1. Introduction: Tried the new AI
features in Canva? They are incredibly powerful
and still easy to use. These features will for sure, sweeper chart the way
you design in Canva, pushing back the boundaries
of what you can do. As they like to say, if you can dream it, you can create it. Canva is in AI an opportunity
to bring them one step closer to achieving
their mission of making design
accessible to everyone. Ever since the success
of their iconic one click background remover
launched in 2019, they've been looking
for ways to weave AI into most of
their new features. And this vision fully
came to life in 2023 with Canva rolling out their suite of AI powered features
for designers, which they call
the Magic Studio. Hi, I'm Ronnie Hermosa. I'm a Canva verified expert, and together with my wife, Diana, we run one of the largest YouTube channels
dedicated to Canva. I was also fortunate to work at Canva for two years
in Sydney, Australia. Today, I focus on teaching creators everything they
can achieve with Canva, but also the latest AI tools. In this class, I am diving
deep into Magic Studio, covering all the AI features
Canva has to offer. The class includes the very last features Canva rolled out like the Impressive Dream
lab powered by Leonardo AI. Which lets you generate
stunning images with a prompt. We'll also learn how
to edit and transform your images effortlessly with
features like magic Grab, magic Edit, or Magic Eraser. These are really fun to use, and will make you
feel like a magician. We'll learn how to
use magic write, which is like Canvas
version of Chat GPT. Explore magic size to reformat any design for multiple
platforms and so much more. Have made this class
easy to follow by dividing it into
separate lectures, each focusing on a
different AI feature. And, of course, I
made sure to include practical examples for
all of you creators. Let's get into it, shall we?
2. Dream Lab: Let's start this section
about the AI features with what I consider the most
impressive of them all. I'm talking about Canvas built in image generator, Dream lab. And the good news
is that dream lab is available to all users. So free and paid. The only difference is
that paid users will get much more credits to use
each month than free users. Let's discover this awesome
Dream lab should be a button that you see on
your homepage right here, the bottom of everything else. So I'm going to click on that, and it leads me to this page
right here with the title, What Image would you
like to create today? Okay? So what I see here is
a new image generation tool, and we know that the
engine behind Dream lab, what powers it is Leonardo. So this is the result of the integration between
Canva and Leonardo AI. First cross feature that
they have developed. So, it says, describe the
image in a few words. Okay? So they want you to
prompt to generate an image. It says a few words, but I would probably take
that with a grain of salt. See, I have given
Dream lab a good spin. I tested it for you guys, and my first intuition
is that it works best when we write deeper
prompts, more detailed prompts. So it's not exactly a few words. Kind of want to come back to
that after we experiment. Okay, so star inspired
with a few of these ideas. So here we have a bunch
of images that have been generated by this new AI
tool. So let's click on one. The one that intrigues me right away is this one because
it generated text. So can Dream lab
correctly generate text? If it does, that would be a major game changer
for me because not many text to image
generator does a good job at handling
text. So let's have a look. If I click on the
image, nothing happens, but if I click on Hughes
button right there, use, then we can see the
entire see what I was telling you when they said
describe in a few words, this is not a few words. This is kind of like a
solid, elaborated prompt. Not going to read everything, but going to start
reading to see the kind of level of details
here, a crisp, high contrast
professional photograph showcasing multiple
vibrant balloons, each prominently displaying a different language, greeting. Hello, in bold, cursive
English script, or in stylized, red
Spanish letter, et cetera. So it's actually quite
detailed, right? So that is one of the
prompts. This one right here. Let's try another
one. This one with the cosmonaut
waiting on the moon. Again, quite a long, robust prompt right here. Whimsical digital illustration
of a cartoonish astronaut delicately rendered in
soft pastoral hues, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. We can see that we
will need to get quite precise with Dream lab. That's one thing. So I
want to give this a spin. I want to test it with you guys. So what I've done here, let me quickly switch here
to my chat GPT window. I have asked Cha GPT to
help me improve my prompts so that I can generate the
best images with Leonardo AI. I'm not completely sure this is using the Leonardo
AI technology, but that's a fair guess. So what I'm going
to do is to simply select my first prompt right here, you see,
it's pretty long. Come back to Dreamlab
and I'm just going to paste it right here, right? So a friendly, white, manikin Chinese good look cat with a soft
gentle expression, holding one paw in a welcoming gesture
on the cat like this. The cat is designed in a
playful and vibrant style of Pixar animation with
large expressive eyes and smooth rounded features. The background features
colorful swirling patterns in bright pastel hues, creating a joyful and
whimsical atmosphere. Soft lighting gives the
scene a warm, magical glow. I'm not exactly sure
if this prompt will be accepted by Canva because it
uses a reference to Pixar. So there you lots of people are using
Dream lab right now. Please try again
in a few minutes. I received this error message because I was using
this reference to a set of copyrighted or protected by the
brand name Pixar. So let's get rid of Pixar in the vibrant style
of Pixar animation. Let's replace Pixar by three D, and I wanted to show you this
kind of process of mine, trying the Pixar prom and it's not working
and then replacing it because I was kind of stuck for a good 10 minutes
before I understood this. So I want to save
you that time and show you not to us A copy, write it material, brand
name or reference name. Okay, so there you go.
I have my Chinese cat, and these look good. I
really like this one. So once you have
generated your image, you can actually
do several things. So you can click on
this button to copy it. So you copy your image to your clipboard and then you can go somewhere and paste it. You can download
it. Then you have this purple button right
here to edit your photo. So this will open it
in a Canva document of the aspect ratio
you actually selected, and you can see
in bigger format. This actually looks awesome. And then you have the three
little dots men Okay. So you can create a
design with this image. You can edit the image, can delete the image
or report the image. Let's try create a design. This should let me
choose any design. No, it doesn't. So
this created design is the same as edit so far. Alright, this is cool.
Let's try a second prompt. I want to try the
hamster doing yoga. Okay, Hamster doing yoga. I'm going to change the style from vibrant to something else. Let's try pop art. Why not? Aspect ratio. Let's try a different one
just for the fun of it. Let's go 16 by nine. I don't have a
reference image so far, so I'm just going
to go for this one. My Hamster doing yoga. Let's see. I like dream lab is. And, guys, I just want to
remind you that dream lab is a pro feature with
a premium, okay? So free users will
be able to use it with 20 credits while paid users will have 500 credits that will refresh every month on
the first of the month. I thought it would be
important for you to keep that in mind.
So here we go. I have some cool images. I like this one right
here. It's more like how you call this? So this is yoga, but this is more like break dancing to me. I like this one, but I like
this one better, I guess. I'm going to open it so you
can see it full screen. This looks really
cool, actually. I like the style. I like the sticker effect
around the hamster. Okay. And now let's give it the real try and see how
it dealt with the letters, with the sentence in it. So it's this one. You
design your life, go to paste the long prompt. I think there is any reference to any copyrighted material, so this is a poster. So I'm going to put this in
poster mode three by four. So I'm going to add the image for the reference,
the style reference. And when you do, you can select this from
different things. You can upload your image, which is what I'm going to do. You can select it from your images that you have
uploaded into Canva, into your Canva account. So I'm not going to
do this for now. Last option that
you had here is to select it from your
recent generation. So you could select one of the recently generated images with Dream lab to
be the reference. Me, I'm going to
upload an image, and this image will be right here on my
desktop. Let me show you. So this is a reference of the type of letters that I
would love to see generated. So I'm just going to
upload this image. There you go. It's here
together with my prompt. Like, create. Oh, I forgot to change the pop
art right here. So I guess it's going to be in the pop art reference
style. Let's see. Probably should have
set this to none. But you see here what's coming
up is pretty darn good. This one, right here, this is pretty good, in my opinion. Design your life. I mean, the letters
could be more stylized, but this is quite good. It recognized my
reference image, maybe a little bit too much. So maybe let's delete
this one and change the style from pop art
to something else. Let's see. Creative
create again. Design your life. This
is correctly written, design your life also
correctly written, though the G is a bit weird. But these are pretty good. I had one last prompt. So for this one, I want to
try something different. I want to do a side
by side comparison of the simple prompt. So I'm going to paste
the simple prompt first. So this one, a hyperrealistic
photo portrait of an Indian woman
dressed in colorful say, and then I will paste the
improved prompt from Chachi PT. So this one is going
to be portrait. So this is the right
aspect ratio, creative. Yeah, let's go for
cinematic and prompt this. And once this is done, I will try with the
more elaborate prompt to see if it makes
any difference. We can still see
it's not a photo. We can still see this
is AI generated. Now, let's try the
more detailed prompt, paste it right here,
generate that. Again, with the same settings, see if it makes any
difference. So there you go. I wouldn't say it makes
a ton of difference. Generally speaking,
I like this better. It's pretty much the
same lady all over, like on these eight photos, we could say, it's
the same woman. Now, in terms of quality, I don't think there is a huge upgrade because my
prompt was more elaborate. As you can see,
my initial theory is not completely
confirmed here, guys. Like, you don't
particularly need to input more elaborated prompts. And that is probably due to
the fact that dream lab will automatically improve
your prompt or embellish your prompt when
you input it on the window. Alright, guys, that's all I
have for you about dream lab. I highly recommend you try it because this is
next level stuff.
3. Magic Design: Magic design could be a lifesaver if you don't know
where to start your design. It will whip up a social
media post, a presentation, or even a video based
on the media you upload or a simple text
prompt. Let's have a look. So the main idea behind magic design is to help you
start your designs faster. And to do so, it will let
you in different ways, input a text prompt to
start generate to start populate a custom template with or without your own media. I would like you to
know that magic design is a paid feature with
a premium version, means that free users will get ten credits to try magic design. So these ten credits, these ten free tries
are a one time premium. So that means for the entire
lifetime of you using Canva. Also, be aware that
the ten free tries are across all the different
versions of magic design, including the global search, but also magic design for presentations or magic
design for video. All of them, you have ten
tries lifetime as a free user. After you consume
these ten free tries, you won't be able
to use magic design anymore unless you
upgrade to a paid plan. So that is a kind of a pro
plan or Canva for Teams plan. Okay? Also, be aware
that magic design works with all design types. So it works with all
the document types, and there are different
ways you can access magic design either via the
homepage or via the editor. So from the homepage, there are two ways you can
actually trigger magic design. The first one being
via the search bar. I am here in one of
my paid account. This is a Canva row account, and I want to show you
how to use magic design. So from the search
box right here, I'm going to paste a prompt, Instagram carousel about
popular beaches in Spain. Go to make sure I click
on Canva template, and then I'm going to hit
Enter to run this prompt. So what you'll see
here on top of your screen is magic design, loading, preparing the
few different templates it's going to set up for you. You see a mixed bag of
results and document types, not only an Instagram carousel, though I specified in my prompt that I wanted
an Instagram carousel. The reason why
that is is because I didn't start from
an Instagram post. I started from the search bar, and Canva doesn't yet recognize every single
word in this prompt. So it's not yet able
to just filter out only the Instagram post based on the prompt if I start
from the homepage. Now, let me show you
the other way to use magic design still
from the homepage. So you have to locate the upload or add media
button right here. Choose your media. Okay? So me, it's on my desktop, this photo right here. So this is a photo of the beach in Barcelona,
Barceloneta. So in order to use magic design, you see this logo. This is the logo
of magic design. It represents a template
with some magic sparks. You click on add to a template, Canva is going to offer you
a variety of design types. So you see YouTube
Temnil Facebook cover story using that photo. So it's basically going to invent a few templates
based on your photo, and you can complement
that with a prompt. You see, there is a
little star right here. So if I come back with my
prompt for the popular beaches, Instagram carousel
about popular beaches in Spain and hit Enter, it should be using my media. You see my media is still
loaded here and give me some appropriate copy for
this specific request. Still, it doesn't nail
the document type. It's not an Instagram post. Like, not all of them
are Instagram posts. Some of them are, you
see, this one is, though it's probably
not a carusee. It has a single page, but we are getting closer. Okay? We are getting closer. We have added our custom media. So these are the two
different ways you can trigger magic design
from the homepage. The first one is to start with a prompt via
the search bar. The second one is to start
by uploading a media, photo or video and then
complement that media with but it doesn't give you
exactly the document size, the document type that
you are prompting for. Now, let me show you maybe a better way to do so to always get the right document
type. All right. So from within the editor, your starting point
will be the design tab. So the way I'm going to do this is to start a design, okay? So I'm going to be
using the same prompt. So I'm going to go
for Instagram post. Okay, so I chose social media. Instagram post will be
the first one right here. Going to generate
a blank document. Let me zoom out slightly. Okay. And then what you want is to find the design
tab right here. So click on it, and then use the search box right
here, paste your prompt. So my prompt is still the same Instagram Carusel about popular beaches in Spain. I'm going to hit Enter, and magic Design is going
to be working right here. See there's something going on. There you go. Magic Design. Gives me some two
uptrends right here, but I can click on S or
to see more. All right. So once you do so, discover
the beauty of Spain, discover the best
beaches in Spain, Beach perdaEplore the
best Spanish beaches, top Spanish beaches. So this one is
actually a carousel. I have six pages. I'm going to click on this one to preview. Okay? So popular
beaches in Spain, okay, I have my six pages. It's not the best template ever from what I can
see, but it did work. Like, I have my different pages. I have generated some copy that is kind of makes sense, right? And also Canva has preloaded some photos that are
also appropriate. This is definitely
a beach in Spain. You can see the
amount of tourists. Okay, so let me
come back here and show you can get
back one more step. And if you scroll down, so Instagram caruse about
popular beaches in Spain, you can scroll down to
see the other templates. But these, if you scroll
down like all results, they are not generated
by magic design. Magic design section will always display on top of your
search result right. So it's really up to you. You can find some
really cool templates. Like, for example, this one, beaches to visit in
the Philippines. I have four pages. So this could make a
great template as well. Just need to change the
word Philippine for Spain and then add
the different photos, but that is not magic design. What I wanted to show you really was the power of magic design to easily come up with a
template that still makes sense. Obviously, you still need to put your own photos,
make it on brand, adjust the text, but it
creates documents that already kind of make
sense to your project. One thing you need to know
is that magic design is still a technology that
is under construction. It's something
that is constantly getting better day
after day at Canva. So it might not be great or
the greatest as of today, but I can assure you that they
are working hard on this. And eventually, it has a lot of potential to
really come up with, like, perfect templates
for your custom prompts. I think once we
definitely get there, it will be a very
powerful feature. Gone are the days where you had to start your
presentation from scratch. Now, let me show you how
to use magic design for presentation to really speed up your workflow when
designing presentation. I'm here in the editor in
a presentation document. You can click on file. You see this is a presentation. Blank presentation. So in order to start my
magic design project, I am already in the right
document type presentation. I'm going to head over
the design tab right here and just simply
paste my prompt. And the prompt is the following. An onboarding plan for
our new designer, Diana. Okay? So I would like Magic
design to put together an onboarding plan for a new person that
will join our team, a designer called Diana. Let's run this prompt and see what magic design
comes up with. Okay? So immediately, you see
some boarding plan, like, I would say regular
template for Canva, but magic design is
still working here. It's working hard. So
let's see them all. Again, I have eight
different results here. Seven pages, seven pages. They're all there's eight pages. Yeah. So eight pages
and seven pages. That is on average what you
will get with magic design. Around seven pages. I figured that was the average, the default,
sometimes one or two pages more, but really rarely. So you can just start
looking at the images, though most of the
images will be swapped. I am intrigued by this one right here, so
let's have a look. So you see here
all of the pages. I'm going to apply them
to my presentation, and we can go through them together to judge their quality, the quality of the template
that's being generated. Onboarding Dianna. Welcome
to the design team. Okay? That is pretty cool. Next, we have page for
introducing Diana Diana Smith. So we need to adjust that a photo of Diana
excited to have you. The table of content
onboarding plan for Diana, introduction, team collaboration
tips, design tools, overview, project expectation,
company culture insights. Sounds pretty cool.
And then we have a page for each of these points, each of these topics, which
is a pretty good start, I would say, for an
onboarding document. Now, once I have that,
I can come back. Can have a look at
the other pages, the other templates
that have been generated with magic design.
And this is pretty cool. Now, I can see here I have
two more buttons that I can use with magic design.
For example, media. So I could select different
file like different photos that I have or even videos that I want to include in
my document here. So let's see if I
have a photo of Diana right here
immediately available, or I could choose a file. Okay, so I'm going to go to
my documents to visuals, photo ops, not Isp, but photos of Diana. What do I have here? Do I have photos of Diana that
are pretty good? Okay, that's not photo. Yeah, this is pretty cool. Designer, something that
will represent the designer. So this is when Diana
received her YouTube trophy. Okay, let's use one.
Doesn't matter if it's not exactly the
context of the job here. Just want you to see what
it looks like when we insert your own media into magic design right
here. So it is loading. I guess all of the
different templates will be kind of redesigned. So I'm going to
come back to this one right here and
apply the seven pages. So now the first page
will carry Diana's photo. So this is how you can easily
add your different media. And I could have added more
than one media, I guess. I can also make this on brand. So if I want, for example, to give it a specific
brand identity, you see here, I have my
different brand kits, let's use this one. This one was actually designed
for a specific course. Yeah, this is nice. So now, again, I need to start
from one of these plans, one of these onboarding plans, apply to all pages. It will be added.
The colors will be changed and
swapped in my design. So it's now already
looking pretty much on brand if this were
my brand colors. I have photos of Diana, so I could work with this. I could really work with this and continue building
my template. Something else you
could do from here is to just hit the
back arrow and see, like the conventional templates. You see this one are
a bit more robust. It has like 18 pages you could easily mix and match
some of these templates. So for example, if you
want to add a page, page number eight and you find, this one is really cool,
meet your teammates, but you want to make
this one on brand, like the rest of the documents. So that is definitely something
you could do by going to your brand right here and choose a
different brand kit. You see learn with Ronnie. So that is the brand
kit I selected. And you see this color
palette right here. So I can click here to
shuffle the colors. So you see the colors
have been adapted to match the rest of
my so pretty cool. This is what I
wanted to show you magic design used
directly from the editor. Alright, let me show
you something else. I'm going to try another prompt, a more precise prompt with
a specific number of pages and see if magic design can
understand that requirement, that extra guideline
that I'm giving it. Okay? So again, I'm going to
start from the design tab, the search box right here
in the little magic. And my prompt is the following
a ten page presentation about octopuses in
Australia. Okay. So the difference here is that I have specified the
number of pages. You see here ten
page presentations. Now, is Canvas Magic
Design going to respect that extra guideline and give me the actual ten pages for my presentation?
Well, let's find out. No, run the prompt. You see magic design
is already searching. I already have some
regular templates about wildlife in
Australia, right? So that is always good. I will be able to mix
and match later on. Okay, I have my
designs right here, but as I expected, these designs,
these presentations are about octopuses
in Australia. Don't get me wrong.
I picked up right, but they are seven
pages, not ten pages. So my impression here is that
this is a really good tool, but there is still work to do. There's still some way
to go for it to be that perfect AI
assistant to really help me create any design and
really nail these designs, these templates that
are being generated. I want to show you that this text is actually pretty good. Let's use this one, for example, apply all seven pages. Going to reduce the zoom
level a little bit. Octopuses in Australia, explore the fascinating
world of octopuses, exploring Australia's
fascinating octopuses species. Okay, exploring. Okay, so it's a
little bit repetitive octopus population
trend in Australia. So we have a graph here. Not really sure what it means. Exploring Australian
octopuses species diversity, octopus population
distribution in Australia. So that if you have
different breeds or variety of octopuses,
you could do that. And a quote from Jacques Custa. The octopus is a fascinating
creature of the sea. Okay, so it's all about
being fascinating. Let's find another one. See if the copy is a little bit better. Let's try this one right here. So apply all seven pages. Life Underwater wonders
exploring Australia's octopus. Okay, overview, intelligent
marine creatures. Octopuses are highly intelligent
and adaptable animals, unique camouflage abilities. They can change color and
texture for concealment, fascinating reproductive
habits, mating and nesting behaviors are
particularly intriguing. So this is already much more
content being provided here. Okay? Exploring Australia's
fascinating octopuses, again, but there are some
good photos right here that probably come
from the Canva library. Octopuses are the
ultimate masters of these guys in the
underwater world. I would say, this
is not perfect yet, but we are almost there. I mean, this is great already in terms of putting together, whipping up a base presentation that I will be
continuing, obviously. I will be adding slides, I will be changing the content. And you will see, there are
other tools that will help me come up with more content,
more written content. That makes sense. But
that's for another lecture. Magic design also
works with video. And actually, this is probably the most impressive use
case for magic design. It allows you to generate
short videos like stories, TikToks, or highlights based on your own videos
and photo content. And you can use it
either from your phone, which is super convenient
because this is where you keep and take most of
your photos and videos. But also, you can use
it from your desktop. Let me show you how so this is my camera role in my iPhone, and these are the
photos from the day of the event Canva Create
2024 in Madrid. So what I'm going to
do is to select all of these photos and send
that to my computer. The reason why I'm not
showing you how to do it from the
phone is a simple, practical reason is that the phone screen
is much smaller, and I would like you to
have the full experience. So that's why I'm going to
go through this extra step of sending all of this
material to my computer first, then it will arrive here and I can show you how to do the prom, how to generate the magic write template
from the computer. You see all the photo arrived. They're right here
in my download. So now I can actually show you how to start this
document from my desktop. Okay, so from the homepage, what I'm going to do is to
start a video document, okay? So click on the video
icon right here, and I'm going to go
with a vertical video, a mobile video. So I'm
going to click here. This will open a brand new fresh blank vertical
video document. And if you pay attention, you will by default, land on the design tab, and right here is a big tile prompting me to generate
videos instantly. That is magic design for videos. So I'm going to click
here to show you what the actual workflow
looks like, okay? So I can select
ten videos, okay? So ten media, not just videos. It could be videos or photos. Me, I'm not going to select
from the upload right here. I'm going to upload
some new ones. Okay. So going back to my
download right here, I believe these are
all the photos, yes. So these are the photos
and some videos. Going to make sure I grab
all the four videos. I can upload up to ten. Okay? So that's four, five, six, seven, eight. I want to make sure nine, ten. Okay. I've been selecting
a little bit blindly. If you want to see more, you could go click on icons. Yeah. So I wanted to make
sure I have this one we go S, this one, yes, the videos, photo, could be useful as well, but I would like to have
Yeah, no, it's good. They are right here. Okay,
so I have my ten media. I'm going to upload
them. You see, it's going to be pretty quick. That will depend on your
Internet connection as well. So you upload your media, and then you have to describe
the kind of video you want. Okay? We'll use this
to generate a design. So I do have a prompt
that I thought of. I'm going to paste it
here, okay, paste. It goes like this, a story about the Canva community event
in so it's still uploading. So I would recommend you wait
until all of your fives, particularly the video, I will take slightly longer to upload. But I recommend you wait
until this button changes. The status of this
button changes. So it means all your media is
uploaded. So there you go. You see the button change to
generate. I have my prompt. Okay, a story about the Kanva
community event in Madrid. I have all of my media. Now let's go and generate our video with magic
media for video. And there you go. I
have video right here, which is 34 seconds, okay? It added my logo on page 11, which I'm not sure I will keep, but I'm very curious. I'm going to bump up the
volume, not too high, but I'm going to
play this video and discover it together
with you guys. Alright, so there is some
good and some bad right here. I wish it had taken a bit more of my videos
versus photos. Also, some photos have been
repeated several times, but that is probably my
fault because I selected all the photos without really
minding the duplicates, so I should have deleted this one and this one they
look too much the same. So I should have deleted it. And also, one thing I
would love is to change the position of these text
boxes, but that is very easy. I can simply select
all of the elements, the ingredients and move them. So they are not in the way
when we are discovering them. For example, that was the
case here, for example, here, could probably move the text there are some
slight adjustments. You can change the
music as well. Like, for example, I will probably swap this
one right here, so I could go to my
uploads actually and drop another photo right
here, another video. Let's see which one. Video. Yeah, I could probably add a little piece of video. Like so and adjust the
size of the video, and then you can select, obviously the right passage. I'm going to push
this to the back. Let's find this passage
where Diana takes a photo of her
friend right here. And yeah, I think
this is pretty good. Like, maybe we can
move this textbox as well with the
little spark right. See you can easily adjust, but Canva has created I'm going to delete
the logo as well. Canva has created a
fun little video, like a 32nd video based on some photos and videos
that you uploaded. I mean, I'm not saying this
is the video of the year, but it understands
it cut my video. I selected several moments. I added some text
generated by AI. I would say this is at least 50% of the work
done because now all I have to do is to adjust instead of conceptualize and create. So for me, this is
still a success. I still believe magic design has a long way to go to
be fully operational. But yeah, I'm very happy
about this feature, and I'm glad I got to
demonstrate it to you guys.
4. Magic Write: Think of Magic write as
the Chan chi PT of Canva. It's an AI powered
writing assistant. As a matter of fact,
Canva tells us that it's actually powered by Open
AI. So how does it work? Well, you can give Magic write a prompt and it will
write copy for you. You can use it when you
feel stuck with your copy. Simply ask Magic
write for a list or an outline to use
as a starting point. And you can also use
it to synthesize or to change the tone
of a piece of text. I'll show you how to achieve
all of that in this lecture. But before we start,
I want you to know that magic write
is a paid feature. It's available across
all design types and also both on
mobile and desktop, but free users won't be
able to use that feature. Alright, so let me get back to this onboarding plan for Diana. I'm going to open this
presentation one more time, reduce the zoom
level right here. And what I'm going to do is to simply add a page to
this presentation. Gonna be first page right here. I'm going to keep
it white, and I'm going to prompt magic write. So in order to call magic write, you have to locate this little quick action
button right here. So click on it, and
then magic write should be the first Again, it is a pro feature. So if you're not a paid, meaning Canva Pro Canva teams, you won't have access to
magic write, unfortunately. So once you do, you can open it up like so and
start your prompt. Me in my case, I'm going
to prompt the following. Propose an effective
structure for an onboarding document for
a new hire called Diana, who is joining us as our
new graphic designer. So I would like
magic write to give me a more robust structure for this document for
this boarding plan than what I found on the
template right here. Okay? Remember, this
template was generated by magic design so I'm just
going to generate this. You have a few
options right here. If you click on the
drop down arrow, you can use the default voice, which is magic write default, which should be
ticked by default. Or if you do have a brand voice already
set up in your brankit, you will see it will
appear here and you can use that branded voice, that brand voice you've set up. I haven't yet in this account. So you see, create a new
voice, so I could do that, I will do that later in
the lecture to show you. For now, I'm going to keep the default magic voice.
Going to generate this. Magic Wright is going to propose a structure for
my onboarding document. There you go. So I have
nine sections right here. So I'm going to start reading an effective onboarding
document for Diana, our new graphic
designer should be structured to provide
a comprehensive, welcoming and informative
introduction to the company, her role and the resources
available to her. Here is a proposed structure. Okay? Number one,
welcome message. Number two, companies
overview, number three, team introduction, for
role specific information, five administrative details,
six tools and resources, seven training and
development, eight, first week agenda, nine,
contact information. This structure ensures
that Diana is welcomed, informed, and equipped to start her new role successfully. That is a solid structure
for an onboarding document. So I'm really happy about this. So from here, you have
a couple of options. First, you could copy this text. Okay, copy it to your clipboard. You see, click on that
little button and it will be copied to your
clipboard. You could retry. If you're not satisfied
with the answer provided by Magic
write, you can retry. Purple button, you can
insert that to your design, which I recommend you do because if you click
away from this, if I click on the page here, I'm going to
lose everything. Hopefully, you have clicked on the copy button before you
click away because otherwise, you simply lose everything
and you have to prompt again. So that is something I don't
like about magic right that the user flow is kind of
like wonky in that manner. So make sure you copy
the text at least or insert it your
design to your page. When you do insert it, it will insert everything, including the
beginning and the end. So usually at the
beginning and the end, you have kind of some context around the content
that ce. There you go. So my structure here,
my nine sections, that could be nine different
pages in this document. So I could adjust what I already had on my template or I could mix and match
really up to me. But I'm not starting my
presentation from scratch. I'm actually starting with a very detailed and
robust structure. So I'm very happy
about this first try, this first example of how to use magic let's try
something else. I am here in an
IG post document. I'm going to call magic. This
time I have another prompt, give me five tips to create better hooks for
my TikTok videos. Let's imagine I want to create
a LinkedIn or a Facebook or an IG carousel in a
square format, five pages. I would like to give
my audience five tips on how to create better
hooks for TikTok videos. So, click on Generate, see how good Canvas Magic write is in terms of content creation. Does it know what TikTok is? Does it know what a
good hook is made out of? I have my answer. I'm going to insert that
into my page again, in a matter of not losing it. I can bump the size
slightly. Let's go 20. Yep, 20 sounds good. Okay, let me read
everything out loud. Creating compelling hooks
for your TikTok videos is essential to capture viewers attention within the first
few seconds, indeed. Here are five tips to help
you create better hooks. Okay. So I'm going to delete that first part and
just keep the five tip. The similarly, at the
end of my answer, I have a wrapping up sentence. By implementing
these strategies, you can craft hooks that
captivate your audience and keep them engaged
throughout your TikTok videos. I'm going to cut that as well. I just want to focus
on the five tips. Let me arrange the text
right here, my document. Number one, start
with a bold statement or question that is indeed
a well known strategy. Number two, use
engaging visuals. Leverage emotional appeal,
tap into emotions, by sharing something
relatable, funny, or touching. Okay. Create a sense of
urgency phrases like wait for it or you won't
believe what happens next. And then five, use trending
sounds and hash tags. Incorporate popular sound and hash tag relevant
to your content. Alright, so again, I think magic Ride passed
this second test. Alright, I have one last
test for magic rite. You see, I am opening a restaurant right
here in Barcelona. It's my specialty is
delicious egg sandwiches. All right. So kind of new
name for my new restaurant. So yeah, I'm kind of lazy, and I would like to start brainstorming with
the rest of my team, but I don't want to
come empty handed. I would like to come to the
meeting with a bunch of name suggestions that
I could show them. I've worked really hard
to generate these oh, again, magic ride to the rescue. I don't want to
start from scratch. So again, I'm going to go
find magic ride right here, and my prompt is going
to be the following. Suggest some good names for
a restaurant in Barcelona, selling delicious
egg sandwiches. Okay, so generate. Sure. Here are some creative and appealing names for
a restaurant in Barcelona that specializes
in delicious egg sandwiches. So I have ten egg
excellent Barcelona. Okay, a ever. Webo in Spanish means eggs
or verla. Good name. Extravaganza. I like this one. Extravaganza, is pretty cool. Bocado de oro. Okay, Bocado means sandwich. Oro means gold,
like gold sandwich. Okay. And nconvo the egg corner, Sunnyside cafe. You
can roll. Okay. You can roll. Not bad.
WevosEms, sabroso sandwiches. Eh, Barcelona Egg Bistro. So from all of these, I believe extravaganza is actually cool. So I'm just going to copy
this one right here. Number three, come
to my template here and just paste my
name Extravaganza. Alright, so I can just do so. And now I have a name. I could have copied the
whole list and then, like, brainstorm with my team, vote with them, which
one is the best one. But again, I believe Magic
Wright did a really good job at getting me a head start with my brainstorming,
in this case. Again, pass the
test, in my opinion. Okay, so it seems
like Magic Write is the perfect assistant to help you overcome
writer's block. It will get you started
on any type of documents, whether you need a first draft, an outline or a list of ideas. But what else can it do? Something else that
magic write is great at is text editing. So let me show you starting from this Instagram carousel example. I have a template. I'm
gonna be using a template. So this one right
here has five pages. Okay, how to connect with your audience using
social media. I'm going to apply these
five pages to my document. You see, I have a little
bit of text on each page, which is reduce
the size slightly. So what I want to show
you is that magic write is great for editing
existing text. Okay, so let's see, starting with the first page right here, using social media to
connect with your audience. I think this is a
really good first page. It's kind of intriguing,
it's catchy, so I'm not going to
mess with this one, but the second one
right here agenda, create personalized content. Tell tales of the difference
you've made to locals, workers, and members
of your community. Try to change this
text right here. So in order to do so
with magic write, you will need to
select your textbook, and then you should
see magic write right here. So I'm
going to click on it. And magic write gives me a
series of actions I can take. So I want to go through these different actions
together with you. So the first thing I can
do is to create a summary. This is not a very
long piece of text, so I don't think I need to
create a summary of this. I could show that feature to you with a longer
piece of text, but I feel like this
one is not relevant. It's not relevant
for a carousel. This would be
relevant if you had, like, a long document, and you need to create
a summary or you have a transcript of a phone
call, for example. So create a summary
would be great for that. Continue writing could be an interesting one for our
little sentence right here. I want you to
elaborate basically that's what continue
writing stands for. So I'm going to click
on Continue writing, and Magic write should
continue this text right here. So I'm going to
command see that, create a new page and
paste my box here. I want to read this probably
need to reduce its size. Let's go 30. See, it's pretty long. I got a long bit of text
right here. There you go. So from this textbook, tell tales of the difference
you've made to locers, workers, and members
of your community. Okay, which is the first
sentence right here, I have one, two, three, four additional
paragraphs that have been generated from this
one single sentence, and it all makes sense. You could go ahead, pause the video and read
the entire blocks, these four blocks
of text right here, and you will see that
they make sense. They kind of illustrate what the first sentence
meant right here. That is continue Writing. Let me move on to slide
number five right here, make places for
viewers engagement. So use pos, Q&As, quizzes, and other interactive elements to keep your
audience interested. Let's use Magic write to
shorten this sentence. So let's see how much
shorter we can make that. It's going to automatically
replace your text. So if you don't want
that to happen, make sure you make a copy. This one is not
particularly much smaller. To engage your
audience, incorporate interactive elements like pore, Q&As, and quizzes, go
back to the original, it's about the same size. So I would say not
completely convinced here. Rewrite. Okay, rewrite. Without specifying rewrite in which different way,
I'm curious to see. Incorporate pore, Q&As, quizzes, and other engaging elements to maintain your
audience's interest. That's Command Z. Okay, so it's
basically rephrasing. Then we have more fun. This
one is cool because it adds a little bit of personality to your text. Let's try it. Keep your audience
hooked with pores, Q&As, quizzes, and other fun
interactive goodies. You see? So it's a bit more fun, indeed. Like, fun is the
right word here. What else can I do? Okay,
so more formal. Okay? So that would be the
opposite of more fun. Sprinkle fairy dust. I'm not sure what
this one means. I've tried it before, but it's using kind of canvas
tone of voice. Let's try it. So there you go. Chant your audience
with pas Q&As, quizzes, and other delightful
interactive mar so yeah, we go into a different
universe here, kind of like the fairy tale, the wizardry, kind of like this magical type of universe
in terms of writing style. It's not completely for me. This one, I have to admit it doesn't really
resonate with me. But it's okay because we have
change voice right here, which is a very cool feature. I'm going to review this a
bit later in this lecture. So I'm going to skip it for now. Fix spelling. This one is cool. Let's say there are
some mistakes here. I'm going to add some mistakes. Okay? So enchant your
audience with P, Q, and As, quizzes, and other delightful
interactive marvels. All right. So this has
a couple of typos. I'm going to go and use
magic write to fix them. I say, fix the spelling,
enchant your audience. Okay? So you got this one Oops. I got this one in
ancient quizzes Z, A did for interactive Marvel. So, yeah, it did fix
the entire spelling. So pretty happy
about that as well. Last thing you can do is
to write a custom prompt. So if you do click
on Custom prompt, it will open that box, ask you what is the prompt. So you could say, for example, translate that sentence into only Imoges and
see what happens. There you go. So we have only
Emoji sentence right here. You can add it
below this textbox, which is a good option
instead of replacing it, or you can replace TwyU to you. I'm going to replace
it, and there you go. Now, I have the sentence
that was right here, engage your audience
with pause, et cetera, et cetera, only written
in Im. Very useful. I would admit to
that, but, I mean, you can prompt whatever
you want here, and that's really what makes it powerful in terms of
writing assistant. Now, you might be wondering if magic write works
in your language, which might be
different from English. Well, to find that answer, I invite you to visit Canva's dedicated landing
page for Magic write, and I will leave
a direct link to this page in the
lecture's description. So if you scroll
all the way down, you'll find an F section
at the bottom of the page. And within that FX section, the answer to the
language question. So here is your answer
to that question. What languages does
magic write work in? So magic write currently
works with 20 languages. The languages supported
as of March 22, 2023 are English, Spanish, Portuguese,
Indonesian, French, Thai, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Turkish,
German, Vietnamese, Chinese, Polish,
Dutch, Korean, Czech, Romanian, May and Tagalog texts. Alright. So here is your answer, and I believe Canada will keep adding more
language to this list. So yeah, keep an eye
on this landing page. More recently, Canva has added some personalization
options to magic write. It's now easier than ever
to produce on brand copy. That is, if you've set up your brand voice,
let me show you. So in order to
customize the voice of magic write to add
your brand voice, you can do so in two
different places in Canva, but if you are already
in the editor, I suggest you open
magic write the normal and instead of
prompting directly, use the little drop down arrow right here
next to magic right. Okay? So from here, you
can create a new voice. There's also a direct
button here, add a voice. So this is where we are going to click,
create a new voice. So two different ways
of doing so here, from inside the editor, what Canva will suggest you to do is to paste a sample text. So you can grab a
piece of text up to 3,750 characters
and paste it here. And then Canvas AI is going
to analyze that text. And describe the tone of voice. That would be your tone of voice or the voice
you're trying to create. Okay? So that is cool. I'm going to use a piece
of this course, okay? So Canva Master course. Let's find a lecture
at the beginning. Alright, so let's grab some
sample text from Lecture 1.3. Canva is changing, and
so is this course. I'm going to grab all of this paragraph and the
first point right here. Command C, and and come back to this
dialogue box right here. Add sample text here. I'm going to paste that right
here, 2,254 characters. So we should be good. Let's see. Let's
analyze the voice. And there you go. I have the description of
my voice right here. Your writing is
informative and engaging. Blending professionalism
with a friendly tone and employs clear language and structured sentences to present complex
ideas effectively, rhetorical questions and lists enhance the reader's
understanding and maintain interest
while fostering inclusivity by addressing
the audience's needs. I think this is a pretty
decent description of my teaching voice. It's quite elaborate
the description of my voice. I'm
going to save that. And now you see, I
have a custom voice. I can use the drop down arrow. I have magic write, the default, and I have my custom voice. So I could probably edit
that tone of voice. You were editing this voice. Yeah, custom voice. I could come here and change the name custom voice for
Ronnie's coarse tone. Ronnie's coarse tone, save. Save that. Okay.
Now I can generate some text and employ
that same tone of voice, like Ronnie course teaching
tone. So that is pretty cool. Something else that's
even cooler than generate a brand
voice is to generate a multitude of different
voices because you might want to have other voices
for some other projects, not just teaching projects. So a person like a content
creator like myself, could have different tones of voice when we are
teaching courses, when we are creating Q&As, when we are writing or delivering
a keynote presentation, all of these
different activities could carry a different tone of. So if you want to
add more voices, just simply come back to the dropdown arrow and
create a new voice, and you can go through
the same process. Again, now, let me show you a different way to add a
different brand voice. So this one would go
through your brand kit. So if you click on
brand right here, you see brand templates. So first, you need to select
one of your brand kits. Okay? So here, let's go for Ronnie's brand
kit. Select that And you see here where
it says brand voice, I'm going to click here on CO. I have already added
a brand voice here. It's different from the one I added that was generated
with the help of Canva. And this one goes like
this. Our voice is informative, enthusiastic
and friendly. We use simple and
accessible vocabulary, ensuring that the
content is clear and engaging for
a broad audience. Educators and address our
students directly using you. We use a touch of excitement
through casual language, occasional use of
exclamation points, and our tone remains
friendly and approachable, giving the reader a sense
of trust and reliability. Our tone reflects our expertise
of the subjects we teach. This is the brand voice that I have saved in my brand kit. Okay? So if I go back
to the Canva homepage, for example, and come
to brand right here, go to Brand kits, select the same Bandkit
Ronnie's Bandkit, you will see that right here
in the brand voice section, you will find the text
that I just read, okay? So I believe you have, yes, 500 characters to
describe your tone of suggest you use as many
as these 500 characters to give as many as much
information as possible about the tone because the
more Canva magic writes knows about this tone, the more information
it gets about it, the more faithful it would be able to generate text
in that specific tone. So these are the two ways
you can create a new voice. The first one is by using magic write directly
from within the editor. Remember, and then
paste is sample text. Canva will analyze it, suggest a tone of voice. You can save that as your voice, but it will only be
saved in that document. Once you get out of it, I believe it's not going
to be there anymore. Let's do the test because I'm not completely sure about this. Let's create a new document. It doesn't matter,
Instagram post. Let's use magic write from here. And let's see if Ronnie
yeah, it is still here. So it's been saved
under Magic rice. Not in my brankit, so I don't know exactly where
this is stored, but it's definitely I
can still use it here. So that's pretty cool. I can also use the one
from my brankit. You see? So now I can choose
Ronnie's Brankt the last one I read or
Ronnie's coarse toone, which they are both pretty
similar, to be honest. Alright, so I'm not leaving you guys without
showing you what that custom voice
sounds like and how it's different from the
default magic write tone. And I'm going to use magic write with the
following prompt. Okay? So the prompt is this one. Write a wrapping up sentence
for my course lecture. The lecture give my
students, you guys, a full tour of the magic
write feature in Canva, the AI writing assist so, in order to do that and to clearly be able to compare
the default voice, the magic write voice with my custom voice
that I just set up, either the one on my brankt or the one that had
been generated for me, I'm going to start by
creating this sentence, like what I'm prompting here is the wrapping up sentence for my course lecture in
the default voice. Okay, default generate. So this should be quite generic. Wait until it's fully
written. There you go. It is now in my text, as we wrap up today's
exciting journey through the magic write
feature in Canva. Remember that this amazing
tool is here to spark your creativity and make your writing process
smoother and more fun. Keep exploring,
experimenting and let magic write help you
bring your ideas to Okay, this is not bad,
but this is not me. So now I'm going to compare it, pasting the exact same prompt. But this time, I'm going to be using the voice
from my brand kit, the one I read previously
from Ronnie's Brand kit. Okay? So Ronnie's Brankit
same prompt that's generated. Okay, it's already ready, and there you go. Now I can read it to you.
And that's a wrap, everyone. You've now got a full tour of the magic write
feature in Canva, and I can't wait
to see how you use this amazing tool to unleash your creativity and
enhance your projects. Keep exploring. Have fun. And remember, you've got the
magic at your fingertips.
5. Resize, Magic Switch and Translate: The resize and magic switch
features allow you to resize your design into
multiple formats at once, and most importantly,
to do so effortlessly. Now, this is a great timesaver. If you need to repurpose
a piece of content you already created for another
platform, for example, or if you are working on multichannel
marketing campaigns, you design once and
publish every you can also use Magic Switch to translate your design
into another language. And here, again, everything is done pretty
much in one click. You will find these features
in the editor if and only if you are using a
Canva Pro Canva Teams, Canva educational
or non profit plan. So it's a paid feature only, and it's part of Magic Studio. Also note that resize
Magic Switch and translate are available on both desktop
and the mobile platforms. Now, let me show you
how to use them. I am here in my
Canva Pro account, and this is a
presentation document. You see, seven pages
in that presentation. It's pretty much
a template that I have slightly customized
with our own photos. Alright, so what I want
to show you is how to use the resize feature to turn this presentation
into something else. Let's say I need to promote these new workshops that we are going to deliver
on social media. So we need social media post. So I'm going to be
using the resize button to click on resize, and you should see a bunch of different things going on here. So first is the resize. Okay, so you will need to tell Canva what kind of document you wish to create starting
from this presentation. So me, I need some
social media content, okay so I'm going to click
on social media right here. But I could search. I could
search for Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, whatever I need from here in
this search bar. But since they have a
social media category, I'm going to click on that
little arrow right here. I'm going to start
with Instagram, okay? The first thing I need
is an Instagram reel. Okay, so this is the format, 1080 by 1920 of the
Instagram Reel. You see, I have selected
that little document, right? That little checkbox
for Instagram Reel. Next, I'm going to
move over to Facebook, and I would like
a Facebook post. Great. And because I'm planning on creating a video for YouTube, I also would like
a YouTube Sanil. I'm going to search this
time YouTube Sunil. There you go. YouTube Snail, 12 80 by 720. Okay, I'm going to
check that box as well. And now you see
here at the bottom, three sizes select
for all my pages, for my seven pages. So I can click on that
dropdown arrow to see the recap of my
three documents, my three different
document types that I wish to resize my
presentation into. Also important to
know, you can select which of the pages of
your current documents. So this presentation
you wish to resize. So in my case, I want the
entire document to be resized. So I'm going to leave all pages, the little box for all
pages checked right here. But just know that
you can cherry pick which pages you wish to resize. Thing else I would like
you to know is that you can also resize in
a custom dimension. You see, I think there is option for custom dimensions
somewhere here. You see brows by category. The first one right here
is custom dimension. So you can manually enter the dimensions you
wish to resize into. And don't forget to log
the ratio if you need to maintain the same proportion
for specific design. I'm not going to
do this right now because I want to focus on these three social media
let's go ahead and click Continue to see
what happens next. So what happens next
is that Canva will give me an overview of
my three documents. So the first one is
the Instagram real. Okay, so you see mobile video. This is page one out of seven. So you can see all
the different pages that have been resized. So in different ways. So it's not always
perfect, as you can see. So this one we could
probably stretch and rearrange the layout of the page like they
have done here. So this is much better, I would say than page number
four here and page five. So sometimes you will have to manually go out there and
rearrange a few things, like a few of the
ingredient of your pages. And sometimes you
would just nail it. So Facebook post.
So, for example, this first page is perfect. This one as well. This one is almost perfect. Maybe the text could be
a little bit bigger. This one is good, too.
This one as well. So you see, for example,
my Facebook post looks better than
the mobile video. So the resizing was I would say, easier to do because we
didn't have to go from a horizontal layout
to a vertical layout, which makes things
more complicated. So the thumbnail for YouTube
should be great as well. And I'm going to focus on page one for my YouTube thumbnail. So once you're happy with what you see, even if
you're not happy, you cannot really change
anything from here, but you need to go ahead and
resize these three designs. So click here, and the
resizing is going to start. So a couple of
important information that Canva will
provide at this point, it tells you that the design
has been copied, okay? So the original design
has not been replaced, but they have made some copies
and resize three designs. Okay? These three designs
have been saved to a folder called earning
her presentation, which is the name of my
actual current document right here, earning
her presentation. I like that Canva has organized these designs for me
without me doing anything. So I can click on
that document on that folder path right here to access this folder
within my projects. You see I am under my projects, and Canva has created this folder right here
with my three designs. And the previews are
not yet generated. Maybe if I refresh,
let me try to refresh. You take a few seconds probably, but these are your three
designs. So let's open one. Let's open the more
complicated one, the mobile video, and you
what's going on here. So my content has been kind
of smooshed in the middle. So if I was to rearrange
this in a better way, I would probably move
this down and move this one up and
make this bigger. I would probably
start working like so to just make it
fit the entire page. And I would try to
keep the same distance here as the distance here. That would be a
much better layout. Going on on this
page right here, I have my directory.
This is not great. So what I could do here is
probably take each of these, make sure they are
at the center, and probably make them bigger. Like, so I will have this
right here somewhere on top, probably aligned to this side, and then I will just
start working on rearranging these tiles here to make the bigger and also
more legible in a format. So I would probably
have to duplicate this page and have my
different ties here. So it really depends
on how big or small you want to see
these ties on your design, but you will have to go
through a little bit of reorganizing of rescaling if
not everything is perfect. Is almost perfect. I would just say to
give this piece of text a little bit more space to
breathe, something like this. But otherwise, this
is pretty good. Like the upscale central. So I could go and make sure everything is
within the safe zones. This one, a little bit
problematic as well. I would probably have to push
this one down like so and make my text bigger here
to fill up the space here. Probably need to do something like so maybe make
this text even bigger, and then I can create a bigger visual here,
something like that, align it some you see,
it's not too much work, but there will be a
little bit of work, especially when you go from a horizontal kind of
design to a vertical one. Now, let's have a look
at the other documents from the other resize. This is the Facebook post. This one is much better. I almost have nothing to do
here to resize or readjust. I believe this is
yeah, good to go. Tucked under the
same resize button, you'll find another
feature called Translate. To find it, make sure
to scroll all the way down when you are
in the resize menu. Let's explore this feature. Alright, so we are going to translate this
onboarding plan for Diana into Spanish to make her feel welcome in her
native language. So for doing so, we
are going to click on the Resize button and go all the way down to find Translate. Translate your design
into another language. So I'm going to click
that little arrow, select a language. So translate to I'm going
to type in Spanish. But you'll see there is a
bunch of different languages. So it's not only
the 20 languages that work for magic right here, we're talking about
hundreds of languages. So let me delete this
so I can show you. You see all of these languages. I don't know if it's hundreds, but it's a great
amount of languages. So again, I want some Spanish. There's no distinction
between Spanish from Spain, from Colombia, from Argentina. So far, it's just Spanish. What you do have is a few
options for the tone of voice. So which is optional. You could keep the
original tone, which is what I'm going
to do for this project. But you could go
more professional, conversational, friendly,
informative, or inspirational. Okay? So me, I'm going
to keep it on original, the same tone as the
English version right here. Next, you need to decide which page you
want to translate. So me, I want to translate
the whole thing, the eight different
pages of my document. So I'm going to keep it like so. As you have an option
to instead of making a copy of that presentation
and translate that copy, you can replace
the existing text in your design with
your translation. In that case, you will want
to check that box right here. Me, I'm fine with making
a copy and having both my English version
as the original and then the Spanish version as
the copy I will be creating. So I'm not going
to take that box. So I think everything is ready. Let's go ahead and
translate. There you go. Copied and translated. So now I have another
document right here called Onboarding
Plan Diana Designer, same name, but in between
parentheses, Spanish. I'm going to open that
presentation and judge of the translation Bien
Vitale io this is perfect, Ben venda qipodiana to
Emocion tenerte Aordo. Okay? This is correct
introduction diseno. Stamos and cantalo dee unas
nest re quipo creativo, blah, la, la. So
everything is good. Like onboarding, this
one was on the photo, so the photos have
not been translated. That would be next level stuff. Yeah, I think the translation
like Ctevidaqreaje, see, Ben Vaquipo everything has been correctly on the introduction,
maceno description. See, everything has been
properly translated. I don't see any mistakes. And as you can see, the design has not moved too
much like there is no real mistake or lines that are broken or too big of
a text for my textbox. Everything is pretty much
properly translated. And if it wasn't the case, you could always come back and use magic write to shorten, expand or just make sure
the amount of text you get is pretty much the same
as in the original documents. So you don't break your design. But here, I'm very satisfied
about this translation. And now, if I come
back to the homepage, I see that I have
this presentation, this onboarding plan duplicated. The first one, the oldest one right the English version,
the original version, and then I have another
one, and you see when I hover over the title, it says Onboarding plan
Diana Designer, Spanish. So this is the Spanish version. And the preview
hasn't yet updated. You can still see the text
in English right here, but when I click through, you can indeed see that my text has been translated to
Spanish right here. So it has been
correctly translated. Canva wants you to speed
up your creative workflow. And this last feature
I'm about to show you perfectly illustrates that. Now, let me come back to my learning hub
presentation right here. So this is indeed
a presentation. You see, presentation. I have seven slides. Again, this is the last thing I'm going to show
you in this lecture. You can use the resize
button to transform your presentation into a
document. Or vice versa. If you're working
with a document, you can transform that into a deck of slides
or a presentation. So that would be the
last option right here, transform into a doc. So I'm going to click on that
little arrow right here. So transform into and then you have a search
box where you can actually write whatever you are trying to transform
this presentation into. Then you have a few ties right here with a
little more button. Click on that to Explore to get some suggestions so how about we turn this
presentation into a blog post. Okay? So a creative blog post. That sounds about right. So once you have selected an option, you can click on
transform into a Doc. And you don't have
to choose one of their presets right here. You could write your own, could be a poem, could be
a song, could be whatever. You know, like a Facebook post. But I was pretty happy
about a creative blog post, so let's go ahead and try
this. Take a few seconds. And then you should see
a message like this one with your document,
which is ready. So upskill your potential, a journey of life long
learning, I imagine. Okay. So you can click either on the title or on the
button, doesn't matter. It will open your
doc. So there you go. Upskilling your potential, a journey of life long learning. So there you go.
Have all the photos. What I noticed is that it
didn't port over my own photos. Okay, let me go back
to the presentation and show you from the
grid view right here, I only got the photos from page two and page six right here. Okay, which are
the stock photos. My personal photos have not
been included in this blog. It's okay. This is still a feature which is
under construction, is bound to become
better and better. What's interesting here and
what I want you to realize is that we went from a set of seven slides to an
actual blog post. If we look at this, we have a title, which has been optimized. It's a little bit
catchy, upscale, your potential or journey
of lifelong learning. And then we have kind
of an introduction and then a few sections. Could format them using the
h1h2 formatting right here. Yeah, you have accomplished
kind of what was asked from the resize to turn this set of slides
into a blog post. Obviously, they still work. There's still some
formatting to do, but you have your base,
which is pretty cool. Now, let me show you one final
thing before we wrap up. Remember our onboarding plan
for our new designer Diana? Well, let's write an email. Let's turn this
presentation into an email that we
will send to Okay. So to do so, just going to
come to the resize button. Okay? All the way down, transform into a Doc. Okay, go to click here. And this time, I'm
going to write an email to our creative team. Transform into an email
to our creative team. Transform into Doc. Let's see if Canva and
if the resize feature, the AI behind the resize feature understood what I meant
by an email to our team. There you go. It seems like I have something an email with a subject line called welcome
Dana to our creative team. Okay, let's click on this
to see what it looks like. There you go. I'm
going to quickly read the email subject. Welcome Diana to our
creative team. Hi, team. I'm thrilled to announce that Diana has joined
our creative team. Her exceptional talent
and fresh perspective will be a fantastic
addition to our projects. Here's a brief rundown of the boarding plan for Diana,
Introduction meeting, design tools, project overview, training make Diana feel welcome and support
her as she settles in. Your collaboration
and teamwork will be key to her successful
integration. And my name PS is a list of your new teammates role
for your reference, and then we have
the first names of the people in the team together
with their current role. So yeah, that is pretty cool. I mean, I didn't give Canva
much instruction here, and I came up with a pretty decent email
that I can probably send almost as so I'm very happy about all
of these experiments. Great work, guys. You now
know everything there is to know about the resize
and magic switch features. In the next lecture,
we look at how Canva adds magic to animations.
6. Magic Animate: What used to take hours and
required complex technical skills is now
easier than ever in Canva and can be done in
just a couple of seconds. In this lecture,
I'm going to show you how Canva automatically finds and applies animations and transitions to your
entire design. And you'll see it's the
perfect time saver, especially for those
longer presentations and video projects. Alright, guys, let me show
you how magic Animate works. I am here in my
Canva Teams account, okay, Canva paid account. And I just used a template that I found in a work
kit from Canva. Okay, so this is a
template created directly from Canva, 13 pages. It's an elevator pitch, and I've removed every
single animation from this template because very oftentimes templates come with presets animations and
transitions in them. So I want to show you
this from scratch. Right, so I removed
all of the animations. There is an easy way
for you to check if your document
contains animations. Simply use the
presenter mode button like present full screen button right here at the
bottom of your screen, these two little arrows, click on that in order
to get into full screen. And then you can flip
through the pages, and you should see
if your document contains animation.
Here, it does. So what I want to show you is that Canva has a
bunch of animations, and all of these animations are free. So that's
the good news. So, for example,
let's say you want to animate this slide
number two right here. I'm going to click
on the background to the white part and click
on the Animate button. So this would bring up
this menu right here. With all my different
animations. And you see, there's no
little crown anywhere, meaning all of these
animations are free. So what is not free
are two things. First, the magic
animate feature, which is the topic
of this lecture. Magic Animate will instantly apply animations and transition
to your entire project. So basically, Canva will use
its AI to figure what are the best animations and
transitions to add to your design based on all of these
possibilities right here, I will look at your font, at your content, the
colors you are using, et cetera, et cetera,
to figure out the best combination
of animation. So that is magic animate. And the other thing
that is not free is once you've
applied an animation, let's say you are using the
white animation right here. So you apply design. So the other thing
that is not free is your settings for the
specific animation. You see the wipe animation
is when everything wipes from one direction
of your design. So in this case,
it's coming from the left side of your design
that will be by default. But what is a pro feature here is the speed control
over that animation. You can make that
more or less quick. You see, the way it
wipes on your design, but also the direction. So you can make it wipe from the other side or from bottom to top with this arrow or top to bottom with this other
arrow right here. Will reproduce under all of the different almost all of
the different animations, the animation is free, but the setting is
not free. It's pro. You see this little
crown right here, the baseline animation, same. Speed is a pro feature, direction is a pro feature. So remember that
Animations are free, but the settings
of the animation, the granular settings
to really tweak the animations as you
wish will not be free. So that's basically how you use animations in so
be aware that you can add animation to
your entire page or to a specific block of elements
or specific elements, like a textbox, for example, you click on the textbox and click on the animation button. Or if there is
already an animation, it will carry the name
of that animation, in that case, here, baseline. So you see on top of
the animate menu, you can animate
just the textbox, which is what I have selected, or you could animate
the entire page, which is everything
on that page. So just be talk about
animations when we actually create designs
further into the course. But for now, I wanted
to kind of give you an introduction
to the animations. Also, be aware that
as a free feature, you can have your
animation on Enter, meaning when you move
to that specific slide, you can have your
animation on exit. So when you leave the slide, you see, when you go
to the next slide, it will do or by default,
it will be on both. So that is a free feature. You can decide if you want the animation on both
on Enter or on exit. So make sure you
play around and try these different options
because they make a big difference when
you have a presentation. Sometimes both, I feel
is a bit overwhelming. I usually prefer to
have my animations on Enter and not every single
slide because it's too much. But yeah, definitely try
these different options. As a free user, they
will work as well. Let's get to the core
of this lecture, the magic animate feature. I want to try this feature. But for that, I'm going to remove the animation
I have here. So with the button,
remove all animation. Now, I believe I don't have any animations on my entire
presentation right here. So, starting from
the first page, I'm just going to click
on the background, go to Animate, like so
and try Magic Animate. I'm going to click here.
And what's going to happen is that Canva is going to analyze my entire document and recommend a few
different styles. I have recommended style. This one right
here, professional. Why? Because it recognized
this is an elevator pitch. It's more in the
realm of, you know, talking in front of investors or maybe in a
corporate structure. So the recommended style of animation is the
professional one. And then we have
alternative style. We have all the other style. Of course, Canva doesn't
give us only one option. It actually gives me eight different options
to play around with. But I'm going to
go with Canvas Gut feeling in this
recommendation professional. So if I click here, you see your design has been animated. And what happened
here is that Canva added animations on
every single page, plus a few different
transitions. You see these little round icons right here in between my slides. These are transitions.
And I can click on them. You see, I clicked
on the transition. I opened the transition
menu, right? So transition are
different from animation, transitions are what are
between the different slides, the different pages
of my document. Transitions are free,
including their setting. So that's pretty
cool. All right. So now that Canva has applied these transitions and
animations to my deck, I kind of want to discover them. So I'm going to go back
to page one and click on that full screen
presenter mode again. Now I'm going to start
enjoying this presentation. I'm just going to flip
through the pages, see the animations, you see, and transitions as well.
So it's quite subtle. Here, we had a wide transition,
again, wipe transition, things appear it's
pretty subtle, pretty clean, pretty boring
as well, I would say. But still, there is something like the animations
on the charts. This was pretty cool. The
wipe transition again. So we are consistently
getting the wipes right here. So yeah, this was
decent. This was clean. Kind of want to try
something else. So I'm going to come
back to the beginning. I'm going to click on fade
and go to my page animations. Try magic Animate one more time and try a
different style, okay? Now as professional.
Let's try playful. Let's try something
more fun, okay? Your design has been animated. So this should be another style. Again, presenting Yeah, I see the letters are
bouncing slightly. So that is indeed
a bit more fun. I got a radial transition
this time, another one. Another one. I
should probably add more variety in terms
of the transitions. Not always the same one,
but I think this is already a bit more fun
than the previous one. I like that better. All right. What I would
change here is just, like, alternate a little bit. You see all of these
wipe or radiant. I think these are called
radiant transition. Let me see. Circle wipe. Yeah. I would probably
change that for a few different things or maybe not have them all
lined up like this, like maybe get rid
of some of them. But overall, I'm pretty
happy with what I saw. So as you can see, Canva makes motion graphics super
smooth and easy, but trust me, it's not
always been the case. I remember spending
hours crying, swearing, pulling my hair out,
trying to create a basic animation
with after effects. Fortunately, things have
changed, and for the better. Now, everything you
need to bring motion to your project is right
there at your fingertips. You don't need complex
software nor special skills. Indeed, magic animate will do all the work
for you and insert high quality eye
catching animations and transitions throughout
your entire design. In just one click.
What the heck? Why was I born so early?
7. Magic Morph: The next magic tool
I would like to review with you is
called Magic Morph. Magic Morph allows you to easily change the
style of your text, shapes, and graphics by simply describing the
outcome you desire. So it's basically text to image applied to
existing elements, and important to know is that magic Morph is a
paid feature only. So you'll need a Canva Pro, Canva Teams account to
be able to use Magic. Now. That being said, let
me show you how it works. Okay, guys, this is my
Canva paid account. Okay? This is my
Canva Teams account. You can see the little
yellow profile picture here. And I am in a
presentation document. I already inserted a few pages, so you will see I'm
going to be using these examples to demonstrate
what Magic Morph can do. So first, where to
find Magic Morph. Well, Magic Morph is actually
an app so far in Canva. So you will need to head
over the apps button, the Appstab right here
in the Object panel, click on that and then just
simply search for magic. Morph. So you can start
typing magic morph. The app icon looks like this. You can show the
detail, looks like, so turn elements of your design into
something extraordinary. So it's already
installed for me. If it's the first time, the
very first time you use it, you will need to connect
that app to your Canva app. Once you're here, the interface of the app is pretty
straightforward. You see, you need
to first select an element in your design. So this works with different
types of elements. It works with text. It
works with graphics. It works with shapes as well. So we are going to demonstrate all these different use cases. Let's start with text because I believe
this is where magic morph really shines when you can modify your text
based on a prompt, and sometimes it
works very well, sometimes it's kind of so I'm going to be
live demoing this, so hopefully we get some
pretty interesting results. Okay? So Canva gives us a
few examples here, so a shape, piece of
text, and a graphic. So the second thing
you need to do in the two step process is to describe the look of what
you're trying to achieve. And Canva gives us a few
examples right here. For example, we have balloons. So if I click here, I can
see the actual prompt, inflatable reflective
gold foil party balloons. So you see this prompt is
a little bit elaborated. Gives me more details
about what this texture, what this material is made of. So this is important
to remember. The more detailed you prompt, maybe the better it works. Let's have a look at the
second example here, Halloween pumpkin. Okay, there's a
wood carving kind of thing here,
intricate wood carving. There's more. You use
the little arrow. Flowers, fill it with clusters of flowers with a detailed
leafy background. Pretzel one just says pretzel. So we have a variety of
different ways to prompt. Sometimes it's just one word, like pretzel or
chocolate or whatever. And sometimes it's a
bit more elaborated, like this one right
here, fill it with clusters of flowers,
et cetera, et cetera. So let's try a few
different things here. This word believe, okay? I'm going to delete
this on a paste, an expression I would like
to try wooden plank texture. Let's see if I can transform this word into a
wooden plank texture. Okay? One thing I
didn't tell you, but it's best to use kind
of like a bold font, like a thick font. If you are going
to use magic morph to transform its look and feel. Reason why that
is is that if you use a very thin font
or a handwritten font, Canva won't have much
surface to work with. You need to have kind of like these thick letters so we
can clearly see the texture, the new texture
added to the word. So me here, I'm using Anton, but you can use any of
the bold font in Canva. You can search for bold, you can search for maybe headlines, something with enough surface, I would say, touch points so that the texture can
really stick to it. Okay, is going on with
this wooden plank texture. Once you have
inserted your prompt, just click on Magic Morph, and then Canva will generate
four options for you. I'm not going to speed up the video for this first attempt. After that, I will
because it's like every time it takes
a couple of seconds, maybe 20, 30 seconds
to generate. But I want to show you
the real time here so you actually are not surprised
when you use it for yourself. So here are my four previews. Okay. I can generate again. I can create them again
if I'm not satisfied. Fortunately, I cannot really
see them bigger as previews. So what you need to do
is to click on them and kind of add them
to your design. So you can see what's
going on here. They're pretty similar
one to another. So it's quite hard to
find the right one. I would say I like this one, first one, last one. They're quite similar,
to be honest. So let's just go with
these two right here. So we can see the job has
been done pretty well, okay? I like this one. I like
this one in particular. I'm going to keep this one
because it has nails as well. It seems like there
is nails in there. Okay, so this is what the first prompt
gets us as a result. I'm going to keep this one
and paste it on my page two right here because I want to show you at the end
of the lecture, or at least at the end of
this section of the lecture, I want to show you
the different results we were able to generate. Let's try a different prompt. Coming back to my word
believe here, put it. I'm going to leave it here
so I have enough space to show you the outcomes here. So if you want to try
something different, you can click on Go Back. Or, you have this warning. This technology is
new and improving, so please check and report these results if you
don't seem right. You can always use that option. I'm not going to waste
my time doing this. I'm just going to
go back straight to my prompt and try
something different. This time, I'm going to try
something more elaborated. So this is my prompt, traditional African
patterns with yellow and purple colors. Let's see if Magic Morph
can handle such a prompt. Okay? Let's Alright, so
here are my four results. I can see some African patterns, even though it's quite small. I'm just going to add them to my design here. These
look pretty cool. I like that very much. Yeah, so I think this
one was a success. Let me just add
them all four right here to see which one
I actually prefer. Let me just go this
is pretty nice. If you zoom in very closely, you can start seeing
imperfections due to the fact that it's
simply AI generated, right? If you generate something
similar with Dial E or with the image creator here in Canva, going
to be the same thing. The details are still
not super crisp, at least not with these models. But what I have here is
satisfactory in my opinion. So I believe my favorite
ones are the first, second, and third, the
last one, not so sure. But yeah, so these were
pretty convincing. I'm going to select the
best one of them all. I think it's the first
one and paste it next to my wooden plank here on
the page number two. Alright, I'm going to
try one last prompt, okay, delete these two, select my believe original word that I'm trying to modify. Last prompt I'm going to use, I would like something
more modern, okay? So the prompt is glossy
plastic texture, pink. Let's see if Canva understands this different structure of
a prompt. So there you go. Again, I have my four results. I'm going to just add
them all to my Yep, there you go. That was quick. Now I can just spread them
apart so you can see them. Okay. So it is indeed glossy. The effect of the glossiness
is not super sharp. So this is okay, but I expected this to be a little bit better.
Probably the best one. I mean, this one,
it's kind of glossy, it's kind of plasticy, but it's not super well done. Like, for example, the E here has a bar that
shouldn't be here. O3e. This one also is kind of like a
balloon texture here, but it's not super high rest. So I don't know. This one is the less
worst of the mol, so I'm going to
paste this one on my page number two right here. You go, I'm going
to stop it here for this first use case, modifying textbook or a word. I would definitely stick to one or two words when I'm
using magic morph on text, not try to transform
an entire sentence. That would be too much. And you can see, in
terms of results, it's good, but it's
not quite there yet. I mean, I get the idea that what Canva is
trying to do here, I think it has a huge potential, but the AI models that support this technology
need to be better. I don't know why that is. Maybe Canva is not using the latest versions of these
models, so this could be, I don't know, maybe
stable diffusion being used here or open AIs, DE being used here. I'm not exactly sure what it is. We don't have this information, but this is clearly not
the top notch model. So why aren't we getting the Creme de La Creme
here? Not completely sure. If Canva decides to
go all in on this, they should bring
on the big guns, like the latest models, the ones that can actually blow your mind with the
images generated. Let's move on to
something different. We've seen how Magic Morph
works with text boxes. Now, let's try
something different. This is a shape. So if we go to my
elements tab right here, and I look for the
shape section, this one right here, you can see a bunch of different shapes. So this one is simply the
cloud shape right here. So I inserted that onto my page. Creates a yellow shape because
yellow is the first color It. So it doesn't really
matter which color it is. Let me zoom out slightly. Go back to magic morph. So let me select my
shape right here, go back to magic morph and
paste my first prompt. So the prompt goes like
this, pastel blue and purple gradient,
cotton candy texture. So I'm trying to get that
fluffy cotton candy texture look and feel in
a gradient color. Let's see if Magic Morph
can handle that go, my four results are here. Immediately, I like the
second one and the third one. Let's just bring them
all into my page so we can judge of their
quality right here. Okay, so I have some
cool stuff this time. I kind of like the second one. I like this one as well. The only thing is that they
have kind of a weird outline. So I'm pretty happy
about these too, but I think we could do better. So I'm going to click on
Create again right here. There you go. I
have four new ones. This one looks interesting. Kind of like I'm closer and closer to this cotton
candy texture. You see? But we still have the outline that is
not super clean, but I can live with that again. This one also
interesting, I guess. So yeah, this prompt is
a success, I would say. I will select this one and just paste that first
cloud right here. Okay, now, deleting
all the other cloud right here, going back. I have another prompt
I would like to try, so I'm going to delete this
one and paste the new one. And this one goes like this. Light yellow watercolor
painting. Okay? So I'm going to stick
with the yellow colors, but this time, I want a
watercolor kind of effect. So let's see how this works. Okay. I have my four
options right here. I think there are some
pretty good stuff in there. This is quite nice. This one as well,
but Magic Morph took the liberty to add some blue in my yellow watercolor prompt. So not convinced about this one. I much prefer this
one right here. But yeah, I mean, I get
the point it's easier to show me the watercolor
effect with more colors. I'm going to keep the first one. I think this is the best one, the most faithful to
the original prompt. Let me delete this and
try yet one last time. So click on Goba. Alright,
the last one I'm going to try for this Cloud is
this prompt right here, filled with cherry patterns. Okay, patterns with an
S. Let's try this one. And the reason why
I'm showing you different prompts is because I want to show you kind of
the array of possibilities. The different structures of sentences and prompts
that you can use. It's not just like a
one word pretzel or a very long expression
describing a texture. It could be filled with another
object, another texture. And you see these
are pretty cool, like the cherry texture
or cherry pattern. Some cherries are a little
bit weird on this one. This one a little bit less, but I like how the light is
reflecting and my cloud, the shape of my cloud
is also respected. So I would say this is a pretty good cherry
interpretation right here. I'm going to stick with
this one right here and paste here. So there you go. These are the three
different outcomes I generated with Magic Morph. Based on the simple shape that I found in
the Canva library, I was able to
elevate this shape, give it some texture, make it more interesting
by simply prompting. Now, is it perfect? No, it's not perfect. It's not super high resolution. We've discussed that already. It would be perfect if we
were using better models. But like this little gray box
is reminding us right here, this technology is still
new and improving. So again, this gives me a lot of hope for what's coming in Canva. Few months or yeah, maybe a few weeks even when
they really decide to go all in and invest more
resources into these AI tools. Right, let's move
on to the third and last use case I
want to show you. So we've so far modified with Magic Morph textbook and then a basic shape that we
found in the Canva library. But something else
that you can do is to work with graphics, okay? So you can basically
any graphics from the Canva library and try to
modify it with magic morph. So what I have here is a simple logo that I
found under the elements, and I think I was looking
under I just typed in geometrical logo,
geometric logo. You see my search is still here? And I filtered the graphics. So see all graphics, and I just popped this logo right here straight onto
my going to select it, go back to Magic Morph and
delete this cherry prompt, and this is the new prompt, radiating pink and
purple neon gradients. I think this logo could look
great for an app or for an AI tool or a custom GPT
with some more colors into it. So let's see if Magic Morph
can help me get there. Go, I have my four
logos right here, so I'm going to move
this one slightly. And there are some
good ones in there. This one, not so much, but still going to keep it here. I like the second one. This one is really cool, really slick. And then the next two ones
are also pretty nice. So except from the first one, maybe this one also because it has some imperfections
in the middle. I'm going to delete these two. But definitely, these two
are pretty cool logos. I'm probably going to
stick with the last one, this one that I'm going to paste here because it
looks very modern, this gradient into this
logo, and it was very easy. There is no other
way you can really insert gradient into an element
in Canva that I know of. There's no apps that do that, but Magic Morv did it perfectly. Right, so that's the first
thing I wanted to try. Let me come back here.
The second prompt is going to be something a little
bit more natural, okay? So I'm going to click
on it. Go back. My prompt is the following. Okay? So again, it's the field
technique or prompt structure, remember, the filled with the cherry pattern for the cloud. So here, I'm going to fill
this with lush green leaves. Okay? I need to select it. Otherwise, it won't
work. You see, it didn't work because I
didn't have my logo selected, so there is no way I
can launch magic Morph. So make sure you select your
graphic or element or text. Otherwise, you won't
be able to launch it. Let's do this. Okay, so
here, this is what I have. I don't really see the
leave. Okay, yeah. I could see that when I zoom in, I see the texture. It's more like a photo of
a forest taken from above. Okay, so I don't really
see all of the leaves. Like, I wish I would, but the texture, well, this one is not what I
would call a success, but it is something. So what I'll do, I'll just generate again, give
it a second try. I have something quite similar. Maybe this one would work. Let me make it bigger. I think what's going on
here is that the space, the surface available
for these patterns, these leaves, it's not big enough because there's
a lot of surfaces. There's not one large surface for the texture to be applied, and that is probably
what's going on. I'm trying to justify why
it's not working that well for this specific ex anyway,
I'm going to paste it here. I'm going to leave
it at this big size. Otherwise, we won't be able to see really the pattern going on. Alright, so I have
one last prompt I wanted to try for
this logo right here. Make sure not to
select this one. I need to select the first
one, the original one. Otherwise, something funky
is going to come up. Okay, so the last prompt is rice paper lantern
with warm light. Okay. Can this work? Let's see. So I have some
unexpected results here. I'm going to bring them all
to my page because I don't really see where my
paper lantern is. Maybe this one, what
is this really? This looks more like
Oh, yeah, I see. Yeah, a collection of
different paper lanterns. It's more like some sort of tha paper lanterns or Chinese. Yeah, I see what's going on. This logo is pretty cool, but it doesn't look
like a paper lantern. I like the texture,
though on this. So this is the one that is going to my page six right here, paste that here, reduce
the size slightly. Alright, I think this is where I'm going to stop this demo. As you use Magic Morph, you will quickly realize that the most difficult part of
using this app is to come up with interesting prompts to modify the look and
feel of your elements. I often found myself
lacking inspiration or not knowing how to properly describe the looks I wanted to achieve. So here is a little hack. I the trick consists in
using an AI text generator, kind of like Cha GPT, or here in Canva, we
could use Magic write to ask it to generate
the prompts for me, to craft the prompts for me. So since I'm here in Canva, I'm going to first
try the magic write. So Canvas text assistant. Magic write can be found under the little Spark AI
quick button right here. So click on Magic write. I'm going to paste
the this prompt, you're welcome to just use that prompt if you
think it's working. I'm going to read it out loud so you see where I'm going here. Help me generate a series
of short description of popular styles or looks for
graphic design elements. Prompts can include objects, textures, colors, locations,
surroundings, people. I didn't invent these. I found this somewhere on the Canva website that Magic
Morph could handle all of these types of categories
of modification to your original then I
give it a few examples. Here are a few examples, inflatable reflective
gold foil party balloons. So these are just the
prompts that I had here. So I copied them exactly
the same one right here. I'm going to generate
this prompt, see what magic write
comes up with. Okay, I have ten different
answers right here. So what I'm going to
do is to insert that into my page right here because
I don't want to lose it. One thing about magic
write is that if I click it out of the prompt box, I'm going to lose all
of that information and I don't want to lose it. So I'm going to
bring it to my page. So let's see what we have
here Neon cityscape. Capture the vibrant essence
of a bustling metropolis at night with glowing neon lights illuminating towering skyscrape. This is a very elaborate prompt. I probably need something much more streamlined,
like less details. But let's just use what's
in bold right here, Neon cityscape, vintage
botanical illustration, rustic burlap texture. Let's try that. This could be cool for this specific logo. See how you can
generate these images. If you're not happy with them, you can modify the prompt. Maybe here I could say, Oh, these descriptions are too long, restrict yourself to, I
don't know, five words. And that would just give some extra guideline in your prompt so you can
adapt the size of it. Okay, me, I'm going to use
that rustic burlap texture, paste that here, select this one guy right here
and magic morph it. Let's see what comes out. Okay, I'm going to move
this to the side for now and show you different
results I have here. This one, oh, yeah. I could see the ball up
texture when I zoom in. It's actually pretty
interesting. That's one. Let me try this second
one right here. It has more texture to it. This is actually pretty
cool, kind of like that. Yeah, this is just
a little trick. I'm not going to go
too deep in this, but a little trick I
wanted to show you, you can call an AI
text assistant to help you craft the right
prompts for Magic Morph. Again, I used Canva here, but this would work with
the free version of ChanGPT Cloud or Gemini, use the AI tool of your choice. And that's it for this
lecture about Magic Morph. In the next one, I'll
show you how you can super easily generate
photos, videos, and graphics are of nothing with another cool AI tool
called Magic Media.
8. Magic Media: Magic Media allows you to turn even your most crazy ideas into images, videos, and graphics. And the way it works
is that it uses AI to generate these media based on a text prompt that you input. Now, this could be really useful to generate
an image you can't find in the Canva library or a specific Bau that you need
for your video project. Instead of spending hours searching for it
or designing it, magic Media allows you to
generate it out of thin air. Let's jump into a quick demo. Let me start by explaining where to actually find Magic Media. Magic Media will pop up in different places in
the Canva editor, but the best and
most efficient way to find it is to
look under the apps. Magic Media is an app. It's a Canva native app, but it is an app. So if you click on apps
and just scroll down a little bit in the
section more from Canva, you should see Magic Media. If you don't see that,
you can always type in Magic Media and hit Enter, you should see magic Media
here as the first option. So let's click on Magic
Media, the app Okay, so now, once you have
actually opened the app, this is what it would look like. So you will have and that's very important. So pay
attention to this. You have three different
tabs right here. The first tab being images. Then you have your graphics, and then you have videos. Okay? Right below that, you will have your prompt box. So you can enter in that box the prompt to
generate your media. It has this inspire me button, so you can just circle through these if you
are not inspired. And then you have your
style buttons, okay? A bunch of different styles. You should see five
straightaway, but more. If you click on C or, you should see large variety of styles. This is for images. So you have
photography, you have your digital art,
you have fine art. So these are the styles. If you want to go back, just use the little arrow right
here next to style, you will come back to the
main magic media interface. And then all the way
down at the bottom, you have your aspect ratio. So you can generate images in the three most common
aspect ratio square. So this would be perfect
for this document, for example, my Instagram
post document, landscape, which will be appropriate for presentation or
video or portrait, like a mobile video for so
that is what it looks like. Now, let's answer the question. Who can use Magic Media?
Is this a free app? Is this a paid app? Well, the answer is that it's
a paid app with a premium. So the premium means that
free users will get 50 uses, 50 free tries for magic Media to generate
images and graphics. Plus five tries to
generate videos. And that is lifetime. It's not every month. It's
not going to refresh. So once you have exhausted these 55 tries that you get for free as a
free user, that's it. You can't use magic
media anymore without upgrading your
Canva to a paid account. Now, if you are a pro
user or teams user here, I'm using my Canva
Teams account. You should see here
at the bottom, I have one of 500 credits left. So meaning I have
500 credits here. And these will refresh at
the beginning of next month. So 1 November 2024. So that is for images
and graphics, okay? The first two tabs. You have 500 credits per month per user.
This is important. If you're using a
Canva teams account, every single user in your team will have
these 500 credits. So for images and graphics, for videos, it's
a bit different. You have 50 credits
per user per month. So you have less than
the images because generating video is
more energy intensive, is more computer intensive
than to generate. So that is who has
access to this. Remember, it's a paid
feature but has a premium. So knowing that it
is important that you use it sparingly, especially if you are
a free user because these 50 free users are
going to run out very fast. So make sure you use it
not just for testing sake, but whenever you really need it. And two, try to generate good prompts because
the quality of your prompt will determine the quality of the
media being generated. Okay. So in this lecture, I'm going to teach you how
to write these good prompts. I'm going to show
you some examples of how I would prompt to
get different things, and hopefully you get the
best hues of magic media. Alright, let's start generating our first image right here. I'm going to clear this
preset prompt right here. My prompt is this one. I just purchased a big plant, birds of paradise plant. It's in our living room. I love it. So I
figured let's try to reproduce an image of
that plant with Canva. So the prompt is the
following a tall birds of paradise plant in a
handmade rotten basket. Okay? Because we have
a rotten basket, and the plant is pretty big, and it's a birds of
paradise. All right. So after you insert your prompt, you see, I kept my prawn
relatively simple. I figured, it's good to have
it's not like mid journey. You don't need to write these elaborated prompts with all the different
specs of everything, like the lens and
this and the light. Just try to keep it simple, make it detailed but simple. So it's a fine line. So
here I feel like I'm giving enough information
like the name of the plant, the type of texture for the basket. I think
that's enough. Once you have a prompt
you are happy with, you will need to
determine the style. So me, I'm going to be using something from
photography right here. I want the image
to be realistic. So I'm going to
be using vibrant. Okay? So tall birds
of paradise plant in a handmade rattle
basket in vibrant. Okay, let's generate the image. I'm using one by
one aspect ratio, so I'm make sure to select
this one right here and go and generate so again, I'm not going to speed
up the video for this first attempt
because I want you to see just how long it takes or how fast it goes to
generate these images. You see, I already
have two out of four, and this is looking
pretty good so far. My plant doesn't have
the orange flowers, so I'm going to go for this one because this one is the one that most looks like the one I am actually having
in my living room. Okay, so I'm going to set this image as the background
to make it full screen. There you go. And I'm
pretty happy about this. This image looks
quite realistic. I mean, we can
still see it's AI, but it's pretty realistic let me show you something
you can do from here. Without changing your prompt, so I'm not changing the prompt. I am going to click on CO again in my style
section right here. I'm going to change completely the style of this image
for something else. Let's look at something
else that could look cool, playful, could be good. Let's go into fine art papercut. I'm going to click on Papercut. And you see my prompt
has been kind of kept here in the memory of the app. So as long as I don't clear it, I still have the same prompt. Now, I'm going to generate this again using the
generate again button, create a different you
will see how different the same prompt will turn into an output because I
change the style of it. All right. Here I have some flowers in pretty
much all of these plants. I'm going to use this one. It looks cool. I can make it full screen set as background. You see how different the two images are just
because I change the style. So do some research
and make sure you understand the vibe or the aesthetic you are going for because switching
between these styles will make a huge difference in the output you are
getting from magic. Right. That is pretty good. Now, let me show you
something else you can do. I'm going to go
back to my prompt. I want to show you
that you can work on the prompt to try and
get different outcomes. Remember, I told
you that my plant doesn't have the
colorful flowers in it. So what I would like to do is to refine my prompt so that I stop receiving these
colorful flowers into the generated images. I would like the plant
to just be green leaves. Okay? So how could I do this? Well, just by coming
back to my prompt, also coming back to
the different style, let's go back with vibrant, the same as the first
image I generated. Now a tall birds
of paradise plant. Okay, a tall green birds
of paradise plant. And I'm going to put
birds of paradise in between the quotation
mark so that it knows it's the name a
tall green birds of paradise plant with
handmade atten basket. Let's see if this is
good enough if I modify the prompt enough so that it stop generating these
colorful flowers. So by simply
adjusting the prompt, here, I just added one
word, the word green, I changed the output
that I was getting to represent what I was
trying to get in a more faithful
manner, I would say. Okay? So there you go. I have
the green plant right here, and all of these four
options were green. So that actually so this teaches us something that the prompt is super
important here. So again, take some time
to craft the right prompt. My formula is to keep
it simple but precise. Okay? Every single word
in your prompt should be adding something to
the image description. Don't add words for the sake of adding words or adjectives for the sake of
adding objectives, and don't go into this very long prompt mid journey style, like early mid journey style. This won't do you any good. Trust me, I've tried
that here in Canva. This is not the way to prompt. Keep it simple, but be precise. That would be my recommendation. So this is what I
wanted to show you. Well, at least when it
comes to generating images, we are going to go into the videos and the
graphics in a second, but you don't need
to stop there. You can use all the photo
editing tools that Canva puts at your disposal to go further and further
modify this image. For example, this
plan right here, I could simply click on the Edit button with
my photo selected, of course, otherwise you
won't see any button. But then you see, I have all
of the magic studio apps, so the background remover, magic eraser, magic grab,
et cetera, et cetera. I want to get rid
of the background, for example, just click
on background remover. This should be pretty
straightforward, there you go to remove the
background of this plant. Now I have it without
the background. Again, if I click
on it, Edit button, I have also access to the
filters, the effects, and I could even use this
image inside a mockup. So yeah, this is not
the end of the story. You can definitely keep
editing your images that you generate with magic media by using the regular,
I would say, photo editing suite in you want to go deeper
and learn more about what you can
do in terms of text to image generation
with magic media, you can visit this landing
page by scanning this QR code. I will also have a link to this page in the
video description, but there is a bunch of good information here,
including questions like, can I use Canvas AI
image generators for personal or
commercial projects? So this is something you might be interested
in because you are selling designs you are creating with Canva and
with image generation. So this FAQ will answer that. Also, it will answer
questions like, can I generate images
of known people? You will also find the answer to that in this FAQ right here. So again, you can scan the QR
code that you see on screen or find the link in the
lecture's description. And for the gigs among you guys, wondering which model Kanva uses to generate
these images, well, we've been told it's Openeyes Dal E. Which
version of DALE, we are not exactly sure. Now, when it comes to video, Canva uses a different model
to generate the footage. It uses runway. And this makes me
confident about the quality we'll
be getting with magic media because
both Dal E and Runway are leaders in their
respective industries. So even though the results
we are getting as of today, inside Canva with magic Media
are not always spot on, I am confident this technology will continue to improve and pretty soon we'll be getting
truly amazing results. Now, let's get back to Canva and start messing around
with video generation. Alright, let's come back to
the magic Media interface. We were using the image tab. Remember? Now, I want you to
switch over the video tab. We're going to skip
graphics for now and come back to it
because I want to teach you the
different categories of media you can create based on the order Canva added them to
the magic Media app. So it started with images only, then Canva announced
and added the videos. And then more recently, Canva also added the Graphics tab right here so we can
generate graphics as well. So second addition
was the video. Okay? Same interface.
Pretty much. You just don't have
the styles here. All you have is this
textbox to prompt. Okay? So you can look at
different examples from Canva, which is something I would always recommend
you do because you can get a feel at what kind
of prompt they're using, the structure of this prompt. I'm not saying you should
prompt the same thing or even use one of
these examples. Remember, especially
if you're a free user, you got only five free
tries, and that's it. So use them wisely. So here an example
of a prompt is pop art animated background minimal motion design aesthetic. Let's see another one beautiful
snow capped mountains in the style of professional cinematography, natural light. Smoke blowing from the
mouth of an active volcano, beautiful spring
rose in a garden in the style of professional
cinematography, natural light. So here, I can see in the style and also some indication of the lights, which
is interesting. Alright, let me
clear these prompts and add my own prompts. So my own prompt, a female skater doing
tricks in a skate park. Let's add in the style of
cinematographic morning light. Okay, let's see if Canva
can generate that. Click on Generate. And it
says, grab your popcorn. A brand new video inspired by your scene is being generated. It should take about
one to 2 minutes. And you see here,
there is a little logo saying that this video
is powered by runway, like I mentioned before. So I'm going to speed up
the video because I don't want you to lose 2
minutes of your life. Alright, I see an image
forming right here. So let's have a
look I play this? If I hover my mouse
over this image, I can see something
moving in the background. I can see some
person right there. Like, writing is skateboard, but my main character
is not moving. I'm going to try to
import this into my page. Maybe that's the reason why. So this looks okay.
Though the hand here is weird, very weird. Like, I have four fingers.
I have a missing part. She looks like an Android,
actually. Let's see. Let's play this. Yeah,
that's what I thought. Like, she is not moving. I'm going to try to
generate it again because I'm not happy
with this result. Alright, I see my new image
has been generated there, but I believe I'm going
to have the same problem. I see people moving
in the background, but my main character
is not moving. And also, we have some
pretty bad things going on here with her face. Yeah. This is really not nice. Me the early Dal E
kind of vibe where the mothers were not able to
properly generate people. So actually, Canva gave me a warning when I was trying
to generate these images. I lost it now, but it said
something in the range of scenes with people or animal
may not look quite right. I think this is quite an understatement because
it is true that this video generation of
people are not there yet. I mean, this is not made to generate images of
people nor animal. I haven't tried
but, you know what? Let's go ahead and try something that actually is
recommended by Canva, No animals, not humans. Let's try a different prompt. This one should be
more straightforward. It's a drone shot flying at high speed over a
luxurious tropical forest. Okay, drone shot flying at high speed over a
luxurious tropical forest. Let's see if magic media can handle this prompt better
than the previous ones. Alright, I see my video
has been generated here. So yeah, let's add
this to my design. Alright, this is much
better than what I previously have about
the female skater. However, I was hoping that I would get the shot
from the drone, not a shot of a drone. A drone shot, flying. Okay, maybe I should modify this prompt to
find a way to say, Okay, I want this view
from the drones camera. Okay, so let's try
this one last time, a drone shot view from
the drone camera. Flying. Okay, let's try this. Maybe this will work better. Alright, my video is ready, and I think it worked. It's not moving very
fast, but it is moving. So I'm going to
move this one up, bring this one to my design
as well, and have a look. Yeah, so it's a very
slow moving shot, but it understood I wanted the shot to be taken
from the drone camera, not a video of the drone. So not quite there yet, but this is already much better. And I can see the
potential of this tour. Now, let's wrap up this
lecture with the last one of these three types and try
to generate some graphics. A, your graphics are in
the middle right here. So let's click on this tab and simply paste my first
prompt right here. So we have different
styles available to us. We have simple styles
with doodle stickers. The default graphics
right here seems to have a little bug
about this button. I reported this
to Canva already. But yeah, this should
be something else. I don't remember
what it looks like, like in normal circumstances, but there should be a
default graphics right here, line art, mod line, organic. So that's your simple styles. And then you have
your artistic styles, hand drawn, vintage,
geometric, et cetera, and your detail like
the three D chrome, gold foils, crab book, right? So I'm going to go.
As my prompt first. And for this one, I'm going
to go with the style organic. Okay? So see the organic style. And the prompt is a cloud icon with a smile and big round eyes. Okay. Let's imagine
I am creating a presentation or I am
creating a website, and I need that
specific icon, okay? And obviously, I
will need all of my icons to carry this
consistent style. But the first one is this one. So it will pretty much guide my aesthetic direction where
I'm going in terms of style. Okay. This is the prompt.
This is my style. Let's go ahead and
generate this graphic. Alright, I have my four clouds right here with the
smile and the big eyes. Don't like them all. This one kind of okay, but the colors are
a bit neutral. This one, as well. This one is weird because there's a cloud inside a cloud next to another cloud, so
there's too many clouds. And this one is freaky. This one is kind of like a
Halloween cloud. Okay, so I have these two, which is not too bad. I could probably work with this. I wish that the
graphics generated by magic media gave us the
option to change the colors. That would be super awesome. Maybe this is coming to Canva. I hope they get to this
point, but right now, they're not vectorized,
so you cannot change the individual colors
of everything in here. If you want to change
the colors of this, you need to go through your
edit button and do a tone. Okay? So you can do
things like that. You can insert your own
colors if you want to. But that's kind of like
you're limited to this. Okay, in terms of changing
the colors so far. Right, let's try something else. I want to use the
same prompt again, but to change the style
to something else. So let's go back to styles here, Show A. I want to try the monoline style
right here, okay? So generate again. There you go. I have some moderately good
icons being generated there. I don't know if I can use that. Like, literally, this one is what that is. This one is okay. It's maybe too simple. This one is a bit leaning
on the left here. Not sure what's happening. This one, not so
convinced either. Maybe I could tweak my
prompt a little bit, a simple cloud icon with a
smile and big round eyes. Okay, let's try this again
by adding the word simple. Will this make my cloud
more streamlined, more simple, indeed. Let's see. Alright, I have my four results. Again, the fourth
one looks like Canva was a bit tired at the end
and say, Okay, there you go. There's a fourth. Good.
The second one, not great. The third one and first one are the two ones that I
could probably use. But I will find many more interesting Cloud
icons in the media library. I mean, if I search for
elements under graphics. So I'm not convinced
about this one prompt. Let's try a completely
different prompt and see if it works
better, okay? I have something else here. Try. This prompt right here. Icon
of a dog wagging its tail. Okay? And for the style, I'm going to stick
with monoline, see what I can
get. There you go. F quite abstract
images of my dog. Maybe I should get rid of
the name of the word icon. Maybe a dog wagging
its tail would be more appropriate because
here, nothing really matches. So I'm feeling compassionate
here for all of you guys, free users because you're wasting your credits
on stuff like this I have plenty of credits and they will
refresh next month, so I can actually afford to
do all of these iterations. But from what I'm
seeing right now, the magic media, it has
a lot of potential, but it's quite irregular in the way it's generating
the media, the outcomes. And I can try different prompts. It's not getting any better. Maybe I'm using the wrong style. Maybe moodine is not a good
style for this. I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm going
to try one last thing, changing the style
for something more. Let's go back to the default
graphics, for example. Cava generates something better if I use the default
settings. Alright. I have four images right there. I'm going to use them
more on the design, and you can judge for yourself. Let me just resize them quickly. Okay, so we have this
one, this one, this one, and this blue guy right here.
Okay, so let's have a look. This is better than anything
else we've had so far. Obviously it's difficult
to represent movements like the tail wagging
with a steel image. But I can still see a
prominent tail right here, right here on every
one of these images. You just don't see the movement, but that's okay because
I get the essence. So these are actually much better than whatever we have had so far for the same and this is where I'm
going to stop the demo. Alright, folks, that's
a wrap on magic media. Overall, I believe
it's a solid feature, especially when it comes
to generating images, and I definitely encourage
you to give it a try. That being said, remember, this is just the beginning. Canva is actively
working on enhancing this technology and further integrating it
into its platform. So keep an eye on it because big things are on the horizon.
9. Magic Eraser: Let's dive deeper into
Magic Studio and see how Canvas AI tools can take your photo editing
to the next level. In this lecture, I want to
show you how Canva can help you clean up your photos
in a quick and easy way. The feature is
called Magic Eraser. And, trust me, it does exactly
what it says on the box. Just a few clicks.
You can remove any unwanted objects from
your photos using AI. It is simple, fast
and a total game changer when it comes to
cleaning up your images. Let's start with the
most common use case probably of Magic Eraser. And that is to remove unwanted people from
photos of yourself. Okay? So it could be selfie,
like this one right here, could be a photo that you take in the street or at
an event or anything. You just want to get rid of unwanted elements or
people in your photo. In this case, this photo is
very important to both DNA and this is the first photo we took together after reuniting, at the very beginning
of our relationship, we met in Peru, and then we both went back
to our respective countries, me in Belgium,
Diana and Colombia. We were separate for
about three months and only had spent about three
weeks together ever. So we didn't know where
this relationship would go, but this is when we kind
of reunited and together, we flew to India. Diana flew from Colombia to different countries
to get to Brussels. And this plane was leaving
Brussels to go to New Delhi. So this is when we reunited, we took this Selfie, so it's a very significant photo for us. Fortunately, there is this
guy here in the background. So what I'm going to
show you right now is how you can use Magic Eraser, try to get rid of this person. So the first thing you
need to know is that magic eraser is a paid feature. So there's no way
you can use that. If you're a free user, I'm using my Canva Teams
account right here. So the way you access
the feature in Magic Studio is you
click on your photo, go to your Edits button, and Magic Eraser should be
the second icon right here, second tool in Magic Studio. It looks like, so there's
a pack of French fries. It says Magic Easer. It has the little crown
indicating it's a paid feature. So click on it. And then
this is what you should see. I'm going to reduce so the
interface is very sleek, it's very simple to
use straightforward. You can decide
whether you want to select the part that
you want to erase, either by using the brush
or by using the click. Okay. So the click is
actually the simplest way. The brush kind of requires
you to be precise. You need to brush over
everything you want to remove. So it's not that
straightforward. I mean, it's not very hard, but the click, on the other
hand, look what happens. When you select click, Canva will quickly analyze
everything in the photo. And then when you hover over different elements
of this photo, you will get the ability to
just remove that selection. So here I want to
get rid of this guy. Not everyone else on the plane. I'm not that picky, but this guy right here
because he's right above the NST and he's also looking in a weird
way this direction. So I mean, let's remove him. So I clicked on it,
and I could continue selecting more things,
but I don't want to. Maybe this guy standing
there, is not necessary. So let's just remove
this guy right here. Once you've selected it,
you can click on erase. Then Canva will automatically erase that person from
the photo and kind of rebuild the pixels of what was supposed to
be behind that person. Did a pretty good
job here at actually getting rid of that person.
So I'm happy with this. If not, you can always
reset the tool. Okay, reset magic eraser, confirm the guy will come back, and you can try again
to erase that person. Okay, because it will not always give you the same result. The way the pixels will be rebuilt will not always be
the same. So there you go. I have cleaned up a very
important photo for DNnine. Right, let's try another photo. This photo right here, it's
a more recent photo that I took in South Africa in
the Cape of Good Hope, which is the most
Southwestern point of the African continent. Okay? So what you don't
see in this photo is that there was a huge
queue right here of people waiting for
dozens of minutes to just get their photo
taken right here. On this side, I mean,
there were less people. So I just, like,
scoot to the side, and I asked Diana to
take a photo of me. Obviously, there are
people in your shot. When you're right
there, there is no one else in your shot, but I knew I had magic eraser. So I could now spend some time just erasing
these people and nobody would ever know that I was not alone at the
Cape of Good hope. So the way you start, and what I want to show
you here is kind of like cranking up the difficulty, the complexity of removing four people because
really there are four people right
here from this photo. So let's try. First,
you select the image. Then click on Edit Image
Fine magic eraser. So again, you have your choice between the brush and the click, and the brush size
can be adjusted. You see you can make it smaller or bigger, so it's
really up to you. I'm going to start
with the click Okay, the AI is going to analyze the photo and then let you
click on different people. You see, cannot access the person behind the
first person for now. So I'm just going to select
these three and erase. All right, so there you go. This is not too bad. My letters have been
slightly blurred right here. I like the work it's
done around my head. Okay, not too bad. I
still have this, though. And now it seems like I can click I want to show you how
to use the brush as well. So I'm going to finish
this with the brush. I'm going to go over
all of this here, trying not to go too much or
too much to the side here. You can release your click.
That's totally fine. You can change the
size of the brush if you need to kind
of midway here. So let me just try
to be precise. You don't need to brush over
the shadows, I believe. Okay? So let me just do the
sensitive parts, like so, and then I'm going to change
the brush size and just go from outside and make sure
everything is brush here. A little bit here. I'm going
to reduce one last time, and there you go. Boom. Okay, now, can erase this. Not sure if it's going
to turn out good or not, but yeah, it's worth trying. So it's not actually great here. So what I'm going to do
is to reset and start over until I get a result
that I'm happy with. Okay? So again, I'm going to use the clicks, get rid
of these three. And instead of using the brush, I'm going to use the
click to finish off the last person right
here that I could not access with the click
during the first try. Now, I can. You see, I can
click on that person, erase. Let's just hope it's going
to make more sense now. This is not too bad, but
you see this right here, kind of like the
continuation of this board. I mean, this was not there. I'm not sure why. So maybe what I can try
to do is to simply use the brush and just brush
off this little thing here. And this as well. Let's see. It's an iterative process. You need to try
different things. The more you try, the
more you are going to damage your image as well. So I would say this
is as far as I go, let's see if I can get rid of
this shadow and try again. And if you're not
happy, you can always start or you can
buy another ticket, go back to Cape
Town and this time, wait in the queue to get
this perfect photo taken. But yeah, this is what
I wanted to show you. The photo is not perfect. I would probably not
use the photo as such. So you can always
reset the tool. It was a little bit
more complicated to deal with this
more complex photo. You can always try
again if you want to. But for me, I'm just
going to move on to the third and last
use case I want to show. Another photo right
here. Let's get into another mindset right now. I'm not talking about
travel photography. I'm talking about more
professional setup. This is a restaurant
in Gili Air, a little island of
Lombok in Indonesia, where we spent two weeks, Diana and I earlier this year. And we went there
to this restaurant. The restaurant belongs
to a lady called Mona, and Mona cooks very well. As you can see on the photo,
the food looks delicious. And we went there
again and again. I think we went there good ten times during our
two weeks there. The more we would go, the
more we decide, Okay, we should try to
do something for Mona to help her with
her restaurants. And the first idea that
came to mind is, Oh, we could redesign Mona's
menu in Canva and have a QR code generated and have all of the
QR code on the table. So when people scan that code, they would get to a Canva
website with Mona's menu. That was our we took a bunch of photos of the food
or different things, and this is one of the photos. But let's imagine you want to use this photo.
There are two things. First, there is a little icon right here that thumbs
up, half of it. And then let's say,
I want to get rid of this beer right here,
the Bintang right here. I want to focus on the food. Let's say I don't want to
show any alcohol on my menu. How can I do that?
Well, very easily, same process going
to use magic eraser. Okay, let's go again
with the click. Let's first take
care of the beer. That should be super
straightforward. Click on the beer, erase. Gone in no time. Alright? Boom. Bye bye Bintang. And now I'm going
to zoom out and focus on this little
thing right here. You see the click is not picking
it up, it's not showing. So I'm just going to use
the brush and simply do a little touch over
this, and there you go. I got rid of that little half icon right
here on my food photo. So as you can see, magic eraser is perfect for cleaning
up your photos. Now, let's crank
things up a notch and discover what magic Grab can do.
10. Magic Grab: Alright, you folks.
Welcome back. Let's talk about something
really cool, magic grab. This tool will take your photo
editing to the next level. Imagine being able to click on any object in your photo
and instantly select it. From there, you can
delete it, resize it, move it around, or even drop it in a completely
different image. Magic grab gives
you total control over every element
in your photo. Be aware, folks that as most of the good stuff
in Magic Studio, Magic Grab is also a
paid only feature. This means you will
need a Canva Pro, Canva Teams, Canva Enterprise, Canva for non profits or education accounts to be
able to use Magic Grab. Now, that being said,
let's jump into my Teams account and
see how it works. One thing I believe Magic
Grab is great for is to reorganize a specific image
or photo you might have. And this could be
very handy when it comes to creating
thumbnails for your video. So I have here a few
photos I already researched for you guys and prepared. The first
one is this one. It's a photo I took in Indonesia
of a wood cover, okay? I believe his name was Hear, and he worked for
an organization, a fair trade organization
called Peckert. So what I want to do with
this is to create a thumbnail for the interview I have of
Hearu on my YouTube channel. Okay But you'll see if
I just use this image and try to make it fit to
my thumbnail document here, so cover the entire
thumb see that hu is too big and so it's either his foot is cut out or the
top of his head. I cannot have the entire hu, his entire body in my shot without having part of the
thumbnail which is left blank. So that is a problem, indeed. So let's try to fix
this with magic grab. The first thing I'm
going to do is to click on the photo and
select that photo. I'm going to click the
Edit button to bring on the menu here and I'm going
to go for Magic Grab, which is this yellow
icon right here. Okay? So you see
the pro feature. I'm going to click
on Magic Grab, and this is what the UI
will look like. You see? It had quickly
analyze my photo and allows me to either to
select a part of my photo, and you see here something
peculiar is happening. It's the fact that since Hero is working with this
piece of wood here, the AI doesn't recognize
him as one single piece. You see there are different
parts of Hero's body, actually, what's
below this piece of wood and what's above it. So this is going to add an extra layer of difficulty to my project,
but it's not impossible. Let me show you how to work and you also have
the brush, okay? So brush works just
like we've seen before. You can adjust the size of the brush and decide to manually brush over whatever parts you
wish to grab in that photo. Click is much easier
to use, okay, because it just, does the
heavy lifting for you. So I'm going to
start with Click. And the good thing with
click is that you can click on different
elements in your photo, all at once, select
them all at once. You don't need to press any key. Keep clicking on
these parts to add them to your selection.
So I see this. I see the little
handle of the tool that hero is using right
here. Click on the tool. Unfortunately, I don't have any option to click on
that piece of wood, on on that other
piece of wood right there that I believe He
is using as a support. So I'll have to rely on the brush for these
two other elements. So I'm going to do my best
to brush this correctly. Okay? So I'm just
holding my click and moving my mouse here, right, making sure I'm
covering all of the here. Once I have kind of done
the complicated part, I can increase the size of my brush to just save
a bit of time here. Just go over this, make sure I don't leave anything
selected. Okay. Once you have
everything selected, click on grab for Magic Grab to actually do its thing, right? It's going to detach every selected part from
the current background. Now, this tool is different from the background remover in that background remover will just get rid of the background. Here we detach the subject, but we keep the background. Now, you see, I can
move everything that I selected around without having
the background go away. I did a pretty good job at
selecting everything here. So now that I have
this selection, and I have kind of
detached my topic, my subject from the background, I can do different things. I can resize. You see, I can scale him down. Which is going to be much easier for me to create that thumbnail in that specific dimension. Remember, it didn't fit on
the document size right here on the full frame
document with my thumbnail. So the first thing I'm
going to do before I even scale hero I did scale
him a little bit down. But I'm going to click
on the background, right click on that background and set the image as background. If I double click on
it, I can adjust. So I can adjust up and down. But of course, I'm going to
lose a bit of the background, but that's not too
much of an issue. I still want to see the product he's making there, like
the finished product. I still want to see
the coffee glass. I still want to see the
chips of wood on the floor. So I want to keep all of that. So let's go with this. Now, you see this is
starting to take shape. I can move her around. Let's make him bigger because he's kind of like the hero of that don't want his photo to be in front of the tools
that we see. We see a star. Okay, so this looks
actually pretty good. Let's also make sure we
have realistic scale. So the size of hero
compared to the glass, compared to the sandals. So it needs to
make sense, right? So like, play around
this a little bit, try to find the best spot him. Usually, also, I will use the rule of thirds
on my thumbnail, trying to align one of the hotspots on one of
these thirds right here. So if I bring in
some guides here, so show rulers and
guides, there you go. The third would be more or less, something like that.
This is more or less. I'm not saying this is perfect. Maybe Canva has some
predefined guides here for me. They do. So rows
and guy add guides. Yes. So three by three grid. That's perfect. So I can
actually, You know what? I'm going to cancel
my previous guides. So settings, add guys, let's just cancel these
two, I just add it, and then now go
back settings add guides and select the
three by three guides. There you go. So
now it is precise. And you see this
guide right here, it's actually crossing
He's I, which is perfect. So I think I'm good here. I'm going to deactivate
the routers and guides. Okay, so I now know that hero is properly
aligned on that. Something that looks a bit
weird is that glass here. Why is the glass so far if
Hero has been working here? And obviously, he has been
working from the same position because you see all of the chips of wood, they're still there. Okay? So the glass should probably be
somewhere around here. And also, because I moved him here from the
original photo, it's kind of like
an empty space here that has been rebuilt
by DAI, right? All of this wasn't
there in the photo. It was Hero's place. So how about I try Magic Grab. Again, on the
background this time, not on her, click
on the background. Go to your Edit
button, Magic Grab. Again, you can zoom out
using the Zoom command here. And you see with
the click enabled, I can now click on that glass. Perfect. I'm going to grab
that glass. There you go. Now, the grass is selected
and I can move it around. So you see, I just take it, and I'm going to
put it about here. See if it works. Yeah. Could work. Maybe I could rotate it slightly,
something like that. How about that? Does that look natural maybe? Does
to me. All right. So I'm good with
this, or maybe I would bring it closer
because I have an idea. I'm going to add some text
right here on my thumbnail, so maybe the glass
could just be there, so I have more space to work
with my text right here. So you see how I use
Magic Grab twice to kind of reorganize
my photo right here. And I love that it gives me so much flexibility
to work with. Before this type of feature, I would not been able to use this particular photo that I love for creating a thumbnail. It just wouldn't be possible
without cutting part of it. But with this, I can
keep the same setting. I can keep everything
the authentic scene, if you want, without having to recreate it with AI or
anything like that. But I just moved things around and I scared
things around, which is, to me, pretty impressive
and very useful. Let me show you what the
photo would look like. If I just add some text here, I have it already premade. So yeah, it could be
something like this. I could slightly tilt it. But yeah, this looks
pretty good to me. I could even lower I could
align it with the floor. You see the floor right here. So I could have something
like this and create a pretty good YouTube
thumbnail. So there you go. That was the first use
case I wanted to show you. Now, let's move over
another use case. I'm going to stick with the
YouTube thumbnail creation. You might find a photo like this one in
the Canva library. Okay? Similarly, you would like to use this on a thumbnail, but if you scale it up, you see that it's just
taking too much space. Also, the grandma here is holding her phone
to take the selfie, but we see a big chunk
of her hand right here. So how can we fix
this with magic Grab? Well, similarly, select your
photo, edit Magic Grab. I'm going to go with
click one more time. Click on her, and you see
what's going on here. Magic Grab doesn't select automatically the
hand right here. It recognizes it as two
different parts in that design, which actually is quite useful for me because
I don't want the hand. I just want the grandma. Okay, so I'm going to
grab her. There you go. I have her I believe I don't need the rest of the photo, so I'm
going to delete it. I could have maybe background
removed that, but I mean, you never know if you will need the rest of the thumbnail. So I'm going to do
something like this and find another background. Going to my elements,
element stab, I'm going to search for a warm yellow gradient background. Let's try to emulate
and search into photos. Okay? So with photos,
I'm going to go see O, and I'm trying to emulate the previous background that
we had on that same photo, but just make it smoother because when I removed
her from that background, it created kind of a weird spot where she was
originally located. So let's go with this
one. Right click on it, set images background.
That looks cool. Now, again, if I wanted
to create my thumbnail, I would have some text here. I can just grab that from
page that I have here. So the text would look
something like this. And now, what I could do with this image right here,
I could flip it. Maybe I just flip
it horizontally, have something like
this, and there you go. Now I have a cool YouTube Samnil edging in style that could be useful for my channel if I was talking about
Ashion, for example. So again, I thought this was a good use case of using magic grab to just
grab an image. You like part of an image. You don't need the whole thing, so you can grab it and use it for a different
composition. My favorite way to use Magic Grab is to use it
for digital collage. With this tool, there
is no more limit to what you can do
with your photos. Let me show you an
example. Okay, let's say you have a photo like this one. Okay, a group selfie,
looks very normal, could be any person's family, and you kind of want
to spice it up. Could be your family
could make a joke in, you know, your family
Whatsap group, grab one of these
and add someone like a funky character in
that mix of people. Alright. So first, you would need to find the funky
character, okay? So continue in our direction of using the funky grandma, okay? We are going to go
to the element stab and search for a funky grandma. You see, I already have search for funky grandmas in the past, so they are here
under my photos, CO. Okay. So I could try to find a grandma that would fit nicely into this
photo right here. Maybe this one
could work because she's from the waist
up, kind of like them. So this could work. This
one could work as well. I could have her somewhere in the photo. I could have her. Let's go with this
grandma right here. Okay. So now I want to
demonstrate how you can grab a person from an image and bring it to another image, which could be very cool
to create digital collage. Okay? And this would work
with not only people, but also objects, graphics, anything really that you
like on a specific photo, you can grab it and bring it to another one,
which could make, like, really cool like
digital art, digital collage. Me, I used to go to a
physical collage class, and I loved it. So can't wait to start
experimenting with this in Canva. Right, so I have
this first image. What I will do is to select it and use the magic
grab on this one. I'm going to start by selecting
this grammar right here, the rock n roll grammar. Okay? So perfect. When I hover my mouse over it, it can select it all, so
I'm going to grab her. There you go. She
has been detached, so I can get rid of the
background for now. And now I want to insert
her on this photo. I need to scale her down a bit so it looks consistent
with the other people, like the size of their
size of their body. You see probably
around this size. I don't see a way
to make her fit perfectly without being in
front of somebody else. So what I'm going
to do, I'm going to leave her here for now, and I'm going to
select the other photo and also magic grab it. Okay? So magic
grab. There you go. Can I select the
people individually? Yes. This is wonderful. Look, I can select this first guy taking the
selfie with the phone, the first lady, the second
guy right there in the back. The only thing I
cannot select is his hand on that
person's shoulder. So I'm going to grab
her first. Okay, grab. You go. Now, I can
move her around, okay? What I'm going to
do is delete her. Now you see the hand has become some kind of horrible
chicken feed. So I'm going to use another tool to get rid
of that. Okay, Edit. Going to go with
the magic eraser and zoom out a little bit, brush over this atrocity
here and just get rid of it. Okay? We don't need
that in our photo. Okay, it's going to look a bit
mushy with the wall there, but don't worry too
much because we are going to place
grandma right here. So once I'm done,
click the back arrow, and now it's time for
me to grab Grandma. So first, what I
can do is to set the first image as the
background. There you go. Now, let's just operate
the magic here. Bring grandma to
the mix without. Okay, I cannot move more to the right right
here, but it's okay. I can bring Grandma. I can turn her around slightly, like so. So she doesn't block the other
guy right there too much, but she is definitely
in our photo. So yeah, that is the kind of fun little collage projects that you can do with my obviously, this is a simple collage. You could really go more
crazy with this and have an entire composition
just really let your creativity run wild and find whatever you
need in the library. That's the good thing
about digital collage. You can search. Physical collage, you need to flip through these magazines and textures and stuff until you find something
that might work. Here, you can
actually search for the exact elements that you need and want to insert
into your collage. So try it on, have
fun with this. Magic Grab is definitely
a fun feature.
11. Grab Text: Grab text allows
you to select and edit the text in your
photos with the help of AI. It's also part of
the magic studio, and it's also only
available to pay the users. What I suggest is that
we jump straight into a quick demo so you can
understand how it works. So Grab text will allow you basically to
work from a photo. It could be a photo you
have imported or like me, in this case, I have this
photo from the Canva library. And you see this is
an interesting photo, like it circles and it
focuses on one specific word. What if I different
word right here to fit my slide and my presentation or
whatever I'm trying to do. Well, I can use Grab
text for this and to change this specific
word right here. So the first thing
you need to do is to, of course, select your photo. Without the photo, select it, there is no way you
can start this. So click on the edit button, and then look for Grab
text in the magic studio. Okay? Should be right
here at the beginning. Grab text. Click on it. Then we'll have the
familiar two tabs. Okay. You can use the click. Let me zoom out a
little bit here. So you see what's so
Canvas AI recognizes all of the different
text elements on that design, I would say. So you can select
one specific one by clicking on it or you
can select all of the text. Me, I'm going to click on the
one that I want to change. This is this one actually. It goes a bit beyond than the
word vision, but it's okay. I'm going to change
this one right here. So clicking on it, then
click on the grab button. Canvas AI is going to
analyze this design and transform it so that your
text is actually editable. You see now if I click outside on the other
pieces of text, I cannot do anything. But this line right
here, this one, I I'm going to change
this vision for drive. Drive is the word
I'm looking for. Now, you see the rest
of the sentence, it's kind of like overlaying on top of something
else in the background. So I'm going to delete,
and then I'm going to reduce the size of this textbox, so it's actually nice
and clean here drive. Okay. And you see the font kind of matches the other font. Maybe I can adjust
this slightly. If I wanted to change the font, I can definitely do
this as well. You see? I select it and I just go just like I would
for normal textbox. It is a normal textbox. Come here and search
for a different font, maybe times new Rama. Okay, let's try this. It'll bit too big.
Yeah, this could work. So drive like that, you can create it's not the exact same photo
but just like that, you can create a brand new
design. You can group it. And now just simply scale this photo so that it
matches your document, for example, perfectly,
something like this. Or if you are going to use
this in a presentation, you can now grab that image
and use it wherever you want. So that's it really
what there is to it. You can grab any piece of
text from an existing photo, either from the library,
one that you upload, even fonts, like if you
screenshot or screenshot that you made from a present so let me
show you another use case. I have a photo right here that I just took of
my computer screen. I was visiting
Canvas Landing page about Grab text because I research every single
piece of material I can find before I shoot
one of these lectures. And so I found this
landing page with the limitations of Grab text. So I found that interesting. I just took a picture
with my phone of my computer screen I just air
dropped it to my computer. So this is the actual photo. I uploaded it into Canva, but this is the information
that I wish to grab. I would love to grab
this list of limitations and transform that turn
that into I don't know, maybe carousel for social media or something I would
list in my presentation. So instead of copying all
of that text, actually, this piece of text right here on the landing page
was not editable. I could not copy and
paste it for some reason. So I took a photo and
this could be a photo of something and your
computer screen. Because obviously, when
it's your computer screen, most of the time, you will be able to select the
text and copy. But if you are walking
in the street, you see a poster,
you see a sign, maybe you want to grab it, or maybe you are at the library and you see a
book and you just want to take a picture of
a specific page because you want to
grab that information. So this is a very cool
application for this. So now I have this. Let's
run Grab text. There you go. Here. I'm going to
grab all the text. If I grab all, I will have all
of that stuff here on top. So I'm going to be
picky and select the ones that I like
the ones that I want. Okay? So what I'm doing here, I'm not this one, selecting all of the
points that I want. So the main title and
all the bullet points. For some reason,
they are not all in the same textbox, which is fine. And that is one of the actual
limitations of grab text. It will not always perfectly recognize what the text
is in your design. So Command X, this thing, o? You see how I deleted
it from this page. I'm going to come to
the next page and Command B to paste
everything here. Going to quickly organize
this because you see this is divided into four or
five different text boxes. So I'm going to take them
all from the bottom. And first, I'm going to justify everything to the
left right here, and I'm just going to bring
everything together here, o, under one main textbox
so that it's cleaner. And yeah, it's just me being a bit OCD here and wanting to have everything
well organized. Okay? So it's not going
to take too long. The last one, let's
say, it doesn't matter. So now this is where we are. Okay? We have the
main text right here, and we have a list of bullets with our grab
text limitation. Make that big so you can see it. Right, so this is where we are. Now, let's say we want to
leverage this content. It's actually good content,
educational content. Well, one way of doing so, you could very well
go to the next page and explore under
the design tab, I'm going to explore
some templates. I'm going to look for
Carusel or social media, yeah, the first one right
self for social media. I'm looking for something that might have five or
six different pages. I'm not going to do all
of these bullet points, but something like
this could be nice. You see, there's one. So there is enough for, like, a big title, and then
some quick tips. Okay, this could work. I'm going to click
on this, and I could apply all five
pages to my document, but then it will delete
the rest of the document. And then I have
one more use case. I want to show you later. So I'm going to add
the pages 1 by one. 12, three and four. We're going to go
with four pages. For now, I just want
to make a point here and show you how quick
you can work with this. Next, I'm going to go and grab my title and just swap it
for this one right here. We're going to do Command
Shift V to paste this. Okay. What are the limitations
of grab text? I could probably
delete the WR and keep the limitations
of grab text. Rights, yes, or even
limitations of grab text. And I would love to have
limitations of grab text. Okay, this is good
enough, you're going to make that bigger, or if you want to maintain limitations of you can adjust the cutting
of the words here, limitations of grab text. Okay, let's go with this
one. I know it's not the ideal way of working
to cut a word like this, but let's say it's
not that important. The design is not
that important. I just want to show you how
to leverage that information. So let's find one
that could work. You may experience temporary
technical failures. Okay, let's just go with this. Again, select here, Command
Shift V or you could just do Command B.
I think that would work perfectly as well.
And there you go. You may experience a
temporary technical error while using this AI feature. Okay? Next, select another one. Doesn't really matter. Grab text tries to match the text in the image with a familiar style of font and position
it correctly. Sometimes it doesn't work
perfectly. That's true. Let's try to fit all of this
here or maybe I fit it here. There seems to be
more space here. Okay, that's a little
bit so I could either try to enlarge this
text box right here. So I have more space for my lines, and I think
this will work. Okay. Sometimes I'm going
to bring this one, like so. Okay, this is not too bad. What I could do, I could
also use Magic write. You see, now I'm kind
of moving away a little bit from the
Grab text feature, but I want to show
you a workflow. What are some practical
ways you can use Grab text. So magic write, I'm going to shorten this, ask,
Okay, replace. So here is the shortened version that Magic write wrote for me. Grab text attempts to match image text with a similar font and position it accurately, though it may not always work. So the meaning is exactly
the same. It's just shorter. So yeah, that worked correctly. Then the last page that
I need is this one. Okay, I need a short one here. I could always shorten it, so maybe this one. There you go. This one is short and sweet, so it will be perfect
for this page. There you go. Yeah,
perfect size. Right, so this is what
I have f. So if you want to go even further and
customize this further, for example, I'm going to select all of these
slides right here. So the way I did that, selected the first one, all my shift key, selected the last one, and everything in between
has been selected. I'm working right here
in the Subnat view. And then go to my brancht, I can apply either
my primary colors, my secondary colors,
my neutrals. Let's go for neutral,
something neutral right here. Okay. This looks. The style of that page has been changed. I could do the same process with the other
pages very quickly, just clicking on them and then shuffling this neutral
color palette right here. I just need to make
sure my arrows. You see the arrows going from page to page are
of the same color. And to accentuate these arrows, I could even use a
different color. That would be the only
pop of color on my page. So you see what I'm
doing here is just select the different
arrows on the design. So next page I should Color, then this one right here. Again, just very quickly, you can create some cool
effects right here, and people will focus
on these arrows. And since this is a carousel, it's actually very nice, and maybe we could have this title of my document
in a bolder color. So now I have something on brand that I created in a
couple of minutes. Let's say seconds if I was not demonstrating it to you with some content that I grabbed from a photo that I actually
took from a website. There is one last thing
I want to show you. It's not related to grab text,
but it's related to this. You see this name right here, Connor Hamilton on
all these four pages. Let's say I want to change that to Ronnie
Hermosa, for example. So this Connor Hamilton, it came with the
template, right? Same with really great site. I could just change
that very easily. I'm going to show you a feature
in Canva that will allow you to find text and replace
it in your entire document. Okay? So the first thing
I'm going to do is to copy this Connor Hamilton text. It's copied Control
C. Go to Five and find a feature that's
called Find and Replace text. Okay? So I want you Canva
to find Connor Hamilton. I found four and replace
it with Ronnie Hermosa. All right, so I typed
my name right here, and I want to make sure
I replace them all, not just the first page. So click on replace
A, and you see all four matches were replaced. So now Ronnie Hermosa, like two, Ronnie Hermosa, three,
four, Ronnie Hermosa. Do the same for the website, for the social, whatever. It's just a quick way of replacing a piece of information across
your entire all right, moving back to grab text, there is one more
use case that came to my mind that I thought
I would demonstrate. It is kind of like editing text for confidentiality
purposes. All right? So this is a screenshot I
took from a YouTube comment. Somebody left us a comment
on our YouTube channel. It's a very nice,
flattering comment. That's why I chose
it. But honestly, we receive a lot of very cool comments on the
YouTube channel. So if you're not yet
subscribe to that channel, I highly recommend you find
us on YouTube at Team Rondi, and you will find our channel. So anyways, this is a comment, but what I want to delete from this photo is the
last name of Yvonne. Okay? I want to protect
Yvonne's confidentiality, and I think maybe having the first and last name
is a bit too much, especially if I want to
use this in a public way. So what I'm going click
on it, edit text. Again, my grab text right
here in the magic studio, and I can zoom out a little bit. So there you go. I want
to click on this textbox. This is the one I want to edit. So I'm going to grab
it. There you go. It's been grabbed.
The only thing I'm going to change
is the last name. So I could either
delete it altogether, or I could just keep the first letter and
abbreviate the last name. Maybe I give a bit more space
here, and there you go. Even P. Now, this is much more confidential already.
I'm going to group this. So that's just
another quick hack that I thought I would show. And that's it for grab text. There's not that
much to it, really. I believe it's a useful tool, but there are many
other ways that you can grab text from
a photo nowadays, the camera of your
iPhone, for example. In the next lecture,
we'll continue to have fun editing
our photos with AI. But this time, we
focus on a feature called Magic Edit. I
will see you there.
12. Magic Edit: Magic Edit allows
you to magically transform your photos
with AI by simply brushing over the areas you'd
like to modify and then describing what you want to
add with a simple prompt. And that's exactly what I'm
going to demo right now. Alright, let's start
with this photo of DNI Ni in that elevator. Okay? So there is this line right here because I'm
taking the photo in a mirror that was in that elevator and that
mirror had a line. So first things first, you need to select your image, go to your edit button and then find magic Edit should
be here. So click on it. And the interface of magic
Edit is pretty similar to what we are used to with the other
tools in Magic Studio. You have your brush that
allows you to brush over any part of the photo you would like to
replace. Okay, Edit. Or, you have your click,
which will analyze the photo, just like the other
features and let you click on the different subjects in
that let's click on myself. Let's click on Ronnie. And let's use this prompt right here. Change T shirt for
one with pandas. Okay, I would like to replace my cool T shirt with flamingos
for one with pandas. I'm going to generate and
magic edit is going to work. It's going to try to find the right panda and basically
replace it on my shirt. You go, I have four different
results right here. Let's go over them one by one. So this is one, not great. There are some pandas, but they're not
looking that great. This one is a little bit better. I think this one is better, yet none of them are perfect. And the last one is a mix
between flamingos and panda. Something to notice is that the light is slightly
different on my face, you see, and on my arm, depending on which
photo I'm using. So there's something going on with the entire
image right here, not just the I'm going
to go with this one, which is the one that
looks the less weird. But we clearly see a difference. See, this line has
definitely influenced the final outcome because on
that side, it looks okay. On the other side, it looks
like two different t shirts. So definitely the line
didn't help here. Alright, so if you are not happy with this, you
could generate again. Me, I'm going to
move on because I don't think it's going to
get any better than this, but do know that you can
generate what else can you do? You can cancel from here
that will bring you back to your selected
or brushed over area. Okay. And you can clear. You can use that purple
button right here to clear your selection as well. Now, I'm going to try
something else this time working on Diana and
working with the brush. I'm going to reduce
that brush size, and I would like to create
a nice hat for Diana. So I'm going to
brush kind of like the area where the hat
is going to. Okay. So you can change the brush size if you want to make it more or less precise. For me, it was
already quite fine. So just make sure you brush over the area where your generated
image is going to come. Okay, let's see like this. This kind of looks like a hat. So it will probably help the
AI understand what I want. And my prompt is
the following one. I'm going to replace this one, add a cowboy hat.
Okay? Let's see. Cowboy hat for Diana. Go, few different
cowboy hats are starting to show here like
this one, little Sheriff hat. This one is more like a hat, but maybe somebody rolled over it with a
tractor. I'm not sure. This one looks more like
a Western kind of hat where people are just walking on dusty streets.
I kind of like it. This one looks the
most natural in the position that's been
put on Diana's head. This one is well, but
it looks a bit weird. So I'm going to stick with one. This gives you a good first
glance at what you can do. Something to take into
consideration, though, is that magic edit is not
great when working with hands. That's why I didn't try to
change the phone right here. Actually, I tried when I was
prepping for this lecture, and I never could get the object right
here to look right. I tried replace the phone for an ice cream. I
never looked right. Replaced the phone for
a flower arrangement or replace the phone for
whatever. It never worked. So yeah, because and I believe
the reason is because it's in my hand and the AI is
still struggling with hands, faces, legs, body
parts in general. So it's not really meant to be used on humans as
far as I understand. Okay, let's move on
to another photo. So this one right here, again, I'm going to
select the photo, find the tool under my
magic studio features. And I'm going to use
the click this time. You see two different things. In this image, we have the
frame behind the lady, o or the painting, the place
that is painted on the wall. I'm not sure if it's a frame or just the wall then we have the lady, and then
we have the camera. So again, I tried changing the camera because it was
too close to her hands, it was almost impossible
to get anything decent. So what I'll try to show you now is to replace this rectangle, this pink rectangle on the
wall for something else. So here's my prompt replace for an abstract painting in a wooden frame. Okay?
Let's try this. Okay, so I have four
images that are quite similar, one from another, and I believe this one is
probably the best one, but I also believe that the
magic edit got confused. I wanted an abstract painting. Right? Abstract painting. It's right there in my prompt, but it seems like the
end of the prompt, a wooden frame is mostly what has been
considered there because the painting itself
has the texture of a wooden plank or
wood in general. So I'm going to try
to change that. So replace for an abstract
painting of a sunset generate. Let's see if it understands
better if I just got rid of the word wooden that seemed to have confused
the AI right there. There you go. We have different abstract
paintings of a sunset. This time, this is a bit better. So this one is probably a sunset on the planet
with two different suns. But there are some good ones.
This one is not too bad. I like this one. This one could work as well. It's
a bit childish. The sun is too elongated, like, it's not round, but
this one looks nice. Okay, done. I'm going to
go and fly with this. Now, one last thing I want
to do with this photo, I'm going to use the click
again and this time, select the lady
because I want to try and change her
outfit right here. So I'm going to click
on her and then paste this prompt right here. Change for a yellow sweater. It was kind of like pale green. Let's go for a yellow
sweater instead. Picked a color
that would be more different from the original
one, but I don't know why. Maybe to match the sunset behind in the frame,
let's see. There you go. So this worked pretty well. From the first attempt, we have different
yellow outfits, kind of different
shades of yellow. This one being probably the
one closest to the original. And then this one probably being the nicest one with the
most intense yellow. Alright, so I think we got to a pretty good result with
this image with this project, the sunset, and then change
the color of the outfit. So I'm going to just
do one last trick. So you start to get
the point, right? It's not going to work
always super fine. You will need to iterate, try again, maybe try the
brush over the clicks. But for this guy right here, holding the flower pot, let's just try one
last thing, okay, edit, go to the app, magic Edit. I'm going to get a pretty
decent brush side, and I'm going to brush this
time quite like randomly. I'm not trying to
be precise here. I'm just brushing
over this thing. Okay, so so you see, this is not precise work. It's just me brushing roughly over this orchid
right here in the pot. And I'm going to
use this prompt. Replace for a giant
cheeseburger. Okay, let's go. Replace for a giant cheeseburger because this guy
looks kind of hungry. There you go. A giant cheeseburger.
That's the first one. That's actually
the smallest one. I probably go for this
giant cheeseburger. Now, that's a giant
cheese burger. If you want to see a
freaky cheeseburger, there you go with like, I don't know what that is or this one with a piece
of marshmallow, maybe dessert. I don't know. Free dessert. Alright, so this probably is the
best one, though, the slices of tomatoes and onions here look
a little bit weird. So I don't know, two different
kinds of meat, like, one that looks like a
good one and one that looks like it has been
on the thingy like, you know, the quickie
mark roll with the hot dogs in the Simpson
for a bit too long. So I would probably
go with this one. This one is a nice
cheese burger Egg seems. So yeah, let's
stick to this one. When using magic edit, you will quickly notice that the tool is far
from being perfect. It's actually quite rare for the AI to get your
photo edit just right. However, you can improve your chances of getting it
right with the following tips. Avoid adding flags,
pieces of texts, faces, hands, as they might not look right when
generated by the AI. Two, when modifying colors or material of an
object in your photo, try using similar prompts
like change jacket to blue or make the jacket
look like it's made of fur. Number three, if
you want to change the scene of an image
or its entire style, you might as well brush over the entire image or select
all of the objects in that. Number four, brush only over
the area you want to change. Remember our example
where we try to place the hat on
top of Diana's head, I only brushed over the area where I wanted the hat to be. Number five, add one
thing at the time and repeat the process if you wish to add more
things to your image. Number six, avoid adding
the size in the prompt. Brush a larger area instead. So, for example, don't write replace this with a large bird, but rather brush a larger area on your photo and then
say replace with a. Number seven, restrain from
trying to add celebrities or popular brands in
your design because these might get blocked
for copyright reasons. And that's it for
magic Edit guys. Now, go have fun with it.
13. Magic Expand: Magic expand lets you fix
awkward framing photos that are to zoomed in or even turn vertical shots
into horizontal ones. It uses AI to recover, understand, generate whatever
is just outside the frame. So it could be the tip of
your head at your own risk, part of a landscape or
anything really that you missed while taking
it is a good feature. So only for pro teams, enterprise, educational
and non profit plans. And that's it. Really, let's
have a look at how it works. So the first use case I'm
going to demonstrate to you is fixing a missing
part of a photo you took. Okay? So this is
a photo of me in Sydney relaxing after
a hard day at Canva. And obviously,
yes, there is part of this photo missing
my head right here. I would love to have the rest of the photo. It's a bad self. Before I start, we'll simply duplicate this page because
I want to be able to compare the before
and after once my photo has been expanded.
So I'm here on page two. I'm going to go edit and find the magic Expand
tool right here. So the interface is
pretty straightforward. You'll have two different tabs. By default, you will
land on the Expand tool, but know that there is
a crop tool as well, which is free this one. So the crop tool is not what
we are about right here. We are about magic expand
that actually uses AI. And from here, we'll
have to choose how much of our photo we want to
get back or to regenerate. So the first option
is free form. So freeform means I can stretch this frame
right here that I selected on the photo and basically stretch it
in any direction. And this will generate whatever is inside this purple
frame right here. So that is free form. I don't really typically
use this method. Whole page is something I've
been using quite a lot. Okay? So this will just generate whatever's missing on that page. One by one could be more appropriate for this
photo right here. Why? Because as you see, it's keeping the
dimensions of the photo, but I'm not asking the
AI to generate too much. So all of this right here, if I picked, whole page, there is a lot more to generate. So that means much more room for mistakes or
hallucination or really, like crazy stuff going on. So, the more you ask it, the less likely it
is to be well done. Unfortunately. And then
you have a variety of different aspect ratios that I'll let you discover
for yourself. So me, what I'm
going to do is to select the one by
one aspect ratio. So I keep the same
document aspect ratio, but I'm not asking the
AI to generate too much. So once you're done,
click on Magic Expand, and yeah, it should start
expanding your photo. So there you go. My four photos have been generated for me. This is the first
one. Okay? So I see that there are some
stuff being invented there. The side of my face looks okay. If nobody tells you, you wouldn't know I
generated side of my face. Let's have a look
at the second one. Yeah, this one looks weird. So this one, we could see that something weird
is going on here. Third one, Okay, why
this big thing here seems like there is a curtain
right next to me. So no. And one, this one could work, though I'm not
sure what that is, but it's actually better. Like, this part of the
picture right here, it's better than the
first one where it added some sort of
another weird building. Terms of reconstructing
my face, so to speak, picture number one and
picture number four did a better job. So I think I will go
with picture number one right here and also the side
of the cocktail right here. If we look at the
original photo, this was also cropped. So now we have the
original, this one, and then we have the
reconstructed the expanded photo, which is this one right here. So apart from this, I mean, if we crop this
building right there, we could have something
actually decent here. I could set this as a
background, move it down a bit. And now we have this. Let me set this one as a
background or quickly. Yeah, this one, as the best I could get
from this one is this. But then if I want
the whole thing, like the whole cocktail
and my whole face, you see it did a
pretty good job at it. Okay, let's move on to
my example number two. This time, I'm going to
be using an illustration. This is still a photo.
It's not a graphic, but it's an illustration, okay? So it's drawings,
not a real photo. So similarly, going to
click on it, go to Edit, and then find the Magic Expand
tool, and there you go. Okay, this time,
I'm going to go for the whole page and see just how good or bad this
will be generated. Magic expand. There you go. I have four iterations right here from the get go and
from the preview here, I don't think any of these will work. So this
is the first one. It took the liberty of adding some sort of a table
behind my illustration. Second one right here has some writings on it
that look like Russian. I don't know what that is. Third one, also, there's a wall. It seems like this is
kind of like hanging from the ceiling with
some clams right here. And the photo has lost
in quality, definitely. And the last one, also some
writings is a weird kayak. Right there, I'm not sure
or fish, I'm not sure. But the bottom line is that none of these four pictures
actually work for me. So the original one, okay, once again, this kind of cute,
you know, it looked good. But what I got from Magic Expand was definitely not good enough. Alright, so not great for working with illustration.
Let's try with this. Let's try with this photo
of Arnold Schwarzenegger in terminator I believe this was or terminator one. Not sure. Let's see if Magic Expand, lets me generate the lower
part of Arnold right here. And most importantly, let's
see if it lets us modify this photo of a celebrity because this is not
supposed to work. So let's see if my
intuition is right. Okay, let's go to Edit and then find the tool
one more time. Magic Expand. Doesn't
really matter. Let's see. I just want to have let's go for a whole page and
see if this works. It didn't work, and
instead, I got this. So I got four
exclamation points. Some of the result may
not meet our policies. Okay? So this is exactly
what I was kind of like assuming that it wouldn't work because I'm using the
photo of a celebrity. So the AI probably recognized this was
Arnold Schwarzenegger and sent a trigger to Canva just understanding this
is copyrighted material, so we cannot modify. So this kind of went
according to plan. And so far, not super
enthusiastic about magic expand, but I still want to test
it a bit deeper to see if there is anything really I
can do with this feature. For example, it promised
me that I could turn a vertical shot
into a horizontal one. So can I do this with
this shot right here? This comes straight
off my iPhone, okay? It's a selfie that
I two days ago, let's see if I can
expand this to the entire horizontal canvas
that I'm working with here. My image is selected. Going to go to
edit, find the tool and just go for 16 by nine. So this should generate everything else that's
missing on that picture. I am scared. I
don't know how this is going to deal with the wall. I mean, it should be
straightforward. It's a plain wall. There's no shelves. There's no frame hanging on that wall. There's
nothing really. So let's see this is not going the right direction.
I can tell you. There is still hope for me. Let's see the third and the fourth and last
one right here. Oh, so the first one,
definitely no because there is another dude right there that looks like Mario. I'm not sure. Second one, I mean,
this is not too bad, but I would still
have to reframe to get rid of this,
get rid of this. Now, third one is interesting.
This is really not good. And then the fourth one is probably the only
one that is decent, but just barely decent because there's problems here and they're at the
bottom of the image. So this is definitely not good enough for me.
That's what I feel. But also, we kind of
have to admit that we haven't played by the rules
that Canva recommends. We don't mess with
images that have faces, hands or transparent
background in them as they may not work well
when expanding. So here, there was a face, and in many of the photos
I tried to work with, there were faces, except
for the illustration. But yeah, so let's try to
play by the rules, okay? We have this photo, this square photo of a forest with some nice
lighting right see if we can get something decent out of this photo
when we expand, okay? So this would be my
last shot, I think, because if this doesn't work, then I don't think
anything will work. Okay, so let's go
for the whole page again and see if we can get something good out of
this. So there you go. I have my four images. The first one is not great. It's quite blurry on the edges, and then it has this almost text right here at the bottom. Second one also quite blurry on the edges,
but could work. Third one, we are
getting closer, still quite blur on this side. And the last one, I tried to create a road
here. Could work. I feel like the third one is
the most decent of them all. Okay? So this did a better job than working with
faces and people, but I'm still not convinced. So let's have an
ultimate last one. I know I said the previous one was
going to be the last one, but I want to work with
something a little bit more abstract to see how it
deals with that. Let's see. I'm curious about
this one, but then I promise I will stop
generating images. So okay, let's go. Alright,
so my four images are ready. First one doesn't work, but this one could work. I mean, this one
did a nice job at, like, diffusing the light
nicely to the side. This one as well, and
this one as well. All right, I am going to
leave it here because by now, you probably got the point. My verdict? Well, I think that magic expand is a solid idea, one that has a lot of
potential for designers. But that is a major butt. Let's be honest. The models
that Canva is using to generate the missing parts on these photos just
aren't quite there yet. And the fact that you can't
reliably use it on people, that's a huge limitation for
me who uses a lot of visual, especially for my
own personal brand. If Canva can fix
these two issues, better models and make
it work on people, then we would be looking
at a seriously great tool. Until then, it's nice to have, but definitely not a
game changer for me.
14. Class Project: Guys, congratulations
on finishing this class about Magic Studio. Now, for your class project, and this is an important
step of this class, do not skip the project. So I have two options for you. And these options will depend on whether you have a
paid Canva account or a free Canva account
because I am aware that most of the
magic studio features are for paid users. Only. So let's start
with paid users because it's most likely you are paid users if you
follow this class. So paid users, I challenge you to create a design that
is useful for you. That's always very
important for me. I don't want to give
you a random project. I want you to create something
that is useful for you, but using at least one of the
features of Magic Studio. So that could be creating
a photo collage. With features like
magic Grab, magic Edit, or magic eraser, for example, like I showed you in the course, that could be creating generating photos with
dream lab and then creating a composition or
specific design with the other magic studio
features really up to you. And the process is
very straightforward. You create that design,
then you export it, and you upload it to the
class project section. I will make sure to go there
and visit this section regularly to leave you some
feedback on your design. You can also ask me
for specific feedback if you want in the
description of your now, if you are a free Canva user, meaning you don't have access
to all of these features, but you still do have
access to Dream lab. So dream lab is the
image generation tool. I covered that in the
beginning of the class. You still have 20 credits every single month to play
around with Dream lab. So your project, if
you're a free user, is to generate at least
one photo with Dream lab, and then you screenshot
your prompt and you have your output,
your generated photo, put that together
in the same page, export that page and upload that in the project section
of this class. So yeah, very simple paid, free. Everyone can participate. I will have a look for sure. I will let you
know what I think, and yeah, that's
what you need to do. Now, if you are interested in
learning more about Canva, make sure to visit my
Skillshare profile, as I have 20 plus other classes right there waiting for
you. I will see you there.