Build a Highly Converting Shopify eCommerce Store in 90 Mins | Alex Huston | Skillshare

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Build a Highly Converting Shopify eCommerce Store in 90 Mins

teacher avatar Alex Huston, Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction and General Settings


    • 2.

      Backend Setup: Payment Providers


    • 3.

      Backend Setup: Checkout


    • 4.

      Backend Setup: Shipping


    • 5.

      Backend Setup: Taxes


    • 6.

      Backend Setup: Legal Pages


    • 7.

      Installing Oberlo and Importing Products


    • 8.

      Building Out the Front End of Your Store


    • 9.

      Editing the Navigation Menus


    • 10.

      Connecting a Domain (LIVE SITE)


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About This Class

Start building your Shopify store! Click here:

Introducing... Shopify! The easiest way to build an eCommerce store in 90 minutes or less without any coding experience. 

Online retail and eCommerce is growing quickly. In the 4 day span of Black Friday to Cyber Monday in 2018 the eCommerce market broke an all-time high of recorded sales equaling a total of $7.9 billion. Yep, you read that correctly. Not to mention this was an industry increase of 19.3% from 2017.

The road to creating a successful online store can seem difficult and confusing if you don't know the proper tools to use. Without previous experience in web designing and vast knowledge about CSS and HTML coding, many people worry that they will not be able to start their own store without paying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for a professional to do it for them. 

Have NO fear! If you’re thinking of creating your own online store and don’t know how to do, it then this course is the perfect solution for you.

In this course we will go over the following: 

  • Creating a Shopify account
  • Properly setting up all of the back-end technical settings (Payment Processing, Checkout Procedures, Shipping Rates, Taxes, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Terms of Service and much more)
  • Install and source products from Oberlo
  • Import products directly to your Shopify store
  • Edit product information, descriptions and pricing
  • Building out a high converting front end to your store
  • Editing store navigation menus
  • Connecting a domain to your store (LIVE SITE)


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Meet Your Teacher

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Alex Huston



Alex is a determined and focused young professional who has developed an array of skills to share over the past 10 years. With primary focuses on digital marketing, eCommerce, music production, and various creative software, his knowledge is applicable to several different industries.


His zealous passion and worth ethic stem from a love of learning and the application of new skills to the projects and businesses he is involved with.

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction and General Settings: excellent guys. I'm gonna do a quick run through of how to set up your shop. If I store tow, launch your e commerce platform today, we're gonna be focusing specifically on over low drop shipping with over low through Shopify. But these techniques will allow you to set up any commerce store for whatever you want to sell. It's gonna be the fundamental, you know, kind of click by click overview of how to get your store up and running and ready to ready to rock. So the first thing you're gonna want to do is head over to Shopify dot com and sign up for a free trial. Shopify offers a 14 day free trial to anybody who eyes looking to use their service. That gives you, you know, two weeks to build out your store and get it looking nice before you start driving traffic to it. So once you sign up, Schopf, I will ask you a few general questions and I will bring you to this portal here that you see on my screen. Now, this is your back end admin portal, where you'll be able to access everything that you need to access and we're gonna get right into it, guys. So the first thing you're gonna want to dio is head over to settings. We're gonna set up all the back end technical pieces of the store so that and then we can build out the front end. So the first thing we're gonna go into is the general. We're gonna want to make sure that this information is correct. You can see with this example store I've set up is I've named it Jewelry Express Co shop. I've set up an email address for that as well. Um, and put in the store address information, standards and formats is pretty much gonna be default set to what you want it to be. And then depending on where your store is located, gonna want to select the proper currency. So we're gonna do US dollars today. 2. Backend Setup: Payment Providers: all right. The second step we're gonna want to do here is head over into payment providers and get our back end payment set up. This is how we're gonna collect our funds from all the sales that we make on our Shopify store. So if we're gonna be focusing on drop shipping, the first thing that I'm going to recommend you do is disconnect PayPal. I've had people run into issues with PayPal and drop shipping, mostly because the shipping times with drop shipping is a little longer. S o pe Powell, hold your funds until they're they're aware that, you know, the consumers have read have received their products, and so automatically the email that you set your store up with will be associated with a new PayPal account that you can then set up on papal. Um, so the first thing we're gonna want to do is edit this Ah, and deactivate it for now. The next step you're gonna want to hit is setting up your shop. If I payments. Shopify has their own payment provider that allows you to collect transactions directly on your your shop. If I store, you can also use other payment providers like authorized dot net But it's it's really easy just to set up shop five payments and get it integrated into your shop. Super quickly. So we're gonna click in here. It's just basic basic information in order to tell Shopify where to send payments. So they asked for your business address. Ah, some personal information about you, your birthday, your social security number, the products that you're selling and then down here at the bottom, they're gonna ask for a bank account to connect. So a routing number and account number in order to deposit the funds that you are the revenue that you make on your shop if I store 3. Backend Setup: Checkout: right. The next step that we're gonna want to set up is the check out process. There's really no right or wrong way to set this up, but I'll share with you the settings that I like to set my stores to. So for customer accounts, were I typically disabled this unless I'm doing some type of subscription based product, I don't really find a need for having, you know, customer accounts, um, customer contact information. I really like to check customers. Can Onley check out using their email That way? I can also gather their email for re marketing and targeting later, and I like to check this to receive shipping updates. Customers can choose to add a phone number email to receive shipping updates after they complete their order. So what Shopify will do is send automated notifications to people's emails and and phone numbers. When you're fulfillment center updates and order or ships it out, which is really awesome. The form options I like to require first and last name. I like to keep the company name Hedden, the address line two optional, so they don't need to fill it out in order to complete the form and the shipping address are the Yeah, the shipping address Phone number optional as well. The next step is gonna be the order processing on. The things that I like to keep here checked is actually everything. Default here is correct. So while the customers checking out used the shipping addresses, the billing address by default enabled the auto. You know, completion of the address. So that's that's when you go to type in your address on a check out form, and it'll auto populate the address. This is a good way to make sure that people get their address is correct because people will miss type it or, you know, forget a number or something like that. And so this is a good way, Teoh to ensure that the addresses you get from your customer, the correct shipping addresses, I don't like to automatically fulfill any orders. And then, after an order has been fulfilled and paid automatically archived the order, the last few steps here is gonna be email marketing. I like to click this pre select the sign up option. So what this means here is that it's gonna show a sign up option that check out so right under the form where customers and put their email address to check out. It'll be a little check box saying, You know, get sales and promotions and stay connected with us. I like to pre select that box so that people who are buying from my website will automatically be put into my email subscription list so I can market to them later. Um, and of course, if they don't want to receive those emails, they can uncheck it while they're checking out, and that's about it for this section, so we're gonna hit, save and move on. 4. Backend Setup: Shipping: So the next section we're gonna set up is the shipping section. So we're gonna click into their Let it load real quick. Awesome. So what I like to do on all my websites is offer free shipping. Ah, both domestic and to the rest of the world. The way that I structure the pricing of my products allows room for shipping costs. Course, if you would prefer to charge shipping, you can do that. But it's pretty standard nowadays to offer free shipping Teoh consumers online so automatically Shopify is going to set up shipping rates either based by location or based by the weight of the product. So we're gonna go into domestic, we're gonna hit at it, and what we're gonna do is begin to remove the auto populated, weight based rates here. So we're just gonna hit out of these and what we're gonna want to do is set a price based rate toe offer free shipping. So right here, where you see rate, you can click free shipping boom, and you can name this whatever you want. I like to typically do something like free secured shipping just to make it sound a little nicer And so we're gonna hit, save, and we're gonna go back to the shipping page and begin toe edit the the rest of the world as well. So you can also limit this. If you don't want to ship toe all these countries, you can go in and edit the countries that are available for you. So if you're any commerce website that your you just offer products in the U. S, you can totally get rid of all these countries. So we're gonna go in here and we're gonna look at the calculated rates that get auto populated by Shopify, and we're gonna get rid of those as well. And we're gonna go to price based rate. We're gonna add a rate. We're going to click the free shipping rate again and name it something fancy. We're gonna hit, done and save. And we're done with this section, guys, 5. Backend Setup: Taxes: the next section we're gonna want to hit is the taxes. I recommend not charging taxes on any of your products. It just becomes a headache. And there's there certain legislations that are coming to a place that, Ah, this may change. But for now it's OK, so rest of world you can see we're already not charging taxes automatically. What Shopify is going to do is it's going to charge tax in the state that you're in, and so you're gonna want to remove that, and you're all set on this section as well. 6. Backend Setup: Legal Pages: so everything in locations, notifications, files, sales channel and account are pretty much gonna be defaulted the way you want them to be. Um, if you want to go in there and check out what the's are, you can go on and play around. If you've got any questions, feel free to shoot me a message. Um, one thing I will show you is building, um effectively. What you're gonna want to do is, once you upgrade your account, you'll add the credit card here that you're paying for your account with. And then the final thing we're going to go over are the legal pages for your store. So this is gonna be your refund policy, your privacy policy, your terms of service and your shipping policy. And so you can really for the refund policy auto generated from the template Ah, the privacy policy as well. And the terms of service. These are gonna be pretty standard across most websites. Of course, if you want to go in and change the refund policy to 60 90 days, you can go ahead and do that. You're shipping policy. It's not something you necessarily need tohave, but it's a good thing to make your customers aware of whether it's I offer free shipping in the US, but you have to pay for our international shipping things. That manner you can add here is well, and so we're just gonna click save, and I'll show you how to integrate these pages into the header or footer of your website. 7. Installing Oberlo and Importing Products: Okay, so the next step we're gonna want to do is, as we mentioned, we're focusing on drop shipping with over low on Shopify. So we're gonna want to install the over low app overloads a great app to find products to sell to your customers. Um, they offer a free plan for the app where the 1st 100 orders you can process and fulfill for free and then after your 1/100 order, believe it costs about 30 bucks a month. So this software is great and allows you to automate the entire fulfillment process for your store. It just makes it really easy. So we're gonna head over to the APP section and we're gonna You can actually see it right here, but we'll visit the APP store, and we're going to search for over low. And here we can see it is, so click on it and we're gonna add the app. And so Shopify offers tons of APS for your store. Um, whether it's aps to market to people after they purchased to increase conversion rate on your website to to making you know pictures more optimal for site speed and low time. So it's a really great. It's a really great hub to go in and look around of what? APS You want to add to your store to increase increase your revenue. And so once we download the the over low app and install it on our store, it will open up. And this is what it's gonna look like. And they've got a whole discography of products that you can add. And for this example store, we're gonna be focusing on jewelry. So we're gonna search for this jewelry product that I want to import into our store are right Here it is the distance bracelet. So we're gonna click on this. Take a look at it. Uh, they've got some really good product photos. This is exactly what I want to import ships within 2 to 7 days. The offer E packet shipping, which is great. He packet shipping is the shipping method that we're gonna use primarily for drop shipping . It's an 8 to 25 day ship range on a cost about 22 bucks, $2.50 which is great. So we're gonna import this product to our store, and once we hit import, it's going to go over to our import list over here. We'll see it and then we can modify it before we import it directly to our our store. Um, so I'm gonna change the title here to distance bracelet. Two pieces. I'm gonna go over to the description. This is actually a pretty good description. I'm gonna keep this for now. Typically, I'll delete this cause the descriptions aren't great, But look at our variants. And so what you can do here is change the prices of your product before importing it to the store. So we're gonna wanna go over to change all prices, set new value, and we're gonna The suggested price is 27 99 which is actually pretty good suggested price . I've been seeing this bracelet sell for around there, so we're gonna do 28 bucks. And the compare at price is basically, um, the price that will be shown with the line and a slash through it. So if you want to put this product on sale Ah, you put the compare at price up higher s so we can see at this rate, it costs us for 98 for this product. Will sell it for 28 will make $21 on it. Um, we can also change the shipping method right here. We're gonna want to do that will change it. E packet. That looks pretty good to me. And then we go over to images and you can click the you can select the images you want to import. And so I like this image. I also like this image and will do one of the singles. Um, this one there, we dio cool. So we've hit every single section of this product. Um, and we're going to click import to store. And so, what we'll find if we go back to our Shopify store and hit products, we'll see our distance bracelet right there. Awesome. So if we click on this, we can go at it the product description. So I'm gonna edit a few things in here. I really like this description. They're called distance bracelets for allowing those to feel connected. Have this pair of braces feeling to get off, no matter how far away you are. That's a pretty good description. So I'm gonna keep that the features air. Really good. You know, people like to know what they're buying. They like to be smart about what? What they're shopping for. So adding some features about the product is great. So I'm gonna click Save on this and what we can do is, you know, preview the product on our store. And that's what it looks like. Boom! That looks pretty good. So far awesome. 8. Building Out the Front End of Your Store: Alright, guys. So now that we've got our product that we want to sell imported to our store, we're going to start to make our storefront look a little more presentable so that when people visit our store, they want to be there. It looks nice. So we're gonna do is click over here on online store, and we're gonna go to customize Shopify offers a bunch of free themes that you can work in for. The debut theme is pretty popular. Um, so we're gonna use that, um, and they also have. They also have paid themes that you condone. You can go through and, you know, pay a couple 100 bucks and get a really nice high quality looking theme. But we're going to stick with the debut theme. So as mentioned, you know, our test store here is is going to be a jewelry store, so we're gonna start to design out the store as it relates to that. So I like to have a nice header image, and we'll select something here. What? See? Shopify offers a bunch of free imagery that you can put on your store to make it look nice . So, like, this will use this photo. There we go. And what we're gonna do is on this header image. We're gonna state what we sell. So we're gonna sell premium jewelry and we're gonna let them know it's affordable. And it's stylish A right. So make sure you hit save every now and again while you're editing your site. If you click out of this and you don't hit save, you're gonna lose it all, you're gonna have to do it again. It's always a bummer. So we can already start to see that our that our stores starting to come together. So the next thing we're gonna want to dio is feature the product that we're selling on our home page. Okay, so we're gonna go to add section and we're gonna do feature product, and we're gonna do add, okay, And we're gonna go over here and we're gonna hit select product and it's gonna be our distance bracelet. So this is gonna show up right on our home page so that people can find it easy. It's the product we want to sell to people. So we want people to see it, right? Cool. That looks pretty good. Next What I like to do on the home page is just add a little bit of what the brand is and talk about. You know, our our mission and our mission could be our mission and Jewelry Express Co. Is to provide you with high quality premium jewelry and affordable cost. Oh, and so you just want to talk a little bit about the brand, let consumers know what you're up to, what, you're trying to provide them. And so we're gonna add an image here, something that could represent our brand. Cool. And so I'm actually I actually forgot to do something. I'm gonna come back up into this header section and I'm gonna click on the editor here. I'm gonna add a button and I'm going to do shop now, and I'm gonna link this, But in two, my product, I'm gonna link it to all products. So when they hit this, but in they'll go to a page that shows them all the products we have. So we can do that right now. And of course, we've only got one product. But if we had imported several other products, we'd see them all listed here as well So, boom, This is a pretty good start to our home page to get it looking nice. Get it ready toe present to customers who are ready to buy our products. So let's go up into the header here. Let's edit a few things. You can add a custom logo to your store, So if you have an image that you want to use for your logo up top on your on your shop, you upload it here. For now, we're just gonna keep it with the general text. Here's what I like to do is I like to set up the announcement bar and I like Teoh. We're gonna set this toe black, and I like to announce, you know, free shipping on all orders little things like this throughout the site talking about what you offer to the consumer. That's not just the product. Whether it's free shipping, you know your site is 100% secure. 30 day returns, money back guarantee kind of kind of offers. Those are really important to build trust with your consumers. Um, and so calling those things out throughout your website is a really good, really good thing to Dio. Let's see, the final thing we're gonna do is hit the to hit the footer. I like to make all this text black. I don't like the gray who make the background white. We're a little off weight, so you can tell the difference. Let's see. There we go. Quick links. Okay, so are quick links. We're going to do company. We're gonna call this company, and this is where we're gonna put all of our, you know, privacy policy, our refund policy. In our terms of service, I'm gonna show you how to do that in a second. So let's make sure that spelled right the foot or menu. We're gonna go in and add those pages there. Those privacy policy, the shipping policy and the refund policy. Um, but if you wanted to change this menu, you can You can change it to different menus that we can create back on the the admin portal. I'm gonna get rid of this for now, and we're gonna keep the newsletter, and we're gonna say something like sign up for special offers and new products, product releases. And so this is an area where people can sign up and subscribe to your newsletter, which is great to have throughout your website. So we're gonna click, save, and we're gonna go back. And we're gonna edit a few other things just to make this site a little more presentable. Um, and hopefully help us increase, um, the conversion rate on it. So we're gonna go into themes, settings where we have, um, a bunch of different things. We can change. We can change the colors. We can change the fonts. We can add our social media links and a favor. Khan is going to be the little icon that appears next to your web address when people load it. And we can also change the check out process. So we're gonna start with colors and we're going to do the text of the heading links. So these links up here, I'm gonna make this black all the way. Black, um, body text. I'll make that all the way. Black as well. Sale price. I'm gonna make red. There's there's There's a psychology behind these colors. Read greens, blacks and whites Air Really good to use. And let's see, for our primary buttons I'm going to do it. A nice green, nice green color green means go get people ready to buy form fields. That looks pretty good. Image overlays. That looks good. All right, that looks pretty good to me. Um, I'm actually gonna leave the typography as it is, but if you wanted to go in here Ah, Shopify offers a bunch of different fonts You can change, and then social media, um, you can link your your accounts in here, So if you've got a Facebook account, Facebook page or an instagram account Twitter feed, um, you can start to link those in here, um, so that people can click on it through your website. And the final thing we're going to take a look at is the check out. Make sure if you wanted to add your custom logo in the check out process you you'd uploaded here is Well, um, let's see. Yeah, cool. So the colors of the links I'm gonna make a gray color the buttons. I'm gonna make green again. People are buying the product, and I want to make sure we catch him with that nice, bright green and the air messages. We're going to keep red, and we're gonna click save and I'll show you what this looks like. I'm gonna show you what? The check out process looks like we can see. We've got three little icons up here in our editor. This is gonna be a mobile view for, um, what your website looks like on mobile. This is gonna be, uh, the editor of you were just in and this could be full desktop. So I'm gonna try and add this product to our cart, and I'm gonna check out Cool. So, as mentioned, you can upload your custom logo here, you can upload your custom logo up here, which we didn't do, but, um, you can you can upload the image there. I like this. Cool are our buttons are green, and that looks pretty good to me. So I'm gonna get out of the website here and head back over to the shop. If I admin portal by clicking this top left button 9. Editing the Navigation Menus: and the last few things we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you the navigation. So we're gonna go over here to online store, click down on Navigation, and we're going to go into Footer menu. So this is where we're gonna add our privacy policy, our refund policy and our terms of service. So we're gonna want to do is add menu item and we're gonna look for. But, see, we're gonna go to pages, lips, policies. We're gonna go policies and we're gonna do privacy policy ad. We're going to go to policies refund policy ad, and we're gonna go to terms of service, add and we're going to save this menu and we're gonna exit out, and we're gonna take a look and make sure that update on our website. So if you ever want a preview, your store, you can click this little eye right here and a role load a previewed version of your store . And if we scroll down to the footer will see those right there, which looks great. So search privacy policy, refund policy. We click on one of these and we're all set up awesome 10. Connecting a Domain (LIVE SITE): So the final thing that we're gonna want to do before we launch our store is we're gonna want to buy a domain so we can go over to domains. You can either go to go, Daddy and ah, connected domain. Or you can go straight through Shopify and buy a new domain. Um, so let's see if our domain is available. Jewelry express co shop dot com. Awesome. So I'm not gonna purchase this right now, but once you buy it, it'll automatically connect. Um, and you'll be able to type that that domain right into your Web browser, and your and your website will pop up. Um, so that's about it for this video, guys, that's a basic overview of getting your site, you know, populated with the product. Um, putting some content on there to make it to make it look, um, look good, you know, integrating overload to make sure that you can put products in your store, um, and setting up all the back end fundamentals of your website so that you're ready to rock. I hope this was helpful. If anybody's got any questions, feel free to reach out, and I'll see in the next one