Blown Fluid Acrylic Painting - Using Air to Create Abstract Artwork | Kaitlin Goodey | Skillshare

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Blown Fluid Acrylic Painting - Using Air to Create Abstract Artwork

teacher avatar Kaitlin Goodey, Creative art and business encourager

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to Blown Fluid Acrylic Pour Method


    • 2.

      Supplies for Blowing Fluid Acrylic


    • 3.

      Demo Blown Fluid Acrylic


    • 4.

      Troubleshooting Issues with Blown Fluid Acrylic


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About This Class

Learn the basics of Blown Fluid Acrylic Painting to create your own beautiful abstract wall art. Artist and teacher, Kaitlin Goodey will cover everything a beginner needs to master the basics of Blown Fluid Acrylic Paint Pouring.

In this Advanced class, Kaitlin explains the materials needed, how to pour the paint, blow paint around, open up cells and common mistakes to avoid or how to fix them.

*This class assumes you already know how to mix Fluid Acrylic and use additives to create cells. If you don't please go to the relevant class below to learn and then come back and enjoy this class!*

*If you need to learn how to mix the paint please go back to her Beginner Course – Fluid Acrylic Painting: Abstract Puddle Pour Method for Beginners*

*If you need a demo for how to add silicone to the paint please go back to her Intermediate Course – Fluid Acrylic Pouring: How to do a Dirty Cup Pour and Create Cells*

Kaitlin is breaking down the Fluid Acrylic Painting process and explaining everything she has learned by trial and error over the last year in hopes of making this art form easier and fairly stress free for you. Once you've got the basics down you can really start pushing the boundaries and experimenting with unique outcomes!

By the end of this class you should feel confident in your ability to create Blown Fluid Acrylic Pour Paintings and if you have followed along you should have some physical proof!


What You'll Learn

  • Supplies for Blowing. There are a few tools needed for blowing in particular that Kaitlin will explain. *If you need to know about the basic supplies like acrylic paint, fluid medium or additives for creating cells please refer back to Kaitlin's previous classes on Fluid Acrylics.
  • Blown Demo. Kaitlin will demonstrate how to pour the paint and blow it while also explaining how open up the cells and ways to vary the results.
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues. Listen as Kaitlin covers all of the common questions and issues that artists run into while attempting to create Blown Fluid Acrylic Paintings. (if you need more basic Fluid Acrylic Pouring questions answered go back to the troubleshooting section of her course Fluid Acrylic Painting: Abstract Puddle Pour Method for Beginners )

 Be sure to click Follow to see upcoming classes by Kaitlin Goodey on Skillshare!

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Kaitlin Goodey

Creative art and business encourager


I am an artist, blogger and creative encourager. I love to teach art and business skills to creatively passionate and driven people.  I help creatives like you learn to express their unique art visions and build profitable businesses. I'm a creative coach who loves teaching, talking shop, creating, building community, and social media.

Connect with me - Instagram - Pinterest - Website


My background -

I've been a life long creator and entrepreneur. I started selling my art and jewelry in my freshman year of college at local summer markets and street fairs and haven't stopped since then. While I've always loved the thrill of making money from my passion of creating I've also had a deep calling and natural intuition to share ... See full profile

Level: Advanced

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1. Intro to Blown Fluid Acrylic Pour Method: Hi. My name's Caitlin Goodie of Goodie Studio. I'm here to show you how to do acrylic pouring, utilizing the blown method to make a painting like this one. I've been doing this method for just over a year, and this one I really made my own. I saw some other people doing things similar, but I'd like to show you how I do it to create unique pieces. First, I'll go over the supplies needed to create this painting and then a demo of how to pour the paint onto the canvas on how to blow it around to get this kind of finish. Then I'll go over some troubleshooting tips and tricks so that you can get the best painting possible. I hope you have a ton of fun in this class. Just like idea. 2. Supplies for Blowing Fluid Acrylic: for the blood method. The last time you need is air. You can use a straw to below the paint if you like, I find, but I get a little lightheaded if I do that or it takes too long. But if you're doing a much smaller painting, that's definitely an option. Right now, I just use compressed air. I get this one specifically business. Costco. Um, I found others at Fred Meyer. Sometimes they can be kind of hard to track down, but its electron ICS duster. So go for somewhere around the electron ICS department because usually it's meant for like blowing dust off of keyboards, computers, any of those types of electron ICS. They These cans get really cold as you use them, so I usually have a couple cans on hand so that I can switch back and forth when they have gotten too cold to be able to tell, obviously from from touch. But they'll start to sweat, and your fingers may literally start to kind of freeze on to them. Don't push it that far, because it's really not great for your hands to be doing that. So when it starts getting really cold just switch cans. It always comes with this little straw to attach, and so you just blow loaf smoothly. Don't be going like this, otherwise you're gonna get bursts of air. You're not supposed to shake these cans in the first place on that is really Because you get these like, crazy burst. Um, so no need to shake. Just put this in there and blow. And make sure you start. Really? You can. If you here really quick, it will start soft and get louder. So with that, just have a light trigger finger in the beginning or come further back. You could play with all of that. But this is what I use because I haven't wanted to invest in an air compressor yet. We're, um, just still playing with things. And so when I'm ready, they're not too expensive. I think you could get an air compressor for a couple $100 but I haven't had the space in my studio to really want to take up that yet. So I've used this on. They suggest this as you're just getting started and playing around just to keep your investment low. But if you become really committed to doing the blown technique, Then I would suggest investing in an air compressor with a variable small nozzle at the end for blowing on that will work great for this technique. 3. Demo Blown Fluid Acrylic: okay for the blown method. First, you need to cover canvas and white. If you're doing a different color method, you could do it differently. But for this one in particular, I have a base color of white, and that's usually what I do because I like light and bright, but you could have a base color of black or green whatever suits your fancy. Basically, you need to put down your base color first, and we're gonna cover edge toe edge here. Now. You don't need to add to too much, but you also don't want drying too quickly, and you do want enough paint on here so that mixes with the paint that you're blowing. This lets the style I like. If there's not enough that it won't mix into the other color so and see here I'm really going edged edge. You can do it with your fingers to You don't have to use a trial. I just like to you cause I can kind of float across the top or pull it really nice and then keeps my hands dry for, you know, 10 seconds, but is come on here. It's okay if it runs off the direction you to cover your edges. Um, signed while down here, too. You don't need to cover too much down here because, um, at least this style I'm showing you were gonna put the color here. You can do the color from any direction you want. You could put the color straight down in the middle. You can put it in one corner, but the most popular style I dio I blow it up. So that's what we're gonna do right now. Could make sure, tops well covered. I take a little bit of pain and run along the top edge so that if any gets blown over the edge, it just already works. Really? Well, this style a little pain from the bottom. That's okay. It's the same colors were using. Well, I'll just get covered. Wipe something off. Um, on this style in particular, it's important to get a lot of the white over the edges first, because you can't really pick up and smear on here because it looks quite a bit different. Um, so this one, I'm much more, uh, careful to cover everything in the beginning. And then I just like to kind of um, spread it around, Have it about the same thickness everywhere. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I just like it to be kind of you. But if anything, I have it slightly thinner down here. Um, more thick up here were in the middle. You'll see as I goto ad in colors. Now, with this process, you don't have to add, um, any additives if you don't want Teoh? Um, I do, cause I still like the cell effect. Um, but I don't always use fire on it. Um, I just use my little blowtorch or my little can of air. Um, what you'll see. So I like to do multi colors, but it's really dimensional. So I have the darker green on the later green, um, to pour on. So I'm gonna start a little bit of light green first. So go on the edge. I also have done these and people really like them in just one color. And then I can accept the what the basic shapes gonna be doing this. I like to kind of column coming up so kind of set where things are gonna go. Set the mood here when I come in and do the same thing with the dark green. Maybe don't need quite as much dark grand cause it could be a little overpowering. You can also go back in and add things in this style because you just gonna re blow over it . And you can also, if you want to be like rial gentle, you could always just, like, drip like this with the stick instead of pouring straight out of the cup of your little bit nervous or something. Um, you could do it like that. I just trained for it. Kind of slow out of the cup. But, I mean, that's also part of this, For me is like mess ups can can be really interesting things that you wouldn't have done otherwise. So, like maybe the light green got a little heavy right there, but we'll see what happens. You can also use, like the smaller trial. It's like moves and things around first if you want. Um, I don't tend to do that. I don't feel the need to, but now I'll use my air Can thes dio get cold as you use them, so I usually have a couple because it will get, like, really, I see here, you could also have an actual machine doing error, but I just haven't invested in that yet. So I get these from business Costco and just use thes. So you will see now. All right. You have to be careful. Start slow. You can, like, play with it over here to see what it's like. I don't press too hard on how fast the air is coming out because you'll spray everywhere. I actually have paint on my nice white curtains because I hit it at the wrong angle and it splashed up. So you got to be a little bit careful with that because it could get away from you pretty quickly, So I usually start it down here, moving stuff around. You want it to, like, trail out into the white? You play with that, run it off the edges, you can come back down this way. You see how I'm using, like, very little air right here. Move that. We're using a lot of air. I said you play with so I move it out a lot. Now especially you're doing this bigger. You've gotta walk. Work fast because as the white starts to dry. You can't push this out into any more than look at that. Look at those lovely little cells that are happening. And that's just from blowing the heirs. That's why I don't really feel the need to use fire you so much. But you totally can. And don't get, like, totally till you're done. Um, don't get protective over any areas because it changes. So like, if I super loved this, I might be sad because in a couple minutes that might be gone after working more of this. So just kind of see how it goes. Because if you get super protective over a certain area while you're doing this, then you miss some other things were going on. See the pop that happened? That's cause sometimes you move the bottle, the air does that, Uh, or I just accidentally squeezed harder than I meant Teoh. Sometimes, if you do like like what's going in here, you can come gently. Let's see you come from this side, cuz a little better. I you can kind of gently open those up a little bit more. Uh, like right here is a little Let's try me goes a little bigger working left handed. Sensible. Harder. Yeah. I mean, it was like a little bit bigger there. You can kind of finesse some of that. Don't forget, you can look backwards into stuff, too. Bring some white back in there. Let's get this moving a bit. Don't be afraid to take it right off. The edge is over there. I have done some quite large paintings this way. But you do really have to watch out for that white trying. So is my biggest problem. So I just want to keep working on it forever. But, um, acrylic dries faster than like it to end. And if I have put on the white too thin, then that's more of an issue. So do not be afraid to put on that white thicker than you would think. Obviously not too thick, though. Otherwise, you get cracking, give and take little starter. Gonna want to be doing it with my phone. Well, starting to get a little cold on me. It's usually went off. Switch Teoh Secondary. No, but think I'll be OK right now. Did you ever hear it's during and get a little thin? The white getting thin and kind of drying on me. Just keep working it. I don't usually like to leave any areas that hasn't been blown It all just because it looks a little different. Don't be afraid now because I'm filming and I don't want to block the light and doing as much. But sometimes all go and stand on the other side of the canvas and blow from different directions, just working from all over. I just like to look kind of stop and look sometimes if there's any areas where I don't think there's enough movement or something going on like this, whereas maybe little on warring sides would see a person dark green more better, like more activity going on in places. That's what I look for, then 20 end you like where I'm at. This is where I usually would start to consider. Okay, Do I like where the wisps are ending? Do we need Teoh work those at all anymore? If I don't, then the next thing I stop and look for um, is if there's any little cell area. But I want to kind of open up or see if I can push like right here, I don't think you can see in the camera, but I can see some tiny little dots, something like below on a the winds are pulled further away. Can't go a little circular motion to see if anything will pop out. Doesn't really seem like it wants to. So go around, See what I can Dio exaggerates himself No, potentially for your benefit just to see just to experiment I will hit this with a little bit of fire from my creme brulee torch, Um, to see if we get any other cells popping. Plus, I do see some air bubbles. So sometimes, even if you haven't added silicone or domestic own to this, If you see air bubbles, you can go over it with a torch to just pop the air bubbles. Um, so it won't be about getting cells then, but it will be just about getting a real nice, smooth finish. Oh, yeah, You can see themselves pop in because I've got that silicone in there. I'm not gonna try and get a ton of big sense because I really like just a lot of the wisps . Let's get a little here because I needed Sometimes cells don't show up where you want them to. It's a purple this, but it's okay. So now I like to sometimes take a peek at the edges down here and didn't quite get filled in with paint like like so I mean, touched it up a little bit. McClay, since I went back into it sells. I can put the fire on this and blended in a lot better that just fire down there this very again, just in case. Trying not to burn it, though. Keep moving. Go a little bit there, not much. But now it's finished on like always. I want this to be in a super level place. I'm gonna let it dry. I'll come back in about 10 minutes or so and check that nothing has moved too much. Things are running off one edge or another. Uh, if they are, it's really easy just to shim it up and stop it from doing that going any further. And that's why you come back so soon because you can tell if it's just starting to go off on edge or not, and you can shim it before it goes too far. But then you've got to come back in another 10 minutes and picture, you know, pushed things too far the other way. Um, but that way you can really make sure that it's just, um, staying put and not running any certain direction. And you'll have a great painting when you're done. One other quick tips that actually haven't mentioned any other classes. So your special as the paint goes over the edge, you'll see droplets. Now. I can't lose the camera because I have so much pain in my hands. Um, but it's like little droplets coming off like a branch or like off this this bout of your sink, just little droplets all on edge A Z. The pain is, you know, going with gravity. And so I'll take my trial or just one of the stir sticks and just run it gently along the bottom edge show. You see those paint? They came onto the trial. Now that's just from running it along the edge, because if you just want it dry with all those drips, you can't do anything about it. Then they will hard in that way. And so I'm not a perfectionist. That takes off the back of my painting. But I do this because I want it to, like lay flat against the walls. Um, so this is the one way that I kind of clean up my paintings, but it's it's not too big of a deal. But when I come back and see if it's running off one of the edges, all check if any more extra paint has come down there that I need toe cleanup. Teoh. Um, if you're not going along the edge, just scraping like if this is the edge of the painting, you're just screaming right along that corner there to catch the drips, so that's a little tip to train. Clean it up, make it look nice, but I hope you enjoyed the blow method again. You don't have to work like this way at all. You could done the paint along there. You could do one color coming this way, another color going that way, you could do little lines. You can do a ton of stuff, but it's really about putting your base paint color down first and then pouring the other and blowing it and mixing it around. Some people use straws. Some people use air compressors I currently used the cans of compressed air Whatever you want to dio, you could make it work. So just have fun and experiment. I love to see your work in progress and a finished picture every painting and see what creativity you came up with. Thanks for joining me on. Have a ton of fun. 4. Troubleshooting Issues with Blown Fluid Acrylic: trouble shooting for the blown method. If you have basic questions about troubleshooting like your paint going off one side or cracks, I suggest you go back to my first class where I do puddle poor painting in that class. The troubleshooting video is much longer and really about the basics. Here. I'm going to be talking specifically about troubleshooting the blown process. So to begin with, let's say you're using a strong to blow things around. Often, people tell me they can't. It doesn't mix anymore. That's because you're it takes a long time to be blowing it with a straw, and the pain has started to dry so that first color you put down remember you're working with acrylic paint. The medium's help slow down the drying a little bit, but you can't take too long between pouring that first layer and then getting the color on and blowing those together. If you dio, the first layer begins to dry. You'll see little wrinkles happen as you try and blow into those sections, and you're just not gonna be able to work it anymore. If that's happening, I stayed cut your losses and hopefully you like what's going on right now, because if you overwork those areas, textures will dry into your final paintings. Since the top film has already started drying and I like a very smooth finish. So I really tried one. Things were starting to dry, not to touch that anymore. So again, make sure you're just working really fast in this process, and you will have issues with that drying. All right, if you're working it and things start to become money, it means you're overworking it. Stop, really teach yourself toe learn, win Teoh, be OK and find a good stopping point, because if you keep working it, working it, you're mixing those colors together more and more and more, and you won't have those nice fund like strands of color because you will have mixed them all together. If you find that that happened way faster, then you like and things still seem wet enough. You can take paint from your cup and use maybe the stir sticks. That's not too much. You can always put new blobs of paint in so that it can be darker again, like if you're doing the blue with white, and all of a sudden you have a lot of light blue. You don't have any of that dark blue anymore. Just grab a bit your dark blue and put it in and just feather it out a bit and then leave it. Don't overwork it again. That's the way to kind of come back from muddying if it hasn't already started to drive too much. Um, splashes. Really, uh, wing your blowing air on your campus, you gotta ease in on that air If you hit it really hard, the paint is just gonna splash up. I have paint on my nice white Kearns Pink. It's everywhere. Sometimes I'll trade you a nice column right here. Paint splashes everywhere else way more than I wanted. Um, and that's usually because I've gotten a little Teoh overzealous and hit the paint really hard with air, and it splashes so easing on the air either come from further back or just have a really light finger. Also, if you're using the compressed air camps, I kind you if you're shaking it, you can get bursts of air out of them. So really trying to be, like, steady and smooth with those on not tilting and tipping, theft because they don't work well with that. If you do an air compressor, you won't have issues with bursts of air out of it. It's just gonna be about your trigger finger on how smooth the paint goes around. So splashes are just based on control, so try and work with it. It's not the end of the world if you do get them added in, but if you want to control them, control that trigger finger. I think that's it for the troubleshooting. If you have any other questions, feel free to post, and I can help you as best as possible of done this for a while and I overcome a lot myself , so hopefully I've got the answers you need.