Daily Spoken French - Lesson 1 - First steps in a French-speaking country | Felix Brassier | Skillshare

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Daily Spoken French - Lesson 1 - First steps in a French-speaking country

teacher avatar Felix Brassier, Digital Artist / Languages Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Lesson 1 - Part I - to greet


    • 2.

      Lesson 1 - Part II - to introduce


    • 3.

      Lesson 1 - Part III - to ask for news


    • 4.

      Lesson 1 - Part IV - to approach someone


    • 5.

      Lesson 1 - Part V - to give help


    • 6.

      Lesson 1 - Part VI - to promise


    • 7.

      Lesson 1 - Part VII - to thank


    • 8.

      Lesson 1 - Part VIII - in town


    • 9.

      Lesson 1 - Part IX - in case of emergency


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About This Class

In this first lesson, we'll introduce the first necessary things to say when you arrive in a French-speaking country.

This lesson is dividedĀ into different topics:

  • to greet people
  • to introduce oneself
  • to ask about news
  • to approach someone
  • to give/ask for help
  • to promise
  • to thank
  • in town
  • in case of emergency

Meet Your Teacher

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Felix Brassier

Digital Artist / Languages Teacher


I'm a French Filmmaker (having BA in Fine Arts / Professional BA in Multimedia/Audiovisual Production / 1st grade in Cinema studies passed in French universities) working in several countries across Europe producing documentary films and videos for the music industry and schools (which has enabled me to learn English, Arabic, Italian and Spanish on the field). For years now I'm focusing my life on the "migrants", "refugees"' situation and humanitarian working life. I've grown my experiences and skills to be able to help in any kind of situation and I naturally came to work a lot on school projects, teaching English, French and Italian and it's something I found really meaningful. It helped me to get more confident in my teaching approach and to be able to run classes for any kind o... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Lesson 1 - Part I - to greet: lesson number one Plummet Bell dawns on P funk often First step in a French speaking country. The first part is to great suddenly sell you and then like there's different way to greet people in French. So while arriving, you can say hello. Oh, hi. If it's during the day until seven. 28 p. M. And after you can say bonsoir Boardroom Oh, most west Oh, you can say sell you Oh, Google And you can greet people also Why leaving after you talk with them and everything? So while leaving you can say goodbye by Have a good day Have a good afternoon. Have a good and off day Oh, have a good we can whatever. So you can say Oh, well, sell you also like you say So you chou like the Italian one Chou By also this is easy Bun Joel name burn apply Mindy but found usual name. But we can, uh, like literally you see that there is, like many ways off greeting people where you live. Um so you can also like It depends on what's going after what are going to do the people. So if the person is going to sleep, for example. You're not saying like Benadryl, neighbor. Not claiming D, but founders will never exit. Uh, you will say like good night or sleep well or have a good dream. So bun me w oh, favorable. Have see the bullet. And so, like, if you see the person later, during the same they then you will say See you shortly. Oh, see you in a while. I'll see you later. Oh, see you these afternoon. Evening. Whatever. So you say that tweet at to treat um at to tell her at two tellers? Oh, uproot a predator. I said that Clementi. Oh, I see. Swell. Okay, then if you don't know when you will meet this person again So you basically don't have like, really a proper time. You don't know when you will see them. So you just say, see you soon or to one of these days. Oh, see you next time. Ah, we keep in touch or see you so you can see Santo Gento. Oh, on decisional on decision which is a stem than undersea cat I want to say get You can see also Allah push in Allah portion Oh, I was a senior. Oh, so fe senior are simply a puce, a prus. And if you know when you will meet the people again if you know, like for example, you see them like tomorrow or you see them like within the next couple of day. Whatever. Then you will have to say, See you tomorrow. See you on Monday. On Tuesday. Ah, to you next week. Month Exeter. So you say I do now. Oh, a Landy Mahdi Exit Europe. Oh, Allah. Soon men portion omoi push on Alunan portion was a proportion exit around. 2. Lesson 1 - Part II - to introduce: So the first things you will do, Like why? Meeting people after in greeting people, you really probably ask them to introduce themselves. So do know they I can count in the soup present to ask someone to introduce himself. So you can ask what's your name? You are Mr or Mrs on this kind of stuff. So you will see that in French. We do have, like, different ways. So you can ask believe it or not tell a little No. Which is the formal form you can ask Tell a tone. No. So, using the truth the Saigon singular form off you. You can also ask coma Cheetah Bell, Comanche Appel or to topple common, which is literally the same Sequa till noon. Which is a bit less formal, even a bit familiar. Sequa! Tom, No. You can ask Visit, Monsieur. Madame Woman was in. Okay, let's recap getting between one. Was it? Monsieur? Madame Mademoiselle. Typical. No. Tell it on criminal. Come on, The bell sequitur! No! Okay, so answering this question will be like, Yeah, the introduction. So you say to introduce yourself. I'm Mr Brush. See, for example, Or my name Miss Fredericks or me? It's Felix and you. So you would say I just really miss your boss. You is reasonable, Felix. Oh, once a few weeks, 12 in these situations, you can also introduce someone else. So it's like, uh, you were a friend and like, you introduce your friend whatever someone is. So it would be like, Do you know Maxim? Um, let me introduce my partner. Wife has been to you, or here is Alex a friend of mine or him. It's Hamda, This kind of stuff. So it will be You could say Maxim. Oh, you present my companion companion when they pulls Marry Usual. Who plays Don't Malcolm Pan companion Monday pools Emomali. But you can see, was he Alex? You know me? Oh, in the means And me One friend of mine. What you can see, we say Hamza and the ends Where will be as you probably already know it. Pleased to meet you. Hello. Nice to meet you and so on. Like it's going to be Ashanti the wrong country. Oh, on Trump did fail, but reconnaissance. Oh, usual. Most Wells off as I ve broken yet. Ah, Harvey Devo, Canete. Okay, so let's recap. You're gonna say Maxima. Do you know Maxim? Oh, she clings onto my companion one companion when they proves Molly, that may introduce my Butner wife has been to you. Oh, well, see Alex mean? I mean, he is Alex a friend of mine, Or we say Hamza him. It's Hamza. And the answerer will be or something. Mujuru. Most well, as I need to reconnect, I ve development. Oh, all she wanted. The Vulcan say the fair, but we couldn't sense. 3. Lesson 1 - Part III - to ask for news: The next thing you will do while meeting people will be two tasks for news then on day the nouvelle And so as in English you will say like How are you going? Who are you? Everything's OK. What's it? So you can You can see me in French. Cuomo live. Come on, tell you. Are you going? Oh, was that you know? Are you okay to vote? No. Everything's OK to Libya. Oh, the one like that Most famous one is Sevele Cuomo Seva which means literally the 3rd 1 thing it's how are you? It's about Cuomo Seva. Well, you can say said quite enough. Which men's high? What's a sell you quite enough. And the answer to this question will be either positive o negative. So the positive answers will be Yeah, very well, Thank you. And yourself. Oh, it's going well. Oh, not too bad. And you? So it's going to be clivia Maxie Rule Tribuna, Messi! Everyone Oh, suburbs suburbia. Uh, family 12 family 12 and negative and swirl will be It's not going well. So So all something that is less formal and more familiar like Monday because as English people, French people don't like to get back to work. So when you say like a Monday, it means like like first day off work. So it's not really going well. And so in French it's going to be Come on. Oh, known send upper. What can I just say? Both. And even if these ends where is less common than the positive one in the case, it's happen. You can ask to the people. Oh, really? Right. Song. Oh, what's happening? What's going on with you? So you ask asking Baba guess. Kino. Vespa. Oh, yes. Kenya. Get skin. Sebas. Yes? Kenya. Get skin soup. Us. Um Mesquita. Eva Case. Keep that. You ever. Okay, so let's recap. Boudreau. Montolivo! Hi. How are you going? Was that even now? How are you two of IBM? Heavy things. Okay, Savo Camo Seva. Who are you? Said Quite enough. Hi. What's a Sydenham FC view? They will thank you. And yourself. Suburbia. It's green Will. But Miley 12 Not too bad. And you? Oh, come on, Lindsay. Like a Monday? No Send up. No, it's not going well. Both so So. Diskin. Verba, What's home? Scalia gets Kinser bus. What's happening? Yes. Keep tell you what's going on with you. 4. Lesson 1 - Part IV - to approach someone: Okay. Then in some situation, you will need to approach someone. Someone you either know. Oh, either don't know. You will have to approach them. So about the camp to approach someone. And it can be either in the street, in an office or in a party. Let's say so in the street, you can ask. Excuse me, Mr Mrs, and this is in French. Excuse me while see you play Battled on Monsieur Madame Mademoiselle. So excuse him. Why, monsieur Civil play, madam. Oh, well, Norman was ill. So this is to approach someone in the street in an office. It's a bit different. So you can ask Excuse him. Wander with their laundry. Excuse me to disturb you excusing what do they launch? It is your can I enter? Like, let's say that you knock at the door and you just like asked these, like, really selfie jubilantly excusing. Wash your pillow. Excuse me, Can I enter or you can ask. Also repel meaty. Do you allow permitted and we can answer to you like in the streets are in the office. Can I help you? Is your purpose today, jumper? Who's a day? Uh what the matter said that. Get sushi. Say that again, Susan. Oh, you want your wish with these? Yeah. Oh, also, What can I do for you, capiche? Okay, so let's we kept this situation excusing while CD player. Madame. Monsieur, can I help you? See that? Get sushi. What's the matter? Disease? You want coffee? Shop? Over. What can I do for you? Oh, enough is excusing Mother. Forget Auntie, is your bill on tape? Excuse me? Into disturb you. Can I enter Repel minty Do you alone? Me? Okay, so in a multi, it's going to be and a little different also. Like for example, your approach. Someone in a party So you can say we don't know it shoulder high. My name is but that you better so you can see on second EPA wants Well, Jim Abele Felix We don't know it chilled there on. So Canepa, both 12. High trauma. Been Felix. My name is Felix. Oh, you can also say Haven't we met somewhere before on six? Haven't we met somewhere before? On ST Paddy's? Every kid could pass Are you can see. Ah, such a surprise. He has been a while. A get your please Cephalon e against your please Cephalon toe. Or you can say, Oh, what are you doing here? Up. You know, guess contribute. Uh, so all of them can be used like, uh, with different tones, depending on your emotion and what you want to share to with the people. So on second ever more swell. Remember Felix? We don't know it. Sure, they're high. My name's fix. I don't see this every day. Haven't we met somewhere before? Hey, get your please. And so if you don't own hey is such a surprise. It's been aware. Uh huh. Guess could you fit up? Ho, What are you doing here? 5. Lesson 1 - Part V - to give help: Okay, So the next But is a big long, which is home. Those Salvi's to give help. Ah, homeless Salvi's and you can give help about informations. First, you can ask for a piece of information. Could you give me an information esque over poor year? Continue a school boy, you monsignor, could you give me an information or I would need a piece of information. Joy is one Julie booze, one down home. Senior. I would need a piece of information. Or you can say also, I would like a piece of information. You would they not feel, monsieur? Oh, you can say I wanted to know if the entrance was free. For example, jury rules. Savoie, long to say a big treat. I wanted to know if the entrance was free. Joy rules have. Well, you don't say a treat. Oh, do you know if the trend stopped by Leon seven. Do you know the trend? Stop value 70 inside. Oh, can you tell me at what time In the last subway proving room, Andy. A killer and their name at home. Could you tell me? Proving room idea. At what time? In the last subway killer holiday on your mate hope or you can see, you know, eat the carrots fixed to see a set of what? You're Bali. You see, C love what you have, everybody. Oh, simply you know the address you couldn't address. Okay. Lets we kept these ones a school report. You Monsignor Scougall. Poor you. Monsignor, could you give me an information? Joe Veba's window Hall said you know, I will need a piece of information. You did not feel mess you I would like I would like a piece of information George gave loose have welts. You don't take a treat. I wanted to know if the entrance was free. Seven. Do you know it is a trend store? Billions pull away from a deal killer Daniel, can you tell me at what time in the last subway do you see She love what you are about it. You know the caress fixed. You could never otherwise you know the address. Asking for something, asking for help. You can literally ask for help. Like the known they do. Let provide rumor. Homeland Service. Could you give me a service? Poor you, Mohonk On service. Poignant rumor Hong ourselves or you can ask. Could you help me pulling? You made it for you. Who made it? Oh, you can also say it will help me if But that's about that. Some home race, Elvis. See? So it will help me If Samuel only Salvi's and see you can say I need all I will need them. The full number g usually a booze. Want the new me Hold the telephone. But you can see I need your help. She was wonderful, Ned. Oh, let's formal. You can say you give me your hand. I feel Jim. It done on Quintana Jim Messina. So, as you can see, like the verb to give them the falls, French is donate the verb donate to my done on Quintana. But the informal the street language are the jargon is develop. So china feel Codina also means you give me your hand. So, Jim, a feel included you give me your hand and in a dangerous situation you will say help head like this. And so it's going to be It's a cool all so cool It's a cool Oh, I lead like this book. I'm not really fancy shouting here. Yeah, most of the time. It's like it was a cool head like this, kind off. So this is for the dangerous situation and to accept to help. You can see yes, off course. We just see of them with pleasure. Havoc, please. Here, see Slap of war on the Salvi's Sisa lap of Long was service. If it can give you a surveys seizure. Perfect, Kilcher shows if I can do something. Seizure affairs shows. If I can do something, you can see I made it with pleasure. Usually fade the bone care with a good heart, literally that it send this to death with pleasure. I met it with pleasure. Usually feed the bone care, usually feel the boom care. Or you can say, if it can help you put on the Salvi's see separate all over Salvi's. Or you can say if it arranged you, she set the home, she said. The home. Or you can like and swear to someone that is asking you for help. You can also refuse to help, which is not really nice. But hey, you do what you want. So you say sorry, but I can't days early. Measure pepper de easily measure no Papa I regret You look great. I can't help you, Juniper. Patty, It's not the moment. So in a parlor, Momo, you'd Baylor asking from swell Damon Pew to a Francois. So let's who kept this parts? Well, you know, online. Salvi's Could you give me a service for years? We made it. Could you help me? So that along with a service, see, it will help me if Joel a. Jaber is Wanda numero the telephone I would need Oh, I need a full number. Jeepers Wonder Toe Med. I need your help, Jim. I feel I could not You give me a hand. Oh, Madonna! Kodama also you give me a hand? I don't see you off course, I think. Please hear. With pleasure. She stood up of along with Salvi's. If it can give you a service seizure Perfect. Chosen. If I can do something, I made it with pleasure. See? Suit up it the only service if it can help you. She said that if it's arranged to you these early in Asian pepper. Sorry, but I can't. You'll ignite. I regret shin property. I can't help you. Sin Able Momo. It's not the moment. Do not agree to a Francois. You would better asking Francois. Okay? And so you can also propose one's head. So if you see someone struggling or someone lost or whatever, If you're really good person like me, you can go to see him and asking. Can I help you? You should. Perversity. Uh, do you want me to help you? We re acres. Who said Ruley said, Oh, I'm going to help you, Raviv. Depend. Did Bernie? It's less formal. They would, uh you want help? Two for the lead. Oh, I give you a hand. Is it too? Then I couldn't know. And the people can say like can And swear to me you will really help me. Similar. Unbelievable. Graham on Salvi's. Thank you. It's very kind Meth. See seclusion? T I'm okay with this. Sure. Oh, you take health Spied from my feet. This is a night. Um infringe. You know what? Your in a PDP rumor Lettieri Nepean a GP. Thank you. It's very caring from you. Messi's it says, um Abla. Devout path. It's nice. Thank you. So something. Mexi. Oh, if I ask someone help, he can also refuse, which is not very nice, but like sometimes they just don't. And so they would say It's not worth ZF wrote. Thank you, Sydney. But up in Mexi Sunni Palop in messy Thank you. It's very kind, but it will be okay. Maxine Situation Anti missile volley Mexi succession lt may severely It's very going to you , but ah, we'll find a solution. Six A jaunty who measured who've in solution Sit Say John T f measure to game solution. It's nice to you, but I will arrange myself. See somebody do that May and should be metrology. Thank you, but I will handle it alone. Nazi manager them a w to sell. I will deal with it. Thank you, Juve. IMA demo 70 message So this one is less formal? A bit more familiar. Okay, So you are in the street and you see someone's and you ask You has this person if he needs help. So can I help you for the Lakers? Who was that? Do you want me to help you? I'm going to help you to throw the lead. You want help? She said that I could not. I give you him some of the blame on Salvi's. It will really help me! Mexi! Seclusion! Lt. Thank you. It's very kind. Um, yeah, I'm hooked here with this of molecular urinating. Droopy. You take out to spike from my feet. Messi is a crazy maverick. Thank you. It's very caring from you Sometimes I see It's nice. Thank you. Snippet up in messy. It's not worth the effort. Thank you, Messi. Seclusion T men severly. Thank you. It's very kind, but it will be okay. Six. Vigilante Evreux Measured who? Rain solution. It's very going to you, but I will find a solution. Said somebody measures It's nice to you, but I will arrange myself. Mexi drive NW. Who said Thank you but I will handle it alone. You're in denial Day. Messy. I will deal with it. Thank you. 6. Lesson 1 - Part VI - to promise: can. Another interaction you can have with people is to promote Mayes. Something poor meant pull meant to promote eyes. And you can say Prum ized. Support me. Prum ized. Say pull me. Don't worry, I will do it. Never. Thank you. Deeper. Julia Fairy. No, thank you, Julia. Silly. I prom Ise you that it will be done. Poor make poor make. You can count on me. Prove a contest, Rupert. Contest more. Be without fear. I will do it. It's where your son can't is reveal affair. Sweat years. Some can't javale affair. I Prum eyes you to do all of what I can. You're a poor man. Fast to Mombasa, Djourou Homemade the fact to perceive without mistake Some foot. Oh, don't worry. Thank you. So let's recap the prom izing. I said pull me Prum ized Never was anti a tape. Don't worry, I will do it. Poor may consist Salafi, I Prum eyes you that it will be done. A group of a contest more. You can count on me. So yes, Some cunt, Savile affair Be without fear. I will do it. Poor man to man. I Prum eyes you to do all off what I can. Some foot without mistake. Thank you. It don't worry 7. Lesson 1 - Part VII - to thank: another simple in direction is to think people Oh well, next year. Well, im next year. So you can say thank you. Thanks for everything. Messi, Messi book to thank you very much for the book Maxie beaucoup Believe it's really or very kind to you. Save Daymo Jeanty, Evreux said. I thank you for coming. See that venue? I thank you for your help. Pull ahead. You give me a huge service, Jim. A whole new sexy Salvi's so literally You gave me a holy service, but it's understood as huge to my whole new on success, Elise and again and swear to a think. So they wound up a whole mess. Will be. It's nothing. So you never know. Oh, you're welcome. 1,000,000,000. Oh, I beg you. It's natural, like literally were not begging people. But we say usually simply said to natural, which means life literally, I beg you, but it's like Come on, like that's the way it is should simply say to natural. So it means literally You're welcome. It's nothing. It's all natural. Whatever. Or you can say it's the least thing I can do. Salem one. Would they show schedule? Piece fair. What you can say no problem, but a problem. Oh, another one literally means there is no why is yet but quelle And it's also used to enter her toe a thing. Yeah, Paddock. Well, there is no why. Okay, So let's recap to think people and to answer her toe a thing Messi Messi Book to thank you . Thank you for everything. Mexico, Polio. Thank you very much for the book. So they moan cision t ever! It's really very kind to you. Well what Maxie? That lovinyou! I thank you for coming. I thank you for your help. 260 service. You gave me a huge service, Mr Nearing on. But it's nothing, Delia, you're welcome. She was on please into Natural. I beg you. It's old, Natural. I said, I'm one with the show's country. Peace fails. It's the least thing I can do. Yep, that's where there's no way but problem. You're welcome. No problem 8. Lesson 1 - Part VIII - in town: OK, No. Let's talk about the context off being in town on the villa in town. So you do many things like in town. Whatever. But let's talk about a few things. Everyone will do, uh, in town, like you also and you will need some vocabulary. So unfortunately, one of the thing nowadays that everyone those in town is to change money because money is life. Yes. OK, so Sean gee Delage to change money the last hello. I would like to change $100 into euros. Please. You sound boo with daesh on Sunday with us or No, What is the change rate? Kelly Toe the show. Kelly Lou to the Sean. What is the change rate? Do you take a commission? Roponen Commission Indians were will be off course. Yes, that's really cool. So model Jubilation Song Hello. I like to change $100 into euros, please. Canada to the show. What's a change rate put me in? Coach, do we take a commission? Then? Another thing that you will do in town is to go to the post office. Ali al a Post Ali Al A Post And in the post office, you can see, I'd like to send a later. Which is it really why you go to the post office? So with a wedding, Let let's But you can ask. I'd like a stem issues with Tom. Oh, you can Haskell. So I come to take a later Just now were teary let so Juve down where you let I would like to send a letter She with anthem I would like a stamp your Viagra tearing Let I come to circulator and in town. Of course, you won't stay all the time at the same place. And one of the headache in town is to move in town. I see, if clearly obvious. And it's also if anything like a good exists ice, you will either like a moving town by foot by bicycle. But it will be if you are in Paris, for example. More likely, you will move by best or by subway. So let's let's see these. Both example. A ticket, please. Antique A civil play to go to Bester. I take which line poorly. A pastor to go to Bester. I take which line poorly. A pastor. Can you tell me where the closest best up? Oh, subway station. Prove a room and you rinse it off. Dead abuse. Last issue in the middle Lappi push, palaver. Medea wasn't who've lied. Abuse Luppi Posh prove every Medea was homeless. That's young. The metal Lappi push you're going to best. Her right was the best ever. We are the sandhogs station here. Newsome like That's not PC and we can answer to you. You take the line 10 than the third and at last, the fifth. Rupert through this. No, for the station, it's the next stop. No, Paul again said proportionally. So let's recap. Anti casing plane A ticket, please. Poorly. A pastor's open Kaleena to go to pastor. I take which line prevent Mundy was a whole lot of AWS. Sleepy, posh, last us younger metal push. Can you tell me where the closest best up or subway station? Brazilian now? Investor, you're going to pester, right? I knew someone. I get some work. You see, we're at the sour gas station here. Ends were Putin Ellen in your bank. You take the line 10 than the three. And at last the five. No. Paula gaffes. Proportion of a no for the station. It's the next stuff 9. Lesson 1 - Part IX - in case of emergency: and unfortunately, as in every country in the French speaking countries also have emergency situation. And you will need some vocabulary for this. Okay, Julie Jones in case off emergency. So in case off accident on camera and accident, you can say hi, Police. I call you to Sinaloa. An accident. Hello. Police should resemble personally on accident. You can also say hi. There has been a character, Sedin, and there's someone injured. Could you come as quick as possible? Hello. You're on accident. Of what? You? Yeah, I'm blessed. Even your possible. The Nan fair on the streets. And I think he broke his leg. I know. Me too. May don't after you is your quite in successive in jungle? My neighbor is really sick. Can you come to see him? Move west night. Say Mlada Vigna Lavoie And we can answer to you. Kenny, level is exact. What? The exact address The question 40 Acceptable. What is he suffering from exactly? We know Malone's beyond the past year and I dont demean Ute. An ambulance just left. She will arrive in 10 minutes. Okay, lets recount at a police telephone accident. Hi, Police. I call you to sign No. An accident. I know you're in an accident. Of what? You over a Chambliss e born in Vinje. Privett. Hi. There has been a car accident and there someone injured. Could you come? Has quick as possible. I know. Me too. Middle is your question suggests in John. A man fell in the street and I think he broke his leg. Move was night se my lab. Vigna Lavoie. My neighbor is really sick. Can you come to see him till address? Exact What? The exact address. Look what Soufan executable. What he's he's suffering from exactly The number belongs in the past year and I dont demean it And ambulance just left. She will arrive in 10 minutes and in case off robbery on the whole, you can say hello. I would like to claim the robbery of my papers. Hello Have been stolen My passport. I come to make a complaint. Mujao my volume by spurs. Dr Nampo Party plant And we can't answer to you. Do you have another 80? Was a note Hope? Yes. And did not city follow me. I will save your complaint. William s view Geology straight but plant. You've been stolen or you lost it, Mullah Volley! Who will have it build you? Have you seen the person who stole it from you? It was a real person. Keep level. Describe your hi Grayson to us. They even knew what? Like myself it happened when? Where Sassy, brassy. How did it happen? Exactly? Criminal says embassy executable. So let's recap for the robbery. I want a divorce with a declarative older May perhaps Here. Hello. I would like to claim the robbery of my papers. My volume in Jasper. One plant. Hello? I've been stolen My passport. I come to make a complaint. You know there's no Do you have another idea? The MSU. You're the largest raven plant. Follow me. I will save your complaint in view. Lovely. Who have a failure? You have been stolen or you're lost it. Have you seen the person who stole it from you? They even knew what? Like I says, this crowd You're angry. So to us some Pacifico It happened when and where? Comus s embassy Exact Imo. How did it happen? Exactly?