Create a Vision Board for Your Dreams & Goals | Dvorah Lansky | Skillshare

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Create a Vision Board for Your Dreams & Goals

teacher avatar Dvorah Lansky, Author & Course Creation Specialist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Vision Board Class Introduction


    • 2.

      The Power of Vision Boards


    • 3.

      Goal Setting and Vision Board Power Tips


    • 4.

      Decide on the Sections of Your Vision Board


    • 5.

      Physical Vision Boards


    • 6.

      Digital Vision Boards


    • 7.

      Create Quote Cards & Affirmation Cards


    • 8.

      Action Steps - Create Your Vision Board


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About This Class

Learn How to Create a Vision Board - Designed to Help You Achieve Your Dreams and Goals

You’re probably familiar with using a vision board as a tool for keeping your dreams and goals in mind. But did you know that you can use a vision board in a variety of ways, depending on your needs? In fact, you might even want to have more than one vision board, to have a place to create a vision for your dreams for the various areas of your life and business.

Getting Clear on Your Business and Life Goals

If there’s one thing that keeps people stuck, it’s a lack of clarity. The truth is, with ambiguous “goals” you’ll stay stuck. But with a little clarity, you can achieve any goal you can conceive—and even some you cannot yet dream of. The first step is to simply visualize what you want.

How Vision Boards Works

A vision board is a planning tool that allows you to unleash your creativity and daydream in a tangible format. By collecting images that represent your biggest goals and keeping them within sight, you’ll be better able to focus on the next steps to take to reach them.

Not only that, but vision boards can serve to keep you inspired and remind you of why you’re working so hard.

How to Make a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is easy—and fun! You can create yours with paper and other art materials. Or you can create a digital vision board using one of many online apps. While digital boards are definitely more portable, physical boards are often more inspiring. There’s just something about being able to have your vision board in plane site, so you can easily see it throughout each day.

In this class you'll discover:

  • The importance of goal setting.
  • Vision board power tips.
  • Create physical vision boards.
  • Create digital vision boards.
  • Create positive affirmation and quote cards.

Bonuses Included with this Class

  • An Attractive, Customizable Vision Board Kit
  • A Collection of Affirmation Card Frames and Examples

What Students Are Saying

"I thoroughly enjoyed this class and will soon have my vision board completed. Thank You! "
- Dalene Davies

Meet Your Teacher

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Dvorah Lansky

Author & Course Creation Specialist


Greetings! My name is D'vorah Lansky. I have a Master's Degree in Education and am the bestselling author of many books including; the Action Guides for Authors series of workbooks and journals and the Health and Happiness Journal series.

Since 2007 I've created 40+ online training program and have taught online marketing and course creation to thousands of authors, entrepreneurs and creatives, across the globe.

One of my passions is to help people share their brilliance with the world.

I look forward to connecting with you here on Skillshare and welcome you to explore my courses on Creative Course Creation Tips, Tools and Strategies.

I've you'd like, check out my website at:

And you can view my books, workboo... See full profile

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1. Vision Board Class Introduction: Hello and welcome to the Vision Board Workshop today. We're gonna talk about the power of setting intention, setting goals and focusing on our dreams. A vision board is much like a road map when you're going on a journey or a trip or an outing. If you know where you're going, is more likely that you'll be able to get there and get there easily and in record time. There are times, of course, when we like toe wing it and just head out on an adventure and see where we end up. However, if you have a very clear plan and you have the end goal in mind, you'll accomplish a lot more. So here's what we're going to cover in today's workshop. We're gonna talk about the power of vision boards. We're going to talk about the importance of goal setting. I'm going to share some vision board power tips to help you make the most of your vision board and shares some words of caution with you because you don't want to put all this energy into your vision board and then forget about your vision board. So I'm gonna share some tips so that you can overcome that obstacle, and we're going to explore a variety of different types of vision boards. We're gonna talk about physical vision boards and how to create them and digital vision boards and how to create them. Now, there are many more methods than what I'm going to share with you today. However, I'm going to share with you what I've found to be the most effective and easiest. So you have a laser focus to start from, and then I'm gonna show you how to create positive affirmation and quote cards that you can either add to your vision board or around your vision board or carry with you, and you have access to bonus templates that have vision board templates as well as affirmation quote card templates. 2. The Power of Vision Boards: There's a saying in the success world that goes like this, that which we focused on, we attract more of. It's like the law of attraction. I'm sure that many of you have heard of that. So if you're thinking about things that aren't going well and things that upset you, do you notice how that brings more of that into your life? And it makes those uncomfortable feeling stronger at the same time when you have something in your mind that you want to accomplish, or that you were someplace where you want to go, where a project you want to finish or a task, or it sure that you want to complete and you put your mind to it, you're able to complete it and accomplish a great deal. Well, what vision boards do is they bring to the top of mind what it is you really, really want. So as we go through our training here, there will be a few times where I'll say that's a bullet point. What that means is, that's worth writing down. That's one of the key gems that you can walk away with, and so what I'll share with you is that you want to keep your vision board where you can see it, and we'll talk more about that in just a little bit. So we've known for decades that day dreams have power, and that purposeful visualization is the key to greater success in every area of life. Now you may have heard in sports. This is one of the key examples. Athletes are prime examples off people who visualize what it is that they really, really want, and then they make it happen. You'll hear you'll hear people that go to the Olympics and you'll hear how, for years or for months they imagine themselves crossing that finish line or being in first place. We're beating their record, and they put their intention on that. So if you really want to see success in its finest look a top athletes and you can get inspiration by watching what other people do, how they focus to achieve their goals and your vision board creates that physical representation of that vision. What it does is it sparks neural pathways in your mind that somehow become a magnet in the universe and attract to you what it is you're thinking about. and what it is that you dele want. And what happens is it draws to you from the cerebral realm to the physical realm to actually create what it is that you're wanting, and this can work the same for you. When you visualize your goals, you're primed to achieve them. So, like anything effective visualization takes practice. And that's why it's so important that your vision board be somewhere where you can see it every day. One of the biggest mistakes that people make with vision boards is they create them, and then they put them on a wall behind a door. Or they put them in a cupboard where they put them inside of a closet and they don't look at them. The key with a vision board is you want tohave it where you can see it each and every day, and then, you know, how will we see something in our house? And it's been there for years. We we don't even see it anymore because we're so used to it. So another trick is maybe once a month, move your vision board slightly or to a different location, or add new content so it becomes fresh in your mind again because a vision board can really help kick start your creative visualization skills. So you want to start off by identifying your goals and dreams and then create a pictorial representation of these goals. And you can do that with pictures with magazines with textures with colors. And we're gonna explore a variety of options today and spend time reflecting on your goals while viewing your vision board each day so you may want to create. Here's a bullet point moment that you may want to write down, and this is this one you can take to the bank. Schedule a recurring time in your calendar until it becomes a habit. So for the next three weeks, every day have it. Once your vision board is created that at a certain time each day it's a habit. You're going to go and take three deep breaths and you're gonna look at your vision board and you're going to visualize what it is that you want to create that is going to multiply and terrible charge your results. Try it for 21 days and expect a miracle because amazing things will happen. You can create vision boards, both physically and digitally on. We're going to talk about a variety of different options here today to start off with. Either you want to start off by creating a list of goals that you'd like to achieve and then identifying your main number one goal. And hopefully that if you look at all of your goals that all of your goals lead towards that number one goal is kind of like your ultimate destination, and that's what you want to have is the central area of your vision of your vision board or the If it's not the center of the vision, board a prime area of your vision, board your biggest goal and spend some time writing and in your action guide for this workshop, you have some worksheets that can help you identify your goals. Then what you want to do is find pictures that represent your goals. You can use photographs, magazine cutouts, images from the Internet. If you have the rights to them or their public domain or whatever inspires you. Maybe you take your camera around. Maybe you are an artist and you condone draw. Maybe you want to go to different graphic sites where you can purchase the rights to different elements and you can create a collage, so have a ball with us. The more interactive you are with creating your vision board, and the more you can relate to the items that you place on it, whether they're digital or physical, the more your vision boards going to mean to you. So in regards to a physical board, what you conduce do is you can attach the images toe a piece of paper, a piece of printer paper or a piece of butcher paper with That's bigger. Or you may want to get a trifle board that's usually three feet wide by three feet tall that you get from Staples Office Supply or a bulletin board so you can use your imagination for where you'd want to put your vision board. Some people may attach it straight on a wall, though I would recommend having it on something that you could move if you wanted to, rather than a solid wall. But that's completely up to you, and then what you want to do is add label, so maybe you want to take a take index cards or pieces of paper and write keywords in big Want that that has to do with the main aspect off that part of your vision board. Or maybe you want to actually write out an affirmation statement or write a couple of sentences or a couple of words that described what that goal is about. So this vision board is for you. So whatever is going to bring this toe life and help you focus on what it is you want, you want to add those key elements to your vision board. And as you focused on creating an adding content, focus on how things make you feel, because when you get into that feeling realm that even adds more gas to the engine and can fuel your your dreams and your goals and help you achieve your success even faster. So once you've done this, you want to take a few minutes to review your goals. And then you want to spend time and view your vision board every day, especially when you wake up and before you go to bed. So I mentioned plugging in a time once a day in your calendar. But what if you made the habit that every morning, either. Before you brush your teeth or right after your brush your teeth, you spend a few minutes taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your vision board, and you do the same thing before you go to sleep. Now, if you live in a household where you feel like you want your vision board to be more private, so give thought to where you could have your vision board, where it can be honored where you can see it each day, but where you have, where you feel like you have some privacy, so you may need to be creative with that. But if it all possible, you want to be able to see it and have it in plain sight, because you'll accomplish ah, lot more that way. 3. Goal Setting and Vision Board Power Tips: So let's talk now about the importance of goal setting what you think about you bring about . And that's so true. So spend time thinking about those goals. What do you want and where do you want to be? And in what time frame, the more specific you can be, the more readily you'll achieve your goals in your work sheets. You can refer to the action pages and and they will help you in putting together your plan . And then, once you know your goals, it becomes easier to take the right actions that will move you towards them. So, for example, let's say that you have certain health goals like you promise yourself that you're going to Monday through Friday. Walk for 30 minutes before you check your email, and then you find yourself thinking, Oh, I'll just check my email before I go on the walk. Well, what you want to do is you want to train yourself to resist the temptations that take you away from your goals and focus on the things that will strengthen you and take you towards your goal. Now, obviously, that was just an example. You can apply that to what you're looking to accomplish goals are the gas that fuels your success engine, and the more you focus on your goals and have the concept in your mind of all roads lead to Rome, meaning everything you're doing. Are they taking you closer to your goals? Or are they taking you away from your goals and then make a conscious decision as to how important those goals are to you? And is the distraction something that you can let go of? Just say I just don't want this in my life anymore. Or is it something that's important to you, but not right then at that moment, because it will distract you from your focus and then learn how to compartmentalize and focus on what's most important. So here are some vision board power tips. When you create your vision board, you want to create a vision board that you can be really excited about so scheduled time to work on your vision board when you're feeling creative, it might be on a weekend evening where you're playing music and you're just feeling really relaxed and you wanna have a lot of fun. With this, you can use your vision board to plan your business and your dream life, and you can create more than one vision board. So I'm going to show you some ways to divide up a single vision board page, and we'll talk about ways to create a vision board where each vision board aspect has a different area of focus. So I want to actually show you that once we finish this slide, I'm gonna show you in your templates that you have. I'm gonna show you it an example of that. So, for example, one vision board can be about your health, and one vision board page can be about your wealth, and another vision board can be about your spirituality. And another vision board can be about your family. And let's say, for example, um, see if you can visualize this. Let's say each of those vision boards are on an 8.5 by 11 piece of paper that you then add to a bigger cardboard, for example, a trifle cardboard area or a bulletin board, or what some people do is they put it into sheet protectors in a notebook. That's a little tricky, though, because then that vision Board gets out of your focus. So if you're going to add your vision board to sheet protectors in a notebook, you want to keep that notebook front and center, where you're going to see it every day where you're gonna open it every day, where you're going to reflect on it every day, where you can actually add something to the cover off that notebook so that you know that it's your vision board, whether you decorate it. Or there are a lot of notebooks that have a see through place where you can actually slide in a piece of paper or you can decorate the top of it. So you have a lot of different options there to choose from. You want to recite affirmations that you've placed on your vision board, and when you're creating your affirmations, you want to add them in the first person present tense so you don't want to say I no longer want to because your mind doesn't hear that part. It will just hear what the next part of like I will no longer check email before I go for a walk your mind. Here's check email before you go for a walk. So what you want to do is say I go for a walk first thing each morning. So then you're already telling your mind. Oh, I go for my walk first. So first person present tense and then find a prominent place to display your vision board and keep your vision board in plain sight where you can see it daily. I mentioned that everything about vision boards go with your gut feeling, and B is creative and free flowing and as you want and use everything that you're learning here as guidelines. There's one thing, however, I would say that is a should, and that is you should have your vision board someplace where you can see it every day, whatever shape where wherever that is, that is. One of the key elements to your vision board is you need to see it every day 4. Decide on the Sections of Your Vision Board: So I mentioned to you that I was going to show you your worksheets. And so what I'm gonna dio I'm going to find the vision board templates. I'm gonna show you different sections of one vision board. But what I want to show you here is how you can create a vision board or a vision board page for each of the areas that you want to focus on. So you have this hand out in the members area and this is just an example. This is an idea. And when we go in our field trip today, I'm gonna show you how to create these types of vision boards. But you have access to these. These air you these are yours to use. So here's one that you can use as is and printed out on a 8.5 by 11 piece of paper or use it as a guideline if you want to create it on a bigger piece of paper and then I have also a blank one because you may have different topics that you want to include here. I have my happiness, my success, my health, my relationships. And here's a blank one that you can use. And here are different elements that you can cut out and even a blank a circle that you can add your own words, too, so you can have fun with this. And then I mentioned to you that you can have affirmation cards that you post around your vision board. So if you have an 8.5 by 11 piece of paper that you have on a bulletin board or on that on that trifled cardboard, well, then you can also create affirmation statements. And these can be power words. Or they could be. I am statements which are first person present, tense affirmations of things that you want to create in your life, and you can cut these out and used and use these as you will, or you can use them. Uh, or you can look at them to get ideas to create your own and colors that you like. And on our virtual field trip, I'm going to show you how to create those I want to show you. Oh, here. I do have some filled outs as examples, so there are some examples for you, and then here are some blank ones for you, and then this is what I wanted to show you. This is another example of a vision board, and I have lines over here because maybe you want to write power statements over here and you'll see on this one. I have my hopes and dreams. And then I talked about maybe creating a different page for each area of your life. This one's about health, love, success, and you have a blank circle so you can write whatever you want on yours. And then I even have a board with a blank circle, and you can print it out as many times as you want. So these are examples of types of vision boards that you can use and either create one big vision board. Or you can create a separate page for each area of your life. Whatever would make most sense for you. I'm hoping this is helpful, and that is giving you fuel for your creating your vision board. So as you go to create your vision board, you first want to decide on the key sections for your vision board. You may want to just pick one thing. Maybe you want to focus on health. Or maybe you want to focus on spirituality. Or maybe you want to focus on one specific key area, and you want all of your energy to go towards that one thing that's perfect. There may be subsections in that one thing that you can use to divide up the sections of your of your vision board. Or maybe there are several areas of your life and business that you want to focus on. So here's an example, and you also have this in the action guide. So, for example, on the left hand side, those are some of the areas that you might want to focus on your dreams. Health, wealth, family, career, home and location and spirituality. And then I included a blank circle so that you can fill in your own words. So when you're doing your riding and you're thinking about your goals, you also want to think about the sections for your vision board and so have fun, uh, carving out a time that would be special for you. Bottom line if you wanna have fun, because the more fun you have, the more vision, the more your vision boards going to mean to you. So as you're doing your goal setting, spend time thinking, dreaming and planning in each of the areas that you're going to be adding to your vision board. So what's so each section of your vision board? You can write about where you are now, where you want to be on the next steps that you need to take to get there, and that's going to help you. You can either cut thes sections out and put them on your vision board. Or it will help jog ideas for the type of imagery that you want to add in the type of words and affirmations that you want to add to your vision board. 5. Physical Vision Boards: So let's talk about creating physical vision boards. What you want to do is gather materials. I'm not going to read all of the items on this page, but you have. These are some examples. You may have other ideas and you don't. You have to use all of these ideas. These are just some examples of types of things that you'd want to gather to create your physical vision board. And then you can either put it on 8.5 by 11 pages. You can put it on the templates that I have provided you with. You can put it on butcher paper that you roll out. You can put it on those three foot cardboard trifles. You can put them on a bulletin board, etcetera. And so what you want to do is go through the goal setting, gathering the images, gathering the materials and then dive in and you can create your vision board. Now if your audience is local, having a local vision board workshop in your area or having a virtual Vision board workshop using AH service such as zoom z 00 m dot us where you can see each other and you're all right there in the virtual room together, creating your vision boards together. You can have a lot of fun with this, and you're only limited by your imagination. So the main thing is to have fun. Lead by example and give thought to what you and what your audience would most benefit from so you can flip through magazines, go to the library. A lot of times they're getting rid of old magazines. Or there's places where maybe even in your basement or on your kitchen table, where you have magazines of things that you're interested in. I have a whole file folder full of things for my dream house. Every time I see something in a magazine that I've purchased that inspires me, I cut it out and I put it in my dream householder, whatever types of images that reflect your dreams and concentrate on those pictures as to how they make you feel because you want to evoke emotion because it will help you accomplish war. When you look at certain pictures, do they bring up emotions? Do they bring up memories? Do they bring up hope? That's what those are the types of images that you want to add to your vision board. You can also go online and look for images and then print them out. There's a place called picks Obey P I X, a B, a y dot com and what it is. It's a public domain site, so you have permission to print off those images. So print off images that means something to you and then cut out those images and what you're gonna do is gather them and put them in piles or just put them in one pile. You don't have to start placing them yet. Right now. You're like a little squirrel. You're gathering all your materials and then you can. Once you have all your materials, you can start toe. Add the content to your vision board again. It could be a single piece of paper off full size poster board, a bulletin board and then begin arranging the images, quotes and other materials. Maybe you want it to be random. Maybe you want the sections to be divided with colorful yarn. Maybe you want it to be divided with markers. Maybe you want it to be triangular sections that go towards the center of a circle, or maybe you want it to be. Clouds that are just randomly placed is completely up to you. Whatever would make sense to you Now, if you have very distinct areas, you may want to create, for example, a cloud or a triangular or square section that has a little bit of a border so that you can distinguish between the different areas of your vision board. You may decide that you like the idea of having your vision boards separate so that you can devote each vision board to a specific aspect toe a specific goal that you're focused on and your vision board could be hodge pod with random images, images. Or it can be carefully laid out and have things progress. Naturally, whatever again makes sense to you and would mean most to you. For your vision board, you can use pencils, markers, crayons, glitter yarn, paper, construction, paper, magazine pictures, all kinds of things, and you can use different elements to divide up your vision board into the distinct quadrants or not necessarily quadrants. But because it may be more than four sections with however many sections, there are two Your vision board, the elements that you want to see on your vision board. You you want to have images, and you want those images to mean something to you. So let's say, for example, part of your vision board is focused on travel. So rather than just having the word travel or having the word France, you could have pictures, landmarks if you have family members or friends that air there, things that evoke emotion. So that's another bullet point I would share is, as you're adding content to your vision board, focused on things that evoke emotion. And also you can include those motivational messages, whether they're a single word, an affirmation statement. Ah, power quote, whatever means something to you. 6. Digital Vision Boards: And then there are digital vision boards, and there are many different types of digital vision boards. We're gonna explore a few of those today. There's a place online called mind movies dot com. Now it's they They have a charge for that service, but what it does is it allows you to create a vision board that becomes a screen saver on your computer, so that could be fun. You can create a vision board using Power Point, and then it can be a physical or a digital vision board. Because you can print it out, it will become physical, or you can view it online, and then it's digital. And then you can create vision boards using a service called camp a dot com, which I'm gonna show you about today. So as you go to create your digital vision board, you also want to gather your your digital assets. You can get public domain images from from picks obey dot com. You can get quotes from a site called Brainy, like the brain brainy quotes dot com, Or you can just Google quotes or success quotes or whatever type of quotes you're looking for, and you can create a word document or write them down on a piece of paper and start to gather quotes and then decide on your key colors. What colors Speak to you and add those to your vision board. So let's head over to can Va and let's create a digital vision board. So here we are on camera dot com and what we're going to do before we log in, I'm actually going to show you the image sight. It's at picks obey dot com P I X A B A Y, and you can type in here keywords, and you can pull up whatever it is that speaks to you, whatever it is that you want to add to your vision board and you can download those and you can then upload those two can va, as you'll see. So here we are on camera dot com. They have a free service and a paid service. I used the free service I have for years, and it's has so much to offer. So what you do is you go over to Canada dot com, set up an account, and then you log in, and when you log in your brought to this main dashboard and all of the images you create until you delete them, they'll all show up here on your main dashboard. And then what you have across here are all kinds of templates. And I'm not going to be going into all kinds of templates here today because we want to keep a laser focus on creating vision boards. So what I'm going to show you is how you would create vision boards. So what you can do over here on the left hand side? You see what's his find? Templates. Click on find templates, and then when you type in here, I don't know if they have Vision Board. I think I pulled it up with Dream Board, but let's type in Vision board yet they have some things here. They call them mood boards. So what you condo's is, let's click on this mood board, and then what happens is they're going to show you other examples so that one board is gonna pull up all kinds of different examples, and you can narrow it down and choose one that looks interesting to you Now. There is a lot of content here that is free and then there is content here that you pay for . So you just want to be aware of that as you're going through this, this content. But what I wanted to show you is examples here. So that's one way to create a vision board is by pulling from these ideas. Another way is to go up here into use custom dimensions at the top. Right, I'm gonna click on use custom dimensions, and then I'm gonna put in. I want this to be landscape rather than portrait size piece of paper. So it's going to be 11 by 8.5. And this is pixels, which is a image dimension, um, element of, ah, measurement. I want to choose inches. So then I need to go back and put in 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches high. And for those of you who use a four paper, you would you could put in millimeters and type type in your dimensions, and then you click design, and that will bring you to a blank page. And here you have your blank page that you can then add content to now one of the ways that you can add content to. This is a lot of fun. You go over toe elements, then you click on grids. These grids where they have the sky and the and the land. What that is is that will allow you to pop pictures in there. So let's use this one, for example, and you. What you can do is add the images, and then you can add text right over the top of it, or you can print it off and then add other elements to it. But let me show you an example of how you can add images here. So let's say we go over to pick Sabei and we've uploaded our images. And then on the left hand side, we could gone up loads, and then let's find an image that's important to us. So let's say this image here and I could just drag see how it pops it in there. I'm gonna pop that in there because let's say one of my goals is to spend more time at the ocean, and then you would do that for each of the sections. I don't know if I have images for each these air more arm artistic type, of things. But let's say I wanted to do something other than images. So what I'm gonna actually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna re color this one section here. So I'm in a double click on this one bottom left section, and then you see how this rainbow pops up over here. Click on that and then pick the color closest to what your branded color is or the color that you want to have on your vision board. And you see how by double clicking on that section, I can then add color there. So then what I can dio is I can come over and I can start to add text here and so you can play with these different elements and you can create your vision board here. And it's really pretty how you can add content toe all of these different areas. I want to show you some of the templates that I pulled up when I was preparing for this workshop. So you can see some other examples. So these are some examples of that I pulled from those grids area. This is a great one. Look at that. And I pulled that from the Elements tab and then from grids, and I scrolled down and I found the ones that I wanted, and I clicked on them and they popped them into my vision board. And if you wanted to be more than one pages one more than one page, you can add more than one page right here just by clicking on this copy section over here to these two little images that will create that will copy it and created a new image or click on an image. And then when you scroll to your bottom image, you can click here and it says, Add a new page and you can add a new page there and then add more content. But look at all of these different types of elements that you can use again. If you want to add color, you don't just click on it cause that's gonna color your entire section. You double click and you'll see a little outline in that one section, and then you can color just that one section. So maybe you want to just, you know, go to town, creating color on your vision board so you can have a ball with this. So that's how you would create a vision board in Camba. And then before you leave can VA. You would click on file on the left hand side and then save it. Auto saves, but you want to save it before you download it. And then what you would do is you would click on the top right download and then download all of the pages or a certain number of pages. The numbers are over here. If you've only created one image, it will just automatically download A. You can download as a PdF, or you can download it as a PNG or a J peg. Those are all image files that you can download. So that's one way to create content for your vision board. Another thing that you can do is you can create quote cards. So what you want to do is you want to go back here and we're gonna click on use custom dimensions. And if we want our quote cards to go onto around our page and we're having an 8.5 by 11 page, so maybe we want the card to be instead of 11 wide. Maybe we want it to be 5.5 wide and instead of eight inches high, we want it to be four inches high. So you create design all we needed to be. We need to choose inches. So 5.5 8.5 before 0.25 and then design. Then what you can dio is goto elements and have fun exploring here. This is very intuitive, and once you start playing here, it's like arts and crafts. It's really fun. Click on shapes and you have here. These are solid shapes. The ones in the middle are just a blank frame that you can frame around and the ones on the right hand side. They are there to tone, and then up here at the top, you can change the color. So let's say in the center there, you want to change that to pink or something like that, and then you can write on that. Let me just bring this up here and you can have it fill this hole section, and then you can just print it off just like that. Or you can click on the text tab and we'll pop text in there and I don't know if you can see it from where you are, but as you drag things around, there are little guidelines that show you when things air centered and lined up. And let's say you want to write a success quote. And unless I wanted to say Believe in the power of your dreams, then I can drag that up So it fits there, Ted up. And if I wanted to change the color font, I click on the font box than the rainbow pops up and, let's say, wanted to make the fault white. So have a ball with this. If you have spent time on Campbell before then, all of that was like, Oh God, it I could do that If you're discovering Camp A for the first time right now, that might have seemed like you were drinking through a fire hose, but have seemed kind of fast. Don't worry. Take a breath. Spend some time there and you'll see it's very intuitive and very, very easy to use, and it's a lot of fun. So that's how you would use camera to create your quote graphics and to create your vision board. So now let's talk about ways to display your vision board. You can hang it or profit on a board on the on your wall, where you can see it daily and consider changing the position from time to time, even if you rotate it or move it slightly. Or add new content so that it just doesn't become part of the scenery so that it brings it to the forefront of your mind and so that you see it again. If you have a digital vision board or you've created it in Power Point or in camera and you have it on your desktop, you can display it as a screen saver or as wallpaper on your computer. And if you're on your computer a lot, you have it right there. And then you create that daily habit of viewing and taking deep breaths and thinking about your goals in your dreams. You can have it on your mobile phone. You can have it as the wallpaper on your mobile phone or a representation of it, so that it helps you remember toe. Think about your goals in your dreams. They have these digital frames where it's scrolls. So let's say for example, you create a multi page vision board or you have key images that you want to keep in your mind. You can put them in a digital frame and cab that on your desk to scroll through, and then you have your vision board right there in another type of digital format. 7. Create Quote Cards & Affirmation Cards: Now let's talk about creating those positive affirmation and quote cards. I showed you an example of how you can make them over there in Cannes, Va. Nice and easy. You can also simply get index cards or cut up construction paper. Um, you can get pretty stationery, whatever it is that you want and have a place that you can capture quotes. That means something to you. Power words that means something to you. And then those positive affirmation statements that you say aloud and that you say silently in your mind each and every day. And the more you focus on those, the more it will bring what it is that you're wanting to you. So gather the quotes that inspire you even get a quotes book from the bookstore, or you can go online and search for quotes. There's a website called Brainy quotes dot com, like the brain brainy quotes dot com and create a file on your computer or a piece of paper where you capture your quotes. So gather your quotes and also composed positive affirmation statements. First person present tense so that you're feeding your mind what it is that you do want not what you don't want, so you don't want to say I will no longer If you're saying no or don't stop. That's not a positive affirmation. You wanted toe to reframe it so that you're saying it in the first person I am, or I have those air great ways to start your affirmations. If you want to jot that down, that will help you stay in the focus off that first person present tense. You can purchase or create physical cards or paper, or you can print off pretty cards or paper. Or you can use the templates that I've provided you with. Just print. Those often cut those out and then create your positive affirmation and quote cards. You can add them to your vision board so you can view them each day and then say them aloud and silently. You may get to the place where, when you're driving, you train your mind that every time you get to a stoplight, you say one of your one or more of your positive affirmation. Statement silently to yourself or if you're in the car but by yourself, you can say them out loud, and then it becomes part of your everyday. That's we talked. We started off this workshop talking about what athletes do. That's what athletes do every day. They focus on the goal. They focused on what they want to accomplish. Will you? Will. You are an athlete on your success journey so you can do the same things again. Here are some examples and some tips for creating your quote cards and you have access to these handouts. Thes air the slide handouts so you can review these and have these jog ideas for you for the types of quote cards and positive affirmation cards that you'd like to make. 8. Action Steps - Create Your Vision Board: it's time to take action. You want a print off the workshop materials schedule Time for goal setting and dreaming. Gather materials for your vision board. Map out your vision board now. You may not do this all in one setting. You may, for example, today print off all the workshop materials and open up your calendar to schedule time for gold setting or why you're thinking about it. You may just want to sneak off to your favorite cafe or favorite tree or favorite share and spend some time writing and dreaming and then another time schedule in your calendar so that it becomes a priority. Spend time gathering materials for your vision board. So let's say, for example, you set the goal of I'm gonna create my vision board on Saturday night and let's say it's Thursday afternoon. So you didn't say, What do I need to gather so that I'm ready? So on Saturday night, I could just sit down and go to town and create my vision board, and that way your vision board will get done and you do this in the timeframe that's best for you. Those were just some examples and then create that vision board and keep it in plain sight so you could look at it every single day. What I like to do is create the habit of taking three deep breaths as I'm looking at my vision board because my mind, just like yours is so active and like onto the next thing. But if I have to take three depressed, it makes me stop and think and focus for just the that moment. And that really, really helps just those three deep breaths. So I want to thank you all for being here and for going through this training, gonna encourage you and spur you on. Go back through the slides and view those action steps and plug times into your calendar for creating your vision board. So, as I like to say until next time, here's to your success