Complete Python Bootcamp : Go Beginner to Expert in Python 3 | Funky Programmer | Skillshare

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Complete Python Bootcamp : Go Beginner to Expert in Python 3

teacher avatar Funky Programmer, Invest in yourself : Teaching the Next L

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      How this Python Course is Structured


    • 3.

      How to Install Python On windows


    • 4.

      Run a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print Function


    • 5.

      Variables & multiple assingment of variable - Dont Miss this Concept


    • 6.

      Reassigning Variables


    • 7.

      Swap variables


    • 8.

      Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python)


    • 9.

      The Assert Statement


    • 10.

      Strings you need to grap complete concept


    • 11.

      Data Types In Python Major Concept


    • 12.

      What is Len Function in String


    • 13.

      Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python)


    • 14.

      Operators (Assignment Operator in Python)


    • 15.

      Using of Assignments operator and Shorthand


    • 16.

      Comparison Operators


    • 17.

      Equal/Not Equals Operators


    • 18.

      Logical Operators in Python


    • 19.

      Is and Isnot in Python


    • 20.

      Inverting Boolean in python


    • 21.

      Bitwise Operators


    • 22.

      If Statements in Python


    • 23.

      Else Statements in Python


    • 24.

      Elif Statements in Python


    • 25.

      Nested If Else Statement


    • 26.

      For loop in python


    • 27.

      While loop in python


    • 28.

      Break,Continue and Pass Statement


    • 29.

      Nested Loop


    • 30.

      Loops With Else block of Code


    • 31.

      Fibonacci Series in Python


    • 32.

      What is Function and How to Define a function


    • 33.

      Calling a function


    • 34.

      Function arguments and Return Vs Print


    • 35.

      Nested Functions


    • 36.

      What is Module


    • 37.

      Regular Indexes


    • 38.

      Negative Indexes


    • 39.



    • 40.

      Remove the Character of index value


    • 41.

      Append In Python


    • 42.

      String Format Method


    • 43.

      String Indexing and Slicing


    • 44.



    • 45.

      Max character


    • 46.

      Taking a User Input


    • 47.

      Introduction to Python Lists


    • 48.

      Change List Item Value


    • 49.

      Mutable List


    • 50.

      How to write list Literally vs Programmatically


    • 51.

      Check if Item exists in list


    • 52.

      Introduction to the Tuples


    • 53.

      Access Tuple Item


    • 54.

      Delete Tuple


    • 55.

      Iterating Lists


    • 56.

      Indexing and Slicing on Tuples


    • 57.

      Using list as a Stack


    • 58.

      Using List as a Queue


    • 59.

      Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation )


    • 60.

      Introduction to Dictionaries


    • 61.

      Updating a Dictionary


    • 62.

      Concatenate two Dictionaries


    • 63.

      Sort a Dictionary


    • 64.

      Delete Dictionary Elements


    • 65.

      Length of a Dictionary


    • 66.

      Key exists in Dictionary


    • 67.

      Introduction to Sets


    • 68.

      Convert dictionary into list


    • 69.

      Using Pop Method delete Item From dictionary


    • 70.

      Tree in Python


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About This Class

Road Map to Python Data Science, Python Flask , Django, Python NLP,Python Machine Learning which make your basic concept

Welcome to the learn Python Bootcamp: Go Beginner to Expert in Python 3!
Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020! Best Python Tutorial Point, Learn python code ,Python tutorial for beginners Python is consistently ranked in either first or second place as the most in-demand programming languages across the job market.  It has applications in data science, machine learning, web development, self-driving cars, automation, and many many other disciplines. Best python online Course There has never been a better time to learn it!

This Python Crash Course where it will take you from what is python, What is python used for , How to code in python programming language. Python Basic Course which will cover Python Regex, Python Datetime, python string prefix, python classes, python else if, python exception handling, python variable, python for beginners, python for loop. python function, python rang, python append, python assert, python Boolean, Python Global Variable, python object Oriented , Python Object Oriented Programming, Functions in python, python class, python random, Python Module, Python List, python tuple, python dictionary after completing these all concept you will be able to give python certification and I guarantee you will pass the certification .

If you want to learn Python tutorial for beginners Python is the most in-demand language .It is used for Datascience, Machine learning (ML), NLP (Natural language processing), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data Mining, GUI-Based Desktop Programs, Develop Games and 3D Graphics With Python and Network Programming. So this course is best for your to shine your Skills in python. Take this course and learn everything what you need to learn in python .

Please Read Curriculum Before Taking The Course:

  • Introduction

  • Python 3 Vs Python 2

  • python compiler

  • what is python used for

  • How this Course is Structured

  • How to Install Python On windows

  • How to install Python on Linux

  • How to install Python On Mac

  • Run a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print Function

  • Python Variables & multiple assignment of variable - Don't Miss this Concept

  • Python Variable Declaration

  • Python Reassigning Variables

  • Python Swap variables

  • Python Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python)

  • What is Difference Between a program and a Script

  • The Python Assert Statement

  • Python Strings you need to grab complete concept

  • Data Types In Python Major Concept

  • What is Python Len Function in String

  • Python Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python)

  • Python Operators (Assignment Operator in Python)

  • Write the Equation to Calculate an Average in one line with Operator

  • Using of Python Assignments operator and Shorthand

  • Python Comparison Operators

  • Python Equal/Not Equals Operators

  • Logical Operators in Python

  • Is and Isnot in Python

  • Inverting boolean in python

  • Python Bitwise Operators

  • If Statements in Python

  • Else Statements in Python

  • Elif Statements in Python

  • Nested If Else Statement

  • For loop in python

  • Python while loop

  • Python Break,Continue and Pass Statement

  • Python Nested Loop

  • Python Loops With Else block of Code

  • Fibonacci Series in Python

  • What is Python Function and How to Define a function

  • Python Calling a function

  • Python Function arguments and Return Vs Print

  • Python Nested Functions

  • What is Python Module

  • Python Regular Indexes

  • Python Negative Indexes

  • Python Slice

  • Python list slice

  • Python Remove the Character of index value

  • Python dictionary append

  • Python String Format Method

  • Python String Indexing and Slicing

  • Dictionary methods python

  • Python neutralize_uppercase

  • Python Max character

  • Python Taking a User Input

  • Python Lists

  • Python Change List Item Value

  • Python Mutable List

  • How to write list Literally vs Programmatically

  • Check if Item exists in list

  • Python Tuples

  • Python Access Tuple Item

  • Python Delete Tuple

  • Python Iterating Lists

  • Python Indexing and Slicing on Tuples

  • Using list as a Python Stack

  • Using List as a Python Queue

  • Python Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation )

  • Python Dictionaries

  • Python Updating a Dictionary

  • Python Concatenate two Dictionaries

  • Python Sort a Dictionary

  • Python Delete Dictionary Elements

  • Length of a Dictionary

  • Key exists in Dictionary

  • Introduction to Python Sets

  • Convert dictionary into list

  • Using Pop Method delete Item From dictionary

  • Tree in Python

  • Nested Loop Using List

  • Introduction to Exceptions

  • Handling Exceptions

  • Raising Exceptions

  • Try Except and Finally

  • Breaking Math operation and use ZeroDivisionError

  • Introduction To OOP and Key of OOP

  • Classes and Objects

  • Python Constructor

  • Initializing the Object

  • Run a Simple Empty Class Example

  • instance method with classes and object

  • Object Methods

  • Self Parameter

  • Delete Object and Property

  • Accessing Class Attributes from instances

  • Inheritance

  • Python Multiple Child Classes Inheritance

  • Python Multilevel Inheritance

  • Python Multiple Inheritance

  • Python Method Overriding

  • Encapsulation

  • Python Polymorphism

  • Python Data Abstraction

  • Python Setters and Getters

  • Python Super Keyword

  • Python Lambda Function

  • Python Dictionary Comprehension

  • Python Map

  • Python Filter

  • Python Reduce

  • Creating a Database and Database Connection

  • Python Database Create Table

  • Python Database Insert Operation

  • Python Database READ Operation

  • Python Database Update Operation

  • Python Database DELETE Operation

  • Python Database Limit

  • Install MongoDB

  • Overview on Creating Database in CMD

  • Python MongoDB Connection to python

  • Python MongoDB Create Collection

  • Python MongoDB Insert Document

  • Python MongoDB Find Operation

  • Python MongoDB Query

  • Python MongoDB Update Operation

  • Python MongoDB Delete Operation

  • Python MongoDB limit Operation

  • Python MongoDB Drop The Collection

What is python used for

It’s often used as a “scripting language” for web applications. This means that it can automate specific series of tasks, making it more efficient. Consequently, Python (and languages like it) is often used in software applications, pages within a web browser, the shells of operating systems and some games.Best python tutorial.

Python is used by Wikipedia, Google (where Van Rossum used to work), Yahoo!, CERN and NASA, among many other organisations.

The language is used in scientific and mathematical computing, and even in AI projects. It’s been successfully embedded in numerous software products, including visual effects compositor Nuke, 3D modellers and animation packages,

YouTube, Instagram and Quora are among the countless sites that use Python. Much of Dropbox’s code is Python (where Van Rossum works now), Python has been used extensively by digital special effects house ILM (whose work spans across all of the Star Wars and Marvel films) and it’s a favourite of electronics titan Philips.

The course follows a modern-teaching approach where students learn by doing. You will start Python from scratch by creating simple programs first.There are lots of Python courses and lectures out there. However, Python has a very steep learning curve and students often get overwhelmed. This course is different.This course is truly step by Step .We've crafted every piece of content to be concise and straightforward, while never leaving you confused. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward.As for the curriculum, This course teaches all the key topics covered by other Python courses, but also covers more advanced topics like web scraping, crawling, and testing, just to name a few.

Best way to learn Python,This is the most comprehensive,and straight-forward, course for the Python programming language on Udemy. Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Python 3 and All about python 3.The course also guides you on how to go about building even more advanced programs with Python. You will learn how to use Python third party libraries for building programs in a wide range of application areas.

Please feel free to explore the curriculum and watch some of the free preview videos!

You will get lifetime access & 30 day money back guarantee  . If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. 

So what are you waiting for?  Start learning Python With Funky Programmer Today. Advance your career and increase your knowledge in practical way!

Who this course is for:

  • Anybody who is interested in learning Python programming
  • Programmers switching languages to Python.

Meet Your Teacher

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Funky Programmer

Invest in yourself : Teaching the Next L


Welcome! to the next level of programming courses. Funky Programmer creates and distributes high quality technology training content.

My aim to teach technology the right way but at the same time putting emphasis on each of our students. I have professional team of trainers for Web technologies and other programming languages.My courses will help you gain real world skills and knowledge and change your life today!

I teaching focuses on conveying the most relevant skills that you can use to build your portfolio and get real, hands-on technical experience geared towards landing you your dream tech industry job.

I believe in Extend Technology over a large or increasing area.

Build respectful relationships for all students

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1. Introduction: So some of these goods or services or close enough, that shatters. Well. She she she she thought she was working. So first of all, what are called shocks but shining. And she's suddenly Shi, Shi, Shi, Shi, Shi, Shi Shi Shi. So first of all, it's worth. 2. How this Python Course is Structured: Hey, and welcome to the Python boot camp course. Here I will tell you about that how discourses is structure. At the beginning of the course, you will find that what is the difference between the Python three and the Python two. Then I will tell you that how you can install your Python id l e on different operating system. After this, you have to find that what is the print functions and how we can run a basic semantics program. After this, you will learn very important concept when you are learning any of the programming language, which is the variables and its time. Then we also learned about the multiple assignments of the variables. Variables, declarations, re-assigning of the variables, how we can swap the values between the variables. V are also learning about the scope variables, where you will learn about the local and the global is called. You can also see that what is the different between the program and the script. And you can also learn about the hazardous statement is strings and the datatypes and some of the major concept of the data types. You will also learn about the length functions using a string. After getting this initial concept of Python, we will move to the Python operators and we will learn about the Python operators and the key concept of the operator. We will learn about inside the operator's very learned at automatic operator assignment operator equations to calculate the average between the two operators. Then we are going to learn about some of the assignment operator shorthand. Then we also learned about the comparison operator, equal and not equal operator. Logical operator is an operator in Python. Then we are also learning about the inverting Boolean bitwise operator. After finishing this concept, we will move to the decision-making concept in the Python, where we learned about the if statement and this statement elif statement nested IF statement for loop. And you can see that we also learn about the nested for loop. Then we learn about the while loop as well. Then we are running of Fibonacci series in Python, which is a very major concept when you are working with our decision-making. After this, we will move to the functions in Python, where we learn about that, how we can define a function and how we can call a function. We also learned about that hall, the function's arguments and return versus print statement. We will learn about the nested functions and I will tell you that how you can import the Python module. After this, we will move to the strings. We will learn about that, how the strings indexing and slicing work. Where we learn about the regular index, negative index slicing removed the character of the index value. Append mattered in the Python string form, it neutralized. The uppercases and maximum characters. We will also learn about that, how you can take a user input from the keyboard. After this, we will move to the collections in the Python and we will learn about that, how the data structures work in the Python and we will learn about the lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets in the Python. Inside this collection, we will learn about that, how is tagged and cuz our work in the Python. Then we will also learn about that, how we can write our program literally, and how we can write our program programmatically. We will learn about some of the concrete concept in the Python dictionary. Then we have also learned about the key and the value concept inside the dictionary. Then we are going to learn about the trees in the Python and VR running the nested loop using the list as well. After this, we are moving to the exception handling in Python. Inside exceptional handling, we will learn about that, how the exceptions work. What is an exception handling, and how we can raise an exception. Then we are also learning about try-except and finally exception. Then I will tell you the concept of the division at our ESL. And after completing the functional programming, we will move to the object oriented programming, where we learn about the major concepts, what we used in the object-oriented programming, which are classes and objects. Then we will create Python constructor, and it mattered. Then we also create biotin self parameters. After completing the basic concept in the object oriented programming, we are going to learn about the key concept of the object oriented programming language, which are inheritance, multilevel inheritance and multiple inheritance method overloading, polymorphism and Encapsulation. We also learned about in object oriented section, which is the data abstractions, super keyword and setter and the getter matter. After bleaching the object oriented programming, I will teach you about the Lambda function, dictionary comprehensions, map, filter, and reduce. Then I will teach you about the database programming in discourse, where we learned about the two databases, which is SQL lite and the MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database. In SQL light, I will teach you about that. How you can create the database, how you can create the connection, and some of the crude models. Then I will teach you about the MongoDB in discourse where I will tell you that how you can install the MongoDB, then what is the overview on creating the database in the cmd files? I will also teach you that how you can create the collections and how you can insert the documents into your database. How you can find your records from your database. Then I will teach you that how you can find a selective record. After this. I will teach you that how you can update, delete, and limits to record and add the last, I will teach you that how you can drop the entire collection. The best thing about this course, you will find all of the coding files is Simon quizzes, articles on the different lectures. Also that if you have any question regarding to any of the topic or any of the lecture you didn't understand. So you can also post your question as well. So instructor will rapidly answer your question. Take discourse today and start your career in Python. Bye bye. See you in the course. 3. How to Install Python On windows: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, I am going to show you that how you can download and install your software, which is PyCharm, and how you can set up your environment with the help of this Python IDE. There are the several ways you have to run your Python code. You were first and the basic option here is download Python 3.8 or any of the latest version which is suitable for you and run your Python three code right here. But here V How the several types of Python IDEs, which is the pie chart. Then we have Anaconda. Then you have to run your code in Visual Studio's AdWords. But our entire course, we are using this pie chart. Here. I will tell you that how you can download and install your Python Simple ideally, and how you can download your simple PyCharm. These both are very simple and very good for your basic. Do downloading this pi Python ideally is to simply click on that downloaded link. You will find the download option right here. Then after this you can see here that hub you can download PyCharm. Simply click on the download. There are the two versions here, which is, you can see that firstly is the professional version where you can pay. And this is just an Community warfarin, which is free for all of the biotin development and other the operating systems here are Mac that will also support Mac operating system and Linux operating system as well. So you can download it. You're on. I just downloaded here is a pie Tom Community Edition. You just simply click on that link. If you don't want it both the file, let us turn to the next step. After downloading, i will tell you that how you can install this biotin, ideally, which is very simple. You can see that I just already in his tart this software, but here I will tell you that step. You simply click on that recommended option. So you can see that I just go to the customization because I'm just running this code again. Here you can click on documentations, Pupienus, tar, DC And TK modules because TK molecule is built-in calm with the Python library. Then here you have the Python suit as well. And I just run Python lunch or as well. Just click on Next. And here you can see that in his talk, all the user, you can see here and simply leave this as a default. You just simply click on the next step and in his towel. And after this, you just simply finished this software, then you have to successfully in estar, this offer. So I just already installed this software, so I just not need to install it again. And here I just said that this is Python Id L E. And here you can see that I just run this code, I just run this Python IDE. And you can see here. That this is Python ideally, and I just want to open 3.7 right here. Because I just installed 3.7 right here. Then here you can see that you just simply click on New File. And here you will find the new file and write your simple code. Just suppose like print and helloworld. Okay? This is how you can install and open your Python. Ideally, at the first stage you can see that file. Then we have the new File, Open File, Open module as well. You have the Recent File Options as well. You can set your path as well. You can save your file, Save As, and save copy as well, and you can print your Windows as well. Then this is the options to your ideal e. Then here this is a format of your text and all the format of your code right here. Then you can run your file with the help of this run module. And you can run your Python shell as well. Then you have the configurations of idea levy didn't move too, that you can also zoom into your code as well. Then this is your window right here. And you can see that this is your about us. This is how your Python ideally work knowledge, just turn to the pie chart. Now you can see here that how we can download and install our PyCharm right here. Simply click on the Next button. We just click on next right here. Then you have find that you have selected like a path to simply if you want to select that path. So simple, you have write debt one because v, I just already installed this software. So that is, show me this options at the fastest stage. You can see here you didn't find any of the option right here. So you can simply click on next. Installation of the PyCharm is very, very simple. You just simply come to this audience, this distribution folder. And you can see here, you just set your browser pot. I just leave this browser path as a default and you just simply click on Next. Here, click on 64-bit launcher. And here you will said that add launcher DIR potheads, well, open the project folder and dot py extension as well. And just simply click on next and you will finish the installation of this PyCharm. Very simple. You just go to Next, Next, Next and Finish All of the by charm right here. Now here you can see that I am just opening the PyCharm here. And you can see here when you were just first opening the posh harm. So you will find a screen like that. And you can see here that you will find this. You are the first-time user. So you didn't find any of these projects right here. So you just simply click on create a new project right here. You simply create a new project here. And then you can give it the name of your project. Let's suppose I just write that here I am writing Python and then you have right, that this is most right here. If you see that the environmental variables, so you can see that if you want to select or if we want to create the Python interpreter right here. Because interpreter is very important thing that for you or running of your program if you didn't install Python id l e. So you are, PyCharm is not working right here. So you can see here we have the several types of interpreter, which is 3 Sam, 3.8 as well, So don't worry about that. I will work professionally in the Python. So that's why the too much interpreter dot install into my system. You just simply select your interpreter from that. Otherwise, I will tell you that how you can select your interpreter in when I'm just opening this python, simply click on Create. So your project is being created right here with that one. So you can see here that this is building and processing all of my environmental variable into that project right here. Now here you can see that I just close this and now you can see them running this. So this is, you can see here, this is my project folder. Now I am just telling you that how you can set your interpreter and then run your program into the PyCharm. Ideally, you can see that symbolic click on File and then go to the setting right here. Then after this, you will find your setting folder right here. You can see here we have the Python interpreter right here is a simply click on this plus button right here. And you can see here you can install your Pip modules entirely primordial import your Python packages from here. And you can see that these are simply click on the Settings button and you can click on add. Many just clicking on add right here. Here you will find your enter and install interpreter and you can simply select the interpreter, click on OK, and then simply click on Apply and orchestrate your interpreter Harold, we select, just click on new right here. And then you can see here you simply click on Python and heritage, right? And this is helloworld file. So this will by default are automatically take this with the extension of PyCharm as I just showed you that you can run with dot PY lunch or as well. You just see here that I'm striding presentation mode. And here you can see that I had to write hit print. And print here is, you can see that I have to write that this is Hello world. And I just run this core with the control shift and f time. So you can see that we just simply find the helloworld. We learned about the helloworld program in next couple upcoming lectures as well. Here you can see that you have to symbolically at a New Project, New File, New scratch file, open your project, open the recent file as well. Close your projects and rename your project as well. You can see here I'm just renaming my project as Python boot cam. Okay? And you can see that I'm just simply the naming my project right here. Hopefully you understand now that how you can download and install you are Python. Ideally. If you find any of the problem regarding to this course, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 4. Run a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print Function: Welcome. This will be our first test with our Python platform. You will spend a lot of time in it. So we want to make sure you understand how its work. Python was specifically designed to be a highly readable language. The Python syntax is made for ease of use, and Hell made it one of the most used language among the freshers, as well as the export. Python is very simple programming language and it has a very straightforward sentence. It encouraged the programmers do program without Weiler plate, which is prepared or the simplest director in the python is print directory. It simply prints out a line and also includes a new line like c plus plus. There are two major versions, as you know, the first one is Python two and Python three. But Python two and Python 3's are quite different. In this lecture, we will totally focused on the basic syntax of the Python three. But I will give you some of the touch with a Python do sentenced as well. Here on your screen. As you can see that when you are just working with a basic syntax, anyone, you are just getting the string off a hello line. So here a print function is using. The print function is using to get the output to the user wierd. You can see that I'm describing their, this is hello and this is Hello world right here. You can see here, simply go to the run, run this file, and you can see that click on the basic syntax. You will find the output right here, which is the hello world, which is the output of this line right here. Now here you can see that I just run this cord into the PyCharm compiler. Now here you can see that I'm just running the same code here where you can see that I am just writing print. Print here is the hello world. And then I just close this code right here. This is the same python three version. I just run this into the shell. And here you can see that my code is running properly right here. If you want to run a script of Python tool right here. So simply, you have to remove these parentheses right here. You can see that with these parenthesis. And on the place of that, you have to write print and then simple, you have write Hello, World right here. This is just syntax difference between the Python 2.7 and the Python three. I'm just removing the score right here and does come back to our main ID, which is a Python char. So this is our code. We're, I'm just running in IDE right here. If you want to run a Python script more right here. So you just simply go to the CMD right here. Here. Firstly, I'm just writing the Python. So as you can see here, this will get 3.4 version of Python right here, which is interpreted with my command prompt. But I'm just using 3.8 versions of Python right here with PyCharm ID. So don't confuse a trite here. Now, same chord. I'm just running right here, where you can see that I have to write that this is hello and world. And I just close this code right here when I just run this chord. So you can see here, I just find this output right here. Seems a case like that. You can see that here when I just run this code, so I will find the hello world as the output. So simple. You can also work with a Python multiline text as well. When you are just choosing multiline text with your Python code. So you have to write simply this slash sign with it. Here you can see that I have right? Hello. This is slash sign. So high, this is word. So as we saw that in Python, a new line simply means that a new statement. And it has all to. Python, does provide a way to split IF statement into a multi-line statements or two Jain on multiple statements into it, or a logical lines as well. You just simply write inter or you hurt right, this sign right here to split your screen right here, here you consider, I'm just running this core. And here you can see that this is Hello. Hi, this is word right here. Helps you understand now that how simple is it? So these are some of the basic concept of the Python as well. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. See you in next lecture. 5. Variables & multiple assingment of variable - Dont Miss this Concept: Welcome. In this lecture we are going to talking about the variables and its salmon. And we can also see the multiples type of assignments of the variable. A variable is nothing but a programming element that is used for defining horses, touring, and performing operations on the input data. The Python variables are the four different types. The first one is integer, long integer, float, and the string. Integers are used for defining the numeric values along the integers. And long integers are used for defining the integers with a bigger land than a normal integer. Florida are using for defining the decimals values and strings are using to define correctors. Where he will is a memory addresses that's contained, which means that let's see. Here we have a box. You have the value which is equal to four. You want to store this value is going to that box right here. So you have to add this value. In some point you realize that you are adding this values means that you want to change this values right here. So simply remove this value from this variable and assign a new value right here, which is, is equal to five. So you are, this box will contain the value here is five. Don't confuse it here. So our variables is a memory address. All that can change. And when the memory address cannot change that, then that variable is known as the constant. Will study about the constant in upcoming lectures. Variable is a name of a memory locations where the data is a store. Once a variable is stored, that is paste is allocated in the memory. Which means that if we restore five inside this box, so some memory will be located in walks with a value of five. It defines a variable using combinations of numbers, letters, and underscore characters as well. I just tell you that we have several different types of variables where you can see that we have let suppose integer type, flow type, long integer type and the correctors. Let's just see how fastly be hard to see simple variables and we will declare a simple variables right here. See that? Firstly, you have to write your variable name. Let's, let suppose this is your name right here, which is equal to empty string. We will move through this. So this is your first variable. In the first line, you have seen that this is your name, which is the definition of the variables with the name of your name, which have noted a type yet. I will discuss about that later in this lecture. So here you can see that we have the variable name, which is your name, which was assigned to MPI is string right here. It is a just blank, empty text right here and work it into the invertor double commas right here. Helps you understand now that how we can declare the empty string right here. Here you can see that firstly, we, you can see your name as a valuable. Then here you can see that phi n is equal to sine right here, which is the assignment operator. We will learn about that in the assignment operator lecture, but just make a concept right here. Then here you can see that this is just an empty string right here where you can find the empty text. Helps you understand now. Now here you can see that they do or name here is either defend Python. So as you can see here, I just assign the value to that variable which is corrector type human say that this is a string right here. This is a name of Bitcoin right here. Then here you can see I have to define that. Let's suppose if it is equal to ten, then here you can see that v, which is equal to coupon 0 obscurantist handle. And then you can see that IS right c which is equal to I just ride to double five. Here you can see that I'm just not using any of the data types right here with Python variables just because of if you are working with C plus plus Java programming language. So that is mandatory at that programming language. But in Python, you don't have, don't have to declare any data type with your variable. Let us see if you are working or if you are declaring the integer type data type here with a is equal to or harris Red d, which is equal to 20. As you can see, that is generating an error right here. Just because of Python not need by default as the datatype of your variable. That will take if you are writing like ten. So that will take body part as an integer. If you are writing 22, then this will by default as the floating point number and if you are working with, it shrinks. So that will verify or dig as the string, right? I just remove this. And here you can see that I just get the print output of that. Personally, I will get the result of your name. Then I have to write print the value of a. Then I have to write the present value of B. Then here you can see that this is the value of C right here. Now, as you can see, I'm just going to run this code right now, which is you can see that shift and fn. So firstly, you can see that. So sorry for that. This is my old core wires running to you guys. Now here you can see that this is just a variable. As you can see firstly, that will print me for the Python. Then this is a which is equal to pan, which is the integer type variable. Then here we have the value of floating point numbers, which is a decimal point number. Rij is 2.0. right here. And you can see that this is a long integer. So this is one way you can sign your valuable. Now we want to move through the multiple variables assignment, how we can do it. Let us see here, I'm just writing, let's suppose the value of a which is equal to the value of b, which is equal to the value of c, which is equal to n, the value of d which is equal to. Okay. Let's suppose if you are working with Python programming language and you want to reduce your programming efforts, let suppose we have a variable which is the value of ten. Then we have the b variable, which has a value of ten. Then we have this variable c, which is also variable value of Penn, and variability, which is also a value of ten right here. Here you can see that if you are declaring a multiple assignment variable, so this is a single assignment variable, okay? If you are working with multiple Alzheimer variable to the same value right here. So you have to write the program or you have write your code like this. So you understand now this is a single value to multiple variables right here. Now here you can see that. So how you can see that this is reducing your programming FOR right here. Knowledges See, we are defining some of the different values to the multiple variables. Now, I just write a, b, c, and d, which is equal to here. You can see that I have to write 10203040. Hopefully you understand now, or here you can see that you have right to 0.2. Then here you can write that blue double five. And here you can see that you have to write that. This is just, you can see that this is a Python as a string. So you can see here these are the different variables with different values like this as integer than float, then this is a long integer and this is a character type. Now here you can see that I have to write print function. And here I have to get the value of a right here, and the value of b right here. I just take two variables output right here, Okay, now I just run this code and you can see that that will get the value of ten. And Poupon 2s1. Okay? Now here you can see that you have to write that value of c And the value of d asthma. So you will find that the output here is ten to point to 2W five. And the characterized, the python right here. So this is how you can declare, or this is how you can define an assignment of value to the variable. There are some key concept that you have to follow when you are working with your variables. There Python does not have a specified kumar Just to declare or create a variable. However, there are some rules that we need to keep in mind while creating the Python variables. Number of Python cannot start with a number. Sorry, a name of the variable cannot start with a number, which means that you cannot start the variable name like 123, which is equal to and then you have to declare your variable. This is a wrong way. Then variables names are just case-sensitive and that can contain the alphanumeric characters and the underscore collectives. As for how you can see that if you are declaring the variable of your name right here. So you can see here this is one step that I'm skirting. Do you guys? And you want to call this URL name right here. But here, I'm just writing that you're underscore name right here. So you can see here meaning is same, but here you can see that this is the lowercase and uppercase characters. So Python is a case sensor the programming language, so there will not take as uppercase right here. Reverse word cannot use in the Python. Remember that then the Python variables are always assigns using the equal to sign followed by the values. As you can see. Hopefully you understand now, if you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 6. Reassigning Variables: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the re-assigning variables. As the word variable implies, Python variable can be readily change. This means that you can connect are different values with previously assigned variables very easily through simple reassignment, how you can see that we have the integer type value. And if you want to convert this integer type value to the floor, so you have to reassign the value. Let's suppose ten. So you have to want, or you want to declare this values as a reassigned values like 10 or 10.2. So you have to reassign that values right here. Let's just see how here I defined value of ten a which is equal to ten right here. And I just want to print this. A is equal to ten right here. Now here you can see that I'm just running discord right now, which is ten right here. Now here, I'm just reassigning the value right now. How you can see we, how variable is same, which is a. And I just want to define this value which is 10.2 right here. Now you can see that I just get the present value, which is a right here. Run the code. So you can see here this is 10.2 as the floating point number. And you can realize that I'm just reassigned this value right here. Now at the third step, I am just reassigned the value of load to this string. So you can see here a which is equal to i SmartGrow, right? This string right here. This is Python right here. Okay? You can see that. And now here I am just running used chord as a. Now you can see that at first stage, this was my integer type variable. I just convert this integer to the floor and you can see that I just reassign the value again to float to this string right here. Being able to reassign is useful because throughout in this course or two out of a program, human need to accept the user-generated values as well, which is into already initialized the variables or may have to change the assignments to something you previously defined. Knowing that you can readily and easily reassign the variables can also be useful in the situations where you may be working on a large program that was like begging, all banned by someone else. And you are not clearing yet on what has already been defined. So at that case, you'd have to reassign your values. Helps you understand now, like if you are working with one lack lines of code, 10 thousand lines of code. But at that case, this is very important concept that if you do not know the values of where variables, so then at that stage you have to reassign the values, will our u, and you can convert your code with your own. Hopefully you understand now that how we can reassign the values of variables and how our, what is the concept between this assigning of the variables and how we use it and use it. So if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 7. Swap variables: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talk about the swipe variables in Python. In computer programming, the act of swapping two variables refers to manually exchanging the value of the variable. Usually, this is done with our data in the memory. You have the value of a, which is ten, is my variable, value of b, which is equal to 20. Okay? You want to swap the value of a to the b, which means that if you want, you want to write the value of a which is equal to 20 and the value of a which is equal to ten. So at that case, a slack variable is using legacy and according example, and we will see that how we work is equal to ten, b, which is equal to 20. Now where you can print a and b right here. Now here I am just using, or I'm just swiping the values right now, which as you can see here, a and b, which is equal to here. You can see that B and a right here. What does that mean? This means that I just defined the value of a and B right here, which is 1020. Then here you can see that I just defined the value of B here is ten right here. And the value of e, which is equal to 20 right here. How you can see that firstly, identify a v and then a right here. Now I just print the value. And this is how I print the value of a. And then here you can see that it prints the value of p right here. But I'll just run the score. So you can see here, possibly you can see I just defined that this is the value of a. Ok? And here you can see that I decide that this is the value of b. So Viewer better understanding right here. So this is the value of b right here. Now I just run this score and you can see that this is the value of a which is equal to 20, and this is the value of b which is equal to ten. So you can see here how we can swap the values right here. You can write a which is a and B. So initially you can see here a value is ten and b value is 20. This means that I just initialize the value of 1020, which is equal to here. You can see that b and a, this means r v here is ten and the a here is 20. The question here is, why views swiping of values and what is the purpose of swiping? To replace the pages or the segment of the data and do the memory. Swiping is useful techniques that enable a computer to execute a program and manipulate the data files larger than main memory. The operating system copies as much data as possible into the main memory and leave the rest on the disk. This is the main purpose of the swiping right here. Obscurantist hand. Now, if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture or any point you are not understanding right here, please. You can ask any question. Thanks for watching. See you in next lecture. 8. Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python): Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about variable scope. Inside the variable's scope, we are going to study about the local and the global variables. As you discussed earlier, up, variable is a name which is given to a memory location and it must be declared before it is used. Variables are classifiers and two things, which is the global and the local variables, which is the main topic of our discussions today. Here, the main difference between the local and the global variable is that a local variable is defined inside the function block, and the global variable is defined outside the function block. I haven't discussed these to more formally as well. You have to see that I just declared a function here. So this is just to defining a function which is a keyword of D F as a function keyword. Now here you can see that I have defined the function name and then I just closest function right here with a colon sign. Here. I just define a variable number one, which is equal to here. You can see that I just defined that this is just our Python right here. Okay? And I just print that variable number one right here. Okay? After this, you can see that I simply call this function to getting the output right here, which is, you can see that this is abc. Now here, when I just run this score. So you can see here, this is the expected output for discourse where you can see that this is just a local variable and I just accessed this inside the function body only right here. Hopefully you understand now. So the local variables are declared inside the functions, only within the functions inside or they are declared. This is uninitialized local variables and that will result in a storage of garbage values on, okay? Now, you can see that here. I just defined variable again, where you can find that. Let us suppose this is the variable number one right here. Okay? And very well, number one, which is equal to here, you can see that let's suppose I just provide some of the values to it. Now here inside this function, you can see that I just create this function name as the global. You can see that this is variable number one and the variable number one, which is equal to Harris, Right? This is global variable with the help of this global as the keyword right here. Now here you can see that I just print the variable right here. So you can see that that really gave me the output right here. And I just remove this. And you can see that this is show me the error right here. Or you can see that now. So here you can see that if you do not declare your variable as a global scope. So that is also gave you opt output right here as well, which is declared right here. But if you want to reassign the value to it, so you have to drive global variable. And then here you can see that I just defined the variable value variable and Muhammad is equal to Harris, right? 50. Okay? And then here you can see that I write print. And here you have to get the output of that variables, which is print, and this is the variable marijuana. You can also get inside this function and you can also get the orbit of that outside the function body as well. So you can see here 50. So I just initially defined this variable as the 20 right here. Then this is a global variable. Reassign the value to it and get the output of this. Here you can see that a local variables is a type of variables which is declared within the programming block or a subroutine. You may say that it can only be used only inside a subroutine or a block of code in which they were declared, as you can see in our last example. But a global variables are defined outside the function's body or outside the subroutine or a function. And the global variables with hold its value through the lifetime of your programs and they can access been enough functions defines or a program helps you understand now that how you can declare the local and the global variables into the Python. If you find any problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 9. The Assert Statement: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about exert statement in Python. The assert statements allow us to verify that our code work as our expectations. In programming, assertions are used to verify whether I specified condition is true or not. Let suppose we have examples right here, which is a plus b. Ok? V, as you can see that ten plus 20 here, this plus operator will adding the two numbers right here, which is ten plus 20 right here, that is provided by the user. As we can use assertions to check if the values inputs are numbers only n. It is not alphabets are the characters. The insert statement is contain a Boolean expression that will check the crudeness of your conditions. And that will return true if the condition is true, otherwise, that will return false. When an insertion is used in a program. Then, then in case of the positive assertions, the program will continue its execution is normally whether in the negative assertions, the program will stop the execution. So, and exceptions enter to this. How you can see that. Here you can see I have to write that Python program. Where you can see I had to write this is exert, exert Harris to a four plus four, which is equal to, I'll just write it. So here you can see there, I just make sure that 24 plus four is equal to eight, which is a true statement. You can see that on Astra and this program. So here you can see that this is a true statement right? Now at this stage you can see that Einstein is hurting add function. And here you can see that ice, right? Let's suppose here, one multiply by three, which is equal to three. Okay? Here, when I just run this court, so you can see here we have an error right here, which is the error is, you can say that I'm just writing that three here with the add function and this is not true statement right here. Okay, now here I will make sure that if we walk with Leica 13, so result here is three. So this makes it really powerful statement at literally unused for one of the verify our code walk. You can just right the expected output for our function. Now here I'm just running programs on the true statements. So let suppose core values a0, which is equal to ten. Okay? So this is just work-life or exception handling. So we will study about exception handling in next upcoming election lectures. So here you can see that this is their statement a which is equal, equal to here. You can see that I have to write that this is ten. Now, if this condition is made for that will return and output as the true right here. Let just see I exert. Exert here is Einstein E, which is equal, equal to here, it's right, 20. And I just run this code right here. So you can see that this is the false statement right here, where you can see that this is Xr and they exert here is we have the services 20. Just because of here, I just write the value here is ten and that is not meet, then output right here. At that case, you can see here, this is giving me an error right here. Just like our old program, what I described that ad, which is equal to one, n three, which is equal, equal to, you can see that IS right, three. Just because of where I am inserting the values and make us an arrow right here. So here you can see that that is the rise and insertion error right here. Hopefully you understand now, if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 10. Strings you need to grap complete concept: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about this strings in Python. This is not the first time we are encountering a string. Since we have a start learning the Python, we discussed about the variables and its type, where we can study about the integer type variables flawed and the string has been. Now in this lecture, I will completely give you the knowledge about a string. A string, as a string can be defined as the sequence of connectors. And that is the most basic explanations of the string that you can provide. In these definitions, we can see two important Sturm. The first one is beginning of the strings with the other characters. And if you have, after finishing like this lecture, you will be completely understand that how the strings work in the Python programming language. At first-stage, I just show you that how you can declare your string. Like our old example here you can see that this is your underscore name, which is equal to ice, right? That this is the variable of this string. Hopefully you understand now this is my variable name and this is your string. Then here you can see that I am this parenting, this variables, which is your name right here. Now I'm just running this. So you can see here this the variable of the string. This is just our declaration of the string where you can find Firstly, we are to write our variable name and then give it the values to it. Now here you can see that how we like quoting our string into the triples inverted commas. This is, this means that you can see that I have to write that this is variable number one right here. And I have write this is in triple inverted commas and isis, right? This string into it helps you understand. So you can see here that this is the variable, sorry. And here you can see that this is the variable of multiple type string. Okay? Now here you can see this is String is an R, one line only if you want to give it the string like this. So you can see here, I just write this string into the multiple lines. And now I spend this output as the viewer and name right here. Now it's run this. So you can see here you will get the output of this string like this with the help of triple inverted commas right here. Okay? You can also Perform some of the operations to a string as well. How legacy. You can also add the plus signs to your string as well, where you can see that this is append the second of the first string, how ledger c. You can see that here. I have the right there. Let suppose e, which is equal to here. I started by Tom. Okay? B, which is equal to hair eyes, right? Three. These are the proof string what I'm scooting right here, then added logic. You can see here I just write a plus B with the help of a plus B sine. I just combine these two string. And here you can see that I have to write that this is just a print, AN B Right here. Or here you can see that I have right there. This is, let us suppose c is equal to a plus b. So you can see I just get the value of C right here when I just run this course. So you can see here this is a Python and three, which is our off together right here. Hopefully you are understanding all this is just a string operators right here. Now, a main concept of this train is coming right here where you can form at your screen. This is very important concept in any programming language to, for mature string. Enter relations of your object of a different type. Add the placeholder inside the string is card, is string form it. There is an operator using too far mature string is percentage of corporate rate here. Otherwise an arithmetic operator is used to return the reminders of the divisions, which is used to perform the string formatting. Also, the formatting of the strings provide like percentage sign d, sorry, percentage sign d sine. Then here you can write percentage sign of f, OK, then you have the right person de sign of S as well, and so on. So these are some of these strings you can also use in the c programming language as well. Now, if you are formatting with our string right here. So here at that case, you can see that I just ride variable d and d, which is equal to Harris, right? Let suppose this is by Ton and the python is three right here. Okay? Now here you can see that I have to write that this is a print function. And you can see that I have right? They're like this is output. Sorry for that. This is our PR right here. Here. You can see that I have the right personally sign. And this is the percentage sign. As for this string right here, when you are working with the correctors right here. So this is how you can format your is string. And you can see that I have to write that this is getting the variables and the variable here is d. Okay? Now I just run this score and save this and run this code right now. So you can see here that this is the output of that. And here you can see that this is just a string sign. But here you can see that I just didn't like format our string yet so far for formatting. So you simply provide like this is like percentage sign and I just read parts on de sign and get the variable D. So you can see here like this is our output right here. Helps you understand now, if you are working with IS strings to you how to write parser de San s, Then this is Bertrand de sign and D, then you have the right person de sign and f, if you are working with the integers, so you have to provide percentage sign. And then if you are working with Lake, is strictly you have the right person design as if you are working with a float number. So you have the right person day sine n, F right here. So this is just a string formatting in Python. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 11. Data Types In Python Major Concept: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. And in this lecture we are going to talking about the data types in Python, data types are the classifications or categorizations of the data items. Datatypes represent a kind of value which determines what operations can be performed on that data. Somehow, you can see that I write 10.2220. So you can see that then we have like a, B, C, which is the string or character. And then here you can see that true or false. So Python will, by default no, that what operations performed on that, this will take by default integer, float, string, and the Boolean. We have the several types of data ties where we can study about numeric, nonnumeric, and the booleans. So these are the data types which are mostly used datatype or most used data types in any programming language. However, each programming language has its own classifications, or the classifications largely reflecting its programming philosophy. Firstly, I have to write or I have to explain to you guys, which is the numeric data types. So numeric values is any representations of the date ha, which has the numeric values. We have the three types of numeric values, which are the complex numbers, integers and the float. Firstly here you can see that I just defined integer is equal to h equal to ten. And then I have write print. Then this is a type functions to getting the type of your data. And here inside a, when I just run this code. So you can see here this will get the class. And the class here is integer type. Okay? Now here you can see that I have to copy and pasted this code right here and here I'll just write that this is 20.22, where I just write that this is just our value of b. And here you can see that this is also a b right here. And I just run this code right here so you can see that. So we haven't dissenting Steiner's here. Yes. Okay, now it's fine. And this is B right here. Okay? Now here you can see that we'll get the floor of the class right here. So integer are the positive or negative numbers, or a whole number without functional or fractional part. Float numbers are any real number that is floating point numbers, which is representing as fractional complex, is denoted by our decimal symbol or scientific notation. Now, we have the third type of numeric, which is a complex number right here. And you will see that here I have to write that simply like this is a type, or sorry, this is like I'm just getting the type right here. And the type here is, I'm writing that this is five plus. You can see that here I write to a, okay. And here you can see that I have to write this into the print function. So we're, I just get the type of that right here. So this is just a complex number right here, as you can see. Okay? Now, after this, you can see here, I have to write that. Let us suppose I have to write that this is like a boolean values. So I am going to when other data types here, which is a Boolean, I am not going through the like a non-numeric because in nonnumeric VR studying about the lists and tuples and dictionaries. So these are the separate topics. So I don't have to explain this right here in this lecture because lists, tuples and dictionaries, very large topic, okay? Now, or in a sequencer type or you may say that this is an anonymous type. I will show you the knowledge about the string. Let us see a boolean data type. So here you can see that I have to write that X which is equal to true, okay? Or here you can see that I have to write that this is let suppose print and print here is, you can see that I have to write the type. And the type here is I have write that this is just a true. Okay. Or you may say that like her. Or you can see that I'm just remove, removing this. So here we haven't missing parenthesis. Now here you can see, so this is already clear. I have to write l with it. Or here you can see that I have right jaded E plus T. Okay? Now here you can see that I have to write that. Let suppose this is a variable x and the x which is equal to here is right, that this is the value of true right here. So here you can see that this is just a value of true right here, where you can see that I'm just printing this values in the tie into the type which is X right here. Okay? Now here you can see, and here I have to remove this with the A8, sorry for that. With a j. Ok, now here you can see the managers run. So you can see that that will get the type of complex here and this will get the type of Boolean as well. We are I1 is declaring this type. You can see that I also write G, which is equal to abc. And then here I will print there, this is a type and the type here is g right here. And you can see that I'm just running the score again. So you can see here, this is a type of string as well, which is, you can see that our non numeric numbers, okay? Now, you can see I just divide these data types into the two is tendered datatypes. Firstly, I'm defining numbers, then I am just defining a string. Then I'm defining tuples. Okay? Then here I have to define list. Then this is dictionary. And here I'm just defining the set. So here you can see that these on the left side and the right side. So left side here is the data types of immutable data type. So what is the immutable data types for immutable data types in Python where the values assigned to the variables can be change. Remember that these little list dictionaries and the third are the immutable, sorry. These are the mutable data types where you can see that like once you define the values to the mutable data types so that data types, this values can be changed. But the immutable types, like where you can assign the value to the variables which is not change right here. Okay? So these are the two digit hives are two main is standard data types in Python. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture or any confusions you have about this lecture. You can post your question and you can ask any question any time. Thanks for watching. See you in next lecture. 12. What is Len Function in String: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talk, you bought the land functions into Python. The length function is and built-in function in Python programming language, which will return us the length of the strings. You can use len function with a strings lists, tuples, dictionaries have a structure, but we are not moving through that. We are just simply focused on the concept of the length functions. You can use land functions to optimize the performance of your programs. The number of the elements tour in the object is never calculated. So the length help provide by number of the elements. Legacy. How? Here you can see that I'm defining, Let's suppose name which is equal to Python. Okay? This is just a variable or creating right here. Then after this, you can see here IS defining that this is name one which is equal to i is defined. This is Python. So two characters, but I am just or two strings what I'm screwing right here. Now here you can see I strike variable temp, which is equal to firstly, I have to get the variable name right here. Then here I just write name is creator of. And here you can see their name is a creator of name number one. Okay? Now here you can see that I have right variable t, which is equal to here, I just died. Right? String underscore or harris, right? Let suppose temp dot format. Okay, now here I will get the format of that string. So firstly, you can see their name is equal to name. Then her eyes, right? Name number one, which is equal to here I stride. Name number one right here. Okay? Then after this you can see I've defined length. So length here which is equal to IC, LEN. So Ellie, and here is a keyword and you can see their eyes defined name first. Okay? And then here you can see that I is defined. This is length and length is the name here which is equal to IS write length of the name number one as well. Okay? And now here you can see that I have to write that this is length of T, which is equal to hair is dyed. This will get the length of temp right here, or blend of t here, okay? Now you can see, now is write print and print here is the land. Firstly, I will print the length right here. And you can see here the length of that character here is six. Then you can see that I just print the length of the name number one. And same is the case like the length of length d as well. Okay? So you can see here policy that will get the length of six. And then here you can see that that will get the land is 35-year. This did not get the length of the Python right here. This is simply show me the length of that name number one right here. Ok. Now you can see that how VR getting the length of our strings right here. This is one way that you can work with it. Okay? Firstly, we have to define some of the variables. Then we are write temporary formatting that. And then here we can define the length of that. Here you can see that I'm just defining some of the let suppose this is just a string right here which is equal to I just defined that this is name of program. Okay? Now here you can see that I just read print, get the length. And length here is I'm just getting the length of this is string right here, which is my variable. You can see that I'm just running the score right now. And you can see here that we'll get the length of that character. Here is 15. Ok. Hopefully you understand now that how we can get the length with the help of this LEN function right here. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 13. Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python): Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the arithmetic operators in Python. Before proceeding to this lecture, we just need to understand that what are the operators? An operator in a computer programming language is a symbol that usually the present an action or the process, like plus, minus is equal to divide percentage X-ray probe. These symbols are adopted from the mathematics and logic. And operator is capable of manipulating a certain value or a printer. Operators are the backbone of any programming language and they are used for everything from very simple functions like counting to the complex algorithms like security encryptions. Now, we are proceeding to the arithmetic operators in Python, arithmetic operator will let you perform a simple mathematical operations. Let's see. I'm just writing print and I am just adding two values right here, like five plus five. Okay? Then here you can see that this is the additional part right here. And I just define the print functions, which you can see that IS right, two minus three or 2x minus six. Then here you can see that I can multiply by two. Then here you can see that I define that two divided by ten. So these are the some of the mathematical operator where I'm defining right here. There's just check the output for this code. And you can see that the output here is firstly, you can see that with the help of this plus arithmetic operator, where you can find the output here is ten. Then this is the minor four because two minus six here is four. Then here you can see that this is minus four, okay? Then you can see that sound org lambda two, which is equal to 14 right here, and then two divided by ten, which is equal to 0.2. So the most initiate your use case is with the number, but they will also work with several other types like strings and the collections outlet, which means that you can also write print. And if you wanted to add like here, you can see that I'm writing there Python. And here just use plus. And then here I just write three. And I just run this code. So you can see here, I just add to the strings right here with the help of this plus operator. So plus minus Marty Plan D wire is come in the arithmetic operators category. Other than that insight arithmetic operators, we have some kinds of Florida visions as then how we can do it. Ten divided by three. So I'm just doing this floor division right here. Okay? Okay. Just see you can see here this is a floor division right here which is 103, so that we'll get three here. And what about just because of here? This will take the integers, okay? When you are just declaring the float values. So that's deltaic or that will give you an output is inflow. Now here you can see that I'm just taking the modulus. Now here the print and print His here is I just write five more or less of 50. Ok? And here you can see their eyes, right? Ten modulus or 50. This is up to you. You can take any of the modulus right here with the help for arithmetic operators. So you can see here, five modulus of 50 here is 510. Modellers of 50 year is ten. Okay? The modulus is, you may say that this is just a mathematical expression that we are. You can take only the reminder. Ok, hopefully you understand now. Now, instead of that, we also have some of the art Henry operators in Python as well as you saw in the introduction of the operator on arithmetic operators. So the art entity operators are work as the binary and unary operators, which means that that will work with the minus and plus signs or symbols as well. Let us see, you can see that I am writing plus three. And I just run this. So you can see here that we're assuming I will put as plus three right here. Now here you can see that I have to write that this is minus three as well. Okay? And I just run the score. So you can see here that will show me the output as the minus three. So hopefully you understand now you can also declare like this a which is equal to ten. And here you can write that this is print and print minus a. And you have to write print and print plus a. Okay? When I just run this. So you can see here that will show me the output as the minus ten. And this is a plus ten. Hopefully you understand now that what are the arithmetic operators and how you can use them in the Python. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture and any point you can not understand right here, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 14. Operators (Assignment Operator in Python): Welcome guys. Here in this lecture, we are going to talk about the assignment operator in Python. The assignment operator in Python's R is equal to plus is equal to minus is equal to, multiplies equal to d by dt is equal to, modulus is equal to, less than or greater than or equal to. And you can also write not equal to n bitwise, equal to S. Legacy. I will show you some of the example right here. I'll declare y0, which is equal to ten. I'll just write x and y. Ok? Here you can see or hear I tried x which is equal to n. Ok? Now at first-aid, I'm using is equal to operator. Where I just want to inside this ten value to this variable at this stage, you can see here my ten Hill, the value of x. So I just write here, which is x is equal to y. This means that pn of x, which is equal to y for y value is also here is x. So here you can see that I just assigned the value from right side, means this is our operand right here. You can see that this is our operand. Then here you can see that this is our operator. Then you can see here this is also our operand. So when you just taking the variable with your operator, so this means that this is operand operator and operand right here. Okay? So I just moved the value of left side to the right side, which is ten. So this is equal to assignment operator right? Now you can also write plus N equal two. This means that I just defined x plus y is equal to. So here I just add the right side operand to the left side operand and assign the result of the website Opera as well. You can also use minus S. Well, then you can write multiply and equal two as well. You can also write divide and equal to as a, which means that x divided by y equals, okay? You can also right, x modulus of y equal to, you can write less than or equal to. You can write greater than or equal to two. These all are the operators will come in the category of assignment operator. Let us see the coding example of here. I just write h is equal to ten. Ok? I just write a which is equal to a plus one. So as you know, I just tried a which is equal to a plus one, which means that this is our operand operator, operand operator, and this is the assignment of value. Now let us see, I have to write print and the paint here is a. Okay? Now I just run this code. So you can see here the value here is 11. Just because of, as a mathematical way, you can see if it is equal to ten plus one. So formula here is E is equal to a plus one. Value of a here is ten. So our output result here is 11. Hope so you understand now. So here we have one assignment operator, one arithmetic operator. Don't confuse it right here. Now here you can see that ice, right? E or I just tried a which is plus n equal to one, and I just print the output of a. Now here you can see. So at that stage, we had the expected output as the 12. Here's a question again. Why? At first aid we heard the value here is ten. H is equal to ten plus one, which means that the value of E here is now 11. Then here you can see that E plus is equal to one, which means add 11 plus one which is equal to 12 right here. Obscure concept is clear now. Now after this you can see here I just assign Right? Ten. So here you can see I just tried. Let's suppose B, which is equal to c. Ok? And here you can see that I have a handheld any value of C right here, okay? You can see the value of B here is ten. Now here you can see that. And I just run the score right now. Or here you can see I have to write this into the print function. So you will find the output right now. So when I just run this, so we have an error right here, which is b is an invalid keyword for the print function. How you can see that? So here you can see that IS defined let suppose empty variable right here. Where you can see there. I have redefined like c, which is equal to, I just write b which is equal to a. I just want the score. And yes, ok, I just run C right here. So here you can see that I just assign the value to that which is a, B, C, which is equal to b here is ten. And value of b I just assigned to a which is equal to 12. So you can see here the output here is c is equal to 12 rate here. 15. Using of Assignments operator and Shorthand: Hey guys. In this lecture we are writing any equations to calculate an average in one line with operators legacy. Here you can see that I'm just creating a variable here which is average. So this is a variable which is average and the average is equal to Harris, right? I just want to take the average of three numbers. Let's suppose five plus nine plus six. So I just divide this average by three. So this is just our average formula here. And now you can see that I have to write print function and then this is average. So what? I just actually dendrite here, five plus nine plus six, which is divided by three. As you can see here on your screen, that I'm just using the operators right here. We are. This is a plus operators and this is a divide operator. Hopefully you understand now. So these are the arithmetic's operatory. You may say that the match operator where I'm just using here to calculate our average. So this lecture is just for your concept to make your concept more clear about that operators right here. Now here I'm just running this program. So you can see here the average of three numbers here is this. So I just calculate the average like this. Helps you understand now, if you find any of the problems regarding to my any lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 16. Comparison Operators: Welcome guys. In this lecture, we are going to talking involved, or we are going to use some of these shorthands operator in our Python programming language. If you are, I experienced programmers and you are trends to try and type a little as possible to accomplish your goal. As long as you want to make your code more readable. As the result, it is important for you to be similar with and use the shorthand for venue, how variable, and you are performing some of the math operations on it. What are the shorthands of operators and how we can use it? As you see here, you can see that I'm just creating a variable and variable which is equal to rise right to. Okay? Now here you can see that I have to write that this variable and variable which is equal to or Harris or variable, this is plus N equal to. I. Just write ten here. And here you can see rise one blueprint, this variable idea. Now you can see that I'm just running this. So you can see here that we'll add ten plus two, which is 12 right here. Seems a case like here you can see that I have print that variable, which is multiplied by ten. Then here you can see that I just replace it with the divide. And here you can see the rise replace with this minus sign. Okay? Now here you can see that I just showing you the output one by one right here. Okay? Now here you can see neuroscience. Now here you can see when I just run this code right now. So you can see here, the first is, you can see that which is ten plus two is equal to here. You can see that there, this is 12 right here, okay? Now here you can see that I slide 12. And here you can see that 12 multiply it by ten. So this is 120 and seen as a case like this, like 120 divided by here, you can see that ten. So that is floating point number, which is 12 right here. And this is also poor right here. Hopefully you understand now that how we can use shorthands operators in the Python programming language. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 17. Equal/Not Equals Operators: Welcome. In the last lecture, you have seen that we are learning some of the assignments operator in Python. Now it's time that we are going to learn about the compressions operator. These operators are used to compare the value of operands are either side by this types of operator where you can get the values true or false, which are the Boolean value. If they can return true condition. So that is if the condition is satisfy, so that will show us the result at the true. Otherwise, that will show us the result as the files. Here you can see that what is the compression and what is the assignment operator and what is different between them. If you are writing a which is equal to two, okay? This means that you assign the value to the variable E right here. Okay? This is our value and this is our variable right here. Now here you can see their incentives compressions operator. I just write e which is equal, equal to B. This means that if the value of e is true and the value of E here is three, this means that two is not equal to three. So this will become falls this statement right here. If a which is equal equal to b, which means that two which is equal equal to two. So that operator will show us the result as a two, right? This is the compressions operator, which is equal to compression the operator. You can also write naught equal to greater than, less than, greater than or equal to n, less than or equal to right here. Legacy according example. And I will show you about that. The use of the compressions object, they return a Boolean values only. So remember that keeping a mind rate. Now here you can see that I have write print two, which is equal equal to two. Here you can see that I just compare the value of 222, which is equal, equal to two. This means that if these two values are true, so that will give us the output. Otherwise, that will show us the result as a fault. And I just run this. So you can see here this is true right here. Another state Mariah is writing here, materialized to which is equal, equal to three. So here you can see there are fast tainted is show me the outward as a crew because this condition here is meat. And here you can see there are two which is equal, equal to t, which is not true. So that's why this gave me answer as the files right here. So here you can see that I just write equity, do that. Okay? Now here you can see that i not equal to, then here you can see that that too is not equal to three. Okay? This is another way you have to write your variable right here. You can see that. Then here you can see that I have, right? That this is if two is not equal to c, the output right now. So fastly You have seen that these are our two statements we already registered to vote. Here you can see that this is a true statement because two is not equal to three. So this is true and you reconsider two is not equal to two. So you can see here this is for the statements, so that will show me the result as the falls right here. Then here you can see that I write that the greater than sign right here, you can see that that print, and you can see here that we have the result and value as a print and print hair is let suppose true is greater than three. Then here you can see that two is greater than or equal to three. Then here you can see that I have right? That, that let suppose two is like less than three, okay? Then HER2 is less than or equal to three. So this is one. Another way you have to write that you're programmed with compressions operators. You can see here the firstly do is rather than three, which is the false result right here. Sorry for that. This is the positive that. Then here you can see that this is two which is greater than or equal to three. This is also a false result here. Then here you can see that two is less than three, true. T2 is less than or equal to three. So this is also true right here. So this is how you can see that you are compressions operator work in Python programming language. If you find any problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 18. Logical Operators in Python: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talk about that equal and not equal to operators. We studied about this operator, which is the assignment operator. But here in this lecture, I will mainly focused on the equal and not equal to operator. As you draft or as you dive more into the programming and you will find that you start having dynamic variables beer. You don't necessarily know what they are at a given moment. In your programs. The equal and not equal operators help you to determine if a variable is what it needs to be for some things to happen. Like here, you can see that this is the equal to operator and this is not equal to operator. If there are only one sign like this. As the operator, it is storing the information to the variables like a, which is equal to one. Which means that variable is storing the information right here, which is the value of that variable here in to store a memory location. If there are two equal to sign like this, via started about in last lectures, lectures. So this means that this is a pressure or this is comparing the value. Let's suppose a0, which is equal equal to b or equal equal to C. This means that you can also write not an equal to V i. You can write left side which is not sine and then equal to which means that like E, which is not equal to b. Okay? We can see that the two which is not equal to two, this is where you can see that this is a false statement. Helps you understand now. Now let us see that we are running a program right here where you can check the equal and not equal to state. And right here, let's suppose isis run a program and this program here is on. Let's suppose that this is the rest. Rest is a variable right here. So I just define this rest for a restaurant. Restaurant here is you can see that clean. Okay? So I just define a rest as the variable. And restaurant hair is clean right here. Now Harris's defined count and the counter is flat integer type variable. Now here you can see that I'm just replacing our variable with another variable. This means that this is just equity operators to check if the restaurant is clean or not. So you can see here is underscore clean, which is equal to i, right? This is the rest. And here you can see that we have the value here is. Clean. Okay, you can see that I am just simply replace our variable right here. Now here you can see that I just finished a core to check the variable counting right here. Where you can see the eyes, right, is underscore count and the count ij is equal to heritage, right? This is just a coward and the current which is equal to heritage, right? Six, sorry, this is six. Okay? Now, this is just, you can see that the compressions operator right here, which is equal equal to, and this is also an equal equal to right here. You can see that this is equal to and this is also equal to. Now here you can see that this is underscore, not underscore Harris, Right? This is clean and is equal to here it is right there. This is restaurant and heritages, different NADH and large, which is equal to here it is, right? This is just a clean variable right here, which is our string output right here. This is how you can write your, you can say that equal to a naught equal to sign. This is a complex programs, or it's maybe a complex for you. That time is running these types of program for you. Ok, but this is a programming practice. So just make a practice like this with a real ham environment. So here you can see that I just write not equal to or not clean variable here. So this operatives to check if the weather is equal to, sorry. Like here, you can see that if the restaurant is equal to clean or not, or if you can see that if the rest variable is equal to clean or not, ok, legacy plus the I have to print. And print here is I have read is clean. Then you can see that I have to print, print. Here is, is underscore count. Then here you can see that I have to trend. And the trend here is, I have to write that this is not clean. Okay? And here you can see that we have option or we, how this value here is clean, which is not an equal to when I just run this code right now. So you can see here, the restaurant is clean right now. Then here you can see that v is count here is fall just because of this value here we have five, here we have six. And then you can see here this is just a false value right here because the restaurant is not clean right here you can see here. Okay? So this is how we are writing over, is equal to means that equal to and not equal to operators. Whenever the programmer demonstrating to you, let's suppose a0 which is equal to five, which is equal to four or five. Then heritage, right, that print, which means that I am printing the value of a right here. Then here you can see it c dot a, which is not equal to five. And here I have to print the value of a right here. So you can see here this is also print the value of phi just because of I'm just declaring these values here. Suppose one other thing where I'm starting here too, you guys, where you can find that let's suppose a, which is equal to b or equal, equal to be. Ok? And here we have the value of v which is equal to ten. Okay? And here you can see that I have defined here, right here, sorry, here we have seen there. And the value of V right here, okay? Are just c. So you can see here, the value of E here, phi value V is ten. Now I am just, you can see that I is equal to these values right here. Or here you can see that let's suppose I'm just removing this and dissolve. You can see here, let suppose four is not equal to five. So that is give me the result here is true. And if I just write four, which is equal to five, so this will give me the result here is four. So you can write any of the things that I had here. And you can compare equal to a naught, equal to together as well. This is very important things. That's why I'm distributing this concept right here. If you find any of them. Problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 19. Is and Isnot in Python : Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the logical operators in Python. The logical operators in Python are used for conditional statements which are true and the false. The logical operators in Python, R and operator or operator NR operators. We forced Harding, the end node and our operator. We just need to understand that what they are, this is N or N naught. So n operators, which returns true if the boat operand, right or left sides are true. This means that if I just write E and B, OK, so this is n and this is b. Let's suppose e, which is two. And here I just write an operator and a and two. So which means that if this condition is matched, so output will be true right here. If this is false, like 365, anything. So this will become falls right here. On the other hand, OR operator. If the R operators is returned through either the operand of relapsed side or the right side here. Let's suppose h is equal to two and B, which is equal to four, I just write a or B. So if these conditions are met, means two or four. So here you can see that our one condition is true right here in place of four eyes, right? So any of the conditions of any of the operand is matched to that will become true right here. The not operator, it returns true if the operand is followed. Let, suppose we have the value of a which is equal to six. And here it is, right? E, which is equal to a, which is not operator. And here i, b, which is equal to six. So here it is, right b. So that is true. So this has become falls in the not operator legacy. Accordingly, example, header decide if it is equal to b, which is equal to two. Okay? Here you can see that I have like print and print here is I have read that E and operator and has right. Okay. And here I just used a and b, which is my variable right here. Now seen as a case like I straight or not as well. So as right or eyesight or, and then here you can see that IS right, not operator sine, same as a case like the string as well. And not as well. Okay? Now, here you can see that here you consider a which is not B or E right here. And it's run the score. So you can see here personally a0 and b0, which is two right here. Okay? Then here you can see that a and B, which is six n naught. And show me the result and value as the falls right here is just because of IMs declaring the values right here. Now cine disulphide statement. And for this term, for your better understanding right now. I strike price to run this program. As you can see that drew falls. This means that fault. I just take this statement from the PivotTable. Okay? Then here you can see that I just write true and false, which is equally true inside. So this is n. This is all. If you see inside the north, which is true. So this filled by the fire, take this true value here to falls inside. This not operator is defined true and true. So this two will become true right here, and the last one will become false. So you can see here, I suddenly score. So you can see here true, true. So this is true right here, so this becomes false. Hope you understand now that how VR declaring the logical operators and what are the logical operators and how it works. If you find any of the problem you've gotten into this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 20. Inverting Boolean in python: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talk in Bow is an operator in Python, much like equal and not equal. As you can see on your screen, this is equal to sign and this is not equal to sign. Vr using is and is not operator. At the, at this stage you can see here is an is not operator, so is an is naughts are the keywords. Here. You can see you can use the equal sign right here. So instead of that we are using is understood of that not equal to sign we are using is not tried here. Let us see according example here I'm just creating a variable and I just take this variable as the non right here. Now here I'm just creating another variable which is a car and car hair is let suppose this is a BMW. Now here you can see that I just replace. This is equal to sine is keyword. So here you can see that I have to write that let suppose is underscore norm. This is my variable, okay, which is equal to here. I just write that this is just a variable, fuzzier and getting the variable right here and here is keyword right here. Then here you can see that I have to write the value which is not. So here you can see that our, this variable is checked. This value here is non or not. Can see here with the help of this is variable. Now here you can see that I'm just using is not operate reservoir. Here you can see that I'm spreading is underscore, underscore num, which is equal to here. I just write firstly, I'm just getting the value of their car variable. And here you can see that value of that car is not, and here it just tried is not white. Okay, so here you can see that I just created the value right here. Or this is a variable right here. Here is take this variable right, is not that the color how or the car color have not white right here. Hopefully you understand now that how is and is not work in a Python programming language where I just assign the value with the help of is. And here you can see that with the help of is not, we are just assumed that the car color hair is not white right here. These are the is and is not operator, which is using the Python program if you want to get the print output so simple, you have to write a print statement, otherwise, leave it. So this is just a Python program for the is and is not. If you find any of the problem right here in this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 21. Bitwise Operators: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about in working booleans. There are a lot of different ways of writing the same core to accomplish something. Here, in this lecture, we will go through the Booleans values, and I'm just inverting these values. Let's just see how. Here you can see that I'm just creating that. Suppose a variable here is v and v here is false. So as you can see here, I'm just taking the value right here, which is false. Now, there's two, there are the two is that you have doing the same inversion right here. Like pasta, you heard right? Print. Write v, which is my variable name, and here I just used is operator. And then here you considered false. So as you can see that I'm just going and move through this is operator. And I just assigned this V value here, which is falls right here. And I just see this one, this score right here. So you can see here I just inward this value right here, which is false, true, true right here. Now here you can see there I heard right, that this is the brain and the point here is not v. Let us see what is output right now. And you can see right now. So you can see here this is also true value, right? You can see that these are the injures inversion right here. Now here you can see that there is one another way, or I'm writing here. So you can see that there's suppose I am just writing there, this is v1, which is another variable which is equal to hedge, right? That this is the value of true right here. Then here it is, right? This is a V1 and V1 which is equal to I have to write this is not. Okay. So I just take a keyword of not here and here I tried NOT v1, which means that this V1 is not V1 right here. Okay, sorry, this v here is not v11 right here. Okay? Miss means that v means false is not true. Let us see the output right now and horizons, right? That this is a print of V right here. So here you can see that I just in word these values again. So as you can see here, this is false right here. Firstly, I just move false or true, false, true. Then here you can see that I just just move too. True to that falls right here. Helps you understand now that how you can use these kinds of operators and in work your values. You can either check that something is false or if you are sure that there is boolean. So you can check if it is not true or something else, right? So this is some how we are inverting the Booleans values right here in the Python code helps you understand now if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture and any point you are not understand right here that how to use or how to in word these values. So you can ask any question. Thanks for watching and see you in next lecture. 22. If Statements in Python: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the bitwise operator in Python. Bitwise operator x on the operand, bit by bit. How? If you have the epsilon a and epsilon b right here. So that will work on the efferent bit by bit. Let's suppose the other operand here is a is equal to four and b is equal to five. So here you can see that that will get that bits of it and then work on it. So these operators take one or two operants. Some of the bitwise operators appears to be the similar to logical operators, but they are not. How? Here you can see that if you take an operator, okay, then you have to take our operator. This is your x or operator. This is first complement. This is your left binary shift and this and you are right by a new shift. So we will use one Y1 and the coding example, how legacy. Here you can do that like print for and you can see that I have right, five. Okay? Then here you can see that I have read like four. And here you can see that you have right there, suppose and yes, ok, this is 45. So this is our operator. Then here you can see that I have to write it. This is print and print here is four. And here you can see that there is first compliment right here, OK. Now further here you can see that red. And the point here is I have to write that for an XOR operator here, 46. Now here, you can see that I have to write that. This is our left shift right here. Then here, here you can see I just tried this is left shift three. And here you can see that I tried print and this is a right shift for, so this is up to you can write any of the core right here. So I just remove this and they're stage. And then Heron's running this course. You can see here, firstly, at the first stage, you can see here v, how the n operators, which sets the, each bit to one, if the both bits are one right here. So you can see here that we'll get four. Then here you can see that this is our operator. So that is said the bit one. If one of them is one, then here you can see that this is an XOR. Here you can see that, sorry, this is XOR where you can see that this is the value of firefighting. And just because we set the bit to one, if only one of the two bits are one. And here you can see that this adjust fast compliment right here, which is inverting all the bits right here. And this is our, you can see here, sorry, this is our x or so you can see here this is getting to know here. I'm just showing you that how we can get these bits. Let suppose we have the value right here, which is five. So that will take the bit from this Bigtable's mirror. You can see that that will get that decimal numbers, that will get the hexadecimal number as well. So here that will take 0101 right here. Then here you can see that let's suppose we have 45 values. So here you can see that that will get 0100. What does an operator Lou? And operators are set each bit to one if both bits are one. So here, this is not one, because here 01. So that will take 0 right here, then here 00, that will take right here. Here you can see that that is one. So this is one, this is 00, so that will take 0 right here. Our value here is 0100 right here. Now, solidus value into the table. Not match, not match, not matched, not match. Here you can see that that will set the value here is for. Now just check the output of workload. So here to this code, you can see that our value output here is four. So that is just a bitwise operator right here. Helps you understand now. Now let us check five right here. Here. Firstly, we have the value of four and the value of five right here, 0100. Okay? Then here 0101, take this value and this value right here. You can see that. Okay? Now here you can see what does our operator lieu OR operator set each bit to one if one of two bits are one, which means that if one bit or 2-bit R1, so 10 is 0. So this is one right here, this is 0 right here, this is one right here, and this is 0 right here. So you can see here the value output here is five. And our coding output here is also firefighting. So bitwise operator worked with bit tables right here. Okay? To creation of this table is very simple. Firstly, you have to write 010101, and same is the case where you have proved that 01. This means that you have to write 1011. Then at second stage you have to put two zeros, 21, then two zeros, 21. Then at TED stage you can see that you have to write four zeros, 41, then four zeros and 41. So you have to compute like this, up to 15 number means that 16 total, because truth table is starting from 0. So that was Brady's 16 numbers, but in the numeric size, that will take 15. Then at the first stage, you have to put eight zeros. And it won. So you're put table will be complete writers, sorry, this is not truth table, this is just a binary triptych. Okay? So these are the method to creating this binary table right here. Hopefully your concept is much clear now that how we can work with these types of operators in Python, let us turn to the real-life examples and we are working with the variables as well. Suppose imaged equal to Harris, write m and the b which is equal to Harris write 15. Or Harrison would be which is equal to nine, c, which is equal to 0. Now here we consider c which is equal to a and b right here, which is our output, okay? Which is our logic right here, negligence taking the route PR right here, we can see that this is and bitwise operator. Okay? And then here you can see that I have to write the value of c. Now here to consider manages run discord. So my output here is eight, y, this is it. Let's us solve it. Now here. 1001. Now just taking the values 101010. Let us solve this. So this is an operator. So N operator always take if two bits are on. So thats means that, that l one, if any of the bid is like 01 or 00. So that will take the bit 0 right here. Okay? Or N bit operator is like this operator is copies a bit to the reserve if the both bits are on. So this is our off 0, this is 00, this is one. Let us find this bit into that. So here you can see 0-0, 0-1. Yes. Okay. This is number eight right here. You can see that this is matching right here. Let's just check of our output. So output here is also a trait here. Hopefully you understand now that how bitwise operators work. Now here, C is equal to a and a or B. So this is our operator. So here you can see that like this is or operator or, or bitwise operator. Okay? And then here I will get the value of C right here. Now let us check. So what does our operator do? Or operators is copy. If one of the bits are on. Our output here is 11. Let's just see that, that nine and the value of ten right here. So here you can see that that will get like 10011010, okay? If you see this as matched, 910, okay, it's fine now. So here 10011010, right? So here you can see that 110111, so it's fine. Now you can see here this is the output here is 11 and this is mass right here. Now let us turn to, so these are, we are working with it, like our complement operators and XOR. So no need to repeat. Now here you can see that I am just doing left shift and right shift. How you can see that C, which is equal to I have to write a which is left shift up to two time. Now here I'll read print and the printer is the value of c. Now I just run this code. So you can see here this is 40 right now, just because of I just shift 102 times up to left side. Similar cases that like c which is equal to a. And I just shift this a up to, so this is left side shift. And now here you can see that writers HIV. So I just shift this up to two time and here I just write c. C, You can see now, So that will, the output here is two right here, because I am just shifting this up to two parts, one which is ten hopes. Do you understand now? So this is just a binary left shift. Where does binary left shift do? So the left operand values move left by the number of bits. Fire the right operand. And then you can see that the left shift or the left operand and inside the binary right shift, the left operand values is move right by the numbers of bit is specified by the right of prints. So these are the some of the bitwise operators in the Python. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, any point you not understand inside this truth table, binary truth tables are inside this code. So you can ask any question. Thanks for watching. See you in next lecture. 23. Else Statements in Python: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the control flow of your program or the conditional statements. Many time. Instead of a sequential execution, we need to execute a specific code which is based on the condition or conditional. And there were conditional statements are utilized in the PyCon. It also helps in the decision-making in Python, like preferably van, we prefer to execute a piece of code only if the certain condition is met. Which means that if we have the condition here is a is equal to one. And if you want to run our program on any conditions, if our condition is equal to one is meat, so our program will be executed otherwise that will terminate the program. At that case. The conditional statements come. Firstly, we are just going to focus on the if statements. Python, as we've seen in the closet, or algorithms, are just a set of rules that interact the computer to do something. And we are commanding the computer on what to do. But these algorithms won't be linear there with a different path to take. The most common example is to interactions of the conditionals. We're focused on the if statements. And I will show you that how you can start working with your if statement right here. There is an example. If the user age here is let suppose 25. Okay? So this is a user age right here. And if the user layer eight is less than 25, so that will be allow to registration right here. Or you may say that if the user is less than 18, so he won't be allowed to the registration. Or you may say that if the, if you are buying something from online, let suppose it is you're buying from a $100 stock. So if the purchase is greater than a $100, so that will check for the fraud or that will check for them other statements. This is just I am productions of that IF statements that how these conditions our work. Now, we are mainly focused on that, that how we can work with it, and how we can execute our program. The if statements. Let us see the, how the variable right here, or I just write this is aij. Aij is equal to ice, right 16. Okay? Now here you can see that this is my age right here. And I just said that if h is less than 16, okay, then simply pretend that you are not able to register. And account. Okay. You can see that. So here what I actually do at that stage, you can see here I just said if statement, if is my keyword right here. Okay? Then here you can see that I just set the conditions right here. So I just talking about the conditional statements in this program. So here, age, which is less than 16, which is my condition right here. The conditions can be any conditions which is based on the combination of one or two variables. Then here you can see that I just said the output statement, which is brain and you are not able to register an account right here just because of your age is less than 16 or your age is less than 18. So if this condition is met right here, so then you have two means that then you have to create you edited station called Radio. Then here you can see that this, this is just a column right here when you are just closing your conditions right here. So you have to write the colon here. Otherwise that will throw an error right here. Let us run this program. And you can see here, by this program is working right here. Now here you can see that I have to write that this is ij is equal to 18. And you may say that this age is 14 right here. So you can see here. So you are not to be able to register in a calm at that stage. You can see that that will run only one condition right here. This is just because of if the age is greater than 16. So there will be no Albert because you are not declared, we're not initializing the else statement, so L statement is our next lecture. Look at remember that. So here you can see that I have to write that this is, let suppose my age here is 1414 is less than 16. So that will show me the output statement that you are not able to register an account and that will terminate your account right there. Helps you understand now knowledges C, I have to have blue comment this. Okay. So this is how you can come into your program. Now here I'm just moving to when another program right here. And I will make your concept more clear. Let's just run a program on the boolean expressions. Now here you can see that if variable number one or variable which is equal to Harris write true. Which means that this condition is true right here. Now here you can see that or variable which is equal, equal to true. Okay? And then I have to close the score right here. Then here you can see that this is just an statement right here. Okay? Now here you can see that any Boolean expressions which I believe to True or False appeared after if keyword use the colon symbol as the end of this statement right here. Okay? Now here, you can see that I'm just running a program right here. Which is you can see the let suppose v, how price and the price here is, you can see that this is a price and the price here is, I will take this price here is 20. Now, I stride quantity which is equal to, I have to write the quantity right here is, let suppose the quantity is 15 right here. Okay? Now, I will take him out and amount which is equal to Harris, right? Prize, prize and the prize multiply by quantity. Ok? So this is our means that logic here. Now here eyes right, if a mount and the amount which is greater than here, I'll just write that 100. Then you have to print that. Let's suppose you have 15% of discount on that. Okay? And then here you can see that I have derived this count and this current which is equal to where is right, that this is the amount right here, which is tired, 15 divided by a 100. Okay? And then here you can see that I have to write that this is a mount right here. And the amount here is, you can see that which is equal to MT minus this COP. Okay. And then I have reprint that amount payable. Mo. No, I'm just telling you the program logic right here. Now this is a flow of the program where you are. Program is this torque. Okay? There you have the price here is trendy. Quantity here is 15. Then here you can say that this is just n multiplications of your model. You can see that this is just n logic right here, where you can see that a mode which is equal to price multiplied by quantity. A quantity, sorry. Now here you can see that this program will move to check condition right here. So this is just a conditions where you can see that if a Mt is greater than 100, which means that T multiply by 15, which is greater than a 100 if this is greater than 100. So this statement will be executed right here, where that will check that if it is true. So then that will move to the next iterations. And that will show us the result right here, like brain discount amount and print statement. If this is moved to the falls. So at that stage we are working with the if statement, so there will be no output rate here. Let us see that. Here. I'm just fundings program. And you can see by this condition is meet right here just because of 20 multiplied by 15 air is, you may say that this is just in 300. And you can see here, if this is, if this amount is greater than a 100, to simply apply the 15% discount on that. You can see here. And amount of payable right here is 255. Ledges check at eyesight. Emote is less than a 100. And you can see that there will be no output right here. I just tell you that because we're not working with the else condition, that will simply run the block of code only the if conditions right here. Okay, don't worry about that. We will learn about the else condition is next upcoming lecture as well. So this is one another way you can run your if statement right here. Hopes your concept is clear right here. Let just see one another thing right here. Here we have the variable number one and the variable number one, which is equal to I just create with unknown keyword null means nothing right here. So if our variable is true, okay, which means that this statement is true right here. So simply print the variable number one, which is equal to here isn't right? Hi, Python. Okay? And then here you can see that I have upend the variable number one right here. And you can see that I just run this course. You can see here we have the variables none. So this statement is true right here because I'm, the setting is as a Boolean. So I just told you that we are also working with a boolean right here in this lecture. So here you can see the diverse employee than that high python right here. Hope so. Your concept is clear now and you can completely understand all the if conditions right here. So if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching. 24. Elif Statements in Python: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are moving through the Python. Else IS treatments or you may say that is a Python keyword. Along with if statements l causes can be optionally used to define the alternative block of statement. How legacy? In our last lecture, we had seen that you can see that. And you can see that this is or if statement. So now you can see that right here, where if this block of code is executed and this condition is made to simply that we'll run this block of code right here. So this block of code right here. Now we'll question right here, which is, you can see that if this condition is not meet, so R Programming She was no result right here. Okay? Now, as block of code is working like if you were certain condition is not meet. So that we'll move to the next iterations of your program. Ok, so you understand now, now here you can see that here we have the flowchart. We're let suppose our program is estar. Our condition here is, you can see that this is if condition if e is greater than one, simply that will check the conditions right here. If this condition is true. So that will simply execute this block of code right here. If this condition is not true, so that we'll move to the S block of code. Let's support that will check the certain conditions again are in the AES block, and then that will execute the block of code right here. And that will finish the program. Okay? Hopes units tunnel. Now here you can see that the sand text of that program, Lake if and if here you can see that we have the variable and variable which is equal, equal to, you can say that this is true. Then that will run the statement like this. Okay? You can see that that will run the statement like this. If this is treatment is not meet. So that will simply move to the next statement like the else statement. And that will run the block of code into the else statement right here. As earlier intended, block start with symbol after a Boolean expressions of front of If keywords that will get executed when it is true. And we have another block, of course, if the certain condition is not meet, so that will simply move to the next iteration. Let us run our program right here. At FAA stage, I'm just running a simple program for you guys made. You can see that the other variable, variable e, which is equal to Harris write ten. Then here we have the variable B and B here is ice, right? This is 15. Now you'd consider Einstein if Variable Number two is greater than variable number, sorry, this is variable number e is greater than variable number B, or variable number B, which is greater than variable number a. So simply print that d is greater than a. Okay? Let's just see. I'm just running this program right now for you. So you can see here, this block of code is executed right here because of this if statement is made right here. Now, ice right b is less than a. And here I just write as block of code and S blob of code here is print, and print here is a is greater than b. Ok. Legacy IS run this program. So you can see here our, this condition is not meet right here. Just because if you can see I just write 15 is less than ten right here. Okay? So that will terminate this block of code right here. And then this program is moved to the next iterations here in the else block of code and simply execute this block of code right here. Ok, here you can see that I have read that a is less than b is correct. A statement right here. Okay, how? Now focused on the diagram. So this statement is start right here. Then here, that will check the condition. You can see that the condition here is b is less than a, which means that 15 is less than ten. Okay? You can see that condition is true right here. So our condition is false right here because 15 is not less than ten. So here the program will move to the fall citations. Then that will check the else block of code and run our program right here. If we write a, B is greater than a. So then that will simply take this statement as a true. Run the block of code right here, this if statement, and then that will terminate the L block of code and show us the result right here. Hopefully you understand now. Now let us turn to the, another example right here. So I'm just commenting this to you. You can see here this is just comments right here. And you can see that these are the some comments, right? Haram skirting, Reto OK. Now after that you can see that. Now here are all example which you can see that this is just a price and price which is equal to 15. Now here, you can see that the quantity, quantity here is 20. Now you can see that I just said two conditions here is price and the quantity. Now you can see that I have to write that this is a mound amount which is equal to price and prize multiply by quantity right here. This is our logic here, where that will calculate price and the quantity like our old example. Now, if a Mt is greater than hair eyes, right? A 100, so you have to print that. This is just in 15% of discount. Okay? And then here you can see that I have to write that this is discount and discount, which is equal to where I started in Mountain, which is is Tarik 15 divided by a 100 because we are giving the users to the 15% discount. Now your eyes right amount which is equal to your eyesight, that is. Discount, sorry, this is a mound which is equal to a Mt minus this concrete here. Just because of VR, we are discount this price from a Mont right here. So this is our old block of code where I'm just creating right here, which is 15% discount right here. Okay? Now, you can see that that will print them out as well. If this condition is meet right here. Now, if this condition is not meet at that stage means that this code is less than a 100, so that we'll move to the L block of code. And that will print that 55% of discount. And then here you can see that I have to write that this discount here is equal to amount and the amount multiply by five divided by a 100. This is just a discount formula. And then here you can see the amount which is equal to minus discount. And then you have to print the price of immigrate here. Okay? And you can see that you have to write that. This is a morgue payable. Ok. Now you can see that. And I have to copy this and paste it right here as well. Okay, now here you can see that. Ok, now it's fine. Now here I'm just running this core. So at that stage you can see that 15% discount is allocated to the user. And amount payable here is to double five right here. This is how our if statement verges because of a 100 means amount here is greater than a 100 years Zc. I just changed the condition right here where the amount is less than a 100. So that will run the condition. So you can see here means that if the amount is less than 102, simply that will show us the discount rate is 5% and the payable amount here is 28510. Hopefully we understand now that how this if-else statements work in the Python programs and what is a flow of that? So I will tell you in this lecture the flow of the else-if statements as well with the help of F sigma. And this is a real life example where I'm just showing to you guys that this example is also working when you are just working or when you're just creating the e-commerce website, or when you are just working with ERP softwares as well. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let us know and thanks for watching this lecture. 25. Nested If Else Statement: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the l. It means that if condition in Python. The last lecture, you have seen that we are creating if statement than we have. Now here, a desktop, you need a multiple twos statement, which means that you need a which is equal to one. Then you also need if it is equal to two as well. And that case, you can run as if conditions where you can write l n. So l if is a keyword right here. Closely you can see that I'm just demonstrating some of the literal example, Do you guys? And we'll move to, for example, and I will show you that how we can expand our old example. Here. You can see that x, which is equal to S, right? To okay? Then here after this, you can see that I have to write if X is equal, equal to one k, then simply you have right there, this is just a print. And print here is x is one. Okay? Now here you can see that I have read that this is okay, ELISAs and then which is equal to Harris, right? That this is just four means that if x is equal, equal to four, simple, you have to print the output that x here is four. Okay? And this a semicolon right here. Now after this you can see that I am disputing what other LF means that I just wanted to create one other condition here is where you can see that I have right, lf, which is x is equal to five. And then here you can see that I have to write that this is just a print statement. Print here is x, is five. Now here you can see that I am right, that this is just an else statement. And the statement here is claimed and that is that x is something else. Now here I'm just showing you the score right now for you. Here you can see that that that program will move his eye iterations to foster stage where x, which is equal to two. Now, this is my value right here. Now it will check first iterations right here, which is if x which is equal, equal to one. This means that if this variable is meet the requirement of Ron right here, so that will execute this block of code. But at that stage you can see that this is our drawn i iterations. So that will terminate this program right here. Then here that will check another condition where x which is equal, equal to four. So this is also not true because here we have the two and here we have four. So this is also means that this is also skip right here. Then you'll consider I have to write l if we are, you can see that x, which is equal, equal to five. So five is also not matched. Then this is also terminate right here. And now you can see that it will move to the else statement and run the else block of code right here. Now, this is our program. What is LF? So if you want to run the multiple conditions at the same time, so you have to create LF conditions right here. Now just turn to our old example where we started about the discount legacy. Now, at the time, where I was like giving the multiple discount means that in our last lecture, I just gave that a single discounted to the user. But here you can see that I'm just giving a multiple discount to the user's price here is, you can see that this is equal to, let's suppose the price is 55. And here you can see that the quantity, the quantity which is equal to a registered five. Now here you can see that this is a mountain Mount which is equal to, I have read that price and price multiplied by quantity. Now I want this statement. If a mount and amount is greater than Heritage Site 500, okay? So simply you have to bring that 15% discount is given. Okay? Then here you can see that I have read this as discount. This concrete is equal rarely Stratasys IN mount an amount which is 1515 divided by here I have read and this is a 100. We just simple percentage formula right here. Now among which is equal to Harris, Right? This is a mound and a MLK minus here, right? And this is in this column. So you understand. Now here you can see that I just simply create the if statement right here. And then here you can see that it will print that the payable amount is. Payable amount is, and then here I am. Just concatenate him OK, right here, OK. Now. Now here you can see that I have to create LF. So this is our condition right here. Seem like our old example where you can see that here is right, if the mound and amount is greater than Harris, Right? 400 or hair, you can see that a mode is here. You consider less than 400. Okay? Or here you can see that I have group simply like this is 400. So simply I had read that this is just a print and print here is, you can see that 10% of this code is given. Ok. And here you can see that this is a same output right here. And here. This is 10%. So you can see here, I just moved to the else condition right here where I just said the else condition here is you can see that. And here you can see that I have to write the print. No discount given. Okay? Let us check the awkward right now and here you can see that this is just a print statement and we're just simply print the splitting my program again. Now here I'm just running this program right now. And you can see that the jury is no discount is given just because of 55 multivariable five. Okay? And here you can see that if I just write that, this is fixed team multiplier by Harris, right? Ten. Okay? Then you can see that the output here is 15% discounted gamma and the actual price here is 5-10, okay, from six hundred and ninety four, ninety rupees discount, which is 15%. Helps you understand now that how we can use if and else if blocks together. If you find any problem at any point you cannot understand right here with this lecture, please let me know. And thanks for watching this lecture. 26. For loop in python: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the nested if statement in Python. In previous lecture, you have seen that we are covering if statement, if else statement and LF statement. In this lecture, you are totally learn about that how we can create a nested if statement. The nested statements means that I statement inside one another statement. Let us suppose if the if statement. So inside this if statement v, how one another if statement right here. Let us see how we can create it. Here we have the variable, variable which is equal to here is right ten. Then here you can see that if variable, if the variable is greater than 0, so simply you have to print that statement where you can see that this is let suppose you may say that this is just a positive number. Okay? Now here you can see your eyes go to the else condition right here. And else condition here is I just want to bring this condition right here. And here you can see that I have right? That this is negative number, okay? And this is negative number. Now here you can see that if this statement is true, so this output will be done, and this statement is true. So this output will be done. So this is a normal flow of the program. Let's just make it a nested. Here you can see that I just create one another if statement right here we are inside that this is if the value is minus ten, which is less than or equal to here I decide that variable. So simple, you have to print that value. And where you can see that here, you can see that the two digits, or sorry, here, I write this as digits are positive, okay? And this is two digits are positive, right? Term. This is okay. Now here you can see when I just run this score right now. So you can see here that we have the two digits are positive or you can see that IS right, that if the value is less than or equal to that. So you can see here this is also a positive number. Now here you can see that I'm just creating this as a minus. And here you can see our and skirting this ten as a minus as well. So you can see here that, that will run this negative number here, and this will also run this negative numbers right here, or has read that to numbers or digits are negative right here. So this is how you can create. You are nested if statement in the Python. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture or any point you not understand right here with this nested if statements. So you can ask any of the question regarding with this lecture. Thanks for watching. See you in next lecture. 27. While loop in python : Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talk about the for loop in Python. Like most other programming languages, Python has formed. But it is differ a bit from other programming languages, like C or in Python for loop is used to iterate over the items of any sequence including Python list of strings, tuples, abstract flow. But here in this lecture we are totally focused on a string because we are not studied about the list and the tuples. These are the separate topics. So we will study separately. The for loop is also used to access the element from the container as well. What are the containers? Containers are the list of strings and tuples. But that will use, or that will access that elements from the container using the range function. But here in this lecture, I will show you about the range function as well. Now here you can see that here I'm just creating a string right here, where I strike this is programming underscore language. Ok, here you can see that programming language, which is equal to Harris rider. Firstly, we how C plus plus, then we buy a ton, then are the last VHA. Let suppose this PHP. Ok. We held three programming languages right here. Here are just right for p in programming and p. And here you can see that I have read programming language. Now here you can see I described for loop, we're four, here is a keyword to writing the for loop. Then here I just write that a P, which is one of the, another variable that I'm just creating right here. So this p, in this variable programming, this means that that variable p will get the element from that programming language variable. And then that will show us the result right here. Now when you are just closing this for loop, so you have to write column sign with it. So firstly, you can see here and you just simply write the variable name. Then you have, write your sequence, and then you have to write this statement right here. So what is the statement? The statement here is print, trend is p. Okay, let us run this program. So you can see here that will show us all of the result right here. What is isis right inside this string, where I'm just creating this string right here. Hopefully you understand now. So this is just a form of what I am disputing to you guys. Now let us see. Here you can see that I'm just using the range function. So what is the range function with the for loop when you are just declaring the for loop. So you have to use the range function as well. How you can see that in this example we are just creating this string and these are the strings right here. Okay? So however, we can also use the range functions in the for loop. Do I trade or the numbers defined by that range? How legacy that. Let's suppose v, how the variables language and this is here, I'm just commenting this, or here I'm just creating a new list. Okay? Now here you can see the lead support. This is just a number which is equal to 0. Okay? Now here you can see that for value means we were LBL and VL in the range function. Now here you can see that I'm just defining the range right here. Syringe here is, I just write one to seven. Sorry, here you can see that this is 127 right here. This is just arrange at Foster, as you can see here, this is variable, which is number and that will storing our data. Then here you can see an analyst or trading or the numbers right here, which is one from someone with the help of Green's function. Now here you can see that I would write number, number, which is equal to heritage site number plus value. Ok, and now here you can see that I have read that this is primed and the printer is the number. I just run this code right now. And you can see here that will print AS the number right here, which is starting from 1361015 right here. So these are just printing their niche rolls number right here. Okay? And our output here is, you can see that. So these are our output here. So this is how our range function is work in a Python programming language. And hopefully you understand with a for loop as well, that how we can use the for loop. Okay? If you find any of the problem and any point you not understand with a for loop and living on ten, please let me know. And thanks for watching this lecture. 28. Break,Continue and Pass Statement: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, we are going to talking about the Python while loop. The Python while loop is used to repeat a block of statements for givens number of time until the given condition is false. In for loop, you have seen that VR I treating or a specified number of padlet. Suppose a which is executed, I want to execute a which limited numbers of Hamlet. Suppose I just want to print a string or anything. But in a while loop, I'll tell you that you have to run the block of statements at the given number of time. How legacy? You can see that I'm just creating. Let suppose x, which is equal to five. And here the while loop, while is a keyword right here. And I'll just write that x, which is less than five, to simply you have to print the x and then you have to write that x plus is equal to one. So here you can see that I just check the condition right here where you can see that while is a keyword, then x, which is less than file. This is a condition or you can run the expressions right here, and this is a statement right here. So once you hit the enter after the semicolon Python while loop will start the next iteration with the space and the time-space x as the curly brackets. Ok, here you can see when I just run this code right here, so that x is less than five. So decision don't show me the operate here because or value has five. And you can see that six right here. So you can see that will print me. The fire. Just because of six is our five is less than 62. This condition is meet right here. So that will simply do this iteration. Now at that stage you can see here v, how x, which is equal to five. This is our program will start from here. Now that will check the condition right here where you can see that this is while, while x is less than six side here. Ok? So if this condition is made, so that we'll move to the print i iterations, where that will print the value of X right here. Okay? And then that will use X plus one is equal to one. Okay? And then here you can see if you want to print this value right here, two symbol you have write print and the print here is x. And you can see now. Okay, now here you can see that that will write 55 plus one, which is equal to six right here. So, and that's so you can see here. Firstly, we have the value of phi f right here, then x, which is less than five, or sorry, less than six, which is our condition right here if this condition is meat, so that we'll move to the x, x plus one, or x plus is equal to one and then x, print X right here. If this condition is not wheat, as you can see in the starting of the program. So that will simply move to the, or move to terminate the program and chores the results right here. Okay? So one thing that you have to remember that a while loop test, if the condition before the body of the loop or body above block of program statement is executed. If the initial test returned falls like this, starting, the body will execute at all, means that, that will execute the result. But the ritual Mina operator, let's suppose five. So you can see here that didn't show me any of the research idea because a certain religion is not meet right here. Okay? Hopefully you understand now that how or while loop is working in a Python programming length. Now here I'm showing you one another example to make your concept more clear right here. Now here you can see that I usually proto which is equal to 0. And here this is number, a number which is equal to here it is right? That this is, let us suppose the number here is 20. Okay? Now here you can see their eyes right while loop. So while here is, you can see that this is number, a number which is less than or equal to his right, that this is suppose ten. Okay? Then here you can see that I have read that total. Total is equal to total plus number. So again here you consider I have the right number, number which is equal to number plus one. Okay? And then here you can see that I have read print and the print here is value of the total from the while loop is. And then here we have write that this is just a total right here. Now here you can see that the value here is total and that will print AS the result here is total assets. With the help of while loop, how this statement work. Now here you can see that at first-line VR creating the variable which is total and the total which is equal to 0. So I just initialize the value right here. Then here you can see that Eisenstein, that here, suppose this is number, number is equal to 0 right here. Okay? This is just a initialization of your variable rate here. Now offer that you can see. Here you can see that this is my wild condition right here. If the condition result is true, then the number is added to the total. Otherwise, it will exit the program from the loop. And we also use plus operator to increment the number right here. You can see that. Ok. So here you can see that like Harris, right? Number, which is equal to number plus one at that stage. Ok, so after the increment, the process will repeat until the conditions result is false. How you can see that ice right? 25, which is less than or equal to. So you can see here that will simply show us the result here, which is 135 right here, which is our total reserves. How you can see that that will I, t, which is equal to 0 plus number here is 20. Okay? So that will simply plus all of the values like 2020 multiplied by, sorry, 2020 plus and we'll add five times, like 20 plus one, then 22 plus one. And seems a case like that right here. Hopefully you understand now that how this program is work right here, or how the Python while loop is working. If you find any of the problem regarding to this while loop, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 29. Nested Loop: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the break and continue statements in Python. So what is the break statement? The break statement in Python is used to get out of the current loop, which means that the break statement is used to terminate the loop when the certain condition is met. Here you can see that I have read that 44 here is, you can see that this is just r for a in, let suppose eyes, right, a, B, C. So here you can see this is just a string. So if is in the ABC, so when is mute right here. So program will simply break with the help of break statements. How you can see that link. Here. You can see that vehicle for loop for character in heritage, right? That this is by Tom tree. You know that how nucleated the loop right here and now here you can see that I'm distributing the if statement. So if corrector, which is equal, equal to Harris, right? And this is right here. You can see that oh, cookie and then offer less feudal consider simply break the program. And then here you can see that the trend and print that character. Ok, and here you can see that I have to concatenate the collector ITO. Managers run this so you can see here at phosphate that will print p. Then why? Then here you can see that that will run t edge and when the oil is coming right here. So after 03. So that will simply break the program right here and terminate all of these I iterations right here. So Python or Python break statement, which is very useful to exit from the any loop, like for loops while loops or nested loop while executing this loop, if the compiler find the break statement inside, then the compiler will stop executing this statement inside the loop and exit immediately from the loop. Example is on your screen that simply compiler to check this when it's come to this iterations, or simply break the program and shows up right here. Note, this is our CME program. And I'm copyright this. And let us turn Judah ancestor, sorry, continue statement. So what is the continue statement right here? While the programs is in conquering or in conquers the continuous statement, it will escape only, like it escaped only the present continuous statement where you can see that this is, this will escape only o and then that will execute his program model. What does that mean? This means that if you want to simply break one statement into your loop, so at that case, you have to use continuous statement. Let us see how. You can see that continue is a keyword right here. And I just want this. So you can see here. Now you can see that that will run p right here, then I right here. And this is T. Then this is edge. We are escaping the or with the help of this continuous treatment. You can see that. So always escape right here and now here you can see that the program is executed symbolic en entry as well. So when you are completely terminating your program after a certain condition is meat. So at that case, you are break statements come. If you want to break one of these statements, or in that case you have to simply use continuous statement. Here you can see that I'm just showing you a flowchart. Let suppose this is our condition, then this is our core body. You can see that this is our core body where it just right here. Okay? You can see that this is core. If you are writing this break statement right here. Okay? So this will simply break the program and then go to the compiler and show you the output right here. And that will simply exit the loop right here. Okay? If you have the continue statement right here. So what does continuous treatment to continue statement is simply check the program, okay, like this iterations. Then let suppose here you can see that if the program will starting from P, So that will check plus Vb then execute, then you can see that Y then execute, then T then execute, then edge, then execute x-ray tier benefits come to the o simply that will keep the alright here and then that will move two and N three, right? This is just a program already right here. Ok? Hopefully you understand now. Now here you can see that if you want to use the Null Operations right here, like that, you do not want to do some, anything like, Let's suppose here you can see that I've read, I had to copy this. And this is brick and her eyes, right? This is continuous statement. And now you can see that I just copy and paste right here and here I just write pa statement. So past the statement in Python is null operation when you are just working with another operation. So you have to run the pass statement right here. So which is pass a statement which is used, vendors treatment is required scientifically. How you can see that I just run this program. And you can see here, you can see that that will write Y, T, H, O and entry. So there is no operations is performing on the right here. Okay? So you can see that this is our POS is taken in the Python. Okay? So once again, that positive statement in Python is used when the if statement is required scientifically, but you do not want to, or you do not want any command or core to execute. The positive statement is unknown operations and nothing happens managed execute. You can see that this is on your screen right here. Hopefully you understand now that what is the break statement? Why we did the problem? What is the continue statement and YB continuing the program? Or why we can do the program and analyse what is a positive statement and why we pause the program right here. If you find any of the problems regarding to this lecture, please let me know and tax for watching this lecture. 30. Loops With Else block of Code: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the nested loops in Python. A nested loop mean a loop which is inside another loop. Here in this lecture we will learn about nested for loop and nested while loop as well. And we will see that how this nested while loop and for loop work. At first div, you'll see the nested for loop. A loop is used for iterating or a set of statements rapidly. This is card, look like here you can see that I'm just creating the example right here where you can see that four is a keyword. And four let suppose a number in the range. And the number is a range of trees. We're actually defining the range of the numbers right here. This is our outer loop, which is, you may say that this is just apparently bandwidth. Now here you can see that IS right 44. Here you can see that this is number one. And number one in the range of I could write that this is range from five to nine. Okay? And then I just closest score right here. Now here you can see Ram write print and print here is I have to print number. Then here you can see that I have to print the number one right here. Legacy. Here. You can see that at first, you can see that I have right, that this is four. And for number in range, this is our outer loop right here. You can see that this is our outer loop. Inside that loop, you can see that four number in the range. So this is card nested loop, which means that a loop inside another loop, you scar a nested loop right here. No hair gives euro. I'm just running these programs. Do you guys, at first stage, you can see here that that will print the loop from 0, okay? And you can see here 0, then that will take the value of 5678 right here. You can see here the actual star i iterations from 0 right here. So one loop body here is execute with the i iteration 0. Now CME as a case like 12 right here, where you can see that that will start the iterations from 1111, then 5678. And same is the case like 2222, right here, are given See that So if the loop here is, firstly take the one that will complete the attrition rate here, then that will move the two dissident excitations you can see here. And then next iteration SIR is three, so that we'll move to these types of iteration. Okay? This is a loop working body, but here you can see that this is just n nested for loop, which is loop inside another loop. Let us come to the example of the nested while loop. Here. Very well, which is equal to one, variable B, which is equal to four. Okay? Now here you can see that I have defined y loop. So while here is, you can see that while a which is less than one, to simply print while statement. Okay? For Harris tried a which is less than two to simply pretend while statement right here. So the while statement here is I have write that wire B and B, which is less than, you can see that this is less than five. Okay? Now here it will print. The print here is i. Then here you can see that I helped write that this is an empty string right here, just printing comma right here, and then that will print B. So this is I because we are always working with i and j esoteric labs writing, I write here. So here a which is equal to, I'll just write, sorry, b which is equal to b plus one. So this is just an MK map increment operator where I'm citing here, that will simply increment the value right here, which is b is one. So one plus one which is equal to, then two plus one which is equal to three. So that will work like this only, okay? Now here you can see that a which is equal to a plus one. Now just check the flow of the program. Here we have the statement a, which is equal to one, v which is equal to four. Now here, frosty, that will check this condition right here, where a is less than two. So this is true right here. If this condition is not true, so simply that we moved to the else condition, right your data and move with the next iteration of loop and loop body will determiner just because of this condition is not met right here. So where is nested while loop right here, nested while loop here is you can see here, firstly, that will print out a loop. And inside this outer loop we have one another loop. So this means that this is the nested loop. Let us take the output for that. And here you can see that. And you can see that I have to write this as. And now you can see, now here you can see that this will print 12, the value of four right here. Okay? You can see that in print the value of one and value of four right here. So this is just a concept of the while nested while loop right here, where that will check the outer loop condition, then that will check the analytic condition if both the conditions are made right here. So simply that will move the program statement of the programme body right here and here that will execute this body right here seems a case like that. If you find any other problem regarding this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 31. Fibonacci Series in Python: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. So far we studied about the loops. If else and LF is statement and the nested loop. Here in this lecture we are totally focused on how we create the loop that else block. Here. I'm just explaining to loops right here, which is while and the for loop. Unlike Java, in Python, we can have an optional else block of code which is associated with loop. The else block of code will execute only when the loop is complete. Or you may say there, when all of the iterations are complete right here. How you can see that v, how the loop, okay? If this loop is completing, means that if the loop is there, suppose our range of five, so five fringes are computer right here. After that, we'll move to the else block of code and shows the option-like or show us the messy like your loop here is completed. Let us see how. Here I just write a for loop for a in range. So I just write that as a variable here for the keyword to creating the for loop in statement is like four. Loop in the range of five means that v, how the five iterations right here. Now here you can see that I just print a, which is my variable right here. Now here you can see that in our last lecture when we print the range right here, or when we create the loop. So these iterations are, you can see that completed, okay? And after that our programs is being terminated. Now here you can see that I just used as block of code right here. And here it is right brained. And the print here is, you can see that I'm just, I just wanted to generate one of the messy right here where you can see that if you are loop is complete. So he's right that Luke has completed. Okay? You can see that after executing this four-loop or all of the iterations are complete, that loop will move to the else block of code. And then we'll print this messy right here. You can see that the loop has been completed. Helps you understand how that, how you can use as log of coordinate it. Okay? Now here I will move to the while loop right here. Now here you can see that this print statement, and here I will astride while the line right here. Now here you can see, let's suppose we have the variable here is t, which is equal to 0. Then variable n, which is equal to here is ten. So I am just taking our old example, just changing the variable's name right here. Okay? Now here I just write a while loop. While here you can see that n, which is less than or equal to Harris right there. Eight. Okay? If this is less than or equal to eight, then here you can see that I have to write that t, which is equal to t plus n. T means total and total, which is equal to total plus numbers right here. Same is a case like our old example. So n, which is equal to n plus one. Okay? And then here you can see that I'm spending the value, so the value of total while loop is. So you can see that I'm sprinting the T right here. Okay, this is so far I'm just working with my old example, what we already studied about in the bile loop. Okay, now here you can see that I'm just moving to the else block of code right here. So let us take the output of that first. So here you can see that this is less than h. So this is, doesn't show me that any awkward knowledge and see if we have the else block of code right here. So I just want to bring that you-how value less than ten. Ok? Now, you can see that if this loop is not matching his results, so that will simply move with the L block of code right here. You can see that. And you can see that the option here is you have less than, you have the value less than ten right here, because we have eight right here. Let's suppose I tried this is ten and the score. So you can see that the value of hair is computer. So you can see this loop is running right here. And with the help of that, this is also n. So you can see that the value is equal to ten, okay? And this is equal. So you can see that that will show us the output as well and then the message of judgment as well. Hopefully you understand now that how we use l statement with our loops. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 32. What is Function and How to Define a function: Welcome guys. When we working with the if and the loop statements. So a very common examples come in our mind, which is a 500. Here. In this lecture, we are totally focused on fiber nicest series. The fiber nicest series is a series of numbers and numbers which is named after italian mathematicians. This is known as fiber nicely. It is simply the series of numbers which is starting from 01 and then continuously adding by proceeding to numbers. Okay. Let us see how this, I'm just doing your practical demonstrations on that. Let's see V. How does number starting from 0, then one? Okay, now here you can see that this 01 is our default numbers. Now here you can see that I set 1235 right here. Okay, let us see now. Now here you can see that I will take this number which are really far. And then here I just add this number, 01 right here. Now I just write this one which is equal to one right here. So you can see that here I just write one plus this is equal to one. So one plus one which is equal to one. So which is equal to one plus one, which is equal to two right here. Now here you can see I just write one plus two, which is equal to three. Knowledge you see here I said that this is 22 plus three, which is equal to five. How this program's work right here, and how this example work right here. In this example, you have seen that the first two terms of the series, so these two terms are printed directly. Okay? The third term is calculated by adding the first two terms in, in this case 01. So get VGS 0 plus one, which is equal to one. Hence one is printed at the third term right here. You can see that. And we will take this one right here, then adding this one with it. So you have to write here. Now at that, we are getting this term at that state. And then here you can see there I am just adding one, whether CPU, so VGS equal to three. Then here you can see that I decide this two right here, then this three adding 300, and then we have the resulting value as the father right here. This is how a simple program or simple diagram, what we are working with a fabulous story. Now, legacy that I'm just showing you an example on that 500 series where you can see that firstly, I'm just creating, let's suppose a number. And the number here is which is equal to, you can see that, or you can say that the number here is EIS far to create a number of 12. So this is a fiber nicely 3s will, starting from the number 0. And this is a range of the number of edges, 12 right here. Now here i, right, i, which is equal to 0. Okay? Now hesitate value number one which is equal to 0, and then value number two, which is equal to one. This value number 0 and value number ones are our default value what we are steady bulk. Now here you can see that and describing the while loop, while i is less than here, you can see that the number. And then here I just write if statements. So you can see here I just use loops and if statements together. Now i's is less than one. So this is logic right here. And then here you can see that I have right, that, that we'll move to the next iteration, which is equal to, okay? Now here you can see that I just moved to the else condition. So else here is, we can say that this has next and next, which is equal to here inside. This is the value number one plus the value number two right here. Now here you can see that I described well you number one, which is equal to value number two. And then here you can see that the value number two, which is equal to the next value. So this is a program of 500 series. What, what was the formula we are applying at that diagram? You can see that 0 plus one, which is equal to one. Then we take this one right here, one plus one. Then we have two values. So we did take two. So one plus two right here, which is equal to I just write three and then two plus three, which is equal to I just write five. So this formula is working like that, like Firstly, we can see that we are taking the max iterations is equal to value number 01 means that 0 plus one right here. Then we take first value like 0, which is equal to one. Ok? So here you can see that I just write one hair. Okay, then here you can see that one plus max iterations mean edges do three or five. So we have write u3 or files that we'll work like this. Again. Come back to the example. None that will print the next value. And then here, the next value will be i is equal to i plus 12. That will act in Pali, one evaluated. Now here you can see that I'm just running this score. So I am running 500 series from 12 numbers. You can see that this is 1234567891011 and this is 12. Ok. So that's recently starting from 0, and then that will print up to 12 number. So this is our result right here to the fibrin accessories. Okay? Hopefully you understand now that how we are working with a 100 isis series in Python programming language. And this is a very simple program, but you are men who are practicing the if-else statement or loop statements together. And you will completely, if you want to completely understand the if else and loops together. So there is a very common example of the feminized series in any programming language to understand the architecture of loops and FL's together. Hopefully you understand now if you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 33. Calling a function: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the Python function. A function is a block of code that contains one or more Python statements and use for performing a specific tasks. Let us see. We have one LMS system right here, which is Library Management System. I just divide this library memory system into this model parts, where we have books. Then we have author. Then here you have the student and add the last we hell is stuff. Okay? So here you can see that I just divide this library management system into four parts. And these parts are called function, which means that I just break a large program into smaller chunks or a smaller functions. As I just told you, that a function which is a block of code that perform specific tasks. So why we use function right here? We use functions to reusable our code. What is reusability? The reusability is let say v. How writing an application in Python, where we need to perform specific tasks in several places of our core. Assume that VR writing 20 line of volts. Okay? These are the 20 line, of course, to do that i specific dusk. Let's suppose the 20 lines of code will work for this book. Okay? So it would be better to write these 20 lines of code in a function and just call that functions whatever you needed. Let's see. Let's suppose book, book out 20 lines of code. And I just want to write this 20 lines of code into the function. Ok, I just create a function for that. Now here I just need this book functions to the other because Author is always writes the book. So here we need debt function, so simply I'm just calling dysfunctions into the author module as well. Instead of writing entire 29 score, again, this means that reusability. Then we have the functions which is improve the readability by using the functions for frequent task, you make. Your code is structured and readable. How like we are creating the author module right here in the author module, we how light. Let's suppose our 20 lines of code author and 20 lines of code books. And we also have Laker, usaid and other functionality as well. So this chord will be massive and tested. So function will improve the readability of core because that will divide every modules differently, means 20 lines of code to the books, 20 lines code of the utters. Same is the case like student and stuff. So the staff, okay, now here, that will, their function will also a wide written density. Then you are no longer repeat the same line of code, which means the redundancy means that repetition of your core several Marfan that will also reduce your programming efforts and that will reduce your lines as well. Through which means that you are creating the functions of the book right here. And you just simply call their functions into that is tough module student and the automobile. So that will reduce your programming efforts as well. Legacy now I'm just creating a functions to you and you will completely understand that how we can create a functions in the Python programming language and how we can work with it. So a keyword is using for function, which is our DEF keywords to creating the functions in your program. Then you have write your function name. Let suppose I am writing the function name Harris LMS. After you have writing or declaring this functions, you have to close your function with a semicolon sign. Then here you can see I will write print. The print here is LMS system tell books. Then LMS system. How let suppose we how like author, then we how students and staff. And this is used to run and this is a star. This is how you can create your function with a help of D F as a keyword, LMS. Here is our function name. Then here you can see that this is a parenthesis, C, you will pick your parenthesis. You will take your arguments in it. Okay? Or you will take your pedometers in it. So we will discuss, discussed about the pedometers and the arguments letter in next lectures. So this is just a parenthesis where you can write your pedometers and the argument as one and add the last. You can see here this is a semicolon science to closing your function name or function. But now here you can see that I'm just simply create this function inside statement right here. Helps you understand now. So here we have no parameter passing and no functions calling right here. Let just see. And you simply executed this program. So you can see here my program here is executing right here. Helps you understand now that how we can create the functions and how we can work with it. This is our functions to simply defining, this is our lectures to simply defining the function. In next lecture, we will focus on calling a function in Python. Hopefully you understand now that how we can create the function if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 34. Function arguments and Return Vs Print : Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going through the Python calling a function. And we will see that how we can call the functions after defining it. At last lecture, you can see that we are simply creating the functions of the LMS and we are creating some of the prints function right here, which is book's author student stuff. Okay, now here I am just calling the points. And so calling a function, the python is similar to other programming languages using the function name like here, you can see that I'm just writing a function name right here. Let suppose as right, LMS. And then you have to write your parenthesis, opening and closing parenthesis. And you have to simply run your program so you will get the output to that as well. So you can see here we have the several types of co-writer is books, authorise Durant and stuff. This is how you can call your functions into the Python programming language. Here, I am just demonstrating one after the another example for you guys where you can see that. And this is separations of the program. And now here you can see I'm distributing a functions for average. Okay? Now here you can see that I'm just creating, let suppose the variable x which is equal to 0, sorry, variable x which is equal to 0. And variable y which is also equal to 0 right here. Okay? Now here you can see that I'm sprinting that with average off. Okay? And then here you can see that undoes sprinting or I'm firstly, I'm just going to get an concatenating x. And then here I just write. And here you can see that this is just a value of Y right here. Okay? This is a value of y. And here you can see that the value of y is, and then here you can see that I just write x plus y. Ok? Which is hair eyes, right, divided by two. So I'm just taking the average of it. And now here you can see that I'm just calling this function right here. And here, you can see that I just paused the value to it, where I just write this as four divided by five. Now I just run this score. So we have the type argument right here, sorry for that. I am not calling this values right here, which is 35, like here. Okay? Now let us see. Here I just create a function which is the d, e, f. And then the function name here is average. Ok. Now after this, x which is equal to three, and y which is equal to five. So these are the two values right here to getting this average right here. Now I decide print functions. Then here you can see that first day I just can't get the unit x can coordinate. While you can see that this value of x, and this is the value of y. You can see that. Then after this, you can see that that will print as the average of that with the help of x plus y divided by two. And then I just called simply The function right here. This is how you are going to calling your function. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 35. Nested Functions: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about how to create the function's arguments, how to create the return statement, and what is the difference between the print and the return state? The print statement is The functions that you call. Calling print will be immediately make your program right out text for you to see. The return statement is used to end the executions of your function's called that will return the result. Returned here is a keyword just like print function. Now here I'm just running a program where I will use the arguments return statement and the print statement as well. Let's suppose we have the function's name which is sum. And here I just write which is N1 and N2. And two which is equal to I, write one. So I just sat here a parameter of N1 and N2. So these are the two parameters right here. Then here I disclose dysfunction right here. Now, I will write return statement. You turn which is N1 plus N2. So this is return statement where you can see that our function is ends. Okay? Now here you can see that ice, right? S1 for the someone which is equal to here, I tried some. May I just get the sum of two hundred and two hundred fifty? Okay. Then here inside this is some tube and some two which is equal here I tried some and some hair is ice ride. Some of nine. So here you can see that I'm just using a default argument for the second parameter right here. This is a default argument that how we can create an argument right here. So arguments are like these are avoiding the errors while you are calling the functions. Now here, isolate S3 is equal to here inside some and some hair is, you can say that this is 80. So here you can see that I just created some three as well to my function sum right here. Now you can see that address using the print function to get the result. So S1, S2, and S3. So I'm just calling these arguments right here. Now let's just run this program. So you can see at first stage, you can see that when we are just creating the function, so we have to call late, this is our function in some. So we have to call our function sum into the main body. But here you can see that how we can create an argument right here. And the, with the help of argument, I just run this function right here. Up to understand are like Festival fall. These are, I'm disputing the parameters. This is the function name return statement to ending our function right here. And then you can see here, I'm just creating the arguments to that function sum. So S1 is argument as to whether argument S3 is argument. So up here you can see that I'm just passing value by the arguments and then here I'm just getting output ratio. This is how you can create your arguments in the functions. And you can understand now that what is a return statement and was a print statement helps you understand. Now, if you find I knew the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 36. What is Module : Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the nested function in Python. The functions are one of the first class citizen of Python, which means that a functions are at the same level as other program, other Python objects like integer strings, more or less spectrum. They can be created and destroyed dynamically pos, to other functions as well. Nested functions mean a function inside another function. Let us see the example of that. Here you can see that I'm distributing the function name which is a, d, f. And the function name here is iced outer function. Okay? Now here you can see I have right brain and the print here is Hello, I am outer function. Okay? Now after this, you can see that I'm Israeli yep, an inner function. Okay? And then here you can see that I helped write that print. And the print here is I have to write that this is Hello, I am inner function. And then after this I am just writing that outer function. So I'm just calling this outer function right here. As you can see, d, f, and this is our outer function. And inside this outer functions we have one another function, which means that this is a nested function. In this example, our inner function has been defined inside the outer functions which make it inner function. To call that like inner functions, we must fall first call outer function. The outer function. We'll go ahead and calling the functions inner legacy. How you can see that I'm as defining, I'm just running this function. So you can see that Hello, I am outer function just because of, I am just calling the outer function right here. Now let us see. Here, you can see that I am just calling that inner function right here. So inner function, so you can see that. But I just call firstly there outer function right here. Then this is the inner function right here, which is there inside that function body, which is outer function. Hopefully you understand now that how you can work with it. Here, I'm just demonstrating one another example for you guys. Where you can see that let suppose this is a function in the function name here is sum or function name here, as you can see that I have right there. Let's suppose number, where I just write the function here is x as a parameter, not here. You can see lamb is creating what are the function which is number one and the number one here is Y. Now, I just multiply these two return statement. And the return statement here is X multiplied by Y. Okay? And this is x comma y right here. Now after this, you can see here, I have to write that this is reserve. Reserve, which is equal to here is right num one and the num one hair is ice right there, this is 20. And then here you can see that the result number two, which is equal to air is right that, sorry, this is num one and this is number right here. Ok. Where you can see that. Or here you can see I have to print that. So print here is, you can see that this is just a result and result here is, I'll write that this is to let us run the score. So you can see that. So we have an error right here. Here we have the resultant value right here, which is in line number 13. So this is just because of where we didn't return the value right here through turn here is I just return function number num one right here is the inner function. So you can see here 20 is tirade tool, which is the value of 40 right here. So this is how you can see that this is our outer function, this is our inner functions. So we work with a nested function right here. Hopefully you understand that how these functions work. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 37. Regular Indexes: Welcome guys. This is our very important topic on the Python modules. A Python module is a Python files containing a set of functions and the variable to be used in the applications. The variable can be added, dictionaries, object or anything. Let's see V, how the file here is module with the name of by atan dot. And in that file v, how you're suppose to more function, which is a user-defined function and the built-in function. Or you usually pine module or the built-in module. So how you can create a module right here in the user-defined module. To create the module, you have to create the file with PY extension. Then you have to call the module where you can simply import your module statement. Let us see if we are talking about the Python graphical library. So here you can see that I have right there from Tkinter and I have to import steak. This means that I'm just importing the module of Python kingdom. Or you may say that here you can see that I'm just saving my file with a Python module. So you can see that I have to write that this is more import, import. You can see that module dot p y. So this is how you can create your module. But this is not a correct way. So let us see. These are our Python module with the file as well. But I'm just declaring right now, okay? Now here you can see that I'm just removing this. I'm just working with some of the built-in module. So this is the user-defined module, what I am just scooting right here, which is important module that p n. Last you can see here you can either start from Tkinter and here I just import is Tarik is, sorry, here you can see that from Tkinter and here I'm just import static is a built-in module, seems a case like I'm just importing the math module as well. So this is up to you. So you can see that I'm just importing the math module. And then here you can see that arrow, I write print and print here is the value of like tangent is. So I'm just taking the tangent right here. And then here you can see that I have the right math, math dot ten and med dot Harris, Right? Yes, worker ten. And tangent value here is three. Now here when I just run discord, so you can see here this is the tangent value. Same is the case like here I have, this is a sine theta value and the maths here is sign. So here I'm just showing you that how we can create the math module and get the element of it. You can see here this is the value of metal. So this is akin to the module. We are not studying about that because this is a GUI library which is a separate topic. So here you can see that these are the some of the built-in modules, what we are working with simply import. You can say that this is the library or module of that, and then you can work with it. So you understand now, now you can see that how this model work. First, you can see that I'm just importing the math right here. Okay, then that will call MET module.js BY extension, which is a built-in available in the Python library. Then here you can see that that will give me all of the excess of ad, where we can access the tangent sine theta cos theta, and the value of pi as well. So this is how we can get the modules in the Python programming language. If you find any of the problem and any point you are not in standard that please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 38. Negative Indexes: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the string index, various studied about the regular string indexed in Python. What is the index right here? A very common example. What I, I'm just showing to you guys, which is you can say that let suppose v, how a word, which is hello. Okay? Now here you can see that v, how five different alphabets right here, which is h, which is E, L, L. And Override here helps you understand now, now here I am just giving numbering, do it 01234. So this numbering here is, as you can see, that this is the index to your correctors. Hope so you understand now, if you have, let's suppose hello and then WOR, ok, and here you have simple is simply u value will be starting with 5678. So this is the indexing of your alphabets right here. Now we are moving to the advanced level of Python right here. So that's why I'm just giving you a touch of indexing right here just because of a next upcoming lectures, we are working with slices dictionary list. So at that, at that stage, your concept is much clear. Okay, now here you can see that via our VaR, just simply indexing our alphabets right here. On the index number 0, beheld the alphabet S, min index number one, we have the alphabet II and seems that kids like L, L N, O helps you understand now that what is the indexing and how we can indexing over. Now let us turn to the example right here. You can see that we have the variable and variable which is equal to Paris, right? That this is hello. Now as you can see that 01234. So these are the four or five numbers. And for index numbers right here, because every index number is starting from 0, and that will end up to number of hands. Now knowledge, uh, see, I just write print. And the print here is firstly, I'm just writing that here. Let suppose this is the variable right here. Then here you have write your bracket sign right here. And now you can see there, if you want to print only E n l from your this word right here. So similarly, you can see that IS right, that this is 01234. So you can see here I just write that one. Then this is one and then ratio sign and you have to read at three. So I just want to print 13 index right here. Let us run the score right now. So you can see here that edge e, l, l, o. Okay? And here you can see that on an index number 0 V L at index number one, we have e, which is printed right here. Then index number two, v, how L which has escaped. You can see or we don't need that. Then here you can see that we have on index number 3V how l, So l is also printed right here and then add the last via the value of alright here. So this is how our indexed work in Python programming language. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 39. Slices: In our last lecture, we had studied bulb, the positive index or the regular indexed. But here in this lecture we are totally focused on the negative index in Bitcoin. How this negative index warm. Let's suppose v, how the word, which is hello right here. Okay? Now just, I'm just indexing this values right here. So this is 01234, which is a regular index right here. If you want to make this index add negative. So you just simply start from left hand side, right hand side, where you have positioning it minus1, minus2, minus three, minus four, and minus phi. So you have starting from right and going up to left side. But in the positive side you have to start from left side and go up to right side, right here. Let us see how it works. We have the variable, variable, which is hello and world right here. Okay? Now here you can see that I just want to print. And the print here is I will print that variable. And the variable here is I just want to bring minus two ratio minus five. Now, you can see Ram is from New score right now. So you can see that you didn't get an annual output right now. This is just because of here, I just write a small value and heritage right, greater than value, its right to, and I just write 65 or anything. So I just run this code right now. And here you can see that that will print me. Wor, why this sprint that here I just write edge e l o, then w o r l d right here. Now, 0123456789, right here. Okay? Now you can see that these are all, these all are the minus values right here, okay? Now you can see that. And here you can see, so remember that one thing you remember that I described z right here, but it is not a 0. When you are working with a negative index right here. So that will start from minus one, then minus two, minus three, minus four, minus five, right here. Okay? Now you can see here that will print me only this value right here. And this is minus six. Okay? Why these print beam these values because I'm just getting the value between minus two and minus six right here, okay? If you want to get a single value right here, let suppose minus six. So you can see here when I just run this code right now, or here you can see that let's suppose this is like minus two or anything. So you can see that when I just run this code right now, so that will print me this guy right here. Because 4n minus six, you can see here, you can see the how this means space sign right here. Okay? Hopefully you understand now. So these are the negative index, what we are working with it. And if you, hopefully you understand now, if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 40. Remove the Character of index value: Hey guys, welcome to the lecture. In this lecture we are going to talk about the slicing in the Python. The slicing in Python is a feature that's enabled. Ascending part of the sequence light goes, strings, tuples, and lists. You can also use them to modify or delete the items from mutable sequence such as list. But we are not focusing on the list in this lecture because we didn't study about the list yet so far. But here I am just using slides with a string as well. So for VR, just learning the curve or curve for Python, and we only need to deal with Python. Iter doubles. Not so huge yet so far. But when building an application with it, not always doing need to retrieve the entire I tradables. In such case, slicing is useful as it's, Let us choice when to see and focused on it helps you understand now. Now here you can see that I'm just creating a slice with a string. And we'll show you that how we can work with the slice and how we can use them. Here. Let suppose STR, which is a string right here and here it is, right that this is HelloWorld. This is my correct right here. And now here you can see during this period, a slice and which is equal to here is right slice. Okay? Now as you can see that this slice is the keyword right here to creating the slice right here. So slice is the constructor that's created a Python sliced object to represent the set of indices that range. Like where to start, where to stop, and we're to step forward. So slides will do like this, helps you understand now that three parameters are using in the slice. Okay? Once again, I'm distributing the score that where you have to restart your core, where you have to stop your code, and where you have to step your core. This starting means the starting index. You can provide the list or you can provide a number of the starting index, index that we are. You want to start your slide. Then n mean value wanted to anywhere or this top you were slice. And then this is the optional right here. So this is the optional arguments that due to remind the increment between the index off the slice right here. Legacy firstly, I'm just giving this starting point. We are, the slice is starting from three, then here inside S2. And as to which is equal to here inside this is slice. And the slice here is I just write that slice is start from one, then that will go up to three. And then here you can see that ice right to right here. Now after this I am writing that, that will print that by a ton. Programming. Okay? And then after they adhere here, you can see that I am simply getting my STR variable and where I just get S1. And here you can see their eyes, right? Str and STR Harris S2. Now your concept for It's top and Start is clear now. Firstly, that will print entire Python programming language. Helps you understand now. Now here you can see that that will move the hello right here because we didn't give it their entire means. I'm not a big value right here. Here. That will start from index numbers 012 right here, and then 34. So I just write three numbers. So that will take edge e and l only that will take this hell right here. Now you can see that here that will simply print the value of E right here. Just because of that will is starting from 0. So I'll just write one right here. So that will print the value of one right here, which is E. Then here you can see that that will stop up to three right here, which means that this is 01, then here 234. So here you can see that I just also write two for escape this and then three. So that's why this is simply show us the output as the E right here. Hopefully you understand now that how we can work with the slice in Python programming language. And you can also know about that, that how we can use the start, stop and step function. So start means that, that where you are slices is starting. So I'll just write that slice. This is default slide. Ok, we are starting from 0 and that will go up to two right here. Which l? Three numbers here that will starting from one. Starting is also an option right here, okay? But you have to provide the stopping point. Now here you can see that I is right, that is starting from the one. So only one right here. Then here you can see that as sprint 23. So there's topping plant and this is the stuff step. So how this is top work. So you can see that that stopping mean that very wanted to stop your slice. And this will work like 0 plus one, which is equal to 11 plus one which is equal to two, then two plus one which is equal to three. So this step is working like that. And then after this here you can see that I have, I also write this step right here. That is test means that how much increments between how much implement you want to give between the slices. So this is scarred step right here, helps you understand now that how you can use license in the Python programming language. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 41. Append In Python: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about how you can remove the odd index values from your corrector. For that purpose here you can see that let's suppose v, how like a, B, C, D, E, F index. And you want to remove B, C, D from it. To simply, with the help of that programs, you have removed these types of values. Let us take a function right here, which is a function of let suppose here it is right value. And then I just wanted to take one pedometer right here, which is STR, which means a string. Now here you can see that I'm just taking the empty string right here. And after this, I just ride that a for loop for a range. Okay? Now firstly, I will get the length of our string right here. Okay? So this is a pedometer STR. And now after this ice, right, if a, which is the modulus of two, which is equal, equal to 0, simply you have write result and reserve which is equal to the result which is plus STR. Okay? And the STR hair is a. So this is the small a right here. Now here you can see that I have to write that this is a return. And return here is the result right here. Now let us see what I just actually did write here. Here you can see that I just created a value. And the value of, sorry, I just create a function which is the value and value function, how the parameter STR. Then I just take the Mt variable right here, where I just add my strings. So I just add one print function, print function here for the value. So here I'm just calling the function right here and provide the variable values for it. So here you can see that I just write that this is a string in Python. Okay? And here you can see rides quite run and other values for strings in Python, three as well. Okay, now let us see here you can see that after this, I'll write that a for loop and for loop will check that a in the range of lens. And then STR so that we'll get the length of that variables. Okay? And after this, you can see here, this is a for loop where that will check a modulus of two which is equal to 0, and then this will result as L plus STR. So when it just check this output right here, so you will find that, that will simply print S and S right here. Hopefully you understand now that how this sprint SNS right here. So I will tell you about the flow of that program right now. Firstly, we have the value as our functioning. Then after checking this value, that program will move to the result right here. And after this result that we'll move to the for loop. So here you can see that that for loop will check the condition right here. If a in the range of length STR right here. So that will be going to this iteration right here, okay? Or that will going to this result right here. And after this, that statement here will be N. If you can see here a which is percentage sign off two and which is equal, equal to 0. If this statement is mass right here. So that will simply go to that reserve, reserve, reserve plus STR, and that will get the variable a. And then it will show us the output right here. Okay? You can see that. Now here. You can see I just change this value right here. So I'll just write that this is a string. And here you can see that there, this is Python right here. So let's just see now. So you can see that will simply get the variable x and variable P l. So this is how you can get the values. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 42. String Format Method: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talk about the append method in Python list, a pen which add its argument as the single element of the end of the list. Which means that append method is allows us to append an item to a list. For example, we can insert an element at the end of the list. It is a built-in method in Python which is used to add some of the elements at the end of the list. How you can see if we start our code and then you want to create your list. Okay? So this is your code where you can run your list right here. If you want to extend your list with that apparent methods to extend his one another matter. But here you will totally consist on a pen because here we are going to add one of the item at the end of the list. So here you will simply write your apparent a method and then you can run your iterations right here, and then your iteration is closed right here. How legacy? Here. You have the right list, DOD, a Pena. So append here is a keyword which is using for the list. And then you have to write your item or you have to write your any of the objects right here. Let's just run our code right here. I just write list which is equal to here. I'm just creating a list right here, where I just write the list of 203050608090. Now here you can see that I want to add some of the items right here, which is let suppose this is ten. Ok. And now here you can see there I just want to print this list right here, where I just write, this is a list. I just run this score. So you can see here that, okay, that code was creating an arrow right here at this because of my interpreter was not set. Now let's just run the score right now. And you can see here that, that will add one item with that list. How you can see that this is a list.append method which is ten. Here. You can see that at initially we didn't declare this item right here, which is ten. Okay? At initially we are creating 203050608090 right here. And now here you can see that after declaring this, so you can find this Edit item with the list right here. Now for better understanding of u, so here you can see that this is print and list right here. And now when I just run this score, so you can see here at initially this is printing existing list right here, what we create right here. And after this we will add one item with it with the help of this append method. Hopefully you understand now that why we use and how we use append method. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 43. String Indexing and Slicing: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. And in this lecture we are going to talking about the string formatting in Python. And we will see that how we can use a format functions to form it our string and fight them. They string form it is one of the string formatting mattered in Python programming language, which allow multiple substitutions and value formatting. This method lets us concatenate elements within a string through positional formatting. Let us see how we can use it and how we can position our string right here. We have the variable here. And the variable here is, you can see that I'm just writing that for price or air. You can see that I have to write there for only in. You can see that I have to write for only in. And then here I will go to add print function. And inside this print function, I just firstly write this variable right here, which is a VAR. And here you can see that I just use a format function. Now I just write price and the price which is equal to here as red prizes, a 100. And you can see that I've sworn, or I just write a curly bracket right here. And here you can see that the price here is 2F. Let us take the output right now. So you can see that this is for only in 100 and the zeros. Okay? Why this you can see here I said $1000, okay? And this is, again, you sort of find now. Now here you can see there that price is only this dominant. So you can see that how we can form it, our string right here. Firstly, for only in, this is our simple string right here. And this is our, also a single simple string. Now I just set up function to the print function right here, which is dot format. And I just said the format here is the price. And here you can see that the price and then ratio cyan, which is 2F. Okay? So when you are working with our real-life projects to add that case, let's suppose if you want to show something text2 here, okay? And then here you want to show some of the prize right here, which is changeable here you can see that I just didn't give it the price which is changing, but I am just writing a prize of fixed. So when you are just creating a functionally like that, that you want to change where Prize as well. So at that case, you can form mature string right here. And here you can see that if you want to update this prize, simply that will, or simple you are, price will be updated right here as well. So for that purpose, we are using this string formatting right here. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 44. neutralize_uppercase: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the string indexing and slicing. The steady the ball does string index and slices as well. But here in this lecture we will perform something actions to boat How you can see that. Let suppose we have the variable a and V, which is equal to, let us see that digits a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i. Ok? This is just a string right here. Now, you can see there, firstly, I'm just using some of the negative index only. What I'm doing right here. Firstly, I just create a string right here. Now, I'm just indexing that string. So I am just explaining you once again that a, B, C, D. So I am just taking only this right here. So indexing will start from 0, then 123 right here. So we are indexing the value right here. And here you can see that I'm just writing that, that will simply get the variable number as right here. Okay? And where you can see that I am just indexing the value on index number four right here. Okay? And now after this isis, right, that firstly I'm just getting this or creating this string variable right here, a string format right here. And here you can see that I have read this as a string format, and that will get the value from string number four right here. Okay? So this is just our positive index right here. Okay? Now here you can see that if you want to make this negative right here, so similarly, I helped write that this is the negative. And then here you can see them and it is run the score right here. So you can see that firstly, that will getting this string right here. Then here you can see that if VC on the net negative index right here. So here you can see this is minus four, so negative index right here, which is i, n, g, f. So I just need index number minus four right here. So 0123, if I just said the number right here, which is 1234 right here. So this is an index number three and the value number four right here. So you can see that that will show me the output as f right here. Now similar case like that, I'm just running. Depositor indexer has one Harris write five, and then this is also a five right here. You can see that when I just run this code right here. So this is also show me the overdoes the F right here, because 012345. So one thing again, I just missed again in this lecture as well. When you are just working with negative values, your values starting from minus one, minus two, and minus three. Okay? Remember that? And the second time I'm doing this mistake, okay, sorry about that. Here. After this, you can also write slices here you consider I just simply indexing or spring what was our topic today? And now here you can see that I'm slicing this string as well. So here you can see lines form to print this. Print here is I just run this variable a. And then here you can see that I just want to get the ratio between 1-2-3 and I just want to slicing them. Now after this, you can see here, and you can see that this is equal to here, I just write that, or sorry for that. Here inside which is equal to personally sign S, which is our string value or string formatting right here. And then here you can see that this um-uh, variable and variable a. And then here I just write reasonable 1-2-3. So I am just slicing this as well. You can see that. So slicing here is BMC use because of arrogance either 01234567. So that will get the value between 13 right here. Hopefully you understand now that how you can work with slice, string indexing and slicing together in the Python programming language. Hopefully you understand now and your concept with much clearer, if you not understand and is applied right here in this lecture, you can ask any question or you can post your question. Thanks for watching. See you in next lecture. 45. Max character: Welcome back guys. In this lecture we are going to talk about that, how we can convert a string into uppercase. The two methods are using right here, which is one is, one is the upper method and another one is a capitalized method. We will discuss one by one fastly. You can see that I'm executing a function for the name off. You can see that upper or here it's right upper one. Then here I just create a string as a parameter right here. And now here you can see there, I heard that upper variable which is equal to 0. Then for i in a string, which is my pedometer right here. And then here you can see that this is just a string right here. And then after this, you can see here I will create, let suppose upper variable. So this is upper variable where I'm just getting right here, which is plus is equal to one. Okay? Now here you can see that I'm executing one of the if statement right here. So if you can see that I dot upper matter, so this is upper matter here, which is equal to Harris, right? That this is just getting the variable i right here. Okay? Now here I am just positioning it. And now after this you can see that I have to write that if an, if here you can see that I have arrived that upper variable number or Sony, this is upper variable which is equal to, which is greater than or equal to two. Then here you can see I have drew right, that return function where that will write SDR DOD upper method right here. Ok. Now after this here you can see that outright return and return Harris is string. Okay? Now here you can see that I just want to do uppercase on this upper number one function right here and then here my text here is Python. Now here you can see that I just write that this is just our ratio of four. Ok? Now let us run this score. So here you can see that there I am using this simple by tn right here. Okay? So this is a simple Python code right here. Knowledge, you see, I'm just replacing this. Or if you warned of a few, maybe confusable that. So I just simply add any of the alphabet here is capital manages for under score. So you can see here that we can work all the numbers into capital. So this upper function will do the core like this. If one of your alphabet here is capital, so that will make all of your code here is capital. The flow of four gram here is go to the function. Then here that will meet the condition right here, which is number is equal to, sorry, upper variable, which is equal to 0. Then here you can see that it is again four blue as it is a for loop right here. If this for loop is work. So that will simply check the condition right here. Okay? And then that will show us the output if this is not working. So that will go to the return statement and then check the condition right here. Hopefully you understand now that if we run this upper function right here, so that will mean capitalize all of your string right here. If one of the alphabet in your string is capital. Let's just make it another function right here, where I'm just using the capitalized. So in Python, the capitalised mattered con wards the first character of a letter to the capital. And then that will uppercase string has the first character as a capital, then it's returned, not industry. How legacy? Here you can see there. Let's suppose we have the variable number one or number two, which is equal to S, right? That Python code, or this is a string tool by Tom quote, okay? Or I just write, all of these are small. So Python code right here. And then after this you can see that I'm just writing a name, sorry, a print function where I just ride name dot capital. So here you can see I'm just using a capitalized mattered right here, where you can see that I just said the name. What is the name? Legacy. So here you can see there. I'm just replacing this with name does because of I'm just taking already been right here. And now you can see that name which is equal to heritage, right? That firstly, that will write by Tn. Okay, then here you can see that I have the right name number two, which is equal to ct. Okay? Now after this you can see that I have to write print function. And the print function here is firstly, I will write name, which is dark capitalize. So I am just capitalizing the name right here and let us check the output right now. So you can see here that this is by Tom fit, our model B right here. But here you can see that when I describe this python right here. So this first alphabet here is capital, how you can see. So I just tell you that the Python capitalised mattered converters the first character of string to the capital uppercase letter. If the string has its first character as the capital than its return, the original string. Okay? See I'm just making this as the capital right here. And this is also capital. So you can see here, this will determine the original string just because of here we held our first character is capital. Now here you can see that I would write that name number one dot capital right here, sorry, NM number two dot capital right here. Where you can see that this is a small c. And here you can see that I o, the capital C right here. Hopefully you understand now that how we can capitalize our fostering and how we can capitalize our entire string in the Python programming language. Okay? If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 46. Taking a User Input: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture we are going to talking about the maximum mattered or maximum corrector method in Python. The max, which is the prime tuition as MAX mattered, which is come in, it'll built-in mattered, or in built-in function. The Python programming language that's returned the highest alphabetical character in a string. The maximum function returns the item with the highest value or the item with the highest value in itr double legacy. How? If you see that? I'm just creating a variable and variable which is equal to I1 is writing this variable as the maximum right here. Inside there, you can see that I'm just creating a string right here, which is the Python. Now let's just see a magic. So here you can see that I will print and the print here is VR. Now, you can see that navi, how similar types of alphabets right here, which is, you can see that P Y T H O N. Okay? Here, it will take only y. Just because of, I just tell you that the maximum functions that will return the item with the highest value only or the item with the highest value in ITER DIBL. So you can see here, the highest value is not be, the highest value is not D edge, or the highest values only at vibrate here. Because why are taken alphabetical wise, which is 18, floor 25 or 24. Okay? Now, this is an alphabetical example. Knowledges C in the numeric type, where you can see that I strayed variable. So let's suppose this available or tool where I said the maximum value and the maximum value here is I just defined some of the values radio reaches 102050, 18-19. So what does this maximum function do right here that will only take a maximum value from it. So maximum value is as you know, 90 ledger check the output. So you here you can see that this is our output as the maximum value. So that max function will only take our maximum value right here. If you need maximum value into your string to you, the simple use max function right here helps you understand now, if you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 47. Introduction to Python Lists: Welcome back guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about a very important concept in any programming language. It is the input matter. But input method is a name in the Python only because in C plus plus, you have to use scene and in Java you have to use kidnap. But in seep, in Python, we are working with wood, that is input function. So where does actually input function is? Input function is when you are just taking a user in port by keyboard means that our developers often how our need to interact with a user, either to get the data or to provide some sort of reserve. Most programmers today are used dialog box as a way of asking the user to provide some type of inputs. While Python provides us with a two in built-in functions to read the input from the keyboard. First one is arrived in port, where we not moving to VR completely moved into the input function in the Python programming language. And I will tell you that how you can take the user input from the keyboard and with the help of that operations, you perform your operations legacy. How we can create that. Here you can see that VHA, let suppose a print function and print Punk function here is enter your name. In mostly applications when you are searching your web browser or when you are just sign into your any page. So at that stage you are, you can find that this option that into you and name. Then a next text field is shown to you where you can put your input. So we are going to create the, some of the functionality like data. So here you can see that I described I, which is equal to Harris write input. And remember that input is the inbuilt function, the Python dysfunctions day. This function's first take the input from the user and then onwards, discussions. Which means Python automatically identifies whether the user interest strings or a list or a number if the input provides or input provided in unnerved correct than either, that will generate a syntax error at that stage. Let us see or let us move to our chord. Here you can see that arise from R to print that function right here that if the user will input anything. So here you can see that that will show me the optional idea which is hello. And then I will concatenate highlight here. I'm just running this course. So you can see here, this is options to me. Which assurance to me right here that Please enter your name. So I decide that this is the Python. So I just add the python right here when I just enter this. So you can see here with the help of that print function where I just write hello. So that will show me the option right here, there hello. Then here I just scanned getting near disk in port right here, where you can see at the end port Harris, Python, how this program is actually work right here in i, which is equal to input. Okay? So remember that when we are working with a variable, so I just tell you that variable is toward your address or value. Variable will store your memory, store you are taxed or restored, you add data into the memory. So our data here is Python, and variable will store that data not in next iterations when this is shown to us, which is hello. So hello which is available in print. So that will simply get the data from that I. And then here that will show us right here. Helps you understand now that how this work. You can also run your normal program as well. If you want to run this symbol, you drew clear this right here. And then here this will simply can't get in it. And that will show us the option, right? Or that will show us the program. Like you can see that you cannot use this right here. Just because of here you can see that I'm just reading care coordination. So we don't need can get edition right here. Here. We only need this variable name. So here you can see that a Python and then this is Python right here. So that will show me simply Python instead of hello bites. And because if you want to be near the text with it, we simply write your tax rate here. So this is just a input function right here. So how input functions work? Then input function is executed. Program flow will be his top until the user is given. And how legacy. You can see here, this program areas is stopped. The text or the message display on the output is screened to ask the user to enter input value in the optional. You can see that this is option value when I just press Enter. So you can see that and erase write Python. So you can see that this is simply write python right here, sorry, hello right here. And that program will be terminated right here. Just because of there is no interest in law here at that stage. But when you are working with a complex and more about that application, so at that case, you will create a function is like this. Okay? So whenever you enter in an import, to import functions can work into a string. And if you enter an integer value right here, so input function will convert and do this strings as ledger sea ice, right? 25. So this is an integer right here. So that will convert this integer right here into the string with the help of this function. Hopefully you understand now. So here are typecasting concept is also used. So if you find any of the problem regarding this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 48. Change List Item Value: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the list in the Python. The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects in a given order. The list type implements the sequence protocol and also allows you to add and remove the object from the sequence. Ok. And one other thing about the list is a list is an inbuilt in Python data structure that can be changed. It is an order and changeable collections of the elements by ordered sequence. And it is meant that every element of the list can be called individually by its index number. What is the index number right here? I just write 12345. So I just set the index right here, or I just simply create a blocks right here. So these are the boxes one-by-one, our index like 01234. These all elements are car elements or all numbers are called elements of the list. When you are just moving left to right. This means that this is the forward index number. Where we take the index number in the positive or when we are moving right to left for this means that this is backward index number and that will starting from minus one, minus two, minus three, minus four and minus one and up two number of n's right here. Knowledge you see the list can be created by placing all elements inside iss square bracket. This is i square bracket right here and you have the right list name. And then this is a bracket appearance tab now. And you can separate it all the elements inside the list with a comma like 123, you have to separate it. All the list element inside, inside the list element separated by the comma. It can have any number of elements. And the elements need not be of the same type. So we can also say that it is a collection of heterogeneous data types. List index always is starting from one. You can see that. And so if the length of the string is n, then the last element will have the index number is n minus one. Okay? And lists are the mutable elements, so therefore they can be modified after creating it. If you see that, if you are declaring and initially like this is our empty list, let us see how. So before starting the list right here, I just tell you that how you can create the list methods. Firstly, we have the different types of list methods right here where we use indexed. Then we append a matter, then we count matter than anyhow sort method. And after this you can see the hell rewards method. Then we have a clear method. Then we have remove method as well. Then pop. Then we have our insert method, then we extended method. So these are our DOM methods. What we used in the list helps you understand now. Now here I will tell you that how you can read the list into your Python code here. And you can see that I just create a list which is equal to, I just write that this is the empty list right here. Because this list is, doesn't contain any of the elements right here. I just told you that you are using the bracket sign or bracket to creating your list right here. Then here you can see that I have to print this list right here. Okay? When I just run this. So you can see that this is our simple list right here. Helps you understand No, no, I just write list number one. And then here you can see I just typed 123456. So you have to separate it all of the elements by the comma into the list as well. And these are containing, you can see 012345 index right here. You can see that. And I just positioning it. So 0123456. So you can see there. And here you can see 0123456. So you understand now, now after this, you can see that I'm spending this list right here. So this is the list number one. You can see that. So these all are the list right here. No one another thing that you can also creating the list by a string as well. So here you can see that there is Red List which is equal to. And here you can see that I have to write that 1234. And then here you can see there I have to write a Python. And then here you can see that I have to write three as well. So you can see that. And here you can see that I have to write list. And this is list number two, and this is also a list number two right here. And then here you can see that I have to create the print function. And inside the print function I have to get the list number two right here. When I just run this. So you can see here how we can create the list and get the elements of the list. Hopefully you understand now. Now the question that hall V can get the list element by the index wise legacy. Now, this is our empty list two. We'd leave it right here because it doesn't containing the element right here. Knowledge you see, here, you can see that you just need the index number 0 right here. How to create this bracket sign and simply you have to write your index number into it. And I just run this. So you can see here at this stage that will show us the only output as the one right here, because it is getting the index number 0 right here. Now here you can see that when you're writing 0 and then ratio sign, and I just want to get up to index number five. And there's a c. So that will get 01234 because this issue middle value between 0 up to four, because this means that when you are disappearing the five, so the value between these R, R, you can see that up to five values. So you understand now, now after this you can see that here. You can also get the negative indexed as well. How legacy I just write minus five right here. And I just run this. So you can see that there are 0, so it doesn't apply to 0. So minus one, minus minus2, minus three, minus four and minus four and minus five, we get the index on the index number. Put it here. Hopefully you understand now. Now I will completely show you knowledge about the negative index and the positive index. Let suppose V, How the core, which is, or the elements which RP, edX, Python. Okay? Then here you can see that I just make this on the index. Okay? Now here you can see that I'm just simply providing the values like 123456 values right here. Now if you are moving to the index right here, which is our PO2 to index for you how to move like 012345, which means that that chord will going to the forward position. Now when you are just working with a negative index or you just need negative extra, you have bread minus1, minus2, minus three, minus four, minus five, and minus six right here. And that is car that we'll move to that backward index right here. Helps you understand now that how you can get the element or how you can access your index with the help of list. Hopefully you understand now, if you find any of the problem regarding this lecture, please let me know. And thanks for watching this lecture. 49. Mutable List: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to learn about that. How you can update your list or how to, how you can change your list, items, values. You can update a single or multiple elements of the list by giving a slice or the left-hand side of this assignment operator. Let us see how. So, as you can see that firstly, we heard to cleared the list which is equal to one disputing the list of items. Let suppose the list of items, those card python. And then we have the list of items are C plus plus. Then we have Java and PHP. Ok? As you can see, now this is just a list right here. Now as you can see, I'm a printing list right here, which is the list. And then here you can see that the output of the list here is by Tom C plus, plus Java and PHP. No, let's just see at a point when I'm just realize that on the place of c plus, plus, I am just adding one another value. I just write that list which is equal to heritage ride or list on the index number one, I just want to change it. We are on the place of C plus, plus. I will add a Ruby right here. Okay, and here you can see there a 100 print, the value of the list right here. And they're just see now what is the output? So here you can see there in the initial stage, you will list is C plus plus and after changing the value. So you can see here, the position here is Ruby right here. Helps you understand now that how you can update the index or elements values inside the list in the Python. If you financially the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 50. How to write list Literally vs Programmatically: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about the list. But inside the list, I will tell you that what is the mutable list and how we use it. The mutable list means that we can change the list and we can mute them. It probably sound like a bit dumb on mentioned. But you will see later that there are other collections that are not mutable as because when you are starting stage, this is our mutable data structure, which is the list. But after when we're just working with tuples, dictionaries, and other data types, sorry, other data structures. So you will realize that the sum of other data structures are not immutable. But going back to the list and you can simply chain them at will example, let's just see how, how we can change the list. In last lecture, we also update our list. But in this lecture, I will tell you again that how you can change your list as well with a different way. Let us see here this is our list and list which is equal to i stride that the list here is empty list. At the beginning, you can see that this is my empty list right? Now, inside this empty list, I'm just adding some of the elements and do it. And let's just see how for that purpose, I am using the append method. At the beginning lecture of the list. I just tell you that there are some matters, but we used with the list which are indexed, a pants sort rewards, clear, remove, pop, insert, extend and dependent. In this lecture, we will use apparent matter to modify our list right here. And just see what is the append method. The append method is used for appending and adding elements to the list. It is used to add element two, the last positions of the list. How legacy? Here you can see that I'm just adding one of the element right here. So what is the element right here? Ledger, see that on the place of list, I just get firstly this list name right here. Now here you can see that this is the method of dependent. I just use the append method right here. And here you can see that inside this list, I'm adding the name like Python, which is our programming language. So I am just adding the element right here. Helps you understand now. Now here you can see that Einstein list dot append again. And on the place of that I'm striding Joe as well. I just do, I just add two elements right here. Now you can see I just print the list right here. And when I just run this, so you can see that at the beginning, this list is empty right here. And with the help of append method, I am just using, or I'm just adding any elements to it, which is Python and Java right here. Now, the question that how you can remove your elements from the list. So we can remove the list elements as well. So you can write that list. Then you have to use remove method to remove the elements from the list. So now here you can see that I'm just using the list element name, that word list element IMR PUC removed. So I just said at Python, and then you can see that I have to print. And the print here is list when I just run the score. So you can see here at that stage, the simple UI element has been removed. Hopes you understand now that what is the mutable list and how we can create the mutable list right here because list is already immutable. But how we can utilize it with adding and removing that element of the list helps you understand now, if you find I knew the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 51. Check if Item exists in list: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture, I will tell you that how you can create the list literally versus programmatically, like how a normal parser you cleared the list and how a programmer will create the list. Let us see that how they can create. Here at FASB lie. At the first stage. I will tell you that how we can clear the list literally. I see that. I am just taking one of the example right here, where you can see that I'm just creating the list which is equal to, I'm disputing the list of the image just because I am creating the list of the email record. This is very prominent to you guys that how we can create it. Let us see that I am striving info Adelaide, This is one other way. You can write your list. Then you have to receive that support. Had read The literally means that when you are creating the list as the beginning, okay, and then you have to simply print the list. Ok? Now let's just see when I just run this. So this is a normal list, what we are creating so far. Now the question is how programmatically list we can clear it. First of all, you can create a list of empty elements. Let's suppose list which is equal to list. So I'm just creating the list matter right here. Knowledges, CRMs, reading list number one, dot here I'm using depend matter. Helps you understand now. Now here you can see that I have to add like her in for one at Then here you can see that I'm just adding all of these separately. And here you can see that I'm striding their support. One adder in Python nautical. Then here you can see that I have to print. And print here is iron to sprint. List number one right here. Okay? You can see that when I just run this. So here you can see that, that the list object is not callable right here, or we can call it legacy. If I just remove this because this list is also using the same name. So here you can see that I'm just removing it. Our legacy when I just run this. So you can see here that by a programatically, I'm just updating my list right here. So the difference between these two methods, lines into Laker, expressiveness of our solutions with done literal mattered we how like explicitly and declaratively and is specifically create the list. And with the programming mattered, V is specified. This step, like in a same word, you can see that this is our literal and this is our programmatically. In literal. The US literal mattered and explicitly and directly specifying that how our list is look like. But in the programatically you can see we are following some of the estab. Firstly, create the list. Okay? Then here you can see that after this v, how do said the append method on it? Adding the value into the list and then symbol again. So this is how a programmers work with a list. Hopefully you understand now. So if you find any of the problem at any point you are not understand with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 52. Introduction to the Tuples: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talking about that, how you can search some of the existing items in the list. Let us see how. Here I'm distributing the list and list which is equal to here, I just write that the list of different programming languages. We're, I'm striding Python. Then here you can see that I have read that Java, then this is PHP. Then here you can see that I have to write Ruby as well. Okay? Now here you can see that I am disputing for list right here, which is the elements R, Python, Java, PHP, and Ruby. And I just mark do such if these elements are exist in the list or not. Ledger. See I just write if Python list if it is available. So simply print. Yes. Otherwise else. And then here, print no legacy that here you can see that that will search the item into that list. So this is available right here. So that will simply print as the output S, the S legacy Python one. Here you can see that, that we'll move to the next iteration right here. And we have that will show me the output less than o. Hopefully you understand now that how you can search your existing item into the list. If you find that it is a problem with gardening with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 53. Access Tuple Item: Welcome guys. In this lecture we are going to talk about the tuples in the biotin. A tuple is a type of sequence similar to list, but with our big difference that they are immutable. Add our first-stage, the list was a mutable data structure, but a tuple is immutable data structure. That's mean you cannot change them once you declare or once you create. This is our desired feature because that's provides safely when a tuple is construct and you can be sure it will never be changed. So Python tuple is a sequence which can distort the heterogeneous data type, such as integer, float is trained, lists and dictionaries, et cetera. Tuple are written with a round brackets. There. Just see how we cleared a couple. So here you can see that you have to write tuple. So this is just a variable or the TLD name. Then here, this is your tuple to create with your, you may say that braggart. Ok. Now, so this is, you may say that these are the parenthesis, not exactly the brackets. Okay? Now here, you can see that once you declare the tuple, then you can not assign the values true, it means that you cannot change it once you declare legacy. I am disputing the tuple of number, which is equal to here. You can see that I'm just creating number 123. Then here you can see that the 456, this is a tuple right here, which is containing the integers only. Now here, I'm just creating the tuple of strings as well. So this is true and this is three, which is equal to here you can see that I am separating them with Python. Then here you can see that this is Java. Then here I am writing that this is PHP. So these are the tuples which containing this string right here. Let's just create a tuple with integer and string together. Here you can see that I'm disputing in digital lead supposes that the integer 1020, and these are some of the strings and integers of tubular structure. Now one-by-one, I'm just showing you the output of that. Firstly, we how print and print here is the tuple. And then we have the tuple number two right here. Then this is tuple number three. And this is tuple number four right here. And I just change this tuple number four. Let us change for religious check the value right here. So at the beginning you can see that this is our empty tuple, just like list. Then here this is a tuple of integers. Then here you can see that tuple of string and this is a tuple of integer and string together. Hopefully you understand now that how you can create your tuple in the Python programming language. So if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 54. Delete Tuple: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In last lecture, you have seen that how we create the tuple and how we get the value of the tuple. In this lecture, I will tell you that how you can access the tuple element or the tuples items with the help of index type values. Legacy, I'm just creating a tuple. And the tuple here is, you can say that this is a tuple of like string. So you're considered this as Python. Then here this is simply the PHP, just like our old example, and this is Java. So I'm accessing these tupled values one by one. So here you can see that that is print. And print here is a tuple and here you have the pride, your index values do it. Now here you can see that one. And then here you can see that you have to access the value of two right here. Let us run it. So at first stage you can see here this is the index number 012. So index wise, I'm just getting the items to the tuple or items from the tuple. So firstly, we have got Python than we held grad PHP, and then we get tau as well. So how you can get your tuple item with the help of index number. So when you are just accessing your toppled by the index. So here you can see the change that I am just getting the value in this square bracket. Yes, it's true that when you are just getting your tuple elements or tuple item with an index, right? So you have to write bracket sign with it instead of parenthesis up. So you understand now. So if you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 55. Iterating Lists: Hey guys, welcome to this lecture. In this lecture I will tell you that how you can delete your tuple with d, l, keyword, legacy, How we can delete. Here, I'm just creating the tuple as the tuple name. And this is a tuple like Python. Then this is like Java. And then here you can see that this is the tuple limb or tuple element as the PHP, you can write any of the names right here. This is just a demo, OK, knowledge and see how we can use the D L keyword and delete the tuple. Here I just used DL. And then you can see that I'm just deleting the tuple right here. Now here you can see that print and print here is tuple. When I just run this. So you can see here we only getting the class of the tuple instead of these elements because we are deleting our tuple right here. Hopefully you understand now. Now here one another thing. What I just want to tell you that when I just declare tuple, which is I just want to believe index number one, legacy that will generate an error right here. Just because of that, this is a type edit. That tuple object does not support the item deletion. Hopes you understand now. So this is how you can entirely delete your tuple with. The keyword. Helps you understand now. So this is how you can dilute your tuples. So once again, I will tell you that tuples are unchangeable. So you cannot remove items from it, but you can delete tuple completely. For that case, you can see here that will generate an error right here. Helps you understand our concept is much clearer about to deleting or removing the tuple. If you find any of the problem regarding with this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 56. Indexing and Slicing on Tuples : Welcome guys. In this lecture, I will tell you that how you can I trade your list? Attrition is a key to understand how lists work. The properly understand list, you should be familiar with the for loop, which is a control statement. List is equivalent to array in other programming languages. With the extra benefit of being dynamic incised in Python list is a type of container in our data structure, as you know that, which is used to store multiple data at the same time. Unlike set, the list in Python are ordered and hell, definite cone. Let us see how we can do iterations in the list. Here I'm just creating a list. And list which is equal to heritage site list is 123456789. Now our l i iterations on it. So I will tell you that it is very important that if you're trading or the list. So you have to familiar with the for loop and your concept is clear about the for-loop. We already studied about the for loop. Here, we just use it, the concept I just used for. For a in list, I just create one another variable which is a name of a right here inside this list. Now I will show print, and print is a. So I will show you guys the iteration one by one right here, legacy. Now here I'm just running this code right here. So you will see that that iteration is, is start from 123456789. How? It will take the index number 0 right here, which is a list element number one here. So for e in list, so as beautiful or as the for loop will firstly take this right here, which is the value number one right here. So loop will take the value for one in list. So that will print one right here. Same is the case like 234567 and up two numbers of nine that will run all of the iterations right here. Helps you understand now. So this is just an iterations in the list or the list with the help of four loop. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 57. Using list as a Stack: Welcome guys. In this lecture, I will tell you that how you can slicing your tuple in the Python programming language. Slicing in the python, as you know, is a features that enable accessing parts of sequences like list, string, and tuple. You also use them to modify or delete the item of the mutable sequence, such as list, but not in tuple. Slicing can also be applied on the third party objects and the NumPy libraries. But we are not going to that. We are simply working the tuple and the slices together. Helps you understand now. Now here you can see that I'm just creating the tuple and the tuple which is equal to S, right? 123456. Now here you can see that I will pick only 3456 element inside the list. So lets just see here, I'm illustrating brain print. Here is the table. And here you can see the eyes right, IS removed V2, then heritage right ratio sign. So this is my slicing right here. We are that we'll skip foss blue values right here, and then that will show me last four. So that will remove two elements from the list. So you understand now, now here you can see that I have to write print and print here, the tuple. And a tuple here is, you can see there, I just want to remove one from the value of four right here. So this is in the index, so I just searched by index for here you can see that that will skipped one, then here that will print 234 and that will skip after 45 as well. Let us see 012345. So that will simply print us. 234561 is skipped right here. Helps you understand now that will simply exclude 156 deaths because of on number 45 is coming at the side of ratio between 14. So that will simply exclude one, then 45 as well because this is coming back from the four right here. Now one thing, another, that here you can see that I have to write that this is legacy 11, excluding the first item right here. So when you are excluding the first items on lease or you have to write this double ratio sign right here. You can also getting the negative index as well. Okay, let's just run it again. So you can see that that will simply exclude this five right here and remove all of the elements right here. Helps you understand now, when you are just slicing your tuple right here, that all elements right here, so simple, you have to bring this so you can see that you get all of the elements inside this tuple. Helps you understand now that how you can slicing your tuple in the Python. If you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 58. Using List as a Queue: Welcome guys. In this lecture, I will tell you about that. How you can create or how you can using the list as the stack. The stack is our data structure and its tag is a different type of collections that can be employment with a list. In its tag, the elements are inserted and removed from the same position. How you can see that I'm just creating a jar. We are, I am just adding the value. When you are just adding the value, this procedure means that you are pushing the value into the stack. So this, this is car in a programming which is push operation. Like I am adding one inside this stack. This means that I push one into the stack. Then you are removing the elements from this tag. So this means that this operations means that this is Bob. Hope. So you understand now that what is the push and pop to remove the element from this tag is card or operations means that you remove one from his tag is scarred pop. So I just add 1234. This means that I just push for values into the stack. So removing, I am deleting, adding or removing. Both in this tags are from one side. This concept is means that last in, first out. Hope so you understand now, or first in, last out. Which means that if you are removing this one from here, means that one from this is tag. So you have to pop your 432, then you have to warp Viewer one right here. This means that four is come aired last. So for Will delete from this stack at first. Hopes you understand now. So this concept means that last-in-first-out or first in, last out. Now here we will run a program in the Python that we are demonstrating the implementations of DES tag using list. Here you can see that I just write it is tag which is equal to, I just create the pack of programming languages where I just add Python, PHP. And you can see that a Java, okay? Now here you can see that I just want to print. This is tag right here, where you can see that Iceland discord. So you can see that this is Python, PHP, and Java. Now, here you can see that I am adding something inside this stack. How legacy? Here you can see that I just write firstly, this is tag right here. Then here I just use a pen matter. Inside this apparent matter, you can see that I am just adding Ruby programming language into that stack. So legacy now. So here you can see that now ours tags look like Python, PHP, java, and then on the top vehicle, the Ruby. Hope so you understand now, now here you can see there then I have to add c plus plus and do it. So you can see that now it's add c plus plus as well. How you can see that first levy how? Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, and on the top beheld C plus plus. Now I just print stack and stack them in. Now you can see there, here I just print is tag and I just use a pop operation. So pop is a function. Hope so you understand now, I am just removing the element from this tags or ledgers c Now, when I just run this chord. So firstly, you can see that that will run Java. Ok, here you can see that that Python, PHP, Java, and Ruby at that stage. Ok, now here I just bought one of the values. Right here it is c plus plus. Now here it'll print we'd Ruby and Ruby. Now want to again value, I just want to pop right here. So let's just see again. So you can see when I just run it again. So here, sorry from dad, and this is the Bob operations, so dark. Well, now instrument again. So here you can see that that will simply remove firstly the C Plus Plus right here, then that will remove Ruby right here. And now our stack is look like Python, PHP, and Java, what we implement. So how you add the element into this tag. So with the help of append method, you have to earlier elements. And with the help of this pop function, you have to remove the elements from your stack. But same question and the same answer that you are deleting or adding the elements from this bed from only from one side. Firstly, you have to remove your last inter element, and then you have to remove your next element. If you want to remove Python from your court legacy, you are declaring C Plus Plus Ruby, Java, PHP, and Python. And you want to delete button from your code. So you have to delete C Plus, Plus. You have to delete Ruby rehab related Java, PHP, and then you have to delete by tone in your court. Hopefully you understand now. So if you find any of the problem regarding to this lecture, please let me know and thanks for watching this lecture. 59. Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation ): Welcome guys. In last lecture, you have seen that VR is telling about this tag data structure with the help of list. In this lecture, we will going to learn about the queue data structure in Python. Data structures that organized is storage in the computers so that we can efficiently access and changes all the data is tack and cues. Some of the easiest data structures defined in the computer science or computer programming language. So simple to learn and