Capcut Basics: Filming and Editing Video Content on Your Phone | Fynn Badgley | Skillshare

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Capcut Basics: Filming and Editing Video Content on Your Phone

teacher avatar Fynn Badgley, Fashion & Portrait Photographer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Project Overview


    • 3.

      Defining Content Pillars


    • 4.

      Planning a Hook


    • 5.

      Filming and Editing: Talking Head


    • 6.

      Filming and Editing: Voiceovers


    • 7.

      Filming and Editing: Trends


    • 8.

      Final thoughts


    • 9.

      Bonus Lesson Capcut Templates


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About This Class

Filming and Editing High Quality Content on Your Phone just got easier with CapCut

This is the class that has taken what I have learned over years of content creation and turning into an efficient way to create and edit short-form content within CapCut. 

This class is for anyone looking for a better way to edit their videos on their phone. Not only will you receive a tutorial of how to navigate and edit within CapCut, you will also learn how to create the most effective forms of content to grow your following today! 

You can come to this class not having ever made a piece of content before and by the end of the lessons, you will be able to make engaging content that grabs your audience's attention and converts. This class takes both content creation strategy and traditional video editing techniques and combines them by using the CapCut app to take your videos to the next level, all from the convenience of your phone - NO COMPUTER NECESSARY 

By the end of this class you will gain: 

  • The understanding of the CapCut interface
  • Knowledge of how to edit videos within CapCut
  • The ability to film multiple forms of content right from your phone
  • The secrets of what types of videos perform best and how to make them 
  • Video editing fundamentals that transfer to any editing application

The information covered in these lessons took me years of trial, error, and research to uncover, but you will have an accelerated path through all of it with this class. With the free CapCut app you can edit any type of video, but you will have the knowledge of how to quickly film, edit, export, and post videos right from your phone. 

This class would have saved me years of experimentation and that's why I'm passing off everything I've learned to you! So if you're ready to take your content to the next level, or even just get started filming and editing on your phone, then this is the class for you. Even if you don't want to make content yourself, and just edit for another creator, this class has everything you need to do just that. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Fynn Badgley

Fashion & Portrait Photographer

Top Teacher

Hello, my name is Fynn Badgley. I am a Toronto-based Commercial Fashion & Portrait photographer, as well as a content creator. My work has a large emphasis on how light is used, as well as creating a feeling from the viewer. People have always been and continue to be a large inspiration in my work, and a driving force behind the images I create and stories I tell. Through working as a photographer in various genres over the years, working on high-budget Hollywood film sets, and creating short and long-form content for various platforms, I am excited to share what I have learned with you so that we can all become a stronger community of creators, together.

Feel free to check out my instagram and Tiktok to keep up to date on my happenings, or my youtube if you want to lea... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro : In today's day and age, short-form content is more important than ever. But knowing how to effectively shoot and edit that content is even more important. Hello and welcome. My name is fynn Badgley. I'm a content creator and photographer located in Toronto, Canada, and welcome to this walkthrough of how to shoot and edit your short-form content using CapCut. Capcut has become my go-to editing application. For my phone, I edit just about all of my TikToks, all of my reals, all of my YouTube shorts in this one app. And I'm going to show you how to get the most out of it. If you're not experienced with this app at all, that is fine. If you're not even experienced creating short-form content. That is great because you have come to the right place and not only going to walk you through the CapCut app to get the most out of your content. But I'm also going to walk you through my content process and some best practices to make your short-form vertical video content as effective as possible. Because short-form content has been around long enough that there are different ways to utilize this and social media to reach a wider audience. Whether you're doing this for Fun, for business, to build a personal brand, you've come to the right place. In this class, we're going to walk through the three main and most effective types of Short Form Content and how to shoot and edit them. So that way you get the most eyeballs on your content. And ideally have these convert if you're using this for a business purpose. And by the end of this class, you will have the tools and the confidence to make your own first Piece of Short Form Content if you've never created any before. So if that sounds fair enough, Let's jump right in. 2. Project Overview: Thanks for being here. Starting off something you should know is there are going to be three types of Short Form content that we're looking at. And the project element of this class is going to have you take your own spin on one of the three, whichever one you feel most Called to create one of those, post it to your platform of choice YouTube shorts, TikTok, instagram, Rios, and then add a link to that in the projects down below. And I'll also chime in to give you some feedback, as well as we're getting settled here, I want to give you a quick run-through of the CapCut app so you know what we're looking at before we get into the nitty-gritty, we have CapCut installed here. You can connect this with your TikTok, but you don't have to. So you can hit New Project and then you can import any videos that you have. I have this one here that I'm just going to add quickly. You go through your camera roll and you can edit this all on your phone. And it offers some great functionality. You can choose a cover for your video. And you can not only edit vertical video, but you can also edit horizontal video. You can even turn a vertical Video horizontal by using some of these templates that they have here, you can go through and hit the different ones. So if I wanted this to be 16 by nine for YouTube, I can do that. And then all I have to do is tap on the video itself and then pinch outward to scale that up. Now that's not going to look good for this, so we'll just disregard that. But then you have texts so you can add some texts in here. That looks weird. So I'm just going to undo that little undo button at the top there. You can auto caption this. If you have words in your video and you have a bunch of effects, I don't really use too many of these, but they can be interesting, especially if you're using a CapCut template, which is something that we will get into later on. You also have different filters that you can put on. These are your standard, almost like a preset with a bunch of adjustments that you can throw on Your video. I don't really like playing around with them too much. So you just hit the no filter icon there and you're fine. Then you can also adjust the video itself. You go over here to adjust E101. You can adjust a whole bunch for the different settings and essentially color grade your video right within CapCut you can see all the different settings they have there. You can mask, you can retouch, you can replace things, you can add motion blur. You can take the audio out of a clip and just use that audio track. You can noise reduce, you can add vocal effects. You could stabilize the video. You can do a whole bunch of things, and you can also do just a quick regular edit by hitting either the split. This is like the razor blade. If you're familiar with Premier Pro Da Vinci, Resolve any of these programs. And you can also just drag the little play head at the top here to shorten or lengthen that particular clip. If it doesn't work for you to drag it one of the two ways, it's probably because that is at its longest length. So if I undo that here and I come to the end and I tried to drag that out. It's not going because that's the beginning of the clip itself. So that's just a quick little rundown of the CapCut interface itself. And with that Edited way, Let's talk about the type of content that you want to create. 3. Defining Content Pillars: If you're familiar with the content creation space, you've probably heard the term Content Pillars. This essentially means the types of content that you make or your niche. You don't have to have one specific niche. These are just common topics that you've touched on. So for me I have a note in my phone, but if I want to keep it simple, I can go here, create a new note, call it Content Pillars. And then my overarching theme is, what am I? Okay, So I'm a photographer, I'm a model, I'm a content creator. And what can I bridge off of this? I can. Okay, so photographer and model look better in photos could be an option. A model we can do fashion and style advice. Another type of content I'll usually make is what I call taking a static photos. And then I just show a quick and easy way to take an aesthetic looking photo on your phone to then post on Instagram. And I use a little voice-over type thing so I can put aesthetic photos, I can do posing tips. I can do misconceptions about Photography, about being a model, about being a content creator. I can do different ways that I've built my content creation strategy. As a part of this, I can have a whole bunch of different branches that come off of these three main pillars or what I am, what I represent. Another piece is the content creators kind of built into this because I'm making content. So something else I can do is confidence or mindset and then create content around that, around my experience with that, because that's something that I'm passionate about. So think of the things that you're passionate about that you could talk for hours on end about. And then look at different trends. Look at types of content that are working for other people. And think how we can you adapt that to your own personal experience and how you can take that to ultimately give you more ideas for content. It's like a Venn diagram that then leads into more little circles that branch off with it. You have, it's like your family tree. The main idea starts here and then it branches down into a whole bunch of other ideas that then you can create pieces of content around something else that works really well when you do this is it doesn't just have to be one piece of content. What I found really does well is doing things in multiple parts. As an example, I can do, if I want to go off of look, looking better in photos, I could do five days to look better in photos and post one part of that each day so people will keep coming back and then they'll follow me to see that. Take a look at what you're passionate about. Take a look at what you like and create your content pillars around the that you can even start with one and build on it from there as you think about what types of content you want to create. And sometimes it's easy as you just put on a camera and start talking. And then the natural ideas that you'd like to talk about will come out. And then naturally your content pillars will form. Now it with your content pillars sorted, we want to get your audience's attention. So that's where we talk about Video hooks. 4. Planning a Hook: Video hook is an opening in the first three to 6 s that draw your viewers attention in basically you want to make it so they stop scrolling. Some people don't like using hooks. Some people do. Sometimes the hooks can feel a little contrived. So that's not what we want to do here, but basically, what you want to quickly do is tell what this video's about, why they should watch it and then immediately deliver on that. So an idea for this, in my case, I had the content pillar of how to look better in photos. So let's think of a couple of hooks to start a video off with. Here's a couple of examples. So starting off, we can have do this to look better in photos. Great. That's a great positive hook, but we can also use negative hooks that may actually pull people in more because often people are attracted to the negative. So I can do something like you're taking your photos wrong. Here's how to fix it. Another way is to actually bring it onto myself and say, I was taking my photos all wrong. And here's what I did to fix it. Simple. It's a quick little hook that draws the viewer's attention in and stops them from scrolling. Because they know this contents for them and it's not for them, then they're not a part of your audience. And that's fine. We want to identify our target audience and why they should be actually viewing this video. And ideally, you may want to even include a little bit of FOMO in there as to what they're going to be losing if they don't watch this video for this one and identifies a feeling of like your photos aren't good enough or you don't look as good in photos as you could. So I have the knowledge of how to fix that. So you watched the video and then you get that out of it. The one thing you want to be sure of two not clickbait people is to actually deliver on that particular hook. You want to actually give that information. So not only do people feel like they're satisfied, but also that's how you build trust and community within an audience. You can adapt these hooks to any niche as well. So you can take them, spin them for your particular niche or your content pillars, and then build your content off of that. Now that we've covered hooks, next up, we're going to get into actually shooting and editing your content 5. Filming and Editing: Talking Head: The first type of content we're talking about, and one of my most favorite to create. And I've actually had a couple of viral videos go off that are in this format are longer form Talking Head Style videos. This is where you're talking directly to the camera. They can be anywhere from 30 s to 3 min to longer, as TikTok has now actually implemented a ten-minute long feature, you can upload videos up to 10 min long now. And as I've been experimenting with types of content, I've noticed that videos over a minute long tend to do well. On TikTok, they get pushed out a little more because the platform is focusing on that. Now, if you want to repurpose these for Instagram Reels for YouTube shorts, what I tried to do is film them in a particular way that I can cut out certain pieces to shorten it to under a minute as well. Or I might break it up into multiple parts and post them over multiple shorts or reals. I'm using a trendy spin on it because a lot of people these days are using a spin on this where they'll open their notes, take a screenshot of that, and then use a green-screen filter to talk over it, Talking about the different ins and outs of their particular niche. So for me, I've come up with a couple of ones in photography that I can discuss, and then I'll just film it using a green-screen filter to point out the different ones. And you can actually do this all within CapCut itself. So I've taken a screenshot of this, and now I can open the CapCut app. And this gives a nice play on it because it allows the viewer to be engaged for longer. And then if you want to take that same content and put it on shorts or reals, you can cut it down, you can re-edit it. Or something I've even done is cut it into two parts. For Instagram, for YouTube, you have to one-minute parts from a two-minute video, giving you actually more content in the long run. To start filming this, I'll open up CapCut and then I'm not going to hit New Project. I'm actually going to hit the camera on CapCut. They don't quite have the ten minute version yet. Although CapCut and TikTok are tied in together, it should be getting that features soon. I would imagine. I can go over here to 3 min since I will probably talk longer than a minute just to get that added, watch time. And because TikTok is prioritizing these particular videos, so I will affects. And then I'll go over here to green screen. There's green-screen photo and green-screen video. This one here with the little arrow pointing down is photo. The arrow pointing up is videos. So I have to first download that effect. It might take a minute and then I can change the background from what I have on my phone. And now we can see that I have my notes screenshot pulled up. And then I will flip the camera around to have me in it. Now I can drag myself bigger. And that way I can start by having my head over each point and then bring it down as the video goes on. The way I like to work is I will usually run off the cuff. I won't use a script for my videos. Sometimes I'll make a couple of notes. But if you like to have a script, that is totally fine, the benefit of a video like this is you have the points on screen that you can reference with the note. But if you like having a script to talk off of or look over and then hit Record and talk to the camera. You can always have another screen off to the side right here. And then just filming your video and cut back and forth as you need to reference your notes or your script for the optimal learning experience. I'm not going to edit this at all because sometimes I'll fumble over my words and need to take the video a couple times. So I'm not going to edit that out. So you can see me fumble over my words. So that way if you do the same, you know that this is super common and it happens to the best of us. So there's no worries there. You just edit that out after the fact I have this set to multi clips because I'm going to film more than one time. I'll stop it, catch my breath. And then say another point. In 2023. This is what is N and what we're leaving in the dust. The first thing is candid film photos, taking a film camera around with you, capturing your life, capturing these great moments of the people that are closest to you. This is something that I've started doing and I suggest to everyone, because the photos give this timeless classic feel. Next is capturing genuine emotion and expression. This goes for any type of shoot, really trying to create a feeling with your photos versus things being super contrived or emotionless, trying to create a vibe as it were. Now what we're leaving behind, shooting wide-open everything F1 point to the background is super blurry. You can't see any detail, any context. It doesn't add anything to the story. It's just focused on the person. That's great, but I think it's become a little overdone, So we're leaving that behind. And lastly, holding the camera at eye level, get down, get High, shoot at different angles because it will actually create a different perspective. You're used to seeing everything at your eye level. So to have a better, more unique looking photo, take it from a perspective. You're not used to seeing all the time and you will have a better look. Now the last thing I'm going to do is create a call to action to tell the audience to do something. What are you, what, what Photography trend are you leaving behind? Let me know your thoughts down below. And simply that's a quick call to action to let the audience know to comment something down below. This gives more interaction. This gives more engagement which will ultimately boost your content. Then we can just hit the checkmark icon. And we can hit Edit, and then we can tighten this up if we need to. So that first clip, we got a good take out of that. But maybe when these two clips hit, there might be a little bit of space all tightened that up a bit. This is something that'll do with all my talking head videos. Usually there'll be small pauses between each clip and I'll just go through and cut those down so it just feels more seamless. So where do I stop talking here? You can see we got half a second of a pause there and I will just cut that out. Because when you're working with short-form content, you want it to be a little quicker, something that's longer form, you can allow it to breathe a little bit. But short-form content, it's a little faster paced. You, so you want to cut out a little bit more of those pauses. And you can see I take a breath and I go and then start talking here. So I'll cut that out. And that's about half a second again. Then I'll just watch it again to make sure it's good to drag back-and-forth. You just slide your thumb across the screen here and that will help you scrub through footage. Scrubbing is just when you go through it a quick pace, you're not watching the video, you're just getting to a different point. Sometimes CapCut will have the ad ending portion or sometimes this will just be added to the video. It's the CapCut logo. I don't like having this in there because for one, it increases the length of your video and that part people probably won't watch or they'll just swipe away at that point where previously they may watch your content. Again. They may re-watch that video which significantly up your watch time and makes it so the platform will push it out to more people. So we just click on that, hit delete, that gets rid of that and we're good. There is something I want to do here, which usually helps increase your watch time because it helps people get engaged. And we can go over here to text. And then I'm just going to hit auto captions and you see the captions people have on their videos. All these platforms now usually have auto captioning software where they can just automatically take the words you've said and create captions for them. So I'm just going to hit Start. And it will generate the captions. So you can then click on them and go style. You can change what you want the font to be. Can go over here to font. Now, you can go through and pick any font here you want. I'm going to keep it class. They can go with some Helvetica here, and then you can change the different type here. I'm gonna go with this simple black text on a white background. You can create different effects, animations, bubbles, but I'm going to keep it pretty simple here and hit Okay. And then you can see that it creates a captions and they auto refresh as you talk to whatever you're saying. Sometimes I'll go through and make sure they are saying the words that I'm saying because sometimes it will miss here what you say so you can go through and actually edit that. And then all I do is go over. You can hit Edit and then you can actually type here. But that's good. And then it's timed with how you're saying things. You can also cut it to make it shorter, but I'm fine with the length of the words per line here, so that's fine with me. Then I just come up here, hit the Share icon that will export the video directly to my camera roll. And I can either share it directly to TikTok, to Instagram, to YouTube from here, or I can just hit Done and then post it whenever I feel like it. As this finishes, I'm probably just going to hit Done and then I will post it later on. That's the Talking Head portion. It was a little fancier because we implemented the green-screen technique there. But that is also a way to up your watch time because you have something that the audience can look at as you're talking. It's not just you talking directly. They can read what you're talking about as you're talking about it. So it helps add another level there that will keep people watching for longer. Now you don't have to do this. A lot of my content is just me talking directly to the camera for a minute or so. And that works very well. So this is actually two of my most viral videos that I've made. We're done just directly talking to the camera for a minute or so. So it does definitely work and I can attest to that now with that said, let's go on to our next piece of content, which is when you have your clips are film. And then you do a voiceover on top of them. 6. Filming and Editing: Voiceovers: Another very popular type of short-form content that people will create myself included, is where they filmed a bunch of clips and do a voiceover on top of them. A style that uses a lot is a get ready with me a day in my life, a Come with me too. Different types of experience-based videos. Now, earlier on, I mentioned a type of content that I will make is taking a static photos and I use the voice-over format for these particular videos. How I will film them is I will take a screen recording on my iPhone. I swipe down from the top, hit the screen recording button and then I'll open my phone, have the grid on, and I'll show the process of me taking a photo. And then I will put a voiceover on top of that to then talk about what's happening in the particular video. So I already have my clips filmed, but how do I edit this? We open up cap cut and I'll hit New Project. Then I usually like to already know where my files are. Sometimes they're the most recent ones for this. I have them favorited already, so I'll go through here. I'm actually going to use three different times to do this because sometimes I'll do it for one photo, sometimes I'll do it for three. This particular one, I'm doing it for three. So you can see I have the screen recording here and what I'm going to do is first cut through all of this so you can see the process of how that goes. So first thing, open that up, split that click on the other one, delete that. Maybe I want this a little bit longer because I will be talking over it. So both three-point 9 s should do the photos. I'll leave till the very end. So I'm going to drag this off to the side there. I'll take the other photo here and drag that off to the side as well. So now I have my second screen recording. Cut it there where it begins. And I'll slide down to where I take the photo and cut that. They're delete the last half of it. I have my third screen recording which I'll open, split that, delete that but and go to where I take the photo and take off the tail of that. And then these, I'm just going to shorten a little bit, zoom in to bring them up to the full size of the screen. Just pinch and zoom there. And opening that closer. And the same here, I'll bring that closer as well. And you notice the little cap cut there, so I'll take that off to then within cap cut You will get audio voice-over and this you press and hold or you tap it and it will just recording the tap it to stop. I like pressing and holding it. That's just a personal preference. And usually there will be a couple of pauses between the beginning and ends of your voice-over because I like to record them in chunks. So I'm not just talking on one endless stream because you might fall over your words, you might fumble a little bit. And it's better to know what you're going to say for smaller pieces. I also recommend getting a little closer to your phone's microphone. It is on the bottom here. So I'm going to point that towards my mouth. If you have wired headphones with a mic, this is a good time to use those as well. I'm going to introduce the beginning of the video, so I'm going to make this a little longer. Here's how to take a static photos on a night out. Because static foot, you can notice sometimes there's a delay when you first hit record. So you've got to make sure to watch for that. Taking aesthetic photos on a night out. I can do better. Taking a static photos on a night out in 20 s. You can see referencing our earlier lesson. That first little bit that I recorded is my hook. Taking a static photos on a night out in under 20 s. I had to refine it a little bit because I kind of came up with this on the fly. But that's what's going to draw people's attention. Taking a static photos on a night out in 20 s. So that first bit of the video here isn't actually what I'm using for the photo, but I left it in there so I can have the voice-over piece zoom into 1.5 and wait till that hand comes right over those oysters. Put it in the upper. Talk too long. I need to cut it down more. Zoom into 1.5 and fill the frame, put the hand that comes over in the top third Then 20 s zoom into 1.5 and you can see there's a bit too long of a pause there, so I'll bring that closer. Taking a static photos on a night out in 20 s, zoom into 1.5 and in 20 s zoom into 1.5 and fill the frame, put the hand that comes over in the top third. For dessert, come over top of the plate, zoom into one point to top-down. Going to elongate that a little bit, so I have more time to talk. And on the front end here as well, for dessert, come over top, zoom into 1.2 and focus in the fur desert, come over top and zoom into 1.2 with a little bit off center. Then I'll slide this over here. Let's see how this sounds. Taking a static photos on a night out in 20 s, zoom into 1.5 and fill the frame, put the hand that comes over in the top third for dessert, come over top and zoom into 1.2 with a little bit off center. It's cocktail time. Come at a look. I always recommend knowing what you want to say before you actually hit record. So for here, I have the drink there, so I'm going to say something like for cocktail hour. Come with a look down slightly put the glass in the upper third of the frame. And we'll do something like that. Now for the cocktails, tilt down slightly, have that drink in your hand and put it in the top third of the frame. And these are your night at photos? I don't like that ending as much, so I'm going to refine that a bit off-center. Now for the cocktails tilt, I'm just going to bring that closer a little bit up and zoom into 1.2 with a little bit off-center. Now for the cocktails, tilt down slightly, have that drink in your hand and put it in the top third of the frame. And the frame and these. So here's what I say. And I'm looking at the audio waveform to see where I'm saying What I'm going to click on that, hit Split, get rid of that last little bit. Frame. Then I'll say, and that's how you capture a night out. Perfect. Now, I'll just bring that a little closer and then these are just tighten up a little bit because we have a little too much space where there's no talking here. Then I can go in as well and add a background song just to add a little bit more ambiance to this, as well as helping the TikTok algorithm, taking a static photos on a night out in 20 s, zoom into 1.5 and fill the frame, put the hand that comes over in the top third for dessert, come over top and zoom into 1.2 with a little bit off-center. Now for the cocktails, tilt down slightly, have that drink in your hand and put it in the top third of the frame. And that's how you capture a night out. Great, so that's a quick, easy Video made now I can hit sounds. If you have your TikTok linked, your saved sounds will show up already. So I can find one that's a little longer. I want to look at the duration here and made sure it will last the full length of the video that I'm doing. So I can also hit the little fire icon and that's going to be recommended or trending sounds. I like this particular one. I predict quite a bit on TikTok, so I will use that. What I'm going do, I'm going to drag it below all the voice-over. You just click hold and drag on that and that's how you get that working there. Make sure it's spans the entire video. Then I'll come here and cut it off. And then I'll also hit this hit volume and bring the volume down to about five. Barely hear on a night out in 20 s, zoom into one point. It's just faintly in the background and that's what we want. Now, naturally, I'm going to come here and add captions. So I'll hit text again, hit auto captions. You can also do this in TikTok. Sometimes I like to do it in cap cut because they have more functionality for it ended two built-in with TikTok and you're still going to allow for SEO functionality out of the captions from Kafka. So I can hit VoiceOver here or I can hit all are from video. I did a voice-over, so that's what I'm going to work with in case there's any audio that's in my actual video that it tries to pick up on. We don't want to confuse the captioning software there. So it will create the captions. And the captions itself actually will work as a hook written on the video that helps people not only hear what I'm talking about, but see it to help drive them in style. I want a nice font for this. Maybe I'll go with Vogue just because it is at night out vibe. But I want it to pop out a little more. Something not too crazy. I don't really like. Maybe I'll just go with the white on black here, taking a static photos on a night out in 20 s, zoom into 1.5 and fill the frame, put the hand that comes over in the top third for dessert, come over top and zoom into 1.2 with a little bit off-center. Now for the cocktails, tilt down slightly, have that drink in your hand and put it in the top third of the frame. And that's how you capture a night out. So you can see here, I'll cut that off just so it ends at the right moment. You can see based on where I put the captions to, I don't want them anywhere that's going to be distracting. If I were talking right now, I wouldn't want words going across my face because that would distract you from what's happening. I'm not covering over the information here at the bottom where you can see what I'm zooming into nor photo app, but I'm not covering over the subject itself. I'm not up here, I'm not down here. I'm right here where it's nice and it's not going to be too distracting, but it's also readable. Now we're getting this little tail coming off here. I just want to cut that so everything ends nicely right at the same point. And you can feel that things will magnetically connect to each other. And based on that, You'll know when clubs magnetically locked to each other because you'll feel a little vibration and that's your cue that they're right at the same line. So when you're trying to line everything up specifically for the end like this, it comes in handy. So now I'm just going to export that and that is our second video done. That is how you do a voice-over. Now, voiceovers are especially easy to do. If you like working off a script, you can put all your clips together. Then you can write a script of what you want to say. You can hold the phone up as you're reading your script. And then you can have a cohesive voiceover while working on a script. Now you can see based on how I did it, sometimes it takes a little longer because I don't do that. That's not how I like to create my content. So I'm just talking directly based on the video itself. And sometimes I'm coming up with what I'm saying as I'm saying it it's not a foolproof method. That's just how I like to do my content and what works for me. But you can do things how you want to, this is just how you would edit them, how you put it together. Now, that said, we're going to jump to a third and final type of video and that is trends 7. Filming and Editing: Trends: Our third and final type of content is super Short Form trend based content. This is a quick little video with some text over top of it that you can use for a bunch of different things. Usually I like to have the audio in mind first and then match a clip up with it. Sometimes I will film based on that particular audio, or sometimes I'll just match up to that seem to fit well together. And today That's exactly what we're gonna do. So I already have my clip film, my audio found. What I do for this is all just go through the TikTok app until I find a sound that I like on a video that's trending are doing well, or I think I could recreate Well, I'll hit Save on that and then we'll come back to it later. And then I'll create my own version of that particular video. Are that trend? There are different ways you can do this. You can also record directly on an audio, but this, we're going to do it so you can edit it within CapCut specifically. So we open up CapCut. Then we can go here. I have my favorites that I'm going to go through because I have my particular clips favorited. So I'm going to click that one. And maybe I want to add in a couple more here. So I'm going to go of recent and I'm going to go until I find the ones that I'm looking for. Okay, I think that's pretty good. We can add all nine of these clips. Now this is going to be way longer than the audio itself, but that's fine. Now the first one I imported you can see is a horizontal clip here, but I want to change this. So I'm going to go to ratio and hit nine by 16. And then this particular clip, I'm just going to drag up to be the right size. So now I'll go to audio sounds and I'm going to go through the ones that I have saved because I did save this particular audio. I believe it is this one here, 20 years from now, you'd give anything to be this exact age, exactly this healthy. And back in this exact moment. Take a second to enjoy it now. So I'm going to use that audio. It's a nice nostalgic feel and I'm going to put a bunch of clips from my daily life in there to help work with that message. So I'll hit Plus bring that right to the beginning. And then I'm going just to cut everything to match that. So this first clip is super long, but I just want this a little bit here. And that, so that's gone. That again, this one I'll have to zoom in on. I'm going to try to capture them point of most motion here. So you can see, look up and across, edit once that actions done or on the action even better. I don't think I need this clip. That one, I'll take a couple of seconds of some fireworks going off and she's turning around there. So I won't cut that. And cute little moment here. So I'll leave that in there. And you can see based on the videos of me photographing and doing that kind of stuff, It's still keeps it relevant to my niche as well. We'll cut this to be a little shorter so that we get that in there to there we go. Now let's try this 2020 years from now. You'd give anything to be this exact at this one, I want to shift over a little bit so it's more central. Exactly this healthy, back in this exact moment. Take a second to enjoy it now. And I just want to mute the tracks under that. And I haven't played around with this yet, so I want to see if the auto captions will work for this. So let's try this here. Now because the captions won't work for this, I have to enter all the text manually, which is fine. I'll just listen to what the particular audio saying. And then I'll add the captions as we go 2020 years from now, you'd give anything. So I'm going to keep this in small pieces. So I'll go add text 20 years from now. I kinda like this one. Yeah. None. This particular font Anton is one of the ones that TikTok natively uses. So that also helps people be familiar with that font and feel like it's native to TikTok. So that's fine. This one, I may even leave right in the middle just because of what the audio is saying, 2020 years from now. Then I can copy this. Bring it over here. So all the same settings are the same, but I'll just change the text. Now the next piece is, you'd give anything and I'm going to just go across the audio and take each point of this and write it out. And if you tax ever goes away and you want to get it back, you just hit the Text button in there. You go there. Again, I just tap on it. Come over here, hit Copy, click and drag that over. And then I double-click on it to change the text. I will just listen to what the next piece says. This healthy and back in this exact moment. Now there's a bit of a pause between this exact moment. So I think I almost want to split those up back in this exact okay. So there we go. I have all my texts Done and let's see, there's video. 20 years from now. You'd give anything to be this exact age, exactly this healthy. And back in this exact moment. Take a second to enjoy it now. I think that's great. It's a very nice short quick little video that it's a trend. It's like this kinda quote style video and you can reuse this multiple times. You can even keep all the same videos. Or you could do one longer video like I could take this one clip here and make it the entire video if I wanted to. And it would work almost just as well. And then I can just change the text and the audio that goes with it. And it would be fine. Then I just export that hit Done and that's my third piece of content, my trend taken care of. You can do this with a whole bunch of other things. You don't even have to go with an audio that has words in it. You can even have an audio where it's just a song, a trending song, ideally, and you would just put text on screen and change the text on-screen, change the audio to consistently update the video because sometimes you'll post a video that has one audio to it and you'll repost the same video with a different audio, it will do significantly better. This has been seen time and time again. So play around with these things, change the audio, change the video, change the text on the video, you're able to reuse these things. So it's not super intimidating to enable you to consistently create content. With all that said, we've gone through the different types of content. And now all that's left for you to do is go out and share it with the world 8. Final thoughts: The time has come. We've gone through the three most effective types of content on TikTok, on shorts, on Rios. And this is how you can use them to up your content strategy. Use talking head videos, use voiceovers, use short trends, adapt them all to your niche or niches. And that is how you can really grow on these platforms with consistency wall creating high-quality content. This is how I've managed to do it. This is how I've gone viral multiple times. And this is how I continued to do it. I use each style of content regularly. So that way it keeps things fresh, it keeps things new, will still relating it to my niche and me as a creator, I hope you got a ton of value out of this. Remember to take your favorite style of short-form content you saw today, edit it and kept cut, post it and share a link in the projects down below. If you have any questions, jumping to the discussions as I will be there chiming in with you if you like, learning from me. If you want to learn more from me, I have a bunch of classes talking about photography, film-making, et cetera, on Skillshare. So I'd love it if you follow along there. Additionally, check out my YouTube and my TikTok where I'm sharing regularly new content all the time. If like me, you're a photographer, if you like photos, go check out my Lightroom presets linked in my Skillshare bio. And with all that said, I want to thank you once again for spending your time with me, for being here and being invested in upping your content creation. With all that said, it's time for me to go and start brainstorming some new content ideas. Remember, is always to work hard, rest often, and I hope you have a super creative day. 9. Bonus Lesson Capcut Templates: Welcome to the bonus Lesson. This one is talking about Capcut Templates because they're a great little trending thing that you can do to adapt to your niche. To create a quick, low effort video that can get you a lot of reach. So CapCut has these Templates built-in. You can see the Templates here. And all you have to do is post a photo and put some text with it to adjust it to your own niche. So I found this one template and when you find them on TikTok, you just hit try this Templates. So if I find this one, I can just go CapCut, try this template, will show up on CapCut. I just change the different things in it and then we're good to go. Now, you can also go through and pick your different templates for me. I have this one. The main portion of this is him coming in saying no, there's no way. And I'm like, What can I do to relate that to either a niche or something that would get a lot of popularity. So I talk about confidence, I talk about self-esteem and like wanting to feel and look your best. So for example, I did a POV, your friends says something negative about yourself. And then I just found a photo of some friends hanging out on a beach and I put that behind it. So you do is hit Replace, and you can choose whichever video you want there. And then you hit text and you edit the One Piece of texts. You edit the other piece of text if there's more. And sometimes you can also find a template which has more photos. Or you can have this one here which has a bunch of photos and you just replace each one. And you just replace the text every time you go wherever the text is going to show up. And that's how you use Capcut Templates and then you just will hit Export. And then you can either save to device and that will have a CapCut watermark on there. Or you can hit save and share to TikTok, which will do so without a CapCut watermark. If you want to also save it without any watermark, you can hit save and share to TikTok and we'll export. Then it will open in TikTok and then you can just hit the Download button at the top. And then when you go to your photos, you will see that's there and there's no watermark on there. So that's how you use Capcut Templates and also export them without a watermark. Thank you for enjoying this bonus lesson. I hope it helps you up your content gain