Digital Illustration: Creating Vector Lineart in Clip Studio Paint | Sydney H. | Skillshare

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Digital Illustration: Creating Vector Lineart in Clip Studio Paint

teacher avatar Sydney H., Digital Illustrator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Vector Layers


    • 3.

      Weight of Lineart


    • 4.

      Control Points


    • 5.

      Pinch, Connect and Redraw Lines


    • 6.

      Vector Eraser


    • 7.

      Fill Tool Bonus Lesson


    • 8.

      Speed Lineart (No Commentary)


    • 9.



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About This Class

Are you new to clip studio paint and want to use its line art features to its maximum capacity? Well your in the right place since this class will teach you just that!

Not only will you learn how to use vector layers, you'll learn how to change the weight of your line art, correct your line art mistakes, use the vector eraser amongst other various things!

This class will be strictly for clip studio paint users only and you must have a graphics tablet to make full use of this class!

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Sydney H.

Digital Illustrator



A freelance artist creating artwork that strives to engage and generate pieces that everyone can enjoy. I love exploring multiple fields of the art some of which is digital, traditional, design! I'm highly influenced by old illustrators (like J.C Leyendecker), anime, and video games.


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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Are you new to eclipse? Do you pay? And one uses liner peaches to its maximum capacity while you're in the right place for that. Because this class will teach you just how to do that. Not only will you learn how to use vector layers, you'll learn how to change the way a fill liner. Correct alignment mistakes ease the vector eraser, amongst other things. This class is strictly for as close studio paint users, and you must have a graphic tablet in order to make full use of this course. Without further ado, let's jump in. 2. Vector Layers: I'm working on a vector layer. It opens many possibilities to edit the liner itself. You can use any brushy wish for the Wiener and it will still be able to be edited. But we will get to that later. I'm going to use the built-in brush called the Japan for my line art. This is where the vector layer by Ns located. It's right next to the Rasterize Layer, but has a cube inside of it. When you make a new vector layer, makes sure that the cube is next to the name or the rest of the steps won't work. 3. Weight of Lineart: James a liner, you want to go to the correct line buying minus shown here at the bottom, but yours might be hidden amongst the tools. So make sure to check all of your tools for this icon. Under the correct line function clicked correct line where. And the tool properties below, you will see that there are many options to choose from, such as they can narrow, scale up or scale down with and fixed width. By clicking the thickened with in the tool properties, you can add more line weight to your liner is especially helpful for converging lines. Narrow width does the exact opposite of thickening. So if you ever draw something with your brush size too large, you can always go back over it with this tool to fix it. It's helped me plenty of times. Scale up and scale down with are pretty similar to thicken and narrow width. They thick and then the width of the line by a specified ratio. I personally don't use that much, but I thought they were worth mentioning. Fixed with. This instantly changes the line to the specified thickness in the options. This is helpful if you absolutely want the line art to be all the same length, thickness. Another one I don't use very often, but still worthy though. 4. Control Points: A control planes allow you to change, but the line is simply by clicking on the points on your line and reforming them to your liking. This can be useful if you've made a mistake while you're drawing your line and didn't want to completely dry it. You'll notice when you first bring up this option, there's a lot of points to control. You can simplify them simply by clicking this, simplify a vector line and jaw over the line. Go back to the control point and see how the lines completely simplified into only a couple of points rather than what we had before simplifying the line. Or it can be helpful if you have a shaky hand and wish to smooth out the liner. But be careful it might completely ruin the shape of their lives. 5. Pinch, Connect and Redraw Lines: Pink vector line allows you to use your brush to collect a bunch of control points and move them in a particular direction. This can help a lot with curves in liner, you can change the effective range, this brush and the tool panel. Essentially, it's a more effective way of moving multiple control points around at a time. If you want to fix specific jaggedness in your liner, I still say using the control point method or simplifying the line would be best. Connecting the liner does exactly what it says it does. It can take two lines that are not connected and connect them together like that. With this tool, you might have to adjust the property connect lines in order to get them to connect. Just paint over it at two points you want to connect and there you go. Redraw vector line is this one is also self-explanatory. Instead of hitting the undo button a million times, you can use this tool to reach Java line completely like so. I personally would be careful with this tool since it tends to add a little jagged parts. Do you liner if you're not careful? The drawing the vector line width is also another tool that you can use to adjust the line width all over your liner. It allows you to go through liner itself and adjusted with pressure sensitivity. You can adjust your working brush size and the tool property pan on the side. 6. Vector Eraser: Now my personal favorite tool to use with vector liner is the vector eraser. You can find this eraser under your list of erasers on the side. What makes this eraser so amazing is that you can specify what you want to be raised, whether it's only parse of a line or the whole line itself. If you press the first option in your tool Properties panel, it will only erase the parts that are selected. So to basically acts like your basic racing. But notice how it only erases parts of the line that you have selected. Now the second option is one, I love the most. I ever dropped two intersecting lines, but there seems to be a little tails hanging off the edge to see baser fixes all of that. Like so. Now you have a simple point. It's very helpful with hair when our, when you draw a bunch of strokes and need to turn the tails off of them to complete the line. The whole line option does exactly what it does. It deletes a whole line. It doesn't matter if it's intersecting or not. It will still delete the whole line. 7. Fill Tool Bonus Lesson: Now for a bonus lesson, I'm going to teach you how to use the fill tool with your newly created vector lying on a raster layer below the vector layer. Then set your vector layer as reference layer by clicking this button. And this will allow you to use the bucket tool within the lines of your vector liner. Now sometimes you will have line art that doesn't quite touch. Maybe it's your ascetic. Well with the combination of the reference layer and the close gap function and the tool Properties panel, you can fix this regardless of whether the lines are touching or not. Be careful with this though you can't get away with a huge gap like this. The color margin is important to note as well since it tells the bucket tool how much outside the liner it will fill, Think of it as an extra stroke around your bucket fill. I generally keep this around 17 pixels. This is helpful if you wanted to make sure the liner is completely filled with the bucket tool. This is especially important for me since I like to turn my liner into multiply and apply color over it. To do this with the vector line art, you need to create a rasterized layer on top of it and then clip it to the vector layer. When you do that, you can see whether the fill tool did a decent job filling in the spaces. Sometimes in tight crevices. You'll still have to go back and paint those areas to make sure they are filled. This happens a lot with things like hair. The applied two connected pixels only function, which I found out about it recently. It can be just as helpful to your Bucket filling process. Let's say you want to change the colors of your character, but all of a spouse's IQ same color are not connected. Not a problem. All you have to do is uncheck this option and it will fill the color to your choosing. This is great for color concepts if you want to create a bunch of them. 8. Speed Lineart (No Commentary): Okay. Okay. Imagine, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. 9. Conclusion: Now that you've learned how to use vector liner and all of its handy tools, it's time for you to try it yourself. Create yourself a sketch that you can create line or above, and then create the liner itself. Don't worry if you don't end up using all of the tools that are mentioned in the video. Sometimes they're just not necessary in our go on and start line or being in a new way. If you need any help and the sketching department checkout my class digital illustration, sketching tips and tricks for digitizing your creative process. It will help with all if you're sketching needs. I hope you enjoyed this class as much as I did and I hope that you will leave a review whether you liked it or not, hope to see you in the next one. I