The transition is on beat, so I want to review it from the beginning and hit "Play". Because this next clip is a little long so you can also follow along with me as I use the same method to speed rapid in-between beats. I'll use a left or right arrow key to move the play head frame by frame and I'm going to add a marker right on that beat. I'm going to add an endpoint right over here and I'm going to move the play head a little bit towards the end so I can add an L points so this can speed up from the bucket until the sign isn't focus. Now that our range is selected, it will go to clip re-timing and selected fast speed. Get rid off the speed transition by deselecting it. Drag the edge of this bar over here so the speed slows down right on this marker. That's it for this lesson. We're going to move on to the next step so we can stabilize the shakiness. 8. Step 7 - Stabilization: If some of the shots are a little too shaky, you can actually stabilize that here in post-production. Let's select the first clip and view it. With this clip selected, let's go to the inspector and clip on the Info icon so we can look at the settings. Now, when I shot this, it was at 1080p. We made this project setting at 720p. That means when we try to stabilize this, the shot can be extended. Click on the Video Inspector and scroll down to the stabilization checkbox. Select stabilization and you can see the frame pushes in. If your screen is analyzing data right now, just let it finish, then hit Play once it's done. The good thing is that we shot this at a higher resolution, so I won't distort the clip too much. If I select and deselect stabilization, you can see the clip will push in and push out. In this inspector, you have options to have more control of the stabilization. Sometimes, I'll switch from automatic to smooth cam. Okay. Now, I want to stabilize the Town Hall clip. Let's scroll down and select Stabilization. Let it finish analyzing motion, and then, you can click Play when that's done. I want to stabilize this last clip. I select the clip, then select Stabilization over here in the Inspector. Let it finish analyzing for dominant motion, then click Play. We just covered a bit about stabilization. Go ahead and play around with it, and let's move on to the next step when you're ready. 9. Step 8 - Effects: Now we'll go over the effects, so let's select the first clip, and over here in the right of the timeline, we had the effects browser. Go ahead and press this button. All these effects are pre-made. Yours might look different than mine because I made a few from Apple Motion 5 and I also purchased a few from other creators. It's really easy to just drag and drop an effect to this clip. You can skim through to view your changes. If you go to your video inspector, you can see the controls that you have over this effect, the fifties TV effect lets you control the amount and brightness slider. Every effect will have different options, you'll have to explore them. You can also deselect any effect if you're unsure if you want to use this or you can select this bar over here and press the delete key. The effects are also organized in different categories. I might have more categories that I added throughout the years. One of the common effects that I use is over here and looks category and is called strife. Before I select that, I want to show you what happens when I roll my mouse over these effects while my clip is selected, you can review how it looks on your clip before adding the effect. Another way to add the effect is by double-clicking it. Now that this clip has a strength effect, you can go to the video inspector and look at the different controls available. Let's bring the amount down to maybe about 50 or 51 so the saturation isn't reduced that much. Another way to add effects on multiple clips is by selecting all of them by using the marquee and double-clicking the effect. I won't do that because I made some adjustments to the first clip and I want this same adjustments on the following clips. I want the amount on all of them to be about the same. I want to select that first clip, click "Command C" to copy, select the following clips. Go ahead and select all of the other clips over here. Then go to edit and look for paste attributes and select it. This dialogue box will show up because they want you to select the effects you want pasted, deselect audio attributes because we're just pasting the effect and select "Paste". Now you can see the same effect was added to all of your clips. Since we added some effects, the line over here means that this section of the timeline is still rendering. That means it's storing data into your hard drive. If you play the video while it's still rendering, you might get some glitching. This button up here shows the progress so far. When that's done, I'll press the space bar to play and view my work. You might want to browse through some of these effects and do a little bit of exploring on your own time. I also like using some of the effects in the light category. Sometimes I'll play with these flashes. You can add multiple effects into one clip. That's it for now. Let's move on to the next step so we can cover transitions. 10. Step 9 - Transitions: The transitions browser is right next to the effects. Go ahead and click this button over here to the far right. Yours will look a little different because I've installed so many transitions into my program. But just like the effects, you have different categories and most of the Final Cut Pro transitions are a little too much. Go ahead and click on the dissolves category. You can also click and drag transitions in between two clips. At the cross dissolve in between the lab and town hall clips. I'll zoom in my timeline by pressing command plus several times to get a better look at this transition. You can drag the edge of this transition to change the duration. I'll make this dissolve a little longer. Just like the effects, these transitions also give you some control in the inspector. Lets move towards the end and let's go in the browser. I want to look for this clip of the railroad crossing sign. Let's go ahead and drag this clip and add it right here after the buckets. Remove the audio and do not trim the beginning of this clip. I want to show you when I click and drag the beginning of this clip towards a left, you'll see a red line indicating there is no more footage available. So this will need more media footage to add a transition. Go ahead and add a transition in between these two clips without the edge trimmed. This will pop up in your screen. There is not enough extra media beyond clip edges to create the transition. Final Cut Pro is asking if you want it to overlap and trim the media for you? Yes, you do, so click create transition. Final Cut Pro did the work for you by trimming the edge of that railroad crossing sign. You can click and drag the edge of the transition if you need to make adjustments, but I don't have enough media to drag it out. Move the mouse to one of the upper corners of that transition and you'll see the mouse changes to the film roll. This means you are able to trim the clips from here. Trim the clips to tighten them up and you can have a dissolve in between the markers. I'll trim the end of this railroad sign so it cuts right at this mark over here. If you think this will be better in slow motion, feel free to select automatic speed, but this will be up to you. Now I want to copy the effects from the previous clip by selecting it and pressing command C. Select the railroad crossing sign, go to edit and paste attributes. Just leave the strife affects selected and hit paste. Let's see how it's looking so far. Now you can go through the other categories and explore these transitions. Yours will look different than mine because I have a lot that is already installed. Some of these were purchased and some I created on Apple Motion 5. Go back to the dissolves category and check out the fade to color transition. Drag that towards the end of the last clip, and now this will fade to black at the end. Now I'm going to show you how to export your footage out of Final Cut Pro, so let's go on to the next step. 11. Step 10 - Exporting: Now, I'll show you how to export your footage, but if you have a clip selected, I highly recommend that you deselect off of that clip. This is so you export the whole timeline, and not that clip only. On the top right of your window you will see the share button. Go ahead, and click this button, and select master file. If you click here, you can change the name of that file. When I'm exporting multiple drafts, I'll put a V, and a number as version 2, 3, and so on. You can roll your mouse over this thumbnail so you can skim through what you're exporting. Click on the Settings tab under Format you only want to set to video, and audio if you are sending the final product to your client, but the file will be a little big. If you want to post it on the internet, you can select a web hosting option. You can see the file just dropped down to 159 megabytes, click "Next" to continue, I recommend creating a folder where you saved your finished work then click "Save". As this is exporting this button over here will display the background task, you can see the progress so far. I'll go ahead, and click this button, and over here, under sharing, you can see that it's still exporting. When this is done, a QuickTime file will pop up on your screen, and you have the option to view the video file by clicking that show button on the top right. You should be able to see your video file, I have mine over here, I'm going to go ahead, and close this, and go back to Final Cut Pro. I'm going to show you some of the sharing options available, click the share button for the drop-down menu, and select Address destination. The destination preferences show up, click, and drag any of these thumbnails into the left box. I'll just add this Vimeo thumbnail. I'll click "Cancel" because I really don't need to get into my Vimeo account. You can see it's in my destination selection, I'll go ahead and close this box. When I click the share button again, Vimeo will show up in the drop-down menu, and that's because we added this in the preferences, you can always add any of the other options if that helps you export faster. I'll use this options save current frame. If I want to save a still image, and upload that as my YouTube thumbnail. Go ahead, and select that. You can see over here I can change the name of the file. Click on settings so I can show you the export options, right now it's set to JPEG, but sometimes I might need to export it as a PNG or Tiff file. Go ahead and, click "Next" and save your current frame. Don't forget on the top left, you can see your current progress, I'm going to click on the task button to see how it's doing. When it's done exporting a pop-up will show up on the top right, so I'll click on "Show". Final Cut Pro will show me exactly where my file is saved so I can click on it and hit spacebar to view it. I'll close these boxes over here so I can clean up my window. That's pretty much it for now, but my next video will show you my completed work, and I got to challenge for you. Let's wrap this up. 12. Exercise: Edit with music: We've gone this far and it's time for you to start practicing everything that you learned. Challenge yourself by editing b-roll. If you want to use your own footage, just mute the audio and find some music, you can edit the b-roll with music. Feel free to share your projects, so we can see how you're doing and let us know if you want some constructive criticism. I'm sure there's plenty of great editors already taking this course and using it as a way to expand a little bit more. Hopefully, a lot of you can get involved. There's plenty of sites where you can download royalty free music. You can go to YouTube and search royalty free music. Sometimes I'll download music from audio library. I'll show you my finished video as an example and maybe this will help you generate some ideas. You'll be able to see how I put it together by looking here at the timeline. After this video, go ahead and start creating and let's see what you got. 13. Next Project - Voice over with b-roll: Alright guys, I hope you made a cool highlights something that you're proud of, share with us, let us know how you're doing. Either way, I hope you're having fun because now we are about to go into the next section of this course and we're going to go over voiceover with B-roll. This time we're going to add text and we're going to go over some keyboard shortcuts. I'm going to make the editing workflow a little bit faster for you guys if you follow these steps, but at the same time you can always break my rules and do whatever you want to do to make your videos however you want it. This is what we're going to do. I have a fitness commercial that I did a long time ago. I'm going to get some clips from there. You're going to download those clips into your hard drive or into your documents folder, and you're going to edit off of those clips. If you've already got yourself a hard drive. I will be talking about how we're going to format the hard drive, and we'll be talking about different kinds of hard drives and flash drives. At the end we'll be talking about the exercise again. You can apply the skills that I taught you on your own. Let me know if you have any questions I'm here for you. I'm pretty sure your work is going to look great. Either way I got your back. Good luck and have fun. 14. Step 12 - Formatting your hard drive: I see a lot of people struggle with this plenty of times. I'll copy a big fall to my drive and it'll say that the file is too big, even though I have enough space on my drive, it is better to just format your drive so it's compatible to your Mac. If you're going to format a flash drive that you already have files in, then you need to copy those files over to a different drive. Because what we're about to do is we're going to erase everything in the drive. Let's just pretend that you have a brand new flash drive over here. I'm going to double-click on it to open it up. You can see over here it's about a 32 Gigabyte flash drive. I'm going to go ahead and right-click on the drive over here, and click "Get Info". Let's go ahead and take a look at this. Under format, you can see it is a FAT32, which means it is compatible for a PC and a Mac. But we're going to go ahead and format this for a Mac only. I'm going to close this. Let's go to the applications. Under "Applications", scroll to the bottom and click on "Utilities". Now go ahead and click "Disk Utility" over here in the sidebar where it says "External", go ahead and click on the flash drive that you are going to format. Before we move on, make sure you're working on an empty flash drive, anything that you have saved on this disk drive, any important documents, it will all be erased. I'm giving you guys a warning right now before we continue and erase everything. Now that I made that clear, go ahead and click on the erase button. You can give your flash drive a name. I'm just going to make this simple and call it "GARCIA". Under format, you're going to have some options, go ahead and select that. It's already a FAT32, so you're not going to format it again to a FAT32, but we're going to go up here and click on "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". Once you have that selected, just get ready, you're about to erase everything. Go ahead and click it when it's safe. That's it, it is done, everything is erased. Now you can click on "Done". I'll close this window and then we're going to go to the flash drive. I'll go ahead and select my flash drive. You can see over here everything is cleared out and empty. I'll right-click this and select "Get Info". Over here you can see under format it is Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Every time I get a new hard drive, the reason why I format all of my hard drive before I start using Final Cut Pro, and these are just recommendations. Now another piece of advice is before you pull out your hard drive, you got to properly eject it from your computer first. If you don't properly eject your hard drive from your computer and you just start pulling it out, you are going to corrupt your files over time. You have a few options, you can either click on this triangle to reject it, or if you click and hold on to the hard drive, you'll see that the trash bin has changed icon to an eject button. If you drag and drop it over here, it is going to eject your hard drive. Make sure it completely disappears from your computer and then you can pull out your hard drive. Another way to reject your hard drive is by right-clicking it and select the eject button. All right, that's it. I know this might sound basic for some of you, but I hope this gave an understanding for some people who had these questions. 15. Step 13 - Final Cut Pro interface: Now that you had a good fill of Final Cut Pro, lets go over the Final Cut Pro interface. Over here in the top this is the menu. This has plenty of great options, but we'll be going to this little bit at a time, not so much at once. But if you're looking for a certain buy-in or you're looking for something that you can't find it anymore, go over here to help and start typing in the words. I'm looking for record voice-over and I forgot where it at. I'm going to type in voice, and it's going show up over here under window record voice-over. I can select over here if I wanted to pop up. Here it is, I don't need that, so I'm going ahead and close that out. Final Cut Pro will also have other available resources here. I'll go ahead and click out of that. Over here in the top left, this red X button means you can close Final Cut Pro, the yellow button means, you can minimize it, and the green one allows you to maximize it. If that's not how you like to work, you can go ahead and bring your mouse up here to the top and go ahead and click the green button to remove the maximized screen. Let's say you've been moving things around, you've been moving the bar around, you've been changing the size and you want to put it back, real simple. Once you're done messing around with it, go ahead and double-click the bar and it will fill up the screen again. Right next to that you'll see over here that input button, the keyword collections button, which we cover briefly in previous lessons. Over here is a background task so you can see how you're rendering or your exploiting processes doing. Here's the sidebar where you can access your libraries. Over here is the photos and audio and then over here on the right side is your titles and generators. We will be covering texts and titles in the next few lessons down the road, I'll go back and click on the library's sidebar. So that's showing. Right here you have your library's sidebar, and right next to it you have the browser which you'll have your clips to skim through. This is your viewer where you'll play back the clips and projects. I've seen a lot of students accidentally choose the size of their viewers. If you click on this disclosure triangle over here, you can change the size of back to fit. This is your view options, we'll be using this a little bit more once we start doing multi-camera production. Over here towards the right, you can show or hide your browser, and right next to it you can show or hide your project. I don't really touched that too often, but right next to it is the inspector which I do go into often to make adjustments. Right here towards the bottom, you have different options to import your clip one way is you can import it above your story-line. The next one you can also insert it in between a story-line or in between two shots and then you can also import it towards the end of your story-line. This one allows you to overwrite the clips. This disclosure triangle here towards the right, it has different options of how you want to input your clips. Sometimes if I just want to put B-roll only and no audio, I'll just select video only. If I use my camera to record someone's voice and I just want to use a audio of that clip, I'll just select audio only, so I can just import the audio. I'll be covering that a little bit more in later lessons. We covered this in previous lessons, but here's all your tools. Over here is a total duration of all the clips have together in your projects. Sometimes I have to look at this because I have two hours of footage and I want to edit down to maybe a three-minute highlight video. Up here you'll have your transforming crop options. You'll be able to color correct, and audio enhancement options. Over here we have the read timing options, which we briefly covered as we were speed ramping the other clips. Let's say you spend so many hours editing your clip into this tiny screen and you want to see how it looks on your big screen, you can click here to enter into full-screen mode and won't work right now because I don't have any clips inserted. Then over here you can have your skimming options selected if you want to skim through your clips or not, or if you just want to remove the audio, you can just deselect this. This is to solo select an item. Right next to that you have the snapping tool, which I think is very helpful. As you've see it in my previous lessons, I use a snapping tool a lot if I want to align the clip next to another clip. You can adjust to the clip appearance over here if you want to make the clips a little bit bigger or smaller in your timeline. Remember, if you're unsure with any of these tools, do this tool tip does pop up if you leave your mouse over the tool for a little bit. We cover the effects and transitions in previous lessons. This whole section over here, it all relates to what you're going to do to your project or your timeline. If your library is not open on Final Cut Pro and you need to reopen it, they can click over here to Open Library. You'll see over here is going to pop up a few of the recent libraries. The one I'm currently working on is over here called Spring videos. You can still use the one you're currently working on when you put your last name and videos, I can also click on my finder window and go to my hard drive and I can double-click on to the library to open it. You'll see under my library I have different events for each wedding. I plan on covering this little bit more in the next lesson. I'll go ahead and click on any of my events and then I'll double-click on a project just so I can pop it up on my timeline. You can see over here is a library. Here are the events, here's the project, and here's the timeline that's inside the project. Another way to open up your libraries is by going to the menu and click on File Open Library. You can find your recent libraries over here, or you can go ahead and select other and you can look for it in your hard drive. Once you get in there, you can click on locate to look for it. Since I already have it open, I don't need to do anything. But here's another option for you. If you want to open up your library. All right, that's your Final Cut Pro interface. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message. 16. Step 14 - Import Clips: Now we're going to import new video clips. We went over this quickly before, but I'll show you an alternative way to do this. I do have new project files available in download called Fitnessgym. Feel free to download those files and you can put it in your hard drive or flash drive. You should have your library open. If you still have one with your last name and videos, that'll work perfectly. You can see over here I have a bunch of events under my library, these are just other videos I've been recently working on. Let's create a new event, go to File, New and select event. Under event name we're going to call this fitness gym. Here's my video settings, if you can't see your settings go ahead and click on ''Use custom settings'' to open it up. When you got that done click ''Okay''. My new event fitness gym is right over here, I'm going to go ahead and select that. Remember the settings we just created in that box just a few seconds ago? It created that for this project over here, click on it and rename it to fitness gym. You can also import clips from this arrow pointing down. But I'll show you another option, so first we're going to click on this smiley face over here, and this will open up the Finder window, then you'll navigate to your hard drive to find this zip file you just downloaded. I have mine over here so I'm going to double-click it to decompress it. I have a couple of video clips over here, I'll open it up just to show you what I have. There's a couple of b-roll clips and the interview. One way to import the clips into your browser is by dragging and dropping it, since we're using auto clips we're going to drag the whole folder. Just like that all your clips are in your browser. This simple feature wasn't always available before, but if you're dragging and dropping make sure you have the correct events selected. Now that we have our clips imported we'll move on to the next step. 17. Step 15 - Insert clips in project: Last time I showed you how to drag and drop your clips into the timeline, but this time I'll show you an alternative way to insert your clips, which makes the editing flow much faster if you get used to these. Just so you know, this part over here is called the primary story-line, so am going to be using those words a lot during this tutorial. Make sure you have your fitness gym events selected, and double-click your project to make sure it's available on the timeline. We're going to add our first B-Roll clip of this bench. This has background sound that we want to get rid of. Tap it to select it. Down here, we'll have a couple of insert options. We'll go over each of them one at a time. For now, let's click on this disclosure triangle. We want to insert the video without audio, so we'll select video only. Now that we have it selected, if we drag and drop the clip into the timeline, it'll only drag the video and not the audio. I'll press space bar to play and review it. You won't hear any of the audio, and you won't see any of the audio WAV files. Next, we're going to insert this interview clip. I'll roll my mouse over the clip and hit space bar to review it. Tap in to select it. This time we need both the video and the audio together, so we're going to click on the disclosure triangle and select all. We're going to insert the clip between the B-roll of the bench. You can press this icon to insert the clip into the B-roll clip or press "W". You can see the B-roll clip is split up into two pieces now. I'll press space bar to review the clip and I'm going to trim the beginning and end of the clip where you hear my voice. Now we want to add some B-roll while she's talking. Will get voiced over as we add B-roll over this primary story line. I'm going to use the first clip over here, so go ahead and select it. I'll press space bar to review it. This time we want to add a video only. We'll go back to the disclosure triangle below and select the video only. This icon on the far left will allow us to insert the clip above the story-line, or we can press the "Q" button. I'll press space bar to review it so I can show you the voice-over. That's one way to insert clips. We're going to add this next B-roll over here with the same girl. Since this is the same girl working out, I don't want to use this right next to the previous clip we just add it, we'll move this towards the end. Go ahead and select it. This button over here will allow you to append a clip to the primary story-line. This will insert the clip towards the end. Go ahead and click on it or press "E". Now you'll see that that clip has been inserted towards the end. Now we're going to add the next 3 B-roll clips above the story-line so we can continue the voice over. Go ahead and select this one and make sure you move your play-head right after this next B-roll clip, then you can press this button to connect this selected clip or press "Q". We'll do the same thing with the next clip. I don't use this one, but this button will let you overwrite the clips in the primary story-line. I'll show you an example but I'm going to undo it anyways. I'll select it and press this button over here, or you can press "D". You'll see that this override all the clips, but I'm going to press "Command Z" on my keyboard to undo. These are the different ways you can insert your clips. I recommend that you experiment with them and try to remember the keyboard shortcuts. It will make your editing flow much quicker. 18. Step 16 - Create Storyline: Okay, this might be a bit confusing at first, but story-lines is a big part of what Final Cut Pro is all about. Let me tell you what it is. Story-lines combined clips, remember how I said this is a primary story-line. Everything above this clip is attached to the primary story-line. But we can create story-lines among these clips. Before we get started, I just want to remind you how you can zoom in and zoom out since now we're having more clips in the timeline. If you press Command plus, you can zoom in the timeline. Shift Z will fit the entire timeline interior screen. Command minus will zoom out. I'll go ahead and press Shift Z again so I can fit the whole timeline into my screen again. Now that I've showed you different ways to insert the clips, you probably have a bunch of clips over here in the timeline. Let's review what I have first. One of my absolute favorite things about this particular work out, is the slow pace that we do. Since we move so slow in here, it offers you the ability to really connect to your body and your mind. When you're in this room were not moving quickly, we're not jumping around, we're taking things really slow so you can feel absolutely everything that's happening in your body. You can focus on your form, you can focus on your pace, you can focus on your breath and when you have a question, there's always an instructor there for you. It's one instructor per 10 clients so we're always there for you to give you that individual attention that you need. You might have realized there's a couple of shaky shots in there, so we're going to trim those out. For now just watch what I'm doing. You don't have to follow along. I'll tell you in a minute where you're going to start following along with me. I'll start off by trimming the beginning of this clip. Since we move so slow in here, it offers you the ability to really connect. It looks like it smooths out right over here. If I move this clip towards a left a bit, it doesn't bring the other clips because all the other clips are still attached to the same spot. When I trim this clip, you'll see that it leaves an open space between the following clip. I'm going to undo everything now. Now get ready because you're going to follow along with me. Using my key to select the top three B-roll clips. On any of the clips, you're going to Control click it or on the mouse you're going to right-click it. In this pop-up over here, you'll see it creates Story-line as one of the options. You can press that or the keyboard shortcut is Command G. Everything below this bar over here is within the story-line. Go ahead and trim the beginning of this clip to get rid of the shakiness. Now if we click and drag this bar over here, it'll move entire story-line. I'm going to trim the middle clip to get rid of the shaky parts. You'll see that entire story-line is attached to this part of the primary story-line. Everything at the end will move towards the left like a magnet. Same thing will happen when I trim the end of that same clip. Offers you the ability to really connect to your body. Now let's trim the beginning and end of the following clip. Great. I shot this as 60 frames per second. Since my project is 23.98 frames per second, I want to run this in slow motion. Create a marquee to select all the clips. Go to the Return button and select Automatic speed. I don't know how your timeline looks like, but for me, I move things around and I want to see my whole timeline, so I'll press Shift Z. I can select this clip and move it around the story-line. As long as I keep it in here, it will rearrange the other clips like a magnet. Go ahead and move your eyes just like how I just did, but keep it within that story-line. This next part you don't need to follow along, just go ahead and observe what I'm about to do right now. If I don't want to keep the clip in the timeline, I can move it out and it'll have its own magnetic strip attached to a clip. You can see the difference. This story-line is attached to the clip over here, and this clip is attached over here. Once again it's like a magnet. I'm going to press Command Z to undo. All right. That's how you create a story-line and this is how you work with it. Go ahead and play with that a little bit and whenever you're ready, let's move on to the next step. 19. Step 17 - In & out points: Now, we're going to be learning in and L points. This will be easier if you want to select part of the video. For now, we're going towards the ends so we can figure out what clip to add that relates to the last few snippets of her voice-over. You can focus on your pace, you may focus on your breath, and when you have a question, there's always an instructor there for you. It's one instructor for 10 clients, so, we're always there for you to give you that individual attention that you need. She's talking about the support they get from the instructors. I have a clip over here of an instructor. If you click and drag on the clip, you can select a range of a clip instead of the whole thing. I'm going to press "Option X" to clear that, because I want to show you an alternative way to add in and L points. I moved to the beginning, here's space bar to play the video so we can review it. I want to add an end point a little bit towards the beginning, but after the shakiness, so, I'm going to move the play head over here and hit the I button. I just added an endpoint over here. I'll play it again and press "O" to add a l point before it gets shaky again. I'll press the O button right there. We can drag this clip towards the end of the story line that we've created the last lesson. Just make sure that it stays in the story line. I want this in slow motion, so, with the clip still selected, I'm going to go the retiming options and click "Automatic Speed". This is extending past the interview and over the Bureau in the primary story line. I'll trim some of the longer clips so it ends at the end of her voice over. An instructor there for you. It's one instructor per 10 clients. We're always there for you to give you that individual attention that you need. Let's review it, so you can see how the voice-over relates to the clip. If you have a question, there's always an instructor there for you. It's one instructor per 10 clients, so, we're always there for you to give you that individual attention that you need. We're going to make this bench in slow motion by selecting it, going to the retiming options and select Automatic Speed. I'll review this clip because I know there's a piece at the end that I want to remove where it gets a little bit shaky. About three-quarters down, I'm going to press the I button to add an endpoint. It will select a range until the end of the clip, unless I decide to add an L point somewhere else, press the Delete key to remove it. That's how you use it in an L points. You can select a range, and I recommend practicing these skills to make your editing flow faster. Just a quick recap to select an endpoint, press "Option I", to select an L point, press "Option O", to clear a selection, press "Option X". 20. Step 18 - J, K & L keys to navigate faster!: This is going to be really simple. It helps me navigate through the timeline really quick, by pressing the J, K, and L buttons. Just remember that J will play backwards, K will stop, and L will play forwards. Go ahead and have your fingers on your keyboard ready. I'll press L to play forward and K to stop it. I'll press J to play backwards. It helps me navigate through a certain clip if I want to just get rid of the shaky part without having to move the whole play hit with the mouse. Now if I press a button twice, it'll move two times the speed, so I'm going to press J twice. I pressed K to stop it. Now I'm going to press L twice. It can play faster, if you want to press the button three or four times. I pressed J three times, and while it was playing backwards, I pressed it the fourth time. I'll do the same thing with the L button. I'll show you an example of how I use this to edit a clip. You can watch and follow along if you want. I'll navigate through the timeline. I'll find a section I want to remove because there's shakiness here in the footage. Over here I'm going to press the L button and add an L point. Then I'll delete the range. That's it, just get used to playing with the J, K, and L buttons for a little bit. Let's move on to the next lesson. 21. Step 19 - Text: In this lesson, we're going to cover text. We need to introduce the name of the person being interviewed. One of my absolute favorite things about this particular [inaudible]. I'll put the play-head back in the beginning. Up here you had the library sidebar open, but on this button towards the right, it'll open the text and generator sidebar. Go ahead and click on that. Here's the titles and generators. There's a lot I can cover but it's good to explore a little bit. I'll open this disclosure triangle for the title so we can see the categories. Yours might look a little bit different because I have added some over the years of film-making. But you can see as I scroll through here, there's a variety of text presets to choose from. If you have skimming on, you can preview the text just like any other clip. When we introduce the girl being interviewed, we will need text to the lower thirds. Instead of browsing through all the text presets, we can click through the lower thirds category to see their options. You have plenty of options over here. I have added some of my own, but we'll grab something basic for now at the top. I'll select the first one to make it simple. Go ahead and click on basic lower third. Press Q to place your clip on top of the primary story-line. You can select it in the timeline and you can also edit this in the viewer. For now, I'll just name her Instructor. I'll click the bottom text and title her Fitness Coach. Just like any other media in the timeline, you can trim the edge of the text a little shorter so it doesn't roll over the broll. I'll review it real quick. One of my absolute favorite things about this particular work out is the slow pace that we do since we move so slow. Cool and smooth the player towards the end because we will put a title back here. We'll put the text in the middle of the screen, so click on the build in and out category. I'll skim over this fade text to review it and then I'll select it. Bring it to your timeline. I'm just going to drag and drop it. I want it away from the story-line. If you have your Inspector open, you'll be able to edit the text as long as you have it selected. Under these next four categories, make sure you have the text Inspector open and you can change the text in here. I'll call this Fitness Gym, you can call it whatever you want. Let's go ahead and review it. You can always make adjustments to the texts and the Inspector. A lot of it is similar to Microsoft Word. You can pick the font size alignment. I'll change the font real quick. I just chose a random font for now, but you can see many other options that you can do with the text. Over here, you see face selected. If you want to expand this, click show and you can adjust the color. If you press that box, it'll show you a color dialogue box opening and you can make adjustments anyway you like. I'll go ahead and close that for now; and if you scroll to the top, you'll see that you can adjust the size over here. I'm going to leave it the way it is for now. Go ahead and explore the texts on your end and review your changes. 22. Exercise - Edit broll with interviews: Hey, what's going on, you made it this far and everything that I taught you will go to waste if you don't know, play it on your own here it is. Your next exercise you're going edit broll with the interview or broll with voice over. Film something either at home or even for business like a jewelry store. You want to interview one of the employees so they can talk about the jewelry. It gets some broll of the jewelry of pile all the stuff that I taught you as some text in there and make a short little video, maybe you want to do something about home and film your day-to-day activities. You can interview someone talking about what you guys been doing every day well yourself quarantine and that could be something as simple as going for your daily walks with your family maybe you guys have been doing some activities everyday, board games, you're playing something simple at home also show your work with us. I like to see what you've been doing and get engaged with this community as much as you can and that's about it. Have a good one and good luck on your filming and you're editing. 23. FCPX Conclusion: All right. Now we're coming to an end and I do come back here once in a while to make some updates. Final Cut Pro is always making updates, so I do follow up. Feel free to come back to this course whenever you need to do a recap on editing, none of this will help you if you don't keep practicing what you learned. Before I end this, I'll show you an example of this fitness video I did for the grand opening. You can see my editing workflow over here on the timeline. Go out and start editing, stay safe and keep on learning. This is a high intensity, low impact workout that actually works every single muscle in your body at one time. Since we move so slow in here, it offers you the ability to really connect to your body and your mind. When you're in this room we're not moving quickly, we're not jumping around, we're taking things really slow so you can feel absolutely everything that's happening in your body. You can focus on your form, you can focus on your pace, you can focus on your breath. When you have a question, there's always an instructor there for you. It's one instructor per 10 clients, so we're always there for you to give you that individual attention that you need. If you want to sign up for a class, just select the studio you want to attend and sign up for a class. Our first class is $18, so you can do a drop in. You can check the schedule for the most up-to-date times. But I would suggest taking a beginner class and then you are ready to go and move into all level.