1. Introduction: Welcome guys to this blender cartoon character class. What you're going to learn in this class, we're going to start by teaching you how to create different geometries. And by that, we can simply start with the bench. After that, we're going to teach you how to create the blocky shape of the body. Use different modifiers like PEBO for creating the blocky shape, for creating the mouth, creating the eyes. Then we're gonna move on to creating the different lightning for the scene, setup, the camera angle, and we can start applying different materials for our final render, we're going to apply yield to the battery. We are going to apply black to the eyes. We're going to apply yellow to the background in order to have the lightning bells up. So if you are interested in creating these cute little character and row in my class, and let's get started. One last thing, I want to see your final renders, just post them in the project section. Thank you.
2. Blender Basics: Hello and welcome to this tutorial. So in this tutorial, I'm gonna teach you how to create this awesome looking Walpole's cartoon character sitting on this bench. So first, I think we should start from this bench because it's easy for a beginner. So after that, we're going to continue on modelling the character. So without any further ado, let's get started. So first you have to download blender. So go to slash downloads and click on the download blender button. So I have already downloaded it and it's super easy to install. Just click Next, Next, Next and you're gonna install it. So after that, opened the blender. I have it in my taskbar. So this is how the newest version of Blender looks like 2.83 than the version. So you can see this dialogue and just left-click or right-click and the dialogue will disappear. So this is the main viewport. So what are these things? We have three different things. You can see. So this secure. You can see it's a cube. This is a light and this is a camera. Our tissue over this in the later part. So in the first part, I'm going to teach you how to navigate in Blender viewport. So the first thing, rotating the view. So how to do that? You can do that by the middle mouse button. Yeah, so click your mouse button and you can see that it's rotating the viewport. Alright. So that's it. And now zooming in and zooming out. So to do that, use your middle mouse wheel for zoom in and zoom out. Just grow it up and down. So at last, moving the view. So press the Shift key on your keyboard and the middle mouse. Just holding the Shift and middle mouse and you can move your view. So yeah, that's it. Those are the very basics of blender or how to navigate. So select our by hitting a on your keyboard. Then press X and delete. So we have now clean view. Now the first thing I'm gonna do is add in our reference image into Blender. So go in the top left corner on TO your cursor, change and just drag to the right. Use the left-click and just drag. Something like this. Keep it small because you need the right for the modelling. So this going to be only for the image. Now, how to add the image changed the editor type to 2D because we needed to review. Go to the edit type. And image editor shifts fm. So yeah, this is it. Click and open and select our image. Just like that. Our image, and we've already loaded our reference. So we're gonna start with a bench. So many we have this bound steps and this meadow like scrappy metal parts and some boats. So first let's start by creating these pieces. So we need a new object to create this. What is the object? Plus Shift plus a mesh cube. I think the cube will be the most suitable for creating this bench wooden pieces. So click on the cube. So you can see this is our cube. So you can think how to create this. We need to modify it. In the next part, we're going to talk about how to scale this cube and make it look like this rectangular part from the bench. So see you in the next part.
3. Bench Modeling part 1: Hello and welcome to this second part of this blender tutorial for creating this war poly cartoon character. So in this part, we're going to do is just teach you how to create the wooden pieces of the bench. So let's get started. Alright, so the first thing that I'm going to do is, as you can see, we have a cube and it is not like the shape of the woolen pieces. So we need to change that. We need to scale it. So we need to scale it down by a specific axis. The three axis in 3D, its x, y, and z. So this is the z for it's up in the bottom. Y is for the left and right, and x is for the depth. As you can see from here to here, is the depth. Let me just quickly remove the person, right? Yeah. Yeah. Alright. So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna scale it is down the cube in the z-axis to look like this. So to scale it down at a specific axis, press.'s a scale. But as you can see, if you hold just as you scale at all three axis. Now press Z on your keyboard, so locate in the z-axis. So pressing dizzy. Now you can see that we can scale down only to the z-axis. Maybe scan down about this much. Alright. And let me show you another quick tip. If you place S and Z. And as you can see, the step is very fast. So if you press shift, it will be more refined and you can scale on slow base. So Q bit about maybe this one, something like this, like this. So now what we could do, we need to change that to show you. We need to create this edge and this one. So now we have to work on the top edge. So what I'm gonna do is we need to scale the bit down in the y-axis. Price less than y, and you get a scale on the y-axis. Plus again, the shift to be more refined, more smaller and polished. Keep it about this much. This is a little bit more. Alright, so it looks good. Now the harder part is to schedule it on the access is because we don't know the length, but we're gonna make it by I. So let's, let's try S and X to scale it on the x-axis. The, with the Shift key, drag and drag and drag to create a rectangular shape of the bench. Maybe this much. Yeah, like you like that. Now we can adjust the size again. I think the scale on the z-axis should be a little bit less. So as Z and N, which shifts scaling a little bit more. All right? Maybe, maybe just a little bit bigger. Now scale the y SY I'm scanning to y. May be a little bit more low. Something like this. I think that's good. And we're going to scale up a little bit on Xa. So now, what's the problem? Probably, maybe scale it down a little bit on the x-axis, a little bit more. That's look gold. Now, we need to duplicate this warren part, scaled a little bit more on the x, maybe like that. So now we need to duplicate it four times because there are four wooden pieces. So for that, you need to duplicate. So before doing duplicate, we need to verify that this is, as this picture one has check for the scale. A little bit like dead. Just try to eyeball it. Maybe a little bit on the z-axis. Why? A little bit more? Maybe like that. Now, if I press Shift D, I'm gonna duplicate and then press y to move it in the y-axis. So just drag it like that. If you press shift, it will move slowly as before. Now just keep a small gap between as just on the reference. And right-click to drop it and be ready. As you can see, we have now two wooden pieces. So again, I think that the scaling disease to go. So Shift select the end and the other wooden and press as z. It just carry it a little bit up. Alright, again, what I'm gonna do is press shift D, Then why am gamma just move it one more piece to the position. Now we need one less wooden piece. If you want, you can just duplicate this one. But there is an owl shortcut key Shift plus R, so that we do the rest transformation again, I'm just delete this one to pieces by x, delete these two, and press shift D. Then why sacred about here? If I press Shift R where we're repeat my last action, and we'll be just reading shift and R. And we can create this. So now we have four times created, and that's great. So now you can make adjustments again to the four pieces. I think the scale in the z is enough. And Y could be done a little bit more. You're going to scale and then y, you can shrink them. And as you can notice that the space between them is changing. So in order to keep it, go and select individual, individual origins. Now if you press scale and why, you can see that the gap between space or even. But I think that's OK. We're going to move them a little bit later. Let's try to fit. Maybe like this. Scared a little bit down in z. Just play around with it guys to see how it goes. Now you can adjust the gap between. So select three and oppress G. Then why? I'll keep it allow this much. Again, G and Y. Just moving. Well as peace. Like just like that. Ji Dan, why to move it? And now looks, looks cute. The GK is to move, so it looks perfect. And I think it looks good. Later on if we don't like it, we are going to change it, but now it looks good. In the next part, we're going to talk about create this metal part for the bench. So see you then. Bye.
4. Bench Modeling part 2: Hello and welcome to this third part of blended tutorial about creating this Walpole's awesome keratin character. So in this part, we're going to create the base metal part of the bench. So first thing first, I am just select this and just scale it down a little bit. Just like this, just to fix the form. Now, we can start creating this masterpiece of the bench. The first thing that we're going to do is to create a new object. So press shift a, go to the mesh and we're going to create a plane. Because plane is more suitable for this object. So you just need to choose the plane. As you can see, we've created a plane. Let me select this view and select G on your keyboards and then set it, just move it at the bottom of the wooden parts. Just like this. Again, g and z. Just moving the part just about this. It's perfect. Now, That's going to side's view and praise G and X to move it to the side. You can zoom in in order to check if a line with the angle. Alright, just like dead yet, so they aligned perfect. Now, let's fix the other, let's fix the y position. You can click on these red dots just to go to the views. Again, G and G and Y to align it perfectly. Alright? Just now, it's aligned perfectly. All right? But you can see that this is two, this is to take and to fat in this side. So we need to change the shape of the plane. So you can possibly do by kidding scale and X and just move it up. But this is a lot of work. So I'm going to show you another mode that we were going to learn in this part, that is the Edit mode. So currently we are working in the object mode. The next step is go from this menu and you need to click on the Edit mode. All right, and now we go into the Edit mode. The hotkey is tab if you want to use it. So as you can see, we can have four dots over here which consists and construct the plane. They are called vertices. So right now what you're going to need to do is go to the side view. And by dragging your mouse over and dropping. Just like that, we're going to move the vertices by pressing the g and y, and we're going to align to the other side of the bench just like that. So yeah, it's aligned, but there is a problem. As you can see from the bottom, you select only one vertex, but the other vertex is not selected. So I'm going to click Control Z. And I'm going to go from the side view. And what you need to do is you need to go into the wireframe mode, because in the shading point you cannot select the tool. So press Z on your keyboard and then go to the wireframe. I'm gonna teach you the, the other modes later on. So Prezi and go to the wireframe. And now you can select the same drag and drop, press G And Creek whites, move them aside, bringing them to the end of the edge of the batch. Now, as you can see, let's go to the other view and just fix this thickness. As you can see, the site thickness, this one. So press g x, so we are creating the thickness. Maybe something like this. Let's see. A little bit more like this. That's perfect. I guess, maybe a little bit more. Alright. So right now we need to give a little small thickness to our plane. So select o by clicking on your keyboard. Now go to the side view and we're going to do another option. Press on your keyboard, which is extrusion. So now we extruding our plane and creating a depth in the structure. So as you see, we've created a little depth of it. And it's called, this is called extruding. So which shift I'm going to make it more refined and I'm gonna create like this. Now as you can see, we have thickness. So let's make it a little big, bigger. Go to the eight mod G and move it a little bit down. Maybe a little bit more. Sorry, let's try a little bit more. All right, I think that looks good. Now we need to create the base, these two foods of our bench. So with that, we're gonna use another technique which is called split. So we need to split our geometry and create another phase. So we're going to add a look at, so let me show you a look at this. We're going to add a split over here with geometry. Let me just clean that pretty quick, right? So press control are on your keyboard in the edit mode. And you see a yellow line, pink line created onto your geometry just like that. So click left leg and with the middle mouse button you can drag and just drag it to the left. So what we're gonna do is we're going to split and create another phase from which we can extrude. Just like that. As you can see, we've created another loop cut, and we've created another phase over here. You can press shift as select the faces. So right now, I gonna go to the side here and see that it doesn't look like a square. So we need to fix that. Just like before. We're going to need to go to the wireframe mode. So the distance is different. So go to a wireframe. So correct this one, g on your keyboard and why to move it and slide it and just create a box shape, a square shape, just like this. Alright, let's check out how it looks. Alright, it looks good. So yeah, we're gonna do the same to the other side. Control are created the loop, left-click, move it widths the middle button. Mouse, zoom in and fix again. Fix it. Looked like a square, just like this. Perfect. Alright, right now we have to face is created and we need to extrude from them. As you can see where in vertex mode. But there are two more modes. The edge mode, you can select different edges. Or the third mode, the face mode, c. Now you can select faces. You can switch between those modes by clicking 123 on your keyboard. Press one for vertexs to four edges and 34 faces. Now select those two. Press three and select those two. Go to the side view and click on your keyboard to extrude as x0 to extrude down. So I think something like this mud work. Let's check out from the prospective view. Maybe it's still much less bringing down, bringing up a little bit something like this. A little bit more too much. Yeah. Just like this yellow bit down. It looks good. It's more the check from our web angles guys is looking good. I think that's five. So now what I'm gonna do is teach you how to mirror, how to use modifiers. So we can do a mirroring of one side to the other side. So press control are again to create a loop cut and press escape to center it. Alright, we've added a loop cut to the middle. Now go to the face mode, select these faces and click X, then faces. So we're gonna delete those. And we have just this part. Now what I'm gonna do is mirror this to the other side. So we need to go to the modifier. From here, modify properties, click on here as leg, the modifier mirror. Now you can see it's pretty strange. That's because we mirroring on x-axis. We need to mirror on y-axis. So check the box to the why. Now as you can see, it's not mirroring, right? That is because this little pivot point or origin point is not in the center. We need to change that. So uncheck, Why? Go to Edit mode, select vertex mode by hitting one. Select those four edges, and press Shift S on your keyboard and cursor to select it just like that. Now you can see that our pivot point or center of origin is in the middle of the four points. Now you can click on why nothing changed, changes. Right-click, right-click set origin, orgy to 3D cursor. And as you can see, the mirror has done perfectly. Alright, perfect. Now, so if we go into the Edit mode, you can see that we have only one site to select. Now if you change anything on the right side is going to mirror on the other side. This is perfect because we're going to save time. Now go to the side view. And again are the loop cut control are, take it down, make it looked like square again. Just like this. Alright. Let me check going to face mode and tick clipping. Show you first what without clipping gonna do. So uncheck it, select this face plus x to extrude. Then why? Now you can see that the two geometries interfere one to another. That's, that's because we inject clipping. So now just click on clipping, select this face, click e, And now just drug, and they connect automatically. So as you can see, we finish up the left side of the bench. Alright, it looks good. So the last thing is to mirror it to the another side. So we can use another mirror modifier, add modifier, then mirror. Nothing changes. There is because our center of origin is at the left. So I'm just gonna use the wouldn't be central point. So select this and go to the eyedropper to select the second modifier. Just click on the eyedropper like that and click on the wooden piece. And it will took the wooden piece set of foreign gene, the pivot point. And we mirror it from debt. As you can see now, we have the bench ready. Now we need to adjust the width of the bench. So let's start and adjust. Oh, with a on your keyboard. Go to the moat wireframe and select this part and this bridge G and move it. Now you can see that these two are moving together because they are mirrored. What we need to do is we need to apply the modifiers so we destroy them. Now, if you click apply, the connection will be lost between those two. And now go to the Edit mode. Select everything with a, select these vertices. Now praise g, x and move them. Now, as you can see, the connection is broken and you can move separately the left side from the right side. Right now, I'm going to tweak it a little bit. And I think it looks good right now. Maybe a little bit TO select this metal bars at the bottom, going to the Edit mode, select the vertices, press Jie De Zhi to move them a little bit up. We still have the first modifier mirroring. That's why they're moving together. So this about this metal bench. I see you in the next part. Thank you guys for watching.
5. Character Modeling part 1: Hello and welcome to this part of our blended tutorial about how to create this war polycultural character. In this part, we're going to create his body and I'm going to teach you a new function, a new Modifier battle. So we're going to apply it to this cube. So what primitive we should choose to start, Guys? Can you guess? So? Press shift a and from the mesh, which one would you use? And which one would be more suitable? So of course, it will be the cube. Click on the cube. Now, our cube is not centered. So we're gonna go into science view. And as you can see, this cube is not in the center. So you can move it with a lot of different ways. Like you can press g and just move it to z and x. But I'll teach you and ECA way. Just select those four pieces by shift, s And cursor to select it. Alright, so you can see again the pivot point. So now select the Cube. Shift S, selection to Cursor, and now you get your cube in the center of the bench wooden pieces. Now let's start and place it. Just move it with g and just move it a little bit up. So the first thing you need to scale it in order to fit the size compared to the reference. Let's fix it and let's move it in the center a little bit. Let's move to the right. Alright, still, now it's pretty small. So I need to scale it up. As you can see, this base over here from the left part. Yes. More later. So scale up your cube just a little bit like that. I'm scanning on the o axis. Perfect, this is good. Now, you can see that this side is shorter than this side, so his wide is later than his head. So we need to scale the cube a little bit up by S and Z. Scared a little bit to give it more heights is small, it a little bit up. Perfect. Now, we need to check out his badness, the dimension. So we're going to need to scale along y. So this is shorter, this is wider. Keep in mind that you need to follow the proportions. So we're going to start scanning. It's a little bit down. So now what is missing is our bevel. So there are many ways to create a bevel. So you can, for example, go to into edit mode, select this face and control V and create better for this side. But this is harder and complex. So teacher with a modifier, Go to the modifier properties, add modifier, then click on level, just click it. You have smoother edges, but they're still very rough. So we're going to use the offset and segments to fix it. So those two parameters will create it. So for the offset is just changed the size of the bevel and the segments just add more edge loops to the bow to smuggle out. So let's put for maybe 0.5 for the bevel on right? Now, for the segments, this is like a low poly cube, but it's not smooth. Some increasing the segments with smart it out. But 20. And now see the magic happens. You have a smooth edges and the babbling. You tweak it. May 2.5 be 0.51. All right? And now it looks good, but you can see some shading sum squares. So select the Cube, right-click shades mode and it will smooth out all the nasty shapes and bumps. Now, can you see some sort of some shapes? You can see it edges over here. As you can see. That is because we are in the solid medium mode. So if we go into the shading, it will be different. So what I'm gonna do is just crazy and not wireframe and go up to material preview. And as you can see, everything is smooth. So those edge disappears because we're in a work mode, you know, we are not using the material premiums were in solid mode. Just go back to solid mall. And let's make some small changes for the proportions. The scale a little bit up, maybe just a little bit like that. I'm just fixing the proportions a little bit. You can just tweak them up a little bit after the Bible. You know, to feel the proportions, to look at reference in order to fix them. And maybe scaled to bits, the y-axis. And they're a bit with the shift. Alright, perfect. I think that's good. Now, I would just need to move it on the badge. Gen Y a little bit forwards. I think that's perfect. That's very good. Yeah. Check older angles. Maybe the offset increase and now increase the segments who took hundreds? Just took hundreds. Yeah, just maximize them to have most smooth mesh. So in the next part, we're going to get the whole. So in the next part we're going to get a hole in the face to create this face. And we'll get a new, a new function, a new modifier which is called boolean. So see you in the next part.
6. Character Modeling pr.2: Hello and welcome to the fifth part of this blender character tutorial. So in this part we're going to create this face, the shape. It will be a hole. And we're going to use a different function. We're going to use boolean. So let's start. So the first thing to do is that like you think cutting this fall is very easy, like create, split, this geometry. Let me show you. Go to Edit mode and just create a loop, edge loops like this. Let's see, just like this. And then extruded inside. But it won't work as the Boolean operation is assigned two cubed. Let me show you. I'm just playing. And when you split your smoothing the edges and you're getting, you're getting the bell Not to work correctly. So what? You can just apply the bevel or just ignore it and leave it. So you can just click and apply the Bible. Or in this case, I'm just gonna leave it if I want to modify and tweak it later. So let me, let me just erase this pretty quick. So now, now I'm going to show you how to use Boolean methods. So the first thing is you need to click create a cube. I am just going to show you how Boolean works just pretty quick. What it, what is the concept of it? So when you create two cubes and just apply Boolean function to this, you're gonna see, let me just apply it. So as you can see, the small cube guts are how inside the big cube. So that does the idea. Create two meshes and the mesh will cut inside the other by applying the Boolean modifier. So I'm going to create a plane and I'm going to start rotating and placing it to be at the face of this character. Let me go to the top view. This is not in the center. So what we're going to need, please press Shift S, cursive. Plain shift this selection to cursor just like before. Now, let's go to the X and just move it a little bit. Fronts are right. Now. We can start scaling this up in shaping out, out to sea and feel like a face. So I'm gonna go to the wireframe and I'm going to start shaping up. So I'm just going to start scaling up a little bit like dead. Right? Let's check out the other axis. And we're going to go into the Edit mode by hitting tab, select the top part. I think I'm going to bring it down a little bit. And the bottom part will be, need to be modified a little more about this. Alright, that's looking good. So I think this shape is good. If you want to change it, guys, you can just scale it down a little bit. So now the next, the next stuff that you can do, just scared a little bit more. So now I'm going to need to extrude. I'm Janet Gallup, press E and extrude to create depth of it from which I can boolean. Now, I'm going to add small bevel, but as you can see, if your bell Just the, the behind, it won't work because the side edges of the cube will be bad in will be shot. So as you can see, if your bevel like this, it's gonna break. So I need to add a bevel to these edges. So how I'm going to do it? To do that, let's undo everything. And now I'm gonna start selecting edges. So start selecting the corner rejects. All right, for corn edges of the rectangle like this and click Control B, two beverage and just Barrow first, the corner edges. Just like that. Alright. Now, go into the side view, into the vertex mode, select the behind parts. Again, bevel it. Just this part, as you can see now, the Bible is mode. Alright, right-click shades mode. As you can see, everything is good, but the shading is break it up. So go to object properties and click on out too smooth to get the hard edge again and the soft edges. Alright? So now what I'm going to do, you can see that this mesh has a curved surface. Just like that. Just seconds. Alright? A curved surface and this is just straight. So what do we need to do is we need to make this mesh curves so that we can cut into the other mesh into the body. So what I'm going to do, the first thing you need to do is to click Control R and add five volts at the top. Alright? Do the same control are and not five loops at the bottom. Now you can see these are not jointed, so we need to join them. So I'm just going to teach you anything on the number pad. Just click the slash and you can find everything and focus on this object. Just select this vertex and the bottom vertex and press J on your keyboard so that you're going to join them. I'll do the same for every single vertices. And just praise President Jay. Whoops, sorry. J. Select this and click on this. So I can rotate the view and I'm gonna do it on the other side. J clicked those two. Those two j. Last two, j and one more. Jay. Oops, sorry. I'm not selecting the bottom one, so, yeah, it's not like this j. Alright. So now we have loops. Now plus number pads slashed to bring back the geometry going to wireframe. And if you select this middle part, we need, and we need to make it curve. If you make it by hand, select g and just move it one by one, it's pretty hard. So what I'm going to use is called proportion. And click on this proportion editing. Just click on it and take the S1 and select sphere. Now, if you press g, You see a circle that is active. So all the vertices inside the circle will be affected by moving. As you can see. So make the circle bigger just with, with your mouse Chrome, just grow up and scroll down, will make the circle and just move it up like this on y. So as you can see now it's a perfect curve. Alright, so now going into exile, well, I'm sorry to the Tokyo. All right. Just move it into the mesh. Like this. K, c. Now you can see that this middle part is not go any much. Just press g again and just scroll down a little bit the circle and just move it inside. Like this. Just turn off proportion anything. Let's see. All right, let's add Boolean and see how it goes. Tick the main mesh modifiers, Boolean and click this leader, I dropped to your plane. Now, press H to hide it. And you can see that some sort of strange thing is young. This is because the normals of the base mesh are broken. So where you need to do, as you can see, you need to select the base mesh and click on out of smoke. Just click like that anyway to fix it. And the problem is solved. Now, what we have to do is just edit our press H to unhide. So now what I'm going to do is select this layering piece and press M, a new collection and name it Ebola. So I'm going to separate it as new collection so can hide it and move it. And just antique Boolean just to hide it. Let's say check the front, I think is a bit scaled down z. Select this, go into edit mode where frame, take this whole part and try to move it a little bit up. And I'll just select o and scale it down a little bit more on the whole axis, just like this. Check Boolean here. Alright, just like that. I think it's not looking bad. But a little bit more scaled out. Going to edit mode again. Select the bottom part. Take it up a little bit, select the WHO and scale it down a little bit on the X. Let's see how it goes. I think it's a bit more scaled on the x-axis, so I'm just going to shrink it down. And now let's see. Check from o m Those guys. Maybe a need a smaller bevel. Let's try a little bit different tactics. So I'm going to bevel the other edges. So I'm going to select the whole edge. I'm going to select those faces, which shifts. And I'm gonna try to Boolean them, go to the wireframe and push this a little bit like that. And again, control B to a bevel on it. Now it's too much. So we need to go to edge mode. And I'm going to select all the edges on the surface. Press Control B. Now. Press Shift to be more precise on your keyboard. Let me just zoom in a little bit. And the two other small bell, just like this. Push it in a little bit. Now let's hide out Collection. And yes, it looks good now. Maybe a little bit more scaled. A little bit up. Going to edit mode. And select this edge, the bottom edge, and move it slightly a little bit up. Again. It's just a personal preference. In order to tweak everything. Take your time, tweak it, and find your hotspot you're best part how it woke our scale at a little bit, down, a little bit. Alright, it's perfect. So I think this is about this tutorial. I've showed you how to Boolean so you can play around with it. So I'm waiting you in the next tutorial to create the legs, the eyes, the mouth, everything. So see you in the next tutorial guys. I hope you enjoyed watching this part.
7. Character Modeling pr.3: Hello and welcome to the Character Modeling Part three. So in this part, what we're gonna do is we're gonna create the eyes, the nose. And we're gonna create the screws on the bench. Here, the little boats. So let's get started. Alright, so the first thing, just select this for more than pieces and press control j. Now go to wireframe and I'm going to scale them a little bit down because our space from the character to the end of the bench is a little bit too much. So I need to fix that. And as you can see, you always need to watch the reference and creates the spacing between the character and the bench to be just smooth as it is and correct as it is. Now, what I need to do is I want to need to move the meadow pieces of the badge. Just like that. And the other one, sorry, go to the Edit mode selected vertices G and X and just moved them live right here. Alright, this is better. Now the shape and the size of the bench is better. Looking good. All right. So now let's first work on this cruise. Let's make the screws for the bench. Create a circle from the mesh. I'm gonna bring it up and I'm going to position it on top of one of the wooden pieces. Just like this, and just scale it down. Alright. Maybe something like this. Alright. Go to Edit goals and press E to extrude. And g on the z-axis, press F now, so you can fill up the face and just carried down control B2B servo like this. And we're done just with a few simple clicks. Click the shading smooth. And let's select the bottom edge. Left-click, press F to fill it up and press E to extrude and scale it a little bit down. E again to extrude and take it down. So it looks like a screw Just turn out smoothly. Go to the site, to the wireframe, and I'm gonna place it over here. Let's see. For mobile, maybe a little bit bigger. Now press shift D to place another copy. Shifts are to repeat the last action and just move them around. Move them around in order to fit on the wooden pieces. So select those four pieces, control j to join and add a mural molecule, just like in the previous sections. So I'm just going to mirror them. Just click the mirror modifier. Again, the eye dropper. Select the bench and they're gonna be mirrored from the pivot point. But now as you can see, our appeal point is changed. It's not in the center. So select the wooden piece. Alright? And plus shift this cursor selected so it can create the centre of this piece. And just right-click set origins, origins of geometry. And now it's done. We fixed our pivot point, our point of origin. Alright, so now we're done with those metal screws and we're going to start creating the eyes. So shift a circle. And again we're going to create a circle for the eyes. And I'm just going to rotate and place it in just like this. All right. I'm going to see the wireframe mode. And I'm going to start placing it just at where the eye or the left eye will be. Just like this. And create this scale. Say, isn't it just like this? Let's see. The space and the space of our effluent. So the bottom space is a little bit bigger compared to the top space, as you can see. So let's try. Alright, it's perfect. Let me just clear up. First. Depend. All right. So I'm going to scale it a little bit more. Again, G. And we're going to move it a little bit here. Let's go to the top viewers right now to position it. Now, go to Edit mode, press E to extrude extraordinary bit backwards, like this. Alright. Now you can see that the shading is broken. So we cannot fix, sit with shades mood because you see it the front page. So go chase flat. So we're going to use a new Modifier called subdivision surface. But as you can see, it creates this really strange thing. There is because we need to smooth shade those faces, not the front and the back faces. So what, how to fix it? Select the front and the back. Alright, press Shift and click one on your keyboard. So it will exclude those faces to be subdivided by the modifier, so they are not affected by the modifier. Alright? And now you can shade Smoot and click on outer smooth. Right now. Perfect. Go to wireframe and let's push this. Think of a little bit back at the face. Now you can see this is a little curved inside with a Boolean. So we can rotate a little bit this bit back. Then he just tried to fix it. To fix it inside the face. Let's move it like this. Let's see. A little bit like this. Alright. So we're going to add a mirror modifier to mirror it. At the other, I'm going to pick up the pivot point of the body. And if you scale it a little bit more to good, press shift D and disable the mirror. So we have only one, we'll just duplicated to create the nonce. So we need this in the center. Select this mesh, coarser, selection cursor to select it, or right, like this. And let's see where this goes. Select this non spot shift as selection to Cursor. Alright, so now you can see that this is earlier rotated. So I'm going to rotate it back 90 degrees dx. Alright. And now I'm going to bring it forward like this. Alright, so we have our noses ready. The first income gonna do, select this part, scale, it's of the European town because we need around top, just like this. Press Control B is create a Bevel. And a little bit more. Just like that, a little bit more skill. Keep it like that. Select this part a little bit down. Alright? Select this edge by hitting the old control. Be unclear, it's moving. Alright? So I think I need to scale it a little bit down. With a little bit up. Just taking constant looking into reference and just move it a little bit better. Alright. That's maybe a too small. Let's bring it back little bit. Beggar, Bushnell PID forward like this. So we're almost ready. It looks good. Yep, it looks a little Good. So in the next part we're gonna talk about the legs. And before that, if you move the body, you can see the other parts are not moving. For that to fix, select the eyes and the nose. And the final select the image. And press control plus b, object, keep transform. So we can apparent everything to the body. So when you move it, it should move together. But because of the mirror modifier, we need to apply it. Just apply the mirror modifier of the eyes, right? And select this right now, again, object keep transform. And now still not moving. Alright, of course, because we have the boolean modifier for both, select this one and again parented to the main mesh. Now, if you move it, it will move down a little bit forwards. So this is if you want to reposition your character like this, so perfect. In the next part, we're going to create the CNN.
8. Character Modeling pr.4: Hello guys, and welcome to this part number for about a character modelling. In this part we're gonna create the lakes. But first, we're going to fix some stuff on our body because I think it's two height. The height is too much. So again, if you scale down to the Z, you break everything. You can see that the, the forms, that's why we need to reroute and rip aren't our groups. So bring up the Boolean collection. Select this and press OK. Be clear and keep transformation. Alright, so now this is isn't apparent onto the body. Now hide it by heating H, select nodes and ice plays old edge. To bring back the Boolean. Press shift that kicked the Boolean objects, press control P, o object, keep transform. Now I'm going to hide the collection. Then go into edit mode. Select this part, press G, then move it a little bit down with the shift. Sorry, I need to go to the wireframe mold to move it a little bit down. All right. Now you can see this. Bring the Boolean collection and just move it a little bit down. Keep in mind that everything is parented to the Boolean collection. So everything with move with it. As you can see. I think it's good. All right. Let's make a few more tweaks. Just move it a little bit back, a little bit forward, just like this, and just waking up and finalizing the body a bit. Alright, it looks good. But I think this Boolean should be a little bit more down the smooth like that. All right, let's divide it. I think that's good. Maybe a little bit more of a correction on the face. Let's move it a little bit down. Just like this. Just play around with it. Finds the best spot for you. See how it looks. Good. I think this will be it. Alright, perfect. Now we can work on the legs. For the legs, I'm going to use a different technique called shift a, curse in busy occurs. So the first thing I'm gonna do, express g and take it here. At the bottom of the character. Rest. Press the dash on the number pad. As you can see, it's a curve. So go to Edit Mode. You'll see two handles. As you can see. Select All and press scale. Then why? So make it straight and press 0 on your keyboard to make a straight. So now go to the top view wireframe and I need to position it like a leg or right, just like that in this looking good. So how can you make it like a cylinder? Going here to the object data properties. And Click on the geometry and we need to find the depth. So open geometry and on the depth increase it and you're going to start creating a circle, maybe a 0.15, let's see, maybe a little bit bigger. So from this property you are creating geometry, a circle, one around the curve. Let's turn up the resolution to 25. Maybe tweak it around 202321. Okay, 21 is good. And now go to the wireframe. Press Ji Dan Zhi and take it a little bit up. Let's see how it looks. Let's move a little bit. Select o, and just move it a little bit up. Just like that. Alright? Just positioning the body compared to the legs. Alright. So now just hide the ball and collection. So now go to Edit Mode wireframe. And what do you need to do? If you select this handle? On the back one? Take it up. And as you can see, it's, the geometry is following the curve. But we need to make it the live like this. Let me show you real quick. Like this, this, this this is going inside the body sitting on the bench and going down which make the leg like this this form. Let me show you again. Going forward, down, straight up like this. This will be our parts of the leg. So first thing I need to rotate these, press G. And as you can see, the geometry is following the curve. So just rotated like this. Press Gn sets, take it down a little bit. All right. Now, the next one, press E to extrude. So you're creating a next handle. While extruding. Select this edge press G. Let's try. Select this marijuana. Press Alt rotates, rotated down. I'm just going to type it's 90 degrees. All right. Select this meadow handle and I'm gonna scale it a little bit back. Just like this. Just play with the handles and try to find the best shape of the legs. I think this is good. Maybe a little bit about this. We are working on one leg and we're gonna mirror it later. Just like this, How does increase the resolution may be because it needs to be more smooth. Check all the angles are right. So I'm just going to push it a little bit forward just to fix the angular not penetrates the bench. Maybe. Then I'll make it a little bit small. Keep it like that about here. Alright, I think that's perfect. That's looking good. Just increase the depth with one more 0.17. All right. Perfect. Now, right-click convert supermesh. Why would convert smash? Because we can now modify the mesh and create whatever we want. So we converted the busier curve to ramesh. Now the first thing I'm gonna do is add modifier subdivision surface, alright, to keep it very smooth. All right, it looks good. After that. The thing I'm gonna do, side view and how just like the top, press X and vertices to delete those. And after that, we need to create this awesome looking back at the bottom for the leg. So what I'm going to do is select this one. The edge mode, select these two edges and press x D, So edges, so they are gone. And now take this edge down a bit, press f two out of phase. And as you can see in this real strange tank, it's OK, press control, PPE. I'm just babbling it. Just like this. Just the tip is little bit small. Increase the cuts of the Bible. So with control BU, battle. And I think it looks good. All right. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm gonna take it to the site of the left side, the position it, and add a mirror modifier, just drop from the body. So it gets a little bit too far, maybe like this. And finally, we need to change a little bit. The body pushed a little bit forward. Pushed a little bit, maybe. All right, so now I'm just tweaking an up. Select this kernel proportion, anything. Select any edge loop, this one. And about here, alright, again, create the circle a little bit bigger so you can tweak and move everything. Take it a little bit down. Just like this. Let us see. The face is there, but the problem is that we move the body without the Boolean collection. So we need fix this. Let's undo everything. Because we need to move the Boolean modifier with it. Blend the Boolean modifier, and now selected, alright. Now move it. So we need to move everything together. If you forget the Boolean modifier, you need to unzoom and just repeat the action again. Or just fixing this angles. Perfect. Now I can turn off the Boolean. Just freeze goto solids. Alright, yes. So let's do the same for the wireframe. Select this edge, right? Terminal proportion, anything yet a circle. You make your circle bigger with the scroll of the mouse, with a wheel. And just fix it there. Perfect. And it looks good right now. Let's check all the angles right now. So now let's fix, fix a little bit the bench. Let's put it a little bit down slightly. Yeah. Just like this. And the bench must be width a little bit fixed. So go to the Edit mode, scale and I'd just like to the left. Bring it back. Scale a little bit so it shows the Lowden plane. Let's make a little fix or hear a little bit wider. Go to Edit mode and select this part and move it to the, to the right edge. And let's fix a little bit the screws outside. If you push the one side, the other will be just fixed because we are using mirroring. Yes, I think it looks good. Maybe some final tweaks. If you guys don't like something, you can fixed. So they're a bit dull. The eyes to the site. Let's check out if they're Center. I'm just going to scale them a little bit. I'm gonna change to the medium points and I'm just gonna bring them a little bit or just push one by one. The ice. Let's try like this. Alright. I'm just making final tweaks. So take your time. Make your final tweaks to the character. And in the next lessons we're going to start bringing some cowers, some, some lightening and finalize the image. So I'm just going to fix up some of the booleans over here because I want to fix a little bit the NGO. It just scale it down a little bit on next. So just again, just find your sweet spot, fix everything that you don't like. Take it from there. And in the next lessons, we'll start creating the materials, lighting up the sea and finalizing our model. So thank you guys. I see you in the next part.
9. Create Materials: Hello and welcome to this part. In this part we're going to create the materials for our character so it can look powerful and add life to it. So the first thing that we need to do is to create the background for it. So the background is yellow. So go and create, shift and create a cube. Scale up, go to Edit Mode, go to the phase mode, select those two faces, press X and a leader faces, those three phases. So after that, we need to move it and shape it up so it can be something like this. So again, this will be our background. Just move it up and place it just like this. Just a little bit down. Alright. And we can scale up the top, shrink it up for a little bit, decide to just using the Edit mode n vertices. Again, the sides. Edit mode, select the vertices and move them. I need to be in wireframe and select again and move them a little bit backwards. So yeah, that's good. If you want to scale it up, you can always scale it up. And let's change the, It's like this shift. And change the pivot point. Again, MCO, period 0.3 the cursor, and just scale up from this point. However, it looks good, it looks fine. The other thing that we're gonna do is add two lights or three, press shift a light area whites, just choose it. And pledge GI. And I'm going to position it with g and using the the axis, place it on top of your character. Just select medium, point, scale it up, prezi and rendered so we can see the light, how it works. Select the white and choose the power. And the Shadows. Maybe 100, little bit low. Let's try to hundreds better. This is working like a light bulb, 200, that's, that's it. I'm going to duplicate this light and place it in front of the character right now. Just like this are right, I think we should shrink down the power hundreds. Alright? So I'm gonna create one more light. So I need to let it out from the site. Again, duplicate it, goes through the top few, rotated 90 degrees and place it at the site of our character. So right now we have three points wide. And finally, we need to create a camera and place it. So for that reason, I need to create a wall at the other side. So delete this wall and we need a face at that point. So select this vertex, press E to extrude an extruded top. Just a little bit more to align, selects all the edges and press F on your keyboard. Just like this. Now I'm just gonna move this a little bit here because we need our camera to be from the left side. So I'm going to rotate the light to the other side. Alright, perfect. Now we need to create a camera, shift a camera. And I'll just scale it up a little bit to edit cursor, scale it up the environment. Alright, we need to move the cave, the 3D cursor to, to this. All right, and now scale it up. Alright, median points. And praise the camera, just like this. Press control is 0. Now the camera will move again, control old 0, g and just move it up the box. The square is showing what we, we rendered where the camera is looking. So I'm just moving the square, the rectangle, guys. Sorry. I'm just moving it in the middle. And this will be the area that's going to be rendered. Right? Just like TED. And I'm going to start making the materials for the C. Alright, so now we can start adding materials. So the first thing that I'm going to do is select this main QB and apply the modifiers first, the bevel, after that, the Boolean. Now, if you go to the eight MLK, you can see that there are other vertices and edges, but that's okay. So now I've got the x codes for the hex code for the cowers. So sorry, not this one. Let me just use the course. So those are the hex codes for the yo, I'm just going to copy it. And I'm just gonna go into Blender, Go to the material properties, click on the new to create new material. I'm just going to name it yellow. All right. And I'm just going to go into the base cower and into the hex. I'm going to paste the value. All right, now you can see we have the o value from the Xcode. If you want to adjust the color, just pick something else. I'm just gonna make it a little bit lighter, just like this. Now for this one, for the studio, we need to make it TO as low. So click on this Browse menu material, select yellow. But there is a problem here. If we change this. Let me show you. If we make it a bit darker, everything is changing. So we need to duplicate this material. How to duplicate it? You need to click on the number two. Just click it and we have the identical material, and now you can change it separately. All right. Now let's go to the ice. Click the ice, click new, create black. I'm named, yes. Okay, black. Just like that. Now, the face is cream cower, so we need to assign a cream Kamar color to this face. So go to Edit mode, are the new material from n, let's call it cream. And now go to face mode, select these faces and just going to click on sign. And now I assign the cream materials. Now I'm just going to copy my cream material and go to the base color. Hex, paste it and I'm just gonna have it. Sorry, I just copied the yellow copy. Paste. Yeah. Alright. Well, when you click, you have the cream cower. Also. I'm going to tweak it a little bit. Just like this. Alright, looking good, or you can just try the the eye drop picker. It's a good way to get scour various from a reference. I think there's good. Now 40 nos. The, yo long. But we need to make, sorry, the green one, but we need to make it a bit darker. So again, click on two and make it darker. Alright, just like this. Now it looks go after that. We're going to continue with the legs, select the legs and go to Edit mode. Now, we need to create the bottom part to be pink. Select the bottom faces, click new again, plus and click new. So we're gonna rename this pink and click assign. And the first one will be, let me show you. The first one will be the creep part. Alright. And call it the skinny, these type. So I'm just gonna paste the skin hex. Maybe a bit more light. Just like this. Let's return the value and try a little bit more just like that. And on the second cower, the pink, I'm just gonna use the eyedropper, the color picker. So take the pink again, let's take a little bit lighter. Yes, just like death or right, looking good, we're moving forward. So we are done with the character. Now. We need to move on on the bench. So select the wooden pieces, select new, use again, the car People Picker. Just use the brownish. And that's the same. Alright, it looks good. Now the boats, but they need to shine. So we need to use a differentiator, click on new and in the surface, change it to close EBSD F, So we can have a glossiness in them. Now in here, let's make a little bit darker, just like this. And the glossy value, let's put about 0.69. Alright, to the bottom part of the bench. New clothes see BS df, and it's making black a little bit like math like this. So we can have reflections just like this and to work with their roughness. Alright, that looks good. And yes, we are done. Now. Press number paths 0 to go to a camera view. And this is the reference, and this is the, our scene. So what are the differences? I think I should scale a little bit this up. Just a little bit, just like that. Alright, that's looking at, so keep on Lender rather image to get your image. So that's our image. Alright. Go and image and click Save as, and you're gonna save your render image. Just save it like that. Alright? And one thing is if you want to create a different forest studio behind, you can create a plane just like that and place it behind the character and the bench. Just like this. Let me just position it. If you want to get rid of the shadows of the angles, et cetera. Just like that. Alright. Just Kayla polio bit. Alright, and assign the yellow material. Yeah, and you can have this one. So this is pretty much for this part. I just miss the emission, but I'm gonna show you in the next part and we're going to finish the tutorial with it. So I see you in the final part. Thank you guys for watching. Bye.
10. Rendering: Hello and welcome to the last part of our tutorial. In this tutorial, in this part we're gonna talk about a mission that we've missed in the previous vision. This another option that you can render. As you can see, this image has a solid yellow color for the background. And our has many yellow cars like a lot of shadows, a lot of different values in the row. So for that, you have the emission option. Let's talk about emission right now. So first thing you're gonna do is you're going to select this layer, see, just selected and in, into the material properties and the surface, you need to select the emission. And as you can see, we have a clean, plain white cower. And now you can copy this yellow value or just like this and, and the cower, just try the i dropped to select from the reference. And here you go. You have the solid yellow cower. You can just make it a little bit darker, a little bit brighter. You can increase the strained or something like this. Just play with it. Try to find the best settings that you like and find. I think this is looking good. So this is about our emission and how to create a solid cower. And let's render the image. Just click render image. So thank you for watching this course. I want to see your final images in the Projects tab.