Cooking Beef Pho | Boon Le | Skillshare

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Cooking Beef Pho

teacher avatar Boon Le

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Cook your pho and eat it too. You don't have to wait 8 hours to cook pho. With this simple recipe you can create a delicious bowl of Vietnamese beef noodles in under one hour.

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Boon Le

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1. Seasoning: Hello, everyone. My name is Boone. My Vietnamese name is born. My friends call me Bond and we're making Vietnamese beef noodles. I start off with 35 grams of salt and 35 grams of sugar. It's a lot easier to use a scale because you don't want to be messing with no spoons up. Next we have the spice seasoning. And if you don't have access to this particular bank, feel free to look in the pdf where I've included the exact ratios and spices you need for this recipe. I'm just prepping the seasoning now, breaking them down the smaller pieces so that it can fit in the T ball here. I definitely recommend getting something a little bigger because this one's a tight fit. He's here. I'm adding a few more Start NEC's because I really like the flavor. This is where you and your profile comes in, and you can adjust and fine tune that I'm still fine tuning this recipe. I want experiment with grinding down the spices and see how that turns out. And it's more like fire roasted vegetables, anyway, to bring out the fire flavor. The spice ball here is in the best solution for this. I recommend just using the cloth bag that comes with the seasoning. And if you can't find it, then I would go with this on the main reasons. Because hard to clean and sometimes the hinge, you know, falls apart and then you have toe put it back together. You know, they had to check the edges for this because sometimes my family gets stuck when you're closing it and push it back in. 2. Beef: up. Next we have beef and beef. I recommend to cuts brisket, ports, fat contact. Definitely want to find a slice. That's a nice chunk of fat on it and then flank for its tenderness. I've cooked with oxtail as well as beef bones, but for this 30 minute recipe, it doesn't really add much. If I were trying to impress, I would get the beef meatballs with Attendant. I just added thesaurus and sugar from before now. McCarthy Onion Do you take the onion? Put it straight in, which I'm gonna do here. Or you can put it in the oven and just like that, a nice little burnt flavor to it. I'm using hot water here, but you could definitely use cold. I think it's just more efficient to use the kettle to heat the water. It is important that you do use just 1.7 litres of water. This is important because we're not cooking it for eight hours. Were just cooking for under one normally 45 minutes. Cook on high heat until it starts boiling, at which point we drop it down to medium heat 3. Broth: at this stage. I like to cut off the fat because we're gonna take all the fat and then we're gonna cook it down. I'm cutting the meat here so it's easier to cook. It also gives more surface area for the broth to soak in. After I've cut off all the large pieces of fact, I then slicing him up to make it easier for cook. I periodically check the temperature of the meat. I am for 1 45 and right now we are not there yet. I should have checked the flank here. The smaller pieces put, I forgot. This is a few minutes later, the beef is ready, so we'll set that aside and will start filtering the broth. I'm usually in the spice pouch from earlier, and that is the onion. Ready to go in helps stabilize the cloth, making it easier to pour in. Using a little binder clip holds it together so it doesn't fall. Once we're all in weaken, discard the patch. Once the fat has rendered down, we can add it to Arbroath. You want to add the beef fat after you have filtered Brock and we're ready to do the final seasoning of the broth, I start out what they want. One ratio. So two scoops of broth in two scoops of water. When you're scooping the broth, make sure you go from bottom up to avoid the oil as much as possible, because you can always skim on a little oil. Afterwards, you want me? Sure, there's a harmony of flavors. Nothing's being overpowered. If it's too salty, add a little sugar. Maybe add a little water. If there's not enough umami flavor that be, flee at some MSG or maybe some fish sauce and balance with little sugar. If you can't taste the star and niece, just bring the pot back up to a boil and just cook for the spice ball for a little longer. Once you've found your broth, it's time to plate 4. Noodles: All right, We're almost there. Time for the noodles for the noodles. We want one tablespoon and two teaspoons of salt for 1.7 litres of water. We want to bring up the water to boiling and then at our noodles and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. I start tasting the noodle at five minutes. I want the noodle. 95% done in the last 5% is cooked in the bowl. Remember not to stir too much because Stearman it'll will decrease cook time. Therefore, you need to taste the noodles sooner. Once we're out that 95% we want to rinse the noodles in order to stop it from picking. I rinse the noodles twice. I really get in there in order to cool the newest down. 5. Slicing: you don't need a meat slicer, but it's nice to have when slicing the meat. Make sure you cut against the grain and you contest this by just eating it. If it's really chewy, you're probably going the wrong direction. - Uh . 6. Serving: sort of some new. Does some green on young Regular onion, cilantro row beef Have little side of hoisin sauce in so Russia Thai chili peppers Want whatever you like. Make sure you bring the broth back up to a boil. Riel. Nice hot. The hotter the better. Really, Really hot. And then mix it up and enjoy. Yeah, And don't forget your lamb.