Fashion Design 101: Making a Gathered Bandeau Top | Olesia Les | Skillshare

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Fashion Design 101: Making a Gathered Bandeau Top

teacher avatar Olesia Les, Fashion Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      What You'll Need


    • 4.

      Cutting the Fabric


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Sewing Front Edges


    • 7.

      Sewing Top and Bottom Edges


    • 8.

      Making and Attaching the Straps


    • 9.

      Finishing the Garment


    • 10.

      Results and Final Advice


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About This Class

This is the first class of an upcoming series of “Fashion Design 101” with Fashion Designer, Master in Fashion Engineering, Olesia Les.

In this class you’ll learn how to easily create a gathered bandeau top without any patterns. Together we’ll go through the processes of taking measurements, cutting the fabric, sewing and finishing the garment. Along the way you’ll get lots of useful tips and tricks of how to speed up the whole process and improve the quality at the same time!

To complete this project, you should have an understanding of some basic sewing principles, a basic knowledge of how to make a straight seam with a sewing machine and how to overlock the edge of the fabric.

I bet you never knew it’s so easy to create your own fashion at home!


You can find out more about Olesia’s work at


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Meet Your Teacher

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Olesia Les

Fashion Designer


Hello, my name's Olesia and I'm here to share my passion for fashion design with you. 

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, I'm Olesia Les. I'm a fashion designer with a master degree in fashion engineering. Today I want to show you that x2 and can be really easy and really fun. And you can create some great glowing just by yourself at your home. So let's make this in less than one hour. 2. Measurements: To make this blouse, you need only two measurements. One is your bust measurement, and the other is the length of a blouse. Don't start to measure too high because the excess fabric is gonna feel uncomfortable under your arm while taking measurements and make sure that your measurement is horizontal and goes through the highest point of your bus. So you can measure, when we're measuring their length of actual blouse, start over robust. Go from the highest point of the breast and finish Undercover Boss. 3. What You'll Need: Everything you need for this blouse is here on this table. First of all, fabric, I used soft linen. You can use any soft fabric. One roll of a thread, which is the same color pursuing. For VR login, you can use the same color. I used different one because I find that playful. We need ribbon for governing the blouse and further straps. I use black cotton ribbon you can use whenever you want a ruler, scissors, measuring tape, some beans, and chalk for marking the lines. I used, the one which disappears after irony. 4. Cutting the Fabric: For this blouse, you need the length that you actually measured on yourself, plus seven centimeters on top of the bottom, four folds. And the width of fabric depends on your measurements and the intensity of gasoline you want to have on your blouse. I'm going to use the whole width of a fabric, which is 1.5 meter. So I folded fabric in a half to speed up the process and make it more easier. We're going to mark on all the lines we need the top, the bottom, and the side ones. While drawing the lines, make sure that the fold line and the line that you are drawing are making 90 degrees angle. Always double-check the length of one and our side. As you can see you sometimes valine can go wrong. So now let's take some beans, fixed edges that we're gonna cut and cut out our blouse. So when we got out our blouse, let's mark the fold lines with notches. So later we could know where side. 5. Overlocking: So after removing all the beans, we can actually start suing process by overlooking all the edges of our blouse. To finish sharp corners nicely. You don't have to cut the thread. You just need a little bit and then go and turn the fabric under, overlook and continue. So at each point? Yes. 6. Sewing Front Edges: To finish the front edges of a blouse, We need to fold one centimeter of a front end. I run it and then secure it with a stitch. Why liar and engages? It's very important not to pul fabric. We already marked one centimeter seam allowance by iron in it. But if fabric doesn't hold the shape, we can secure it with fins. On a good side of a fabric consuming machine constraints of the edge. And the width of our cj is approximately seven or eight millimeters. We're doing the same for the other side. 7. Sewing Top and Bottom Edges: So now we have to mark four centimeters from each side and iron them to the bedside of a fabric. Okay. So now we have to mark two lines. One is to secure the seam allowance and the other to form the tunnel for the Ribbon to Insert. And now we have to secure our similar ones with fins. Okay? Now we're gonna stitch fabric by following all our mark lines. Now repeat the process for the other side of a blouse. 8. Making and Attaching the Straps: After finishing the Sioux in part, let's move to the straps. We're going to prepare straps, mark the place and sue them to their fabric. Each strip is going to be half a meter long. When we have all force traps prepared, we can mark the place where they're going to be. So tomorrow, we have to fold our fabric that way so front edge would meet the notches that we made before. Now we're gonna mark ten centimeters from a fold lines and it's gonna be Laplace of our struggle. Now we're gonna fix the strep in both seems wave I'm assuming machine. 9. Finishing the Garment: Now the only thing is left is to insert there even into the tunnels we made. The length of each ribbon, I decided is going to be meter and a half. And then we will see if it needs adjustment. After inserting vary one, we're gonna secure all ages with not Densa can take safety pin, secure it like this. And certain side. Okay. We have right. Which one? 10. Results and Final Advice: So the blouse is finished. Now we can adjust the length of a spreads by tie-in about on our shoulders. We can adjust the intensity of gathering in front and back of a blouse. My advice, live their place under your arm. Almost blame stole the fabric, wouldn't disturb the moves of your arms. And I hope you enjoyed this project and I prepared some outfits for you to prove you that this simple design can be very wearable and look very playful in your outfits. Okay.