Easy Clay Earrings: Learn 3 Styles using Oven-Bake Clay | Kiley Bennett | Skillshare

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Easy Clay Earrings: Learn 3 Styles using Oven-Bake Clay

teacher avatar Kiley Bennett, Artist + Online Educator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Trailer: Easy Clay Earrings with Kiley Bennett


    • 2.

      Tools + Materials


    • 3.

      Sketch Your Designs


    • 4.

      Color Mixing + Marbling


    • 5.

      Easy Confetti Effect


    • 6.

      Cutting Shapes


    • 7.

      Baking + Finishing Touches


    • 8.

      Attaching Hardware


    • 9.

      Thanks for watching!


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About This Class

Welcome to Easy Clay Earrings! I'm Kiley Bennett, and I'm a craftin' fool. I'm also a lover of big, fun, colorful earrings. I've been using oven-bake clay to make my own custom earrings for about 1.5 years. Let me say this: I'm not a professional! But the good news is you don't have to be one! All you need are a few supplies and a vision.

Throughout this class, you'll learn:

- The supplies, materials, and tools needed to make clay earrings
- What tools you can *probably* find around your house as substitutes
- A marble technique that works for countless color combinations
- Simple Color Mixing
- How to create a terrazzo / confetti effect
- Tips for rolling and cutting your clay
- Simple finishing techniques anyone can do

Get ready to bring your earring dreams to life! I can't wait to see what you make!


- Sculpey Clay
- X-Acto Knife (Substitute: Kitchen Knife, Pizza Cutter, or Scissors in a pinch!)
- Cute Earring Cutters From This Shop
- Clean, Smooth Work Surface (Or use wax paper if you want to protect your work surface, or ensure you have a smooth area to work in)
- I use an Icing Bag Tip (A small size) to cut small circles, along with a dull, thick sewing needle to remove shapes)
- A bowl with water for smoothing edges and mistakes
- A baking sheet or pan and an oven (or toaster oven!)
- Jewelry Pliers (or two pairs of tweezers)
- Hardware: Jump Rings, Posts, and Any Earring Hardware you prefer for your earrings)
- Optional: Sculpey Gloss Glaze
- Acrylic Craft Paint and a Paintbrush


Meet Your Teacher

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Kiley Bennett

Artist + Online Educator


Hi! I'm Kiley Bennett, an artist and online educator based in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.

Whether you are joining me for a class (or two, or three!) here on Skillshare, or you're hanging out with me somewhere else online, you can expect to feel encouraged, confident, and inspired to dig into your creative side. My favorite way to share what I know is through my growing library of online courses, covering everything from lettering to Procreate to oven-bake clay earrings! In between classes, you can find other tutorials and resources for artists and creative business owners on my blog.

What will you learn here on Skillshare? 
Answer: Simple processes for creating art in my favorite mediums: digital, watercolor, and lettering. On occasion... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Trailer: Easy Clay Earrings with Kiley Bennett: Hi guys. I'm Kiley Bennett and I love wearing fun earrings. That's why I'm super excited to bring you this class on creating fun and easy clay earrings. Oven baked clay earrings are super trendy right now. As a lover of fun colors, unique patterns, textures and shapes. Clay earrings are an easy and affordable way to exercise both personal style and creativity. In this class, I'll show you how to create several styles of earrings using easy techniques and I'll walk you through what tools, tips and tricks you can use to bring your earring dreams to life. I promise it's not as hard as it looks, but it is somewhat addicting. Join this class at your own risk. Let's do this. 2. Tools + Materials: Let's go ahead and jump in, we're talking about the tools and materials and supplies that I'll be using throughout class. It looks like there's a lot of stuff here, but I bet that you'll find a lot of these things you already have at home, or you can dig up in your crafting drawer or box or cabinet or wherever you keep all your craft supplies throughout. Well, I'm talking about these different supplies, I'll give recommendations of what you could use as a substitute. I've been making earrings for fun for about a year and a half now so I've slowly collected a lot of different clay colors, I've collected all my earring supplies and just some fun cutters and shapes and things like this. Don't worry if you don't have all these things because we can get creative. Let's first talk about clay. I've got some brand new bars of clay here that I got. This is a Sculpey brand it's the brand that I've used the most. I also have this large Michaels brand brick of white clay that I've been working through. The thing to know about clay is that you can make a lot of earrings out of one bar of clay, and these are relatively inexpensive. I think the Sculpey brand is $2.50 at Michaels. When you think about it, it's actually a super affordable hobby to have because you can get a lot of product out of these. Sculpey also sells some different types of clay that gave you a really cool effects. I don't know if you can tell, but this clay right here is a gold finish and it has like a little bits of gold glitter in that, so I'm really excited to use this one. Then I also picked up this translucent clay, which it won't be completely translucent after we bake it, but it will give us a cool effect, and it's just something different to play around with. There are a lot of different types of effects that you can get, just mixing different colors together, we're going to talk about that. Then if all you have for some reason is white or a black or something else, we can add some finishing touches with some just plain craft paint, which will lead us into another supply you might want to have on hand. I just have some craft paint and a paintbrush. Next step, you want to have a clean workspace. I am going to spray down my workspace and give it a quick little wash, because your clay is going to pick up every little bit of dust and dirt that is on your workspace. If you don't have a smooth, clean workspace to work in, I suggest getting some wax paper. You can actually cut these in big square sheets, and then take them down onto your work surface and that'll give you a really clean, smooth area to work on. Also clay is sticky, when we're working with it with our hands it will get warmer, and I feel like sometimes that makes it a little bit hard to work with. The wax paper does serve as a non-stick surface. You also might want to have a little bit of olive oil or cooking spray on hand later as we get into the class. Speaking of nice smooth surfaces, we also want to have a rolling pin but if you don't have a rolling pin, you can use a glass. I used this glass for a really long time and you can use it basically the same way that you would a rolling pin, and it works super well. A tip about using glass though, is that you don't want it to be too tapered outward because that will affect the thickness of your clay as you're rolling it out and you want your clay to maintain the same thickness all the way across. Something that's not to taper that you can use to roll is ideal. As far as cutting tools go I have an X-Acto knife which I bet a lot of you have that at home as well. I have some cutters that I ordered off at see that are more trendy earring shapes that we see nowadays and I really like these. However, if you don't have any fun cutters, this is where we can get creative. I have the plastic cap from cooking spray that actually is a great circle size for me. We can take a knife, a pizza cutter, or an X-Acto knife and actually cut these circles in half so that we can then have half-moon shapes. That's something that you could do. I also have this little cake icing tip that has this perfect size circle here on this side. But I can also use the other side of it to cut the little circles in my earrings that where my earring hardware is going to be attached. It's not the easiest to get my shapes out of this side. I have a thicker sewing needle that I can use to poke through the top of this hole to push my shape out from the other side. You all will see what I'm talking about when we get into cutting our shapes. If you don't have cutters, you can use a card stock to create a template. Just draw out your shapes on a piece of card stock, cut those out, and then when you lay those little templates on top of your clay, you can use an X-Acto knife or a sharp kitchen knife to cut around them and it will work. Another tip is that I like to have a couple of little bowls sitting out in my workspace, so that I have a designated place to drop all of these items when I'm not using them. This especially comes in handy for that little needle that I have in there, if I could easily lose track of that. I like to just put a bowl in my workspace where I know all my cutters and cutting utensils are going to go when I'm not using them. You might also want to have a little bowl with some water because we will use water to smooth out some of our mistakes with our clay. Find an oven safe pan or cookie sheet or something that you can put your clay on when you bake it in the oven. You will also need an oven or a toaster oven to cook your clay in. This is completely optional, but Sculpey also created this gloss glaze that you can buy and this is just a little finishing touch if you want to add a glaze to your earrings at the end. I also have a little bowl in my workspace that has my jewelry hardware supplies in it. I've got two pairs of these little jewelry pliers that work really well, and then I have some super glue because you always need super glue. Then I've got different types of jump rings. I like gold, you can also get silver in whatever sizes you want. I've got these little guys. These earring attachments are this part up here. If you want your earring to dangle from your ear, then this is a great option for you. I've also got some posts that I can glue onto the backs of earrings. For instance, I haven't finished these yet but I would glue a post onto the back of this piece right here, that's where I would place the earring inside my ear. As far as hardware goes, get whatever works for you. I do not have sensitive ears and so I can get away with buying whatever I find at the craft store but there are a lot of options online. If you do have sensitive ears or you want a higher quality of hardware. 3. Sketch Your Designs: Before we jump into working with the clay, let's sit down and sketch out a couple of ideas of what earrings we would want to design. This can be super helpful to help us have a vision while we're working through the class, and so that we can come out with earrings that we actually love and want to wear. Definitely use this opportunity to design your earrings based on what you have available to you as far as cutters go. I'm sure you could find something in your house to use as a circle cutter and then you can also cut your circle shape into half moons. You can also use a pizza cutter to cut into squares or to strips. I'm really into the half-moon shape, and I want to do a square. I'm going to make a square or a rectangle. I want my earrings to be attached by jump ring here, and I want it to dangle, so you'll know that you need to poke a hole here, here, and here to attach all of your pieces together. You can decide what colors you want to use. This is going to be a marble, which we're going to learn throughout the class, and this is going to be a solid color. We will figure out colors when we get there. Maybe we can do a small circle and a larger circle attached and then this is going to be a post, so we don't need a hole there. I'm going to do this, and I might try the translucent. I'm going to sit down and just sketch a couple of more ideas, so feel free to join in with me and get really creative. If you drew any shapes that you need to cut your templates out of, go ahead and do that and set your card stock templates aside because next lesson we're going to get into actually mixing up our clay. 4. Color Mixing + Marbling: In this lesson, we begin working with our clay. I'm taking my clay out of the wrappers. I want to show you how to mix colors together because you might only have a white and then another color and you want to create something totally new. I'm going to use a little bit of white. I'm going to use my [inaudible] knife to cut a little piece of this white off here. I have a little bit of this hot pink that I got in a set. I want to make a light paint by mixing my hot pink and my white. I know that this hot pink is pretty strong, so I'm using more white than I'm using pink. I'm just going to mush them together. Then with my hand rolling back and forth. Now it's starting to mix together. I'm just going to pull and fold and then roll again and pull that and fold it, twist it, do whatever you want to do. Basically, you want to keep doing this until your clay is all mixed together. This is a little bit time consuming. You can see already we have what looks like marbling happening, which is really cool, but you just want to keep mixing your clay until it is completely mixed. After just a couple minutes of rolling, this is now mixed into a significantly lighter pink than it was before. If you wanted this to be even lighter pink, you could just add some more white to it and then start that process all over again. You can just add it to what you already have here. For right now, I'm just going to set this to the side. I think we'll end up using this clay in just a little bit. I'm going to put all these to the side. Now I want to show you how to get a marbled effect using several different colors. I'm going to do gold, translucent, and then this really pretty colors. I'm going to take this out and I'm going to cut just a little bit off this. When I cut about that much off of each of these bars. Since I'm just making earrings for fun, I don't make in high volumes and I'm going to roll these in my hands. This primo brand is a little bit harder to work with than the skulpy brand. I am going to improvise and we're going to do a little bit of that blue. Then I'm going to come in with a little bit of this periwinkle. Perfect. I'm just going to combine all of these together by just pressing. I'm going to roll my hands to create one solid strip of clay. Then I'm going to do the same thing that we were doing before to mix our two colors together and I'm just going to fold in on itself, roll it out, can use the table. Then you can see that it's starting to create a marbled look. I'm just going to keep doing that. Once it gets to a place where you think the marbling looks good and you're ready to roll it out, we are going to roll it up into a ball. Just use your hands to roll into a ball. We can go ahead and roll out our little marbling so that you can see what it looks like before we move on to the next technique. We're not going to be cutting in this lesson, but you can at least set this layer of clay to the side and come back to it when we're ready, I'm going to lay down a little bit of wax paper. A little trick that I like to do is I'd like to first flatten out my ball of clay with the bottom side of this glass. I'm just going to place it on top and press. You can see that it flattens it out. I'm going to grab my rolling pin. Actually my paper is not going to do meaning good right now. It takes a few tries to get this going. I'm just going to gently rock back and forth with the rolling pin, making sure that I'm applying even pressure on both sides so I can get a consistent layer of clay. Pill this off the rolling pin and I'm going to lay it on the table just to show you how rolling with a glass works, I'm going to do that too. It might actually even work better. For our purposes, rolling with the glass right now is working way better than the rolling pin. You just want to make sure that you are smoothing your clay out and you're applying even pressure when you're rolling it. You can also lift it up gently, say You don't stretch it out, flip it to the other side, and then start rolling it again. It's okay. That sticks. No big deal. At this point, I have reached a thickness that I find works really well. For earrings, this did not make a large section, but that's okay because we are not making humongous earrings. I like to only make a couple pairs of earrings from one bit of clay so that I can have truly one of a kind earring. I'm going to go ahead and set this to the side for when we are ready to cut with that and then we'll move on to the next technique, which is a fun little confetti terrazzo type of look. 5. Easy Confetti Effect: I'm going to grab my white clay, because I want white to be the base. I'm going to wipe off my exact a knife, because working with this white clay, it will pick up everything that is on your surface, that's on your hands, all the different colors of clay. You might also want to wash your hands, if you feel like your hands have picked up in a dye from other colors of clay. I know that red for me stains my hands, stains my tables, stains my clay that I'm working with. I 'm going to go ahead and warm up my clay in my hands. Also why I'm not wearing any jewelry is because, I don't want to get clay all over my rings, and a roll into a ball and I'm going to flatten it out, with our glass. I'm going to roll it out just a little bit, but I'm going to leave it pretty thick because once I apply our other little bits of clay to create that confetti look, I want to continue rolling the clay out, so the colors mix together. I want to have a little bit of room to work with, to roll my clay out even further. I would say get it about halfway there, which for me is about right there. I'm just going to cut off just like little tiny bits, be careful. Don't be like me, be way more cautious with your exact knife. Going to grab this pink, that we used earlier. Any colors that you want to be included, just go ahead and cut a little chunk of those off. I'm also going to include black in this one, I don't want to use too much black because black has potential to really overpower, I'm going to be mindful of that. I went into my stash and I cut off a couple other colors, that I want to include in my terrazzo Confetti look, now I've got all my little colors laid out, and now we're going to begin the very tedious work of just cutting off little bits, and placing them on top of our white clay. Mine are about that big, they're pretty tiny. I'm just going to go through, and lay out these little bits in a random order on my white clay, to create Confetti or sprinkles or something like that and you're just going to put them on top, not really pressing them in very much. Some can be bigger than others. Just smoothing that out a little bit. Some can be microscopic or you can do all the same size. I'm going to speed this up, while I finish working on this design. I have added all of the little terrazzo pieces, that I want to add. I'm going to move all of my little clay bits elsewhere. Just a tip, let's say you want to make your terrazzo earrings over again. You can save all of these little pieces in just a plastic baggie, and keep them with all of your other clay supplies, and they will last because they don't really dry out as long as you keep them sealed up in a bag. Definitely set these aside to use for later. Now, I am going to go in and just press in all of my pieces, to make sure that nothing comes up, when we are continuing to roll out our clay, grab your rolling pin and we're just going to keep rolling. Just like we normally would. If you get any little bits of dust or dirt or something, you can go ahead and pull whatever it is out in, you'll probably make a dent in your clay. You can grab a little bit of water on your fingertip, and just smooth over it until that's gone. Wipe the moisture away and then continue rolling. I've reached my desired level of thickness for cutting out these clay pieces. I'm really excited because, I'm going to be able to get at least two pretty large earrings out of this one little bit of clay, that is smaller than my hand as I'm pretty excited about this, just a couple of tips. You want your clay to be completely consistent in thickness all the way around. If you have edges that are maybe a little bit thinner, that's okay, to mainly where you're going to be cutting your design from. You want those pieces to all be consistent in thickness, when they're cut out. So let's go ahead and move on to our next lesson, where we cut out our clay pieces. 6. Cutting Shapes: I rolled out a little bit of the translucent clay and then I also did another marbling with our leftover pieces that we used for the confetti look. I've got my notebook of sketches over here as a reference as I carry out my pieces. So we'll just jump right in because this is a really exciting part. I'm going to just start going in this order. I wanted to do solid and a marble. I think I'm going to do solid translucent and the marble square here. Since I need two half moons for both my earrings, I'm going to use this circle cutter right here to cut out my translucent half moons. Let's move these out of the way. You might want to add a little bit of cooking spray or olive oil to the edge of your cutter, whatever you're using, make sure it's cleaned off. Then I'm just going to dive right in. I'm going to press straight down like this. Don't twist it. It's tempting to want to twist it around. Don't do that, and then lift up. My shape came out pretty easily. If yours didn't grab something like a needle, got this large selling needle and you can use that to pry out your shape from the edges, but in this case, it wasn't necessary. I'm going to lift this up and set it to this side because we don't need that right now. I'm also going to clean off any little bits of clay because I don't want my shapes to pick up anything. I'm going to use my exact dough knife to cut down the middle to create two of my half moons. If you don't have an exact dough knife, you can use a kitchen knife, you can use a pizza cutter or anything like that that you're comfortable with and make sure that you can't cut on your surface and that it won't damage your surface. I'm just going to lightly drag, and I'm eyeballing this because it doesn't have to be perfect. I'm just going to lightly drag my exact dough knife down the middle, and I'm going to use the tip to lift it up because sometimes your clay can get stuck to your work surface. Going to set these up just like how they will be arranged on my earring. Let me move this one. You don't want to pull on your shapes because you want them to maintain their shapes. So don't try to do anything fancy. Don't try to stretch them out yourself. If the edges are a little bit jog and I'm going to show you how to fix that in just a second. I'm going to grab my marble because this is what we're going to be using for the bottom square. I'm just going to eyeball a square. Once again, you can cut out your square out of a card stock template, but I think in this case we're going to be just fine. I'm going to check out the other side. Decide which side you want your squares to come from and which orientation also. I think I want mine to be vertical orientation. I'm going to cut off an edge piece, so we have a good place to start, and you can keep this, take this to the side because you might want to use it later. The edge of that looks really cool too. I don't want my earrings to be too big. I want them to be at least the width of this one so I'm just going to use this as a guide. Once again, this is just for fun. This is not a professional endeavor and so we can get crafty. We don't have to stress. I'm not going to make it quite that long. I'll lift this up, and there is my little square. The same process, I'm just going to lift, put it to this side and then figure out how I want my earring to lay for this one. These are going to look completely different, which is pretty cool if you think about it. I'm going to gently lay this on top so that I can cut out the exact same size and shape for my other earring. If you had a card stock template, you would be doing this exact same thing but with your template. I'm going to lift away the clay around this one, and then let's say that edge needs to be cleaned up. There's two edges that need to be cleaned up, I'm going to lift and very carefully, just clean these up. That looks good. I'm going to do the same with this edge. Which side should we use? What's so fun about the marble, is that you truly get a different experience. I think I like this side, but guess what? We can decide that later after we have baked our clay. We're putting our earring together. Before we can call these good and put them on our baking sheet, we need to cut out the holes where our hardware is going to go, so we need three holes in parallel order. I'm going to grab my handy dandy little icing top here. You could also use a needle to poke your hole. I'm going to go ahead and start at the top. Once again, I just eyeball this. Here's the thing about cutting your hardware holes. You need to get it fairly close to the top because when we attach our earring hardware, I'm going to show you, you want that process to be as easy as possible. You can see here, if this is about how far my hardware hole was from the very top of my piece, then on this one, it was a little bit farther down and this was pretty hard to attach. You just want to make sure that you're getting as close to the top edges possible, that you're still leaving enough room so that it's not a fragile, thin little piece between your hardware and your clay piece. I'm just going to eyeball it. I'm going to press straight down. Once again, press straight down. Press straight in. There we go. Now it's removed. I'm going to gently remove this and then use my finger to tap that little edge back into place, let me move away this little hole. Now I'm going to continue placing these holes on all of my earrings. These are now ready to go on a baking sheets. I'm just going to lift these up and place them on my baking sheet. You don't have to grease your baking sheet. You don't even have to place them at any width away from one another, but you do need to position them and flatten down any quarters that are sticking up and smooth them out. Make sure that they are laying exactly as how you want them to be at the finished result. With my translucent clay, I wanted to do two circles. That's going to be really easy. I'm going to use this small circle and then I'm going to use this larger circle. Now I need to use my exact dough knife to come in here. Very gently peel out my circle, and I'll need to fix that edge in just a second. We're going to see if we can get another circle outer here. We can. It looks like we'll be able to get our circles out of this layer. That's perfect. Perfect. Let's peel up our clay around our shapes. I'm going to clean up any of the clay that's remaining on my work surface edge here. I'm going to grab some water from a bowl and just dip my finger in, and I'm going to smooth this up. You can also do this with any of your little jagged edges that you might have when you're using a nontraditional cutting tool. Actually just going to turn some of that away. I just need two hardware holes there. That'll be really easy. Now these are going to go on a baking sheet. Next step, I was planning on doing one of these, but I could not get that turquoise clay to roll out because it is a harder clay and I was over it. I think I'm going to do this airing instead with this pretty marbled book. I'm going to use one of the cutters that I got off, and see which is this little rainbow shape, and I will link where I got these from because these are super cute. I'm just going to figure out where I want my main rainbow shapes to go. This is where it gets tricky. I definitely wanted to have this red, purple, and yellow. I'm just going to press that down there, straight down and to lift up. Now I'm going to go ahead and cut my other one else. Let's finish that up on this side and then our squares will have some golden on. These cutters are not, I don't think made for clay earrings. I think they're just made from cookies or something like that. For these, you'll have to take a knife and you'll have to just trace very carefully around the edge, which actually results in a really clean cut. This isn't necessarily about thing. I'm going to move this out of the way. Let's clean these pieces up. I'm just going to cut off some of these little jagged edges. Make sure that my corners look clean. Now I'm ready to cut my squares out. 7. Baking + Finishing Touches: >> All of my pieces are on a baking sheet and they're ready to go into the oven. I'm just going to do one last check and smooth everything out and trim off any places that need to be trimmed or fix any areas and I'm following the directions on my clay and it says to heat my oven to 275 and to bake for 15 minutes for every quarter inch thickness, and none of mine are a quarter of an inch thick. I'm still going to bake them for 15 minutes because that is what has worked for me in the past. You want your earrings to still have a little bit of flexibility because if you bake them for too long, they might become so hard that they could snap and break apart and this has happened to me before. Just remember that if your clay is still a little bit flexible when it comes out of the oven, it's probably okay. If it is to raw, you can always put it back in the oven for a couple of minutes, but definitely don't overdo it. I'll see you when my pieces come out of the oven and we will be ready to add some finishing touch. Hey guys, my clay pieces are out of the oven. These were some that I made last night that we're going to put the finishing touches on, going to separate these out. Actually, I'm just going to set these as they're going to be put together. We're going to focus on putting our finishing touches on these two translucent pieces, as well as slowly as these right here. Quickly before we dive into this, I wanted to show you what it looks like when you paint clay with acrylic paint after it's baked. These pieces were white clay that I use just some craft paint on, and this is about three coats of paint. The clay surface is pretty slippery, pretty shiny, so you will need a couple coats of paint and I'm not sure if you can find Matt acrylic paint if you'd like that look. But these do have a little bit of [inaudible] them and I haven't yet painted the backside, so I would finish these off completely by painting the backside and then putting them together. Another thing that I've experimented with is adding texture to my pieces, so for these little pieces, before I put them in the oven, I took a fork and I made little intentions into the pieces to give it something a little bit extra, the pieces that go with it. I slaughtered these with white paint before they went into the oven. This is what the paint looks like when you paint before you place into the oven, and it really doesn't look that much different and it doesn't seem like the paint is going to scratch off very easily. These earring pieces here, were also splattered with paint before they went into the oven, let's go ahead and put our finishing touches on these earring pieces here, and then we'll be ready to put our earrings together in the next lesson. I am going to grab that piece of wax paper that I carried out earlier because I wanted to do a little paint splatter action on these and then I want to do a glaze on top of these pieces. First let's see what the glaze is going to look like because that's going to take a little bit of time for it to dry compared to the paints matter. I've just got my sculpey brand glaze here, and this is really easy to apply. I've had experience with this glides before and it does add a little something extra. I'm going to move these out of the way, and really don't have to do anything special. Use a paintbrush to just smooth this glaze out. It dries clear but when it goes on it is a little bit cloudy, so just know that it will dry clear. I'm going to grab my needle and clean out that hardware hole. Make sure to wash your brush out really well after using the glaze, before we get started on our paint flutter, and you can use any type of brush you want. I went ahead and grabbed a flat tip brush just because that will work better for paint splatter. I grab these three colors, I don't know why, but I'm just feeling the bright colors today but you could do absolutely any color scheme that you want. You can do black, you could do white, you could to gold, doesn't really matter. I'm going to place a little bit of each paint onto my wax paper. To get good paints water, I'm going to first wet my brush, so just wet it again in some water. Then, I'm going to get my paint a little bit watery, just so it is then easy to splatter, and I'm going to take my brush, I'm going to run my fingers across it and it's going to splatter onto our paint pieces. A little more water and I'm going to do the same with this periwinkle color. I'm going to let these dry, but I wanted to show you some of the fun things that even do to add something special to your earrings. You can paint on stripes, you can do abstract paintings, you can do any design you want poke it out to be super cute. Pretty much anything is possible if you have a creative vision for it. I'm really excited to see what you make. Let's let these dry and then we will move on to putting our earrings together. 8. Attaching Hardware: Putting your earrings together truly cannot be easier. It's just a matter of being patient. If you're anything like me, you don't like messing with little things. If you remember, we only needed a jump ring, one of these rings, to connect these two pieces, and we're going to superglue a post onto the back of our earrings. I'm going to go ahead and pull out these pieces out, posts for this one. Then there are earring backs inside of this pack as well, so that we can actually secure our earrings on. Then I'm going to pull out the medium-sized jump rings for attaching both of these. We will need the superglue, but we're going to save that for the last thing. Then I've got my two pairs of pliers here. You could also use two pairs of tweezers, if you have them. In one hand with one pair of pliers, I'm going to grab onto where this jump ring separates. With the other pair of pliers, I'm going to grab onto the other side, and I'm going to just twist in opposite directions to open up this jumper ring. Just like that. Now, it's opened. I'm just going to slide on my earring piece. I think I got too stiff of a grip on that. Sliding on my earring piece and I'm going to slide my other piece on top. Now, I'm going to just grab those ends and pull them back together. Now, my earring pieces are attached. I'm going to go ahead and do this for the other earring, and then we'll superglue our post on the back. Then I'm going to grab another sheet of wax paper because we are going to be super gluing, and I don't want to superglue on my table. I'm going to apply just the smallest little minuscule amount of superglue because it really doesn't take very much in the center of the backs of my earrings, and I'm going to slide that post on there. You want your post to be sitting close to the top of your earring because depending on where your piercing is in your ears, and everybody is different because we all have different shaped ears. Plan where your post is going to be based on how you want your earring to hang off of your ear, and you also want to make sure that it's comfortable for you and that it's also consistent. We will set these over to the side while they dry. Let's finish putting our marbled earrings together. These turned out really cool. I could definitely see wearing these with jeans and a T-shirt, that would be super cute. Now, I also wanted to show you the flexibility that my earrings still have. They're not completely flexible, but they're not hard as a rock, and they're not going to snap and break apart. This is what I like to go for. The different types of clay will yield different results, in my opinion. Like this, translucent clay, is just a little bit softer and more pliable than my marbled clay. But there's also several different types of clay inside this marbling. That could be another reason that it feels a little bit different too. I wanted to show you all what this gold sparkle looks like. I'm going go ahead and assemble my earrings and then I'll pause when we get to attaching the tops of our earrings. Let's talk about how you attach these little guys. These are little bit more frustrating I find, but I love to have the option of a dangling earrings, so it's worth it. On this side, right above where this little ball connects, there is a place for me to pry open this loop, and I'm going to do the same thing. I'm holding this side completely still, and I am pulling away on my right side as much as possible, turning it to the back. Now, you can see that that's open, and I'm going to slide my earring in there, and you want to slide it in the way that it's going to dangle. You want this part of your earring to be facing toward your ear. I need to slide in my earring this way. Now, once that's adhered exactly as you want it to be, so If you need to turn it around, now it's the time to do it. I'm going to grab with my tweezers again. This time you can hold it with your finger and just put that back into place. There you go. 9. Thanks for watching! : That's it. Continue putting your earrings together and even better, continue playing around with what's possible with clay and a little bit of imagination. I can't wait to see the earrings that you make, so post your class projects here on Skillshare, but also feel free to share them with me on Instagram. You can find me @kileyinkentucky. I'm already dreaming of another clay earrings class with even more techniques because the possibilities are truly endless and it definitely doesn't stop here. You can hop on my e-mail news lists to stay up-to-date on all the things I'm scheming up for the future. I'll see you later.