Design Fidget Spinners - Fusion 360 for 3D Printing | Vladimir Mariano | Skillshare

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Design Fidget Spinners - Fusion 360 for 3D Printing

teacher avatar Vladimir Mariano, I'd rather be 3D Printing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      01 Promo Video


    • 2.

      02 Intro


    • 3.

      03 Ring Spinner


    • 4.

      04 Ring Spinner Continued


    • 5.

      05 Three Ring Spinner


    • 6.

      06 Finger Pad


    • 7.

      07 Batman Spinner


    • 8.

      08 Hex Nut Spinner


    • 9.

      09 Triple Hollow Spinner


    • 10.

      10 Parametric Spinner


    • 11.

      11 Parametric Spinner Continued


    • 12.

      12 Geared Spinner 1


    • 13.

      13 Geared Spinner 2


    • 14.

      14 Geared Spinner 3


    • 15.

      15 Geared Spinner 4


    • 16.

      16 Geared Spinner 5


    • 17.

      17 Geared Spinner 6


    • 18.

      18 Geared Spinner7


    • 19.

      19 Spinner Outro


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About This Class

This course is an excellent sequel to the Designing For 3D Printing with Fusion 360 course by Vladimir Mariano.  We apply powerful design tools and techniques to model 7 fidget spinners that can be 3d printed.  We explore circular and rectangular patterns, take advantage of user defined parameters to quickly and efficiently modify our designs and learn how to import and modify models from McMaster-Carr.

The objective of this course is to help you improve your Fusion 360 design skills through series of fun 3d printable projects.  We warm up with a few simpole designs and then quickly move on to some advance modeling techniques.

By the end of the course you will have gained an arsenal of new tools and techniques to help you tackle your next brilliant idea.

Meet Your Teacher

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Vladimir Mariano

I'd rather be 3D Printing


Vladimir Mariano is the instructor of the course 3D Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360. He is cofounder and president of the Fairfield County Makers' Guild, an independent makerspace in Norwalk, CT and founder of CT Robotics Academy. He teaches 3D printing and design at the makerspace as well as electronics and programming classes. Vladimir also teaches several maker related classes at local libraries and schools and was the coach for a local robotics team. He has a degree in Geology from West Virginia University and a RobotC Programming Instructor Certification from Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy.

See full profile

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1. 01 Promo Video: Welcome to Fusion. 3 60 for three D printing, Designing fidget spinners. First of all, let me just say that this course isn't simply about designing fidget spinners rather fidget . Spinners will be used as a vehicle for teaching useful sketching in modelling techniques that will greatly improve your skills. In designing with Fusion 3 60 I will guide you in modeling 73 D principal spinner designs. Each of the models will introduce new design concepts and allow me to show you some useful tips and tricks along the way. We are going to cover a lot in this course, including how to model a designed with user defined parameters. For example, in one of our projects, we will design a fidget spinner that can accept any size coin by simply updating our user parameters. We'll also learn how to import a model from McMaster car, such as a gear, and modify it to fit our own design. The great thing about basing a three D design course around fidget spinners is that they print relatively fast and are highly customizable, so you can go back and experiment with your own creative designs. This course assumes that you have some basic working knowledge with fusion. 3 60 If you're a complete beginner, then you'll first want to take my beginner course designing for three D printing with Fusion 3 60 Learning to three D design is like learning a new language. You'll want as much practice as you can get in order to improve your skills. This course will serve as a well structured practice course. I've carefully chosen each model and structured the lessons so that you're learning something new with each design while creating some fun three D prints. I look forward to having you join my course. 2. 02 Intro: Hi, I'm Vladimir Mariano, and I'll be your instructor. I've been designing for three D printing since 2012 and I currently teach at several schools, libraries and maker spaces. In 2013 I co founded a maker space in Norwalk, Connecticut, where I teach and also help our members with their design projects. My objective for this course is to help you improve your fusion 3 60 design skills through a series of fun. Three D principal projects will start with a few simple designs and then quickly move on to some more advanced modelling techniques. By the end of the course, you'll have gained an arsenal of tools and techniques to help you tackle that next brilliant idea. 3. 03 Ring Spinner: let's begin with a relatively simple model, and that's going to be the ring spinner that you just saw. So we'll begin by creating a sketch so we'll go to sketch creates catch and we'll choose our X Y playing here or a red green plane, and we'll begin by drawing a circle. So we'll see for circle started at the origin. And the bearings that I'm gonna be using is the 22 millimeter skate bearings. So that's that outer diameter. That's 22 millimeters. But I'm gonna need a tolerance here because I can't model something the same size as the whole. I'm trying to fit it in, so I need to make this hole a little bit bigger. And when I found for my printer, which is a sweet spot, is that 0.1 millimeters bigger? So I'm gonna type in 22 0.1 Now, your printer might be different. You may have to experiment with this, but 0.1 is a good place to start. So next we're gonna go ahead and choose office That so we're gonna go to sketch go down to offset, and we're gonna click on that circle perimeter and we're gonna drag this out. And let's give this an offset of three millimeters. I'm going to repeat that offset command by right clicking and going up to repeat offset. Now, I can't offset and offset. So if I click on this line that I just offset it. If I try to go here, it doesn't give me the ability to ah, click. OK, so I'm going to cancel that, and I'm gonna right click and go to repeat offset again. And this time, choose that initial circle, and I'm going to give this one off set of five millimeters and click. OK, All right. Next, we're gonna draw few lines. I'm gonna help for a line. I'm going to start at the origin. Here goes straight up. Make sure you get that vertical constraint there. Click the check, mark, and I'm gonna click again on that origin and go up again. Uh, here's a little tip. If you double click, it'll end that line and you don't have to click on that check mark. So there's a few ways to end of line. You know, you can click ones and then click the check marker clip once and hit escape or you can just double click. Okay, let's make this center line a construction lines. I'm gonna click on that and click on X. And this, um, the mentioned here is kind of interfering with my line. I can't tell which is which. So I'm just gonna grab this and move it over, okay? Next, I'm gonna enter a dimension, and that's gonna be angular dimension between this line and that center line I created. So I'm gonna d for dimension, choose this line, and then choose that center line. I get this angle here, and I want that to be 10 degrees. So I'm just gonna type in 10 and hit. Enter next. I want to set a symmetry constrained between these two lines. So I'm gonna grab the symmetry constraint here. And the way this works is, you click on your first line and then you click on your second light, and then you click on the line that you want him to be symmetric about, and that's going to the third line and you can see this line moved over. And we have these little constraint icons here. Okay, I'm gonna hit escape to get out of that tool and gonna grab my trim tool to trim these lines. I'm going t and shrimp this gonna skip this one, trim this one in this one and again do the same thing on this other side of in the trim All these lines except this line here in the middle. Okay, so that's all I need to do. Ah, within the sketching environment right now. So I'm gonna click, stop, sketch, and I'm gonna double click on my scroll wheel, but and nationalism gonna bring my sketch right into view And I'm gonna hit if we're extrude and I'm gonna extrude this outer ring here someone to click on this and I could start tracking this arrow up, but I don't want it to extrude just to one side. I'm gonna So I'm gonna go here in direction and I'm going to go to some metric now. What? Some metric chosen? You'll see a few options here. It's going to say you can answer 1/2 length or a whole length. Now, the bearing the thickness of it is seven millimeters. So I want this to be seven millimeters. So if I choose half length, what? I'm going to do is type in 3.5. And if I choose whole length, what I am going to do is type of seven. So you have the option of choosing one or the other. Sometimes you just know one number and you don't want to do the math. So in this case will select holding type seven, and we're gonna go ahead and click. OK, so there's our ring in and we could see that arse catch disappeared. So I'm going to click on this little arrow here and turn on this little light bulb so I can see my sketch again. And let's not extrude this part here. So I'm gonna be for extrude choose that profile and we're gonna now do the same thing. So for direction, we're going to go to symmetric. We're gonna click on whole length, and we're gonna click distance as seven were the one additional thing. You see how we have this taper angle box here And if we look, we get this lighter. Well, that's what that control. So I can either taper this in or out. I mean, a taper it out, and I'm gonna enter 15 degrees here and you can see that I went to cut because this is actually cutting into our ring. Well, I don't want to cut. I wanted to join, so I'm going to change that to join, and I'm going to click. OK, all right. So now I will untangle our sketch. So we just see our model here. And here's another trick. I'm gonna point thes out throughout, um, this course, But if I hold shift in orbit, um, sometimes you get this going on where it's hard to orbit because if you look at this disappeared now. But there's a little green dot Here it is. It's showing that's your sensor of war. But you can always change that by holding shift and in clicking your scroll wilbon So I want my sense or or orbit to be the center of my designs. I'm gonna click there now. If I rotate this, it will rotate about that. You know, I can even do it may be here, and then spin that around so you can place that little green dot just hit shift and press your scroll wheel bun and that'll move it around. So, uh, just little quick tip. There 4. 04 Ring Spinner Continued: Okay, so now let's go ahead and pattern this. So we're gonna do a circular pattern, which is going to be create, um, pattern, circular pattern, and we're gonna choose features eso You see, we have the option of choosing faces, components, bodies we're gonna go to features because that's gonna allow us to choose objects from our timeline. So we see objects that selected, and I'm gonna go down and choose that last extrusion I did. And this bottom part highlights blew his wealth on what? That throw you off? Um, Axis, We're gonna click on that. And I can either choose any circle that's, um, on my ring. Or I can choose the Z axis here, and then we'll start seeing some images pop up here, showing us what that's gonna look like. So that's the preview week. See, quantity here we can increase that and just increase it till you're happy with the quantity . I'm gonna give it 10 it orations and click OK, and there's ring, so why don't we go ahead as I'm designing this, I'm thinking, you know, this would actually look good with a chance for here so I can go to modify and go down to chance. For now, I can choose to select each one of these. And let's I answer a champ for of two. Um, but that's gonna be a pain going and trying to select every one of these. So I'm gonna cancel distance that, and what I'm going to do is go back in time. So let's look at our timeline. I have the option of taking this little slider back, so why don't we go back Before we did that circular pattern? I'm just gonna drag that back because it really would have made sense to champ for at this point. So let's go to modify Chan for. And then I'll select these edges here and give this a chance for of two millimeters and now click. OK, and then I'll drag the slider back to the future, and we see that nothing happened yet. Well, because we still have to select that champ for So we're gonna go in double click on our circular pattern feature and where it says objects. Make sure that selected when a hold control command on the Mac and choose that champ for feature at the time light and now we see a went from 1 to 2 objects elected, and we're gonna click. OK, and there's our chance for so that's looking pretty good so far. Um, what is it you ask? I don't know. It looks like a sort of a bike tire. Um and that's part of what this course is going to be about. It's just experimenting, playing with patterns and shapes. So what I would recommend is just follow me as I do the designs and then try to recreate it on yourself or by yourself, and then go back in, just experiment and make your own changes. The nice thing about thes fidget spinners is that they're very, very highly customizable. So you can play around with all sorts of shapes. And as I'm talking, I'm thinking, you know what a chance for on the inside here would look nice as well. So, um, let's go ahead and go to modify chance for and we're gonna click on these two, try a champ for of one millimeter. That looks good. Someone to click. OK, but what I want to do now is because this was chan furred. This distance changed on me, right? So let's see what that distance is. I'm gonna go to inspect them to click on this edge, and then this edge here and I can see that it gives me a distance of five millimeters, which also appears right here. Well, when I initially extruded this, I wanted it to be seven millimeters, because that's the thickness of my Barry. So let's go ahead and fix that. Let's make it seven millimeters. Well, to do that, we're just gonna go back on our time line here. Um, we're not gonna drag the slider back. We're just gonna simply double click on that first extrusion we did. And because we decreased it by nine. I'm sorry we decreased it by two. What we're gonna want to do is increase this extrusion by two to make up for that champ for So we're gonna change this from 7 to 9. We're gonna click. OK, um, so let's try to measure that again. We'll click on this edge in this edge. Great. So that's back at seven. Exactly what I wanted, but I see another problem. These extraditions here don't go to the end. So we're gonna have to fix that as well So let's go ahead and double click on that second extrusion. First, we have to close this measure total box, um, or dialogue box. Now, let's go to that second extradition and we're going to have to do the same thing here. So instead of seven, we're gonna go ahead and change this to nine click, OK? And there we go. So that fixed that. That's looking good. Since this is looking like a tired when we just go ahead and adds, Ah, rubber material toe with. So we're gonna have a for appearance which will bring up our dialect box sometimes if you don't see it, it's tricky. You think nothing happens, but it actually appears, and it kind of hides up here. You can go ahead and just click on this little plus side and we see all our materials rubber. You're gonna find it under other. And then if you scroll now, you'll see it right here. So let's open up that folder and we're gonna We have a few options, something in there. Go ahead and drag soft rubber and bring it over here and that looks pretty good. So you have the option if you want to render this and see how it'll look and I'm even go ahead and print this on, ah, rubbery material like a ninja flex that just to see how that feels and how that comes out. So all right, that's it. For this first lesson, we'll go ahead and print this out and let's go ahead and move on to our second lesson. 5. 05 Three Ring Spinner: Our next design is also going to be quite simple. But I got to say I really do love these simple, elegant designs. Also, this is gonna allow me to show you a couple different ways to make a copy of an object. So it will start our usual way by creating a sketch on our X Y plane and see for circle to create a circle with the same dimension of 22.1 millimeters for our diameter. Next, we're gonna give this an offset. But instead of going to sketch and then down to offset, we're gonna take advantage of our toolbox. So we get our toolbox by clicking s on the keyboard, and you can see this style like box will pop up. And you could populate this toolbox with however many tools you want. So I already have the offset here for I'm gonna take it off just to show you how to throw it in here. So I'm going to start typing offset on the search, and you can see it pops up. And I can just click on this little arrow here to bring it into my toolbox, the Nike and position this wherever I want, which will normally correspond to how often I use it. So now that I have it there, I can just click on it by grabbing it. So let me escape out of there for now. I'm going to click s, grab my officer, click on my circle and give this not set of four millimeters. Okay, Now I wanna show you something, so I'm gonna click d for Dimension to grab this. The mention of this outer circle here. I mean, we can see that our inner circle is 22.1, and then we have an offset of four millimeters on that outer circle. So, really, this outer circles amber is gonna be, you know, war on this side for that site. So we're looking at a total so 30.1 millimeters put if I grab a dimension, it'll show it to me right there. It gives me that option. Are that box and we do it that again to tell me that? Listen, adding this dimensional over constrained this sketch, so choose okay to create a driven dimension. So it's a driven dimension. You're not actually able to change that dimension, and you'll see that it'll show in parentheses because this has already been de mentioned. There's there's no way to go ahead and change this and give it something else. So but sometimes you just want to see what that I mentioned is and so you can go ahead and do that. Just notice the distinction that it will be in parentheses. Okay? I just wanted to bring that up, because we're gonna grab this later. That 30.1 millimeter diameter. So I'm gonna click stops catch now, hit he for extrude. Grab that profile. Bring get up to seven millimeters and hit. Enter. Now, I'm gonna go to a top for you here and to make a copy of this, I'm simply going to right click and go to move slash Copy. Now, I get this dialogue, blacks, which allows me to pick some, make some decisions here. So first thing I'm going to do is change this from faces, two bodies. It's gonna have me make my selection. So I'm gonna choose my, uh, my sphere here just sometimes, You know, when it's a different object, you you have the option of position dis in different locations, so I'm going to just go ahead and click on this and it's gonna set it right to the middle, which is usually where you want when you're dealing with a circle. So now I'm gonna go ahead and go to move type. You have the option to change this, but we're not going to right now. We can basically restricted to certain types of moves and tip it. We're gonna leave that, as is the only other thing we're going to do is click on, create eight copy, and we're gonna grab this and move it over. So as we move this over, you see this? The mention starts to change, and that's our X dimension. So remember how we saw that the, um, to get this that outer diameter, it was 30.1. So if I answered that in here 30.1, we can see that it will line up perfectly edge to edge. But I'm gonna want this to overlap a little bit just to give it a little more strength. So instead of 30.1, why don't we make this 29 when we get a nice overlap right there? So I'm gonna click. OK, And then I'm gonna do that one more time on this one. So I'm gonna make a copy of this. Move it over. Whoops. Forgot to. Ah, click copy. So let's bring this back to zero. And then we're gonna have to make our same selections, right? So don't forget to do that. This is something I always do. I move it and I realize what's happening. Well, I have it on faces instead of bodies, so make sure you always go back and select bodies. Make your selection. Now we get the option to create a copy and we can move this over again. Just gonna type in 29 in our X direction. Click OK, All right. So that there's our spinner are sort of little simple. Ah, simple three circles spinner there. And if we look at bodies, we see that we have three separate bodies, so we still have to combine these. So we're just gonna go to modify combined, choose our first body, which will be our target body, and then our tool bodies are going to be our other two bodies and we're gonna click. OK, now we can see that everything went down to one body, so Ah, there you go. There's are are spending their as one body created using to move slash copy command. Now, let's do this one more time. But this time, instead of using, um, the move command, we're gonna use a rectangular pattern. So let's go to file new design. And again, we'll create our circle on our X Y plane and give it that 22.1 millimetre diameter grab are offset, tool. And go ahead and make this four millimeter offset. Stop sketch. We're gonna extrude this our seven millimeters. And now, at this point, we're gonna go to create, we're gonna go down to pattern, and then we're gonna choose rectangular pattern. So I'm gonna click on my circle and bodies is already selected. Um, I have one object selected now. Choose the direction I'm gonna choose. I can either go, you know, up, or I can go left or right some and choose my hex access here. And you can second start to drag this over. And by default it has is us three quantity. Um, but you know you can change that to you can change that. Ate whatever. How many you want. We really do only want three something to change that back. And the other important thing to note here is you can choose spacing by extent O r. Spacing. So extent is the distance from your first year last object. Your spacing is going to be distance between objects. Well, we already know what that spacing is between objects that we want. So we're going to choose that and then our distance we're gonna take that in right here, which is going to be the 29 millimeters and you can see it went ahead and did that made each 1 29 millimeters apart. And you can see we have that night's overlap in the middle. So now we have to do is click OK, and we have our three objects. Still, one more thing to do, which is going to be the combined these because we do have three separate bodies here, So we're gonna go to modify combined, do the same thing. Choose our first object is our target body and in our two bodies become the other ones. We want to combine with it, click OK, and we have one body. So you saw it two different ways to go ahead and and make thes copies. Obviously, the second way was a lot easier because you only have to do this once. No, imagine if you wanted 15 of these, right? You don't want to copy and paste 15 times. You could just simply use the rectangular pattern to do that in one step. Let's go ahead and give this in. The parents That just for fun. So Well, hey, for parents. How about metallic paint? So go to paint. Um, maybe go to How about this? Let's see what this metal flake ISS will choose this blue metal flake. Drag it over. Oh, you know what? I don't have it downloaded. So whenever you see this arrow here shows that you need to download it. So sure, why not? Let's go ahead and download that, um, and it will just take a second for that to go ahead and Donald to our system, and then we'll be able to have the ability to access it. So once that finishes downloading, which it just didn't we'll go ahead and dragged this over and now got this sort of very shimmery metallic flake paint. Okay, um this. Like I said before, it doesn't affect the three d printing, but sometimes it's nice when you want to go into rendering and and render it out and show other people, you know, you're sort of concept model. All right, let's Ah, go to our next model now. 6. 06 Finger Pad: Let's not make the finger pads, so to create the finger pads will start with a sketch, and then we'll use the revolve tool. So we'll create a sketch on our this time We'll use ours, E explains. So this poop red plane here and I'm gonna begin just by sketching a rough profile, keeping in mind the dimensions I want to use. But I'm not gonna get exact with, um So I'm gonna hit l four line and I'm going to start at the origin here, and I'm gonna go up. I'm going to zoom in. So I'm working within a scale that I want to be A So I go up about nine or so millimeters and come across about five come down, let's say about five again. And I'm just gonna go over a little bit every like, close to one millimeters, one millimeter each time, and then come back out. Uh, maybe five or so again. And then I'm going to reference this origin point here. So I get that this will snap into place and you still have that 90 degree angle, someone to click on that and then closed the south by coming back to the origin. Okay, so now I can go in and put in my dimensions. And if any of these lines are off, you may want to come in and use take advantage of your constraints. So I know that this is horizontal, so I don't have to worry about it. Uh, you can't come in and apply your constraints after, Okay, So let's enter some dimension, so I'll start with this line here. Now, keep in mind that we only modelled half of this and then we're gonna revolve it. So I want this total dimension I know to fit inside my bearing. So and I know that total dimension is the diameter of my bearing is 22 millimeters. So I'm gonna make this 11 type that in, And then after that, I wanted to go up just two millimeters, and then this little part here is going to be what's gonna offset. So it's not robbing on the bearing, and I just want this to be one millimeter in height and the same thing with this. I just want to come out one millimeter, So I'm gonna put one for their and this is the part that's gonna be inserted into the bearing. I only want to go halfway through the bearing. And my bearing is, uh, seven millimeters thick, So I wouldn't want this to be three and 1/2 millimeters type of that in in this part here. This is going to be what's going to slide into that middle opening. So at that middle opening is eight millimeters. I'm gonna make the slightly bigger so I get a nice fit their ah, very tight fit. So I'm gonna make this 4.1 millimeters, and that's all we need so I can tidy up these dimensions a bit. Maybe so you see a little better on, then I'm gonna stop sketch, and we're gonna grab our revolved tool by going under. Create revolved. I'll choose this profile, and my access is gonna be this line here because that's where I wanted to revolve about. And I get my revolved. So that's ah half of ah, like there for our finger pat and then weaken. Just go ahead and print two of those. Now I want to go back and show you something because this this is flat, right? I mean, ideally, I would want this to be curved to have sort of a nice and denture for my thumb. But ah, the problem is, it's ideally for its a print like this if we do it any other way, If you try to put a curve in here, we're gonna have to print it with supports. So, you know, I mean, you have the option. You can do that. I prefer not to print what supports one option. I may tries, and we're just printing it like this and then taking a bull dryer. Or maybe right, right when you take it off, um, the heated bed when it's still hot, you can use something to sort of press it in our mold it to give it more of around around feature tow it. But I'll show you how I would approach that. Anyway, if I wanted to give that a nice curved look. So let's go back into that sketch. Um, Teoh do that. Let's first turned us to the original way. We were looking at it to do that. I would use my spying tool here so I would go to sketch go down to supply, and I would just make two points one at this end, and then I'm gonna go a little dramatic so we can see it. Go up here, Click the check mark. Now, I would then take of this handle. You see how you can manipulate this to give it your curve? I would apply a horizontal constraint to that, so I would take my horizontal constraint and apply to this handle. Sometimes it's a little tricky selecting it. There we go. So now that's horizontal, and I can just move this, increase it to change that curvature. But the reason you want a horizontal was because you wanted to be horizontal. At this point, you don't want it to come to a point or come at an angle because then that's gonna when you revolve it, it's gonna have a weird effect there. But this if you have a horizontal make for a nice with transition, so we'll go ahead and click on stop sketch. And nothing has changed at because we have to go back and re select those profile. So if I go back to my revolved, double click on it, I'm gonna cancel out, exiled the profile and re select it, and instead of selecting both of these. I'm just gonna select this top one. You think like OK and hard to see from this angle, but if I turn it, you can see that it's got a nice curvature to it. And even easier way to see it is to create a section analysis Sophie go to inspect section analysis, and that's being a courage and will grab, Let's see, turned us. We could just grab any one of these that cut through the middle, so I'll grab that click. OK, the origin. And now you can see how that curves. So like I said, that's how I would prefer to to have this. But you know, when you're dealing with three D printing, you have to sometimes make some compromises, or you have to get creative and how you print this right. There's a few options, and when you have something like this, you can obviously split it in half. Um, you know, maybe printed on this and that down on the printer. So it's slang like this, and in glue the two sides together. I don't know that I want to do the that approach with this, but you have options, and you may have to get a little creative on how you approach it. Go ahead and play around with this. See if you can come up with any creative solutions on Just have fun with it. 7. 07 Batman Spinner: a popular and very fun design with these fidget spinners is the Batman's better? So let's go ahead and design that one will start with our sketch on our X pipe laying. Create our 22.1 diameter circle and let's apply that offset by enabling our toolbox by clicking s and grabbing are offset tool in Let's go ahead and give this are four millimeter offset. Now, I showed you how to copy and paste on their the modeling environments, but we can do the same thing within our sketching environment. So we'll hold control in select both of these circles. And then we're gonna do control C and control of E. And then we're grab our arrow and start bringing this over, and I have a distance in mind I want to use, and that's going to be 28 millimeters. So we'll type that in and had center next. I want to trim these two inside lines here, so I'm gonna hit t for a trim and grab that You can see it'll turn. The Reds were gonna click on that first line in that second line there and now we can see that these two circles will connect. Okay, Next, we're gonna Onley design half of us and then mirror it. And that's something you want to get into the habit of doing when you're new to designing, you usually don't recognize this, and you spend a lot of time modeling two sides of a symmetric model. Um, but you want to begin to start viewing models in this way that whenever there's some metric , you're always better off just modeling half. But it's going to save you. Ah, lot more time and create a more accurate model. So to do that, we're gonna create a lie through the middle. But I'm not gonna draw a line right down the middle first, I'm gonna create on the side here, so I'm gonna l for line and just draw a line that goes past our circles. And it clicked that checkpoint and now I'm gonna show you. Ah, a couple constraints here. So, um, let's go ahead and grab our midpoint constraint before we do that. Make sure you have that vertical constrained there when you drew that line. If not, go ahead and click it here and click the line. And if you do already have. It will just give you a little error showing you it's already constrained. Okay, let's grab our midpoint constraint. We're going to click on the line and then click on the midpoint here, and that line will snap toward me. Quite next, we're gonna grab the trim tool by clicking t in and let's trim this side of the line. And this Lang we only needed to be a construction lights were gonna choose it and click X. Okay, Now, let's go ahead and draw our airs and the tail here. So I'm gonna hit the l key for line, and I'm just gonna go somewhere over here on this side of the line and draw one year. Now, I'm not gonna do any dimensions because I want to leave you with some artistic freedom here . So one thing you do want to make sure that you get is these coincident constraints. If you don't have him, you want to select and then put him on there because you need these to connect. So now that you drew these lines, you can go ahead and move these around and grab these, uh, endpoints and make him as wider as high as you want. So go ahead and do that. And let's do the same thing for the tail here and now we only need to draw half our tale of since it's going to split our mid line here. So we'll click here, try to tell again Make sure you see these coincident constraints. And again you have the ability to go back and just adjust these. Okay, now that we have the air and the tail, let's try the wink. And to draw the wing, we're gonna grab an arc tool. So go to our three point arc and we'll go somewhere around here and we'll click once, click twice and give a little bit of a bulge here and again noticed our symmetry constraints. And you do have the ability to move this around, change the size. So once you're happy, wait, your wing there will go ahead, and we're not gonna draw a 2nd 1 But we're gonna mayor this one. So again, we're gonna create another line. This time it's going to be a horizontal line created somewhere over here like the check mark. Let's click on our horizontal constraint here. We're gonna grab this and point here and constrain it to our sensor point. And you can see it's lined up. Choose that line Click X to make it a construction life. So you're gonna want to constraints on it, this one or two. Ah, horizontal constraint. This constraint showing that it's constraint to this axis here and this constraint showing that it is a horizontal line. All right, so now we'll grab our mirror tool by going to sketch mirror will choose this ark and take a look at this dialog box. We're gonna click on our mirror line to select and then choose our line here, and then we'll get a duplicate right down here so we'll click. OK, All right. Now we're gonna go ahead and grab the Ark tool against We're gonna go to sketch arc requiring talk, and we're gonna connect our art between these two smaller arcs, so we'll click ones here. The second click will be on our second argument. Our third click is going to be right at this point here, so make sure you get that acts in that midpoint, showing your right at that middle and go ahead and click. All right, so now let's grab our trim tool to trim some of these lines we don't need. So we're gonna t for trim trim this guy and this guy and I'm gonna hit controls because I see a problem here. I somehow lost the line. So let's undo that. Gonna undo again. Okay, so t for a trim. So I see a problem here, Um, so that when I click on this, trim it, selecting this entire line. So let's see why it's doing that. Gonna hit escape. Let's go down. So this I can see that this line is not connected here. Great. So let's look at that mirror. This one looks connected. So not really sure why this that in connect? But let's fix it that we're gonna go to grab our coincident constraint, grab this point and click on this line, and there we go. So now they're connected, and I'm gonna have t fur trim. Click on this line and we're good. Okay. So let me just try something here rhythm of this, Okay? I want to make sure I still have that mirror. So if I move this, that point should move as well as this. So they are mirrored of each other. Make control Z. Okay, so now way you're gonna trim a couple more things. So here we're gonna hit t and trim this arc here and will come here and trim this lark here as well. Okay, so that's basically everything we need to sketch. Now. We're gonna go ahead and mirror this on the side. So we're gonna go to this catch mirror, and I'm gonna go ahead and select this by creating a box from right to left. Make sure your select is Windows selection. Eso that's gonna lie to try the box because there's a few different ways you can select you preform paint, but we're gonna go toe windows. Selection in the direction here is important. You want to go from right? Two left and you want to stop just before you get to your mirror? Align. Ah, right to left. Selection will select everything that your box, uh, touches and a left to right will select everything that your box engulfs so right to left just right before you get to that mirror line. And you should see I'm showing 33 objects here, so just make sure everything here is selected and in our mirror line, we're gonna choose our construction line here. We're gonna click. OK, Okay. The important thing here, um, is to show that everything here you have this shading if everything is shaded and then you're good, But if you are not seeing that this is a shaded profiled and there's some problem there where your lines are quite touching. So you may have to go back and redo it, or just find where that problem is and fix it, usually by applying a coincident constraint to make sure your lines are all connected. So once we have that, we can click on Stop sketch and and now it's simply a matter of extruding This So wait, you for extrude and we'll extrude this up seven millimeters. And there is our Batman. Um, gonna go ahead and apply some fillets here. So, for example, and these edges here, I'm gonna and f for fill it and I'm going to select this edge this edge with the Philip Command. If you accidentally select the names you don't want, you don't have to start over. Just click on it again and it'll go away. And this dialog box will keep the count of how many edges you've selected. Also, a nice thing about the feel that tool is you don't have to really worry about Roe obtaining to get to that right angle it smart enough to know what you want to pick. So I could go even behind the scenes here and select that, uh, edge there and do the same thing with this one. So let's give this a fill it off two millimeters and we get a nice little curve there and we'll have an answer. So you have the option here if you want to go back and Philip, the ears or detail do that as well. Um, a nice thing here also, I'll point out, is that we can bring that sketch and we can actually go back. And if we change these, it'll actually update. So gonna go back and say, OK, you know, I wanted that tail longer and make those changes. So there we go. Let's go ahead and there will untitled sketches first, and let's see what kind of appearance can we apply to this? I think this would actually look good with our leather apparent, so let's try that. I will go to leather on to leather and cloth and shoes leather. And let's try one of these, Uh, let's try this leather black. That's Matt, either Black and see how that looks. Looks pretty good. We'll go to this place settings for visual styles that's just do shaded that gets rid of the lines and shows you, uh, of a neat texture there. All right, let's move on to the next one. 8. 08 Hex Nut Spinner: let's make another triple cited spinner. But this time, instead of making one that uses bearings for weights working a model one that uses hex nuts . So let's get started. By creating our sketch and our X Y plane and making our circle of 22.1 millimeters and we're going to give this offset of three millimeters this time and next, we're gonna grab our polygon tool by going to sketch polygon and choosing circumscribe polygon. We're gonna create our polygon just somewhere appear it wants to know radius first. But I don't want to enter radius right now because I'm gonna come in and answer in diameter . So I'm just gonna hit Tab and into this field where it wants a number of sides. It can go in and put in however many number of size I want this polygon to have since I'm gonna be making a hole for a hex, not want six sites where hexagons I'm gonna enter six and go ahead and click Enter next. We're going to give this a constraint of horizontal constraints. So we're going to click on that constraint and click on this this top line here that's gonna straighten that out for us. And we can also give this a dimension from our midpoint here. So we're gonna click on D for Dimension. And let's give this of the mention of 35 millimeters. I'm also going to need to dimension this the amateur here. So let's go ahead and click between these two lines. Now, the hex nut I'm using has a diameter of 12.5 millimeters. So I'm going to use that same tolerance level that used on that circle, which is going to be a 0.1 millimeter, Tyler. And so, instead of making this 12.5, I'm gonna make it 12 0.6 millimeters. Click that 1st 12.6 and enter that in. All right, Now, let's go ahead and line this up with our center. And we're gonna do that by clicking on horizontal slash. Radical comes straight thinking on both mid points and there we go. That's fully constraint. Now, when we can also give this an offset, So I'm gonna go ahead and click on that perimeter and answer three for my offset again. Now we're gonna go ahead and great a circular pattern. So we created a circular pattern before using the modeling environment. Let's not do it in the sketching environment, so we'll go down to circular pattern. We're gonna double click, are outside polygon and then also are inside. And we're going to select or click on sunder points as our selection. And then you can choose any one of these. Circular perimeters are even the midpoint here, and three is what we want. Since that's already there, I'm gonna go ahead and click. OK, now I'm gonna grab my arc tools. I'm gonna go to sketch arc, three point arc, and my three points are going to be this edge here, Um, this edge here and I wanted to snap right to that middle of that outside circle, and you can see it gave me that tangent constraint, which is what I want. If he didn't get that simply selected from here, and then click on the art and this outside circle. Now we're going to create a circular pattern of that arc Regis made, So let's go ahead and go to sketch circular pattern shoes are arc again. Choose that center point. I'm gonna choose the outside of the circle and it gave me three, which is what I want. I'm gonna click, OK? And that's basically it for now. So we're all set with the sketching. Someone like stops catch hit he for extrude select each of these perimeters here or these profiles, I should say, Except that center, where are bearing is gonna go in these hexagon profiles? Where are Hex? Not is gonna go. So let's go ahead and extrude This are seven millimeters and won't go ahead and click. OK, so there's our spinner. The one thing I'm going to add to this is a chance for so I'm gonna go to modify champ for and I'll go ahead and just select everything. So get everything in the box and we're gonna give this ah, distance or a chance for off one millimeter and click Enter. And there we go. So that's looking pretty good. Let's go ahead and add a material to this. I really liked this metal aluminum this gloss blue and let's go to visual style and just do shaded. And I think that looks pretty nice. So there you go. That's already to be three d printed and let's go on to the next model 9. 09 Triple Hollow Spinner: Let's go ahead now and design one of those classic triple cited Spinner's. This time I'm going approach this a little bit different just to be able to show you some other methods and different approaches you can take. That way you'll have a few more tools on their your belt when you're designing. So let's go ahead and start with our sketch on our X Y plane. And instead of beginning with a circle, we're gonna actually go ahead and grab the slot tool. We'll go over to center to center slot, started our origin and start dragging up. Now, this first line indicates our center to center distance. I'm not gonna worry about specific dimensions for now, so I'm just gonna click and in drag out. And this second, uh, dimension is for the diameter. So again, we're just gonna click and worry about the dimensions later. Next, let's go ahead and create a circle, and I'm not even gonna create it in here. I'm going to create it out here, and the reason I'm doing this is I want to show you some more constraints, and this time we're gonna go ahead and choose our concentric constraint So let's go ahead and click on that and we'll click on our circle and we'll click on this arc over here and notice how our circle is now concentric with this arc. So basically, the way that works is you get two different size circles or arcs, and you can use that constraint to make them all concentric together. So next we're gonna go ahead and enter Dimension for this, circles will hit the and we'll give. This are regular 22.1 millimetre diameter, and we'll go ahead and create an offset from the circle to this. Like who make that three millimeters will also create another offset. This time will offset this circle outwards. Three millimeters and we'll click. OK, and that should line up with this bottom mark. Okay, let's do the same thing of top just to kind of reinforce this. We'll see for a circle will create a circle, and we'll grab our our concentric, uh, constraint here and click on the circle and then the ark. And then we'll also grab another circle. This time leads to a bigger circle, and again we'll do our concentric, and this time we'll grab our circle and I can choose any one of these and we can see it fit right in there. So let's go ahead and add some dimensions now to the top. But instead of actually adding the mentions, let's make um equal. So we'll grab our equal constraint to their corresponding circles beloved. So we'll grab vehicle grab that first circle will make equal to our inner circle here. Her second circle is gonna be equal to that second circle here. So now if I go ahead and change the dimension of this, let's make this for example 30 you know, everything will go ahead and change because basically, everything has been modified in relation to this. So that's the beautiful thing about Parametric design. Everything will update together. Let's go ahead and bring that back down to 22.1. Okay, so now we're gonna grab our line tool, and we're gonna draw one line from this circle to this circle in the same with this circle . So the circle and its ads and dimensions O. D. And we're gonna go ahead and make this other three millimeters apart as well. This line from this line here, instead of actually answering a dimension. I'm gonna just click on this dimension because I'm always gonna want these to be equal. So I'm gonna click on that and you're going to see it's gonna say Defour, cause this was the fourth dimension I've created I'm gonna hit Enter Okay, So now I can actually grab this midpoint and straight again grabbed the midpoint and drag this up and down and we can see that Have all these lines here will move along with it that to show you what the coincident constraint does again if I go ahead and click on that constraint and delete it So remember, that's our coincident here and it was automatically set. We didn't set it. So if I delete that and then go up and down notice how that line gets left behind, it's no longer coincident with that circle. So let's go ahead and put that back click on the end point. I tried again in point and in the circle, and now that is coincident. So I'm not actually even going to give this a dimension. What I'm gonna do is make this circle tangent to this circle. So let's go ahead and grab the tangent constraint and we'll click on this outer circle in this outer circle And now they are a changin. At this point, I'm going to click on Stop sketch and I'm gonna be for extrude and extruded these four profiles up to our seven millimeter thickness in click Answer. Okay, so that's one one arm of the 33 arms in our spinner. So let's go ahead and create a circular pattern of this will go to create down to pattern circular pattern. Our object is gonna be the entire object are access. We have a few options here. We can either choose that blue access because we want to spin it around this part where we can choose any one of these circles or even this face here and there we go and defaults to three weaken, obviously change it. Let's go ahead and set it to three and click. OK, you can see our three sided spinner. At this point, they're all separate bodies, so we do have to combine them. So let's go ahead and click and modify. Combined choose. It could be any one of these arms as our target body civil true's this main arm and then for our tool bodies will go ahead and choose the other two and then click. OK, now you can see we're down to one body and that's basically it for this spinner. I really do like this design of just the outlines and then having these hollow spaces in the middle here. Let's go ahead and give this and the parents as well. This time, let's go with plastic. I actually printed this in red classed excellence to, You know, Peg Read. Throw that in there and I thought, that look pretty nice. So there we go. That's one of our the recited spinners and let's go ahead and do another one. 10. 10 Parametric Spinner: Let's say you want to design a spinner that uses coins for weights instead of Barings or nuts. But you don't wanna have to design a separate spinner for each type of coin you may want to use. For example, you're not sure if you're gonna use pennies, nickels or dimes, and you don't wanna have to design three separate ones. Well, I'm gonna show you how Teoh take advantage of user defined parameters to be able to use one design and quickly go in and change those parameters so that they fit whichever corn you want to use. Plus will also end up modifying other parameters as well. So let me show you an example. Here's a completed design and I'm just gonna go to modify and go down to change parameters . And I get this box. So here are a bunch of parameters that I've created, and one of them is coin diameter. So if I click on coin diameter, I can easily go in there And let's say I'm gonna change this from 21 to 40 head enter and I mean a drastic change. But you quickly see how on easily see how this updates so Let's bring that down to 30 and you can see they all change so you can have your different coin sizes. And basically all you need to do is just come in. Change that and in your whole design, will update without going back to the sketch and changing each one of the different sketch entities. So okay, let's go ahead and jump into this design and I'll show you how we can do this. So will go to file new design, and we're going to start with a sketch so we'll create a sketch on the X Y plane, and what I'll do here is first, we'll just create it with normal dimensions. And then we'll go back and add these parameters. So we'll create a simple spinner design and we'll start with the circle right on the sense of origin. Ah, we'll give this are bearing diameter of 22 millimeters. And then let's grab an officer s so we'll go to a sketch offset. Uh, click on this. Give it an offset of four millimeters. We're gonna grab another circle. So see, for a circle, and we're gonna go ahead. We'll make this, Let's say, 25 millimeters for now, and we'll also give this an offset, and we'll keep that offset the same for millimeters. Next, I'm going to grab our horizontal slash vertical constraint, and we'll go ahead and click on the middle of our circle and on the center of the origin here, constraining that circle to the center. And let's give this distance of D for distance and we'll click on both of these points and let's make this the 35. Now, let's change that to 44 now. Okay, Next, we're gonna go ahead and make an ark. That's tangent to both of these circles. So I'm gonna go to sketch and go to Arc three point Art and the click on this circle and this outer circle as well, and give it a little bit of a inside bulge here. Okay, So now notice I received a constraint here, that coincident constraint. But I didn't get it on this end. So I'm gonna go and click on coincidence. Click on the art and click. Actually, what you want to do is you gonna escape. You want to click on the endpoint, not dark. So it's highlight. Make sure Let's get close so we can actually see. We're getting that in point and then we'll click on the circle and there's our constraint were looking for Now that they're coincident, I want to also apply a tangent constraints. So let's go ahead and grab our tangent constraint. I'll click on the art and on the circle will do the same thing here on Mark in the circle. Okay, Now let's mirror this On the other side is that of redoing the whole thing. So I'm just gonna draw vertical lying. Make sure you get that vertical constraints. I'm gonna click on it and click X determinants of construction line, and then I'm going to grab my vertical constraint here, click on this bottom point and click on the origin, and that line will snap right into that middle. Not could have drawn a line straight from my origin up, but I kind of want to keep this away from my drawing, cause less clutter I have here, the better. So now let's go ahead and grab the mirror tool so we'll go to sketch mirror, choose our Arkan and go here to Dar Dialogue Box and True's Arm, Airline and select that, uh, mer line that we created, and we can see it was applied here so I can click. Ok, All right. So that's basically everything we need to do at this point. And let's just test it to make sure that these don't break when we change this dimension. So that's double click on that dimension. And let's go to 50. Go down to 20. They go back up to 70. Okay, Just want to make sure that this if, if these warrants, um, coincident and tangent, this would does ARC would break, and you would see that right away. So just make sure you test that out to make sure that that's fine. Let's bring it back down to 40 and we're gonna click on stop sketch. All right, so now let's go ahead and extrude this so I'm gonna hate you for extrude and I'll select these three profiles here and will go up seven millimeters. Okay, so here's what we're gonna use to revolve. Okay, um, to get our our spinner. But at this point, let's now go in and add some parameters. Um, so the first thing we're gonna do is create a circular pattern to rotate this right, So we'll say, Let's go ahead and rotate this. Let's say two times just to get a dual arms spender. So, um, to do that, not gonna go ahead and create my circular pattern. Just Yeah, I'm going to go down to modify, go down the change parameters and just click on his little arrow toe. Bring get upto our toolbox because we're gonna be using it quite often. So you see this icon here? We're gonna click on that, and that's gonna bring us our parameters. A dialog box here. So let's click on this Aero here. That's is a user parameters. And let's add one that's going to be called number of arms units. It's not gonna have any units, because it's just the numbers we're going to click out. No units and expression. Let's make it two for now and click. OK, All right. So here's how we're gonna apply this. We're gonna go to create going down to pattern circular pattern. Let's choose our body. Make sure you have body selected on their pattern type and for access, we can have a few options. Here we get into the truths are blue access, or we can choose any one of these arcs or face here. So we'll just choose this bottom face. And that's gonna give us, um what? It's gonna default to being three different iterations. But instead of the three, or instead of any number, we're gonna go ahead and start typing number and you see that parameter pops up that we already created called Number of Arm. So let's select that and then click. OK, so you see, it went ahead and created to it. Orations of that. Now, if we pull up that parameters, I like box. We cannot go back and click on expressions, and we can change that so you can see now we have three for you know, we can keep going up six, so that automatically changes. So this makes the process a lot simpler rather than going back and having to change that circular pattern every time. Let's go down to three, and let's go ahead and add a few more parameters 11. 11 Parametric Spinner Continued: huh? So next, lex do a parameter for this diameter of the weight that we're gonna use. So we'll click on our change parameters. I kinda here, we're gonna click on that, plus I and we'll call this one. Uh, let's say coin diameter, and we'll keep this one as millimeters expression. So I went ahead in measured a bunch of different coins, and these are the measurements that I have. So let's why don't we start with, uh, we'll start with the start with a penny. We'll start with the cheapest one. So a penny I measured at 19.8 millimeters. Now, depending on what penny you have in what year I found, these can fluctuate a little bit. Um, so I make sure to use a caliper and just measure, um, measure your old your coins. So I'm gonna do 19 point away and then click. Ok? All right. So nothing happens yet because I haven't assigned that parameter to anything. But what I can do is go back to that sketch instead of this diameter here that I May 25 I'm gonna start typing in coin. You can see coin diameter came up. I'm gonna choose that hit enter and now that automatically update. So once I click stop sketch, you can see that that diameter changed. And so let's say I wanted to make that nickel instead. Well, a nickel. I have it as 21.26 and that will automatically update. Let's try 1/4 a quarter is 24 0.2 and that works. So OK, so let's keep going. We can now change our diameter. We can change our number of arms. Um, why don't we change the this distance of how long our arms are? So we'll click on the parameter again and she's That's little plus sign. This time we'll call this, Let's say, Ah, arm, distance and we'll go to millimeters for expression. Um, let's give this 50. We'll click. OK, click. OK, go to our sketch. This, uh, this dimension right here we're gonna double click on that And let's go ahead and type. Start typing arm. We see armed distance comes up and hit Enter in that automatically changes. So let's test that out as well. We're gonna go to arm distance. Bring this down to 25. You see, it starts to get a little wonky if you go too much, so that's definitely not gonna work. It's just way too close, although it's kind of a cool design there, so you can have fun with these. So let's go back to 35. That's more of a standard size. Okay, what else can can we change? Let's go back. Or where else can we use parameters? Um, let's see. We've done our distance. We've got our diameter so we can have something for this offset. Right? And that's gonna show how thickness we have. So this thickness of our from our coin to the outside. So let's go ahead and do that, which click on parameters will add another parameter. And it's called this. I'm just Mukalla offset. You can choose your own names, and that's gonna be in millimeters. Let's say let's bubble that. Let's make it a and click, OK, and we're gonna go ahead back to that sketch and let's choose this offset here. I call this offset and you have the option. Let's say you wanted to keep this the same, but change on the outside. You could do that. Um, what will answer this? It stops catch. You can see that thickness change. Let's bring back that parameters. And you know, we can bring that back down before if you wanted to. So all right, everything is working out here. Ah, Another thing you may want to change or you want to add Is that thickness? So when we extruded this up, we gave it seven millimeters. But we can go ahead and create a parameter for that as well. So we'll call this one thickness, and that's gonna be in millimeters. Um, let's make this 10 click, OK, this time. Still going back to the sketch. We're just gonna go ahead and go to that extrusion and type distance. Ah, for distance. We're gonna type thickness and have enter and click, OK, And we can see that that updated and we contest that out as well. So, like this five, so that works Well, um, one thing you can also do, For example, let's change that seven and and go back to our sketch. So these distances here that 22 24 those are exact measurements. I didn't do a little tolerance. So for the other bearings, um, I've gone in and put a 0.1 tolerance in here. Um So what we can do is we can actually create parameters and Adam together. Uh, let me show you what I mean. Let's go to parameters and we'll go ahead and add another one. This one will call it tolerance. We'll keep that as millimeters 0.1 millimeters, and this one could be very useful. Be, for example, you may have different tolerances with different printers, and so you want me want easy way just to commit its weak, that so we'll make that parameter click, OK and go back to our sketch. And in this case, we can say, for example, this size here of that bearing that 22 instead of 22. Um, we can say I want this to be 22 plus my tolerance. Also start typing in and hit. Enter. You can see it added that 0.1. So that's 22.1 now for this one. The coin diameter I can add to different parameters. I can say coin diameter plus tolerance and had answer. And so it's gonna add both of those together and come up with a 24.3 diameter so very nice and efficient. Way to go ahead and tweak your drawings. Um, so let's go ahead and show you something else. So our number of arms, let's go ahead and change that to four. Um, you may notice that these are all separate bodies. Right? So what you may want to do, Um, let's go back to three. Where you may want to do before you print or what you're going to need to do is actually combined these. So let's go to modify combined, and we'll choose one arm and then for two bodies will choose to different ones. Put them together. Okay. Now, see, we're down to one body. Um, so, yeah, you're gonna have to do that before you you print. Um, but let's say you wanted to do a fill it here. We can simply, you know, drag this back. Why don't we do it before we do the circuited patterns? So we'll drag this back so that we have that one arm. And like everything else, why don't we make a parameter for it? So we'll click the plus sign. We'll call this one, fill it. That will do an expression of to click, OK, and it might have for fillets. Select the top and bottom lines here for our radius. We're just gonna type in fill it had enter and there's our fillets. So now we can move this timeline back. Now we can see we have our model updated. Bring back our parameters dialog box. And here's our fill. It changed that to three. That works out great. So at this point, I'd like to actually point something out. Um, let's go ahead and bring our dialogue box back and change the number. So if we go toe four, we're going to see a problem. We're going to see that it didn't combine them, right? We have two bodies now, and if you go to five, we have three. We go to six. Yeah, we get these extra bodies that are not combined, so it doesn't automatically combine them for you. That's something you have to do after, but what you can do if you have. If you add more bodies, for example, let's go back to four. Is you simply just go back to your timeline, click on the combined feature and simply go to tool bodies and just add that extra one and click. OK, you know you're back to one body, right? So let's try that one more time will change this to six. This time. We'll see we have some extra bodies here, so we'll click. OK, go down to combined and we see these two that aren't highlighted. We'll just go to, um, tool bodies and select those and it will combine them into one. Now let's try going backwards. Let's go from 6 to 3. That seems to work fine. The only thing it does is it will highlight this yellow saying, You know, there's something you may want to address. It's not broken, but you may want to dress it if you double click on it. It all you have to do is just bring up the dialogue box and click OK, and it fixes that. So all right, this I find this very useful. If you can think of anything else you want to add in, you just simply add that parameter now. You can easily come in, said You know what? I want to make this one out of, uh, pennies. So it's changed that 19.8 and you know it's gonna be for my child who's got little hands. So let's change that from 35 to 30. And you know the offset That's fine thickness. We can change. But you guys get the point. We can quickly modify these without going into ours. Catch. Just make parameters and it's gonna make life so much easier. So all right. 12. 12 Geared Spinner 1: OK, we're not ready for this fun design here. As you can see, this is are geared spinner and it looks like there's a lot going on here which there is. But we are going to take this one step at a time for not take a look at our browser. Here in your little is that I have each part separated into its separate component so the Web will tackle is's will start with the gears first, and we're gonna bring those in from McMaster car and modify them. Then we will also bring in our bearings, and then we will model our sides here, which will hold everything in place. And then finally, we have our finger pats that will go ahead and throw in there. So let's go ahead and get started. We'll begin with the new design, and usually at this point we start with a sketch. But we're gonna go right into McMaster car and bring in some or bring in a component. So we're gonna go to insert insert McMaster car components, and it brings up this window, which is very similar to if you were to go into the McMaster Car website and search for something so we'll just type in the search bar what we're looking for, which is going to be gears enter and then we get a few different types of gears. We're just gonna choose this 1st 1 here just the simple year, and we'll get a list of a bunch of different types of gears we're gonna scroll down and I'm going to go down to these plastic gears here and choose this one here, this plastic gears That's 14 half a degree pressure angle. And now if I scroll down here, you'll notice we have a whole bunch of choices. But I'm actually gonna start narrowing this down a bit because that's gonna bit intimidating to look through all this. So we'll look at our filtering options here so you can see if we start scrolling this now we can see some other options. We have pressure angle in number of T. I actually decided I want something with 24 teeth, so I'm gonna choose that. And now if I go down, we'll see that actually limited significantly. There's only three of thes left, so we'll go ahead and filter a little bit more. I decided also that I want something with a pitch diameter of one name just I'm going to click on that, and that's going to leave me with only one option. So let's take a look at these columns for now. And we're only gonna focus on only these three here. So we've We've already picked 24 as our number of teeth. Next, our pitch diameter is one inch in our outer diameter is 1.8 inch. So I just want you to remember those two numbers vigor, because we're gonna use those in our design. So one names for pitch diameter one point, you're a way for outer diameter. So we're gonna go ahead and click on the product detail here, and we're gonna scroll down and fine are safe bun and click on this little dropped on a row . Make sure you select three D stuff. Once you've selected that, you can click on safe, and it's gonna bring that model into our design. So we're just gonna go ahead and click, okay? We're not gonna manipulate it in any way right now. One thing I do want you to notice is that it was placed right in our origins. So if I type of our origin there, you'll see that it's right at the center. Okay, so now we'll go ahead and activate this component by clicking on the radio button. And it's also go ahead and rename it. I'm just gonna put my cursor right in the front and then call it gear and in just a dash. And I'm gonna keep that number there because what I have done in the past is I've just completely renamed in and going back to my drawing and said, Oh, what was that part I brought in and without having that part number, I couldn't figure out which one it was. So I had to go digging through the catalog again. So I found that it's ah good idea just to keep that part number in there, just in case we want to go ahead and find that exactly part again. So we have it activated. So now we can start manipulating this of it. That's the nice thing about this off. Where is it really makes it really easy to come in and get rid of stuff that we don't really need. So I'm interested here is just this part here, but with all the teeth I don't really need on this additional part here. So first, I'm gonna try to click on this face and delete it. Noticed nothing happens and actually get an error. So I found out that sometimes you just have to delete things in the right order. So in this case, I'm gonna zoom in and delete that. Fill it first. So click on that shoes, the leak. Not that that's gone. I'm going to click on this face and then click the league and notice how that just deletes beautifully. And I don't have anything to clean up. Everything just kind of that kind of cleans up itself. And I'm left with the part that I want Next will continue with some more modifications to this care 13. 13 Geared Spinner 2: next will verify what some of those dimensions were that we saw in the master card catalog , specifically the pitch diameter and the outer diameter. So we'll do this by creating a sketch and let's navigate toe are top of you and make sure we select that plane instead of the body here. So let's click in the X Y plane, and we're gonna go ahead and draw a circle from the origin to the corner point here on one of the teeth. So we'll click on that and then let's hit the for dimension and see what that dimension is . So okay, we know it's gonna be a driven dimensions look like okay, And that's telling us that that is 27.432 millimeters Now our dimensions for this care was in inches, and we're currently working in millimeters. So let's go ahead and fix that so we don't have to worry about converting back and forth. We're gonna go ahead and click on our units over here on the little icon, and when this box comes up, go ahead and change it from millimeters to inch and then click OK, you'll see that we'll automatically convert that the mention here and now it says 1.8 So if you recall 1.8 inch was our outer diameter so we can see that that measurement is from the center to the edge of the teeth. So let's go ahead and put in our other dimension that we saw, which was our pitch diameter, and that was simply of one inch. So we're gonna hit one and answer and freeze all men. We can see that that pitch diameter is somewhere in the middle here between our outer and what would be the inner diameter here. So the reason that's important is because if we want to mash two years together, what we want to ensure is that this pitch diameter circle is tangent with next year. So this just keep that in mind Now, we're gonna go ahead and just turn these into construction lines. So we're gonna click on the outer circle and also the in their circle and click X. So what we want to do with this gear is go ahead and extrude a circle in here where we're gonna press fit are bearing. So to do that will create another circle will start at the center, and we're gonna enter our 22.1 millimeter circle. But before we do that, we actually have to go back to millimeters. So let's go ahead and change our units back to millimeters because I don't really want to work in inches. Click OK and you'll see again. It converts right over 25.4 is how many millimeters you are in one inch. So that worked out good. Let's get see for a circle and create our other. Now create our 22.1 millimeter circle hit. Enter and then we'll stop sketch. Go to a press p for extrude, choose our profile and let's go ahead and extra debt. And for distance, we're going to truth. Aw, make sure it's that's a cut and click OK, and there's our extrusion and right away we can see a problem. This distance is just way too small here. Doesn't give me any comfort that that's gonna hold up, so I don't think that's gonna work. So, um, we can't really make our circle any smaller if you want to use the same type of bearing, so what? We're gonna have to do is scale this model up a little more. So let's go ahead and undo that extrusion. And let's go back to that sketch and let's create another sketch sort of as a reference circle here and I'm gonna make of this 30 millimeters and hit. Answer. So what I want to do is be able to scale this up so that that outer diameter instead of 27.432 it'll actually be 30 millimeters. That will give me a few more millimeters there to play with. So let's grab our calculator and see what that scale factor needs to be. So what we're gonna do here is well, type Ah 30 divided by 27.432 and we get 1.936 So what we'll do is we'll stop sketch, go to modify scale, and we're gonna as far as our entity will select our body here, make sure you do select the point. Don't let it just choose a point for you. Make sure you go ahead and choose that center line for that center point, and we're gonna keep this as uniform, and we're gonna answer one 0.936 and we'll click. OK, and now we can verify that the edge of the teeth go right up to that line. So that's perfect. Okay, let's try that extrusion again. So we'll Haiti for extrude click on our profile. Move that in and let's go ahead and shoes all click. OK, and that's looking a lot better now. We've got a bit more distance to play with, and and this this will be plenty to hold our gear and keep it from breaking. 14. 14 Geared Spinner 3: let's go ahead and made it a thickness of our gear because our bearing is going to go inside and we wanted to be able to be flush with the gear. So let's go ahead and click on Inspect and we will inspect this wall and this wall to see that distance and we see it 6.944 which is pretty close, but not quite there. So let's go ahead and scale this. Before we do that, let's grab our calculator so we can see what our scale factor is going to be. So we're gonna go ahead and take seven divided by 6.9 for four, and that gives us 1.8 factor. So we'll go to modify, go down to scale, and we'll choose the gear as our entity. In our point, remember to choose that as well. So I don't see my origin here, so I'm gonna turn that on and click on the center. I can also I should be able, Uh, well, sometimes you click on the edge here. Little reference that Senator this case, it doesn't, so we'll just choose the center and we're gonna go non uniform here. So we're gonna click here and go non uniform. And we wanted only scale this in the Z direction. So you see, if I move this arrow dizzy distance will change. So we're gonna leave Accent. Why alone? And go ahead and type 1.8 and click. OK, now that's measured at against will go to inspect. Choose this side and the side, and we see that that is perfectly seven millimeters. So we are good on the thickness. At this point, we're ready to create a copy of our gear and position it so that they both mesh perfectly together. So in order to do that, we'll need ah, piece of information here, and that's our pitch diameter. So let's go back to that first sketch. And if you recall that pitch diameter was one inch or 25 0.4 millimeters now, that was before we scaled it. If you remember, our scale factor was 1.936 So let's grab our calculator to see what that new pitch diameter is. And to do this will simply just multiply a 25.4 times. 1.936 and would get a new pitch diameter of 27.77 So I'm just going around this up to 27.8 and we'll use that as our pitch diameter. So I'm gonna go toe stops, catch, and we're gonna go to actually, we're gonna right click on our model, and we're gonna go to move, slash copy and for our move object. We're gonna change it. Two bodies were gonna select our body here, and we're gonna grab this arrow lips. I always forget to do one thing. So let's reset this back to zero for X distance. You want to make sure you check create copy. So once you that you can go ahead and start dragging over a copy Now, how far are we gonna move it over? That's gonna be our pitch diameter. So that's 27 point, and that should give us a perfect mesh. But we do have to remember that we're going to be three d printing, so we're gonna have to give ourselves a bit of a tolerance here. So I tested this out and I printed this exactly. First, the at 27.8 millimeters and I found that it was definitely too tight. So I'm gonna increase this by 0.4 millimeters. So we're gonna do instead of 27.8. We will do when he Kate 0.2. And that will give us Ah, a little bit of wiggle room here. So we're gonna click, OK? And we have are two bodies at this point. What I really want is this Care to be somewhere down here, So if I take a look at our finished model, we've got one here. Gear up here, one down here and one on the side here. So we have this triangle going that so if this care is at zero degrees and this one's gonna be at 1 20 so let's take a look at this. I need to move this scared down. So right now it's at a 90 degree, really? From where I want it to be. So I got it moving over 30 more degrees. So let's just go ahead and click on right. Click on this care. Go to move copy for faces I'm gonna choose or for move, object. I'm gonna change it from faces, two bodies, and then my selection is going to be this scare. Let's go ahead and just go to free move for move type. And the important thing here is to set the pivot. I wanted to pivot around this origin here, not around its own origin. So I'm gonna go ahead and place it on the center here because I know there scares right on that center origin. And here's something else I always forget. And that is to click on this check Mark, you have to click on this check, Mark, or nothing will happen. So once I click on that check mark, it cannot grab the slider and start moving this scare over. So I'm gonna want to bring it down to negative 30 degrees, and I can now go ahead and click. OK, so now that I have that gear where I wanted, I could go ahead and create a circular pattern. So I'm gonna go toe modify actually medical to create the pattern circular pattern. Choose. Right now, it's two components, so I don't want components. I just Nobody's gonna choose this body, select my axis, which is gonna be I can just choose this inner circle here and the preview shows me my three gear so you can again change the under quantity. But three is what I want, so I'm going to click, OK? 15. 15 Geared Spinner 4: we can now go ahead and begin sketching our side pieces that will hold everything together . So let's go back to our current design. And at this point, we should definitely be saving our projects. So let's go ahead and do that. If you haven't done so yet, make sure to click safe and go ahead and give your design that name. I'm gonna go ahead and call this one here. That's in there. Well, now create a new component by right clicking on the top of our browser here and go on ahead and choosing new components. Gonna change the name of this and just call it side and make sure that it is activated. And now I'm going to create a sketch on the exploit Cling. I'm gonna pee for Project, and I'm gonna project this inner circle here of the bearing inside this current sketch. So bonus if I just click on it, you get that purple circle showing me that it's now on my sketch so I don't have to draw these circles. I'm gonna click, OK? And next I'm gonna draw smaller circle here, and I'll briefly explain why I'm drawing that circle. So if you look at our old model here, um, this is going to be the part that's gonna actually be going into that bearing. So there's that bearing in, we're gonna go ahead and make this part that we're gonna extrude, And it is important that this is really, really tight with this bearing because, um, it's if it's not tight, basically this whole thing could fall apart. I mean, we can also make sure to glue these together so that you know where we'll have that extra security. But I'm gonna go ahead and make this really tight by giving it a diameter that slightly bigger than that, um, that circle here of our whole that's gonna fit into our bearing. So let's go back to our currents catch, and I'm going to go ahead and make of this 8.2 millimeters in diameter. Now, the inside of that bearing is actually only a millimeter. So this is going to be a very tight fit, and you may have some trouble getting it in there. So which your prints again, depending on tolerance, might have to go Maybe a 0.1. But this worked for me. So what? I'm going to do now is create a circular pattern of this will go to the sketch on go down to circular pattern. Choose our circle. Click are Centrepoint. Choose the middle circle and we're gonna keep three of those click. OK, next, we're gonna create an offset of this center circle before actually just go ahead and do that. I'm gonna click. Asked for a toolbox in grabbed offset Tool. Give this an upset of two millimeters. All right, I'm gonna create an arc between this circle this outer circle in this inner circle here. But before we do that, let's go ahead and get rid of these geometries here because sometimes when we have other Jama tree in our sketch, we can accidentally set constraints that we don't want. So it's Sometimes it's better just to untangle it. Let's go ahead and grab our art tool by corns a lark three point arc and we'll start with the inner circle here. Our second thing is gonna be on this another circle and then our third click here on this outer circle notice I have, ah, tangent constraint here. But I didn't get it on these other circles. So let's go ahead and grab that engine constraint, and we'll set it between the Ark and the circle And also between this arc and this circle. Okay, Now that that's in place, let's go ahead and circular pattern nous. So go choose R Ark in our center point and click. Ok, All right. So now we're ready to create some exclusions. Actually, one more thing we're gonna do before that, and that's going to be to create an offset of this circle here, and I'll also explain that one. So if I bring back our side here, noticed that we have this little bump out here that's so that this bearing in sit there and have a little space in between so that it's not rubbing on the sides. So let's go ahead and do that. We're just gonna create enough set here. I'm just gonna do what? One millimeter off, sir. That answer And I'm gonna hit t for a trim. Just trim this outer are, and we'll also do a circular pattern of that soul. Grab this. Yeah, a grab our center click. Ok, now this is blue. So let's the mention disperse summary. When I catch Rehm, I lost that one millimeter offset that I put there. So I'm gonna go ahead and set that back in place so that it's fully defined. You see it turn from blue to black. Uh, so All right, so now that we have that in place, we're gonna go ahead and, uh, extrude some geometry, so we'll go to stop sketch, and we're gonna go ahead and select. Let's Haiti for extrude in room. Just Gladys, elect each of these geometries here. Choose this guy. This, this, this and this. All right, So let me bring back that other component to see betray we're facing. So I'm gonna want to go up. I'm gonna go to millimeters. Good answer. Okay, so now let's bring backwards catch. And what I want to do now is on inside here. I'm gonna extrude. We'll do, Actually, it's just do this part for now, this to circle, and I'm gonna go ahead and do these. I wanted to go in this direction, so and this has to go inside the bearing The bearing is a seven millimeters thick. So this is gonna go halfway because I'm gonna double it on the other sex that we're gonna do? Negative 3.5 click. OK, let's get rid of this component for now. Okay, then I want these offsets to go up one millimeter. If you accidentally select something again, just click on it again and it will be selected. So let's choose this one as well. We're gonna do negative one here and click. Enter. Okay, so now I want to actually show you, Um, the problem. I wanted this to go up 3.5, but what I really want to be 3.5 is this distance from this distance. And since this is went up one millimeter, that's only going to be Hey, 2.5 millimeter distance. So, um, I really want this piece here to go up 4.5 millimeters so that I can have a total of seven millimeters spacing between this and when I mirrored this part. So we're gonna go back to that previous extrusion, and I'm gonna change this from negative 3.5 to negative 4.5. I hope I explained that right. Basically, the 3.5 I just want is not from that measured from this part here from this surface. It's gonna be measured from this surface. Okay, so now we can go ahead and bring back our other body. Well, take away our sketch here, bring back our component. I mean, um and so we can now mayor this on the other side. So I'm gonna go to create mirror. We're going to mirror body. So I'm gonna choose this body, my plane. So I'll just choose this surface here and click. OK, And there's our body, and now we can go ahead, and that's activate the full component here and see what we have, okay? 16. 16 Geared Spinner 5: Before we move on, we're gonna have to fix Ah, little problem here. Noticed that if we take a look at this angle here, you might have spotted this already. You know, you'll note that this isn't symmetric. So when we mirrored this, we didn't quite two in a symmetric matter. Actually, it wasn't the mirroring. And the problem was before that when we made that sketch and in that extrusion, we ended up extrusion extruding this part down and not where we should have extruded it. But that's okay. We can go ahead and fix this, and it's gonna allow me to show you how to use that analysis tool. So we're gonna go to inspect section analysis and we'll grab our origin here. And I'm just going to click on this Z explain and we get this cross section. But we also have this little on screen widget here in a slider that we concern to start seeing more of our model. And what I want to go ahead and do is inspect what this distance is from here to the top. So grab our inspection tool and I'm gonna click on that top face. And in that bottom face and I can look here. That's gonna give Really that's gonna show me that. That's two millimeters. This this you can also see a year. So that explains what happened. We went to millimeters in one direction and zero in the other direction s o. What we're going to do is we can now entangle analysis double quick on our scroll way to bring us back out. So basically, what we have to do is bring this up one millimeter and we have to kind of go back in time and do that before we created the mirror. So, um, the good thing with fusion is that you do have the ability to go back in time, so it's on tidal the origin. For now, we're gonna grab our timeline here and move it back before the mirror, and then let's actually go and back and work inside that component so we'll go back into the side component. So let's go ahead and right click on that component and go to move. And I'm just gonna change us from faces the bodies and grab this body. And let's look at our arrow here Gonna move this up one millimeter sometimes type that in click. OK, no, I have to be was slide this timeline back and let's go on and activate everything and go to a front of you and we could see that that took care of it. So now we are evenly spaced. Let's now go ahead and bring in the bearing that we're gonna use. And we're gonna go ahead and grab it from McMaster car again. So we'll go ahead and go toe insert, insert McMaster car components and just like we did before, we'll just go ahead and type it into the search. My head answer. And I'm gonna go with this 1st 1 here mall in roller bearings and again we'll see. We will get a whole bunch of different options. I'm just gonna go ahead and go to that 1st 1 ball bearings. And I like that open design because it allows you to see the little ball bearings inside. So I'm gonna go with that. But still, if we scroll down, we'll see a whole bunch of different options here. But we can always filter this in the left hand side. So I know that I want this to be a metric units, so I'm gonna click metric. And if I go down to shaft Diameter while I know what that is, it's eight millimeters. I'm gonna click on that and just those two selection has narrowed this down toe one choice , and that's our six away bearing. And these diameters should sound familiar to use. We have that inner shaft diameter of eight millimeters outer diameter of 22 in that with of seven millimeters, which is exactly what we have. So who click and product detail scroll mounds who are step file. Make sure he's like the stuff file in and click Save Now that's gonna bring. Get right into our model here. So we're just gonna click OK for now. And everything is one color now, so it's just quickly distinguish components from one another. My clicking shift and the nest just gonna arbitrary assign colors here. We'll go ahead and add appearances later, but this is just a quick away just to see a distinction. So if I go to the front view, they see this Barry year, Um, it's not exactly where I wanted, so I'm gonna have to move in place before doing that. Let's see, Let's go ahead and untitled aside component here because I want this to be flush with this gear. So it's right. Click on that bearing, Go to move. I'm gonna go ahead and choose components on their move, object and selection. I'm going to select my bearing, going to keep it at point to point. And my origin point is gonna choose this edge here on the bearing. And for my target point, I'm gonna choose this edge of the care look like Okay in that moved it right into place. Okay, I'm gonna do the same thing to move a copy of this bearing over here. So I'm going to right? Click, go to move, slash Copy. Change this to components selection. Gonna select my bearing. We're gonna keep it at point to point. My origin is going to be any one of these hedges on the bearing. And then my target is going to be, uh, this edge on my gear and moved the entire thing. So I'm gonna go to create copy and it click. OK, so there's my second bearing now. It's gonna be easier just to make a circular pattern out of this rather than doing it two more times. So I'm gonna go to actually, we're gonna go to create pattern, circular pattern capture position. I'm going to keep it at components. My object is gonna be this bearing here in my axis. ISS could be any one of these circles here. I'm gonna keep it as three and click. OK, there we go. We have our re bearings in place. We'll go ahead and bring back that side component. 17. 17 Geared Spinner 6: and that's gonna be our finger paths to that. That's where we're gonna hold this and spin it around. So let's go ahead and get started by creating a new components. All right, collecting Go to new components. Let's go ahead and name this finger pad. Make sure it's activated and we're gonna create a sketch. Let's see, we will make that sketch. Let's actually make it right on top of this. Our side component here. Okay, so we're gonna hit Seper Circle will create one circle. We're gonna go out with reference this circle right here. So we're gonna stop just short of where we can see these ball bearings our second circle would seek. And we're gonna make vest 18.2 millimeters in and will do a nerd circle, but actually will choose instead of circle will just offset this circle here at one millimeter. Okay. All right. I'm going to right click on this component in go to isolate. So now I can start extruding something he for extrude, and I'm gonna go ahead and extrude these. So it's referencing because I chose that top of that, Uh um the surface of pest side components it will keep referencing these other lines, but I don't really want any of those. I just want these the circles that I made. So I'm gonna go down negative two millimeters, and I'm gonna bring back that circle or that sketch so I could see these circles. And I want to take this and this. So the used to enter profiles, and I'm gonna go go to a front for you. So I want to go one millimeter past this, uh, two millimeter extrusion. So I'm actually going to go down negative three millimeters, and I'm gonna change this from a cut to a joint. Like, Okay, can gonna grab this final profile here. And in this case, I want to go down. Let's see, 3.5 millimeters past this extreme here, which is three millimeters now already. So I'm gonna go down negative 6.5 whips. Ever got to change it to join us? That cut. So just right. Click on that. Elements in our timeline and go and shoes join. Okay. All right. So now that we have all set, let's turn all these other Come on inside. Yeah, let's go ahead and actually activate the top of our going in here at the top of our model. And let's look at a section analysis so we can see have that look. So we'll go and it's just click. Yeah, we already made once double click on it and well, that's actually going to make a new one because that's not where I want that particular analysis. That's not the view that I want. So we'll go to check this and we'll go to insert. I'm sorry. We'll go to its back section analysis click on our origin Man. What? Choose this playing here in this red claim and OK, so we can see that that, um, pad here finger pad goes half way down, so that looks good. Um, we can also title this bag he remembers. So we just want it right through the middle just to take a look and see where that it's so So That's perfect. I'm actually going to go ahead and marry that now, so we'll go to create without a mirror, choose that body, select our miracle who are American will just choose. Make sure we get this right. We're gonna choose the actually bottom part that extrusion. Okay, now we have two of those. So let's look at that section. Analysis against. I'm gonna lake on this light bulb. It's gonna be that second section so we can see here that thing. Me right in the middle there. Okay, that looks good. Let's go back and let's make sure we bring everything into light. Let's get rid of that section analysis. You don't see the origin. So we also going to see the sketch here. What's collapsed This. So here are all our parts, and next we'll go ahead and at materials, so everything, let's now apply some materials to the 18. 18 Geared Spinner7: let's now apply some materials to this model. And even though this isn't a course on rendering, will go ahead into ah, quick little render of this. So to apply materials first, let's go ahead in hitch shift and to remove these colors and will hit a four parents and our little box will pop up here if it's not expanded. Just hit the plus sign and you'll see all these. Foley's here. I'm gonna just collapse everything which will show different types of materials and you can obviously experiment with it, so we'll start first with How about the bearings? Weren't we'll go with a metal bearing, so choose that and and go down And, you know, obviously maybe you'll want to do you can go down to steal. Uhm, I'm going to get a little fancy and go with chrome here, So let's grab chrome now I can go and apply it directly to the name of the component here I can add it to the components, so I'm just gonna apply it here, and although each one of those so I know that there are four of those and you can't tell much of a difference here um, you'll see it more when we render it. Okay, so that's the bearing for the gears. Let's see. Let's see what's in aluminum. Um, maybe we'll try this red. Well, just apply that. And for this top piece, how grab. You see, we have some glassy blue and the sanitize rough. Let's try this rough blue here through that, um, throw it on the bottom as well. We forgot this scare. Notice that everything we use also is up here. So I'm just gonna grab this read through it there as well. And we'll also make that and cap right as well. Or the finger pad here. And we have the option to go in. If I double click on the color, I can change it. So if I want to make, for example, make this read more Bill orange color. I can drag the slider here and go ahead and and pick that color. Okay, Now that we have everything applied, all the different appearances applied, we can just go up to Orender and we'll automatically get some views here that it will start rendering. Now here, um, again, just a quick little take on this. So we've already added our parents, and then we can go to set up and in set up. We have a few options here, and we have a brightness slider here that we can control. We also have this position here. So if I click on this, I can actually control where that light is coming from. And you can get your highlights where where you want them. Um, I have so far background. We can choose environment or solid color. So, uh, if we want, we could just which click on this color and give it a different color. Or we can choose a background by clicking. Um, I'm environment here, and we have an environment library that we can drag in. So, for example, we can choose if you want a photo booth or who RIM highlights sharp highlights. Um, all different choices here, and they'll give you different effects. So you want to go and play with that? Choose that, See? But whose room highlights for now, let's go back to settings and we can choose if you want to flatten the ground or not. And that just gets rid of that shadows so I may not want a shadow here, so I get rid of it. Not perspective. Um, I usually keep that regular 90 millimeters, but if you want sort of a wide angle, you know, you can go down. If you want a 35 millimeters, you can change it, and it will just give it a different perspective. And you can start to see, you know, it begins to this store a little bit and gets a little more dramatic. So if you're looking for that dramatic look, you may want to go with a lower focal length. I'm gonna go back to 90 exposure against, like, a camera. We can bring this upper. Now, I tend to stay at the 9.5 mark, and we have depth of field, which I'm not gonna really mess with, but you can play with that as well. So what I'm going to do is just kind of get this position at an angle. I like, maybe play around with this lighting here, um, to get that lighting where I wanted the highlights where I wanted, and then we can do want the decal or any of these in canvas rendering into second says it'll use your computer power to render it so If you click on that, it will start, um, rendering. And it goes through different iterations. So you'll see serious our backs. You minimize this, you'll see that it'll go through. It'll tight elapsed time in the iteration number. So obviously, the more iterations that nicer, I guess you can see it's starting to look pretty pretty neat there. Or you can choose to do, um, cloud rendering by clicking on this little teapot here and in cloud rendering. You have some options here you can. This is gonna be for the Web, for example. You can choose some default, um, resolutions. Here you got mobile print, which will give you higher quality video. Or you can go to custom and do your own. So, for example, I can go to custom. Maybe I want to use this for, um, let's say my YouTube thumbnail so I can go down, maybe choose 16 by nine. I'll keep as a PNG on. And, uh, you know, you can change the number of pixels if you want, um, for your image size, I'm just gonna go ahead and keep it. The 12 80 by 7 20 And then all I do is click and render and I wait. You'll see it will give me this little clock here on the bottom, telling me it's starting to render. So it'll render in the cloud. And then once it's all set, it'll show here. And then I could just grab it and download it so we'll let that render in. And now, um, come back and show you how to download it. Okay, few minutes have passed, and it finished rendering. So as you can see, it shows the rendering right here on this, uh, lower bar. So I'm just gonna click on the plus sign here. And here is my rendering gallery. I'm gonna click on this last night to expand it. You could see the image here, and I have a few options I can rear ender. I can share it. I can go ahead and just exposure, but let's go ahead and just downloaded by clicking on this little arrow here. And I'm just gonna drop it in my desktop for now and I'll call it Rendered Spinner. Save it as a PNG file. I didn't say that and let's go ahead and open that up. So I'm gonna grab it right here, and you can see here is the rendering so pretty happy with it? I think it looks pretty good. You give the nice highlights here that with the materials, even though you don't see him, um, you don't quite see it when you're modeling and putting in these materials. But once you render it, you definitely see you know, the shining on the chrome dome in the So go ahead and experiment with it. There's a lot more to learn within the rendering environment, but I just wanted to do really sort of quick overview on how to get something rendered. 19. 19 Spinner Outro: congratulations on completing this course. I hope that you found it both enjoyable and valuable. Now it's your turn to go ahead and apply the skills you've learned towards your own designs . Also, for additional resource is make sure to check out my website that's top makes dot com.