Create Intricate Line Drawings | Selina Shapland | Skillshare

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to Intricate Drawings


    • 2.

      Simple Ruler Intricate Line Drawing


    • 3.

      Draw an Intricate Line Sketch - Free hand


    • 4.

      Incorporate Line and Circle into Composition - Example


    • 5.

      Examples of Intricate Line Art


    • 6.

      Your Project & Wrap Up


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About This Class

Create intricate line drawings in your visual diary or on your preferred paper by using a pen, ruler, a circle template and your imagination.  This class shows you the steps involved in creating line and circle drawings with depth that lead the viewers eye around the page. 

Join me and have some fun creating intricate line drawings. 

Art supplies required for this class include:

  • 1 x pen - water proof is best - I use a fine tip sharpie, a black biro or a Faber-Castell PITT artist pen
    Visual Diary or preferred paper 
  • 1 x ruler - I used a clear ruler with a roller on one side as it makes it easier to move across the page and see the lines underneath
  • 1 x circle template or geometric shape template if you prefer
  • 1 or 2 different sized circle templates
  • Patience and an open mind to play with line so you can discover what you can create

Intricate drawings hold the viewer's interest and create the illusion of depth on a two dimensional surface. They are abstract, and can take some time to create so be prepared to work on your project over a period of time if you are going to get complicated. 

Make sure you put your progress in the project section and leave me a review.


Meet Your Teacher

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Selina Shapland

Art, Writing, Fiction Genre Coach


Hello and welcome to my profile page. I'm Selina.

I draw, paint, play and be creative. I write paranormal fiction stories and I coach people to achieve their creative aspirations and goals. 

Keep reading to find out a little more about me and my work.

On Writing
I love fiction writing. It's a passion ... or maybe an obsession for me. I write paranormal speculative fiction with romance, wonder and horror beats. I'm an avid reader of genre fiction. Some of my favourite authors include Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Marian Keyes, Kelley Armstrong, Brandon Sanderson, Robin Hobb and Stephen King (of course!).

On Art

I'm also an artist who is always learning and growing as an eternal student. I've been drawing and painting on and off mo... See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction to Intricate Drawings: - Okay , So welcome, Teoh. Intricate line drawing. This is a little easy guide towards creating your own intricate lines and abstract kind of art. What I use is my visual diary. I rule up that's got a little roller on it and to allow you to easily flood across the pied , because when I want to do straight straight lines, it's best to use the ruler. I also use a template for circles on that gives me different options as I create. I use a larger circle from time to time, and he's a smaller circle as well, said these old just templates that confined in your life use agent. The other thing I use is a pit artist pin black favorite castle. But you can use any kind of pen or pencil that you like anything that you find that, uh, you're comfortable with that. You enjoy drawing. So the first thing we're going to do is learn how to do parallel lines to create a sketch that it goes in deeper and one of the things that home ownership is an intricate laundering that I have done in the past and what we're going to be focusing on a little intricate lines that get in deeper and deeper as to create interest along the way you create during piece of 2. Simple Ruler Intricate Line Drawing: an intricate line drawing, focusing on going in from the outside into the center, using three parallel lines at different angles all the way around. So just studying this corner up here and we'll go from there, I like he's a ruler to give may straight edges, but also enjoyed during rough sketches with these line drawings to because you get a different effect as well, really, is just how Natan precise you want to bay with the line drawings. I think they're fun, regardless of whether you do them with a a ruler or whether you do them for a hand, Just make sure you give the role of a bit of a white down from time to time to get any of the ink off. It wasn't will smudge. I don't measure how far away each line is from the other. I just kind of guess how far what looks good and different size lines add interest. T the images well, so it really is about having a bit of a play to decide what works for you, and you can use closer in lines closer together. On the further into the center. You go with the drawings This is just the first out of liar of the intricate drawing. Well, my stroll around, they're not as difficult as they might look. They look quite complex, but I think if you start from the outside in, it's a whole lot easier to create intricate drawings that look complicated. Now I'm going Teoh mirror this little free free line triangle here on the corner just to show you how I get depth and make it look like it's going in closer and closer so that I'm start mirroring as many of these line angles as I can. As I get in deeper now would be like a perfect circle or anything when it when it's complete, it'll just create its own footprint, so to speak, on the page. That's what I like about they sorts of drawings is they become very unique, even though they have some similarities. There's some stuff that's actually just the same in all of them. And then there's personality and unique line and expression in H one just takes a little bit of patients and just allowing yourself to get caught up in doing it and not fussing around too much. Well, I try not to fuss around with it. I just allow it to sort of create itself on the page. I don't sketch out any of these in defense. There's a lot kind of intuitive work for May just kick gone. Well, we missed this one on the round before. That's like a pick it up again here. That's what makes these interesting because they know exactly the same all way round. But what I do do is provide an opportunity for it to step in and in and in the more you mirror what you did on the outside when I simply slide the ruler over and you don't have to have a role of with the roller on it. But I just find it easier to be using it on the page, then a lot of other kinds of rulers. It also really helps the rule that you see through because you can see where your last line once it was. It's a lot of guesswork. When he are, I might start deviating from the original pattern and just doing it. The lines three parallel lines at angles that just plays the I M. Plays more interest. If that makes sense because it can add some road interest is he got closer in place to create the sorts of things these conduct drawings. You just finish it off with three little parallel lines in the middle, In that example of how to create an intricate line drawing. Start with the books on the outside. I start in a corner or might start on one of the edges, and you just mirror in by three line by three line until you go into the center and then you can change up. Or you could just use different angles away around. It really is up to you. The other fun way to do it is with the circle, say, create a circle and do that will create a funny shape. He could even the human anatomy or west, and it just really is up to you. And you don't have to have a ruler and a pain to do it. It's up to you is to how you wanna create that 3. Draw an Intricate Line Sketch - Free hand: So this is an example of a rough sketch of creating intricate lines. So I just create a little box. Just it's nothing just kind of straight not. He's very rough and very quick. It's He's quite fun and, uh, meditative today, depending on what your interest is, what you're focusing on. The reason I like these hands gets ones is they kind of is that they have character. Not all the lines match exactly. They wonky. They don't always join up. Some go over, some go under just It gives me character to you, drawing as well. But if you want to re really precise, then that's when you bring this the ruler in and start using. That I'm not, is an example of the same thing, but run very roughly with just hand sketching 4. Incorporate Line and Circle into Composition - Example: we'll stop by creating the next piece about work by using the circle template, which I've put in the center of a boxed frame. Um, his endless possibilities with lying during the Heaney's and using Tim flights. And I think it's just about having some fun and just being open to saying what actually creates itself on the pipe. Now I'm putting these fun in the center because I wanted to be the focal pace of the artwork. But the other option is to use the the template with all of the different circles, and I'll show you a little trick with that as well. In a minute that gives a really nice, cool effect to the image, but you can use many different said. Would you compare the biggest circle down the bottom corner and a smaller circle up the top for you? Put three circles along the side on along a diagonal, which will take the line of sight across the composition, but it really is up to you right now. We're just days this small a circle template. Just go for and see what comes up. That's not exactly Cinta, obviously, but I'm pretty. I with where it's at right now. So what? I'm getting day. He's when we're gonna doozies the ruler again with slaughter on if t. And I'm not just used one line at a time for it to show you how I do that. So I just make one line across a section of the circle, and it doesn't really matter where you start. I also make sure that I take the ink off the edge of the ruler because it will smudge and on, like just There's a couple of different ways you can actually go halfway through the loin previous line and draw that one across in two weeks, and it's almost like an aperture that it becomes looking Apertura as you go around the circle. No, just keep going away around the circle with these lines, and it's it's quite a nice little effect, and you can switched up. You don't have to be consistent with one line a line the whole life. You can leave it around. You can view too long story lines, but this is something that I've enjoyed doing it. It's worked for May. He's got hidden. Get this light out. Don't be afraid to me that the ruler, Rance, That works for you rather than. And you can leave the piper around as well. But because I'm videoing on trying, keep it pretty stable. And here at the very end, I'm just gonna de midsection of the last line to the start of the 1st 1 so that I've gotta stop point. So that's one layer away around. I could go in and in and in any meaning to love done then, but I'm going Teoh, use another pattern because high to do something quite interesting. So at the start of the first line, I made it up a couple of millimeters and I just start putting line tow line, if one to the other to the next line. Say, you see, on building up a bit of a, um, always like a right, does that make sense conveyed from one point to the next point. So I'm leaving at Rance. It's caving in that area and it's going with it. So I'm not signing exactly where I started at the beginning of that line of moving from the last one. I've drawn to the intersection of the outline, the safe it coming an interesting pattern in just of itself. Rather, um, I quite like these ones. Don't worry if you don't feel up to the it's just it's really just about experimenting and having a bit of a play with way things around now because it's got a line, a bit of a kid happy. I'm thinking that I'll bring in another template, a circle template, something that will allow me to work off that line. So I try and find a circle that sort of fits in that line without a being going over to many of the actual straight lines, and I'll just circle that one. That's giving it a bit of a. It's already becoming more of an interest point settle, take of focal point to the for the and then I continue alone with the uh, with those straight lines from the average of that circle and the general edge of the last line to that area. Just keep following us around now, the ones no one quite fit to the it's lost one. Say this is where all day V eight from the patent and just stop feeling in smaller intervals of lawns to give me the rounding kids that on after on the lines. This is the thing about laundering. It's just it's a little bit just experimental. And and that's why I think they turned out very abstract, because they very much are an indication of whatever you for fancy creating on the bait at the time. I do not plan any of these pieces out. I really just play around with them, and I encourage you to just these experimental is what I am. I have a bit of fun with them. Sorry. Now it's curving around and it's around that particular circle, so it looks like it's almost spinning a Web. Eso you got that option? Then you've got all of this space around the edge in the square that you can create your own other pieces of intricate line drawing wick so online just put down three lines along side of the frame. Men do the same around the Tokage, but I'm going from the inside of the third line. This will create a kind of a stick look to the the frame Is the the artwork again. Far side, I say. Good decision to make it. The bottom can just fill it in three lines at the from one to the other. And this nice definite. You can create a different pattern, like a troll angle. You could, very from the point of one of those lines down. That's right. I tend to like to do these in Vero from what is expected, something unexpected, and then get the queue to the original lost side. There were guys that's starting to look interesting, and, um, from them you don't want to do a similar situation where it's got a bit of a spray of the loins luck, but at intervals say no, I don't measured. I just judge by what kind of looks good and interesting to me. This is a combination of using single line with circle and, of course, the triple line patterns going. It looks like it's all coming into the center. That's that's almost like it's giving you guidelines for perspective, drawing me so on, and I find that really quite interesting. It's up to used with. You would feel that in or leave it blank because it's about what interests you are. 10 t guard a little bit crazy with the line drawings and enjoy filling the mean a lot. I often foot in up circles around it, said this center pace. Or maybe down in here, good place, sick well, down the bottom. Say, just so you can have a look at what I would potentially play with side a circle. And then I'll find the two sickles down and going to the center of that circle and do another one and then two down t down. So I probably be about that one. I love these little templates. It's so much I get so much joy out of applying with, Um, there's just so much fun for me because you can just can create and more of, ah, uh, imp active of the circle so they don't have to be symmetrical. That can be developed further along. You can put biggest spices if you want, so that they sort of like bond shopping and areas what I'm talking about. And it gives movement to the pace of artwork. Telling your entire take into the ones you can goes doesn't firing as you like, but I like that effect that it kind of likes gives its shadow as well. So that's quite fun. And so I would probably put something up here to balance it as well. A number kind of circle, but maybe not as big, making sure that it fits within the the area of gold. They and then I'll be anchoring the circles down a bit further. Say that kind of coming towards. It's almost lightly gravitating towards his biggest circle. No, I start to create intricate line drawings, and they right there quite simple when you start from just the basics and I always work from the outside in, um, big mistake there. That's right. So they embrace. He's happy mistakes and be like watercolors. I'm gonna play around with it and allow the mistakes happens that you can learn and grow as an artist. That's kind of like this guidance in the 5. Examples of Intricate Line Art: So this is the time lapse of Justin. Simple crisscross patterns. It's three lines done, an angle selling from the right side of the page and grieving over to the left. The next part of the page is showing how you can use line to create an angled image. So there's more cluster of darkness in one area and brighter area in the spread theme. Next part in Culp, right circles into the composition so you can get a home page, are with circles and lives and using the the cycle template to create like a rainbow effect as well. If you can see, that's almost a beard like looks the part of the 2nd 2nd part of the bottom Carter Page. Middle part of the page, I should say, And it just gets more and more intricate. The more you fill in, each of the little sections on the bottom looks a bit like a bridge 6. Your Project & Wrap Up: Okay, so let's talk about your project. I really like Tiu c create in your visual Dari or on a piece of paper that you enjoy using a books like this and create your own intricate drawing that you can use three lines, one line, five lines, whatever amount of lines you like to use. And I would like you t think about incorporating other circles and triangles and just make it is interesting as you can for yourself and have some fun with this. So I would be really great if you could put your project up on the project for section of the class so I can see it and we can all share in your success is and have a bit of a chant about it. Maybe I can give you some feedback would be awesome. So he's one idea the and you don't have to stick to this, but it can be a simple as complicated as you like it to bay here and some other options. This is one that I've done a few years ago have used a circle, and I've done free drawing of line inside and have used the ruler and the pen to create intricate line drawings all around the outside say that's an option for a project. Another option is to use color and to get more, more complicated or rather intricate and just explore abstract creativity, creativity with with line and circles and and maybe other shapes as well se. And there's another option here, which is circles on top of circles. So I did this one a few years ago, quite a few years ago, and I started with this this big circle here. And then I added this top circle up here. And then I've added circles of different sizes all the way around the outside to create this image. In every single circle I've created have used a ruler and pen to create straight lines, and I've experimented and played the entire way through to create interesting effects on the paper. On in this piece of artwork, say I would encourage you to have a bit of a go at something like that is what I'm depending on how complex and intricate you want to be on. And lastly, this is an option opportunity. Feed as a project to this one is a more free flowing piece of artwork that I did it waas a self portrait and it does look a bit fractured because at the time that I was creating this piece of art worker was actually going through something quite emotionally difficult for me . And this is how I expressed it on through art. And you might want to do something similar depending on where you're at in your life. What you doing? See, a self portrait doesn't have to physically be a physical, a copy of your in body. It can be an expression and abstract expression of your emotions. So at the time that I did this, I was feeling shattered, and these lines were to show that and then I felt like my life. And what I was doing in life was very complex. And what was happening to me was quite complex. And I was filled with lots of layers and depth on this one piece of artwork helped me to express what I couldn't express in words if that if that helps. So please, please, please do put your artwork up on and t the play. Jake, put your progress shots up. That would be fantastic. And please leave me a review. That would be really awesome. With any constructive advice on how I can make this into a better school shape. Course figure in the future. Thanks.