1. Introduction to the Lesson!: Hello and welcome to today's lesson on both and design in Google SketchUp. Now today's lesson is not that difficult, so I recommend is for beginners. But if you're a complete beginner at SketchUp and please check out my lesson on the fundamentals. This will walk you through all the basic tools of SketchUp and it will really help you out going into this lesson. Also, if you're interested in garden design, I've done a video on that as well, so check that out if you'd like. Now today's lesson is fairly straight forward, so this is great for beginners. And what I'm gonna do is take you step-by-step from your existing bar, from that you're not very happy with. And we're going to work through it and create something that you can be really happy with and have any bulk and designed to show a builder, Your friends and family or anybody like that. But today's lesson, what I will do is I will work on my existing bar from the eye to use. And what we do initially is we create a plan of the biofilm. So that means measuring up your existing barf and so your bathroom. You will need to get a tape measure and measure all the corners and all the wars and create a 2D plan. And from that, we will get that into sketch up and start building our room and starts adding all the features that we would like. Now I do recommend that if you've got some inspiration or some ideas in mind that you want to use. Make sure you have them handy. So if it's on Pinterest or Instagram, make sure you can look at them and reference them. So that way we can have a plan of where we want to end up. So our user image that I find in this lesson that I, I really liked. So from that and that was our reference throughout the whole zone for both. And so again, this lesson is not that difficult. So if you're a beginner in SketchUp and wanna do some interior design and redesign your bar from then, this lesson should really help you out. The beautiful thing about SketchUp is we can adjust designs throughout so you could come up with one design and then, you know, say if the colors slightly off or you want to change an aspect of it, you can do that very easily, which is great. I hope you enjoyed the lesson. Let's get to it now and I'll see you on the other side.
2. The Existing Bathroom: Okay, so first things first, what I want you guys to do is get some good reference photos of your existing Barbara. So as you can see here, this is the bottom on working on today. Not the biggest biofilm. Which actually, that actually will, you know, has its own challenges because it was actually a smaller bathroom. How to utilize this space will be more important. So yeah, this is kind of the bottom. And working with at the moment, we've got a window there, which is very important. So make sure you got a good reference photo of a window. And yet again, we just take photos so that we don't have to keep running to the bar and to have a look at what what was, where well, what's existing. So these photos it good to have Ts. So once you've taken some photos, you should also take your measurements. Probably explained it. This is kind of be the measurements I've got on this exist in biofilm at the moment. And also this little image here is like a side profile. So there's actually a slope in the room. They'll actually taking those dimensions as well with a tape measure. Also, what I actually added after I took this photo was I added the height of this window and the ad heightened. So high off the ground and the hybrid. So once you've got lap weaken, jump straight into scheduled.
3. Startup: Right? So when you click on your little sketch up icon on your desktop or in your toolbar, you'll come to this window unless you tip us off. And again, I'm just going to briefly cover this, but I covered this a lot in my fundamentals video and so check it out if you haven't. This is where you can set your template. So I was working in millimeters. And so if you work in feet and inches, select that one or meters. Millimeters is best for me. So I'm gonna click that and then click Start using SketchUp.
4. Plan Drawing: Right, so now sketch ups opened up. You may notice my toolbar looks at the different. These are just other extension. This is our shadows. This has be re extension. But the main thing is the larger toolset. Again, I covered this in my first video. But just a quick reminder, if you've got a window reference and then come down to the bottom where it says workspace and you click larger toolbox that will enable this larger tool palette. I just, just for beginners, it will just show you that towards, and it makes it all a bit easier to use an accessible app that going you can't, right? So first off, we want to, we want to create our plan. And so from that little sketch drawing we had, i can actually, well, it can actually do is I can, I can grab a file from the folder and literally drag it into sketch up, which is really useful. So if you guys saying so you guys can see because I've actually got it in front of me on my table. So you can see, I'll just drag it in. And what I'll do is I'll start from our staff, from the edges are stuffed in this corner here and work my way around just using the pen tool. We start that. Again. I'll make sure always to start on the origin when I start any new project, just because it keeps everything neat and tidy and yet doesn't matter messianic. So first off offers measurement is by pi. And then we got 770. And this is where our window sets and it's got 12. And we've got another 800 gap. And then I can just move that so you can see a little bit. And then I've got a three 55 one-way back. Three. And and then we've got 410, which is where the door sets and then at 750 for the door. And then the rest is joins up to the point like so. Now we've got a flat plane. That is the measurement. Um, yeah, I'm going to do the thing again where you see it in my last videos, I add tabs to any major feature so you know where they are. So where this window sits in the bathroom, I'm going to actually find the endpoints of that line that I drew. So hearing here and just add a little tab onto the face. Like so. And that would just remind me that there's a window there. And then I'm gonna do the exact same for outdoor logo to the endpoint of about 400 line like that. Out of phase, sorry, out of phase, add aligned. And so now we know where my door sets, where the window sets, and we have our little, little 2D plan at the moment and we can move on man the way. Again, I like to keep in mind in the model, a lot of people delete. But you'll find when you start building stuff, it's a good, it's a good way to scale and understand how being your drawing and this little man is actually the size of a normal, average man. So yeah, keeping Animoto. But yeah, that is the plants. So once you've got your sketch, sketch down and you measure all your dark room, go the ground plan into sketch up, and then we can move them.
5. Building Walls: Ok, once you've got your plan drawn, I like to group the plan. So I'm going to Triple-click everything, make sure it's all highlighted, even a little tabs. And I'm going to press Control G. And that will group that was one solid body so you don't mess up your plan. And now what we wanna do is add our walls. And so to do that, we can just grab a rectangle, come to our endpoint and made for us on the right axis or the blue axis. And then I'm going to draw a little rectangle like that. Again, I just group it quickly. So select it or control ga, go into the object and bring it up. And so I measured the ceiling height. It's actually on here, you can see so 2220. That is this right-hand rule. I'm going to type that in to, to, to hit Enter. And that will give our war. And so I'm gonna do the same on this. Ok? I'm just going to draw a rectangle. And it doesn't matter about the, how deep the Warriors is. Really. I mean, you could do that manually but, you know, you can just add like just make it 200 million or whatever looks correct to you. We can always adjust it later just by doing going into the object and push pulling it. This just to get the immature, you know, just the structure and the Roman structure built. So yeah, on, on my, on the profile of this room, I have this 1900 mil. And then so basically it goes from two to 1900. And the gap in which it does that over is 850 million. So I'm just gonna do is I'm just going to build again another ball. So I'm gonna hit the Rectangle tool. Would it make sure you're on the blue axis? Always go to this Endpoint. But locking on birds, fine, actually make it bigger. It's looking at another rectangle. And so now, because this is this other wall and needs to be 1900. So I'm just going to make it 900. Pretty straightforward stuff really. And and then what we're gonna do now is do this little sloping bed. So from 850. Yeah, so the distance is 850, the way it slopes. So in order to do that, what we can do is just go into this room. And then I'm going to grab a line tool. And I'm going to find where these two intersect. So I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go on the right axis. I'm going to type 850. And now I'm going to come up here like so. And then, so now I know this diverse needs to be joined. So I can just simply do this. And I can get rid of that. And I can just get rid of these lines. Need to Mao, that is the slope of my roof. That's a quick way to do that. And then obviously because this is the same on this side of the world, but we've got a door here. We can change the law. I'm just going to actually copy copy this wall like so. And I drop it in place. But that bomb, I actually just nice not these worlds and make them look a bit similar in depth. So something like that should be fine, right? So that is all we are always in. Next, we need to add the windows and the doors.
6. Adding A Window: Okay, so first off, I'm going to ask me, creates our window here. I can show you the image again. So we've got a window on this. And I've actually added some more measurements to my plan that's in front of me. But I measured the height that the window is from the floor. So this height here is actually 750. And then also the height of the window itself is 1320. This is in front of me that this is on the screen. That I hope that makes sense, right, in order to do this is a pretty quick way to do it. And I showed this in my garden design video when I'm building housing, you just grab a rectangle tool. Go from where your plan has those little tabs that we added in. We go up from that and we just draw a rectangle. Doesn't really have to be. I mean, it can be used to do, okay, let us do the random luck that don't see this as land up of our tab, but this isn't. So we can just simply grab this line, fit the mooc M tool and move it. Sorry, get the Move tool and move it. And we can just alignment this though. We now know about this width is correct, so this is our 120. And we can measure that with a pencil. 1020, which is perfect. And the height that I've measured is 120. So what I'm actually going to do, I'm just going to draw a line and make it 1120. And, and that is where. And so again, I'm just gonna grab this line of the rectangle and move it up to this point. Lies. Some reason was not looking on. Okay. Now we have our window. We can double-click a group. And then the height off the ground at 715. So I'm going to add a line on the ground and then show you on the blue axis. And I'm going to type seven fiber. That is where I'll window sit. Like so. So we can look back at the photo and yeah, we can see that it's pretty much bang on our Windows sitting and it's the correct size. So from here, we can make the actual window frame. And to do this, I like to do, I know that this window has a simple like cross-section. So we can do this really easily. We can just draw a line from the midpoint. So make sure you're always on the crack axis. And then what I'm gonna do is just offset it by a little bit to create a frame. So I mean, does it have to bang on to 17 now? And I can repeat the action by just double-clicking. And then what I'll do is I'll actually made them to separate the top and bottom pieces separate because I know that's how these windows were. One of them overlaps. You open up. We'll do that and it's easy. So the first one, I'm just gonna push, pull a little bit. And then this bottom one, I'm just gonna do the same. And basically do Sam's going to have a little offset, give it a little bit more detail. And then these would be our Windows. So I'm going to bring these forward like so. And there we have a window. And what I wanna do is just insert it into the wall. So to do that, I'm just going to go into this, this group and I'm going to get the rectangle. And I'm going to just go from the point, just make sure when you draw the window is actually on the face. Because if it isn't, it will just get annoyed. But luckily, because I've been doing this a lot, it is on the face. And I grabbed a rectangle and I stretch it to the bottom side of my window like that. And that's how you create a face on this wall. And we can, so I'm actually click on it now, but you can't see that because obviously the windows in a way, and I'll push, pull out to this back edge and it should this occur, and it hasn't disappeared. I go so again, though we got disappeared. And now we have a window and I'm just going to set it back into the water a little bit like that. You get on the green axis. And then we can just just, I mean, this is, you don't need to do this, but just for because you can, if we go to the bucket tool and grab the translucent grey gas, and we go into 1000. Either we have, we go into the window, we can make these parts ground just so you know, you're looking at a window. And also we've got a little lucky to frame, you bet. I mean, we can add that in. I might do that later point. But what I like to do is just add or we can do is add a little rectangle. And then just push people out a little bit. That line you get relaxed. You're gonna fruitless such principle. And that decided that a bit more of a frame around at later points out of France, megabit omega is our window in place. Next we're gonna move on. Would be on this side.
7. Creating Door Space: So we've got our window and now I'm just going to add a door. And what I'm actually gonna do is just create a door that just create a hole for our doors. And it's because later I'm going to add door that I like to do that we go into the wall section and again, like a window, we will draw a rectangle and message you locked onto me quite nicely. And I know my door is two meters high. So you see in the bottom right, I can kind of do it by eye. Okay. Maybe not limited due to 2 thousand by 750. And and that's our frame. And then I'm just gonna drag this for like before. So now we have an opening to the bathroom. So again, you can see from photos this is kind of now our shape of our bar from so that you can see that entrance. And then we've got that happening. Right now. We've got a low entrants come in. And then yes, do we have a window or a door while adult whoa. And now we can move on.
8. Design Inspiration: Okay. So we have our room belt. We aren't gonna report. Will do that later. But now you're probably thinking, what do we do now? How do we design our Got a Garden of Eden. Garden design. So this is where, this is where your inspiration and your ideas will come in. I like to look at Pinterest. Interest is an amazing place to get inspiration and ideas. And it's a very useful thing to use. I mean, you, you, if you've got an idea in your head, that's great. I mean, you can probably make it happen within sketch up. But I think if you have something to go by some kind of guidelines, it can really help, you know, really nice bathroom. So I recommend looking for Pinterest, creating mood boards and little, little ideas, things that you'd like to have in your bathroom. So like this is a nice little floating shelf storage system with a single thought. This is really nice. So what you can do is, you know, pick and choose little elements that you'd like to have in your bathroom. So say if you want and lighting like this NAD bucket mirrors, that would be a cool thing to add. Or golden white theme. But bathrooms are all about breaking up the space and, you know, having a good contrast between say, tile and law or a plane wall and some words. And so it's all about mixing materials, but in a nice manner. So here's another really good example. We've got some textured area for the, for this is really nice wood texture with a contrasting floor tile with obviously a big mirror, which is a window here. So there's nothing lighten. Yes, so, so have a scout about Instagram, Pinterest until you find something that you can see working in this space that you have, obviously everyone's bathroom size will be different. So if you've got a smaller bathroom, look a small bar for my ideas. If you've got bigger bathroom, look, obviously bigger ideas. And then also figuring out what you want to keep in your Barton. So further button that we're working on. And there was got above and actual bath in it, but I'm actually going to take that out to quite a bit more space within it. So maybe you just have a shower unit and a toilet. Maybe you don't need a bark and your house, maybe you think actually it doesn't get used enough. Why would I have it? And you, and you can create, you know, a larger, shallow area, which would be really nice to use. So I'm actually going to base the bottom, the iodine on, on this one here. So this is one that I found really nice and it would fit nicely in the space that we have. For this example is actually a smaller barcoded. So here's a bit about it, at least accompany that make it. But what I like about this is this kind of chaperone tile with these black features. So, you know, you've got a black shower, had black controls for that. And then obviously this black frame with the Gosse. And I think it's really cool. And I like the use of this live edge is at worst to create myths. Sink area. I think this is really cool and I think I'm gonna use this. And they've got a pretty sleek toilet and kinda cool towel holder area. And as you can see, this is obviously a very small bathroom. Really smooth. But they've they've used a space really well. So this is kind of what I'm gonna be working with. These kind of of round shapes of these sinks are really nice. Helper B are very similar things. I'll basically try to recreate this kind of bar from in, in the space that we have to offer. I think we've got a bit more space, so there's going to be the more elements that I can add. But yes, so once you narrow down kind of the theme and vibe, but you want you'll be able to. Well, we can then start building and I'll show you the process I do to kind of replicate this style and a boffin. I've got yeah, so we'll go from there. So this is our base point. This is kind of what we want to achieve, this kind of look and feel. And we will work from there.
9. Adding Tile Texture: Okay, so the first thing I want to do in my motto is actually try and get some about tile texture within it. So doing that will just set the byebug nicely and start to see what is the combined. So if I want to replicate that, the one in this bathroom, I've just basically googled Chevron tile texture and given me a different result. And what you ideally wanna get is something called a seamless texture. Without oxygen, without this middle number. And it, you want something that can be patterned. Your, your model without any seemed, without any obvious seem. So there's a lot of options, but what it might actually take me to find something that's close, like this. This is actually pretty close to what we want to achieve. It might be slightly whiter than we want. And what I've done is I've downloaded this and I'll just put it into Photoshop. And I created a, well, I've cropped out of this part, this black part, and I've actually just dark and a little bit. So I can show you that. I've actually added to that image and it loads, which probably won't do that again. Basically it's, it's it's yeah. I've edited it. So I've dark taken up by little bar. And we can now use that within our SketchUp model to replicate the towers that we've seen here. So I'm gonna do that now if you go back into our SketchUp model and say, I want those tiles to be honest. I'm gonna grab my Bucket Tool. And I like to just select a color, generic color. It doesn't matter what color. Get back. I remember I'm going to come into here to create material. And this is where you use a texture image so I can open up an image that I want to use. So I know this one. I believe I can open that click OK. Now it's on my bucket. And if I click on the floor, you'll see that the text has been applied, but a really small scale. And in order to quickly adjust that will go to Edit. And if I just change that unit 1000, it's probably a bit still a bit small. So maybe let's do 11200 every 300. So boo them, answer those now on our floor and grit. And it looks pretty cool. And I think I want to also have this, this, this wall covering you the same texture. The weekend. Just double-click on that and then apply that. Cool. So that's, that's just apply it. Our tile texture. Thinking that that's how, that's the basis of how you get a texture within it into sketch up. So you'll find a Google Images result. You might have to do a bit of editing photo shop to get it how you want. But as you can see from this, we've kind of this is pretty similar to our reference with admins. Good. But yeah, so you might find difficulty finding something exactly what you want. But a bit of Edison and the, and you can even add it. So if the color's still quite off, you can use editor within the SketchUp editor, which is quite nice. Syrup on it, a bit lighter. I can just do that. And it's just made a bit, little bit lighter. And again, if you wanted to change the color or about, you can just adjust the UI. So sleeve doesn't like. That's kind of interesting, isn't it? That's very interesting. Via so save you, you can adjust the color separates a white tile. It should adjust a bit better than this because obviously there's an offset issue here. And then if you want to reset the color, you can just hit this button down here. And it restarts. I'm gonna leave it slightly. Which is great.
10. Creating Shower Area: Okay. I want to ask you add in the shower. So our existing Charles actually in this corner. And I think that's probably the best place for the new shower to go. And remember where I'm trying to replicate something similar to this. But I want this nice frame in black with a glass screen and maybe this kind of bar going across. And I'm going to build that now within our model. So if we first upon a crate that like kinda glass window which is going to go on this side behind the door. So when I just start by drawing a rectangle and it's probably going to be we're going to come into the bathroom about reroute a meter and be a bit more than a meter. And so I'm gonna do one hundred, two hundred by 13 mill will be a nice sides. Initially. This, we can now group that rectangle, bring it up to about a border to the height of the door there, but I'll probably have a little bit higher. And this is going to be our frame. So that might be a bit long, but we can always adjust it. I'm actually adjusted now in October, about 200 meet along now. And what I can do to quickly make up off frame is if I can go back into this shape and then I can just, I can just offset ever so slightly. So I'm going to offset it by 30 again. We should have something like that. And then if I pushed through this route, we will have a frame. So that looks about right TO nanometers are the glass. Quickly. Again, I draw a little rectangle here. And then what I can actually do if I select it or I could moves to grab the midpoint, align it to the center of this thing. And my group that push, pull this rectangle up. Again. This is very simple start simple rectangles. And now we've got something within our frame. So if I grabbed my bucket tool, now if I hit the ALT key, I can click on my window, grab that gray. But it in like that, just cool. And then through this frame it wants to be a darker color. Surf I grab this color. Yeah. That's kind of where we're at really good. And I think I'm pretty we'll have that kind of structure across the wall. About. I'm just going to draw it again, another another rectangular shape, just 30 by 34 that across. And then I'll probably move it to about about archives and mobile is lower, so it's probably gonna be around their sum. And that should be fine height-wise, I don't think I was going to bang their head on that. And again, I'll color it in the same color. Nice. And you know what? I might add another bar across here so I could actually just copy this one. Started out a little bit of detail. Something interesting to add and remove that at this point. And then I'm gonna go with this. Lovely. Looks quite cool. And so we're going to be using the 3D, the 3D warehouse a lot to grab elements that we need. And so I'm gonna grab a shower head and all the controllers from 3D where others, and I'll show you how we do that now.
11. Adding Shower Components: So I want to try and replicate this kind of shower head and controls of ESA we'd call. So in order to do that, we're going to jump into the 3D warehouse. So to do that, you go window 3D warehouse. And here you'll probably have to sign in if you haven't signed in already or make an account even count. The 3D warehouse is it allows us to fight them anything we need. And I bring this up. A lot of models that people have made, other people have made that you can download into your model. So we want to replicate the shower head that we just saw. So that I mean that well what Yeah. So there's going to be parts of the model. So you download this one here. Obviously we don't need this drawing thing, so you could delete that and just keep the parts that we need. But in terms of controls, I think I think this is kind of what we want, maybe not match our head. So I'm just going to load this directly imply modal. And hopefully if they build it correctly, it should be to scale. So that looks roughly to scale. Then we can just move this over here. And then I can rotate it, rotate it 90 degrees. And basically, I think we just want to keep the controllers because these controllers are quite nice. So I'm gonna grab this edge and it onto our surface. And sometimes you've got to be careful when you import stuff. People build it on a massive scale or sometimes at a tiny scale. But this one, I don't know about doesn't quite big for a handle, so I might just scale it down ever so slightly. So you have these controllers look good. And I'll see about the positioning of your shower and toilet. They may kind of already be set in stone depending on your plumbing. But if you've got the ability to move that, that is always good, that you can play around with it in the model. So yeah, I like these controllers, but I'm not a fan of this head. So I'm gonna go into this group. Generally is bad. And we look for a new shower heads are going back and really warehouse. We wanna kind of I'll type in shower head. We went around nice big round Shah had that was actually a wall-mounted. So Let's see, let's see. That looks quite good and Matt Black. Yeah, maybe that one would do. Remember, have a look at this from the import this into a model that looks like and that's good. Yeah, it looks really good. Actually. We've got these ruler lines that we can get rid of it. Let's move this again onto a wall. That looks about right. Maybe it's slightly asked me about a kind of London. So we'll get rid of the snow line. Now you should delete any of the part that you don't want to do that. Select the rabbit you wanna delete or oh, yeah, that looks good. And I think I might actually take this color. And that's applied to that frame is slightly dark or black, red and it's quite coordinate. And then we will also apply that to our, our controls. That might mean going into the group. Yes. We're gonna have to go right in, Triple-click every birth. And then harder. Now. So I'm just pressing b to bring up the bucket. And then I'm escaped into the model. That might need some slight adjustment member. I can move it into the center. I grab roughly the same point on this one. So that is the point. I'll move it into the center of this. And a pool. That's kinda like the controls. We need to look more like our inspiration. Crept up again. Yeah. There might be a slightly thicker had narrower than spouting, but I think it's good. All right, cool.
12. Adjusting Camera View: Just a quick thing on the camera settings you might find if you've got a small word like this, small bar from, you'll find that when you're trying to look inside it, you don't really have such good field of view. And it can look a bit distorted and looks a bit like a kid's toy isn't luck aware worm. So we can actually adjust the camera within scatter chart. And I recommend you do that if you've got a small room as if we go camera, and then if you click on view. So the moment at the bottom right you can see this is 35 degree. I'm actually going to increase that. There may be I mean, you can do it as much as you want, but maybe like 77 and I looked at that. Yet us to be better. So as you can see already, it kinda makes it feel a bit more like you're in the room. So I'm gonna move our camera about. You can see that we've got a wider field of view. So it looks a bit more realistic. And my answer, you increase it ever so slightly more. Going to be a minute crank up a little bit more to about 85 degrees. So what does it it doesn't have, it satisfies me. You've got a wider field of view now. So now when we like zoom into r bar, when we can kind of get an idea of what it's gonna look like and makes it a bit more realistic in terms of moving around the model. So this actually looks like you're in the bathroom, is supposed to go to go to BU again and I change it back to 35, roughly profile. Now if I go back to the same position we're in. So you can't you almost can't get into the same position because you feel it abuse to narrow dia That's just a little tip. Yeah. So just make sure you go camera. If you work on a small Bachman or even a rim, I think it's best to increase your field of view a little bit. So I'm gonna write about 808090. And I think that's a bit better though. You can maneuver around your model and actually gives you a more realistic perspective of it. Does just a little tip.
13. Shower Adjustments: Right, so I've just had a little play around with the proportions of Charlotte. I've actually just taken it in a little bit and actually reduce the height of the wall. I think it looks a little bit better. And also I found a slightly better shower head that I wanted to use. And then I describe a drain cover or grab family extinction warehouse like we did before. And also I just changed the field of view. Again, it was a slight someone's 72. It actually gives you a bit more, is not as quite as distorted both DAT was. And so it gives you a bit more scope, but also not too distorted. Which is great. And I want to just, I think I actually want to have this wall covering because it's where the shower basis. So this is going to be a kind of like wet area. I want to actually make this wall the same tile that we have here. And so yeah, the floor and these two wars will be on this chevron button, that file. So yeah, I've just huddling with just the shower. I think it looks a little bit better now and in proportion. And we've got some nice room. Yeah, next we're gonna move on to that sink area. So this kind of error, I'm going to try and replicate something like this in our area that we'll get into that now.
14. Sink area Build: Okay, so we want to try and replicate bit within our sketch on one. I really like this though. So yeah, we're gonna be using the 3D warehouse again. It is your most valuable asset when building bend, because it will save you a lot of time actually building it yourself. And there's just tons of people that have noting new stuff every day. So I think for this loud, so currently those above here within this offer and I'm actually going to emit the bark room that we're gonna get rid of the bathroom. And the toilet is actually positioned around here. And I think I'm gonna flip the toilet to this side. And by the window and look out the window while you're on the toilet, which is great. But in terms of the sin Kerry, I think it's gonna be here, going to be on this side. So the first thing first I want to try and find something that will replicate this line, this live edge word, this is a really cool feature and I wanted in my box. So again, we're going to drop into the model. And I'm gonna go to 3D warehouse. And we're gonna type in what we're going to type in. Whatever type in will be live edge, edge table that might work. I mean, okay, yeah, this is exactly what we want. So I'm probably going to have to dismantle this. But good. We have a buildup pretty to monitor what? That one's probably a bit of an aggressive. This one looks a bit more subtle, so lets just grab this. So a lot of this is going to be just adjusting existing models. So OK. This is cool. This is what we need to obviously it's far too big and yeah, but this is close to what we need. So initially, I'm going to scale this down 40 big and you probably want it to be about a meter and a half from Greenland. But that's I mean, that's almost a meter and hot maybe go a bit further. Let's to meters 1800. So I'm just drawing a line here and then it will reference points. I want to scale this up. I don't know how big my principal with a little bit too big. So this is really a meter and a half is about right. So we want to look back. And I obviously want to against my will, something like that. We can move some of the a cohort we're saying about. So basins you kind of want slightly higher than your average countertop. So this is eight. So we probably want to probably at least a meter high. Again, if you've got a tape measure in front of you, which I do actually, you know, you can just get the tape measure out, put it on the floor. So now I'm looking at motto measure. Yes, I'll pretty well my basin to sit around the one meter mark. I feel like that is appropriate. You can probably go a little bit higher. Well, I think one meter is good, so we're gonna make the top of this, top of this surface at one meter or a 1000 millimeters, I'm gonna join a 1000 meter lined. Grab my surface. Herbert, from the face, move up and then snap it to that point. But that is a meter off the ground, which doesn't quite high by rewrite, I mean, we can always adjust it later. And I'm gonna talk in a bit more in a walk in the light, slightly off the edge. Ok. So that is something that we can get live out. Now, these little bracket things like almost work with everything big and maybe I can just Yes, so I can actually just scale these down. So I slept on both scarily bound brokerage side. They're doing kinda let r bracket, right? And then I'll move this one, this one, this one out. This one out. I mean, it doesn't have to be perfect. You can make it perfect if you want. Speed. Sometimes I just, I just said all right, you look them up. Perfectionist, which isn't necessarily the best. Yeah, I'm happy with that. And you know what much trunk closed up based on maximum. And this little if someone's made this correctly, they haven't component. If this was a component than when I edit this, this one will change as well, but they haven't done that. Duplicated across there. Maybe if I just draw a line from here to here that goes off. Yeah, curves is that place. You can get lost them at quite used in it. And that's what that field of view come to nothing. If you had that larger range of field of view, you might not be able to do, might not be as easy to get into components like this, but that's good. That's assumed that all up. And now I want to make it about black color that we've used for our existing Brian. So I had and Bucket tool out about the thing that color and we're going to apply it with this. So yeah, it was good. And now I'm just going to copy it across. So I'll print the move to another head control to make a copy. I'm gonna fix myself to the green axis. And I'm going to come put it where this existing one was. And, and hopefully I can just delete that one like that. Cool. So now they're aligned. And yeah, I think that looks pretty good, doesn't it? Maybe I'll just move it in a little bit. The word itself a little bit narrow. The how, how wide is that? From about 300. So we probably want that type of skinny points and maybe make it. And then we move this to another 100 announcer. This is a good surface. Now please recall our reference photo. We've got about live edge. Yeah, these brackets are different. I mean, you could you could just make them. I mean, that wouldn't take me long to do. I could do that. I might do that. And when we start wrapping the bottom up, but yeah, cool. So now I'm going to look for some little round soon. So let's get to that. Again. We're gonna go back into the beloved 3D warehouse. And so if we just type in the year around sink. And this is not, you know, you could obviously you just make these things yourself. But if you want something a bit more interesting, so obviously missing, that's had to call a heart-shaped to make an, if you're a beginner, you know, you just want stuff that you can grab and put in to your model quickly instead of making it, it is a round sinc. Looks a bit like in. But maybe it will work. That's quite nice as well. Moral bowl and a cylinder I kind of like with cylinder aspect of it. Yeah, I think we're going to have this one. Let's get this little vessel so important. And comes in. And sometimes when you import then there will be massive. There will not be to scale, but it will be fine units have to adjust that using the scale tool. But nonetheless out to and people do build the buildings that we upload, correct? Correct. Scale. But when they've done so ok. But those are quite cool. It's maybe a bit thicker than I'm one, but I can always adjust that later. So let's just say let's give this kind of gray color. We're going to grow our gray color. We're going to move them. I mean, that's gotten some mode and it is kind of looking like they have been edge. I do have a thin edge. Okay. What I'm gonna do now is I'm going to do a time that i'm gonna time-lapse me. Collecting these components, service pack, these mirrors. And I'm just kinda when I get back well, after the time lapse, hopefully, we will have something that looks more like this. You'd be I do go to work. Okay. Right. So there you have it. We have our little sink area with our mirrors and our tabs and our basin to I basically found a better basin and slightly thinner one. Looks pretty cool. Families, nice mirrors that match kinda bar inspiration, though. We take a look at that. It's a very similar buyer was not quite the same. I think I prefer our Hangeul cooler. We've got the Live Edge going on, we've got our base and we've got our tabs. So the other thing that they've got at the moment is all these little bits of trinkets. And we'll do that towards the end. Where add some like soaps and how bond without making it really, really come to life? A. Yes. So that is our little sink area at the moment. I added some more system drainage then make it look a bit more realistic Adaboost pipes. And yeah, and I load it ever so slightly. I thought we had a slightly too high. But I'm happy with the way this loop. And now we're gonna move on to oil it. Where are we going up at the toilet. I wonder. Right? That is the next step. Let us do it.
15. Toilet Import: So far our toilets. First thing I'm going to do is find a toilet that we like. So again, back into the 3D warehouse. And we're gonna type in toilet. I think I want to try and replicate the toilet they have in our example that we are trying to, you know, go by. So it was quite a modern toilet is one of these event by sleeping design. Maybe even that one is a lot of toilets to choose from. I think. Yeah, I think we'll just keep it. We'll get one of these. And also if you look on the 3D warehouse, you can see how many times they've been downloaded. So often when they've got a higher download rate or amount, even they are normally better quality model. That's not always the case, but nine times out of ten you will get potentially at a scale and a well-made model. Also, when it takes a long time to load in, that normally means is quite a lot of geometry within the model. Which is not necessarily a good thing because it may start slowing down your sketch up. So we'll see when we get this toilet and we will be able to see why it seems to be so big inside. That's even if it does load him because sometimes it can crash. And maybe it's done that maybe it has not been met. We will see.
16. Toilet housing and Storage: I go, the toilet has arrived in. It's got this massive phenotypes. So, well, I like to do when you go and import something that's a bit maps dot dot S is going to get rid of what you don't need it. So get rid of that woman initially. We're going to escape its mammal groups over here. The person that made this model was kindly added in that we don't really need. And we're gonna go into the loop again. Let's get rid of this line. Get rid of that. Get rid of now. Okay, so we have our toilet, right? So my plan was to keep our toilet on this side of the room. And I think that's probably the best way. And this is an obstacle, slim line, discrete toilet. And I think actually it might not be quite to scale. It does look a bit small. That's just measure that and see how big that. So it saying it's 344 mill top to bottom. So that is small one. And so I think they've actually probably not built it to the correct scale. What I'm gonna do is just absolutely, thank you ever so slightly bigger, something that scale up a little bit like C, that looks already a bit more in proportion with our sink and everything else. That's me about, right? And obviously with the toys that you're going to have to house a lot of the plumbing behind it. So because this isn't a traditional toilet water plumbing stuff, will have to be in its own kind of separate unit. I'm going to build that on and I think that'll be good because we can add some little bit storage there as well. That was gonna grab the Rectangle Tool. And I'm actually just going to block it out. Luca, which really wanna go to get height, maybe the midpoint of this window. What would be a high actually American drama abandonment. And there might be a bit long. So just play with it over your model and you're adding shape. That looks kind of realistic. And then we can bottle toilet up about and we'll be off or MSS slightly yellow SSR. And we want space, even the sides. So we bring it in slightly close that window. Alright, that kinda works. And this has checked with fitness of this will not be able to use it a little bit too. So that's I mean, that's not probably about right to me. So that this little unit will house all our toilet things, our system and stuff. But I actually want to make it so we can have some kind of unit within it. So what I'm gonna do is actually copy this top face. I'm gonna paste it back on top of that. And I'm gonna group. And I'm actually gonna create like a literal surface. Little service for about 18 months. And then I want to as you wanna make som some kinda yeah. You covered things. The storage, blood, toilet roll and cleaner. And we cannot that I'm gonna write some rectangle is rubin. I'm gonna push, pull them a little bit. And then what you're gonna do is I'm going to try and add a kind of a hand or in, into these. So I'm gonna just draw a rectangle like that. And then when I grab it from the midpoint, and I'm gonna put it on this point. That locks and that midpoint. And then I'm going to get rid of this bit. And so so that could be listenable covered that I might double about twice the highlight that. And then I'm just gonna set it will go here and R into R back unit. And I'm just gonna draw a line from top to bottom. And then I'm gonna push, pull that base a little bit. Just to give it to it's flush with with our click on the faces of these little cupboard. And you do that. Then I'm gonna move this point about rush. Probably bringing that forward a little bit more. We mean that the ICU that's credited like little storage unit. So it's housing are Ulla plumbing and then we've got some storage, whatever you need to put in. And I might change toilet color to that kind of grey color. So again, like in our example with a, they've got a nice gray toilet. I also want to add in some B's control. So yeah, I'm gonna make artwork where like so complex grads. But you'd like to grant to go into the model to make it. And then we've got a base that's not quite right. And then I also might Actually you just make this unit a darker color map. Might look quite maybe slightly lower. Well, maybe we could get darker and lighter, man, even though that looks good, that is our toilet kind of positioned and sorted. And then we can use this kind of top bit for some nice, maybe some decoration font, but we'll get around to that later. So that is our toilet imposition. Now, we show throughout what we wanna do with this space and us. And we also want to add some radiators and other aspects and also blind, right? We'll get onto that map.
17. Seating Area: Okay, I want to add a bit of seating. I've seen it in a lot of the the bottom inspiration photos on Pinterest, they always have some kind of system. And I think this space is kind of perfect. And also somewhere to hang your towers. I think I'm going to add some kinda So again, I'm just going to, I'm gonna go back into the 3D warehouse. And we're just going to look for a bench, something that I think fit the aesthetic that we are looking for. Typing. Benjamin, see what comes up. Now I think it means to be kind of a minimalist kind of style. That's quite cool. There are kinda like that already. Wants to Thailand to our theme of we got quite minimalist theme running through the bathroom at the moment. So That's quite nice as well. Again, in your own bar from the beauty of sketch over is you can just quickly add things and take them out, tangent around, do whatever really aren't. So there's a lot benches here that's quite a variety. A doing a quite simple. I mean, let's try it. Let's drop this in. Let's see what this looks like. It might be math, but we'll have a go. Okay. There's massive and they've given us the most beautiful grass to go with it. But we don't want an app. We're gonna go into it. Go into the group. Lets me, let me I'm going to get rid of all of this. And so we just got the Bentham's own. I'll move this now in Romano. Okay, it's obviously quite big. So I don't have to scale it down a little bit, but I think it could work with concrete on. It was nice. It was a good sign. Do lot concrete. Let's just scale it down a bit. And what we can do this. Now, do I think of that? Well, it's quite cool enough. Make it a little bit bigger. Maybe just make it a bit narrow as well. And we don't want to intrude on the door and get it quite right against all. Yeah. I'm not I'm not mad at it. Slightly bigger. And maybe just thin it down a little bit. We might have to change out textures as rather not textures a bit rubbery. Yeah. But maybe let's just have a look. Go back into the 3D warehouse. I saw one where there was a large range of bent quite interested in. And that will be given a square then. Yeah, let's have a look at this two here. We've got a variety of different benches and see what they looked like. Okay. Yeah. So some of these may fit your theme of it better than what I'm doing. I think I just want to very simple bench, I think absolutely. Something like this, this one. You may Good so much you're gonna select some decent at that point. That's toma disband. So let's rotate it 90 degrees and describing why the bottom corner bring it into our buffer. And okay, so this is huge scale this down. So I can get rid of this band is now move this to our back. Woo. I do like this. A little bit bigger than skeletal muscle, slightly. Maybe make it a bit narrower And just maybe a little bit cooler. A lot. Yeah. Maybe just talk it in our loop slightly more because it just needs to be somewhere to purchase. That actually doesn't need to be like you're not gonna spend hours on the phone. So I might move it down a little bit more. Ooh. Okay. That works. Now I wanted to grab some tau her. So I'm just going to go back into the 3D where hopefully, if we just typed, we kind of went like a bathroom as quite coworking and do kinda like this kind of star. That's kinda odd. These are maybe a bit better. Perhaps we got around one too much. I kinda round beam. So let's look, isn't quite cool. And what it's good at sometimes actual companies who upload them model really warehouses. So you might find that you, you find an element that you really like and you'll actually be able to buy it. Then only link off to their website, which is really cool. Do you are likely, I think we're going to keep the gray one, the big gray one. Get rid of these cool, cram down. They'll go off a little bit more we can do later on, I'm going to add details within our motto is we may have a tau hanging up on a b. Now that the objects press Control down to duplicate it. And then I'm gonna Starkey governance. Let's just undo that. Oh, my mouse has disappeared. And then a control group. And then I'm going to hit the Starkey. Not when HIPAA Starkey, stocky omega times two. That will just duplicate it again. Like so. We can centralize our overall branch. Okay? Yeah, I like that. The branch is good. I might change as texture slightly off the bat. And yeah, so now we've got room. I'm not as you just make a bit long. That's more like, yeah. I'm gonna group these though. But yeah, so that's a nice little bench area. Hitler works. We will see, we will move forward and we will see.
18. Radiator Position : Okay, so now we have our toilet area, sink area, and this little seating area, and of course our shower area. But he's mostly most of the elements. We need. One more thing I want to go as a radiator. So again, into the 3D warehouse, we're going to find ourselves a nice radioactive for our town. And I wasn't something about well, a narrow one and we can just next to the shower would be really good. So as you can see, there's tons of really good models here. And if you want one of these door type radiators, there's that option. But I wanna wall mounted one kind of like this. Have a look at some. Yeah, this is perfect missiles, terrorism as well. So that's great. So I'm going to get this into one model and hopefully opsin, right? So again, we're just going to edit this. Edit Missa import. I'm just going to delete list all section. And then so these taus, what's happened there is basically sketch shops created whoever model this has created tons of literal faces. That's why you're getting that weird kind of mash units. Does you can see here it's got chumps made tons of little, for instance. And there's a really easy way to get rid of that person is going to scatter asides not suitable for us. And then I just drop it down a little bit. So that's probably targeting small man. That's good, that's bad, but I'm yet. So to get rid of these two, if you import an objective might have all these lines and, and there's a really easy way to do that. So if you just select the object that has a problem, if you right-click and click smooth and soften edges. And so this little box would come up in your trial. So that's hopefully corrected at something cooperative orders that were lines, but if it if it's still not correct so that you can just move the slider up and it would just smooth even more. And then if there's like edges, like adjacent sides and you take this box actually that's those out as well. That's just a little tip there for I'm going to leave it right there. That's fine. Because that's a component. It's dying to both of those. That's great. Yeah, that is basically that's perfect. Is all the elements. Next, what I'm gonna do is actually start adding some little decorations around and making it look a bit more real. So I'm going to add and some stuff up here, I think makes some candles. And I'm gonna put a big plant here. And then I'm going to probably get some blinds in. And then a raga. So I'll do that. I'll time Napster and then you can have a look at it and then we will come back when I finished and I'm happy with it.
19. Adding Elements Timelapse: Okay. Okay.
20. Elements added and Ceiling : Okay, so I've added Luke, you know, details now though we've got some so little plant. We've got this really cool rug that I like. And I think I'd be cooled in the bathroom. And it kinda does exact craftsman is kind of it's kind of similar to the pattern we have here on the, on the top floor. And then added some candles and a plant here, which I think's really nicely ads. Just slap a bit of green for the bathroom. And then yeah, just added a few more little details. So like we got stuck towns and red towel there. And this is what makes your model will have more and more realistic. So if you can spend a bit of time going into 3D warehouse and just put stuff that you would have in your bathroom. And it will just bring it to life and it won't be so so much. We're model look a bit more real, Lester. And yeah, I also added a blind as well to what I'm gonna do now though is quickly either senior. So I mean, if you've got a flat roof, having a scene, it's pretty straightforward. You're just going to draw a rectangle across your ceiling. Oh, not like that. So I'll go from this point to her. And if I group that comes out of it and that can be a little bit. So if you've got flat refund about Muslims have flat roofs while it's insane. But that's how you build a quick sealant. For mine. It's gonna be a little bit more tricky to do this. What we're gonna do is actually I'm actually going to, I'm gonna just offset and this outside edge. And then what I'll do is I'll join this line up here. And the same for this one. And I'm actually gonna just take copy this. Flux showed unbound and hard to get rid of this and now are controlled BY I can place this on top of that. And then I'll put this point Hare, actually cover the ceilings. And now if I push, pull it out across the edge, we should have a scene like so. Now you ask me other ceiling and which group it. Get rid of this line we don't need we don't need that. Tr I now have a ceiling on my roof. I mean, you could probably we want it to just drag this over. This closed completely. And what I'm gonna do now is just quickly add some spotlight. So to do that, again, if you just go to our 3D warehouse. So our bottom already has a spotlight. So I'm gonna just we had the men. And if you're changing your lighting over, of course, just put what you'd like to have. Isr spotlights and I think it will work well to borrow from at the moment. I don't see. I mean, you can maybe you have some moonlighting or something different. But yeah, I think spotlighting more work. So we just want a simple yell. I'm this reentry spotlight as a wonder how another is correct denialists is grab these. And it's like an LED spotlight. So yeah, hopefully you've, you've got a button that you're happy with now. And obviously with the sketch up here, you can just change things around. But you want to try different local at different colour is super easy to do. And you've got the tools now to quickly changed and anything you should understand how, how to change those one of our spotlights, let me just write. Okay, so I know we've got to run the spotlight and what I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna move it along this axis. And on the times that white, three spotlights, but I'm going to group these now. That's going to move these slightly. A right-hand side that I'm gonna copy this across her. Regret. Civic spotlights. Pretty space them out a bit more actually looser. And let's change that quickly. I go, so I kinda went out there. And so if I move this now, grab onto a point that from reference. And if I hit control, not sure on that one. And times that by two, that's better. Wider width that renewed. And we can get rid of this R1. And we can just move across. Like so. Again, I use the arrow keys to make sure I'm on the right axis. But yeah, if you've got a ceiling and each one of them, and make it look really were put in in VR spotlights that will really help. And yet we will move on from there.
21. Exporting images From Sketchup: Rigaud. So I've added a door and I just want to quickly show you something that we can do is look at our model. So if you come into a default tray, hopefully, you'll get a window default tray and you make sure shadows is ticked on. And that should give me this nu bar that we can adjust. Dominant now turn shadows on and watch shadows allowed you to do is actually, you know, recreate sunlight would then sketch up and you're gonna get some nice shadows. Time not on this. So that when we go into the bottom, that makes it a little bit more realistic. And it's important to keep this on when exporting your worst. Not, I mean, you don't have to, but it just makes it look a bit nicer when you export either a PNG or JPEG pumps catch up. It can make it look a bit more realistic if you don't have b Re or other random programs. Now, I've just added the door. And one other thing that I just want to quickly touch on is if you've got an object in the way and you wanna make it more Haida essentially, if you right-click it and click Hide, that will make it disappear. Like so. And in order to bring that, bringing those objects back, If you just go to View. And I'm hidden geometry, I've actually created a shortcut in the preferences, so I use control hate. So that will show me the hidden job geometry. So by press Control H Now you can see the meshes there and then I just right-click on it and click unhide. And that should on high like that. So also if you're, if you're SketchUp as a lot of your models have a lot of geometry within them. It might slow down or sketch up. So just be aware of if you're importing a lot of plants, especially because all those needs are built up of geometry and stuff like that. So I'm just going to walk us the Boston talk and hybrid door. And then we can scroll through and have a look. I'm happy with considering what we started from. And let me just actually just remind you what we started from. So these are the miscalled photos or the existing bathroom. So we've got the window with America and we'll set it off that we don't have anymore, which is great. And there is the existing shower and that was existing door. So yeah, I think we accomplished I'd go in and making it look like our example, one that we wanted to, I take inspiration from. So as we come in and you can see we've got are called tile floor. We've got this rug that I really liked. And we've kind of matched our sinks from our reference that we use, which is really cool. I really like the plants. Haven't the plant here add something that really nice. Also, let me actually get reversed and also our hooks. A bigger a really cool thing along with the CT. And yeah, I think it's a cool little biofilm is much better than what they just did women. And also I can just bring back that door in nasa control which can unhide that. And that should come back in a second. But yes, so what we can do now is we can actually exports, export images straight from our sketch up. So we can set up a viewpoint. So we can set up something that looks like OB point from parents. Quite nice. It gets most of the bottom and it will be about sealing as well. And because we've got those DO shadows turn on so you can actually drop shadows in your toolbar. So I bought the shadows turned on here. But if we just go, I'll show you how to export it. Explore images so you can actually show these to, you know, your friends are foundry or wherever you want to show your designs to, whether it be an actual builder or someone to actually do the work, which is ideal. This is what these are really good for. So you go file exports and 2D graphic. We'll eventually be able to do is just export them. So you've got a few options here. You can adjust the size of a used to view size. And also you can just so you can change it from a JPEG or a PNG, whatever you like. So then we can just tied to a bathroom, bathroom View one. And we can miss exported. So I'll show you some views that I've exported an article shows, show you some of that I rendered using Bua, which is an extension from the sketch up which I will be shown at some point or in MySQL Xia Biao, I'd really like to see what you guys had created. So with these exports in the Projects tab on Scotia, upload things. So if you feel like you want to upload and share your work, might help inspire other people and give people some ideas. So yeah, that would be really good. But pop and I hope you enjoyed the lesson. I'll probably throw back to me talking in front of my computer, rounding off. But yeah, this is how we've created our dream. Bachman. I'll see you soon.
22. Vray Renders: I just wanted to show you some renders dad got using b Re. So this is a separate external rendering software that's bought SketchUp just wanted to show you these quadratic that have come out really nicely. I've had a, there's been a few changes since the last part of the video, but as you can see, the renders are really cool. We definitely managed replicate that look that we're going for. And I'm pretty happy with it. So yeah. Just wanted to show you those. And yes. Again, if you can upload any of your screenshots or exports from SketchUp to you that the Projects tab within this video, that'll be really cool. And yes, I was.
23. Thank you for Watching!: I hope you enjoyed that lesson. My hope you've got above them that you're happy with. And you saw the process and steps I took to build the bar from that. I'm I'm really happy with that July the one that we built today. Yes. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated if you leave me a review that really helped me out. Give me a follow on skill share. And yet jacket my the videos. I'm going to be putting out some new video soon on different SketchUp elements like and maybe even V way at some point, which would be cool. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching and I'll see you soon.