Complete Python for beginners 2025 | Haider Ali | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to Course


    • 2.

      Python Installation Guide


    • 3.

      Print Statement


    • 4.



    • 5.

      Input statement


    • 6.

      Data Types


    • 7.



    • 8.

      Airthemtic and Assignment Operators


    • 9.

      Comparison Operator


    • 10.

      For Loop


    • 11.

      While loop


    • 12.

      Nested Loops


    • 13.

      Fibannaci Number Series


    • 14.

      If Else statement


    • 15.

      Elif Statement


    • 16.

      Nested if else


    • 17.

      Break Statement


    • 18.

      Stone paper game in Python


    • 19.



    • 20.

      Parameter and Arguments


    • 21.

      Return function


    • 22.

      Number with Function


    • 23.



    • 24.

      List with Loop and if


    • 25.



    • 26.

      More About Dic and list


    • 27.



    • 28.

      Pip installer module


    • 29.



    • 30.

      Congratulations and Future Guide


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  • Intermediate level
  • Advanced level
  • All levels

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About This Class

Hi! Do you know why Python is so popular and why millions of student learn python these days and many of them don't clear their concept and don't do a great job in Python Programing because of lack of knowledge? You are on the right course for learning the Complete Python Programming Language.

Python has a huge Demand in the Job market. Google, Facebook, and other Big Companies Pay a handsome amount of salary to their Python Developers. Believe me, you choose a really good Programming language.

Why Learn Python Language:

Python is most famous language these days because of simplicity and easy syntax code, Pyhton can be learn by any new Developer, Big Companies like Google, Facebook,NASA, IBM,  Twitter, Reddit, Instagram etc use python for their Projects. Such like Google use Python for their search engine and NASA build their lanched system in Python.

Why choosing this course:

This course is made by instructor who has 5 year experience in Python Programming language and he is a freelancer too.This course is structure according to the table content of python, So the student learn every part of Python completely. This course will help the student to be a Professional Python Programmer.

What you can do after Learning Python:

  • You can be a AI Expert

  • You can be a Hacker

  • You can be a Data Scienties

  • You can ba a Programmer

  • You can be Software Developer

  • You can be a App developer

  • You can be a Web App Developer

  • You can be a Freelancer

What will students learn in your course?

  • Learn to Mastered Python-2 and Python-3
  • Learn to understand Professional skills of Python for job and Freelancing
  • Learn to understand Python to Create your own Programs and Software
  • Learn to Create Python Program that take users input and Process and give output
  • Learn Complete Python with Creating Different Applications
  • Learn to use Python loops, if else, functions
  • Learn to understand the Code and Compile in your mind

So, What you waiting for Let start Learning Python with me and join our Code Dev Team, I'm waiting for you in the first video lecture of this Course.

!!!!!Happy Coding!!!!!

Meet Your Teacher

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Haider Ali

Computer Scientist and Graphic Designer

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction to Course: hello and welcome to bite into talk. The 19 complete course I'm instructor hasn't in death. So before I told you about the course, doctor, I won't tell you about myself first. I'm looking very scientists and a graphic designer by Hobie and I start my journey in computer programming. But it was on 80 years old kid, but Dad brought me a PC, which is until pension to my dad toward. I will do study on it. But believe me, I mostly used my PC to play games like Mario Sonic, Snow, Bro's and etcetera. So later on, I take undress in computer programming because I have a dream to do of my own game. The first ever language that I alone is a bites and language so often learning the bike and basic and advanced classes. Then I realized that there's not a single computer language. There's hundreds of computer language in the computer world, so yeah, you can say that I know the sanity plus computer languages and my favorite languages are biting and Java script, and my favorite a year specialization is the artificial intelligence. So enough talk about myself. Now we're gonna talk about the core structure. The court is Doc. You're innovate. That unknown programmer and programmer. Both can easily learned I cover the most important topic for it. Like variables that type print statement, ex cetera because these losses are necessary for looping and function section. So I will meet you in the first lecture off this course and please after completing the course. Don't forget to give. Really. Please, Tilden, tick your and happy courting. 2. Python Installation Guide: but right now it's time to download and install the Botton in your Windows and Mac computers. All right, I'm gonna bite and website. So here you can download biting for windows. So it will have also a Mac working also in just started here. So just click on the download button and automatically get downloaded. So I already download the bites, and so I'm just still open it. And after it, like the open, it will give me a set of now. I already installed a bite on my computer so they really have installation guide here, So just need to click the installation and automatically start fights and in your PC. After completing the installation, just click on the clothes burn Ofri. Close it. Now it's time to set the environmental variables for the bites and to work in the Windows and Mac. So open. Just search bar and enter environmental variables. All right? No, we have environmental variables. Click on the environment, the labels, and now, after opening the variables, we have to change about all right, so we have all the path of system, but we don't have the fighting bath. So click on the new And now in this Did you ride the fighting? But so my biting bots will be in my document. Right. So I just need to go to user and click on the my name folder. And here I just opened the Abdullah. All right, local, and then programs bites. And and this is in my fighting bots. So sometimes the fighting installed your Parton folder in the local Dixie. You can go and check it. All right, But if you don't find it, must be in the Abdellah. So copy it and make new patient care and click. OK, Ok, okay. All right. So if you don't find the Abdellah, then go to the view button, all right? And in this few button, check the hidden files. OK? So you can see the hidden ab data files. All right, so we enable the environmental for biting. Now we're gonna open the cnd to use it. All right, now type biting in it and once, right? The beytin it gonna start the fighting for a problem for you. Now, you should drive your first program. Let's say we're gonna print out the how the word on what consoles greens I'm using a print function and this print function, I'm going to use a burden. Tacis this, princesses. I'm right. Hello, Words. All right, so click enter. So we get printed. Hello, words. So Beytin is working? Absolutely perfect. All right, so now we want to use beytin from the sublime sub leader or any other Texas teachers. So what you gonna do, open just Texas teacher? All right, So before we using, we need to create a bite and file, so right click New and make a text at it. Changes text editor to P. Y All right. This is a file extension of the beytin dot p y and I'm gonna change it. Duke kissed. All right? Yes. We're going to change it so you can see that it changed a bite and file now. But if you can change the file extension, they need to go to the view and to the final aim extension. Then you can have options change file extension. All right, so let's go to or sublime a teacher. Close it and folder. Take this and drop it here. All right, so let's again make program Neon bright. Hello. Word again. All right. Now control s. But when you come on from close and reopen your come on strong right now type seedy toe. Get the directory. Very. Your file is present. And now go to the folder and copy it. So why, Right? CD CD is function in the command from to get the directory, right? Right. The directory here and now press enter. Now we enter into the directory. So type Wrightson and then a name with a file chest Dodd. And when I click, enter a group in Terrible. So this is how you can run your pipe file from your text editor. So I hope you like this installation video, and I will meet you in the next upcoming classes. And we gonna learn more about bison in the upcoming glasses, so be ready for it. And happy coating. 3. Print Statement: right now in this video, we're going talk about the print statement. We just also called an opera statement. Now the Alpha stating by the name you can say that it gonna print out anything in my console screen. Now, where is the consults? A green. So cnd Kamar is call you console to green. So it's clear is everything you write in your court, and when you launch it, it gonna print are on your consoles a cream. But this is your old good form, right? So every programs or software half some offered you give them. I'm put the process it and give you operate, right, so we can use a print statement to take the output before court. So let guest are learning the prince statement. Okay, so print statement San Tax is writing print and offer this print need for antacids. Now, in this pro antacid, whatever you write is gonna print over on the results of green. I'm gonna write a string tractors So dry string tractors, unique warps now in discourse, we should wide your correct er's Let's say hello, Ward, the most famous programming work control us and let's see what we get on a control screen. All right, so we get hella word on our console swing. This isn't all put off or program. Right? So that's supposed I want to print out the numbers, so I just simply ride the numbers round number I righted, and we get an output onward console to clean up 578 X pipe. That's correct. Okay, so why I use quartz for the strings? Why? No. Afford the numbers? Also, you can also write numbers into the quarters also, but it no preparation sometimes. All right, So why I use quarters for the strength. The answer this question is that the strings are the corrector between the mosque e made the strength in the computer science osk er important to London? No. What are the numbers behind the correct er's right. So according to the ah ski, the strings correct. Er's are always rooted into the court. Every programming language followed this route. Right? So let's suppose I'm gonna add two numbers. Two plus two. All right. And what we get, we get four so we can use automatic operations in it. So these are called automatic operation plus minus divide and subtraction. Plus minus two out of multiplication are called automatic operations. Right. Okay, so that's minus it. And let's see what we get. We get Europe. Okay, lets two more practice of prince statement. So I'm gonna add my name here, and I'm gonna multiply my name 10 times. Right? Let's see what we get. So it friend out my name 10 times other Rather have the heart of Heather. So So you see what? The magic off the Princeton again? That's juice and more. I'm gonna add my name, and but this I'm gonna plus and my lost name. All right, so we'll see what mathematical partner would do it. Gonna plus my bold name, Northern numbers. Just print out my name into a sequence farm Heather interviewed out, and it's spacing. All right, so let's ask some spacing by an inter court that mean we write a space there and plus sign and let's see what you get. Okay, we get heather dash into that's me fooling with space. Okay, So this is how we can you the print statement. Okay, We are variable. Also. So in the next video, we go and talk about the variables. Variables are most important value in this court. So be focused on it and keep pressing this Prince statement I will meet you the next loss with Mork Corn Experience keep practicing and Happy corner. 4. Variables: or right now, in this video, we are wondering about the variables. Now the variables play an important role in the fight and programming language. So the variables are you two story of data over you, the data into the main memory, which is you're an So I'm gonna give you a simple example. You understand the concept behind his variables that's supposed to have a voyage, which is your variable, and you have some money, which is your data. Restore your money into the Waller. Seem like it's story data into the variables. And you can use your money to buy some girls over any accessory from a shopping market or any other places. Seem the concept. Rick unplugged the variables in the biting programming language. Very the programmer t the data from the Grable's and use them in their programs. So that's targeting or first variable to create or first variable unit declared the name of the rebel force. So I'm gonna name my variable before and after writing work. I'm gonna add a sequel sign so no, this is equal sign declared my variable into the ramp. Alright, Offer declaring the variable you to add on No value. So what is the nail value? No value are called a syrah value. All right, So if you don't declare the no value into the variable and you simply print are in your console screen, you will get a sentence center. So a disaster to putting in debt, our no value in it before we print it out on this consult Supreme, right? I'm gonna write a random number. Let's say 123 and we're gonna print our consults again with the help of the prince statements or write print for in taxes. And on this print, I'm gonna write simply the name of the verbal. I don't need to add any quartz in it because the rule of printing the variable in the fightin is Dad you to add variable wing. Don't need to add on quarts in it. All right, So, control, ask. Let's see what you get. All right. So we get 1 to 3 deaths, a correct answer. All right, so let's minimize it, and we're gonna practice more, bar the variables, so let's remove it. And we can no store variable into the variables. Right? Tour Abel's here, Table one and table two all right and type is equal and type of people. So everyone stories and render numbers. Let's both 234 and verbal True was stored the variable one values. So I'm gonna just type here, read about one, and we're gonna print out only the variable Too rebel too. Okay, so let's see what would happen. We get 234 Let's see what is happening in the court. So terrible. One declared to ramp having a value 234 and were able to also declare into the Iran which having the value off the very ba one not storing the variable one directly into it. It's throwing the values off the variable one. All right. In the seventh line, we print out available to all Americans. Old screen. Okay, we're gonna store a string. Correct. It's typing here. Hello, word. All right, control s and see what we get. So we get Hello. Word on our consulting Dad's a correct answer. All right, so let's remove it. All right. So I'm gonna create three variable x, y and z no x, have a value for envoy. How value Five. Alright. And Zet has a value. Which gonna be addition off the X plus y X plus What? All right, I'm gonna print on Lee the set and let's see what we get. We get nine, so we just simply use on automatically preachers in it. Now, what are the automatic operators and automatically pressures are the math functions. All right, so we're gonna let about the mathematical preachers in the upcoming classes. Don't worry about it. All right, so let's move it and also moving. So let's talk about some limitations of curing of variables so I can apply some limitations to creating a variables. You can create a variables starting with numbers. Let's say 1234 and storing some random number. Let's say 890 And if you're gonna try to print out 123 work, control us and let's see what you get. You get us Centex. Ever. So this is nor allowing the biting toe right a variable names starting with numbers. But yeah, you can White very blamed ending with numbers 123 and change it. 123 Control s and see you get the result. Okay, So also, you can no create a variable names starting with special correct er's. This is also known, allowed in the biting programming language. All right, so you learn while the variables in this class and I hope you like this video, so keep practicing the breakables and I'm going between the next loss and happy courting. 5. Input statement: All right. Now, at this time, we're gonna learn about the import statement. Same live. We learn about the archer statement, which is the prince Step in, which give the all put on the consoles a green. So this import statement take input from the user from the console to green also. All right, so why we need to import statement. So I'm gonna give you a simple example that every software and programs in the Internet need input from the user, which will take any input from the user, which we're gonna be process on it and give the awkward right. So simple. So same live the import statement. Words taking the input from the user and the program of the process on it. And give the output on the consults a green. So they're just all learning the import statement. So the simple Santa's on the import statement is that we have input and offered this input you need to add Burn test is now in district Tess's. You're right. Your come on. Me. I'm going to say to use a dad and sure, your name. Okay, then along this program, this will be appear like enter your name. Now, this will clear the user data he want entered their name. All right, so But if you to enter the name Veer, the use of data will be safe now. Disappoint where the variables come into action. So I always say that variables are much important because the store the data, right. So we are variable to store the input. So I'm gonna make a variable name, and now the user will enter the name and it goes, save into the name variable into the memory. Okay. Read all to print their user name on this console screen. So we're gonna use ah, print statement. I'm gonna write print. And now in this print, I'm gonna just And now in the sprint, I'm gonna just at name. Okay, Now, let's go to a come on from and see the result. All right? So it's asking me, I ensure your name, so I'm gonna enter my full name. All right? So when I enter it, process it and return me. Heather anti off on the consultant wing. So this is how the import statement words. So let's remove it. Okay, So this time I'm gonna enter first name Rabel And this is the loss, Ning Brittle. All right, Now, in this first name you destroyed, enter their first name, Andrew. Your first name? All right. Input. No user should enter the loss. Name also and jury of losses. All right, so all too meek and age variable in this age, very but weakness store the age of the user. So I'm gonna all gain make input. And in this important, I would write and to your age. All right, semicolon, John. Forget to make a space between the user enter and the name command. Right? Control s okay. Now we're gonna print every line. All right, So one more thing. If you want to train the first name and everything like that, we need to add a variable into the strings. Right? So we're gonna use an f and then and now you should write your This is your first name. Okay, Office. This is your first name, Semi colon. And now in this cola braces. Right. First name. All right, so this copy it paced in peace. All right, so let's change it to the last name. And also changes lost and that change with age. All right, so age. Oops. I forget about this, Ellis. Small caps. Okay, so let's go to Mom from and type after your first name and for your last name and for your age. Okay, this is your first name, and it's the last name of zero. So what had happened? Let's discuss first. So the f the statement death tells the compiler Dad, you need to print out the strings. Has Bill has variable. So when I write F and then add caught in this court, I ride my strength and off with strings. I use a curly braces. Now, on this card braces, I write my readable name so you can use any Veritas collaborative in the strength so I can use in between is and your and or your and for his name. These controversies can add anywhere. Okay, If you want to print the variable into the string, there's a one more mattered, which is much easier to slide the string first name and then offered this right a plus sign . No, this plus sign will add the variable into the first name. So let's take an example First. Name. Alright, control, Let's and let's see the results So Okay, So this is how you can print out the strings and has Bill has the variables in it. I hope you like this video and you're gonna practice out of this import statements from reaching the next video and happy courting. 6. Data Types: right now in this video, we always talk about the data types. Data types are also very important, like variables. So it responsible for declaring the ride variable type. So it is important to learn the data types. Careful. So in this video, we're gonna learn about five data types, which is the teacher float and blue string and complex. Okay, let's talk about the teacher value first. So that in teacher are the whole numbers. I mean, the whole numbers are collection of positive and negative numbers, right? So So I mean, it consists of from 0 to 9 numbers and see where to minus nine numbers. These are call the whole numbers and teacher is a part of the whole lumber, so bison automatically declare or values into the interior farm, so we don't need to declare an teacher in the biting. So next we talk about the float, not the float is values which holding a decimal point riding 3.5, for example, let's say 7.8 or 9.0. These are called the decimal point. Values are floating point values because of the decimal point of point values. So these flowing point values used when you've orange, answer into a just move. All right? So bottom does not automatically declare sometimes these values, because you declare yourself so let's suppose you want to convert an interior value into the floating point value. So we're gonna use in principle mint and this print statement I'm gonna use a float. Burton tasks is now we call afloat building function. So, you know, in this spring, Tass is I'm gonna arrive on value. Let's say I'm gonna write authority control less and less sea to come on from, Okay. One of their printed, we get 30.0. Now it's convert or simple into your value into the floating point. Let's move this floating for impassive and let's see in the simple into your value Okay, we get tourney because automated declaring teacher value by beytin Okay, we can also change floating point into the interior. Let's suppose I'm gonna create a variable in this variable. I'm gonna divide my three by fire, right? And the prince statement, I'm going to write in and then three by five. First of all, let's see the example wouldn't happen if I just I think our the variable so It gives me 0.6 in the floating point on. Right? So I changed you. Sorry. In teacher. And in this video, I'm gonna ride my very believe him union. Let's see what we get. Okay, we get zero. That's a correct answer, right? Okay, let's remove it. Let's move to another delta, which is the bull there. Type now, the Buddha type. Always use true and falls in the result. So let's take an example. I'm gonna create our condition, which is three is greater than six, which is the folds condition. Right. So let's print it out. Let's see, what will it answer? So it answer me the folds, right? This is a correct answer. So let's move it. Okay, so I'm gonna no more talk about the owned this boule because we're gonna run about the pool in the upcoming lectures. So let's move to these drink Now the string we all read about the collection of corrector, So a B, C D E f g. These are all in the string forms, so we don't need to learn about this train. Right? So let's remove it and moved to the complex. Now the complex is used in the imaginary part, so it's basically do it by the jail. So let's talk. I'm gonna add three. Just adding three number. All right, No more than I'm gonna print it out. So let's see the result. What we get. Okay, we get three blood, zero j. So it's all that in order by J. The complex number always been ordered by J, so let's remove it. So we complete over all of the death hives. So one will function. We have which tell what data types are using. It's called a type function. Now, in this type work function, you should ride your number or invariable lane. Let's suppose I'm gonna riot my 0.6. Can we gonna print it out and see the real nonetheless? Okay, we get class float now, tell me that you are using a floating point values. If I'm gonna change it to expose on name. Let's put this time is fighting, and I'm gonna print it out. I got its class strength. So that's correct. Absolutely. Quite all right. It is how you can use their type function to know about what their type are you using. So I hope you like this clause and I will meet you in the next loss. But keep practicing these data types right and happy courting. 7. Strings: or right now. Welcome back gain. And in this video, we going to learn about the strings inviting. So we're gonna learn everything about the strings. Okay, so let get started learning. All right, so we know that we can declare a variable having a string with the help of the double quads . Right and single applies. Okay, We can also make a variable and store a multi line strengths corrector with the help of the triple court. So let's start creating. So I'm gonna make a variable and storing a triple part. Strange, but diving. Hello? Words. And then how are you? All right, let's control s. And if you want to see the result, let's go toe prints, statement and adding vert, control us and let's see the come on. Prompt. Okay, we get hella word. How are you? This is how we give you the dark triple course to print out the multiple line corrector strength. Okay, But the basic purpose off this video is not showing the triple cars functionality. I'm gonna share you the functions we can use in strings to doom or stuffs. So we have function, which is the lower function, not the lower function by the name. It's used to lower rise the correct er's case. Suppose you have an upper cracked this case and you want to lower rises Whole pleasurable letter. Okay, so you can use the lower function to low tractors into the lower case. Right? So let's use it. I'm gonna make a verbal gain and indisputable. I'm gonna see Ah, double chord string corrector How the world again supposed And I'm gonna uppercase it My Hello, Right. That's food. Okay, now hello is uppercase and war is in lower case right this time. Okay, Anybody you've got Prince statement now. And this print statement I'm going to use work. OK? Do use the lower function, the strings. We can use a documentation. Now. The Don imitation is used to access the functions, so offer dawn dish in graduate function name, which is the lower. All right, that's it. Control that. And let's see the result we get Hello. Weren't all the correct er's in the lower case. So this is how we can use the lower function. Okay, We have one more thing, Which is the upper case. Function off one wording every tractor into the upper case control is unless yours. Okay, we get hell award in the upper case. So the next function is also much interesting. The next function will be the replace function. All right, place function. Also you the documentation. All right. All right. So now the place function is much different from those lower and uppercase function. The replace function, you some kind of functionality which mean if you want to replace a corrector or a letter, you need to write it. Name. Let's suppose I want to replace edge Eric and coma. And now, right, The replacement letter in which the rhetoric come on this place. That's supposed I want to replace Edge by J All right, in the control. Ask and let's see the results we get Jello world seems money, right? Okay. This is how we can use the replace function. All right, so let's use another function, which is thesis split function. The simply function is used to splitting these two correct er's right. Hello and board. So let's use it. It also used the dot notation sublet. And now in this applet, we don't need to add it something right now and we're gonna see Hello So how it's going away, Brenda. See this space? They're gonna add a simple it right there. So let's suppose you have something like that. A scary sign in between it and often staring. You have historic, and then we have it's cheering. Are is Eric. You all right? Let's suppose you add these, and I'm gonna move these spaces so we don't actively always work on the spaces. Right? So we scanned the spaces and replace those spaces with split. So we have this tearing. No, we don't have any space. So how we can add the supplication Coleman so we can use is Terek indie sublet? Now it gonna scan the Terex signs and replace it with the coma. So that gets see the result. Okay, you see that? It's replaced the hysteric with the coma signs. So this how we can use this split function to sublet you all the correctness and dense. Okay, so we have another function. We just call the length function Ellie in the shot from. So the men function is used to call the correct er's in your strength. So the land phone card is the only function you don't use any documentation. You just write a land and in the brackets use your very belief. Okay, lets see There is what happened. Okay, we get 23. That's mean we have 23 correct er's in or strength costs. So I hope you enjoy this class and region in this clause with the new video, so keep practicing it and happy according 8. Airthemtic and Assignment Operators: All right. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about the operators. Now the operators are used in biting programming language to perform some mathematical operations. Now, these mathematical operations are used to solve your problems. Like you want to add some numbers or where you want declaring a number into another variable or etcetera. So that star learned the automatic and a Simon reporter in this clause. So let's start with the automatic operator. Not our thematic of Richard, You simple math functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All right, so this addition and subtraction signs on simple we use in the mats so that subtraction and division signs are different. In the computer signs we use across sign in the mask to declare us multiplication. Right. But in the computer sense, the multiplication is already clear with the historic sign. All right, Hysteric sign And the division also declared with this core of line symbol. Okay, now we use the term article preachers in or program for farm. The mathematical functions. Okay, so let's suppose I'm gonna make to bury both Rabel One having some store of value, a random value 67 and variable to also have random Ellie with 98 Let's suppose. Okay, now I want also print on my console screen, so I'm using Ah, print statement. Now, in this print statement, I'm adding my one and verbal. Now I'm in between these two variables I'm gonna add. I'm gonna add addition Sign even plus automatic a preacher. Okay, Now, let's see the result in or come on from. I'm gonna make bites in 1 65 That's correct. Okay, Now we see the result off over print statement into your console screen by CMD Open and White Brighton. Okay, we get 1 55 That's a correct answer. Perfectly right. Okay. We just add to wearables. Now we're gonna divide it and let's see where is what we get. Okay, we get syrup on six floating point number. So we're gonna also use a multiple automatic oppression and see your results. Okay, we get 656 Dad's a correct answer. Also. OK, OK. One mawr mathematical Creator. We can use in the exponential or thematic approach. Not what? Exponential automatic appraisal. We see the result for us. Okay, We get along number, so I'm gonna change his number two tree and I, for one will be true. And let's see the results to understand. Okay, we get it now. What is happening here? So when we use an exponential, that's mean to power off three mean if the right side variable have some value. Let's suppose three is here in the horrible two on the right side and left side. Have to and got me to blue multiply three times. Okay, so that means to multiply by two months. Lab, too. But if we have four on the variable true, that's mean to lunge. Applied by four times increasing the number on the right side, the left side also increasing multiples. So this is how the exponential words. I hope you understand how the automatic operators worth. Let's start with the assignment operators. So in the assignment of Pedro, basically you the as equal sign has declared a variable in the previous club. These equal signs were you These equal time has an assignment. A printer. All right, so let's use resembles making X very boat. And now in this x variable, I'm gonna want to add X plus three know what is happening? Let's suppose except the value of two and two plus three. We fight. Okay. This is a simple assignment. Operator burdened us. Real sent decent Nora Simon, Operator declaring an assignment operator, we use X is equal in three. No, I want at three into X, so I just add a positive sign after these equal. So what will happening when you expand this? You will get access Eagle explicitly. Okay, this will save your time and your space in the programming language. Okay, So when I'm gonna print it out on, let's see the result. We get three. That's so axes right now, don't including any values. So X equals zero automatically have discussing the variables. So we're gonna print acts and we get the result Treat, because acts is plus with destry mean zero plus three is three. Okay? Just how the assignment of Prader work 9. Comparison Operator: All right. Welcome back again. And in this video, we're going to learn about the comparison operator. All right, let's get started learning. So the comparison uprooted by the name we can define it. It's used to make comparison between the two variables over the two numbers or 34 many numbers. Multiple numbers. Right. OK, so I'm gonna give you an example to understand this comparison, Prater, I'm gonna make a variable X and storing some value sixth and making another Rabel. Very well. Why? And storing some value tonight. All right, Now I'm gonna add a Princeton member goes I want my result on the consoles A green. Okay, Now I use a comparison operator, which is the making comparison. Death X is equal to y or not. So I'm gonna add as you go something. Now, stop here. We know that is equal sign are used to declaring a variable. Right, So the comparison approved er offers doubles equal sign to make Cumbers in between accent. Wife. Okay, So if you want to check the equality between the two numbers or two variables, you can use the double is equal sign. All right, so now the press control s and let's see the result. Okay, we get false. Now the fighting always give the example in bullion phone when you are simply checking the compares interpreters. Alright, simply we just don't add in some numbers and then you're adding these numbers into the loops. But when you are using comparison are present in the loop and they felt statement. Then you get some results. But in the simple tends to get Onley answered the true involves right? Okay, we have one more compares interpreter which is used if the grated in a blessed inside know the signs. Are these all right now How to identify these signs? This sign is telling that the left side value is always greater than from the right side value right? And this I'm telling that the right side value is always greater than the left side value. So Harvick indifference by knowing that where the mouth is open is a group inside and hear the mouth is not open is a narrow sign is a narrow where the mountain is a narrow gas mean the value is smaller there, so we can add an axe is greater than why and now In this sense, we can see that the mouth is open toe acts. Death mean acts is greater than why. All right, so acts is six and wise nine. In this sense, you can get that. This is a false statement. Right? So let's see the results What we get. Okay, we get full. Dad's correct. This is a full statement. So if I change a value to do and let's see the result we get true now, this time acts is greater than two dads. A correct answer. Okay, one more thing. We're gonna change the signs. And now what we get, we get false. Because why is good? The next is a false statement. Because why is to an active six, right? Okay, now I want to make comparison also that both fellows are equal or greater than or less. And then so what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna add and his equals on No. Why don't I add the doubles equal sign? Because when you are used as equal sign with an interpreter, that means you are doing an equality compares on a pressure. Right? So that's why I don't use doubles equals sign, because I use comparison. A preacher with any other comprising a preacher. Right. So let's see the results. We get false Letzin Abella to six and we got to get now. True. Okay, we get true. That's a correct answer, right? So one more thing began to do is we have and not as equal time. Now these naazy cool is used when we make a comparison that acts is nautical to what we declare a condition that acts must nor musicals white. Right, So in this phone we get a false but we're gonna change to one now, this is a true statement. Get true, but have a train again through six. Now, this is a bold statement because X is equal, Dwight. Right? Okay, so these are the comparison operators, which we need it in or upcoming Flosses. Right? Okay, I'm gonna add all these compares and traders here right now. So what alone we don't act is a lesson in why operator and then Wieland, Active grille and y or preacher. Then we learned the comparison operator axes is equal to y, and we use the comparison. Gordon operator also act is corrected. Dan is equal to y so axes less of them is equal to y, and then we use axes. Operation Dan is equal to what? All right. And next one, we use access not as equal to y. Okay, These are the operator which we are going to use, you know, you know where upcoming classes and very important for every programming language. Right? So if you know these operator, you can use them in and were in language and C plus plus job, script and ex cetera, so happy going and keep practicing it. 10. For Loop: all right there. The two type of looping in the biting programming language. The 1st 1 is a for loop, and 2nd 1 is a while. OK, but in this video, we are only going to court for Luke for the basic Sanctus afford of his dad. We just right before enough for two for union Declare a variable, so I just need the variable X. Once I ride the X, the four automatically generate the variable in the round. All right. After declares the variable we provide in, which is a part of the for loop. Now, often in we'd ride a treble data. So it rebel. I just sat in the previous cloth. It's a collection of data, so I use arrange travel because I want to print out 1 200 numbers. So I use a Iranian treble. And in this rage, I provide 101 100. All right, so this program will print from 1 200 All right, what's wrong in the human saying they're gonna print 1 200 the biting language they're gonna print from 1 to 99. So what's a reason? So the pilot language always neglected. Lost digit So what I say it's always neglect the loss digit. So, what you gonna do? Just make number bigger ones or one so and now it's gonna print down from 1 200 Okay. A something calling to make indentation. Now, what is indentation? So the form of imitation indicated. Said what are you right in? The indentation is a part of the for loop. Ok, okay. Without hesitation, you can know, right? Anything in the for loop? All right, let's see a new print print. So I just write a print and into sprint. I'm gonna print off X. All right now. Control s that's freed up. Okay. What? We get the result perfectly. We got hundreds of numbers, right? 1 200 Okay, let's see what happened. This court. So when you run four acts in range ones or one, So the first iteration now the force tradition mean forced loop. So how many loops are we going to run? We're going to 11 200 loops before we set the range for 1 200 All right, so when the first new point, the in help us to copy the value of the range value into the X. So when the first attrition runs, the range has first value mean the first LeBron and the one is copying to the actually help of the end. And we print out the value of the X, which is one all right, what I said when the first iteration run, the range has won and the one is copping to the acts and with the help build in and the print exe with print of the value directly. Just one. And next time when the second iteration one that rage is two and two is copied to acts and it's gonna print it out. So this is how the range work and sprint it the 1 200 numbers, right? But this is really easy. So let's shoot with other rebels. Okay, let's suppose I am writing a string corrector contest and I want at every corrector off the string must be printed on my console screen separately. All right, so control s and let's see the magic. It's see that call and C c o n tst is separately displaying my screen. This is how you can use a fore Look to printing on something. OK, you can use four due to multiple printing. So, uh, okay. Now I've just multiply the axe with six. Now, before I don't show you promoted from, let's see what would happen when this evil print out. This will most clever 60 at me ever print on the six, write six times C and the next one or will be print off six Time and and we print out six times. So that's Control asks, and let's see the results. Okay, we get as perfectly we get six times sees example and tea. Yes, tea. That's a really great story. Allowed it. So I hope he learned about how you use a for loop in different things, all right? 11. While loop: But right now we don't know about the y looms. So the white bluesman most river loop in the biting programming language because of the simplicity and easy Centex. No, By the four, leverage has the longest Centex rights. The right of why loop in the fighting programming language we just write while offered while I just quite a semi colon. No. Between December cold and the wine, we'd right old condition. Now let's talk about the conditions. So we already know about the conditions in the variable that times chapter. Now the conditions are all the base of the truth and falls. So to make this condition in this state, I'm gonna write out variable I and say or value one in it. All right? No, that's come in the wild and semi colon between and now right over condition. OK, I make a condition. I is less it intent. And now this is a true condition. One which is storing too. I mean, I is 11 is less evident, so it's a true condition. Okay. When the condition is true, I want at the fighting run the print statement. Okay. No, In this print statement, I'm gonna print out the I value. Okay. Now, after the printing the statement, I want that fights and add one number into the I Z Could I place would help us to achieve this gold. All right, now, what would happen? So when the first iteration run I is one is less than 10 and that's true. So the streaming true is gonna print our the print I, which is one are one is printed And in the third line now, Isaac, could I +11 plus one is two now to was going to save into the I And when it go again, when the second iteration one that I is too right. So there are two is lesser than 10. That's correct. And it's gonna printed the aim. And two plus one is 337 dry and go again back. So he's going to run again and again and again until the don't reach the fold Statement not the full statement is 10. All right, so let's see in Roanoke Court. Okay. 123456789 So why don't print 10 because 10 is not lessened in 10 and not greater than 10. So it's Z quarter 10 also, So we can quiet and is equal sign. I'm sorry. So let's see. There's gonna print 1 to 10. So this is how the wide works. All right. Okay. Now we're gonna print some strings, so I just make a statement again. 10. And now this time I'm gonna print out the string. Hello, Work. Okay, let's see. There's gonna print the can tell awards. Okay? It's friending. A tele will have a whole hell of a Hollywood. All right, so we can use an import statement in the wild about so So keep practicing the violin and for low, because use a while loop. And for in the upcoming classes so much. 12. Nested Loops: or right both in that game. And now in this video, we are going to learn about the nasty loose, not the nasty loops are using Barton programming language when you want to use loops into loops. So this are called the Nasty loops. All right, so then get start learning, okay? I'm gonna make off while loop here before the while loop. I need also a veritable So I'm declaring I variable storing value zero. And now in this file Ooh, I'm gonna make a condition. I is less than can. All right, So what are the basic purpose off this example? I'm gonna print 0 to 9 numbers 10 times. And if you're curious, how weaken do that? So, with the help of the necessary look, this job can be done. All right, so let's start it. OK? Now I'm gonna add an indentation. Now, in the first Lupin dentition, I'm gonna add I is equal to I plus one. Okay, this will be the increment and not for debt. I need another variable for the second loop. So I'm declaring a second variable, which is J and J story value zero also and often the G I'm going to clear another white plume the second while loop, which having a condition J is less than 10. All right, now the second. Why? Lou Indentation will print out the value of the J all right and offer the printing. I want increments J value. So I'm gonna add a Jay Z equals J plus one increment. All right, so with control asked, unless see over results. All right, So what is happening here? Is gonna print it out the 0 to 9 numbers 10 times, as you can see that. Okay, So what is happening here? Let's see first. Okay. Very declared icicles your variable. And then I use a via loop. And now, while upset the condition, I is less than 10. Okay, the condition is said, and it's true right now. Okay. After the indentation declared, we get icicle I plus one, which is the increment off the eye, right? And then we declare a J. Ziglar's you're able, and then we use a second while no second violin have ah condition. J is blessed in time. And second while blue printing all the J values. And that's mean when the first attrition runs Isaac. Although I +11 is added into the eye, right? And then J is equal to zero. Variable creative and second loop is declared while Jay is lesson in town. And now when the second loop is complete mean the second new will go from Syria tonight, Jay Z go zero mean j go from 0 to 9. We added on Jane German also and it's gonna put it are from 0 to 9 value spending zero than 12345 until they don't written nine. This stopped, then loops over. Then it coming into the fifth line starting the loop. No, this time I is one. Okay, now, this time Isaac killed one and then again launched the loop. And again, why? Louis started game? Because Jay is a gain zero. But if you remove the Jay Z equals zero, you Onley get 0 to 9 observatory for death. She's a good zero will be outward off this and now you see the result. Then you get 0 to £9. So why does happen? Because J already clear outside the loop mean we don't declaring the J a gain in the game. That's mean won t J is reached 10. That's mean, J is chance and again new. Blown J is 10 Steidtmann our true and asked me in the loop with now runs. So this is how you can do the nasty loops. So I hope you enjoy this video, and I hope you understand. But if you don't understand this video, the upcoming practice video closet will help you to understand how we can use loops and nested loops and other break and condition. You're going too long the key practicing this in extra loops, and I will meet you in the next loss with the new video classes and happy courting. 13. Fibannaci Number Series: all right. Now in the video, we are going to learn about how we can make a five on a key number. Syria's program. So what are the Fibonacci numbers? Here is the five point of number. Syria start from zero on one and so going to 12 358 and turning and so on. So what is the reason behind these numbers? How these numbers are generated? So these number gin rigid By adding the previous number into the present number, the first number should be added and we get a new number one. And now the previous number want really added into the present number. One plus one is two, and now again, the previous number added into the present number one plus two is three and three plus two is 55 plus three is 88 plus five is turning torgyan plus eight and so on. And now over tosses to make the five ah Nicky number, Syria's program in the fighting programming language. So let's start courting. All right, we three variables and one and true and entry. All right now, And one stores of value zero. We know that 50 Nikki numbers He would always started to number zero and one Right. So we're gonna add one From now, we're gonna add also zero here. So these two numbers are Koeman not This variable is unknown Variable right now. Okay, we need I variable also because we are going to use and why loop So in this I variable I'm gonna store is your road So why Lou making condition? I is lesser than five. I'm gonna make on Lee the five numbers five miniseries. All right now the rial courting time entry has n one plus into Have you know we're gonna add the two numbers right now. First, we get need to get torn numbers going to add 1st 2 numbers, zero on one, Right. Offered it. We're gonna print it out and treat. Sorry. Oh, right. So awkward printing. We need to changing a place or for variable values. So and one will restore the entry value and end to store the entry value. All right? And this control s and let's see what you get. So we get a long, long knowns topping an infinite loop. So what? I'm going to miss taking this is Children for you. So if you figure out I'm is taking our increment. Yes, I plus I plus one control as and see the real. So we get 5 20 series. 1235 age. Now it's tarred from This is not from Seo won its start from 12358 All right, so let's see what is happening in the court. First, let's understand this. Then we gonna make some more changes. So what is happening? We have 01 and zero. It's a no value that 93 and Article zero. So zero is lesson five. That's correct. Statement. Shoe. Lukeville run! And in the indentation of this loop, we have n three storing addition off the zero plus one, which is the one now one store into the entry and printed off owner were consoled screen right after printing order. Consoled screen. We have another and one's eagle to end to not end. One has 00 and and two has one. No one is gonna store into an one. No, and one has a value one. No. So let me write up five points here is here is 01 12358 all right, has a conceit. All right, Now anyone has one and n two has a value of entry. No entry has a value. One after a d adding and one into. Right. So now the value has changed you. And to have one and one has one now gained the loop statement. Correct. Incriminating. Okay, so entry now have one plus one, which will be the two. Well, you right. So we get to on the consults of right now again and one value stores and true value, which is the 11 story gaining to end one. And this time to which having and three value, right, Sue isn't the entry no entry to will be store into the end to now the value of interchange to truth now two plus one will be the tree. And again so onto the age. That is how we made five morning numbers. Siri's 14. If Else statement: All right. Now we're going to learn about decision making statements, which is the if Elif and else. But in this video, I'm only going to covered, if an else statement, so that gets started. So I'm going to give you a simple example to understand the concept off, if else statement. So I'm gonna create our two variables, which is joy. And 2nd 1 is the Henry. Okay, Joy is sound meter taller, and Henry is 10 meters taller. All right, so now we need to compare these two variable to decide which is taller. Enjoys taller or Henry's taller. So we use a statement to make a conversion. So right, if now make a condition, which is Joy is smaller than Henry. If Joyce more than Henry, then print out Henry Stoller. Okay, now what has happened when the statement is true? This would print our Henry's taller, but whether treatment is not true, they print off nothing. Okay, let's say the result. Henry's told her dad's correct. So joy is salmon, and Henry's 10 salmon is less than 10. That's a true statement, so it's print out. Henry's taller. Okay, so that's supposed I'm training developing 17 And now the statement is false because Joy is 17 and Henry's 10 gets a fold statement. So see the result. It's bringing nothing to handle this false statement. We use another statement, which is called Ailes Statement. No, the else statement doesn't have any conditions. Just print our anything in your case. Just print off anything India in your intention. That's supposed joy is taller. So let's see. There's old Joyce told. That's correct. OK, so we see how we used the if else statement. So let's take mawr practice on it. Okay, let's suppose you sign up. Right? And sign of possible is equal to Hello. 123 All right, let's make it springs. And now you this sign in the computer will want to influence the possible. So we use an imprint statement. All right, now, interest and abuse and Sure, Yes. All right. So we make comparison between the sign of possible and signing possible. So we use if statement and this sign in doubles equal sign up. But if the sign in is is equal to sign a password than print Welcome. All right. Otherwise, we use l statement for the full statement with its printing prosperity's all right, Let's control us and see their zone. So it also are possible. So the password is Hello? 123 That's correct. It's printed out correctly. So what happens if I just entered the wrong password? Just hello? One with the voice exam on. So number random numbers I entered. So the password is on. It's working correctly. So I hope you like this clause and creep practicing the FL statement. Okay, so it doesn't think flowers we go to learn about the LF statement, which is much more interesting. 15. Elif Statement: All right. Now I want to learn about the end of statement. So let's read all your previous example with the joy and the Henry example. Invest. The joy is equal to salmon, and Henry has a value is equal to 10 all right. And we make comparison between them, then who is taller with the help of the if statement. If joy is smaller than Henry, then print out. Henry is taller. All right, But if the statement is false, then we use an else statement, which is trending. Joy is 12. All right, so what happened? It Bolds, Joy and Henry have the same height that changed 10. No, it would have the same height. So let's see there is or what has happened. So it putting out joy is told which is not the correct. So if statement does not one but the else statement run, that's not a correct answer is giving on. So what we do now? So we use an out if statement from making an and other option from to making it another option for the false statement. So that's right. L if All right, so in this hell, if we make another condition, which is joy is double is equal to Henry Dem. Print I'm sorry. Can re enjoy are out of this image. Seen point. Sorry. All right, let's see the result, Henry. Enjoy are the same height. Dad's a correct answer. No. So what happened in this if statement falls then is go to the elves statement Now the else statement is true. It doesn't need to go into l statement it Just print out. LF statement indentation, which is the print. Henry and Joy are same height. So this is how the olive statement works. 16. Nested if else: Welcome back again. Now, in this video we are going to learn about in necessary feels no. The nested defaults are you when you want to use it? Felt into the NFL's seem like we learned the nested loops were reused loops into loops. All right, so they guessed all learning. Okay, I'm gonna make a three variables X, y and zed. All right, Now, in these three variables, I'm gonna add numbers that suppose adding 65 into the X Y holding 90 an zed holding. And he sees all right, jewell ass and lets me, if statement here and knowing just if statement, I'm gonna add conditions that suppose I'm gonna add if acts is courage and then why, All right then in dentition. Now, in this first instead, meditation, I'm gonna yet another. If yes, X is created them. Why? Sorry is good than is a indentation. And now, in this indentation, I'm gonna have a print statement. Now, This prince statement printing out. Correct. All right. Not but if all too, haven't else, so we can add a notes for the second option. We just holding incorrect spring corrector. All right? No, we're gonna add on L Stedman here. No, this l statement is concerning with the first if statement. Right. So now this l statement holding print which having wrong. So let's run it. So we get wrong. So what is happening here? So let's understand. So acts is 65 boy is 90. So 65 is non order than what that's mean. It's a wrong statement if four statements Wrong, Jack Mean indentation Also note run. So that means if else don't run and we only get else statement the last option in which printed are the Bronx. So but if I change the science All right, so let's see what will happen. We get correct because 25 is less than 90 and 65 is less than 86. Deaths mean the for statement. True. And it's go to an indentation and inefficient holding another if statement. All right. The second, If statements true and principality correct. All right, so let's remove it. And long this practice of real events treatment. All right, so I'm gonna make a user variable. And this user variable holding some spring characters may be my name. All right? And we're gonna make a password variable which holding way possible. It's a a B C d. All right. Okay, so now I suppose I just sign up, OK, this is my sign of information. And now the computer wanted me to sign up. And the von my input, which include user name and password. Right. So I'm gonna make up a user name variable again. And now on this, using the invariable, I'm gonna add input and your user name. All right, Another one deep past and now in this password input again. And it cost me to enter my possibility. All right, so we create the two input which holding you the name and password. Now, I'm gonna use a nasty if else. So let's make it. I'm gonna add an if and no in this. If I'm gonna add if a user is double Zico. Mean Zico. User name that an intuition and then check if pass is easy. Hole password. Open invitation print. Welcome. All right. Otherwise, print me out. Framed your own password. All right, so now the olds holding Prince Stephen and saying that else wrong using all right. So we could a simple logging program right now. So control Let's and let's see what results. Okay, now I need to enter my user name, but that's supposed I'm adding no. Any director, my possible, Which is a BCG welcome. So let's run it again. OK, let's changing something. I'm gonna add some Collins right now to make it some difference. All right, so let's see. Okay, using a McGain now the using. They may be correct right now, and the password will be wrong. 12456 Wrong password. Okay, lets another chest. And now this time I'm gonna enter are wrong. You The name password would be correct. Okay. Wrong. Using. So this is a program with you? The simple it felt statement to make a log in page. So I hope you like this practice program, and I hope you will practice the nest NFL. So I will meet you in the next loss and keep practicing and happy coding 17. Break Statement: right now in this video, we are going to learn about the break statement. Now, the brakes statement are using biting programming language to stop or completely terminate our loop or FL statement in the program. So that guest all learning. So to understand the break statement, I'm going to write a simple example. So I'm declaring a y variable having value zero in it. Offer declaring the I variable. I'm gonna write a violent No. In this viral loop, I'm gonna use our condition, which is I is lesser than 10. All right? No. In the indentation of the vile, I'm going to write an increment, which is the eyes he called you pi plus one. And after implementing, I need any statement now the if statement saying that if I is equal to treat, then break. All right, if Stephen also haven't else, so we need to add a statement. No, the else statement holding a Princeton. So when you print out the value of I in every iteration of the loop so writing, I no President control as let's see what we get. All right, so we get 12 And after the Lubin terminated, So what is happening here. Let's see first. So I physical zero while I is less intense. That's a correct Sigman because zero is less than 10. And after chewing the statement, we get indentation know the while indentation, saying that I is equal to I plus one incriminating, right? So I plus ones. Your plus one is one. No one is store into the eye office storing. I would get an if statement. So the if statement saying that one is is equally tree. No, it's north the country and the statement is false and we don't run the break statement. We go to the else statement which printing the value of I So we get one on the console screen. So next time one is lesson 10. That's correct. Incriminating means it going to and now too is no Article three. So we get else which printing the value I, which is the two on our consults? A green. All right, so next time to is less than 10. Correct. Now we get to plus one which is tree tree and is store into the eye. So if three busy go tree yes, the three is equal to tree now the break statement runs. So once the break statement runs, the loop is terminated here. Right? So it nor go run the remaining loop. So it just terminated and go to the end of the line, which is the after the loop. Right? So the basic purpose of break statement is to break a loop or fl statement completely and moved to the end of line, which is often loop over a false statement. So you can see that once that if statements true, the brace statement runs and it break the whole loop, break the whole if else statement and it go to the 11th line, which is after the Via loop. Right? So I hope you like this video and I will meet you the next loss. So keep practicing the break statement and happy courting. 18. Stone paper game in Python: All right. Welcome back again. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about how we can make a simple stone papers is their game. So let get started. According all right, before we get started learning how to make a game. So one more concert about the function need to be finished. So this function is called a random function. Now, the random function are used to choose between our random numbers. Right. So let's suppose we have a number from 1 to 3, right? And you want to choose a random number. So how going to choose a random number inviting? So use a random function to truth between these numbers, it may be our 23 or one. Right. So in court, the random library, we need to bright import. And then we do right, brand. All right, so after typing import random, we important the random library. Now, after importing, we're gonna use it by writing tandem Dark Rand Range. Now it's gonna pick the number in between this range and its parent acid wide the range. We need 1 to 4 range. Now it's with randomised between 12 tree number. Not before we already know that bite and always ignored the last number. Right? So it would randomly, between 1 to 3 numbers. Let's print it out on the console screen and see the result. So we get one again we get to. Now we get to and to again, we get three. So just how the random function wars. All right, so let's move it and let's start making your game. All right? So old game need to players player one and the computer player. Right. So I'm gonna make a player one here and a computer player. So the player one need input from the user, right? You their input, the stone paper or Caesar value. So let's suppose I'm gonna answer your answer, Straughn keeper. Over a season. All right? Some people in space and computer have option to choose between the stone paper and scissors. Right. So we're gonna use a random funk inter. So how to randomize it? And how can me over computer smarter. Let's see that. Okay, so I'm gonna make a variable. We just called choose variable. And now in this trees variable. I used my random Dr Rand function range and we give it our range from 1 to 4. We are no one lost number, always ignored by the fights. And so it could randomize between 1 to 3 numbers. All right, so now let's suppose, if choose is equal to one. All right, if the truth is equal to one den computer stores value, all right? L is. But if they choose has a value to in the computer stores. Caesar. All right. In the last, we have else which will stores computer value to caper. Okay, so let's small this. All right, so we implement or a I computer. So now we're gonna make or game courting now, So I'm gonna use a while loop. And in this vile loop, I'm gonna make a condition. Dad, I is not a Z called you zero. So let's make an eye variable. And this we're gonna start one. So that's a correct straight men, because one is an article 20 Right? And in this indentation, we're gonna add if statements if Fleer one is equal to storm, if clear, 1/2 stone then check again, is and other if will be implemented in the if indentation. If computer not this time. It will check the computer Half stone or not If Computer have stone, Right, Dan, Print draw. Okay. But, Ellis, if the future have the paper, right. Damn friend, you lose. All right. So else else would have a loss option, which will be the general election so we can write on Lee you want? Okay. We implemented a stone strategery. Let's make this treasury of Caesar and paper also. So I'm gonna copy it to save my time and last. So let's change to it now, lift and also changes to help. All right, so we can use many. Live as you want. All right, let's a boat this time it has scissor. Right? Okay. When it's half sues er and that's mean a computer half stone. Caesar works in stone. Always lose, so use you lose And computer half paper. I mean, paper was It's either winner and next one would be dropped. All right, so let's come down on this. Will be capers. Treasury. Now, in this paper stretch, three people were the stone always born. So you want and the paper versus paper always draw so we can write. Draw. All right. Okay. We're gonna come down unless cedar so print. Now, this time you lost. So it's when you lose. All right, so we create all the strategery Zoff, paper, song, scissors. Okay, let's see some we have to make Take it anymore. So at a Hertz and you've fixed first before going to launch it that we're program. All right, so we created out. Let's control s and see what you get so and sure, some people. So let's say I'm gonna answer paper you want. You want you want, you want your one. So it's infinite loop, right? So how we can stop an infinite loop. This is the challenge for you. So with the help of the break statement, you can stop an infinite loop, right? So we can add a new break statement after every if just wide break. Right? So that's implemented All the statements and all of statements. Okay, now control s answers. Drop it, present controlled. See here, and let's see, I'm gonna stone this time. Hopes it's dropped. So this is how you can create a simple tone papers of their game, right? I hope you like this video and hope you enjoy. And you can make this game and you can also make a player to game. But just changing the computer, toe the input so you and your fellow with you can play this game and happy coating. 19. Functions: right finally reach for function classes. Now the functions play a very, very important role in every programming languages. So the function minimize of work fluid off the rover and break down the word into different pieces. So let me start learning the functions before I'm going to teach you about how to ride functions first learned why we need functions. Okay, what is the benefit of functions? So this Suppose you want to calculate an average of five numbers, so you ride numbers and Adam and divided by the total numbers. Right, So you get the average. But what if you ride the average of 10 numbers or 15 numbers? This will take some time one minute or less than one minute or so. This is a time consuming, right? So you can use this cord only once you can. You discord anyway of your program or you over your thinking. And and I know you're thinking you can Kobe the court and use whenever you want to use. But it's no up solution. That's a tree, a mess. So in displays that bites and functions come in place with the help of the functions, you could use the your court any veer in your program, So to create a function, we use a death. Okay. Now, often deaf. We used the name of the functions. So let's suppose I want the average function. So I calling my function name is average. Okay, Burn taxes is very needy with the function name and after we need to add a semi colons. Okay. Now, in despair in Tess's, I need to pause the perimeters. Now, perimeters are the values come from the user. All right, so let's suppose there will be no one to You can give your permitted by your names so that these parameters are the variables. No one and number two are the variables. So when you write the perimeter name, this will be converted into the very both and inquire some space in the run. Right? Okay. Now, in imitation, I want no one plus number two and divided by the total numbers. We just true. Okay, now we're gonna call lower functions by writing average, which is the name of for function and then turned. Test is and no in this parent tested were positive value. Let's suppose I want average of four and five now, when a cost of four and five value, this would go off. And now definition we just call. The functions were one an average no one and I'm two would be the permit. Er, we would change to from four and five. No, no one has a value for and number two has a value of five. Now, this gonna print numb one plus numb to and divert to we just four plus five in the war. But to let's see the results. Okay, we get 6.5. No. So we get a 6.5 the answer, which is the average right? So if I change the value to anything nine Lissa bows and see the results gonna print 815 So what if I add a torrid value? Let's see what will happen. Okay, this will give you an error because there are only two per majors and we are crossing toward one. So this is create a mess. OK, But this how you can create functions 20. Parameter and Arguments: But right now, in this video, we are going to learn about the perimeter and arguments I have noticed that some of my students doesn't know about. What are the pair? Amedure's and arguments. All right, so this video is for you. But if you know what are the para meters on argument, then you can skip this video. So let gets all learning. I'm gonna make a simple function which is thes squaring off a number. Let's create deaf square. And in this person, tacis, I'm gonna add the supposed I want number from the user. Right. Okay, let's create. In addition now, in this indentation, I need to print out this queer number. Let's see number multiplied by number. All right. Okay, so let's call or function down here square, and so this But I'm gonna enter six. Okay? So let's see what his argument and what is per meter now. Now the perpetrators are the very Gables having created on the time of declaring functions , these are called the variables. You can have multiple variables here. We know that you can have multiple per meters number number two, right. And the arguments are the passing value into these variables. So winning call the function and I pause value knit, damning and pausing an argument in it. All right, so that's mean and pausing an argument in it. So these are called the perimeters arguments. So when it pause argument and it's going to repair a mature variable and is going to process it and all put it in or consult agree. So let's see the example. I'm gonna print it out and we get 36 6 Multiplayer six is Tony six. Sadistic. Call the perimeters and argument. I hope you understand. What are the perimeter and what are the arguments, every programming language? Follow these rules. The permit your arguments are saying for every programming language, it must be seen for the c++ JavaScript and etcetera. So I hope you practice these argument and perimeters so you never forget about this. And also happy courting 21. Return function: all right. In this video, we are going to learn about the rich and cured. Now the region keeper is used in biting programming language to written function results. Okay, so let's start learning. Okay? I'm gonna give you a simple example which will help you to understand the Virgin Q. Bert, I'm gonna make a function deaf. And the function name will be the monks, because I'm going to calculate their marks. Percentage of a student and burn test is no Indus princesses. I need that. Users should be entered. Their often mocks and enter their total loves. Alright, semi colon. And now an indentation. Well right Origin keyboard. So I just write, written and now originally have apprentices to so industry in taxes, I will return the result the calculation off this function. So I want the person teach off the marks right So formalised, divided by toward unlocks in multiplied by 100. All right, so let's go down and call or function. I'm gonna make a result variable which will save mocks. And now in this market and testes, we want that user will entered their marks. Okay, so let's make enough chained variable and it's obtain use an improved to take input from the user. Right. And enter your octane marks. Andrew, your opt in monks. Okay? No. Makes a total marks variable input again in this input. Haven't answered and sure, your portal months. Okay, so I just created often a total variables and reserve variable which will print out the result off the total locks person date. So now, in this marks percentage, we will should write the perimeters. Now, the perimeter will be the option and total most because we have the input obtain an input off total. So one mistake is that when the user entered a month, it will save into this string form because the octane is a string farm right now. So we're gonna change it to in teacher. That scene is to to in teacher Perfect. All right, so we get over obtained, mocks and total Montes. So then the perfecter paused here that go upward and the marks will be killed littered here . And then it will written. It will not got printed. So written keyword is used to written the result. Now, when they return the result, the result go back again to dear. No, this field will be exchanged with the result we get from here. All right, so we're gonna print out and let's see the results. What do you have? Okay, enter your team. Months. That's supposed my obtain Mom would be 901 and the total loss will be allowing 100. Okay, we get 82.63% date. Yes, not bad. So this is how the bison keyword works. So let's clean what was happening here. The first of all, the obtain moss will be input and total amounts with them, but also on after Dad, the function would be called here. Now, the thunder function cold going up forward to the functions and the written option is divided by total and then multiply about 100. So this value chain, by the result now don't go printed up. So this return return me and go back. So let's go back. The result to dear and this cheese and this thing is changed with the result. Now we get 82.82 point six tree here and this 82 points is going to save into the result and print out by the prince statement. So I hope you like this plus and I hope you will practice a phone ship 22. Number with Function: all right. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about how we can print 1 200 numbers without using any news on Lee with functions. Yes, I'm saying that only with functions we don't use any lose to printing. Ah, 1 200 numbers. So I hope you were exciting to learn about how we can use function against looping and offered this video. I hope you will be thinking that how the fighting programmers create their loops in the biting programming. So let's scare start learning. So let's make a Jeff a function on offer. Making a function. I'm gonna name it printing. Let's make a big letter. Okay, Now, in this printed Prentice's I need one param internally, which is no less opposed. OK, semi Colin? No, an indentation. I'm gonna use our decision statement, which is, if number is not is equal to once you're one. Okay. Why? I should ride 101 because on 101 statement should be falls and doesn't print editing so and now. And if indentation I would ride print No. All right. And after print numb, I should added an increment. Nam is equal to numb less one. All right now, off to increment I should want at the print function. Should be called again. So I'd write a friend function again, friend and crossing the perimeter Numb again. This value? No. Okay, now what happens if the statement should falls? One. The statement is fold. It should want the else statement which should return the function. Okay, so let's call over function here friend and pausing a value one. All right, So what has happened? First learned this. So when the function runs, it gonna print Numb. A perimeter known numb perimeter has a value one in it. So if statement runs, number is not as equal to one's for me. That's mean. One is not as equal to one's your one. That's correct. If a true statement Now that's stay permit forward to indentation. Now the indentation print print our the Nam Bell, which is one and offer the printing. We go to end of the line, which is the increment. Blood number is equal to numb plus one numb has instrument of one death mean and become to one plus one is equal to two. Okay, Now Anna, the line will call a function again. Now dysfunction will call with a pyramid of num. Num has a value to right now, don't you? This perimeter it feel used. This saved perimeter. All right. So known value is to right now the two will be store in numb and it's been will be take a perimeters pace. So where this function is called now it's how two and two is in article 2101 a gain, printing increment and again function calling. So this was stopped when the number reach 101 When the num reach ones, you're one. But it goes to else statement and return the function with nothing, and the program will be stopped. So let's take a result. Look. Okay, week print 1 200 line court dollars using an Oops. So I hope you like this video. So keep practicing function. I say that bunker is very real trusting to using, and you will phone to use it with loops and fl statements. 23. List: All right. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about the list. No, listen. Fighting is used. Hasn't array, no rape. What is entering? So arrays. A collection of data that can be used to store so many variables data at in one variable place. So let's all learning lists and bison. So I'm gonna make a single variable name data, and instead I'm gonna make a list. So to creating a list, we need to add brackets. Now in this bracket, I should add my debtor values. So let's suppose I'm gonna add fruit names, so I just create a strength apple. Okay. To add another data, we should use coma. Now, we add another fruit name, which is mango. That's suppose. And at another data, which will be the pineapple. All right, so I act re food name into a single variable so I can pay it out. These three variable at once with the help of the prince statement. And now in this print, I should write data and control us. Okay, we get apple mango pineapple. Dad's correct. A perfectly correct answer. So let's print out something more. Suppose you wonder. Print the mango only. So what do you do so you wouldn't use our index number? Not what is The next number is gonna be important to lunch. So in human language, numbers are start from one, 29 Right. But in the communal language, numbers are start from 0 to 9. So disabused here difference. But that's mean, what are the industries? So I understand that variables are store in your round and accessing from the Graham also. So when you one variable is created, it gives an index number, So this will be indexed number and in the race, and the index numbers are in sorted form. That's mean, this is the index number zero. This is the index number one, and this is the Indus number second. So I hope you understand. What are the index numbers? So this value is storing the index number zero and this value store in index number one Ingraham and dispelling restoring the index numbers second in the ramp. Okay. To receive data off index number two, we're gonna add brackets now put the two in it. So what is going to do? It could imprint the index number to value control ass and Let's give it to printing out. So we get pineapple. That's correct. 012 and pineapple is on the second index. So this is how we can use index to print or worried? Quite data. All right, so let's suppose you want to add All right, Not suppose you want to add data into your data, so I'm gonna make another one, which is having a numbers. All right, so I want to add a tree in the delta. So what I do, I used data dot upend. Now, the append is used to adding a value into this list. So the dot notation is used to contact with this a pen function. All right, so I didn't ask rockets? No. In that pen value, I just right, which really, I want to add into my data list. So I asked three. So I drive three in it and control us. Okay, so no printed out. Let's see what would happen, friend. And now in, just get up pregnancy. Okay, we get to 4563 But is Norman Sorry Farm. Okay, So this is how you can add values, but what happened? If you want to add value at a specific index. So in this form you can re use a pen you can use insert incident instead of it. So in stood rockets. Now, in this insert, we can add the index number which you want to add. So I want on the one index and the value issued born on the one is index will be three now , control s so let's see the result. 23456 Dad's correct. So 01 on the one index, we get three. So that's how the index insert and the pen works. So let's suppose you want to delete, uh, index from the list. So what you can do so just only used guild debtor and you lead the index value. Also, let's suppose I want to delete a second index value, which is the 5012 All right, so let's friend print out 246 Now. The fifth value, which is on the second index, is delighted. All right, so I hope you like this video. And in the next video, we're going to learn more about a list happy coding and keep practicing 24. List with Loop and if: All right. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about list using with bites and looping and biting fl statement. So let's start give learning. Okay, I'm gonna make a data list again. And in this generalised, I'm gonna add some values that supposed names. It's both joy. Another will be the Russo, and the one will be rubbing. All right, So if I need to find the Robert in a generalised heart, I'm gonna do this. So with the help of the if statement, this problem can be solved. So I'm using an F Robert and incentives. So just the new Centex for you. This incentive is also used with the statement okay? In Centex and offered to send the data, which is a variable. Okay, let's see what will happen in here when the if statement runs. If Robert is present in Data den, print out? Yes, it is present. All right. Otherwise, if you know a present, then Prince L statement which having print No, it is not president. All right, let control s and save and let's go to come on from in the see results. Yes, it is Present desk. Perfect answer. So that's supposed I'm changing the Robert with sleep and see the result. Now control us, and let's see the result. No, it is not present. That's correct. Perfectly correct, because Robert is no present in the Dell ist right now. So this is how you can use the Ifo statement with the data and the much more ways you can do that, you should learn more about it. All right, so let's move on to the looping section now. So let's suppose I'm gonna change this data with the 1234567 and 88 and nine. All right, I So I added the nine values. So I want only death. Prince Damon should print on lead The three values. 123 So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna use a four new X in range. Okay? No, into strange. I'm gonna add 14 Now, we already know that Parton always neglect lost inches, so it will ignite the lost four fourth digit, and it will print only tweet values Now. Semi colon cringe X. Let's control X and go to a come on prom and see the result. Okay, we vent. 12 and three that the perfect answer. So this is how you can use also loops for printing out specific list. All right, let's practice more for loop in the datasets. So I'm gonna change the data list with again Joy. So and Robert. All right, now. And this year, I said I want to find the Robert Index number with the help of the lube. You can do that. So we make index is zero. So why accurate? Index variable. So index variable will help you find the variable index. Okay, so I'm gonna make a four loop now in this four loops, I'm gonna trade an X variable X in. All right, so we use an if statement. Also, if X is double is equal to Robert Den print index. All right, otherwise, if doesn't our present, then move on to the else and print. Sorry. Index increments. Plus one. All right. So what will happen when the loop will run? The first iteration run acts. It's a political to Robert. Acts has a valued joy, which is on the zero index is called zero. So joy is, nor is equal to Robert so even know printer index. If you go to the else statement and index is equal to index plus one, which is increments off the index. That's mean the index has no value, the one so it moved to Russo Russo nor is equal to and then again, increments. And then it's go to Robert. Robert is equal to Robert. So it's print off the index, which is the value to right now. So let's get run it and see the result. So it print out 2012 All right, So I hope you like this last variable and high hope. Youll practice this. Okay, if if you have any questions, please ask me. 25. Dictionary: All right. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about the dictionaries. Now, In addition, Arian fightin is also part off a data collection, like a degree. So that gets star learning about the missionaries. So I'm gonna make our data is ICO And dictionary is always denoted with the Cali braces. Now, this calibrates is denoted that we making a dictionary. All right, so now in this college braces, we will add over data. Dictionary says so let's suppose I'm gonna make a dictionary off Interbrand. So I'm gonna use the keys and values. Now, what are the keys and values dictionary are always work on the keys and values to understand the keys and values. I have a simple example. Let's suppose I'm gonna create a key. Brende seven colon and eventual arrest. So, what is happening now? This brand is a key, and intell is a value. Okay, so this semi colon tale that we just key and riches value the right side of the time you see me calling it is valued and left slide off. Seven call in town. It's a key. Okay, so this carry trade more data. I'm gonna make a process server, All right. And this process acri holding a value, which is core I soon. All right, let's create another key, which is generation no. This generation holding a value seventh before going to print it, I want to clear one more thing. So we need to add a coma because I expanded. So we already learned that in a race section. Because dictionary also parliamentary. So in a resection to adding mawr variable data, we use coma. All right, so when I'm adding a coma now, we're gonna print it out. I'm going to save it. Control s okay. We get brand unwto process er chori sandwich in generations. Sandlin. That's correct. Okay, so what if you want a specific value to be printed? So suppose I'm gonna want to printed the process early, so I just add the process. Er Okay, now that's gonna printed out Control. That's again. Okay. Cool. Right. Sam is a correct information we get from it. So this is how you can routine the specific information. All right. So let's suppose you can want to change the value in it. Okay? That support data and I want to change the brand. Let's have a little sore. I want to change the generation. Okay. It's not the duration. Really. Change it by adding eat snow. So I just add brackets. Nine recognizes type degeneration. Forget about the cords. Right now, the generation is saved by the eight key value. Control us. And let's see the result. Okay, we get brand into a possessor Khorasan and generation AIDS or value change from Salant to eight. So this is an easy method and changing the key off the dictionary. All right, so the functions that we used in the list is same has in the dictionary functions, so you can use them here. So I will meet you in the next video with them or concepts. I hope you like this video and really enjoying it, so keep practicing it. Happy coating. 26. More About Dic and list: right now in this video. Are we going to learn a little bit more about the list and dictionaries so that get start learning? Okay. I'm gonna make an array variable and sending a list data and in this is jet. I'm gonna You save numbers. Let's say 123456 numbers only six numbers. Okay, So if I want to know how many values are I have in my list? So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna use a land function. All right, So let's use print. And in this print, I'm gonna use a length function. Start from Lynn. Okay. Now, in this land function, I'm providing my theory, which is which is a variable. Okay. No, this land from Kim calmed. How many data are I have in my list? So controlled us and we see the result. Okay. Six variable printed up. So this is a six values, and that's correct. I have 123456 values in my array list for this. How you can use the land function to calm the lent off your list data. Okay. Saying we can do with the dictionary. So let's change it with dictionary. All right, so I'm gonna pride, but hard key ends. Very will be Wanda. A right is color maybe. Look, I like glue. So coma controllers? No, it'll called harmony keys I have in my dictionary. So let's control s and let's see the result. Okay? I have two keys in my trailer dictionary. That's a correct answer. So this is how you can use a lead function to find array, dictionary or list lent. All right, I hope you like this class, and I hope you will learn more about dictionary list in the fighting documentations. So meeting the next loss. 27. Modules: All right, now, in this video, we are going to make a model. So what are the models? Not the models are the libraries and libraries or the collection of functions. I'm gonna make a simple calculator, death, having an addition subtraction, multiplication and division function. So this is my model, and I can download this model into my PC, and I can use them whenever we want to use in the program. Or you can upload the model on the Internet, and other programmers will take benefit off your marvel by dahling it and use them or import them in their program. So let's start learning and clear concept about how to use models. Okay, I'm gonna make a simple Catherine functions. So the 1st 1 will be deaf ad, and now in this at I'm gonna need some variable. So let's suppose to verbal I needed So I'm gonna add someone and then number two, right? Okay. Now, week An indentation. Now, in this indentation on a print statement, and we're gonna print out for the addition, right? So numb one plus number two. Okay, so let's make another function which will do subtraction. And also I need number one and number indentation and prince segment will in toward someone Minus. Okay, let's speed or recording bar just coping and pasting, Bobby. All right, this will be the multiplication. All right, This one of the division. Okay, I could a four different functions. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Right. That's controlled us now. I saved my program. Okay, so this is over program with the name of the P Y has changed. You kill. All right. Okay, that's copy it and go to your main folder, which is including your name. Right. So in this mean for you can go to your Abdullah and this avatar, we go to the local and in the local find the programs. Now, in this programs we have fighting folder. Despite folder you have binding 37 becomes using biting three right now. So Okay, so now we go into the library folder, okay. Library for include all the models mean all the libraries that pre included into the biting . Okay, now pissed your Moldable here. Now you included a calculator mortal into the beytin. All right, so let's go to work. Biting. Okay, so in the beytin dark p y we gonna print out or mortal. Okay, I'm gonna import later. All right, So this import function is used in poured the libraries or models. Okay, so I just import the cab later. Now, I'm gonna use a don addition to access my more will functionality. So the calculator dot know which function want to use is Let's suppose I want to use a multiplication function. So with the help of the documentation, I can access the multiply function into the from the cabin later. Okay, So add more. And in the small, we need to add two hurdles. Right. So we add three and true. Okay, so control s and let's see the result. Okay, we get six. So this is how you can use models or libraries in you're parts and programming language. Okay. I hope you like this loss and you know how to use 28. Pip installer module: all right. Now, in this video, we are going to learn about the pit moral installer? No. So why we use the pick moralist role in the beytin? So the pit moral installer are used to download and install the bite and library package. So these are some library packages dining to be installed on your computer. If you don't from get hug, you will feel some difficulty to install them. So the pip is used to install you bite in package by Tillery package easily on your computer. So let us start learning how to use a pick. Martin Stolar. Okay, let's go to a group Crom first. Okay, I opened a pip installer website, which is a p y t i dot org. And in this map side, you can search every bite in libraries. Okay, I'm going to search a famous library, which is the non pie. That's my favorites. Very, very favorite and hit answer. You see, so many years old there are so many versions of non pipe. So the 1st 1 is a really immersion which created by the different authors and now in this function, how we can use it. So just corporatist link. OK, open your come on prom. And now in this command from this type bites him and now minus and offer the minus. AM Just pasted up Pip. Install numb pie. Okay and hit. Enter. Once you hit, enter the bites and automatically go to the website and install the pip install number so you can see that it's start downloading the package and it's going stolen. It's take some time, all normal. So I already down with an empire in solution in my computers. So it's saying men requirement all recertified, numb pies already present in my fight and folder So but if you don't have no umpire, download and install it automatically. So I hope you understand how to use a pip install. 29. Comments: Welcome back again. And in this video, we're going to learn about the comments. Now, the comments in python programming language is used as a documentation. Okay, I'm gonna give you a simple example to understand these Commons. Suppose you buy a smartphone this morning, maybe android or IOS. And after buying, you opened your boss and get your phone out. And but you don't know how to use a smartphone. So you opened both again. You get documentation boat. Now, this documentation tell you that how to use your phone? What are the functionality and ex cetera? Right. So similar. In the case of the comments, the Commons tell yourself or any other programmers who want to mortify cord. So let's take a simple example. Okay? I write a simple Jarvis working one court here and in this court, it will convert the Texas weed competition. Right. So I any some commons here Commons telling me dad it sent libraries in poor section and this is the Texas Beach congregation and journaling according. And the start of the A chord is from this 26 line number, right? So it's very helpful. But after three years, many opening core But if you don't add comments in it and you don't know what is happening in the court, right, So the comments are helpful to understand the court and what you read in the court, right? So this is why the Commons are helpful in the bottom programming language. Okay, Now let's talk about how we can add comments in or biting programming court. So to add calmer is we use a number sign and offered the number sign. You need to add your comment. That suppose I'm gonna add. This is my comic, right? Control s and let's see the results. Okay, we get nothing. Why? Because beytin always ignored the comments by all this. Ignore this number. That's mean number Sign is always ignored by the beytin. So whatever you're doing in the comment in never show on the console supreme. All right, so let's suppose you want to add a multiple line comment. You can know Adam multiple line common with the help of the number sign, you need to add our triple court. Now the triple core will help you to ride your multiple line commence. So in this triple court on writing a multiple line This is multiple line court. Okay, close it and see the result. Okay, We get nothing right now. So this is how you can use bites and commence in Brighton programming language. All right. So I will see you in the next loss and keep practising it and happy, according 30. Congratulations and Future Guide: all right, Conrad. Coalitions, Because you read the end of this course, I'm really up treated almost students that read the end of this course. I know that some of the Flosses must be bored, but I really accurate that you take all the classes and be the course. So this is the big no record that you completed. And now worse. Next, what is your plan for the next? So fighting big records has completed. Now you have a step onto the advance course at Vons cords have much more bigger than this big records, because include that assigns our intelligence and discipline into different fields. You have a I dead assigned dist and you can be, ah, Web app dropper. And also you can reps crapper in and hacker also. So these are the themes for you offered this taking this course All right. Okay. Other why you can do jobs. You can go to the job company because beytin offers a huge salary for the fighting developers. And also you can do freelancing on the famous backside like fiber and freelancer. Also top two people before and my most favorite cord mentor now the Corman, towards different from these free landing side corner mentor, its side where you can teach other students courted it don't like the unity just helping the student on their Simon's and other courting problems. So you can also be a core mentor of someone. All right, so these are the health with tubes for your future. You can do freelancing job, and you're gonna also go into the bigger at bones claws, which will help you do pull your skills and higher the skills. Hired the job. Salary right, So enjoy. And don't forget to give reading and I will meet you in the next court, maybe up by tonight von scores or any of the programming Fords or any graphic designing course, so take care and good bye.