Facebook Pixel for Beginners - How to Setup, Install and Use the Facebook Pixel | Laurie Wang | Skillshare

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Facebook Pixel for Beginners - How to Setup, Install and Use the Facebook Pixel

teacher avatar Laurie Wang, YouTuber and Founder

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome and Introduction to the Course


    • 2.

      Why is the Facebook Pixel important for your Facebook ads success?


    • 3.

      How to setup and install the Facebook Pixel - Part 1


    • 4.

      How to setup and install the Facebook Pixel - Part 2


    • 5.

      How I use the Facebook Pixel and other tips and tricks


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About This Class

In this class, you will learn how you can leverage the Facebook Pixel to connect your website with your Facebook Ads platform, to improve the results of your ads and accelerate your ads success.

You will learn how to setup, install and use your Facebook Pixel in the right way, so you can use the pixel's insights to get better results in your Facebook ads. Plus, I will show you behind the scenes on how I use the pixel in my business.

Meet Your Teacher

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Laurie Wang

YouTuber and Founder


Hi, my name is Laurie Wang. I'm an entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, and YouTube content creator.

Over the past 15 years, I've managed and scaled training and development programs at Google and Meta, managed multi-million dollar campaigns at global leading agencies and trained ambitious professionals and C-suites to build a personal brand that fuels their success in the digital world.

Since 2023, I have been a leading mindset, personal growth, and productivity content creator, sharing my evidence-based insights with over 120,000 global audiences, with more than 4 million views.

I look forward to have you join me on this your new journey in life and business. Here is to a more successful you!

You can find me through my YouTube channel, Instagram, LinkedIn and we... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome and Introduction to the Course: Hi, Welcome to the Facebook pixel for beginners course. In this course, I wanted to teach you all about how to start create, implement, and then learn how to use the face of pixel to connect your website and also your Facebook ad accounts. Now the reason why I'm so passionate about making sure that this knowledge is being passed around the community is because a Facebook pixel is probably one of the most undervalued piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating a successful Facebook ads campaign for your business. The reason why I say that is because ultimately, with other insights that Facebook pixel can provide, a lot of times you might be wasting your valuable marketing dollars down the drain. So it's important to understand how to actually install implemented and then learning from the insights from the pixel. So you can then be on your way to create successful and monetizable Facebook advertising. So common side the course, follow me along behind the shoulder and I will show you how I install a brand new Facebook pixel onto a website. And then also show you how you can learn from the insights from the pixel as well. So I look forward to having inside the course and let's dive in. 2. Why is the Facebook Pixel important for your Facebook ads success?: Hi guys, Laurie Wang here. So in this module, I want to talk to you all about why the Facebook pixel is so important and why we need to actually set up and install it onto our website. Well, first of all, the Facebook pixel is a piece of code that your website can actually use to let you measure, optimize, and build audiences for all your advertising campaigns on Facebook. And what's great about this is I want to talk about specifically why we actually have to implement in now before you do anything else on your Facebook ads. Because right now this pixel once you implemented, is actually collecting all the data for you. So all your current audiences that are leaving your website today, for example, if you're doing that today and going forward, you're going to be able to retarget them later on using Facebook ads. So that's why it's so powerful for that. So those who came across your brand, let's say on your website momentarily. And now she left, right, for those who doesn't actually stay and the unbelieving because he might get distracted, for example. And they actually can be brought back by using Facebook ads to entice them with an interesting offer for your products or for your services, et cetera. Now this happens a lot and actually research have shown that over 80 percent of website traffic never actually returned to a website. So imagine all that amazing work that you've done onto your website itself for the blog post that you do, the videos that you produce, the podcasts that you create. And ultimately, when you actually have individuals come to your site because they might have found you on Google, for example. Or a founds you through social media. And then they actually you just come across for a few seconds and the side. And then it kinda go through all your different content and then left. If it never come back again, you can actually use this amazing feature for the Facebook Pixel to actually attract them back into your ecosystem online. So it could be, like I said earlier, really amazing offer that you can create or perhaps a really great piece of content that's relevant to what they looked at previously. And really tap into the interests that your audiences have by knowing about what actions and what different pages, et cetera, they taken on your website. This is where the pixel is so powerful. Now, another great thing about a pixel is that because it allows the website that you have to speak with, the Facebook ads platform. You can actually tell Facebook ads to ultimately learn from the results from your website. This is where the powerful thing is. And then actually sending more individuals that are similar to those that take an action like purchase, for example, a product, or perhaps it came to lead and your website. So to have more individuals to become, to become potential costumers for you because faced was actually selling them your way. They know that these individuals are more likely to take action as well. That's why having the pixel on your site is so powerful. Now in the next module, I'm gonna be talking about how you can actually set it up within the Facebook ads platform. And how are you gonna be able to install it onto your website as well. So don't worry if code and these technical language is throwing you off and making you feel like it's bit intimidating, is definitely intimidating at all. And it's actually fairly easy to implement. So I'll show you how to do that. Tough you soon. 3. How to setup and install the Facebook Pixel - Part 1: Alright, so we're now in the Facebook ads manager. Now I use a demo account here, so you probably won't see any ads running at the moment. Just because I started this up fairly recently. And I want to just use this to show you guys what it's like to do it from scratch as well, especially those of you who never done the Facebook pixel before. So basically now what you're gonna do is within the Facebook ads manager, there's a little bit of a kind of search and find to find where the pixel is now, nowadays, because things have been moved around quite a bit by the Facebook ads team. But I'll show you how to find that. So on the left-hand side, there's actually a hamburger menu. So the three little lines. And you want to press on this. And once you do, you will see an area called Events Manager. Now I'm going to click into that and I'll see you in the next screen. All right, so this is the testing accounts pixel. Alright, so in this case here, I have the pixel basically halfway implemented. The only reasons because I want to show you how each of these steps work. Now if you don't have this yet in your account, when you first come to this page, you probably have an option that says start pixel or create pixel. So then you can click that button and it'll take you to the same screen that I have here. So continue pixel setup. Now, when you click on that button, you will see two options here. So one of them says conversion API and the 01 says Facebook pixel. Now I want you to ignore this conversion API option for now because you can always look that later on, but it's not exactly related to what we're doing today. So I want you to click on the Facebook pixel option and then click Connect. Now this is the step where you can then implement this onto your website. So how do you actually install this coat? There's two options here. You can either go for the manual option of adding the code to your website itself. That's basically clicking on this install cold manually. So technically this should bring you to this page here. So install base cold. Now we can do is just click on the Copy code button. And that should copy the entire code here from Facebook. And you can continue where you can then take this into the header section. Again, very important, that's in the header section of every page of your website. Now if you don't know where that is, we don't know how this works. This is where I would then use the second option of the partner integration. So the other way is that if someone has actually built your website for you, you can actually e-mail this to them and they can do that for you as well from their end. So again, very powerful. You're doing that too to make it easier for you. But essentially, if you currently have a site, let's say on Squarespace or Facebook, there's two options to either do it this way using the copy paste into the header of your website yourself. Or you can use the partner integration, which I'll show you in just a second. So let's go back. So assuming that you've done this and you actually implemented onto the header of your website. You only go here, and this is where I want to show you this really powerful option. So Facebook also offers an option of automatic advanced matching. What that means is that if you currently have an email list, for example, that your customers have actually submitted into your business online, their email addresses or phone numbers. Then phase we can actually use that to match those in your audiences that face was collecting as a data of those who visits your website at the moment. So again, a really great way to mirror and to really kinda make sure you are matching your audiences, the visitors, and to give you more potential conversions down line on your advertising. So if you currently using the partner integration option, by clicking on this here, using a partner, what that means is that if you currently have a website, let's say jaw be for your courses or perhaps using Squarespace here or WordPress, which the two the most popular website creators out there. Then caching use this integration step-by-step to really get that done without having to go through the whole copy and paste manual process. So if that's where you are, great because this will make your life a lot easier. And so as Wix for example, which is also very popular, WooCommerce Shopify, I think this covers pretty much older main SAS website creator options out there. So it's really great for that. Even Eventbrite, for example, if you run it events. So let's say WordPress. Let's click on that option here. Now you only go into, now literally take you step-by-step in terms of how you can do this. So even show you images of screenshots of how you can implement this here, just simple as adding plugins. So you want to put in Facebook for WordPress in the search bar and actually install this in your website. And then from there activate the plugin itself. And you can see they can literally show you step-by-step. And then from the settings, you want to then connect your businesses, Facebook using this plugin. And then from there, once you've done that, it should be able to verify activity here. Now I haven't done it on my side here. That's why you see no activity yet. But once you do have this implemented on your WordPress using this step-by-step process, you should be able to see activity here with a green circle. And that's when you know that the pixels actually active by sending you test traffic to showcase that. And then from there I can set up events and confirmation. Now, I want to talk about events a little bit here. So events is basically when you can actually have a conversion, for example, is one that events you'd have Add to cart is another event if you're currently doing e-commerce or perhaps you have things like fill out form, registration for those who are on the lease related events. So these are the events that you can add into your pixel so you can track which action your audiences I've taken so far. And for example, for those who added the product two cards, but haven't actually finished checking out. You can use the pixel, then retarget them to entice them to come back and finish their purchase. So that's a really powerful way of using pixel for that and definitely using events for it as well. So once it's actually all set up, then you should be able to see the pixels firing off in this dashboard. And then be able to see the different events that the audiences are taking on your website at the moment. 4. How to setup and install the Facebook Pixel - Part 2: Grace M. And just show you a little bit of why currently have on my website using my own pixel. Now down here by events is why I mean by that. So for example, pageview and registration that to the most important ones on my website the moment because I want to see how many people are actually seeing my web pages. And also how many people actually completed registration by summing their email addresses as a lead on my website. So collecting e-mail as part of my e-mail newsletter is one of my main goals of the website where then nurture my audiences further through really useful content that they can consume regularly for my newsletter. And then from there, they can then become even more involved in my online channels, like through my social media accounts, my YouTube for example. So this is where it's really important for me to have this. Now there are other events that you can add into your pixels while, but I want to show you what generally how it looked like. And once you start collecting data on your website, should start to see activity coming through on your website as well, which is really interesting to see how your specific ads, for example, is creating more traffic and driving through individuals who might be coming to different landing pages, for example. And how many people actually making that purchase if your e-commerce website, product or perhaps admitting their information as a lead. So but convened by completing registration. So how the ad events while they're copper options and you can do so first of all, if you are they using the partner integration option to install the pixel onto your website, let's say Squarespace or WordPress I showed you earlier. Then a lot of these events already included in your pixel as it is. So the centralize events like complete registration at two cards, purchase, et cetera. So it's all there. Now you can also add additional events if you wants you to customize it. And this is where you can go to the from the pixel option by clicking Add events in your pixel section. And then when you go to you from the picture, when you go to from the pixel. This is where you can then uses events of tool to open your website and select where are your website you like to add the events. So this is really cool. And with one-click your events as your website without the need to actually use any calls. It makes it really easy for you. Just click on that here. So let's say you want to use a website that you currently have this installed on. So for example, using my own website, right, so Laurie Wine.com and the open web sites. Let's have a look here. Now once the website loads, and I can then think about, okay, where do I want to record an action when someone has taken action on my website? So it's actually an event. So at the moment is showing, so this is the events of tools shown that no events found on this page for now. So I can say tracking you button. And this could place click on the New button. So maybe I want to see how many people are actually coming through to learn when Laurie, right? So there's where I have some really interesting free downloads as someone that can download to start learning with me. That's probably won their first steps when they first learn this website. So let's say he had invented can choose and what that is. So in this case it could be, let's say, could be contact. I can say that. Or perhaps a view content, right? To view content. And then you can actually choose the value on here if there's a value associated with that product or that page. And again, you can then use all of this to attribute back into your, your ads later to see how much you actually made on the back of that by someone coming through ad, click on this button and then made that purchase, for example. So how much you pay for that individual to make the purchase and whether that makes sense where your ad to continue for that specific criteria. So again, all of these are really useful and once you click Confirm, they'll be added into your events for your pixel. 5. How I use the Facebook Pixel and other tips and tricks: So here I want to show you why actually having this pixel is so powerful. Now, the insight we can get from this is really interesting because then you can use that insight to see which ad is working for you and which one isn't. So one of these, for example, here is one of my webinar. As I ran, to invite people to join our webinar, to actually learn from the content in there. And then from there they can have the options they want to sign up for a further courses or potentially working with me, for example. And here when you click on the Overview, you can actually use how Hong people actually sign up for the webinar. How many will actually took away some free installation, some free content for my website as well to download to use for later. And how many individuals registered for my e-mail list, and how many people actually finished registration and checkouts. So that means that they actually decide to go and submit the information. And perhaps some of them haven't finished doing that before they got distracted to go somewhere else. So this is really, really useful because again, by seeing this result and also how much that might cause me that allows them to see whether or not this is worthwhile for me to continue to run these ads going forward. And with other pixel, I wouldn't get all this information unfortunately. And then actually be running the ads blind, not having any insights on what I'm actually getting in return from spending the money on Facebook. Potentially collegial also wastage of your marketing budget as well. So this is why I'm really passionate about making sure that all of my clients and students have this installed on their website in the first place. And therefore before they run the ads and when they do run the ads, they actually have all these insights here to help them out. And in this video, I want to show you how you can actually use the Facebook pixel within your campaigns. We actually setting them up. So in this case here, I'm in my test campaign, as I said earlier. The second part here is that you want to make sure not only to choose the conversion, the conversion as your campaign objective, but also when you go into test out, which is the Ad Set level, in my case, it's called test outset. We can go into the test box here. It should automatically chosen your pixel that you set up for you. So in this case is my pixel, which is Lori wines pixel in this account. And then the important part here is that you want to make sure to choose the conversion event that you want to track. In this case here, if let's say I've chosen the pixel, I want to use this one to run against people who are registering to download one of my free guides, right on my website. So in this case, and you want to make sure to choose those who started to Laurie Wine.com email list registration. Now, once your campaigns running, you're now tracking for all the individuals that are actually converting, which in this case, signing up for the email list. And then you can then see how much you're paying per person who sign up for the email list itself through this ad. And then from that point on, you can then see the calculations on whether or not it's worthwhile for you on a per lead basis, right? So per lead, which is per person sign me up. It can range from a wide range of prices, let's say from $1 all the way up to 56 dollars the time. Now, how that makes sense for you depends on your own calculation of your marketing budget, but also whether or not you're, you're able to pay for that in order to actually result in a sale it later on, for example. So it could be for e-commerce website for a product, or alternatively, it could be for a service that you're offering. So if that email lists describer eventually converts into a customer, then you can calculate how much or how often did that happen? And then how much of that will result in you're actually paying for elite in order to convert into a sale. So again, the reason why we're having pixel here is that you're using this pixel to calculate how much is a worthwhile for you to run this ad. And then you can use this to compare other campaigns are running. Because then you can see which one is doing better than the other, then the other one. And are able to choose one that's actually optimized at the best in terms of pricing and also conversion as well. So that's what a pixel here is. So, so powerful and they're highly recommend. You installing this as early as possible on your website. So you can start tracking data straight away. Alright, and that's it for now. And if any questions you have, please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram and Twitter at IM Lori way. And also make sure to check out my other Skillshare course called the Facebook ad beginners course. And that one, you can actually learn everything from start to finish, from scratch a running your first campaign. So a highly recommend having these two courses to compliment each other. So make sure you check that one out. And the meantime, have a great day. And I'll see you in the next course.