Beginners Ink Drawing: Copy a Rembrandt Sketch | Shellie Cleaver | Skillshare

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Beginners Ink Drawing: Copy a Rembrandt Sketch

teacher avatar Shellie Cleaver, Visual art + academic writing classes

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Beginners Ink Drawing Introduction


    • 2.

      Mark Making in Ink


    • 3.

      Your Project


    • 4.

      Thanks Ink Drawing


    • 5.

      More Art Classes


    • 6.

      Brief Teacher Introduction


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About This Class

Join Sydney artist Shellie on this 14 minute class that is perfect for those new to working with ink and also for those wanting to improve their skills.

Follow along in the class as Shellie shows you step by step how to copy an ink drawing by Rembrandt.

Students can learn so much by copying the work of the masters of art and this short class gives you easy access to this process.

You will need paper - watercolour or cartridge, ink - black or brown, a water colour or soft brush, a metal nibbed ink pen, water, a paper towel, and a mixing palette. 

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Shellie Cleaver

Visual art + academic writing classes

Level: All Levels

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1. Beginners Ink Drawing Introduction: Hello and welcome Teoh Ink drawing for beginners in this cost. You gonna copy a Rembrandt sketch? It's a beautiful winter, saying A lovely landscape has suddenly simple shapes and lines. And it's a great starting point for us to actually learn how to use ink. So it come and join me. I'll take you through step by step. You can pulls the class if you need more time and at the and you'll have a gorgeous little drawing. Went to many materials. Just some pipe house and ink need pin on, you ready to go and a brush made a brush. I can't let's get started. 2. Mark Making in Ink: So let's take a look at the materials we're using here. I've got a son, Elia. Black ink. You can use any any ink You like Indian ink Acrylic ink. It doesn't really matter. This is a nib pen. This one is a raid pen, and I'll also use a brush. You'll need a jar of water. Paper towel would be a good idea. And I've got a little palate to my right where I can actually water down the the Incan get washes. So this is what the income full strength looks like. It's very dense and black now, if I water it down, it's still quite dense, but it's becoming more transparent and with more water. We had a lovely light grey wash. So let's take the new pen now and just have a play on a piece of paper. Doesn't matter what paper I'm using cartridge, and just try making marks. Try drawing trust squiggling. Have a look at whether you get thick and thin parts of the lines that you're making, because this all adds to the vibrancy of a drawing variation, the line thickness and its quality. So this is a reed pen. This is one I bought. This gives a different quality of lyinto, a metal nib pen. It might be considered a little more organic. It might be harder to get or control the thick and the thin, but just have apply round. If we have one of these toe hand, Rembrandt would have drawn with something like this, made from a natural read or possibly a feather. So if we can mimic the tools that Rembrandt used were more likely to actually get a result closer to what he achieved. 3. Your Project: This is a pen and ink drawing made by Rembrandt in around 16 46 and today's project is to do a copy off this drawing. So this drawing is a beautiful example of pen and ink drawing. It has variation in the line thickness and thinness. So if you look at the front some of the marks on that fence a quiet, dense and thick the same with that little structure on the right and the figure. And then, if you look at the back, some of the lines for the trees of very, very fine. Okay, so Rembrandt has also used Wash Teoh indicate light and shade, and his lines have an element of liveliness about them. So he hasn't done this and being very nervous and anxious about getting it right. He's actually been looking and recording what he can see, and there's a fluidity in the mark. So that's what a really good pen in ink drawer will have is fluidity and confidence and also variation. So keep that in mind as you copy. So our project today is to make a direct copy off this ink drawing. Doesn't matter if we use Browning called black ink. It's completely up to you. It's just so that we can have something toe work from something Teoh Guide are drawing and something to aim for. This will be a really good exercise, and you can do this with any drawings or paintings that you love and want to learn from. So today I'm going to take you step by step through. This process will start by doing a light wash, and then we'll draw into that without pen. I encourage you to share your drawing your project with the group on the school share page . And that way I can actually, you know, give you some positive feedback and comments about the work you've done and make some suggestions to improve in the future. So please do get online and share what you've done. I really, really would love to see it. So we're all set up and ready to go. So the first thing we want to do is actually have some water down black ink and we're going Teoh, look at the drawing and observe where the's shadowy areas are where Rembrandt has put ink washes. Okay, so I'm just starting with the fence line at the front, so feel free to work on your project while watching the video because it's not hasn't been sped up its in real time, so you should have a new opportunity to draw. Look at the video, go back to your own work and just follow along. And, of course, you can always pause it and catch up as you need to. So now I'm looking at the ink wash areas in the background with the line off the buildings . So I'm just going to roughly map days in. Don't be too worried about it being exact. This is an exercise, really, and learning to look in, learning to use ink and in learning to copy from a master so doesn't have to be perfect. We can always come back and try a second time, so just try to enjoy the process. So now I'm ready to draw over this with ink and nib pen. I've got a test, a piece of paper to my left, because when you dip that opinion first, it might have a big gobble of in corner, and you don't wanna have a big splotch on your drawing, so you can avoid that by just testing it on the test paper first. Then you can go into your drawing, so I'm just lightly trying Teoh sort of sketching the tree. You know, given indication, maybe you have a fence line that's across there across the back there, trying to keep in mind the thickness and thinness of the lines that Rembrandt has used and where possible, try to mimic them. - So when your pet, your pen or your need runs out of ink, you just read, dip it and then tester on the test paper and you're back into drawing. So when I'm looking at the figure in the structure at the front, off the drawing on the right hand side, they're drawn with very bold, thick, definite lines. So try to mimic that when you're copying this part. So that's my pen and ink. But now I'm actually going to work back into the drawing with a light wash. Just try and dark in some of the wash areas to improve the sense of light and shade so that it better reflects the Rembrandt drawing. This is a process of refinement, and you can spend as long or as little time as you like on this project. It's really up to you. If you're trying to make a perfect copy, you may spend much more time for May. This was just a fun exercise, and my copy is by no means an. 4. Thanks Ink Drawing: thank you for joining me today on our class for beginners. Ink drawing, copying a Rembrandt. I hope it's been fun. I hope it's been an insight into how to go about copying other masterworks. If you like the class, please like it and review it and please shale projects on the page. So you in the next class Bye. 5. More Art Classes: I've made lots of classes on painting and drawing and water colors. Color theory, endless classes for you to take, and you'll find that each one you do your skills will develop and grow. So let's have a look at how to follow me on school Share. Here is the full I button. Click on this, and if you hover your mouse over this part here, it'll take you through to my profile as well. Under my profile, you'll see all of the classes I've created, and you'll be able to see the range of classes you could take. So here are highlight a couple of my classes color mixing basics for absolute beginners. Copying the masters with Shelly Learn to paint. Watch me work. Embrace fear in the creative process. Begin is charcoal drawing how to paint gloss and beginners figure drawing gesture. I'm creating new outclasses all the time on I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to support you as you develop your own creative skills and make your way on your own creative journey. So let's start making stuff 6. Brief Teacher Introduction: so from a creativity is central to what I do. It really feeds. May I think creativity is vital to our well being and is worth pursuing and is worth investing time in. My name is Shelly. I'm a Sydney based artist, Andi. I work across many mediums. I studied oil painting at the National at School in Sydney. It was a beautiful sandstone jail with a very traditional Italian based structure, so we learned drawing every stage of education. By taking these classes step by step, you'll build your skills, your knowledge and also you experience and confidence. And that's the thing that's worth pursuing, because in the end, you're an artistic practice could really sustain you and sustain your life. So I really hope that these classes help you on your creative journey. And they make doing these creative activities less scary and give you some confidence to move forward in your in practice. Thanks for stopping by. I really hurt my classes of helpful for you. You might even say my to studio assistants Ali and Millie in some of the classes