Fashion Design 101: Making a Gathered Hanging Top | Olesia Les | Skillshare

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Fashion Design 101: Making a Gathered Hanging Top

teacher avatar Olesia Les, Fashion Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro + Project Overview


    • 2.

      What You'll Need


    • 3.



    • 4.

      Cutting the Fabric


    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.

      Ironing the Side Seam


    • 8.

      Marking the Tunnel


    • 9.

      Sewing the Tunnel


    • 10.

      Marking the Hemline


    • 11.

      Sewing the Hemline


    • 12.

      Ironing the Hemline


    • 13.

      Marking and Preparing the Straps


    • 14.

      Sewing the Straps


    • 15.

      Inserting the Elastic Band


    • 16.

      Styling Options


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About This Class

This is the second class of the “Fashion Design 101” series with Fashion Designer, Master in Fashion Engineering, Olesia Les.

In this class you’ll learn how to easily create a gathered hanging top without any patterns. Together we’ll go through the processes of taking measurements, cutting the fabric, sewing and finishing the garment. Along the way you’ll get lots of useful tips and tricks of how to speed up the whole process and improve the quality at the same time!

To complete this project, you should have an understanding of some basic sewing principles, a basic knowledge of how to make a straight seam with a sewing machine and how to overlock the edge of the fabric.

I bet you never knew it’s so easy to create your own fashion at home!


You can find out more about Olesia’s work @Olesia.Les.Design

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Sweet by LiQWYD |
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Olesia Les

Fashion Designer


Hello, my name's Olesia and I'm here to share my passion for fashion design with you. 

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro + Project Overview: Hi everyone. My name is Olesia. I'm a fashion designer with a master's degree in fashion engineering. I want to show you that sewing can be really easy, fun, and joyful, and you can create some awesome designs in less than a half an hour. So let's start and create some new clothes together. Here's the vows that we're going to assume today. It is super easy to make and has two layers. I will show you how to finish the ham line. We will insert the elastic band to make the garment comfortable to wear. This blouse has only one seam on a side and a special hold to insert the elastic band flex dreads attached to the blouse in the same place where the tunnel for elastic band goals. You can adjust the length of strengths by tying the bows in the preferred position. Fabric selection can be very different. You don't necessarily use the one that I'm using. Just make sure it's not too soft. Silver blouse holds its shape. 2. What You'll Need: As I mentioned before, you can choose various types of fabric for Viz blouse. You can use wool, Jaccard or lean-in, but I'm going to use blush setting. The amount of the fabric needed for his blouse depends on your measurements. Check my next lesson to learn how to measure yourself for sizes 34 to 38, one-meter or fabric should be enough. The style of stripes depends on your creativity and the length of strips depends on your measurements. My advice is to use at least two metres Joni, at some elastic band, the width of a band should be around 2.5 centimeters. Are ruffians you'll need are tape measure. Some beans. They lost chalk. Seasons and ruler as well. Or other login weekend use the threat of the same or slightly different color. John, as a confessed in a previous project, I love to do that. And pursuing, we have to use the fret that perfectly matches the color of the fabric. 3. Measurements: Measurements. For this design, we only need two main measurements. The first one is slightly above the bass line. Here is the highest ones of the bust. Make sure it's not too high because it's going to feel uncomfortable in the armpit. Or the second measurement is the length of a blouse. Measure from a point above the bust, from the highest point of the bust up until the mid heap. Here in the waistline. The blind and the blouse should end somewhere in between. And we'll make a third extra measurement for the exact best line to double-check the blouse is wide enough. We'll use it in the next lesson. 4. Cutting the Fabric: So here is our fabric. You have to fold it in half with a good sides facing each other. Now, align the side edges and make sure they even. Then start marking the measurements. The first one is the width of a headline, which is two centimeters. Before Mark in the fabric made sure of a fabric is Scott at exactly 90 degrees angle. Make the markings on both sides of a folded fabric. The second measurement we need tomorrow, the length of a blouse that you've measured on yourself. In my case, it's 40 centimeters. Now, add three centimeters for the top edge to fold and repeat the same for the other side. Next, you need to follow the fabric, so make the notch tomorrow by faultline. Before cutting excess fabric, mark Laplace folder tunnel, where the elastic band will be inserted. When suing the fabric together, you'll need to live this tunnel login here of a free centimeters to fold our TO page. And now mark and free centimeters for the tunnel, because in my keys, I'll be using 2.5 centimeter wide elastic band. Make notches on remarked spots. Before cutting, fix all the layers together with beans. While Benin, make sure the layers of a fabric or not shifted and all edges align with the x and the side as well. Because we need to cut the aged weaved in manufacturing. Time for cutting, double-check that all nudges are visible. And so basically, our blouse is cut. Start by overlook in part by removing all the bins. Now, overlook all cut edges. 5. Overlocking: In the previous project, I'll explain how to finish with Warner while overlooking. Basically just need the food holder fabric, little rotated, push it under needle, lower the food and continue overlooking over fabrics that tend to crumble. Set the step of the seem to be more frequent. And foremost table fabrics like wall or lean-in, you can use the regular seems step. To fix land. You don't have to tie a knot. Just pull one friend, Alito, than the average one. And The National Farm itself. 6. Sewing: After overlooking all the edges coming vis you embark, there will be only one side seem needed for Viz blouse, folder, fabric and a half with a good-sized spacing, whichever again, align all the notches that you've made before leaves the depths in VCM in the exact places where the tunnels of elastic band was marked. First bin of the corners. Then the central point which you have marked with an arch before. The next theme at the notches that mark the tunnel. Despite the cut notches, double-check the distances with a tape measure. Sometimes while Mark in several layers, variants can happen when the notches on they have a set of a center point as well. Now, being the layers together and the places where the scene will be. So this scene goes from one side up until the tunnel, then in the middle. And from the age of the other tunnel to the other side of the fabric, leaving the gaps for the tunnels open. Let's go to this Ewing. Okay. Now was teaching the layers together and the width of our CME is one centimeter. If you choose set in Azure fabric, make sure your needle is new and sharp because blonde needle can damage for fabric. Fix Nassim on the both sides of each tunnel. You don't need to cut the thread in-between. Take its low, be careful not to hit mapping. I came to a peak after cutting all the Fred tails Island, the seam allowance. 7. Ironing the Side Seam: Spread the seam allowance higher-end gently and suited with your hands. Repeat the process for the whole seam. Set the right temperature for the type of fabric you use. If you are using synthetic fabrics, made sure that Iran is not too hot because a fabric could melt. 8. Marking the Tunnel: Our blouse now is basically a cylinder. We have to fold it in half. Silver bed sides are facing each other and making double layer aligned the side seam on both sides, grab the mid point of the CMB and pull it out. Align the bottom edge of two layers. Turn it over and do the same for the other two layers. Now we are going to mark the place for the tunnel where the elastic band will go. Fix the two layers together with pins on the exit side, fold line. Double-check the edge enlightenment. We are going to mark each side separately, marked three centimeters from the top of the top edge. And another free for the tunnel. This is a place of our actual tunnel. If you are using Taylor's chalk and it's hardly visible, you can use a vanishing marker, but never use a pencil because we're margin on a good side of a fabric and markings could remain visible to now being the top two layers together. But make sure you are not been in the bottom two. Here is the hole through which realistic band will be inserted. Turned the blouse over, and repeat the same process. Now let's look at both overlayer spin together. We can make the two seams over tunnel following the mark lines. 9. Sewing the Tunnel: So I start in the first tunnel, seem from avoids whoever side seam is. Remover being lower with food and starts you in following the marked line. T. T, t. Our first of the two tunnels seems is done. Now repeat the same fervor seconds seem. While suing Hall the fabric gently on the both sides of the given machine. It will make this seems mover. Don't push it forward or bullet back. Just hold gently. Batna Fred on a good side first. Turn the fabric over. We'll have a Fred Alito and then simply cut it. This way. Vcm will remain clean on the good side, the tunnel is done. 10. Marking the Hemline: After finishing the tunnel, we can move to the headline. Our blouse has two layers, so we need to finish the headline on both of them. Fold the first layer inwards by two centimeters, and then fold the second layer inwards as well. We need to do it this way in case while wearing the browser first layer rises and the second layer becomes visible. Take the top layer and start folding. First Pindar fabric on both sides, then in the middle, and then bin the gaps in-between. Always double-check that the fold width is even. Okay. See, the first layer is pinned. If you want to speed up the protest, mark that to centimetres line using a ruler and then just been the Hamlin following VM marked line. This way, you won't have to measure the width every Benin points separately. Although I'll continue working in my way. While Benin makes sure the fabric doesn't shift sideways because it can cause a faulty ham line. Now, when we have both layers spins inwards, we can start doing it. 11. Sewing the Hemline: Now stitched the ham line. What we're fabric with a folded bark facing downwards. You have just do it that way because the food of a Soon machine control the folded part, the little clothes and some layers shift and making the Hamlin faulting. Since the width of a fault is two centimeters, the width of a CME has to be a bit narrower. Let's say wind 0.7 centimeters. Once again, we're starting the same from the point where besides seam is. And the first layer is done. Let's do the same for the second one. We've finished dish in the headline. Next up is ironing. After that, the hemlines undone. 12. Ironing the Hemline: Here are our finished hemlines. I run the bottom layer first, then bet's off one. Don't push my iron too hard, just tap it gently. That's it. 13. Marking and Preparing the Straps: Now mark the places where the stress will be attached. Make sure besides seam is on the side and have them turned anywhere. Measured the width of a blouse, in my case, it's 74 centimeters. Now, divide the width by four and market from both sides. In my case, I'll mark 18.5. Mark this point, by opinion through all four layers of a blouse. The places for the straps are marked. Now, let's prepare with straps themselves. The length of a strep may vary depending on the design or your imagination. My advice is to choose at least 55 centimeters. That's exactly what I'll do now. But the edge clean, measure 55 centimeters, fold on that point and cut the other age. It's much easier to measure the strap that way because then we have two identical straps. Now, cut the strap in half, and repeat the same for the other two straps. After that, we have to fix the ages with God by burning them slightly. You can use a regular lighter or a box of matches for that. This trick works on Lian synthetic fabrics because natural fabric like cotton and linen will not melt like Listen, dyadic wants to be very careful with fire, because if you put it too much fire for too long, less indebted fabrics can set on fire easily. All four straps of repair. And we're back to our blouse. In surplus drip inside the blouse can position it half centimeter lower than a bottom seam of the tunnel. Between the strip should be placed on the outer side of the bin. When the strap to the fabric, and repeat the same for all bootstraps. Once all four straps a pin down, you can remove the marker pins. We'll have to stitch all straps with two sims, each following the end of the tunnel. 14. Sewing the Straps: As I've mentioned before, we need to make two seams on top of a tunnel seems. Repeat the process. For all four straps. You can cut all the loose threads advanced, but I like to do it straight away. Make sure the strap is perpendicular to the ethanol seems and have not moved or shifted. If you decide not to cut the thread between two seams of one strap, make sure you move a garment when the needle is in the top position. That way the fred doesn't get stuck and you can move a blouse easily. All four straps are now attached. Looks nice and green, both on the inside and the outside of a blouse. Now again, finish it by inserting the elastic band. 15. Inserting the Elastic Band: Now we'll cut to the necessary amount of elastic band. The length of the elastic band should be the exact same as your measurement which you took slightly over vast. Don't make it any shorter because the blouse might feel and look too tight. In my case, the measurement was 78 centimeters. So I'll cut to the exact same length. Sorry guys, I forgot to mention. We will need a safety pin. You'll have two beers it through the end of the elastic band. Now take the blouse. Here is the hole to the tunnel. We need to insert the elastic band in between the layers of a fabric. Make sure not to lose van of the elastic band in the tunnel. Constantly distribute the gathered fabric through the whole length of the elastic band. Remember when I've said that the tunnel has to be wider than the elastic band. That so the elastic band could still move freely in the tunnel, even when the fabric is gathered. When the elastic band is fully inserted, check if it didn't twist inside. When both ends of elastic bend to the garment to make sure they want to move. Now, distribute the fabric around the blouse one more time. Now we need to stitch both ends together. You can do it by hand or with assuming machine. Overlap both ends of elastic band by one centimeter, i'm gonna stitch them by hand. This will leave the hole for the tunnel open in case you'd have to adjust the tightness of elastic band. We have our blouse finished. Let's tie with straps and try it on. 16. Styling Options: I really hope you enjoyed this project. If you have any questions, please post them in the discussion section below. If you will follow in alone and great in your own blouses, please share them with me in the project section. If you are interested in, in my personal work, please check my Instagram account at LSL as designed. Thanks for watching and see you soon.