1. Introduction : Years element is nourishment, its grounding, and fulfillment. If you are feeling a call
to connect with nature, but you don't know how the earth element is the
guide that will show you the way it reminds us of who we are when we feel lost
in watch our purposes. In this class project, you will discover he's in
meditation and our therapy. How the earth element
is part of you. You will connect with
your erythropoietin and uncover its symbolism. I am currently and
I have years of experience using our therapy, bills, self-care, and
balanced within myself. I believe integrating
the energy of the elements is fundamental to better use your own energy in your daily lives and
improve your well-being. The earth element is going to be the first one in this series. By the end of this class, you will have a very
solid understanding of what this element is. And you will be able to
choose if it's worth investing your time into learning about the
other elements as well. I will give you the
tools and knowledge To continue using our
therapy if you wish to. And you will learn to introduce the symbolism of
sacred geometry, cardinal directions, color therapy on Yin and Yang energies
we're creating art. See you in class.
2. What is the Earth Element: Hey there, welcome
to this class. I'm Cordelia and I'm very excited to share so many
things with you today. And I'm currently in
Somerset, England. And today we are celebrating
the spring equinox. And as you can see, we're surrounded my nature. So let's begin. The elements are
part of our nature. Earth, water, wind, and fire. I wrote all this ancestors. The first element is the
middle killer called ether. And it gives a space for
the elements to exist. It's everywhere in the universe. I believe that understanding the nature of the
elements and how to use this knowledge to improve the quality
of your daily life. It's the most basic way to start creating balance
within ourselves. The Earth element is
represented by the energy, the host physical structure in this planet and in your body. From my personal perspective, this element is very
much connected to your census of carrying,
grounding and fulfillment. Number one, your
sense of caring. How much you care
about yourself, about others, and about nature. If you care, the nourishment is channel in your body,
mind, and spirit. The relationships
with your family, friends, and community. Also carrying, nurtures your
relationship with nature. Number two, your
sense of grounding. How a stable and solid are
your values and convictions. What keeps you center and brings a sense of a
structure into your life. The more grounded you
are to the earth, the more responsible
you become of yourself and the way you behave as
part of the collective. When you're grounded, you don't find excuses for your failures. You own them. Number three, your
sense of fulfillment. When connected to the earth, you easily attract what you need and it represents
your abundance. This fulfilment is also
expressed as oneness with nature and navigating your
cyclic movements similar to the seasons
to stay in balance. By learning how intimately
connected to the earth, it will be easier to find what fulfills you and
gives you purpose. How to build a relationship
with the Earth element. From my own experience,
like any relationship, building a connection with this element is a
gradual process. So no merit on what
state you are. I recommend asking yourself what this means to you at
this point in your life. The next step is very simple. Observe how the earth's
energy functions in harmony. And what are we able to
observe this in nature? Nature therapy. Find a place in nature star by observing
how nature coexist. Do it for at least 20 min
without distractions. And pay attention to as many
details as you possibly can. The different types of trees. The singing of the birds, then leaves on the ground
or the colors of the store. Every single element it has the potential from
false so much wisdom. Take your time to explore how the vibration of the
Earth makes you feel. Acknowledge what aspects of yourself are preventing you from becoming closer
with this element. Closing your eyes and practicing meditation can help
with this step. Repeat this process until you feel ready to
communicate with the air the way you are with all your
floss and its trends. And to show your neck
itself a true relationship. Over time, you will start
noticing the earth, talking to you with subtle
signs and natural symbols. The language of this
element is very simple. It could be a distance, shiny light, a flurry of leaves. By a gust of wind on an all looking feather
lying underground. It could be the realization
that sometimes flowers half the width there in order
to allow a fruit to grow. If you keep your creative self active and your intuition open, you're ready to
receive the message. I see the Earth as my guru, but we also have a grandmother and granddaughter relationship. I tell her everything. She's also my news source
of pure creativity. Other activities too. A closer relationship
with the Earth element. Gardening. It helps you learn
about nourishment. I do recommend
germinating seed and learning how to take care of your plan from the beginning, you will be surprised at how much knowledge you can integrate from
this experience. Grounded. This practice is meant to
route you into the earth. A stain barefoot
on the ground for awhile will reduce the buildup of positive ions in the body, neutralize the amount of
charge that the body has. In other words, it
helps you move. The excess energy is stored in, say, your head towards
the rest of your body. You can also utilize visualization to
enhance this practice. To access this tutorial, shake the tree of
my other class, seven days to awaken creativity. Many of the practices
that I teach here are also very effective to connect
with the earth elements. Connect or listen to
the Schumann resonance. 7.83 hz is the vibrational
frequency of the earth. And you can only
find it in nature. But listening to music with
this frequency is also helpful by tuning into
the poles of the earth. Very often, you will see things clearly in front
empathetic place. You will experience
more creativity, feel a strong and
ready to take action. Detox. This one is particularly
effective to connect your body and the
earth element in nourishment. Cleansing your body by only drinking the juice of
fruits and vegetables requires patients dedication and commitment towards
your own health. Move the body. This is probably the
most essential element, is the energy that inhabit
the physical world. So it is key to find any
practice that will motivate you to move energy around your body and to learn how
your own body functions. This teaches you to
master your own body. Once you master the physical, then you're going to experience
the subtle energies. But remember, these
are only suggestions. Finding your way to connect with the earth element depends on your likings and
your personality. Another goal of this class
is to help you find it. Open a discussion
here in this section, if you're interested,
to receive some help, tell me how far you live
from nature and how is your current state regarding your census of caring,
grounding, and fulfillment. In the next lesson, I'll teach you one of
my favorite practices to connect with the earth element using art and you will discover
your earth totem. This practice will give
meaning to your journey.
3. Theory behind Art Therapy : Your project for this class is designed to give you
important insights about yourself and how you can improve your
earth connection. We will be using
guided meditation on our therapy to draw and paint. You say, geometric shapes, the symbolism of
cardinal directions, color therapy, Ying,
and Yang energy. In this lesson, we will look into the theory
of these concepts. And in the next one, we will jump into the practice. Geometric shapes. The triangle. In sacred geometry, it
symbolizes balance and harmony. It's also related to the
body, mind, and spirit. The upward facing
point represents masculine energy given
and the stability. When pointing downward, it
represents the feminine. The receptive energy. I sit there assembles
the wounds space. The circle. Circles have no beginning
or sacred geometry. They are a symbol of oneness,
wholeness, and infinity. Circles can also
represent containing. So it's often seen as
a protected symbol. The square. Squares represent a very practical
and solid energy. It's very stable,
grounding, and safe. In endosome, it represents cosmic order and the
balance opposites. For Native Americans. It is permanent
and a safe place. In Chinese culture is
symbolizes the Earth. In many, many cultures, a square is a meeting place, a plaza at the heart of city. The spiral. It represents growth and expansion,
change of movement. It reminds us to be open to the never ending cycle of life. That counterclockwise spiral represents the journey inward, going within oneself to find
answers and understand it. This symbol can be
helpful for inner work. The clockwise to
spiral symbolizes the journey AdWords
to expansion. This can be helpful
when you're trying to manifest something
in your life. The hexagon, it can represent subconscious awakening
in the conscious mind. Six is a number associated
with healing emotional wounds, but also the number of creation, which may symbolize the
buying, power and love. This shape attracts and concentrates energy
going inwards. If you have another
shape that you personally like or you
would like to learn. Open a discussion here in this section to talk
about its symbolism. The cardinal directions. For many ancient cultures, the cardinal directions
where sacred. Each one has its own
vibration and purpose. According to the
Indian customer vision that is still present
in Peruvian culture. This is what each
direction represents. South. Snake. It teachers to let go of the past of what we no longer
need to shed our skin. It also symbolizes wisdom,
sexuality, and healing. We connect to the
snake when we need to heal or code bonds that
are detrimental to us. West, the shower. It teaches to work with grace
and beauty, without fear. It symbolizes a transformation
from life to death. And he helped us to
reveal what has to die in order to
get something new. It's associated with the mind. North, the hummingbird. It teachers to obtain wisdom
from every experience and to reminds us that we
are able to change direction whenever
we truly wanted. Symbolizes courage. Every year the hummingbirds migrate from Brazil to Canada. And this journey
represents going back where our spirit was born. East. The eagle and Condor. It teaches to elevate and see the whole
picture from a both. It helps us see that the
direction of our life, the eyes of the Condor
see the past and future, where we have come from
and where we're going. It is also associated with the spirit and the
self-transcendence, power of nature. For some Native Americans, the South is related
to new beginnings. West to closure, north
to the energy of wisdom, and east to salvation. Color therapy. Colors have different meanings
for many people. Let's not forget that. What I'm about to
share with you is from the perspective
of color therapy. Read, it is tears privy to lysis and awakens
fresh energy. It promotes vitality
and courage. Orange. It renews energy, helping us to break free from
rigid emotional patterns. It increases the joy we get
from sensual pleasures. Yellow strengthens our
nerves and thoughts, but also stimulates contact
and interaction with others. It compensates feelings
of inner fatigue, creates joy and shear
for relaxation. Gold. It Kindles mental activity
and the kind of wisdom that grows out of experience. Green. It's harmony and compassion makes us receptive
to reconciliation. And he helps us experience inner peace, serenity,
and regeneration. Think we can sell off tenderness
and creative activity. It may help to bring back a childlike feeling
of happiness. Blew. It creates calmness, expansion and opens you up
to spiritual inspiration. Indigo. It provides inner
calmness, clarity, and theft. It heals your senses by opening them sort of
levels of perception. Purple. It brings transformation
of the mind. It dissolves blockages
and can guide us towards an experience
of cosmic unity. White. It contains all the
colors of the spectrum. It integrates the
different levels of life to higher level of unity and opens our souls to divine line knowledge
and healing. Yin and Yang. The left side is connected
to the receiving end. It is female energy. It's all about returning to the core and moving
energy counterclockwise. The right side is Yang
connected to give in and doing. It is masculine energy. It's all about radiating outwards and moving
energy clockwise. It's a tool for transformation towards the unity
of Yin and Yang. Think of it as the board that helps the surfer
to ride the waves. You can have a totem
for each element. The bottom is a tool that represents your
relationship with. The totem can take any form. It could be an animal,
a plant, stone. And it's different for each person because we all develop a different
relationship with the Earth. Moreover, it tends
to change over time as your relationship
with the Earth and bolts. If you want, you can think
of it as a Petronas that you can cache to help you at
any point in your life. With this basic knowledge, you are ready to
start your project.
4. Class Project: Art Therapy Session: Hey, welcome back. Before starting the meditation, please prepare the
following materials. Two sheets of paper, one for nodes and
another one to paint. Any paint of your choice, or just simply coloring pencils, pencil, or marker to make
the initial strokes. This lesson will start
with that meditation, followed by a small
break to take notes. Then we will do the
painting session. Finally, you will write
down your conclusions. Every part of this lesson. It's guided and it's
connected to each other, meaning that you can't
do them separately. I have created notes in
this lesson to help you navigate every step and
you can access them here. These projects, It's going to be very easy, but rewarding. At the same time, I will guide
you along the process and you can pause the video
whenever you need some extra time
before continuing. And remember, this important
to remain flexible, allow your intuition to
guide your creation process. This way, you will connect easier with your erythropoietin. Recommend using headphones to listen to the following
guided meditation, eating pain since the focus. Gather your materials
and let's begin. I want you to close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Letting all tensions release. Inhale a steep as you can. Because the center of
your body and exhale, sending this new energy. The rest of your body. Pay attention to the areas
that are holding pressure. Inhale and exhale, spreading
love to these areas. One by one. Continuing with his
breathing and tilt, your body feels relaxed
and your mind is calmer. Now. Keeping your eyes closed. I want you to imagine yourself in your favorite
place in nature. What is the first image
that appears to you? Can just see the
color of the sky. Are there any trees or
plants that you recognize? You able to see any mountains
or maybe parties of water. Where are you located
in this place? Perhaps you're sitting,
standing, or even flying. Take your time to
visualize this place. Make it more wheel every time. What are the main colors that
stand out in the landscape? Is it warm or cold? Imagine that somehow you
are part of displays. You're not a visitor. You belong here. You know, this place very well. What does it smell like? What sense can you here? Take your time to
enjoy this place. Place your attention
to your breath. Again. Visualize energy coming up from the bottom
up your spine. Going up to your heart. Hold this energy
for 5 s. Exhale. Spreading it to your landscape. Repeat again. Visualize you love
traveling into your heart. Then expanded from
the inside out. Your art display. Thank you. Are these beautiful? Hello yourself to
explore how you feel, what emotions are arising. They're fully see
how your landscape. He's moving. His feelings. Take both of your hands and place them on
top of your heart. Paris, lonely. Receive and accept. The way you are
feeling right now. In hair. And receive
with compassion. Exhale, inhale, and receive with joy. X here. Thank you. Inhale and received with love. Exhale and give out your high yourself. And your ancestors
lived in this place. They are here now. To connect with you. There's something
you want to say. Ask your grandparents,
and the ones before then. This is your chance. Take your hands of your chest. Slowly placed them in front
of you to receive something. You have been given this to help you in this
moment of your life. It's a gift. Hold it and allow it
to enter your energy. Your heart. Take your time to
integrate it with you. Using your intuition. Find your way. Mission. When you're ready, during
the palms of your hands. Thank you. Thanks to
this place as well. Buffered your gratitude,
the elements as well. Give yourself the permission to open a bit more with
the earth element. Lift your left hand towards
the sky with your palm facing up and touch the ground with your
right palm facing them. Now, switch direction. Right palm facing up and
left palm facing down. Focusing on your breath. Slowly rest your arms. Culture of position. Inhale, exhale. Service your presence
and your body. Will. Thank you for your
presence today. I love you. Thank you. Open your eyes very
slowly and take a paper and pen to write down the answers to the
following question. Is, do we have to name what you received in your
hands in one word? What would that work? What is the natural
elements from your landscape that you
feel more connected to? Make a list of the emotions you feel lost during
this practice. Pleasant or unpleasant. Choose one main color that reminds you most
of your landscape. And 3-5 colors that best
describe the way you feel. Now. Peak one geometric shape that would be more representative
of this experience. Choose the one that
first comes to mind. But if you want, you can take a look at this
image to guide you. You think there's
more than one shape? Go ahead and follow
your intuition. Let's begin with the
creation process. Let's draw the
geometric shape you chose in the middle
of your canvas. Make it any size you want. Now, let's draw the
natural element that you feel more connected to. Your best to integrate it
with the geometric shape. It can be placed inside a round or alone.
The geometric shape. Paint this element with
the main color you chose. On the left or
right, up or down. Depending on your intuition, draw what you received
in your hands. A bulk in the feeling
you had at that moment. With this feeling in mind, draw as much as you like. Start connecting the elements you are drawing in your own way. Feel free to add
or remove strokes. Using the other
colors you picked. Paint around using
your intuition. Doesn't have to be perfect. If you feel like making
shapes with these colors, feel free to do so as well. After using these colors, you can add more if you want, and finish your piece
with your own details. Well, with the flow when you
start recognizing the figure of your tartan and
shape it accordingly. I recommend not making the
drawing and painting a step too long so that you have
time to do the next step, which is very important. Your painting is done when
you feel a bit more at peace and also excited to see your thought
and fully alive. And as an extension of you, take a moment to observe
it for at least 2 min. Make sure your painting is dry. To continue with the final step, we are going to
write some words on the actual painting graph, any pen or marker
that works for you. And let's do this. Review
the list of emotions you wrote at the beginning and identify the ones that you would like to
spread in your life. Then write them in the areas of your painting where you think
they would expand easier. Now, identified the emotions that you would like
to transform and write them on the areas of your art work that you feel will help you
to transmute them. Then ask yourself, what would you like to
transform those emotions? Going to make a small list and write them in the places you would like to make
them part of you. Observe your painting one more time and recognize the
four cardinal directions. South for new beginnings, West foreclosure,
and transformation. North for wisdom, and
East for salvation. Finally, remember
that three pillars of the earth element, nourishment, grounding,
and fulfillment. Find a place in your
artwork for each one and acknowledge how
they relate to you. Now, in the back
of your artwork, write the answers to
this final questions. What else have you learned
from this experience? What do you think you should remember from the gift you
received in your hands? Name, you're taught them
if you haven't yet, saying your painting,
the practice. And here, I truly hope you had a profound
experience with yourself. God excited to
discover more about the earth element and the
other four elements as well. I encourage you to
share a picture of your painting in
the project section. I would love to
appreciate what you have created and maybe help you recognize something
that you haven't seen yet.
5. Outro: Thank you so much for
taking the time to watch this class
and give yourself a chance to experiment
with just the style of therapy that is very
mystic and empowering. Please use the discussion
section after finishing watching this lesson and let me know if you
have any questions. I am here to help you. And of course, take a moment after doing your project
to leave your review. It's very important for me. Honestly, all the effort and work behind this class is here mainly to help
everyone to connect with our most elemental
aspects of existence. To heal and transform
our foundation. As the physical and
spiritual being said, we're now of course, to connect with nature as well. Don't forget to check
my other classes. And I recommend taking the
seven days journey to awaking. State. This is a class that
will help you to regain your creative energy. It was a pleasure
to see you soon.