1. Intro to Fashion Sets: If you've watched any of my fashion illustration classes, you'll know that I love fashion. I've worked for some amazing fashion brands, styled hundreds of outfits and recently gone back to my illustration and design roots. Hi, I'm crispy and I'm back in the studio today to show you my process for how to paint watercolor fashion sets, an illustrated form of the collections of fashion items you see in magazines, online and social media. I'll show you what I use, how I get inspired and a step by step from sketching, thinking to painting. I'll share my favorite fashion app, some painting effects, how we handle mistakes and finishing touches to help you end up with a project you're proud of. So I hope you'll join me in fashion illustration. Watercolor fashion sets. You got this. See you there
2. What You'll Need: What I use these projects is super basic like pencil an eraser, paper towels to stop up messes. I'm using a pen. Tell water brush. Ah, but you can use any brush you like. Mine is a medium size for paper. I used a cast and watercolor £140 cold press paper that has a lot of texture and holds a lot of water. Watercolor set is a Windsor and Newton Cotman 12 piece tube set, which I find the colors really vibrant. I'm also using a light gold, a dark old and a silver gel pen for some detail work a small and large micron for detail, work and fulfilling in larger areas. And then, for my workspace, I just made sure my sketchbook is in front of me. My paints and brushes and paper towels are very readily accessible, and the water is somewhere nearby for me to switch my brush. Now I'll meet in the next video to get inspired. See, there
3. Inspiration: Okay, e want to go over with you? Some things that inspire me to find, uh, sets to paint. And Pinterest is my really number one form of inspiration for this. I've created a board for you so you could see what inspires me. Thes air art sets fashion sets from other artists that have been painted to give you an idea of some things you can do with yours. And then I have a bunch of images underneath of images of fashion sets, editorials, um, things put together an apse which I'll share with you later in this video and then, ah, magazines have been another enormous form of inspiration because they're loaded with fashion sets. Ah, this one depicts this woman on a sailing ship s so everything is very light and breezy. Ah, very upscale in this image, which I actually used in one of my projects is a spring look sort of inspired by Renaissance vintage. Looks are you can see in this boost ea as well as this atomizer spray fragrance, and then you go up to the pearls which are so classic plus the jeans and the kitten heel that kind of bring it back down to the now. This look is a sort of empire. Ancient Chinese empire. Look with the red, the black gold, Um, the headdress that depicts the rooftops in China, in Chinese architecture. Um, the very symmetrical jewelry, um, ends and so on. So you can see there's a story to every one of these sets. Um, that's why they're named. I think, you know, just to kind of help tell that story. Uh, this one shows just winter wear. So that's another theme you can do is just a theme on a certain type of dress. So you see the coats at the top, and then at the bottom, you can see the corresponding accessories. That's another fun idea. I also have this calendar are done by a Nart ist. That has been another inspiration to me, and each page tells the story of what this person does as well as what they wear. So that's another thing you can. Including your sets is little backstory, things like the Eiffel Tower. You know, the other. Ah, that camera, Um, the sunglasses. She wears the makeup, the shoes etcetera. So it's like a little bit of the story of this person. This is an evening where Look, um so it shows that Valentine's Day accessories all around her main evening gown. Now, this one is more of a boho look Ah, with all her cute, uh, jewelry hats, you know, that sort of thing? Eso and And it kind of just goes on. Here's a swimwear one. So these air more ideas for your, um, your palates in your sets had this Christmas one is fun with the cute little gingerbread stuff and and winter accessories, the ugly sweater, etcetera. So, um, again, uh, just be creative and see what you can put together for your own ideas. I want to share with you to this app called shop. Look, it's available on Android and on IOS, and it is loaded with fashion sets that individuals have put together. They're really cute and fun and full of energy. Um, you can also put your own fashion sets together, um, by creating an account just with an email address and user name, and then you can pull up individual items and actually create your own sets. And this is what I've been doing is creating my own sets and then illustrating them because they're super inspiring to me. Um, I found these pieces that appealed to me shapes and form and little text blurbs and other things. So literally piece by piece, you could build this look Ah, just by clicking on each individual category tops, pants, accessories, shoes, bags, whatever you you like, um, to put in your sets. Like I said before, you could do all coats or all accessories are all whatever, but it's totally up to you. It's just really what moves you And what, Uh, you know what? What inspires you to create and paint what colors you like, what shapes you like? Ah, and you could build your own personal style in these sets. Um, just by selecting pieces that are individual to you. So I am building this set. You can see me watching that you can see me building the set piece by piece, and, um, it's just a lot of fun at the end. You kind of name your your look and, uh, put a little bit of information about it, a description, because that's really what they the editorials are about. In the magazines, the editors and the stylist, they create a name for the look. They, uh, create. Uh, they kind of make a list, like figure. Who would be wearing this? Who would this appeal to And then really speak to that market, that person, and you could do the same thing with your art. And then at the end, you just hit, Accept were published. Rather Sorry. Hit the green published button at the top. You just kind of go through and follow the prompts. And if you want to join this app, it's just a lot of fun. There's a whole community on Instagram and Twitter that, um, kind of share ideas and inspiration on this app as well. So and I've just quickly gone through this with you. This is my personal account here with some of my sets, but I am happy to go into more detail if you reach out to me in the community section. Okay?
4. Composition: Okay, E, I want to go over some composition options, like this editorial here where the subject is located in the center and all the pieces air kind of wrapped around her like a circle or a semi circle with the title at the top. Uh, and this edit editor has done the same thing on on all three of these shoots, so you can see it's like a creating a circle with your eye. Ah, and you can kind of follow along on all the pieces with the center point in the center. And this one is the same way. Um, but that's Onley. One option of composing your ear pieces. Here's another one with On the right hand side, you see the subject in a sailing in a sailboat and all the light and breezy sort of, uh, items kind of on the left hand side. Um, supporting that this one also is laid out the same way with subject on the right and the other pieces around it on the left hand side. So this is another way you can lay out your your items, but there's really no limit to how you can put them on your page. Honestly, in this one, you have your main subject again on the left and then all the supporting items on the right , and you don't even really have to have a main item. I mean, you could just put a bunch of things on the page and still have it look really cool. So it's completely up to you how you want to do this. I think you're gonna get inspired when you start finding some really beautiful things online, and you decide what it is that you want to paint. Its things start coming together composition wise, because you'll see what shapes you have to deal with and so forth on this composition. They put, um, a lot of like things on the top, and then they put supporting things on the bottom. And that's another really clean look. This is when I actually did a project on that. I want to show you how I raised the sunglasses and necklace up to the top to fit my composition a little better, and that it's because I enlarged the size of my main subject, which was the dress, and then everything else sort of fit around it and I love the circular way that it pulls the eye around the entire page so I can't wait to see what you come up with. And if you have any questions, reach out in the community section.
5. Sketch and Ink: Okay, so I want to go over with you. How I, ah composed my sketches, How I go about placing my items and how I kind of pre how I prepare my sketches for paint. Ah, and you'll see on I have all of these items on this magazine editorial page. So in editorials where ah magazine will place designer pieces, Um, as a set that they have created. So, um, what I'm doing is placing those pieces on the page, but I'm changing where I have put them. I've moved them around, I've changed the scale. And that's another thing. You could make the sunglasses really big handbag. Really small. Ah, the jacket really tiny. And it's all going to still look OK, as long as it the composition on the page is ah is good. So what you're gonna want to do is take So I started with a jacket cause that was my anchor piece, and I took about 1/2 of the page, but the jacket is going to be my kind of I mean, focal point. So I kind of wanted all the accessories sort of surrounding the jacket, and, um so I'm lining up the handbag and the sunglasses. You've noticed I offset the sunglasses. I didn't place him exactly under the the handbag just for a little interest and to kind of take your eye on a circular journey. I place the watch underneath and you'll see. I brought it in just a little bit again to take the eye on a circular sort of winding path . It kind of makes it a little bit interesting instead of, um, symmetrically placing, which is very predictable. Ah, sometimes just offsetting an item will, ah, very interesting to the viewer and make your composition just a little more engaging. It keeps the eye on your project a little bit longer. Um, again, there's nothing wrong with placing items symmetrically that can look amazing if done well. It's just a matter of how you want to present your items. So now Ah, you'll see I'm making my boot quite large compared to the scale of the jacket. Ah, because I also wanted to really stand out, and I'm I'm placing it in a way where it's going to be a nice little, um, frame for, ah, the earrings that I'm going to place next to it. you'll see it. It'll fit kind of Nestle into the boot a little with a little bit, so it fits nicely. So part of creating the composition for fashion sets is just sort of playing around with your placement and seeing how they look the best. Seeing how your eye likes toe, look at them and playing with scale, because this this is kind of, um, free rein. So it's a fun, fun thing to play with the skill of your items. You might want to make it bigger or smaller or diagonal or whatever to fit into the composition nicely. And there are really a lot of different configurations as we went over in the composition video. Ah, so each group of pieces that you have you can assess and see how they fit on the page, the best and what scale you should put them at. I'm just going through now and adding more detail to my sketches, putting pockets on this jacket and snaps and things like that just to guide me when I think the the sketch, adding a little wrinkle here and there on the jacket to finding the collar. So all of the little details. I adhere will make my thinking just that much easier and my painting as well, because I'll have an idea of where my placement is. I don't have to guess is much. Even though my I will be on the image, it helps a lot. Just adding some hardware to this bag and you can think about is adding a little quote or the name of your look to just tell help. Tell the story of your piece. In this case, I'm adding the one from this look, which is orange theory just very loosely scripted, and I'll just pick that out. Now that all of the sketching is done, I'm taking a medium sized micron like around five, and I'm going to go ahead and outline right over my pencil lines. This is not something that you is mandatory is nothing you have to do. But it's something that I really like doing on this type of project because it really makes it more defined. It makes it pop, and it almost gives it a feeling of animation, so it makes it a little more fun and whimsical. Um, so I'm just going through, and it's also a great opportunity to correct any Ah, weird angles or or shapes or anything that you find that isn't quite up to your liking. This final step is a perfect time to kind of go over that and re reiterate with your, um, with your micron. It's not. It's not, Ah, imperative that using micron, but it is waterproof. So when I come back to paint, I know that my all my lines will be intact when I'm finished, no matter how much water I put on the page. So now I'm just going through and just detail ing each piece. I'm not adding a ton of detail. I want it to be pretty simple, but yet still tell the story. So I'm adding just enough. This is also something you can assess when you get to that point, how much detail you want on each piece that you create. It could be super simple and flat looking. It could be very intricate. It's it's really what it's really about, what your style is. I look forward to see you in the next video
6. Winter Look: Okay. Okay. So I have sketched an inked in all of my items. I'm super happy with where they are on the page, and I'm ready to begin painting. So I'm just gonna dive right in with this bright orange, which is so much fun. This color is really beautiful. And I just wanna make it as rich and vibrant as I can on the page. So I'm leaving it quite thick. Um, right now I'm adding a bit of water just to, ah, spread out the pain and get it down. Get it all even as I can, and that I could go back and dark in it a little bit as well. If I need Teoh, I'm just gonna fully cover the area with the bag leaving the hardware open. I could paint over it cause I'm actually going to be ah, going over this silver hardware with a metallic gel pen. But I don't want to cover over my black Um, my black micron pen lines with the paint, so I'm just going to leave it blank. And that will cause the silver to pop even more with the white behind instead of the orange . So you can see I'm going over the color again. Just build it up a little bit more. It's looking good. Let it dry and see if we need to cover over it again. Getting rid of a little bit of excess paint on the side there and, uh, starting in on the jacket. And again if you haven't watched one of my previous classes. I remove excess paint, Um, but if I go over the lines, I take a little bit of pure water on my brush, dab it on the paint and then doubt dab it up with E um with my paper towel, and I could do that a few times. If the paint is still there, you could do that a few times. I would go slow so you don't damage your paper. Ah, but a few times should get all of your paint off of that spot, and you can kind of continue painting where you left off. So just giving the jackets and coverage, omitting the caller, which is going to be a kind of a camel brown. I'm working on. You'll see. I'm leaving dark spots where the shadows are on the jacket to add a little bit of depth and dimension. Oops went over the line a little bit again there. But I want to get this first layer down, and I can always add more, um, more shadow, too. To it. Once it's dry it it will be a lot easier to add a second coat with some of the darker areas on there. For accent. It will make it a look a little more three dimensional. There we go, okay, and starting in on these sunglass lenses, which are brown. So I'm taking a very light brown and starting to paint the matchsticks as well as so this sunglass, if you can see it, it's made up of matchsticks on the top. I found that super interesting, and the orange tips of the matchsticks sort of bring out the orange in all of the other pieces. So it's a fun little element and very unique. A lot of times I will choose items that are so unique that you're I just pulls your eye in , and it's interesting to paint. You can see I started on this shuttle watch, and I am interpreting it. You know, you don't have to make these look exact you can keep the pretty flat and editorial watercolor set will still look really very interesting. Um, it's all about the items that you choose and how you place them on the page. And then the painting is just the cherry on the whipped cream. Um, but I wanted to create a little shadow on the links of the watch just to again give it a little dimension and treated mentioning this, and I'm just starting in on these earrings. So if you care, catch your mistakes early and clean them up early meaning dab them with water and and then your paper towel. The more paint you'll remove and the less obvious it will be that you made a mistake right there. If you leave it to dry, it's sometimes more than difficult. It's impossible to to remove all of the paint once it's completely dry. So you want to catch those early. You can see I'm just diving into the dark areas of this boot, and it's quite light around the toe. So I'm gonna try and leave that Ah, one that area lighter so it catches again. The three dimensional look and I'm gonna dark in all the darkest areas I see on the boot, I'll let those dried I'll come back for another layer of black catching the tread on the bottom of the shoe. So this boot is a very sporty boot, and it has, like, a sneaker tread on the bottom, which makes it super interesting again, a very unique piece. I could have easily made this boot the center point in the focal point of the painting. By placing it in the center and putting everything around it. That would have been really cool. That would have been another great idea. Um, this is gonna turn out just great, but that just gives you another idea of how you could could place your items and how you can change it up according to what you like. I'm going in on a second pass on this shading. So the front part of this boot is really dark, the the side in the back, and then the very top of it is where the light sources So everything kind of going downward is very dark. And then the flat part of the toe like area is very light, so it makes for an interesting shading project there and again, just fixing a little blooper there. Well, that's drawing and go ahead and dark in my earrings. So I'm just adding this bright orange detail to the boot now. So that's a fun point in this food. It's really, really just makes it pop off the page and adding a second layer a little bit over the line in a couple places there and adding the orange down below and I'm going through and just adding one more layer of dark, too. Really? Sharpen this look up. And now against the orange, the black really is a wonderful contrast. So I'm just adding some details. Actually, um, I chose to add some typography to my set, and this is a really fun thing you can do with your sets as well. Many artists and stylists do this as they name their look, and then they place that name somewhere in the composition, and it kind of helps to balance it out. So I'm just very loosely painting these letters. I'm not a big letter experts, so I'm just keeping it loose and easy and just adding it for fun. I'm going to go over it a few times by the time it's over, just to kind of make sure it's dark enough and and enough of a presence on the page. And I'm just adding a little bit more color to my sunglass lenses, Um, having the go from dark to light, just called a Grady it lens. I'm just adding, adding that little detail for some interest and adding the orange tips of the matchsticks. Just kind of finishing my micron detail on the earrings. Careful to go around my metallic detail in the center and you'll notice I also created some darks and lights in the design of this within the earring. The drop hearing portion. Um, I used a metallic for the chain, and for the center of the top part, is it a nice little fun? You know, Metaksa always a great thing to add to your illustrations. They just make him so much fun to just give him a little more interest. And, um, gonna be adding this silver now, too. The ah, hardware on the handbag up here and I've gone over some of my micro online. So it after this gel pen dries up, I go back and go over those a little bit just to make sure I don't lose my detail there and just adding some detail to the the Watch because it does have metallic elements in it. I just want that to kind of be illustrated in this. You can kind of see them sparkle and with the gold metallic pen, Um, adding some snaps to the front of the of this jacket and painting the collar, which I completely forgot about earlier time to go back. This is a good time to go back each piece and just make sure that you're happy with everything. You didn't miss any details. I've decided. I want to go over my letters with a little bit of micron just to make them a little more prominent, no more readable and now just going over and getting rid of all the pencil unwanted pencil lines being careful when you brush your eraser just away, you want to be very careful that you don't ah, smear anything or damage your work in any way. So now I'm just adding some of this black detail to the handbag. I completely overlooked that, and it's a really fun element It's a really interesting elements like this newsprint image , but I'm just going to create, like, an abstract version of it with speckled black paint, and it's just gonna add a lot of texture to this piece. It's also going to balance the heavy black boot at the bottom of the page. Um, that was kind of the darkest part, and it was kind of pulling the page down. So again, another part of balancing your composition is with color, and a little bit of black up in this handbag is going to make that boot make a lot more sense in this piece. Hope you have enjoyed this project as much as I have, and I look forward to see you in the next one.
7. Spring Look: Okay, You can see I have already sketched out this lovely spring look. Ah, and I am now in the process of completing my thinking with the micron pen. So I'm just going over all my little items. I have added a little atomizer fragrance that is in the image on the left. And you can see I've only picked out a few of the items. Ah, that I really wanted to portraying this look. And ah, you are welcome to do that too, if you find a really nice set. But you only want to do a few items out of it. It's totally your choice. What you put in euros illustration. I wanted to keep this one a little cleaner and more simple than ah, the image show shows the images pretty busy. And I didn't want my my illustration to be that crazy busy. Okay, so inking done. I'm every carefully erasing all of the pencil line so it's not in the way or showing through my watercolor and I'm ready to paint. So I am diving right in with this lovely ah light pink that I'm just going to cover areas with and then we'll build up pattern and effects you can see I just cleaned up a little bit of Ah, just I'm trying to be careful to stay within my lines, but sometimes I get a little crazy. So just keeping my paper towel at the ready when ready to stop up little, um, spillages or over ridges on on those lines. And if you get them while they're fresh and wet, it's very, very easy to come up off the paper if you wait. Ah, it's much, much harder and sometimes impossible to get that color off to see him just painting the handbag now, and I'll be adding some shading to it once the on some metallic details. Also, once the paint has dried, so with the's a little too much color there have to spread that out was way darker than what I really wanted. Uh, so with these fashion sets, um, you know, flat, a flat looking painting is completely acceptable. It's just a little example of styling. It's not so much necessarily has to be a perfectly detailed version of the item. It just has to be an illustration of it easy. You know, loose illustration is perfectly acceptable so I don't go as crazy with my fashion illustration on these as I could, Um, because it's just a light and fun little representation, and I try to keep it as such because it makes the ah. It gets a little more whimsy to these illustrations and makes him a lot more fun to look at , in my opinion than a perfection project. So that's a little more serious now, if that is your style, that isn't. There's nothing wrong with that at all, not at all downplaying it. I just wanted you to know that Ah, it's very, very common to see this type of illustration done in a very loose form. So I'm just Ah, you can see those. There are flower patterns in the dress on the left hand side of the image. I'm just going to dot just little quickly little blue dots to, ah, show the floral pattern in the dress, and then I'll go ahead back with e dark pink and, uh, give it a little bit more dimension and color. But the blue is such a beautiful contrast. I really wanted to start with that and get that color down right away. and see what it looked like on that. I'm really liking the pattern. It's it's Ah, it's bringing a very nice look to it. Dots Lines X's squiggles are such an easy way to represent a number of different shapes. Um, so it makes a very for very quick and easy job painting. Now I'm going through with my my darker pink red color sort of a mixture between pink and red and giving that design a little bit of pop. So this address is the kind of the star of the group here, and I really wanted it to be fun and colorful and stand out. And while that's drawing, I'm gonna go ahead and add some shading to the bag with a little medium gray color. And again, I'm not gonna go crazy, but it's gonna show a little bit of of dimensionality with just a little shading, okay? And I'll come back later and add some metallic detail to this this buckle hardware on the bed. Or now I have to be very careful not to get the ah, the gel pen mixed in with the paint. So I had to be really careful. That right? I couldn't wait long enough. Teoh really want to see the metallic detail and see what that was gonna look like. So I'm just gonna go ahead and add all my my metallic detail now. And since this shoe is a silver gonna go ahead and just fill it all in with the silver gel pen. As a side note, you can see that I have taken the label of the fragrance and put the brand name on it. But then for the rest of it, I just drew little squiggles. That's another little fun trick that you can do to show that there is a label with writing on it. But it's too small to read, so you just kind of squiggle it. It's it's ah, have fun, easy and quick way to sort of complete the look. And on the show, you can see I'm adding some black speckles. Ah, to show some sequence on the silver and adding some extra detail to the bottle here to show some reflection. And that concludes the spring illustration. I will see you in the next video
8. Fall Look: Okay, so I have this lovely fall dress. Um, that's very soft stripes, and I want to sort of have this stripes fade into one another. Ah, So I'm going to make them a bit watery and a bit light and just kind of getting the outlines. Ah, so this these stripes sort of define the shape of these. This dress, it's just very long and straight. But the stripes are the defining, ah, detail and sort of make up the whole. So it's kind of in interesting sort of design. Ah, that sort of runs all the way down the length of this dress, go ahead and put down all my browns. So I have an idea of where I'm putting my other colors and I'm going to sort of get a little random with it if you look down the dress, this trial, the stripes or not in the same place everywhere, so it gives a little bit of artistic license. And what I mean by that is that the colors are pretty randomly placed throughout the dress that stripe colors or not. Even so, you can see I'm adding the next color, which is like a light aqua, and I'm playing around with this lavender color. I think I will probably be changing it, though. I'm not sure I'm super happy with that color again. Something that you can assess while you're working. So I'm gonna turn into kind of an orange. This is something you can assess right while you're working on your project. If you don't like the way it's going, you can always change it up. You can put some water on your paint lifted up, try a different color. It's not looking the way you want it to look. I've decided. Want to stay more, um, with an orange brown yellow palette with a little bit of blue. So I turned that pinkish color into an orange, and I'm gonna keep that going and a yellow. So I'm putting a ah color on my brush, and then I'm kind of following it all the way down the dress. At some point, I will reintroduce that awkward color at the top is too tight end. Oh, maybe making a little bit more yellow. It's really fun to play around with the colors. Here's a little bit more green Aqua down here. I'm gonna add it back down here, So it's really just a matter of playing with it, seeing what you want your, um right now on my instagram, I have, ah, harvest color palette, and I really want to be able to put this on my instagram. So I didn't want overpower it with pinks and blues. I just wanted a little hint of accent color, so that, um, prompted me to change the color palette a little bit. If you have other projects or themes that you're working on, you can certainly take your colors and work that your theme into your color palace that was just way too bright orange. I want this more of a soft, orangey brown so that this is a reptile pattern on this bag that I now started on. So it's going to be interesting to create a little bit of texture on this part of the project, so it would be a lot of dots, a lot of irregular squiggles because animal skin is irregular. It's not gonna be an exact pattern like something manufactured. So I'm going to go for that more organic, irregular look on this part of the, uh, the project this left side of the bag you can see is much darker than the right side. So I'm just adding more brown than orange on that part, a little bit more beige and yellow. And then this animal skin has like a lot of dots on it. It could be stimulated animal skin, but either way it's and he needs to look sort of irregular. So I'm going. Teoh let that dry while I outlined the sunglasses. This is a super extreme sunglass design. This is kind of the new flat look, um, they're bringing the nineties back this year, Um, and does this flat, very narrow looking sunglass look is hitting a lot of runways right now, and that's a fun orangey shapes and let that dry. Well, I started the shoot down here. That's one of the fun thing with sets is you can let one piece dry and start another item and keep your illustration moving quite quickly because you have a lot of elements in it that you can sort of pop back and forth to. And I thought this sandal was really, um, an interesting design. It's very, um, just very curvy, which is very unusual for this type of shoe design. So I thought that would be fun to paint. And we have this very chunky gold belt. So I've decided to ah, draw the belt portion as usual, but with the metallic buckle in this, uh, I'm going to do something a little bit different with that. Go ahead, put the color down, and then I'm going to come back with a metallic pan and add some detail to that and the same with this necklace. I'm going to go ahead and and put down some color, and then I'm going to come back with a metallic gel pen to finish the detail on it. And with this shrubbery on the left, I decided to change it up a little bit to go a little bit more with my harvest color theme . So I'm going to be doing that one in browns and golds. But it's a funnel element because, you know, shrubbery brings a little natural nous to an otherwise you know, cold or industrial looking looking design, and it breaks it up. It kind of also tells the story of the season, So this is fall. I'm gonna be using brown leaves So I'm going back with E gold metallic gel pen and I'm adding some little hardware to the leather on this on this shoe. I am also going to be outlining and adding some detail to this belt buckle. I want this detail to sort of pop off the page, and I think the metallic gel pen will help to bring some ah texture and really nice detail to this part of the illustration. And I'm just using sort of a wave scalloped, almost technique to show the round Circle three D detail of this belt buckle again. A very quick and easy way to show what's going on here. Shape wise. And we don't have to go crazy with detail to show a little bit of personality and texture and done there, moving on to the jewelry. I'm just going to show the chain coming down, and there is a little message inside this necklace, Joe. So the letters air kind of in a circular direction, so that was a little bit of a fun element there, and just to bring the gold and balance it out. So it's not just all on the bottom. In one side, I'm gonna make the branches on this shrubbery with the gold gel pen as well, coming back with a micron and adding some finishing touches. Um, so outline and some detail. This wooden hell has a little bit of texture to it. So just adding some lion ege there and just defining some of these scalloped the scallop leather. It's so pretty I want to show a little bit more of that shape. So it's ah, more visible in the overall look of the illustration, adding some lights and darks on the belt. So, really, I'm just going through an adding definition. Where these some of this definition on these, some of the detail on these pieces air a little nebulous. That micron will sort of make it very clear what's going on having a little texture to the reptile skin bag. Again, dots are just a fantastic way to add a little texture. Having a handle. Now this bag looks much more to find a swell just outlining the edges of the dress. I don't want to many harsh lines. It's a knit dress, and I wanted to stay soft looking, but that gives enough definition that we can kind of see what is going on there and a little bit of shading to the outline and lettering on this necklace. Ah, a little bit of silver hardware on the corners of this sunglass again. I really hoped you enjoyed this illustration. I really look forward to see you in the next video.
9. Thank you!!: Thank you so much for joining me in this class. I've really enjoyed showing you my process for painting fashion sets from handling mistakes to my favorite APS to special effects with metallics. Now it's time for you to grab your tools, get inspired and get to sketching, inking and painting your very own projects. No matter what you choose to paint help you end up with something you're super proud of. To share is a gift. Hang on your wall, Put on your social media or anything else you'd like to dio. So now I'm turning this over to you. I can't wait to see what you come up with and remember, you got this.
10. Bonus Video: