Explore Symmetric Pattern Design in Procreate | Maja Faber | Skillshare

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Explore Symmetric Pattern Design in Procreate

teacher avatar Maja Faber, Surface Pattern Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.



    • 4.

      Finding Inspiration


    • 5.

      Pattern Template


    • 6.

      Sketching Geo Pattern - Part 1


    • 7.

      Sketching Geo Pattern - Part 2


    • 8.

      Create Geo Pattern


    • 9.

      Sketching Tiles Pattern


    • 10.

      Create Tiles Pattern


    • 11.

      Sketching Floral Pattern - Part 1


    • 12.

      Sketching Floral Pattern - Part 2


    • 13.

      Create Floral Pattern - Part 1


    • 14.

      Create Floral Pattern - Part 2


    • 15.



    • 16.

      Thank You


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About This Class

Learn how to create symmetric patterns in Procreate using the symmetry tool in this class by me, Maja Faber.

At a first glance symmetric patterns can make you believe that they are very complicated to create. But in this class, I will show you my techniques that will make the whole process feel super fun, easy, and exciting.

We will explore how to use the symmetry tool to create 3 different symmetric patterns. I will show you how to set up your files so that you can recolor your patterns to as many color variations as you wish. And we will go through how to create a pattern template that you can use for all sorts of patterns in the future.


Check out my Pinterest board with tiles here: https://www.pinterest.se/maja_faber/tiles/


  • 2 Free Procreate Brushes (from us at Faber Co)
  • 1 Free Procreate Color Palette
  • 2 Free Guideline Templates

Watch the lesson called Downloads to learn how to download the freebies.

If you like our Faber Co. Procreate brushes, you can find all of our full brush sets available to buy at my website majafaber.com/shop.


Meet Your Teacher

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Maja Faber

Surface Pattern Designer

Top Teacher

If we haven't met before, I'm Maja Faber, your pattern-loving teacher and fellow creative.

I'm here to help you every step of the way! I've been in your shoes! Yes, I'm talking about YOU I've been frustrated, overwhelmed, and wanting to give up more times than I can count. Learning a new skill is hard! I know the struggle.

After spending years of trial and error, trying to find my style and my unique path in the surface pattern design industry, I found my love for creating patterns in Procreate. My creativity started to blossom, and I haven't looked back since then.

As a surface pattern designer and educator, I've helped over 100,000 students grow their creative practice and overcome creative blocks through my fun and easy-to-follow online courses. I'm excited to h... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: [MUSIC] Hey there. I'm Maja Faber. I'm a surface pattern designer who have created more than 1,000 patterns in Procreate so far. I love to explore new ways of creating interesting patterns. In this class, I will teach you my newest discovery, how to create symmetric patterns in Procreate. At a first glance, symmetrical patterns can make you believe that they are very complicated to create, but in this class, I will show you my techniques that will make it all feel super fun, easy, and exciting. After watching this class, you will be able to create all kinds of symmetric patterns in Procreate like you use for all purposes. We will explore how to use the symmetry tool to create three different symmetric patterns. I will show you how to set up your files so that you can recolor your patterns to as many color variations as you wish. We will go through how to create a pattern template that can use for all source of patterns in the future. To take this class, you need to have some basic understanding of how to use Procreate. You don't however need any experience in creating patterns in Procreate as I will go through all that you need to know to create a symmetric pattern from sketch to finished pattern tile in this class. Before we start, I just want to mention that I've included a bunch of freebies in this class. Who doesn't love freebies? There's two free premium Procreate brushes from me and my husband's brand paper company. I want free Procreate color pallets. You can use the same brushes and colors as me if you wish for a smooth learning experience. If you like our brushes, you can find all of our full brush sets available to buy on my website, majafaber.com/shop. I've also included two free guideline templates that we will use to make our patterns well-balanced. More about that later on in class. With all of this said, let's dive into class and start to create our symmetric patterns. 2. Class Project: In this class, we will create three different symmetrical patterns. How many patterns you want to share as the class project is completely up to you. You're also free to share your entire project if you wish, from inspirational images to sketches and the final pattern tile. Process images are super fun to see. I'm very excited to see what you create. Please do share your projects under the Project and Resources tab here in class to learn how to export your file from Procreate so you can share it in class. Watch the lesson called export artwork. 3. Downloads: I've included two premium Procreate brushes, two guideline templates, and one Procreate color palette that you can download for free when you watch this class. All of these resources are free for you to use for both personal and commercial use. The Procreate brushes included are perfect pencil, and thick and texture. Both of these brushes are from our new texture brush set from us at Faber company. If you enjoy using these brushes, you can buy the full brush sets and more on my website, majafaber.com/shop. To download the freebies, tap the downloadable PDF under the projects and resources tab here in class, or go through URL that you see on screen now. You will be directed to a site where you need to type in your name and email address, which will add you to my email list. Tap to unlock, and that will take you to a Dropbox folder where you can download the files. You can of course, unsubscribe from my email list at any time in the future if you don't want to receive news from me. To download the brush set file and the color palette file directly to Procreate, tap the "file" and tap "Download", and then we will do that with the other file as well, tap the file and tap "Download". This will add your files to downloads in your browse up here. I'm using Safari here on my iPad, so if you use another browser, it might look a little bit different for you. If you don't find them in your browser, you can always find them in the downloads folder on your iPad. In my Safari browser, I tap the files in the download section, which will instantly open up Procreate, and add them to the app. I do that with both of the files, and then I head back to Safari to fetch the guideline templates. To download these files, tap the files, tap "Download" with both of the files, and you can find them in the downloads folder on your iPad. 4. Finding Inspiration: Okay, the very first thing that we will do in this class is to find inspiration for our symmetric patterns. I've found that a great source of inspiration are tiles. You can find tiles in real life, in your home or out and about in your town. Or you can find other inspiration for symmetrical patterns. But for me, tiles is a great source of inspiration. I have a board on Pinterest where I've saved a bunch of amazing images of tiles. You can use this board as I've linked within the description of this class. Or you can, of course, search for your own inspiration on Pinterest with tiles or with other types of symmetric patterns. I think the tiles are an amazing inspiration. Sometimes I feel though, that the feeling that you get from tiles, the rustic feeling, is hard to translate digitally, so some patterns that you see on tiles might not look as good digitally. But it also depends on the purpose of your pattern and your personal preferences. Try things out and experiment with symmetric patterns and see what you find works good when you draw it digitally. We will use this Pinterest board as inspiration in class. You can, if you want to, tap an image that you like, tap download image to your camera roll and then you can use that image as a reference image in Procreate. But I want to be inspired from several images at once. I will use Pinterest as a split-screen in Procreate. I will tap up here in Procreate and tap the little split-screen symbol. Then I can tap Pinterest. That will bring Pinterest as my split-screen app. I always want my inspiration to be here on the left and drawing on the right, but you can choose whichever side you want. Then I have my inspiration over here. When you find some inspirational images, let's head over to the next lesson, where we will start with a pattern templates. 5. Pattern Template: Let's start this class with creating a pattern template. I will just remove the split screen with Pinterest, drag that one to left to remove it. Tap "Gallery" and here we will create a new Canvas where we will create a pattern template. Let's start with creating a Canvas. Tap the plus sign, and I will use a Canvas that is 3,600 pixels square. You can use any size of Canvas you wish. This is my standard size when I create patterns that I will share online on print automatic platforms, for example and it also brings me a bunch of layers. That's good to have some layers to work with. I always make sure that I have 300 DPI for high resolution and that the color profile is set to sRGB. The top one over here is the one that I usually use. The dimensions 3,600 pixels in width and heights, and then I tap "Create". What we will do now, is to create the pattern template, as I call it, which is a set of actions that will make it easier and quicker for us to create the actual pattern tile later on. If you have watched my other classes here on Skillshare, you have seen different methods of creating patterns. I share a few different techniques and you can use the technique that you like using the most. This one that we will use here today is the technique that I use the most at the moment. If you want to use that one, follow along and create this pattern template. If you want to use another technique or method that I've shown you in a previous pattern making class, you can skip this lesson and move on to the sketching part. Pattern templates are really good because we can use them over and over again. They will improve our workflow and make it more efficient when we create patterns in Procreate. In this class, we will create full drop patterns. I will create one type of pattern template. Let's start with doing that. The first thing that we will do to create a pattern template is to turn on our drawing guide and edit drawing guide, and drag up the grid size to maximum, which will bring you four equal sized squares on your Canvas with a guide line in the center. Tap "Done", and this will make it easier to get the right snapping, which is the next step that I will show you now. Tap the color palettes and I will use a dark color just because it's better contrast on the video. But you can use any type of color. The color really doesn't matter here. Then I grab that color and tap and fill to fill the whole layer. Now I have a layer with a square. Then I tap the transform tool and here I want to make sure that I have magnetics and snapping turned on, and then I zoom out a bit so you can see what I'm doing, and I tap in one of the corner nodes and drag my square down to the center. If you want to, you can also tap one time on the corner node and write in the dimensions over here. We have a 3,600 pixels square, so you can make sure that you have the little chain symbol set here so that it will keep the proportions and make it a square when you type in a new dimension, and then I type in 1,800 pixels, and that will bring me a perfect square of 1,800 pixels. That's also a great way of decreasing the size of your square to the half, which will feel a quarter of your Canvas. Tap the transform tool again to place your square and then, we tap the layer in the layers panel with two fingers. Tap and hold to select that layer. If that doesn't work for you, you can tap the layer and tap "Select". It's exactly the same thing. When you have selected the square, tap "Save & Load" in the selections tool that pops up automatically. Save and load and in selections, tap the little plus sign to save selection Number 1. What we will do now is to create four perfect squares that are aligned to the edges of your Canvas, and we will save each of them as selections. When we have this square we tap the transform tool, tap and drag the square to the left so that it fills the left quarter of the Canvas, and you make sure that it's perfectly aligned to the edges. You do that by tapping and dragging and when you see these yellow guidelines, it should be perfectly centered. If you don't trust the yellow guidelines, you can zoom in to see that it's perfectly centered to the drawing guides here. Make sure that you don't look at the colored object over here because that's just a visual flaw in Procreate. That's not where the real object is placed. You should always watch the dashed line over here. It is perfectly centered and then I tap the transform tool. Nowadays, I usually trust the yellow guidelines, and the snapping, and the magnetics, so I don't zoom in that often, but sometimes it does get wrong. You can always zoom in if you want to make sure that it's perfectly aligned. When you have placed your square to the top left corner, tap with two fingers on the layer, or tap the layer and tap "Select", as I showed you previously, tap "Save & Load" and the plus sign to save selection Number 2. Tap the transform tool, drag it down your square so that it fills the bottom left corner. Make sure that the yellow guidelines are showing so that you have placed your square perfect to the bottom left corner. Tap the transform tool again, tap the layers panel, tap and hold with two fingers to select that layer, save and load selections Number 3. Tap the transform tool, tap and drag to the bottom right corner, make sure that you have the yellow guide lines showing, then tap the transform tool, tap the layers panel, tap the layer with two fingers to select that layer, save and load. Oops, where did it go? Let's do it again. Tap with two fingers in the layers panel on that layer to select it, selections, save and load, tap the plus sign and selections, and you has selection Number 4. Now we have created our pattern template and we can actually clear this layer and if you want to, I do this sometimes, you can just write pattern template so that you know that we will use this file as a pattern template and we will just duplicate that file whenever we want to create a pattern. A full drop pattern in this specific size , 3,600 pixels square. This is how we create a pattern template, and in the lessons when we create the actual pattern, I will show you just how to use this template to make your workflow more smooth when you create patterns in Procreate. 6. Sketching Geo Pattern - Part 1: Let's start with sketching our first pattern. I have divided this class into the three different patterns, so we will start with the sketching our pattern Number 1. Then we will create the final color version of pattern Number 1, and then we will continue with the sketching of pattern Number 2. So let's start by duplicating our pattern template. I will select the pattern template and tap Duplicate, and then I will tap little cross sign to deselect, and tap and drag to drag those ones inside of a stack. So I accidentally dragged another thing in there, so I will just grab that and take it out again on my stack. But now we have two pattern template files in my stack. One, I will make sure to always duplicate and keep that as the original pattern template, and then I will tap into the new one to create a pattern in this one. The first thing that I will do is to swipe to the right on the first layer to clear that layer. So the first thing that we will do is to turn on the symmetry tool because that is what we will use in this class to create our symmetric patterns. So tap the Actions panel, Canvas. Your drawing guides are turned on, and then we tap Edit Drawing Guide. The normal 2D Grid is the one that we use where we want to have the guidelines on our Canvas to get good measurements, but now we will use the symmetry tool. You can drag up the opacity and the thickness of the line, I usually don't mind that. But what I usually do when I create these types of patterns is to drag the drawing guides to the pink or red part of the spectrum over here, because that will make it show easier when we put on our images with the drawing guides on top. In the symmetry tool, you can tap Options. We have the vertical symmetry, which means that what you draw on one part over here will be reflected on the other part of the Canvas over here. The horizontal is the same, what you draw at the top will be reflected at the bottom. The quadrants, what you draw in one square will be reflected in the other three squares of your Canvas. We have the radial one which means that what you draw in this little section will be reflected to all of the other small sections of your Canvas. In this class, I won't use the vertical and horizontal. You can experiment with those yourself, but I will use the more advanced ones, the quadrant and the radial. We will start with the quadrant in this lesson, and we will make sure that we don't have rotational symmetry turned on, so make sure that it's turned off, and that assisted drawing is turned on, and then we tap Done. As you can see, we have four squares, and I will just demonstrate how that works. In your layers panel on your layer, you can see that a system is turned on. You can tap the layer and turn off assisted, and then you just have a regular Canvas you can draw on, nothing is reflected. But when we turn on the Drawing Assist, what you draw on one square will be reflected on the three other squares. So that is how the symmetry tool works, and you can draw all types of fun things with the symmetry tool, but in this class, we will focus on symmetric patterns. So let's get started with the actual sketch of our first pattern. This is the most simple pattern that we will create in the class. It will be a one-colored version of a geometric symmetric pattern. So the first thing that we'll do here is to swipe right and clear this layer. Then, as you can see, that the guidelines of this symmetric tool are here, which means that we can't add the 2D guidelines to the Canvas. When we create geometric shapes or maybe other shapes in symmetrical patterns, it's easier if you can see where you place your objects on the Canvas, so that you can get a pattern that is balanced in a good way. Let me show you what I mean. I will tap to add a new layer, I will drag that layer beneath my first layer. Then I will tap Access panel, Add, Insert a File. You fetch your guidelines small or guidelines large that you can download in this class. I will tap Guidelines Small, then tap the transform tool to place it, and then I will add a new layer on top of that, insert a file and guidelines large. You can use just one of these if you want to, but I will show you a little trick that I like to use to make it easier visually to see. So I tap the first Guidelines Small and I drag down the opacity of it so that it's not that much opacity at all. In this class, so that you can see it on screen, I will keep it at maybe 35 percent or something like that, but you can drag down the opacity even more so that you aren't disturbed by the guidelines when you create. Then I tap the Guidelines Large and I will drag down that opacity as well. I don't want to drag it down more than the small guidelines because I want that to be a little bit darker so that I have a larger square and then four smaller squares in-between. So maybe 4-5 percent or something like that. Next thing that I will do is to swipe to the right and both of those layers and group them together, and I can rename those two guides, so I know where I have my guidelines. Now it's time to start to sketch for our pattern. I will tap the assisted layer, that's empty layer that I will start to sketch in. I make sure that I have black as a color, and then I use the perfect pencil, you can download for free in this class, and I will add Pinterest as a split-screen. So I tap little split-screen at the top of Procreate, I tap and drag my Pinterest window to the left, and here I have my Pinterest board. I want to create some type of geometric patterns. So these tiles are great inspiration, for example. Also, these are really cool, and those ones, and there was also some type of blue tiles over here. This one is really cool as well. So let's just start with some inspirational images and play around with some geometric shapes. You probably can't see it on screen now, but as I have made the symmetrical tool guidelines pink, I can see where those are. So even if you can't see that on screen in this video, you probably can see it on your own iPad in Procreate. So let's start by drawing some shapes. I actually want to start with dragging down the opacity a bit more of the guidelines, because I felt that those were a little bit disturbing when there were so sharp. So on this is the layer. With the perfect pencil, I will start to add some shapes. I think that I want to add some type of diamond shape. There are a few different ways that you can draw your shapes when you use the quadrant symmetry tool. You can draw one shape per quadrant like this. But for this pattern, I think that I don't want that look. You can experiment and see what look you want for your pattern. But I will erase those shapes and will try to add my shapes like this instead. This is my center point, and if you feel that it's hard to see where the points are that you want to start and end to draw your shapes on, you can add some dots where your shapes can meet up. So here is the center of one of my squares and, no here it is [LAUGHTER], and here is the center of the Canvas, and I will add a little dot over here as well. If you want to, you can draw straight lines, tap and hold, and when you tap with your fingers you will get these straight lines. I don't want to do that. I want to have my patterns a little bit more organic, not perfectly geometrics, so I will just draw. But you can do however you want to of course. So I will start to draw a diamond shape, but I think that I want it a little bit more inflated like this one, maybe not that much, but a little bit, so I will make it something like this. So that looks pretty okay for a sketch. Then I think that I want some oval shape, maybe something like that. But I probably want them to meet up, so I will make my diamond shape a little bit larger at the top. Then I can just erase the parts that I don't want to have in my sketch so that I don't get confused. 7. Sketching Geo Pattern - Part 2: Here we have some simple geometric shapes that actually are turned into pretty cool pattern, I would say. Now I want to draw, just by my imaginations, I will swipe to the right on the split-screen on Pinterest. It's also easier for you to see in this class if I don't have that app all the time, and I think that I want to add some dots. Just a little note here. If you have watched my other classes, you have probably hear me say that you never should draw anything out of the edge. It's the same rule here, but at the same time as what you draw here are reflected here, so we are still making a perfect pattern tile. We're just not sure how this shape looks when it's repeated, where we're drawing like this. That is why we will try it out in a minute, but just continue with me and draw and I will show you in a minute why we can draw at the edge at this point. Next, I will just want to add some oval shapes. I think it's easier to add some dots. I know where I want to draw other oval shapes and I probably want to do it at a center point here. Let's just count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, so at 4.5, 1,2,3,4, somewhere around here is the center and then I will just draw a dot, so something like that. Now it's time to make the actual repeat and see how our oval shapes over here repeated and I also might want to add some more shapes. It's time to use our pattern template. I will turn off the visibility of the guides and I will add a layer and drag that layer beneath our sketch layer. I will fill that layer with a white color. This is to be able to make the pattern action that we created in this pattern templates earlier in class. I will swipe to the right on both layers and group them together. Select the group and then we will use the selections tool. Tap "save and load", selection number one. You have one selection selected [LAUGHTER] and then tap the transform tool, flip vertical, and flip horizontal. It doesn't matter if you flip horizontal first and then vertical or vertical and then horizontal. If you find that you can select the whole group, you can always swipe to the right and both layers, and then you have both of those layers selected as well. That works perfectly fine also. Then tap the "save and load" again. Selection tool, that transform tool, flip vertical and flip horizontal. Then the selection tool again, "save and load", selection 3, transform tool, flip vertical, and flip horizontal. Then selection tool again, and selection number 4, transform tool, flip horizontal and vertical. Now we have made actual repeat of the pattern and going back to this sketch layer with a black color, I can finish the pattern and see if all of the shapes are looking as I want them to look. These shapes might be a little bit more oval than I wanted and then I can just adjust them so that they are a little bit more round if that is the look that I want. I can erase the parts of the sketch that I don't want to use anymore for the final piece so that I don't get confused. Now I can add some more of this if I want to as well. If you want to continue to draw here with your drawing guys, you need to turn off the background layer that we used to create the actual repeat and then turn on the guides group. Tap the layer with the sketch and with the perfect pencil, I will continue to draw some objects. I think that I want to add dots in all of these objects over here. Turn off your drawing guides and have a look at your pattern. This looks pretty good to me and for me, this sketch is finished. In the next lesson, we will continue to create the final color version of this pattern. 8. Create Geo Pattern: To continue with this pattern, we will move on to the sketch layer and drag down the opacity a bit so we can draw on top of that layer. Then I will add a new layer on top of that group. If you want to be organized, you can name your layer or group to sketch and then tap to add a new layer on top. We still want to have our symmetry drawing guide turned on. If you want to you can also have your guidelines turned on, or you can just draw by freehand from your sketch. I will have the drawing guides turned on for this example and then we will start to draw on the new layer. I will choose a color, and in the color palettes that is included in this class, there are some earthy soft colors, which I feel is good when you have busier patterns, but you can of course, use brighter colors if you wish, or whatever type of colors you wish. But if you want to follow along with me, let's just use the green color in the color palettes. Then I will use the thick and texture brush for this. The thick and texture brush has become my go-to brush for a lot of things that I draw in Procreate. I hope that you enjoy too. I've included in this Skillshare class and a few other classes and it is from my texture brush sets from me and my husband's brand, favorite company, which has become my favorite brush set as well. The newest brush set is always the favorite one for me. With the thick and texture brush and on a new layer make sure that you have Drawing Assist turned on. I almost forgot about that and then we will start to draw our shapes. Let's start with these oval shapes. It seems like I have something not working over here. Oh, there. It worked, great. On that layer, let's start to draw this oval shapes. I will just add some marks so that I can better see where I want my shape to start and end and then I will start to draw. I will tap and drag to fill the color and I can just zoom in. If you feel that there are some space between the outline and your field shape, it's because the brush is textured and normally I just go in and fill in those texture pieces a little bit, but also, I don't mind if I have a little bit of texture on my shapes. I don't need them to be perfectly flat. If you want them to be perfectly flat, also in the edges, you probably should use another brush and not this thick and texture brush. There I had my first shape and actually I think that I want to tap and drag to move the color layer beneath my sketch so that I can see my sketch shining through. With this layer selected, I will draw everything that I want to have in the same color. My plan is that these diamond shapes will be green and the dots in those will be white. This part will be white and the dots here will be green. What I do here is that I draw everything that is fully visible here because if I draw over here, I'm not sure how that shape looks when it's repeated. I will just stay to the parts that are completely visible on this pattern at the moment and then we will do the repeat and we can add the other parts. I can see this dot clearly and I will add that one. That's all for now with the green. Then I will add a new layer, make sure that that layer is Drawing Assist turned on and then I will use the cream whites and I will add the dots on the oval shapes. Here we go. It's reflected on the other side of my Canvas. That looks pretty cool. I always make sure that I draw the different colors on separate layers so that I can re-color in a simple way further on in the process if I want to do so. Moving on, we will put these two layers in a group. Select those, put them in a group, you can rename them to pattern for example, or whatever you want to name it and then we will select that group and we will do the actions where we create the repeat. Tap the selections to save and load selection number 1. Oops, I didn't have a background layer. You always need a background layer. You have the whole squared as a selection. I will tap and drag a cream white background and I will put that one in the group. Now I will select the group again. Before we do the actions again, we need to select both the pattern layer and the sketch layer so that we do the actions on both of those layers and then selection to save and load selection number 1, transform 2, flip horizontal, flip vertical, selection number 2 transform 2, flip horizontal, flip vertical, selection number 3, flip horizontal, flip vertical and selection number 4, flip horizontal, flip vertical. Now we have the shapes that were on the edges in the center. We can continue to draw on those ones. In the pattern layer, I will select my green layer and the thick texture brush and I will draw these shapes. If you want to use your guidelines, you need to turn off the background layer so you can see your guidelines shine through there and then we will continue to draw these shapes, make sure that they meet up in a nice way in the edge, because that is how the pattern will be repeated. The next one, you can of course be as detailed as you wish here, creating a really straight geometric pattern or be a little bit more imperfect like me. For the purpose of this class, I'm not being too fussy about my lines and that they should be completely perfect.. Moving on, the other part that I want green are those dots, so I will just use my green color and draw a dot over here and that will be reflected at the bottom as well. Turn off the sketch layer so we can see our pattern, and I think that these dots should be a little bit more round, so something like that. Then I can turn off the guideline layer, turn on the sketch layer, and I can see that I have those two dots that I want to add in white. I choose the cream white layer. Thick and texture and here I will just draw these dots on free hand from the sketch, something like that. Then I can turn on the background box again, turn off the sketch layer and here I can see my finished pattern. Now you can have a look at your pattern and see if you want to make some changes. I, for example, I can see a little thing over here that I want to fix. You can do the changes that you want to at this stage and then we will move on to try out the pattern. To try out the pattern, I will make sure that the layers that I want to flatten, which is the pattern group, all of these are the visibility turned on and then I swipe down with three fingers tap Copy all, swipe down with three fingers again and tap Paste. That will bring me a flattened image of the whole pattern in a new layer. With the transform tool, I tap and drag until I reach 1,800 pixels, make a pattern tile that is half of the size, and then I make a duplicate of that layer, tap and drag to place it beneath and make a duplicate again, tap and drag to place it on top and then tap and drag with the new copy to place one of those pattern tiles in each of the four squares of my Canvas. You can turn off the drawing guide because that might be in the way when you see how your pattern is repeated. Here, you can see that you have four images that are showing how your pattern is repeated when you place the pattern tiles next to each other. If you zoom out, which I think is a good little trick to see how your pattern would be repeated if you are not looking at it very closely, it looks good. Then we can zoom in and see if we find any flaws or something that we want to change. For me this looks really, really good. If you would want to make some changes you need to go back in the process and create the pattern tile once again, just as we did when we draw the repeat and you just move back and forth until you find a pattern that looks good to you. This pattern is finished. Let's move on to the next pattern. 9. Sketching Tiles Pattern: Let's move on to create the next pattern. Actually, I've just realized that I didn't place the guidelines in the original pattern template, so let's create a new pattern template. Because we placed the guidelines in our pattern over here, we will create a new pattern template with the guidelines so we don't need to redo placing the guidelines in every pattern. Tap into one of the copies and I will delete all of the layers that aren't guides, delete and turn on the guides, and then I can just write the template here so I know that this is the new pattern template. Here we have the new one and then I can just delete the old pattern template. We have our template, I select it, duplicate it, and then we start to create a new pattern in this one. I will delete that layer and add a new layer where we can draw our pattern. For this one, let's fetch some inspiration from Pinterest. I want my inspiration on the left and I think that I want to create something that is inspired by this type of shape , like this one. Let's see what we have. I have one image in mind if I can find it, this one. So this will be my inspiration. If I don't want to have the Pinterest window like this, I can always download the image and I can't see the three little dots. I will just increase the window and there we have the three little dots, and I can download the image to my camera roll. Now I can use this as a reference image instead of having the split-screen. I will head back to Procreate. Under the Actions panel, I will turn on reference, tap "Image", "Import Image" that I saved to my camera roll. Now I have it as a small image over here and it's easier for you to see the whole screen where we draw our pattern. For this pattern, we will also use the quadrant symmetry drawing guides. Tap Drawing Guide and under Symmetry, tap "Quadrant". I will still have mine in a pink color over here, and then I tap "Done". Same as before, makes sure you don't have rotational symmetry turned on and that assisted drawing is turned on, and then tap "Okay". Now it says assisted in this layer and we can start to sketch our pattern. With a black color again, I will with the perfect pencil start to sketch. For this pattern, I will use a different method. Here I will draw one shape using the symmetry here, to draw just one shape in the center, and then we will repeat that shape and color it in a different color. Almost like here that you have one shape over here and one shape over here. This is green and this is cream-whitish. So I want to use that type of symmetry. Let's just make the reference image a little bit smaller and then we will start to draw. Now it's time to start sketching, I know that this is my center point, I can just mark that one up. And then I can choose how far out I want my shape to go. These shapes meet at the edges of the pattern tile. If we zoom in all the way over here, I think that I want to make mine a little bit smaller. So let's meet the shape up over here somewhere, and then we can just start to experiment and see how we want our shape to look. Let's for example make one of the oval shapes over here. Maybe I want the same shape over here, and then something that goes up, maybe just a little bit out, a little bit here, and then maybe I wanted to meet up in some shape over here. I don't really like how that looks, I will just delete that part. I think I want to drag down that part a little bit more. Now we have that shape, let's move on and draw something in the middle. We can do some type of flower thing in the middle, maybe like that, maybe something like that and then we could do some dots maybe over there and over here. I'm just drawing some shapes with inspiration from this one but I don't want it to look exactly the same. It looks a little bit the same at the moment but let's move on and see what we can do. Then I might want to add something that looks like a little flower. So inspiration with that tulip shape over there and we could do the same over here, maybe that one should be a little bit longer. I will just delete that one and draw a new one over here. That looks pretty good, it looks a little bit similar but at the same time, it's not an exact copy. As this is for learning purposes, I don't mind that it's a little bit similar. Then I will just tap the little cross to remove the reference image and here we can start to create a pattern out of this. What I want to do now is to just repeat this shape but I want it with another color so it will look almost like a half-drop pattern when it's finished. Let me show you what I mean. The first thing that we will do is to add a new layer, tap and drag to place that layer beneath the first layer with a white color. I'll use this cream right now, we tap and drag to fill that layer with a color. Then we group these two layers together and this is our sketch. If we want to name it Sketch, we can do so, and then we will duplicate that sketch layer and uncheck little checkbox with the visibility. We save one sketch layer over here, we can actually drag it above the group so that it won't be in the way. We can turn off the guidelines, we select our group and now we will make the repeat, so tap the selection tool, tap save and load Selection Number 1, transform to flip vertical, flip horizontal, selections tool again, Selection Number 2, flip vertical, flip horizontal, save and load. Selection Number 3, flip vertical, flip horizontal, save and load. Selection Number 4, flip article and flip horizontal. Now we have flipped everything to the outsides of the pattern tile. We have repeated that shape in the edges and now we have a blank space in the middle. To fill this space with the exact same shape, just turn on the visibility of your second sketch layer which you saved previously. Then we can drag that in the sketch group so that we have all the layers with the sketch together in one group. We can even merge these two layers together because we don't need them separate so swipe the layers together to create one layer with the sketch. That is a really good way to create these types of patterns so this is the sketch for a pattern. When we create the colored version in the next lesson, I will show you just why I created the pattern this way. 10. Create Tiles Pattern: So now it's time to create this pattern. The first thing that we will do is to turn down the opacity of the sketch layer. Tap that layer, tap the little N symbol and bring down the opacity so that we can draw the colored shapes above or beneath the sketch layer depending on how you like to work. I will create a layer above the background layer and beneath the sketch layer, where I will draw my colored shapes. If you want to, you can turn on the guidelines. In that case, you turn off the background layer, so that you can see the guidelines. Or you can just draw by freehand, turn on the background layer and make it a little bit more organic and in perfect. For this one, I won't mind having the guidelines turned on, so I will have those turned off and I will draw on top of the background layer. On my new layer, I make sure that I have Drawing Assist turned on, and then I will select the color. For this one let's go for a pink color. With thick and texture brush, I start to draw my shape. So you can zoom in a bit if you want to, and then start to draw your shape, I will fill in this whole shape with one color and then the details on top of it with other colors. Tap to fill. If you turn off the sketch layer, you can see how it looks. That looks pretty good, a little bit shaky on some places, and also you have that little line between where your outline of the thick and texture brush, and fill color meets. You can always fill in that. That looks pretty good to me. Let's turn on the sketch layer again and continue to draw the details. I want to have a pretty simple pattern here, so most of the details, I think I will keep in the background color, the cream white. But let's add a new layer on top of the pink layer, and I will use the cream white color the same as the background. With thick and texture, I will fill in the shapes. Let's start with the ones in the middle. We can zoom in. Oops. We need to have Drawing Assist turned on. It says Assisted on the layer and make sure that you're on the new layer. I always keep my colors separated in layers, as I mentioned before, which makes it easier to recolor this pattern later on if we want to do that. Then I draw in the shapes like that, I think that I will keep these flowers white as well. Fill them in, and those flowers, fill that one in. Let's turn off the sketch layer to see how it looks. I think it looks pretty good. I want it to look a little bit rough, so I like that imperfect look. Great. Now, I will turn on the sketch layer and I think that I will add another color for the brown dots, so with a new layer, tap the layer, Drawing Assist, and then I will use the dark brown color in the color palette with a thick and texture brush and I will add this little dots. Turn off the sketch layer and this is how my object looks. I think it looks pretty cool. Let's move on to our next object, the one that is repeated on the edges. Let's turn on the sketch layer again because we want to make the repeat with both the sketch and the color objects. I will just keep everything in this sketch group for now, and then we can move out the colored objects outside of this group later on. Now, it's time to create the other object, the one that is repeated on the edges, and I want to have that in another color. What we will do is to swipe to the right on the layers with a color object, and I'll group those inside of this sketch group, so we have that group over here. Then I will select that group, swipe to right to duplicate it. Now, we have two copies of that object. One of those groups, I will just drag outside of the sketch group. Now, I have one object over here that I don't want to repeat with our actions. Then I want to repeat everything that is inside of the sketch group, the sketch and object, and the background. Moving on, I select the sketch group or you can select all of the layers by swiping to the right on the layers. It doesn't matter. Some people have problem when they select the groups, so this is a great alternative. Tap the selection to save and load selection number 1, tap the Transform tool, flip vertical, flip horizontal. Selection 2, save and load selection number 2, flip vertical, flip horizontal. The same thing with Selection 3 and Selection 4. Great. Now, we have our objects at the edges and we have a sketch for object in the center. If we want the object in the center to be exactly the same as the object on the edges, we have saved a copy over here, so we can just turn on the visibility of that one, place that one, and then we can recolor that object. I will do that. But if you want to draw a new object, if you don't want all this to be exactly the same, you can do it over here. But to keep it simple, I will place my objects, that is an exact copy of that one. Then I will turn off the visibility of the sketch. I will drag up the group with the other object over here. Now, we have all of these objects separated in colors. These ones on the sides, we will keep that one pink. The one in the middle, I will just re-color the shape, so I will swipe to the right with two fingers to create the Alpha lock on that layer. Then I will choose a color. I'll go for the lighter brown color in the color palette, and then I'll tap that layer and tap Fill Layer. I will keep the dots dark brown and I'll just change the color of the background of that object. Yeah. This looks really good. Let's turn off the drawing guide to see how it looks. At this point, it looks really good. Now, I want to try to repeat this pattern. The background is over here in the sketch layer, so it doesn't really matter but you can drag it up so that you have the color objects and the background over here, and you can even group these together if you want to have your colored objects in one group. But I will just keep mine over here. Turn off the sketch layer and make sure that I have all of the layers that I want to create an image of select that, swipe down with three fingers copy all, swipe down with three fingers, and paste. That will place my image on top of the layer that was selected, so I will tap and drag, to drag it on top of all layers, and then I will tap on the image. I usually drag but you can also tap one of the nodes and make sure that you have deleted chain symbol. Tap them so that it's blue and right in 1,800 pixels which is half of the size of our compass. To not make it confusing, I will turn off the visibility of the original pattern tile, and I will duplicate image, tap, and drag, make sure you have snapping and magnetics turned on in the transform tool so that it snaps in the right position. The right position is exactly in the edge, and then you tap the Transform tool. Swipe to the right to duplicate, drag it down, make sure that it snaps in the right position, and then once again, duplicate the layer and drag it to the right position. Now, we have four pattern tiles that is repeated and we can see how our pattern looks. For me, this is a really cool pattern. I'm really happy with this one. You can twist it around, you can have in any direction you want. It looks really good. Great. So now, we have created our second pattern. 11. Sketching Floral Pattern - Part 1: It's time to create our third pattern. We will start with the sketch, and now we have our template ready here. I will just select the template, duplicate it, and head into the copy. Delete the layer where it says template and then I will add a new layer on top. I will choose black as the color and the perfect pencil, so that I'm ready to sketch on new layer. Let's go ahead to Pinterest. I want to split screen this time. I will just go straight into Pinterest and save the image to my camera roll so that I can use it as a reference just like in the previous lesson. For this one I want to go with the radial symmetry. Something like this would be really cool. We can save that one to the camera roll, so tap to download the image. This one is also really cool, so download that one. Some flowers would look nice I think. This one is also amazing. Let's save that one. With those images downloaded, you can use any inspiration imagery ways, of course. I will tap the actions panel in Procreate, reference, image, import image. Let's see which one to choose first, let's go for this one and see if we can do something fun inspired by this image. I will make it really small so that you can see as much of my canvas as possible here. Something like that. Then I will go into the drawing guide, turn on drawing guide and actions panel edit drawing guide. Make sure you had the symmetry tool, turn on options and here we will change it to radial. We don't want rotational symmetry, but we want assisted drawing turned on, and then I tap done. Now we have a different type of symmetry thing going on here, which means that what I draw in one of these sections, this is one section, so it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, eight eight sections. What's pretty cool is that you can get some really nice flower shapes and other cool geometric shapes that are repeated across your cameras like this. The radial symmetry tool is a really fun tool to play around with, so take some time to experiment with it. You can make some really nice stuff with this tool. Moving on, I will just delete that layer and add a new layer, tap the layer and tap drawing assist and here I will start to sketch my actual pattern. This is my center point of my canvas. It would be cool to have some maybe sun inspired flower, something like this. This looks really nice, but I don't want to make an exact copy of it, of course. But we can start to add round shape in the middle. I like that look. Here something cool happened like a flower in the middle. This is, for me, all about experimentation is really fun to just play around and see what you can do with this tool and what type of interesting shapes you can come up with. Then I might want to draw some leaves. Let's try out some smaller leaves like this. That looks really nice, maybe a little bit longer over there. Then we can add something more here. Maybe some dots or leaf or something going out. Where did my flower go? It disappeared. How strange? I'm drawing that one again and then we will continue. We can just look at the composition over here. Something that goes out like that might be cool. Maybe some flower shape or leaf shape. Or you could do, they have some heart shape that also looks pretty cool. Something like this. That will be pretty nice. Let's continue with that. It looks nice and here we can have maybe the other direction. Like a flower girl there. Then I will continue to experiment and see what interesting shapes I can find here. When I draw these ones, I instantly see that I like the blobby shapes or whatever we call it, the thicker shapes of these flower leaves or shapes outside here, but I don't like these really pointy shapes, so I will just delete that part. Then I can continue and see if I can find something interesting over here. I don't really like that center. Maybe that looks better, but I don't like that flower in the centers, maybe something like that. Now, I think that this looks much better. Then I will continue. Let's add something more. I don't want to add too much because I still want to keep it simple, but we can add a few more details over here, that looks pretty nice. Then maybe this flower shape can move into leaf like that. Maybe should be a little bit better, angle of that one. That looks really nice. I really, really like this, how it's turning out. I think I will keep it simple like this, and I will decide later on if I want to add some details, I think it depends on the color choice that I use here. Maybe I want to add some details, like that will probably be cool. Or maybe I want to keep it really simple with the shapes solid. But this looks nice like this at the moment. It's fun to experiment, so it's hard to stop sometimes, you just want to add more and more details when you use the symmetry tool. But I think that I'm quite happy like this for now. Now, I will turn off the reference image and I will create a pattern of this. We will add a new layer, drag it beneath the layer with the sketch. I will use a green white background for this one as well. I might change that later on, but for now let's just use the green white as it looks good on screen. We have a background layer, we have the sketch layer, and I can also duplicate the sketch layer if I would like to use that one later on. I don't think that I will use it in this pattern, but let's see. Swipe right on both of those sketch layers, group them together. We can rename the group to sketch. Now we have the sketch group, the guideline groups that I will turn off the visibility on, and then we will repeat the sketch group. With the sketch group selected, taps lectures to save and load selection number 1, flip vertical, flip horizontal. Selection number 2, flip vertical, flip horizontal. Selection number 3, flip vertical, flip horizontal. Selection number 4, flip vertical, flip horizontal. It's just exactly the same technique with the pattern template as we did in the previous lessons. That is why I'm moving through that part a little bit more quick as we repeat that part in every pattern. If we turn on our layer with the flowers, you can see that it is like reaching each other here, the flowers, but that's okay because I don't want to use that in this pattern anyway. I want to draw something new here. I will turn off that but it's always good to have that original sketch. I can actually drag that original sketch down below, and then I have the sketch layer over here. If you want the guidelines turned on, you can turn off the background. That might be pretty nice when you draw the other parts of the sketch here in the center. Turn off the background, make sure you're on the sketch layer, and then with the black color and the perfect pencil, I will start to draw some new floor shapes here in the center. 12. Sketching Floral Pattern - Part 2: If you want to, you can get inspiration from your flowers that you had in the original sketch. In that case, you can just drag down the opacity of that sketch layer. On your sketch layer, with the sketch repeated on the center, you can use this as inspiration if you want to. For example, draw a similar size of another flower in the center here or whatever look that you're after. I will draw another flower, I think maybe with a smaller center and longer leaves, let's try that out. Will that look good together? I don't know, maybe not. Let's go for a rounder shape something like that, that might look good together. I will drag down the opacity of that sketch layer more so that it won't be in the way, and then I will continue to draw the rest of the shapes to fill this space out that is in the center here. I'm not really sure what I want to create here, but I will start to add maybe the same type of leafy things so that it looks a little bit symmetric, and then let's try to get, oops, I don't know what happened with the leaf, let's draw it again. Something like that, and then maybe we will try to draw some branch that goes out like this with the leaf, feels like I'm drawing much thicker things here on this part of the pattern. Maybe that doesn't matter, or maybe it matters to the whole pattern. I don't really know yet, but we will try it out and see if we like it. We can draw some, maybe just a little dotty thing over there that ties those two parts together. Or maybe we want to get some leaf that goes out of that I don't know. Or maybe a flower that meets up the other flower. You can really experiment here, that's the fun part of this process, drawing with the symmetry tool. Okay, that looks nice, and then I might want to add one of those shapes that I had over here in the patterns. So maybe something like that, and then moving on over there. I have no idea how this pattern will look, it's completely spontaneous, and the first time I'm creating it is now when I film the class so it will be really interesting to see. I said from the start that I wanted to keep it simple, but this is turning out to not be that simple. So let's see how it will look. If I turn off the sketch of the centerpiece, I can see that it looks a little bit square here now. So maybe I want to do something about that, and it can help to just add a few things that tie it together. Maybe we can try to add one of those floral shapes here as well. I think that these things are a little bit disturbing to me in the patterns so I will just remove those, and now it looks better. You can just choose if you want to, try to add something more, maybe if it goes out some thinner branches over there, it looks better, that might look better. Then we have some empty spots over here, and we're going to fill with some dots. Okay, so let's try to make this a pattern and we will see how it goes, and how it looks when it is a finished repeated pattern with color. So let's move on to the next lesson. 13. Create Floral Pattern - Part 1: Now, we have our sketch and it's time to create the finished pattern out of this. It will be really interesting to see how this goes. I will lower the opacity of the sketch layer to quite a lot. I hope that you still see this on screen. Then I will add a new layer, just like we did in the previous lessons. I will have the background layer turned off, so that I still can see my drawing guidelines. Then I will draw on my new layer. I will turn on the Drawing Assist. For this one, let's try to use several colors and see how that will look. It might look a little bit crazy as it's so many objects. We will start with many colors and see if we want to reduce the colors later on. Let's use the brown color on a layer that is assisted underneath the Sketch layer. I think that for this pattern, I will actually use the pencil in drawing the shapes, so that it will get a little bit texturized. Let's try that out. That way I get a little bit of texture and a little bit of see-through look, which can make it look more organic I can feel. Something like that. Then, I don t know which shapes I want to have in the brown color yet, so I will add a new layer for the pink. I think that I want to make the flower, drag that layer beneath the brown layer, tap the layer tap Drawing Assist. Then I will start to draw the floral shapes with the pink color. That looks pretty good. I don't need to have the Sketch layer turned on all the time. I can turn that off when I fill in the shapes if I want to. Maybe I can have this really sketched look. That looks pretty cool, like a textured-sketched look. I will try that out. Then turn on the sketch layer again. I have that one brown, that one pink. Which other colors do I even have in my palette? I have a medium brown, a blue, and a green. I don't think that I will use all of those. Maybe I will stick to these colors. I probably will try to leave out the blue for now. I will just go a little bit crazy with the colors and try things out. On the brown layer, I will draw these stems, like that. Then moving out here. Maybe that will look cool. I don't really know yet. Then I want to try to use the medium brown or the more lighter brown on a new layer Drawing Assist. The lighter brown and maybe I want to use that for the leaves or the flower, let's use it for the leaves and below the darker brown color, so that I can draw that in like this. How does that even look? Turn off the sketch layer, it looks a little bit uneven. Let's try that again. I'm not really happy with how it looks. Without the Sketch layer, I will just draw a leave here that I think looks good and use these short strokes to fill it in. Maybe something like that. I'm not sure if the stem should go above the leaf here. Maybe I just want to keep it like this. I think that instantly looks better. I will just fill in a little bit here. That looks great. Great. Turn on the sketch layer and now I will continue to draw something. Let's go for a pink flower with this one and then fill it in. I'm doing this pretty spontaneously and also quickly for you in this class, you can be as detailed as you want of course. Turn off the sketch layer and that looks pretty nice. Let's continue to turn on the Sketch layer. I will just try to draw something in the green color to see if I like it. I will add a layer, turn on the drawing assist on that layer and try out how the green color works together with the other colors. Let's just draw this leaf with the green color. Something like that. Turn off the sketch layer. That might work and then I will continue and draw the other objects. I will draw all of the objects that are free from the edges right now, so it includes all of these objects and the ones that goes out of the edges I will do the repeat before I draw those ones. Now, we'll try to separate the colors and spread them evenly throughout the Canvas, throughout the pattern tile when I draw the different objects. Let's move on and draw. This leaf can be green as well. I think they we'll drag that one a little bit further down than it was on the sketch. Something like that probably will look good to make it balanced. Maybe something like that. Then that one is green. What else can be green? Maybe these little dots can be green. Now, these ones can be green. Basely what I do is just to choose different objects with different colors, so there's no place in the pattern where there is a lot of pink color and a lot of green color. But that's a matter of preference, but it's also a matter of balance in the pattern. 14. Create Floral Pattern - Part 2: Moving on, maybe we want to do this one darker brown, that might be interesting. I see a little green thing there. On the green layer, I will erase that little dot. Make sure that I'm on the dark brown layer and then, draw this little floral shape over here. Something like that. Then, let's see maybe the stems over here should be dark brown as well, and then we can have another color on that one. I'm not very sure of these things that goes on around here. Let's turn off the sketch layer. I'm not sure how that will look, so I think that I will see when the pattern is repeated if I want to add these little parts. For now, let's just drawing this and I think that I want to keep that. I think that I want to draw that in that pink color, and then turn off the sketch layer. This looks like an interesting pattern, I see that I have a little bit of pink over here. Let's just erase that, and let's make the pattern tile and see how it looks. With all of the layers in the sketch group selected, I will make the pattern tile. Tap selection, tap save, and loads selection number one, flip vertical, flip horizontal, save and load selection number two, flip vertical flip horizontal. Selection number three, same with selection number four. I will turn off the background layer, turn on the guides again so that I can see a little bit more how the pattern is balanced. If I turn off the sketch layer, if I turn off the guide lines layer, I can see how the pattern looks. Now will start with everything except this little shape here because I don't know how that will look, so I will start with this one. Maybe I want to switch that around, so maybe I would do a pink center of that one and a brownish flower. Then, I need to have the pink center above the brown color so then, I need to create a new layer so that I can draw the flower shapes beneath the pink shape, if [LAUGHTER] that makes sense. Let's move on and draw this pink center of the flower on a new layer, I tap drawing assist and then I will fill in that shape, great. On the dark brown layer, I will draw these floral shapes over here, fill them in, and turn off the visibility of the sketch layer to see how that looks. I'm thinking it looks pretty good, but I'm not very happy with the pink shapes, so I will just delete that one and on the brown layer, I will also just make it a space here in the center, where I can draw the round pink shape, and on the pink layer, I will try to draw that again. If you feel that you don't get the right texture when you have the symmetry tool turned on and you draw the texture like this with, for example, the perfect pencil, you can always turn off the drawing assist on that layer when you fill it in. Let's create a shape like this, and then we can turn off the, drawing assist to fill in the shape so that it looks better filled in. It really depends on the look that you're after, but I think for me, that looks better. Now, turn on the sketch layer, and we will draw some leaves over here. Let's use the medium brown to draw these leaves like that, and then that shape could probably be dark brown, let's try that out. Turn off the sketch layer. Then, we need something pink here in the middle, I can see, so we need something there. I might want to create something else than those shapes that I drew on the sketch. Let's try the shapes that I've drawn the sketch, and we can see how it works. Then, I will turn on the drawing assist on the top pink layer, and then fill in these leafy shapes. On the brown layer, I will just erase the parts that are underneath the pink flower. Turn off the sketch layer and see how it looks. I think it looks good to turn off the guide line layer it's something empty over here. Maybe I can fill it in with dots let's try that out. That would probably be, let's try out green dots maybe as we have green dots over here. I will do a little dot, no, that didn't look good, little dot over here. No, that didn't look good either maybe some line. no. Let's try out another color, pink and maybe I will just draw a leafy shape here. Let's see how that looks, that looks a little bit crazy. Let's try a pink dot and that looks better. This might be a good pattern, I'm really not sure yet, it looks a little bit crazy to me, but we will try it out as a pattern and see how it works. With all of the layers that is colored and the background layer selected, I will swipe those to the right and group them and this is the pattern group, drag that to the top. Now, we'll just rename it to pattern. Now, I will drag down with three fingers, copy on, drag down with three fingers again and paste, and that we'll tap and drag until I reach 1800 pixels. Make sure I have magnetics and snapping turned on. Swipe to the right to duplicate the image, make sure that it snaps to the edges. I will duplicate the image so that I have four copies, just like we did in previous lessons, and place them next to each other to see how the pattern is repeated. I will turn off the drawing guide because that is a little bit in a way. This actually became a pretty cool pattern, I'm actually happy with it. It looks nice. It's more complicated than the patterns that I usually create, but at the same time there's simple shapes, and it's a nice repeat. It really reminds me of tiles and wallpaper. For these types of patterns, you can keep them colorful like this, which will make them more pithy or you can make them, for example, into colors, and that is what I will show you in the next lesson, where we will recolor this pattern and make it a two colored pattern. 15. Recoloring: We will recolor this pattern and make it two colors. But first I will make a copy so that I have one color version and then I want to create another version that is two colors. Tap into one of the copies and the first thing that I will do is just to delete these images that are the repeated tile. Here, I won't mind to keep the sketch layer or the guides. I will just delete those so that we only have the pattern. Now, I want to recolor all of these layers. The first thing that I want to do is to add another background color because my idea is to have a colored background and white objects or cream white objects. I will just recolor the background and let's use the blue color that we haven't used yet. Tap and drag to add the blue color in the background, and that cuts a little bit crazy. We need to recolor all of these objects in the layers. The best way that I've found to recolor objects that are textured. I've shown this previously in sketch classes and YouTube tutorials on how to recolor objects in Procreate is to use Alpha lock and fill layer. For me, that is the technique that works the best when I have these textured objects. Some other techniques won't color all the way to the edge, of a textured edge for example. This is the way that I will recolor in this class. To do that, tap and drag with two fingers on the layer to turn on the Alpha lock. You can also tap the layer and turn on the Alpha lock like that. With the Alpha lock on the layer, I will select the cream white color in the color palette. Tap the layer and tap "Fill Layer". If I zoom in now, I can see that all other pieces of this object, all of the texture is colored to white. Already that looks pretty cool. Let's move along and do the same with all of the layers. Tap and drag with two fingers to the right to turn on Alpha lock, tap "Fill Layer", now we'll do it with all of the layers. This looks really cool I think. Now, I want to try to repeat this patterns, I will tap and drag with three fingers, tap copy all, and then drag down with three fingers again, tap, paste. Drag down the size of your pattern tiles to half of its size when it says 1,800 pixels and you have the snapping and magnet is turned on, just like we did previously in class. The yellow guidelines are shown you know that you're in the right position. Tap to transform tool to place it. Duplicate that layer. Tap the transform tool and drag it to one other quarter of your canvas. Duplicate it again. Feel the third quarter, and duplicate it again and feel the fourth quarter. Make sure you place it exactly in the right position. This is the finished pattern tile when it's too colored. I think that that looks really cool. I like the color version as well, but for example, products like wallpaper or home decor, I think that this would look really cool. That is how you recolor a pattern that you create in Procreate. 16. Thank You: That's all for this class. We have created three different symmetrical patterns, and you'll learn how to re-color the patterns, so you can use it in many different collaborations. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked this class, hit the "Follow" button by my name to make sure that you don't miss out on my future classes. You can also tap my name to go to my profile page here on Skillshare, where you find all my classes available to watch. If you want to have a look at all of my premium procreate brushes available to buy and use in your artwork, go to majafaber.com/shop and if you use any of our brushes, feel free to tag me on Instagram with maja_faber. I also want to mention my Patreon page where you can get a more personal learning experience for me and connect with me further. I share a bunch of resources every month, including a monthly tutorial, a podcast, a monthly color palette, and color mood board, and the drawing process videos, and much, much more. I even offer a Q&A tier where you can ask me anything anytime you want in my chat at discord. Check out my Patreon page if you want to learn more from me, patreon.com/majafaber. If you have any questions at all about this class, ask them in the discussions page, and feel free to leave a review to let me know if you enjoyed this class. I would love to hear your thoughts. Make sure you share your project here in class. If you post it on Instagram, feel free to tag me with maja_ faber. Thanks again for watching.