1. Welcome!: Hey guys, my name is Maggie Stara. Within this class, I'm going to be sharing with you my most valuable tips, tricks, and tools within the world of Facebook and Instagram ads. As a digital marketing strategist, I have been involved in every aspect of planning, creating, and managing Facebook ads for businesses of all sizes, and while I definitely want to make sure that you walk away from this class full of confidence in your advanced knowledge of Facebook and Instagram ads, I also want to make sure we have a little bit of fun with this. Because as creative Facebook ads folks are continuously combining the visual with the analytical. So we'll be looking at some out-of-the-box ideas that will help you no matter what stage of business growth you're at. This class is perfect for anyone who is already familiar with the world of Facebook advertising and is looking for more advanced tips on how to make their strategy more profitable. While you will be able to take these skills and incorporate them into your day-to-day, even if you're looking to run ads for e-commerce, businesses, our focus within this class is primarily on improving your conversion rates for a multi-step approach for service-based businesses. By the end of the class, you'll know how to create a profitable Facebook ads sequence to connect with your target audience, get them interested in your business and convert them into customers, and we'll be looking at advanced tactics for segmenting your audiences as they're moving through your Facebook ad sequences, how to split test at every level of your campaign to find your highest-converting assets, how to analyze your key performance metrics and user flow, how to scale the success of your campaigns without losing the effectiveness of your ads on your audience, and how to tie your Facebook and Instagram advertising efforts into your wider business goals. You will get the most out of this class if you already have access to your Facebook ads manager, so for details on how to set that up if you haven't already and for many more useful tools, tips, and resources that we'll be talking about throughout the class, make sure to go ahead and download your helpful class guide within the Projects and Resources tab before diving into the first lesson. I'm super excited for us to dive straight in and I can't wait to see you in class.
2. Setting Expectations: Before jumping into the next lesson, I do just want to set some expectations for this class. Now, some of you may know the Facebook ads education space is really just full of people who are teaching this stuff to themselves through trial and error and showing other people how they can do it too. Which is awesome and it's a really great way to see what other people are doing, but the problem with that is that they're not often showing you the real results. You don't really see the thousands and thousands of $ that were spent on ads that didn't work out, and the broken links to websites that didn't really exist that they put into their campaign, and maybe the time they accidentally put in a sneaky zero into their campaign budget and spend $10,000 instead of $1,000 of the client's budget as they planned, and all of the many heart attacks that probably went along with that journey. A lot of people are only really going to be showing you the amazing results, which yes, on the one hand, that is going to give you something to aspire to, but on the other hand it can make you really panic when you create a campaign following someone's exact advice and you see that they made $40,000 on this campaign, and you made a hundred bucks or you lost money on it. There really are there so many different reasons as to why your particular campaign is likely performing totally differently to someone else's. First of all, these best-performing campaigns that you're likely looking at, people have been running for months and in some cases years. That is thousands of $ and hundreds of hours spent on tweaking and optimizing and testing out different ads, different audiences, different objectives, and everything that people could possibly test to get the highest rate of success possible. In fact, King Kong, a digital marketing agency here in Australia, that has been voted the number 1 fastest growing agency in Australia, and has generated over $1.3 billion in sales for their clients, largely thanks to Facebook ads, has said this exact thing in their Facebook ads downloads. The sad truth is that most funnels will remain unprofitable for a month if not two. You have to be persistent to make a Facebook advertising campaign profitable by constantly working to raise the conversion right. This is a company whose clients have to spend a minimum of $2,000 on ads per month in order to work with them, and they've had enormous success with all of their past clients, and even they take on every new client or a new business as a completely blank slate with the expectation that their strategy may not be profitable for a couple of months because they need to test what works and what doesn't for their audience, for their offer, and all of those things that really go into creating a successful strategy. Because it takes time for people to go through your entire funnel from the top with their first hearing about your business and maybe signing up to your free offer, through to watching your videos or interacting with you on social media, receiving your emails, receiving your retargeting ads, and everything else that has to happen in order for someone to finally become a customer and a repeat customer, and someone who is also going to then refer business to you hopefully. Depending on the complexity of your business, this process can take a few days or it can take a few months. You need to give yourself a bit of breathing room to make some mistakes and test a few things out so that you can learn from this. I'm hoping that that has helped you to get a bit of perspective on the fact that even the really big guys in this industry are still continuously learning about what works and what doesn't, and learning from their mistakes and knowing that nothing is perfect the first time around. Make sure to give yourself a bit of a break, and know that with time and with experience you'll be awesome at this. As you're going through these lessons and looking at examples of what other people are doing with their ads, which I definitely encourage you to do, please remember that what works for one marketer with one offer, with one client in one industry, may not work for another person who's trying to do a very similar thing and that's okay. In fact, I would argue that what separates really great marketers like you guys from the rest isn't actually the ability to nail everything on the first go. It's your ability to stay calm under pressure and know what to do next in order to improve your results. That's exactly what we're going to be focusing on in this particular class. Improving your skills and your knowledge for creating, analyzing, and optimizing your ads, and your sales process as a whole. With that in mind, let's get into it with the next lesson, and I'll see you there.
3. Set Up Your Foundation: You might be surprised to find that in working as a digital marketing strategist, the first 15-20 minutes of me talking to a potential Facebook ads client actually have nothing to do with Facebook or Instagram or paid ads for that matter. It's because that time is better spent with me getting to the bottom of why their business exists and also how it's currently tracking with meeting its overall business goals. The reason for that is because any form of advertising is really just going to amplify what is currently already going on in the business. It's really important to have a great foundation already in place before even promoting the business through paid ads. This is why it's not only important to identify the objective of what you're hoping to achieve with your ads but also what happens when somebody exits this Facebook ads world and enters the rest of that sales cycle and how everything works together. As with anything in the marketing world, you do need to be working backwards and making sure that you are being really intentional about the actions that you're making with user's take on the way to achieving that final goal. So the initial step in your planning process, I encourage you to consider the following, what do you have in place for everything that happens after somebody leaves the Facebook or Instagram platform? Do you have multiple layers of paid offers in place for loyal and repeat customers? Or maybe you just have the one offer to sell for now or maybe it's not a live offer yet, but you're confident that you can start pre-selling it because you know that it's going to be ready at a certain time and you're happy to charge for it. You have a solid strategy for how to get people interested in your offer and have lots of valuable free content and awesome emails that guide people through to your paid offer. If you have none or maybe just some of these things in place but you need a little bit of time to work on the others, don't worry, I'm going to be showing you a tailored strategy in a later lesson that's really simple to execute even if you're just still working on setting everything up within your business. But the reason that I really encourage you to focus on your business goals as a whole like this is because it will help you to figure out where you can focus your paid efforts to have maximum impact on your overall business goals. If you're running ads on behalf of another business and maybe you're talking to them about their goals and they say something like their goal is to get more traffic to their site or get more leads onto their email list, do not believe them, this happens so often but that is not the goal. Because if it was, you can really easily go out and get them 1,000 or 10,000 leads onto their email list very cheaply and quickly if you want but they're going to be the wrong kind of leads. It's basically like them saying, "Hey, I want to eat healthier." But what does that actually mean? What kind of healthy habits will you actually incorporate into your daily routine to make sure you're staying on track? What are your measurable goals? What's the timeline and what's the final outcome that you're hoping to achieve? That final outcome might be to lose 10 kilos for a big event in three months time, which is a very different objective than, hey, I just want to be healthier. So you really, really need to get to the bottom of what their real goal is in order to understand what steps you need to plan to get their audience to this goal. Doing this is also going to give you some achievable benchmarks for your ad spend budget and to be able to manage the client's expectations as well if you're doing this on behalf of another business. If one converted customer is worth $1,000 and you know that a webinar or training that you're promoting with your ads converts on average one out of every 30 people who registered for the event, then you know that you can spend about $33 per lead in order to still break even. Knowing this is going to give you really good place to start in order for you to set a realistic budget and a realistic timeline for achieving these goals. Now, that you have identified what your goals are with your paid ads, let's now talk about how to break these up into many goals in different stages that you'll be guiding your audience through to get them to that final goal.
4. Plan Your Strategy: Sometimes jump into the Facebook ads library and see that people are running 300 ads at once. The wheels in your head naturally start to turn, and you start thinking about how the heck you're going to pull off running these many ad variations by yourself, let alone where to get that budget to make this work. When your mind starts to spiral like this, I really encourage you to just stop, breathe, and regroup. These guys likely have a team of managers, and copywriters, and designers, and photographers, and everyone that is working really hard behind the scenes of these ads. Not to mention probably quite big budgets and years of experience. While you might be in a position to have a team and have this complexity eventually, in my experience, it's always best for you to start small, test what works, what doesn't, and then expand your campaigns once they're really profitable for you and you can reinvest into some more complexity within your marketing strategy. Because when you're still figuring out what's working and what isn't, the worst thing you can do is stretch your time and your budget really thin between five and 10 campaigns and hundreds of ads, and suddenly you're really lost in what's actually happening, and what's working, and what isn't. This is quite common for Facebook ad marketers as a mistake that they make in creating this elaborate monster because that's what they think they have to do in order to be successful, and it makes it quite difficult to track. Over the next few lessons, what we're going to be focusing on is different ways that you can simplify things before you go into how to measure things, and test things, and optimize them as well. As promised, let's first talk about how you can simplify things a little bit based on your budget and what I would call my business readiness checklist, as in, is your business ready to start collecting leads? This means that you have a hyper organized email marketing system in place, you have a tried and tested free offer, a nurture sequence in place that your audience receives after they sign-up for your free offer to get to know your business, all of that stuff that's going to allow for a really good customer experience once they sign up. Then it's important for you to answer whether or not you actually have something you're selling to your audience yet, or you're ready to pre-sell a paid product or offer to your audience. It doesn't have to be live yet, but you have to be ready to start collecting money for something. Number 3, do you have a solid organic following and engagement already? Remember that paid ads only really amplify what's going on in your business already. You need to have a pretty solid foundation in place so that you know exactly what is resonating with your target market and what is getting them to buy from you. The best way to do that is to get a few organic runs on the board in terms of getting people into your email list and getting them to buy from you organically before doing this with paid ads. If you answered no to these questions and you might also be working with a limited budget, you may want to focus on a really simple audience building strategy that I'm going to be taking you through first. If you answered yes to all of these things, then you might still want to have something like this running at all times that is going to help you to build up a warm audience so that the next time you have a new webinar or a new offer, or new product, or just a new thing to promote to your audience, you're going to have that warm audience there ready to jump on this new thing that you want to promote to them. Let's get into what I'm talking about next. For those of you familiar with the stages of a sales funnel, you will likely know these stages by their funnel names, which is top of funnel, middle of funnel, and bottom of funnel, or you might have heard people talk about these stages from the buyer's journey perspective as the awareness, consideration, and conversion or decision stages. But for the sake of remembering that these stages do represent our relationship with our audience, and they're not just metrics and numbers, I'm going to be using the terms connect, commit, and close to represent the stages of your relationship with your audience as they're moving through these stages. As I mentioned, no matter where you are in your business readiness journey, even if you have a small budget and a small existing audience, and they're not super engaged on social media yet, you can always be focusing on the first of these stages, which is going to be all about connecting with your target market. Let's get into what that's all about, and how you can execute this in the next lesson.
5. Connect With Engagement: The aim of the Connect stage is just pure engagement. That is awesome for a couple of different reasons. The first of which is the fact that this is one of the cheapest campaign objectives you can actually run, so you can get a lot of really good results pretty quickly and pretty inexpensively as well. The second big reason I like this objective is because Facebook does rank ad accounts based on a number of different factors. But one of those things is the types of ads that your account is running. If you're only running conversion campaigns, you're actually doing yourself a massive disservice and you'll likely pay more because you're essentially telling Facebook, Hey, my goal on your platform is just to get leads and sales from your users. But if you incorporate some engagement campaigns into this, it's promoting a really good user experience on their platform, because you're essentially saying to Facebook, hey, I want to educate, and engage, and entertain your users before asking for anything in return. Let's take a look at how you can use some tips and tricks at this initial stage to develop long-lasting relationships with your audience and improve your conversion rates in later stages. Let's go over these four steps and then we'll actually jump into our Facebook page and I'll show you exactly how to go about doing this. First, you would identify an existing well-performing post that aligns with your eventual paid offer and shows your audience who you are. Ideally you would have that organic traffic, even if it's not a huge amount of engagement yet, but you can go into your analytics and into your insights and select a really great post that really resonated with your existing organic audience. Then in step 2, we're going to be leveraging this by turning this post into an ad for first, for your existing audience with the objective of getting engagement. Because as we know, your posts, even if they're organic, they're only going to reach 2-5 percent of your followers, so we want to make sure that we're first getting all of our people to see it. Especially if you've got quite a small audience, it might be a couple hundred people, so you want to make sure that all of them have seen this amazing post and have had a chance to interact with it before we then go to step 3, to shift this exact post over to code audiences once your frequency is over about four, which means that your existing audience has seen it quite a few times. They've had a chance to engage with it and they probably done everything they're going to do with it. It's now time for you to actually show it to your potential target market and potential audiences that haven't engaged with you yet. Then step 4, is going to be to leverage this new activity on social media into building up your email list. You want to make sure that as you're doing this, obviously people are going to interact with the post itself, but inevitably they're also going to actually check out your profile and check out what else you have to offer. Maybe if you're doing this on Instagram, for example, they're going to go to the links in your bio and you want to make sure all of that is ready for you to actually start getting people's email addresses, so you can slowly start to move people into the commit phase, even though that's not the objective here. The objective at this stage is just to engage with them and we're going to be re-targeting these people a little bit later on. But if he can get people's email addresses in the process, then why not? First step is going to be for you to head over to your Facebook page and then head over to the insights tab so that you can take a look at some of your past posts, preferably videos that have done really well with your audience that you might be able to use for this connect phase. Just checking over the last couple of months and taking a look at some of my stats here, you want to keep a look out for the organic reach for a particular post and the engagements. I would say that this post has done really well, probably the best out of the ones that I've posted over the past couple of months. But I know for a fact that these posts in particular isn't a video, so it's not ideal. But also it was more like a fun update for my audience rather than educational post that I would be willing to utilize for this connect phase, specifically to cold audiences. This content is more relevant to my existing audience, but it wouldn't probably re-purpose well for cold audiences, which is ultimately what we want to do with this phase. I wouldn't necessarily use that one, but I know that this one is also performing really well with my existing audience. It's had quite a bit of engagement, good organic reach. It is a video that is educational and that would potentially align with my ultimate paid offer, which in this case could be training for people who want to do better with their social media marketing efforts. I would go ahead and just make sure that the post is ready to be turned into an ad because once it's turned into an ad, you can't mess with it anymore. You can't edit anything. You want to make sure that you are reading through it and you're making sure that this text makes sense, that it will make sense to you when you boost it or promote it to your existing audience. But also once it actually goes out to people who have never heard of you, everything looks good and any links or anything like that are in there. Everything makes sense. It all looks good. In terms of the video thumbnail, I Know that this could be quite weird to a lot of you because I know it doesn't look super polished, but actually they've done tests on this. It turns out that thumbnails of people who look like they're mid speech actually do really well for conversion rates in terms of click-through rates. People are more likely to click on it because it looks a little bit awkward. Even though it's maybe not the prettiest thing ever to be scrolling across your feed, people who don't have auto-play turned on for videos on their Facebook account, it means that they're more likely to click on it because it looks a little bit awkward. That works really well for me and I would be happy to keep that in terms of an ad and I would just either save that or just exit out of that because I haven't made any changes. That's the video that I want to use for his connect stage and I would go ahead and jump on over to my Facebook Ads Manager so we can get started with actually promoting this out. I would just jump on over to create. In this case, we want to optimize this for engagement first. We won't post engagements, and we want to make sure that we're using whatever naming conventions are with how we want to name our campaign. You could name this based on the connect stage, but the connect stage really just represents the top of the funnel stage, and that's my personal naming conventions within my Facebook Ads Manager. That's why I would say TOFU, which is top of funnel. Let's say GIF would be the name of my campaign here. My goal is paper engagement here. I'll just go ahead and click on "Continue," and I'm not split testing here, and I'm not using campaign budget optimization at this stage. In terms of my ad set, I don't necessarily need to say that it's top of funnel at the ad set level, but I wouldn't want to put in the name of my campaign and maybe the objective and who I'm advertising to and where. I would say Facebook, existing audience. If you are going to be using this strategy with Instagram as well, then I would just make sure that I'm splitting up my Facebook and Instagram strategies into two different ad sets. That's why I like putting the Facebook in here or I would put an IG for Instagram. But really the key that we're looking for is here, this existing audience. We know we're actually really just promoting an existing post. That is all about creating your own GIFs to an existing audience. Daily budget really you could put whatever you want into this five boxes a really good amount depending on what your audience size is. As I'm going through and making some variations here, you'll start to see this potential reach drop based on what I'm putting in here. I would just be creating a really simple, quick audience. I would actually not want to limit this based on location because I'm just going to be using my existing audience. If you put in the key term worldwide, it'll just target everyone in the world who has a Facebook account. You want to make sure you're selecting worldwide region, not place because it's the name of a place for some reason, but as a region, it'll basically just select everyone, which is a heck of a lot of people, age groups as well. I wouldn't restrict, it, wouldn't really restrict based on anything, maybe languages. I would just make sure that anyone who is using their Facebook in English. But really the main thing to note at this point is the connections tab. I want to make sure that I'm really only targeting people who are already fans of my page, so they already know who I am, they follow me on Facebook and they're going to be more likely to be interacting with this post in that case. We're really only going to be using one placement for this because we want to get the engagement on the Facebook news feed and nowhere else. I'm going to go ahead and remove every other placement and just make sure it's not on Facebook video feeds or marketplace really, all we're looking to target is Facebook news feeds. Currently this is my estimated reach and post engagement, which is cool. I'm happy with that. I don't really want to go through any cost control or anything like that. I would just copy over whatever I've done at my ad set level here because this is going to be a really simple single ad set, so it doesn't really matter too much. I only need to hook up my Facebook page because it's not going to have an Instagram placement. We're using an existing post, and I'm going to go ahead and select the post here. I'm making sure that I'm on Facebook, not on Instagram as well here. Now, I don't want to add a call to action here because I don't really want to be asking for anything in return at this stage, so tracking is a little bit irrelevant at this stage because people aren't going to be prompted to go to my website, but it's just a good habit to keep that turned on. There's no downside to it. Really that's it. We would go ahead and just publish this. All that's going to do is it's going to push this post out to everyone who is a fan of me on Facebook already who hasn't seen the post yet or maybe they have, but maybe they haven't interacted with it. It's going to be likely pushing it out more to people who are most likely to engage with stuff. It doesn't mean it's going to reach everyone in my Facebook ad audience. It's really only going to show it to people who are most likely to give me the result I want. In this case are likes, comments, shares that stuff to really build up momentum on this post, so that in the next stage, when I go through to creating an additional campaign for my cold audiences to see this exact post, it's going to have that really good engagement on it already. People are going to be like, "Oh my God, this girl has so many likes, comments, and shares on this post. I need to know what it's about." They're going to watch it, which is going to be great because it's going to have that connection and it's going to have that social proof on it already from my existing audience. This is really cheap because it's only $5 a day, but really I would probably only have to run this for maybe two or three days max for my audience of 6,000 people. If your audience is smaller, you might only really have to run it for one day before your frequency goes up. You want to make sure you're keeping an eye on your frequency column here. Once this reaches about four, you want to make sure you're turning these off from your existing audience and you're moving to the next stage where you're pushing this out to a cold audience who's never heard of you, and you're trying to connect with them instead. Because really after your existing audience has seen this four times, chances are they've already taken all the actions they're going to take and they are not going to take any further action. You don't want to be wasting money in this case. Now if you do want to go through and create a similar strategy for Instagram, all you can do is really go through the exact same steps, but make sure you're selecting Instagram news feed as your placement. In that case, you would really only be able to do this with any Instagram videos that are shorter than 120 seconds. If you have any IGTVs or anything like that, it won't allow you to use it for this strategy. But I would say that this particular stage works a lot better with Facebook rather than Instagram because social proof is not as powerful on Instagram because people can't see it as prominently as they do on Facebook. All right, guys, so that is step 1 of this connect stage where we're really just warming up our existing audience, really getting them to engage with this post. Before we then move into the second part of this process where we actually go and push this post out to awesome new, cold audiences that have never heard of us. But we just want to educate them, entertain them, and show them what we've got. In that case, we will actually be optimizing for video views and more on that in the next lesson, so I'll see you there.
6. Connect With Video: Now we can get straight into everything and start building out the second step of this process where we're going to be connecting with potential target markets with code audiences. You do want to make sure that you have an audience prepared of some sort. Within your Audiences tab, you can take a look at what audiences you already have ready there, and you can also research new audiences within the Audience Insights tab. If you're not quite familiar with how the Audience Insights tab works, you can find some resources on this inside of your class guide as well. So I'm not going to go too much into this at this stage, but just know that this is a really powerful way for you to search new code audiences based on interests and behaviors and demographics of your target audience, and we will look at some more advanced tips for narrowing down your audiences for your campaigns in a later lesson. But for now, just know that this is where I would go to actually create my code audiences to then use for this next step of my connect phase where I want to actually show this awesome video that's got all this amazing social group from my audience to some new code audiences to educate them about myself and my business and really get those video views going so that at the next stage of the commit stage, I can then retarget the video viewers and ask for their email address in exchange for a free offer. We're now going to go ahead and select Create, and we're just going to choose a slightly different objective at this stage. We're going to be choosing video views instead of engagement because really, that's what we want at this stage, and we're going to be copying over our ad set and our ad from the previous campaigns, so we don't have to worry about creating that for now. I'm just going to click on "Skip ad set" and "Skip ad". It's just a really blank campaign with this new objective. I'm just going to go ahead and close this and create a draft item for now. Now I just want to come in here and select this ad set and I will duplicate it. I can go in and create it from scratch as well. But in this case, I would just come in here and put it into my brand new campaign, duplicate that, and that's fine. I'm going to go in and make sure everything looks good. Now we're within this new campaign. Obviously, this is going to be slightly different, so we're going to be optimizing for video views here, still on Facebook, and we're going to be using a new audience, which is going to be my Female Entrepreneur Association. I might actually use the full word, although it's going to be weird. Yeah, I'm so happy to keep that at $5 a day. Really, the only difference in this case is going to be that we're going to be using a saved audience. I can use my Female Entrepreneur Association, which is really just people living in these countries within this age range, with these languages, and the only interests we're targeting at this stage is Female Entrepreneur Association. That's a size of almost 700,000 people. I'm really happy with that as a really good baseline. I usually try and push that to about a million. Just because this objective is quite cheap so it can get used up quite quickly but that's still a really solid amount of people. The placements, I would keep as Facebook news feed. But in this case, we could also test out the Facebook video feed because at this stage our objective is video views, not just post engagement. So anything to do with video views that can ramp up our video views can be a positive thing. You can then test out how that's performing for you, but that's one that I like to use in addition to the news feed. Then the last thing you want to do is just jump into the actual ad and update this to make sure that it is on par with what's at your ad set level. You do not have to use caps, by the way. I don't usually use caps. I don't know why I'm using caps here, but it's quite aggressive, so I do apologize for that. Use normal lingo if you want, but also using acronyms. Normally, I would just use FEA as this targeting because I know this audience works pretty well for me. But just for you guys, I wanted to type out the whole word, but definitely use acronyms whenever possible because it's going to make it a lot cleaner for you to do your reporting. It looks good in both placement and I would just go ahead and publish that. That's it. We would basically turn this off for now, but it's ready, it's there, it's going to get reviewed by Facebook. We would start running this until the frequency gets a little bit too high and then we would turn this off and turn this one on and start running that to our code audience, and in this particular campaign, you could have different ad sets. This is just one example. You could then go in here and duplicate this and just really change out the actual targeting. We could keep everything the same and just change the interests to test out different audiences and how they're all responding to this one video, but really, your aim is just to get as many video views on this one video as possible that you can then retarget in the next stage. This is the cheapest tactic at this stage, and it can be a really great way for you to build up an audience of people who are watching your video, engaging with your content, build your social media followers as well and then test which code audiences are responding to your content. But if you do want to go one step further at this connect stage, you can also run some ads for the traffic objective that will lead people directly to reading some educational content on your website and you can retarget them that way. But once again, at this stage, you're not asking for anything in return. You are just asking people to read a hopeful article or check out a podcast episode because you know that they're going to like it based on their current interests that you're targeting off of Facebook. Let's take a look at how Emily from Hirsh Marketing does this. Emily's connect strategy is to run ads that promote five of her podcast episodes. But the key here is to note that they're also not the latest podcast episode. They range from Episode 208 all the way to 254. These are likely just her best performers or maybe ones that are really, really aligned with what she's looking to promote within her commit stage which is the next stage we'll be looking at. Another brilliant thing about these examples here is that they're not fancy videos. They're literally just handheld videos using her iPhone while she's walking around. That is perfect for this stage because you really want people to get to know you and connect with you. No fancy gimmicks required at this stage.
7. Commit: At the commit stage, your goal is just to get people to really express an active interest in what you have to offer, whether that's a free training or an e-book download or an actual live call that you want people to sign up to or whatever else is your strategy for getting people's email addresses. I know some of you at this point would just be saying, "Hey, should I just save my money and start with this stage and just drive traffic straight to getting people to sign up to my email list," and controversially enough, I'm going to say you could and you would get results. But you're not here because you want to get results, you're here because you want to get the best results possible for your budget. Not only is it possible to get 50-100 percent cheaper leads if you take that extra step to warm up your audience with the connect stage before jumping in and getting them to your email list, but these people are actually a lot more likely to also convert into customers in your next stage, which is the close stage. If you're currently not getting the results for the price that you want when it comes to your lead conversions or your sales, it could actually be because you've skipped the process of warming up your audience and educating them and entertaining them in the connect phase. But the good news is that it's never too late to go back and connect with your people. As we're moving through to the commit stage, here are a few things for you to keep in mind. At the time of recording, Facebook needs a minimum of 50, but ideally between 50-100 conversions per ad set per week in order to give you the best result possible. So you need to have a large enough budget allocated to each of your ad sets to make that happen. No matter what your conversion is set at, whether that's a lead or an add-to-cart or a purchase, you need to make sure that your ad set has a large enough daily budget to give you at least 50 conversions per week in order to be optimized to its fullest. That's something for you to keep in mind as we head into this stage. The next thing to keep in mind is that your lead-generating offer should be super aligned with your final paid offer. The reason I bring this up is because you might have five or six different ways of getting people onto your email list organically and that's awesome, absolutely keep that up, keep doing what you're doing. But when it comes to running these paid ads, you want to focus on the people who would be most likely to become a customer and what you can give them away for free to help them solve a similar pain point to what your final paid offer solves. As an example, I have a lead magnet for people to get access to my animated templates for their YouTube video end screens, which actually works pretty well for getting people into my email list. But all that this lead magnet tells me about this audience that would be attracted to this is that they likely create YouTube videos, which could really be anyone from real estate agents, so 13-year-old Tiktok stars. This kind of offer would not really make for a good targeted offer for me to advertise to during this commit stage. Let's once again just take a look at Emily's agency as an example of what you could try at this commit stage in a way that is super aligned with the offer that will be presented at the close stage. At the commit stage, it looks like she has two lead-generating ads. One that runs to a free strategic three-day private podcast training and one that promotes her monthly report opt-in. These here are just examples because she's running a couple of different variations of each of these, but the actual offer itself remains the same. I'm really sorry, but the ad on the left was crazy long so I had to chop it into two to fit the whole texting but it's just one ad on the left and one on the right. But these are both really aligned with her final paid offer, which we'll talk about in the next lesson. But the thing that I really like about this approach is that they cater to different people. Some people will prefer to join a hands-on multi-day training, while others will just want the stats and the facts sent straight to their inbox to skim over because they're just way too busy for our training. That's something for you to keep in mind for your own business, that it's always a really good idea to test out different offers at this stage to see what's resonating with your audience and what they're signing up to. In terms of how to set this up inside of your ads manager, we would be looking to run a conversion campaign with leads as our goal and then you can create an ad set that retargets people who engage with your content in the connect stage. Let's take a look at how to do that now. Now in terms of how this is all going to be set up on the back-end inside of our Ads Manager, we would be creating campaign for conversions, so we want to make sure we're selecting conversion here. We would be using the registrations to our event or registration or a lead for a download or something like that as the conversion event. In this case, for me, it's middle of the funnel and let's say we're still going with the campaign of gift because that's what we use at the top of the funnel as our video and we're looking to extend that into the middle of the funnel and we're actually getting people into our email list. But in this case, our actual objective is going to be conversions and leads. These are all my shortcuts, use your own, of course, but that's what works for me. In this case, I'm just going to use my campaign name, my placements still, my optimization and I'll say engaged video viewers. If I also have a limit on this, so I could say seven days. Only people who have watched this video within seven days are going to get this particular ad. We need to make sure we have our actual conversion events set up, so in this case, I would want to make sure that my conversion for complete registrations is set up. Not using dynamic creative would be happy to put a daily budget of, let's say, even just $10 is still really good. Again, we want to make sure we are giving it enough for those 50 conversions at a minimum per week, so we'll keep an eye on how much a conversion is going to cost me and making sure that this is a good enough budget for it, but also making sure it's proportionate to my actual audience size. This stage, it still says 18 million people because I haven't told them what the audience is yet. But if I then go through and create a custom audience of people who have watched my video, which in this case these ads are not running yet, so there's really not many people who have watched enough of this video to really have a big enough audience. But let's say people who have watched at least three seconds of my video, selecting my Facebook page here and making sure I'm selecting the right video. I would say in the last seven days. So those are my if video viewers. Seven days and I'm not going to bother too much with the description at this stage. But it's going to tell me that my audience is too small, and that's okay because at this stage I'm just prepping everything. This campaign is going to be off until my top of funnel, my connect campaigns are running. They're getting a really large audience ready for me so that once I start running this, it's going to have a large enough base here for me to run to. Keep in mind that your audience is really just pulling from whatever happened in the previous stage because it's just re-targeting people who you've pushed this video out to in the connect or the top of funnel stage. You don't necessarily need to narrow in on your audience here if you don't feel it's right and you still are testing things and you just want to keep it really broad. Set your region as worldwide, keep your ages really opens so you can test what's working and what isn't, and also to make this a little bit larger for you, if your budget isn't huge, that's totally fine. But just keep in mind that at this stage you are starting to pay for leads. You're really going to start to pay for people who are going to be joining your email list, and you're obviously paying for them to be in your email list. So if you want them to be really, really targeted, and you know that your target market is based in Australia and America and Canada, or it could be a very specific country for your target market, then you can really start to narrow in on it, and it'll say, "We're going to show it to everyone who's viewed your video in the last seven days, but only people living in this location." You also want to make sure you're selecting living in this location, not recently visited, and then you can really start to break this down by your target age group as well. For me, I know that 18-22 range is really not people that I would potentially one on my email list if I have a choice. I have a choice, I would rather spend that money in this particular age group. Potentially, I would turn off detailed targeting expansion because, at this stage, I am wanting to really see how this strategy is working for me, so I don't want to be going outside of what I'm selecting here. So I want to make sure that that's off. We just want to make sure that we are excluding people who have already performed the action that we are looking to target here. So you want to make sure you are creating an audience of people who have already signed up for whatever it is that you're looking for them to sign up to, and then it's a dynamic audience. For me, this is people who have signed up to this free training in the 180 days prior to me running this ad, and that's going to keep adding new people to this custom audience. If the ad within this ad site gets delivered to someone within this audience and they sign up to my email list and they sign up to this training, then they're going to be included in this training, which means they're never going to see these ads again because Facebook's going to exclude them. That's really, really important, and it's a very, very important step that people often forget. Because especially if this audience is small, Facebook might keep showing your ads to people who have already converted and who have already signed up for the thing that you want them to sign up to. So always make sure you're excluding people from your ad sets based on what actions they've already performed. If building out custom audiences like this is still really new to you and you're not sure how to go about this, don't worry too much, we will go into some advanced tactics on how to do this in a later lesson. Happy with that. I would actually just put in English as the language just because of habit, and we would go for manual placements again. In this example, I'm just going to be using an existing ad I already have running just to show you guys how to set this up. But if you are creating all of your ads from scratch, then, of course, use as many placements as you're comfortable with, and just make sure that you are customizing it for each placement. We'll go more into that within the copy and creative lesson, where we take a look at how to do this in case you're not already familiar with it. But just because I know which ad I'm going to be using, I'm really only going to be using the Facebook News Feed. I'm just going to go ahead and name this, and then I would just put in whatever identifying factor there is for this particular ad. Now, I'm going to be using an existing post, but I'm actually going to be using an ad ID. So I want to make sure that I'm going over to an existing campaign that's performed really well for me, and I've got my ad here. I can head on over to Preview, and I want to go over to Desktop News Feed, and I'm going to pop this out by saying see post with comments, and then in the URL, I can actually just grab this post ID and then jump in here and just go into enter post ID. I put it in here. Submit. It's just going to take an existing ad from a different campaign that's already got all of this beautiful social proof on it. It's got comments, it's got shares, it's got all this stuff. I'm not able to change it in any way, shape, or form, but I can use it for this campaign. I'm able to track my conversions. I know it's to sign up for a free training. It's something that is aligned with what happened previously, which is my GIF educational video, and it's aligned with what I would do in the closing stage, which would be some social media marketing paid offer, so that works really well for me, and then I would just go ahead and publish that. But I would make sure to actually turn this campaign off until I have a large enough audience built up within my warm audience from that top of funnel or that connect stage. So I would just go in here and just make sure this is turned off until that audience is large enough. But just because it's turned off doesn't mean I can't continue to work on it. We've got this ad set in here, which is the engaged video viewers, but I could build this out to include other ad sets. So I could include people who have visited my website, people who have engaged with my Facebook page, people who have expressed an interest in registering to an event. I can test out so many different ad sets at this stage. It doesn't just have to be these video viewers, it's just that this is the most powerful structure for converting people into email subscribers and into buyers. But it doesn't mean that you don't go and test out as many ad sets as you want, as you would normally, and you can do that within this campaign as well. If you are getting stuck on what you can actually target off of and how to construct your ad sets, we will get into that in a later lesson when we talk about how to do some more advanced hacks with your ad sets. So if you are struggling for inspiration on this front, don't worry about it for now, but just know that this is a campaign that would be turned off until these two have done their thing and I have a large enough audience of at least a couple thousand people that I can then target with my conversion ads.
8. Close: As we now get into the closed stage and see what tips and tricks he can use at this stage to convert your audience into customers, I did also just want to preface this lesson by saying that I know some of you might be promoting really low ticket offers that are $20 or $30, and you might be tempted to just run straight through to promoting your paid offer even to people who have never heard of you because why not? You might be able to just run a simple conversion campaign optimized for purchases and then put all of your budget behind this instead. You can even just go in and target people who are already known to be frequent buyers by Facebook to really make sure that you're putting your paid efforts in front of people who are most likely to buy it because you know that these guys are frequent shoppers. What could go wrong? Well, this is where I think the main difference between e-commerce and every other advertising often comes into play, and that comes down to two things mainly. The first of these is complexity. People will buy a $30 mascara or even a $500 set of headphones without that much hesitation because it's quite easy for them to understand what it is that they're buying. They know how headphones work, the ones you're advertising to them seem to have some cool features, may be an attractive influencer in the photo who seems to be living the great life I will likely have if I buy these things, and I can see that I've got a 30 day refund policy, let's do it. It's pretty easy thing for me to understand. But when it comes to digital offers or even businesses offering physical services, people then suddenly have a different standard for what they're willing to pay because they need to understand who you are and what it is that they're actually going to be getting in order to decide if it's the right thing for them. Even if it's at a lower price point, even if it's 20 or 30 bucks, if they don't really understand you and your business model, they are a lot less likely to buy even if they are frequent shoppers. In addition to complexity, familiarity also plays a really important part in your buying process in any scenario, really. You'll pay 1,800 bucks or $2,000 for a new iPhone within a couple of minutes of walking into an Apple store, but when a new phone provider pops up on the market at half the price and even better features, you will go through in your research, and read reviews, and look at product demonstrations, and look at what other people thought of it, and do just about everything you can to make your decision because you're not really familiar with the brand and whether or not you should trust them. As we're going through the advanced tips within this lesson at this stage, I just want you to keep in mind if you are not getting the results when it comes to actually getting people to buy from you, it just might mean that you might need to do a little bit of extra work at the previous two stages to really enhance that trust factor that your audience has for you. Here are some main mistakes that I see people often making at this stage of the advertising process and we're going to go through how to actually overcome these. First of all, people often forget to exclude their buyers from their audience and that again, just comes down to the fact that every time you're advertising for any objective, you should always try and be excluding your audience who's already performed the action that you're asking them to perform. Yes, Facebook will do their best to do this automatically for you, but especially if your audience is small, you can't guarantee that that's going to happen and you don't want to continue to advertise a paid offer to someone who has already purchased this from you. The second mistake is running retargeting ads to a very small audience. First of all, Facebook won't even start running your ads unless there's at least 500 to a 1,000 people in that ads set that you're looking to run ads for. Make sure that you're giving Facebook enough data before you start running these ads and once there's enough people, so let's say you've 1,000 people in this audience, Facebook will start running it, but there's a really big potential to the fact that they might have a really high frequency because Facebook will run these ads to the same people over and over again unless you keep expanding this audience out. Also keep in mind that if there is a 1,000 people who visited your sales page, that doesn't mean that Facebook will be able to target 1,000 people for you in this retargeting audience, because their actual audience size will be a smaller based on whatever objective you are trying to achieve and who Facebook determines will be the most likely to take that action, and also who they can actually match up with their Facebook account based on who's visited your sales page. It's never going to be a one-to-one comparison of website visitors to people in this audience. You want to make sure that you are creating large enough audiences for this stage of your sales process. Finally, not creating dynamic audiences can be a really big thing. Again, you do have to make sure you have large enough audiences if you're going to be splitting them out based on their stages of their purchasing process. But this can be super, super powerful if you can have one ad set that has specific ads delivering to people who checked out your sales page, but didn't actually go through to checking out, then people who actually went through the checkout, but didn't complete their purchase. Then I've got an asterisk there because this is just a really fun one I like doing, but not a lot of people out there are doing it, which is to actually run ads for people who have bought from you, which you might think, well, they've already taken the action I want them to take why would I want to be wasting my money on advertising to my buyers? We're not really wasting money because you're potentially grabbing people's attention at just the right time, read after they've already purchased from you, but while they're still evaluating whether that was the right decision, maybe they're considering refunding, or they just need someone to validate this decision and it can be a really powerful thing for you to put an ad in front of them and just say, "Hey, thank you so much for buying this thing for me, here's what you can expect or check your emails to make sure that you're getting the most out of this program", or whatever it may be. But just bear in mind that again, that audience has to be large enough in order for you to be able to run ads to buyers. Unless you have a large enough sample of buyers, you won't actually be able to run ads them, but if you do, if your business is at a stage where you're able to do this, it can be a really cool thing to also run in addition to actually advertising to your potential buyers. Just jumping into our ads manager here and into the audiences tab so we can take a look at how you can set up some of these strategies within your ads manager to run really effective close campaigns. You'd be looking to set up a custom audience based on your website activity, and then you would get really specific with the people visiting your specific landing pages. You don't want to be targeting all website visitors, you want to be targeting people who visited specific web pages and this is where you would then refine this by just for sales pages. Let's say I know my sales page is [inaudible]. Well, let's say it is and I could say or I show this to people who have been on the sales page for the last seven days. But then I could also say exclude people who have been to my checkout page in the lost seven days. I would only want to be showing these ads to people who visited the sales page, but could not visit checkout and then I would create another audience of people who visited checkout, but did not purchase. You also want to make sure that you are always excluding people who potentially did purchase from me. Obviously these people would be your buyers anyway, by our lives can get into the habit of excluding anyone who could have potentially purchase from me. I would say anyone who has visited a confirmation page, which is the page that somebody would see after they've purchased from me, remove them from this audience. That means that when I create this audience, I will know that these are just people who have visited my sales page in the last seven days, but didn't try to check out and didn't purchase. The reason I put seven days there is because well, you can actually set a frequency cap on your conversion campaign in a particular way. If he set it up in a particular way, a lot of the time people aren't setting frequency caps, which means that if you're running this to a small audience, they're going to continue to see your ads a lot, and if you don't put a restriction around the limitation of time in terms of when somebody visited your sales page and how long they should be seeing your ad for, they might end up seeing your ad nine times a day for the next 30 days. You want to make sure that if you are running this with a small audience, that you're sending this to a specific limit that's reasonable within your audience size. That means that if somebody has gone past the seven days and eight days ago, they saw my sales page, they're not going to be receiving these ads anymore because they've already seen them, they decided they don't want to purchase from me, and that's perfectly fine. We want to be able to eliminate people who don't want to take the action that we want them to take. Because again, the key is to create a good customer experience. The other reason that I put seven days here is because it allows you to potentially stagger some of your ads if maybe it takes a little bit longer for your people to convert. What I mean by that is I can create this audience that's seven days and it's just people who saw the sales page and check out and then I could create a second audience that would be exactly the same, but this would say 14 days instead of seven. Then when I go and create the campaign, I can suppress this audience from seeing those next ads. That means they're going to see one set of ads for the first seven days after seeing my sales page and a totally different set of ads in the next seven days. Let's just have a look at how to do that because I know that can sound quite complex without actually seeing it. Let's just say, that's the name on the campaigns, they've seen the sales page, but they didn't check out in the last seven days. Now, I'll just go in and create the same audience, but with a 14 day range. Then I would probably create a third audience, that would be people who did see my Checkout page, but didn't purchase. I would go about it the exact same way, and those would be different people because they're a lot more targeted because they actually went through to checkout. They basically started the process of purchasing from me and then they didn't actually purchase. Once you've divided everything up, this is roughly how your audiences can look if you want to separate things out at this stage in your sales process. You would have one audience that is going to see one set of ads in the first seven days after they have considered purchasing from you, another set of ads in the seven days after that if you think that maybe your sales process takes a little while for people to convert, so you feel like they need those two weeks. This is a really good way to separate that out. By the way, it doesn't have to be seven days. You can freshen things up every four days, every five days. You can stagger your audiences however you want. You can also have more audiences. This is just the bare minimum that I would recommend as long as your audience size is big enough to handle this division. Then the third audience there is just people who actually started checking out, but didn't buy from you. The beauty of separating things out like this means that you can pretty much run this campaign for whatever objective you want. I know that's really controversial because, within the Facebook ads, well, they always talk about optimize for the objective that you want which is absolutely true if you have a large audience. You want to be optimizing for purchases with a conversion objective. However, if your audience is quite small, and you just want to reach everyone that fits into these categories. If a hundred people visited your sales page, you want to reach a hundred people, you don't want Facebook to really only target the 10 people that are likely to purchase from you that Facebook thinks are likely to purchase from you. You want to reach everyone. You can really experiment with what objective you choose because you already know that these people know who you are. They've maybe attended your training, or whatever free offer that you've provided them within the commit stage of this process. They know who you are. They trust you. They like you. They're familiar. They know what your offer is all about. They've been to the Sales page, and really your chance with these ads is just to push them over the line. Maybe give them a discount, or maybe show them some user-generated content from your past customers that you've had really great success with what you're offering and really just overcome any objections that they have at this stage. If your audience is small, you may want to actually experiment with even using a brand awareness or traffic objective with these audiences because again, maybe you just want to reach the most number of people that are really, really targeted buyers for yourself. But really the most common thing will be for people to optimize for conversions and for purchases, which if you have a large enough audience size, of course, that's what you want to be doing because you want Facebook to really be going after the people who are going to be most likely to purchase from you. But just know that there really is no limit to this, and some people get fantastic results with using different objectives at this stage of their sales cycle even though it's at that bottom of the funnel, this is the close stage. It seems a bit counterintuitive, but this is your chance to really play around with some stuff. But if you have a small audience size and you still want to be using conversions as your objective and you want to go with auction as your buying type, you don't want to be using Reach and Frequency because you want to have the most targeted approach, which I totally respect and definitely think that can be a really great idea as long as it's working for you. But you still want to make sure you're limiting the frequency in which your audience is seeing your ads because let's say your audience in this sample is still less than a thousand people, and even with a small budget, even with $2-3 a day, it might mean that your ads are getting shown to them quite a lot. There is a way to still play around with it, so we're just going to have a look at that in a sec. Let's just name our campaign here, so let's say bottom of the funnel, name the campaign, and in this case, I would be going for conversions and purchases, and I'm just going to go ahead and click "Continue". In this case, I could use Campaign Budget Optimization, but because we've divided our audiences up by people in the first seven days and then the next seven days and then people who checked out our checkout page but didn't purchase, I would maybe actually try and put some budget behind all of these ad sets to make sure that people are being distributed pretty evenly throughout these audiences. You want to make sure you are using a conversion event. For me, for my sales cycle, I wasn't able to use the standard events. I actually had to use a custom conversion and because it hasn't been activated in the last 60 days, Facebook is just saying, "This hasn't been activated in a while. Are you sure it's still an active event?" It is. I'm just not driving traffic to it at the moment, but you can create custom events to use as your conversion event here. You can put a budget behind this, and you want to make sure that each of your ad sets has enough budget to really give you as many conversions as possible. In an ideal scenario, you would then go here and pull through your created audiences. We would start with our no checkout sales page viewers for the last seven days as our first ad set. I know you are suppressing anyone who has purchased from you within the audience-building process already, but if you want to exclude your purchasers from here, you can do that as well. You can double up this way, or you can just do one or the other. Whatever you prefer, so whether it's while you're building your audience, you make sure that you're suppressing anyone who's an existing customer. Or you make it a part of your ad set-building process to always exclude existing customers from here by creating a custom audience such that it has all of your customers in it and then while you're building your ad sets, you just say," Hey, exclude anyone who's in the audience of my existing customers." You can absolutely do that as well. You would go through and just optimize everything here as regular, but the bit that I wanted to go through is within the conversion objective, you can still come down here in Optimization & Delivery and edit this, so it's not actually being optimized for conversions. I know that seems, again, counterintuitive because it's a conversion objective and that's what we want, but you can still be using the conversion objective and be tracking your purchases as your main objective, but be optimizing for daily unique reach. This is a really great strategy if you have a very small audience, but still want to use this objective, make the most of it. But you want to make sure that people aren't seeing your ads more than once a day. If you do optimize for the daily unique reach, all it means is that Facebook is not going to be showing your ads within this campaign more than once a day, and it's not going to be using up your entire budget, which is perfect for small audiences because it means you're not going to have this super-high frequency of nine or even more because your audience size is so small. Even if you have a $5 a day budget, you are really just spamming your small audience with your ads during that 14 day sales cycle, but you're sparing them 4-5 times a day and that can get quite overwhelming. This is a really great strategy if you are running this kind of sales funnel on autopilot. If you're not doing this during a huge launch where you're pumping a lot of money into building up your audiences at that top of funnel and middle of funnel so that by the time people get to this stage, you have a huge audience to be running these ads to, and you're not worried about frequency. That's totally fine, but if you're running this stuff on autopilot, where maybe you just want people to progress themselves through this funnel and progress themselves through these different ad sets because you've built up these dynamic audiences, but you really want to go and make sure that that frequency is not too overwhelming, then this is a really great strategy for you to do that at this stage.
9. Live Examples: In terms of examples at this stage, I know we were previously talking about Emily from Hirsch marketing because I really love her strategy at the previous two stages, but she's actually not doing any advertising for this stage because her offers are quite high ticket. They're either for people to join her marketers program or for people to actually work with her digital marketing agency. It looks like they were running some ads a while back for people to actually join to work with them but maybe it wasn't very effective for them. I know that their strategy has more shifted towards selling people on these workshops and live events and also through e-mails. Perhaps they're just not really doing any retargeting ads at this stage, which is why I thought we would jump into any Porterfield stuff because she is currently running ads for her List Builders Society, which is a lower ticket offer or less than a $1000 offer, so she actually is doing some really cool ads for this stage in her sales cycle that I thought we could check out for inspiration. Also because she's doing something that leads into another lesson that we're going to be looking at later on, which is split testing some of her learning pages. I'm just going to go and take a look at the ads that she's running for this particular stage, which is the close stage for people who have actually watched the training and she's just looking to retarget them and overcome any last minute objections and add some more value. These three are really good examples because you'll notice that she's actually included the URL here and that they're all different. But when you actually go through to click into them, they look the same, they just have a slightly different slug extension. These two learning pages actually look identical but their URL is slightly different. This is a really cool thing that we're going to talk about a little bit later on, which will allow you to report on which of your ads are performing the best for you inside of your e-mail marketing platform where you can tag your incoming users based on the learning page they signed up through, and that learning page will be attached to a specific ads so that at the end of a campaign like this, you can then say, 80 people signed up through this ad but only 20 people sign up through this ad, so this is obviously working a lot better for us. That's one really cool thing. The other cool thing is that she's obviously testing a lot of different things in terms of copy lengths, so this is a really short, sharp, punchy ad, whereas this is a very long ad and this is what I would call a medium ad, probably on the longer side. But the key is that she's adding different kinds of value in each of these close approaches. One is, do what you love, make your own rules, set your own records, one One about bonuses, and this one is more about user-generated content or testimonials where she's showcasing the success that past students have had with this program that she's advertising for. That's what is really, really cool about this approach. But the other thing that I really wanted to point out here is that she also had some ads running for replays. That's something we haven't really discussed, but it's an additional audience that you could create within this phase of people who signed up for your training or your workshop or whatever it is that you're providing for exchange for their e-mail address but they didn't actually follow through on consuming that content, then you could run ads to them about the replay. That's just an additional retargeting phase where you've put all this effort into getting those leads so you might as well remind them that there's still time for them to watch the replay of this thing that you've put your heart and soul into. Then, of course, you can track how many people are actually going in and watching the replay from these ads and they will then get retargeted with additional ads telling them to actually sign up for the paid offer. She has a lot of different layers to this, obviously because her budget would be enormous, including running ads for people to finish registering for the free masterclass. That would be well before the closed phase at the very start of that commit phase, where she's just running ads to get people to sign up for the masterclass. Then anyone who went to the learning page but didn't actually finish signing up would then see these ads that say, "Hey, you're busy. You checked out this free masterclass but didn't finish actually registering for it, here's your second chance." That is a more elaborate approach where you're targeting people well and truly at every stage of their customer journey from checking out this free offer, through to registering, through to watching a replay or attending live through to then actually finding out whether it's the right offer for them and being retargeted with these super, super targeted ads at every stage. Now this is more elaborate than what most people will be able to do just in terms of the complexity and the budget that is required to set something like this up but it's a really good idea to just get a few ideas about how the pros are doing their retargeting efforts and what they're testing out at every stage of the process. I think that these are really, really cool examples of just a few things that you could try at this stage.
10. Nail Down Your Audience: We've talked about different tips for how to segment your audiences through the different stages of connecting with your audience, getting them to commit, and then closing them on becoming a customer. But in this lesson, I wanted to focus on a few more advanced tips. I would actually like to start with a bit of an anecdote that I think is a really, really cool comparison of just how far Facebook ads have come in the last decade. Back in 2013, a guy used Facebook ads to prank his roommate. At that time, the minimum number of email addresses required to create a custom audience was just one. He could send him ads that were super specific to the things that he was sharing with him, and it ended up being this epic prank. His roommate was a professional performer and entertainer working as a sword swallower, so he started seeing ads like this one here. Lots of other weird targeted ads that talked about things that Facebook couldn't possibly know about until eventually his roommate started feeling bad and he sent him this. Well, Facebook is presently a lot more focused on user privacy but not even delivering your ads unless there's at least a couple 100 people who can see them. The lesson to be learned from this prank is that audience seeing your ads should feel a little bit like you're talking directly to them without being creepy, of course. There's actually a really good study on this done by the Harvard Business Review where they said that with personalized ads, there's a fine line between being creepy and delightful. If people feel like you're calling them out for something that they don't feel like you should have information about, it becomes a bit of a problem. That's because the goal of Facebook's ad auction is to continuously balance these two key objectives. Where one is creating value for the advertisers by helping us reach and get results from people in our target audience, part 2, it's also about providing positive and relevant experiences for people using the platform. Creating a really good experience with your ads should be your number 1 priority. A lot of the time if your ads aren't working, it's often because of one of two things. Either your targeting is wrong or your messaging is wrong, and both of these things come down to knowing exactly who your audience is and why they should care about your ads specifically over the 1000 more that are continuously bombarding their feed. Let's take a look at this from the perspective of a live example here. Imagine seeing an ad like this one selling you a razor by trying to appeal to everyone, you often just end up talking to no one. Instead, the Dollar Shave Club gets super tailored with their ads by showing hands of women shaving their armpits and legs and talking about how their partners feel about it. By contrast, showing totally different ads of hairy backs and sweaty dude's to their male audience. By segmenting their strategy like this, they're making sure that they're showing these particular ads to only the people who are going to resonate with them. Let's now jump into our ads manager so we can take a look at a few different advanced ways that you can segment your audience to make sure that you are targeting the right people at the right time, but also so that you're not wasting money by including people in your audience who are not going to be responding to your ads. Now I know that particularly with cold audiences, there's going to be that temptation to just create audiences out of thin air as you're creating your campaigns. Just targeting specific interests. But I would really encourage you to actually go in and save your audiences so that you can use your best-performing ones again and again, but also so that you can check their audience overlap. Let me show you what I'm talking about here. These are audiences that I first created inside of my Audience Insights tab over here so I can check out my competitors and their audience sizes, and then I basically save them. So then they now appear within my audiences section of my Ads Manager. I'm just going to go ahead and look at some really old audiences that I was using back in the day because they know they're really good examples for what we're looking at here in terms of audience overlap. I'm just going to select these two over here. Then you basically select up here, you select Show Audience Overlap. This is something that not a lot of people take the time to do, but it can be a really big part of your success in terms of combining different interests into one audience to make sure you're not competing with yourself. Within the actual percentage, anything between 0 and 20 percent overlap is worth keeping in different ad sets, but anything 20 percent and over, it can be a really good idea to just put all in one ad set, because there's quite a lot of overlap in this audience. That's especially true for those of you guys who're advertising to small audiences because this 12 percent represents 230,000 people. But if this audience was actually only a 100,000 people large then 12 percent, all of a sudden is actually a really, really big chunk of that audience segment. But again, anything under 20 percent is still acceptable. You can go through and cycle through all of your different audiences. This number will keep changing based on the audience that you're comparing against. You can add up to four different audiences. I know there's one in particular that has a really large overlap with this particular audience here. Let's have a look at that now. That's 36 percent of overlap between this audience and this one here. That's way too large and it means that this interests, which is probably people who are interested in the topic of digital nomads are really, really aligned with people who have these interests. I need to just make sure I'm combining them into one audience because otherwise that's half a million people that are really combining both of those audiences. That means that they could be seeing my ads for this ad set and seeing my ads for this ad set. Not only does that mean I'm competing against myself in the auction bidding process, but it's also going to be a lot less effective for me if I don't have that control over exactly what people are seeing based on their interests. If you are not able to do it, if your topics or whatever it is that you're targeting off of whether it's interests or behaviors or competitors, if you're not able to combine them into one audience because maybe that doesn't make sense for your particular ads where you just don't want to have them in one ad set, then just make sure that you are using exclusions correctly. What I mean by that is that if I know one ad set is going to have an interests of travel, and I know there's a lot of overlap between food and travel and dogs, which are going to be my primary targeting elements at each ad set then I want to make sure that I'm excluding the audiences from the previous ad set from that particular group. The only thing that I would consider in the very first ad set is just anyone who has an interest in travel is going to be included in this ad set. But for my second ad set, I would want to make sure I'm targeting people who love food, but also excluding anyone who loves travel because these are people who are already in that first ad set. Then for my third ad set, if my targeting is based off people who love dogs, I would want to make sure I'm excluding anyone who has expressed an interest in food and travel because these are people who were in the previous two ad sets. This is the simplest way that I can go about explaining why this is important. When we jump back into our audiences, the way I would do this is click on the audience that I want to edit, go into Actions, edit. If I know I want to suppress anyone who has an interest in digital nomads as a category, I would just go in here and put in exclude people who also match digital nomad as an interest. Because I know there's a really, really big overlap in this audience. I going to be using this audience for a different ad sets. I don't want to be advertising to these people twice and competing against myself, driving up my costs. Instead of updating it, I would go through and save this as a new audience that is probably just going to be relevant to this particular campaign. From my naming conventions, when I would go through and actually set up audiences that have exclusions like this, that I maybe using because I have a particular ad set structure for a particular marketing campaign, then I would actually go in and put in the name of what the campaign is all about. Then I would put in excluding digital nomad or something that is going to tell me that this action has already been taken, and I've done that to make sure that that audience overlap has been taken into account. I will just go and save that. Now when I go and set up a campaign for this particular ad set, I can actually go in and pull this audience straight through from my saved audiences. I'm just going to go ahead and exit out of that because we don't need it for the time being. But just so you know that if you do have multiple audiences that you are using, always check how big that overlap is. If it's too big, either combine your audiences into one or make sure you're putting exclusions in place. Another good advanced tip that I have for you would be to create custom audiences around your warm audiences based on specific interests. You'll often see people retargeting all website visitors within the last 30 days or a 180 days as a whole, as a warm audience. This might work really well for you. But as with anything, the more specific you can actually be with this the better. Instead of taking your whole website into account, why not just target visitors of specific content on your website? You could have a group of people who visited your posts on marketing versus a group of people who visited your posts on personal development or travel or whatever your segments of your particular business are. You could just come in here and say, target anyone who visited URLs that contain, let's say if your blog categories have the blog category in the URL, then you could say it contains marketing or digital. Then you could create a whole warm audience around this particular traffic to your website that's really, really targeted. That's going to allow you to send really targeted ads to people with this particular interests. Another really, really good targeted warm audience that you can target off of that not a lot of people are still using very effectively, is to target off of people who have expressed an interest that they're either going to or interested in going to your event on Facebook. For example, if you're planning to run a challenge for your audience, why not run it as a Facebook event so that you can actually retarget anyone and everyone who engages with it for up to one whole year after the event that has ended. That's assuming you actually have some Facebook events attached to your page, which I don't at this stage, but let's say I did have Facebook events. I could come in here and say anyone who said that they're going to or are interested in going to this event, put them in this audience and I can target them with my ads for maybe even future events. Segmenting your audiences by their targeted interests and actions that you're tracking them through like this, will really allow you to deliver a really, really tailored and positive customer experience to each individual human within your audience. In order for you to really make sure that you are getting the most out of your audience planning, make sure that you have your advanced matching turn on for your account. Head on over to Events Manager and head on over to Settings. If you scroll down, you'll see that your Advanced Matching is either turned on or it's not yet been turned on. It's going to really help you once this is turned on to increase the number of attributed conversions, because Facebook is going to be able to allow much more of your conversions to people on Facebook. It's going to increase your capabilities with your custom audiences in terms of size. Because they're going to be able to better match your website visitors to people on Facebook. Hopefully, it's also going to help to decrease your cost per conversion. Once again, because Facebook is going to be able to better identify and deliver ads to the types of people who are likely to take the actions they care about, because they can actually track what's happening on your website a little bit more closely. That's just a few things to really, really consider when you are doing some advanced tracking with your audience. Of course, a lot of your success will come down to how you present your offers to this audience. Because your ads are actually the only things that your audience really see. It's important to give them a love care that they deserve and more on that, in the next lesson.
11. Optimise Copy & Creative: This might be a slightly controversial opinion here and I'm very happy to be proven wrong in this. But I would say that the best ads on Facebook and Instagram don't look like ads at all. The reason is because people aren't going on these platforms to see ads. They're there to get updates from their friends and family and see what their exes are up to. If they're anything like me, they also want cute animal videos thrown somewhere in that mix. But we really want to get people to love our ads as much as they love our organic content. How can we do that? Well, that's exactly what this lesson is going to be all about. We're going to go through the do's and don'ts of your ad creation process and how to incorporate that knowledge into your wider strategy, not only just to get more bang for your buck in terms of your advertising spend, but also to make sure that your ad account remains in really good standing and is not getting flagged by Facebook for any breaches. Let's begin by first talking about what goes into creating a really good ad and the do's before we then jump into the don'ts and the sometimes costly mistakes that you want to avoid. When it comes to creating great ad, of course you want it to be really aligned with the offer and virtually nice to look at and all of that good stuff. But really, the most powerful ads out there are the ones that showcase some transformation and get really into the head of their audience in terms of how your offer solves their pain points. Here are just a couple of examples of ads that have done this really well. The reason that these work really well is because they get your attention by showing you the before state by displaying what your current pain points are and then the copy and the images and all of that that goes into creating a great ad, then tell you how this brand is going to solve all your problems for you. Let's talk about the recipe for creating this kind of awesome ad that make people feel, and also most importantly, actually take action on what you want them to take action on. The anatomy of a great ad is as follows: The first is a hook based on some sort then the copy of the ad and the headline and all of that stuff goes into articulating that transformation, and then you have a visual element to communicate what that transformation is going to look like. I'm going to be very clear here and say that not every ad can be a great ad. There's a lot of room out there for mediocre ads or just ads that are maybe educational and are just showing off a demo of your product or your service but don't necessarily showcase a transformation. But if you can incorporate at least one of these kinds of ads into your overall strategy, I promise you that you will see improvement in your conversion rates. In my opinion, in service-based ad campaigns, this type of ad works best at that commit or close stage, not at that connect stage, because we're more looking for educational, informational, entertaining ad at that connects stage. But these work really, really well once you get a little bit further into your relationship with your audience. But definitely, test that out for yourself. Let's now take a look at a couple more examples of how brands out there are leveraging this strategy and how you can incorporate some of these tips in your own strategy. The first example is from Who Gives A Crap who have a toilet paper that's sustainable and eco-friendly. It's communicating this transformation of currently you're using toilet paper that's not really doing great things for the planet. But did you know that you actually can use toilet paper that is going to make the world a better place, and it's as easy as wiping your bum? It's super, super simple. This is a product-based ads, so it's not what we're focusing on here in particular, but I just wanted to give you an example of just how easy it can be with an ad like this one to really communicate that transformation through a simple video like this. Next, we have this ad from The hook here is you're stressed and disorganized and you don't really know what's going on in your business. The transformation that can provide you with is that everything's going to be flowing smoothly, all the projects are going to be on time and you're going to have really clear visibility as to what's happening at every stage of the project with all the different people who are involved with it. That's communicated really clearly through their visual element here, which is the video itself. But then the copy around it is more focused on other hooks that they might have determined within their business, which is more about additional benefits to users rather than reducing that stress which is what that creative element is more focused on. But they're touching on a few different hooks with this ad, which is really, really a great example of how you can go about this all the way down to the thumbnail that they chose which has the text "it was a nightmare" on the thumbnail. It makes you want to click through and find out what was the nightmare and how does that relate to me. Finally, this is one from Cat Howell who runs a digital marketing agency. The reason I like this example is because this is very clearly an ad that somebody would see at that close stage of their buyer's journey and of their Facebook ads sequence when they already know who Cat Howell is, who her agency is. Maybe they've attended her training or they've read some blog posts, and this is more just about getting them to sign up for working with her team and this program. It's very unpolished but very relatable as a result of that. Again, that thumbnail that they've chosen to use for this video is "Go from, I'm exhausted to, I'm finally free", which is super captivating and it makes me want to really click through. Then the text around it is all about the benefits of jumping into this academy, what you have sent again. Then the actual call to action at the bottom is, "Go ahead and schedule your strategy call now." It's very clear as to what the next step is that I should be doing in order to achieve this transformation that they're communicating to me through this ad. As you're thinking about your different hooks, and there may be more than one, just think about what your before-and-after transformation is that you're providing to your audience. How does their life change after they work with you or buy from you and what's the best way you can communicate that through your copy and new creative? Are you able to get past customers to shoot you a quick video to use for these ads, or are you maybe able to use past testimonials in the copy that you're providing around the ad? Are you able to touch on those transformational elements in creating your ad? But really, the important thing to note here is that when you're creating these ads, just really think of them as an extension of an organic post. Which means really think about softening your language, play with the use of emojis, if that's right for your brand, and don't be afraid to use really simple, short, no high production video, really low-key talking to a camera videos for your ads. It's important for the content within these videos to be high value but the production can be really simple. Because, again, it makes people feel like it's just an organic post that they're coming across. They may not even really notice that it's an ad and that's a good thing. Let's now talk about what's often not done super well when it comes to ads. Remember what we talked about in an earlier lesson, people want to feel like you get them, but you're not targeting them specifically. The more intimate that the information that you're sharing through your ads, for example, data on sex, health, and finances, these are especially sensitive topics, the less comfortable that people will be with other people knowing this about them. What this means is that you can't say things like, "Earn an extra $1,000 a month." That's a no-go. But you can say, "See how our customers are currently building really profitable businesses that are bringing them an extra $1,000 a month." You also can't say things like, "Lose the fat" but you can say, "Hey, feel amazing with just an extra 10 minutes a day with this workout." It's almost re-framing it as a negative thing to a really positive thing and maybe talking more about your existing customers or your existing results rather than you will have these results. These are guaranteed results you will have if you go through this program, because you absolutely can't guarantee that. Think about it from the perspective of the previous ad that we looked at. It's not saying "you stink," it's saying, "lose the stink" and "deodorant for pits and private parts." There's no mention of the word "you" or "your" in there so it's not actually targeting people saying, "you're a stinky person and you need to use this deodorant." It's just saying, "hey, this is a deodorant for stinky people." You may or may not be one of them, but it's not actually mentioning anything to do with the audience themselves. This is a really good principle to follow. The more that you can limit the use of the word "you" and "your," the better your conversion rates will be because once again, you're making this a better and more fun experience for Facebook and Instagram users because you're not targeting them specifically, you're just relaying information that you think they might want to know about. I've provided a list of words to really limit in your ad copy inside of your class guide, so make sure to check that out there. You absolutely will see lots of people using words like "you and "your", "free", and all of these words in the copy. It's not against the rules, but if you can limit it, it just means that Facebook will push your add out to more people so it's going to be cheaper for you to get more eyeballs on your content. When in doubt, always go for ads with the angle of hope and optimism and what people have to stand to gain rather than negative angles and any sort of scare tactics. Because, generally speaking, Facebook is trying to make the platform a really hopeful, optimistic place with a happy vibe rather than reminding people of all the things that they don't have in their life or all the things that they're really worried about. The other thing that I've also provided inside of your class guide is this article on how to use ad relevance diagnostics, which is really handy because you can actually check how your ads are tracking in terms of where Facebook is ranking them in quality ranking, engagement ranking, and conversion rate ranking. It will give you some recommendations on what to try based on the rankings that are appearing inside of your Ads Manager. This is not foolproof and sometimes you'll actually notice that you have really terrible rankings on let's say quality and engagement, but your conversion rates are great. In which case, who cares what the other ones are like or what Facebook thinks? As long as you're getting the results that you want, then great. But if you're not getting the results that you want, you may want to jump into the relevance diagnostics of your ads inside of Ads Manager and check out what it's telling you. If it's telling you everything is average or above average, then you're all good. Amazing, you probably are already getting the results that you want. But then let's say quality and engagement are above average but your conversion rate is actually below average, it'll tell you what's actually causing it and what you can actually do to rectify this. This is really, really handy because it's as close as you'll get to someone from Facebook basically saying, "Here's why your ads are not performing." Make sure to check that out inside of your class guide.
12. Customise Assets by Placement: The other thing that I want you to keep an eye on when you're copying creative is to actually customize your assets based on placement. That can make a really big difference to your relevance, your engagement rates, your conversion rates, and everything else to do with the success of your ads. You're probably already doing this, but I know that there's still even ads coming across my feed that aren't doing this particularly well. I'm just going to go and create a blank campaign so we can have a look at some things that you can do. I'm actually going to create or select automatic placements. We can take a look at all the different placements that are available to us and what you can do with them in order to make sure that they are customized to the particular placement that you are looking to put them in. I'm just going to put in a URL so it stops giving me all of these errors. Currently, we don't have anything in here. I'm just going to go ahead and just select an image so we can take a look at how we would customize this for our different placements. It's already giving me some suggestions here, say, for stories, apps and sites, this isn't going to look very good. Do you want to crop it? I could say yes, I want to crop it, but it actually doesn't look too bad. But, also, static images in stories actually just don't do very well, so I would want to change this out for a video and same with horizontal stuff for right right column, search result, instant articles. This doesn't really work for me, so I would change this out for an image that fits this particular format. But that's actually the same image, maybe with some slight enhancements, where, for example, I could pop this image into my Instagram and add a couple of GIFs with an arrow popping up or some text and using the native Instagram tools to create a really cool story that looks quite native. Then, download that from Instagram to use for my ads. But in this case, I'm just going to go ahead and select one that I already have in here that's the correct dimensions. The problem is that it's not actually going to allow you to select a video right from here, but you can adjust this when you're actually in the ad itself. I'll show you how to do that. Really, here, it's just going to take a static thumbnail of that video at this stage. I do generally actually split out my stories placement from my regular ad set, just because I think it's a very different audience and in terms of performance, it can be quite different as well. When you're looking at this placement, if you are combining it all like this, if you go into Edit, you can actually change it in here and then select your videos from your account instead of the images. Then, it's going to be able to pull through the actual moving video format like that. I'm not going to do that for now, but just so you know that it is possible to do that in there. Also, if you're not comfortable or confident in creating your own videos, feel free to use some of their own suggestions for how you can optimize things within Facebook Ads Manager as you're creating your campaigns. You can add in multiple images and it's going to create these amazing slideshows for you. There's a lot of really funky stuff that you can actually try within Ads Manager itself in terms of customization, and that includes text. The big thing is, with Instagram, you're not going to be able to write the long essays that you can on Facebook. It's going to cut you off. I think 2,200 characters is the max on Instagram, but it's also because people don't have the attention span on Instagram that they have on Facebook. That's where you might want to come in here and edit the placement for the platform. The other reason you want to be editing this is because a lot of the time, people will use different calls to action based on different placements. For Facebook, for example, you might be able to say "Click below" or "Click the button below to find out more". Whereas, on Instagram, the text is actually going to appear underneath the image. If you say "Click below", it's not going to make sense. You would instead say "Tap above to learn more". It's a really, really slight change in language, but little things like that and that little attention to detail can make a really big difference. Same with links being clickable; links are clickable on Facebook, they're not clickable in Instagram. If you can come in here and just customize things to the different placements and make sure that everything looks really, really good in all of the different placements that you are using for your different ads, the better off you'll be. You can do this really easily no matter where you're actually creating your ads. When I go and create my ads, I usually start with a square. I had because this seemed to be my best performers. My very first pages are always screenshots of ads that I like that I'm using inspiration from. I'm not going to be copying their design, but I like having it there for inspiration. Then, I'll usually have even 20 or 30 pages of possible ads that I could use: some that are just images, some that are images with texts, some that are moving, all these different combinations of things. Then, I would go through and just resize this. I can come in here and, say, this is currently 1200 by 1200, but I want to make it into an Instagram story dimension. I can either just resize, or copy and resize, and it's going to give me all of my ads that I've already spent a lot of time creating in that new format. All I would have to do is slightly move things around to make sure they make sense so that I'm not cut off, and you can see everything correctly, and all of my text is readable and big enough. It does take a little bit of manual labor but it's really, really easy to do instead of Canva, or Photoshop, or any of the design tools that you're using to create your ads. It can make a really big difference so that people aren't seeing weirdly cropped images on their Facebook newsfeed. It will absolutely make an impact on your relevant scores.
13. Become a Master Split Tester: A really big part of your success with Facebook ads is going to come down to identifying areas for improvement. That can be done manually, or it can be done with Facebook ads Managers AB testing tool that's built-in. I've heard a lot of people say over the years, that they can't afford to split test as in have three or four different variations of their ads. Their calls to action, their copy, their images, even their landing pages and emails. But the truth is, you really can't afford not to split test. Because more often than not, we actually don't really know what's going to perform the best until we test it out. We're all bringing in some form of bias into our digital marketing work based on past experience. For me, for example, most of my past marketing experience within Facebook ads is largely a feminine entrepreneurial, largely B2C space, for which pictures of happy people working on laptops and calligraphy and soft pastel vibes, hand-written fonts, all of that stuff works really well. But then imagine I was bringing that bias into working with a property development client, I wouldn't be doing myself and them a massive disservice because there's a space that would probably work more with images of properties and bold colors and bold fonts, and largely masculine feels and vibes. The easiest way to really take our own biases out of this process, is to assume nothing and split test everything. Because believe it or not, yes, split testing might cost you a little bit more upfront, but it's actually much cheaper for you to run in the long run, when you compare that to putting money behind a strategy that's not converting for you, but you're sort it anyway and assuming that more money is going to fix the problem in your foundation. Let's get into when you can and how you can split tests within your Facebook ads process. You can split test or A/B test everything from your campaign objective to your audience variables within your ad sets, down to your ad creative copy and call to action variables. Even elements on your landing pages are within your emails. But the key with your split test, will be to control as many variables as possible. That means that you should never be trying to test more than one variable at a time, otherwise, you have no idea what's causing your campaign to perform better or worse. There's an ongoing debate with marketers as to the order of split test that you should be performing. My personal tactic that I'm going to be taking you through, is that if I'm starting with a completely blank account from scratch or an account that hasn't been performing very well, then I first want to test my copy and creatives before then running my best-performing ads to different audiences to test out which audiences work well for me. A big reason for this, is because first impressions really count. If your audience is quite small, because maybe you're a local business or you have a really targeted niche audience, then this is a no brainer because you only want to be showing people your best-performing ad content. Let's take a look at these steps and then we'll also jump into Ads Manager and take a look at how we can go about implementing this. Once you have at least one cold audience that you have created and saved based on your research within your audience insights inside of Ads Manager, it's time then to split test your ads to this audience. As I said, there's no perfect strategy for this, other marketers might choose to test their copy first before their creatives. But for me, I find that testing different creative variations against each other is the best first step. This is my chance to really try out 3-5 different creatives as a part of this test. I could test an image, a video, a carousel, or maybe even this custom gif of myself, to see what's performing best with this audience. Then let's say I find that my gif performed the best for me, I could then run one additional split test that only test variations of that gif creative that worked really well in my previous round of testing, with different background colors, may be different text options, and just trying different variations of this type of creative. Or let's say video performs the best for me, then I could actually go through and test different thumbnails on that same video. I have linked this case study within your class guide as well, so make sure to check it out there. It's an excellent example from AdEspresso about what a difference a video thumbnail can actually make on your overall goals. These guys were trying to get people to download the Soapbox app with this video. They spent $250 per ad and found that even though this cartoon looking thumbnail had higher initial click-through rate, the video retention was a lot higher and the cost per acquisition of their actual customers and the cost per downloaded the app was a lot lower for people who are watching the videos with Adams face on the thumbnail without text. Make sure to check out the full article in your class guide. But just know that something as small as just changing a thumbnail from something that's quite cartoony-looking into maybe a little bit flat, to an image of a human mid speech can potentially cut your costs in half, which is huge. Then step 2, after finding my best-performing creative element, it's time for me to go and test out my copy. I find that the biggest thing that makes a difference in terms of split testing your copy is going to be length. I encourage you to try out one really short copy that is just 1-2 sentences, one medium length copy that's maybe four or five sentences, and then one long copy that might even be a couple of paragraphs or even longer, depending on how long the story is that you may be telling through this copy. You would be doing all of these things with your winning creative element. Everything else stays the same, the only thing you're changing at this part of your split testing is the copy link. Then once again, you could break this step down one step further. If you find that maybe shorter copy worked really well for your audience, you could run an additional test with using this short copy length, but maybe one with emojis and one without, and then maybe one that's still really short, but one with a slightly different version of that short copy. You will probably find that your creative in your copy will make the biggest difference in terms of your split tests. If you do have a little bit more budget to play with and you want to run some more tests, then the next step would be for you to test some calls to action. You could select one button to say Learn More, and another one to say sign up like in this example here, or it can say shop now or download. Then you could go further to test a couple of different headlines. One could say, "Click-through to get your free offer," one could say, "Hey, do you want to check out this free offer? " Just slightly different variations at that stage. Then once that test is finished, you could then go through and test a couple of different descriptions that will appear below your headline. Also, as I said, in my opinion, this is not a part of your testing that will have the biggest impact, so don't worry if you don't have enough testing budget or time for this step. Also because even though it's actually called a headline, it's not really a headline, is it? It appears after the copy and the image in our Facebook news feed in particular. The headline may not make as much of a big difference in your split test for this reason, but your button CTA actually can make it quite a big difference. In my opinion, if you're asking people to sign up for something or download something, then use the most appropriate button for this. One thing to keep in mind as well, is that not every campaign objective will have all of these buttons available. Keep that in mind, that if you're not seeing a button that you saw in your previous campaign, it could just be because you're using a different objective, and Facebook is only giving you the options that are available for that campaign objective. While step 3 is somewhat optional, step 4 is a must if you want to have great results. The reason that I put this as step 4 and not at the beginning, is because you will get the most out of your testing budget if you're able to test your audiences with the correct objective. What I mean by that, is that if you test your audiences first before you testing out your creative and your copy and anything else, you would probably just be testing it with a low cost campaign objective like traffic or engagement, just to see what's performing well for you because you wouldn't really want to be paying for conversions when you don't really have your best-performing ads to use on these audiences yet. The problem with that, is that you might find an audience that performs really well for a traffic or a video view objective because these are the low cost objectives, but when the time comes for you to actually your best-performing ads in front of this audience and get them to really sign up for something using your conversion objective, maybe you then find that it's actually really expensive or it doesn't quite work. I really encourage you to test out your other assets first, fine tune your ad creation process, and then once you have your best-performing ad or a couple of ads, you can then run that same ad through three or more ad sets to see which of these is most responsive to your content, and is actually performing the actions that you're optimizing for at this stage, which would be conversions and leads or webinar registration, or something that is really important to your sales cycle. Finally, I would also like to encourage you to split test what happens after someone actually clicks on your ad. Have a couple of variations of your landing page. Maybe a couple of different subject lines that you can test for your emails to see which ones get people to open their emails more or click on stuff more. But if that maybe seems a little bit too intimidating because there are a lot of different elements that you could change on your landing page in terms of color and headlines and call to action buttons and everything else, then I have a bit of a shortcut for this. I encourage you to install a Heatmap tool like Hotjar on your landing page. I've included this inside of your class guide. It's a free tool. Even on the free version, you can utilize some of the really cool features. Here is how it will look once you set up a couple of heatmaps for your landing pages. I can just jump in here. This is one of the free offer or free trainings that I have, where I've installed Hotjar. I'm currently looking at desktop recordings and I'm looking at clicks particularly. I can actually look at where people are clicking on their desktops and when I hover over it'll tell me exactly how many clicks that is. I can pretty much see that really people are only sort on the places that I want them to click, which is exactly what we want. Then if I just look at where they're moving, that's a whole different heatmap because then I can see where their cursor was actually hovering over. I can see they're actually checking out number one in what the free training will cover more than the other numbers, so can I make this my best tip? Because that seems to be where people are actually spending a bit of their time and same with here. That's where people are moving around. In terms of scrolling, this is going to become the important bit because it will tell you where people are maybe tuning out. I've got 100 percent of people who are making it to my embedded form, which is great and that's exactly what I want. But then by the time they get to the bottom, there's only 38 percent of visitors that reach this point that we're using desktop to access this landing page. If maybe my embedded email form was actually the bottom, that's a problem, because that means that 60 percent of people aren't even seeing it because they're not even scrolling that far. That is exactly how I actually not up moving it up here because I realized that it was a little bit too far down. It's actually the first thing I want people to see and then a little bit of an explanation of what they're going to get but some people are just ready to sign up straight away, they don't need to know what they're signing up for. Then you can go through and analyze how this has impacted on mobile devices and on tablets as well. Obviously, things are going to be a little bit different on mobile and on tablets so you want to make sure you're going through and checking out exactly where your people are tapping, scrolling, and how they're moving through your page to really direct your future decisions about how to improve your landing pages. In terms of actually running split tests within your ads manager, this is something that is constantly changing, and the current tools at the time of recording or not my favorite. But just so you know that there is a function for this, which is the A/B testing tool inside of ads manager. You do need to actually create a campaign and basically create it and publish it before you're able to run your A/B test. But at the campaign level you'll be able to say, yes, I want to create an A/B test and this is going to become our control campaign, and we can then split test that against one other campaign. Again, it doesn't allow you to split test multiple campaigns at the same time. But I am going to show you my own manual way of doing this. Not my favorite, but if you really do want to play around with this, you absolutely can. We would just go through just so I can show you what happens after you create everything. Let's just say use existing posts, which means that we won't actually be able to split test anything on this level. Also we would want to make sure we are controlling our placement for our split test anyways. We're not going to be using automatic placements. We want to be using manual placements and we're only going to be split testing for the variable that we want to be split testing for. This is really important, even though this is just a demo. But you want to make sure that when you're doing this, you're only split testing for one placement. The news feed is my personal favorite just because it's really comprehensive and it's really easy to see what's working and what isn't. I'd be happy to use this and as soon as I hit "Publish", it's then going to walk me through some additional steps that I need to take in order to create my split test. It's now saying select another campaign or create another campaign and select the variable that you want to be testing against. Again, I was using an existing post for this one, I wasn't creating it from scratch, so it's not able to use these as my split testing variable, but I can use a saved audience, for example. I can just go in here and select one of my other saved audiences to split test against. Then it's going to ask me for my total daily budget and also how long I want to be running this split test for. Based on what you put in here, it's going to give you a total estimated test power. If you hover over this, it's basically going to say you want to be aiming for at least 80 percent as your testing power in order to get the best results. As soon as you change this whether you change your daily budget or you change the duration of your split test, it's then going to start giving you some different results here. It clearly just wants too many things from me because this is an insane budget. That's unreasonable and which is why I don't usually go through their testing tool. If you run it for long enough, it's going to give you the green line. This is going to give you a really good idea of which of your ad sets is performing the best. If I create this, that's a lot of money, so I'm going to pause it very quickly because I didn't actually do anything in terms of my audiences. I am going to go in here and make sure that that has been paused. But this is basically my A/B testing campaign and it's got that initial ad set within it and then also my actual split testing one as well. Going to go ahead and turn that off even though it's still on review, so there's no dramas, I would go and delete that. That's one way to do it, and it will allow you to split test some things this way, but not enough in my opinion. My preference would be just for you to set your budget at the ad set level. Then measure what's working and what isn't. Then also when you're testing your ad creative and copy, all you really have to do is go in and turn your ads on and off. Just go in and create an example campaign for this so we can have a look at a few things. The only thing I'm really worried about is restricting my placement at this stage so it doesn't give me some weird wonky suggestions for everything because I'm really running a true split test and it just means that I want to be able to control my placement. It's going to be removing all this and there's going to be some hidden ones in here for sure, always. They always going to try and make you advertise in as many places as possible, which is never good. You want to be naming your ads based on whatever it is that you're split testing. But just for this purpose, I'm just going to label it ad one. This is going to be a split test of my ad creative. I'm just going to select one ad creative here, good with that, text here. This is optional and optional, so it doesn't really matter, but I don't think it's going to allow me to publish it unless I have a URL. Cool, awesome tracking, good. All I would do with this, and I am going to turn it off before it gets reviewed. But just so you know that this is how I would perform at more manual split tests. I would go in here and say "Duplicate". Then it's going to ask you how many copies you want of this ad. I'm going to say four. Then you just go in and customize them, swap out your creative. Because that's the thing we're testing against. That's it. Then you'd have ads one through five. I'm not going to go through and do all of them at this stage, but basically there would all be different creatives or different copies of whatever. You're only testing one thing at a time. But really all I would do in that case is I would turn off all of them except for one. My ad set would have, let's say $10 a day or $20 a day put towards it. But because I've turned the rest of these off, I'm only going to be running it towards this one ad. I would then let this ad get enough of a reach for me to determine some results. Also I want to make sure that the budget for all of these is going to be roughly the same. I will let it get to 1,000 people reached, and then I would turn it off and turn on the next one. Turn it off, turn on the next one. Yes, it's a little bit more manual, but honestly it's a lot better because you can essentially have all of your results in one place. At the end of your split tests, you'll be able to come in here and go, okay, I spent $10 on this one, $10 in this one and how has that performed for me? Ideally, minimum 1,000 people reached, no impressions but reach and you want to have between 4-7 results. Then once that test is done, you could continue building this out and go, this is my best-performing creative, now I'm going to test copy, and then I'm going to test my calls to action and keep doing that. If you are a little bit sick of manual labor and you do want to make this at least somewhat optimized and automated. Just select the ad that you have turned on and jump into automated rules. Now I've already got a rule for this, but let's just go into how to create it. You would basically give the rule a name and say, apply this to the one ad that's selected. Turn it off once the amount spent on the ad is more than $10. I'll just add that in and you could change the range. You can also change so many different variables so it doesn't have to go by span. You could say once it's reached 1,000 people turn it off, but that will really help you to stay on track with making sure that everything is working really smoothly for you and then you can just come in here and turn on your next one. It's also going to send you an email and a notification when it runs your rule. Then once you save this rule, then you'll actually be able to have it as a rule for you to actually apply for your next ad. Then all that means is that Facebook is going to turn this off for you as soon as 1,000 people are reached or it has spent enough money. Then all you'd have to do is come in here, turn on the next one, and then you can say apply existing role and automated rules are something I really encouraging you to explore because there's a lot of really good stuff here in terms of managing frequency. You can actually make it automated, especially if you have a lot of ads going on at any one time outside of your testing phase, even when you're already running live campaigns. You really want Facebook to help you out a little bit in terms of turning your ads off when your frequency reaches above five or six. Because it's then getting to that danger point where people are seeing your ads a little bit too frequently. You can actually just set a rule for that and you don't just have to apply it to a specific ad. You can apply it to a specific campaign or ad set, or you can apply it to all your active campaigns or ad set. Definitely play around with some of the automated rules, it can be a really good way to streamline your process.
14. Analyse and Optimise: Now we're getting into the good stuff, which is all about how to actually determine what's working and what isn't. Because for e-commerce stores, they can see their sales inside of Ads Manager. They can see very clearly that for every $1 they put into their ads, they get 3 or $4 back in sales. But for the rest of the Facebook Ads world, this can be a little bit more complicated. In this lesson, we'll be talking about how to analyze your campaigns. What benchmarks to look for to make sure you're on the right track? Also, how to use this knowledge to guide your future advertising decisions. But as we're going through this, I want you to just remember that the metrics we're measuring within Facebook are really just based on actions that people are or aren't taking within our sales cycle. Let your audience guide you through this and tell you what's working for them or what isn't. Let's first talk benchmarks. Your CTR or your click-through rate should be somewhere between 1-2 percent. If your CTR is less than 1 percent, it might mean that something in your ad is not resonating with people, and we'll take a look at this inside of Ads Manager, but it's important that you're looking at your link clicks and your link click-through rates, not just your overall click-through rate because that could mean they're clicking on "See More" within the actual copy, or they could be clicking on other things to play the video or whatever. So it's measuring all of the clicks on that ad, as opposed to the actual link click which is the bit that we're interested in. Your CPM should be somewhere between $10 and $30. Your CPM is what Facebook is charging you to show your ads to 1000 people. Then your cost per click or your CPC should range somewhere between $0.50 and $2. Then when we're talking about your landing page conversions, this is a really good guide for you to just have in the back of your mind based on what you're looking for conversions for. So 30 percent plus would be for a really simple sign-up or download. Download an e-book or register for a webinar or training or a workshop. Something like that that's free and super easy for people to sign up to you. Between five and 15 percent is for people to actually book in a consultation or maybe request a quote. But generally, it's to actually speak to a live human or a live call. That conversion rate is going to be a lot lower. Three to five percent is an e-commerce stat, and that's just for comparisons. So you know that if people are running ads straight to purchases, that conversion rate is really quite low between that 3-5%, and then I would say 3-10 percent for a paid offer like a digital product, depending on the price point. If it's $10,000, if your training is $10,000, yeah, you're probably going to get very skewed conversion rates. It also depends on how much you've warmed up your audience before you're asking them to purchase from you. This is just a rough guide. Mainly you want to be looking at that 30 percent conversion rate for people to opt into your email list. Then you want at least 15-30 percent of people to actually engage with whatever it is that they signed up for. Whether it's a webinar and 15 percent of people actually show up or watch the replay, or people actually go in and download your PDF, whatever way you want them to consume content in, you want to be tracking how people are consuming that content and if there's enough people who are actually taking that extra step and engaging with your content, not just opting in for it. Because again, that's just giving you a bit of a health metric of, are these the right people to have on my email list? Are they actually taking that step further and engaging with the thing that they signed up for, or they're not even opening my emails. Which then brings us to the next point, you want to have between 30 and 50 percent open rates on that initial email you send them to deliver whatever it is that they opted in for. Your follow-up emails will have a much, much lower open rate, but that first email should be awesome. People are ready to dive in. They want to go in there, they want to find the thing that they've just signed up for, and at least 2-5 percent of them should be clicking on a link in that e-mail to download that freebie, watch the replay, go to the webinar, whatever it may be. I'm going to get into a case study in just a second so we can see how these stats work in action and how important or not important they are to the success of your campaign. But before we do that, I just wanted to throw in this hot tip in there to really make sure that you are measuring everything and keeping an eye on everything, and that you have really one success metric in mind per campaign so you know that this is the thing you're working towards. For example, if you want to have less than $5 per lead or around $5 per lead. If all of these metrics are totally off from these benchmarks, but you're still succeeding with your goal of getting a $5 lead and it's a good lead that's actually going through your sales cycle and engaging with your stuff, not just a cheap lead that's not doing anything for you, then that's awesome. Keep doing what you're doing, and just remember that these should really act as a guide for the health of your campaign, but they're not the be-all and end-all. Let's take a look at what I mean here with a case study from Sumo. These two ads actually had the same budget, and the one on the left has really great stats throughout. It has a low CPC, a really good CPM, and a high CTR, click-through-rate, because we can see that it's got a lot of clicks. But if the metric we're actually trying to measure for and strive for here is purchases, then the one on the right is a clear winner, and the reason for this big discrepancy between these two ads in terms of their overall performance for what we're trying to achieve is twofold. One is obviously the ad creative is different, but the main one is their campaign objective. The one on the left is optimized for traffic. It's getting those cheap clicks, it's getting out to a lot of people, it's getting those eyeballs on this ad. But the one on the right is actually optimized for conversions and for purchases, which is their main objective, which is why it's actually doing a lot better in achieving our goals, even though the actual benchmark metrics that we're looking at are performing significantly worse. But it doesn't really matter because those sales are there. While these benchmarks are a really good way for you to keep an eye on the health of your campaign, absolutely, these could all be completely thrown out and totally off from what you think you should be at. But if you're achieving your goals, then who cares? But let's say you find that your campaign is not super healthy in terms of these benchmarks and you're also not achieving your goals. Let's take a look at some things that might be wrong and the categories that they fall into. The technical stuff will be anything to do with your actual structure and approach. Either your budget is wrong, meaning that you started a bit too high or too low. If your cost per acquisition is $50, but your daily budget is only $25, you're not actually giving your campaign enough juice for even one daily conversion. That's an example of it being too low, but it can also be too high if your audience is not big enough to handle a high budget. In terms of the wrong campaign structure, there is so much that can be wrong there. You can have too many ads or not enough ads or your audience size is too small because maybe you're using re-targeting for this particular campaign and you've over segmented your audiences by saying send these ads to people who saw my landing page but not my checkout page, then people who saw the checkout page but not the purchase page, and not the purchase price but, you get the point. You're basically just dividing your already quite small audience into even smaller ad sets. It just means that none of your ad sets have enough people in them to run. Another one is campaign budget optimization or ad set budget optimization. If you haven't actually tested out your best-performing audiences, you do not want to be setting your budget at the campaign level because Facebook will essentially just favor what they deem to be your best-performing audience, which may not be the one that you actually want to be putting all of your budgets behind. While you're still testing things out and you're not really sure what's working, what isn't, it's best for you to just be setting your budget at the ad set level so you can make sure that the audiences that you want to give a lot of love to in this stage of your strategy are actually getting the budget to be able to take action from. As we've already discussed, a wrong objective is a really big one. If you really want leads, but you're running your ads for traffic, the wrong people are going to be seeing your ads. Because remember that Facebook is going to show your ads to people who are most likely to perform the objective you're optimizing for. So if you are optimizing for traffic, Facebook is going to be showing your ads to people who are most likely to click on stuff and visit your stuff. But they might not be the people who are actually going to be signing up for your things. So make sure that you are really keeping an eye on what your actual objective is and you're optimizing your campaigns for this. In terms of your nontechnical issues, these usually have to do with either your own expectations or the customer journey as a whole. One thing I want you to keep in mind is that not all lead gen or sales funnels are created equal. If you're giving out a simple PDF, E-book, or checklist, or asking people to get a quote for a custom package or submit an inquiry to work with you, these are all very different even though they are all lead. For example, if you're doing Facebook ads for realtors, one of these leads could be worth 20 grand in commission for them. So, of course, they're going to be paying more to acquire that lead than a hairdressing salon, for example, and the cost that you can expect to pay per lead just to manage your own expectations will really depend on the outcome that you're offering to people, and what that outcome is worth to them. In this example, you're either getting a house or a haircut. Totally different, but then, let's say your actual offer is maybe the same but the outcome of that offer is totally different. For example, an online course teaching business owners who are going to learn how to grow their businesses versus an online course teaching moms how to make healthy lunches. Totally, totally different outcome of those two online courses, which is going to give you very different cost per lead and overall revenue goals. Now I'm jumping into our ads manager. I just wanted to show you a few campaigns from a marketing campaign that was for my social media free training that I ran a while back, that I actually ran to test out a few strategies within my Facebook Ads account as if it was a brand-new account and how it would go about optimizing things. I think it's a really good case study for us to just have a look at some results and what we can learn from this. These are just the only three campaigns that I have selected, but there are a lot more campaigns at that top of funnel and middle of the funnel, and I kept continuously optimizing and checking my results and seeing what was working and what isn't, testing on different audiences, different ads, all of those sorts of things that we're talking about here. But the reason I wanted to show you is because this is my middle of the funnel ads that were just targeting people to sign up for this free training. Then my bottom of the funnel ads that were re-targeting people who checked out the training signed up, maybe looked at my sales page and hadn't bought the program yet. If we were just looking at our initial results of these two middle of the funnel campaigns with the optimization for leads and registrations, my initial instinct would be to say, this middle of the funnel campaign actually was a lot more expensive for me, and this campaign performed a lot better in terms of cost per results. Then in terms of the other metrics that's through to my cost per link click was higher, my CPM was higher, and my click-through rate was actually lower, quite significantly lower, but still within a range that I'm happy with. If all I was doing was optimizing for this, then I might want to turn this campaign off and say, that's not really performing for me as well as this one. But because I actually set up some custom conversions and within my Ads Manager and also within Google Analytics and my email marketing software, I'm tracking how many people from this category and this category are actually purchasing the program. Even though I'm not optimizing for this, I can see that I had 22 purchases here, three here. That's still really impressive for this. But when you actually consider the amount that I spend on this campaign versus this one, this one performed for me a lot better in terms of my cost per purchase. This is a really good example of what we were talking about that you do want to be optimizing for your primary goal, which in this case would be registration. That's the thing you want to keep an eye on, but you also want to track what's happening with people throughout your entire sales cycle, because you might find that or you're paying a little bit more for your registrations here, but these are people who are a lot more targeted to actually buying from you and engaging with you a little bit more, so you're probably better off having these people on your email list than these ones because of what's happening with them after they actually become a lead. That's the first thing I would look at. The other thing would be in terms of reactions and comments and shares. Even though these two campaigns are both optimized for conversions and registrations, these guys are a lot more likely to engage with my stuff. Even though they're a little bit more expensive in terms of getting them to buy, it might mean that there is a potential for these audiences that are included in this campaign to be run for engagement campaigns or a video view campaigns because they're a lot more likely to engage with my stuff on Facebook. But maybe once they become a lead, they're not as prime to actually buy from me. The reason I've also included this bottom of the funnel campaign is just so when you're looking at your aggregated results, you can see that this is a pretty poor cost per purchase because this offer was being sold that $37, so it's actually costing me more to acquire my costumers and they are paying me. But when I take my bottom of the funnel re-targeting ads into account, I'm actually still ahead in terms of my return on ad spend. Then you can break that down into the ad sets within that campaign. Again, you just want to be looking at things at every level to see exactly how things are going, and that's exactly what I ended up doing here and turning off my ad sets that were costing me a little bit too much for my purchases and keeping these ones running that were actually performing really well for me in terms of my return on ad spend, and they were also quite good in terms of my cost per registration or cost per lead. The results here were quite good, but they're not all that different from the results down here. All I was looking at was how much it's costing me to get a registrant, then I would say or I had all of these ad sets look like they're pretty even, which is not actually the case because it turns out these guys up here are much higher quality leads because they're actually taking that extra step and purchasing from me. This is a good way to look at which ad sets are working for you. But in terms of additional breakdowns that you can look at to analyze and optimize for future campaigns, on the campaign level, what you can do is just have these three campaigns selected and then look at them by the different delivery characteristics. Now some of these are going away. If you're not seeing all of these inside of your ads manager, it's just because Facebook is currently in the process of updating this. But you can check out things like different countries that are working for you, different platforms, different placements and devices. Age ranges, again, I think that is something that's going to go away. I'm not sure how long you'll be able to optimize for this or have this in your breakdown. But at this stage, I'm still able to take a look at what it's costing me to get these people onto my email list within this particular age range, this one and this one, which will help to guide me to determine whether I'm maybe paying more for getting men onto my email list which I always. Same goes for my age groups, the older age groups, once we start getting into them, I'm paying a lot more for these leads in general, and they're not usually the people who are purchasing from me. Even if you're not able to break this down by age and gender, you can still do a lot with analyzing the success of your campaigns, even if it's just in terms of country, regions, platforms. You might find that you're paying a lot more for showing your ads on Instagram versus Facebook or vice versa. Coming here and do these breakdowns and note down anything and everything that you can think of that might help to guide you in terms of constructing your future campaigns, is exactly why we were talking about the fact that the more campaigns you run, the more you'll learn and the more profitable that all of this will be for you. Also, you might have noticed that I've got my columns customized here. I usually create custom columns based on the marketing campaign that I want to look at because I'm not feeling wanting to look at different things, especially with this one where I had custom conversions to look at that were only relevant to this campaign. If you don't have these last two here, you will still have all of these other ones. If you're jumping into your ads manager, you'll probably have it selected on performance or something similar by default. If you want to customize this, I really encourage you to come in here and go into customize columns and only really be looking at the metrics that are important to you, and actually removing the ones that you really don't need to be looking at, especially for a particular marketing campaigns. You can just remove any that aren't relevant to you, especially for purchases. A lot of the time, for service-based businesses, that's not actually going to be a metric you'll be able to measure because of the complexity of your sales cycle, you might actually be selling people on live calls. It might not be as simple as having a checkout process that Facebook can measure off of. But you'll have your custom conversions in here that you can also track, or you can come in here and really look at anything that's not already in here like Link Click-Through Rate, and your CPC, Cost per Link Click and your CPM and everything else. Feel free to move this around to however you want it in terms of your priority as well. You don't necessarily have to have it in the order that you want it in, and then you can save this as a preset under whatever name is most convenient for you.
15. Record and Report: There are several reasons for taking note of what you're doing, when you're doing it, and why. First of all, it's very unlikely that you're going to be the only human that will be managing this one account for the rest of existence, whether you are managing this on behalf of somebody else's business or you're running this on your own business, but maybe you'll have additional people working with you in the future. You want to be keeping a record of screenshots of your ads and any key stats and the dates that changes are being made and why. All of that is going to make it really easy for anyone else to jump in and understand exactly what's happening and why it's happening, not to mention that it will make it a lot easier for you to measure the success of your efforts. The second reason is because you want to be able to learn from your mistakes for future campaigns for this and any future clients that you might have. Some Facebook ads specialists might be looking at five or more ad accounts with dozens of campaigns and hundreds of ads within these at any one time. With that amount of data floating around in your head, it can be really easy to forget what you've already done and what you've already tried and what really worked for you and what didn't. So make sure to note down anything and everything. Lastly, you want to be able to demonstrate your awesomeness to your future clients or employers, or maybe you'll be creating any organic educational content around your strategy for your own business. But, of course, it's always best for you to just check with the owner of the account that you're currently working within and make sure that you block out any sensitive information in your screenshots, but it can be really good for you to get into the habit of taking some screenshots of your wins to present to future clients or businesses to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise whenever possible. Finally, it's also important for us to talk about the fact that Facebook Ads Manager is not entirely accurate when it comes to their reporting, especially leads, but also when it comes to sales and purchases. I once had a client who was showing $60,000 in sales inside of Ads Manager and their Shopify store was actually showing $30,000. It's essentially reporting to be twice as successful inside of Ads Manager as it was on the actual website. That's an extreme case and it was due to a pixel glitch, so that is not common. But usually, it's still off by about 30 percent or lower. It's definitely under 30 percent for most cases, but that can still be a lot for a lot of clients. While the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard is really great and it's good to have an overview of what's going on, when you are actually reporting the number of leads that you are getting, just make sure that you're doing that from your CRM or your email marketing dashboard to report the true numbers for your clients. I'm going to jump into my email marketing platform where I also build up my landing pages to demonstrate this. But don't worry, if everything looks a bit weird because you're not used to this particular layout, you might be using a totally different tool, but the principles will be largely the same. It's more about what we actually want to be doing on the back end in order to keep track of everything. So don't worry if you're not familiar with using the tool I'm going to be using, which is GetResponse. I'm just jumping into my dashboard here and I'm just going to go ahead and create a dummy landing page. We saw this with Amy Porterfield earlier where she was using essentially a copy of one really great landing page with slightly different URLs so that she can probably tag people on her back end to understand where they've come from so that if they do end up purchasing from her or taking any other actions in the future, all of that data can be stored inside of her database, and in the future or at the end of the campaign, she can really accurately track back to which were her best performing strategies as a result of this. It doesn't really matter what the actual strategy here is. Let's just say this one which is selling some lead magnet, and it's just going to be my Test Campaign. Obviously, I would go here and make sure that if people were to come to this page, it all looks branded and that they can accurately sign up for my email list, and my Thank You page looks good. Within GetResponse, I'm also able to actually set up split test so I can have various versions of this page to test out different things, which is awesome. But at this stage, all that we're really interested in is what happens next? How do we track where this person's coming from? I'm just going to go ahead and set that up to make sure that this page is live so that I can do that. In terms of how you want to actually set this up in terms of your URL, that's totally up to you. As long as this short code that you use inside of the slug is reported somewhere in its spreadsheet or somewhere where you say, all right, anything with this URL that has the keyword of elephant at the end. Obviously, you want to make sure that it's something relevant to your audience. Elephants could be, so I'm just going to use that as an example. But basically, anything that has its URL being tracked from this particular ad or this particular strategy. Anyone coming from this page that's going to have this tag on them, we will know exactly what happened before they actually came to this page. I'm just going to go ahead and publish that. Obviously, I will be deleting it because this is not relevant to what I do. But inside of GetResponse, I can then go into my Automation tab, and I know every platform has a different way of doing this, so inside of GetResponse they're called workflows, but every email marketing provider will have a version of this where you can essentially say somebody that's come from this particular page, tag them with this particular tag. All we're going to be doing is saying, as soon as somebody subscribes. Now I did choose a particular list when I was setting up the landing page, but it doesn't matter too much because really the part that we're interested in is making sure that it says with this particular subscription method, and I'm going to say a specific landing page, and I'm going to be using this Test Campaign page over here because of the landing page I've just created. As soon as somebody subscribes to my email list using this particular page, which I know is going to be using a particular tag which I've assigned to be elephant, or once they've done that, select a tag and I'm just going to create here. As soon as somebody [inaudible] , just put the tag elephant on the back end so that I know when I'm doing my reporting at the end of the month, if I see that 100 people have come from this landing page, I know it's performing for me better than other pages. Of course, you're going to see this stuff inside of your Facebook Ads Manager as well, but I really like having this data consistent inside of my email marketing as well as Facebook and Google Analytics, if you can incorporate Google Analytics, then amazing. But this way, even if 10 years from now, you will still know that this person came from that particular ad because of this tag. The other reason I like this as a demonstration for you guys is so that you know that it really doesn't have to be done through these really sophisticated reporting tools. Especially if you're not working for a digital marketing agency, it can get really expensive to be using these really sophisticated tools, so you can make it simple by doing a little bit of the legwork upfront by setting all this up. But then once it's set up, it all works on autopilot, and it will make your reporting and recording a lot more effective as a result.
16. Consider Pixel Seasoning: If you're just now installing a Facebook Pixel to your website for the very first time, then in the eyes of Facebook you're brand new. Even if your website and your business is really well established, Facebook has no data on your website visitors yet, so it doesn't know who's reading your stuff, who's purchasing things, and who's signing up to your email list. While it's not a barrier to success by any means, if you have a brand-new ads account and a brand-new Pixel installed, it makes perfect sense that over time as you run more ads and you get more organic traffic, Facebook is going to learn a little bit more about what works for your target market and what doesn't and get better at sending the right people through your ads to your website. For example, let's say you run an automated or a live webinar and the people that you'd be looking to target with your ads would be people who are most like the people who have registered for your webinar in the past. You'd like to get your Pixel to really understand that it needs to serve your ads to more people who are similar to people who have signed up for webinars in the past. Once you do have a little bit of data about people who have registered for your webinar maybe even through organic methods, it will become a lot easier and cheaper for you to run conversions for webinar registrations because Facebook is going to have more of an idea of who to look for based on your past registrants that has data on that pixel. Typically you will want to have at least 20 - 30 conversion events on your pixel before you change your optimizations to conversions for this particular event and that is specifically true if your conversion event is a purchase. For example, if you're optimizing repurchases, make sure that you have at least 20 or 30 purchases on your site organically before you then advertise for this objective. What this will do for you is it will actually bring down your cost per event because Facebook will be better at knowing who to look for. A brand new unseasoned pixel has no data on it. When you tell it to go and look for people who are likely to purchase your products, it doesn't really know where to go. It becomes more of a trial and error thing which could end up increasing your cost per event and it'll take you a lot longer to get to that conversion event. But with a seasoned pixel, that pixel has previous data on it to look back on to make the best possible choices on your behalf and that ends up reducing your cost per event. One cool thing we can do once you've seasoned your pixel is to take that information and leverage it by creating an audience that looks very similar to the people who have registered for your webinar or bought your product through a lookalike audience and basically say to Facebook, "Hey, find people who are similar to the people who have done this thing on my website in the past." But of course, the more data that you can actually provide to Facebook to create your lookalike audience the better. The minimum is 100 people but if you can give Facebook 500 or 1000 people instead, then the lookalike audience will be much more targeted as well. Let's take a look at how to do that on the back-end. Inside of the audiences tab inside of your ads manager, you'll be able to create lookalikes which some of you guys might already be using. But not a lot of people are using the value-based lookalikes, which again require a little bit of pixels seasoning to work effectively. But a lot of people are going in and using lookalikes based on their email subscribers or video viewers or people who have engaged with their website and these are all really good ideas. I could create a lookalike audience based on my website visitors for the past two months, for past six months. Any custom audience really can have a lookalike created off as long as there's enough data to really power that look alike but then you can also create value-based lookalikes. Which means that once you have enough purchases on your website on an organic level within the last 60 days, so obviously I'm not running ads for this and I'm not promoting this organically so I don't have the events to back this up. I've only got two so that it means that my lookalike might be quite limited. But if you do have a good enough base of value-based events happening on your website like purchases or other types of events that you're tracking through your Facebook pixel. This can be a really powerful way for you to then say to Facebook or I find people who are really similar to people who have purchased for me in the past. One percent lookalike is going to be the most similar to people who have performed this action in the past and that's such a big benefit of pixels seasoning and can be a really powerful way for you to create these types of audiences who might be really likely to perform these actions based on these characteristics of your past customers. Or you might be an established business with a really good deal of data on your pixel, but that data is maybe not relevant to your ad targeting, which means you have to start from scratch with a brand-new pixel. This is super rare, but here are a few reasons why you might want to ditch your existing pixel for a brand-new one. You might have changed a business focus. For example, my own business started as a travel blog before it had anything to do with marketing. Using website data from the people who were interested in reading about traveling through Vietnam would be pretty useless for the purposes of my ads about marketing. That happens a lot with personal brands in particular that they really evolved their niche over time. Or perhaps you've gone viral for the wrong reason. Marketer Rachel Peterson talks about how she went viral for this Facebook post about how the size of her engagement ring isn't a measure of the love between her and her husband and it's an amazing story. But attention like this can bring hundreds of thousands of people to your website in a matter of days for the wrong reasons. Especially for websites with otherwise quite a small amount of traffic, this can really skew who Facebook then ends up seeing is your ideal customer based on the data that's now on your pixel. Finally, and this is incredibly rare but really good for you to just keep an eye on because using something like the Pixel Helper Chrome extension or just checking the source code of any website, you can pretty easily see someone's Facebook pixel ID. If this gets placed somewhere it's not supposed to be, these can really skew your results. This can happen in really highly competitive environments or industries. Inside of ads manager, if you head on over to your events manager and you'll be able to see your pixel data there, where it says websites, just periodically make sure that you're going in here and checking in on this and making sure that these are websites you recognize and ones that you're okay with this pixel being placed on. This is super-duper rare, but again people can pick up your pixel ID and technically place it anywhere. While it is really rare for this to happen, it's a good idea to periodically come in here and checking on this, especially if you see a massive spike in the events that have been tracked recently if you're not running ads, something could have gone on there or happened there where maybe the pixel is being picked up by an incorrect website and then you'll be able to get the domain name here and maybe contact the website owner and ask them to take it down. That's a little bit about your pixel, but just so you know that as with anything in the marketing world, the more data you have on your audience and who's engaging with you, who's signing up to your email list and who's buying from you, the better your future campaigns will perform. That's also why those connect campaigns are so critical to your success with Facebook and Instagram ads. In the next lesson, we're going to be taking a look at something else that can really contribute to the success of your campaigns, which will be all about keeping your ad content fresh to prevent ad fatigue.
17. Look Out for Ad Fatigue: Ad fatigue happens to everyone, but it can especially happen to brick and mortar businesses with smaller and more localized audiences, or if your budget is quite high, but your audience is quite small because maybe you have a really niche target market. Let's take a look at what Ad fatigue is and how you can fight it to make sure that your conversion rates are not dropping off. Basically Ad fatigue is the concept of your ads which were once performing really well for you no longer working as well as they once did due to oversaturating your audience. Once your audience has seen the same Ads over and over again, their chance of converting no matter what your objective is, is much lower and the rights of them complaining and hiding your ads from their news feed, or even leaving negative reactions and comments on your Ads goes up. You'll notice this happening if your campaigns start increasing in your cost per acquisition, and your frequency goes up and it starts to all dip in relevance. But there are ways to overcome this or prepare for this before it even starts happening. The first way to overcome this is refreshing your creative. You might notice that some people will tell you to turn off ads that are not performing really well for you, and I would argue that Facebook is pretty freaking smart. It's going to always try to show your best performing ads for your objective to your audience, but once those ads then become too frequent and it's not performing as well for you because they're losing their effectiveness through ad fatigue, Facebook will then move on to using your other ad creatives within that ad set to keep things fresh, but in order for it to do that it needs to have them turned on and available to use if things start to dip in performance with your best performing ads. So always make sure to have a couple of different variations for Facebook to choose from. Then you also want to expand your audience, you want to keep an eye on your audience size pretty closely. If it's too small in proportion to your budget it's going to get used up really quickly. Because remember that just because your audience size says that there's a 1000 people in it, doesn't mean that everyone in that group is going to be targeted with these ads. Facebook is going to select the people in that audience who are most likely to give you the results that you're asking for, whether that's traffic or purchases or leads or anything else that you actually are optimizing for. You'll never really know how big that specific targeted audience size is, so give Facebook more to play with whenever possible, especially if you're not bound by location like a local brick and mortar business. Finally, you want to make sure you're changing up your offer. Ideally you'd be doing all of these things all at the same time and keeping things really fresh for your audience, but if you've been running the same lead generating offer for your audience for the last six months, and it was once working really well and now it isn't anymore and you really can't expand your audience because maybe you are bound by location or by specific demographic, then the best thing for you to do is to change up your offer. Change the way that you are getting them to sign up to your emails, change the training or the workshop or the webinar or whatever it is that you're running to get people to register their interests within your business, within that commit phase and then maybe you can change your paid offers. Are there additional paid offers that you might be able to present your audience to keep things really dynamic for them, and make sure that everything is still performing really well for you? There really are so many different things that you can try to make sure that your audience, even if they're really niche and targeted, are continuously seeing really cool new different things from you in terms of, you're showing them videos and images in carousels, and you've got three different lead magnets and different offers, and they always feel like there's something dynamic coming from your advertising space.
18. When is it Time to Scale?: We've just discussed ad fatigue, and this will be a key component of something that you want to keep an eye on when you're scaling your ads. Let's now talk about what scaling might actually look like for you specifically and what else to keep an eye on when you're doing this. There are two main ways that you can scale your success. One is to slowly increase the daily budget of your best-performing campaign or ad sets, and two, it's also possible for you to just duplicate your best-performing ad sets and the ads within them and give it a brand new budget. If you need to scale something quickly, because let's say you're advertising for a product that's about to launch in 10 days, so you don't have the time to increase your ad budget slowly, you can duplicate your ad set or your campaign if you're using campaign budget optimization, and then set your new desired budget that way. But keep in mind that this doesn't work if your audience size is too small. As an example, let's say everything is performing really well for you at $20 a day for an ad set with an audience size of 100,000 people. Well, all of the sudden you want to pump that to $1,000 a day into that same audience, you can pretty much expect to start seeing some pretty varied results there because your frequencies going to jump up really high and that's just because your audience size isn't big enough to handle this kind of daily budget. So in this case, you would want to make sure that you're having your budget incrementally and watch some key stats that will help you to really see that your campaign is still really healthy even with the increased budget, or you might also need to consider exploring, adding additional audiences to your campaigns. You can split that budget between differing audiences so none of them are really getting this massive, massive boost. Or you can take that budget and put it into a totally new campaign targeted at getting repeat business from existing customers instead of trying to attract new customers, for example. There are a lot of different things for you to try even if you have a really, really small audience in a way that doesn't really require you to just look at your existing campaigns that are performing well for you and trying to increase that budget. If you do have the budget to play with, maybe think creatively about how to allocate it in a way that's going to make the most sense for your business with an audience size that's quite small. Let's say you've tested out your audiences and the ads within them and you know pretty confidently that for about every dollar you put into this, you get about $2 back or $6 back or whatever your actual results are and you want to go ahead and amplify this, which is awesome, it's a great spot to be in. But again, your return on ad spend is one of those funny metrics that people throw around when in reality, everything is really proportional to your ad spend. A return on ad spend of six, with five customers at $100 a sale means that for the $83 you put into your ads, you've made 500 bucks, but a return on ad spend of two with 500 customers at 100 bucks a sale means that for the 25 grands you put into your ads, you made 50 grands in revenue. Technically the second example means that you have a much less effective return on your ads spend but I know which one of these results I would rather prefer. It's important to note that return on ad spend as a metric isn't the be-all and end-all, it all has to be taken into perspective. So don't get too discouraged if your results aren't as effective once you start to scale your campaigns. This is supernatural because Facebook's goal initially is to get you as many of the results you're looking for as quickly and cheaply as possible. But as you start to put a little bit more budget behind your campaigns, Facebook is naturally going to have to move on from those quick, cheap wins to people who are a little bit harder for them to get that are going to cost a little bit more money because those quick wins have already been converted from within your audience. If you're following a similar ad sequence, so the connect, command and close approach we discussed earlier, then you want to make sure that you're scaling at all of these different levels, not just one, and you want to scale your budget slowly. I would recommend between 10 and 20 percent every 4-7 days as a rough guide. As you're scaling, just make sure you're keeping an eye on any changes in frequency, your CPM, your CTR, CPC, and relevance, and any other key metrics to detect any changes in performance as you're scaling. Also make sure that you are noting down any key dates for when you're making these changes and your stats before the change so that you have a baseline to compare to when you come back a week later to see how it's all performing. That's especially key if you've multiple people working within one ad account, if the ads you're running don't follow this kind of multi-step approach like this, connect, command, and close, but maybe you running a conversion campaign straight to your cold audience and it's working really well for you and you have a couple of really good cold ad sets that you've tested out, then you can simply go through and duplicate the ad sets and the ads within them to a new conversion campaign that has a budget set at the campaign level. This is going to help Facebook to push your budget out to your best-performing ads set, and then once that ad set starts to slow down and get a bit more expensive, Facebook is going to then have your other ad sets within that particular campaign to select from and put more budget behind as you scale.
19. Facebook and Wider Business Goals: I wanted to take this lesson to acknowledge the fact that you are unlikely to be promoting on Facebook and Instagram in isolation, you will have your organic content coming in through SEO and you might actually be running paid campaigns on things like LinkedIn, and Google, and YouTube, and live events, and your email marketing, and everything else. It's really important to note that Facebook can actually do wonders for your business in collaboration with all of these other marketing efforts. For example, let's say you're in a B2B space, you will likely have better results on LinkedIn if you're looking to target people specifically of job titles or industries in particular. Because let's face it, people don't really update this stuff on Facebook or they just completely make it up sometimes. You might be wasting marketing dollars doing this on Facebook because stuff is likely out of date or totally made up. But there's nothing to say that you can't still re-target this audience through Facebook as long as your Facebook pixel and your LinkedIn tracking are both installed on the pages that you're driving traffic to from LinkedIn primarily. Or maybe your focus is less on bringing in new business because you know that networking or in-person events work really well for you. But you want to work on securing repeat business. Well, why not just upload your existing customer database into Facebook and create a custom audience? This can be super powerful for those of you who are running ads for businesses with ongoing payment models. Once a month, you could just run a quick campaign promoting your latest awesome video or blog posts of your existing customers. That's going to really help to keep you front of mind for them and it's also going to make them a lot less likely to stop their ongoing payment because of that familiarity effect. Especially on Facebook where you're probably sandwiched somewhere between the photo of your dad learning how to ride a scooter and your second cousin's third baby. It just makes it feel you're a friend or family member who's just showing them useful stuff through their Facebook feed. Those are just some examples of how you can integrate Facebook into your other efforts. But what if maybe Facebook and Instagram are actually your platforms of choice for the very first introduction someone has your business like we've been talking about throughout this whole class, but maybe you are looking to make them even more effective with your other paid and organic efforts. But maybe your offer is actually quite complex and it requires a lot of trust-building in order for somebody to actually convert into a customer. You want to make sure that you're getting your brand in front of people who are wanting to learn more about you. You could supplement your Facebook Ad strategy with a simple Google Search campaign for just a couple of keywords that you know that your target market might Google after seeing stuff from you on Facebook and Instagram. Now, this is not a class of Google Ads, so I'm not going to go into a lot of depth here about this, but I did just want to jump into my Google Ads account here to demonstrate how you might be able to do something like this for your business because I do know that a lot of Facebook ads marketers avoid Google ads like the plague sometimes. Don't get me wrong, it really can be a very complex world. But for what we're talking about here, this can be relatively easy setup. For example, I'm going to just go ahead and create a new campaign here. At this stage, my primary objective is website traffic. I'm just looking to target them with Google Search ads. I'm just going to run this straight to my main page for now because we're just demonstrating. But obviously, this would go to a page that would tell people a little bit more about this program that they're googling and trying to find out a little bit more about. I don't want to be using the Display Network. I'm only really going to be going for the Search Network. Let's say I'm just doing this for Australia for now because my audience is geographically specific. My budget is going to be $5 a day. I could focus on conversions or I could just focus on clicks because really, I'm only going to be putting this in front of people who are specifically searching for my targeted keywords. They've heard about me somewhere else and they just want to know more. In that case, I could actually optimize for clicks because my goal here is just to drive my target audience to this landing page. I could go into a little bit more depth about sitelink extensions and callout extensions, which will basically just give me a little bit more real estate inside of search results, but not necessary. You could set up a really simple search ad. Of course, you want to make sure that you are labeling everything correctly. But for now, I'm not worrying about that. Do keep in mind that Google's going to try and get you to up your budget or be a little bit more targeted with this because ultimately, a lot of people are using Google Ads to really target high traffic keywords. But in our case, we're really only using this for our retargeting campaigns or people who are searching for very specific and targeted keywords. I wouldn't be doing it for anything to do with marketing. Let's say my offer is something called Maggie's extravaganzapalooza. I don't know what that would be. But basically what I'm trying to say is, hopefully, whatever your offer is, it's something that's targeted specifically to you. It's not as broad as Digital Marketing for Beginners course, but it's something that you have coined as a term. You can really get specific with the keywords you're putting in here. This is a really bad example because I can pretty much guarantee that if that was the name of my program, everyone would misspell it and this would be a terrible campaign. But let's just say that's what I'm going for here. I would also maybe target people searching for me and target people searching for my brand. That's probably enough. Now, I don't want to get too into what broad match, phrase match, and exact match keywords mean here, which would basically get a little bit more target to this stuff. But again, the key here is not to get you to become a Google Ads master. It's mainly just to show you what's possible and how easy this can be to set up for just a couple of keywords if they're really targeted. At this stage, Google is telling me there's going to be no traffic because this is a made-up thing and no one's really searching for it. I'm going to show you I did this as an example with another campaign just for my name so I can actually show you what this will look like. But this is how I would go and set that up. I would just go ahead and create my ad. It's already got random things in here, probably something from random ads that I've run with this account in the past, it's giving me suggestions and we're not going to be doing anything to do with dog walking. This is why you shorten the name of your programs so stuff like this doesn't happen because you've only got 30 characters used for a headline. I can just pin that to be my very first headline that's always going to be showing and it's going to continue to populate this preview. I could say something like, "Still got questions." Just keep in mind, it's not always going to show three headlines, or sometimes it'll only show one or two, but it's good for you to just keep a few different variations in here that Google can play around with it and test out a few different variations. If you do have one that you always want to be in first place, they can just pin it and it will always show up here. Then any other ones, it'll test out in second and third place. This is, again, just super quick examples of what you could do. These are not the script out what I want to do. If you ever get stuck on what to put into something like this, you can go into viewing their ideas. Anyways, at this stage, we're just going to say, "Are you looking to join Maggie's Extravaganzapalooza?" I honestly don't even know what that would be as a program, but I love the sound of it. It sounds super fun. "Find out more here." Anyways, you don't have to go all the way to 90 characters, you just can go past it. Yeah, that's pretty good. I'm happy with that. Again, I could add a few different descriptions. Maybe add a display URL that's going to really tell people where they're going to be going to, which can really help to increase your click here. Let's say you're finding a URL that has a really ugly slug. It's something not so pretty. I honestly think this is longer than 15 characters. It was probably not going to fit anyways. But let's say I'm just going to put in the first bit of it. When people are searching for it, if the keyword they're, searching for is also in the URL. It usually helps with your click-through rate. That's something to consider, but super simple, and I would just save and continue. Anyways, I'm not actually going to be using this or setting this live. I'm going to be jumping into an ad that I've already created for the keywords of my name and my business name so I can show you how that's going to appear on Google. But I wanted really first to show you how I set that up. I set it up exactly the same way as we've just done that there. This particular ad just looks like this. Basically, it just says, "Looking for Maggie? Chat to Maggie here. Want to know if working with Maggie is the right thing for you. Find out here. Today is the day." The only keywords I did that for was Maggie Stara and Living to Roam. Let's have a look at how that appears on Google. All I'm using is my name as the keyword that I'm putting into Google. Because I'm in the geographic location that I've set for this ad, which is Australia, it's popping up with my ad that Google has approved. Honestly, it really is this simple. It takes a couple minutes to set up. It's not super-complicated. But also you really don't pay much for these clicks because I'm optimizing for clicks and I'm doing it for a keyword for which there is no competition. That means that sometimes, you're getting clicks for $0.20 to $0.30, which is insane. It's a really tip way for you to have a brand protection campaign so that if your people are heading straight to Google after they see your stuff on other platforms, you can make sure that they're seeing what you want them to see, right when they're potentially in that decision-making process of should they work with you, should they buy from you? This is your chance to say, "Heck, yes, you should. Here's all of your questions answered." Do keep in mind that you absolutely do not have to be an expert on advertising on every platform and you can outsource the actual implementation side of your strategy. But I just really encourage you to think outside the box a bit of where else your audience is hanging out before they see your stuff on Facebook and Instagram, or maybe where they're hanging out after they see your stuff on Facebook and Instagram to really help to just improve your Facebook ad conversion rates as well as your overall sales goals even more.
20. Thank You!: That brings us to the end of the class. I really hope you guys enjoyed learning about all the different ways you can optimize your Facebook and Instagram ads, and how to build up these amazing strategies. I do want you to keep in mind what I said at the beginning of the class, that this stuff changes so frequently. I have provided you with lots of useful resources within your class guide about awesome podcasts, and YouTube channels, and blogs with newsletters you can sign up to, so that you will always be the first to know when a change is happening so that you can make sure you're staying ahead of everything within your campaign strategies. As you can probably tell by this point in the class, I absolutely love this stuff. If you don't have a team to brainstorm with or you just want an extra set of eyes on something, come in and jump into the discussion section of the class and let me know if you have any questions or just want somebody to bounce ideas off of, and I'll be sure to help you out there. If you like the class, I would love it if you would just take a little bit time to leave me a review and let me know your thoughts. If you would like to be one of the first people to know when I create future classes, you can follow me here on Skillshare and you can also check out my teacher profile to find more ways to connect with me online. Thank you so much for being here guys, you guys absolutely legends. I can't wait to see you in my next class.