Dreamy Donuts In 4 Easy Steps, A Delicious Procreate Process For Beginners | Yifat Fishman | Skillshare

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Dreamy Donuts In 4 Easy Steps, A Delicious Procreate Process For Beginners

teacher avatar Yifat Fishman, Artist & Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Dreamy Project


    • 3.

      Basic Donut Dough


    • 4.

      Shading & Icing


    • 5.

      Icing Flavors


    • 6.



    • 7.

      Piping & Dusting


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Creating A Unicorn


    • 10.

      Take A Bite


    • 11.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

In this class you will learn to create fun and delicious illustrations in Procreate. We will cover everything that you need to know to paint perfectly round shapes, draw textured icing, add sprinkles and select toppings for your dreamy donut project.

If you’re new to Procreate, or looking for a workflow to get you further down the road, you’ll find lots of helpful tips in this class to build up your confidence and illustration skills.

I do all my illustrations on the iPad in Procreate. I’ll show you my step-by-step illustration process and introduce you to fundamental techniques in Procreate, like choosing brushes, drawing in layers, working with masks, editing your illustration and adjusting the colors.

What you'll learn in this class:  

  • Drawing with smooth and textured brushes.
  • Creating perfectly round shapes.
  • Working with multiple layers and layer groups.
  • Duplicating and creating variations of the illustrations.
  • Coloring with clipping masks and Alpha Lock. 
  • Adjusting and transforming your work with ease.

By the end of the class you will know how to draw on the iPad in Procreate from start to finish. You will create a sweet project, ready for sharing on social media and with friends.

All you need to join the class is your iPad and stylus, and your imagination.

I look forward to seeing you in class!

For more beginner level classes, check out my class Botanical Illustration and hand lettering for Beginners.

Meet Your Teacher

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Yifat Fishman

Artist & Illustrator


Yifat Fishman is a North Texas-based artist with a diverse portfolio, including large-scale murals displayed in Walmart stores. She specializes in portraits and expressive compositions with a focus on storytelling. Yifat's creative spark comes from the fascinating link between people, culture, and nature. She loves creating eye-catching images that bring joy to people, combining a vivid, playful style infused with dynamic movement.

With a background in industrial design and fine arts, and years of teaching experience both online and in person, Yifat loves introducing students to the creative flexibility of illustrating with a digital toolset.

When not drawing she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, playing the el... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Welcome, my name is Yifat. I'm an artist and illustrator. This class we create the fun delicious project, a dreamy donuts in four easy steps. We start with a basic shape. Paint the icing and sprinkles, and choose a topping. Throughout the class, I will Walk you step-by-step through the process of drawing on the iPad, you will learn fundamental techniques in procreate, like choosing your brushes, drawing in layers, working with masks, transforming your illustration and adjusting the colors. We will even take a zero calorie bite. By the end of this class, you will know how to draw in procreate from start to finish. And you'll have the sweet project to share on social media and with friends. All you need to join the classes, Is your iPad and stylus and your imagination. Let's get started. 2. The Dreamy Project: To get inspired and have some ideas about the different variety of donuts out there. Let's start by doing a quick search online. Donuts can be outward, glazed, iced with sprinkles or without sprinkles. These donuts are really fun. They have white icing and their decorated with a rainbow design made out of little candies. And that could be a nice idea to work with for our final project. The thing that I love most about the doughnuts is there so colorful and the decorating options are really limitless. For the most bards, the doughnuts will be round. Some donuts are shapes as a hexagon or even caught out in the shape of letters. In this class, we're going to work on round donuts. And here's one that I really lie. Look how shiny days and perfect. And the sprinkles or kind of chubby and very colorful, you're really want to take a bite from this Donuts. So our Dona, there's going to be rounds and it's gonna have a whole. When drawing the hole in the donut, we wanna make sure it's not too big and too small. It's going to be just the right size. If you divide the donut into three parts, you have the whole at about a third of the doughnut size in once we knew the right dimensions of her donor, we're gonna be adding icing and sprinkles and toppings. 3. Basic Donut Dough: I'm drawing a circle and keeping my Stylus Press on the canvas. Procreate is helping me with creating a perfect shape. All I have to do is choose between ellipse and circle to create the perfect donut shape. Next, I'm going to drag a color swatch, feel my circle with color. And now all that's left is to create the doughnut hole. So I'm going to pick my eraser and once again create a circle. And I am going to leave my stylus pressing on the screen. Procreate once again is going to try to help me create a perfect shape. I'm going to pick a circle. I can stretch and adjust my circle until it fits on the doughnut. And then all that's left is to erase the excess dope and do a little bit of tweaking and adjusting and my donor is ready. We can draw donuts in much easier and fun way. Let's see how we do that. Let's put this donut away for a second and try out a new dawn, Not in a new layer. And I'm going to head over to my brush menu and pick a new brush. From the painting brushes, I'm heading over to the round brush. It's a great brush drawing doughnuts because it's very simple. It has no texture. I want to scale up my brush like so and draw a circle. While I draw this circle, I make sure I leave room for my doughnut hole. My stylus is pressing on the canvas. I'm going to choose Circle, and my donut is done and ready. I'll call this one My second option. And I think it's just perfect. But before we move on to shading, I would like to show you one last way of drawing a donor. And I would like to encourage you to try out all the three different ways of drawing a doughnut. Just so that you'll have the practiced and you learn a few ways of drawing the same shape on the iPad. All right, so this time around, we're going to use a different tool for drawing. We're going to use the Select tool that's the little S at the top. And we're going to use ellipse and draw a circle while tapping on the screen. That will create a perfect circle. Now, we can drag and drop color into this circle to create a perfect donut-shaped. Now what will happen if we tried to do the same thing for the doughnut hole. So I am going to use the Select tool again and tried to place the perfect circle where the doughnut hole should be. Now this is pretty tricky in this method. It just doesn't work. Well, what I can do is pick my eraser and go back to your raising a perfect circle and deleting the excess dough from the doughnut hole to create a doughnut in this way. So, which way do you think is going to be your favorite way of drawing your doughnut though? Is that the first one, the second one, or the third? Try them out and figure which one you like most. Because next we're going to do shading and choose our icing for the donuts. 4. Shading & Icing: Let's start building our dominant. I'm going to tap on the Layer menu and from the drop-down menu, choose clipping mask. Next, let's make sure we're still drawing with a round brush. We'll head over to the color palette and make sure we're using a slightly darker color. Then we used for the doughnut, though. We are going to very gently draw around the donor and make sure that we start pressing towards the end so that we will get more color at the top of the arc. Let's press on Edit Shape and stretch the donuts shading until it sits nicely at the very edges on the donor. We don't want to cover the Donut. We just want to show a little bit of shading at the edges. We're going to merge our shading layer with the doughnut dau by choosing merge layer from the drop-down Layer menu. As we merged down our layers, we get one layer that is our donor. So let's rename it, will call it Donut. Naming. Our layer will help us find a later ONE. Next, let's pick a new layer in creates. I sing for our donuts in a very vibrant color. I'm going to work with aqua blue for my blueberry flavor. Next, let's find a nice brush to draw the eye seeing. Now you can pick any brush that you want to work with as long as it covers the donuts. Because the IC is going to be opec, whereas a for drawing a donut glaze, you wanna work with transparent brush. So the brush it I'm going to pick is called Blackburn. And what I like about it is that it has the texture in the very edges of the brush all around the eye. Seeing when I start drawing, the brush is not going to be very visible because it's basically going to cover the whole donuts and the chest, going to show the texture or the brush at the very edges of the I sing. And I think the contrast between the very smooth, round Perfect Donor and they're kinda a little rough. Icing is interesting. As I work, I'm going to tap on the icing layer and from the drop-down menu peak clipping mask, this will allow me to color without being concerned that I'm going to cover my doughnut hole, the clipping mask follow the shape of the layer underneath it. I'm going to do a few final touches before going to go ahead and draw some shading to my icing, you want to go with a slightly darker color than the color you used for the, I sing for drawing the shading. The next thing that I would like to consider is the direction of the light as it falls, falls on my donut. If my light is coming from the top left corner, then the interior of the hole is gonna be more shaded on the left side than on the right side. It's a very, very subtle change, but we can make the shadow slightly bigger on the left side then on the right side. I really like the rough fluke of this brush on the donut I sing, I think it adds a lot of texture to the otherwise very smooth I sing. Going to draw some of the lines that a knife would make as it spreads the icing on a donut. So we're gonna see some ridges which will leave us some shading on the donor itself. And at the very, very edges of the I sing. But what I want to make sure is that I don't outline the icing. Another thing that we can create is some highlights and REP gonna pick very round in non textured brush. The brush ban is great for this purpose, I'm going to use my smooth brush pan that is available in our class resources. And you can download and go ahead and use it. And we're going to pick a very light color for these bright highlights. And I'm going to draw a nice little ovals all around my eyes seeing to create this sweet highlights. Alright, and the next thing that I want to do is draw more I seeing in two different flavors. So that we can have a choice of icing flavors for on donuts. 5. Icing Flavors: Let's start by duplicating our doughnut layer. We're going to slide left on the dominant layer and choose duplicate. The next thing we're gonna do is group our icing layers together by sliding, right? And we're going to heat group to group them. We can rename our group and I'm gonna call this one, though not one for my blue donuts. Next, we'll add a new layer for our new doughnuts. I sing. I'm going back to my icing brush, the Blackburn. Make sure that if you draw several doughnuts, you are consistent with a brush you choose for your doughnuts. I sing, I picked White for my marshmallow flavor. And I'm going to very quickly cover my donut with icing. Now things to pay attention to where your eye senior donuts. While we don't care about the whole because we're going to use a clipping mask to reveal it. We do want to make sure that we leave some donut visible under the eye seeing what we don't want to draw a perfect circle of icing over Perfect donuts. We wanna think about the eye seeing as something that kind of have ridges and movement. And it's kind of a wavy shape that draws all around our donuts. I really wanted to feel like we're I seeing an actual real donut when redraw our icing on it. So we're kind of smearing and spreading our eye seeing over the round perfect donut shape. Hey, let's make sure we have clipping mask over our icing layer. Now we're going to head over and choose shading. Now, since my wife is coming from the reds, I can slide right a little bit and pick a darker color, which in this instance is going to be pink. Now there's no right or wrong about choosing shadow. For whites. It can be any color, depending on the color of that the white comes from. But I do think there is a benefit to using this pink shading because it just add sweetness to the appearance of the donuts. Once again, I'm shading More on the left side of the hole and leave the right side kind of more exposed so that we'll have the illusion of light coming from the leftover my donor. And I'm drawing in the perimeter of the doughnut, making sure that I'm not outlining the icing all around. All right, so with that, let's create a new icing flavor. And this one is going to be, Banana, is going to be a very bright yellow. We're going to draw it in a new layer, set it up as a clipping mask. And we're gonna spread the eye Single around or donuts. Make sure we can see the whole. I really, really like how this brush that I peek that is slightly texture is leaving this brush mark all over my I sing. It adds a lot of texture and interests to the icing layer. Now the things that I really want to emphasize in this yellow is how you pick a darker yellow. Because when you try to pick a darker yellow, you might end up with a kind of a muddy color. When you want to create a darker shade of yellow, you may wanna go over to the ring of colors on the color wheel and go slightly over to the oranges. So this way you get a darker yellow without actually picking out a muddy color. All right, and now we have the very bright and lively yellow to work with for IC. And I can create nice shadows all around my banana flavored icing donuts. So we have three flavors to work with. I have my blueberry, my marshmallow, my banana. And I'm going to go ahead and draw a sprinkles next. 6. Sprinkles: Let's start drawing sprinkles. I'm going to head over to my Layer menu and add a new layer for the sprinkles. To draw my sprinkle, I can draw a line and then repeated several times until it's just the right weight. But another way to do that would be simply to scale up my brush and draw a sprinkle with one line. And when I try out and I get a good line way, that works for me, I can continue to draw my sprinkles all over the donuts. As I draw, I tried to keep the sprinkles in different directions and different angles. And some of my sprinkles are gonna be dots just to make things a little bit more interesting visually. When picking a brush to draw the sprinkles, There are a few good options among the calligraphy brushes that we can use. The first one would be the brush ben. Another one could be the scripts. And we can choose the studio pin as well. Hello please. Brushes will give you a good line, as long as you keep the scale just at the right weight for creating your sprinkles. When choosing colors for sprinkles, we can use two colors or multiple colors for a more colorful effect. I like my sprinkles to be very cheerful, but we do want to coordinate the colour choices of the sprinkles with the color we picked for our icing. And in this case I used wide icing. So I went with kind of a Christmas theme of greens and read. Something to pay attention to when drawing sprinkles is to make sure they don't overlap. When we draw, I tried to keep a good mix of dots and lines and create this balance between the directions of the sprinkles and the dots in-between them. I'm also trying not to draw on top of sprinkles I've already added to my donut. I'm spreading my sprinkled all over B icing and I'm trying to draw in all the directions. Next we're going to try a new technique and that will be piping over the icing of our doughnut. 7. Piping & Dusting: I'd like to show you how to create piping for your doughnut. It's another way to decorate your doughnuts, but it's also a way to learn some new skills in procreate. We're going to add a new layer and head over to the color palette and pick a nice color for the piping. Next, I'm going to choose a brush. That brush I'm using is my brush Ben, but you can use the same process you used for your sprinkles. When drawing the piping. I won't to create smooth gestures. I won't my line to be thick and end with a wide drop of color. I'll set this layer as clipping mask so that the doughnut hole will be visible. Next, let's choose a darker color for some shading. Now can you see how the color drops over the nice line that I drew before? So we're going to head over to the layer and slide right with two fingers. To create an alpha log mask. You can see a checkered board showing in the Layer window, in the dropdown Layer menu, you can see that the alpha luck is now checked. So yes, a layer can have both clipping mask in alpha log activated. And now we can go back and draw the shadow for our icing. Let's try to imagine that this line is actually coming from a tube. And so it's going to have some height which we want to express with our shading. When I draw the shading for my piping, very gently join on one side of my piping line. I don't want to outline my piping. I just want to create an illusion film very gently trying to follow my piping line. And occasionally I would press on my stylus to get thicker shadow line. That will make the piping Lukas if it's slightly taller in that area. Next thing I'm gonna do is pick a lighter color and draw highlights in shines on the piping. So trying to kinda very lightly and playfully draw my highlights. And just anywhere you draw these lighter color, it's gonna look fine on the piping. So some of them are going to be kind of smears and dots and others are just going to be lines trying to follow the piping outline. Now, I want to show you a nice trick. I want to edit the doughnut color, making chocolate flavor donut. So I'm going to pick my donut layer and head over to the adjustment menu and choose use saturation brightness. And then I'm going to adjust the color. And this time I'm playing with the brightness in making my donut darker until it has a nice chocolate color. All right, and now we're going to add a new layer for some sugar powder dusting. We're gonna find a nice brush for it under the elements driven snow is perfect for dusting our donor with powdered sugar. And I'm going to draw the sugar dusting all over my donut like so. So the driven snow is kind of a texture brush. And what we're doing is basically adding light texture to our donor glaze to create this dusting effect. And if you wish, you can set the clipping mask for a base layer as well. And next thing we're gonna do is draw choice of toppings for our donuts. 8. Toppings: We're gonna draw a choice of toppings for donuts. In, I'm going to use my texture brush, the one I use for creating the icing. I'm going to start with the fruit in bright rave. I'm drawing a strawberry and it's a very simple shape. What I'm going to do next is create an alpha log for this layer. And this is a great way to go if you want to draw shadows over your illustrations and you don't want to add layers of clipping mask that sometimes you're, you have a limited numbers of layers to work with. And so I'll follow up is a fast and easy way to work with masks. All right, and now that my shadow is all drawn in, I want to add some more details. In a strawberry, we have these little seeds. So to draw them, I'm going to work with my calligraphy brush. You can set the strawberry seed color to white or black depending on your personal preferences, I'm gonna work with wide and very simply draw lines over my strawberry. Who drove this strawberry leave, I need to remove the mask first. So I'm going to uncheck the alpha log and draw very, very simple leaves because I want to keep this Trump very fresh and fun. So we don't need to offer complement our drawing. And the next thing that I wanna do is show you how to create a variation. We're going to duplicate this shrubbery. He did transform tool. And I can flip it and make it slightly smaller so that we have this choice of bigger strawberry and smaller snobbery to put on earned donuts. And next we're going to pick a new layer and draw another topping. I'm working with my color palette that I've created for my donuts. My next stopping is going to be savory. It's going to be Bacon. Bacon has this wavy shape. So it's very easy to draw and color. And next what I wanna do is just add very simple and fun details. So bacon has this FET lines that we can draw in. And we want to be very light when we work with a stylus and make sure that our lines are dynamic and changing as we draw them in. And in the same way as we did with the strawberry, we're going to duplicate the bacon layer and creative variations. And I'm going to play with the colors by adjusting the brightness and saturation off my smaller bacon piece. For my next choice of toppings, I would like to draw another fruit again in a new layer. And this time I'm just drawing circles. And these are gonna be crepes. To create highlights on my grapes, I'm going to go over to my color palette and choosing a lighter color and simply drawing in these lighter areas of where the light falls over at my grape. I can scale down my brush to, on this fun detail, the grapes of branches. So this one is super easy and fun topping to draw. Connects. We're gonna do something different. We're going to work with piping in the same way as we worked over our banana donuts. I'm going to work with my calligraphy brush and write down litres. So first I want to show you how to write simple letters. And then we can move on and decide on a word or a phrase to put on our donut. So I'm going to work with award love and just draw the word in. And then x. Let's swipe right with two fingers to alpha log the linear so that we can create highlights for our piping. And we're going to draw some fun dots to show where the piping is shining and bright and to give stance off height in shading. And then I'm going to pick a darker color on the other side of the letters. If you remember, I'm usually working with a light source coming from the top left corner. So that's where the light is going to fall. And on the other side off my letters, there's going to be the darker areas where the darker shades of my piping is going to be. Now I want to separate my piping and I'm going to use the Select tool in a freehand mode and circle around the word love. Then I'm going to slide down with three fingers on the screen to get this pop-up menu and peak cut and paste. And as you can see, I have my word in a separate layer now. So I can move it around and place it on my donuts as a choice of topping. Okay, let's create a new topping and a new layer. And this is going to be a new choice of fruit. Again, I'm working with my textured brush and I'm going to draw in a dried EPL. So my dry dipole is in a bright yellow. I'm going to offer lock the layer and pick a darker shade to add some texture and more interesting details into my piece of fruit. And I think adding these little details really brings it to life. And it adds character to my fruit. And again, on trying to work with the same color palette that I used for my donut illustrations. Who tried to simple colors from what you've done before or work with a set color palette that you are using for your donuts. And it will help all the elements work better together. We're going to duplicate my piece of fruit and play with the US and saturation to create a variation. The last piece of topic I would like to show you is a fondant unicorn horn. And for this one, I'm working with my non-textual brush. And that will be my calligraphy brush. Some drawing in the unicorn horn shape and just dragging and dropping Color Swatch into it to fill it up. And the next thing that I want to do is create, highlight, and shading. I'm trying to keep my drawing very, very simple. So I'm using very limited colors for this little topping. So that later on I'll be able to use it with other elements and it won't compete with anything else that I'm drawing. So the unicorn horn has four different yellows, but they all work together. So I would like for you to be mindful of that when you choose the colors for each toppings, try to work within the same color family for each individual toppings. And if you can keep them in separate layers, but if you cannot keep them in separate layers, we can always cut and paste an element pretty much as we did with the piping litres and move them over to our Donuts. So the next thing that we're gonna do is assemble our doughnut. We're going to create a unique dreamy donuts for our project. 9. Creating A Unicorn: We can now take everything that we learned so far to create our class project. My project is going to be a sweet, dreamy unicorn. I'm gonna base it on my blueberry icing doughnuts. I've already cut and paste fondant unicorn horn into this new project, and now I want to drag this new layer into my donut group. Next, let's add some new sprinkles over my donut. So my Connors scheme is going to be pretty suites. I'm going to use purples and pinks and reds on top of the icing. The next thing that I'd like to do is add another layer. And this one is gonna go on top of the sprinkles and just under the horn. In this layer, I'd like to draw some fond piping. So imagine cream that comes out and has some height and it's over the donut. So my first layer will be just the background. And I'm drawing swirls of color. It's very simple, pink. And the next thing that I'd like to do is try to create some shading and highlights. So I'm going to work on top of that layer. I'm not drawing it in a new layer or with clipping Mohsen just drawing on top of the layer and changing my color to a lighter shade. And I'm working with my non-textual brush in creating the swirls of piping. Now it looks a bit flat to me, so I want to add some more texture and the lighter color to create an illusion of height. And add some more texture and interests to this illustration. And I might want to adjust the horn a little bit before I move on. Now we want to give the unicorn a face and a very simple way to do that, to drawing the eyes. So to draw the donuts eyes, I can go with circles or I can go with eyes that are shot and dreamy. And this unicorn has its eyes shut. And I drew very simple arches in two lines for eyelashes. And with that mitre me though not, is finished and I hope it will inspire you to create your own dreamy don't have project. The last thing that I would like to show you is how to take a bite off a donut. 10. Take A Bite: Let's learn how to draw a donut onto bite. Sorry, going to duplicate our group. Tap on the Layer menu and choose flatten. So all the layers in this group are gonna merge into one layer. And the reason for that is that any action that I want to do on this donut needs to be done on all these layers together. So it's much easier to flatten these layers and keep on working with a single layer. I'm heading over to my eraser brush menu and making sure I am working with my smooth brush pen. The eraser can be any brush of your choice. I will need a non-textual brush to create my byte. So let's draw a byte and then delete everything else. And next, we'll add a new layer and make sure we place it underneath our doughnut layer. Now the trick is to pick the right colors. I'm picking the same color I used for my donuts. And I'm working with my textured brush. And just drawing in all the area where the bio choose B. Now, think about a bite. It's not gonna be perfectly shaped just like the doughnut is going to be a part that was taking away from the dominant. So we want to see some teeth marks. So the edges of the byte are going to be kind of ridges in knots and nice arc like So. Next, we're going to create an alpha log for this layer. And we're going to pick a slightly darker color because we're going to add shading to the byte to create the illusion of texture of the dough texture. So we're not going to cover all the area that we just drew in, but just the very top where the shading is going to be the darkest. And all I have to do now is create some highlights. And on the more texture to show the byte. To finish things up, we want to pay attention to the edges where the icing was bitten through. So we want to finish this up and add some height and texture to the edges of the bite. And we're gonna do this on the right layer, and that will be the dominant layer. This illustration success is all in the fine details. The bite marks are going to leave some ridges in the icing. We're going to use darker shade to create the illusion of height and then some highlights. And we might want to do the same for the piping as well. Not too much, just a few touches. This illustration, more realistic. And I hope you'll give it a try with your own projects. It's not only a fan drawing exercise, it's also 0. So I hope you enjoy creating your own don't advice. 11. Final Thoughts : Thanks for joining me in this class. I hope you enjoyed following the glass tutorials. And now it's your turn. Create your dreamy dullness project and share it in class. The post your project, simply press on the Create Project tab. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create. Please stay in touch, follow me and skill share and Instagram and get notified when new costs is already AND published. Do take a few moments, deliver Review as a helps my classes trend higher and skill share. I hope you feel more confident after at least class to draw on your iPad in procreate. And I hope you can take everything you learned in this class, do your next project. So thanks for joining me. Take care and I'll see you soon.