1. Introduction - What We'll Build: Hello. My name is John Ray. I'm going to help you build
your first website and Flax ombies with HTML and CSS. In this course, we're
going to be building a simple two page website based upon an essay that
doctor Alexander Boople wrote. We'll build this index
study Shamel page here, which has the full essay. And then we'll also
build a bio page, which includes some of his favorite things
for some reason and a picture of the esteem doctor Boople. All right.
Let's get into it.
2. Manipulating Undead Files: Before we talk about
how to build a website, when you need to start
talking about files. Say hello to Zombie Bob. Now, Bob as a zombie,
knows a few things. He knows that brains are good. He knows that he happens
to have all his limbs. He knows that he's an individual
piece of the apocalypse. He knows what zombie
nest he's in, and other zombies in
his nest like Sally, Jamal, and Carlos.
Here is a file. Now a file has
similar knowledge. File Bob happens to know
that he has all his data. He happens to know that
he's an individual self contained piece of
data or information. He knows what folder he's in. He knows other files
in this folder like Sally dot MP three, Jamal dot CSS, and
Carlos dot JS. Now, Bob is in his nest and he knows all the zombies in it. Similarly, File
Bob can see all of the different files that are
in the same folder as he is. A file is a unit of
data and a computer designated by a file
name and file extension. Folders are like a bucket that you can put files
and other folders into, and websites are pretty often made up of multiple
files and folders. Typical HML file might have many files
associated with it, including CSS,
JavaScript, images, video, audio, and more. These files might not be in the same folder
as the HTML file. Sometimes nests have sub nests and sometimes folders
have subfolders. However, when you have a
subfolder or a sub nest, Zombie Bob nor File
Bob can actually see what's in those
sub portions. They can only know what's
in there if they're told. And we can tell them what's
in there via a path. The path is basically how to
get from one file to another or from one zombie to another
in different folders. Paths can go into a subfolder, up into a parental or
ancestral folder, or both. There's a few different
characters we use in paths. First is the period, which
means the current directory. Wherever the file is
that we are going from, two dots means the
parent directory, meaning we're going up a level. And Slash separates folders or says look into the next folder. Once we tell Zombie Bob where Evite is and the sub neest,
then he can see her. With File Bob, once we
give it a path here, period slash sub folder, slash et gif, then it can find Event gif and use
it in his website. Slash is the folder as a whole. In Slash, we have
a number of files. Within Slash, we
still have Zombie, which is another folder
that has files in it. We have apocalypse, which is another folder that
has a few files in it. Resistance, which is a
subfolder of apocalypse, which is a subfolder
of the root. And we have LeRoy, which is a subfolder
of resistance, which is a subfolder of
apocalypse, et cetera. How do we get from slash? We're going to be in
this directory to, in this case, about dot HTM. Because we're in the
same slash folder, you can just write
about dot HTML. It does not need to
look into anything. You could also write
dot slash A dot HTML. Which would just make
sure that we're in the current directory and
then about that HTML, but the dot slash is assumed, so it's not required. Games HTML. Games HTML is right here.
Same sort of thing. Games HTML or do Games HTML. Now, Bob dot HTML. Bob dot HTML is actually
in the Zombie folder. We can do Zombie Bob dot HTML. Or we could also do dot slash
Zombie slash Bob dot HTML. Now, from now on, I'm not going
to include the dot slash, that's just assumed. All right. Fred dot HTML. Fred dot HTML is right here. So we're going to go apocalypse. Slash HT M. Next
we're going to Juan, which is in resistance. So we'll go apocalypse. Slash resistance. Slash For number six,
we're going to do Index DHTL in the slash Leroy. So that's going
to be apocalypse. Slash resistance. Slash Leroy. And slash. Now, Index dot HTML
is the default file. If a web page is just looking for something Index
IHL is usually given. However, it's also good
to include the file name. So you could just go apocalypse slash resistance slash Leroy, but you could also do slash Index dot HTML to
make sure that it gets to the right
place. All right. Lastly, we're going to
go from one dot HTML, which is right here to zombie dot HTML,
which is right here. Do this, we need
to go up folder, so we'll go a slash. So if we are in one, we go up a level, we're
now in apocalypse. We need to go up one more
level. Dot dot slash. This is saying go up one level, then go up another level, and then we need zombie dot
HTML, and that is the path.
3. Using Code Editors to Stop the Apocalypse: The important thing to
discuss is code editors. In this course, I will
be using VS code, and you're welcome to use that, but you might want to use something else.
Plain text editors. On windows, you have notepad, which is a standard work course, you can definitely
create HTML and CSS in notepad.
That's not a problem. On MAC, there's text edit, you need to make sure
it's in plain text mode. If it's enrich text mode, it won't save the file
properly and won't work the same way because it'll
save a whole bunch of other information involved. So make sure it's
plain text mode. Now, both of these
editors will work fine, but they're not recommended. The reason is is because there
are some better options. One thing that a lot of these
options that I'm going to go through do is that the
color code, the code. And this means that
things of certain types, your HTML elements, your CSS selectors are all going to have
different colors. The benefit of that is
that if something's supposed to be a selector,
but it's the wrong color, you can realize that
that's an error, and that you've mistyped something or something's
not going quite right, so it can really help
you spot errors. A couple of options that are
free or NoPED plus plus. This is windows only,
but works well. There's brackets, which
should work for any platform. VS code, again, that's the one that I'm using
within this course, but it's not required
for you to use it. Any of these will work fine. But all three of these are free. There's also supply and texts that a lot of
people really like, though there is a
cost for that one. Really, any other
coding tool that supports HML and
CSS would be fine. Any of those will work as
you code along at home.
4. HTML Basics: It going to talk about what
HTML is and how it works. What is HTML? It stands for
hypertext markup language. It is the structure or
skeleton of a web page. It's a way to mark up the
contents of a web page. There are four parts
to an HTML element. First, we have the opening tag, then attributes, content,
and the closing tag. Opening tags, start with a less than sign or a
left angle bracket. Then they are followed
by the name of the tag, P for paragraph, for instance. There are many different tags, and then I'll close with a greater than sign or
a right angle bracket. For instance, we have
an opening P tag. We have an opening
B tag for bold, which we'll talk about
a little bit later, and opening DIV tag, which we'll also talk about a
little bit later. But those are some
examples of opening tags. Next, we have some attributes. A attribute is one or
more name and value pairs applied to an HTML element. And attributes typically
do one of three things. They're going to
identify an element. We'll use this a lot with CSS, where we're pulling
something out of the page, and then we'll modify it. Attributes will modify
an element's behavior, such as change the
color, change the font, a whole bunch of
different things, or they will set
external content. This happens with images, links to a different file
or a different page, and Attributes are going to appear between the
opening tag and the greater than sign or the
right angle bracket. And some examples would
be setting a class, which is an identifying
attribute of date ars on the P or an
ID of zombie warning, another identifying attribute on the dI element or di tag. Next, we have content, it's typically text or
other HML elements. It's going to appear between
the opening and closing tags or inside the element. Some elements have limits on the kinds of elements
they can contain, and some elements can only appear inside certain
other elements. Some examples might be this
paragraph tastes like brains, or there appears to be a
zombie crawling appear. We have the closing
tag, which is going to mirror the opening tag except it's going to include a
slash after the les an sign. To mirror our opening
tags from before, we have a slash P,
slash B, or slash div. Not all HML elements
require a closing tag. These are called void
or self closing tags. Typically, if an attribute contains the content
such as with image elements or
the element doesn't have content like line breaks, they don't have a closing tag. We have here an opening
P tag with zombies have, and then we have an
opening eye tag, no, closing eye tag,
family, closing P tag, and then we have secondly
another opening P zombies. Then we have an opening eye tag, do have a opening B hoard, closing B, closing e, closing P. This is
what we call nesting. If you open an element at HTML, you need to close it before you close its parent element
or the element above it. We look at this in color. We have, for instance, here, we have this one is entirely
encapsulated within the P, is said to be a child
of the P element. Then we have here the B is
fully enclosed by the i, and the I is fully enclosed by the P. B is said to
be a child of I, I is said to be a child of P, and B is said to be
a grandchild of P. You can also do it the other way and say that P
is a parent of I, I is a parent of B, and
P is a grandparent of B. Now, this is a
standard HTML page. The smallest amount of code you can have
starts with a doc type, which is not technically HTML, but it is there in order to tell the browser what
this document is. Then we have our
opening HTML element. This just defines
where the HTML is. The head is going to be
information about the page, and then body is everything that's going to
display on the page. Let's actually take a look at that and do some live coding.
5. HTML Live Coding - Home Page: We have just the tags you
saw earlier, the elements. We have our opening doc type, which is telling the browser
that this is an HTML page. We have an HTML element. I've added a ang attribute here to show that
it's in English. This can be helpful
for lots of things, but browsers, screen readers, search engines helps
them know what language it's in so that they can more easily prepare translations and things like that or know
what to translate from. We also have a head
element, which is going to be information
about the page. We don't have any of that yet, but we'll be editing that later. We have a body element. Which is going to show
everything on the page. Now, I have this set up so that when I save
something here, it will then show up here. If I, for instance, add
Just a hello world. Helps if you spell it right. Hello world, and I save it. It then appears over here. The P element appears over here. The next thing we're
going to do is add what's called an H one
or a heading level one. This is the top level heading, you have also H one, H two, H three, h4h5 and H six, heading level one
being the top level, and then typically you
would then break out your content with subheadings
and stuff with H two, then H three, and
so on and so forth. Let me say this and we'll
see what it looks like. So a heading is by default much larger than normal
text, and also bold. So help it stand
out as a heading. Headings are actually
block level elements, where they create space
above and below themselves. The next thing
we're going to look at is actually a span element, which is technically
an inline element. I'm going to use
it to just display the byline for our doctor Buble, who wrote the essay
that we're working on. Or the esa page that
we're working on. It technically is an
inline element meaning that it would not create
space above and below itself, but because this H
one is above it, the H one is going
to create space, and then the next thing
we're going to use is also going to be a
block level element. But if I hit save, it's going to show there
there is doctor Poples name. Next thing we're going
to add is some text. Actually have that
here at content text. Close that drawer,
and here we have a whole bunch of texts
that we can use. I'm going to copy
this text here. This is all paragraphs. This is for the index page. Some of this will be used
for the about or bio page. I'm going to paste that
content indirectly. If I hit save, you can see that it all looks like
it's one giant paragraph. There's no continuity
of paragraphs here. It doesn't necessarily respect the spacing of our paragraphs. In order to do that,
we need to add p elements around
our paragraphs. If I hit save on that, you can see that our first
paragraph takes shape. Don't worry about
this spacing here. It's just because of the editor. Next, I'm going to add
some more paragraphs. As you can see, that we'll
continue to add paragraphs. Again, don't worry
about this spacing. It's weird, and as you can
see, it does not show up here. And now I'm going
to zoom through adding the rest of
the paragraphs. Yeah. All right, and we're back. Okay. The next thing we're
going to do is we're going to go through
and find where I have labeled some things
that should be bolded. Anything that has
these asterisks by it, I'm going to replace
with a bold tag. There are actually two bold tags or two tags that
will create bold. One is the B tag, which we've seen a little bit al going to add here around the. If I say that, you can see
that this is now bolded. The other tag is the strong tag, and that stands for
strong emphasis. The reason there two
is because initially, it's actually strong and not string. Let me fix that there. Initially, when the
language was created, the Bol tag B was all we had. And there was some
concern that that was not giving enough information
about the content. It was not being
semantic enough. And so they added the Strom
tag in order to make that a bit more specific and a bit more to make it
a bit more semantic. However, Strom has a lot
more letters to type, and so developers
didn't really end up using stro more often. And so the Bol tag lived on. Now with HMO five, both are acceptable, so you can use whichever one you want. Now we're going to look
at the I and M elements, where I've made
these underscores, we're going to add
italics, I for italics. Like the bold, there are
two elements for italics. One is, which here
just looks like this, which we already saw
a little bit earlier. If I say that, you can see
that it then makes italic. Similarly to bold and
strong, B and Strong, they wanted the element
to be more semantic, or wanted a more semantic
version of the element, and so they added
the EM for emphasis. But again, either
one is acceptable, use whichever one makes
the most sense to you. If I say that again here, this is also italicized. All right. Now that we've
got our content on our page, let's add some navigation. Right below the body tag here, right below the opening
body tag, I'm going to add And so this is the start of it. We have an A element, which
originally stands for anchor, but it's our link tag. Whatever we link to is going
to be in this ARF attribute. And then the link text is
going to be this text here. So I'm going to just
link it to Index DHTO, which is this same file. I'm going to hit save, and then you can see
there's a link here. If I clicked on it,
it just will open up the same index HTL. We don't need to worry
about that right now. But we're going to end up
having two pages in this site. So I'm going to add a
link to that right now, even though we haven't
created that page yet, it's going to be doctor
Gopals bio bio dot HTML. And then I'm going to bio. Save that. Now we have
two elements up there, two A elements up there. Typically, navigation is put in an unordered list because
they are related elements, so that's more the semantic
way to associate them. And we're also going to
use a structural tag called NAV for navigation. So I'm going to add
NAV here first. Which is a structural element. So we won't actually
make any changes. So if I save it, it's
not going to make any changes on the
front end right now, but we're going to use
it a lot later for CSS and also making sure that there's proper
structure within the page. Now I'm going to add
that unordered list. So an unordered list
starts with UL. And then each item
is going to have an LI item for list item. And then we're going
to close the UL. Once I save it. Then you can see that it is now in an unordered
list or bulleted list. We're going to play
around with this a little bit more later
when we get to CSS, but now it is
properly structured. Now, with here, we have
our NAB structure in here, but there's more structure
to a page than that. There are several different
structural elements. For instance, we have header, which can go around the header. Now, let me also emphasize that header head and
headings are very different. So a header here is to
show the top of the page, whereas head is information
about the page. Headings are also content
that will show on the page, so it goes in the header. Next, we have main, which is the main
content of the page, which in this case is
doctor Buble's essay. I'm going to close
the main down here. I'm also going to add a footer element with
some content in it. Paste that in over here. So we have a foo. We have an HR. HR stands for horizontal rule. It is a void tag, so it does
not need a closing tag. It's just going to draw
a line across the page. Then we have a p element here, P tag with some information. And then closing
P, closing footer. I'm going to save that so we
can see it in action here, and here we have
all of our content. You'll notice here that
this has dropped the space. This less than is in red. That's because while the
browser is figuring it out, it's not quite realizing
that it's not code. It's still not sure what it is. Be less than sin typically
will start code. It will be something that should not be
displayed on the front end. The browser figures it out, understands what we want here, but really the best thing
to do is going to be to set it to ampersand LT semicolon, and that stands for
LT is less than. Ampersand LT. Cticon
is going to show us the same left angle
bracket. If I hit save. Notice that there
was no change there, and that's because it
is the same symbol. We can also Oops. Set the greater than symbol. Here, I'm going to add a space, which will be the
greater San than sign. And because Ampersand
now designates a special character or designates that
we're going to be displaying a semble
special character. Ampersand that we want
to display should now be set to ampersand
AMP, semic save. None of those should change. It does not honor
the space there. But we can do more than
just these symbols. We can also do the
copyright symbol. And the copyright symbol
is Ampersand Copy. ALS, and you can see that it
is now the copyright symbol. These are what's
called HTML entities, and they allow us to write characters that are not on
our keyboards onto the page. Now that we've got
our content and our main structure in place
for our Index dot HTML, we're now going to
save it and create our second page, our bio HTL.
6. HTML Live Coding - Bio Page: The easiest way to create bio Dot HTL is rather than
starting from scratch. We can take Index dot
HTL and save it as Bio Dot HTML so that we can get a head start with a structure and
that sort of thing. I'm going to go to File Save As, and change it to bio DH TML. I save. Now we have Biodi TML, but you'll notice we also down
here have index dot HTML. These are now two
copies of each other. I'm also going to open
up content dot text, so we still have access
to that as well. All right. Now, bio, we know for sure that this
content is not correct. So let's go ahead and
delete this content here. If we save it now, it's
not going to update here, but that's because
we're still looking at index at HTL over here. I should be able to
click on the bio, and here we are with
the bio dot HTML. I'm going to grab the H one
content and place that here. Next, I'm going to I'm going
to hit save and we can see that that is the correct
or that is the content, and now we can more easily
tell a part two pages. Now I'm going to take
the content from here. I'm going to copy it. Not index bio. I'm
going to paste it in. Again, we're going to have
some work cut out for us. I'm going to start
adding P tags. Now we have several
different headings here. I'm going to add H two tags
a his favorite things, and I'm going to add a span
around this little note here so that we can
style it separately. Now I'm going to put
a UL or unordered list his favorite things. LI LI around each item. And close the UL. This two
is going to be an H two. Now these are going to
be an ordered list. A ordered list is just
an OL versus a UL. I'm going to add LI, use the same LI element around we had a closing, and
now it's all there. Let me hit save and we'll
see the new content up here. We have our paragraph. We have an H two, we have our span. We have an unordered list. We have another H two, we
have our ordered list, and then, of course, we have the footer
and HR, et cetera. Now, as you may have
noticed, as I was working, there are also some places
to add italic and bold. Let's go through
and do that now. All right. We've
made our changes to our italics and our bold. Now we're going to add a trademark sign after this because doctor Bob
chose to trade mark it. And that is Ampersand trade, and there it appears
right there. The last thing we're
going to do with HTML is we're going to add an image. So I'm going to go back up here and right inside
this P element. I'm going to add image elements. Now an image is actually a
self closing or void tag. So go image, and then
it uses what's called an SRC for source
to find the image. And that is the PNG. I'm going to hit save, and you can see there
he is in all his glory. Another thing we want to add to images is what's
called alternate text. And that is a way for
search engines and screen readers to be able to access the content of the image. I'm going to grab
that from over here. Use an attribute. Uses an l attribute. I have that content. I swears, let me grab it. All right. And there it appears. Hit save. Notice
there's no change on the image because the
attribute does not so I will only show
two screen readers and engines who are reading the code or any other program
that's reading the code. Now we've got our HTL in place. Let's look at CSS.
7. CSS Basics: CSS stands for
cascading style sheets. If HTML is the skeleton, then CSS is the
flesh and clothes. It lets you set colors, fonts, and all kinds
of different things. The cascade of CSS. Styles don't affect
just a single element. They cascade through the
document from parent to child. For instance, if you set a text color on the body element, it will cascade down
through all child elements. There are three
parts to a CSS rule. First is the selector,
next is the property, and then the value. The part in the curly brackets is typically called
the declaration block, and the whole thing as a
whole is called the rule. The selector is going to select which elements to
apply the properties to. It can be an
element, like P, di, or main are all elements
that we just looked at, and you can select all
of those elements within a page using the
element selector. They can be a class, which uses the HTMLs class attribute, name it whatever you want,
so class equals zombies, undead, politician, et cetera. You also have an ID, which is a value of HTML's
ID attribute, and for that, you're
going to use a hashtag. For classes, you're going to use a period to designate
that it's a class. For IDs, you're going to use a hash tag to designate
that it's an ID, and you can also
use a combination. For instance, this selects
any P element that is within another element
with an ID of apocalypse, does not have to
be a direct child, it could be a grandchild, much further
descendant, et cetera. This will select any div that is an element with
a class of zombie, and this will select any element with a class of politician
that's inside a div. Property. This is the aspect
that you want to change. And there are many examples, but things like color,
background color, font style, font family, many, many, many more.
And then the value. Values are what you're
changing the property to from its default value or another value that
you said earlier. Type of data allowed
depends on the property. Some properties only
take specific keywords, and some properties only take numbers or numbers
with specific units. Some take both. Now
let's look at some CSS.
8. CSS Live Coding - Adding Style: So we're going to take
our HTML pages here, and I'm going to go back to our index so we can see
it working from here. And I need to add a style
element to our loops. I'm still in the bio there. Let me go back here. Index. I'm going to add
a style element. And in this style element,
I can put our CSS. The first thing I'm going
to do is I'm going to select all H one tags, and I'm going to change their
color to an orange red. Orange red. There are many different
ways to set up color. Orange red is a keyword that
happens to work for color. I'm going to save that, and
now our H one is orange red. We also want to make our H
one a bit larger in size. I'm going to set the
font size font size. So how big it is to 50 pixels? The default is 16, so setting a font size of 50 pixels is going to
make it much bigger. As you can see there.
The next thing I want to do is to
modify this byline. I'm going to set it a span. I'm going to set a font style, which changes italics to italic
and give it a color gray. If I say that, you can see that it deemphasize it a
bit and italicized it. So I want to get rid of
these bullets there up here. The way to do that is
to flect the UL and set the style type or the
list style type to none. Save. Now they're gone. The only problem
is we have a UL on our bio that it's going
to remove that too. The way to get around that, the way to only change
it on this UL and not on other ULs is to localize it or set a
descendant selector. So NAV UL. Any UL within a NAV are the only ones that are
going to be affected. The next thing we want to do is instead of having
these like this, we want to display them inline so that they will
be one after the other. So I'm going to
change in this case, again, I don't want
to affect all LIs. I just want to affect
the LIs within a NAF, and I'm going to
set display inline. And then I want to
add a little bit of padding so that they will have a little bit of
space between each other. It's going to add ten
pixels of padding. This just adds
spacing around them. Now, you can see that
there's a big gap here, which isn't quite will be one. All elements have some
default padding and margin. So this UL by default has a bunch of padding and margin because it
has those bullets. So I'm going to set
its padding to zero, and it's margin to zero. It save, and now it is
all the way over there. It's still a little bit of ways, and that's because
of its ten pixel padding all around it. Ten pixels all around. Now, one other thing
I'd like to do is that instead of having
the navigation here, I want to fly it over here. So you can easily do that with
setting text align right, it will right align the text. If I save, it flies over here because it's now aligned right instead of aligned left
like it is by default. Now, this is a little bit
too close to the top, so I want to add some
spacing above here. I also want to add some
spacing between these two. I'm going to take just the Nave I'm not changing the
elements within it. I'm going to say margin
top 100 pixels. I save. There we go, and
then margin bottom. 50 pixels, and I hit save, and now there's some more
space between those two. Now, I like this orange red, so I want to expand its use. I'm going to make these two
links that orange as well. So I'm going to say N A I only want to select
the A elements. I want to do color orange red, same color as before. Save. Now they're orange red. And now that they're
a different color, it's much more clear that
they might be a link. So I'm going to remove that
underline text decoration. No. Save, and now there is
no line under there. And another thing
we want to do is we want to mark
which page we're on. Easiest way to do that is to add a class to the page
that we're on. Currently, this
is indexed dH TL, I'm going to add a
class to L here. Class equals Current page. Now, if I save it, which
I'm going to do right now, nothing changes because
we haven't written any styles to edit that. But before we go any further, and so I don't forget,
I'm going to copy it, and I'm going to paste
it over and here, but put it on the bio link, since that is the link that
is the current page here. Save that just so
we don't forget it. All right. Now, I'm going
to write a style for that. Because it's a class, I'm going
to choose a current page. S. Then I'm going to
set border bottom, because I only want it
to be on the bottom. Then I'm going to
set orange red. Then borders actually take
three different values. I'm going to set solid, and then the width is two pixels.
Solid is the style. You can have dot or a
bunch of other things, but I'm setting the color, the style, and the width. I save. Now it highlights
which page we're on. All right. Well, let's look more towards the footer.
This footer is nice. I like the line here, but I think it would be neater if we could also
make it that color, that orange red color,
some footer HR, I'm going to set border top this time because that's what handles the border for HRs or what
handles the color of an HR, I'm going to set it
two pixels again, solid, and the color orange red. As you can see, the exact
order doesn't matter because it's pretty clear
which things these are. I'm going to hit save, and
here we have an orange red. Now, another thing
that would be cool is to not have it extend
the whole way, but maybe percentage of the way because if we make this
bigger or smaller, We don't necessarily
want it to be 100%. If I set it to a specific value, it might be too big at some times and too
small at others. I'm going to set a width of 60%. And what this means
is it's going to be 60% of the width
of its parent. Now, let's do a little bit
more work with the footer. I want to do text align center, so that the text is centered. And then I also want to add
some space here so that it's clear where it
begins and ends. I save. Let me scroll
down a littleit. Now you can see it's now
centered, looks a bit nicer. There's some space
here to differentiate them. So that is good. Another thing that happens is that if we go all the way out, it just continues to scale
as wide as possible, which probably
isn't what we want. Usually, it's much
harder to read a line that goes all the
way across the page. So we're going to set a x size. So I'm going to set Nav. You can do multiple things, multiple selectors
in one statement if you do a comma between them. Here I'm setting all of those
Nav main header and footer. I'm going to set them a
max width 1,000 pixels, and a margin of auto
in order to make sure that it is centered
when it is saved. He save. I then open it, and now it is centered. One thing that we lost
here is that when I set margin auto on the Nav, it got rid of that extra margin that we added above
and below it. And also got rid of
it on the footers, and now that's
right close to it. So there's an easy
way to fix this. What I'm going to
do is instead of putting it on each
of those elements, I'm going to create a div, give it a class of wrapper. And I'm going to wrap it around all of the elements. All right. Now, say that didn't end
up doing anything because I haven't changed the CSS yet. So instead of this
selecting all those things, I'm now going to
select just wrapper. I'm going to hit save. Now, the NAV has
its margin back, the footer has its margin back, and if I open it, only goes to 100 pixels. If we go to bio, we'll notice that it has none of these features on it anymore. There's a simple way to do that. You can click or copy
this entire style. And then I'm going
to paste it in here. I'm going to hit
save, and now we have that same styling
available to us. We've got the
footer here, we got the title, all those things. If we go too large. Oh, if we go too large,
it doesn't stop it. The reason is is because we
did not add the wrapper. So let's add the
wrapper div here. Scroll to the bottom. It save. Now if we go too far, it still prevents it
from going too wide. Now we're back in place here. Okay. There's a couple more
things we want to do to this. I mean, this image is nice. We like the picture of doctor B, but it just doesn't feel
quite right where it is, doesn't really text
flow around it. We can do what's called a float. So do image And then
I'm going to float. What floating does is it pulls the element out of the normal flow and sends
it over to the right, or you can also send
it to the left, and then allows content
to flow around it. So I'm going to hit and save, and now you can see
that the content is now flowing around
it. That is better. This image is still pretty big. We still have stuff
pretty close to it. What I'm going to do is make
some more changes here. Let's set a margin left
margin left of five pixels, and a margin bottom. Of five pixels as well. Save. That helped
us a little bit. We got a little bit
of space there. Then I also want to change
its width worth 300 pixels, and let's change its height. I save, That's
squished it a bit. And that's because we didn't
keep the aspect ratio. We forced it to a
square when it's not. So let me just
delete that, I save, and now it automatically
looks much better. The other thing you could do
is set your height to auto, and then it would ensure
that whatever you set here, it would definitely stay the
appropriate aspect ratio.
9. Catch You Later, Zombigator: For taking this course? If you loved it,
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