1. Introduction: This course is created for all owners of an accounting firm who want to gain more clients through their websites. Having a website is not enough to convert your visitors into clients. You need a tool on your website that motivates your visitors to order your accounting services. This tool is called the pricing table. And in this course, I will be talking about it. We will go through a few key points. First, I will be talking about the role of a pricing table. Then I will show you its main components. Next, I will share my experience in creating and adding a pricing table to a website without writing any line of code. And at the end of the course, you will be able to design and add a high converting pricing table to your accounting website. You should only follow the steps. I will show you. The steps I will show you aren't limited only to an accounting website. You can apply them to any website no matter what your businesses.
2. Pricing table - explanation: You are an accounting firm and you offer a wide variety of services. Of course, your goal is to gain more and more clients. This means you should attract the attention of your potential clients and convince them that you offer the services they are looking for at the prices they are ready to pay. The tool L that will help you to do that is called pricing table. If I should give a short definition of a pricing table, I would say that it is a well-designed comparison chart. It is an essential element of your accounting website because it pulls together data and shows an obvious difference between all pricing plans you offer. Looking at the pricing plan on your website, potential clients discover whether you're accounting service packages fit their needs. This way they can make informed purchasing decisions. The main job of your pricing table is to convert your visitors into clients. It should motivate your potential clients to take action and purchase your accounting services. We can say that the pricing table is the bridge between your customers and the services you sell. You should be careful with the pricing table on your accounting website. A well-structured pricing table can gain more purchases. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this element of your accounting website and do your best. Be careful what you include in the pricing table. It should give only the information that your clients would be interested in. The main role of the pricing table is to give a smooth understanding of the differences between all available plans. That's why the information included in the pricing table needs to be short and clear. Only this way it will drive people to make fast decisions. When you're pricing table has a stunning design and shows clear data, then it is more possible to gain new clients. To make your pricing table a high converting tool, it needs to contain some main components. At the top of every pricing table should appear a title. It is the name of your package of services. Under the title, you can show all included accounting services. Next, you need to add a price and a currency. And at the bottom of the pricing table is a call-to-action button. Of course, you are free to reorder all these components. It is up to you how to design the content of the pricing table.
3. How to create a pricing table using ElfSight - color and number of columns: I am going to walk you through the process of creating a pricing table using sight. It is Software as a Service and offers ready-to-use widgets that boost the user's experience and make any website stand out from the competition. The software is beginner friendly, easy to use, and very intuitive. Therefore, everyone can work with it. Even accountants. First, you need to choose the application you want and then simply follow the steps to customize the design. Then you should only copy the code and paste it into your page builder. And what I find really powerful is that all applications created with F site are compatible with any website builder. To start creating a pricing table, you should go to the top of the homepage of offsite and hover on widgets. A huge drop-down menu appears. You can see the wide variety of plugins that outside offers. If you can't find the widget you are looking for, you should click on the See all widgets button. And if you know the name of the widget you want to use, you can type it in the search bar. Let's assume you are looking for a widget named price table. The application appears in the first place and you click on it. The software takes you to a new page. Then you click on Create Widget and you are taken to another page. On this page, you can select a pricing table template. And after choosing the one you want to use, you should click on continue with this template. Now you're on the dashboard and you can start customizing the pricing table. On the very left side, there are three main sections, layout, content, and appearance. We are going to look at each of these three sections. Let's start with the layout section. Here you can change the design of the pricing table. First, you can choose the way the columns are ordered. The software provides three options. If you choose the columns option, you get a pricing table with a space between the columns. In case you don't want a space between the columns, you need to choose the second option called grid. When choosing the table option, you get a pricing table with no space between the columns, but you get something like a legend on the left side that shows the name of each row of the pricing table. After selecting the option that fits your need, you click on layout and go back to the main layout section. Next, you can select the way the information in the pricing table appears. Else site provides five options. The first option provides a background color only in the title section. The second option offers a clear design of the pricing table with a white background and a colorful border of each column. The third option is full of colors. All columns have a colorful background. The next option underlines the main content in the columns with a colorful background, but the title section has a white background. And the fifth option is similar to the second one, but the columns have no borders. After choosing the right option, you go back to the main layout section by clicking on skin. You can select a color that matches your websites color scheme. Simply click on the color and pick the one you want. You can edit the column corners as well. To make the corners rounded, you need to turn on the button. If you don't want rounded column corners, you simply turn off the button. You can either add or delete the borders of the columns. If you want columns with borders, you should turn on the button. If you prefer the columns not to have borders. Turn off the button. We are ready with the first stage of creating a pricing table for your accounting website. See you in the next video.
4. How to create a pricing table using ElfSight - payment options: It's time to go to the content section. In this section, you can edit the toggle functionality and edit columns of your pricing table. Let's begin with the toggle functionality. If your accounting firm offers different billing periods, you should use the toggle functionality. It helps your pricing table switch between them and shows the prices for each option. The most popular billing period options are monthly payments and yearly payments. And you can apply this practice to your accounting website. For example, if one of your service packages costs $20 per month, you can offer your clients to pay for 12 months, $200 instead of $240. This way you gain a client for the whole year and you are sure that this client will be using your services in the next 12 months. On the other hand, your client will pay only for 10 months, but we'll be using your accounting services for 12 months. To be able to edit the toggle functionality, you only should click on it. The first thing you see is a button that enables and disables the toggle functionality. To enable the toggle functionality, you should turn on the button. If you do not want to use the toggle functionality, you should turn it off. When you enable the toggle functionality, you need to add the different options that will appear on the pricing table. To do that, you simply click on the Add button in the caption field. You need to type the name of the option. For example, you can type monthly payment. Then click on the Toggle option to go back. You need to add at least one more option. Click again on the Add button and type the name of the second option. For example, you can type yearly payments. Then go back by clicking on the Toggle options. As you can see, two buttons have appeared at the top of the pricing table. By clicking on them, the price is shown in the columns should change. Now they don't change because we haven't added the prices for each option yet. But we will do it in the next video. And you will see the power of the toggle buttons. You can choose which payment option to appear when people open your website, just click on the default option field and choose the one you want. And you can adjust one more thing. You can change the color of the toggle buttons. Simply click on the Toggle color field and pick a color. We are ready with the toggle functionality. The next step is to edit the columns of the pricing table. See you in the next video.
5. How to create a pricing table using ElfSight - title and services: You can adjust the number of columns that appear on the pricing table. By default, the pricing table consists of four columns. To add a new one, you simply click on the Add button and fill out all fields related to the new column. If you want to delete an existing column, you simply click on the trash button on the right side of the column. Let's assume that you offer three service packages and you want to delete one column. After clicking the trash button, the software asks you if you're sure to delete it, click yes. And do you have already three columns? Next, you should customize each column. To do that, click on the column you want to edit and you get access to all column elements. If you want to attract more attention to a specific service package and show that this package is the most popular. You can make the column bigger than all others. To achieve that, you need to turn on the featured Column button. To edit the title of the column, you click on the title field and just type the name of your service package. You see the new title immediately. Click on the title button to go back and go ahead with the other column elements. In the feature element, you need to type the services that your clients get when buying the particular package. To edit an existing feature, you click on it, delete the name of the feature and type the new one. You can also select an icon by clicking on the icon field. A drop-down menu opens and you can choose the one that suits your needs. When you are ready, you click on the feature button to go back to the list of all column features. The same way you edit all features in the column.
6. How to create a pricing table using ElfSight - price and button: The next element you need to edit is the price. You can select the currency by clicking on the currency field. A drop-down menu shows all available currencies. Next, you need to add a price for each payment option. To add a price for the monthly payment option, you click on the monthly payment field and add the price and the price field. To go back, click on the price options button. Then edit the price for the yearly payment option. After adding the price for both payment options, you can see how the toggle buttons work when clicking on the yearly payment button, the price that appears in the first column is $200. When clicking on the monthly payment button, the price changes to $20. You can edit the text under the price as well. Just delete the text that you don't want and type the text you want to add. When you are ready, go back by clicking on the price button. The next component you need to customize is the button. You see one button in each column, but actually they are to one for each payment option. And of course, you need to make changes to both of them. By clicking on the button field, you have access to the text of the button and the link where the client to be taken when clicking on the button. For example, you can navigate to PayPal. If you want. You can change the text under the button or just delete it. You can select if the link of the button opens in a new window or in the same one. If you want the link to open in a new window, you should turn on the button. If you want the link to open in the same window, turn it off. In case you want to add a picture to your pricing table, just click on the picture field and upload an image of your computer. You are ready with your first column. Now you should do the same with the other two columns.
7. How to add the pricing table to your website: You are almost ready with your pricing table. It looks pretty good, but there is one more thing you may want to do. Maybe you want to change the place of the button or the price, or some other elements. To do that, go to the appearance section. This is the place where you can reorder all the elements of a column. Just click on the element you want to move, drag it to the place you want, and drop it. And when you order the elements in the columns the way you want, your pricing table is completed. Now you should add it to your accounting website. If you don't have an account, you need to sign up. The process is very easy. You have three sign-up options. The first one requires you to enter an email and password. The second one creates an account using your Facebook account. And the third option connects your Google account with your account on ELC site. If you already have an account, you simply log in. When you go to your account, you need to click the Save button at the top of the screen. Your widget is already saved to your site account. Offers a free plan, and I advise you to start with it. Although it allows limited monthly views, I believe they are enough. The number of views is the number of times an app loads on your website. If you want more monthly views, you can always upgrade your plan. It is up to you to choose the plan that suits your needs. After saving the pricing table, click on the Add To Website button and copy the code. Then go to the week's dashboard of your accounting website. Click on the Add button. Then click on embed and look for embed a widget. Click on the plus button and position the container for your widget where you want. Select Enter code and paste the code you have already copied. After pasting the code, click on Update. Maybe it will be necessary to do some small adjustments to the pricing table section. Good job. Your pricing table is integrated. Now publish the website and check how the pricing table looks.