Creating A Streamlined Social Media Content Creation Strategy: Save Time & Increase Engagement | Ethan Bridge | Skillshare

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Creating A Streamlined Social Media Content Creation Strategy: Save Time & Increase Engagement

teacher avatar Ethan Bridge, Social Media Marketing Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Introduction


    • 2.

      Module 1: Generating Content Ideas


    • 3.

      Module 2: Planning/Scripting Your Content


    • 4.

      Module 3: Creating Templates


    • 5.

      Module 4: Writing Engaging Post Captions


    • 6.

      Module 5: Repurposing Your Social Media Content


    • 7.

      Module 6: Should You Use Post Schedulers?


    • 8.

      Module 7: Analysing Content Performance


    • 9.

      Conclusion and Class Project


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About This Class

In this class, I am going to be sharing everything you need to know about creating a high-quality, yet streamlined & efficient social media content creation strategy for all of your social media channels.

Whether you're a complete beginner or somebody that may have been using social media casually for a while now, this class is going to be a step-by-step guide to building out an efficient content creation process that will enable you to minimise the amount of time you spend creating social media content, whilst maintaining a standard of quality, giving you more free time to do the tasks that truly matter.

When it comes to social media content creation far too many people are spending too much time actually creating their content. So much so that they are forgetting about the things that truly matter (building their business). When you're creating content and not growing a business in the process, all you really have is a time-consuming hobby.

That's why in this Skillshare class I want to share a streamlined process for social media content creation that will enable you to minimise the amount of time you spend creating social media content, whilst maintaining a standard of quality, giving you more free time to do the tasks that truly matter.

In this class you will learn the following:

  1. How to generate endless social media content ideas
  2. Planning/scripting your social media content
  3. Creating effective templates
  4. Repurposing your content for maximum distribution
  5. Writing effective post captions
  6. Post scheduling
  7. Analysing your content to establish what works

This class is perfect for…

Creatives, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, personal brands, team leaders, or simply experts in their field. By the end of this class, you’re going to have all the knowledge you need to create a streamlined, yet effective social media content creation process.

About Ethan:

Ethan Bridge is a social media marketing expert from London, England.

He discovered his passion for social media marketing when he launched a podcast where he interviewed entrepreneurs, discussed their journeys, and extracted key tips for business success. Guests included 7 and 8-figure business owners, investors, NBA & NFL stars and so many more inspiring individuals.

This podcast was the foundation of his social media marketing career. It ignited that flame and provided him with a plethora of business knowledge. Ethan now hosts the popular podcast Social Media Marketing School - your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about social media marketing.

Ethan is also in the process of building his personal brand on Instagram where he has been able to amass 40,000 organic followers in the short space of 9 months (who said Instagram was too saturated to grow?!).

Follow Ethan on Instagram.

Meet Your Teacher

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Ethan Bridge

Social Media Marketing Coach


Who's Ethan?

Ethan Bridge is a social media marketing expert from London, England. 

Where it all started:

He discovered his passion for social media marketing when he launched a podcast where he interviewed entrepreneurs, discussed their journeys, and extracted key tips for business success. Guests included 7 and 8 figure business owners, investors, NBA & NFL stars and so many more inspiring individuals.

What Ethan's doing now:

This podcast was the foundation of his social media marketing career. It ignited that flame and provided him with a plethora of business knowledge. Ethan now hosts the popular podcast Social Media Marketing School - your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about social media m... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Class Introduction: When it comes to building a brand or marketing or business on social media, it's pretty safe to say that the content you actually create a cross these social media platforms is going to be one of the key drivers as to your success on whatever social media platform you may be posting on. But something that I've actually experienced over time, over the course of creating content on a ton of different social media platforms is that the content creation process itself is often something that content creators spend far too much time on. And they don't have a streamlined, efficient, yet effective content strategy. When you have a streamlined, efficient, effective content strategy, it frees up so much more time for you to actually do the other things within your business that truly matter and can help that business grow and make more money. Because at the end of the day, if all you're doing is creating content, we really have is a time-consuming hobby. You aren't leveraging the audience. You're building off the back of that content, which is what you need to do if you want to actually grow a business off of the back of social media. So that's what I want to talk about today. I want to teach you how to plan and create your social media content strategy so that it is efficient, streamlined, and effective. Hi guys, My name is Ethan bridge. I'm host of the social media marketing school podcast and the guy behind the Instagram page and Ethan bridge. And like I said, I've been creating content on social media for years now. I've recorded over 300 podcast episodes. I've posted thousands of pieces of content across various social media platforms. And I've gained some experience over time with regards to the content creation process. And that's why I want to make sure that you guys also have a streamlined, efficient, yet effective content strategy. So if that's what you want to learn about today, Let's dive straight into the first module, and I'll see you there. 2. Module 1: Generating Content Ideas: So something that I discovered very early on in my content creation journeys, that I was actually creating content on a daily basis and coming up with these ideas for each piece of content that I would go into Create on the day that I was creating that piece of content. And it became incredibly stressful because if I didn't have an idea, I'd spend 30 minutes and hours, sometimes even longer trying to come up with an effective idea of which I thought was actually going to be able to provide value to my audience. And I wasted so much time. And the most annoying thing was is that I would have ideas throughout the week for some silly reason I wouldn't know down, actually end up them forgetting what that content idea was when I actually wanted to come and create piece of content. In this module, I want to teach you exactly how to come up with endless social media content ideas. And this is still a strategy that I use today and it's important when you come up with those ideas that you write them down, you keep them somewhere, whether that's in the notes on your phone, the classic old pen and paper, or maybe even in a notion worksheet. So how do you find content ideas? What are some other ways you can generate different content ideas because there are so many different ways. So let's dive into the iPad and just dive into the view of the platforms and strategies that I used to come up with all of my content ideas. Generating content ideas. Firstly, I'm going to talk through easy ways that you can do them yourself. And that is simply your own experiences. At the end of the day, you're on a journey yourself. If you're a business owner, if you're trying to build a personal brand, you're going to come across challenges, problems, and you're going to have to try and solve these problems. But you shouldn't just look at that as a problem that you're facing. Because if you're facing this problem, then it's likely that somebody else is going to be facing this problem. So use this as a win-win scenario. Not only you overcoming a problem, you can turn this problem and now the solution that you found into a content idea, into a piece of content that somebody else is going to find valuable. Because you now have a solution to a problem and somebody else could have that problem, which you now have the solution to. So it's perfect for those people that are following you along your journey or trying to mimic what you're doing and experienced the same outcome. So from your own experiences, you will have problems and you will find solutions to these problems. And you can turn this into a little bit of a story here. So you could tell the story of how you came across this problem because somebody might be going through the same scenario. And then how you then had all found the solution. Because then people can then implement that into their own strategies. Your unexperienced as well. It could just be a day-to-day scenario where somebody influenced you and you posted about that. I found this piece of content really interesting, bang, content idea. And it's just something you can put out there pretty simply. Or it can be something that made you feel good. Or one of these classic Twitter quote posts is something as crime across your mind. Tweet it. Take a picture of that tweet screenshot it. You can post it on Instagram or LinkedIn or whatever social media platform you may post on. So you can just have a simple quote post, but you get the point. Your own experiences are arguably some of the best content ideas because it shows you as a person as well. It shows you, it opens up yourself to your audience because it provides that connection to you personally, because people get to see that you're only human as well. You are experiencing problems. You're not this perfect person across social media. You have problems in new overcome them, but you simply help other people also overcome their problems by providing them with the solutions that you also find. Your own experiences are fantastic. Now, as a social media content creator, it is your job to keep an eye on trends, especially when it comes to things such as TikToks and Instagram reels, trending sounds, trending dances or trending audios, you name it. You need to make the most of trends when they come along. It doesn't necessarily simply have to apply to TikToks and Instagram Reels. You may just see people talking, talking about certain scenarios wherever it's about a platform update or an inch piece of industry news that's going to affect everybody that comes across it. You need to be keeping your eye on these things so that you can have a state of reactive marketing. That's what it's called. Being able to react to something quickly, add your spin on it and make the most of it whilst all of those eyeballs are on that trend. You don't want to be someone that comes across a trend six months late and people have no interest in it anymore. It's no longer a trend at that point. And if you post doing that trend six months down the line, it's gonna make you look a little bit silly. We don't want that. We want you to be on the money right at that moment. So keep your eye on trends. Make note of them, or try and react to them there and then efficiently do that. Now, let's dive into a few different ways now that you might not thought of before. So simply, and I don't know why people don't do this more. If you have an audience already, ask them. Ask your audience. At the end of the day you are creating content for your audience. You aren't creating content for yourself. They are the people that are going to be consuming it. So if you're creating content that they don't want to see, you're never going to be providing value to anyone. So the best thing to do is ask your audience problems they may have or content. They may want to see more of what you could simply do if you're on Instagram, you could put up a question sticker. Simply ask them, Hey guys, look, I'm planning my content for the next couple of weeks. What do you want to see more of? What problems you currently facing? What ideas would you like me to expand on? I've spoken about in the past and people are going to come back with responses and tell you exactly what they want to see. You might see that certain people were asking the same things over and over again. And that's clearly an untapped idea that you haven't spoken about before because there's lots of people asking for it. And that's when you need to jump on that and provide the audience with what they are asking for. Very simple, yet incredibly, incredibly effective. Now, let's move on to a couple of pretty cool apps that you can use. So number one, core. Core is a questions and answers website, and you may not have thought that you could use it to generate content ideas. You might have thought it's a place for you to ask questions. But if somebody is asking questions, That means they want an answer. And you can look at all of these and turn them into your own content ideas. So let's have a look. So-called core are up here. So what we're gonna do is we're going to search in core here. Okay, Let's keyboard is far smaller than I expected. So we're going to search in Quora social media marketing because that is simply something that I myself talk about on social media. So we're going to search up social media marketing here. And you'll see along the side, we actually have ways that we can sort all of the questions that have been asked on core. So what we are going to look at and filter between all the questions and the answers. So we can go on questions and you don't really want to search by all time because you can see that some of these questions are from years ago, especially when you come on answers, it tells you how long ago they were posted. So at four years ago. So instead, we want to be searching quite recently so we can look like past year or even better, I would recommend you look within the past month because then that is on topic. It's something people were asking me about recently. So you know, it's something people wanted to know about. So here we go. You've got an answer here, which is the thing I'm going to talk about in a minute. But you can see all the questions have been answered. What are the careers in social media marketing? What is the best social media marketing costs for beginners? But what is social media marketing? Back to basics. Then you've got what are the best strategies for social media marketing? What the trends rising and social media marketing. So you've got all of these different questions that can just be instantly flipped on their head and turned into content ideas. You have no excuse here. You've got pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of questions that people are asking. You also have the answers to these questions. Sue almost aren't having to come up with the solutions yourself. You have the solution there, you can read the solution, innovate upon it, add your own twist on it. Don't copy it word for word because you want to make it your own. You have the basis for a good response for that content idea. And that is what we need. So that you have the Content ID and the solution to that piece of content. The next website. And this one is ridiculous as well. It's amazing. And that's answered the public. So what you do is you come on this website here to answer the And again, you can just type in what your niches. So we're going to type in social media marketing. For the sake of the example, We're gonna hit Search. Now. It now categorizes your search between various different things. Right now, you can see here we have social media marketing, 75 questions. And what you can do is you can actually zoom in and you can see all of the various questions that it generates. How social media for marketing affects business, how social media monitoring is done? Which social media marketing is the best? Who uses social media marketing? Why social media marketing is important? All of these various questions that it generates for you can be turned straight into content ideas. Then it has 56 prepositions. So again, social media marketing for real estate agents, social media marketing for charities. And you've got all of these, all of these prepositions again, that can be flipped into your own content ideas, 40 comparisons, social media marketing or management. Social media marketing or SRM, is a form of, again, all of these can be flipped into content ideas. There alone. There are over a 150 content ideas for you. You have no excuse. It can be done for any topic, just typing your word and there your content ideas. So I've given you there five amazing ways that you can come up with unlimited content ideas. I want you to keep a bank of these, write them down so that when you come to actually create content, you can just look into that bank and pick. Because I used to waste so much time coming up with ideas on the spot and used to frustrate the **** out of me. So please keep your bank of these ideas and ensure that you're keeping on top of your ideas. 3. Module 2: Planning/Scripting Your Content: Now the next stage in my content creation process is all about scripting or preparing my piece of content for the design phase a little bit later on. And you'll see why I do this when I start designing. But the planning phase is incredibly important because it streamlines the rest of it. Especially if you're recording video or you're going to be designing that text later on because we can have templates that we plug this text into and that's what the next module is gonna be about. But here we're going to talk about effectively scripting and planning your piece of content. So if you're scripting a video, you need to understand there are pretty much three or four main elements depending on whether you want the final one are not in your video. So let's talk about video first. So video firstly, we have your hook. How are you going to attract people to the video in the first place? You need that first five seconds, those first three to five seconds of that video to attract attention right away. This is how we're going to do this. Three ways to improve x hat. Do you struggle with, here's the solution for when people hear these things they want to listen on because they want to hear the value. Very simple. Your hook needs to be short, yet effective in order to stop people from scrolling on social media. That is so much competition on social media nowadays that you are competing with pretty much everyone. So if you don't have an effective hook, and the same goes for normal content, not necessarily video. You are going to fail. Nobody's gonna watch that video. So you need one to come up with an effective hook. Two, we need to build interest. Why do they need to know about this? What are the consequences of not knowing this? Because then people aren't going to want that solution even more. So then point number three, you provide the solution. If you don't provide the solution, you're just going to leave people disappointed. It leaves your piece of content incomplete. So then we need to provide them with the solution to the problem or the hook we had in the beginning. Then finally, it might be good to finish off that video with a call to action. And for those of you who don't know CTA, cool to action. Now, single image posts on various social media platforms. Pretty easy, just that first slide. But if you're on LinkedIn or you're creating a Twitter thread, or you're creating an Instagram Carousel. There is a certain formula you can follow to effectively engage people with your content. And that is the Ada formula. So Ada stands for attention, interest, desire, and then action. It's, it's pretty similar to the structure of our video. You have the hook which is grabbing the attention and you build up the interests, solutions that desire that the people want it. And then action is called to action. But with a carousel on Instagram or LinkedIn, or we get ten slides. I'm going to draw ten boxes here. I hope I leave myself enough room. And I apologize that they are not all the same size, but we're going to go with it. So slide one is the first slide that everybody sees and that is obviously going to be our attention. We want that hook, we want to draw people in. The next three to four, I recommend three slides. We want to build up the interests. Like I said, why is this a problem? What are the consequences of people not knowing this? It builds up their interests to fulfill the desire, which is the solution. So then the next slides, we're going to provide them with the solutions. And then finally, because you provided them with all this value, they might want to give you a little something in return. So we call them to action. This here is the structure that essentially most of your content is going to be revolved around. Now with a carousel, you don't necessarily have to use all of these slides, so you may only need to interest slides and therefore, three desire slides, you can get rid of those and then select the call to action at the end. And then your carousel only be seven slides, it's up to you. You don't have to use all ten. But in that scenario, we did. So once you put your structure now down, you can start planning. I suggest if you're writing your carousels to plan all of that content within word, within your notes so that you can get ready to just plug in place that text right into your templates. And I'm going to show you my own templates in the next module. So planning, right, in word, Sasha notes slash Google Docs. It doesn't matter, just somewhere. You can plan the writing, what you're gonna have on each letter, your carousel, what you're going to have on your single image, post, you name it for video. I wouldn't script it word for word. I found that people, when they script word for word, it just sounds like does sound like they're talking, it sounds like they're reading the script and you don't want that, you want it seem natural. You want to be natural as possible on social media. So I would just give yourself bullet points, small pointers of what you need to talk about. That way you aren't reading from a script. You're just looking at it and going, I just want you to talk about and then it's off the top of your head. And that sounds more, much more natural and it's far more engaging. So that is how we are preparing our pieces of content. And you understand why this is far more streamlined than people actually just coming up with the idea on the day, then writing it as they're designing. The designing is taking far too long because in a minute I'm gonna give you the key to everything. So let's move on to the next stage. 4. Module 3: Creating Templates: Now in this module I'm actually going to explain the thing that has arguably saved me the most time when it comes to creating content for social media. So if you're going to listen to any of these modules and actually take action on any of these modules, I recommend that you do, but for this one, and that is because in this module I'm going to be discussing templates. Having a template that I can just plug in place my text into, eliminated the entire design process and took it off my hands. And for me, that was the most time-consuming part of the content creation process because I'm not a designer. I am by no means a good designer. So I found a style of content that works for me and created templates that revolve around that style. And that's why I write all of my text in a Word document or a Google Doc and then simply copy and paste that text into the templates. And then I just export the finished product once I finally finished creating that piece of content. So why don't we take a look at the template that I've used for the past, probably about a year now. Let's dive into my computer. So here you can see that I actually create all of my content in Adobe Illustrator. Now you don't actually have to create your content in Adobe Illustrator. You can create your templates in Canva, which is free and probably far simpler. Now that we've gotten used to using Adobe Illustrator, this is what I continue to use for my actual content. And you can see that if you go into the layers here, I've labeled them all accordingly for the slides and everything. So this is all very well organized and I know where everything is and what I need to do when I'm creating my content. But what I will do when I'm creating my content, you'll see here I have five sets of slides that I can use my carousels and I've got all the single image stuff up here. It's all just very well organized. So I can write out five carousels for the week if I wanted to create five carousels, and then I just plug in place the text into the slides that they apply to. Then I just explore whatever this may be. So if I click Control O, you can see that this is art board number one to ten. So I'll export Artboards one to ten and that becomes my first carousel, or 11 to 20. Or if I just wanted to export this one quote right here, then I would export Artboard 61. So you can see right here how the design is done for me. That was the most time-consuming part, yes, creating these templates will take you time and you will have to adapt them to your style and find a style that works for you. But once you have created this template, it's done. You don't have to create another one. That's it. So you put in the effort and time upfront to then save countless more hours in the future. You can see here I found a design that works for me. These are my value points right here. You've got my various style of titles. You've got my different call to actions that I have on the final slide that I can copy and paste into whatever template I want it to be in. You've got my list templates. I've got my Christmas template, of course, that's only used once a year, but it comes out every year. Don't you worry. Then you got my single image templates at the top of my quote templates and another call to action. So you can just see here how everything is there. Everything I need is right there in that template. I've even got more elements at the top if I want to use them when I'm actually creating the content down there. So if I want to use an arrow or set of arrows or this call to action, or the sequence of numbers. I just copy and paste it into the template when I want to use it. And it's there. It's all done for me. I'm not having to go about designing and creating a new post every single time. It saves me so much time and I recommend you do go ahead and spend the time creating the templates for yourself as well. You can do this for video content as well. You can still access if you use Premiere Pro and you want that, you want subtitles on your videos, you can save a text style that can then be used as a template for the rest of the subtitles. You use an all your other videos. Just create templates, cover all your bases. Create the template once, then you don't have to do it again and it will save you time in the future. But this is the one thing in the whole content creation process that has saved me the most time. So if you're going to take action on anything like I said, take action on this. Templates are phenomenal. You write out all of your carousel content or your single image content, all of the actual copy, the body of texts in a Word document beforehand. Get all of that done. That then is the only really time-consuming thing of the actual content creation process. But once you've done that, you can just copy and paste it into the slides or into the template that's relevant. And then export. Really is that simple. So please, if you haven't already start creating some templates and ensure that you're saving time wherever you can. 5. Module 4: Writing Engaging Post Captions: Captions, Instagram captions because some people love them. When you read the captions, it's almost like an essay. It's just packed full of value and they're great. But then again, some people hate them and they will just simply put an emoji or a song lyric. Today, I want to teach you how to write the perfect Instagram captions so that your audience begin reading them, loving them, and wanting to learn more. So without any further ado, let's just dive straight into some tips. Tip number one, people always ask me, how long should my caption be? Should it be sure? Should it be long? Because I'm seeing all of these different people and they have various different caching strategies. In my opinion. Go long, it's there, you've got the character count. Use it to your advantage. You've got to remember that the people who actually read your captions are the ones that will be the most interested in your content. Let's say you create carousels like me, for example, value-based posts that people have read through ten slides. Not many people are going to want to go and read that caption. But those that do are expecting good things from that caption because they've just consumed a value-based post that took them ten slides to read through. So you've got to deliver for these people. It doesn't matter if people don't read it. What you're doing is you're providing this fervor value for those that actually do. So, don't just have an emoji there. Use it to your advantage. Tell a story, tell people how it applied to you. Go long. You've got the character count there to do that. In my opinion, you need to. But the second tip, I do want to swiftly move onto compliments this first. Sure. Have a long caption. It will work great. But this caption has to complement the post that you have just made them consume. It baffles me. When I consume a piece of content, go and read the caption, and there is no relation between that caption and the post I've just read confuses me. That almost stops me read in that caption because it makes no sense. So your caption must compliment what these people have just consumed in the post itself. For example, when I create a value-based post, what I like to do in my caption is say how it's applied to me in the past, relate it to something. So people can then get that emotional connection or understand the context in which this value needs to be used. Or it could even be an extension from what you have already written. But the thing you need to avoid is repeating yourself. People have just read your post. If you're talking about Instagram growth and you've mentioned that they need to engage a lot. You don't need to tell them again in the caption that they need to engage again. Instead, what you could do is provide them with an applicable engagement strategy. Because it leaves them wanting more. And this solves another problem. If you've told them in your post that engagement is the key solution to grow, then that leaves them on a bit of a cliffhanger. They're thinking, Cool, I know that I need to engage, but how do we do that? What's the best strategy? How should I be engaging? Who should I be engaging with? Use your caption to solve that problem. So now your post has not only become enlightening in the fact that you've told them they need to engage, but you've also solve their problem on how they actually engage. But that wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't used the caption to your advantage to do so. So the captions that you are writing, please make sure they complement what you've written. Add further value. Tell a story, make it relatable, add some context, whatever you wanna do, just make sure it relates back and write something that people will actually want to read. But don't repeat what you've just written in your post. So the next thing we want to talk about, if we're writing long captions. If we're writing multiple sentences, we don't want this to just be one big block of text. Human mind is going to look at that and go. I don't want to repeat that. I can't be asked to read what looks like a chapter from a Harry Potter novel. Instead, you want to break it up and make it look as easy as possible to read. What I love to do is I actually use an app called flocked. It helps you write your captions and it formats them in a way that once you copy and paste it, the caption will appear exactly as it does on the app. Because I know that on Instagram some people have some trouble where you may hit Return and it goes down a couple of lines, but when you actually post it, it doesn't have that same formatting. So you've just spent all this time writing your caption. To post it. And then it look all our form, which is very frustrating because it takes time and then you have to go in and you have to edit it again. But this app called flocked. Once you go onto it, whatever way you see it on the app when you copy and paste it, that's how it appears on your Instagram caption. So what I love to do is I'd love to go into this app. And when I'm writing out, after every full stop, I will have a line break. So it breaks it up very nicely. So there's no long paragraph looking text. It's simple. It's broken up. Easy to read. And when you've just got one sentence broken up every single time, it's much easier for someone to look at that and go easier to read. There's not as much texts there. Because even though you've got the same amount of texts, just because it's not bunched up into one big paragraph. People look at that and go, there's not much that, there's not as much text there. When in reality there's exactly the same, but because you've formatted it in a better way, it's easier to consume. So if you're writing long captions, break it up every full stop. Add a line break. Just easier to read and you'll actually get more people to read it in the first place. Now the final thing that I want to mention, and it relates back to a point I made earlier because I said that those that read your caption or the most interested in your content out of anyone else because they've consumed everything within the post itself. And then they've gone on and consumed even more within the caption because they saw the value in the post you provided. These people were primed. You need to have a call to action at the end of your caption. Give these people were next step. Send them in the direction you want to send them, because they will most likely do so because you have just provided them with all this value may have solved a problem, provided a solution to something that they've been looking for for a while that could potentially revolutionize their business. If you create content like mine, of course. However, if you don't, then tell them where they need to go next, they're just gonna go on to the next post in their feet. And we don't want that we want to retain that attention and have a call to action, send them to your website, get them to book in a cool, direct them to another social platform you may use. For example, I sometimes send people to the podcast or get them into my Facebook group. You name it, but make sure that there is a call to action there for those that want to take that next step. And another example is something I do quite often. At the end of some of the carousels I create, I ask my audience a question and then a simple call to action of comments, your thoughts below. Now, if these people read my post, see that comment below, call to action. But then they read my caption. It's likely that by the time they get to the end of my caption, they would have forgot the question that I asked them in the post. So I like to do is repeat that question again at the bottom of my caption to remind people of the question I was asking. And again mentioned that same call to action. So it refreshes and sends them to the comments section. Now that could be the same with anything you do. At the end on the final slide of your carousel. You may send them to your Facebook group. Make sure you repeat that call to action at the end of your caption for those that read it, so that they aren't reminded of what they need to do. But use that caption. Use it as a chance to direct people to that next step and have that call to action. That does just that. Now you might be thinking, Oh, this is a lot of taxes is a lot of writing. Well, if you get to that call to action point, you can break it up. What I like to do is just have a few dashes which breaks up the caption itself from the call to action. And then I have a few more dashes, and then I have my hashtags. So it just separates everything so that people can read each part and understand what each part is in more detail and more clearly. So break it up, make it look as neat as possible. Use the app flocked to help you format that caption exactly the way you want it so that when you post it, it appears in exactly the same way. That wraps up my caption tips. Number one, we had go long, right? As much as you want to write, get it all off your chest because those that read it will number to make sure that the caption you write actually compliments the post. But don't repeat what the piece of content has just said. Number three, line breaks. We don't want one big paragraph of text. We want something that's easy to read, something that is entice people to read in the first place because they're going to look at it and go. That looks simple. Read that now, rather than that, a lot of texts, I don't want to touch it. So break it up, makes it look far, far easier to read. And then final point, make sure you have a call to action. Give people that next step they need to take because those that do read your caption or the most likely people to take that step. And that's it. That's how you write the perfect Instagram caption. 6. Module 5: Repurposing Your Social Media Content: Now that you've actually done the hard work, you've created, the primary piece of content. You can do the easy bit now and re-purpose this piece of content for as many social media platforms as you possibly can. Because if you're creating an Instagram carousel, you don't really just want to post this on Instagram because it can just be exported in a different way and be posted to various other social media platforms. So that's what I want to talk about right now. I want to be talking about re-purposing your content for other platforms. And I'm gonna give you some ideas of what you can actually do. Let's say you record a TikTok. Great. You've got to TikTok there, but you also have a real and Instagram rail. But you also have a YouTube short. If you're going to upload it to a TikTok, make sure you're also uploading it to reals and jaws. Now, let's say you create an IG Carousel. When you're creating Instagram Carousels, you export them as JPEGS or PNGs. But if you export as a PDF document, that now allows you to upload it to LinkedIn. As a carousel. You can instantly repurpose that carousel for a carousel on LinkedIn, or you can then upload it as a Twitter friend and various images. But that doesn't have to be in PDF, that will still be in the jpegs. But that is one of the key ones people don't know about because they don't know you have to export it as a PDF, but it's so simple. So, so simple. Let's say you create a blog post. Completely different content format here. That's a long form piece of content. That's read it, read and post it as a podcast. Perfect. Something else is growing. If you want to start a podcast, by the way, very, very simple way you can do that and I'm not going to talk about it today. I can make a completely other course about it, but we can upload that via a website called anchor. You can take a look into that. There might be a small YouTube tutorial, something you can watch. But let's carry on. So we've got TikToks has rules and shorts. We've got IG carousels as LinkedIn carousels also, you just have to export it as a PDF. You've got blog as a podcast, but let's say you record a long form video, long-form video. Obviously, you can just keep that as a YouTube video. But you could also break it up into clips. These clips can become all of these up here. Tiktoks, reals, shorts. But they can also become IG videos. Facebook videos. You name it. You've just got to think of as many ways as you can repurpose these content that you've already created because you've done the hard work. Literally. Just now got to think, okay, I've done that. How can I post it on other platforms? What do I need to do to effectively posted on these platforms? You may need to do some tweaks here and there to adapt it to the contents style that you see on those platforms and provide extra captions for them or slightly tweak the language you're using or the hooks you may be using or the design you may be using. But arguably you've done the real bulk of the work already. These minor tweaks may only take 510 minutes, but allow you to grow across various social media channels. As a result. There's one final thing I want to tell you though. All of these ideas can be posted as pins on Pinterest. And that's how you can grow on Pinterest as well. Every single post on whatever social media platform you may create. Let's add them as a pin to your Pinterest board. So they're just some very simple ways that you can actually repurpose your content because you've done the hard work, but this is going to streamline your entire social media strategy because it allows you to effectively repurpose all of your content, get the most out of it, and put it across all of the various social media platforms, not just the main one you've created it for, which is obviously very, very helpful. 7. Module 6: Should You Use Post Schedulers?: Now the next thing I want to talk about when it comes to streamlining your content creation strategy is post scheduling. Now this is something that is tossed around as to whether is it a good idea, is it not a good idea? So rather than go through and show you how to share your content, because you can look at that online. You can use if you're on Instagram, instagram Creator Studio, if you want to schedule across various platforms, you can use platforms such as Trello or later. They're all fantastic if you want to use them, look up YouTube tutorials. Today, I wanted to discuss a few things, the positives and negatives of post scheduling so that you can make the decision for yourself as to whether you want to do this in order to help save time for your business or if it's something that you're willing to take the hit on not post schedule. And I spent a little bit more time on your content creation strategy. So any further ado, let's dive into the iPad again, walk through some positives and negatives of post scheduling. So positives. And to be honest, you can counteract some of the negatives, but we're talking about that in a minute. So positives of post scheduling. Obviously, number one, organization. When I create my content for social media, I batch create my content. So I will sit down on a single day of the week and create all of my content that I need to create for the following week. It's that simple and that's simply saved me so much time because I get into a flow state. I get into the content creation process and I just don't stop until I'm done. If I were to create a piece of content every single day, it's stopping and starting and you don't get into that flow state and it takes a far longer. So I can create on it in a single day, seven days worth of content in an hour, an hour and a half. But alternatively, if I were to do and create a piece of content every single day, on the day of posting, it probably took me about an hour each time because I just don't get into it quick enough. So batch create all my content on a single day. So when it comes to scheduling that content, if I just do it all on the same day, once I've created all seven, I'm very organized for the week. I know that I have a post going live every single day because I've just created seven pieces of content and then showed you each one piece of content for each day of the week. Bang, done, I'm organized and I don't have to think about it again. That's it. I know it's going to post every single day. So if one day I'm really, really busy and don't actually get around to looking at my Instagram or whatever social media platform I scheduled that piece of content for. It's fine because I still know I've posted and kept consistent with my posting schedule. So organization is obviously incredibly, incredibly vital when it comes to content creation strategy because you want to stay consistent with that posting. Schedule. Scheduling your content beforehand whilst you've, once you've just finished creating is a great way to just stay organized. It's because it allows you to keep up your consistency. Fantastic. Now, in relation to consistency, it allows you to have consistent post times. Because when you are using the schedulers, it allows you to select a time in which you want that piece of content to actually go live. And obviously, if you can get your audience into the routine of coming onto Instagram or Twitter, or Facebook or YouTube, or TikTok, whatever content platform you may post on. If you can get them into the habit of coming onto this platform or x time every single day because they know you will be posting at that time every single day. Fantastic, because that's going to help increase your engagement rate initially on that post, which obviously is going to help increase the chances of that platform pushing it out to a wider audience. Whether that'd be on the Explore page, the For You page, the suggested tab, you name it. Because of the initial engagement you're getting, the platforms, look at it and go, hey, this is doing really well. And that's all because people know you post at roughly that time every single day I'm finding a good time is gonna be different for everyone. You have to test various different times, but once you found it and you can post it that time every single day because you set a scheduler to post at that time every single day, the initial engagement rate on your content is going to increase because people are gonna be coming back on the platform to see your piece of content because they know you are posting at that time every single day. So allows you to have consistent post times. And then finally, it does save time. Because you are in that flow state of the content creation process and you are scheduling all of your pieces of content is going to be far easier to just put them all up and do it at that moment than every single day go, I'll go and I need to post a piece of content today. Let me go sit down, find the piece of content in my camera roll or find the piece of content on my laptop. Upload it, add the caption at the location and my hashtags, you name it, you have it all there ready, done, just get it in the scheduler, put it out. It's going to save time. And as I said at the very beginning with the organization, you don't have to think about it in your day. You know, it's going to upload every single time. So you just get on with whatever you're doing and you don't it doesn't matter if you've got a full day of meetings or sales calls or actually delivering for your clients can just do because you know your content is scheduled, it's gonna go up your social media sorted for today. Don't worry about it. So there are some positives. Negatives. Unfortunately, sometimes tech fails. You might get a notification saying, Oh, the scheduler has failed to push your piece of content today, or it might not have worked, or you might have scheduled it for the wrong day, or you might have just not ticked a little box which stopped it from doing something and it happens that could ruin your consistency. And if you forget to do it multiple times, you could go days without posting and not realizing because you haven't been on the platform because she thought you said to them When you hadn't, she can't always rely on technology. So if you are very attentive when you're actually scheduling the content and you know, you do everything right? Perfect. That's going to help. Diminished amount of mistakes you make and the amount the tech may fail. But you can't rely on it every single time because sometimes it might not post for you. You can't rely on it 100% because that's technology. Yes, things are getting better, but there are still issues sometimes. So if you want to stay 100% consistent and you know that you're going to post every single day yourself. That's obviously a way you can ensure that reliability more because it's you doing it and it's down to you and then you can trust you. You can blame yourself for the mistake rather than the tech. And then mistake number two or negative number two, I should say, it might be a little bit less authentic. If you're trying to build a loyal audience, you need to respond to them in the moment. And that if you posted it at the same time, every single day, when you upload that piece of content, obviously that's when you're gonna get that burst of engagement. If people comment on your posts all the time, that's going to be when they comment. If you share that piece of content and you're not on the platform at the time, then it's unlikely that you're going to be there to respond to these comments in the moment. So it's less authentic on your behalf. And people might not trust you as much or build that strong relationship with you because you aren't replying to them and you aren't engaging or replying to your own audience. But if you're there and uploading the piece of content yourself, you can just give yourself 30 minutes after every time you upload to respond to comments or engage in certain conversations. To ensure you are building the relationship you want to be building with your audience, which is obviously going to help you over time. But alternatively, if you know your posting schedule to upload at a certain time every single day, you can eliminate both of these negatives because you can see my post has failed to upload today. Let me just quickly upload it myself to avoid missing the day or if you know, it's going to post at 11:00 AM every single day, you know, hey, let me be on my phone or on my laptop at 11 o'clock to engage with my community at this time because I know when this piece of engagement is going to be my highest, the only time where these two negatives will always stand is when you don't have the time to be on the platform or you're too busy, or you simply forget. So yes, they can be canceled out. But it is something to be considered. So considering these things right here that we've mentioned, decide whether you want to use a post scheduler. Yes, using one will save you time. And this is what this class is all about. But in my opinion, they're not essential. Let's put it that way. So push scheduling, decide for yourself. 8. Module 7: Analysing Content Performance: Next thing I want to talk about, and this is something that comes over time, something that you're going to have to adapt to, something that you're going to learn to do over time and get better over time. And that is analyzing the content you have created in order to influence the content that you're going to create in the future. And if you're new to whatever platform you may be posting on, then this is something that you're gonna be doing further down the line. So it's good to know about, but not necessarily something you can do now because you haven't created any content to analyze or haven't got the data to look at. So as a content creator, you obviously want to be creating content. You know your audience wants to see or that your audience finds value in. You're gonna be able to see that determined by the data or the value of the metrics that the posts show as to how well your audience has reciprocated that piece of content. So for the sake of simplicity and from my experience alone, I'm gonna be talking through the different Instagram engagement types that you need to be looking at in order to then analyse and react to create your future content. So obviously with Instagram, it's very simple. We have likes, we have comments, we have shares, we have Saves. But then some little additional ones we can look at if we want to, is our engagement rate overall. The overreach of the post. We can have website clicks. You can simply have follows. Those are just a few example the metrics you can look at and obviously they are all going to tell you different things. And that's what you need to understand as a content creator. So your likes and your comments, likes is simply people are going to come across it and if they like the piece of content, they're going to, they're going to double-tap. They're going to let you know that, yeah, I enjoyed this, this was good. But likes arguably are probably one of the least important. Doesn't really tell you that much. Because some people really like your content but don't like it. So I wouldn't worry too much about that one. So we're not waiting until about Babylon. Comments. On the other hand, now we're getting to the important stuff. Comments, conversations. Did your piece of content start? Conversations within the industry didn't make waves, did it actually get people interested enough where they asked you a question or did you then have a bit of correspondence in the comment section with them and build a little bit more of a relationship with that person where you provided them with fervor value. It allows you took continue to prove your expertise and provide further value. Or simply see whether somebody enjoyed that piece of content because they genuinely told you they did whatever they disagreed or had some further thoughts. And it's just a great way to build the community around your content. Comments. If you'd get more of them gray or as long as they're good comments, of course, you don't want people roasting you or telling you that your piece of content was rubbish. Now, shares, shares imply that your piece of content was good enough for everybody else in their followers to see as well. If your piece of content is being shared by hundreds of people. Fantastic. Because not only is that more organic reach is telling you that this piece of content was so valuable that these individuals actually wanted to share it with all of their followers. Also, it's not only is it benefiting you from the organic reach, it gives you great insight as to say, Hey, look, this was great for everyone. This applied to so many different people and so many people resonated with it that they wanted to share with more people. And says, resonates here. And then I'm gonna put high values also. And saves is another one of my favorite ones. Because the good thing about say if is it tells you that that piece of content you've just created was so valuable, so insightful, So mindset shifting. The somebody is been willing to save it because they want to refer back to it at a later date. They don't want to just scroll through and look at it once and that's it. They may have double-tap, like if they save it. That means it was so valuable to them that they think they're going to go back and read, consume that piece of content in the future. So again, we're going to put value, I'm going to put re, consumption. But to be honest, this is also going to depend highly on the outcome you wanted for that piece of content. So the amount of engagement you go on that piece of content may not matter to you whatsoever because it may not have been an engagement you are going for. You may have wanted to make product sells or generate leads or get DMs sent from these people. That is another good one that it tells you haven't written that down there, here. Dms. But hey, look, you're going to get conversions. You wanted to drive people to your website. These don't really matter to you. What really matters is this one here because you wanted that piece of content to drive website clicks. So you may get low engagement. But if you get incredibly high website clicks, it doesn't matter. That's all you wanted from that piece of content. Or if you wanted to generate DMs from that piece of content. Fantastic, as long as the dm's are high. Piece of contents perform well. So you have to look at every piece of content individually depending on the outcome you wanted it to achieve to determine its overall performance. And then as the content creator, you need to look at it, analyze the metrics and go, hey, look, that one didn't perform well. My audience clearly didn't reciprocate well to that and they didn't look at it, they didn't like it. I went through as much of that. But you may see certain topics coming up time and time again that get really good engagement rates or drive really good click-through rates to your website or generate a lot of conversations in the DMs and you can go, okay, this one, on the other hand, performed incredibly well. What was it about this piece of content that made it performed incredibly well? And you can then delve even deeper. And that's how then you can start adapting your future content to perform similarly to the best-performing content you've already posted. So essentially you do a **** of a lot more of what works and **** of a lot less of what doesn't. That is what being a content creator is about practicing, posting, analyzing, improving, and repeating the process. Very, very simple. So that's it. That is how you are analyzing your current content to then influence how you create your future content. 9. Conclusion and Class Project: That does actually wrap up today's Skillshare class. I just wanted to thank you all for tuning in. And I do really hope you found some value from what you've listened to today. But for your class project, I'm actually gonna make it pretty simple for you guys because I actually do want you to take action. I've come across some Skillshare classes in the past where people's clothes projects have been really complicated and people just haven't taken action. But from this, all I want you to do is go out and write a list of 30 content ideas. So go back to module one and recap on the ways that I taught you how to come up with endless content ideas. I want you to plan 30 content ideas. So you've got 30 days of content for the upcoming month and you can post daily every single day. You don't have an excuse. And then from that you can then obviously go ahead and create those 30 pieces of content. But having those ideas in the first place is what's going to really kick start this content creation journey if you haven't already and help you maintain that consistency over time. So use the methods to come up with content ideas for your brand, for your niche, and write down 30 for me. And you can share those content ideas with the rest of the students by posting that in the project section. Because if you did enjoy the Scotia class, my name, as I said, was eaten bridge. I'm host of the social media marketing school podcast. There are actually over 320 podcast episodes all about social media marketing. So if you enjoyed what you've heard today, you can go over to listen to the podcast and consume way more social media marketing content is on pretty much all podcast platforms. Apple, Spotify, Google, you name it. So head over there typing Social Media Marketing School and you will find me. But if you've got any questions with regards to anything that I've mentioned, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram. My handle is the ethan bridge, or you can simply leave a discussion point in the Skillshare section below. But that's it. That does wrap up today's Skillshare class. Thank you so, so much for tuning in. And guys, honestly feel free to tune into my other classes as well. There's tons of other content with regards to social media marketing, copywriting, Instagram, engagement strategies, you name it, so check them out as well. And I'm sure you'll be satisfied with what you've come across. But once again, thank you all for tuning in. I hope you enjoyed.