Explore Green in a Step-by-step Watercolor Painting Class | Olga Bonitas | Skillshare

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Explore o verde em um curso de pintura em aquarela passo a passo

teacher avatar Olga Bonitas, Watercolor girl

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Materiais necessários


    • 3.

      Pinte uma flor


    • 4.

      Pinte limites


    • 5.

      Pinte um pássaro


    • 6.



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About This Class


Onde , enquanto me hospede em casa, FUI missed a floresta, home, ar fresco e o vento. Criei a janela inteira com flores, imaginando que ele era meu pequeno

jardim. Tirei uma aquarela e comecei pintando pintando com verde. Pinte uma semana, respirei profundamente, me senti fresco e não consegui parar. Foi uma atividade muito agradável que perei a câmera e filmei no processo no vídeo. Então.

Este é um curso amigável para iniciantes contendo três processos passo a passo para criar belas ilustrações. neste

curso, você vai aprender como:

  • Use técnica molhada para criar um plano de fundo
  • Use a técnica de pintura em camadas para pintar flores, frutas, folhas e pássaro
  • Mistura em aquarelas e ferramenta de escrita
  • Sentir a tinta e pincel

Não há muitas palavras neste curso. Fiz o meu melhor para tornar o processo compreensível sem palavras. Muitas palavras envolvendo neste tempo estressante. Quero dar a oportunidade de se concentrar em você, desfrutar de cores e música

. Todos Todos os meus comentários raros são are Para que você possa desligar o som do vídeo (sem o medo de perder informações importantes) e desenhar enquanto ouvir sua música favorita.


  • Aquarela. Na verdade apenas três cores são precisas: leão, verde claro e verde escuro
  • Papel em aquarela 100. O algodão é importante para manter o motivo de papel por um longo tempo
  • Seus pincéis favoritos. É conveniente ter um pincel grande para molhar o papel.
  • Qualquer ferramenta de escrita para desenhar um contorno escuro Caneta de fontes, caneta de caligrafia, liner, caneta gel ou mesmo um lápis macio
  • Guache branco ou acrylic. Apenas para a terceira ilustração
  • napkins de papel

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Olga Bonitas

Watercolor girl

Top Teacher

Hello, my name is Olga.
I'm a professional illustrator working both traditional and digital media. But my passion is watercolor.

I like to experiment and come up with something new (for example, mix watercolor, collage and embroidery ...), to make small animations and film my creative processes.

For the past few years, my passion has been sketching. This is an absolutely exciting and mind-changing topic for me. The world of a creative person changes once and for all when he begins to draw from life in a artbooks. I have created several classes that help you to start your very first sketchbook and keep draw regulary.

I share my creativity and workflow on my instagram @olga_bonitas.

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Level: All Levels

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1. Welcome: [MUSIC] Greens inspire as does watercolor. Hey. [MUSIC] How about drawing something green and fresh? Simple and clear instructions, step-by-step processes, and inspiration of course, to create three beautiful illustrations.[MUSIC] Well, get started. 2. Supplies Needed: We need watercolor paper made from 100 percent cotton. It's important. Your favorite brushes of different sizes. We will use only three colors. Light green, lemon, and dark green. The're the names of colors I use but you can choose from the colors you have. Mix colors if you don't have suitable ones in your watercolor set. 3. Paint a Flower: First, wet the paper well. Add some color. It will be the background. Leave it to dry. Take a transparent green tone and draw the first layer of petals. Add some lemon color. Again, wait until the paper completely dry. Take dark green and draw more petals. I add water to make the edge softer. Now we need a fountain pen or a liner. A gel pen or even a soft pencil. Use what you have to draw a dark outline. Now let's add some charming details. Everything is done. 4. Paint Limes: The beginning is the same as the previous illustration. Moisten the paper well. Create an abstract background. The second layer is a transparent green tone. 5. Paint a Bird: Now let's draw these beautiful bird. Link to this photo is in the description of the video. I prepared a template to make it easier for you to draw this bird. Check the Project and Resources tab to download and print it. Wet the paper over the pencil sketch. Wait until the background is completely dry. Then thoroughly wet the bird inside the outline. Don't touch the beak. That magic moment of adding paint. White gouache. White acrylic is okay too. 6. Conclusion: Well, let's see what we've got. Of course, you can make up your own plots. For example, I like to take a large sheet of paper and fill it with different objects. I also like to draw something in an unusual color like this rabbit. Give it a try. The template for drawing this rabbit is in the tab "Projects and Resources" I hope you enjoyed the process. Can't wait to see your illustrations. Bye.