1. 1.1 Course Introduction: Hi there, I am your instructor. Kim gave one and welcome to our level to cause in our essential Korean grammar series. Now, in this course we're going to continue building on what we learned in our level one course. And the key focus of this course is on learning the verb tenses, how to expand our sentences, and how to use various verb endings, which will allow us to be more expressive When we use Quran, we will learn how to form progressive tenses in Korean. We'll also learn how to use the past tense marker ought, which function similar to use to in English. We will then learn how to form the future tense in Korea. After that, we're going to learn numerous connector words which will allow us to show cause and effect and contrasting relationships between ideas. Will then learn how to sequence events to show how one event happens after another event, and also how to events happen at the same time. We'll then move on and learn various verb endings we can use to talk about things we have to do, as well as things we don't have to do. We'll learn how to ask for and give permission. And we'll also learn how to talk about our hopes and wishes, as well as our past experiences of things we have done and not done. Now, many Korean verb endings function like English modal verbs, such as will and should. And just like the English modal verbs, we can use career verb endings to talk about our intentions and to make suggestions. Will also learn how to talk about the purpose of our actions, as well as making polite requests to do and not do something. Now, as with all our courses, every lesson is accompanied by a worksheet so you can preview and review the lesson vocabulary and practice writing the sentences from the lesson. Now, this course is aimed at pre-intermediate level learners. So you should have some basic understanding of Korean grammar and be able to read hungered to follow the lesson. Now, there is almost ten hours of video lessons to get through. So let's not waste any more time. And once you decide to join the course, I will see you in the first lesson. Bye for now.
2. 1.2 Course overview: Hi everyone and welcome to the lecture on course overview. In this lecture, we're going to go over three things. First, we're going to go through all the units in this course and briefly look at what you will be learning in these units. Second, we'll look at the lesson worksheets and how you can use them throughout this course. And third will look at verb ending additional table and how you can use this reference sheet during your learning. Okay, so the first unit is the course introduction unit, which is this unit. And the core learning units are units two to seven in unit. So we'll first take a look at verb tenses and focus on forming the progressive tense using art, which is similar to use to in English, and the future tenses. In unit three, we'll first look at two particles we can use to mean only in Korean. And then we'll look at many connector words which we can use to show relationship between ideas. These connect to words are similar to the English conjunctions. And however, but therefore so and because. So learning these connect to words will help us to expand our sentences. In Unit four, we'll continue to learn expressions that will allow us to expand our sentences. And we will learn various time expressions in Korean, which function like then, during, while, when, and as soon as. So we'll learn how to show time order relationship between ideas in this unit. Then in the last three units, we will learn various verb endings, most of which function like English modal verbs. In unit five, we will learn how to talk about obligations, our desires, wishes, and hopes, and also about our past experiences. In unit six, we'll focus on learning how to talk about our intentions and purpose. Then in the final unit, we will learn how to make requests and suggestions, as well as asking for people's preference. So that's the syllabus Overview. And by the end of this course, your understanding of Korean grammar is going to improve drastically. Now, the other main learning resource in this course is the lesson worksheet. Each of our video lectures, not including the review lessons, is accompanied by a lesson worksheets. And in these lesson worksheets, you can preview the vocabulary you will see in the example sentences in the video lecture. And you should always preview the vocabulary before you watch the lectures. As it will not only help you understand the sentences you will see in the lecture, but understanding the sentences will also help you to grasp the grammar concepts you are learning in that lecture. We do recycle a lot of the vocabulary in our lessons. So in some lesson worksheets, you may only see few words. However, quite often there'll be some new vocabulary in certain lessons. So before each lecture, open up the worksheet for that lecture and just have a quick look through the words you will see in the lecture. Additionally, the sentences in the writing practice parts are the example sentences from the lesson. So you can have a look through them as well as part of the Preview process before the lesson. Once you have watched a video lecture, you can practice writing the example sentences from the lesson. And this will help you to learn how the grammar structures are used. And in certain lessons, there are exercises on how verbs are conjugated and how verb endings are added to verb stems. These exercises will be really helpful in learning the structural aspects of what you are learning in the lessons. Okay, so the last thing to go over is the verb ending or verb suffix addition table. Now, many verb endings have a similar pattern. And the way these verb endings, where the similar patterns are added to verb stands is the same. So we've created a reference sheet that shows you how verb endings, where the similar patterns are added to different kinds of verbs. Of course, we do explain how these verb endings are attached to verb stems in our lessons. But going through each and every way in all our lessons would be time-consuming and rather repetitive. So in our lessons, the focus of the explanation is on the main way of how these verb endings are added. And irregular patterns can be found in these reference sheets, as well as in exercises in our lesson worksheets. However, this reference guide is something you can refer to whenever you need to. So this is something you can utilize, not just for the concepts you're learning in this course, but also for any other structures you will learn in the future. Okay, so that just about covers every learning resource included in this course. And we'll now move on to unit two and start learning about Korean verb tenses. See you then, bye-bye.
3. 2.1 Present Progressive (~고 있다): Hi everyone and welcome to the first grammar lesson in this course. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to form and use the present progressive tense in Korean. Now, there are two ways of forming the present progressive tense and Korean. And there by using the verb endings, call it that and none. Juanita. In this lesson, we will learn how to use core it that. And in the next lesson, we will learn than Juanita. In Korean core, it that is the proper form of the present progressive tense. So it's meaning is similar to 2B plus verb I-N-G. Adding this verb ending is very simple, and regardless of whether the verb stem ends in patch him or not, we simply add a core it that to verb stems. Here are some examples. Cauda, cargo that to be going bought, bought, goign to be eating. Kong. Congo has to be studying. So as you can see, we simply add core to the verb stem. And to use these structures in sentences, we can say Cheonan, cargo, SIR, I am going to London Cowboys, SIAH mins linen and MAC or Isiah Min Zu is not eating beans. And then our mock way CYA, surgeon in Congo hago is CYA, is Suzy studying surgeon and calm walkway CYA. So in all of these sentences, we use the polite form of core, that core is soil, and to form a negative statement in the second sentence, we can use an infant of the verb structure. However, we can also add T and Tad to the verb stem. So the sentence could also be written as mins or none, bought an IR, benzene and mako Janna. And lastly to form a question statement, we can just use the statement structure and raise the tone at the end to change these verb endings into formal and casual forms, we can say is some Nida and ISA. Now the way we use the present progressive tense in Korean is similar to English. We can use the present progressive tense to talk about something we're doing at the time of speaking. So in this first sentence, I'm talking about what I'm doing at the time of speaking, which is that I'm going somewhere. However, we can also use the present progressive tense to talk about something we're doing around the time of speaking, but not necessarily at that time of speaking. Consider the following sentence. John, then your Jim's head-on neither tact voice CYA, I'm looking for a new job these days. Cheonan, your Jim's had owned iterative takeaway CYA. So this sentence doesn't describe what I'm doing at the time of speaking, but around the time of speaking is what I've been doing the last few days. And it may be what i'm doing over the next few days. Here are two more example sentences that use the present progressive tense. In this way. Surgeon in Hangzhou goddess pill goi, CYA, Susie is learning career switching then Hangul got repel voice sale. Insulin pi r to the halfway. Cya means xw is dieting Benson and tired psycho, SIR. Now, whether the sentences are referring to something happening now or around the time of speaking depends on the context. But we can use these sentences to talk about things we're doing now and things we're doing around the time of speaking. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of sentences that use core it that repeat after me. Cheonan, cargo, Isiah, been Cernan and McCoys CYA surgeon and Khumbu hypo is CYA surgeon and Hangul border po boys, CYA, Vinson, n pi out hago is CYA, TA1 and new gems head-on. Neither Chaco Isiah. Excellent job, well done, less now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences with verbs in the infinitive forms. And I'd like you to complete the sentences by adding the polite form of core, that core, SIR, to these verb stems. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Tannins chair hago is CYA, tunnels of jaguar, SIR. Benzene and TB pogo, Isiah benzene and TV Boko, SIR. Bb&n. Jodi, Heiko, Isiah, B9, urea quasar. Surgeon n codon should be hypo Isiah, cytogenetic Harlan jom baggweo, SIR. Cheonan Taemin integrally recoil Messiah, tn and Taemin integrity, Messiah, bananas head ON shadow attack, coy CYA. Banana has had on chatter takeaway CYA. Excellent job today, well done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned one way of forming the present progressive tense using the structure core it that in the next lesson, we'll learn the second way of forming the present progressive tense using Zhang IDA. I'll see you soon in that lesson. Bye-bye.
4. 2.2 Present Progressive (~는 중이다): Hi everyone. In this lesson, we're going to learn the second way of forming the present progressive tense using Nin Junior. Didn't Trinidad is made up of three parts. Then is a suffix. We add two verb stems to make that verb into an adjective form. And June is a dependent nouns, which means middle. So when we add the engine to verbs, let's say mom than Jiang, It means middle of eating. And if we say Canon Jiang It means middle of going. The final part of this phrase is IDA, which is the verb to be in Korean. So manduneun Trinidad means to be in the middle of eating cannon to me, that is, to be in the middle of going and Congo Hannon Trinidad means to be in the middle of studying. And we commonly use these phrases to literally mean I'm in the middle of doing something. However, because of its meaning of describing someone being in the middle of doing some action. In Korean, we use the data in the same way as core to say that I am doing something. So in sentences we can say Cheonan cannon, Joni L, I am going Cheonan cannon Jiang Yale, bins and then among them to100 ALL been X2 is not eating benzene. And among junior, surgeon and congruent and Junior is Suzy studying cytogenetic combined engineer. So these sentences have the same meaning as those we saw in the previous lesson, using Core Data. And just like core it that we can use Ninja needed to talk about something we're doing at the time of speaking, but also to talk about things we're doing around the time of speaking. So we can say Cheonan, your Jim's head-on neither challenging Yale. I'm looking for a new job these days. Tn and your germs head-on. Neither tendon junior surgeon in Hangul, gotta pay one1 junior. Susie is learning Korean surgeon and Hungary upheld on Joni L. Benson and tired Hannon junior. Min Zu is dieting bins London tired to Hannon junior. So these sentences can be used to talk about what we're doing now or what we're doing around the time of speaking, depending on context. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences that use the juanita repeat after me. Cheonan cannon to meet ALL medicine and among them to me a pseudonym, congruent and junior a ton. Then your Germans had only Roots, had an engine PAL, surgeon then Hungary, water repellent and junior AL been Sudan tire, tan and junior. That was excellent, well done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. Same as in the previous lesson. You will see sentences with verbs in the infinitive forms. And I'd like you to add the polite form of Xiang Yu Dang Zhong he heir to the verb stem and complete the sentence. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start the practice. Tonight. Jan and tunnels of challenging L Benson and t people then junior ALL medicine and TV Bolden, Johnny a. Banana and urea and engineer B9 and urea and engineer. Pseudonym codon should be an engineer. So genetic colony Symbian and GEL. Cheonan, Taemin and Taggard, England junior challenge, I mean integrity ninja, bananas, head-on chatter tendon junior, bananas, heroin shadow tendon junior. That was fantastic. Welder. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned the second way of forming the present progressive tense using Tumisah. In the next lesson, we will learn how to say used to in Korea. Susan again, bye-bye.
5. 2.3 Using '었' (similar to 'used to'): Hi there. In this lesson
we're going to learn how to say used to in career. Now the verb structure
we're going to learn today is very simple. You do first need
to know how to form verbs into past
forms and Korean. But all you do after that is at the syllable out
to the verb stem. Margo's soil, which means eight becomes
valgus are soluble. And hes soil, which means
dydx becomes JSR CEO. It's that simple. Now some textbooks label this verb structure as
the past perfect tense. However, it's important to
note that this verb structure actually doesn't function like the English past perfect tense. The past perfect tense is
used to say that an action happen before another
action in the past. However, this verb structure
is used to say that a past action stopped at
some point in the past. Therefore, it is no longer
true in the present. And it is this connection
to the present that makes this verb
structure so unique. In a way it's actually
similar to use too, in which we use to
talk about past habits that are no longer
true in the present. So let's first take a look at some sentences that use
the past simple tense. Chandon Chang'e on a young
Hagana, Tanya's CYA. Last year I went to an English
Academy, Channel ganglion, a Yamaha Gwinnett, and your
CYA been Cernan took gooder. Angela has been X2
didn't like football, means x1 into cooler. Enjoy his style. Switching in each
chunk, periodontal, Hangul gas Hadassah via the
Susie live in Korea in 2008, Sue-Je, nanny champion
their Hangul gesagt Isiah. The verbs in these sentences are in the past simple tense. They discuss something
that happened in the past. First sentence talks about
what I did last year. The second sentence talks about ministers preference
in the past. And in the last statement
we're asking if Susie lived in Korea in 2008. However, when we add
after the verb stem, we're indicating that the action or the state described
by the verb, ended at an unspecified time in the past and is no longer
true in the present. In the first sentence, we're saying that
I stopped going to the academy at some
point in the past. So I no longer go to the
English Academy in the present. In the second sentence, Min Zu didn't like
football in the past. But at some point he started light football and in the
present he likes football. And although the meaning
of questions can vary depending on the context, this question may imply that Susie no longer lives in career, but we'd like to know
if she did in 2008. The key point of
this verb structure is that the action and did at an unspecified points in time in the past and is no longer
true in the present. Now of course, depending
on the context, the past simple tense could also indicate that these actions and states were only in the past and are no longer
true in the present. However, the past simple relies on the context to
show such meaning. Whereas the addition of art in the verb phrase makes it
clear that these actions and states stopped at some point in the past and are no longer
true in the present. Here are a few more
examples sentences. Windowing has societal. Susie used to exercise, switching and
knowing how societal Chaplin called heater
and Mogul societal. I didn't use to eat meat. Turn-in cookie-cutter
model societal B9 source either by many regards to Messiah demeanor used to
read a lot of novels, B9 and the source order by ni. Here you go. So Saya, even without additional information
out in the sentences, indicates that these past
actions and states ended at an unspecified time in the past and are no longer
true in the present. Suzy doesn't
exercise these days. I eat meat and perhaps mean or doesn't read
novels these days. Okay, So now that we have an understanding of how
these verbs structures work, Let's now do a
speaking practice of the sentences. Repeat after me. Switching in Windows
has societal. Cheonan Colgate amalgams
societal wholesale either by Niigata CYA, chon in Chang'an a you-all
know how go on air. Tanya, Messiah, bins
sooner and gooder. Angela has societal switching
in each chunk periodontal, Hangul guys had our society. Great job, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. This practice, you will see sentences in the
past simple tense. And I'd like you
to add a'd after the verb stem to indicate
the meaning of used to. It's a pretty simple practice. If you're ready, let's begin. Switching in combo has societal, Congo has societal,
hangs on a Maga, societal things on there
and Mogul, societal. Banana and Tiger by ni, you got societal B9 integral
by near you got Messiah. Chang'e on a tomb, Google hack on a panel societal, children, ganglion air to
move a hack on a tinier. Societal means zoom-in, dome, gooder and joyous societal, meaning Zona, Dongara
and joy societal. Sue-je each anew
neon be Googlers had our societies switching and Itanium Yona,
vehicle gets harder. Society. That was
fantastic, Well done. Okay, so today we
learned how to add out to the past simple verb
structure to talk about a past action or
state that ended at an unspecified time in the past and are no longer
true in the present, which is similar to
use to in English. The next lesson is
a review lesson, and we'll review
what we learned in the three previous lessons, the present
progressive tense and the use of art from this lesson. See you then, bye-bye.
6. 2.4 Review Lesson: Hi everyone and welcome to the first review lesson. In this lesson, we'll review what we learned on using the present progressive tense and the use of art from the previous lesson. Let's begin with the present progressive tense, and we'll begin with using core EPA. Three lessons ago, we learn to add a core that to verb stems to form the present progressive tense. And we learned that we can use this verb structure to talk about what we're doing at the time of speaking, but also to talk about what we're doing around the time of speaking. With that in mind, let's first do a listener repeat practice, and then do an independent practice. Cheonan soup, Chao Guo, Isiah, Benson and TB Boko Isiah, banana and urea. Goal is CYA, pseudonym codon tomb bianco Isiah, Cheonan, Taemin, integrity, Messiah, bananas, heroin, chatter, Chaco, SIR. Great job, well-done. Let's now do an independent practice. In this practice, you see sentences without any verb stems, and I'd like you to form the correct present progressive structure using the polite form of core. Core is psi L. Okay, so let's begin the practice. Cheonan cargo, Isiah, Cheonan cowboys CYA means on and our McCoys CYA medicine and Amoco SIR. Surgeon and Gua Gua Isiah, suggestion calm wacko, Isiah, surgeon and Hangzhou other peo GO SIR. Surgeon and Hungary uphill GO SIR. Means soon and tired. Hago Isiah means an entire takeaway. Cya, Cheonan yo gems head-on. Neither Chaco Isiah, Cheonan yojeum set only the Chaco, SIR. Excellent Joe, well-done, less. Now review the use of Tunisia to form the present progressive tense. The literal meaning of ninja is to be in the middle of something. And while we can use this phrase to actually say that we're in the middle of something. We can also use this structure like call it that and say I am doing something and same as core it back. We simply need to add the data to the verb stem. And it can be used to talk about what we're doing now and what we're doing around the time of speaking. Okay, so with that in mind, let's first start with a listener repeat practice. Cheonan cannon, Junior. Minister known among non Junior. So genetic combined engineer. Ton than your germs head-on neither channeling junior. Suggestion, hunger, border pale, and engineer. Great efforts. Well done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. Same as before. You will see sentences with verbs in the infinitive forms. And I'd like you to add the polite form of Juanita, then GAO, and complete the sentences. Ok, so let's start the practice. Cheonan soup Johanna and junior. Cheonan soup challenging a consonant TB bone and junior minus1 and TV bone engineer. Banana and Urey had engineer banana and urea and engineer suggest n codon GMB and, and junior. Suzanne Collins Symbian and Gene Cernan, Taemin, integrity ninja VaR. Cheonan Taemin and shepherding engineer. Bananas, heroin chatter a challenging year. Bananas heroin channel challenging Yale. Fantastic job, well-done. Let's now review what we learned on adding on to the past simple verb forms. In the previous lesson, we learned to add the syllable ought to verbs past forms to indicate the meaning of use to in English. When we add up after the verb stem, the verb phrase indicates that the action ended at an unspecified time in the past and is no longer true in the present. Ok, so let's first do a listener repeat practice of sentences that use this verb structure. Searching and Khumbu has societal, Cheonan, hangs on a Maga societal, banana and money and illegal. So Saya, TA1 and Tanzanian edge from Google mean xenon, Dongara, and joy has societal surgeon then each non-union NBA Google's had AS messiah. That was great, well-done. Let's now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences in the past simple tense. And I'd like you to add to the verb stems to indicate the meaning of use to in English. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Surgeon then, Messiah, Susan and Noah societal. Cheonan Colgate, a mogul, Suseela, Cheonan Colgate and Maga Suseela bananas. So solder, Barney analogous, Messiah, banana and Romania and egos Messiah, Cheonan, Tango ne johayo hub on a tiny Josiah. Cheonan Tang Yana Yamaha, Juan Antonio saw CYA bins and then coder. And Joel has been xenon two-color, and Joe has Messiah, surgeon each chunk pioneer Hunger Games had US Australia switching then each compiled on a hamburgers had associa. Excellent job today, well done. Ok, so today we reviewed how to form and use the present progressive tense and how to add odd in the past simple tense to talk about a past action that ended in the past and is no longer true in the present. In the next lesson, we're going to learn how to form and use the future simple tense in Korean. See you soon again. Buh-bye.
7. 2.5 Future Simple Tense (~을 것이다): Hi there. So in this lesson, we're going to learn how to use cause cheetah to talk about future plans and intentions. Now, how we add that to verb stems depend on whether these verb stems and then patch him or not. So let's first take a look at some example sentences that use Kashi data. Cheonan II carbon is hardcore. I will buy this bag. John Tanika banners, Heiko L, surgeon, and daily Zimbardo's sinner Korea. Suzy is going to wear the shoes tomorrow. Surgeon and their ischium batteries, Shinrikyo. Okay, so let's first consider how we add Kashi dad to verb stems. First, if the verb stem doesn't end in patch him, we add Liu CASI there. And if the verb stem does end in patch him, Then we add Kashi down. And although the formal, polite and casual forms are calls him neither cause GAO and call Xia. These verb endings are commonly used in the contracted forms, come Nida, coil, and Korea. Now it's important to note that there are numerous other irregular patterns of adding a constant there. And we will list them all in the lesson worksheet. So please refer to the worksheet for more details of how we add cost you that two verbs. Now in English, we tend to use will when we talk about our intentions and be going to, to talk about our future plans. And in these sentences, Kashi DAC can mean either will or be going to, depending on the context they used in these sentences, could either be used to talk about our intentions to buy something or to wear something. But they could also be about our future plans to buy or where something. Later on in this course, we will learn various other verb endings we can use to talk about our intentions. And although Cauchy dash can be used to talk about our intentions, is more commonly used to talk about our future plans. Here are few more example sentences using the polite form of Kashi data. The clay bins sooner than xiang qu Heiko air. When x2 will study for his exams. Benzene and xiang gongbuhada. Gene Cernan town to a young guy Korea is Jingzhou going to travel next week, Shinzen encounter a young guy, Korea, Cheonan. Each hung by j are nibble gray are I'm not going to where these genes Chang'an Ni Tang by G I need require. So in each of these sentences, we use either Lear coil or go l. And these structures can be used to describe one's intentions or future plans depending on the context they used them. One other point to note is that this foul, Yeah, in call jeo is weakened. So in everyday speech is pronounced as the vowel a. So it's called a o. So do keep that in mind. Okay, so lets first to a speaking practice of the sentences that use early Cajal. Cheonan e carbonates, Hiroko a, a surgeon tomorrow singular Monaco AR. Vinson Xiang, Congo, Hiroko, gene Cernan town where your anchor require. Cheonan Yi Chong BIT uneven require. That was greats, well-done. Let's now consider how we use the Cauchy that with descriptive verbs. Now, the way we use the Cauchy doubt with descriptive verbs is the same in terms of how we attach it to the verb stem. However, how we use descriptive verbs is very different from regular verbs. When we use cause it out. With regular action verbs, we describe either our intentions or future plans. But with descriptive verbs, which are like adjectives, we express our prediction as in how something, someone or some situation would turn out in the future. Here are two example sentences, bins and then key guy Chirico. Min Zu will be tall, minus1 and kick our daily diet and all Coahuila. Tomorrow's weather will not be hot. There dystocia undergo. So in these sentences, we use the descriptive verbs, cadaver and top that. And they used with early Qazi dad to protect that Min Zu will be told in the future and that the weather will not be hot with a descriptive but top that, although it ends in pats him to add a Kashi Dan, we remove the Pew Batson and add little Kashi data. So this is one of the irregular patterns that you will find in the lesson worksheet. Here are a few more examples sentences. Igor, bad ops, recoil. This will not be delicious. Ego, bad obstacle. They died. Require tomorrow's weather will be cloudy. They're nicely guy Henrik. Daily, chemise shirk, boots, tomorrow's exams be easy. There is yummy should require. So in each of these sentences, we use descriptive verbs with the cost data to make predictions or to ask how something will be in the future. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences. Repeat after me. Minnesotan Qigong, Chirico. Dale dicey, ego, bad op silicone. Daily. Daily Show me. Sure. Excellent job, well done. Let's now do an independent practice. In practice, you will see sentences with verbs in the infinitive forms. And I'd like you to add either Lear coil or the Gaya and complete the sentences. If a verb ends in a peer Batson, then remove the peer Batson and add will require, will only practice using the polite form of the CASI than the coil. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start the practices. Surgeon and Susan NCBI will go here. Vinson and young mother pull Goya, beans, xenon, young Arab or Cajal. Cheonan e banger mobile, Cajal, Charney banner mobile Cajal. Oci, psycho AR, which is psycho, ego basses recoil. Eco basses recoil. They sure, Cajal, nalssiga, deoweoyo. Fantastic efforts that I wrote on. Ok, so today we learned how to form the future tense using CASI data and how we use this verb structure to talk about our intentions and future plans and also to make predictions when we use this structure with descriptive verbs. In the next lesson, we're going to look at how we form and use the future progressive tense in Korean. See you then, bye-bye.
8. 2.6 Future progressive: Hello there and welcome back. In this lesson, we're
going to learn how to form the future progressive
tense in Korean. Earlier, we learned
to form the present progressive tense using core, ITA, and Newton chimney there. In the previous lesson, we learned to form
the future simple tense to talk about
our intentions and future plans using the Cauchy there to form the future
progressive tense, we basically combine these
structures together. Let's first take a
look at how we combine a Coretta and CAUTI
that first to attach the CAUTI that to call it that because the verb stem
of eta has a patch him, we just add the cost
to the verb stem in the combined form
is a circle Sadat. This structure means will
be plus phi by a and G. To complete the future
progressive tense, we basically attach this
structure to the main verb stem. Here are two examples. Bulk, bulk, Gore is circle RTI, there will be eating, pull that poco is circle
she there will be watching. The way we use the future
progressive tense in Korean is the same as the English
future progressive tense. We use it to talk about a progressive action
in the future and to make predictions and
guesses about future events. Here are few examples
sentences using the polite form of
core is CircleCI. Core is circle AL, tannin, Tommy similar
in bulk or a circle? I will be eating lunch. John and Tom resume and
Morocco is circular. Pseudonym. Anna goal is circle. Susie will not be working. Sudan and Iran Alcoa circuit L been Cernan young ladder
per board is circle. Al. Will Min Zu be
watching a film? Beans Yin and Yang
water per voi circle. Now, how these sentences are
used depends on the context, but we can use the
sentences to talk about are progressive action in
the future to make predictions and guesses
about future events and to ask about
possible future events. Okay, so let's first do
a speaking practice of the sentences that
use core is circa. Repeat after me.
Tell me shimmer and mako is circle AL Thomas
and Maria Marco is circle. Suturing then idiot. Anna goal is circa surgeon and Eliana
CO is being stolen. Young wide-open Al
Gore is circle. Means in a young
boy is so-called. Great job. Well done. Let's now take a look
at how we combine that. Didn't show me that
and CAUTI that first the stem of doing chimney that doesn't
end in Patch him. We add Lear CAUTI diet to me that the combined form
is then genetic glossy. And similar to
core is cos Theta. We simply attach the
junior CAUTI that to the stem of the main verb
to complete the verb phrase. Here are two examples. Top-down. Many junior
CAUTI there will be helping combat Carlin Junior
cos theta will be going. And we can use these verbs
structures in sentences and say China in Chechen. Gooder to mention, I will be helping my friend
China and touching order to managing your Chi Minh Sinan Chiba
unguarded and junior co means you won't be going home. Benson and shebang
gallon junior glial, B9, Khumbu hand and junior
guy will be now be studying B9 then congruence. So same as the verbs structures
that use core a CircleCI. We can use these
verbs structures to talk about a
progressive action in the future to make predictions and guesses
about the future, and to ask about
possible future events. Okay, so let's now do
a speaking practice of the sentences that use
then genetic or AL. Chechen goiter too
many junior guy. China and Chechen growth
or mentoring recoil. She bear and gun and genetic medicine and tibia
and Ghana junior glial, Mina and then Khumbu, B9 and combustion engine. You require excellent
job, well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice, you
will see sentences on the screen with verbs in
the infinitive forms. Depending on the prompts
given on the screen, I'd like you to say the
full sentence by adding either core is circular
or linear, geometric. Or if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Chandon cop Peter bicycle is circular layer and copy
their bicycle is circled. Mean nonane to medical care. B9 and nonane anti-Semitic or tongs or Anna Goya, acyl-CoA, Shinzen and
Tromso and Nagasaki. Pseudonym Newmark
tin and genetic or in Martin Engineering. Being sooner UD
aniline geometrical AL Minnesota UD anion
and generic layout. B9 and check
Iroquois acyl-CoA B9 and check your turquoise circle. Excellent job today. Well done. Today we learned to form and use future
progressive verb tenses. Using cool is circled data, and then Junior College. The next lesson is
a review lesson, and we will review
everything we learned over the past two lessons on using the future simple and
future progressive tennis. See you then, bye-bye.
9. 2.7 Review Lesson: Hi everyone and welcome to another review lesson. In this lesson, we're going to review what we learned on how we use the future simple tense and the future progressive tense from the previous lesson. Let's begin with the future simple tense. To lessons ago, we learned to form the future simple tense using CASI data. We learned that for verb stems not ending in patch him, we add leader CASI that. And for verb stems that do end in patch him, we add the ACASI that there were many other irregular ways of adding a reconsider, and these were listed in the lesson worksheet. We also learned that we use Cauchy doubt with regular verbs to talk about our intentions and future plans. And we use costed out with descriptive verbs to make predictions. So lets first do a listener repeat practice of sentences that use the polite form of coffee that you go Ale. Let's begin. Pseudonym or glial means and then Yamada, Cheonan, e banner and Balbilla. Ego by historical daily dicey got Sure. Excellent job, well-done. Let's now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences with verbs in the infinitive forms. And I'd like you to add the Qajar appropriately to each verb stem and complete the sentences. So if you're ready, let's start the practice. Cheonan II carbon there and sidecar AR to100 carbon or Antioco AR. Pseudonym tomorrow night owl. Pseudonym tomorrow singular Monaco. Shinzen. Young Heiko. Require, Qigong, Chirico L, Benson and Keychain. They die, Sega and all their dicey guy and darker. Daily Xiaomi shear Kaya, daily Xiaomi, sure, choir. Fantastic efforts, well-done. Let's now review how we form and use the future progressive tense. In the previous lesson, we learned that we can combine and call it that. And then Tunisia with ACASI that to form the future progressive tense. And these combined structures are attached to the stem of the main verbs to complete the verb structure. In Korean, we use the future progressive tense, just like the English future progressive tense. We use it, talk about progressive actions in the future and to make predictions and guesses about future events. Okay, so with that in mind, let's first do a listener repeat practice of sentences that use these verbs structures. Cheonan, copywriter, bicycle is zirconia, banana and unknown unknowns. Shinzen and Chang's or are now go is require switching then junior Qajar been xenon, URI and Allen Junior guy. Banana and shaggy recoils require. That was great, world out less now do an independent practice. And this time using the prompts on the screen, I'd like you to complete the sentences by adding the polite form of core is circle cheetah or didn't junior cos theta. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Cheonan Thompson, Marion Marco is Cheonan Thomson, Mary mako circuit switching. Then it are now go is silica suggestion here and I Boise being xenon, young matter per voi is require Vinson and young Arab or voice require Cheonan, Chechen go to Nanjing, require challenge etching. Goto managing benzene and shebang gun and junior Coahuila medicine and shebang garden during require, mean and n congruent and geometrical area. Banana and combine and junior require excellent job again, well done. Ok, so today we reviewed everything we learned in the two previous lessons on using the future simple tense and the future progressive tense. We now going to move away from verb tenses. And in the next unit, we're going to learn about particles and connect to words. I'll see you soon again in the next lesson. Bye bye.
10. 3.1 만 (only): Hi everyone and welcome to Unit three. Over the next few lessons, we're going to learn a few words which can correlate to only and just in English. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to use the word man, which can mean only. And just now to use man, we simply attach it with a noun we're referring to as only that noun or just that noun. There are two ways we can use man. So let's look at the first US. Here are two example sentences. Cheonan at chimeric copy man by sharia. I only drink coffee in the morning. Children are chimeric copy man, Messiah Tolman, Jupiter to our hair. Only. I like golf, Chama and go put urge Y L. So as you can see in these sentences, we add MAN after the noun to mean only coffee or only i. And when we use man in this way with saying that out of all the things and people, I only do this one thing or only I do this thing. So these sentences mean that out of all the food I could have for breakfast, I drink only coffee. And out of everyone, the only person that likes gulf is me. So in this way, Man is similar to only in English. However, we can also use man to suggest that a certain number is a small number, a number that is not to be exceeded. Let's take a look at two example sentences that use man in this way. Moody today, MR. hand, Kelman tabu JR. Let's watch Just one more episode of the drama would lead to a Hampton ment or Buddha to gamma tomogram. Eat just two more, two gamma and tomogram. So in these sentences, man is used with noun phrases, hampton, one episode to get two things to say that we'll watch just two episodes and the other person can eat just two more. So in these sentences, we use man to indicate that these numbers are small and these numbers are not to be exceeded. In this way, is similar to just in English. Now, when we use Mn in these four sentences, man replaces either the subject or topic particles in this sentence or object particles in the other three sentences. However, if we use MAN with other elements, they're actually used with the particles. Here are two example sentences. John then hack you Emma and Messiah. I only went to school. Cheonan hacker manga, SIR. John Lennon got pairs or mine. I only study in a cafe. John and gut pairs emoticon, whoo, hell. So in these sentences, man is used with nouns that are used with a particle, air and SR. Which can mean two and in and in these sentences, man is used after the particles rather than replacing them. So it's important to know that other than subject, topic and object particles, man has to be used after the particle. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a listener repeat practice of the sentences that use man. Repeat after me. Cheonan at chimera, copy man-made Chama and gold put her to wire. A ham come man, Toyota to gamma and Tom, Olga, Cheonan, hacky way man. John then got pairs are great job, well-done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. In practice, you will see sentences with certain parts in bold. And I'd like you to add man to the bolded phrase and complete the sentence. Remember that if the particles are subject, Topic, or object particles than man replaces these particles. However, if there are other particles, then man is used with the particles. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start the practice. Cheonan torso Guan there man and cassava. Cheonan torso one among us sayo. Chairman, two-color shit O'Hare, Charmin, Chicago, Cheonan, ci Bazerman and gongbuhaeyo. Cheonan she Bazerman, Khumbu, woody Dora, hunger man thought that red-orange moment or the Cheonan at chimera, Bandmann, Montoya, Cheonan HMMer, Bandmann, Makayla, hunger man, Tom ogo, hunger man, Tamagotchi. Excellent job today. Well done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use man to mean only and just. And we use man with nouns to save that, that noun is the only thing out of many, ought to say that a particular number is a small number that is not to be exceeded. In the next lesson, we will learn another way of saying only in Korean season again, bye-bye.
11. 3.2 밖에 (only): Hi everyone. So in this lesson, we're going to learn another phrase we use to mean only in Korean, and that's Packer. Pack gay is used with nouns relating to people, things, or numbers to indicate that that noun is the only option available. And if packet is used with a noun phrase relating to a number is suggest that that number is a very small number. So let's first take a look at two example sentences, and then we'll look at how we use PAC get in more detail. Then Django and blue bug get upside. There is only water in the fridge. Then Django Hebrew but Guelph CYA, that Chang'an but gaps are, I only have 1001 that Chang'an bug kelps are. First we use packet after the noun we're referring to. So it effectively replaces the particle the noun would be used with, which would be the subject particles e in both sentences. And same as MAN. If Pat gay is used with other elements in a sentence, PPAR gamma will be used with the particles. Secondly, part gate is always followed by a verb in its negative form. In these examples, the verbs are Abduh, which is the negative form of it that and up down means to not have. And in terms of usage, we use when we want to emphasize that someone or something is the only option available to us. So in the first sentence, we use pockets, emphasized that water is the only drink that's available in the fridge. And although man can also be used to say that water is the only drink available in the fridge. Packet is commonly used to further highlight that something is the only thing and that there is nothing else. However, the second sentence highlights a unique use of packed care. When we use Pat gave with a noun phrase relating to a number, it implies that the number is very, very small. So this sentence can be used when someone asks us to borrow money. And we want to say that I only have this small amounts of money. So I can't lend the other person money in this situation rather than using man and saying that ton on man is. So it's more appropriate to say that turn-on bucket upside as highlights Cheonan 1001 as being a very small amounts of money. Therefore, I don't have any spare cash. And we commonly use PAC get when we want to emphasize how a certain number is so small that I am unable to fulfill the other person's request, such as lending money. Okay, so with that in mind, let's take a look at few more examples sentences. Tba, you see Uber and Air. News is the only thing on TV. Tba, you Seba Afghan air. Cheonan hackers are congruent. I only study at school. Cheonan hacker is about Gai Cong Glendale. Narayanan pen to gaba Gulp saw. I only have two pens, none and pen to give our kelps are been sooner than single guys. Hang back. Kelps are Min Zu only has three friends, means soon and shingle GSS, hummingbird kelps are. So in the first sentence, we use to say that the only thing on TV is the news. And in the second sentence, the only place I study is the school. And in the second sentence we've used pack Get with the particle, SO rather than replacing it. And the third, fourth sentences highlight the numbers use with Pat care are so small that I don't have a spare pen and that means it doesn't have any other friends. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences that use Pat get as only. Neng, Django and blue back upside will not turn on, but gaps are TBA. You sue back on a single gas hummingbird kelps. That was great, well-done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences with certain parts in bold. And I'd like you to add a packet to the boated phrase and complete the sentence. Remember that if the particles are subject or topic or object particles, then packet replaces these particles. But if there are other particles, then pack gay is used after these particles. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start. Tba to dharma and air. Tba to dharma by air. Cinguga. Tech sang a period hunger, check, sang a ion pair hunger, but kelps are pat tiers for naming her Melba nasa. Patti S only mi ha member, Ghana saw excellent job, well-done. Ok, so today we learned how to use PAC ad to mean only. And we use it to say that someone or something is the only option. And we also use it to highlight that a particular number is a very small number. The next lesson is a review lesson, and we will review everything we learn on using man and Packer. See you then, bye-bye.
12. 3.3 Review Lesson: Hi everyone. In this lesson, we're going to review what we learned in the two previous lessons on using man and PPACA to mean only. And just, let's first review band from two lessons ago. Previously we learned that we use man after bounds to say that something is the only thing out of all the things available. And we also use man to say that something is a small number and that number is not to be exceeded. We also learned that man replaces top pick subject and object particles, but with other particles, Van is used with the particles and it is positioned after the particles. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of using MAN. Repeat after me. Cheonan tos, OK, one m n cosine, Charmin, two-color ship. Cheonan, T. Bazerman Khumbu. Lead on that. Cheonan, Bandmann mock IR, hung gay man, Tom logo. That was great, well-done, less now do an independent practice. Same as two lessons ago, you will see sentences with both parts. And I'd like you to use either man with the particle or use man instead of particles and say the full sentence. Okay, so let's begin the practice. Cheonan at chimeric copy man match IR, Cheonan at CMA copy my Messiah two gamma and Tomonaga, two gamma and omega. Cheonan hacker, lemongrass CYA, Cheonan hacker, Amanda CYA. Chairman Cole Porter to our hair. Chairman Cole Porter too, I hail. Cernan got pairs or man Khumbu, Tanaka pairs on Anaconda, Woody to Rama Hampton mantle boda, read to Dima Hampton, Manto Pooja. That was excellent. Rodin less. Now review how we use pack guy. In the previous lesson, we learned that we use packet with nouns to mean only. But when we use packet with nouns. Indicating that something is the only option available to us, or to emphasize a certain number as being a very small number. Additionally, pack gay is always followed by a verb in its negative form. And just like MAN, pack gas takes up the position of topic, subject, and object particles, but it is used with other particles in a sentence. Okay, so lets first do a listening repeat practice of sentences that use PAC, get, repeat after me. Tbn to dharma. Then Django egg, higher bandgap, psi l, char, none who has i about Garr Angus, IR. Banana. Melon backups are check sang a Yom period. Hunger by kelps are patti S, funny me, Melba, nasa. That was great, well-done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. You're going to see sentences on the screen with both paths. And like the previous independent practice, I'd like you to use packet to replace the particles or use them with the particles depending on what kind of particles are used with the nouns. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Neng Django, Bu, Neng Geng Wei Bu backups IR that tunnel NBA Gulp saw that tunneled back kelps are TBA, you sit back and TBI do SBA. Cheonan hukou as Obamacare Kunduz. Ton than hackers about Dan and Penn together kelps are diamond pen to gaba. Kelps are mean xenon, cinguga. Kelps are means a single gas hanbok kelps are excellent job today, well-done. Okay, so in this review lesson, we went over how we use the word man and impact gay, which are used to mean only and just in Korean. In the next lesson, we're going to learn the connector word that means and in Korea and see you soon again, Buh-bye.
13. 3.4 그리고 (and): Hi there. So in this lesson, we're going to learn how to use could Eagle, which means and in English inquiry. And we can use could ego and core to connect two clauses and encloses a basically simple sentences. And since many Korean sentences can comprise of just a verb, a phrase like Khumbu Hezekiah can be a clause. In this lesson, we will learn about could ego, and in the next lesson, we will learn about core. Now, before we go into how could he go is used to connect clauses, is important to note that we can also use could he go to connect nouns? In our level one grammar course, we learned to use the particles Lang, Iran, while, Coie and Hagel as and when we connect to nouns. However, to connect three or more nouns together, we have to use could ego instead of these particles. So we can say sagwa, Pana, Pana, could he go directly an apple or a banana and a strawberry? Sagwa, Pana, Pana, could ego, diarchy, char, char, Django, critical Keita, a car, a bicycle, and a train. Char Taizong could've Gorky char. So as you can see in these examples, when we listed three or more nouns, we use critical. So lets first do a listener repeat practice of saying these phrases that you use. Critical. Repeat after me. Sagwa, Pana, Pana, could ego, diarchy, sagwa Pana, Pana critique or diarchy? Char, Django. Could he go Keita charge has ongoing medical kit. That was great, well-done. Now, as mentioned earlier in the lesson, as well as listing nouns we commonly use, could he go to list two clauses? Here's an example sentence. Cheonan Khumbu, SIR, could he go Vinson and TBD Messiah. I studied and Min Zu watch TV, Cheonan Khumbu, SIR, go benzene and tributary by psi l. So in Korean, we can list two sentences using critical as and, and as you can see, unlike the English and which is used within a sentence, could ego is used at the beginning of the second sentence. However, as well as listing events, could ego can also be used as an then. So it can be used to sequence two events. Here's an example sentence, Cheonan Antonio, variable ogre go AR, could ego, subcellular hacker area. I will eat dinner and then I will do homework. Cheonan, Tony ogre mogul. Krieg, also gender Heiko, l. So in the sentence could ego is used as an then to sequence two events. And in general to understand weather, could ego is used as and, or and then you need to rely on contextual meaning. However, using could ego to mean and then is more common when the subject of the two clauses is the same. And in these two sentences, the subject is both char, meaning I. Here are few more example sentences. Cheonan cheaper chunks or SIR, could he go sue Gina and Tony has SIR, I clean the house and Susie tidied up. And then Ji Bu Tong Xue, SIR colleague oestrogen and Tang the SIR surgeon and check KR. Could he go on Chunqiao AIR? Susie is kind and she's very cute. Surgeon and tack care for ego on chunky OIL bins sooner and Khumbu SIR, could ego papilloma Garcia, Min Zu studied and then had a meal means non Khumbu SIR, could ego papillomavirus IR. The first two sentences, could he go is used to mean and to less to different activities or information. And as shown in the second example, we can also connect two sentences that use descriptive verbs. In the third sentence, it is used as an then to sequence two things. That means who did. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of using critical to list or to sequence two events. Repeat after me. Cheonan, Congo has CYA. Could ego Benson and Tiberio Messiah. Could you generate Heiko, Cheonan cheaper chunks or SIR, could ego, pseudonym Tony, SIR. Surgeon and could eagle on Tang keoyo. Could he go? Excellent job, well done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. In this practice you're going to see phrases and sentences. And I'd like you to connect to nouns or sentences using could equal. This should be a fairly simple exercise, but think about the position of the ego in each line. Okay, so let's start the practice. Could you go Proxima sagwa Zuber? Could ego Proxima unmapped? Yangzhou, SIR. Sir. Sir, could he go suggestions, how about general SIR? Could evolve in Sudan? Urea, Saya, Cheonan. Could you go benzene and urea, SIR? Could ego papilloma means pseudonym, cheddar SIR. Diego Tiberius Messiah. Pseudonyms agenda, SIR. Could ego Theatre, Bizarre, fantastic efforts that a well-done. Ok, so today we learned to use could ego holds a list of three or more nouns together. And we also learned how to use could ego as And to list two sentences and to use it as an then to sequence two events. In the next lesson, we will learn how to use Core as an to list and to sequence two events. See you then, bye-bye.
14. 3.5 고 (and): Hi everyone. So in this lesson, we're going to learn how to use the Kinect to word core. Now, as we learned in the previous lesson, we use could Igor to connect two sentences. However, rather than using could Igor and having two separate sentences, you can combine the two sentences into one by using core. So let's first take a look at this sentence from the previous lesson. Cheonan Khumbu, SIR. Could he go consonance, tributary of Isiah. I studied and been X2 watch TV. So this is made up of two sentences and they are connected using could eagle, and we use could've gotten less to events in this line. However, instead of using could ego, we can use core to form a single sentence. And we do that by adding core to the stem of the first verb, which would be Khumbu hat. So we have Charmin, congruent had gone. And then we joined the second clause to form a single sentence, which is Cheonan Khumbu heck Gore Vinson, antipattern, SIR, Cheonan convert Gore medicine and or by psi r. Now the key point to note here is that when we less two events using core, the verbs in both clauses must indicate the tense of the verbs. In this sentence, both verbs are in their past forms. Hit, go, and pass CYA. So that's a very important point when we use call to list two events. Let's take a look at few more example sentences. Cheonan suggested high-tech go-go, Vinson and young adult book go l. I will do homework and Min Zu will watch a film. Cheonan soup generic go-go means Yin and Yang Widerberg corral surgeon and Chicago EDAR yo shimmy hair. Susie is kind and works very hard. Surgeon and taco Gore. Ido, yo shimmy, how bananas? Uno heck call Shinzen and task SIR. Bina exercised and Shinzo slept banana and who nomadic God Shinzen and josiah. So again, we add core to the verb stem in the first clause and then join the second clause. And the verb tense is indicated in both verbs. Okay, so lets first do a speaking practice of using core to list two events. Repeat after me. Cheonan incident, TBD pass CYA, Cheonan soup, general high cocoa bean soon young surgeon and Chicago, either yo shimmy, B9 would nominate heck core. Sir. Excellent job, well-done. Let's now take a look at how we use core to sequence two events. Here's an example sentence that uses core to sequence two events. Sudden Zhengyi Dao Geico hacks secondary integrity, Qi Shi Ta Ke Messiah. The teacher left and then the students started to read the book. Sounds like Naomi digoxin data integrity against Jack, SIR. Now, the essence of using core to sequence events is the same as when we list two events. We add a call to the verb stem of the first verb and then join the second clause. However, the main difference is that although both verbs in this sentence indicates the past meaning, the tense is only indicated by the second verb, and core is attached to the verbs infinitive form. So in this sentence, core is attached to the infinitive form of the verb daga da, which means to leave. And the second verb, she Jack Castle, is the past form of the verb she Takata, which means to start. Let's take a look at few more example sentences. Cheonan par bomb or core converter, Hiroko. I'm going to have dinner and then I will study Cheonan Powell, Marco. Marco been xenon, young, quadruple Gore Chihuahuas ir means a watch the film and then came home. Means on a young honorable god Shiva, CYA, banana and tech than Al Gore, singular Monaco AR. B now will finish work and then meet a friend. Banana integrin, alcohol, singular Monaco era. So in these sentences, core is used to sequence two events. And to do that, we attach core to the first verb stem. And then we add the second clause. And the verb in the second clause indicates that tense for both verbs in the sentence. And although the subject can be different for both verbs as shown by the earlier example, when the subjects were the teacher and the students, as shown by these examples, is more common for the subjects to be the same for both verbs when we use core to sequence two events. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences. Repeat after me, me, me dagger, go hack sang the turbidity case. Jack SIR. Cheonan Powell, mako Congo has been Xun Yang Widerberg or Chihuahuas SIR. Banana and taken an Al Gore singular magnetic OIL. Excellent job, well-done. Let's now move on to the independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences and using the prompts on the screen, I'd like you to join the two sentences and use core as either and or. And then, remember that core is attached to the verbs infinitive form when it's used as an then. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin. The practice. Means Yunnan Chicago topped OKR, Vinson and Chicago talked OKR. Cheonan triggered a coach has CYA John integrity record has CYA Shinzen in London, I got singular Monaco area. Shinzen, Onondaga, God, singular, Monaco, AR. Chechen, good. Chang's order, how go omega two Qajar teaching rather than Chang's order Hagel who migrated require Charmin parvo, Mobile Core, Chechen Gonen, PGRN about Messiah, Cheonan Powell, mogul co-teaching gone and PG-13, Messiah. Gene Cernan handbook ceramic or a million books or I'm EAR, Shinzen and hunger. Ok, ceramic or a million books around me. A, a fantastic job, well-done. Ok, so today we learned to use Core to less to events and also to sequence two events. When we use core to sequence two events, core is attached to the first verb stem and the tense is only indicated in the second verb. The next lesson is review lesson, and we will review the use of cutie go and call from the two previous lessons. See you then, bye-bye.
15. 3.6 Review Lesson: Hi everyone. In this lesson, we're going to review what we learned in the two previous lessons on using could Igor and call, which we use to mean n. And then let's begin with critical to lessons ago we learned that we use could've gotten less nouns when there are three or more nouns. And to connect two sentences to list, to events or to sequence two events. Also, when could it go is used to mean and then the subject of both verbs tend to be the same. So let's first do a listener repeat practice of sentences that use could ego in these ways. Sagwa, SOPA, could he go directly? Cha, cha, Django? Could he go buzzer, Cheonan cheaper chunks or SIR, could ego surgeon. And so God either has CYA, Cheonan combo, Hezekiah, could he go bins sooner and jadi has SIAH, benzene and CYA. Could he go pathway biogas, CYA. Surgeon General has CYA. Could he go, Tiberius Messiah. That was great, well-done, less now do an independent practice. And this time you will see phrases and sentences on the screen. And I'd like you to add a could ego in appropriate places to connect the words and sentences. Ok, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Symbol. Young man, could he go? Symbionts? Pam, Vijay. Check, yum period. Could he go to yoga? Check young period could devote you gain Cheonan panel chunks or SIR, could he go surgeon N sub j has CYA, Cheonan, Ponary, Tong Xue, SIR, could it go surgeon and suggests I R. China and Combo Hezekiah, could he go beyond Sudan task CYA, Cheonan and Khumbu Isiah, critical incidents has CYA, Benson and cheaper was CYA could equal TB the past CYA, benzene and Shiva CYA, could he go Tiberius, Messiah, surgeon converter has CYA. Could he go young mother passed SIAH. So genetic converter has CYA. Could he go young white Reba? That was Excellence, well-done. Let's now review how we use core. In the previous lesson, we learned that we use core to mean and, and then. But unlike could he go, we use core within a sentence rather than between two sentences. Also, we learned that when we use core to mean and the tense is indicated in both verbs. However, when we use core to mean and then the tense of the two verbs is only indicated in the second verb, and the first verb is in its infinitive form. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a listener repeat practice of sentences that use core in this way. Means anon, Chicago converter chart, AR, Cheonan poverty mogul coaching one1 Peter above us, CYA, Shinzen in handbooks or AMI go a million books at Umea. Cheonan checkered record has CYA, Shinzen and non ha called singular been narco AIR. Cherishing good chunks order Hagel, my Eukarya. That was great, well-done. Let's now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences on the screen and using the prompts on the screen, I'd like you to join the two sentences and use core as either and or, and then. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin. The practice. Means Hunan and Khumbu hardcore, TBNA past CYA, mean xenon come wacko tributary Messiah, Cheonan and John had core medicine and task CYA, Cheonan Jacobian soon into Syria. Huck sanded and Thomson Mary Marco and don't Heiko hacks sanded and Thomson Mary Marco non Alcoa. Shinzen handbook ceramic or listening, young books or AMI a Shinzen and hanbok ceramic or listen and young books or Amelia benzene in Chicago, either ERA semi. Benzene and Chicago either yo shimmy AR Cheonan subcellular hypo Isiah, Cheonan subtitle How goal knowing SIR. Excellent job today, well done. Okay, so in this review lesson, we went over what we learn in the two previous lessons on using could Igor and core to mean. And, and then in the next lesson, we're going to learn how to say, however, in Korean. See you then, bye-bye.
16. 3.7 하지만 (however): Hi there. In this
lesson we're going to learn how to use hatching mine, which corresponds to parts
or however in English. Now it's important to note
that in English we use various conjunctions and
adverbs like but, however, although and while to connect
clauses that contrast each other to show how something is surprising despite the idea
presented in the other Close. Similarly, in Korea, there are a number of different
expressions we can use to show contrasting
relationships between ideas. We're going to cover quite
a number of these and we'll begin with high demand
in this lesson. Let's first take a look at an example sentence
that uses hace Min. And then we'll discuss how we
use hatch demand in detail. Hongo, good Michigan. Hegemon means to Google music. I like Korean food. However been X2 likes Chinese food channel
and Hunger Games. Ego to why hail. Hegemon means June google
Mexico to why hail. In this sentence
where contrasting two different food preferences. And these ideas are that I like Korean food and Min Zu
likes Chinese food. And to show this
contrasting relationship between these ideas, we can use high demand
in the beginning of the second sentence.
It's that simple. Let's take a look at few
other examples sentences. Cheonan computer,
your shimmy has CYA, hygiene minus hung
jogging and Josiah. I studied hard. However, the grades
were not good. Children computer, your
shimmy has high demands, hung jogging and joyous. Being sooner and honey is CYA. Hegemon tungsten
upside-down means x2 has an older brother. However, he doesn't
have younger siblings. Means tongue is hi
demand Tanzanian upsell, datasheet gauge, wire,
hegemon or genuine pygostyle. The weather is good today. However, it rained
yesterday. On didn't die. She got to wire hegemon
origin and pygostyle. In each example sentence, we use high demand in the beginning of the
second sentence to mean, however, demand is used to show a contrasting relationship
between two ideas. Let's now do a
speaking practice. We'll first do a
listening repeat practice of sentences we have seen in this lesson. Hangover. Demand when insulin
tomb google Mexico to Y Combinator, Yossi me. Hace Min is hung doggy and Josiah been tsunami hung. High demand. I see Guidewire. High demand or GNN, pygostyle. Pseudonym peg are called pus. Ir, handyman, Thomas
Yammer, our Mogul CYA. Excellent job, well done. Let's move on to the
independent practice. This practice,
you're going to see two sentences on the screen. And all you have to do is
use Hackman to connect the two sentences together
is a pretty simple exercise. If you're ready, let's begin. Didn't die cigar and July, high demand agenda
and what sang on it? A nice giga and joy
handyman Origen. And what tongue is being zonulin, Pj adder to hygiene routine
and p data sheet are here. Vinson and pizzicato, too. High demands surgeon and pediatric surgeon
and Tommy Zimmerman, bagasse, Hackman, peg or parcel, and Thomas
human Ramallah. High demand piggyback or to kudo to high demand. Challenge. High demand means zoom-in Tom saying is CYA
hegemon do Nagar. Upsell, Thompson is CYA
hegemon does not go up. So excellent job today. Well done. Okay, so
today we learned to use high-demand to show contrasting relationship
between two ideas. In the next lesson, we're going to learn
how to use gmane, which is a shortened
form of high demand. Also connect two
contrasting ideas. I'll see you soon
in that lesson. Bye bye.
17. 3.8 지만 (but): Hi there. So in this lesson, we're going to learn how to use Ci Man, which is a shortened form of Hatti man from the previous lesson. Now, same as how we use Core rather than could equal to combine two sentences together. We can use CI man instead of handyman to combine two sentences together. So let's first take a look at a sentence that uses Shimon, Cheonan, Hangul gums, Hugo, Chihuahua, hace man, bins sooner than June Gilgamesh, you go to our hair. I like Korean food, but Min Zu likes Chinese food. Cheonan Hunger Games are good to wire to man minus1 and John Williams ago two are how? Now when we use CI man, we attach she man to the verb stem in the first clause. So the verb in the first clause is a Chihuahua had that, and we simply attach Shimon to the verb stem and it becomes 2R Haji man. And then we join the second clause, which shows a contrasting idea to the first clause. Let's take a look at few other example sentences. Cheonan converter, yo shimmy had two-man, sung jockey and joy SIR. I studied hard but the grades were not good. Cheonan converter yo shimmy had German song geogie and joy, SIR. Consonant Shi Bei synagogue demands Leginon sigdang ape kind of Gaya. Min Zu will stay at home, but susy will go to the restaurant. Min Zu Dang Shi Bei, civic God-Man surgeon and sigdang Akaike glial owner didn't die. Shigao cigar to Shimon, agenda and P. Garcia. The weather is good today, but it rained yesterday. On didn't die. She got what she man or genuine P. Garcia. So in each sentence we simply attach she man to the verb or the adjective stem to show a contrast between the first idea and the second idea. And when you attach a man to the verb or the adjective stem, if the verb is in the past or future tense, then you simply attached to man to the stem of the verbs in different tenses. So in the first sentence, the verb form is in the past tense of hada, has soil. So we add a chairman to the stem in his past form, which becomes hegemon. And in the second sentence, the first verb is the future form of that is zirconia. We add a chairman to the stem of the future form, so it becomes acidic. Aji man. However, if the verb or the adjective is in the present tense, then we attach ti man to the verb or the adjectives infinitive form. So in the third sentence, we add a chairman to the stem of the infinitive form, to form a church hymn. And finally, as I've mentioned before, there are several different expressions we can use to say, but in Korean. And of these, Haji man and Shimon are slightly more formal. So they're more often seen in writing and also used in speech in formal settings. We will learn a more informal way of saying, but into lessons time. Let's now do a speaking practice of using T. Man will first do a listener repeat practice of sentences from this lesson. Cheonan, man, benzene and toluene. Then Amy had G man sung geogie IN Josiah, benzene and CBA Cinco de Man, pseudogene and sigdang ape, man, agenda and Pegasi, pseudonym peg, I will patch the man. That was excellent, well done. Let's move on to the independent practice. In this practice, you're going to see two sentences on the screen. And I'd like you to join the sentences to form one sentence by adding Ci Man to the first verb stem appropriately. Ok, so if you're ready, let's start the practice. Owner then DIA Shiga and George Simon, agenda and Wuchang SIR, under the NIH Sega and good Superman or Jen and the Wuchang SIR. Bins sooner in a computer you are shimmy had Japan song jockey and Josiah shimmy had Shimon Songjiang. Josiah Suo Jie Nan Thompson minima g man, peg I go psi l, pseudonym Thomas Mann. Peg will pass IR. Cheonan pj either towards the man, hamburger. Jon and Joanne Freeman benzene and hamburger. Benzene and vacua Sugata man, surgeon NCBI, Cajal, Minton and vacua circuitry man, pseudonymity bear Calico a, a fantastic efforts well-done. Ok, so today we learned to use CI man to join two contrasting sentences into a single sentence. And we learned that the use of Haji man and she man is more formal than other similar expressions. In the next lesson, we will review the use of Haji, man and women. See you then, bye-bye.
18. 3.9 Review Lesson: Hi everyone. So in
this review lesson, we're going to review
what we learned over the past two lessons on the use of hatching man and man
will begin with Haji Min. Two lessons ago, we
learned to use high-demand to connect two
contrasting sentences. So high demand is used in a
similar way too, however, in English, and handyman is used in the beginning
of the second sentence. Now I don't think
we need a lot of explanation with high demand. So let's first do a
listening repeat practice of sentences that use Haji
Min. Repeat after me. Newton dies, Sega and July are Haji man or genuine watching SAR been sign-in page either too. High demand suiting PII
data sheet are here. Thomas in Marion boggles. The mind PAGA called parcel to hegemon when certain sphere to benzene in high demand do
NACA upside-down. Great efforts, well done. This time we'll do an
independent practice. And all you need to do is read the two sentences
on the screen, making sure to use
hatch demand at the starts of the
second sentence. If you're ready, let's start
the independent practice. Hunger Games, ego to y here. High demand when sooner and June google Mexico to our
channel and hunger whimsy, go to our hair. Hello human beings sooner
and to Google's ego, to our Charlton. Heston. High demands hung
doggy and join ISIL. Cheonan converter
has high demands, hung doggy and Josiah. Benzene and honey
is high demand to upsell means in any hung high
demand tones in an upside. She got high demand
or gentlemen peak, our CEO, owner
then dicey got YL, handyman origin and pygostyle. Pseudonym PAGA coppice
aisle, Haji man, Thomas, e-mail and mobile style, pseudonym peg or pass I had in mind Thomas
Yammer, Amaka style. Excellent job, well done. Let's now review the use of the meaning of Gmail is
the same as high demand. But to use gmane, we simply attach the demand to the verb stem in
the first clause. And the second clause is then attached to the first clause, forming a single sentence. When using command, if the
verb is in its past form, then we attach the past
form of the verb stem. And if the verb is
in the future form, then we attach it GMAT to the future form
of the verb stem. However, in the present tense, GMAT is attached to the
valves infinitive form. Lastly, high demand
and demand are more for more than other
similar expressions. They are more often used in formal writing and used in
speech in formal settings. We will learn more informal
ways of saying however and, but in the next lesson. With that in mind, let's first do a listening
repeat practice of sentences that use
TMS. Repeat after me. Nice Shiga and Joe
man. All genuine. Benson learn
computer, you'll see me head demand some jogging and Josiah switching
and Thomas Merton, Bhagwati man, pedagogue
or pass AIA, Cheonan, PJ shadow to y-hat demand, meaning sooner in Hamburg, order to build vacua is Golgi man suiting
MTB or category. Great job, well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice,
you're going to see two sentences again. And I'd like you to join
the two sentences by attaching to the verb stem
in the first sentence. If you're ready, let's
start the practice. Cheonan, hand Google
to watch demand, meaning sooner and to google, Mexico to John and hungry when demand means an
end to Google Music, go to Y. Combinator, your shimmy head man,
song doggy style. Computer Yosemite
demand, song giganteus. Being sooner in Chiba is silica demand suiting and
sigdang a recoil minutes. And then she basic Golgi
man switching and sigdang, a Geico guy man, all GNN peak hours on it and I see gradual men
all genuine pygostyle. Pseudonym Pago or patch a man, tom's Zimmer and Mogul, pseudonym pedagogue Apache
man Thomas in Medan Maga. Fantastic job today, well done. Today we reviewed the use
of high demand and demand, which are used as however
and parts in Korean. Now the use of high demand and
demand is slightly formal. And in Korea, there is a more informal way
of saying however, and that's what we're
going to learn next. I'll see you soon in the
next lesson. Bye bye.
19. 3.10 그런데 (however): Hi there. In this lesson we're
going to learn how to use another phrase
that also means, however, and that's codon there. As mentioned before,
the use of Haji, man and man is somewhat formal and is less commonly used
in everyday situations. Therefore, it's more
common to use codon day, which is more informal. Codon there actually
has a variety of uses. But for now in this lesson, we'll focus on how
it's used to show contrasting relationship
between ideas. Let's first take a look at
how it is used in sentences. Here are a couple of examples
of using codon day E, sick, dying in the PCL, codon, thereby shop sale. The food at this
restaurant is expensive. However, it's not delicious. Dangling Michigan AP style. Children to kudo to why hair cut on the zoom-in
and enjoy her hair. I like football. However been X2
doesn't like football. China and two codon. Codon there being
Zealand and joy hair. As you can see in each line, we use codon there
in the beginning of the second sentence to introduce a contrasting idea to
the first sentence. Structurally, the way we use codon there is the
same as high demand. We simply use codon there at the start of the
second sentence. Let's take a look at
few other examples. Cheap tanning chug I could on their own Chong bi-layer
cheetah is small, however, it's very fast. Chiton and Target could on their own song per layer header. Bulgogi couldn't dare switching an amalgam when X2 eat sashimi. However, Suzy
doesn't eat sashimi. Minister know
inheritable Goya codon their pseudonym
and Mogul surgeon. And you're shimmy Khumbu. Codon, there's hung jogging and Josiah, Susie studied hard. However, the grades will not
good suit in any Oshima. Sir could on their song
jogging and Josiah. Again, to reiterate,
in each line, there are two sentences. And in the beginning
of the second sentence we use codon there as However, to introduce a contrasting idea. Let's now do a listening
repeat practice of using codon day,
repeat after me. Pcr, codon, thereby I see Charles going to kudo to y here, codon there been
Cernan, Angela hair on their tongue, Benson and header bar code
on their suit in an amalgam. Gnn, Yossi me Khumbu, codon, There's Hong
doggy and Josiah. That was great, Well done. Let's now move on to the
independent practice. In this practice you will see two sentences and all you have to do is say the two sentences, but you use codon there
at the beginning of the second sentence
is a simple practice. So if you're ready, let's begin. Sooner and convertor and SIR, codon there is hung
jogging to Isiah, means in a computer
and ISIL could on this home jogging tangent, Michigan, Bardach soya
could on their PC. Ischemic tangent him she
gave adopted calendar PCR. Sue GNN team summer and Bodh Gaya couldn't ditch
on an amalgam, switching and team
somewhere amalgam could on their tone and our mobile turn-in all j tasks could on their ordinary
people nail Chandon, all JH IQ tests I
could on their own. They're pickle nail
children young wider to why hair codon
they're switching and Android children young ladder to I could on their suit
in an Android hail. Fantastic job today. Well done. Okay, so today we learned
how to use codon, which has the same meaning as
high demand and is used in a similar way as in it is used in the beginning
of the second sentence. However, codon there
is more informal, so it's more commonly used
in everyday situations. Codon there also has
a shortened form, which is Lynn there. And we'll look at how we use this shorthand form
in the next lesson. See you then, Bye-bye.
20. 3.11 은데 (but): Hi there. So in this lesson, we're going to learn how to use then there, which is a shortened form of codon there and means. But in Korean, Now the use of the net is actually quite broad and it can be used in other ways than using it as just but, but for this lesson, we'll focus on how it is used to mean them. But in Korean, Now, similar to couldn't there than there is more informal than Haji man and she man. So it's more common to use the, they're in everyday speech. How we use that differs depending on whether it's used with descriptive verbs are regular verbs. With descriptive verbs we add in there, and with regular verbs we add that in there. And in this lesson, we'll first look at how we use in there with descriptive verbs. And in the next lesson, we'll look at how we use then there with regular verbs. Now, there are two main ways of adding in debt to descriptive verbs. So let's first take a look at two example sentences that use in their II sick Dannon, who Missy gps, Sunday, mashup, soil. The food at this restaurant is expensive, but it's not delicious. Egypt, diamond and GDP son thereby shop soya. She Tannen tavern there on Chang'e bilayer. A cheetah is small but it's very fast. She Tan and Tyburn there on Tang bilayer. Now, in terms of how we add debt to descriptive verbs, if the descriptive verb doesn't end in patch him, we add D And they're so Pisa that, which means to be Expensive, becomes piece San there. However, if the descriptive verb stem ends in Apache Him, then we add in there. So that which means to be small becomes tag. And they're, now there are many irregular patterns of adding in that depending on how the verb stem ends. And we will list all these patterns in the lesson worksheets. And in terms of how we use that, as mentioned before, then there is a short-term form of codon there. So we use it to join two clauses that contain contrasting ideas into a single sentence. Let's take a look at few more examples sentences. Ie on one end, open there on Tang TMI CYA. This film is sad, but it's really fun. Young one and serpent there on Chang's hemi cycle. Pseudogenes check, I abandon the cook January Messiah. Susie has a lot of homework, but she went to the cinema. Surgeon then Jagger abandon the cook Jenga soya e ship Dannon Ag son. Then they're gentlemen Saya. The food at this restaurant was expensive, but it's now cheap. Easy, dynamic Music, EP, sudden death, she human sale. So in each sentence we use in debt to join two clauses that show contrasting ideas. And in the first sentence, the descriptive verb doesn't end in patch him, so we add the end there. But in the second sentence, the descriptive verb ends in Apache him. We add in there in the last example sentence, the descriptive piece sada, which means to be expensive, is in its past form, pisa or Pisano. And when descriptive verbs are in the POS form, we add didn't dare to the verb stem. So P sat down becomes P sun there. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of sentences we have seen in this lesson. Ii, sick time, M p Sunday mashups. She tannin type in there. E silicon there on Tang Jamie psi psi L E N P, sudden death. Great job, well-done. Let's now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences on the screen, and I'd like you to combine the sentences by adding in there appropriately. Ok, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Owner didn't die cigar tune their top choice on that. Nic guide-tone, dadgum, trial. E, Kang arginine, Chaconne, their own Chang boost oil. E cannot genomes have been there on oil. Cheonan Halliday, Milan, their singular Monaco L, Cheonan holiday man and that singular Monaco L. Surgeon in Kigali, Suchi, Tom Zang and Kierkegaard's Haggai ER surgeon in Kigali, can there Sui Tang Seng and key Gattaca E E biases on than their chairman bad upside. Ischemic dynamic system than they're fantastic job today, well-done. Ok, so today we learned how to use that to join two clauses that contain contrasting ideas. And we learned the two main ways of using in there with descriptive verbs. In the next lesson, we will look at how we use didn't there with regular verbs. I'll see you soon again in the lesson. Bye-bye.
21. 3.12 는데 (but): Hello there and welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to use Nin there with regular verbs. Now, as we learned before, we use there as but in Korean, and this is a shortened form of Couldn't Day. And the use of there is more informal than the use of Shimon and Haji man. Also, how we use with verbs is far less complicated than how we use in there with descriptive verbs. So let's first take a look at a sentence that uses then they're Cheonan, took good or to a 100 and there been Cernan and joy, Hey, I like football, but Min Zu doesn't like football. Jonathan, two-color joy, a 100 and they're Minnesotan and Joe Hale. When we use then there with verbs, we simply attach that to the verb stem, regardless of whether the verb stem ends in a patch him or not. So in this sentence, the verb in the first clause is Chihuahua hada, which means to like, and it doesn't end with a patch him. And we add that to the verb stem and make Chihuahua Hannon there. However, there are two exceptions to how we add them there. One is where the Korean Be verb EDA and with E that we add D And they're so E that becomes in there. And the other exception is when the verb stem ends in a leery batch him. And in these verbs, we remove the lid and then add that to the verb stem. So higher data, which means to live, becomes Hannon there. So let's take a look at few more example sentences that use them there with regular verbs. Means soon and hang go-getters, Hannon there, Kim cheddar, and Joe Hale. Min Zu lives in Korea but doesn't like kimchi means soon and Hangzhou gas and then their children enjoy hell. Pseudonym yo CMI London. Their songs, Yogi and Josiah. Susie studied hard, but the grades were not good. Suggestion yo shimmy can win and they're Song, Zhao, Gan, Jue, OCR, Shinzen and Ebay is silicon there. So genomic one layer cake glial chin X2 will stay at home, but susy will go to the park. Jim, x1 and x0 Basic on there. So genetical one that kind of go out. In the first sentence we add didn't dare to the verb stems holder. And as mentioned before, if the verb stem ends in a layer by Tim, we remove the patch him and then add that to the verb stem. In the second sentence, the verb but combo hada is in its past form, Khumbu, head that or SiO. And when the verb is in its past form, we add that to the verb stem in its past form. So Khumbu SiO or combo hepta becomes Khumbu Hindenburg. Lastly, the verb in the third sentence is in its future form. The Galileo or gosh that. And this actually ends in the Korean Be verb EDA as in gushy, that ends in EDA. And with eda, we just add D in there. So the ACASI that becomes the Gaussian there. And in everyday speech, we commonly contract this to the gun there. And although informal speech and writing, we would say the Gaussian there. In everyday situation, we say the gun there. Okay, so now that we've had the explanation, let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences that use lin with regular verbs. Repeat after me. Cernan took a 100 and day bins and bins sooner, Hangul gas Hannan, the kimchi, the surgeon, NERSC me. Songs Yogi and Josiah. Ebay is silicon de su genomics, banana to neon then their major shopping or hail. Great job, well done. Let's now do the independent practice. In this practice, you're going to see two sentences on the screen. And I'd like you to combine the two sentences by adding then they're inappropriate places. Think about whether the verb is in present, past and future tense, and how we add in there with different tenses. And if the verb stem ends in a leery about Tim, remove the layer by Tim and add them there. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Cheonan poverty Balkan than their pay gap or pyre. Cheonan poverty mobile than the PEG will pile. Manana and vacua cannon there, Susan and she begged me banana and hacky wagon and edge in x1 and x0 beg IR, Vinson and Patti. Some rural Minnesota and Patty egg icon there, some Moran's, Isiah, Cheonan, Kim, Cheonan bonum. Pseudonyms. Could Chang, Erica CYA, suggestions Jagger, could Jenga CYA. Fantastic job today. Well done. Ok, so today we learned how to use then there, which means bots with verbs. And for most verbs we added that to the verb stem. But then there is added differently with verbs ending in leery about Tim, and also with the Korean Be verb eda. We now have a review lesson next, and we will review how we use codon there and in there, which are more informal way of saying however, and part in Korea. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
22. 3.13 Review Lesson: Hi there. In this review lesson, we're going to review
what we learned over the past three lessons on
the use of codon there. And then they didn't there. Let's first review the
use of codon there. Now we use couldn't
dare to mean however. And it's used to connect
two sentences that contain contrasting ideas
like cut demand, couldn't data is used in the beginning of the
second sentence. However, codon there is
less formal than hatching. Mine is more commonly used
in everyday situation. Let's first do some
listening repeat practice of sentences that use couldn't day means computer. Couldn't. There's Hong doggy to do machine. Could on their PCR team somewhere in bulk I could
on their own in a mogul. Iq tests I couldn't there
will need to pick on a young ladder to sue Jane and enjoy. That was excellent, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences on the screen
and all you have to do is use codon there to show the contrasting relationship
between the two sentences. This is the same practice you
did in the actual lesson. If you're ready, let's
begin the practice. Time in the Michigan
P-site codon thereby shop. So you sick dynamic GPS
style guide on there. Charles going to kudo. Couldn't there be
insulin and joy? Joy I could on their beans in an Android chip, talent. Could on their own Chong paleo, chiton and Chuck I could
on their own chomp bi-layer mean Cernan header above oil. Couldn't dare suit
in an amalgam. Meaning sooner and Henry
Maguire could on their surgeon and a multi-layer suit, GNN, Yossi me Khumbu could on their song
doggy and jaw style. Surgeon and Yoshida could on their song doggy Angela sale. Great efforts, well done. Two lessons ago we learned
to use in there to join two clauses that use descriptive verbs into
a single sentence. There is used to connect
clauses with contrasting ideas. In this way, it functions like a shortened form of codon there. Now, when we add in there, if the verb stem doesn't
end in patching, we add knee in there. However, if the verb
stem ends in Patch him, then we add that
to the verb stem. Now there are however,
many different ways of adding in debt to verb stems, and these were listed in
the lesson worksheet. Lastly, if the descriptive verb is used in the past tense, then we add the debt to the
verb stem in the past form. With that in mind,
let's first do a listening repeat practice
of using in there. I see guys jump in and chug and they're
on Chung bizarre. Lady, Biden de Ching, good. Gnn Kcat. Kcat tag. Tangun, Iggy bashes sun
and then chairman battle. Great job. Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. This practice, you will
see two sentences, and I'd like you to join
the two sentences into one by adding in there appropriately
to the first verb stem. Remember to add in there if
the verb stem ends in him. But if the verb stem
doesn't end in batch him, then we add knee in there. If you're ready, let's begin. Tannen, Michigan, IEP Sunday
by shelf Soil Dynamics, GP Sunday by shops, oil, pan and chug chug. Chug chug on their own chomp bi-layer one and sleepin on Chong Tammy. Open their own Chong Tammy style pseudonym soup jack. Cook Chang'e a castle. Switching them. Cook gigantica soil. Dangun, Eagleman style. Each rectangle in GDP
sending the chairman, CEO. Fantastic job again, well done. Now in the last lesson we
learned to use with verbs. With verbs, we generally just
add that to the verb stem. However, if the verb stem
ends in leery about Tim, then we remove the layer
by Tim and then add then there with the
Korean be verb ITA, we add knee and dare
to the verb stem. Also similar to the
descriptive verbs. If the verb is in its past form, we add didn't dare to the
verb stem in the past form. And in the future
tense, we add a, d and depth to the
verbs future form. This is because the
valves future form always ends in a
Korean be verb eta. Let's first do a listening
repeat practice of using didn't there
with regular verbs. Charles when Pablo, bargain
than their pedagogue will pile B9 and hack your way. Shinzen and cheeseburger. Being sooner and Pat TA icon, some motor and China. And their commutator surgeon n sub j guy in there, Cook Chang'e soil. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences on the screen. And I'd like you to
attach and didn't dare to the verb stem in
the first clause. And then join the two sentences together to form a
single sentence. So if you're ready, let's begin. Cheonan took good to 100 and day being sooner,
andrew, a challenge. I mean sooner and enjoy hail means soon in Hangul, gas handling the commutator and joy means to an end hunger gas and then the key
material, Android, ios, shimmy congruent. Then their song jockey and Josiah surgeon went in
there some jogging Angeles, TBA, acidic on GNN category, Ginger, Nancy basic
condemn, Sudan and Komaba, Geico, mean Island 20 on their belly shopping her hair cell B9
and Tony on Monday, Barry shopping her hair. Excellent job. Well done. This has been a rather
long review lesson, but I hope the practice
has helped you to re-learn how to use codon there. And then they're, in the next lesson we're
going to learn how to show cause and
effect relationship between ideas in Korean. See you then, bye-bye.
23. 3.14 그래서 (therefore): Hello there and welcome back. In today's lesson, we're going to learn how to use could SR, which corresponds to there for in English. Now the use of CSR is quite simple, is always used in the beginning of the second sentence, and it's used to connect the sentence it's used with with the first sentence to show a cause and effect relationship. The first sentence being the cause and the second sentence being the effect. Let's take a look at two example sentences. Surgeon in Keychain, Qajar, could SR Dong. Susie is tall, therefore, she's good at basketball. So Gina and Kaguya could SO dongle Roots had AIR. Chang'an Xiang converter. You are CMI has CYA. Could SR sung jockey to Isiah. I studied hard for the exams. Therefore the grades were good. Chunxiang combinatorial SME SIR could SO Songjiang gagewa CYA. Now in these two lines, we've used the CSR in the beginning of the second sentence to show a cause and effect relationship between the first and the second sentence. The first being the cause and the second being the effect. And credenza can be used in both formal and informal settings. So it's a very common connector word to use in all situations. Here are few more example sentences that use Odessa, Cheonan Pagan who pass Aja could as are provided chickens to moon, SIR, I was hungry, therefore, I ordered fried chicken, Cheonan peg or pass AIA cadenza pride, the chicken energy moon SIL, maintenance, check on Aja. Could SR GPA is CYA hair. Mina has a lot of homework, therefore, she has to stay at home. Banana and subtract our Vinaya could Assad She Bei soya, hell means UGA called Jim matter has CYA could SR or Maga. Panacea means that light, therefore his mother was angry, means sukha cogen matter has CYA Cadenza or MCA panacea. So once again, to reiterate, we use crazy to connect two sentences to show a cause and effect relationship and is always used at the beginning of the second sentence. Okay, so I don't think we need a huge amount of explanation with this. So let's do a speaking practice of sentences that use could SR, repeat after me? Pseudonym, keychain, Korea. Could ASR dome Goodrich had AR. Shimmy has some geogie. Could put I could SRGB, psi. Great job, well-done. Let's move on to the independent practice. In this practice you're going to see two sentences and all you have to do is use ASR at the start of the second sentence to show a cause and effect relationship between the two sentences. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Cheonan bogey man, last CYA, crazy Buddha by Josiah. Cheonan bogey man, lasagna, courtesan, pluribus, Josiah, surgeon, key, catch, hack, IR, crazy, dumb, Goodrich, caribou tail. Pseudonym, kick-ass, hug Aja could SO dong euro typo tail. Sir. Sir. Cheonan, either URI shimmy has CYA, could SR, SISO single gene SIR, Cheonan either you are shimmy SIR. Could ISO has ISR singed, SIR. Fantastic efforts that a well-done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use cool ASR as there for, to show a cause and effect relationship between two sentences. In the next lesson, we're going to learn another particle we can use to show a cause and effect relationship between ideas. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
24. 3.15 아서 (so, because): Hello there and welcome back. In today's lesson, we're
going to learn how to use ASL or saw, which corresponds to
because or so in English. Now, as our n also are used to join two clauses into
a single sentence. They indicate the
first clause as the cause and the
second as the effect. Now, when it comes
to conjugating verbs in the present tense, the most important element was whether the verb
stem ends in vowels, all or R, or in other vowels. How we add acid and also also
follow the same pattern. In this lesson, we'll first
take a look at how we add ASA when the verb stem
ends in vowels or o. And in the next lesson, we'll take a look at
how we add Asa to verb stems that end in vowels
other than all are. Here are few examples
sentences that use ASL. Switching. Tasks on the total pig cornea. Susie went to bed early, so Xi is less tight today. Pseudonym, new total pickle Nao. Lynn E on water. Pass on pattern. Young lad, I put Gail. I've seen this film, I'll watch another film. Children E on water to pass
off pattern. Young auditable. Mina and Jacob saw
cheaper is soya. Mina has a lot of homework, so she has to stay at home. Mean Gabbana. So GBA. In the first verb, the verb stem ends in a
vowel with no patch him, so we simply add salt
to the verb stem. In the second sentence, the verb stem ends in a file or with no Apache Beam. We add. This is why the verb stem
changes from pole to pole. Lastly, if the verb stem ends in vowels or width patch him, then we add acid
to the verb stem. So the descriptive verb
becomes banners on, in terms of how it's used, is used to show a cause and effect relationship
between two clauses. In the first sentence, the course is that
Susie went to bed early and the effect is
that Susie is less tired. Now in the English translation as always translated
as meanings. So, but depending on how the ideas or range
it can also mean because let's take a look at
few more examples sentences. Sue-je got Sheepbed,
child or Susie went home. So we went home early too. Suchi gutsy beggars
on toy castle. The gala I saw you on water, bulbous soya that
came home late. So we couldn't watch the film. Bugger do give us
our wonderful bus. Iq ED to bias our pattern kilo. Hi Gail, this road is narrow, so I'll go another way to a bizarre cutting
the lock icon. Again, to reiterate in
the first sentence, the verb stem of carta ends
in a vowel with no patching. We add salt to form a castle. In the second sentence,
the verb stem ends in the file all
with Notepad chimp. We add acid to form water. Lastly, in the third sentence, the descriptive verb that ends in a vowel or
width patching. We add acid to form toolbars on. In terms of meaning, we use assets to show a causal effect relationship
between two clauses. Now one important point
to note is that as r is always attached to the
verbs infinitive form, even though the verb may
indicate the past meaning in the second sentence is attached to the
verbs infinity form, order to form water rather than its past form one
and form Watson. So do keep that in mind. Let's now do a
speaking practice of the sentences that use ASL. Think about the rules
behind how we add acid to the verbs
in each sentence. Sushi in an elliptic task. On the top pico nail. Cheonan E on whether they pass all pattern young
water poor gal, Mina and then soup check, eBay, Suchi, back door, the Galois, bulbous Aja, KD, toolbar, pattern get loci. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. This practice,
you're going to see two sentences on the screen. And I'd like you to add as our appropriately
to the verb in the first sentence and join the two sentences into
a single sentence. Think about the three rules
we learned in today's lesson. If you're ready, let's
start the practice. Challenges when ischium body
tag us all more scenario. Channeled ischium
body tag as ********. Charles II to diameter
pass on checker. Channel A0 to diameter
puzzle, trigger the trigger. Gail got PAGA, Hadassah, cop, Peter, both sassy. Got PAGA Bruno datas are copyrightable societal challenge, or j is chitchat, older children or owner MPEG4, nail, chin Sugata to sagwa in a while. So catchy Khumbu has total
GWP and catacomb where style, switching and chin
gooder by nasa. Keep who needs to assign switching and children unless all keep, we need to assign. Excellent job today. Well done. Okay, so today we learned to use asset to join two clauses into a single sentence to show a causal effect relationship
between the two clauses. And we learn three
ways of adding acid to verbs depending on how
the verb stem ended. In the next lesson,
we're going to learn how to add also to verb stems to form a cause and effect relationship
between two clauses. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
25. 3.16 어서 (so, , because): Hello there and welcome back. In today's lesson, we're
going to learn how to use all saw as because also, in the previous lesson, we learned to use acid to join two clauses when the verb
stem ends in vowels all or. In this lesson, we will
look at how we use also with verb stems that
don't end in vowels. Or however, we have learned already in the absolute beginner
course that there are many different ways of
adding suffixes that begin with a syllable
or two verb stems, depending on the vowel of
the verb stem ends with. So we'll consider some of the most common ways of
adding also in this lesson, and we'll list other
ways of adding also to verb stems in the
lesson worksheets. Let's take a look at
some example sentences. Cheonan, all j, blue zone, glomerular cost, Honda
tagging **** IIR. I had a scary dream yesterday, so I don't want to sleep alone. Champion RJ Busan Kumar, costs are only judge Aikido, B9 and Tony op source
our cook book, Gaia, mean that
doesn't have money, so she can't go to the cinema. B9 and Tony Cook,
Django book Gaia, chair guy, collagen matter
has Mughal, Hannah CYA. I lied, so my mom is angry. Take our collagen
matters or omega. Okay, so let's
consider how we can add also to verb stems. First, if the verb stem ends in a vowel with no patch him, then we add also
to the verb stem. So good at becomes closer. Second, if the verb stem
ends in vowels other than all or has a BI team, then we add to the verb stem. The verb becomes obsolete. And in the last sentence the
verb stem ends in header. And when the verb
stem ends in Haida, we change it to JSR. And as with ASA, also is used to show a cause and effect relationship
between ideas. The first clause is the cause and the
second is the effect. Let's take a look at few
more examples sentences. Toner, Sue GNN cook, Django has CYA, Susie's
that gave her money. So she went to the cinema up PAGA to a new
Joseph surgeon and Jenga Charles Thomas Shimon
bulk or PAGA angle pi. I ate lunch, so I'm not hungry. Children, Thomas Friedman,
moguls or PEG angle pile. So GNN soup, cherry pie has TB. Susie did all our homework, so she's watching TV. Susanna and suggested
eyes are TBD bio. Following the same
rules we add to the first verb stem as the verb stem ends in the
Val Leu with no patch in the second sentence
we add also as the verb stem ends
in vowels other than or and has a bad SIM. In the last sentence, the verb stem ends in hada. We change it to
JSR, as with ASA, even if the verb
indicates past meaning, as in this last sentence, also is always attached to
the verbs infinitive form. With all that in mind, let's now do a speaking
practice of sentences that use awesome.
Repeat after me. When all j, blue zone glomerulosa,
geotagging, **** out. B9, then Tony Cook, Jang a book Gaia, check, collagen matter,
JSR, Marguerite Hanna, CYA, APA got tonal choice are sue
Jane and cook Django Garcia, Cheonan, Thomas Shimon bulk
gloss on PAGA and gopayo. Sushi. Tei has TB. That was great, Well done. Let's now do the
independent practice. Similar to the previous lesson, you will see two sentences on the screen and
bearing in mind what we have covered in
this lesson about how we add also to
the verb stems. I'd like you to use
also appropriately and join the two sentences
into a single sentence. If you're ready, let's
start the practice. Long hairs are pair guy, pile, known as our peg or pile. Xiaomi is sales
are Khumbu Heiko. Xiaomi cells are combined. Cheonan pico now as our tone and pico and SAMHSA Chandon coated bars are considered bizarre and Joya. Gene Zuko to watch. Sir. Chins who got to watch
us generate high SIR. Sooner. Sours or Mooney and July are being sued and singular ranks hours or
cube, Bunia and joy. Excellent job today, well done. Okay, so in this
lesson we learned how to use also as because and so to join two closes when the verb stem ends in
vowels other than all. In the next lesson, we're going to review
what we learned on using CODASYL and ASL and awesome. See you then, bye-bye.
26. 3.17 Review Lesson: Hi there. In this review lesson, we're going to review
what we learned over the past three lessons on the use of ASL and ask, awesome. Let's begin with CODASYL. Good ASR corresponds to,
therefore in English, is used at the start of
the second sentence and shows a cause and
effect relationship between the two sentences. I don't think we need a lot
of explanation for this. So let's first do a
listening repeat practice of sentences that you use. Could SO repeat after me? Bulky bilateral. Could sue GNN Qie Gei attacker could SO dome Godot, tidal pool tail, soup checkout. Dan Cook Chang'e a Casio. Pan Chang's older and SIR, could either your CME could
SO has some gene SIR. That was great. Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. Same as in the lesson. You're going to
see two sentences and all you have to do
is add a cadenza at the beginning of the
second sentence and show a cause and effect relationship between the two sentences. If you're ready, let's
start the practice. Suit GNN keyguard,
Korea could SO dome Goodrich had AL pseudonym
keyguard coil could SO dome gurus had AL B9 soup check garb and I could ASR is soya bean and then subtract
our manual capacity base. Means UGA, collagen
matter has CYA. Could ASR or mega
fauna means UGA, College in matter has CYA
could SO or megafauna. Shannon pay guy called pass, I could ASR put either
check-in Energiewende, SIL, peg or Pessoa could also provide a check-in edge moon SIL converter. You are shimmy has CYA, could ASRS hung doggy to ASI
children shield computer. You'll see me, SIR. Could as
well as hunger gagewa style. That was fantastic, well done. Two lessons ago we learned
to join two clauses using ASA to show a cause
and effect relationship. And we learn three different
ways of adding acid to verb stems that end
in vowels all or are. First if the verb stem ends
in a vowel with no patch him, then we add saw. Second, if the verb stem ends in a vowel all with no part-time, then we add ASL. Lastly, if the verb
stem ends in vowels, all are width patch
him, then we add. One other important
point to note is that even if a verb indicates a pass meaning acid is always attached to the
verbs infinity form. With that in mind,
let's first do a listening repeat practice
of sentences that use ASL. Ischium body checkers
are both senile. Chon in E two diameter
pass out regularly. Good girl. It had us all copied. All j has on their nail. By nasa keyboard. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences on the screen, and I'd like you to join
the two sentences into one by adding acid to the
first verb appropriately. Let's begin in the practice. Toolbar, saw, pattern
kilo cart Gail, get each of us are
having the log IKR. Paga, the galas or young
water will pass Up, bugger the kill us all
your water bulbous or task or total pickle Pickle nail? B9. Jacob and I saw GPA is B9
and check out my Nassau. Shannon, E on ladder
pass our pattern. Young children, E on water pass out
pattern your motherboard. Gail. Great effort
again, well done. In the previous lesson
we looked at how we use also to join to closes to show a cause and effect
relationship also is used with verb stems
that don't end in vowels. Or now there are many different ways of
adding also to verb stems, but we focused on
just three of them. First, if the verb stem
ends in a vowel with no, but then we add also. Second, if the verb stem ends
in vowels other than all or with potassium, we add also. Lastly, if the verb
stem ends in a header, then we change a habit to JSR. And as with ASL also is always used with
verbs infinitive form. Okay, So with that in mind, let's first do a list and repeat practice of
sentences that use also dome JSR pedagogue will pile. Xiaomi is also Khumbu, haiku, pico and ASR check tasks AIA and tingling silos. And joy IL. Great
job, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice similar to the previous
independent practice, I'd like you to join
the two sentences by adding also to the first
verb appropriately. Let's go straight
into this practice. B9 and Tony Cook,
Django book Gaia. Tony observes or cook Django. Oj Busan, cool Mercosur,
integer tagging, **** IR children or J Busan Kumar costs are
hidden geotagging should I are challenged in Chomsky million Bulgars, all pair guy and go
pile, tone and Thomas. Similar moguls, our
pKa and go pile. Sushi. Tei has TB pile. Suggested ISO TBD bio. Baghdad or newly jaws
are suturing and cook January bugger to neutral zone switching and
cook Jenga style. Excellent efforts
that I weld on. Okay, so today we review
the use of CSR and also, which are all used
to show cause and effect relationship
between ideas. In the next lesson,
we're going to learn another expression we can use to show a cause and effect
relationship in Korean. See you then, bye-bye.
27. 3.18 니까 (so, because): Hello there and welcome back. In today's lesson, we're
going to learn how to use the gatt to function as so. And because similar to us, also, we use the gut to join two clauses into
a single sentence. And when two clauses
are joined by DKA, the first clause is the cause and the
second is the effect. Let's take a look at two
examples sentences that use DKA, Wudi, Jacob, Annie is Salonica, to saga and a Encarta. We have a lot of homework, so let us go to the library. We subtract our bunny Seneca
towards organic matter, pKa or the GPA. Gpa is silica. It's raining on the weekends, so I'm going to stay
at home tomorrow, pico Monica TPA circle ALL. Now in terms of how
we add the guy, if the verb stem
ends in Patch him, we add Leica to the verb stem. In the first sentence we
added unique to the verb ITA, the form is Sunni guy. However, if the verb stem
doesn't end in pattern, we add the guy. In the second sentence, the verb Oda becomes omega. Now there are many
irregular ways of adding the guts verb stems, and we'll list these in
the lesson worksheet. And as mentioned before in
sentences that use the gap, the first clause is the cause and the
second is the effect. Now, at this stage you
might be wondering, What's the difference
between ASL or saw and DKA. They both used to
join two clauses to show a cause and effect
relationship between ideas. They look exactly the same. However, although
structurally they're pretty much the same, there are actually
many differences between ASL or saw and deca. Let's go through each
difference one-by-one. First, we cannot form imperative statements and
suggestions using ASL, but we can, using the car. Take a look at these statements. Pka only catch
eBay's is raining, so stay at home. Pka, Monica, she base
pKa or the guy GBA. It's raining, so let
us stay at home. Pick only catch.
The first sentence. We use the casual form
of the verb, estar. And this is the standard
form of the verb which we can use in
positive statements. Depending on the context
this verb is used in, as long as there is no
subject in the sentence, we can use this verb to
tell people what to do. The sentences that tell
people what to do, or code imperative statements. When we form imperative
statements that contain two clauses with a cause
and effect relationship, we have to use the gatt
and not as are awesome. Additionally, in the
second sentence, we use the verb ending chat, which we use to make
suggestions to friends. And if these sentences
also contain two clauses with a cause
and effect relationship, we have to use the
gut and not as. Also. The second
difference between as also an DKA is that we can use the
gatt in different tenses, but we can only use as also
with verbs infinitive forms. Consider the following sentence, P guy or Guernica, GPA. It will rain. So let us stay at home. Peak hour debate. In this sentence, the verb in the first clause is
in future tense, as we learned previously, as also is always used with
verbs infinitive form. However, DKA can be used with
verbs future and past form. The third difference
between ASL also and DKA is that ASL and also are
more formal than DKA. So they're more commonly
used in formal writing, and deca is very rarely
used in formal writing. Fourth, ASL also is more commonly used to talk
about general reasons, something being a more
natural consequence. If we say windowing has
always had a bunch of soya, I lost weight
because I exercised. This sentence implies
that exercising is the natural reason
why I lost weight. On the other hand, we use
the gatt to emphasize how something is the
reason for another thing. Dka is a more
subjective way to say how something is the
reason for another thing. For example, let's
say that everyone in my family has a theory
on why I lost weight. Some people think is
because of my diets and some people think is because of the stress I've been under. However, I think the reason why I lost weight is
because I've been exercising to assert my opinion and emphasize how exercising is the reason why I lost weight. I can say Windham Hanukkah
is Hadi by Josiah. I lost weight because I exercised window Maddie
guys Hadi by Josiah. In the sentence, Nika
is used to emphasize how exercising is the
reason why I lost weight. We can also just say windowing
has our Sadie by Josiah. But in a situation
where you're having to assert your opinion and to emphasize something as
being the reason for another thing is more
appropriate to use DKA. Lastly, with certain
emotive verbs, mainly with Pangu up
into coma comes out, be on Haida and chess on Huldah. If we want to say we're sorry or thankful because
of something, we have to use ASO. Also. We cannot use DKA in all the sentences
we've used the As are also to say why we
are glad to see someone and why we are
thankful and why we're sorry. That's a lot of
information to take in, but let's now do a
speaking practice of some of the sentences we
have seen in this lesson. Repeat after me. Wudi soup, check our money is
seneca to sagwa. Pka or neat guy Chiba acidic pKa, organic windowing handicaps. Hadi by Josiah. What mRNA? Pass all punk up there
to watch also cool Maya. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. This practice, you will see
two sentences or two verbs, and I'd like to join the
sentences verbs and form a single sentence by
adding also or the gap, the first verb appropriately, prompts will be on the
screen telling you to add either as also or DKA. So you can just focus on how you add these structures
to the verbs. So if you're ready, let's
start the practice. Challenge in longhand, the
caribou need to children who know Monica keep Who needs Xiaomi? Xiaomi is seneca Khumbu. Nice cigar tunica,
paddock guy cuts, dicey, go to Monica paddock guy, I gotta TJ Khumbu money has Seneca. Seneca will know I didn't do it. Tb there. Bonnie pony guys
hung doggy and Joan Gaia, TV remaining bony callus
hung jogging. And Joan Goya. Man air pass our Pangu up there. What? Manet basale bandgap, their part TOR sarcoma, their patio, Also Acoma wall. Fantastic job today. Well done. Okay, so in this lesson we
learned to use the gatt as because and so and joined two clauses into a
single sentence. And we also learned about
important differences between the guy and also. In the next lesson,
we're going to learn another phrase we can use to mean because or
because of in Korean. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
28. 3.19 때문에 (because, because of): Hi there. In this lesson we're
going to learn how to use them luminaire as because of now ten minute is used with nouns
to mean because of. Let's first take a look at
some example sentences that use them on a subject, the monad, monad guy. I can't go out
because of homework. Suggest them and I will
knock the Khumbu hair, hair. I have to study because of the exam shell demo
scenario, Khumbu hair, hair. In each sentence the noun before then when air
becomes the reason, the action that comes
after demo there, there is a cause and
effect relationship between the noun
and the verb that follows when we use them when air is not attached to
the noun is used with. Generally the use of Dominate
is similar to the guy in that terminate is used to emphasize something
as being the reason. Instead of talking about
natural consequences, we use demo net emphasize something as being the
reason for another thing, such as me not being able to
go out because of homework. However, unlike the gut, which is quite informal, then when air is more formal, so it can be used in formal settings and
in formal writing. Let's take a look at few
more examples, sentences. Or Madame wanna do just say, I'm late because of
my mama or mud them when they just CYA
been pseudomonas, kappa and Ido, body of CYA. I lost my bag because of Min Zu means a diamond air carbonated
IDO body your style. And get them on a PNG Gei
Yang check their CYA. The flight was
delayed because of the fog and get them when they're pn
giga. You uncheck this. Again. In each sentence we've
used stamina after a noun to indicate that that noun is the reason for the
action that follows. Okay, so let's now do a
listening repeat practice of the sentence's subject them. Wouldn't Khumbu mud them when the Josiah been sued them. Carbonyl, IDO, body of cyan. Get them when they're pn giga, you uncheck this style. That was great, well done. Now let's consider how
we use verbs with Demo. Now. When we use them, when they're with verbs, we add key in front of them when air to form
a qui tam Manet. And this is because when we
attach key to a verb stem, it helps to change
the verb into a noun. Here are two examples, sentences that use key
demoed their children soup, check, bank, eat
them when a nag IL, I can't go out because I
have a lot of homework. Challenge, giga bank
eat them when they will knock down in shear, may get them on a
Khumbu hair hair. I have to study because
I have an exam. We'd give them when
they're Khumbu hair, hair. In the first sentence, key is added to the
descriptive verb, which means to have a lot. Tab becomes monkeyed them
when they're altogether children's giga
bank keep them on their means because I
have a lot of homework. In the second
sentence we've added the key then luminaire
to the verb, which means to have. So we have diane in
Xiaomi, get them on a, which means because
I have an exam in both of these sentences
that refer to the present, keep them when air is added
to verbs infinity forms. However, we can also use
Key them when they're with verbs in future and past forms. Here are two examples sentences. The gay, you don't
get them on a bus. Cidr, Josiah, I miss the
bus because I got up light channel the gate on
OK. Give them when they boasted a Josiah Chandon. Tomorrow. We'll go get them
on their part TA book Gaia. I can't go to the party because I'm going to study
at the weekend. Challenge, dramatic, convey, go get them on their path table. In the first sentence, the verb is the past tense of Eden. Eden that data. And
with qui tam when air it becomes eat on
that, keep them Renee. In the second sentence, the future form of Khumbu, Khumbu high CAUTI
that is used with key demoed to form Khumbu
higher conjugate them on. And this is often contracted to Khumbu high Kogi,
terminate in speech. So do keep in mind that with verbs referring to the present, we attach key them when air
with the verbs infinity form. But with verbs that refer
to the past and future, we can attach key
them wanting to the verbs past and future forms. Let's now do a speaking
practice of sentences that use key demo may
repeat after me. Tannin soup, check our bank, eat them on a nonane. We keep them on a Khumbu hair. He's gay. You don't not keep
them on a bus. It a Josiah. Tomorrow, Khumbu Heiko
get them on a path. Excellent job, well done. Now, one other point to
note with key downwind is that when we use the verb
IDA with qui tam luminaire, the meaning can be quite
different from when we just use them when
they're with a noun. Consider the following
two sentences. Tannins high, Jiangnan,
terminate, pop buyer. I'm busy because of my
boss. Challenges hashtag. Name them when they are bio
challenges hashtag Naomi, get them when they're packed by. I'm busy because I am the boss. Challenge Hashtag. We get them when
they're passed by. Now when a noun is
used with demo there, that noun is generally
not about the subject. Therefore, in the
first sentence, I am saying that I am
busy because of bias, hijack, name my boss at work. However, the first clause
in the second sentence, children's hijack the me. That means I am the boss. When we add the key demo, the sentence means that I am
busy because I am the boss. Although at first glance the two sentences
look quite similar, the meaning of the two
sentences are very different. Let's take a look at two
more examples sentences. Sounds acronym, Demo,
Day, holiday, Vinaya. I have a lot of work because of the teacher challenges
and sudden second indeterminate Halliday and I are chondroitin sudden secondly, may get them on a
holiday bi-layer. I have a lot of work
because I am a teacher. Cheonan sounds like the
immediate them on a holiday. So again, in the first sentence, I'm saying that I have a lot of work because of the teacher, because of someone else. Whereas in the second sentence, I am saying that I have a lot of work because I am a teacher. So do keep in mind of this
difference in meaning when we use the verb IDA
with key demo name. Okay, so let's now do
a speaking practice of the sentences that use
them and keep them with a, with a verb EDA. Hi, dangling him,
Iggy, Pop buyer. Sons and nymph them
on a holiday d by dy are sons and the immediate
them on a holiday manner. Excellent job, well done. Let's now do an
independent practice. In this practice, you
will see sentences with either terminate or
key dominate, missing. And depending on whether the highlighted word
is a noun or a verb, I'd like you to say
the full sentence by adding, terminate, or keep them appropriately.
If you're ready. Let's begin the practice. Khumbu hair, hair terminal,
Khumbu hair, hair. Neat demo, TB available by
our need terminate tributary. Hack your car, get them
when they're yoga, get them on a single body or keep them on air. Kids, shadow, single guides. You gotta get them on a Saturday or palm to your end. Geico get them on
a cardiac care. There. You go. Get them
on a cardiac cath. Benzene and Pangea negate
them on a holiday bi-layer, be insulin pan, Django, get them on a holiday. China, up by get them tomorrow, Shiga and eobseoyo, China
and up I get them on edge. Mother Shekhar, new topsoil, fantastic efforts
today, well done. In this lesson,
we learned to use stamina and key terminate with nouns and verbs to
mean because or because of. They use is similar to the
guy in that they're used to emphasize something as being
a reason for another thing. The next lesson
we're going to learn one more phrase that
also means so n, because we promised that this is a last one. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
29. 3.20 이라서 (because it is): Hi everyone. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to use the lasso, which is similar in meaning to because it is in English. Now like damn lunar, Lazarro is always used with nouns. And they indicate that that noun is the reason for something else. So let's first take a look at two example sentences that use Lasser. Charles, son Zheng, name it as our Halliday Vinaya. I have a lot of work because I am a teacher. Cheonan sons, I name it as our holiday man IR Cernan, our parasol. Tomorrow. I don't have time at weekends because I am a father. Children are parasol tomorrow's Shivani upside. Now, in terms of how we add lasso to nouns, we add IDA star if the noun ends in patch him. So where the sunset Nim, we added IASA because something Nim ends in a medium, but shaman, but we use lasso If the noun doesn't end in patch him, like I'm back in the second sentence. And in terms of meaning, Lazarro doesn't just mean because it actually contains the meaning of the be verb IDA within the phrase Alaska. Therefore, when we use the Lasso with nouns, is used in a similar way to keep them on air when it combines with a be verb EDA. So the first sentence means that I have a lot of work, not because of some other teacher, but because I am a teacher. And in the second sentence, I don't have time at weekends, not because of my father, but because I am a father. So Lasa contains the meaning of the be verb, eat that. Let's take a look at few other example sentences. Or nerd in Tokyo area lead us are cheaper. Caja de l. I have to go home early because today is Saturday on it in Toyota does our CBG Gaia there been sooner and tragic Jewry jazz are Colgate. A mug means who doesn't eat meat because he's a vegetarian, means sooner and tragic jury data as our Cauchy did a mug IL, daily criticism acid as our CagA papel Gaya. The store will be busy because tomorrow is Christmas Day, Christmas Salazar CagA, papel Gaya. So in each sentence the nouns are used with EDS are all law. So to say that because today is Saturday, because Menes who is a vegetarian and because tomorrow is Christmas, the following action or state in the sentence is true. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences that use lasso or I-TASSER. Repeat after me. Cheonan sons and name it as our Halliday Vinaya. Cheonan apparatus are tomorrow. Shivani Uppsala. Excellent job, well done. Let's now do the independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences with blanks. And depending on whether the highlighted noun ends in patch him or not, I like you to say the full sentence by adding either lasso or Eros out. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin. Manana handbook, Samhita, Asahi, Shimbun matter, terrible tail, mean and and hangups are Amira, so Django, Maritime Hotel surgeon pair Guzman, sources are keychain, Kaya, surgeon, NPA goes on. Sodas are key guy. Omid n choose r get as our permanent Seebeck higher order than to target as our permanent algebraic hired to L. Benzene and hexane eras are Tony soya medicine and hexane aerosol. Tony upside. Cheonan Yogi's had Al-Azhar, your directors had AIR, Cheonan urease had as are your denotes had air. Excellent job today. Well done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use Lasso with nouns to mean because it is. And this use is similar to how key demo and a is used with a be verb either. In the next lesson, we're going to review everything we learned in the last three lessons on using the TGA demos and LaSalle from today. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
30. 3.21 Review Lesson: Hi there. In this review lesson, we're going to review what we learned over the past three lessons on the use of the gun, then lunar and Lassa. Let's first review the use of Dukkha. Three lessons ago, we learned to join two clauses that have a cause and effect relationship using the TGA. And when we use the gap, if the verb stem ends in pats him, we add the Tanika. But if the verb stem doesn't end in patches, we add the TGA. And unlike ASA, Azar, we can use the gut to form imperative statements and to make suggestions. We can also use the girl with different tenses. And we used the gut to emphasize something as being the reason and to give more subjective reasoning. Also compared to ASL or saw, the God is more informal. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of sentences that use the repeat after me. The Cheonan known Hanukkah, keeping each wire. Xiaomi is Sica Sica tunica, paddock guy. Or J. Khumbu money has Seneca TB songs, Yogi and Joan Gaia. That was great, well-done. Let's now do an independent practice. Similar to the practice in the lesson, you will see two sentences on the screen. And I'd like you to join the two sentences into one by adding the appropriately to the verb in the first clause. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start. Bonnie Seneca. Wudi is Bonnie Seneca Osaka, Niigata. Tomorrow. Tomorrow API GAO and eBay saw catch eBay saw P GAO or Ghani, gutsy beta p goal gonna catch debate. Jan, who has had a bad Josiah. Josiah. Excellent job, well-done. Two lessons ago, we learned to use them when air with nouns and when we use them in air with nouns, a corresponds to because of. And to use demo with verbs, we need to add a key in front of them. As key helps to change verbs into nouns. Like Nick, God, we can use key demo on out with verbs in different senses. We also learned that when we use key demo with a verb, EDA is meaning can be quite different from sentences that use just demo there. As IDA indicates that the noun it is used with is the subject. Ok, so with that in mind, let's first do a listen and repeat practice of sentences that use their money and key demo. They're repeat after me. She, I'm damn lunar Khumbu hair, hair, NAIDOC, yoga, Tom. That was excellent, well-done, less now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences on the screen with blanks. And depending on whether there are nouns or verbs next to the blanks, I'd like you to say the full sentence by adding either damaged or key demo there. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin. Subject them. Monad wouldn't NACA subject them whenever will NACA? Jonathan soup, Jagger Ban Ki, Moon m will Nagar, Cheonan soup Jagger man keep them whenever Nagar Cheonan, the gate on that get them on a postorder. Do Josiah Cheonan decayed on that? Get them whenever possible. Josiah Jonathan's had Dang Ni me get them monad, papaya. Chaldeans hydronium may get them on their papaya. Jonathan Zhan Zheng Ni me, get them on a holiday. Vinaya. Cheonan sons actually may get them on a holiday Vinaya. Fantastic efforts, well done. In the previous lesson, we learned to use Lasso with nouns to mean because it is, we use etas are if the noun ends in patch him, but if it doesn't, then we use Lasser. And lasso contains the meaning of the be verb IDA. So when we use Lasso with nouns, they function similarly to how key demo day is used with a be verb EDA. Okay, so with that in mind, let's first do a listening 3p practice of sentences that use at last I'll repeat after me. Tomorrow. Terrible tail. Sui generis. Keychain. Benzene and hexane eras are Tony Uppsala, Cheonan urease had Azar, you already read which had a, a great efforts well-done, less than do the independent practice. In this practice, you will see sentences with blanks and depending on whether the highlighted nouns next to the planks and in patchy Monod. I'd like you to complete the sentences using either lasso or aerosol. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. He LED Vinaya, Charmin, toilet ISR. Does our data as our Mogul. Or Mughal. 80 could have some acid as our daily could've semester guys are fantastic job today. Well done. Ok, so today we review the use of the god damn lunar and lasso, which are all used to show a cause and effect relationship between ideas. We're now going to move on from learning particles and connectors. And in the next unit, we're going to learn various phrases we can use to show time order of events. See you then, bye-bye.
31. 4.1 전에 (before): Hi there. In this unit, we're going to learn various phrases we can use to refer to time, order of events. And in this first lesson, we're going to learn chon there, which corresponds to before or ago. Now, Chan is a noun that relates to the past. And we can actually use this word alone with nouns to form phrases that means before something. For example, if we say Sue up chun, It means before a lesson and it functions as a noun phrase. So we can say sue up to100 AL, and it means it is before the lesson. Now, air is a time particle which we can use with specific time expressions, such as time and days of the week. And when we want to talk about doing something before another event, we have to use air with Chun and say John there. So let's take a look at an example sentence that uses Charney, swap John air menagerie, less meat before the lesson, swap John Oba, Nigeria. First to say before something, we have to use China after a noun, so swap means before the lesson. And as mentioned before, we have to use air to talk about doing something before something. So air in the sentence is a structural element that glues swap John and Manager together. Now, China can mean both before or ago depending on how it is used. So let's take a look at two more example sentences that uses TA1 there as before and ago. Cheonan Thomas, him John ere che Yogi is suicidal. I had p before lunch. Cheonan Tom, Jim, Johnny RTOG societal, Cheonan chimney and John air hunger guys had SIR, I lived in Korea ten years ago. And then shim Yangzhou, Hangzhou guys had Isiah. In the first sentence we use a general noun before Charney. And when we use general nouns before Charney, John F functions as before. However, when we use a noun that relates to a period of time such as Simeon, ten years before China. Then tonight is used as ago. Let's take a look at few more example sentences. Mean zoning, package on air, will normal hair. Min Zu exercises before school mean xenon, hack-a-thon, there will no omega L Cheonan handouts on air to January commander soya. I quit my job a month ago. John and handles on edge Xander commando soil, a Bugatti, Michigan, Jon air Tang ISIL. That CO, two hours ago, our Bogata Ugandan edge on ISIL. So again, to reiterate, when we use general nouns before China, China is used as before, but when a noun that refers to a period of time is used before China, China means ago. Okay, so with that in mind, let's now do a speaking practice of sentences that use Charney. Repeat after me. Cheonan Thompson, John air, geogie, so Saya, Cheonan ship, Hunger Games had SIR mean xenon package on a normal hair. Cheonan handles on air chip January, commandos, soya, up Berger, who she can John edge on ISIL. That was great, well-done. Now similar to how we use the key demo with verbs, we can also use key tonight with verbs to say that we do something before another action or states. Here are two example sentences. Being zoom-in, hack your car gauge on their windows. Min Zu exercises before he goes to school, means soon and hacky baggage on a window. Maria L. Cheonan Chunyang monkeys on there to generate high SIR. I did all the homework before I had dinner. Cheonan Chunyang Locke's on-air subtended. Hi, SIR. In both sentences, we've added a key turn out to the verb stem, and this indicates that before that action, another action happened. So in the first sentence we add key telnet to the verb ta-da to say that before bins who goes to school, he exercises. And in the second sentence we've added a key to an end to the verb, bought that, which means tweet. So before I had dinner, I did all my homework. And as in the second sentence, even if a verb indicates pass meaning key, Jon is always used with the verbs infinitive form. Let's take a look at few more examples. Sentences 9N, tacky John air, TB thereby saw I watch TV before I went to bed. Dan and tag on their TV. Ribose saw each on a stretching or hedgerows AR please stretch before exercising. Well known luggage on air stretching or hedgerows, AR Cheonan, some jagged edge on air. Tania Gary bagasse area. I had dinner before I did homework. Tunnels of jagged edge on their tongue, ElGamal Josiah. So as you can see in each sentence, we've added a ketone heir to the verbs infinitive form to say before that particular action, another action happened. Okay, so let's now do a listener repeat practice of the sentences that use ketone. They're repeat after me. When sooner and hack your car keys on air. Cheonan Chongyang monkeys on air subjected her Hezekiah. Dannon target on a TV really bizarre. Who know Haggis on aesthetic singer hedges AR. Cheonan, some jagged edge on air, tonal group or Gauss-Seidel. Excellent job, well-done, less than do the independent practice. This practice, you will see either a noun in a sentence or two sentences and unlikely to add either China or key childcare and form a single sentence. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice to marriage on-air tonight. To manage an edge on a handout on air, put unsafe cast. So Saya, handout on their pranks. Eric has Messiah, Cheonan Egypt on a each other's has CYA, Cheonan Egypt on each other's Isiah, Cheonan yogi or each on-air poverty mola CYA, tunnel yogi or poverty mobile CYA. Cheonan Shambaugh is on a copyrighted by Josiah Chunxiang baggage on a copier by Josiah being xenon PNG baggage on air. Pojanghae Degas CYA means in NPN geotag is on a Hua Dang Shi De Garcia. Fantastic efforts at a well-done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use China as before or a Go. Depending on whether we use general nouns or nouns that express a period of time. And we also learned to use a key to on-air with verbs to say how one action happens before another action. In the next lesson, we're going to learn how to say later or after in Korean. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
32. 4.2 후에 (after): Hi there. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to say, after all later in Korean using foo. Now, similar to how Chun is used to refer to the past, who is a noun that means after, and we can use it with nouns to say after something. So if we say Tom Shem, who it means after lunch, and this functions as a noun phrase. So we can use Who with air, so that we can use it in sentences to say after something or a certain amount of time later, something else happens. Let's first take a look at how we use who ate with nouns in sentences. Hacked, go whoever Niger, less, meet after school. Hacker who am ANALOG_IN, Cheonan two, she began for me, so I have an exam in two hours. Cheonan two giga, Xiaomi CYA. In the first sentence we use where with a general noun. And in this structure means after, indicating that the school is the first event and meeting is the second event. However, in the second sentence, where is used with a noun that refers to a period of time. And in this structure where it means later or as the English translation shows in time. So we use this structure to say how much time later something will happen. Let's take a look at few more examples sentences. Cheonan, Thomas, him whoever be Z22 or be Isiah. I have an art class after lunch. Cheonan Thompson mu_0 be x2. X2 obeys CYA bins sooner and hand-eye whoever caught on I got a a when x2 is going to get married in a month, min xenon handout away codon nautical AR, pseudonym Patty who as singular Monaco as Susie is going to meet a friend after the party. Pseudonym Patty, where singular Monaco EIA. So in each sentence we use a general noun or a noun that relates to a period of time and where is used to mean after, all later. Okay, so with that in mind, let's first to a listener repeat practice of sentences that use where with a noun, repeat after me. Hack, go through a magnesia, Cheonan 20k and whoever Xiaomi CYA Cheonan Thomas him whoever B is also a B psi means handout where cotton article, pseudonym Patty who had singular Monaco. That was great, well-done. Now, like China, where can also be used with verbs. But instead of adding key, we need to add in in front of where. And we use this structure to say that one action happens after another action. Let's first take a look at two example sentences that use the bins. Nan Xiang, born through air Cooke Johnny archaic Goya. Min Zu will go to the cinema after he takes his exam. Minnesota and Chambord, whoever could gigantic Gaya Shinzen and Tonya Morgan, who is Gerald SIR. Kinsey did his homework after he had dinner. Shinzen and Chunyang Morgan, who has general Hezekiah, impose sentences. The action in the first clause is the first action, and the action in the second clause is the second action. And in terms of structure, if the verb stem doesn't end in patch him, we add new and who are so poor, that becomes porn where? However, if the verb stem ends in patch him, then we add in the air, so that becomes Morgan through air. Now there are other irregular patterns of adding in whoever, and we list these in the lesson worksheets. One other thing to note with this structure is that we only add these structures to verbs infinitive form. So although the verb in the first clause in the second sentence indicates past meaning and whoever is used with the verbs infinitive form, Bach that. Ok, so let's take a look at few more examples sentences. Surgeon in Tibet or in the fluid Khumbu SIR. Susie studied after coming home, Suo Jie Dan Shi Bian Hua. Sir Cheonan, longhand, the Fuad Tom machinery and mockery. Ar I will eat lunch after exercising. Cheonan, who know nanowire Thompson were embargoed. Ar Cheonan, Chicago surgeon who had Seebeck Isiah. I went home after I found the wallet. Cheonan ship surgeon who edge burger psi L. Okay, so to reiterate, we added new and whoever after a verb stem that doesn't end in patch him. And lymph where after a verb stem that ends in patch him to say that after one action, another action happens. Let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences that use Hootsuite with verbs. Repeat after me. Min Zu Ni Xiang, Hu, Jang. Tonya Morgan who has CYA surgeon and Khumbu SIR. Cheonan, Tommy Sumerian, Bulgaria. Cheonan Chagall, Chattanooga, who edge Bagua CYA. That was excellent, well done. I think it's time for an independent practice. In this practice, you're going to see either nouns and sentences or two sentences. And unlikely to combine the two to form a single sentence using either foo or whoever. Remember that we add new and whoever, if the verb stem doesn't end in patch him. But we add Limbo where if the verb stem ends in pats him. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start the practice. Swap whereby SOP whoever handout where Caldonia L, Tn and handout away coudl nail. Sir. Means copy machine who had means and then copy imagined whoever come while shopping hands where bodies are last CYA, Shinzen and shopping and where bodies are lasagna, Tynan, Thomas Hunt Morgan who had to Osaka and a ton then Thompson mobile who had excellent job, well done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use where as, after or later, depending on whether it's used with general nouns are nouns that express a period of time. We also learned to use than whoever with verbs to say how one action happens after another action. In the next lesson, we're going to review what we learned on the use of China. And who see you then? Bye-bye.
33. 4.3 Review Lesson: Hi there. In this review lesson, we're going to review what we learned in the two previous lessons on using tonight and who's to say before and after? Let's begin with China. To lessons ago, we learned to use childcare to mean before or a go. First when we use Charney with nouns, if we use China with general nouns is used to mean before. However, if we use China with nouns relating to a period of time, then it is used to mean a go. We can also use tonight with verbs, but we need to add a key infants of China as it helps to form verbs into nouns. And we use key john add to say that before one action, another action happens. So with that in mind, let's first to a list and repeat practice of sentences that use char there to manage on their tonight, Gail, hundreds on their Messiah. John, then yogi or gauge on there pub Omar Garcia, Cheonan Xiang mortgage on a copy. The rabbis are CYA, Benson and PNG tacky John, they're hijacking Judaica Saya. That was great, well-done. Let's now do an Independent Speaking practice. In this practice, you will see either a noun in a sentence or two sentences. And I'd like you to add either China or key China and form a single sentence. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start the practice. Thompson, John Thompson John RTOG, Suseela, Simeon, Johnny Hunger Games had Isiah semi-annually hamburgers at Ostia. Cheonan, Chongyang monkeys on a subject, a messiah, Cheonan, tonal markings on there, some stereotype Isiah Dannon charges on air, TBNA buzz saw that and shaggy Jeanette Tiberio Vasa, London Haggai john S touching hedges, Haha, no AGI John as selecting a hedges EIA. Excellent job, well done. In the previous lesson, we learned to use where to mean after all later. When we use Whoever with general nouns is used to mean after. But when it's used with nouns relating to a period of time is used to mean later, as in a certain amount of time later. We can also use where with verbs. And to do that we add an infant of where to form an H2O. And if the verb stem doesn't end in patch him, we added D1 who add to the verb stem. But if it does end in batch m, Then we add Linphone. And these structures indicate that one action happens after another action. There were also various irregular patterns of adding an H2O, and these are listed in the lesson worksheet. Okay, so with that in mind, let's first do a listener repeat practice of using where. Swap where by nasa, Cheonan handout whoever Caledonia, minus1 and copy machine where conglomerate Kaya, Shinzen and shopping and the fluid bodies and last CYA, Thompson Moglen through air, torso, Guan air cast CYA. That was great, well-done, less now do an independent practice. Same as before. In this practice, you're either going to see nouns and sentences or two sentences. And unlikely to combine the two to form a single sentence using either through air or whoever. Okay, so let's begin the practice. Charmin to Xi Guan Fu, Xi army CYA, Cheonan two Michigan who as Xiaomi CYA Cheonan Thomas him whoever business lobby is CYA, John and Thomas him away. Bees also RB SIR. Mean xenon Shambaugh. Jan Boyar mean xenon Shambaugh, NH2, air cook Jang agaric, Korea. Shinzen, Young login flow air subtitle has CYA, Shinzen, Antonio Moglen who air subtitle SIR. Pseudonym TBA on where Khumbu Hezekiah, pseudonym Xi Bian Hua conquest. Excellent efforts that I am well-done. Ok, so today we reviewed what we learned in the two previous lessons on using China as before and f2 as after. In the next lesson, we're going to learn another useful expression we can use to mean after in Korean. See you then, bye-bye.
34. 4.4 고 나서 (after): Hello there and welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to learn another way of saying after, and this is core nasa. Now, we use core nasa to join two clauses to say that one action will happen once the other action or an activity has finished. And this is a key difference between core data and, and Huawei, which we learned in the previous lesson. When the fluid is simply used to say that one action follows another action. Whereas core nasa emphasizes that an action or an activity must finish before another action or an activity can follow. So let's take a look at two examples sentences that use core nasa, Jonathan's hack on Nassau, TB, the Messiah. I watch TV after I did homework. Children's gender has gone as our tibia, very bizarre bins. And then also goanna us are at cima embargos. Cya, Min Zu ate breakfast after he put on his clothes. Means and then also the gonads are at similar Mosiah. Okay, So in terms of the structure, core, nasa is really simple. We simply add a core nasa to the verb stem in the first clause and then join the second clause. Corners are, is always attached to the verbs infinitive form, and the tense of the verb is only indicated in the verb in the second clause. So in the first sentence we add a core nasa to the verb a Huldah to form Hagel nasa. And in the second sentence we add a core nasa to the verb, eat that to form IEP goal nasa. And in both sentences, the verbs in the second clause indicates the tense of both verbs, which are both past forms, past sayo and Margo's soil. Now, earlier in the course, we learned that we can add core to verbs to say and then, and in nearly all sentences, we can use Corr and corners are interchangeably. There would be very little difference in the meaning of the sentences that use either core and core nasa. However, the slight difference between these two phrases is that if we want to emphasize that the second action we'll follow only when the first action is done, then we would use core nasa. For example, let's say that I'm doing my homework. And while I'm doing my homework, my mother nags me about tidying up my room. So to say that our tidy up my room, once I have finished the homework, I would use core nasa and say, Hey, how gonads are. Chung me. I'll tidy up after I finished the homework. So jaguars are Chongyang. So in this sentence, I've used a core data because I want to emphasize that I will tidy up my room only when I have finished the homework. Now, we can also just say, Jay, How go Tony Hat GEO and convey the same meaning. But if we really wanted to emphasize that one action will follow when another action of activities done, then we would use core nasa. Okay, so let's take a look at few more examples sentences. Pseudogene in young liable for nasa, eBay or Susie will come home after watching the movie. Suturing then your marble one as RGB or Shinzen is handshake has gone us our Chunyang Mosiah, Shinzo Abe dinner after taking a walk, Shinzen and Chicago. And as our Chunyang Mosiah, B9 in the MCQ, the gonads are suggests. I mean, I did homework after she listened to music. Manana Newmark, the corners are suggests I are. So again, to reiterate, we join two clauses using core nasa to mean that something will happen after the completion of another activity or action. And we add a core nasa to a verbs infinitive form regardless of how the verb stem ends. Now, there is one important point to note with using core nasa. Generally when we use corn as are the subjects of the two closest tend to be the same. However, we can also form sentences that have two different subjects. Here's an example sentence, Shinsegae, vacua air cargo, nasa or mortgage. Chang's order has CYA monk clean the house after Kinsey went to school. Shinsegae vacua got one as R or mugger chip chunks or SIL. So as you can see, the subjects of the two clauses are different. Chin x2 and unmapped. Now, when the subjects of the two clauses are different, we can use verbs of motion in the first clause, such as CUDA, which means to go. However, if the subjects of the two clauses are the same, we cannot use verbs of motion, as well as certain other action verbs in the first clause. Consider the following sentence. Cheonan, she bear cow bone as our suggests, I R, I did my homework after I went home. Cheonan Schoenberg, I want us our suggests I are. In the sentence, the subject of both clauses is char i. And in this type of sentence, we cannot use verbs of motion and certain action verbs in the first clause. This is because when we say Cheonan cheap air cargo, nasa. It doesn't actually mean that I go home. It actually means that I leave to go home. So the actual meaning of the sentence is, I did my homework after I left to go home. So when the subjects of the two clauses are the same and the verb in the first clause is a verb of motion or a certain action verb. The relationship between the two clauses is quite confusing. To form this type of sentence, we should use ASA, ASA, which we can use to sequence events. Now, we learned earlier that's ASA. Asa is used to show a cause and effect relationship between ideas, but it can also be used to sequence events in certain contexts. We'll learn more about this use of ASL or saw in the next lecture. Now, as well as CUDA, there are other various motion verbs and action verbs that cannot be used in this type of sentence, where we have the same subject in both clauses. And we will list these verbs in the lesson worksheet. Okay, that's a lot of information secant. So let's now do a listening repeat practice of sentences that use core nasa. Repeat after me. Charmin, subject, how gonads are TBD pass SIAH. Gonads. Gonads are known as our subjects. Shinsegae, vacua, cargo Nassau, Amaka Chang's order has CYA great efforts, well done, less than do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences, and all you have to do is add core nasa to the verb stem in the first sentence and join the two sentences into one. Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Take Tomoko, nasa chip chunks order hike care, checkup, hammock on Azar chip tongues order ikea, benzene and TV report gonads are known as CYA, means an antibody level 1 as our SIR. Shinzen is how genetic gonadal cholangiogram logos CYA. Shinzen is how genetic gonadal turnover Mosiah. So GNN, GNN could immediately gonads are singular but Isiah, hypernasal, take IoT. Shinzo, gossip gender has gone as our check our urea. Okay. Fantastic efforts, well done. Okay, so today we learned to use core nasa to say that after an action or an activity has finished, another action will follow. In the next lesson, we're going to learn another way of sequencing events using ASR. Awesome. See you then, bye bye.
35. 4.5 아서, 어서 (and): Hi there. So in this lesson, we're going to learn another way of sequencing events using as our awesome. Now, in an earlier lesson, we learned that we use ASL or saw as because. And so. However, depending on the context it's used in, we can use ASA, ASA to sequence events. It generally corresponds to and when and is used to say one thing happens after another thing. We've already seen various phrases to mean after. And they all used to say that one event happens, another event. And while, as our Azar also functions in the same way, it implies a subtle nuance that differs from other phrases we have learned so far. Now in terms of how we add ASO and Asa, we already went over this quite extensively in the lesson on using ASA. Asa as because and so. So we won't go into all the different ways of adding these structures to verbs. But the key point to remember is that if a verb stem ends in vowels or R, then we add ASL. And if a verb stem ends in vowels other than or we add Asal, we will list all the different patterns in the lesson worksheet. Let's take a look at two example sentences that use ASR or some Cheonan cheeseburgers are congruent. I will go home and study Cheonan she biogas or can work. All means London. London air to check KSR ran tear tonight. Gaia means a will arrive in London and call us minus1 and London at who chat QSR orientate on Iacocca. Now, when we use ASA also to sequence events, the two events are closely related. So for the second action to occur, it's very important for the first action to happen in the first sentence or two actions are Qaddafi to go and to study. And for the second action, Khumbu harder to study to happen. The first action, she bear car, to go home must happen. So these two actions are closely related. Another important point to note is that in the previous lesson, we noted that we don't use verbs related to motion and certain action verbs with core nasa. However, they can be used with ASO, Assam. And in this first sentence, as Azar is used with a verbal motion, harder, which means to go. In the second sentence or two actions are to check cuda to arrive, which is another verb of motion. And China had to call. And just like in the first sentence, the two verbs in the second sentence are closely related to each other. The first action must happen for the second action to happen. So we use ASR Awesome. Let's take a look at few more examples sentences, Shinzen and itching air. The idea of us are copywriters. Has CYA. Kinsey went down to the ground floor and bought coffee, Shinzen and eating and ETO guys are copywriters, Isiah, Cheonan, where ISIL was our tonight, SIR. I came to work and made a phone call. John and who has Iowa's are torn. Other SIR? Bananas and JSR, checkered area Gaia. I sits down and reads a book, Manana And, and just our Tegrity regalia. So again, in each of these sentences we use as our Assam and the two actions in each sentence closely related. For the second action to happen, the first action must happen. And one thing to highlight in terms of the structure is that Azar or saw is always attached to a verbs infinitive form, so the tense is only indicates it in the verb in the second clause. Now, before we do the speaking practice, we should go over some key differences between us are awesome. And the other similar expressions such as coal, coal nasa, and then whoever. First, when we use other expressions to sequence events, the actions in two clauses do not have to be related to each other. But with ASA, ASA, the two actions are closely related to each other. For the second action to happen, the first action must happen. Second, if we use verbs of motion with core or core nasa, the subject must be different in two clauses. However, with ASA or so, the subject is always the same in both clauses. Lastly, we don't use ASA or so where the verbs related to wearing clothes and accessories. And these verbs include IEP, that shin, that end Siddhartha. With these verbs we can use core, core, nasa, or whoever. So these are some important points to note regarding the usage of ASL or saw and other similar expressions. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of sentences where two actions or sequence using ASR also repeat after me. Cheonan she Beggar's Opera. Mini Xun in London, air to chat QSR, Leanne tear tonight, Gaia, Shinzen and eating air, the ideal gas law copies as CYA, China and she bare wires are pummeled Messiah, bananas and JSR checkered area Gaia. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an independent practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences. And I'd like you to join the two sentences using either ASA or Assam. Think about how we add as are also two verb stems. Now this might be a tricky practice, but let's give it a try. Mean anon and JSR tonight, a podocyte, Manana And, and deciles Hanadi about Isiah, Cheonan eating air. The idea of us are Pamela Mosiah, China and eating N80 bizarre. Pamela soya means soon and she biogas or suggests IR beam sooner and she beggars are suggests IR Sue-Je name Chihuahuas are single and tears. Han Isiah, surgeon and Shavasana Tsinghua vantage on ISIL. Shinzen is how dare to Chuck QSR singular Monaco AR. Shinzen is our, it'll check JSR singular Monaco AR. Fantastic efforts at a well-done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use Azar or sought to sequence two actions that are closely related to each other. In the next lesson, we're going to learn how to say when enduring in Korean. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
36. 4.6 때, 을 때 (when, during): Hello there. So in this lesson, we're going to learn how to use dare and dare to mean when and during. Now the same as the English phrases touring and when we use there and the dad to say that an action happens in the middle of another action. We use there with nouns and verbs. Let's first take a look at two example sentences that you use there with nouns. Cheonan Thompson dare suggests I r, I did homework during lunch. John and Tom, Jim desk chair, SIR. Been xenon Pang De Yang Geico. Min Zu will go traveling during the school holidays. Mean xenon Pang De Yang Geico. First, when there is used with a noun, it's not attached to the noun it's used with. And when we use there with nouns, it means that during that time another action happened. Generally the noun plus there is used after the subject, but it can also be positioned at the front of the sentence. And since many Korean sentences can emit the subject, the sentence may just have the noun and the verb. So we may say sentences like Tom's, him, there suggests IR. Let's take a look at two more examples sentences. Surgeon and you're excited, they're piano, rubella CYA, Susie learn piano when she was ten. Suggestion Yosef, Their piano rebels soil, Shinzen and taxing their superior nasa. Xin Xue met Susie when he was a university student. Shinzen and taxing theirs frigidarium at nasa. Now these phrases, Josiah there and taxing there don't include the meaning of the be verb. So the literal meaning of this phrases are when ten years old and when a university students. But for translation purposes, they are written as when she was ten and when he was a university student. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of the sentences using debt with nouns repeat after me. Cheonan Thomson suggests IR, Benson and Pythonic day your anger Korea. Surgeon then Josiah, pn order payoffs Aja, banana and taxing their Suchi reading my Messiah. Great job, well-done. Let's now look at how we use there with verbs. Now, there are two ways of adding debt to verbs. So let's first take a look at two example sentences. Cheonan, tag your tiny dare to Google. Josiah. I learned Chinese when I was in university. Cheonan tack your DNA damage from Google rebel SIR means Thompson, Mogkadad, singular Manasseh. Min Zu Men, his friend when he was eating lunch, minus1 and thomson, Margaret dead shim, Good Riemann, nasa. So in terms of how we add there, if the verb stem doesn't end in patch him, we add Lear day, so Tanika becomes tiny there. However, if the verb stem ends in patch him, then we add a day, so that becomes Margaret dead. Now there are numerous irregular ways of adding depth, and we will list these in the lesson worksheet. Now in terms of meaning similar to how there is used with nouns, we use dare to say that an action happens in the middle of another action. One other thing to note is that the verb we add debt to can be in the past form. So we can say Cheonan, Hangzhou, gay, hazard, dare, short painter barney has CYA. When I went to Korea, I did a lot of shopping. Cheonan hunger Gaga's shopping or by the SIR. So the first verb is in its past form a cut that, and we add that to the verb stem to form castle there. Now, an important question we need to ask is, how come in the first two sentences, we added a debt to the verbs infinitive form. But in the last sentence, we added that to the verbs POS form. Now the answer to this question is in the difference in meaning between these sentences. When we want to say that an action happened in the middle of another action, we add debt to the verb that represents the long continuous action. So in the first two sentences, tiny dot that represent the long continuous action. So we add debt to these infinitive forms. And the shorter action that happens in the middle is represented by the second verb, which is in the past form. However, the meaning of the last sentence is different as the two actions, cut that and shopping at that, not happening at the same time. And in this type of sentence, we can add that to the verbs POS form. Okay, so let's take a look at few other example sentences. When Johnny Depp in Zhuan tear tonight are CYA means who call me when I was driving. When John out there'd been Zhuan tariffs on US AIA. It's hygiene triggered their harmony saw, stay still when we take a photo, It's hadn't ticker deck harmonies saw Cheonan children accurate tinier sit there. Hangzhou, guess had our SIR when I was in primary school, I lived in Korea, China and total inaccurate dinosaurs, their hunger GSA psi L. Okay, so to reiterate, we use dared to say that an action happens during another action. And in terms of adding, oop there, we add a lyric there if the verb stem doesn't end in patch him. But we add oop there, if the verb stem does end in patch him. And in the last sentence, although me attending primary school and living in Korea are happening at the same time, they're not to actions that are happening together with one action happening in the middle of another action. So in this sentence, we can add that to the past form of the verb at Cannae. Daniel data, however, do note that since these two actions are still happening at the same time, we can add 2w dead to the infinitive form, tiny data. So the sentence could be written as Tanya said, they're or paneled, they're both would be okay. I think sometimes grammar rules are not always black and white, and this is definitely one of them. Okay, so let's now do a speaking practice of sentences that use there with verbs. Charmin, tack your tiny dare to legato payoffs. Ir, thompson, Mogkadad, nasa Esau, totaling akio TinyOS, Hangul gears. That was excellent, well-done, less than do an independent practice of using debt. And they're, in this practice you're either going to see a noun in a sentence or two sentences. And I'd like you to join the two elements together using either there or it there. Okay. So if you're ready, let's begin. Benson and pass our cited their young order, Josiah, Minnesota and has offsite day on modern SIR. So G9 children accent Dan, Jack, SIR. Switching then totaling accent there, cool produces Jack, SIR. Camping Garcia. Meaner than camping, SIR? Guys, how I say guys, how they turn our SIR vacua archived there. P. Garcia, hacker. I got their Pegasi Cheonan audio there k guys are CYA tongue in order. So take care guys. So Saya, amazing job today. Well done. Okay, so in this lesson, we learned to use dare and dare to mean during and when. The next lesson is a review lesson, and we will review what we learned in the last three lessons on using corn as our, as our Azar. And from this lesson, see you then, bye-bye.
37. 4.7 Review Lesson: Hi there. So in
this review lesson, we're going to review
what we learned in the three previous lesson
on using coal nasa. And let's begin with coal nasa. Three lessons ago, we learned
to use coal nasa to say that one action will happen once the other
action has finished. To use cool nasa in this way, we simply attach core nasa to the first verb
in the sentence. We also learned that core nasa is not used with
certain verbs of movement and action in the subjects of the two
clauses is the same. Okay, so with that in mind, let's first do a
listening repeat practice of sentences that use coal, nasa, Panama Canal Zone, chip chunks or healthcare. Being Zuni and Tiberio
Go nasa knowing SIR. Chins, hygienic gonads
are Tanya, bagasse, Sudan and including
critical Nassau, Singletary my neck
got Shinsegae, Huckel, Nassau checker, UDL. Great efforts, well done. Let's now do an independent
speaking practice. In this practice, you will see two sentences on the screen. I'd like you to combine
the two sentences using core nasa. If you're ready, let's
begin the practice. Chandon soup,
cheddar, hago, nasa, TV deriva, tone and suggested how gonads
are tubular by CYA. Means also the gonads are at similar bogus CYA meeting sooner and also the gonads
are at similar mortgage. Sudan and young lab book on SRGB will see Gina and Young level. Vanessa Bell, glial hand Chicago, nasa, Tanya modus ponens
hand Chicago, Nassau. Tanya mogul, CYA, Shinsegae, Chicago, nasa omega
chip chunks order has CYA vacua Carbone as omega tube tongs order has
excellent job, well done. Two lessons ago
we learned to use ASL or to sequence two actions. When we sequence two
actions using a JSR or the two actions are closely
related to each other. For the second action to happen, the first action must
happen in terms of how we add acid or if a verb
stem ends in vowels, or then we add acetone. But if the verb stem ends
in vowels other than all, then we add awesome. Also, we learn that with
a cool and corners. We cannot use them
with verbs of movement if the subjects of the
two clauses is the same. However we can with
us are awesome. We also learned
that we cannot use ASA also with verbs that relate to wearing clothes and
accessories such as IEP that, shin, that n Sida. However we can with coal, coal nasa and also
the influence. That just about recaps
all the key points. So let's first do a
listening repeat practice of using ASL, also B9 and unjust or tornado. But us, Chandon, eating the
ideal guys are mogul CYA, being zoning teabag
as our suggest, CYA, QALYs are Tibetan ISIL. Hold it to chuck chin.
Good night guys. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an independent
speaking practice. Same as before.
You're going to see two sentences on the screen
and unlikely to combine the two sentences to form
a single sentence using either acid or depending on
how the first row of buttons. Now these are sentences we
have seen from the lesson, so it shouldn't
be too difficult. Let's begin the practice. Cheonan teabag as a
JPEG, as a homework. Being soon in London, a2 chat, QSR, Wudi, anti-China means in
a London nato check has all the anti-China. Shinzen and itching. A dado guys are copywriters, has CYA, kinsmen and
itching and ideal gas. Our computers are cheap
pair-wise are homologous. Homologous. B9 and JSR checker. There you go. B9 and
unjust, I'll check. Excellent job, well done. In the previous lesson, we learned to use their debt
to mean during or when. We use with nouns and
we use with verbs. And in terms of
attaching the two verbs, if the verb stem doesn't
end in Patch him, we add Lear there. But if it does, then
we add the day. Again, there are various
irregular patterns and these were listed in
the lesson worksheet. Now when we add two verbs, if the verb represents a longer continuous action and the following verb is
the shorter action that happens in the middle
of the longer action then is attached to the
verbs infinitive form. However, if the two verbs
in the sentence refers to actions that do not happen
together at the same time. There can be attached
to a verbs past form, which helps to show
that the verbs in the sentence do not happen
together at the same time. So with that in mind, let's first do a
listener repeat practice of sentences that use there. Bins sooner and Paso's Saturday Young Children Act saying dare could put Jack, SIR, B9 and Yoda and
Bangkok camping Garcia. Hack your way.
Pygostyle, melanin, order, k, guys, Messiah. That was great, Well done. Let's now do an independent
speaking practice. This practice, you will see either a noun in a
sentence or two sentences. And I'd like you to combine the two elements together
using either there or if you're ready, let's begin. Charles Thompson suggests
China and Thomson suggests means zoom and pan. Ok, then your anger. Being insulin pen. Ok,
there you're angry. Sad, integrated. Harmony is Saya. It's hard integrity, harmony is accurate and you dare to Google Tag iodinated
edge from Google doorbell, say, Cheonan hung Google, Shopping, Bonnie SIR,
Tundra and hungry gig acid, they're shopping Obanya, SIR. Fantastic efforts
today. Well done. Okay, so today we
reviewed what we learned in the
previous three lessons on using coal nasa
as are also there. In the next lesson, we're
going to learn how to say while in Korean. See you then, bye-bye.
38. 4.8 면서 (while): Hi there. In this
lesson we're going to learn how to use beyond saw, which is similar to
while in English. Now the answer is used
to describe doing something in the middle
of another action. And it correlates to
while in English, the use of beyond zone is
quite similar to there. Here are two examples. Sentences using buildings
are Chandon soup, Joham eons are Margo did. While doing homework,
I listened to music, channel and
suggestions or omega, that means Zona and Tanya
algorithm bulgogi on TBD bio. While eating dinner,
being x2 watches TV, beans in Antonio Gramsci, Ogilvy and so TBD buyer. In both sentences we use beyond start
with the first verb. And this means that while
that action is going on, the second action happens. Although the English
sentences are written as doing homework
and eating dinner, they could also be written
as while I'm doing homework or while
being so it's thinner. Both convey the
exact same meaning. Now in terms of
adding the Ansar, if the verb stem
doesn't end impact Tim, we just add beyond
the sour soup, j hat becomes a soup chair. Hermione's are. But if the
verb stem ends in patched him, then we add lumens or bulk that becomes
more Gumi on some. Now as with many structures
that we add two verbs, there are various irregular
patterns to adding Mensa. And we will again list these
in the lesson worksheet. Now there are a couple
of key points to note regarding using the Ansar. First, we can only use beyond
czar if the subjects of the two clauses in the
sentence is the same person. If the subject of
the two clauses is different than we will use a structure called
the Nin domain, which we will learn
in the next lesson. Secondly, the 10th
of the two verbs is only indicated in
the second clause. We only added beyond that to
the verbs infinitive form. Okay, so let's take a look at few more examples sentences. Kinsmen, windowing
Iranians are TB2 bus. While exercising
Kinsey, watch TV, chin sooner or
knowing onions or TB, thereby CYA B9 and check polygamy and
check Sanger told many, SIR, while reading
a book minutes Heidi dot per desk,
B9 and integrity. Check Sanger, Johnny
ISIL Chandon, you already saw while cooking. I will wash the dishes. Challenge is how
do you do Heiko? To reiterate, we use
beyond czar to say that while one action is going
on, another action happens. And in terms of how
we added beyond, so we add beyond czar, if the verb stem doesn't
end impacts him. But if it does, then we add Lumia and some. Okay, so let's now do
a speaking practice of the sentences that use
muons are repeat after me. Shannon soup champions
or Lumigrow data are being Zuni and Tanya algorithm all
go beyond saw TBD by L non-avian saw TB, the ribose CYA B9 and check the disagreements or check signer autonomy, SIR. China and you already
saw budget or Heiko AL. That was great, Well done. Let's now do the
independent practice. This practice, you will
see two sentences, and depending on whether the first verb ends
in patchy Monod, I'd like you to use
either bonds or, or humans are, and join the two closes into
a single sentence. So if you're ready, let's begin. Sooner. Ocd, boom,
eons are carbon SiO, meaning sooner and ulcerative
humans are carbanion is IL. Tbd put me on the Khumbu ISIL. China and TBD booleans
are congruent. B9 and symbolic chylomicrons
are called Sidereal. Be nine. Sympatric means
are considered by our own John aliens are you Margo did China
in Java means omega? Is that Shinzen and poverty amalgam
eons or Medan sour. So Shinzen and Pablo amalgam
Gonzo are modern sour. So fantastic job today. Well done. Okay, so today we learned to use beyond sought to mean while in English. And beyond zone is used
to show that while one action is going on,
another action happens. The next lesson
we're going to learn how to use lintel nine, which we also use the meanwhile. See you soon again. Bye-bye.
39. 4.9 동안 (for, during, while): Hi there. In this
lesson we're going to learn how to use tool nine, which can function like
full during and while. Now two men can be used
with nouns and verbs. And its meaning
differs depending on whether it's used
with nouns or verbs. Will first look at using
Tool nine with nouns. When we use Tool
nine with nouns, we use Tolman as either
full or touring, as in for how long and
during an activity. Here are two examples sentences being Xun in Chang'an
it to diatom land, to Googlers had a CYA last year means who lived
in China for two months being Zuni and Tanya net
domain to Google's had a soil museum domains. Cheddar has. I did homework during lunch and TomTom and
scattered has saw. In the first sentence
token is used like for to say how long
I lived in China. When Truman is used
in this way is always used with a noun that
refers to a period of time. In the second sentence
to nine is used like jeering to say that during
lunch I did homework. When we use 29 width nouns, they are always separated
from the noun they used with. Now sometimes rather
than using total nine, we can use to nine AM. When we use the
particle air with Tony, where emphasizing the
UN's of within that time, tomorrow night is similar to turn on when it's used to mean during nearly all sentences you can use total 90 tomorrow. Interchangeably. There is very little
difference in meaning between sentences that
use these phrases. Let's take a look at few
more examples sentences, pseudonymous, amnion domain
young order BY while saw. Susie learned English
for three years, switching and Sammy
Antonioni on water Bell saw Dannon yogurt and
Bang Dong and be gay. So I was in America
during summer holidays. The Allen YOLO embarked
on ambiguous case, a challenge to melt online converter has CYA I started for the exam
during the weekend. Challenge to melt online. Sham computer has in each
sentence we use to nine with nouns to say for how long or during when
we do something. Okay, so let's now do
a speaking practice of the sentences that use
pull nine with nouns. Repeat after me, bins sooner in Changi
on it, to glucose. Diana, Thomas, EMTALA
and soup cheddar has saw amnion domain, the domain be Goog a challenge to melt
online sharing computer. That was great, Well done. Let's now take a
look at how we use tone and width verbs to
use to land with verbs. We add none in front of tone and attach it
to the verb stem. When we use didn't
domain with verbs, we use it to mean while. Here are two examples. Sentences means UGA, she bear on windowing n channel
punk Chang's article. While being X2 is
on his way home. I will clean the room. Meaning so glad she
bone and Dong Antonio, punk songs or coil challenge, Tanya monumental and
t beta of Isiah. While I had dinner, I watch TV, China and China among
them later by CEO. As you can see in each sentence, regardless of whether
the verb stem ends in patching or not, we add then Dongen. However, there are also irregular patterns of
adding the hinterland, and these will be listed
in the lesson worksheet. Now in terms of usage, as I've mentioned already, didn't domain equates to while. And we use it to say while one action is going on,
another action happens. We always add and then domain to evolves infinitive
form and the verb tense is only indicated
in the second verb. Now unimportant
uses points is that compared to bonds off
from the previous lesson, the subjects of the two
clauses can be different. So in the first sentence, you can see that the subjects of the first verb is been z2, and the subject of the
second verb is char I. However, width beyond
the subject for the first and the second
clause must be the same. Generally, when we
use dental nine, if the subjects are different
for the two clauses, we use a subject particle
with the first subject. Let's take a look at few
more examples sentences challenging pseudo key that
in and check your data. Got cyan. While I waited for chin x2, I read a book challenge in pseudocode that in
Indonesia and check it. Erika, be NACA or
sit in Lindow Man. A man and carbanion is
while we now got dressed, her mom pack the bags, vinegar or is it in dung, animal man and carbon-rich SISO. Suchi got hemagglutinin, Dolan, children
windowing article. While Susie listens to music, I'm going to exercise
Suchi guy omega and then Dong Antonio nomadic
or so to reiterate, we use then Dong and
to say that while one action is happening,
another action happens. And we always attached
to the verb stem, regardless of how
the verb stem ends, and it's always attached to
the verbs infinitive form. Let's now do a speaking
practice of the sentences that use lintel nine,
repeat after me. Benzo guides eBay or don't. Shannon punk chunks
or Cheonan, Tanya, Melinda TB, the
ribosome Tin sseuda key that in and doing n
checker to be NACA, also evening dawn
on man and carbon. There is a style
Sue-Je guy omega two, Lindow Man, China
and windowing icon. That was excellent, Well done. Let's now do the
independent practice. In this practice, you're
either going to see a noun in a sentence
or two sentences. And I'd like you to join the two parts
together using either total nine or if you're ready, let's begin the practice. Don't learn, tie out to the JSR. Dinah and each donor
anti outsider JSR, pseudonym Tom Michigan don't
learn to quarter his style. Sudan and Thomas, Michigan
DOT and two-quarter SIR. Yada. Yada on Panopto man
to Google rebel songs. Vacua, can and online
checker that you go to China and I didn't Dong unchecked or did you go glial domain peg go pass-fail component
Dongen peg or pass Aja. Be Nagar, choose older tungsten don't mean insulin
daughter by CYA. Be Nagar choose auto Tomlin domain means in an order by CYA. Fantastic job. Well done. Okay, so in this
lesson we learned to use tool nine with nouns and didn't domain with verbs to