1. Why Create a Design Portfolio in the First Place: And in this video, we'll discuss a wide to create design portfolio in the first place. One of the key things about a design portfolio is that it enables a deep potential client or employer to see your skills and have an idea of your experience and also your background that ended some of your personality. So essentially a design portfolio is not going to necessarily get you the job, but it's going to get you the interview with that employer or potential client. Hence why it's very important to keep in mind that we want to keep the design portfolio of simple for the most part. And we're going to focus on a few key elements which are proven to generate leads, the end success when it comes to getting those interviews. And we're going to go step by step, but in this course and we're going to discuss them in detail. But for the time being and just keep in mind that the enzyme portfolio just needs to focus on a few things very well in order to stand out from the competition. And the main goal or the design portfolio is to hover that person, contact you, and then arrange the interview with you.
2. Only the Very Best Makes it in the Portfolio: Now, over the many years that I've been a designer, also hired at several designers and I've been through many, many sign portfolios and also design portfolios iterations myself when I'm flying or wall was applying to positions. And one of the key mistake which I've done and I've seen them multiple designers do. And that's U1 to avoid that is to avoid putting everything in that same portfolio. And by that I'm referring to the fact that a design portfolio isn't going to be at its best the if it's going to be cluttered up with premium work and also media work and low-level worker, you only want to keep the very best at. And the reason being is that, as we mentioned in the video, the goal of the design portfolio is to get to that interview and make it a really good first impression in the eyes of your potential employer or potential clients. Hence, why it's important not to overwhelm them with a lot of stuff that is going to clutter dot first impression. The first impression should be sharper. And the best way to do so is to actually just boot to the very best work which you have. So anywhere between a event free to nine pieces of work is totally enough in order for to convey your skills and your expertise to a potential employer or a client. So this is one of the principles which you definitely want to keep in mind, as well as some other principles which we're going to discuss it in these next videos. But for the time being, I just focused on quality. And if you currently have a design portfolio, what you want to do is to actually analyze it and think about all of the design portfolio pieces which you are having there. And if there are some items which might be beneficial to remove in order to really make it the best ones stand out.
3. Design the Portfolio for Your Dream Client: In this video, we will talk about the importance of creating a design portfolio for your dream client. Now what do I mean by this is that the exemplify is going to be the reflection of the typer of worker in client's data you're going to get. So one of the first mistakes, which I did and kindled loops back In the previous video, is that I added the other the items of the portfolio items which I had the so I mix in graphic design work, print design work, web design dashboards. Absolutely. It was all over the place. But what they really wanted it to do on a day to day in my design job, it was to actually create the dashboards and mobile apps and some websites for the most part. So one of the things are which really helped me to get those type of clients, which we've more easy, was to simply eliminate anything which was a graphic design-related or had a lot of emphasis on things like design and print design. Because when I first, when he first entered in my basket portfolio, the very first thing that you would see, what's graphic design work was logo design work. And then at the very end they are the dashboards. And as you can see, that is going to make a first impression that are really focused on graphic design, logo design. In reality, I wanted to do the exact opposite. So definitely keep in mind that we're moving is not a bad thing. If dotted portfolio items are going to collide with water, your dream client is looking for in a designer, it's my very best recommendation is to do this very simple exercise. And that is, forget the portfolio for a moment and think about a water, your crema clients or your dream job, but looks like. And once you have the data in mind, think about a water. Would you ideally doing that dream job or with that client? And basically created a day-to-day outline of what the usual task would be. And then think, if your current portfolio or the portfolio which you are about to create is going to be in line with data, day-to-day and data job or a client that you're looking to work with. Because essentially what you want to keep in mind is that if you're offering apples to a client which is looking for peers, you're going to have an issue. But if you're offering peers to that client, which is looking for years, the combo is simply going to work out and click right away. So you're going to make it the entire process way more easy on yourself and your client. You should keep this in mind that even when you're outlining your description and your past experience on LinkedIn, which is something we're going to discover in a major details in future videos. But for the time being, I think you definitely got the concept. So keep in mind what your end user, your client is looking for and try your best to deliver and communicate upon that.
4. Online Portfolio or PDF or Physical Portfolio: In this video, I want to talk about the difference between an online portfolio and a physical or PDF portfolio and what you should ideally go with. So nowadays, it's all about efficiency and saving time. So that is what your ideal client or employer is looking for. And my opinion, there's no better way than just showing them a link that they can click and they're going to see the portfolio right away. On the other hand, if you, for example, sander over a PDF, which is maybe like 20 or 30 megabytes and the need to download it. And I imagine this scenario where they don't have high-speed Internet connection. They're going to waste some time and they're going to hover something physical which they don't necessarily want to Harvard in stored their hard drive. That doesn't really feel good. I just clicking a link, visualizing the portfolio, viewing it, and essentially making our decision right then and there. So my very best recommendation is to have a known length per for you, which is going to simply be a website or one of the organelles or social media profiles, which we're going to discuss further along in this course. And just keep it simple and don't have, don't send them over PDS or large files because that is not the ideal way to go. And I wouldn't do in a less it, it's a very necessary. I would thus have avoided physical portfolios, but I understand that in some cases, it's kind of inevitable, especially for working with design or graphic design. Sometimes that tactile feeling is going to have a much more deaf and is going to enable you to sell those specific services to a client. But my best recommendation would be to actually have data to be shown at, only at the interview stage. But before that, you can easily show graphic design and print design work with using beautiful mock-ups or on a design portfolio which is going to be online. So keep this in mind, keep it simple for your clients or potential employer and the hugged him, just click a link and go to their portfolio right away.
5. Problem Solving with Storytelling: Now if you want an easy way to stand out from the crowd and really make a lasting impression on that. A client or prediction employer is by using problem-solving together with storytelling in your design portfolio items. And let me explain. So ideally, in each and every one of your portfolio items, you want to identify what was the problem which the client project, the harder this solution which will offer, which is your design solution. And essentially you wanted to guide your clients and the reader into what was the initial problem or what, how you overcome that and found that the solution. And you want to almost create a mini story, and it doesn't need to be a Shakespeare's. None of this can be something which even a few paragraphs or one or two paragraphs can work. And we convey in a very easy way because of this side to create some larger case studies. And the data is always appreciate that maybe have one or two case studies if you want in your portfolio. But nonetheless, the base principle or going to be the same. And that is to outline the problem and how you overcome that with the solution. So you might even include the elements such as what was some of the hurdles which you had during the process, and what did you do in order to overcome them and come to the final solution? And that's going to give the client a good idea as to what was the process behind it, the final design, because as designers, we can easily see a final design and we understand everything that went through, but we almost take it for granted at times as to how much work was put in a top designer pizza. But in my opinion, the very best thing that you can do in order to stand out is to explain what went through and really make the other person participate to the process because I've done this mistake myself and I would just it boasts beautiful designs. And I knew everything I went through. So I took for granted the fact that there was a lot of work and a lot of weeks or even months put in that project. But someone who's looking at the portfolio for the very first time, it's not going to understand this. So this is something that you want to do and you definitely want to keep in mind, keep it simple. It doesn't necessarily need to be longer descriptions or entire case studies if you don't feel comfortable with doing that. But keep in mind that you wanted to analyze the problems and the solutions. And even if it's not going to be indefinite portfolio, you might be asked more questions during the interview, but this is the very baser element which is going to enable you to get the job that you want.
6. The 5 Essential Elements of a Successful Design Portfolio: Each design portfolio should have some essential elements which are going to help you to get the, the conversions and the interviews which you're looking for. So let's jump into my computer and let's discuss these elements one by one. So let's talk about the essentials to have your design portfolio. So let's get started with the very first one, which is the About section. Now this section is going to give some basic information about yourself to the prospect. And you shouldn't really need to like create on and tire longer page with your digital personal story. Just the, maybe an image or even a short video. If you really want to go the extra mile, is going to be enough. Together with maybe a paragraph or two about your boss, a mock round and experience which are having the industry. And this is going to be paired with the digital CB, which is going to be a LinkedIn. And we have an entire video dedicated to Linkedin or where we're going to discuss it in depth. So let's continue for the time being. We're going to talk about in more detail in just a minute. Now, the very next section which is going to be really important, is to outline your services. Now, why is this important? If you already have the portfolio items, you might wonder, well, the reason why you wanted to have a section where you discuss the type of services which you offer is because you want it to not be contacted by people who are actually looking for another service. So going back to a very simple example, if you, if you offer pizza, you wanted to outline that in your services, you actually offer pizza. And by doing that, you're not going to be contacted by people who are looking for lasagna or pasta. So this is going to be really important. And especially in our field. I can tell you that I, since I have a lot of web designs and dashboards in my profile, you I cannot tell you the times that I've been conducted and helped to on calls with people who are looking for front-end developers. They didn't. Tweedy went from my plugging detail and that the thought that that was a developer, but that these null to a service which I offer. I only focus on the UI UX design aspect of it and the visual design. So this is something which is going to enable you not only to be more clear from the way fewer potential prospects, but it's going to enable you to safe Dima and filter out the people who you don't want to work with. So the very next the stage and the element is going to be the portfolio. And that is what we all know. It's going to be the core of the designer portfolio in of itself. And one. The bicep which I have is2, possibly niche down and by services. So for example, in the bass and what they did is to have the one single page in my portfolio website. And by the way, this is totally fine to start like this. And I had the all sorts of different portfolio items over there. I had the web designer had the ops, hot dashboards about the more experienced you gathered, the more niche that down or your befall you ideally want to have. So for example, if you look on my portfolio today, are the time of recording this video. I have an entire sigh out, an entire page dedicated to only web apps. And entire page also dedicated to own the iOS apps and an entire page only dedicated to Web Design. And by doing that, whenever I see a web design project that beam boasted that I might want to apply or maybe I want to outreach to a company who is specifically looking for web designers. I am going to send them over the link of that specific page of design projects. And that these 3D going to resonate with them because they're not looking for iOS apps, you're not looking for dashboards. And although I can do those type of design projects and they know that in some way, shape, or form they're similar to one another. So if I can create a dashboard, I can probably create a website. This is not something that they are looking for are the moments. So the more specific, the more niche down you can go, the higher the chances of hopping on that. Getting that interview and job or jaw or dot-product. So this is something to keep in mind that you want to niche down your services as much as you can. And if you can reach the on, by an industry that's it on the blas. Now another thing which I see missing off then and can design per fall use. And this is something which I avoid doing that as well when they first start to Donald's about wasn't mistake is not odd. Testimonials and the success stories. And then note that that might sound cheesy from our end, but I think that this ammonia as success stories are extremely important to get those conversions because when you see a wall of positive testimonials and people who run a successful businesses saying good things about you is just going to out so much social proof. So he's going to enable you to stand out from all of the, the other designers out there. And it's really going to make, became fuck the decision-making process of the person who is looking out your portfolio. Some don't underestimate the power of testimonials and success stories. And the way I usually do it is when I am at 70 or 80% of a project with a client, I would ask them some fear around these lines. Hey, Mr. Client sensor, we're making some really good progress and we're both happy with. How this project that is moving along. I was wondering if you could take maybe one or two minutes to create a very, to write a short testimonial. This can be just one or two lines. And this would really be appreciated in all my Bart. So suddenly around these lines, you know, it's, it's not going to take a huge amount of time on their part. So this is going to enable you to get the testimonial and especially for wicking multiple clients during the year. You can easily created this and build APOE when it comes to these testimonials. But I wouldn't be afraid also to ask to all of your boss clients, since this is going to enable you to get to those testimonials opera running in a faster way. Now, another thing which I don't want to miss, and this might seem obvious, but I can tell you the amount of time that the scene upper volume where either date they didn't boot to the contact, either reforms or contact buttons or informations in the right area or the detective and have it though, and this is huge, hugely important. You want to have the contact information and already contact call-to-action or he bought them or a former. I on the top of the website is somewhere, maybe in the header, you know that there is often like a contact ASA button in the header. Something around those lines are going to be in the head section on the website and for sure, the indie food there. So in the very lower area of a website. So definitely don't miss this bar to, since this is going to be a huge row and you want to double-check or even triple check. If you're using a contact form, the conduct farm is working. And alternatively, you can add a contact form and also the contact information below each just in case that that conduct foreign is not working and to have extra peace of mind when he counts to this element. Now, Ozzie, the very last day, I would recommend you to ask 40 per fall your review. And this can be even that a review which is an informal by one of your friends or beers and having a other person looking at your profile you and expressing their opinions on it refers the impressions that it's really going to be useful, especially if you have a few people looking at your portfolio, you're going to notice some trends. And especially when it comes to the possible issues that they might be in that portfolio. This is going to be really, really easy to spell to if you're sick and die on your portfolio. Because sometimes we work on your on our portfolio for so long with that we don't even see do we deal with the portfolio anymore? So it's really important to have an extra point of view since this is really going to be helpful. So this is pretty much it when it comes to the essential elements. Again, these elements can be added in all sorts of different ways. But as long as they're there in that portfolio, you're going to be good.
7. Personal Branding & Social Media: In this video, I want to briefly talk about social media and the personal branding. Now, since there are many designers out there, one of the best strategies for you to stand out from the competition is to create a personal brand. And the, during this course, we are actually planting a lot of Caesar data are going to enable you to communicate what you're all about and what type of services that you offer. What are your strengths and weaknesses in things that they're going to really help you stand out in the marketplace. However, keep in mind that also traditional media is going to play a part of it. But dawn to focus too much on just the social media profiles. And this is actually a common mistake which I see and I've done myself for earlier in the days of focusing too much on having the perfect that may be Instagram profile or blinding on opening a YouTube channel. But we found, we'll go and strategy behind it when it comes to acquisition and those kind of things. And the reality is that social media is going to help her communicate it to a client or what you're all about and communicate the elements of your personal branding. But it's not going to be the social media profile, but it's going to enable you to land that job or project alone or in fact social media. And the portfolio is going to help you to essentially London the first, the interview and the first phone call with data prospect. But it's going to be really important to understand the data. That's where the limit is because you've turned out to going to fulfill their needs when it comes to the goals that they were achieving or the type of project that we're looking for. You can have an amazing social media with hundreds or thousands of followers, but it's not going to be align with their goals are so the 1r necessarily hire you. So what do you want to do is to really focus on the portfolio for the most part. And then this social media is an additional thing which you can have, but keep it light and you don't necessarily need the, for example, if you wanted to branch out in YouTube, you don't necessarily need the hundreds of videos, or you don't even need the YouTube channel. Really land hype bank the ions. This just annexed route that if you want, you can now do to your personal branding or liner. But it's not going to be the make or break your career. Now really want to stress this salad that because I've seen many influencers and many people, they're all especially on YouTube. There are preaching a social media as the end-all be-all of your business. But it's not really going to make a huge embark based on my experience. So just to recap the opportunities out there and see social media as an additional element which you might want to add the in order to communicate the more about you as a person and the type of services that you offer. But I would strongly focus on the portfolio and under LinkedIn profile because that's what's going to really move the needle and make the most impact in your career.
8. Linkedin 101: Now as we've talked about the porfolios and the personal branding, one of the most important elements and nowadays is to have a solid at LinkedIn profile. And the reason being is that CV's in our industry are not really a fancy thing anymore. But the next FUV is actually LinkedIn. Because Linkedin water it enables a prospect to understand is all of your experience. And the hub a bird's-eye view as to how long have you been in the industry or what positive being your previous experience is, if anything, if you had an education in this field, if you don't have for perhaps an experience that's going to be helpful. So all of these elements are going to essentially be complimentary with the portfolio which we're going to create in just a moment. And LinkedIn is going to play a major role in the decision-making process. So let's jump into my computer. Let's discuss some strategies so that you can maximize your presence on LinkedIn. How right, so let's get started and let's talk about LinkedIn, which is an amazing side that is going to help you get the clients or projects. So let's get started. And the very first thing that we want to do is to sign up to LinkedIn. So simply go on and you can sign up. And then once you're signed up, you're probably going to be in the Homa. So simply click on the very top section and click on view profile. And you're going to be redirected to this page right here, which is the only page that you need to focus on because this is going to be your digital resume or digital CV. And let's discuss it each and every section and what should ideally do here. So as you can see, over here, we have the profile picture. Pretty basic advice here, our logistic, keep it clean and simple. And the profile picture of yourself, ideally facing towards the camera because that's scientifically proven data is just the odds that a layer of just something which feels better, I guess it's because of facing towards you. So keep this in mind and own a minor note. So you also have the opportunity to add a background image. And 40 background-image, I would just keep something which is related to the type of work that you do. In my case, I kind of went to I can't have changed it recently instead of having dashboards or web sites, which is totally fine because that's the type of services which I offer. I changed it with my position since I work remotely and this is where I work. So just giving you a little hint over there. And as you can see over here, you're going to have the type of position that you're currently covering it. So this is going to be important because it's going to basically be one of the first things that they're going to see. So they're going to see full name, last name, and then what type of position. So what, what do you do essentially? And also your location. Now, small note on the connections, Since this is something which I encourage you to get to this level, over 500 plus connections as soon as you can. It's a small detail but kinda makes a difference because it seems as if you are very active and you have a large networks. So it's just going to hover some social proof. And the way you do it is you can simply search for a position, for example, designer or a web designer over here. And this is going to load up. Then click on people. And I would start to adding some connection right here. And of course you want to odd the, the connections of that, that you really have a First of all, Eigen before you did this. And by the way, don't talk like done, don't like mass, are the people that you don't know. You just want to maybe out our temper, the a or somewhere around these lines so you don't want or want to look at it a bit too suspicious and make beanies. And by the way, you're also going to receive the so many requests to add to your network the moment you start to really be active on LinkedIn. So as you can see, I have like a bunch of invitations, so I'm going to accept. And these are, for the most part people that they don't know. They're also recruiters. So it's going to be easy to develop this 100 connections badge if you wish organically. Now right below this section, you're going to see this show recruiters that her actually looking to looking to find a job. So you can go over here and the basically added these, these options based on your specific situation and preferences and then click on add to your profile. And this is going to be something which is important. And then now let's move on to the About section. Now with you about is something that most designers usually myself, because the About Us shouldn't be, shouldn't really be all about you, but it should be how you can help the other, the other individuals, the other companies, or a potential employer. So looping back, and by the way guys, all of these concepts are looping back to the video on the five essential elements. And especially here you can see that, for example, in my profile I have a question. It's just, would you like to bring the user experience or your web app or website to the next level, are you having difficulties translating your design ideas to live? So these questions, I'm asking it to users and to potential clients, which at the moment they read this question and they're like, Oh yeah, probably I need to this is something which I am struggling with at the moment, or maybe this is something that I'm struggling with for the moment. So the moment you do that, you're going to relate the play with that person. So it's almost like to catch the fish. These questions, so keep in mind what your users are looking for and try to maybe create something around these lines. And again, you shouldn't use mine as the envelope kills template. This is something that they've created pretty quickly, but he kind of headset the marks of the most important things. Now, I'll also briefly talk about my experience. It's the fight that I worked. We start up companies, Fortune 500 companies, and competency of any size in between. What my UI UX solutions help with and basic experience. So that specialize in. And then I added some social proof. So don't take my word for it. Here's what some of my bus lines have to say about me. And here's some testimonials, some social proofs. The, I'm telling them that they can see even more social proof right here. And I also mentioned the fog that I'm usually quite busy. So I only use more ugly for a small selection of clients. This Ghetto gives it a hint as to my work approach. I'm not someone who has it. Like thousands of clients at the time only work for few selection. And then he call to action, to book at Discovery, call with me, or to write anymore. So very important. The codex, as I mentioned in the previous video. So structured around these lines would be ideal in my opinion. Now I'd also like to mention the fact that India ballots. You might want to add some I keywords. And basically the type of work that you do, because this is going to be picked up by the search algorithms of length n. So even seeing things like specializing websites, web apps for iOS and Android apps. This is kind of helpful for two ways. The first one is, of course I'm communicating that well that doing about the Azi seconds, the NGA, it helps the search algorithms of LinkedIn to rediscover our profile more easily. So as you can see over here, for example, in your dashboard, which this one is private, you can see that I basically have a search volume each and every week. So keep this in mind. And the more active you are, the more, the better tailored your LinkedIn profile Day is, the higher the chance self and getting discovered. So over here we have some activity, I think to really worry about, really. And over here we have the experience. Now this is something which I always like to keep it lighter. So enter your job title and the company, of course, and just keep it like one or two paragraphs at max. When it comes to the job description. And always focus on describing how you help the dot-com bunny. Not what you did the necessarily, but how you helped, How you, and ideally, if how you brought them from point a to point B, which is essentially the problem solving elements which we discussed previously. So another cool thing which a null, I'm not seeing a lot of designers leverage it. And then they'll does sometimes you're going to have NDAs like having the eyes we provide should these companies like can ultimately show the work. But whenever you, again, I would the other also images of your projects and Delta in high resolution. So I understand it's not the idea, it's not like or your portfolio website options that we mentioned in the course. But essentially, you can add some images so they can really see the portfolio and have an understanding of your visual design skills and also problem-solving skills. So definitely something to consider and please take the time to create the these job descriptions and project descriptions. While because this is going to be the core aspect of your CV. So don't rush it. And at the very end, at the education, even if you're just having a certificate or attended the some, some courses or maybe you attended like a bunch of online courses or you were self-doubts still trying out something over here because it just adds the upper tower first impression. And we also have the skills. I wouldn't really worry too much about them like I added a bunch of them, just do it as a one, go to either bunch Oh, scales. But this is not really going to be something that employers really going to focus all done much on. And as well as the recommendation, recommendations are cool, takes a little bit more to kinda like find the client that is going to humbling to give the recommendation, the link, then he needs to be on LinkedIn in cells for example. And also the given once. But yeah, for the most part the IU usually focus on having the recommendation testimonials all in my personal website and that works just fine. And whenever I need to show the testimonials to a client, they simply give the length of my personal website testimonials page and pretty much good to go. Now on a final note, we have the languages and the interest rate to put interest which are in line with what you do. And I guess you'll be good. So this is it when it comes to the overview of LinkedIn. And again, it's a really powerful, powerful websites which is really going to help you out. So take the time to create the crafter. You're perfect LinkedIn profile because it's definitely going to be worth the investment of time.
9. How to Create a Design Portfolio for Free: In this video, I will present some of the options in which you have at your disposal if you want to create a portfolio for free, now, make my suggestion is to actually have a website portfolio. But if you're just starting out and you don't want to necessarily make that the upfront investment that white yet. You can definitely attractors some good clients with free portfolios. So one of the best ways to Graver a portfolio on liner is to use it the hands that sensor it enables you to hover all sorts of different tools and to create and direct case studies which we are going to be really useful in order to convince a client that's you have what it takes or to tackle a job or project. Now, another way that you can create a food portfolios by using triple, Although dribble from a high level, it is going to be a little bit less limited in those regards that since a rebel is really focusing on showing a specific shorter or a collection of shots. So if you're looking to create more of case studies and longer projects, I think that the hands has an edge in those regards, but both of them are totally fine. And by the way, we're also going to go through one by one and goes step-by-step into how to create a enhancer and dribble portfolio are longer in the algebra videos in the course. So these are going to be the very first that darpa Norcia options which you have at your disposal for absolutely free. And another option which will have available is simply using Flickr, since that is going to enable you to share photos and they're jpegs or with a simple shareable link, I would personally user one are the first two options, but that's also another viable option. And if you're looking to get into Grindr or graphic design, you might want to actually invest in the Harvard a physical portfolio. And my best recommendation is to either look at your local shops or local Design and the Arts shelf for a doctor or going got on that Amazon is simply searching for design portfolio and trying to figure out which is the best bang for your box to be. Price level, which you are looking for you through going into the physical portfolio. There's many ways that you get in the crater that are suited for free. But if you, again, if you get creative and maybe you have things around the some assets around the house so you can definitely, I'm hopefully something cheaper than the average. Now, back to digital Again, this is where our core focus is on websites or web apps, mobile apps, and those kinds of things. Another big recommendation which I have is to avoid the creating PDFs or creating files data your potential prospects or employer needs to download in order to see because people in general, they dont really liked to wasted dimers. So anything that the, it's going to take their time Elsa potential spacing there hard driver isn't a good thing. And usually I get annoyed when the designer approaches me and says being maybe like a one gigabyte portfolio that I need to double-dotted. I'd rather just Hobbes solution that I couldn't click a link and see all of the designs that directly there. So this is a big tip and this is something which I see many optic gaseous fuel do in this day and age. And it's a big no, no in my opinion. So definitely keep in mind that you'll stand out from all those other designers right away in a very simple and efficient way.
10. Behance: In this video, I'm going to give you a walkthrough of the cancer and what are the things which you really need to say if you really wanted to make a lasting first impression on April potential employer or owner of a business. So let's get started. Alright, so let's talk about the V hands. So this is a great website which has been around forever. And as you can see, you can simply click on one of these thumbnails in order to see the entire project. And you have this ability to scroll through the entire project. So essentially gives you the option to create entire case studies around the project. And it gives you a lot of room for explanation of the process. And the oldest things between mentions are really important in order to get the job. So let's get started and I'm going to give you a brief demo of what you need to focus on in order to maximize your B hence profile and make it ready to get the new clients. So let's sorry, the very first one. And as you can see here, I have a basic Behance profile. Since it's not my primary method of acquiring clients, I haven't focused too much on it really, and it's mainly to promote my UIKit and I haven't neglected it. So don't take this as an example of the perfect Behance broke all about. It's all, it's going to be a start example. So let's get started and let's talk about these section on the left, which is going to be really important for a few reasons. So as you can see, we're keeping it basic like LinkedIn. So a profile photo of yourself looking at the camera and you want to make this photo cleaner. And ideally, you can also opt for having the sync folder as LinkedIn. So that's data. Then you have the name and surname than your position. And this is important because this is actually the type of job position which you're going to apply forum more or less. So if you're looking for UI UX design job, promote yourself, Ozzie, UI UX designer, if you're a junior, junior UI UX designer. And essentially you want it to be consistent with dipole clients that you're looking for. Then beneath data website, if you have it, if you don't have it, you can keep this good. And your geographical location. Now, as we see here at the bottom, we're going to have d and all of these date dot don to focus on it. It's not important on the clients from not going to be can choose the, the designers we've most project views and if they do, it's not the type of clients you will want to work with anyway. So we don't focus on these vanity metrics. And by the way, you can change all of these options by simply clicking on your profile. And actually let's do that right now. So as you can see, I can change the firstName, lastName, the occupation, which is what we discussed just a moment ago, cannot be company. If you were working for a company at the moment. And yeah, for the most part, this should be pretty self-explanatory. We cannot also our social profiles. So essentially, if I go one step back and I'm going to toggle between these two screens else this might be the easiest way to go. You can see other social profiles are going to be here. The dribble have linkedin, and this one is Instagram. So essentially you cannot the profiles right here. If you want length, for example, Twitter, simply click on link, enter the username, and then click on submit. And you're going to essentially be able to connect the social profiles real quick. Now, also about here, there's the About Me section. And I will keep this short and sweet. And I would really try to convey your most value points over here. So you can now, for example, the fact that the URI UI UX designer with X amount of years of experience working for, specifically, in my case, it start ups and large companies. But you can enter a diver, that company you're working with. And this would be just a very short description. And you would see right here. So let's go back. And the very next element is going to be the work experience. Now, as I told you, I don't want to really focus on Behance hurt and I didn't even have a watch Behance. So my work experience is still very, still not updated. But my best recommendation is that if you're going to use Behance as your primary method to show your design portfolio and skill sets is to update the work experience and pretty much hub, all of this really well thought out, so focused on it and don't leave any DTL behind the this is the first impression that the first link that a potential client is going to look at. So keep this in mind that editing their work experiences are really easy. So as you can see, I just click on edit and at this point, which is needed to fill up this basic information and contact information for shall statement if you want to. And then you simply click on work experience. And you cannot the company or organization with their websites, the location of the company, and your position and the start day. So when you started working on that company and when you ended up working out to that company, including also the details which would be the responsibilities here. But I would really focus on discussing also the the problems that you're solving on a day-to-day basis. So it would be good. And then of course, at the bottom you also have the education. So again, you simply click on education. You can name the school or actually at the school name, the web site location. And also did agree start date and the date and the details of your course. If you want any awards, you can edit them directly from here. And again, fetus to self-explanatory. And you can also add the elements such as your languages that you speak, your skills, which is very important because you're going to likely be seen more in the search. Results. All beha answer if you add the something which is going to be tailored to the type of searches your client is going to look for. So if you do a lot of web design, you definitely want to have skills such as web design, responsive design. And somewhere around those lines, since you, someone is searching for web design over here, you're more likely to be seen in that case. Now of course, there's other variables involved in the search results about that. It's definitely something you don't want to skip since it's a free bonus rankings. So the thought that we have some customer sections which we didn't really worry about it. So yeah, that's pretty much it. So essentially from here you have devoted to the all of the information is that we're going to fill up your profile and all of the elements and the requirements that a person looking for, hiring a designer is looking for. So again, take your time over here. It's going to really make a difference. And yeah, just keep in mind that this is actually an important section. I'll just as important as the actual projects items off here on the right. So let's go and let's also create a brief project. So we learned to create a project is really simple. Simply click on a creative project and as you can see, you're going to be redirected to the B, hence builder. Now, my personal preference and the way I'll always operated on B has, is I would always create the images and I mean the entire images on my favorite design tools, which might be sketched Fiqh Mao or Adobe XD, and then would simply drag and drop the image here. I wouldn't really bothered too much with text. Definitely not. We falter grids or video and audio or embeds in light room. So I will just use the image function but feel free to actually experiment with we followed these and if you see fits, especially when it comes to video and audio. And don't feel, don't feel limited that you always just have to use images. That's the way I did it a lot. And I'm going to show, show you a demo. So at the moment, right here, I essentially have two images. The first one is this one right here. So as you can see, there's both decks that ended the image. And I have the second section of the image right here. So as you can see, this is the connection of the lower part of the first image. So what they would do is to simply drag and drop these. So odd the image and literally go like this. And as you can see. It's, it's uploading as there is this bar and the hub might very first image. Now, I would go here. And as you can see, once I hover over the bottom section, I'm going to see these insert media section. I'm going to click on image again on the second one. And now it's uploading. So this is really easy to do and really simple. You might need to do some try on desk though if different images and seeing that the proportions of both small caps, for example, or the dikes that is right at the B hence experience. But that would be my very best suggestion. And of course, as you can see, we have some, some issues here when it comes to the distance between one image and the other, but that's quite an easy fix. Is NPV to go on their styles content spacing and reduce it to 0. Pixel guy also change the background right here, but we want to have that neither really. And as you can see, this is the perfect combination. Now, again, you can also add the elements such as text. So for example, here, so you see more. And I'm going to make this text bigger, make it too big. And that's sick over here. Let's center it. And then you can essentially do whatever you want with this text. You can add some spaces and things of that nature. You can also, for example, select and use a and assign it a linker. So sample com. And this is going to enable you to interlink and maybe projects or just remind to a nod your forward it to another website and things are done nature. So this will be pretty much it. Again, you also have the option to odd to be doing audio if you have the data and also fault degrades or embeds a lot. I barely use them and I would just recommend you to use a full images and created the perfect image in the design software first. So that's Delta. And let's go on. And once you are all set up, click on Continue. And at this point, you're going to have a few options which again, are quite important. And first one is to name your project. And you want to give it a name which is going to essentially help you and the end user understand what the project's about. So in this case is going to be iOS language up. And some project dogs which are related to a project. So the iOS, I click Enter and then mobile app design. So you just want to really think about anything which might be a search query for your potential clients. Sometimes it can be kind of like a borderline term or such as responsive as like. We logically understand that this is an ultra responsive, but men might be related to something that they are going to search and then edit Culver. So this is cool because you can actually select one image and you can select a portion of that. The image has the Culver. Alternatively, you can create a custom thumbnail and use simple kick on. And you can find that from your computer. Now. I'm just going to select this right now. And I'm going to say sigma as the tool which I use to create this. And this is not really unrelated to any category which I see over here. So I'm going to click on view all fields. I'm going to select UI, UX design. Click on Done, and I am good to go. Copyright and licensing. Here, you might want to check if needed, any attribution for your project. And you can simply Google this. You are not familiar with them. And at this point to this project contains content and fn z naught. And we can see over here that we also have the ability to add the essentially called honours graduates and stuff like that. Once you're good to go become publish and it's going to be published. Otherwise you can save it as a draft and publish it later. So this is pretty much it though when he comes to B, hence it again, wait website to showcase our case studies and the dark projects in a very easy and fast way and also free.
11. Dribbble: Alright, so let's talk about dribble. So as you can see, I mean that the main homepage, and I can essentially see a whole lot of pictures including things, some of lines. And if I click on the picture, I can see the dire element in of itself. And also I have some basic description. Now might vary beset by, so if we're going to use it dribble as the main way to get clients and to show off your work is to not just the ADA, the one single image and a project, but actually ADA, multiple images. Now, the way you do it is essentially you find the, as you can see here. If I click on this one, you can see that there are multiple images. So you have a higher chance that to show off for your problem-solving skills and to kind of guide the user into a mini case study. And the way you see if a project has multiple images is by simply looking out at the top icon on the left here. So you can essentially the data really easily. Now, let's go on to my profile and I'm going to give you a brief overview and what to focus on in order to get clients with dribble. Again, since Dribble is not the main website which I use it in order to show off my work. I null to really creating it all that much these days. And it's mainly to promote a UI kits and the other elements. So don't see my dribble as an example of a great new book profile, but I definitely know how to create one. And since the basic elements are always going to be the same. So let's get started and let's talk about it to the very first section. So again, profile picture, you want to add the just the one that you have on LinkedIn, your name and surname. Over here we have what I refer to as vanity metrics that employers don't really care about numbers of followers of followings or likes. Your shots. Have a about a quick advice if you do want to improve these metrics, the trial and tested way to do so is to simply engaged with their community. So balsa comments under other shots and tried to engage it with other designers, like other shots. And this is going to enable you to get more exposure about, again, this is null to Walt. They recommend you to focus on what we want to focus on. These two communicate that you have the expertise needed for a client's project or for a job. So over here you can see that you have a must add humid. So here with an image which both, which most describes that type of work that you do. So my bulk of the work is creating dashboards. So over here I have a dashboard design. And those are also the guides dot to L12 to attract mainly. So as you can see also here, I have a bunch of different dashboard shots and things of that nature. But for the most part, they are organized in a way that is going to create some level of visual interest. And I create all of these shots that the design tools. So my various recommendations to create the all of the shots. I just sketch v or w or whatever software you prefer using the most. And then them to dream Bolton directly. And also try to maintain a level of consistency between that, the Styles in the shots. So for example, a good example of this is a student that I recently had a quick coaching call with these Mojave. And I think he really nail that the style, since the visual design, it looks really good. And he also also has quite a bit of a visual variations going, gone. And he's visual design skills, or generally speaking, are really, really good. So something around these line could be a really good example too. Mind. Now, if we click on upload, this is where the magic is going to happen. So as you can see over here, you have the ability to add up to eight files, so up to eight pictures. And you can essentially either drag and drop these pictures from the desktop, which is usually Walter, I like to do. So I'm going to have one image here. And I can simply drag and drop it directly. As you can see, this is going to essentially upload and create this on this picture. If I upload more than one picture, you're going to be able to see that they just stuck out directly over here. And I can also move it them around. I mean, they're the same. So you can really see it, but you can easily drag and drop and move the image order around. Now, when it comes to the title, we'll just the title the portfolio item as a something which is going to be descriptive of dot item. And I would also use a few of these tags. As you can see, there are a few which are already suggested. So you might as well check the suggested ones. However, you always add the specific one. As you can see, there are some other along as you type. And you can simply select the ones which are more suited bowl with your project. Now, if you go here on the project description, the, usually the main issue that the designers have over here is that they either don't put any description because they think it's all about the visual design. Or the description is not really ASM, is relevant for the person who's going to read that description. So my recommendation is to add the tax and describe the problem that you're trying that you try to solve. You solved the editor with dots specific portfolio item, and Don to make the description super sharp. I mean, it's not the thing to have like very long descriptions human dribble. So my best recommendation is to guide them with both having text on the image and also just having like pure images with really good visuals. So you can create the mini case studies since you have the ability to add up to eight images. And essentially this is going to give you an edge over some of the other competitors right here, because you're going to enable to show that you're not just creating good visual designs, but you also have stronger problem-solving skills, which is at some peak, which is a sanctuary in order to get the higher paying jobs especially. And just, generally speaking, it's just something which is really going to be a useful when you're applying good to job applications or projects. Now you can also add a download a file to them. So for example, you can now did the sketch file, the file, they'll be XT files. And you can add it to a specific set of projects. You can list an item for cell. Now under settings, there's also not currently looking for feedback that hide from my profile. I wouldn't uncheck any of these cases. And that will be pretty much hit when it comes to publishing. It goes to schedule the shot. Again within really newdata lists, I have a specific reason and then you simply click on publish and you're going to publish your flu shot. So again, Dribble is a great place to showcase your work and also be discovered. And it's a 100% free. So keep in mind unless you want to upgrade to the pro version. But I would just start with the free one and then the progression is essentially your call. Now, one last thing which is quite important is do edit your profile and really make sure that all of the elements which you want to communicate to a potential employer or set. So for example, here, as we discussed in the beginning, I want to add a profile picture, name and surname, location, and also a brief by explaining what did you what's your benefits for a company to hire you? And also you call to action to contact you. Now, other things that you want it to consider is the personal website. If you have one or another file URL, so you have one. And you can also set some things like your dribble lengths. So try and keep it clean. We felt like all like all sorts of different numbers or nicknames. Just try and make it look professional since you're likely going to send this link to a bunch of people. And you also want to sink in your social profiles. So for example, if you have a wouldn't really sinking and then the Facebook, but maybe Institute Graham. Well, it really depends on how you want to set it up. I would definitely sync up the LinkedIn. That's a 100%. And then these other ones are optional rarely, you can also set up the email notifications and these are all personal preferences. I didn't have any specific advice over here really depends on your personal preferences. Then we have the building, but that's not really applicable in this case. You'll solve the invitations if you want to send over some invitations to other designers. And over here we have the different sessions and the application and data export. I wouldn't really mess around with these two match. So I'll just keep it basic. And again, try to think about your ideal client and that what he would like to see in your public profile on Dribble. So this Britomart shit. And I'll see you in the next video.
12. Speed Up the Process with Free Templates and Mockups: In this video, we'll talk about how to speed the upward the process of creating these concepts and the portfolio items to pulse the inner Behance and dribble. So my best advice is to create a unique pictures based on the examples of success. So you might want it to have a look at dribble or on Behance out some of your favorite designers. And I wouldn't say replicate exactly, but that take inspiration from layout and structure. So maybe take a dribble shot and a threat to create something similar based on that specific style. If that's dao, you think resonates with yours as well. And I would just take inspiration, maybe like between one or two top designers and really go from there because it's really going to speed up the work. However, I'm also leaving some really useful resources in order to basically leverage some templates in order to kick start the project, you know, fast and efficient way. And sometimes these templates can be used for other times depending on the style. They are not going to be as useful, in my opinion. When it comes to freak the MTA spatially, i really did a lot of digging and I managed to find some good ones. But there, alright, the US many when it comes to especially be hands. So just keep this in mind about the wafer, the guidelines so that I provided. You're totally going to be fine. So without further ado, let's jump into my computer. Alright, so let's explore the very first resource. And by the way, you're going to see all these websites, links related in the links section below. And as you can see, we're on this software for dribble shots. And that this is a free website. So essentially it enables you to upload an image and it creates it The Trouble shot for you pretty much. I'm just going to add to this image of this dashboard which I have on my desktop. As you can see, it already framed it. And it's essentially like good looking right off the bat. Now you can also go with the expanded view if you have a website. So of course in this case it doesn't really make sensor. You can also toggle if you want the toolbar or not. So really, really handy. And you can just change the color ball that in a very easy and fast way. So pretty cool way to generate the drivel shouts and very fast. And as you can see, we also have a few other elements right here. So the image background and blend background color. So, you know, all this things can enable you to change these things really, really fast. You can also change the radius of the image itself. So the border is essentially here. And then once you're done with that similar click on download, and it's going to download the image and it's going to be ready to be published on Dribble. So pretty cool, the upper right there. And so this would be the very first resource I wanted to share with you. The gang eyes like you can do this thing also in your favorite design software says just an alternative way to do it. If we want to create a bulk images or stuff like that. So yeah, just something to keep in mind. Now let's move on to be hands. Now, when it comes to be Hansard, the templates which I've found are mainly by looking at the on behalf of the search bar for free presentations. Now, idea really see all that much. Maybe you need to change it, the search criteria and also looking Google quite a bit about that, really find like a lot of templates which are specific to Behance and delta are also free, in my opinion. So my very best recommendation is either use of one of these. So for example, we have this co-researchers for logo design and this can be a starter. So essentially all of these resources are going to enable you to avoid having to start with a blank canvas, which will know it can be overwhelming at the items. So definitely something to keep in mind about when it comes to be hands specificly. My best recommendation is to actually go on the Creative Market and search for brand board. Now, granted, these are going to be premium resources, but guys, just like 51015 blocks of, for the most part. And this can really help you out. And I mean, you're definitely going to make a lot more profit even as an intern in your first job. So it's definitely worth the investment if you see a good fit with the dipole style or projects that you're looking to create on the hand specifically. So for example, if we click on this one right here, and by the way, you're going to need to kind of like look at these one by one. So for example, this one is for gamba. So wouldn't necessarily be, you wouldn't necessarily be able to use it in your another design software, I guess. But as you can see, you have these templates which are essentially very similar to the presentation. So you can definitely go one-by-one on these and cedar some, some templates which you can leverage in your favorite xi1 tool and software and essentially use it for Behance. So now really anything was specifically created for b hands, but my opinion is the second best way to go after eight if you don't want to start from scratch. So keep these things in mind and nice little hockey if you wish, and that can enable you to save quite a bit of time. So this is pretty much it. There aren't like all that many templates and presentations for the handsome free board, they're not. Again, my very best recommendation is to actually create your own and you can create them pretty easily, pretty fast in your design software of choice based on some of your favorite presentations which you're ready seeing out there on Dribble Behance. Again, don't copy guys, but they give plenty of inspiration as delta is going to help you speed up the work and not reinvent the wheel each and every time you're opening a new fund that design sulfur and you're looking at a blank canvas. So something to keep in mind and I hope this was helpful and I'll see you in the next video.
13. Creating a Premium Design Portfolio The Best Options: Now that we discussed that the methods to create a portfolio for free, we're now going to upgrade to premium methods, which are the ones which I presume recommender whenever you're going to have the opportunity. And we're specifically going to focus on the three type of website builders, which we're going to really be easy to use and are going to enable you to create a portfolio in a fast and efficient way. Now, these three methods are essentially Squarespace, web flow and Cargo Collective. Now, each and every one of these a method that has their own pros and cons and the things to consider, for example, Squarespace, and my opinion, is very easy to use it. Everything is pretty much drag and drop. And you don't need to write a single line of colder nor understand code. So this is going to be the easiest way to go and it's the option which I uses specifically for my personal website. Now, web flow, on the other hand, is amazing for creating a customized and tailor-made experience. So you can design that everything that you're wanting web flow without limitations. And you're pretty much going to be able to implement your own customized zines and even fancy animations that will work for a pre-built base, which is going to enable you to save a lot of Dima when it comes to coding, because you don't really need to coding web flow, but you need to have an understanding of coding. So learning curve is going to be steeper, but once you get the hang of it, it's going to be easier. Now, carry collective, it's a universal in its owner in my opinion. And I include that in this less this specifically for those who are looking at to achieve a very specific style when it comes to a website. So this is going to be apparent real fast. And when you're going to look at the website and you're going to see the themes that because some of the themes in there have a kind of recurring it and the very specific visual style, which is going to be perfect for some of you out there. While other ones might opt for either Squarespace or the web flow option. So we fought for a dual. Let's get started and let's talk about these options in a more DDOS. Starting from the next video.
14. Squarespace 101: Alright, let's get started and let's talk about the squarespace, which is one of my favorite websites I'm builders and the one which I am currently using for my portfolio. Now compared to some of the other options, I think that's Squarespace is perfect hybrid between the enabling you to create the beautiful designs that we felt that touching a line of code and everything is drag and drop. A really simple as we're going to see just a moment. So let's get started and let's click the Get Started button. And as you can see, we're going to see a few question about what is our field. Simply going to click on design. This isn't really all that important. And I would also say that this, I mean, you can select them, but it's not really going to be anything particularly important. And for the time being, we're just going to go ahead and select one of these templates. So I'm going to go with novel and I'm going to preview the template before. So you can see you can easily review them blade, and you can also see the moldy responsive versions. And once you're happy with the template, because you can always go back and look at the other templates. You can simply click on the Start with this design. So as you can see now you need to create an account and I already have one, and I'm going to skip this step. But in your case, simply continue with Google for Apple or email account. And you'll solve more options. And yeah, just the basically sign up for great direct gallons and you're going to be redirected in the very next stage. Alright, so I just logged in and bokeh in the website editor. So basically, Squarespace is asking us for a website name. So we're just going to write the example. You can write your your first and last name, things like that. And we have a, some basic introductions. I highly recommend you to have a look at in order to understand the basics. And we're also going to go over some of them in this video. But again, we're trying to keep things at a high level because each and every one of these website builders can become a course in and of itself. And they have infinite amount of options and possibilities. So, alright, we're just simply going to click on those. And as you can see, you have your website. This is now working and essentially you have all of the basics rambling. So you can go through the pages. You can have a look at the things around. And as you can see, you have a base going. Now, let's go back to the very first page. And as you can see on the very left, you're going to have a basic menu. So the first menu items is going to be all of the pages of the website. So if you click on it, you can see that now we have this page right here which is work, and we also have the second one which is conduct. Now if you want to, the Beijing, which isn't going to be a link to anywhere in the Squarespace site that you can always create that right here and create the AMP page is actually really easy. You can simply click on the plus here and you can use. Either blank page or one page layouts are going to go ahead and create a one using a page layout. So as you can see, this gives you a very easy and faster way to create pages using these layouts. And this is the general one. But let's say I wanted to create a contact page. You have all sorts of different layouts that you can leverage. And we can customize all of these layers and a very easy and fast way. Now, let's say that we want to create a gallery page. We can easily do so by simply going Gallery. And the, we're going to select this one right here. And I'm going to show you how easy it is to change a page in Squarespace. So we're simply going to leave it like this. And as you can see, if I actually go ahead and click on editor, we're going to go into the Edit mode. So for example, if I wanted to edit the site header, I can go here and I have all of the options. Again, uploaded a logo image, the mobile responsive logo image. I cannot. Elements such as buttons. As you can see, we have a button here or odd or remove social links. And everything is pretty much like this is drag and drop this between the new version is really, really easy to use it. And the, for example, you want to change it x, simply type in text D21 to. And you can also change the order and the dissection height. So for example, we can make it smaller or larger. So the street covers the full page. But this is just a, in a, a few simple clicks. This is going to be the content width. So essentially how, why the contests going to be? We could also change the content alignment. We easily can also change the background to just have an image or even a video. And it's 3D. Just so easy to change. All of these options, for the most part is just about clicking the Edit button and playing around. We followed the options which will have at your disposal, which is plenty. And let's say that we want to add the a section between this section right here and this one here, the Split click on plaza. And as you can see, her going to find that so many different types of sections. And for each and every need really mean you can also use the founder, for example. And all of these elements right here, which is going to enable you to create a really good-looking website faster and efficient way. So definitely something to keep in mind. The squarespace really did a great job when it comes to these new templates. And yet for the most part it's just about adding sections, selecting a template and then click on the edit button and See all of the options we should have at your disposal. Now, I want to also show you and going to discard these updates. Also wanted to show you the designer section. So over here, you're going to be able to change things like the font of the entire website. So for example, right here we have a active growth disc for the main fault family. And we can change it the heading sizes. So end of each and every one of the main heading, one, heading two, heading free and heading for, and all of the options of the typefaces Really. So pretty straightforward, pretty easy to use. And again, I want to go into each and every digital options right here, because there are so many that they would require a course in and of itself, of a few hours, at least about it's, it's definitely very, very easy to use. And my personal experience, whenever I need to find something, it's tweak something in a page. It vary. Simple. So another thing I want to remind you is the fact that we have the commerce section. So you can have that in e-commerce to sell your products. Or courses are things like data. And there's also a marketing section which is going to enable you to see the data related to a CIO, for example, and things like the email campaigns so you can set up but the newsletter with Squarespace, which is a bit pricey. Nonetheless, very easy because everything is inside one single platform, so something out you might consider. And then there's also other things for engagement and promotion, especially when it comes to the social aspect of it. Now, another important thing is the analytics. So over here you're going to be able to see all of the analytics, all traffic, the geography, so where your traffic is coming from. And all of these data are going to be useful in order to create a more strategic decisions around your website. And especially for blending in equating a logo, this is going to be a killer feature which is integrated. Usually you would, if you were to create a WordPress website, you'd need to sink a third party plug-in or have everything in Google Analytics must be Squarespace. You essentially you have everything in one plot for. And that is one of, the main reason why I would recommend Squarespace is that it's, it's ease of user and just having one central place where you can organize and change all of the settings. So as you can see, and weaving is pretty, pretty easy, pretty drag-and-drop. And so even here, the images, I can simply just remove this image, drag and drop an image directly from here are simply click and phi and find an image in my mind, this darpa and essentially go from there. So pretty easy, pretty straightforward, and a really original recommends Squarespace affiliated with them or anything. But I've been using their services for years now. And weedy hop beta. And if you don't want to deal with God, if you don't want to deal with more complex editors, but still want to have a great first impression from client. Looks at your website, I think that's Squarespace is a really great option to consider.
15. Cargo Collective: Now let's talk about Cargo Collective and cargo. I think it's one of the most individual and unique site builders out there simply because their templates have very specific style which is going to really resonate with some of you out there, I'm sure, and other ones are going to be interested in the style, so you might dismiss it. So let's go and have a look at the templates. So as you can see, the templates that are very meaningful or very, I believe that they're immortal words, the graphic designers and print designers. And it really reminds me of I'm an older, are really modern style. It's kinda like my mind that fits anywhere between one of these two areas. So as you can see, they have plenty of templates and they look pretty cool. And some of you really want to go with this style. So definitely cargo is going to be a great option to consider. Now, let's go ahead and let's actually go and use a template. So I'm just going to select this one right here. As you can see, it's also responsive since nowadays it's a Muslim. And I'm going to click on Start with this template in order to start with this one. And this sim, although window is going to appear, asking me for serious of details. So I'm going to just sign up and I'll be right back. Alright. So I just signed up to cargo and I'm immediately being brought in the actual website builder with the website itself. So as you can see, for the most part, it's pretty easy to use. You can simply double-click on the text and you can change it. And it's all of the options which you need really are on the right. So as you can see, we have these sections and over here we have the images. So we can upload new images or search or from the current library, which at the moment is the default one. So if I simply go and upload new, again, go on this term right here. Well, let's go with this one here. And the images being uploaded at the moment. Since I have so many videos uploading for you guys, is they get a moment about Yep, here we have our image and I can simply drag and drop the image into the canvas. So as you can see, pretty straightforward and if I want to change anything related to the design, I guess something go over here and change it directly from this section. So you'll want like customization options of all kinds. But the ones that are here are the ones which you're looking to improved or just change it for the most part. So it's flexible, but at the end, really focused on what's important out there. So as you can see also here, I can change the font size of the body. And those are the H1 and H2 tags, depending on if we have one of those on the page, of course. And I can change, for example, the color. Say that I'd like the red of this specific specific style. We're just going to go with maybe something which is different. So you can also, you can definitely choose to change the output in a very easy and fast way. And overall it's just pretty straightforward, like current Google websites and orange like super complicated. And they're pretty much like a very visual for the most part. So once you're done with the settings, you can simply click on save a. And this is going to automatically save the project. And yeah, I mean, it's just a matter of like trying things out and changing maybe things about the design here and there, and just, just drying and seeing what you're really looking to get. Now, if you're, if you're looking to hover a indefinite tutorial about cargoes. Since all of these website builders are going to have quite a lot of intricacies and advanced settings. All those things. I'm going to leave a resource below where you can learn everything more in detail. And whenever you get stuck, the my very best recommendations to go on the cargo Facebook group. And usually that's going to solve 99.9% of the issues. So that's it when it comes to the basics of cargo. And I'll see you in the next video.
16. Webflow 101: In this video, we will talk about Web Flow, which is one of the most popular website builders out there. Now, workflow is great because it enables you to avoid having to write code. And still you can create extremely customise websites and really intricate and advanced designs. So I think that web flow is the best option for those of you, For one to read, to push your portfolio to the next level. And they create a customized design from scratch or using volunteer database, which we're going to explore in this video. So the way you go after it is simply go on the Web and then click on this Get Started button. And then essentially you are going to be redirected to a screen where you need to sign in. And right after it, you're going to be redirected to this green, to this onboarding. So you simply have to know the type of uncertainty. Quick, quick questions. These are not like Bertie currently, important is test for their data. So after you've done this, you can essentially starting create your first project. So as you can see, we have our weighted with this screen right here, which is a site or a business starter, we're actually going to go and click on business starter. You can also view all of the templates. Well, let's go with this one as a very first go. So as you can see, it's loading gulp, the template in a web flow and creating our own first the websites and web flow. And I'm going to give you a brief overview of the interface that's creating it. As you can see, we're going to be created with the screen right here. Have a look at these models since they're going to enable you to understand the homework contexts. So essentially, over here we have the other elements section. Here we have dynamic data in CMS, which is something which is a tad more advanced. And I'm going to show you exactly how you can understand and learn about all of these more advanced and also basic concepts in wherever flow in a very fast and easy way and especially free. So stall elements with glasses. Okay, we're just going to click on next since I'm going to give you brief overview myself. So as you can see, we're now in the whatsover interface and you can simply double-click on any element in order to quick, to quickly change, for example, text. Now, as amazing, here we have the other elements section. And you can simply drag and drop the elements wherever you want to in the interface. And it is going to enable you to just add the elements of all sorts really quickly. So you can see that we have all sorts of different elements from basic containers in grids. And essentially all of the basic elements such as buttons, headings, text, images, videos, even forms, and pretty much everything that you need in order to build a website. Now over here, we're going to find that the symbols. So if you're familiar with sketch her, you're going to already be familiar with this concept. Symbols, which is essentially reusable components. So components that you can use it throughout the website and you identify a symbol because it's, it has the symbol icon right here is also showing in a green color. While if I select, for example, this bar graph, you can see that it's blue. Now, navigate through it is extremely important because it gives you a high level overview of all of the components, elements, and symbols within your web page. So if we click on these, you can see that at the very top, I have the navigation which is a symbol and a have this section right here, which is called spans all over this area. And under section right below. Then the call to action and the footer, I can easily change at the location of the footer and the call to action by simply dragging and dropping these around. So very simple, very straightforward. This is specific to the, to this page for rent. But if you want to look at the old debate website because they're clicking on the pages and you're, you're going to be able to see each and every single page of the website. So this, for example, this one is a folder which contains multiple pages and you can create folders and betas directly from here. Now, here we have some more advanced concepts, just the CMS and the e-commerce, which we're not going to exploring much detail in this introductory video about that. I'm going to show you where you can learn more about all of this and the web flowing general in just a moment. Now, over here we also have the assets. So each and every image or visual oscillator, which we're going to add in the actual website and also the basic setting. Now, the great thing about flow is that you can also view and stylize the doublet and the mobile versions. And so the moment you, you go into this responsive versions, you can simply change things around and it's going to automatically update the in the responsive Bart. And over here we're going to have essentially all of the settings that enable us to change things like the font or the, the sizes, you know, all of these basic elements similarly to your favorite design tool. Now, we're not going to go into much more depth because. This can be a course on its own HUB over heat the hours. So there's FMD a lot or not, we could cover of workflow, but I just wanted to give you a basic idea and I want to give you some suggestions from a high level in order to see if what flow is the best solution for you specifically. And if you want to learn more about web flow in a fast, efficient way and especially for free. My best recommendation is the web flow university. There's many courses of their, some of them, they're also quite expensive. They can range of 500 and even more than others. So, but for the most part, I think that if you go on Web Flow University, this is going to be the best bang for your box because you don't have to invest anything. And the tutorials, they're extremely clear. You're extremely well, Donna. Well, the best tutorial series I ever seen from like in general, it's really, really good. And I would highly recommend you to check out Web Flow one-to-one Crash Course. So if you click on it, you're going to be able to see that the EU can easily start a course. And the course is essentially going through each and every element which you need to know or to understand the basics of web flow. So going section by section in detail and in small videos which are right at, bind their extremely well down so they're very easy. And this is going to give you everything, all of the knowledge that you need in order to get started with wet flow and understand all the basics and fast and efficient way. Now, there's also audio courses which are going even more in detail. So here we have like so much material like you can just invest so much time, feature desire and learnings and alza web flow. Plus you can actually learn web flow and then sell the services to client. Mean that you can create websites and web flow for clients and they're actually really lucrative. It's a really good niche to get in. So you could actually start by learning workflow for creating your design portfolio. And then use the same knowledge in order to play the website is which are going, you're going to be able to create them by yourself once you learn web flow, we felt the need of the developer. So you're going to make double the box, Beaufort, the strategy signer, and also for decoding aspects. So weedy, really good stuff. And if you ever get stocking the process or you have some doubts or questions that you'd like to ask. My best recommendation is to actually go and face MOOC and look for Web Flow group. The official Web Flow group is amazing. It's like having a private and enter available 24-7 because the people in there they're just so how full it and whenever I ask a question, I usually get a response within a couple hours at the maximum, if not, almost instantly. And there is so, so useful. So the web flowing diversity paired up with the facebook group of web flow. It's an amazing Colombo to learn web flowing enough Boston efficient way and for free. Also another thing that you can consider is to use float them late. Now there are free templates and there are also paid them place. Of course, the baby bonds are very in-depth, their premium tablets, but both of them are totally fine. And essentially what that place enable you to do is to save time. So for example, if we click on this one right here, you can see that we have a bunch of basic template sections to create a project without having to start from scratch. And you can click on preview in designer. And you're going to see the website live essentially. And it's three, cool, you all ready have like all sorts of different work down for you. The small animation's, the transitions and all these things which can really help you save a lot of time and create a professional website in a fast manner. So again, you can simply go over here, change in decks, the most things around. You can go, for example, in the on the navigator and change sections. And also view all of the pages which are included in the template. And you can remove or add any page which you need or don't. And so that's actually a really cool thing to consider. If you're looking to create a digital products, you can actually create web templates for, for workflow and make passive income from that as well. So definitely something to keep in mind. There's a lot going on in flow and it's a really growing and promising companies. So definitely consider it for your design portfolio and it's going to be a good thing. So as a final note, what flow is going to take out a bit more earth learner when it comes to the initial learning curve compared to other solutions such as Squarespace, which is much more drag and drop from the start in the, about the ETS doesn't take it like a lot. So definitely consider it as an investment, especially if you're looking to sell it as a service to clients to sell Web Flow, websites and things of that nature. So keep it in mind, always utilize useful and I'll see you in the next one.
17. How to Speed Up the Process Paid Templates and Mockups: All right, so in this video, I'm going to share with you some premium resources that there are going to enable you to speed up your workflow if you're working with one of the previous methods of which we discussed. So the very first one is if you're looking for using Squarespace, Squarespace is a great place to find the premium themes. Now, in my personal opinion, Squarespace are ready. How's it? Some really good things in and of itself? Or designers or top knowledge about if you're looking for something different. And to have more choice, really, you have this option right here. The things are not super cheap, but they're definitely premium quality. So definitely a resource to consider. I'm not going to go through my fema, just going to let you to zoom bordering the scene, a BB up. So let's move on to the very next research, so which is gulp and the first Squarespace. There's quite a bit of plug-ins out there and that I think goes plugins or amazing, amazing place to find, either free or premium plugins. So as you can see, there's going to be plug-ins of all sorts really. So it's just a matter of browsing through and seeing what the type of blogging, It's going to be more in line with the type of effect or feature dots you're looking to implement it in your specific Squarespace template. So another great place for a Squarespace is to actually have a Luka to square studio and have so many plugins. And also just a lot of the shop. So as you can see over here, we have elements for accessories, commerce content and random and styling. So again guys, it's just a matter of going around and seeing the different plugins and the different options we today have available. So again, x2 would be my recommendation is when it comes to Squarespace specifically. And when it comes to web flow, I think we're ready, covered quite a bit. There's the premium to emulates a which you can see directly on their website that and also when it comes to Cargo Collective, there isn't that much out there. So this research says would be mainly for Squarespace. However, regardless of the type of website builder or solution that you're looking to optimal with. I'm recommending you to check out the also UAA. If you're looking for a movie premium mockups, UI case, and fi Di assets. It's an amazing place with a lot of great design products, both free and premium. And yeah, overall just a great place to have a lookout as well as it Creative Market. Since it over here you're going to find the templates and graphics of all sorts really. So just have a look around. And these are definitely going to help you all to this beat out your workflow and yeah, just make your design projects look more interesting. Now another loss blaze, it would be think forests, which is D and bottle marketplace. So rho here, if you're looking to sit up and maybe a WordPress template or our website, it's definitely going to be really useful to have a look around, as well as, you know, graphics. If you go on the graphics that you're going to find all sorts of graphics. So, yeah, that's pretty much it. And hope enjoy having a look at these resources.
18. What is a Case Study and When to Use Them: This video will talk about the design case studies and especially in the UI UX set in a web design industry, there seems to be a lot of buzz around the case studies, in my view, wondering if they're needed in your portfolio in Earth to lambda high ticket client. Now in this video I'm going to give you the answer, but before we do that, I'm going to clarify what I referred to as a case study to put it in simple terms, a case study is a page dedicated to the project where you explain that project that in further detail. So you would talk about things such as the target market, the initial objective, the industry, and the entire process from start to finish. So on average, they can be anywhere between 500 to 2500 words. And they might include a lot of imagery. So my personal view, it's almost like an expanded portfolio item, meaning that a normal portfolio item that you would have a series of images and there may be one or two paragraphs describing the project from a high level, but the case study goes much more in-depth. Now in my personal opinion, case studies are greater and for one main reason and that is that explain the entire process. And as a reader, you ready understand what went on in the process and you can analyze it. Problem-solving skill of that individual. You also have more insider and in-depth knowledge about the specific project. And essentially you have more contextual information about how that designer usually goes about approaching a certain type of projects. Now, that being said, I think that design case studies or greater, but they're not compulsory, means that there is something which or optional. And I, myself, I never created a design case study. It's always something that the hardware on my mind, my to-do list. But I never really created a case study in still image the lander over 40 clients and the hub, a six-figure business. And why do they manage it to achieve this results, we felt case studies. Well, the answer is really simple because the portfolio is only a stimulus for the client or the potential client to hop in a code review. And then during the cold, they would ask me all sorts of questions in order to understand that my process and I would explain to them, even project by project, what would the what was the process involved? So I almost gave a live case study during the interview. For essentially a case study can enable the client to actually analyze your problem solving skills even before the interview. But if you are hopper interview can essentially given them more insight as to the specific details of the project. So the choice is yours really, if you want to create a case study, that's greater if you don't want to. That's also okay. And in my opinion, you shouldn't necessarily have like a lot of case studies, even one or two case studies, but really well done, going to make a great impact. So don't think that you need the tenured 20 case studies in your portfolio item and that you can keep your portfolio items for the most part, just that basic and maybe one or two case studies. And that that will be pretty much it, especially because from the hiring manager's position, they're not going to read a whole lot of really in-depth articles. So they're likely going to have so many applications for project or especially a job. Doubt that they won't really have the time suggests keep it shorter and focus on quality.
19. Examples of Great Case Studies: In this video, I want to share with you some examples of what they think are great case studies. And in particular, I want to share with this resource, which is best folios, and this is best It's essentially a resource where you can find that a lot of inspiring portfolios and also raising him as a specifically also many gums it to the design field. So we're going to examine a few case studies from a high level. We're not going to go really in depth since they're quite detailed. So the very first one, which I think is really good is from brac will anger. And it's a burst scooters blot firm. So the moment I click here, I'm going to essentially see what the webpage I assume was or is like at the moment. So it's just like a picture, but we're not going to really focus on the not nor the design. We want to focus on. What was what is it that it's making. This case study really stand out and grade from someone who's looking at it and evaluating this Ozzie candidate. So first of all, we have the title and some basic information about the project. So even things like the project duration, the client, the Dima and his roads are all things which are quite important down to right away to understand, as well as the general overview. So I like the fact that the, he added a single sentence right away and also went more in depth with the objective of the project and also the approach and the deliverables. And all of these sections, as we are going to see in the other case studies, they're going to change it based on the type of project and the way you want to structure the case study. So there isn't really a right or wrong way for each and every case study to follow about. You kind of want to understand that. You kinda want to think about what is it that the potential employer is going to look out and be useful for them to evaluate the your process and your work. So as you can see, we have an idea of the process right the way it's really good. I really like the way it's structured. So there's a research base, the beginning prison analysis, then the ideation design feedback and I durations. So this is actually pretty standard Ozzie high level process. And this fricking good that we have some research which is always board and especially when tackling a certain type of projects, user pain points, which again, as I mentioned earlier, it's very important to identify so that we can then focus on the problem solving aspect that during the case study and at the end, we can show our absolution improved the actual situation of the client. So as you can see, we have some basic analysis over here. Pull statements, use-case, use cases, executive summary. So this things are quite useful to understand. So the radiation. I'll keep mine the into more veto here. Also this journey map for UX flow. This is a really easy to understand something which I am assuming it's quite a complex. And this was not an easy problem to solve. So there was a lot of variables involved. And here we go to the design phase. So as I was mentioning, there's a lot of UX research and strategy even before you touch the design tools. And this is where we're actually seeing some concrete ideas. I'll do this process and how this idea actually turning to a full, full flow. And this is looking pretty good in my opinion. Like it's really, really good. Looking straight is straightforward, easy flow. And yeah, overall, this, you know, we go into the minute details of the project. There's a lot going on. And I like how he did this behind the scenes audience Sound my photos also that the EMA getting getting some more personality in there, which is something which I touch a bone. I'll have another video in the course. And yeah, that's pretty much it. So if we go to the very bottom, there's some other projects which is a good thing since you want to keep it the user engage with more case studies are more portfolio items and things to do to keep them on the website. Or ideally, you can have a call to action to book a call or a contact for something along those lines. So really, really good case study. And now let's move on to the next one. Let's examine that a different style. This case study is by undreamed lead. And as you can see, this is a Airbnb VR case study. So pretty exciting project. The, I like the fact that he did the big centers right here, which already gives it the idea of what the project is all about, as well as a snippet image and giving us some more in depth context as to what the project is about. Brief introduction, really good. And why collaborative VR essentially expanding, why they were operating, we've dealt with that solution, that design solution. So this is really good, or to give a context that there was a thought process behind the project. Again, we don't just want to show them pretty looking designs are creating creative solution just for the sake of it. But there's actually a reason why this is really good. Then over here we have the flow, the process of design the flow, some sketches which I always enjoy looking out since it gives like a really in-depth understanding of the process and really liking field. So looking cool, arrive Alzheimer, 3D rendering and 3D softer things going down. So pretty good stuff, speed-dating the concept. I really like how key phrase this in a non traditional way. I think it's. So the project then it gets a bit of personality as well. And rides is interesting. We also have EVDO over here and the closing thoughts. And again, this is looking good also LZ, final call-to-action. And again, you can see how their projects or you can look at the link thing. So put these marred away since he both suggested to look at other projects or if they're ready to contact him. We can do so that recycling, so good case-study overall and the inspiring. Now we'll let's move on to the very next fun, which is from hela Coachella. And the, this is another really good example of a case study that is one, that is school was a product design intern on Facebook. And again, we have a basic overview, goals which are always important to outline. And essentially having some more basic information discovered Define says, looking good, current boost states. Really like how he, how this sunless, I'm eager jury hearing there too for to clarify this concept before vs. Go, which is again it's the same concept over k, which I've been assisting well-known on this course and not this. You know, we always want to focus on the before and after are the painter which hadn't before and dissolution the goal that was achieved that afterwards. It's always just the an evergreen, a formula that's always going to work. Then the entry point to a list view or right, if you have some pros and cons of different ideas, different concepts. And there was some explorations here. So your, He's showing both a visual design, but the especially like Culex and problem-solving thinking, it's really, which is really important. Then boost the other explorations. Upsell boosts explorations. So we're seeing a lot of things going on. And at the very end, this is really good. The impact increase that creation of overall boost by 7%, which is great. And biggest feature shift I Facebook pages from July, it's has an Dean December 2017. So this is really good to end a load this project, the dynamo regarding speed over nothing to satisfy 17. There were a few years ahead about the entire process. You can still going to be evergreen when it comes to the structure of the case study. So really good case study and really interesting. Now and the other one which I wanted to show is by Alexandre u1. And this case study from here, internship at Amazon. As we can see, we have a image right away, Alpha project, I assume. Then the basic information's again, really cool. So as you can see, like did each and every case study is going to be slightly different. There's going to be a lot of variables and you really have to tailor it to what you think is best for your specific project and what you want to communicate and also your style. So it's a bit of a basic information here and background. Then we have an image here. I'll Amazon and the, the costumer pain point and problem. So again, you get that. Again, the initial pain point and the problem that they were looking to solve. Customer quotes. Cool. So this is really something we should really resonating with the marketplace prevail experience. And then the second one. So yeah, pretty cool. And that we have some wireframing going, gone, some brainstorming or early explorations. Or I really like the fact that she's showing this pictures and what the brainstorming like Snippets often brainstorming looks like. So this really makes the project more engaging. For me as a user, like seeing a, the two went through the inside, it's really good. And then we up to the visual design. So I can exact same illustration, gradient dotted. So yeah, pretty, pretty interesting. And seeing also the motivations behind them. And yeah, as you scroll down, the overall takeaway is that the NDA? And great, you could stop. So overall, you can see the recurring patterns and all of these case studies, there's always going to be differences between one case study and the other door isn't like one single structure, which is going to be true for each and every case study, but you really have to think about it. And the daily rate that to your specific project, that your specific style, what do you want to communicate? But again, feel free to have a look in this website. Base 3D great research. And here are going to have DFS v, so many portfolios to look at. There's 981 at the moment. So really great rates Glaser with plenty of inspiring gay studies emperor for new items.
20. Examples of Great Design Portfoliosmp4: Alright, now let's talk about to some great examples of design portfolios. So the very first, the research data are one to share with you even before we dive deeper into examples, is has, and I think it's one of the best websites out there in order to find the great looking sign portfolios. Some of these are going to be pretty elaborated and dullness certainly need to go to the old way to these levels of animations and things like data. But it's definitely a great resource to find some really good inspiration and to spark your creativity. The very first thing that which I recommend you to do is to go on the menu and search for collections. And this is going to essentially enable you to filter by collections because there are so many websites and you want to priority focus on free dense portfolios and agency portfolios. So as you can see over here, you're going to find that all sorts of different design portfolios, which my opinion, they look really, really good. And I want to really go through them one by one. But as you can see from the preview, there, there's a lot and the result of a variety of spatially in design styles. Now, I want to mention two portfolios in this video. The first one is how stood the And by the way, I'm not going to examine or express my opinions on the visual design. I simply want to communicate that these portfolios, I think they do a really good job when it comes to communicating the basic information's. So as you can see, we are greeted with this nice-looking visual. And right away we know the type of services which this company is offering. So Branding, Web design, packaging, competence, CEO. So this is really good in order to really understand what they are all about. If we have these nice transitions with more information. And here we have a bunch of the clients that they worked with. So really nice way to outline this. And the US Vico in the menu section, I think because we can see their work. So as you can see, we're greeted with this section, which is pretty cool in my opinion. I can simply click on one of these elements in the portfolio and I can see a brief case study and they really like the way that they created these case studies. It's really vibrant. It's showing the is basically guiding me through a visual story on the, all the elements such as the Patek biography, the IMC in the mockups and the branding. So it's a really cool way to actually jump into the project and really understand the design was all about. So immediately understand all the all of the fuel design I will be branded entity that they created. And I like the way that they also have a call to action to browse more projects at the end. I also like having a contact Das or a call-to-action to discard to book e-discovery call. But yeah, this this I think it's it's really interesting. So these are, as you can see, are lighter case studies as we examine that in previous videos. Key studies can be also quite more in depth when it comes to the tax, the Vedic explaining the entire process. But I really like this approach of showing a V fuels and even vicious like this, where instead of just showing get the dashboard, I'm seeing it framed it in a, up in a computer and also having imagery behind the, which basically gives me context about the project. I think this is pretty cool and also seeing the user flows and things of that nature and then some insights, some awesome, that's the screens of the project. So pretty cool overall. And yeah, I really like this, this approach to telling the story behind the project in a creative and light way. Now another portfolio which I recommend you to check out is moved delta I n. So I really like the fact that the hub, this, they make it really clear what they're all about right away. And I'm also seeing this image car is behind the which communicates the type of projects that the previously worked on, those type of clients. So this can be quite good slag that find that they have a what we do right away. So this is going to clarify the way what they do and what they don't do. And those are the hub, a selection of projects. So let's click on this one for example. And as you can see, as I'm scrolling down, again, I'm seeing that this visual storytelling of what the project was about. And so using a lot of vehicles and also like this descending nations and the different ways that they're integrating the designs it using mock-ups. So again, another concepts which I talked about quite extensively in the course is using mockups instead of just showing the, the actual designer in a flood service that can be used for all times.
21. Portfolio Review 1: So the very first thing, which I'm seeing is, yeah, overall, I think it's a good foundation for sure. Quicker, small technical note. D connection is not secure, so you might want to check on that, I think is must be the SSL at something minor in my opinion. So at first glance, because I haven't seen this website before, I think it's looking good. Maybe you could consider like taking this section and the vertically aligned instance. For some reason it's not to see cool work of better like vertically if some extensor. And okay, you've got to d profile picture, which I think it looks good if you're applying for UI UX out to maybe try and get to a little bit of a more formal photo. I wouldn't go like no suit and tie or anything like that. But just something that he's going to show you that in a little bit more professional way. So instead of having like a t-shirt, maybe you could have a, you know, just the sweatshirt or like this one. So again, minor saying We didn't go overboard. I'm I mean, if if I were to hire someone, I would judge them by Bayesian dot. But you never know, you know, in this world every single detail and can add. So they'll be Datta. And now let's move on to the very next section, which is at the design and branding. And yeah, I think this is looking good at the first glance. So you have a bunch of projects and this is a cool, seems like you have experience in websites for the most part and absolute. So cool. Okay, so there was a plague button over here. It doesn't, but that's, that's OK. And arrived to be how some project description which I think it's really good. I mean, based on what I mentioned just a moment ago, definitely did your homework here. And this is, this is good to give an actual understanding of the context and the water what you actually did. So cool, overwrite the czar, quite extensive, extensive case study. So simple like you did quite a bit. Why are you branding yourself or as a UI designer? I'm wondering, since you are also dealing with a UX, also accessibility testing, this is quite, quite an advanced staffer. And the final design, yeah, man, I would definitely not. Just say that's your eye UI designer. If what you do is it also UX? Since your Domitian diminishing your chances or the higher-density, especially getting involved into projects which might have Like UX expertise about Yeah, I mean, I would just change it the top section to UI UX designer. He doubts on for you are comfortable with. So, yeah, just a quick heads up on that because I've been doing like a beam bending myself as UI designer in a few years ago and basically in the, in the mind of the clients a few, if you say that to our UI designer, they're always just going to see you as the leg, the visual design guy. So there isn't going to be like a much problem-solving service over there. Bought. Seems like he did quite a bit. And overall, your portfolio is quite professional. I like it. I think there's you definitely have quite a bit of experience in this. And I think I read somewhere that you mentioned on this, the ground cavalry tears of experience though, you definitely have a lot of opportunities in front of you. So yeah, I think I think this is cool. I really like the fact that you're going deeper with the with the portfolio items. We did projects. So even though the orange like many projects, even by just seeing that VCE for level data and level of, you know, calm textual information and especially in forming our multi-process. That's definitely good. I will try and focus and a lot more emphasis on the problem and the solution in these case studies. But like right away, I can the project I'll review like Baeza and goals. You already have a this, this first Bard. And yeah, I'm trying to see like what was the solution. I mean, I guess these the these apps and a lot of these UIs, which I'm seeing about. Yeah, overall, I think this is good to definitely, definitely positive. And all right, cool, cool video here. And yeah, or descriptions. So yeah, I think this is good. Of course then I can go into the visual design, but that's like personal, like day. So I don't think that there's going to be a lot of ROI in me telling you the ICU know about color bothers that biography in an old Alta thinking it's looking good the overall though. So yeah, that's trained to click on the OK. So we have two issues here. Again, I tried to click on the About section and there isn't anything. I tried to click on this e v and I couldn't find, found one. Alternatively, when it comes to this V and the way that content is working pretty well. Alternatively, instead of discovery, you can just have like a Linkedin. Lanka Sadat, and employers are going to check out your Linkedin anyway. So you might as well just give them the dot right away. So yeah, we're all I think it's sticking cool. Probably try and add them. Maybe like one or two more projects just to give a little bit more, more depth to the portfolio. And one of the things that dot I'm not a 100% sure is where like what is your ideal type of client? So, okay, let me, let me check this one again. Interaction designer looking for my next second row. And Jin Zai interfaces predominant The ok. So even here there is like an ink congruency. So you're mentioning here that's your UI designer, interior data through an interaction designer. I would just decide the val1 upon one, maybe considered the dido UI UX designer says it's one that is going to resonate a lot. Absolutely like the type of services which I'm assuming you are you looking to get hired for? So yeah, there will be data and then I without them, maybe like two more items. Check the SSL, chick, chicken, these links. Maybe trying figure out slightly better felt. I think this is one of these. Okay, but if you can figure out something else, I think that would be it would really be good since, you know, it's going to be like the very first thing back here. So you might as well try a few, a few things and see the one in which you're more comfortable with. And then after delta would just start to seeking gal to work, like spending like 90% of the older dime just, just doing dots. So enol applying for positions are freedoms geologist in an old data. If you're interested in data or just full-time positions about the doubt, I will be, that'll be it. So cool stuff going to live the link in the description below, if anyone is interested in reaching out to Franco, if he's available since the I think you mentioned it. He's available for work. So yeah, that's and I'll see you in the next video.
22. Portfolio Review 2: Hey guys, welcoming none other portfolio review. In this video, we'll review the portfolio of five bhava, which is a UI UX designer from India. And I am going to give my first impressions based on what I'm seeing. So I'll take first glance. I think it looks pretty good like the designs you make or a cleaner or minimal. And I think there's definitely a lot of guidelines out there who are specifically looking for this diaper of this ions. And I mean, it's pretty, pretty common nowadays. Overall end, I am seeing that you have a lot of emphasis on mobile design. So I guess that's your key expertise or I'm assuming that you're looking for clients in that specific realm. So I mean, if that's not the case, so just keep this in mind because at a first glance, I'm seeing that you're really, really focus on mobile design. So if, for example, you're looking for clients, for web apps or websites, this might not be like the might be something to consider. You might want to add the more of those type of projects. But if you're specifically looking for mobile design that clients, you're definitely set in a really good way. And I mean, as I'm looking through some of the animations, I think that it looks like pretty good now. I think it's just the uploading. Just one sec. I'm, I'm plotting it like a YouTube video. So the internet is what it is about. Rivers meal on that to look before and I think it's okay. But one thing that I would recommend is that to have animation's we sure Moore's moves, because this one, it's kind of like a fragmented the frame rate maybe the problem. And I know it's tricky when uploading it on Dribble. There's, there might be like some some things to consider over there, but Yemeni, since that frame rate is pretty low and I'm not sure if it's my connection by the way. But if this is the actual frame rate that I would consider either knelt uploading them and just keeping the steel frames or, you know, increasing the frame rate so that the animation is Mugler. So when it comes to the overall, the overall feeling that they get that first. I think that the designs like overall gave me like a really positive impression. Now I have no idea. Oh, my internet is slow, slow, like usually super-fast. The Mott. Yeah, I mean, let's let me just try and refresh it, for example. So we can see. It's getting better, but yeah, I mean, I'm seeing go soil lots of variety, which is good. So you showing both clean, cleaner UI and are mean Y2 UIs and the dark UIs, which I think it's good that because based on the type of guy into projects, you might work on both of them. Bought that, yeah. I mean, overall, I think the your portfolio is pretty pretty cool, pretty sleek. And yeah, I mean, also the overall impression in your new book profile. Now, Ozzie mentioned the likey into Buspar foia review. I would highly suggest you to also create a personal website simply because when you're reaching out to potential clients, I think that having a personal website with maybe your name and, that can really add the two you to the overall experience that they have. 2f your personal brand. And although it's nothing essential, I think it's really odd Zopa in the personal Image.all we're going to have a thinking of you. And also when you're using your personal website, you can explain much more DIY projects because I'll take first glance over here. Like on dribble, you can't really go on and create case studies. You can't really like explains a lot. Although the specific project, like for example, in this specific project, I'm seeing adjust some text over here. But I won't really have like a lot of context for us to reach as to why you actually, you actually create the designer. And I think it's something that I think it's important to consider. Because when working with clients and when clients are checking you out, they will look at your thought process behind the and the reason why you actually create that, those designs. So I think this is something very important that most designers that I'm seeing on VBA or not taking into consideration. So great DAT case study. You can do that also on a free site like medium. You can create some case studies to show clients. Are still your process and maniac DO face of a specific project. I think that really helps. And yeah, I mean, overall, I would just go more in depth into the decks explanations because that's. As I mentioned, you know, these old time is something that these are really important. But yeah, I mean, overall, I think it's looking good. Let's show why. Keep my interests not uploading or being DC shoes. But anyways now, I see that bind to, and I hope you see that bind him this. And going through your Instagram profile, I think that looks good. I might consider changing the full picture and making something more similar to your Dewar dribble because I think it looks more professional and also having a clear picture of your face. I think he just adds to that the professional element muscle seeing that the hub, some instance stories over here in the height ITA. And I think this is, this is good. The one thing that I'd like to do in my personal Instagram is to show the kinds testimonials so that you can not some social proof over there. And so if the ions actually go on and check out your Instagram, they can actually see some social proof. And you know that the odds output and also training thing to ball to wall to your potential clients might be, might find useful in seeing. Because these Instagram's stories highlighted over here, they can be really powerful. But yet again, you know, it's it's like pretty good so far. And yeah, I mean, this looks pretty cool. Ui designs that you do, I think, or of our 3D good-quality D. So you definitely are on blowing. When it comes to doubt. Again, I would go more into the description of the project in this area over here. So that's diodes can really understand the, the why you did the specific project. And in our designers refocus on the visuals about clients are really one to understand the why. So this is something nothing really drilling down on because It's something that is very important and that they didn't thinking goes through iteration either during the first part of my career and then, you know, later on as the years go by spatially. And once you have a lot of experience as a freelancer, you realize that case studies and really talking about the work I'm presenting the work, not just from a visual way. It's something that is very important for clients. But yeah, I mean, overall, the shelter that I'm seeing or 3D cleaner, the animation isn't boiling tiers birthday that I think that the, the Boston animation on three bullets was my, my problem with the browser or internet. So I think it looks looks pretty, pretty cool. So yeah, I mean, overall, I think it's looking good. I'm noticing that you don't have a lot of engagement, a lot of followers and likes it on both Instagram and dribble. And I would like to give you like a suggestion to improve the out, to be more active with the community. So that can be either with Facebook groups or directly on dribble, right? Do engaging posts. And at some value maybe create some freebies that are useful for other designers. And again, the shared out though we've done directly. And that's always something that is appreciated and let's can help to bring more awareness to your, your profiles. Also one thing that I like to do is to create freebies and the shared them on SketchUp resources are on other websites. And yeah, I mean, the more you share, the more traffic you can get back to and you can also do like engage in actual the optics and discussion. So if for example, someone asked a question related to design and that, you know, Dan's doing maybe a Facebook group or something of that nature, you can actually reply. And, you know, if you start doing that the overtime, maybe it's like a no for 30 minutes a week. Dots up over time and yeah, it's all about like engaging in spammy way and really trying to like value overall. And yeah, I mean, you can definitely gain more followers, more traction on both these profiles. But that being said, you know, it's not the most important metric to gain clients. And I think that the portfolio and the d would do why you did some fairing and the quality of the designs. That's the most important thing for our clients. So yeah, I mean, that's that's pretty much it. I think you're doing a really good job and you're definitely onto something here. So yeah, I mean, just keep pushing and focus now on outreaching to clients. And yeah. If you're looking for for work, assuming dots, but yeah, overall, great, great word, GGA, VBA. And yeah, we'll keep in touch.
23. My Portfolio from 2015 to 2020: In this video, we're going to do something slightly different. And this is essentially going to be a review of the past five years of my portfolios. So I can basically explain the reasons why I, of my portfolio during the years, the mistakes which I did swell, you can avoid them. And essentially the reason why I made that, the transitions so that you can learn and basically taking inspiration. And we're going to use a way back machine and which is a free website which enables you to add a URL. And you can see the different versions of the website over the span of many years. So we're going to go with the 2016 version of my website and that you can really see it over here, but I had a header with a logo. And overall, I really tried to focus on putting everything in. So the very first mistake which I did and I want you to avoid the, actually you check like here you can see the hedgerows. Well, the very first mistake, which I did this to add a little bit of everything which kind of also reflected on the time. We're you know, I wasn't really sure where to focus my attention on. So as you can see here, a half sound logo design and also some mobile tablet designs is some UI design for, for the phone and some stationary brochures, illustrations, book design, bolster designs. So it was all over the place really. Now it looked okay and I spent like so much time in trying to find the best color combinations and the perfect images. And by the way, if you click on one of these projects, you would open up a case study which unfortunately way back machine isn't catching. So I cannot show you. But essentially it was a very simple layout. So two thirds of the screen was in image. And you can scroll through many different images showing the case-study, essentially roughly of the project. But the very first issue here is that no matter how and this is personal opinion, how good or valid looks. The most important thing that a business owner is going to look at when evaluating you if hiring you for your project or for a job position. It's going to be how in line you are with the type of work that is required. So if I were to apply to a web designer job position where they require me to focus the 80% of the time or web designs and maybe 20% of the time on some basic coding and the miscellaneous work. This wouldn't be the ideal portfolio to show them because at first glance, I'm not showing any web design whatsoever apart from maybe these two elements, but these are tablets, so this might be interpreted. I'll end up design. So definitely keep, keep this in mind. And when you're first starting GAL80, certainly fine to go with an approach like this. Because you're then going to specialize and also find you like doing and not the takes some time, takes some trial and error. So you can start broad and then you're definitely going to get work like I used to. Like work with this portfolio. It's not the and that's what got me here about. The most important thing to consider is the more specialized niche down you can be, the better. So let's jump from finger was 2016 all the way to 2017. So bow to one or two years later. I basically changed my portfolio. And now I actually realize the mistakes which I did in 2016 of having a portfolio which was all over the place. And I realized that they wanted to focus specifically on the designing dashboard and apps. That was my passion. That's what the I was looking to get clients for. So as you can see right here, the basic portfolio structure didn't change all that much or from the header which became white. But essentially what they did here is to add the immediately dashboards and the AP designs. So you can see how this immediately was more tailored to the type of client that I was looking for. So the client would hope here and even before he clicked on any one of these specific portfolio items, he can already see that I was a primarily a designer who dealt with dashboards and ops. So this was a step forward compared to the previous portfolio. And the portfolio actually enable me to get to the Ashbery in opposite projects we've more ease. Not surprisingly, she could because it was more a tailored and the ALU as if a while is it really specialize it just that in not because I pretty much was. Now let's move on to the befall you, which I created in the early 2020. And I pretty much to remain the Dutch. The so essentially the from a technicality standpoint that this portfolio has made that with breast feed them blade and it was quite hard to change it. Every time I ought to change, uh, some something specific. I had to rely on an a developer which costs money and it was always like a delayed time and it was squares base. Thing was pretty much drugging drought. But so this is a solution which occur in three recommended that I'm using it myself up. Now, as you can see, first of all, instead of having just projects right away, I actually have a picture of myself. So it gives a more personalized dacha as well with a very specific headline, which is I help deck and SaaS businesses grow by designing great products and online experiences. So this gives it immediately the idea of what type of businesses I work with and what I do to help them. And of course, we can Discovery call, which essentially, if you click on that, it's going to bring to my currently, which automatically schedules the time to speak with me. Now right after it, you're going to see a few clients that they work with and some projects. And I don't really want to focus too much on this because for the most part of the suffix bat or a, hobby design services, which I l for the testimonials and from B, Risk Science major cation, some ideas on my design products as well as my social media presence. But today you really want to focus on is the portfolio section, of course, because over here you can see that there is a drop down. So we have web apps, web design, mobile apps, and logo design. And essentially the reason why I I0 divided the portfolio into 40 different pages compared to just having one where I have Everything is because whenever I'm applying for a job, which is specifically requires me to focus for the most part of web apps. I going to send them this page which is filled with OD web apps which I created over the years. And he's very, very specific. If on the other side, on the other side, if a client is looking for websites, I'm going to send the a D web design portfolio, since it's very tailored with all the websites. So which built over the years. So as you can see, I divided it and this is something that the Addis start. If you don't have many portfolio items you won't be able to do. But as you work through the years of mini-projects, you are going to be able to create this segmentation, which is going to be really useful and improve the client conversion rate in the essentially enable you to land especially freelance projects for ease it since you're going to be seen as very specialized in that very area. So was the main reason why I created this division. And as you can see, there's a projects all the way from 201516. And yet this was essentially the main reason. So again, guys, keep in mind also to have the contact midsection very visible right away. And yeah, I hope this video was useful. So again, learn from my mistakes and you are going to be able to say this so much dive.
24. Design Interview Advice: Nailing design interviews can be tricky. And in this video, I want to show you some of the advisor and the lessons which I learned from a, being a designer for over eight years now and also interviewing at many different designers. So essentially, the very first thing that I wanted to convey is don't overthink to march in the interview. Ideally should be a friendly conversation between two individuals who are simply looking to solve a problem on each one. So, so essentially you're there because you want to have this conversation and understand that if you can add the value in exchange of money, of course, and they want to understand on their part, if you can deliver that value and specifically those things which are requiring, Because sometimes it's all about just fine and you can get the perfect alignment and the right fit for that job. So this would be the first thing that you need to consider when it comes to the mindset. And you shouldn't really focus on eta as a something which is scarce because you can define the endless opportunities to hop in our design interview. So the opportunities are definitely out there. Even if I design interview doesn't go well, don't take it personally, because ultimately times a is just a matter of finding data alignment. Now, with that out of the way, let's get started with the very first day. And needless to say, you're going to discuss in your projects and you're going to need to bear for that specifically. So you wanted to have a portfolio at hand. So when your Mac or your computer will view. So with your portfolio website available or social media profile where you have your portfolio available and be ready to show it again to the potential employer and also be ready to discuss it through the individual projects or one by one, and with special emphasis on the problem-solving elements which are already mentioned in the previous videos. So you want to identify why you did that problem in the first place. That basically asks you to create the doubt designed solution. What was the end solution and how you got there essentially. Now another advice I have for you is to test the company's product before you go to the interview. Especially if they're a SaaS company or a company which has a web app, but you definitely want to check out the data web up prior to interview because there's nothing more awkward than having them ask you questions such as, what do you think about the products? Or do you have any questions about the specific part of the product? And you have no clue what that product is about it, especially if it's one of those products that you can sign up for free, definitely do that. Have a look around and have a basic understanding. You don't need to become an expert of the product prior day interview. That's not what I'm saying, but even just having a 5-10 minute overview of the product is going to really help you out. And that is not the only because you need to be good care there and do your due diligence. But it's simply because you want to understand more about the product and the company that you're eventually going to work with. And you might want to ask questions asked, Do you know the workflow or the product itself? So this is actually something which is more for you. Then for them, another advice which I have and I shouldn't really say this, but I've seen so many designers that the event will really compelled to this and that is to be punctual. So you don't want to arrive, lay the art and interview. That's a big no, no. And even though you might be a great designer, you have auto experience, yada, yada, yada. If you're not buying fuel, that's not going to give a positive first impression to the interviewer. So definitely considered this and the back fill out your interview. Also another piece of advice is to have your resume review. Since this is something that you might be asked during the interview process. And the way I actually use my resume because I'm not being asked for it all that often these days, but sometimes, especially in corporate companies, I noticed this trend. They still wonder crazy man. And what they do is they basically go on LinkedIn and the isolated, the Save as PDF of my intergral false since my LinkedIn profile is essentially my CB. So the moment they do that, I have a physical PDF full we check also printer and a handout to erase you met and it takes me two seconds and they never have to design a raising there these days, ever since LinkedIn template is good enough for the job, it's not the most amazing design out there. I know that you can become more creative with the design, but it's definitely enough, in my opinion and 20 hinder any opportunity to get the job done and you're going to save a lot of time. Now on a final note, I want you to be authentic and honest. Again, your interview because you want to deliver value in exchange of money. But the main thing is to just be honest and authentic with what your skills are. And especially here at Watson, you're not good at. And that this is something which is going to really be how far because the other person is going to understand this. And if you're the right fit, because it's going to be awkward. If you tell them that, for example, you're well-linked to do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to go to. And then you go on the job when their first day, you're required to do that and you don't really know how to do it. Or maybe you don't have that level of experience which is needed for the job. So you definitely want to keep it honest and authentic. And again, there's endless opportunities out there for, I mean, I'd design interview. So don't necessarily feel the pressure. Absolutely have to have a half to get this job or this project because otherwise, I'm screwed that that's not going to be the case at all. So definitely keep it in mind that there's millions and millions of companies which were requiring design services these days. So keep it chill, keep it authentic and honest and you'll be good.
25. Side Projects and Mockups: Do you think that personal projects can be good for your design portfolio? Let's find out in this video. Now when it first started out though, I actually thought that personal projects were one of the least the import and the elements that are items in a design portfolio. Since I realized that those were fake, Those weren't through real projects. So I would prioritize a real projects which had some real objectives and goals that I tried to achieve with design solution. However, I soon realized that also side projects and personal projects can have a huge impact on the perception and your portfolio in general. And the main reason being is that whenever you are creating a personal project, you're not limited to the scope of the work or the app's specific client Italian, you what to do exactly. And this is also true when it comes to the feedback and the older minute things that are the client might think are beneficial for the design. But you might hydro, we are DESeq via bonner. Well, when it comes to personal projects, you don't have to deal with any of the data. You can create. A big project, a small project, the project which is specific nature, which would usually be harder to get those type of clients. Maybe at your stage is going to enable you to be creative. And think of sighted boxer and create a design solution which is looking good and accomplish the goals based on your specific opinion. Now another massive advantage of personal projects is the fact that you can actually create a personal projects seem a niche which you'd like to work in, but you don't have the opportunity to work in at the moment. So let me explain what I mean by dot c. When I first started out, I used to have a lot of a website's designs that you my portfolio. So the type of clients which I attracted were mostly people who are looking for websites. However, I really wanted to get into web apps and the dashboards specifically. So more complicated screens and things of that nature. And I couldn't ever learn those clients. And their main reason being was that in my portfolio, I had 0 dash birds and 0 Web apps. So of course they couldn't see my potential in creating those type of interfaces. Well, what changed the doll for me and that this happened almost by accident, is the fact that I created a UI kit, which is a serious of a dashboard screens essentially. And I really put my heart and solving that the UIKit. And I really try to make those dashboards look really good and work well together. And basically, I really put a lot of work into it. And that single UIKit managed to get me my first, the dashboard design project, which then brought me my second dashboard design project. And the third and basically snowballed from there. And then I managed to work with enterprise companies are very larger projects. So that's pretty much how it all started. Some telling you all this. To realize that a lot of the times. Even a small site project can really help you get unstuck though when it comes to finding a certain type of client. And this is something which is really important to keep in mind because sometimes even if it's a real project, site projects can really help you get onStart and managed to get you the first step towards the type of clients that you ideally want to work with. And again, you're always going to find some non-null savvy clients which are not. Meaning that they're not really have a lot of knowledge in designer. So the difference between a side project and a real project, there are still going to be able to see the banjo in the side project that which you created. So keep this in mind because it can really be a great way to kick start your career towards a new direction. And this brings me to the very next point which is mock-ups. So now that understood that the importance are also hub of hopping site projects in your portfolio and really creating a portfolio which is tailored to your ideal client, as we mentioned in the other videos. And we'll want to talk about it, the mock-ups, because that's another really useful element which is going to enable to create the, to add an element of realism to your projects and bring all cups. I'm referring to those images where you can add your graphics or your logo or your design solution being a website, a web up, an iOS app. But it's really going to enable the user to have a better feel for the output as if it was a real oppor or grab a piece of graphics or whatever you're creating with your design solution. Because imagine just having a single logo and not giving any context around that. So it's going to be taken in isolation. Now that can be a good approach. But if you also show that logo within a mock-up of a real life scenario, you can add a lot of visual import as in the first impression is just going to be better. And this of course, needs to be considered a third and calibrating a case-by-case scenario. And also the bands with the style that you're creating your portfolio items. But nonetheless, don't underestimate the power of more cups because they can really help an enzyme solution stand out in an easy and fast way. There's so many resources for finding both free and premium. A design mockups out there, which is almost overwhelming these days. And my favorite ones when it comes to the PMO resources, which are the ones which are who's the vast majority of divs is inverters is basically if you go on Graphic River to find plenty of mock-ups. And also, I really enjoy yellow images these days. Since it's another really great websites to find a really high-quality, more Qafzeh and also much more. And when it comes to free mock-up resources, I don't really have a go-to site, which I usually use. What they do instead is I simply going Google the, I search for free mock-up and then I add the, maybe the item which might be fi, business guard mockup, something around those lies. And usually I would find a bunch of sites and then I would just go one by one until I find the more Kappa which suits my needs, l, both free and premium mockups or, or totally good. It really depends on your design style and the specific project. So don't see us one is better than the other. You can definitely find a female caps which are as good as the premium was. But usually in my experience it's just easier and faster, especially to just go for the premium mockups, since you're going to invest less time on average. But again, it really depends on the style 3D bands on the mock up. So you have to make your goal yourself. So this is it for this video. So don't underestimate the power of side projects. They can really bring your career towards the new positive direction. And also mockups to really make your design solution stand out.
26. Resume Advice and How to Make a Great One (Fast): In this video, we'll talk about resumes in the design industry. So resumes can be quite important when it comes to enable you to get the job or project that you dream over. And my personal opinion from what I saw most of the times that these days a clients that want ask a 4D resumes. However, the Woolworths on your LinkedIn page, which is essentially a new version of resume. Because by looking at LinkedIn profile, I'm essentially going to be able to see everything that the, we usually see in a traditional resume that interests me as the hiring manager in order to make that decision if hiring a designer or melt. So I'm talking about things like a basic introduction of mold yourself, your bus experience, your education if you want any awards or things of that nature and that your scale sets. Now after working with over 40 clients over to Boston, eight years, in my personal experience, icon for a PDF digital resume around just a couple of times. But my best recommendation is to simply create a really good, well-thought out LinkedIn profile. And the 97% of the time, that's going to be all that you need in order to get that job or that project that you're aiming gout. And if somebody is asking for a resume, I would actually go on LinkedIn. And that uses a special feature which is a download as a PDF. And essentially what this is going to enable you to do is to create a PDF version of your LinkedIn profile, which is going to be stylized it like a resume. Now this is going to be good for the most part, and it's not a stellar design, in my opinion, may be the improved over the years that I have used it. B round a one or two years ago, lost the I'm but I think it's okay for the most part, especially if you're applying for a corporate job or things of that nature. If you really want to maximize it, each and every bit of opportunity at the, when it comes to applying for a job that you want to create a stellar resume with a really good designer, enough fast and efficient way, I would actually recommend you a, another software which is going to enable you to create a really beautiful design raising met. So without further ado, let's jump into the software and I'm going to show you around. Alright, so we're back in my computer and this is the software dot-dot document bout. You set resume delta io, a really good software for creating resumes in a fast and efficient way, which looks at stunning. So some of the features, as you can see here is that you can easily edited online. So a 100% the software, you can reread them phrases. You also have an automatic spell checker, which is always really important and a sport to any format whatsoever. So as you can see, released to use Rudy drag and drop. And now we're just going to click on create new resume or sign up the plot. It's pretty much the same thing. As you can see, I'm here in the main software and I can simply select one of these templates. This why think looks really good. So I'm simply going to skip this one here. I'm going to enter my name right here and also surname. Click on continuous light contact information. I'm going to use my email right here. And as you can see, pretty straightforward, we have that the resume on the right, and I can simply start adding informations on the left. And it's going to be stylized that in a very efficient way. So you're essentially feeling gaba, a former which is already pre-filled for you. So very easy. It's also going to enable you to not to forget any important detail by using this format. Since if we create the custom design, you might miss some things here and there. So it's really making it super, super easy to create a forum in just a bout. A couple, couple under now are, let's say, I don't want to 3D sound cheesy and say like a couple of minutes or something like that week as it's definitely going to take more than that for sure. But you can, you can easily see how these sections are being created in a very fast and efficient way. And I don't really think I need to go into like much does when he goes to these things, it because everything is so easy to use and drag-and-drop. But so you simply need to follow that template really. And I think that from a design perspective, all of these elements right here, or pretty much both compulsory and useful to hover in the C V. So we have a personal details. Definitely want to add all these special at the job died on first contact information's. You can also edit that additional details. I wouldn't go too crazy with Gaussian. These may be just the country on, I think you should be good to go. Now when it comes to the PR professional summary, just keep it the, just, just keep it short and sweet to maybe one paragraph or two at the maxim, I'll just stick with one bar graph. Then the employment history. Again, don't write to all of this text as you see right here, but just keep it short and sweet. One bar graph max if for each and every job or position you call Vered. When it comes to education, I would just put the name of the institute and the course, and of course the data. And you should be good to go websites and social links, of course. And when it comes to the scales of maybe just a few of them, anything between 410 skills would be enough. As you can see here, you can literally change the name of the skill. And you can slightly fewer On next spurt experience or skillful. Are pretty good, they're pretty easy to use. And then when it comes to the sections, you can see here that you get out of that custom section's courses, internship, languages, do you speak? I'll owe that languages for sure, especially if you're bilingual. And we didn't really go into the references I because that's going to make the CV very longer. And ideally you want to get bit around a page of max it two pages. But if you can keep getting homepage, I think that's definitely good. I'll base it would wouldn't really worry too much about it. Or just, I did like very, very simply, but I wouldn't dot the hub is really, and then if there's anything that's really important, you can add a custom section through DZ, you name it here. So I'll stem section, Jaap de item. And yeah, you can, as you can see, the design here, you can pretty much anything that you want. Now if you click on the actual resume, you can see that the, the resume is now almost full. With this, we can have a close look out what you entered and see that you don't really wanted this template design anymore. Well, one-click, It's already updated. You can also change the basic colors so you can see how much time you can say, like if you were to design this by hand like I did in the past for many, many CPU, it would take so much more dynamo, which is really not well investor, you can invest that the IMF in so many more things, both for work or for leisure. So you can see how many really good-looking templates. These are solid templates which you can edit and modify very fast and efficient way. And it guys, this is going to save you so much time. So once you're done with your resume and you're happy with the content and the design, you simply click on Download Vf, which by the way, is always going to be the pretty much the file format which we are going to use it. And at this time, it's saying, your attention grabbed realizing now you simply want to say Nakba for the 7-day trial really, and then you can just forget about it. I mean, €2.95. It's such a small amount of for saving so much the IMA quaking the resume. And I'm going to make so much Morrow him your job. Not probably you're going to pay this alpha in the first ten minutes of a job of any project freely. So keeping this in mind and yeah, really, really good blog firm, really easy to use it. And I recommend that if you want to create, if we want to go the extra mile ultra and create the really good looking at rising met otherwise LinkedIn PDF. It's also a very viable research and I'm going to show it right here how it works. To make it clear. Simply go over here on the LinkedIn. Then you click on, oops, thicker more. And as you can see, safe to PDF. And now essentially I have a PDF version of my LinkedIn profile with the description, the experience, and also the education and everything. Essentially that the hub length and so 3D phosphate this at a 100% free. So keep this in mind and you definitely have options to Great Dao. I'll still a resume enough Boston efficient.
27. Cover Letters 101: In this video, we'll talk about the cover letters. So to keep it short, I don't think that it's absolutely needed that with your CV. However, if you want to add it, you can definitely do so. But personally, I would actually add the part of what you would usually put in a cover letter in your portfolio. And essentially, if you wanted to really add a cover letter or we'll just keep it like very short and sweet. So maybe 12 maximum, three paragraphs it but tried to keep it light because the main attention of the potential employer is going to be both on the portfolio and under CB. Usually when I receive a very long cover letters, it's kind of a pain to read them through. So my very best recommendation is to actually just focus on the CV and the portfolio because the potential employer might have easily a 100 Afghans and imagine if each and every one of them have an extensive cover letters. Just going to take so much the IOM and it's almost to go into via an entire book. So again, this is just my personal advice about there isn't any set rules. So feel free to do what you feel is best for that particular application. And also, in addition to the cover letter, one additional tip that I have is in certain situations and you have to kind of like make that decision or Bayesian yourself about the other thing that you can do is to use a software like US, which essentially enables you to create a quick video which we face regarding or a screen recording. And you can essentially create this video in a very easy way. And at the end of the video you're going to have a link that you can send it to another person. So you can also create the introductions are created videos with very brief value. So you can actually introduce yourself like this, it to potential employers. But again, it's something which might be useful in certain situations but in other ones knelt. So keep this in mind. And yeah, that's pretty much it that I'll see you next video.
28. Don't be a Perfectionist: In this video, I just want to give you a friendly reminder of not being a perfectionist when it comes to your design portfolio. Now remember, this was one of the mistakes which I did though when it first started out, was to attempt to create the perfect design portfolio. And I will spend the weeks and months on end in order to create the data very perfect portfolio. Now the reality is that the, your portfolio will never be perfect. So just bear with me or with this cancer because it is really important to understand. Your portfolio is going to always evolve and there's probably never going to be a chancer. You're going to look at your portfolio and think, oh, we had, this is a 100% perfect that there's absolutely nothing I can't improve upon. You're always going to Harvard Data vision where you can improve something, your profile, you, or maybe you need that one extra project in order to get the job or things of that nature. But that is just the perfectionist mentality. And the reality is that life is not perfect nor your portfolio will ever be, is what you should strive for is greatness and not the perfection. And that this is going to be really useful because not only it's going to be great for your mindset, but especially you have to consider the fact that that your portfolio is going is just a means to an end. And the data mean is to actually get the data interview with the client. That is pretty much all data the portfolio needs to do. Because during the interview process and discovery goal with a potential client for a project, that's where everything is going to happen and this is what is going to enable you to get it to your goals. So don't strive for perfection. And I just want to leave you with one final example when it comes to the portfolio, because it's really important in my opinion not to focus too much time on the portfolio alone and forget about reaching out to clients because that's going to be really important. And if you take two examples of designer marker, which is a spending amounts or creating the perfect portfolio. Or designer band, which is spending one month and a half in creating. Good enough for a folio. And then the other one month and a half, He's going to reach out to 200 clients. Well, Ben is going to be ahead of market most of the times. And the reason being is that he's a actually reaching out to more people. So the chances of getting more opportunities and to really find a good job or a good projects is going to be higher on outreach. Now that being said, Take all the time that you need. I know that each and every person has itself in a different background and timelines. So feel free to take all the time that you need for creating a portfolio which you feel confident about, that you think it's good. Again, don't stress too much about it because No, no portfolio is going to be perfect. My portfolio is not perfect, nor anybody else's. There's always going to be some things to improve a bond, but your goal should be on creating a great portfolio. Naughty, perfect, well.