Social Media Marketing for Beginners Part 1: Social Media Goals and Social Channels Deep Dive | Laurie Wang | Skillshare

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Social Media Marketing for Beginners Part 1: Social Media Goals and Social Channels Deep Dive

teacher avatar Laurie Wang, YouTuber and Founder

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Exciting World of Social


    • 3.

      Why You Are On Social Media


    • 4.

      Social Media Mistakes to Avoid


    • 5.

      Different Types of Social Media


    • 6.

      Organic Social Media


    • 7.

      Paid Social Media


    • 8.

      Earned Social Media


    • 9.

      Deep Dive in Social Media Channels


    • 10.

      Instagram Deep Dive


    • 11.

      Facebook Deep Dive


    • 12.

      YouTube Deep Dive


    • 13.

      Twitter Deep Dive


    • 14.

      LinkedIn Deep Dive


    • 15.

      End of Part 1: What's Next?


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About This Class

Please note: This is Part 1 of the Social Media for Beginners Course which is all about laying down the foundation of a successful social media strategy with the right goals and objectives in your social media marketing plan, and also deep dive into the various social media channels, so you'll know how to use them with confidence. Stay tuned for part 2 of the course where I'll be sharing content strategy and also engagement plan for your social media presence going forward, as well as how to understand reporting and data to optimize your social media success.

Whether you are brand new to social media or have been using it for a while now without seeing any growth and traction, you probably have seen firsthand that social media can bring in massive opportunities, leads, sales, and customers.

In this course, I will show you the various ways to help you grow your social media followers, create engagement, and most importantly, create genuine connections and turn your followers into clients and customers. 

You’ll learn:

  • How to create an attention-grabbing profile
  • What are organic, paid and earned social media
  • Various social media channel deep dive
  • Create lasting and measurable results for your brand and business on social media
  • Ways to optimize your social media account
  • How to create an engaging post
  • The best sizes and specs to use for your content on the various platforms
  • How to attract more followers and engagement
  • Hashtag strategy that works across all platforms
  • When to post on social media
  • How to use video to grow and scale your social media presence 

No software or previous knowledge is required for this course.

Let’s dive in! Hope to see you in the class.

Meet Your Teacher

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Laurie Wang

YouTuber and Founder


Hi, my name is Laurie Wang. I'm an entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, and YouTube content creator.

Over the past 15 years, I've managed and scaled training and development programs at Google and Meta, managed multi-million dollar campaigns at global leading agencies and trained ambitious professionals and C-suites to build a personal brand that fuels their success in the digital world.

Since 2023, I have been a leading mindset, personal growth, and productivity content creator, sharing my evidence-based insights with over 120,000 global audiences, with more than 4 million views.

I look forward to have you join me on this your new journey in life and business. Here is to a more successful you!

You can find me through my YouTube channel, Instagram, LinkedIn and we... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, Welcome to this social media course. Beginners, the social media world can seem so daunting and confusing, especially when you feel like you've just got a good understanding of it, then it changes and shifts again. If you need to the world social media as a business owner. Or perhaps you're looking to use social media to build your brand online. Or maybe you're looking to upskill yourself, give me something new skills of social media. You can become a social media manager. Then this course is for you to understand how to create an effective social media strategy that consistently brings you clients and sales without working 247 around the clock. By the end of the course, you'll be able to create content with confidence on social media, connect and discover your ideal audience who actually buy from you. And using the various strategies that we'll talk about in the course to help your business grow and bring more opportunities. Hi, I'm Loren way. I'm your instructor in this course. I've been in social media strategists for over a decade now. Having previously worked for brands like Google and all your week, and also worked on campaigns for major brands that's crossed international locations all the way to startups were actually disrupting their own industries. I've also build a personal brand on social media that consistently brings in Leeds and clients using my online presence. And I believe that social media is the ultimate tool to connect with your audiences online, to build trust with your potential customers and until ultimately bring profit for your business. So that all sounds good and you want to learn more, please do join me in the course and let's take your social media to the next level. See you soon. 2. The Exciting World of Social: Alright, it's less dive into the exciting world of social media in lesson number one. How do social media right, by avoiding many of the mistakes that I see currently online today. One of the best ways to build that trust factor with an audience's completely cold to your brand and your business for the very first time, is that you can leverage social media to build out like know and trust factor over time. When you share your content with value, when you connecting with your audience is in conversations. That's how those trusts are made. And ultimately, people like to do business with those they trust, right? So that's why social media is so powerful in that way. Social media is a great way to show your work, show your process every little step that you're taking, from idea to creation to ultimately showing your actual product, the finished product or service. That is where you can show your process along the way and people love seeing behind the scenes. You can also use social media to grow and loyal community. And the communities where people can then share your work with others that they know. And that's where the social media word of mouth effect is so powerful. Now if you're in a consultant or a freelancer, establishing yourself as an expert in what you do so important and social media gives you the best spotlight to do that in the right way. And lastly, is that you're able to keep yourself Top of Mind on your audiences, your prospective clients, your prospective customers, when they're scrolling through social media feed and they see that you're sharing your value and your sharing your insights. And that is how you stay top of mind to be ultimately to be referred to as the go-to person. Now, many times, individuals that come to me that says they want to actually be on social media and create a following. And when I actually ask them, Why are you on social media, What's the purpose behind it? They don't really have a clear answer behind that. And that's we're going to address today before we can get dived into the nitty-gritty of creating social media presence. Because he wanted to actually think about, okay, what is the purpose of me being on social media? And how do I link every effort I spent on these platforms back to what I do? So let's get started with your business goal. There are different business goals that you can think about depending on your circumstances and also where you're looking to leverage social media for. Or perhaps you're actually looking to learn social media. Then create a social media business to help other clients who have different businesses in their own right. So let's go through some of the business goals that you can think about. First of all, it could be that your are in the expertise field where you might want to become a thought leader. And this also applies to those individuals who are professionals, who are looking to actually build a thought leader profile. Especially if you're in the C-suite level where you're looking to promote a certain personal brand around what you do. But we'll also apply to individual creators who are looking to create a personal brand around their expertise so they can sell their services and products. Now, you could also be an individual brand or brand, new brand or startup in your space. We're looking to increase your brand awareness and also expand to new markets in international locations. Simply be another reason is to build an audience with anything that we do nowadays online. Especially for currently as a beginner creator or maybe you're a freelancer. Having the audience can be so important to ultimately branch out to anything else that you want to do. Maybe creating products around what you do. Digital products by memberships like courses like this one. So having the audience can really help to give you a leg up on everything you want to launch with regards to business or individual brand that you're launching. Maybe you're an author the moment, or perhaps you have new products coming out in the product line that you want to launch to an audience online. And again, having these business goals in mind can really help you to attribute back to what social media goes actually makes sense for this. So let's take a look at some of the social media goals now. 3. Why You Are On Social Media : One of the critical components of a social media strategy is having social media goals that you can track back to. And actually by aligning your business goals, which is what we mentioned in the earlier slide. That will allow you to actually think about, well, which social media go actually makes sense to match it to my business goal. I've now listed the business goals in the left-hand side of this table. And also linked to a social media goal that you can measure on the right-hand side. As an example, left-hand side, let's say you want to become a thought leader in your space, or perhaps your clients. When they become a thought leader in their space. Then you want to measure the success of that by the growth of the following, which is the overall followership online, and also visitors, the website. So perhaps as a personal brand website, I can link up to your brand or perhaps decline that you're working with. And how many more visitors actually being brought through there by social media. And therefore increasing the awareness. And also referring to them as the thought leader in their space in terms of the overall following and also their credibility perhaps, and other business goals to get clients, especially if you're in the service-based business. This is probably your primary goal. Am I right? You want to get more clients, therefore increase your monthly income and also your monthly palatability. Well then in that case, your social media goal should be to increase inquiries from Leeds that's brought in by social media. Really great with a check. This is to go through your website analytics to check how much of your traffic actually comes from visitors, traffic coming from social media, which channel actually attributes the most traffic there. And also how many inquiries actually results from that in your contact us page or contact me page on your website. Or perhaps can be through your Instagram direct messages, your LinkedIn message inboxes, where people are actually asking about your services and your products, these accounts in your tracking of your social media goals. One thing I want to mention here is that at this point in the course, you want to have a very specific social media goal. In that case, have a specific goal in mind if it's how much you want to see in terms of increases by percentage or a number on the specific date. So that way you know the measure back into that. Let's say by the time you choose six month goal, Have you actually met the percentage with a number that you want to actually reach? Now another business goal here is brand awareness. So in this case, are you looking to increase brand awareness and expand to new markets perhaps for your products and services. Then in this case you want to measure it by how much increase in views. And also shares, let's say on the videos that you've been publishing, or perhaps the continent you've been publishing on the different channels. Another one is to build an audience. Now, in this case, it's a simple matter of actually measuring the overall increase in your falling across your different social media channels and also the engagement numbers. So all the audiences that you're actually growing, are they engaged with your content? Lastly, if you're looking to launch an upcoming product or book. This case, you want to measure how much conversions or sales you made on social media, media promotion of your products or books. So in this case, you can then measure directly attributed back to the mountain sales he made from your social media campaigns. And I really want to drive this point here is that ultimately, you want to know what your purpose is on social media. Without definite purpose, you'll find that social media can easily take up a lot of your time with no results to show for it. So be very careful about that and to really guard your time carefully around social media. So here's a quick takeaway for you right now that you can do at this moment. To pause this video is to think about write down the three things that the three goals that you want to actually reach in your business right now, your top three business goals. And also write down the social media goals that you can track towards these business goals by looking at the previous slides. So bring back to this slide here. Think about what are the top three business goals that you currently have that you want to, you want to actually meet. And how do you actually use social media goals in the right-hand corner to track back to your business goals. So ultimately, everything you do on social media can attribute back to what you do in your business. Alright, so make sure to pause your video and to do this right now. And then make sure that bring this into the rest of the course. So what you can always refer back to these goals and how you can actually use your social media strategies and tactics around that to make sure you're working towards something meaningful in your business. Alright, see you in the next lesson. 4. Social Media Mistakes to Avoid: Here's some simple social media marketing truth that worked tirelessly again and again, is that number one, you don't have to be everywhere. And when the biggest mistake that I see is that people try to register a social media account on every single social media platform. As soon as they start a business with a solid brand, new brand. And that's actually one of the best ways to fail because you're going to run out of ideas and content very quickly. And sometimes it takes a major massive team to run several different social media accounts for larger brands like Nike or Adidas, for example. So pick one to two accounts or a platform that you really want to dominate on and choose them carefully and then just focus all your efforts there. Because consistently focusing your efforts on less places on social media, we're actually allow you to grow faster. And then ultimately, you can always bring those new audiences back to your new accounts that you're creating elsewhere. Now remember to be super clear of who your ideal customers are. Also find out where they're hanging out online. We'll go through how to find your target audience and then the lesson in this course. However, on the make that very clear from the get-go that you want to spend your time and your resources where it matters most. Now number three is to use platforms that aligns with your goals. Again, that comes back to you, align your business goals with your social media goals to make sure they understand that whatever you do on social media, there is a means to an end. So you driving towards and business goal that ultimately that you'd like to create in your business. And number four, is that be very smart about looking at the competition. Now, it's all great that we can all be inspired and learn from our competition. But sometimes maybe not everything that they're doing is right. So think carefully about perhaps leveraging anything that you see this working for your competition. The thing about whether or not this makes sense for you. Also don't get the shiny platform syndrome that I see often on social media where you might see competitor is doing, let's say TikTok dance videos. But if that's not right for you, then you're going to do the same. So here's my top for social media, simple barking truth that you can leverage anytime and anywhere, even into the future in your social media marketing strategy. Alright, see you in the next lesson. 5. Different Types of Social Media: Let's now talk through the different types of social media. So there's actually three different types. The main groups are organic, paid, and earned. The reason why I put this really funny GIF from the right-hand side, I just canceled watching it is that organic doesn't always apply to vegetables or fruits that you see in the supermarket. But rather organic here is actually tied to all things around social media. That's not a paid ad. When you're posting on your social media channels. When you're creating content and sharing out there without paying for advertisements to boost that content, to see it, to be seen from the more people than that is actually organic social media. So what you can do on social media for free, essentially. Now, paid social media is what we see as the different sponsor ads as you see across your social media feeds, also allowing you to promote your content to be seen by much more people within that target audience that you specified. We go through more of that in detail later. But I want to make sure we have an understanding of different types of social media content out there. And last but not least is earned social media. So these are the shares, the retweets, and all different things that your audiences are doing for you. So you're earning a social media, share, the social media engagement on these different social media content over time. So again, we'll go through how that works as well. So here's a little breakdown. If you'd like to see a table format which is talked about in much more detail. So organic is free content is shared on all social media channels. And you can actually publish content organic social media feeds without paying a dime. On the other side, pays social media is the social media advertising the sponsor as CC, the pay promotions to actually get your content scene or drive more sales or dry more leaves to come to your website and eventually leaving inquiry. Now what might look like a paid social media campaign is things like social media advertising you can run on, let's say Facebook ads. Or maybe paying influencers on influencer paid campaign for them to share your product or service in front of their audience in exchange for payment. The last one is earned social media. So these are great because it amplifies the effects of your organic social media content for free. Now, these are things like shares, retweets, mentions of you on social media by other accounts, by other, perhaps potentially complimentary collaborations. Reviews, reviews count too, because these could be people leaving a review about your products, maybe creating a post around that on their social media profiles to share about your products, services, and how they actually enjoyed it or didn't enjoy it. Alright, see you in the next lesson. 6. Organic Social Media: Now let's first have a look at organic social media. So these are the things that keep in mind when it comes to organic social media is that these are content that you can create, a distribution channel that you actually control. So there's a lot of power here in terms of to the user, which is yourself, on controlling what you want to distribute to your audiences. But that also means that you have lot of control over the value that you can provide for your audiences and actually creating these content or relevant to them that has their interests in mind. Because then ultimately they will come back to you for more bays are now seeing you as the go-to expert or individual in that industry that they can go to for more information like this. Or alternatively, let's say you're product-based business by providing really great guides and tips and tricks and how they can use your product or perhaps other things in your industry better that can keep your content from the mind, which is also useful to remind them constantly about your brand and also what do you guys do? Now firstly, you can create organic social media content with your audience in mind, because this is actually all the distribution channel that you fully control. You can control your tone of voice, how you want to come across the way that you provide value for your audiences, whether it's entertaining is a silly, is actually educational. One thing to keep in mind that only a percentage of your audiences will actually see your organic post. A lot of times you might have this fear of having to create this perfect pose to get it out there. But actually, social media is fantastic for getting feedback right away. So sometimes it's good that good idea to test out different content. Because only or proportion of your audiences actually see your content anyway. And in that way, helps you see which one works well, which one doesn't, and quickly learn from the process before creating more content, they're relevant to them the long term. So there are three different kinds of content you can create to help to make it more valuable for your audiences in the long term, either that could be entertaining, could be informative or inspiring, and always have the capacity to create emotions in the back of your content. And therefore driving your audiences to engage with them as well in the long term. Because what we've seen in the last decade that I worked in social media is that continent can evoke emotions, often do much better on social media organically. And you can also nurture relationships with your audience at scale. How amazing is that by just having a few distribution channels like this. Every time you share content with your audiences, they can then engage with them. And you can have a two-way conversation with your audiences across the board. I remember the only downside of organic social media is that not everyone will see your content. That's purely due to the fact that the algorithm will only show your content to proportion of your audiences. Now obviously, the better your content does in terms of engagement, the more the algorithm will actually push the content from, the more people, perhaps those who currently follow you, and even those who don't currently follow you, if you use the right strategies. However, it's safe to assume that doesn't happen very often, but rather, your content will only be shown to apportion your audiences. And that's okay because we can be layered on other strategies to make sure that your content gets seen by more people. Here's my tips and how to manage organic social media, right? First of all, you want to research relevant hashtags to help your content gets seen. And hashtags, they do well on specific platform, let's say Instagram. The content is still organized under hashtags on how people actually come across different contents for the very first time. Knowing exactly what your target audience are actually using as their hashtags of choice can really help you get in front of them at the right time, at the right place. You should also reply to comments from previous social media posts to build loyalty relationship with audiences. Never be the kind of social media account where essentially you just post and run and not having that two-way conversation with your audiences. And also it's always great to see what they have to say about your content because then you can learn from that experience and apply to more your content going forward. So make sure to manage your comments and messages effectively and proactively even their negative, that's even more important to manage them effectively. Now another great thing is that organic social media, you can actually share user-generated content. What that means is that someone may have taken your product or service and create a post about it organically on their profile. So that means that you can then go ask them for permission to re-post this on your profile. If they agree, then essentially you have more free content to work with. And also additional benefit of social proof, which means that someone else has actually enjoyed your product or services. And that's something nice to say about it. Another great way to actually leverage or getting social media and to get additional amplification of other people sharing your content and also tagging individuals in your content is by using competitions. Now, when you have the right prices that people actually want to have, and they want to enter that competition organically. Then they will actually then share your competition with others. Especially if you've built that into the term of how they can enter the competition the first place then becomes a viral Luba people sharing with others, or to share with others who enter the competition even more. So, this is a great way to reward your audiences who'd been lowly falling for some time. And also dry more shares engagement the long term. When you use polls and Q and A's to prompt and encourage a two-way conversation. That really helps again, to not only get that engagement back on your social media accounts, but also allow me to get some really great instant feedback on ideas that you might have for new products and services that perhaps you haven't created yet. But you can see how your audiences will actually resonate with them or not. Alright, see you in the next lesson. 7. Paid Social Media: Let's now take a look at paid social media ads or pay social media advertising. Then the way I encourage you to look at paid social media advertising is that it really works best when used in conjunction with organic social media strategy. And what that means is that when you currently have let say, organic content being produced and sharing on all your social media channels. Having a paid, a layer paid advertising on top of that can really help you to get your organic content seen by more people and actually drive a much faster growth of your overall followership or your community over time. I still think paid advertising on social media. It's really affordable. And you can get started as little as £5 a day or $5 a day on Facebook ads, which can get in front of thousands of people. Especially if you use the right targeting strategy that's within your target audience. And this works really well, especially when you have a small community or starting from 0, initially. Having a PE social media strategy on top of your organic content can really help you accelerate your growth in the beginning, especially we have so little community to actually show you content wet. I think it's a great way to growth hack the whole, entire process. And the beauty of pay social media ads is that you can target new audiences who perhaps have never heard your brand before with your offers to drive more sales and at a very attractive return on offers and products. So for example, if you currently have, let say for every dollar spent on social media advertising, you're actually getting $6 back. That's actually a very attractive return that you can plow more marketing dollars into. Words, get a much bigger scale of return of that. And the good thing about pay social media ads is all in traditional media where you have to initiate a long process of getting things started. You can get started as easily as within 24 hours of your ads going live. And instantaneously you can start seeing how it's responding with the audiences are ya, she created on those social media advertising? Here are some of the ways to manage your pay social media right? Now, it's really important to know your campaign objective. And these are essentially the goals that you're driving towards in your paid campaigns. So is it to get more brand awareness, is to get more conversions on your product and services. All of these things are things to consider to think about. Now, I always say with anything digital marketing, especially social media, is that you want to test, test, and test. These are my three magic words. Because in the day, anything on your social media ad, you don't know for sure. Unless you test it, you won't really know what your audiences will resonate with the most. And therefore, by knowing which one performs best, you can save so much more marketing dollars on the ones that does the best for you are the best return. Things like different images, maybe different brightnesses, different button colors. Copy are all things that you can test, but definitely make sure that you're testing one thing at a time. So you can make sure that no, which one is actually performing best for you. And I can't stress enough the importance of knowing your target audience and researching them in depth. Because by knowing their targeting criteria of paid advertising that fits your audience profile, you'll be able to make a laser targeting that's really specific, that allow you to go to exactly the right person, the right place. Especially using some of the algorithm on social media nowadays, which are so accurate. Knowing how individuals actually reacting to advertising and how you can make sure you get your advertising the best chance of success. Now, there's a really good retargeting strategy that you can use. Retargeting is really powerful. So retarding basically allows you to target individuals that previously I've come to your website before or previously have engaged with your social media content or social media advertising. And this is another great way to re-engage with them back into your overall online ecosystem. So perhaps they might have seen your website and maybe they got busy. Their children drove him away from the laptop to do something else. And now they want to come back, but they forgot about your website in the first place. By running these retarding advertising on social media, it allows you to remind, reminded about your brand and bring them back into your overall online ecosystem. I always say we pay social media. Make sure you start with a small budget and build it up slowly from there, the beauty about it is that you can test many small budget campaigns before he decided the ones that's working best for you and close off the ones that aren't performing well without losing that much money. So it's a great way to test using this small budget strategy to really get a sense of which one is performing best for you and eventually putting much more and scale up your marketing budget from there. Of course, similar to organic social media on Pais social media, you want to make sure you're managing comments and replying to inquiries proactively. So people are actually getting their questions answered, and especially on things that you could be driving sales towards your website. Alright, see you in the next lesson. 8. Earned Social Media: So the way to think about earned social media is that it's technically free social media publicity. So think of it as a way for others to share you and your brand and your social media accounts to other people for free. So one of the best ways to do this is to make sure that you are including ways for them to tag or mentioned your products, either in their own content or perhaps even in-person by word of mouth as well. So the best way to do this, it's encouraged users who are currently using your product or services to tag or mentioned about you and your brand in their content. Another great way to increase the amount of earned social media that you do get is to reward the loyal fans and followers in your community. We competitions and prizes that they actually want and they want to participate in it by building the competition where the rules include things like amplifying the brand through tagging others in the competition, or to win. And sharing with a friend by following and also sharing their stories, for example, on Instagram. That really helps to amplify the urn social media element of this. Now for businesses, I also recommend if you can. Again, this is a side point from our course today, is that I want you to create a count on public review sites. So for example, if you're currently in the restaurant business, then definitely need to make sure you're on the Tripadvisor sides because on others are traveling to the city, to the country that you're in, we can actually review about you publicly on those websites. And similarly, if your e-commerce website, let's say the UK, then make sure you do have a trust Pilot account because lots of consumers before they actually buy from someone, they want to check what others are saying about them. Now, this may not be exactly social media related. However, having those public reviews that can really help to garner more interests in your business. And also it's another way for you to get that word of mouth effect. But now much more in the public arena. Now for personal brands and service-based businesses like myself, I love asking for testimonials. Testimonials is a great way for others to share about their review of your services, what we've done for them in the very relatable way. So your new potential clients and customers can see exactly the type of thing that you can do for them as well. You can ask for testimonials on, let's say your LinkedIn. So if you have a LinkedIn profile, make sure to ask for a testimonial every time you completed a project. Or perhaps we'd done with a particular client service, that client would, that particular company can leave you a really great review on your LinkedIn profile. So here's what the manager earn social media, right? Number one is that you want to make sure to foster and maintain very great relationships with influencers in your space. Influencers have actually grown a very loyal following that's very relevant to your industry. And having those strong relationships with them will allow you to essentially make more collaborations and partnerships and online, there might be a win-win situation where you can do collaboration that helps both sides grow as well organically. I always say you want to create content that has this thumb stopping effects and thumb stopping the sense that when you're scrolling through your thumb on social media, actually want to stop and read or consume this content that could be a video or quotes, whatever it might be that really resonated with the audience. So essentially very relevant and sharing worthy because a lot of time you might see something you like. I have to share this with maybe my husband or my friends because they have to see this. And that's the effect that you want to achieve with your content, with the benefit of social media. Now being very much public in terms of everyone can access your accounts, you what you're about, and look through your content. The other side of that is a lot of times you want to make sure you are providing the best service you can from a business perspective. Because people can also leave the reviews very publicly, either as comments on your social media content or it can be direct messages T you, to actually ask you for responses on their questions, inquiries and feedback and things like that. So make sure you have an amazing customer service coverage across all your social media accounts. And that's why I always mentioned that you want to start small first, having 123 maximum accounts that you're managing. So therefore you can cover all of these different questions, inquiries coming through, and not actually missing out any critical questions. So always go above and beyond. Because when the research I'd look into by E marketer, it shows that by 10 thousand Twenty-two, most of you will actually consider customer service more important than price. So the entire experience of buying with a brand or company is much more important than price them. So definitely something to keep in mind. And losses that you want to track mentions of your brand and your business on social media. And a great, great way to do this is there's a tool called mentioned, which is exactly what's in the name. That you can actually track these different things, keywords about your business, your handles and everything around keywords of your business brand on this tool. Really helpful one there. Another one is that you can also use HootSuite, where they actually have a tracking segment where you can basically ask HootSuite to give you a feed of all the different mentions of your brand on social media. And you can go through them one by one as well. Another great way to do that via tool. Alright, so that's all my tips and tricks on how you can leverage the three different types of social media. Well, that's organic, paid, or earned social media. So I hope that was helpful to give you a breakdown on what they are and also how you can use them in different ways to ensure that you have the best success on social media. Let's head into the next lesson. See you soon. 9. Deep Dive in Social Media Channels: In this lesson, we'll be going through all the different social media platforms as relevant today though, the mainstream social media platforms out there. However, please keep in mind that there will be lots of other platforms that perhaps are newer or smaller that we won't get time to cover in this course by wanting to keep the mindset of always be testing. The key thing to remember is also that target audience is everything on these platforms. One, you want to make sure the demographic of the social media platforms matches the audience that you're looking to target. The other thing is that the people you're targeting on those platforms, you want to make sure it to be super clear on your content and also super clear on how they can find your content there as well. So we'll go through all this later on, another module of this course. But in the meantime, I want you to keep that in mind as we're going through these different platforms. Staff or you know, which one can potentially work for you. 10. Instagram Deep Dive: So believer, not over 30% of people who use the Internet are actually on Instagram. So it's a very large community and user base that you can potentially tap into. Actually, in this case, on this community, there's a sub niche or sub community for everything. One of the best ways to find those communities is via hashtags. Hashtags is still one of the key ways that Instagram organizes its content. Will go through more hashtag hacks and tips and tricks later on in other parts of the modules. But I want to just mention that here. So you have that in mind. Another great thing about Instagram is that the engagement rate on here is ten times of Facebook, about 54 times of Pinterest, and 84 times with Twitter. So the engagement rate here is very high purely because again, there's a large community and user base, but also it's a very attractive platform in a sense that it's very visual and lots of interesting features to keep the users engaged and stay longer on this platform as well. If you only want an evidence of that, next time you're on your phone. If we currently have an iPhone, let's say you can actually check the usage of different apps on your phone. And I bet you Instagram if you do have it and your user like myself, you will find that you do spend quite a lot of time on here as well. Remember that more than 60%, so that's more than 66, 0% of Instagram users login to Instagram on a daily basis. So very active daily activity as well. And I will say probably over several times during the day. And you're probably nodding along to this if you're currently in Scrum user because you remember how addictive this platform you can be as an individual user on the platform, over 80% of people who are on Instagram actually follow a brand. Now that's interesting because most times brand accounts on social media platforms are not as interesting to follow as let's say, a personal account. The wife found out through this research is that people on Instagram who follow brand accounts are falling because they're interested in inspirational content. For instance, let's say you're into fashion. So you might fall out of fashion accounts because they post lots of interesting content about their products that you can also look to style differently. For example, we get some inspiration to dress in a different way. So again, people really follow brands for that inspiration, for that usefulness of the content. And that's something to keep in mind when you're creating content for your followers. And lastly, Instagram has a relatively younger user base. So again, keep this in mind as you're thinking about your demographic of your own target audience, you're looking to reach out there and whether or not platforms, each platform is actually makes sense for you, With more than 90% of users being under the age of 35. So I want to show you here an example of a really good account on Instagram that's actually within the small business category. That's done really well organically leveraging the various features of Instagram. This is a Loria pottery who's based in Oxford in England. And she shares all these beautiful content about her products that is very quaint and very stylized in her own way. So we looked through her overall look and feel of her Instagram. You get a sense of who she is and her products are like, and she makes them in a very authentic way as well. That's true to herself. One thing that I'd love to see is in one of her recent reals. Want to show this as example to you guys. Spring. This feeling like they see this magic. We came with a weather to me. They say. So you get a sense of how her videos are like in the sense that she's showing her process. So remember what I said earlier in the previous modules is that when you show your work in the process of how you making your products, people are really interested in that type of content as well. Instagram Reels is a very engaging format in the sense that you can make it short and succinct, but also showcasing your products and very unique way. But also reals are getting pushed in front of a lot more new audiences that people are potentially might be interested in this particular product are actually seeing for the first time. And that brings a lawyer pottery, many more new followers as well and new potential customers. In this particular pose, She's also doing a giveaway. So using a competition as a way to drum up more organic engagement. So in this case, she's saying, my spring collection is live and to give away time. The way to enter this competition is too light. This post then tag a friend or lots of friends below telling them about my new work has just gone live my website and basically help her spread the word. And you'll be entering into the giveaway to get some of these amazing new products. And I'm going to scroll down to show you that she's also attached the hashtags to this particular post as well. So in this case, using a maximum of about 30 hashtags on Instagram hashtags is still key way to organize content. I recommend if you can use up to 30 hashtags, why not do that for yourself to maximize the exposure you can have for your content as well. You can see that a lot of hash like that she's using here is very specific to the product that she's promoting, rather than using very general ones, Let's say pottery or pottery, art, et cetera, where it's very general in the sunset, everyone's gonna be crawling to those hashtags. So it's very hard to stand down and gets seen. However, a lot of these hashtags here are very much about slow living, about the beauties behind nature, which is very relatable to this particular product. Anyway, she's using a very artful way to reach a new audience. And also an audience, as she knows, will love this kind of product. Another thing I want to mention here is that on her bio within Instagram, you can actually now put a lot more information in that black bold line that you see there on the top. This is a great way to perhaps add some keywords that your audiences might be using to search your account. So in this case, she put pottery as one of her keywords because obviously her products, mainly pottery based. When someone's searching on Instagram, powdery brands and businesses to follow should definitely come up under that keyword search. The way to think about the Instagram bio here, which she said, a window into the college studio potter, Katie cost in life and creativity in the Oxfordshire countryside. A lot of times I would say don't overthink it when it comes to creating your bio. And in this case, she kept it really straightforward to the point. Exactly what you get when you read the bio and decide whether or not you want to follow this particular account. 11. Facebook Deep Dive: Now let's take a look into Facebook. I'm sure many of you who's watching this course right now probably know this platform fairly well from a personal perspective, or maybe even a little bit on the business side as well. But I want to mention some of the key stats behind this to give you a better understanding of how to leverage Facebook the right way going forward. So Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms out there. And actually it's the favorite social media platform is still a choice as of this year. And it's the favorite social media platform of choice for 35 to 44 year old age group. So slightly older than the Instagram, because Instagram is 90% of the user base is actually under the age of 35. People here has been on average about 33 minutes per day on Facebook. And also interestingly, as something to keep in mind is that over 80 per cent of people use Facebook now on a mobile device. So what that means is essentially the potential content, whether you're exposing your contents of your audiences, will be on a much more smaller screen size. You want to keep that in mind as you're creating content. For example, having the 1080 by 1080, which is the square format, works really well on Facebook to get a lot bigger potential real estate when it comes to appearing on people's social media feeds as well. Now interestingly, there's an active and growing user base on Facebook groups every month. So what we're seeing here is 1.8 billion people. So it's 1.8 billion. Use Facebook groups every month on this platform. And maybe you saw have also tested Facebook groups in the past, were used them in the past. Where it's a great private community can tap into within the much larger network that you can also engage in very targeted conversations with other users who may be having the same, similar interests as you in that particular space. Another thing to keep in mind is that the organic reach on Facebook post is very low. Currently is only 5.2%, which means that only five, just over five per cent of your audiences will actually see your content. And also means that if Facebook is a pay-to-play on the platform, well, I mean by that is that you have to pay for advertising on Facebook in order to really win on this platform. And actually Facebook advertising is probably still one of the best ways to reach very laser target audiences who are within that key demographic group, 35 years old and upwards. And how you can leverage that targeting to actually reach the right audiences at the right time. So here on the show you guys a really good example using Facebook pages in the right way to garner interests from all the answers in that target audience base. So here's simple green smoothies, which is one of my favorite Facebook pages. I would say that I love on this platform. One of the great things that they do I want to show you guys here is that we click on their Facebook banner, will take you to essentially is another call to action on joining their free 10-day smoothies challenge. These challenges are super engaged because people joining the challenge, they will actually go into a specific target groups. So a Facebook group where people can join him there for that period of ten days and then get these really great encouragement and also live trainings and light materials from the actual business on complete this challenge. You can actually sell it for here. So they actually included this as a description to the photo. So it's a great way to add that additional link in your content. So we click on the link, you'll be taken to their smoothies challenge, where you can enter your name and email addresses to join there. 12. YouTube Deep Dive: Let's take a look at YouTube. Youtube and then the one on my active platforms that I currently use. So here's a little reminder. If you haven't seen my YouTube channel, you can actually find me on this platform by typing my name Laurie Wang. And you'll find my channel there where it has a lot more useful information and tutorials that you can leverage for your social media learning journey going forward. Now, YouTube is actually the world's second most visited website. So that's a very big claim, right? In the sense that the first most visited website is probably Google. And YouTube is the second largest search engine as well when it comes to searching for content. Interestingly, because YouTube use be more of a desktop type of platform, they've also recently pivoted to include YouTube shorts, which means that they have now optimizer content for mobile with actually 22% of users using on their phone and growing. One thing to keep in mind that this new format, the YouTube shorts, it receives over 15 billion daily views. So there's actually a lot of new opportunities there to get in front of new audiences for the very first time by leveraging this format as well. And in my opinion, if you currently already creating content for, let's say Instagram or TikTok. Why not reuse the same vertical video format for YouTube shorts as well? In terms of the type of content people are interested in this platform. What's interesting is that a third of Internet users watch the how-to tutorial video every week on this platform. And we couldn't looking to run advertising on YouTube. The male audience in the 25 to 34 age group are YouTube's biggest advertising audience. I want to show you a really great example of a fantastic YouTube channel done right? In this case is Ali Abdul. His channel is actually all about how to explore the strategies and tools that help all of us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. So fairly broad in terms of where he covers a topic. And actually the interesting thing is that he started off his channel way, way back when he was talking about his life as a junior doctor and how he was able to, um, study better in terms of exams and also how he actually advancing his career and everything else around productivity. And then after that, he decided to actually expand his overall topic because he realized he has other interests, areas he wants to cover. But also the audience started growing from that niche area as well. But the key thing here is that on YouTube is much better to actually have a niche area to hone into, initially expand as your audience grows. Another interesting thing here I want to mention is that what he's done, he's also, he leveraged that YouTube shorts format fairly well. So he actually use YouTube as a way to give people a taster of his full videos. When a lot of times, Let's be honest, we don't always have the time to sit down, Washington, 11 minutes or 12 minutes video, but we do have the 30 seconds to a minute of time to watch the shorts. And from these shorts you will get a nice insight of what he usually talks about, histology presentation, his, his personality on camera, and how you actually present is videos. Really good sense of that straightaway. And you can decide whether or not you want to actually contains a subscriber to him. Grass, watch more of his videos. And the key thing here with YouTube is that as you're growing on this platform, consistency really matters. Because when you regularly publish new videos, let's say every week or twice every week, whichever consistency that you can actually manage, it helps your audience to realize that you're always going to be publishing on a regular schedule and the lookout for your content during the same time. Every week, for example, every month or every two weeks, whichever consistency that you actually adhere to. And of course, with any social media platforms, more often is probably better than less often. But again, don't burn yourself out just to maintain a consistency. That's actually unrealistic. And therefore, you can actually maintain a much more longevity of success on social media. Another thing on YouTube that matters a lot are the thumbnails, which essentially are these images that you see on top of every single video. And you can see how here Ali has a very specific way of doing his own thumbnails in his own style. So you don't adhere to a specific way of doing things. However, it's whatever works best for you. And actually anything in digital, especially on YouTube, is all about testing. When you test different formats of different types of thumbnails, you'll see what works best for your audience. To entice them, to click on that video and to watch it as well from their side. The other thing, to make sure that your keywords actually included in the overall title of the YouTube videos. So in this case, let's say how to invest for beginners. Nine passive income ideas, how it may 27th week. These are all very interesting titles, but same time including the keywords that alley is trying to convey in his videos. These titles have to really deliver on the promise that you're giving the potential viewer on this video. So if they click on that video, are they going to get exactly what you said in the title? If not, then they'll quickly leave and the YouTube algorithm will recognize that this video isn't actually relevant and you want really rank underneath those keywords. So thumbnails and also the amount of time that people watch your video is super important on this platform, as well as all the other engagement factors. Like for example, giving your video a thumbs up and also leaving comments on the video as well. So when you do make videos, make sure to encourage your viewers to do these actions throughout the video. And also entice them to watch it to the end. If there's any particular piece of information that you can actually give them at the end to run up the video as a whole. 13. Twitter Deep Dive: Alright, so let's take a look at Twitter. Over 70% of users on this platform and men and tutor spaces, which is basically the rival of audio apps like clubhouse for example. Where you're on there to listen to an audio of a discussion or a presentation, or a room of people discussing something they actually saw 10% rise in conversation leads to 3% rise in sales. That means that if you currently are on the Twitter spaces and you're managing a room, let's say on the specific topic of your industry or your business. If that leads to conversation, leads from the discussions you're having in there, then that can actually result in three per cent rise in your overall sales within that room. And also running advertising on Twitter is the most affordable. And you should definitely test in this platform because lot of times you can get feedback very quickly given the large mass audiences you're running your ads in front of. And actually over 54% of Twitter users, more likely to purchase new products from those of the sea currently on that platform. A very high likelihood of having that buyers intention. And the interesting thing here for businesses that are maybe in the e-commerce space is at 54% of Twitter users are actually more likely to purchase new products on this platform. So I now want to take you through my current Twitter account to show you some of the key ways that you can use twitter as a beginner. So first of all, when you first sign in, you will be asked to create a bio, which is what you see here on my Twitter bio. So keep it short and sweet. I would say keep it to the point of telling them exactly who you are, what you do. Your previous experiences are like you see here that I've labeled and also a link to your landing page or website choice. Remember to give it some credibility if you have them and don't be afraid to showcase your experience and don't overthink it because like anybody on social media, you want to make it simple, succinct to the point. And also now if you are one, the review so REV you IUIE users, which is a software that Twitter acquired a few years back, then you can actually embed your newsletter sign-up here as well. Now, if you signed up already, then you can just have this start reading button that people can start looking at straightaway. But if, let's say it's a new reader or new person and never came across my account before. When they click signing up, they can literally send up within the click of a button within Twitter and that person's e-mail address be added to the platform. And therefore, I now have gained one new email subscriber. So a great way to collect e-mail subscribers if you're using the strategy they want to tell about here using Arvin cow, which I think is a really fantastic account. And he's grown his Twitter following tremendously over the last few years. But also it's great about him is that he does a really great way of demonstrating how to use Twitter threads correctly. And Twitter threads is something that is very popular currently on the platform where you can gain law of attraction, of growth because people love reading these valuable threads path for information. So Twitter threads, essentially a string of tweets are linked together when you tween them all in one go. So in this case you see he has a top tweet here, which are the top 50 bite-size Twitter growth tips I've used to build falling over 66 thousand followers. And then he linked to them underneath one-by-one. So let's start today's tip saying thank you. And then Twitter is a visual platform, but here's how they use Twitter spaces. And then he goes on to, you won't get anywhere begging or offer fall for follows in the bill. Real connections with people, et cetera, et cetera. And he linked up 50 bite-size Twitter grow tips. Within this thread. A mega threads are full of useful information that you definitely want to save as an audience here. But also a lot of people who didn't like and retweet as well. Because Twitter has a fantastic function of retweeting very quickly with your audiences. It can create a lot of visibility very quickly for someone that perhaps don't even have that many followers. But if your content is really great, then that's what you really well on this platform, especially if you caught the attention of the audience is out there within your industry. So the credit tweet, you simply click the tweet button on your mobile. You can just go to that Tweet button and then start writing. And currently you are allowed up to 280 characters in your tweet. That means that once you hit the 280 characters, which is still relatively short, they wouldn't be able to write anymore within that first tweet. Now, if you have a lot of information you want to pack into, let's say a Twitter thread, then you can do several one of them at a time and obviously tweeting them after one another. But the key thing here to remember is that generally speaking, really keep your tweets short and sweet to the point and make it easy for users on this platform to skim through because they're usually very quickly scrolling through their phone to go to the content there. You want to make it easy, digestible as possible. I recommend using bullet points, for example, if you can or dashes to make different points. Just to make it as clear as possible to read for other users. Just want to say here, another great thing is for Twitter, you can actually pin your most popular content or the ones that you want to get seen first at the top of your Twitter profile. So here's my pin tweet from my speaking back in 2019. Why did the keynote with social media week in London? I want to make sure I new people who don't come into my profile are seeing this content and therefore be able to connect with me further in terms of my background in social media as a trainer and also consultant. The key thing here to remember about Twitter is that you want to make sure that you are engaging in conversations with others. Not just tweeting on your own profile, especially when you're first starting out with almost 0 followers in the beginning, you want to make sure you go there, reach out for those conversations. And especially those of your perhaps much more follow influencers who have a very active and engaged community. You want to be in there to engage with their community as well. And therefore making connections with some of those individuals willing to come back and follow you and also your content too. So that's one of my tips and how to grow quickly in the early days of Twitter. 14. LinkedIn Deep Dive: Now let's take a look at LinkedIn. So 49 billion people use LinkedIn to search for jobs every single week. That means if you currently in the business wearing to recruit individuals for new employees to LinkedIn is a great place to be to demonstrate your value as an employer. And also using those content to attract really great people into your business at LinkedIn posts with images gets two times more engagement. And I've actually test this myself. So definitely try to include imagery or visuals with your posts. And generally speaking, looking at marketers for B2B brands, they saw two times higher conversion rates on LinkedIn ads versus the ads they ran elsewhere on social media. Because the beauty about LinkedIn ads is that you can actually use it to target specific job titles of individuals, especially if you're in a B2B business, we're going to reach the decision-maker within that business, then you can actually laser target your ads with them. I'll be at LinkedIn as a little bit more expensive than other social media platforms. However, if you're driving for much higher value leads where let's say each leaf. And if it turns into a client, it can actually lead to a multi-thousand dollar contract, for example, then those more expensive leads you're paying for it could be worthwhile and a long-term, especially if you're looking for return on investment on marketing. Actually four or five people on LinkedIn drive business decisions. So that's a great place to be, especially like I said earlier, you're in the type of business where you need to reach decision-makers who are able to make that decision on whether or not to hire a contractor, for example, or another business services. And the moment and I agree with this point is that seventy-seven percent of content marketers agree that LinkedIn produce the best organic results. And that's very true because if you look across social media nowadays, LinkedIn still has the best organic reach, says People who are senior content for free without you paying to sponsor that content to be shown from other people. The reason for that is because every time someone comments or likes one in your content pieces that actually shown to all their networks as well to see that they've commented on it and they liked it. So that's a great way to amplify your content even further very quickly within the network, I've seen pieces of content where if it's done really well, get hundreds and thousands of likes engagements straight away because the amplification effect of that on LinkedIn, and that's why it's a really attractive place to be. Well, here's a LinkedIn deep dive in terms of how you can create your profile to shine on this platform, and to be able to actually attract those that you're looking to have in your network going forward. Here's my probiotic loans. So I have a specific tagline that I like to include here, which is basically telling them exactly what they're looking for on LinkedIn. So let's say someone's searching for digital marketing specialists, or let's say a social media marketer, growth marketing, digital content creator, a keynote speaker, than I will actually come up under nodes, keyword searches. And that's why it's important to have those in your profile possible. So have a think about what kind of keywords you would like to have in your profile when others are searching for people like you on LinkedIn. Because I change my profile into a creator profile. I also talk about the content I'll be sharing under those hashtags. So mindset resembles one of them, marketing, social media, personal branding, and person development. And down here, I actually have pinned a lot of posts that introduces myself, maybe provide some useful content from my audiences onto the top of my feature content area. When others are coming to my profile, you can see those first a bit like what you see in other social media platforms where you can pin your best contents the top. This is exactly what's great for currently less than your products and services that you wanted to individuals to. You can also pin them here as a specific posts as well. Here you can see all the activities of your current existing feed. And also what others have said about your posts on the back of that, Here's a fantastic area to really showcase who you are because you have a lot of real estate on this place to actually talk through who you are, what do you do and how you can help someone. So I recommend really think deeply about how you can draft this in terms of your background, your experiences, and the service that you currently provide, as well as how they can get in touch with you, which has all the information that I have here. Scrolling down, you have all the different experiences that you had in your posts and your career. So make sure it lists out the ones that you currently are working on. Even side hustles count if you want to make sure those are public. And to have all those on your profile to showcase your experience in different ways. And also have your previous experience of your work and career, et cetera there as well. Now, I want to mention something here specifically which is called recommendations. I think recommendations are fantastic way of when you're finished with the service for the client. If you're in a service-based business or let's say you currently have a freelancer. We're looking to build your freelancing business. When you are done with a specific client project, to ask them to leave a great review on your LinkedIn. Because when others come to your profile, that also raises your credibility. But as well as when people are actually seeing that you have a lot of reviews. It gives you this authority in terms your expertise in the area, and also tells LinkedIn to show your search result of your profile higher than those of others. We may not have as many recommendations. Recommend requesting those as much as possible when you are able to do that with your clients and make sure they give recommendations to others as well. It's another way to build really deep relationships with others that you worked with before. And you can also include publications, Let's say, articles that you've written on LinkedIn in the past. I've also listed on your honors and awards that you've received, as well as languages you currently are able to speak as well. 15. End of Part 1: What's Next?: Thank you so much for watching part one of this course, and I hope that you enjoyed it. And I look forward to sharing with you very soon. But the meantime, I invite you to try on their class project where you can actually go through everything I taught in part one so far to really create that objective and the goals in mind of how you want to connect your social media with your business goals. And also understanding the various different channels and how you can actually choose the right channel to shop the right places for your audience where they're actually hanging out online. So hopefully find all that helpful in one place here in part one. And looking forward to seeing you very soon in part to have a great rest of the day.