Digital Marketing Strategy: Profitable Sales Funnel Mastery | Maggie Stara | Skillshare

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Estrategia de marketing digital: dominio del embudo de ventas rentable

teacher avatar Maggie Stara, Creative Marketer & Top Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Resumen de los fundamentos del embudo de ventas


    • 3.

      Resumen de configuración y construcción


    • 4.

      Herramientas que debes tener antes de empezar


    • 5.

      Ofertas que debes tener antes de empezar


    • 6.

      Crea tu oferta en Canva gratis


    • 7.

      Vende antes de estar listo: marketing en Kickstarter


    • 8.

      Gana mientras aprendes con el marketing de afiliación


    • 9.

      Aprende de tus competidores


    • 10.

      Construye tu embudo: resumen


    • 11.

      Configura tu cuenta


    • 12.

      Configura tu seguimiento


    • 13.

      Cómo estructuré mi oferta


    • 14.

      Organiza tus recursos


    • 15.

      ¿Qué hace que una página de aterrizaje sea excelente?


    • 16.

      Ejemplos de página de aterrizaje


    • 17.

      Escribe tu página de aterrizaje arrasadora


    • 18.

      Crea tu página de aterrizaje arrasadora


    • 19.

      Optimiza tu página para su visualización en móviles


    • 20.

      Crea una política de privacidad


    • 21.

      Embudos autogenerados: explicación


    • 22.

      Cómo hacer una página de ventas que genere clientes


    • 23.

      Ejemplos de páginas de ventas


    • 24.

      Escribe tu página de ventas


    • 25.

      Construye tu página de ventas


    • 26.

      Crea tu formulario de pedido


    • 27.

      Cómo es una secuencia perfecta de marketing por correo electrónico


    • 28.

      Cómo es un correo electrónico irresistible


    • 29.

      Escribe tu secuencia de correos electrónicos


    • 30.

      Publica tus páginas


    • 31.

      Construye tu secuencia de correos electrónicos


    • 32.

      Adjunta un PDF a tus correos electrónicos


    • 33.

      Configura tus automatizaciones


    • 34.

      Descripción de lanzamientos y pruebas


    • 35.

      Completa tu lista de verificación de lanzamiento


    • 36.

      Prueba tu embudo


    • 37.

      Una mirada a un embudo real


    • 38.

      Promueve tu embudo


    • 39.

      Crea un punto de entrada personalizado al embudo para afiliados


    • 40.

      Mide tu éxito


    • 41.

      Descripción de las lecciones avanzadas


    • 42.

      Integra varios procesadores de pagos


    • 43.

      Optimiza para tus mejores recursos


    • 44.

      Incrementa tus ingresos por cliente


    • 45.

      Configura tu Tripwire


    • 46.

      Descripción del chat en vivo y la prueba social


    • 47.

      Sé directo en un chat en vivo


    • 48.

      Aprovecha la prueba social en tiempo real


    • 49.

      Conoce Google Tag Manager


    • 50.

      Mapas de calor: seguimiento del comportamiento de los usuarios


    • 51.

      Fija tus habilidades de negociación


    • 52.

      Zapier: entrega tu oferta de pago


    • 53.

      Envía boletines y prueba las líneas de temas


    • 54.

      Cómo utilizar la sección de proyectos


    • 55.

      Muchas gracias


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About This Class

Los embudos de ventas no tienen que ser tan complejos como las personas en el mundo de marketing a menudo los hacen parecer. Todo lo que es un embudo de ventas o marketing - es un sistema para que los clientes potenciales desarrollen una relación con su negocio hasta que estén listos para comprar de usted.

Dentro de esta clase aprenderás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la creación de un embudo de ventas rentable de principio a fin en solo un par de horas - y el uso de una herramienta de bajo costo!

Con esta herramienta podrás entregar tu oferta gratuita a tu audiencia, crear páginas de ventas, crear una tienda en línea simple, tomar pago, enviar correos electrónicos y mucho más!

A menudo he encontrado que las personas no terminan teniendo éxito con su embudo de ventas porque están tratando de hacer demasiado rápido. Así que en esta clase, quiero superar este problema presentando las lecciones en una sección de planificación y ejecución y una sección avanzada.

Dentro de la sección de planificación:

  • Aprenderás qué herramientas y ofertas necesitas tener en su lugar para crear un embudo de ventas que esté diseñado para que te gane dinero.
  • También aprenderás a cómo lanzar un embudo de ventas e incluso comenzar a ganar dinero con él, incluso si no tiene nada que vender todavía o una audiencia a la que vender.

En la sección de ejecución:

  • Usted aprenderá todo lo que necesita saber para escribir, diseñar y construir páginas de destino rentables, páginas de ventas y secuencias de correo electrónico para sus clientes.

Finalmente, en la sección avanzada de la clase:

  • Usted podrá ir aún más lejos con su embudo de ventas al llevarle a través de técnicas para crear ofertas adicionales pagadas dentro de su embudo y optimizar sus activos de mejor rendimiento.
  • También aprenderá cómo utilizar herramientas gratuitas adicionales dentro de su embudo para ayudarle a manejar las objeciones de los clientes y aumentar la prueba social en sus páginas de ventas.

Todo lo que ha necesitado para aprender sobre la creación de un embudo de ventas rentable está dentro de esta clase.

Y aunque se mantenga solo, si es nuevo en el mundo de los embudos de ventas - le recomiendo que consulte mi Estrategia de marketing digital: Ventajas Rentables de Embudo Fundamentales Clase primero para obtener un buen conocimiento básico de por qué las empresas crean embudos de ventas y la estrategia detrás de estos embudos

También encontrará muchos recursos útiles dentro de su Guía de clases así que asegúrese de revisarlo y no dude en entrar en la sección de Discusiones de la clase si tiene alguna pregunta que pueda ayudar.

¡No puedo esperar a que comiencen!

Conoce a tu profesor(a)

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Maggie Stara

Creative Marketer & Top Teacher

Top Teacher

Hey I'm Maggie - your creative instructor!

I was first introduced to the world of social media marketing in 2016. I was SO excited about the possibility of working online but I was really struggling with the lack of honest, authentic, and high-quality information out there for beginners. So before I even began working in this world, I knew one day I'd want to create the kind of high-quality resources for aspiring marketers that I felt were missing in this space.

Why my classes:

My online skills have led to working with an exciting range of talented people, from sole traders to multi-million dollar businesses. And in addition to working as a freelancer, I've also worked in a digital marketing agency and an in-house corporate role. With this wide range of ha... Ver perfil completo

Level: Intermediate

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1. Welcome!: Hey, everyone. My name is Maggie Stara, and I am a digital marketing strategist and a serious sales funnel enthusiasts. Sales funnel seem to have this aura of complexity around them for some reason. Like you have to be this crazy marketing octopus and have eight arms, and unlimited budget, and at least 40 hours in your day just to pull off a successful and profitable sales funnel for your business. What makes this class so special is that I will be taking away that complexity and overwhelm, and you will learn the exact steps you need to take in order to create a fully functioning and profitable sales funnel from beginning to end in just a few hours. Within this class then, you will be creating this gorgeous sales funnel that will have a landing page for people to sign up to your free offer. An email sequence to deliver their free offer. Sales pages, order pages, and even more complex email automations that will allow you to not just get customers, but make sure that they receive the love and care that they need from you after they purchase, making it much more likely that they'll want to buy from you again and again. But the important thing is that you're not here to learn a few fancy online tools. You're here to learn how people think and how they feel throughout the sales process, and why they actually think and feel that way, and how we can leverage the knowledge of this to increase your sales in your own sales funnel. You will have direct access to the templates we're going to be using throughout the class that will help you to write like a professional copywriter and create pages and emails within your funnel that your audience will look at and think, wow, it's like they're talking directly to me. You will also be taking a look at how to promote your funnel once it's live, and how to measure the success of your efforts. Then finally, we'll also be going through some more advanced techniques where you will learn how to increase your sales by adding in additional paid offers to your funnel, and using additional free tools to see how your audience is using your pages, and adding some social proof and a live chat tool to your pages so that you can increase the success of your funnel. Throughout the entire class, you're going to be learning some really important principles in the world of user experience and human behavior. The role that emotion and other psychological principles will play on the creation of your marketing materials, and really, overall, just how to create an awesome and authentic and human experience for your audience throughout your entire sales funnel. This class is perfect for any existing or aspiring freelancers who want to learn how to build awesome, profitable sales funnels for their clients, or anyone who wants to learn how to do this for their own business. Even if you don't yet have a paid offer that's live or an audience to sell to, I'm going to be showing you how you can get around both of these challenges with just a few cool little tricks. Now if you're brand new to the world of sales and marketing funnels, and it's all a little bit intimidating still, I would really recommend that you check out my digital marketing strategy sales funnel fundamentals class because that's going to give you a really good foundation for the theory and the principles behind what we're going to be creating here. But for those of you who are just keen to execute, the next lesson is going to be a summary of my fundamentals class. That's going to give you a really great foundation for what we're going to be creating here today. Now, I'm going to be super transparent with you about sharing my own experiences as well as some client experiences with you. About things that have gone well and not gone well, just so that you can really learn from my mistakes. But also so that you know that it's okay that things don't go right the first time or even the tenth or hundredth time. Because great marketing is not about perfection, it's about adaptability, and that is what's going to become your superpower. Please start by going ahead and downloading the class guide in the Projects and Resources section. That's getting give you access to all the templates we're going to be using throughout the class, and additional resources like your free 30-day trial, forget response, and other tools that we're going to be using throughout these lessons. Thanks so much for being here today, guys. I'm really excited to get going. Now if you're ready, let's dive straight in. 2. Sales Funnel Fundamentals Overview: In this lesson, we're just going to go over a few basic elements of what it takes to actually build a profitable sales funnel. That I would like you to be familiar with so that you don't feel like I'm speaking marketing as a foreign language as you're going through the lessons within this class. I've also included some key terms and some definitions inside of your class guide, so if you're ever listening to me and you're kind of thinking, I've no idea what she just said and what is this thing? Then hopefully, you'll find a definition and also some really helpful resources within your class guide that can help you out, okay. So make sure if you haven't already, to go to the Projects and resources tab on your desktop, and make sure to download your class guide and store it somewhere where it's really accessible for you because we are going to be using it quite a lot throughout these lessons. Now if you're ready, let's get going and figure out what sales funnels actually are, why your business needs one, and how they're structured to make sure they're really profitable. Let's first talk about why your business ac