1. Introduction: Video editing is not
just for the pro's anymore in the fast-paced
world of social media. So many of us want to
be making videos quick, often and as easily as possible. And I'm here to tell
you that you can already do this with the
tools you have on hand, like seriously in your hand. Hey, there, I'm merely mantle
and I love to make videos. I've been a content creator for a long time and learning to edit video is what took me from
being a casual video taker to actually making my ideas into something I was proud of. And I want to help you make videos that you're
proud of in this class, I'll teach you the basics
of video editing on your phone will be learning
on a free app called cap cut, which is available for
both Android and iOS. So everybody can hang
and you'll be able to take the concepts you
learn in this class to pretty much any
video editing program that you want to after
this, the choice is yours. In our class project,
you will make a short form vertical video with multiple clips of
voice-over music and subtitles. You'll know how to
trim, rearrange, and resize videos to any size
that you need them to be. It's gonna be great.
This class is good for anyone that wants
to make better videos, whether it's for their
business, their brand, or just for fun. Because you can make
videos just for fun. I'm telling you you can do
that in order to get started. You're going to need
a phone that can take video space on your phone
to keep video on it. And the video
editing app cap cut. Once you learn the basics of
video editing on your phone, you're going to free your creativity from
the restrictions of the video editing tools provided by the social
media platforms. Because to be honest, they can only do so much. So if you're ready to level up your creative video skills, I'm happy to have you in class. Let's do this. I was aggressive. Let's do this.
2. UPDATE: Sharing Your Class Project : Hello, from the future of when I recorded
those last videos. At the time of
recording this video, this class has reached
1,000 students. Thank you guys so much for
partaking in this class. I wanted to do a
quick video update on how to submit your
class project. I didn't realize
this, that you have to use a link in
order to upload it. Otherwise, me and other students are not
going to be able to see your project
in order to give you any feedback
on the class page. You're going to go over
to submit project, which will take
you to this page. And you're going to
have to add a link. You can add a project title,
a project description. Now because our
project is a video, you're going to have
to upload it to Youtube or Vimeo or
somewhere where you can upload a video and share a link and upload it and
share the link. So I've uploaded my video to Youtube and we're going
to go over here to share, so I can copy the link.
We will copy that. And I will bring
it over here and paste it into the project. I'm going to add the link into the project description
just in case. Then I'll add a little title. And when all of that is done, you're going to press Publish. Now I can see that my project is included here with
your class projects. There is no place to
click on the link that was added through
the link button, but I can copy and paste the link that you put
in the description. So if your project
doesn't have that, I haven't been able
to see your project. So please go in
there and edit it. And then copy and
paste a link so I can take a look at it and give you some feedback and
support your work again. Thank you so much for
taking the class.
3. Tools You Will Need: In this lesson,
we're going to go over the tools that you need for this course and to
get started with video editing on your phone. Of course, in the
world of video editing and in the world of just phones, there's a lot to choose from. But the most important
thing that you need for this course is a phone
that can take video. The video editing
concepts that we're going to learn in
this course will work on both iOS
and Android phones. It's on you to figure out
how to record on your phone because we will not be going
over that in this video. Now that we've got the
phone under control, we need to make sure there
is space on the phone to capture footage and to export the videos that
we're going to edit. All phones are different. You just need to
figure out how to make sure you have space
on your phone. Because the worst thing
is when you get to the point of capturing
footage or just exporting your final
video and then you can't because it's full, you got too much
stuff on your phone. So there's different
things that you can do. You could send things
to a Google Drive. You can find a way to export
things to your computer, lots of different ways to do it. But again, that's on
you to figure out how to do on your phone. The next tool that you will
need for this course is super important because
this is the app that I am going to be teaching
you how to edit on. It is cap cut is
made by ByteDance, which is the same company
that runs TikTok. They get like video
editing for short form and video editing for social
media. They get it. It's fun. It's a fun app and it's free. It's free for iOS, it's free for Android phones. So just go to your Play Store, go to your app store
and download it. That's, that's what
it looks like. That's what the icon looks like. You'll find it. That is all that you need in order to
participate in this course. But I do have some
optional tools that just good for video making. In general, a tripod or
something to hold your phone. It doesn't have to be fancy. You can prop your phone
up against things. It's not that big a deal also, a light is really helpful. You can find all sorts
of options for lights, or you can just
use natural light, which is my favorite.
It looks the best. So if you can use that, then then go with that. And depending on
what you are making, a microphone that you can plug into your phone is helpful, but again, not necessary
for this course that's more intermediate and
advanced level video making. So if you don't have it,
don't worry about it. Something to keep in
mind is that all phones, all operating systems, and all apps are a little
bit different. So there's going to be some differences depending
on what you're looking at. But you should be able to find something similar to
what we're talking about when we're talking
about different features or different functions within
the app and within the phone. And for your class project, you do not need to
have the tripod, the lights and
microphone, any of that, you just need the phone. You need space for video
footage on your phone, and you need the app cap cut because that's
what we're learning. And speaking of footage
in the next lesson, I'm going to talk
to you a little bit about capturing footage.
4. Capturing Footage: In this lesson, I'm going to go over some things that
you should think about when you are capturing
your footage in this course, it is not a videography course, so we're not going to
get into too much detail about capturing footage, but I want to give you
some things to keep in mind as you get started giving, giving the footage that
you need for your video. My number one
recommendation for video is to start with the end in mind. So you have an idea, you have something that
you want to create, go backwards from there. So you have this idea, what do you need to capture? What pieces of a
video do you need in order to execute that idea? This final concept doesn't
need to be super clear, but you do want to keep in mind idea when you are
capturing footage, it just makes things easier. Some people work really
well by pre-planning their footage and they will make a shot list and that can
be in your notes app. I do that all the
time where I'm like, I know I need to get a close-up, I need to get far away footage. I need to get talking footage, all sorts of different things
that I know I need to get. I will write them in
my notes app oral, write them on a piece of
paper and make sure I capture all of those things
that I need to capture. It's not necessarily something
that you have to do. Some people work better. Random footage that can just be collecting footage
throughout your day, throughout your week,
and then seeing what you can put together later. So the pre-planned footage is better if you have
a specific story or something you really
want to make sure gets executed in
your final video. But the random footage
is great for a vlog. You just know you're
going through your day. The more that you do videos, the more you're going to know what kind of footages that you need to get for the type of
video that you want to make. The last thing I
want you to keep in mind when capturing
your footage is, where is this going to end up? Are you trying to make
something for YouTube? Are you trying to make
something for YouTube shorts because that's even different. Is it for TikTok? Is it for Instagram? Is it for a Facebook ad? Is it for TV? Is it just to share with
your family and friends? Just keep in mind, where do
you want this to end up? So you can know how
to capture that when you're taking your video. Like I said, we're not going to go into too much detail as far as capturing
footage in this course. But there are a lot
of things that you can keep in mind on your phone. You want to figure
out how to get the best quality for the type of video
that you're making. So that doesn't necessarily
mean that you need to put your settings on the
highest, highest settings, but you do need to keep in mind what is the
best settings to get the best result that
you'll be happy with. And you'll have
space for organizing your video footage is
really important as well. So in your camera roll, depending on the type
of phone that you have, you may be able to group things into folders so you can keep all the footage for this video
idea together and please, please, please wipe your lens. You don't need
anything fancy for that and you can
just use a t-shirt. Maybe you've got a
microfiber cloth, but every time you film, I want you to wipe in that lens. For our class project,
we're going to be making a short form vertical
video with multiple clips. So you're going to need to
film in vertical and you also need to get multiple
clips for the project. So that may be footage
of you talking, it may be footage of
you walking around. It maybe footage of other
things in your world. You just gotta get a bunch of
different types of footage. And remember that every piece
of footage that you take, it doesn't need to be perfect. You just need a second or two. You just need little
blips of things and you don't have to utilize
everything that you fail. I have so much footage that has never seen the light of day, but I got it because you
gotta just get footage. The footage that you
need to capture for the class project is going to be one of two different themes. You can get footage
of something that you love or are proud
of, like your cats. Or you can get
footage of a process, something that you can show beginning to end
in multiple clips. In the next lesson, I'll
cover sizing and format for different social media platforms because there's so many different
things that you can do. And it's really
whatever it is that you want to make happen. You can do it, but I'll walk you through it so you can know what
we're looking at. Oh, I'm so excited for you.
5. Understanding Aspect Ratios: In this lesson, we're
going to go over some sizing and formats for social media because you all know there's so
many things that we can do. There's so many options. But I'm going to break
it down for you. The first one we're
going to go over is what you are seeing in
this video right now. And that is landscape
16 by nine. So that is widescreen. There's different
formats for widescreen, but for the purposes
of what we're going to get into 16 by nine, landscape is the
landscape video you are going to get if you were
to film from your phone. Most things that are on
their standard settings, landscape video is good
for a lot of things. You'll see it on YouTube, you'll see it in
a lot of courses, and you will see it on TV. The next one that we're going
to talk about is square, which is one by one, which is not one that
we're going to see too much more of anymore. It seems like Instagram
is kinda phased that out. That was the regular
square block of video that we were having
to work with for so long. I believe Facebook
ads still uses that, but you can still post the
square videos on Instagram. But it's not something that
I see too much any more. But if you need it, This is the size and
the one we're going to work on with this course. And our class project is a
vertical video, nine by 16. This is what a lot
of us are seeing lately when we are
consuming content, because we're consuming
content on our phones, it works really well because it takes up the entire screen of the phone and you don't have to hold the
phone with two hands. That's my theory, at least I've been really passionate and excited about vertical
video for a long time, especially short
form vertical video. And just over the moon
that all of the platforms are embracing this like everything from YouTube
shorts and of course, TikTok, Instagram Reels, Pinterest, short-form
vertical video. Here, we're doing it and you're going to know
how to do it as well. Another thing to
keep in mind with the social media platforms
is the video length. Now with friends and family, the length is up to you. That's your choice. But if it is for the
social media platforms, it really depends on what
you are trying to get done. They all have different things. I could list out
some numbers now, but by the time I post this,
it might be different. Just make sure you take a
look at the video links for various platforms
depending on where it is that you like to post.
6. Knowing Your Way Around : In this lesson, you're going
to learn your way around cap cut and a lot of the
things that I'm going to show you in this lesson, you're going to find them in
other video editors as well. So keep that in mind when you go and try other programs later. It's important to know
your way around before you edit because
that can help you figure out what you need
to shoot because you'll know what you can do once
you get into the editor. So it is helpful to
know your way around a little bit before
you get into editing. Something to keep in
mind is that these apps always are changing and they're
always updating things. So depending on when
you're watching this, something might have
changed in name. It, we've moved to a
different place in the app. So keep that in
mind. If your app doesn't look exactly
like mine is, because these things are
always being updated. If there's something
that you can't find, let me know and if I found it, I'll be more than happy
to tell you where it's at when you
first open your app, it might look a
little bit different because you're not going to have any projects already in motion. So down here, when you're
working on your projects, which are the video
files that you are putting together
to a final video. These are your projects and you don't have to finish
them all at once. You can save them and
come back to them later. So here's all my
projects that I'm in the middle of or I've
already exported, but maybe I want to work
on a little bit later. I want to keep them
for reference. But when you're ready
to start a new project, you can tap on New Project. That's going to bring
you to an import page where you can pull in a video. And this is the editing window. Once you're in here, there is a lot to look at and
a lot to play with. But the most important
thing for you to learn right now is the timeline. And this here where your video
file is, is the timeline. And that's where we're
going to be working with multiple pieces of footage and manipulating the footage to get our final video
with your timeline, you can use two fingers to
either zoom in or zoom out so you can get a little bit more detailed as to where
you are editing. So if you want to see
a specific frame, depending on what
you're trying to edit, you can zoom in and get
really, really close. Or if you want to see
the project as a whole, you can zoom out and you can
see that there at the bottom you're going to see a menu of different things
that you can do. Now, tapping on one is going
to bring you to a sub-menu. So if we tap on Edit, It's going to bring us to
all these other options to do edits on. You also get another menu if you tap on the video
in the timeline, that will bring you to
the Edit menu as well. And then if you
need to back out, there's a little arrow,
you can back out. And now you're in the main menu. This menu for audio
text stickers, overlay tons of stuff
in here that you should definitely play with
a lot of it we're going to go over in this class, but feel free to go in here and just click on things
and see what they do. It's cool. I'm giving you permission. You've got a play button here. So if you want to
play back your video, you can play that and
you can pause it. And if you need to see
your video in full screen, there's a full-screen
button there so you can review your work. I actually used that a lot so
you can see what your video looks like on the
phone in its entirety. Once you start
making some actions, you start making some edits. You'll see this little arrow
will give you an option. This is undo and redo. If you did something
on accident or you did something you've decided
it's not exactly right, you can undo it and then
fix it. No big deal. Up at the top you can see
that there is a place to choose the size of your video. I like to keep it as close
to whatever I shot it in. So depending on what
you shot the video in, you should try to match it up. If you're not sure
what any of this is, just leave it as it is. I like to do 1080 at
30 or 1080 at 24, depending on what I want
the video to look like. This button here
will bring you to export and that's going to take your finished project
and then send it to your camera roll. If you're in this project and
you want to go back out to the main menu and maybe work on a different project
or start something new. You can press the
X in the corner, and that's going to bring
you two, the main menu, on the main menu
in the top corner, there's a little
gear you tap on that it's going to bring
you to your Settings. And there's a few
different things that I suggest you change
while you're in here. The first thing I
want you to change is add default ending. I want you to make sure that
that is off because it adds a little cap cut graphic at the end of your
video that you don't necessarily need
unless you want that. You can have that on
there, but I always have it off by default. Otherwise you're going
to have to remember to get rid of that every time. You've got a lot of options
for language in here. So if English isn't your first language or maybe you're trying to learn
another language. You can put it to a different
language and I'll help you out in your project list. If there are projects here that you know you're done with, you can delete them
by pressing Edit. And then you'll be
able to select it and then press the trash
can at the bottom. And then you will
delete those projects and they won't be taking
up space on your phone. Another option you
have is shortcut, which is going to basically
edit a video for you. I never choose it because it just kinda does
whatever it wants to. And what we're learning
in this class, how you can edit a video the
way you want to edit it. Don't worry about that. Play
with it if you want to, but we're not learning
about that in this class. Now you know your way around cap cut and you'll be able to find a lot of these things
in other editors to, for your class project, you're getting footage
of something that you love or a process. And we're going to be
bringing all of those into cap cut to edit. So keep that in mind when
you are working on this, you can get all of those clips. You might already have clips of that in your phone
already to work with, but go out and make sure there's multiple clips that
we can work with. And speaking of clips,
in the next lesson, you will learn how to
import that footage into cap cut. Let's do it.
7. Importing Footage: In this lesson, you're
going to learn how to import and add footage to your project because
you can't work on the project if you don't have
any videos here in cap cut, we're going to
press New Project. And then you're going to choose
the videos that you want to use for your video. From here you can select different folders in
your camera roll. You can also choose
from some stock videos. You can also choose
from live photos and regular photos if you
want to bring those in, if you want to trim
just a part of a video, you say you have a
20-minute video, but there's this 30-second
clip that you know you want. You can just choose
that section by tapping on the video.
It will open it up. In the bottom corner, you're going to see trim. And then you can just select the section that
you want to choose. It will bring it in. You don't have to
worry about being exact with this because you can trim it down some more
once it's in your project. But if you don't
want to do that, you can just select the video. It's going to bring
the entire clip and you can pick one clip or
you can pick multiple. Now that your footage
is in the timeline, you can use your two fingers
to zoom out and then you can see all the different clips that you have brought in here. Now, if you want to get
rid of one of them, if there was one that
you accidentally brought in, you can select it. And then at the bottom
you're going to see Delete. You can delete it and now it
is no longer in the project. But if you need to
add something else, you can press this
plus sign at the end. It's going to open
your camera roll again and then you can bring the videos that
you need back in. The videos that you
brought in can be manipulated so you can grab them and you can move it around. You can change the order. And then you can also highlight the clip
that you want and then drag ends to trim it down. A thing that I prefer to do instead of
trimming them down, which I think this is a
little bit more precise, is to get to the exact moment that you want to
clip from and then highlight the video and press split and then delete
everything else before that, because sometimes when
you're using your fingers, it's hard to get precise. And that I find is a
little bit easier to get. The cut that you want. If you tap on these little boxes that are between your clips, That's going to bring you to some transitions so you
can mess with those. We're not going to go
over that in this class, but a lot for you to play with. Now you know how to import
and bring video clips into your project and move them around and do
a little bit with them. I want you to keep
in mind that you can work on things as you go. So if you've worked
on a video and you have gotten all your video clips in there and your
something's missing, you can go and get
that footage and then add it into the project. Or if there's something
that you're like, this isn't quite right, you're not quite sure what
to do with it. You can leave it, go work on something else, and come back to
that project later. For your class project, you want to make sure you're
adding multiple clips of either something that you love or the process that you're
going to be sharing with us. In the next lesson, you will learn how to resize
and change the format of the video in case it's not
the way you want it to be.
8. Resizing and Rotating Footage: In this lesson, you're going
to learn how to resize and rotate your videos
if you need to. This is important because
you might have captured footage and it was landscape, but you need it to be vertical or it's vertical
and you need it to be landscape depending on
where you need it to end up. You can work with the
videos and there's a lot of different
things that you can do. So it's good to know
how to do this. Something to keep
in mind is that if you have footage that you love, but it doesn't fit the format of the social media
platform you're going to post it on or wherever this
video is going to end up, you can still work with it. You just got to
think a little bit creatively about how you're
going to present it. You can do frames,
you can do graphics. There's a lot of things
that you can do. So don t think because it's not the right format for
wherever you want it to go with that footages useless because it's not
it's totally useful. You can do stuff with it. For sure. I have here a
landscape video clip, but I want to make it vertical. So what we're going to do
is with nothing selected, we're going to
scroll to the end. And we're gonna go
to Format here. In format, you can see
that you can do fit, which is going to
default to whatever the size of the video clip is, nine by 16, which is
vertical video 16 by nine, which is what it already is, one-by-one, which is a square. And then there's
some other options for you to play with as well. So if we want to
make it vertical, we want to do nine by 16. Now it looks like it just
shrunk it down a little bit, but I'm going to change
the background so you can see what has happened here. So if you go to Canvas
and you go to color, we're going to change
the background to a different color. Let's just make it red for now. This entire thing,
my little video plus the red is the
video that will export. So I don't want
all of that space. We can work with it
a little bit more. What I'm gonna do is tap on the video footage and
using my two fingers, I can resize it. I can zoom in to
whatever size I want. So if I want to fill it all
the way, I can do that. If I want to bring it
down just a little bit because I don't want my face all zoomed in like
that. I can do it this way. Then you can put graphics
on the top of the bottom. You can also put like an animation in the
back if you wanted to, or even another video and
all of that you can change within this canvas menu. You go to Canvas, you
can go to background, and then you can
upload something from your camera roll or you can choose from their options. You can also do blur, which is just going to
duplicate the footage that you have and put
it in the background. So it has little effect
that looks like this. We're gonna go back
to that for, for now. Another thing we can do
is rotate the video. So again with our two fingers,
we're going to grab on. We can move it around. We can make it bigger or
smaller and we can rotate it. Now if you just want
to reposition it, one finger will do. And you can see these little
blue lines kinda pop up. Those are telling
you that the video is centered at the top. You have a little
graphic that comes up that tells you the degrees. So if you want to make sure it's completely straight
equal to 0 degrees. Now, it's not cricket. Now what if I have
a vertical video that I want to make landscape? It works the same way. We're going to scroll
over to format. We're gonna go to 16 by nine. I'm going to change
my Canvas so you can see what's going on here. And now we can select
the video and re-size it just like we
could with vertical. What if you don't want this
extra space over here? You can actually add
another video in here, and that's going
to be an overlay. So that's if you want to have multiple videos playing
at the same time, whether they're stacked
on top of each other, which is a little bit more
of an advanced technique. We're just going to stack
two side-by-side here. We're going to click on overlay. It's going to open
up my camera roll, and then we're going
to pick another video to add in here. Now you can see that the
project has two videos in the timeline that are stacked
on top of each other. So again, we can take this one, we can move it around. We can put her over here. And then luck. You can do that same thing with
vertical format as well. For the class project, your video needs to be vertical. But now you know that it doesn't matter if your
footage doesn't work or not. You can make it
fit. You can do it.
9. Editing the Image: Another useful menu will
be the adjust menu. So with nothing selected, you're going to scroll all
the way to the end to adjust. And here you can change your brightness
contrast saturation. There's a bunch of different
things you can do to change the color and
the look of the image. Say your footage is a
little bit dark, you can, you can mess with
it and maybe find something that you feel
really good about. Nephew went too far,
you went too hard. You can press reset and
then it will reset. The image. Not going that route
is going to give you this thing called an
adjustment layer, which is a layer that is on top of your other video that
has the adjustments on it. So I like doing that because you can easily delete
that if you don't want it or if you need to put that same change
over multiple clips, but if you know there's
like a specific clip, you can tap on it,
scroll over to adjust, do the same thing here, make it brighter,
change the contrast, and all of these different
adjustments here. And you can even apply
it to everything. If you know, all of
the clips need to make that same adjustment. You can zoom in and you can see here there's the little symbol. There's a little
symbol here that says that it's been adjusted. So if I would want
to unadjust it, go to Filter, go to
adjust and press reset, and then it'll take it off. I can also do use
the back button if I want to get
rid of all of that. In the next lesson,
you're going to learn what to do with the
audio that came with that video
when you imported it because maybe you want to
use it and maybe you don't. But I'm going to show you
what you can do with it.
10. Muting Audio : In this lesson, you're going
to learn what to do with the audio that comes in with the video
that you brought in. So that's the audio that was recorded when you
recorded the video. It's important to know what you wanna do with this because maybe you want to use that
audio or maybe you don't. It makes a difference. This is a clip of me talking. So there's audio that came
in with this video clip, but say, I don't want
to use that talking, I just want that footage. Here. At the beginning
of the timeline, you'll see a button that
says Mute clip audio. So if you click on that,
it's going to turn the audio off for that whole timeline. You can turn it on
and you turn it off. If you turn it on,
then you'll hear it. If you have it muted, than you will not
hear the audio from any video in that timeline. Now say you like, you want
to keep the talking here, but you don't want
the talking here, then you can select
that clip specifically. And on the bottom
you'll see there's a volume button and
then you can turn the volume all the way
down for that clip. Keep in mind when you
are creating that. You can have some video
clips with audio. You can have some
clips without audio, even if you're not talking. So sometimes when I'm
doing an unboxing, I like to keep in the sounds where the box is opening
or something's getting unzipped or something's
getting placed down because it gives it
a little bit of energy, but I also sometimes shoot it and have no audio on it at all. So I can just put music on
it and not worry about it. You can do a combo. You can have your
sounds playing, you can have the music playing. You can put them together. You can change the level so
they work well together. There's a lot that you can do, but at least now you know how you can turn
the audio on and off depending on what you are creating for
the class project, I want you to mute at least
some of your clips so you can do a voice-over later
because that's going to be important in what we're
learning in this class. In the next lesson, you
will learn about adding music and extracted audio, which is one of my
favorite tools.
11. Adding Music and Using Extracted Audio: In this lesson, you will
learn how to add music to your videos and you will
learn about extracted audio, which is going to let you
do all sorts of things. Adding music is important
because it can change the energy and the vibe of
the video that you're making. So if it's a sad story, if it's an energetic story like your music can
change everything. And extracted audio is a
tool that I use to get different sounds off of videos
anywhere on the Internet, like off of social media. So if I want to edit a video to a trending sound
from social media, most of the time I'm
using extracted audio. This project has a
clip of my cats and I don't want to use the audio
that came with the camera. I'm going to add other
audio on top of it. So I'm going to first
mute the clip audio. So now there's no sound
on this video at all. Underneath the video, there's a button that says Add audio, also in the menu on the
bottom, you can see audio. Those will go to the same place. If you want to add a song, you can go to sounds and it's gonna give you
some options here, cap cut has its own menu of music that you
can choose to use. If you log into your TikTok
account through cap cut, it's going to bring in your favorited sounds in the TikTok app and
you go to the folder, it's going to show you audio that you've
previously extracted. So I've used extracted
audio a lot. This is where they land
after you've extracted them. But we're going to bring in a song just from
the cap cut menu. So we're gonna go to vlog. You can preview some songs, but we're just going
to pick something. You're not gonna hear it because
I just don't want to get into any usage issues, which is something you
definitely need to keep in mind when you are using music, is what you are and are not allowed to use on
different platforms, which changes all the time. So make sure you
double-check yourself. But you can see here
this is the sound wave and this is the music
that has been brought in. Now the music, you
can adjust it the same way you can with
the video clips. You can split it, you
can delete parts of it, you can extend it, you can shorten it. And then you can also
put multiple little bits audio in there as well. With the audio selected, you can see you can change
the volume, the fade. You can do a couple of
different things here. Match cut is a fun
thing to play with, but that's a little
bit more advanced, so we're not gonna go
over that in this class. Now, the thing that
you may want to know about the most
is extracted audio. If you are trying to make
videos for social media, I've got my video
clip of the cats. It's muted in my camera roll. I have a video from
social media that I saved that has the audio
that I want to use. So you can do this a
couple of different ways. You can screen record the video or you can download the video, but we don't need the
actual video part. We just need a video clip
with the audio that we want. We go to extracted and then
we can select what we want. So this is a social media clip that's got a trending
sound on it. I just want to use the audio. So we're going to press
Add and it only brought in the audio for that video. So I don't have the video, just the trending
audio and then I can cut my video how I want to excellent when pulling audio from the Internet,
from other sources, do be aware of what you're allowed to
use and what you're not allowed to use on the
social media platforms as of the time of
making this video, if it's on the social
media platforms, it's pretty safe to use in the same way as
long as you're not monetizing it or
you're using and some commercial sets that you're
getting paid for it. There's a lot of different
rules about that. That's not what this
class is about, but do make sure
you cover yourself before you get in trouble and use stuff that you're
not allowed to use. If you are someone
that really wants to participate in the
trends on social media, extracted audio is the tool that will help you
create your content with the trending audio without
having to make the videos in the social media
apps. It's my favorite. You can download the videos. I screen record videos often in order to
pull the audio out. Because when you
pull the audio out, if for some reason
it's too long, you can trim it down
to just the part that you need is really great. You can even use it to put
together multiple sounds, which I do sometimes as well. So I've got one clip from one trend and a clip
from another trend, and I want to stack
them together. You can do that using
extracted audio as well, because you can
extract multiple clips into the same project
for your class project, if you want to add
some music, you can, if you want to add a
trending sound, you can, but do know that we are going
to add some voice-over, which is what you're
going to learn how to do in the next lesson.
13. Adding Text and Subtitles: In this lesson, you
will learn how to add text to your videos. So if you want texts
bubbles to pop up depending on what you're trying to
showcase in your video, you're going to be
able to do that. And you're also going
to be able to add subtitles so people can
know what you're saying, whether or not they can hear the audio texts and subtitles
are important because they do help to tell your story and make sure
the viewer understands what you're trying to convey in your video as
often as possible. I tried to have
texts, subtitles, or both in my videos to
make sure that the message that I'm trying to showcase
in the video comes across. It also keeps it a little more visually interesting
here in my project, I have the audio
muted in the clip. So I'm going to record a
little bit of a voice-over. These cats are so cute. This is gizmo and Scylla, and I just want to
cuddle them all day. They are so cozy and
they're the best. I love these cats. We finished that voiceover and now we're going to add
subtitles with them. So with nothing selected, you're going to click on Text. Here. You're going to
push auto captions. You can do the original sounds. So if it's a talking video
where you're talking, it can caption the sound
that came with the video. It can caption the voiceover
or you can do both. We're going to
select a voiceover. It's going to take a second for it to generate the captions, but it is pretty good. It works a lot
faster and you can see that they popped up here, but they're a little bit light, so I like to go in here and make them a little
bit more bold. So we can select them on the image or you
can select them in the timeline and the corner you're going to see
some little buttons. The x is going to delete it, the little squares is
going to duplicate it. The little arrow
circle is going to rotate it and the little
pencils so you can edit it. So we're going to edit. You can edit the words
that are in there. If you need to correct the spelling or
something like that, you can do that here, but I also like to change the style. I tend to go with
yellow for most of my captions just because I
like the way that it looks, but you can do other
things to make it stand out so you can put
a background around it and that will
help it stand out. And then if we want
to relocate it so it's a little bit higher, you can put it at the top, you can put it at the bottom. You can also do
some effects to it. You can make them bubble are, and you can do some animation. You can even change the font so There's a different
font that you love to use. You can add that in here. Now if you want to, you
can also make them bigger. Just know that it's
not going to stack. You're going to have to go into the textbox and
stack it manually. If you want to do that, when you edit the look
of one of the captions, it is going to change all of them from that
session of captions. So if you're wanting to
change things individually, you're going to have to
recaption that section. In addition to captioning
the voice-over, you can just add other texts like text bubbles and
things like that. So with nothing selected
again, you'll go to Text, and then you can go to add text and you can type
in what you want. And again, you can
change the style, effects and a bunch
of different things. So this one defaulted to
the one that I used last, but you can change it
and then you can also resize it and rotate
it as feels good. Now here in your timeline, you can see that
it is underneath the image and you can shorten
it or make it longer. You can also split it. So say I want the
words to change in the middle and I want it
to look exactly the same. I can tap on that. I can split it. And on the second one, I can go to the pencil up here. I can edit and change that word. Now they're the same style and then they are in the same spot. So as I go along, it's going to change. If I need to move
that one over here, I can change that
the lot that you can do depending on how you
want to tell your story. So definitely play
around with it because there's a lot
of options for adding text and making it something
special to your video. Keep in mind when you are doing your subtitle
that you might have to go back and
double-check to make sure everything
is spelled correctly. Everything is capitalize
where it needs to be and things like that
because it is imperfect, but it does a really good job of getting a lot of
the work done for you and you don't have
to add everything in manually for the class project. I want you to add subtitles and at least one text bubble
aside from the subtitles. Just so you get experienced
doing both of those things. You may not need to do both of those things in a lot of videos. But for our project, I
want you to find a way to incorporate both
of those things. In the next lesson, I'm
going to demonstrate some edits so you can
see the whole process.
14. Editing Demonstration: Compilation Video: In this lesson, I'm going to demonstrate editing
a compilation video. So that can be a vlog
or it can be a grouping of different types of
videos that you want to put into one story. We're going to start a new
project and I'm going to bring in multiple clips. So it's a compilation
of video clips. So we need multiple video clips. Just take a few cat ones here. And in a video clip, if I need to trim
down specifically, I can tap on the video and
I can go to trim and just get the portion of the video that I want to keep
when I'm ready, I can add those clips. The next thing I wanna do
is zoom out so I can make sure they are in order
that I want them to be in. I want to split this one because I maybe want
to use that there. Let's see. I just want for this, I just want the part
that gets zoomed in. So just to like that point, I'm going to delete
this one for this, I just want the part where she
turns so I can split that. I can delete the rest. I just want this
part here so I can split that and I can delete
that part, this clip. I do want to delete
part of this. So let's go like
they're split that. I'm going to delete this part. This is a longer clip,
so I need to find exactly what I want
to with this c. Let's start with this part because we can
always fine tune it later. We just want to get close. We just going to keep this
little bit right here. And then for this clip, It's not sized correctly, so we're going to resize it. So I'm gonna make sure I just trim it down to the
part that I want. You can do it in the
other order as well, but we'll make sure
it's highlighted. And then we're going to
use our two fingers to zoom in and see if there's
something we want here. Oh, it's so cute. I'm going to split that one. And then I do know
with this clip, I want to have a
little zoom in moment. So we've got here, she comes up and then she, she looks at the camera. So I want it to zoom in there. So I'm going to split. And I'm the one that
I want to zoom in. I'm going to select
that and zoom in. So it's not going to do
a slow zoom into it. It's just going to
jump cut to be closer. There's other ways that
you can do this as well, but that's a little
more advanced, so we're not going to
cover that in this class. So now this video is currently
52 seconds and I want to, I want to get it down
a little bit more. So let's see what
we can get rid of. This can be shorter. Let's get rid of
the rest of that. Just need a little second of that for these
compilation videos, I really like short
clips, alright, and if you need to backup, you deleted something
you didn't want to. You can press back. In, press forward. You can
also slide these things. I like to use split just
because I can get more precise, but you can also slide it
to the clips that you want. Alright, let's get rid
of this 131 seconds. I want it to be less than 30. So if I get rid of that clip because those were
both the same. Now we're at 24 seconds and I think we'll get
rid of this clip too. So now we're at 15 seconds. It's exactly 15 seconds. If I want to change
the order of things. So because these two
clips are the same, maybe I want to move this
one to earlier in the video. So now we've got Zillow clip. I gotta give them a clip. Zillow and then gizmo, and then Scylla and then gizmo. Now, once it's edited, I'll work on the audio. So I want to mute
the clip audio here, and I would want to add some
music so I can go to audio, you can go to sounds, and then I can find
something that is cute. So let's go with something in the fresh area and then we'll just we'll just pick something and this one's fine. Then you will listen
to it and then adjust it how you want. Then when you're
ready, you press Export and then it will
go to your camera roll. In the next lesson,
I will demonstrate an edit of a process video.
15. Editing Demonstration: Process Video: In this lesson, I will demonstrate editing
a process video. So I'll process can be
an unboxing or you could be taking us through a tutorial, something that has a
beginning and an end. We're going to start
a new project here. We're gonna show the process
of cracking open this egg. So we're going to show the egg. The egg is already been foiled. We just want like just
the part where we snap it or we hit it on
the bowl, show it. Crack it. I mean, I want to
back up just a little bit. Bam, split that. And then we'll start to peel it. And then this, because I
want to show all of this, I'm actually going
to speed that up. This clip. We're
going to select that. I'm going to go
down here to speed. And then we're going to go to, let's see if it's
currently 18 seconds and I want it to be
like two seconds. So we will move it
to right there. So let's see what we got. Egg, bam, peel. Cool. Yeah, We even, it
can be less than that. Now we want to go to
like binding it open. We want like little sign of
approval here at the end. Again, I like to use split just because I can get more precise. All right, this is
now 12 seconds, so we've got the egg, we crack it, open it, and then we show
the goods or years. Then I actually want to make
this a little bit faster, but just before it bursts. So I'm going to
split that because I want this to be in
real-time at this one, I want it to be a
little bit faster. Let's make it like to x. Let's see. Now we have a 10-second video. And look at that. Nice. I can take that video,
export it as is, and add music in the
social media platforms. Or I can add music while
I'm still in CAPTA. In the next lesson, we
will talk about exporting.
16. Exporting your video: In this lesson, you will learn
how to export your video, which is important because
you need to be able to get the video out of cap cuts so you can put it
wherever you want to put it, post it on social media. You can send it to your mom, whatever it is that
you're going to do, you need to export it
in order to do that. Here in CapCom, I've got my video the way that
I want it to be. And then I'm going
to go to Export. Up here in the top corner, you've got a little arrow
and align, that is export. I'm going to tap on that
and then it's going to send it directly to your camera roll. So from here, you can send
this video directly to TikTok, to Instagram, to Facebook, WhatsApp, and some other things. But I'd like to leave
it from there and then go into my camera roll. And then you can see
that the video has shown up in there. So now when I go to wherever the social
media platforms are, I can upload them
the way that I would upload any other video
clip exporting can sometimes be the most
difficult part because you feel like there's so
much more editing that you can do that the
video is not perfect, but I do want you to remember
and keep this in mind. That done is better than perfect because the
more that you edit, the better you're going to get. So export the video, you can always go back and do some more edits if you need to. But done is better than perfect because there's
always more you can do. Just export it,
get it out there, create it, release it, and then you can
make more videos.
17. Final Thoughts: Like with most things, video editing gets easier. The more you do it, the
more that you do it, the more you're
going to understand the tools that are
in the editing apps, which can help inform
how you're shooting your video to begin with and how you're coming up with
ideas to begin with. Because you know how to edit. There's so much that you can
do in telling your story. You can free yourself from the tools that are in
the social media apps. And you can just make the
video you want to make. But do know that the
buttons do move depending on the program or the aperture using something might be
called something else. But all of these things are the basic concepts
video editing. So no matter what
program you go to, you should be able to find
some version of these things, but press buttons,
there's so much in here. Press things, break
things like you have the original footage
so you're not going to mess up the footage. If you just mess
with it in cap cut, you do your edit as long as you don't delete the original, you can mess with that
footage in cap cut. It's not gonna do anything
to the original file, but try things, try
different things. Try putting footage
forwards, footage backwards. Try putting things
in weird order. Try recreating scenes from
TV shows that you like. There's a lot that you can do, but you won't know
until you try it. But once you're editing, do get to a point where
you can export it and feel good about it because
done is better than perfect. I like to say It's good enough. I don't need it to be perfect. I just needed to be
good enough because I'm going to keep
making more videos. So it gets to the point where
it said, it's good enough, export it, and then move
on to your next video. Thank you so much
for joining me for this introductory class
to editing on your phone. If you want to learn
more, let me know. Feel free to connect with me. If you have questions you
can totally reach out. I am more than
happy to help you. And if there's something more intermediate
or advanced that you would like to learn with
video editing on your phone. Let me know because
then maybe we'll make a part to sequel. I can't wait to see your
class projects and how you grow as a video editor.
See you next time.