Canva AI for Content Creators | Jonathon Parker | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Promo


    • 2.

      Intro to Canva Interface


    • 3.

      Magic Design and Editing Documents


    • 4.

      Class Project 1


    • 5.

      Magic Write


    • 6.

      Magic Switch


    • 7.

      Class Project 2


    • 8.

      Magic Design for Presentations


    • 9.

      Magic Design for Video


    • 10.

      Magic Media


    • 11.

      Class Project 3


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About This Class

Canva AI for Content Creators

The AI landscape is rapidly growing and Canva has joined the party! Canva is a powerful graphics design tools which is free to use (with some premium features). If you are a content creator and have to regularly create engaging and eye catching graphics then this course is an absolute MUST for you!

Not only is Canva at the forefront of social media content creation but it's AI tools now make everything easier and speedier! There are a range of new features which we will cover in this course which are as follows:

  • How to use Magic Write
  • How to use Magic Design
  • How to use Magic Media
  • How to use Magi Design for Video
  • How to use Magic Design for PowerPoints

And much more!

By completing this course you will be able to create media at 10X the speed ready to optimise and flood your social media platforms.

Canva is completely free to use, however this course covers  few premium functions. As a free user you will still have some limited token-based access to the premium features, and if those tokens run out you can create a pro account for a months free trial!

The prerequisites for this course are as follows: You will need an internet connection, and an email address to sign up to Canva with.

Course outline

Overview of Canva Subscription plans - How to signup for Canva free and how to get a free 1 month trial of Canva

Intro to Canva Interface - How to navigate through

Magic Design and Editing Documents - How to use Magic Design in Canva, and how to edit templates in Canva.

Class Project 1 - Creating your own content with Magic Design

Magic Write - How to use Magic Write in Canva

Magic Switch - How to use Magic Switch in Canva

Class project 2 - Using Magic Switch on your own documents

Magic Design for Presentations - How to create Presentations from scratch with Canva AI

Magic Design for Video - How to create TikTok videos with Canva AI

Magic Media - How to create images and videos with Magic Media

Class Project 3 - Create two pieces of content based on the skills learnt throughout the course

As mentioned above in the course outline, the course will feature and finish with really fun assignments where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills that you have learnt in this course! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys create so please upload images and videos of your work. You can also upload links of your social media channels to where content has been published!

I hope you enjoy this course as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Jonathon Parker

Passionate MoGraph and VFX Lectu


My name is Jonathon Parker, a Motion Graphics and Visual Effects lecturer from the UK.


Firstly, a little background about me! I have always been the creative type and always strive to improve and push my creative skills further and further.


As stated above I am already teaching in the UK as a Motion Graphics and VFX lecturer – The difference with my courses will be the fact that they come from an educator, not someone doing this just in their spare time! All my courses focus on teaching and assessment. I will teach you a few skills and then set you an assignment to check that those skills have been learnt. I also see the importance of generating handouts and resources for the student, so I have included these in my courses also!

&nb... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Course Promo: Hi guys, welcome to this course, Canva, AI for Content Creators. Now if you don't know what Canva is, Canva is a really powerful graphic design tool. And it's built for people who don't have access to stuff like Adobe Photo Shop and Adobe Illustrator. Canva can create a range of different types of content and it's especially handy for social media content. You can create stuff such as Facebook ads, ticket hook videos, presentations, infographics, invitations, posters, anything you can imagine. Now, recently Camber has released a bunch of AI tools. And they are absolutely insane. And that's what this course is going to cover. In this course, we're going to create a range of different designs and documents from single text prompt. We're going to upload and edit our existing content to make it better with the Canva AI. We'll also look at switching documents with AI. So taking a presentation and creating a block post outabt, or take in a social media advert and creating an E mail, autibt, all that kind of stuff. Now Camber AI is completely blow my mind at the moment and I can't wait to share all these tips and tricks with you. So let's jump on into the course. 2. Intro to Canva Interface: Okay, so welcome to the second class. Let's have a quick overview of the interface and let's look at the AI capabilities. So this is just and I've logged in, okay, and I can see all of this now. These are my recent designs, so you're not going to be able to see all of these ones. What you'll probably have is a little bit of empty space down here or existing templates. So on the left you've got home Magic studio. This is the AI stuff. You've got a folder of all your projects. If I were to click into here, you can see all of my current and past projects. You've got templates which you can look at. You can create your own brand. See that like on there, That means it's a canva pro function, okay? And then you've got additional applications in here. So first of all, you've got whiteboard invitation. You've got a load of different types of templates here, so you can also look at them here. If I go templates, let's go ahead and go social media, and maybe Instagram or Facebook posts. Click that, and then all of these templates will be the right dimensions and et cetera for Facebook posts, you can go to here, Tiktok videos. So you've got these portrait video ideas where again, as part of Canva, you can click and drag existing video into here. Really, really cool. Now again, notice this icon down here. This one is a canvas pro template. And you can see that some of these are pro and some of them are not. So lots of cool templates in here. Again, let's just have a look at now maybe marketing. And we've got business cards. So templates for business cards, really, really cool. You've got some filters in here so you can go through and kind of filter through stuff. Different colors, different sort of features, all that. Different styles. So do you want them corporate um with different formats? You know, you've got UK formats and US formats which is really, really cool. Maybe infographics, stuff like that. And again, you can look through all of these. This is really, really cool if you want to showcase a process or something like that. And again, you've got all of these kind of things that you can filter through by here, which is really, really useful. Let's go back. If you are a teacher, you can come into templates and you can see down here, ready to teach lessons. You can browse lessons. You can also kind of look at presentations. So 16 by nine presentations. Let's just go like that. Let's have a look through all of this really, really cool stuff by here. Okay, so that's basically an overview of where kind of everything lives. It's interesting, you can access stuff from here, presentations or presentation there, or within these templates. So they've got everything in multiple places, which is quite handy and also sometimes can be a touch confusing. You've also got a document creator, which we will look at at some point where you create your own sort of four document. Now what we're going to look at next is magic studio. So if I click in here, you've got canvas own AI stuff. You've got magic design. Magic design for presentations, magic design for videos. Magic, right? Which is got a pro function, but you can do a certain amount for free and magic switch and animate the same for that you get a certain amount of credits for free. Magic edit is completely free and you can see there's all these additional ones you may have heard of. Dari, or D ID or one of these down here. Now what you guys can do is go ahead and play this video. I'm not going to do that because I'm trying to keep it nice and quick. But what we're going to do now is start working through what is magic design, design for presentations, all of this kind of stuff, which I feel is relevant for content creators. So that's it. Go and have a watch of this video if you like. It's really insane that kind of stuff that it can do. But we're going to work through now with the next lesson on magic design, so I look forward to seeing you then. 3. Magic Design and Editing Documents: So welcome back. I'm in Magic Studio in Canva to get there, all I did is when you're at just click Magic Studio and then you'll be here. So we're going to start off by looking at magic design. If I click Try now, it'll give me just a little bit of a description. So describe what you want to design and have social posts, presentation, or even videos created custom to your magic design or to your prompt. It's like when you will prompt in chat, GPT or an AI image generator. You give a prompt and it generates content. So type your idea or vision in a few words or you can upload your own media. Magic design will generate a collection of templates for you out of AI. And let's go ahead, so click Try Magic Design, and it's going to say type what you want to up here, use five plus words to describe your design. So I'm going to say a social media flyer for an SEO business and I'm going to put the term corporate informative. There you go. If I spell corporate correctly, and I'm actually going to remove social media, I'm going to say a flyer for an SEO business. And I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to click Enter. Now what will happen is it's going to do two things. These down here, 240,000 of them, These are all the existing templates. What's happening up here is it's taken a little bit of time, but it's generating out of AI templates custom to this. So like I said, these already all exist. And you may think, well actually this one by here is super cool. Or this one, because this is free as well. I really want to use this so it doesn't matter about the AI stuff. But right at the top, we've got a bunch of different things created. We've got four flyers, smaller flyers, a few 457 inch one, and this is again a four. So all of this has been created through AI. So let's say for example, this one looks quite cool. Let's go ahead, we can click it and start customizing this template I will look at towards the end of the lesson at customization. So I'm going to keep this tab open just for now. I'm going to come in. Let's try another one. So let's try this time, a colorful and funky music festival poster. Again, my spelling, you need to work on that. So let's click Enter again. These are all the pre existing templates which again, look just generally off the bat, how cool these are. Some of them are free, so this one's free, for example. That's really good for free. Now come up to the top. As far as I'm concerned, the magic design for AI sometimes is really good. If you want really adventurous kind of stuff like this, then it's not quite there. The content, in my opinion, that is currently created is a little bit more formal. But again, these images are quite cool. And you may think, well with a little bit of editing and actually this is the image I want. I like the font. You may want to go for that. I'm actually going to go at this point for this free version by here, I'm going to middle mouse click. It opens in its own template by here, so I can click Customize. And later again I'm going to show you how we can continue to customize this. But before we do that, let's do a final one. Let's go ahead for Instagram story, for Youtube live stream promotion. So I haven't typed that in the best of terms. I could probably make that a bit more clearer. But I'm going to go ahead and click Enter now. What it seems to be doing is recognizing Instagram story needs to be kind of portrait. So it's identifying that. We've got a lot of stuff here. This one's a video for example, which is quite cool. So can we kind of have a look? There we go. Now let's see what the AI is generated. So we've got some video ones that's quite cool. I really like this one actually. Again, it's quite formal, but let's possibly look at Jazz and that alphabet. So I'm going to click it and say customize. Now in terms of the customization, I'm going to start with this music festival, one. You can click here and say, let's say I don't know Welsh music presents. I'm from a country called Wales, so I'm just going to go Welsh Music presents, Welsh Folk Festival. So you can kind of, you know, obviously edit all the text. You can highlight the text and you've got all your standard functions right here at the top. So you've got your fonts which is, there's loads of by the way, again, some of them will probably be pro, you've got text styles so you can kind of say subheading body head in, you know, have all those larger or smaller kind of bodies of texts. You can change the color, you can strike through all of this standard stuff which you assume to see in any sort of text editing program. You've got effects. So we can kind of say, well, I want a bit of a backdrop That's quite cool. And you've also got the ability to animate. Now this is a poster, so I wouldn't use this. But if this was an Instagram story, I may say, well, I want these animated in something like that. But we'll look at that when we look at the Instagram story. So over here you've got elements. So I may want to say speakers, search for speakers. And then I've got graphics or photos. So I'm going to go ahead and go to graphics again. Some are pro, some are not. This one's not pro, and it kind of matches the color scheme. So I'm just going to say, yeah, I want this just down here. And I'm going to delete the website so we've got more room. Okay, obviously edit all of this text here, but you've got text you can add again, you can add some of these sort of font combinations. So if I just go, yeah, I like this, this is really, really cool. I'm going to type this by tickets now, and let's just make this a load smaller. And let's say, I just want to, it's quite ugly to be honest, but I'm going to say, yeah, I want to bring this all the way to the bottom. So just click and drag, and then I can delete this behind. Okay, so that's really, really cool. And you can go ahead and say, no, I don't like the flowers. I want to delete all this stuff. Maybe click the background and say, yeah, let's change this to a sort of pinkish color or whatever, and you can do stuff like that. If it was the Welsh music Festival, I'm going to type in Welsh Dragon and hopefully it's got some images of that, so I can go graphics photos, videos if I wanted to interest in. That's quite cool shapes and you've got old stuff across the top, but I'm just going to go graphics. And because I'm using a pro version, I am going to go ahead and click this one. And I've got a cool, funky Welsh dragon up the top there, which I'm actually going to right click and go layer send backward. And do it again just so that text is actually on top. So send backwards, there you go. So the text is now on top, so that's your basic editing. You can then go to share, you can download, you can share straight to social media, all of that kind of stuff. So if I go download, you can say, do you want to transparent background? Well, there wouldn't be one here. You can compress. You can have all these different file sizes. Again, you can have an SBG file, which some of you may use, a lot of you might not. But that is a pro function. So let's just take that across SEO by here. I'm going to type in, let's get to elements. I'm going to type in SEO and just see what it kind of brings up because actually I like this one. I really like that. So I'm just going to maybe Plc, I may want to delete it. Now what's left me with it is this is called a frame. And you'll see if I go across, we've got frames. Okay. And let's just remove this. Just if we go down here, sorry. There you go. We've got frames, so we can bring something in and let's say CO again and let's go for photos. There you go. You can put this within a frame like that and again edit all of this stuff. Really, really cool. Okay, and then finally, let's go to the Instagram story. Now as this is a video, what we can do is we can come up here and we can click play. And we can see how it's playing so far. And that's really quite cool. So we can kind of full screen it if we want, or just press Escape to exit. Now if we click this arrow down here, you'll see a little timeline comes up. So we can also play here, and you'll see it playing through. Okay, so let's have a look what's animate in here. It is, I think just little. Let's go back to the beginning. It's just these text things. So I can click here and I can say animate. It's currently using it doesn't actually say which one, it's current. Let's just go for this one, or this one by here perhaps. Cool. So I like that, it's just a little bit more subtle. You can kind of play around with the scaling orbit, stuff like that. Let's go and animate this one. Maybe let's just have it hop, okay, So that you know, it's a bit too much, but it really puts that in the audience's kind of sort of eyes. Now, speed is actually to alter the speed, looks like it's actually a pro function. So again, you're starting to see kind of the differences. So if I go into duration, it kind of shows that this is 5 seconds. Maybe I want it to be longer so I can click and drag, and now it's 8 seconds long. Okay, cool. So that's that you can obviously change some of the images and stuff like that. Maybe put your own hash tags at the bottom. But as an overview, that is magic design which is typing a prompt up here. And then either take it a magic design template or a template which already exists. And that's the different ways you can edit them within Canva. And again, if it was this one, you can just go share and I'm going to go download and download a video, or I can share directly to Instagram if I'd like. I just have to put my Instagram details in there. If you work with other people, you can invite them to access. You can click here and you can type their e mail. Okay. So I really hope you guys enjoyed that, and I hope you learned a lot. In the next lesson, I'm actually going to set you a class project based on some of the stuff which we've learned in this session. So I look forward to seeing you there. 4. Class Project 1: Hi guys and welcome to the first class project. Now we've just wrapped up magic design inside of Canva. What I want you guys to do is use the magic design and the editing functions to create whatever you want. That could be a poster, social media adverts, anything like that. Go ahead, create something. Click the Share button within Canva to then download an image. And I want you to upload that image to the class project. Because I want to see what you guys are creating and I want to all be able to feedback to each other and comment on each other's work. Go ahead, have fun. And remember to upload your work, and I look forward to seeing it all. 5. Magic Write: Okay, and welcome back. I really hope you've enjoyed that previous class project and found it useful. We're going to move forward now and look at magic right, which is a pro function. However, at the time of recording, you can use magic right for free, for up to 53 queries. So you can use it 50 times, which is really, really cool. So don't worry when it says that this is a function I have, so it's not going to give me any issues. But you've got it for up to 53 queries, which is super awesome. So I've got a few templates open. I've got one for a New Year's party. I've got one for a professional photographer, a flyer to advertise their business, and I've got this as a product post for Instagram. I'm going to start with my happy New Year poster. So we'll start off with this happy New Year party and write. Now if I click anybody of text, you'll notice that magic right comes up above. So I'm just going to go ahead and click, and you'll see we've got options. Continue writing, summarize this text, rewrite it as in, try again, make it more fun, make it more formal. Or sprinkle fairy dust, which is a really interesting one that will come onto, let's say. Right. I don't like the way that's written. I want you to rewrite it. Or actually, let's make it more formal. Instead of having all these New Year's Eve bash, let's just make it for a bit more of a formal audience. There we cordially invite you to the New Year's Eve bash. Okay, I still don't like that word. Join us for an unforgettable evening of music celebration, fireworks as we joyfully welcome the arrival of 2024. I'm going to remove the word bash and party, and let's go ahead, just click off and let's go and go magic, right? And let's go more formal again, just to see if it makes it even more formal. There we go. We extend our warmest invitation to join us in the New Year's celebrating in arrival of 2024 at an upcoming party. The event promises to be an unforgettable evening of dot, so you've got that there now. That's one example where we can use it to rewrite. And like you see, we've got loads more examples here. This is actually a bit long, so I'm going to click Summarize. Make that just a little bit more simple. Invitation to a New Year's party with music, festivities, and fireworks display. Join in for an unforgettable, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't like the word invitation. N again, I can just go right. Okay. Rewrite that and hopefully you'll give me three, maybe four lines. There we go. Come celebrate with us. We invite you to join our party. Perfect. So let's have a look at a few more examples. And I'm going to come across to this, which is a photographer and sort of fly us. You may be looking to promote your business, capture your beautiful moments with our services. I want to make this more fun. It's not giving the right brand personality for me. So let's just go magic right and go more fun. And you can see now it's got quite a lot more there. Freeze time and cherish your stunning moments with our picture perfect services, we're here to snap official events, secret selfie, supermodel poses, and whatever else you can dream of. Let's make magic together. So if I go like that, that's really, really cool. Now, I'm going to show you what happens if you do sprinkle fairy dust. This is, it's quite funny. I don't often use it, but it is quite funny. So let's just click it and see what it does. Unleash the power to capture memories that time cannot touch. With our exquisite photography services, whether you seek to immortalize your grandest occasions, your more intimate moments or fiercest pose, we're here to weave enchantment into your imagery. Let us conjure up a masterpiece together. What I found with sprinkle fairy dust is it just kind of almost rewrites it over the top If you kind of get what I mean, you know, using words like conjure up a masterpiece, weave enchantment. That's not highly realistic. Now, if I'm making something for kids or for a kids party, that's when it can become really, really useful. So I'm just going to go ahead and I'm going to say, right, just summarize this and there we go. It's summarized it, I'm going to summarize it again because I want less text again. Because what I'm going to do next is say continue writing. So the company I would actually want, I think we provide photography services for a range of events, aiming to include last in memories, blah, blah, blah. So I can now say, okay, I want more, let's go continue writing now. You haven't got control of how long it writes for, and you can see it's done a lot. Which to be honest, I prefer too much than too little. Because now I can go through and I can try and read this and take out what I don't want. So our team of professional atographers is passionate about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that's quite cool, because this text down here, let's say I don't like any of this, and I can actually say, okay, I'm going to copy this, make a new body of text. And I'm just going to copy it into here and make it a lot smaller. And I've now got text for the bottom, because it's created this body of text out of what it had before. So I can delete all of this, bring this down, and now I've got a nice body of text for the bottom. Okay. And then I've got my finished flyer. I can obviously input my own images here so I can, if I want to, I can upload images. You can see these are a lot of mine. So let's just go ahead and, yeah, let's get a photo of me and I can drag into there stuff like that, maybe. Let's go ahead and find something nicer. This is a car park, you know, obviously not the images I would be using, but you can just click Upload Files and drag in your own images there. Okay, so let's go ahead and I was going to do a product poster, but because I want to show you something a little bit different. Let's go and find a kid's party poster. Just because I want to use that sort of magic, sprinkle fairy dust thing, just a little bit more. So let's go ahead and just use this one. And we've got this poster. Let's celebrate Christmas. Come and enjoy the night with music, Great food and many surprises. So this is for kids. So let's go ahead, click this and let's say sprinkle some fairy dust on it. Let's make this like enchanting, et cetera. There you go. Come, let us bask in the merriment of yule tide. That's probably a bit of an older audience, but I can change that. Join us in revelry where dulce melody shall serenade your senses and feast. A culinary delights. So yeah, that has actually gone four. It's quite formal so I can fix that. Let's go and do more fun. And I'm hoping it'll take what it's done with that fairy dust and just make it a lot more fun. Let's get our jingle on folks. Yule Tide is here, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm going to change a few words. So Christmas is here and it's time to party like reindeer. Okay. Kids will like that. Imagine being surrounded by music. So sweet it tickles your ears and food, so scrumptious it makes your tummy dance there. That's now more applicable for kids. They may not be able to read that, but on hearing that, that would be quite cool, wouldn't it? Okay. So you can now see the power of magic, right? We've got all of our stuff that we went through before, of our templates, all of our ways of editing. I've shown you now that you can actually upload stuff and you can use that magic right function just to make it just that ten times more attractive to your viewers. So I'm going to leave it there. What we're going to do in the next class is have a look at magic switch and just the sheer power of what magic switch can do. Cool. I look forward to seeing you in the next session. 6. Magic Switch: Okay, welcome back. Now in this session, what we're going to do is we're going to look at magic switch. Honestly, magic switch is one of my favorite things you can transform your presentations into a document, resize your designs, use it to translate all loads and loads of cool stuff, Okay, Now this is again a function. I'm pretty sure that at time of recording, again, you get a certain amount of free functionality like you do with magic, right? However, again, another option for you is you can start a free pro trial. So you can get a pro trial for free for a month. Again, if you want to do that. Absolutely. And I'd recommend just giving it a go if you need to do that. But again, I'm sure you can do this a certain amount of times for free. So let's go ahead and I'm going to jump in. This is my Welsh folk festival from earlier. What I want to do is, first of all, I'm going to just use magic, right? To just say, come join us for a festival of Welsh folk music. And I'm going to click this and I'm going to go magic, right? Continue writing, just to get a bit more. Now what we can do is up here, you can see magic switch. I'm going to go click here and I'm going to say translate. Now, this is a Welsh folk festival, so let's translate it into Welsh language. Go ahead now, I can either translate the existing design without creating a copy, But I want a copy, because I want an English version and a Welsh version. So let's click Translate. And there you go. I'm gonna open this one. And now I'm not a Welsh speaker, so I would potentially have somebody look it over. But we've now got this, these are definitely Welsh words. We've now got this in Welsh. You can see you may need to resize some stuff, but this is really, really cool. Okay, so let's say actually this is a Arabic festival. Arabic festival. Let's go ahead magic switch, translate. And again, some people out there may be able to attest to whether this is accurate or not. I also don't speak Arabic, but potentially that is then translated into Arabic. I hope it's accurate. I'd imagine personally that Arabic is probably more accurate than Welsh because there's so much more Arabic content out there for the AI to draw upon and a lot less Welsh language content out there. That is the translate function, which I just find powerful. There is also something else. So let's go and have a look. This thing right here, if we come to magic switch, we can transform our document into a summary, a blog post, a poem, song lyrics. It's really, really cool. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna generate an e mail from this. Imagine I want to e mail people saying that our Christmas party is on. Let's just click that and click Transform into Doc. Now, after waiting just about 20 seconds, I can now go ahead and click open Doc, and we should have an e mail, Hey, there we're ready to rock around the Christmas tree, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is my e mail, which I can now go ahead and copy. Let's say this is for kids. So why do we go magic switch and transform into doc? Let's transform it into a poem. Imagine if you're a teacher or a parent and you want to transform this into a cool, nice, fun poem. So let's go ahead and see what this spits out, Alice. Okay, it took a little bit longer, about 30 seconds that time. But let's click open dock, and this is really cool. Oh, let's awaken the joyous jingles in our hearts, dear friends, for the grandeur of Christmas upon us, it's time to make amends like reindeer and their merry plants. Let's, that's pretty cool. Again, it may not be useful to you, but again for your parent, you know that can be awesome. Now I've got my photography poster on here for earlier advertising my services. And what I may want to do is I may want to make a blog post out of this for my website. The more texts you have on there, the better. Because it's only got this text and it's going to try and create a blog post out of it. Let's go ahead and say blog post and transform. Okay, let's go ahead now and open the document and let's see what it's done. That's pretty cool. I'd say it's more content for a webpage. But again, really, really cool. You could use that as an e mail. Or if you've got an e mail list, you could just go transform into your doc. Maybe put some new prices in here. Prices starting from 20 pounds for head shots for example. You can put more prices in there. And then all of a sudden just go transform into Doc. And let's make this an e mail so I can send to my e mail list. And all of a sudden, hopefully within a few seconds, it should generate that content for us. Okay, let's click open, and there you go. Hey, there we're still to inform you about our new services, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Cool. And we've got an e mail, and it's even given us a subject which is quite nice. So that's it for this lesson in terms of magic switch, I really hope you enjoyed that and found it useful. In lesson eight, I will be touching on magic switch a little bit more when we look at magic design for presentations. And I'll show you how to use magic switch with documents that you have already created, for example, a Powerpoint. So I look forward to seeing the next lesson, which will be another class project. 7. Class Project 2: Hi guys, welcome to the second class project of this course. Now we've just finished up Magic Switch, which was insanely powerful. So what I want you to do for this class project is take any document that you have within Canva, maybe the one which you used for the first class project, and use magic switch. Maybe you write an e mail out of it, a blog post, maybe translate it. What I want you to do then is whatever you've used magic switch on, I want you to upload it before and after, whether that's a flyer and then a body of text which is an e mail or whatever, you've translated it into, maybe a poem. Upload the document and what you've used magic switch to turn it into. If you speak a different language, I'd be really keen for you to use the translate function to translate documents. And then let me know, is it working? Is it any good? Remember, take a document, use magic switch to turn it into something else and show us what you're making. I'm really excited to see all your work and what you create with this. Go and have fun. 8. Magic Design for Presentations: So welcome back again. I hope you enjoyed that class project. I hope you found it useful. There will be one more at the end, so keep your eyes peeled. Now what I'm going to do this time is we touched upon in magic switch our presentations. We're going to look at that in a much more detail. Okay, So you can use magic design, the AI thing up here to create your own. So let's say, oh, I don't know, a present for a product launch workflow. Yeah. Go something like that. I don't know what it's going to give me. Almost like a roadmap is what I was looking for, which is exactly what it says here. So let's see what it does up here. We can use any one of these. Let's just hover over product launch. That's cool, I like the tables there. Let's just go with this one. So this is one generated by AI, but you could probably find other ones down here which you may prefer. So I'm just going to give you a bit of a quick overview. Really, it's very similar to what we've looked at before. We can edit the text, we can add elements, stuff like that. What you do have though is you've got templates. So let's go through and let's say, oh, I don't know, Let's say I like this new employee on board In one, I can click here and I can say Apply Style only. And what it's going to do is it's going to apply this style to all pages. So have a look down here. Sometimes it doesn't change that much, the font change slightly. Let's have a look at a different one. See if we can just get something a little bit more. Let's apply style only. So look at this slide again. A little bit changes, but then a lot changes down here then. So you can apply styles across. It's not perfect because it doesn't look completely the same, in my honest opinion. But I do think it's only going to get there in time. Let's just go ahead and this one looks quite clean and I like the animation. So let's just go click here, Apply style only, and apply to all pages. Okay, that's a bit what we've got before. You can come to layouts and you can kind of have a look through here suggested layouts for this slide and you can click through. There are very similar to how Powerpoint currently works, but you've got these styles as well. So let's have a look. I like this text, so let's click here. Apply to all pages. Changes it slightly. Let's look at color palettes. Maybe I like this black, red and white one. So apply to all pages. You've got black there. Let's try it again and see if it shuffles the colors apply to all pages black. And the more you try it, the kind of different stuff it kind of gives you, I want red in the background just to prove that it does do it. And let's go. Okay, we've got red in there, but you can see that some of it is limited. But again, it's quite nice to kind of play around with. Cool. I'm going to undo that. Again, just like normal, you've got all your different slides, but you can go ahead and start using some sort of animation stuff. So let's go and click Animate. And you've got page animation. So let's just click and it does the entire page. Maybe go corporate or a bit party. Wow, it's a bit much. Isn't it fun? I like that. That's fun. If you hold your mags in between each, you can add a transition between slides. So click that. I use Flow quite a lot, and you can change a direction and stuff like that. Flow is probably my favorite one. And you could also click Apply between all pages. You can change the timing of it. So edit the timing. I wanted to go a little bit longer, 7 seconds and apply that to all of them. Perfect. Okay, so now if I were to go present and click present and click through, we've got this, which is quite nice. And again, obviously you can go ahead, you can upload stuff so you've got your own images coming in. Let's just take this random image here, which that's not a product, but you know what I mean? In fact, it was a photo that I colorized, so I could potentially show the before and the after. And yeah, obviously you've got in here a chart. So you can come down to charts by here and you can say, okay, interactive charts. Let's go for this. I don't use charts that much, but obviously now let's just delete this line chart. You've got this one. So let's just click it. You've got loaded stuff in here, so if we change group one to babe phase one click that will now hopefully update. This is a clickable through one. So to be honest, I would have a look potentially at the easier charts. So let's just go pie charts and there you go. And you can obviously edit, let's say us phase one and that is by there then, so have a play around, you've got settings, you can go percentages or numbers, which is quite cool. You can show the legend. And there we go. So this one is quite interesting, I think. There you go. Let's just delete this. Zoom out. There you go. So here's my, where did I change phase one? Can't find where that is. So let's just go group phase two. There you go, phase one and then phase two somewhere. So this is quite an interesting one. As you change it, it kind of reorganizes and you've got more stuff here, so quite interested. So basically that's how you kind of do that. Like I showed you in the previous lesson with magic, right? You can actually upload your own Powerpoints and then add animations within here. Okay, with this graphic as well, you've got all of these colors you can change. Let's just have a random red in there. Perfect. So you can look at all that. So that is just a very quick overview, really, of the magic design for presentations. You can go ahead and share via. You can download a video if you want, you've got no control. Then over the speed that things click through, you can download as PDF, a Powerpoint, or you can just simply choose to present within here and you can present and record, which is really, really cool. So I hope you guys enjoyed that session. I hope you learned stuff from it again. And one of the main things is that you can use AI to generate your starting point or upload content which you already had, which is really, really cool. And then why not Go ahead, magic switch, translate it, and let's see, will it now do an e mail from this? Hopefully it will. There you go, Amazed. It's now done it. So let's click open Document and we've got an e mail. Hello, Swift launchers were thrilled. Shower new product launch workflow with you. Amazed. You've got that. And then you attach the actual presentation. That's super cool. So cheers for that. I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson where we'll be looking at a magic design for video. Cheers. 9. Magic Design for Video: Okay, so welcome to this class where we're going to look at magic design for video. This is actually a free one. I haven't actually use this much because I do a lot of video editing myself. But it's interesting when we read through this, start by uploading images, videos, or both. Select your clips and enter a short description about your video. Magic design will generate the rest and even perfectly sync a track to it. So I'm learning this one, I've used it a little bit before, but let's go ahead and have a look. So I'm going to go because I've got some portrait screen recordings. I may go for some of them or I may just go for some of these images. So I'm just going to go, yeah, I've colorized these. So maybe let's go like that and describe the kind of video you want. A video to promote my photo colorization services, which cost as little as five pounds per photo. For example, I'm giving it the information I want it to put across. Let's go ahead and click Promote. And let's click, it's generated something interesting. This is 4.3 seconds and this is 3.6 It hasn't gone with complete consistency, but what I'm gonna do is I'm going to play this through. I'm also going to enable the desktop audio as well. So let's have a look at what it's done together out. Okay, so that was interesting. It's interesting that it's popped up here with how happy are you with this video. So I'm going to put three and I'm actually going to tell it how it would make it better. So I've gone ahead and typed in the correct images, words used to show with colorization. Because it was like using black and white images when it should have been color images. But, you know, I think the more feedback we give this, the better. So that's interesting, the text is over the top. I could have mentioned all of this, but the text is over at the top of the face here. But, you know, it gives you a starting point where you can kind of come and sort of work from. So, you know, if you can kind of click through and maybe I'll just double click then. So maybe go there and that's a little bit nicer. Maybe let's just go there. So we can have this just in the corner, maybe slightly smaller, or we can come down to the bottom. So just double click to reframe again. You know, it gets you to a starting point that's not really bad at all. And we've got these transitions which we can click and change that and we've got that Music. You know, it's not terrible. So that is magic design for video. Now imagine if you've got, I don't know, a load. It's, you can tell it's 5 January 2024. So we've just had Christmas. Imagine if you've just had a Christmas gathering, you've got a load of portrait videos pulling that together and say make a compilation from our Christmas party and they'll pull something together for you, which is really, really cool. I think it's quite powerful. If I'd have given it a better prompt, maybe I'd have gotten a better result. But that's not bad at all. I can now just go ahead download this and I've got a HD video. Okay, that's pretty cool, so I'm going to leave it there for magic design, for video. I think you can go ahead and it all depends on what content you've got, because you've got to upload your own content. But I don't think this is 1 million miles away from what I would potentially look for, in all honesty. So cheers for tuning in. In the next video, we're going to have a look at a final feature before we move on to our final class project. So cheers for joining in, and I'll see you in the next video. 10. Magic Media: Okay and welcome to the final lesson. This one will be a little bit quicker than last one because it doesn't take too long to go through. I'm going to now show you text to image, if you've done any AI image generation before, it's very similar. So I'm just going to go ahead and click here and click okay. Now on the left, it's going to ask us for a few things. It wants us to tell us what it wants to see, give the style and the aspect ratio. So let's say I want to go landscape. I want it to be filmic and I want to see a close up of a man looking into the sunset with a, I don't know, with a cowboy hat and rugged fake. I could probably write that a little bit better. But let's go ahead and see what this gives us. And click Generate. Okay, so we've got a few examples here, and they actually all look quite similar. Let's click through and have a look. So we've got this one, we've got this one. I prefer this one so far. Let's have a look there, and let's have a look there. So again, you may find some of these. I don't like that one. I think it's going to be this one down here. There you go. As generated like that. And I can go ahead and save that. I've taken an ad text and I can start maybe creating a film festival poster for Wild West movies or whatever. You can see you've got all these different styles. You've got three D and you've got all list up here really, really cool and yeah, you've also got video. So let's go ahead and use the same prompt. By the way, I actually did type this wrong into he sunset. So you know, it still did a decent job from that. But in my opinion, it's not where other AI image generators like mid Journey are at. So let's go ahead and do video. A man and a woman watching the sunset together and let's just click Generate Video. Okay, so it's generated a video for us. It's using something called Runway, which is another AI company. It's interesting that I asked for a couple. I've got three people, which you know, a man and a woman. Technically, I didn't ask for a couple, but I said woman, not women. So I can click generate again. I'm not going to, in this example, I'm just going to go ahead and click. And we've now got this video, which to be honest, it, you know, it's not bad, it's not amazing. But this is where AI video is at currently. I don't think you get much more than this. And again, this is just built into camera. It's not the main Canva feature, so you've got this ability and then you can kind of go and share stuff again. So that's it for this session. I just wanted to show you magic media and how you can actually generate your own stuff. I don't tend to do it that much, but I wanted to show you that option. There is also other stuff in here, so you've got magic edit, magic grab, So make any image editable so you can upload an image and grab stuff and move it around even if it's just one flat image. You can expand photos and edit stuff like painted out. Go ahead and kind of jump into all of them. You've got magic morphs to transform words and shapes. With a simple prompt, I've given you what I feel are the ones which I use the most. But please go ahead and play around with these. Now that's it for the teaching, there will be a final class project. So please go onto the next lesson, because I want you to have a go at that, just to solidify everything that we've learned. So cheers for joining in, and I'll see you in the next class project. 11. Class Project 3: Hi folks. You've made it welcome to the final class project of this course. Now what I want you to do this time is go ahead create two pieces of content using the skills that you've learned from this course. Now, when you upload these two pieces of content to the class project, that could be a video that you've created and downloaded from Canva, or it could simply be an image. But what I want you to do is when you upload those two pieces, please please, please also write what Canva AI tools you use to create them. That way we can all share best practice and see how different things have been created. And then learn from each other, which is really, really great. So have fun, remember to upload your stuff. I'm super looking forward to seeing it, and cheers for doing this course.