Creative Journaling: Getting Started | Sharmane Coquilla | Skillshare

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Creative Journaling: Getting Started

teacher avatar Sharmane Coquilla, Creative Documentation Artist

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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      Thoughts + Project


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About This Class

Creative Journaling: Getting Started

Fall in love, if you haven't yet, with paper goods and vintage ephemera that are designed to make your journal experience more beautiful and meaningful.

This class is designed to guide you through starting your own creative journal to document life and life's little pleasures. Regardless if you're a journal rookie looking to use creative journals as form of expression or a creative crafty veteran keen to expand you're knowledge - the class is tailored towards all backgrounds and skill levels.

In the class you'll run through five topics that jump start you creative journal journey

  • Intent
  • Direction
  • Implements
  • Technique
  • Thoughts + Project

Also, a worksheet is available for download to guide you through the class. Simply download the worksheet here to get started!

Take a break from editing those photos online, and capture those moments in the physical pages of your journal to add a dash of your personality in the mix!

Note from the creator:

Hey there, beautiful soul!

Join me celebrate the love for analogue and together let us find beauty in the basics. I’ve been keeping journals as far back as I can remember but it was only in 2015 when I consciously labeled the act of creatively documenting my life as ‘Creative Journaling’. Over the years my journal system grew  & evolved -- all these, I am keen to share with you in this Creative Journaling Class!

As an architect by profession, I get to design buildings and homes - but of course architecture is both an art and science where it is essential to follow certain standards in the design process.  I love my job as an architect and like any other job, it can get a bit stressful at times and creative documentation is an outlet for my creative energy unbounded by rules. This is the intent behind my art, what's yours?

You can keep tabs on my creative documentation adventures by subscribing  to my youtube channel and you can also follow my instagram account for widgets of inspiration!

I hope you enjoy the class as much as I enjoyed preparing it!

Love & Light,

Sharmane C.

Meet Your Teacher

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Sharmane Coquilla

Creative Documentation Artist


 Hi there! I’m Sharmane and I am passionate about creatively documenting life in between slivers of paper in a fun, easy & creative way!

Creative documentation is a full-time hobby and passion of mine. I’ve been sharing my creations to the the world as a content creator in Youtube and Instagram since 2013 and just recently as story creator for the Amino App as well.

All my skillshare classes are geared toward introducing and living the love for analogue in a more meaningful way for the creatives of the 21st century.  

My interests and contents includes various ways and types of journal-keeping approaches,letter writin... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: welcome to the base class, uncreative, journaling and how to get started. I'm sure Main and I've been keeping creative journals as far back as I can remember. Over the years, my journal system grew and evolved until I developed my own personal style and eventually started sharing my process Progress and outputs online. And now I'm keen to shared with you in this creative journaling class. So let's get started. This class will look into five things. First is the intent. Let's identify the what's and the wise. Secondly, direction. Where do we go? Third implements. We will discuss that the necessary tools to get you started a number four technique. I'll introduce different ways to approach the design process of creative journaling and finally, thoughts plus a project. So this would be just some final words of advice As you embark on the journey of creative journaling, plus a project designed to guide you towards creating your very first journal entry. This outline is created to help you get started. Do note that a classwork sheep is provided to guide you through the rest of the class 2. Intent: intent. It is important to firstly understand the intent behind starting a creative journal in order to do so. Let's first define creative journaling so separately. Creative means free form and journaling. ISS, defined as a record of ideas, experiences reflections so creative Journaling uses both images and illustrations together with words and annotations. Lucy A. Kappa CUNY points out that the activity of creative journaling activates both sides of the brain. The verbal linear, logical left brain and the visual, emotional, spiritual and non verbal right brain. So before moving on any further, it's important to define your intent. Let's answer a couple of questions. What is the purpose off your general? Is it general memory keeping Travel notes commonplace And secondly, why do you want to start a journal for mindfulness expression of gratitude, exploration of creativity, For example? In my case, my purpose ban keeping a journal is Devon outlet for great of energy for memory keeping. As for why I started, the motivation for me was to help myself become more mindful of the things in life, and Babel's appreciate the details that matter. Now you can go refer to your worksheet and answer these questions to identify your intent behind getting started 3. Direction: direction. Now that you've identified your intent, it's time to decide what direction you'll take. You need to decide them two things. The type of journal and the format. There are various types of journals to choose from. To be honest, any notebook, sketchbook or paper product can be turned into a journal. Here are the three types you can choose from. Firstly, you have a hardbound. These ones are typically used for blood. Journals are journals, sketchbooks and even planners coming. Hardbound, looseleaf earning. Bound examples of these are junk journalists and planner journals. Soft bounds air Also an option. I personally prefer the soft bound because it's lightweight. Once you've decided on the type, you can now look into the format. First, you can work my theme. Secondly, you can also get pre formatted ones. So usually these notebooks have journal prompts or instructions and pre layouts that are printed on the sheets. Number three, a commonplace format where anything goes. Don't be overwhelmed by all these choices, as you can, of course, have multiple journals at a time or even try out the various combinations of types and formats. Everyone has a unique preference, and that's okay I myself initially tried a variety of types and formats until I found, with suited my creative style. It doesn't even have to be expensive. You can even reuse notebooks, up cycle old books or even buying together into sheets. Now, once you decided on the type and format, jot it down on the rig sheet. 4. Tools: implements. Now it's time to discuss the tools that you need. We begin with writing tools, so the very basic you will need a pen or a pencil, whichever you prefer. Eventually, you can upgrade the school specific writing tools such as markers, highlighters, fountain pans, brush bands, watercolor color pencils. The list goes on and on. Then you have a choice of writing surface. There are a variety of paper types you can choose from, but at the end of the day, personal preference will trump recommendations. So I'll just discuss a few points to consider when selecting paper first is the size. Are you Chiana pocket size or do you wonderfully for spread? Second is thickness. The gram per square meter specification is very important, especially if you're planning to use heavy mediums such as painting. Then you have color where you have obvious color choices. So you have the pinks, greens and yellows in the leg. But also there's a good difference between right white ivory and cream. Next, you have the green. The smooth doesn't justice of the paper is a factor that can affect how your writing tools will manifest on the sheet. And lastly, print so you can go for plain rule dotted grid pre formatted. The choice in print is heavily influenced by the purpose off your journal. Next, we have the contents. What can you put in your creative journal so you can put stories of life, your thoughts, travel notes, ideas, anything and everything You can also ducked down Art Burke. It could include swatches, Google's practices, lodges, sketches. You can also put in stationary like memo notes, washing tape stamps, stickers, a letter sets, anything paper and ephemera. So this includes recedes docket stamps, tickets, books, labels. Usually evenings are the souvenirs or trinkets that you pick up during travel or special events. Now, if you refer back to your worksheet making invent tree of the supplies that you already have on hand and also make a list of the supplies that you will need to gather 5. Technique: technique. There are no rules in creating a journal entry. That's the fun part. But here are some techniques which I observed in order to come up with visually pleasing output. One coordinate scheme and theme. Pick a seaman scheme consciously pick out stickers, ephemera and colors that complement your chosen scheme. So here is a journal and she of mine, which has the theme nature, and you can observe it in the details. The butter sliced them, the Dragonflies thicker. Watercolor leaves washes with belief details, and the color scheme is graded to have earth colors is also evident in the spread. The other journal entry on this light has a tea party theme. As you can see, you can play around and explore different themes and schemes. Layout is key, so choose a focal point and strive for visual balance. You can do symmetrical or asymmetrical experiment, which layout best fits the main feature of your spread. Usually the largest items, such as photos or cut out on the spread service, the focal point. Observe how the focal points shift in the different journal entries on this line, they mentioned, creates a more dynamic fields. One inch E and you can achieve this by doing overlays, using chances and papers or prints, adding interactive features. Done entry also adds dimension. You can include pockets where you can suck in paper pieces or photos, and you can even add in some flip cards. Using overlapping elements is another technique you can try An example of this would be running a washy over and other ephemera. This is a great technique which I believe makes layout more engaging. These are three techniques you can use. Job create your journal entry now going back to the worksheet, Pick at least one technique which you are keen to try. 6. Thoughts + Project: so, to sum up, identify your intent. Define your direction. No. Your tools and explored techniques. These are the key essentials to help you get started on creative journaling. You don't need to spend a fortune to get started, as you always have the option to recycle and up cycle the things you already have on hand. But if you must make a purchase, here are helpful tips to keep your spending within a reasonable amount. First, decide that a style or approach you'd like to develop. Second, her ADA purchasing criteria that fits the style of choice. This will it save the color and types of items He will keep our by and third before every purchase? Ask yourself. Thus it fit my style Bulls. Also, it is good to keep in mind what goodbyes are. Goodbyes should be reusable, versatile and off quality. Now that we're done with the basics, it's time to dive into starting your first entry. Using the basic guidelines that has been discussed in class, click on the project, stab and download the project module so you can create your first creative journal entry. At the end of the project, you will complete a beautifully laid out journal entry peppered with your memories from travel or events in your daily life. Just follow the step by step instructions to breeze you through the process and don't hesitate to refer back to your completed worksheets. Be inspired and inspire others. Share your finished output and any progress photos by uploading your journal and treat here on Swisher. If you share your photo on instagram, don't forget technique that's at chassis S, H A C E and also include Tash tag skilled share chassis. So they're slower shortage for inspiration in this world. Let's inspire each other.