1. Sew like a pro zipped pouch: Hi, My name is Lee Doctors carriage and I re textile aftertaste and a teacher here in skill share. Today I'm going to share with you a detailed footage of how to create your own Patrick patch. If you're a beginner who wants to sell like a pro and learn a cool, patchwork technique, this class is a perfect opportunity to get crafty and create your own unique, useful all go patch. Give your fabric scraps and new life and let him shine with free and easy patrick technique , which you can later on apply to many projects. Learn a neat way to so a meticulous seeped pouch and the super cool method to add linen with an invisible seam. Let's head down to the material east and get crafty right away.
2. Material list for this project:
3. Choosing and preparing your fabrics: The first thing you want to do is to think of the colors you want to use in. If you don't know, just work intuitively with their fabrics that you've got. Medium weight fabrics will work well for this project. Later pieces one after the other on your table and with some sorting in eliminating process , you have a group of fabrics to work together and division off the combinations that you're going to use. Now we're quite happy with my selection, and I'm going to start piecing them together. So first I put two fabrics that I like and start cutting them into rectangles. The black one is to square E, so I'm cutting it in the middle. Okay, now I'm going to cut another rectangle from the pale. Fabrice doesn't have to be the same wet. It can be wider or narrower. Just work freely and use your intuition Is a guide laying the pieces together and seeing if they match up, you can prepare all your fabric pieces by cutting them into rectangles ahead of time or just do it as you go. He talked to you. We're going to start piecing the first true fabrics together now applied to two fabrics together with right sides facing each other pain with sewing pins, one at the top and one at the bottom. No, as you'll see in a minute, one of my fabrics is longer than the other one. So I'm just going to cut the rest of the length so that they match. Okay, now, the next thing I'm going to do is to mark a line about 1/4 of an inch from the edge of the fabrics and then sew it together in the sewing machine. On the next part of the class, we're going to assemble the two main pieces of the pouch.
4. Piecing the pieces together: I'm going to start piecing the pieces together and using a straight stage on the machine under stitching the mark line I've made before. I try to remember not to go over the pains, but rather taking them out before they reached the foot of the sewing machine. Once I've been the stage, I'm taking out the fabrics and unfolding the song online. Open your feet up, and then I am pressing my fingers on the scene just a little bit to fix it in place. I'm going to add the third block here, lining the edges together again, right sides of the fabric facing each other so logically you would mark your line. After you pin the fabrics together, the edges together, but sometimes it's easier to mark a line before the sewing pains are sticking out from the fabric. So working the way you're comfortable with now because I was using the fabric scraps as they are, then I have to do some adjustments as I go, whether it's the length or the wits off the fabric. But you can skip that part by pre preparing your pieces according to the shape of the pattern and avoid all the adjustment. I like to work freely like that. After you piece the first idea off your patch together, you can, if you like at top stage, which you do by selling a straight line on the right side of the family closely along the edge of the biting fold. Top stage is not mandatory, and in fact, sometimes it's beautiful to just leave the binding as they are and press them down with in Iran, which is what I have decided actually to go and therefore I undated the stitches off my top stitching. So this is how the top stitching looks like in case you choose to do so. I finished composing one side of the power gin I'm going to do now, the other side repeating exactly the same process by putting together two pieces right sides together and selling them. This time, I'm not going to mark a line. I'm going to use a different technique, which is using the edge of the selling food. As a ruler, I align the edge of the fabric with the edge of the sewing foot. Working with the edge of the sewing foot is a guy to your seem will result in a constant quarter of an inch. Seen going all the way down. Just keeping eye off those edges line together. It's quite easy and useful drink to work with. Once I've done sewing the fabrics together again, I'm going to open them like a book and press it a little bit down with my fingers. Now I'm ready to end the third block of fabric, and I want to repeat the same fabric were used for the other side because I like repeating , and I think it makes it go, Hey, Seve and harmonic work. So I'm just going to carry on doing exactly the same process as we did before with this drank. I'm cutting the extra threats as I go, but you can also cut them later altogether and adjusting the and shape and size off the fabric that I've added. Well, a stripe I'm going to add is an old scrap of Dannon. I like the data love the seem, so I'm going to put it quite in the middle. It's so it's noticeable now because the Danny was not straight and I wanted it to be more dominant than I put it more in on the expense of the pale color, so marking in line really help me here. So after the I saw the pieces together, I'm going to make the adjustment for the size, length and width off Denning. And since this was the last fabric I've added, then now it's time to Byron it all together on pressing it with a hot I run. You can do it also from both sides are just from the upper side. Whatever you're comfortable with, then I matching the two fabrics together to see that they're on the same with at the moment . I need to just e denim and cut it the extra wits, which I will do in a minute. And now we have two sides of the pouch ready, and it's time to bring the third component, which is the zipper. On the next step, we're going to prepare the tape and the linen. Stay tuned
5. Preparing the zip: before touching your zipper. Take a few minutes to prepare it. The end result will be worth it. The zipper amusing is seven inch long and my pouches about nine inch wide. But even if I had a longer zip still, this method will give me a really nice finish to the pouch. And selling the lays together will be easier. First cut to 1.5 inch long pieces from one of your fabrics, preferably at the weight of your zip. Place the piece of fabric right side facing each other and lining the edge of the peace before the metal closure and being to place with serving pins. No, make sure you're away from the metal closure. Take about three and 1/4 or half a ninja way from the metal closure and then mark your sewing line. Repeat the same on the other end of disease. Only this time be a where you need to pull the zipper head down so you can attach your piece easily and maintain both ends closely together as possible with the so impedes, closing the gap is a bit of a fiddle, but you can do that by pinning for the 1st 17 and then holding it with your hand, adjusting the gap between the two ends as little as possible and then pinning the second pin. And once you've done that, you can mark your selling line. We're going to do four stitches now, too, on top of the sewing lines with month before you go very easy and very slowly with your straight stage, starting with the backstage and slowly with a straight stitch. So basically you could now backstage all the way to the beginning. Or what I've done is just turned my zip around and go over the same speech again and even once again for the third time. And then I backstage at the end of it, then repeat the same process exactly at the other end of the paper. Okay, so now I'm going to fall the fabric back to where it should be and later on and going to tops. Teach that one. But first we need to do the other end on the marked line, as we did the first end, carefully taking on the pains and repeating exactly the same process with straight stage backstage, turning it over and reinforcing the seem so it's nice and strong a couple of times and then back staging at the end of it. So after unfolding back the fabric to where it should be, it's time to do the top. Staging on both ends just very closely to default. I go over with the straight stage you can backstage if you like or not, because we're going to sew it into the pouch anyway. So so the other seems will reinforce it anyway. Super is now ready and spent some time to cut the extra threads around. And if you wanted, a good idea would be to adjust the weights of day extra fabric you added to the width of the paper. So now we have nearly all the pieces of the puzzle they brought together on Day one. Pacing we're missing is the linen, which we're going to prepare now. Bring the lightweight fabric you've droz for the linen. It can be light caught lightweight cotton or lightweight linen. Whatever you want to make sure you have two layers of that fabric and then cut it according to the size. Either you have used the pattern off nine by six inch square or you made your own size, and then you just adjust it accordingly. Now, since I've got my linen on the fold of the fabric, I'm also going to cut the fold and separated two parts of the linen. Nice. It's on the next step. We're going to bind the super in, so stay tuned.
6. Binding the zip in: all the parts of the rapture ready. Let's buying the paper in place. One of the sites of the pouch, right sides facing up and placed it zip on it, with right sides facing each other. That means that the teeth of the zipper are towards the fabric towards the right side of the fabric. Again. Also, dizzy per head is facing the fabric, and then we're placing the linen that you chose on top of the paper. So now you need to allying the three layers together at the edges and pin them together with sewing pains. Try toe in your sewing things to go into the fabric and not to the teeth of dizzy per While you are aligning all three layers together, and that would be easier than fighting the sewing pains through the zipper's teeth. Okay, no mark. You are sowing long, using a ruler and the fabric pen a pencil. Andi, As you can see, I will be bending my a ruler because of the super's head sticking out. A good tip for now will be to pull your zipper's head further down to the middle of the pouch. It will make sewing the zipper much easier later. You'll see. So you open the fabric a little bit if you haven't done it before and pull you zipper towards the middle off the fabric and then close it back, and now we're going to sew it all together. I'm using a straight normal stage, starting with backstage to reinforce my scene. And then I'm stitching slowly and gently over my marked line until the middle off the fabric in the middle of the pouch just before deceivers head. Now, when I'm going to reach the ***, I'm going to stop. You're seeing the minute. I'm going to take out the fat break, pull it out later, bait. Open the layers. So I confirmed the zebra's head back up again towards the area that I've already sewn. So I'm not. I don't have to deal with zippers head sticking out, and then I'm going back to the same position as I stopped before and carrying on my same all the way down just to be on the safe side. I'm reinforcing the same again from that point onwards until the end of the pound until the end of disease, and again you can reinforce your seem with backstage. Okay, so now we have one side of the pouch of the deep, ready and sewn. I'm going to fall over the linen so it's under the outer layer. Thes thes. Two fabrics needs to be on one side of dizzy per, and now we get ready to do the other side of the zipper. First pulled a zipper halfway from down. Now bring the other side of the pouch and place it right sides facing each other and lined with the edge of the zipper, like so right size facing each other and lined with the end edge of the zipper. Flip it over and bring the other side of the linen and again align with the edge of the zipper and the other parts of the pouch. Now, being together with the sewing pins. This time I'm putting the middle pain just before the zippers head to give me a reminder where I need to stop selling Mark, you're serving line with a ruler and a fabric Ben, as we did before and then so in the same manner that we did before and again when I reach my middle pain, then it's time to stop sewing and remove the fabric away and then remove the head of dizzy per to the line that have already some back up. Like so, Readjust the location of the Seper with the sewing ping again and carry on sewing until the end. Now open the fabric like a book and press with hot Iran. First the linen from the linen side and then the upper layer from the upper side from the outer layer. Take your time with the pressing with the irony, since it's the last stage before we saw everything together, and it's a good preparation that the fabric will be nice and neat with all the layers and the edges. I lying together and pressing really helps with that. So give yourself a tap because you've done very well, working hard to prepare your pouch properly. And on the next step we're going to. So the pouch, which is the easiest and the last step Let's go
7. Stitching the pouch together: So now that your apologies aligned and I rend, we're going to open the zip. This is very important to remember to open the zip and then fold your pouch inside out So the inside the linen is showing outside and then align all the edges together by stretching the linen to the edge. Gonna pull it back a little bit and fix that stretching with sewing pins in place. Do noticed that I'm fixing thes sewing pins, further end pouch and not along the edges, because I want the edges to be free for me to. So and I want the fabrics to be fixed in place and not to move around while I saw it. And this is why I'm sitting there sewing pins like that all the round. Remember to make sure that both sides are aligned and everything is tucked in nicely, and then you can cut around and the excess fabric that you have around the perimeter, which I will do now. Not even if you prepared your fabric according to the path run ahead of time. There is there room for human error. We're all human, and it's okay to make tiny mistakes or bigger mistakes. Just make sure all the layers of the fabrics are aligned together because this will make a nice need sewing and finish. So if they're not, cut them until they're nicely aligned. Once you've cut them, we can start sewing. I'm using a wide condensed the exact stage. Begin with the right top corner and health your power to go under the sewing machine if we need and go all the way around until you reach the left top corner. No, when you're done with the six x stage we're going to. So all around the perimeter, a straight stitch I'm using a simple straight stage settings with my foot of the sewing machine on the edge of the fabric as my ruler for 1/4 of an inch seam allowance. Of course, if you want, you're more comfortable with their marking your serving, lying with the fabric venomous we did before, Then go ahead and do that. Carry on sewing over there around and reinforced with backstage, and now the selling part is done. Clean up the threads on the excess fabric or excess threads that might be sticking out. We're going to turn over the pouch now the magic is going to happen right now begin with the corners. Put your finger inside and push one corner inside out and then the next corner again. Push it inside out as much as accurate as you can, then turned a pouch over. Now in the same method turned the upper corners Well, using your index finger and your thumb to push it all the way out and again the other corner, turn it and push it all the way up and out like so And now your approach is ready, taking many to appreciate and enjoy all the hard work you put in. And the result is clean, neat and great and unique. I'm so looking forward to see what you have made. Don't forget to post your work in the project gallery. Now you can use your pouches of purses, a klatch, whatever you want. You can put inside and enjoy it. Your project is finished. See you in the next one
8. Closure: so this class is come to an end. I hope you enjoyed it. The main idea waas to get you into creating with fabric scraps up cycling is something I really believe in it. I think it's really important and it's also a very creative process where you use what you have and create something new from it. And in that notion, I'm very curious and I really want to see the project. You have come out breath, so don't be shy and posted in the Project gallery. Also, if you like this class, you're very welcome. Teoh, follow me here on scale share and also visit my other classes around creative sewing and fixed an art. You can also follow me on Instagram where you can see my creative path is a textile artist under my name Cabbage On. Lastly, if you want, you can pay a busy to my teacher, which is called sewing Fareed asta fancy dot com where I sell up cycled unique gift. So thank you so much for sharing your time with me and I'll see you on my other classes